#ahem. hm. pardon.
wabblebees · 1 year
never never never in my life gonna be able to beat the weirdo theatre nerd allegations. its midnight and for the last few hours ive been (voluntarily of my own free will At No-One's Behest) doing some character research for the show we're working on (which at a certain level is Absolutely Necessary!! but at *this* level is Absolutely Not. lmfao)(and so... ik for a fact if i mention this in rehearsal tomorrow im gonna get a whole lotta blank stares ((or TERRIFIED looks from the freshmen wondering if they should be doing this much work lmao))
but anyway so about 10 minutes ago i found a fucking essay (just 9 pages out of this philological collection from the 60s) that just the idea behind the Very Simple title made me so excited i had to stand up at my desk to start reading it and fully forgot to sit back down until i realized i wanted to start TAKING NOTES..... WHICH I GENERALLY HATE DOING WHILE READING........ BUT IM TOO EXCITED AND DONT WANNA FORGET ANY OF IT.................. SO IM TAKING FUCKING NOTES
but anyway beyond tHAT the thing that actually made me pause to start typing this post though is the fact that just now, four pages in, this essay finally put something into place that ive been puzzling over in my head since i very first read the play which... made me happystim so hard i almost knocked myself out of my fucking chair. hdkdgsjfkfhdgskdgwrdjfk.
so yeah. never beating the nerd allegations. lmao
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dotomuses · 2 months
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sagau p3: adeptal animosity, adeptal acceptance he/they for reader, but no anatomy or dni.
random bullshit go. previous parts here and here. just wanted to properly note the doubts and thoughts on the false god's doings.
"you can hardly hold this one accountable for your unfortunate... circumstances," xianyun noted, pushing her spectacles up with a clawed finger, "the adepti were not involved in your and the archon's business at all."
(name) smiled, bringing his cup up to his lips, gingerly taking a sip of the scalding tea. "indeed... your contribution to either side of the falsehood was scarcely significant." he responded, tone so dry and disdainful xianyun had to furrow a brow.
she cleared her throat, glancing sideways at a fuming moon carver. "you must pardon me for such a hasty invitation," she spoke, addressing all those at the table, "when one was alerted of the false- ahem, returned god i believed it best suitable we speak before word got by to the archons." (name) raised an eyebrow skeptically, to which xianyun hastily added "not that any of us would've spread it out, we were of course acquainted quite closely in the early days, were we not?"
(name) hummed, "indeed we were," he looked over at her from above the rim of the teacup, "but you must tell me why the invitation was required at all. i had assumed quite early on you wanted nothing to do with me?"
xianyun and mountain sharper looked ever so slightly uneasy, but moon carver crossed his arms and spoke solemnly. "indeed we did not. and while i cannot speak for the others," he said, looking over at cloud retainer and mountain sharper as though they had done him some great betrayal, "one still does not wish to."
"however, it must be said. as adepti, our first priority is the safety of liyue and her people." (name) smiled, knowing well what the other meant to intend, "you posses a blade against that safety. a wicked one."
how he wounds me, (name) thought lazily, but said nothing at all, letting moon carver speak on.
"we demand to know of your intentions, and why, how you broke the seal of exile. such power mustn't be tampered with, and even as the others only wish for peaceful dealings, one will not hesitate to defend liyue against your previous tyranny."
mountain sharper bristled, "peace, moon carver." he turned to (name) who seemed thoroughly impressed by moon carver's words, choosing to blank out at him for a moment, before their lip twitched upwards and they looked away. "you must realise we chose for such a calm gathering due to the fact you have not yet possessed a threat to tevyat at all."
(name) nodded, "yes, no threat at all. though i find it marvelous how little words seem to shatter this land's superiority... is it truly that dangerous?" his words had no bite behind them, fangs neatly covered by grinning lips, but the others still looked weary.
"good (name)," xianyun began, "we do wish to know, as your... companions," the entire table winced at once, and (name)'s smile faded ever so slightly. his eyes lidding, "my pardon. we wish to know, as liyue's protectors, what you intend to now that you roam tevyat free again."
moon carver frowned, "let us not forget the matter of why you are free to roam tevyat as well. it is the abyss which adopted you, is it not?"
(name)'s fingers interlocked, elbows on the table, as he rested his chin on his hands, eyes shut. "i had help, but i am afraid a dear contract, one much similar to yours allows me not to speak much more of it."
