#agricultural solar panel cleaning
aquasolarcleaners · 1 year
"Shine a Light on Your Skylight, with Professional Skylight Cleaning Services"
Skylights are a wonderful way to brighten up your home or office space, bringing in natural light and creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. However, like any other part of your property, skylights require regular cleaning and maintenance to function optimally. That's where Aqua Solar Cleaners comes in, offering professional skylight cleaning services to ensure your skylights stay clean and functional.
At Aqua Solar Cleaners, we understand that cleaning skylights can be a challenging task, especially if they are installed in hard-to-reach areas. That's why our team of experienced professionals is equipped with the necessary tools and equipment to clean skylights of any size and location. Our team uses environmentally-friendly cleaning products and techniques to remove dirt, debris, and grime that accumulates on the skylight's surface over time, restoring it to its original state.
Regular skylight cleaning is essential to maintain their functionality and improve energy efficiency. Dirty skylights reduce the amount of natural light that enters your property, resulting in higher energy bills. Additionally, the accumulation of debris on the skylight's surface can cause scratches and cracks, leading to costly repairs or replacements.
By choosing Aqua Solar Cleaners for your skylight cleaning needs, you can trust that your skylights will remain clean and functional, allowing natural light to brighten your space and reduce your energy bills. Our team conducts thorough risk assessments to ensure safety and minimize disruptions to your daily routine, making the skylight cleaning process seamless and hassle-free.
In conclusion, skylights are a great addition to any property, but they require regular cleaning and maintenance to function optimally. Aqua Solar Cleaners offers top-rated skylight cleaning services using advanced techniques and equipment, ensuring your skylights remain clean and functional while reducing your energy bills. Contact Aqua solar cleaners today to schedule a professional skylight cleaning service!
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I really hope they can work the bugs out of this solution, because if it's done right, it'll really be a win-win situation. Less evaporation of water, and solar power being generated every day? Yes, please. We are smart, resourceful beings, and this is far from the most difficult problem we've had to address.
This is also a great example of how we can go back and fix mistakes of the past. We very, very rarely ever come up with technological solutions that take long-term effects on the environment into consideration, and so the way many things are designed often leads to some sort of damage, whether through manufacture, use, disposal, or all of the above. Retrofitting canals (which have been used in agriculture for thousands of years) will have benefits not only in the ways mentioned above, but also gets people thinking more about the impacts we make.
I'm hoping that this will lead to more new technology being developed in ways that already anticipate and account for negative impacts so that they avoid them in the first place, rather than having to engineer new solution many years down the line.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week
🦾 - High-Five for Bionic Hand
1. Houston-area school district announces free breakfast and lunch for students
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Pasadena ISD students will be getting free breakfast and lunch for the 2023-24 school year, per an announcement on the district's social media pages.
The 2023-24 free lunch program is thanks to a Community Eligibility Provision grant the district applied for last year. The CEP, which is distributed by the Department of Agriculture, is specially geared toward providing free meals for low-income students.
2. Dolphin and her baby rescued after being trapped in pond for 2 years
A pair of dolphins that spent nearly two years stuck in a Louisiana pond system are back at sea thanks to the help of several agencies and volunteers.
According to the Audubon Nature Institute, wildlife observers believe the mother dolphin and her baby were pushed into the pond system near Grand Isle, Louisiana, during Hurricane Ida in late August 2021.
3. Studies show that putting solar panels over waterways could boost clean energy and conserve water. The first U.S. pilot project is getting underway in California.
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Some 8,000 miles of federally owned canals snake across the United States, channeling water to replenish crops, fuel hydropower plants and supply drinking water to rural communities. In the future, these narrow waterways could serve an additional role: as hubs of solar energy generation.
4. Gene therapy eyedrops restored a boy's sight. Similar treatments could help millions
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Antonio was born with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, a rare genetic condition that causes blisters all over his body and in his eyes. But his skin improved when he joined a clinical trial to test the world’s first topical gene therapy.
The same therapy was applied to his eyes. Antonio, who’s been legally blind for much of his 14 years, can see again.
5. Scientists develop game-changing vaccine against Lyme disease ticks!
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A major step in battling Lyme disease and other dangerous tick-borne viruses may have been taken as researchers announced they have developed a vaccine against the ticks themselves.
Rather than combatting the effects of the bacteria or microbe that causes Lyme disease, the vaccine targets the microbiota of the tick, according to a paper published in the journal Microbiota on Monday.
6. HIV Transmission Virtually Eliminated in Inner Sydney, Australia
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Sydney may be the first city in the world to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. Inner Sydney has reduced new HIV acquisitions by 88%, meaning it may be the first locality in the world to reach the UN target to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030
7. New bionic hand allows amputees to control each finger with unprecedented accuracy
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In a world first, surgeons and engineers have developed a new bionic hand that allows users with arm amputations to effortlessly control each finger as though it was their own body.
Successful testing of the bionic hand has already been conducted on a patient who lost his arm above the elbow.
That's it for this week :)
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WaPo: How car bans and heat pump rules drive voters to the far right
Shannon Osaka at WaPo:
More than a decade ago, the Netherlands embarked on a straightforward plan to cut carbon emissions. Its legislature raised taxes on natural gas, using the money earned to help Dutch households install solar panels. By most measures, the program worked: By 2022, 20 percent of homes in the Netherlands had solar panels, up from about 2 percent in 2013. Natural gas prices, meanwhile, rose by almost 50 percent. But something else happened, according to a new study. The Dutch families who were most vulnerable to the increase in gas prices — renters who paid their own utility bills — drifted to the right. Families facing increased home energy costs became 5 to 6 percent more likely to vote for one of the Netherlands’ far-right parties. A similar backlash is happening all over Europe, as far-right parties position themselves in opposition to green policies. In Germany, a law that would have required homeowners to install heat pumps galvanized the far-right Alternative for Germany party, or AfD, giving it a boost. Farmers have rolled tractors into Paris to protest E.U. agricultural rules, and drivers in Italy and Britain have protested attempts to ban gas-guzzling cars from city centers.
That resurgence of the right could slow down the green transition in Europe, which has been less polarized on global warming, and serves as a warning to the United States, where policies around electric vehicles and gas stoves have already sparked a backlash. The shift also shows how, as climate policies increasingly touch citizens’ lives, even countries whose voters are staunchly supportive of clean energy may hit roadblocks. “This has really expanded the coalition of the far right,” said Erik Voeten, a professor of geopolitics at Georgetown University and the author of the new study on the Netherlands.
Other studies have found similar results. In one study in Milan, researchers at Bocconi University studied the voting patterns of drivers whose cars were banned from the city center for being too polluting. These drivers, who on average lost the equivalent of $4,000 because of the ban, were significantly more likely to vote for the right-wing Lega party in subsequent elections. In Sweden, researchers found that low-income families facing high electricity prices were also more likely to turn toward the far right. Far-right parties in Europe have started to position themselves against climate action, expanding their platforms from anti-immigration and anti-globalization. A decade ago, the Dutch right-wing Party for Freedom emphasized that it wasn’t against renewable energy — just increasing energy prices. But by 2021, the party’s manifesto had moved to more extreme language. “Energy is a basic need, but climate madness has turned it into a very expensive luxury item,” the manifesto said. “The far right has increasingly started to campaign on opposition to environmental policies and climate change,” Voeten said.
The pushback also reflects, in part, how much Europe has decarbonized. More than 60 percent of the continent’s electricity already comes from renewable sources or nuclear power; so meeting the European Union’s climate goals means tacklingother sectors — transportation, buildings, agriculture.
[...] Some of these voting patterns have also played out in the United States. According to a study by the Princeton political scientist Alexander Gazmararian, historically-Democratic coal communities that lost jobs in the shift to natural gas increased their support for Republican candidates by 5 percent. The shift was larger in areas located farther from new gas power plants — that is, areas where voters couldn’t see that it was natural gas, not environmental regulations, that undercut coal.
Gazmararian says that while climate denial and fossil fuel misinformation have definitely played a role, many voters are motivated simply by their own financial pressures. “They’re in an economic circumstance where they don’t have many options,” he said. The solution, experts say, is todesign policies that avoid putting too much financial burden on individual consumers. In Germany, where the law to install heat pumps would have cost homeowners $7,500 to $8,500 more than installing gas boilers, policymakers quickly retreated. But by that point, far-right party membership had already surged.
The Washington Post explains what may be at least partially causing the rise of far-right extremist parties in Europe, Conservatives in Canada, and the Republicans in some parts of the US: rising energy costs that low-income people are bearing the brunt of.
In the US, right-wing hysteria about gas stove bans and electric vehicles are also playing a role.
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solarpunkbusiness · 2 months
Sunzaun has designed its vertical solar systems for the growing field (no pun intended) of agrivoltaics – when agriculture and solar coexist on the same land. Crops are grown, or smaller animals such as sheep graze, around or underneath solar panels. Benefits include efficient land use, clean energy, and potential water savings due to shade created by the solar panels.
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The Novato, California, company says its vertical solar systems can also be used as city infrastructure – that is, along highways, next to railroads, and as residential or public fences.
Sunzaun says on its website that its system is designed to accommodate framed and unframed bifacial vertical solar panels, and that wires are managed in a safe way.
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rjzimmerman · 1 month
Coal Power Defined This Minnesota Town. Can Solar Win It Over? (New York Times)
The past and the future of electricity in America are perhaps most visible in a Minnesota town surrounded by potato farms and cornfields.
Towering over Becker, a community of a little more than 5,000 people northwest of Minneapolis, is one of the nation’s largest coal power plants. It is being replaced — to the dismay of some residents — with thousands of acres of solar panels and a test of long-duration batteries.
Becker is one of the first of a group of seven Minnesota municipal areas, called the Coalition of Utility Cities, making the change from a fossil-fuel-based economy to clean energy.
“We are the guinea pig for the whole group,” said Tracy Bertram, the mayor of Becker, acknowledging the anxiety some have felt about the loss of an economic anchor. “People don’t like change. It’s the unknown: ‘What will my world look like?’”
When the Sherburne County Generating Station, known as Sherco, completes its renewable project on adjacent land, it will stand as the largest solar farm in the Upper Midwest — replacing three coal units in Becker with three solar sites on the town’s outskirts along the Mississippi River.
Becker crystallizes part of the legacy of the administration of Gov. Tim Walz, Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate, and his commitment to Minnesota’s goal of 100 percent carbon-free electricity by 2040. And it tests how the energy transition could unfold on a nationwide scale for jobs at decades-old fossil fuel facilities, local tax revenues and agricultural businesses.
President Biden’s climate bill, the Inflation Reduction Act, aims to cut U.S. emissions at least 52 percent below 2005 levels by the end of this decade, and his administration is counting on solar power to play a significant role in decarbonizing electricity production. One Energy Department report concluded that solar energy could provide up to 40 percent of the nation’s electricity by 2035.
Minnesota is among the states that can benefit from the Inflation Reduction Act by using it as a tool to replace coal plants with sources like solar farms. Through the law, Sherco’s owner, Xcel Energy, received tax credits that reduced the cost of the solar project for the utility’s ratepayers.
Becker is also one of two sites where Xcel is installing demonstration battery systems from Form Energy, a Massachusetts company. The systems — using readily available materials like water, air and iron — can store solar and wind-generated energy as a backup, with a capacity to power 2,000 homes for up to five days.
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globalgreening · 3 months
Global Greening Flagship Projects for Desalination, Energy Storage and Hydrogen Production
As many people know the integration of solar, water and wind energy is essential for sustainable living, production and working future. Everyone should consider how these solutions can be tailored to fit various contexts and address specific regional challenges – especially efficient and intelligent energy consumption and energy storage. By adapting technologies and strategies to meet local needs, we can maximize the impact and sustainability of renewable energy initiatives. Global Greening Deserts project developer have been developing world-leading concepts and projects for many years. Agrovoltaik, Energy Storage Park, Greenhouse Ship, Greening Camps and RecyclingShip are some of the flagship projects. Urban Greening Camps are another outstanding large-scale developments, especially for megacities and regions that need better, faster and more efficient greening or re-greening. Solar cities with more water storage capacity through sponge city concepts, brighter and greener spaces, modular and mobile greening, more biodiversity and diverse green spaces with healthy soils that reduce heat, emissions and disaster risks.