"and as for the matter of what i wish to do... hm, nothing alike what i did once, i assume..."
"i've grown weary at the though of travel, and speaking seems like a chore. i greatly doubt my ability to preach anymore as i once did, so you may rest your scowls and mistrust," he opened a single eye to look at moon carver, delighting in the way the other seemed to only frown further. "i now only wish to carry out a small favour for a friend, perhaps rekindle with old acquaintances along the way." avenge. was a thought unsaid.
xianyun looked weary, mountain sharper skeptical, and moon carver frustrated. another lie from the charlatan's mouth, they thought in unison, only for the man in question to raise a hand to his mouth to stifle a laugh.
"you great beings make it so easy to understand what you think, moreso than mortals do," he commented, unlacing his fingers to hold a tea leave between his fingers, picked from a tray. "but i must indulge in your mistrust, indeed there is not a word you should believe from me, not a single one."
"but," (name) continued, placing a sheet of paper on the table, "i presumed you would only be consoled by your own means of tethering beforehand, and have prepared so."
moon carver took the paper, looking over at the text. liyuen alphabet, but written by a foreign hand, judging by the artistic but uncommon curves. but moon carver was too acquainted by the habits of his scarce companions to know it was not written by (name) himself.
"a contract?" xianyun queried, peering over at the parchment. "indeed, a blank one as well." (name) responded, tapping at the sheet, "you, my dear friends, are free to choose the terms. i shall be bound by liyue's laws, and you shall rest peacefully."
mountain sharper took the paper into his own hands, as though to examine in for any fabrication, and upon finding none commented, "a truly unexpected show of genuineness from you, lord (name)."
(name) narrowed his eyes in offense, "...right. i shall give you time to decide the terms in solitude. when you are to sign it, the affects will bear themselves on me without question." he took the tea leaf to his mouth, resting it under his tongue. "and should you find any falsehood... i need not create your pre-existing judgements."
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time passed awfully quick in tevyat, (name) thought, watching the adepti privately fuss over the sheet, trying to ensure no loopholes in their terms at all. minutes seemed to play the role of hours, and hours the role of months. in merely seconds the three were done with their terms, and (name) almost giggled at the absurdity of such a stern matter, him, being settled so soon.
"the terms are simple," cloud retainer stated, "a tongue-binder. you are forbidden from spreading falsehoods to any man, child, creature, being, belief, and depleted from writing them, inking them, putting them in song, poem, prose or sharing it in any way."
moon carver looked ever so slightly smug, uncharacteristic for his regular demeanor, "judging to how your injustices to tevyat's purity stem from your lies, you shall be unallowed to lie in any shape of form. this one term single handedly covers any issue you could pose to liyue, the adepti, the archons, and tevyat herself."
(name) looked bored, chewing on the tea leaf in his mouth idly, "very well. i assume you have signed it already, since i feel a sense of foreboding just looking at you."
mountain carver scowled, shoving the piece of paper onto the table. "do with it what you must, but surely you already know, that any defamation done to the contract will not undo it's contents, unless you are you die and miraculously be brought back to life." he meant it in contempt, but xianyun still muttered under her breath "this excludes if you are to become a jiāngshī of course, though i doubt any adepti would aid you in it..."
(name) tilted his head, looking solemnly at the three, and then at the contract. "quite innovative i must say" he drawled, not meaning it at all, but it must've been a truth, "if our business here is complete, i would greatly like to take my leave. even one as idle as myself has other things to do than sit out at tea parties, esteemed hosts."
moon carver and mountain sharper turned to eachother, but cloud retainer spoke first. "indeed. we would not wish for your presence to be found, especially not in the company of the adepti, lord (name). though one must ask for the knowledge of where you plan to keep your abode, and i am afraid it is a matter of curiosity over concern."
(name) sighed, eyes wandering over to take in chenyu vale's scenery, peering down at the far-away ground from their little meeting on the trunk of a large, curved tree. "i do not know, dearest cloud retainer," he mused, resting his head on his palm, "i assume i must wander as i once did. you need not worry so." he added, a little sarcastically, knowing well, they would not worry. not anymore.
mountain sharper bowed his head, "then we must all depart, i have my duties to tend to, and i believe this matter has been settled."