Rural Development: Enhancing Livelihoods and Sustainability
Solar Water Pumping for Agriculture: In rural areas, access to reliable water sources can significantly impact agricultural productivity. Solar-powered water pumps can provide a cost-effective and sustainable solution for irrigation, enabling farmers to grow more crops and improve their livelihoods.
Community Water Projects: Developing community-managed water projects that use solar energy for purification and distribution can ensure access to clean water in remote areas. These projects can reduce waterborne diseases and improve overall health and wellbeing.
Renewable Energy Cooperatives: Establishing cooperatives where community members collectively invest in and manage solar energy systems can promote local ownership and sustainability. These cooperatives can generate income, reduce energy costs, and empower communities to take charge of their energy needs.
Urban Renewal: Transforming Cities into Green Hubs
Solar Rooftop Programs: Encouraging the installation of solar panels on rooftops of residential, commercial, and public buildings can transform cities into green energy hubs. Incentive programs, such as subsidies and tax credits, can motivate property owners to adopt solar energy.
Integrated Water Management: Urban areas can benefit from integrated water management systems that use solar energy to power water treatment, recycling, and desalination processes. These systems can enhance water security and support sustainable urban growth.
Green Infrastructure: Incorporating green infrastructure elements like green roofs, solar-powered street lighting, and water recycling systems into urban planning can reduce the environmental footprint of cities. These features can also improve air quality, reduce urban heat islands, and enhance the quality of life for residents.
Disaster Resilience: Enhancing Preparedness and Recovery
Portable Solar Solutions: In disaster-prone areas, portable solar power systems can provide critical energy for emergency response and recovery efforts. These systems can power communication devices, medical equipment, and temporary shelters, ensuring that affected communities have the resources they need.
Water Purification in Emergencies: Solar-powered water purification units can be deployed quickly in disaster areas to provide clean drinking water. These units can reduce the risk of waterborne diseases and support the health of affected populations.
Resilient Infrastructure: Building resilient infrastructure that integrates solar and water energy systems can enhance the ability of communities to withstand and recover from natural disasters. This includes designing buildings and facilities that can operate independently of the main grid and ensure continuous access to essential services.
Strategies for Scaling Up: Replication and Adaptation
To maximize the impact of solar and water energy integration, it’s crucial to develop strategies for scaling up successful projects. This involves replicating proven models, adapting them to different contexts, and ensuring that they are sustainable in the long term.
Replication Frameworks: Developing frameworks that outline the key components and best practices of successful projects can facilitate replication in other regions. These frameworks can include technical specifications, implementation guidelines, and lessons learned.
Adaptation to Local Conditions: Adapting projects to local environmental, cultural, and economic conditions is essential for their success. This may involve customizing technology, engaging with local stakeholders, and addressing specific challenges unique to the area.
Sustainability Planning: Ensuring the long-term sustainability of projects requires comprehensive planning, including maintenance, funding, and capacity building. Establishing local management structures and securing ongoing support can help projects remain viable and effective over time.
The integration of solar, water and wind energy offers a transformative pathway towards a sustainable future. By harnessing the power of these renewable resources, we can address critical challenges related to energy access, water scarcity, and environmental degradation. The efforts of Suns Water and similar initiatives are vital in driving this transformation.
As we project developers continue to explore and implement renewable energy solutions, it is critical to foster collaboration, innovation and community engagement. By working together, we can create a world where clean energy and safe water are accessible to all, where environmental sustainability is prioritized, and where artistic expression continues to inspire and mobilize change. Suns Water innovative, creative and advocatory style of working brings many good results, hope and inspiration in the developments. The future is bright, and with the collective effort of individuals, communities, and organizations worldwide, we can achieve a sustainable and resilient planet for generations to come. Together, we can turn the vision of a world powered by solar and water energy into a reality, ensuring a prosperous and harmonious future for all.
Education and Sustainable Development
Empowering young people and future future generations through better education, environmental awareness and commitment to real sustainable goals. One of the most important aspects is promoting a sense of responsibility for the environment and providing the tools and knowledge needed to make a difference - also to ensure that the legacy of sustainable practices continues.
Educational Programs and Curricula
School Partnerships: Partnering with schools to integrate renewable energy and water management topics into their curricula can inspire students from a young age. Interactive lessons, field trips to solar and water energy sites, and hands-on projects can make learning about sustainability engaging and impactful.
University Collaborations: Collaborating with universities to offer courses, research opportunities, and internships focused on renewable energy and water management can prepare students for careers in these fields. Universities can also serve as testing grounds for innovative technologies and approaches.
Online Learning Platforms: Developing online courses and resources that cover various aspects of solar and water energy can reach a global audience. These platforms can provide accessible education for people of all ages, from students to professionals looking to expand their knowledge.
Community Engagement and Awareness Campaigns
Workshops and Seminars: Hosting workshops and seminars on topics related to renewable energy and water management can raise awareness and provide practical knowledge to community members. These events can be tailored to different audiences, from homeowners to local business owners.
Public Awareness Campaigns: Running public awareness campaigns that highlight the benefits and importance of solar and water energy can foster community support. Using various media, such as social media, local newspapers, and community radio, can help reach a wide audience.
Community Events: Organizing community events such as clean energy fairs, art festivals, and sustainability expos can engage the public in a fun and educational way. These events can showcase local projects, provide demonstrations, and offer opportunities for community members to get involved.
Engagement and Leadership
Mentorship Programs: Creating mentorship programs that connect students and young professionals with experienced leaders in the fields of renewable energy and water management can provide valuable guidance and support. These programs can help young people navigate their career paths and develop their skills.
Innovation Challenges and Competitions: Hosting innovation challenges and competitions that encourage young people to develop creative solutions for renewable energy and water issues can stimulate interest and innovation. These events can offer prizes, scholarships, and opportunities for further development of winning ideas.
Technology and Innovation: The Next Frontier
The field of renewable energy is constantly evolving, with new technologies and innovations emerging that have the potential to revolutionize the way we generate and use energy. Staying at the forefront of these developments is crucial for maximizing the impact of solar and water energy integration.
Advanced Solar Technologies
Perovskite Solar Cells: Perovskite solar cells are a promising technology that offers higher efficiency and lower production costs compared to traditional silicon solar cells. Research and development in this area are rapidly advancing, with potential for widespread adoption in the near future.
Bifacial Solar Panels: Bifacial solar panels can capture sunlight from both sides, increasing their efficiency. These panels can be particularly effective in areas with high levels of reflected light, such as snowy or desert regions.
Solar Windows and Building-Integrated Photovoltaics: Solar windows and building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) allow for the integration of solar energy generation into the design of buildings. These technologies can turn entire structures into energy producers without compromising aesthetics.
Innovative Water and Wind Technologies
Advanced Water Recycling: Technologies that enhance water recycling processes, such as membrane bioreactors and advanced oxidation processes, can make wastewater treatment more efficient and effective. These systems can be powered by solar energy to further reduce their environmental impact.
Atmospheric Water Generators: Atmospheric water generators (AWGs) extract water from humid air, providing a source of clean drinking water. Solar-powered AWGs can offer a sustainable solution for water-scarce regions.
Solar Thermal Desalination: Solar thermal desalination uses solar heat to evaporate and condense water, separating it from salts and impurities. This method can be more energy-efficient and sustainable compared to traditional desalination processes.
Rethinking traditional wind power generation and further developing Vertical Axis Wind Turbines, which are much more efficient, environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing. Some of the best systems are also part of Greening Camps concepts and Energy Storage Parks. Even the flagship projects like the Greenhouse Ship and the Recycling Ship can be powered by VAWTs and produce a lot of hydrogen. The concept papers were published many months ago.
Integrating Artificial Intelligence and IoT
Smart Energy Management Systems: Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies into energy management systems can optimize the use and distribution of solar energy. These systems can predict energy demand, monitor performance, and automate adjustments to improve efficiency.
Water Resource Monitoring: IoT sensors and AI can be used to monitor water resources in real time, providing data on water quality, usage, and availability. This information can be used to manage water resources more effectively and respond to issues promptly.
Predictive Maintenance: AI can predict maintenance needs for solar and water energy systems, reducing downtime and extending the lifespan of equipment. This proactive approach can save costs and improve the reliability of renewable energy systems.
Social Equity and Inclusion
Ensuring Access for All: Efforts must be made to ensure that renewable energy and clean water are accessible to all, regardless of socioeconomic status. This includes implementing policies and programs that support underserved and marginalized communities.
Community-Led Development: Empowering communities to lead their own renewable energy projects can promote social equity and inclusion. Providing resources, training, and support can help communities develop solutions that meet their specific needs and priorities.
Addressing Environmental Justice: Ensuring that the benefits of renewable energy and water projects are equitably distributed is crucial. This involves addressing environmental justice issues.
Long-Term Sustainability and Resilience
Climate Resilience: Developing renewable energy and water systems that can withstand and adapt to the impacts of climate change is essential for long-term sustainability. This includes designing infrastructure that is resilient to extreme weather events and changing environmental conditions.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Aligning renewable energy and water projects with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can provide a comprehensive framework for achieving sustainability. These goals address a wide range of social, economic, and environmental issues.
Global Collaboration: International collaboration and knowledge sharing are critical for addressing global challenges. By working together, countries and organizations can leverage their strengths, share best practices, and develop coordinated strategies for sustainable development.
Super Visions and Visionary Transformation: The Path Forward
As we move forward, let us continue to explore new frontiers, push the boundaries of what is possible, and work together to build a brighter, greener future for generations to come. The vision of a world powered by solar and water energy is within our reach, and with dedication, creativity, and collaboration, we can turn this vision into reality. Together, we can create a sustainable and resilient planet where all life can thrive. Suns Water is the original project or working title for the organization and future company SunsWater™.
The creator of this outstanding project believes in the good forces or powers of humanity, real nature, natural technologies, solar, water and wind energy. That's why he also found many great ideas, developed awesome concepts and projects. The founder and some real scientists believe that most of the water on planet Earth comes or came from the sun. There is a lot of research on how much space water was created in the early days of the formation of the solar system. Most of the water on planet Earth does not come from external sources such as asteroids or meteoroids. Planetary and solar researchers can confirm it. We scientific researchers hope that more people will discuss and exchange about such studies and theories.
The initiator of the Sun's Water Theory has spent many years researching and studying the sun, planets and moons in relation to water and ice. Large data sets and historical archives, internet databases and much more data have been analyzed to determine the actual reality. Mathematical and physical logic can prove that most of the water comes from the sun. Another great discovery made by the founder of the Suns Water project is a solid form of hydrogen, he calls it "Sun Granulate".
The journey towards a sustainable future powered by solar, water and wind energy is both challenging and inspiring. It requires a collective effort from individuals, communities, organizations, and governments worldwide. By embracing innovation, fostering collaboration, and prioritizing education and equity, we can create a world where clean energy and safe water are accessible to all. Through its projects, partnerships, and community initiatives, SunsWater can inspire a global shift towards sustainable practices and technologies.
The concepts and specific ideas are protected by international laws. The information in this article, contents and specific details are protected by national, international and European rights as well as by artists' rights, article, copyright and title protection. The artworks and project content are the intellectual property of the author and founder of the Global Greening and Trillion Trees Initiative. Any constructive and helpful feedback is welcome, as is any active and genuine support.
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plethoraworldatlas · 11 months
1. The ACC will train and employ 20,000 people in climate and clean energy jobs
The ACC will mobilize a new, diverse generation by training them in skills crucial to combating climate change—everything from installing solar panels to improving communities' natural disaster resilience to restoring critical ecosystems. And with a shortage of skilled clean energy workers, the ACC couldn’t come at a better time. We need more tradespeople, installing things like electric vehicle chargers and heat pumps, to decarbonize our economy. 