"you mustn't forget yourself, (name)," mountain carver growled, "you were a great hindrance to the land, and shall you return to your unsavoury habits, we shall not hesitate to strike you down, and repent for our past mistake of not involving ourselves."
(name) smiled, standing up from his chair, brushing his robes to straighten the folds. "your tea is despicably bitter," he commented, and xianyun glowered.
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💌 very late update... school just started and i've been so burnt out. i miss the fatui, might try to shove them into the next update.
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cerastes · 1 year
Specter: "Have you seen Swordfish? I had some questions regarding the roster for the deployment tomorrow, best to get those inquiries done and settled before showtime, and all that."
Skadi: "I think I saw her with doctor Kal'tsit, they were going towards the dormitories together... Probably her room."
Specter: "Oh, wonderful, then I get to ask the two head honchos about it instead of just the left side of the brain, should make matters more simple."
Skadi: "Hey, now, wait a second, Laurentina. I said to slow down. Surely you don't mean to interrupt them?"
Specter: "Interrupt what? A strategic meeting? I dare think I have a voice in such sundry matters as much as anyone who is ordered to take cannonfire to the face in her duties on a nigh daily basis. The value I can add to any given conversation is not to be understated, my little Orca."
Skadi: "I'd consider that a complaint, where it to come from the mouth of anyone except you, Shark. But seriously, think about it a little... The two of them, alone, not in any of the meeting rooms or the offices, but rather in the dormitories. You can add those twos together with ease."
Specter: "Surely you jest, Orca? Are you suggesting that I could be so uncouth as to intentionally, naively, brazenly sling open the doors to the realm of intimacy between two entangled, probably very sweaty souls? Non-sense! I so confidently stride because I know that's not even a possibility!"
Skadi: "Elaborate. And seriously, slow down."
Specter: "Those two old wells haven't seen a trickle of moisture in years, I'd reckon. They are all-business, no non-sense, well oiled chaste tactical machines! Young, dumb and full of cum? Try old, cold, and full of mold! And I love them so, but let us be real for a microsecond, my little Orca, can you truly picture Swordfish and Miss Kal'tsit doing the Sargon Speedbump? Or the Laterano Excommunication? Perro Style? Get real, dearest, they are more likely to be playing checkers than they are to be making Bolivar Pancakes in there. And she's absolutely in there, reeks of that seawater with a tinge of warmth so characteristic of her behind this door."
Skadi: "First of all, never say any of those words ever again, but you're right, it smells like the Captain in there. There, past that door, with a plaque that very clearly reads 'Kal'tsit'. Let's, perhaps, mind our own business and just field your questions tomorrow early."
Specter: "You truly are insistent on these fantasies of yours, Skadi! It's so cute and endearing how you think that could even be possible! Ahem... Pardon, Swordfish, Miss Kal'tsit, I've got some inquiries regarding tomorrow's sortie that I was hoping to--"
*Specter opens the door and has a full frontal VIP seat peep at Gladiia running her hands deep inside of Kal'tsit's dress, half-lidded red eyes staring back at the intruding shark, straddling the doctor with her lithe yet strong frame, a cougar that's not yet had enough of its meal. The silence is filled only by greedy little gasps seeking to oxygenate two hearts that have very clearly not have had enough of each other just yet, an almost primal hunger in the two pairs of eyes that glared guillotines at the interloper, deafeningly silent yet clearly inquisitive as the trails of saliva that connected their lips lost its tension and threatened to snap*
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Skadi: "Hm. So, I tried to warn her, but--"
Specter: "Orca, look! Isn't it gallant, isn't it inspiring? Swordfish is hard at work, making a younger sibling for me! Oh, how splendid!"
Specter: "Oh, how simply joyous! Observe! Swordfish fully intends to cultivate that moist, fertile delta, and from it shall life spring! Orca, we'll care for a brave new Hunter soon, we must be on our best behavior and be good influ--"
Skadi: "With your pardon!"
*Skadi secures the interloping shark with a deft armlock and beats a hasty yet perfectly gallant retreat, closing the door behind her in such a hurry that the entirety of the landship shook. Many a Messenger on-board would remember this as the Localized Earthquake of 1099, which would go on to prompt emergency preparations for a sudden Catastrophe overnight, but that is a story for another time. Back in the dormitory room, as the younger Hunters exfiltrated themselves from the battlefield that was that room, after a cautionary yet eternal few minutes of silence and stillness, just in case that door decided to open again, the senior Hunter dismounted the doctor.*
Kal'tsit: "...Well? So what was that about?"