There’s an emphasis on building career pathways, not just jobs. To achieve this, the White House will partner with unions and is committed to providing members with the hard skills and transferable credentials that will allow them to find good-paying jobs or seek further training through apprenticeships and trade schools after their service. This includes potentially expanding access to scholarships and awards that would support post-secondary education and training or reduce student debt and streamlined pathways into civil service. The best part? No prior experience is required for most positions, and very few will require college degrees.
2. The ACC prioritizes equity and environmental justice
While the ACC draws upon the ambition of The New Deal and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps, it also learns from its fundamental flaws.
FDR’s Corps lacked diversity, perpetuated white supremacy, and almost entirely excluded women, but Biden’s Corps puts equity and environmental justice at its core. It prioritizes communities traditionally left behind, including energy communities, whose lives have been dominated and shaped by the fossil fuel industry, and disadvantaged communities, who disproportionately suffer from a combination of environmental, economic, and health burdens.
The ACC follows the same targets of the administration’s Justice40 goal, where 40 percent of the benefits must be directed towards disadvantaged communities.
3. The ACC employs an all-of-government approach
The ACC is built on a hub-and-spoke model with AmeriCorps at the center. The White House is launching a dedicated ACC recruitment website, where participants can learn about and apply for opportunities in their communities, and across the country, that span all spheres of the clean energy economy.
The administration is partnering AmeriCorps with at least five other federal agencies (Department of Labor, Department of the Interior, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Department of Energy) to pool resources, coordinate recruitment, and fund corps members to work on specific projects that address the climate crisis.
Additionally, the administration will partner with at least 10 states. California, Colorado, Maine, Michigan, and Washington have already launched similar programs, while five more (Arizona, Maryland, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Utah) are creating their own Corps.
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bumblebeeappletree · 10 months
How Offshore Solar Could be the Future of Energy. What’s stopping us from converting the open ocean into a massive solar power plant? After all, land has always been a complicated issue in the world of renewables, and as populations grow denser, it’s all the more relevant. How do we balance the urgency of the clean energy transition with the space needed for agriculture, housing, and conservation? Establishing offshore wind farms is one way. But it also turns out that we can also stand to gain a lot from offshore solar. That is, if we can figure out how to steady marine floating photovoltaics in the same way we’re already experimenting with freshwater FPV. Developing seaworthy panels is a lot more complicated than smashing a bottle on the array and setting sail. So, what makes ocean FPV worth a shot? And what’s holding it back?
Watch Is This Accidental Discovery The Future Of Energy?
• Is This Accidental Dis...
Previous video on floating solar on canals - How Solar Panels Can Help Solve California’s Drought
• How Solar Panels Can H...
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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Matt Wuerker
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November 2, 2023
NOV 3, 2023
In a speech yesterday in Northfield, Minnesota, President Joe Biden explained his economic vision to rural Americans. “Over the past 40 years or so, we’ve had a practice in America—an economic practice called trickle-down economics, and it hit rural America especially hard,” he said. “It hollowed out Main Street, telling farmers the only path to success was to get big or get out.” At the same time, he said, “[t]ax cuts for big corporations encouraged companies to grow bigger and bigger, move jobs and production overseas for cheaper labor, and undercut local small businesses. Meat-producing companies and the retail grocery chains consolidated, leaving farmers [and] ranchers with few choices about where to sell their products, reducing their bargaining power. Corporations that sell seed, fertilizer, and even farm equipment used their outsized market power to change farmers and charge them and ranchers unfair prices.”
Biden noted that the U.S. has lost more than 400,000 family farms in the past 40 years, an area of more than 140 million acres of farmland, equivalent to an area the size of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota combined. Family farms have failed, and as they did so, small businesses, hospitals, schools, and communities also suffered. 
Young people feel they have no choice but to leave home “in search of good-paying jobs and a chance at the American Dream.” 
Biden explained that his plan to invest in America would create new and better markets and new income streams to help rural areas thrive. He noted that $20 billion of the Inflation Reduction Act will go to helping farmers and ranchers adjust to climate change by changing cover crops and managing nutrients and grazing, while urging farmers to diversify from single crops and sell in local markets. 
Biden emphasized that the administration is promoting competition in agricultural markets, noting that currently just four big corporations control more than half the market in beef, pork, and poultry. If just one of their processing plants goes offline, it can cause massive supply chain disruptions (as the closing of a baby formula plant did in 2022). “[T]here’s something wrong,” he said, “when just 7% of the American farms get nearly 90% of the farm income.” 
In addition to the existing national investments in power grids and broadband that will help rural communities, Biden announced $1 billion to fix aging rural infrastructure systems like electricity, water, and waste water systems that haven’t been updated in decades; $2 billion to help farmers fight climate change; $145 million for clean energy technologies like solar panels that will help lower electric bills; and $274 million for rural high-speed internet expansion.
The administration’s vision for rural America appears to be part of a larger vision for restoring competition to the U.S. economy and thus is closely tied to the administration’s push to break up monopolies. In July 2021, Biden promised to interpret antitrust laws in the way they had been understood traditionally, not as the U.S. government began to interpret them in the 1980s. Then, following the argument advanced by the solicitor general of the United States at the time, Robert Bork, the government concluded that economic consolidation was fine so long as it promoted economic efficiencies that, at least in the short term, cut costs for consumers. 
Biden vowed to return to the traditional understanding of antitrust principles championed by presidents all the way back to Theodore Roosevelt at the turn of the last century, arguing that protecting economic competition protects workers, promotes innovation, and keeps consumer prices down. To that, the coronavirus pandemic added an awareness of the need to protect supply chains. 
“Bidenomics is just another way of saying ‘the American Dream,’” Biden said. “Forty years ago, trickle-down economics limited the dream to those at the top. But I believe every American willing to work hard should be able to get a job, no matter where they live—in the heartland, in small towns—to raise their kids on a good paycheck and keep their roots where they grew up.” 
In contrast to Biden’s outreach to farmers, House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is facing a dilemma over the nation’s next farm bill, which must be passed by the end of the year. According to Clark Merrefield of The Journalist’s Resource, Congress usually debates and renews the farm bill every five years, and the last one passed in 2018. 
Farm bills include price support for farm products, especially corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, rice, peanuts, dairy, and sugar. It also includes crop insurance, conservation programs, and a wide variety of other agricultural programs, making the farm bill hugely popular in rural areas that focus on farming. 
Also included in the measure are nutritional programs for low-income Americans, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps. SNAP serves 41 million low-income Americans, but as a member of the far-right Republican Study Committee, Johnson called for cutting SNAP benefits. Now his far-right colleagues are echoing his position, saying that the need to renew the farm bill is a great opportunity to make significant cuts to SNAP, especially since the farm bill is expected to bear a price tag of more than $1 trillion for the first time in our history. 
“I can’t imagine the Mike Johnson that we know would pass up the opportunity to secure as many conservative wins as possible in this farm bill,” a Republican aide told Meredith Lee Hill of Politico, “[a]nd that means serious SNAP reforms.” 
But even some Republicans—primarily those who hail from agricultural states—object to loading the farm bill up with the poison pill of SNAP cuts, knowing such a tactic would repel Democrats, whose votes will be necessary to pass the measure as far-right Republicans balk. 
It will take a deft hand to get the measure through Congress, and its failure at Johnson’s hands will infuriate hard-hit rural areas. It is one more thing to add to the new speaker’s to-do list, as the deadline for funding the government is looming. The continuing resolution funding the government at 2023 levels, the measure that cost Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) his speakership, expires in just over two weeks, on November 17.
Johnson’s willingness to load bills with poison pills that his conference likes showed today in the House’s passage of Republicans’ aid bill for Israel—Ukraine aid had been cut away—along with dramatic cuts to funding the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), a provision that the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office warned would add to the deficit rather than reducing it. Knowing that the measure will not pass the Senate, a number of Democrats voted for it, likely to avoid attacks from conservative opponents. 
Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) says the Senate won’t even take up the House bill. Instead, the Senate continues to work on its own strongly bipartisan bill that ties together aid to Israel and Ukraine. 
As Kate Riga of Talking Points Memo put it, if the Senate continues to work in this bipartisan way, we will continue to see the same pattern we’ve seen throughout this Congress: “Senate Democrats, Senate Republicans and House Democrats all supporting more or less the same thing, with a chunk of House Republicans out on a branch alone.”
After an angry fight last night over Senator Tommy Tuberville’s (R-AL) holds on military promotions, in which Republican senators joined Democrats in confronting him, the Senate today confirmed General David Allvin to be Air Force chief of staff and Admiral Lisa Franchetti as chief of naval operations, by votes of 95 to 1. Franchetti is the first woman to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Wednesday’s fight appears to have been prompted by the hospitalization of acting Marines Commandant General Eric Smith after an apparent heart attack. Smith was holding down two high-level positions at once owing to Tuberville’s holds, and he had warned his schedule was “not sustainable.” Although the Pentagon says Tuberville is endangering national security, Tuberville insists that his hold on almost 400 military promotions is not hurting the military. 
The new additions mean there are no vacancies on the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the first time since July. 
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aquasolarcleaners · 1 year
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garudabluffs · 13 hours
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Light at sunset illuminates a “bathtub ring,” a white band of mineral deposits showing previous water levels on Lake Mead along the Colorado River in Boulder City, Nevada.
Finding hope among the grim realities of climate change
"What role can each of us play in creating a more sustainable future? That's a question marine biologist and conservation strategist, Ayanna Elizabeth Johnson, explores in her new book, What If We Get It Right, Visions of Climate Futures. And she joins us now to talk about it. Ayanna, welcome to 1 a. Thanks for having me. And we wanna hear from you. How are you trying to make a difference in the environment where you live? Email us at [email protected]. Ayanna, before we get into the book, let's just first address the elephant in the room, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or IPCC. They've warned for years about the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming, which could lead to loss of coral reefs, irreversible ice melt, drought, and an uptick in heat related deaths. And climate scientists warn we could reach that threshold before 2030 if we keep emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere at the rate we're currently going. Despite that, what makes you optimistic about the future of our planet?
00:01:39 Well, I guess the most important thing is I wouldn't actually describe myself as an optimist. I mean, the title of the book, What If We Get It Right, has a question mark at the end of it. I'm not sure if we will. Right? I mean, I'm a scientist. I'm a realist. I've seen these scientific projections that you're talking about. And there's certainly a path with the one that we're on, which is not that great. It's possible that we'll have much more warming, and all of the extreme weather that goes along with that, right? The wildfires, the floods, the droughts, the sea level rise, the storms, all of that is those changes are already here and more is on the way, But we could chart a different path. We could deploy the many, many climate solutions we already have at our fingertips. And I think that's the sort of open secret of it all. We don't need to wait for some new technology. We just need to get to it. You know? We already know how to produce clean energy. Solar and wind are happening so fast, faster than anyone had anticipated those industries would grow. We know how to improve transportation and electrify that, how to improve public transit. I mean, we know how to do high speed trains. I wish we were doing that in America. That's like my big dream. We know how to green buildings and improve efficiency of all of our use of energy. We know how to farm better. We know how to improve our agricultural system to be lighter on the planet, and we know how to protect and restore ecosystems and take advantage of the magic that is photosynthesis. So I think the reason that I'm motivated, if not optimistic, is be because we have a huge range of possible climate futures. And a lot hangs in the balance of if we have 1.5 degrees of warming or 2.5 degrees Celsius, we're talking. So these are, like, many more degrees Fahrenheit. Right? It's the difference between a fever of a 100 for a human body and the fever of a 104. And we all know personally that that is a massive difference. So if we think of the planet in that way, I think we'll have a bit more sensitivity there. But what if we get it as right as possible maybe is a better way to say it because we could have a much more beautiful and and healthy and livable future than the one we're currently headed towards. As a scientist, when as you were listing
LISTEN 29:54 READ MORE Transcript https://the1a.org/segments/finding-hope-among-the-grim-realities-of-climate-change/
'What If We Get It Right?': Experts talk about addressing climate crisis in new book
September 13, 2024 8-Minute Listen READ MORE Transcript https://www.npr.org/2024/09/13/nx-s1-5084158/what-if-we-get-it-right-experts-talk-about-addressing-climate-crisis-in-new-book
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Application of Solar Energy in India's Growth
India's sustainable development is becoming more and more dependent on solar energy, which provides a clean, renewable energy source that boosts the country's economy. India, one of the sunniest nations on earth, is in a great position to take advantage of solar energy across a range of industries, promoting economic expansion and lowering its carbon impact. The use of solar energy in India's development is extensive and ranges from rural electrification to industrial breakthroughs. This is how solar energy is influencing the future of India.