Gladiia: "My sincere apologies, Dame Kal'tsit, and you have my gratitude for having gone along with my drastic, sudden strategy."
Kal'tsit: "Don't worry about it. So?"
*Gladiia nods and, from a little corner behind Kal'tsit's bedside cupboard, carefully drags out a small table with a checkers board on it. The game is clearly quite progressed, with one side having a clear advantage.*
Gladiia: "I did not want Shark to see me, as some land-dwellers would put it, 'getting bodied' so badly in this showdown of ours."
Kal'tsit: "Because she would never let you hear the end of it?"
Gladiia: "Not for a couple of lifetimes, no."
Kal'tsit: "You have my sympathy and understanding, don't worry about it. Now..."
Gladiia: "...Yes. It's about time I reverse my fortune. Ready yourself, Dame Kal'tsit."
*Kal'tsit then proceeded to win the next game, as she did the previous seven, and they played lots more checkers afterwards*
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rubberduckrobin · 9 months
𝘚𝘰 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘋𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵.
Pairing: Barbatos x Reader (referred to as [Reader])
Type: Fluff (Christmas/Holiday/Winter fluff)
Word count: Around 2k.
Author’s note: Heyy! Thanks for checking this out. I’m obsessed with the new Barbatos card (the image for this fic) and it’s a shame I haven’t got it ugh. Happy holidays! 🎄
TW: A bit of alcohol but it’s just Asmo being a bit tipsy.
AO3 Link
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It’s cold, yet there’s warmth inside you. An unsettled desire brings hope to the chill.
Just a glance at him and your cheeks heat up. 
Fog puffs out in warm breaths, reminding you of how a child would imagine it to be like a dragon’s. 
Just a glance at him and time stops . 
Snow is falling.
Climbing the ladder, you steady yourself, wrapping the final string of lights against a pole.
As the lights are turned on, illuminating the entirety of the demon lord’s castle, you rush down the steps, only to fall backwards in a flurry. As swift as a winter’s solitary breeze, you are caught in the arms of none other than the man you had been infatuated with the entire duration of decorating - Barbatos. 
“Easy does it. There you are.��
As he stabilises your weight in his arms, there is a comforting, lingering touch. 
“Ahem. My apologies.”
“It’s ok-“
But as you try to step away from his grasp, his hands let go too quickly, causing you to tumble headfirst into the snow. (What a cliché.)
“Oh dear. [Reader], are you quite alright?” 
“Is that all you have to say? You seem to have taken more than just a tumble... It’s cold outside now. Allow me to take you home to warmth.”
“If your concern is missing the final product of our efforts,” he unplugs it from the power source, “we can admire the lights later. I must prioritise your wellbeing. I will take you home.”
He ushers you away, not allowing a word more. 
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As you walk beside him, you wonder if he's cold.
Nevermind . 
“What was the matter?”
“It’s nothing.”
“Surely it must be something.” 
“It’s alright.”
“All right, whatever pleases you.”
“Now I feel bad.”
“Then tell me, what were you going to say?”
“I was going to ask if you were cold.”
“I’m unaffected by the cold. But thank you for your concern… and you?”
“Why hadn’t you said so earlier?”
“Huh? Why?”
Is he going to offer his coat? His hand? (In marriage? You wished) 
“I could have gotten someone else to assist me with the lights.”
Oh. Ohh . 
“I saw you and wanted to help.”
“How generous of you… You’re shivering now, [Reader].” 
“I’m fine. We’re only a few minutes away.”
“It’s nice of you to walk me back. You know, we haven’t spoken properly like…ever. I always just see you running around for Lord Diavolo…”
“Running around? Is that how you see me?”
“Just an expression, but yeah, basically.”
“I see. And yes, I suppose you’re right. We haven’t spoken properly since your arrival here at the Devildom.” 
“Well, except for during the power cut. Remember?”
The darkness. It feels trapping yet too open. You can’t run, but everything can move and catch you. Waiting for the knife, or claws, or something. Something in your back.
Especially in a realm full of demons. 