1. Powering India's Renewable Energy Targets
India has set lofty goals for renewable energy, hoping to reach 500 GW of capacity by 2030, with a sizable portion derived from solar energy. India's energy transition has made solar energy a pillar, assisting the nation in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and moving away from fossil fuels. Large-scale solar farms are being built all over the nation to stabilize the power supply and add to a varied energy portfolio in order to satisfy the rising demand.
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2. Empowering Rural Electrification
The use of solar energy for rural electrification is one of the most important aspects of India's economic development. Reliable power access remains a challenge for millions of people living in distant and rural locations. In order to bring light and electricity to the most underprivileged communities, solar energy is offering a solution through decentralized solar power systems like solar microgrids and standalone solar kits.
3. Driving Industrial Growth and Job Creation
In addition to supplying electricity to India, the solar business is fostering industrial expansion and employment creation. The need for skilled workers, solar panel producers, and installation specialists is growing as more solar projects are started. Thousands of employment have been generated by the expansion of the solar industry in a variety of sectors, including production, installation, and maintenance.
4. Boosting Agricultural Productivity
India's economy still mostly depends on agriculture, and solar energy is contributing to increased agricultural productivity in a novel way. For example, solar-powered irrigation systems are assisting farmers in gaining access to dependable water sources while decreasing their reliance on pricey diesel pumps. This guarantees a sustainable approach to water management while also reducing the operating costs for farmers.
5. Reducing India's Carbon Footprint
India is among the top emitters of greenhouse gases globally, and solar energy presents a sustainable substitute for conventional power sources like coal. India is making a significant effort to lower its carbon emissions and lessen the effects of climate change by embracing solar energy. The nation's green initiatives include large solar farms, rooftop solar installations, and solar-powered urban infrastructure.
6. Promoting Energy Independence
It is now crucial to lessen India's reliance on imported coal and oil as the country's energy needs grow. India can use solar energy to meet its domestic energy needs by utilizing its plentiful sunshine. Solar energy offers a path to energy independence. India can reduce the financial and geopolitical risks related to energy imports by increasing its solar capacity.
India's growth has been revolutionized by the use of solar energy, which has impacted everything from agriculture and rural electrification to industrial development and environmental sustainability. India will be able to fulfil its increasing energy needs and fast-track its transition to a cleaner, more sustainable future as long as it keeps using the sun's energy. One of the main forces behind India's economic growth and the foundation of its sustainable development plan is solar energy.
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esgagile · 3 days
Why It Matters and Its Benefits for Lowering Your Carbon Footprint
Agile Advisors provides Carbon footprint consultancy In UAE, the phrase "carbon footprint" has grown increasingly prevalent in conversations about sustainability as worries about climate change rise. The entire amount of greenhouse gases (GHG), especially carbon dioxide (CO₂), produced directly and indirectly by human activity is called a carbon footprint. Every action we take impacts our individual or group's carbon footprint, whether through the energy we use to power our houses or purchase things. Not only can lowering this footprint benefit the environment, but it can also benefit people, communities, and companies. The most obvious and significant environmental benefits of lowering one's carbon footprint are the reduction in emissions that contribute to mitigating the consequences of climate change, including rising global temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather.
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We as a Carbon footprint consultancy in Agile Advisors, reducing greenhouse gas concentrations slows global warming, which is made possible by each ton of CO2 that we prevent from entering the atmosphere. Reduced pollution from carbon footprints improves the quality of the air and water. In addition to minimizing habitat degradation and the extinction of endangered species, this directly improves ecosystems and biodiversity. Switching to renewable energy sources and implementing sustainable practices lessens the demand for non-renewable resources like coal, oil, and natural gas. Lowering carbon footprints helps people, companies, and governments save a lot of money and help the environment. Energy-efficient technology, such as electric vehicles, solar panels, and LED lights, frequently achieves long-term financial benefits. Over time, these expenditures might result in cheaper maintenance expenses and power bills.
As a Carbon footprint consultancy In Dubai, Businesses and people cutting their emissions can profit monetarily as more governments implement carbon taxes and trading schemes. Businesses that engage in sustainable practices may also benefit from subsidies and tax breaks, increasing their profitability even more. Clean technology, sustainable agriculture, and renewable energy are examples of green industries that have grown due to the shift to a low-carbon economy. This change boosts economic growth and generates new employment possibilities, bolstering local and national economies. Reducing carbon emissions enhances social cohesion and public health and benefits the economy and environment. Particulate matter and nitrogen oxides are two examples of pollutants frequently reduced in the air due to carbon reduction initiatives. Cleaner air can also decrease the prevalence of asthma, respiratory conditions, and other pollution-related health concerns.
Being a Carbon footprint consultancy In UAE, Sustainable modes of transportation, such as walking, bicycling, and electric public transit, improve air quality, lessen noise pollution, and promote physical exercise, resulting in livelier, healthier communities. Climate change impacts particularly susceptible groups, such as developing countries and low-income areas. Lowering carbon footprints can lessen the effects of climate change on these populations, advancing justice and equity globally. Cutting back on your carbon footprint is a long-term investment. Thanks to the deliberate decisions we make now, future generations can benefit from a healthy planet. Reducing carbon emissions entails increased resource efficiency, guaranteeing food, water, and clean electricity for future generations. Sustainable practices, including water conservation and the use of renewable energy, protect the world's limited resources.
We believed as Carbon footprint consultancy, reducing your carbon footprint has several advantages above just protecting the environment. In addition to promoting social justice, better health, and financial savings, it also helps preserve the planet's resources for subsequent generations. We can create a significant impact by implementing tiny changes like embracing green technologies, supporting sustainable companies, and developing energy-efficient behaviors. The moment to take action is to reduce our carbon footprint, which is necessary for a sustainable and prosperous future. As extreme weather events occur more frequently, cutting emissions today can lessen later harm. By acting now, we strengthen our resistance to climate-related hazards like heatwaves, droughts, and floods.
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With compliments from, the Directorate General of Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph. 99201390 
CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif Chairs Marathon Meeting in P&D Board to Decide on Various Development Projects Across Punjab
LAHORE, 19 September 2024:
Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif chaired a marathon six-and-a-half-hours review meeting being held in the Planning and Development Board in which important decisions were made about education, health, agriculture, livestock roads and other sectors. Under CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif's ‘Suthra Punjab’ program, the largest comprehensive sanitation system in the history of Pakistan will be implemented from mid-November. The launching of ‘Suthra Punjab’ will be started in 100 tehsils of Punjab by 15-October. In two weeks, the cleaning process will be started in 100 tehsils under the outsourced model. Under the second phase of ‘Suthra Punjab’, the cleaning process will also be started in 34 more tehsils from November 15. Approval for Chief Minister Fund for Solar Panel Production and Manufacturing was granted for local production of solar panels in Punjab. In November, people will start getting solar panels under the Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif’s program. CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif directed to complete Pakistan's first official autism school project in Lahore within one year.
In the meeting, 482 schemes of construction and repair of 11 thousand km roads in Punjab were reviewed. Revamping of 581 primary health centres of South Punjab has started and the target of completion has been set by next January. Proposals for health screening of students and establishment of thalassemia centre were also reviewed. The Chief Minister directed to ensure cleanliness in the hospitals acorss Punjab. She directed to undertake immediate steps for the construction of Nawaz Sharif Cardiology Institute Sargodha and Nawaz Sharif Cancer Hospital. She directed to ensure cardiology treatment facilities in every city.
CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif sought a deadline for the police body cam program. 11000 cattle will be given to women in the villages of 17 districts at a cost of Rs. 2 billion. Punjab's first livestock card for farmers will be launched next month. 20,000 farmers will be able to get food, medicine and equipment etc. through the Farmer Livestock Card.
In the meeting, agroforestry project was approved on government waste land under which onions, potatoes and olives etc. will be cultivated. It was decided to conduct a wildlife census for the first time in Punjab for the wildlife protection. The launch of "eco-tourism" project in Changa Manga and the proposal to build the first model fish market of the province in Lahore were reviewed. It was agreed to form a ‘Shrimp Farming Export Company’. A briefing was given about the shrimp pilot experimental farm on 100 acres in Muzaffargarh. A principle approval was given to establish a ‘Special Directorate’ for shrimp farming. It was also approved to increase the area for shrimp farming to 50 thousand acres along with conducting farmer training and establishing value added chain. Approval was given to establish hatcheries for Pangasius and other fish species in Lahore and DG Khan.
In the briefing, it was informed that ‘Plant for Pakistan’ is being monitored by drones. A ‘body cam pilot project’ has been launched in Sheikhupura with 30 cameras. The deadline for the completion of the second phase of ‘Smart Safe City’ has been set for next March. Monitoring of entrances and exits, free Wi-Fi, pink buttons have also become functional in Sheikhupura.
The Chief Minister directed to increase the number of cameras in all cities as per need. In the meeting, it was approved to start ‘Dastak’ services in 9 more districts of Punjab and for the issuance of ‘carbon credit scheme’ for the first time in Punjab. A project of demarcation of smog area through ‘Geographic Information System’ mapping will also be launched. A detailed briefing was given on Laptop Scheme, Undergraduate Scholarship program. The CM directed to ensure payment of fees for talented children. She approved the establishment of Punjab's first ‘film fund’.
The CM directed to undertake steps to provide employment for the first batch being passed out under ‘CM Skills Development Initiative’. CM Punjab ordered the early completion of metro track for all cities. A briefing was given on Margalla to Jhika Gali Tourist Glass Train Project. 3D footage of ‘Model Agriculture Mall’ was presented. Approval for a uniform design for Multan, Bahawalpur, Sargodha and Sahiwal was given.
It was informed during the briefing that more than 35 thousand farmers have received Kisan cards in Punjab. It was decided to solarize 7500 tubewells in the first phase in Punjab and it was agreed to complete it by next June. It was decided to implement the Chief Minister Agriculture Graduate Program in the concerned Union Council. Measures to increase export of agricultural produce along with utilizing government land to increase canola cultivation in Punjab were reviewed. Approval for design and other aspects of the first phase 9500 green tractor were given. Green tractor will not be sold due to certain features, colour and number and March 31st deadline has been fixed.
CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif directed to undertake measures for the construction of airstrip for air ambulance landing along with carrying out mapping to ascertain the need for rescue services. She directed to provide rescue ambulance service in every city after determining its need. The scope to further extend rescue training in universities and colleges was reviewed.
A comprehensive review on the progress of 7 programs, 70 projects, 77 Chief Minister's Initiatives and 770 Schemes was made in the meeting. CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif said, “Five years have been given to serve the people instead of holding processions. Alhamdulillah, Punjab is taking the lead in every sector.”
Senator Pervaiz Rasheed, Senior Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, Provincial Minister for Information and Culture Azma Zahid Bokhari, Ministers Chaudhry Shafay Hussain, Mujtaba Shuja ur Rehman, Khawaja Salman Rafique, Khawaja Imran Nazir, Ashiq Hussain, Rana Sikandar Hayat, Bilal Akbar, Sohaib Malik, Zeeshan Rafique, Sohail Shaukat Butt, MPA Sania Ashiq, Brigadier (Retd) Babar Alauddin, Chief Secretary, IGP, Chairman P&D, Secretaries and other relevant officials were also present.
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