“You were very shaken. For someone who had borne with the Devildom’s sky for around three weeks, I didn't expect you to have a fear of darkness.”
“Thanks back then, by the way.”
“It was only natural that I, the only one present in the hall at the time, were to be the one to comfort you.” 
“And you did it very well, so thank you, again.”
“Anytime, dear.”
“What did you just say?”
“Hm? Oh, nothing.”
“We are now reaching a part of the realm that is dark and is not lit with lamps. Watch your footing.”
A shudder, but not from the cold.
“Are you alright [Reader]?”
The darkness shrouds you but it’s less like a hug and more like suffocation. 
“Ah, I see.”
He takes your hand.
It’s warm. 
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As you enter the lounge of the House of Lamentation, the change of temperature brings you to shiver again.
“Hm? I’m fine.”
“You’re shivering.”
“Only slightly.”
“I shan't allow that.”
“I’m fine, I promise.”
“Take a seat.”
“I said-”
“No. Not another word.”
“What did I just say.”
He ushers you to the velvet couch and finds a conveniently placed blanket nearby to wrap around you. 
“What is the matter?”
“You’re acting like a doting mother.”
“I suppose I am.”
You share a laugh, his one much more muffled, and he leaves, “I’ll be right back [Reader]”.
The fireplace in front of you dances warmly. 
Dancing…oh yes, there was going to be a ball tomorrow. Apparently, Lord Diavolo hosts it every year.
What do you wear? You don’t have anything nice to wear and there isn’t any time to buy anything. Maybe you can borrow something from Asmodeus?
“I brought you a drink.”
Barbatos elegantly pours a generous amount of a deep scarlet liquid from a well-polished bottle (which seems that it could be the price of your home) and then one for himself.
“What is it?”
As he hands it to you, you smell a thick aroma of red wine and spices. The glass heats your frozen fingertips. However nice the feeling of warmth or even the gesture, you can’t accept it. You don’t like alcohol. 
“I’m sorry, I’m not really keen on alcohol.”
“Oh, I see,” he takes both wine glasses in his hand, and sets them on a table just as gracefully as he had made the drinks, “Ah right, I see that an alcoholic beverage wouldn’t have necessarily helped anyway, it would have left you dehydrated. Would you prefer something smoother? Like hot chocolate?”
“Yes, I would love that. If you don’t mind, that is.”
“It would be my pleasure. How are you feeling?”
“I told you earlier, I’m fin-“
It was the most inconvenient time to sneeze, but it’s not like you could hold it in. 
“I didn’t want you getting in a state of unwell, especially the day before Lord Diavolo’s ball, now here we are. Humans get sick so easily…” 
“I’m not sick, it was just a sneeze.”
“It’s a sign of the nasty presence of a virus and although it may have been dispersed through the sneeze, we don’t want to take the risk of late treatment. I’ll get your drink. You need warmth.”
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After a long night of indecision on treatment of your oncoming cold, warm drinks and conversation, you decide to retire to your room.
“Thank you, Barbatos.”
“Do you feel better now?”
You’ve given up explaining that it really was just a sneeze, so you just go along with it now. 
“Yes. Night night!”
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The day of the ball. (Of course, this is how all romantic party settings are set to be described.)
You feel like a princess. Not that you have the clothing for it, but you feel like Cinderella - who technically didn't have a dress either. 
You remember one of the topics of conversation with Barbatos last night:
“Ah, I don’t even have a dress! What am I gonna do?”
“I can find one for you.”
“Would you really?”
“I have the capability of doing so, yes.”
“So last minute?”
“…being completely honest, I've had one prepared for you already.”
“What? For how long exactly?”
“The day after the power cut, when the ball was first announced.”
“I thought you might not have anything due to your abrupt arrival here.”
“Well, you were right. You’re always right.”
“Am I?”
He really is.
“Then we’ll see if the attire I chose for you suits you as much as I thought it would, then I will count it as being ‘always right.’”
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He hasn’t given you the dress yet. You wonder when it will arrive. 
Just then, you notice something in the corner of your eye, hung on your wardrobe door.
It’s red. Your favourite colour. How did he know?
A label attached reads: 
“The red compliments your complexion really well and matches the theme of the ball. I do hope you find it suitable.
Signed, Barbatos. x ”
Kiss. A kiss at the end. 
But what has captured your attention more is how perfect the dress really is.
It’s like he knew you’d always wanted to wear a dress such as this one, and also how you don’t like to show off.
It’s the perfect line between elegance, glamour and comfort both physically and socially. 
It’s perfect.
He’s always right. 
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The ball passes, not quickly, not slowly, but just how something enjoyable would pass by in the present. 
You find yourself first at the buffet, as all parties should start with a satisfied stomach (the devil fondue was especially good, but your favourite was the dark chocolate berries from the human world), then in newfound confidence, you join the brothers to dance.
Mammon is the first to snatch you. It’s only natural, as he was your first. 
Satan and Mammon have a row, in which you have to break apart, only to be stolen by Asmodeus. 
In the final spin with Asmo, you find yourself in between Beelzebub and Belphegor, Belphie being a surprisingly good dancer, despite seeming lazy (Beel, not so much.)
Taken by the waist, Simeon guides you to Solomon whilst dancing (quite horribly, but it’s at a tremendous effort at the very least), and Solomon dips you, most likely having stolen the move from a dance show back in the human world. 
Luke asks to dance, and you let him spin you, before you realise you are now in the centre of the ballroom again. 
Lucifer asks to dance. Diavolo asks to dance.
Where is Barbatos? 
Yes, it was great having everyone fight for your attention; you felt adored and appreciated. It was fun. 
But why did you care so much about Barbatos? He was all you could think about. 
“[Reader], are you okay? You seem to be getting tired?”
“Sorry, Diavolo.”
“It’s alright.”
He guides you to the balcony.
“Perhaps get some quiet here.”
The cool breeze feels nice.
“I have to keep an eye on our guests. Have a great evening.”
“Thank you, you too.”
All the dancing has left you in a sweat, so you don’t notice the cold.
Your mind inevitably drifts back to the thought of Barbatos. He’s probably helping with serving guests. 
How romantic would it be that he joins you on the balcony? The lights of distant homes and of the decorations you had put up with him, colours moulding together, only your eyes on him, and his eyes on you. 
Not everything is convenient like that, unfortunately. But wouldn’t it be so romantic?
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“I was looking for you .”
Noticing your obsessive thoughts earlier, you had gone looking for Barbatos. You’re not surprised at all that you found him in the kitchen, sorting out drinks. However, what does surprise you is his lack of formality as he leans against the countertop, hand on his forehead.
He’s stressed. 
“My apologies, you haven’t caught me at the right time.”
He stands upright.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m quite alright.”
“Now, this is one of the moments where you’re wrong.”
He remains silent.
“You’re stressed aren’t you? I’m sure Lord Diavolo won’t mind if you take a break. There’s many other servers.”
Just as you say that, one walks in the room.
“I’ll take those drinks, Barbatos!”
This is definitely more conveniently timed than your sneeze earlier.
“Are you certain? All right.”
“So, Barbatos. How about that break?” you break in before he has even the slightest chance to start making new drinks.
“Alright, fine. Only because it’s you. Humans are so persistent that it's bothersome.”
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What’s the best way to relax? 
“Barbatos, what do you want to do on your break?”
“First of all, I would like to tell you how stunning you look tonight.”
“Me? Really? I’m like a speck of dust compared to all of the other beautiful people in this hall.”
“I haven’t noticed. I seem to only have eyes for you.”
“That was horribly cringey.”
“I am aware. I evoke that statement.”
“Second of all, would you like to-“
Before he can finish, a drunken Asmo latches onto you.
“Hey, little lamb, are you enjoying the ball?”
“You’ve had way too much alcohol, Asmodeus, you reek of it,” Barbatos cuts in, pulling him off of you, somehow making it seem way less awkward. “I’m sorry, [Reader], allow me to quickly hand Asmodeus to Lucifer’s or Solomon's care.” 
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Over the night, Barbatos keeps getting interrupted. He always manages to find you, but every time he does, he seems to end up working again. 
“What happened to your break?”
“I am truly sorry, [Reader].”
You feel horrible.
Surely one moment away won’t cause havoc, right?
“Come with me.”
No guts to grab his hand, but you make sure to look behind you to see if he follows you.
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Your wine red dress trails in the snow as you head to the outside gazebo.
Barbatos attempts to pick it up, but you tell him it’s fine.
“You need to relax. It’s a party. I know you’re working, but still. You should enjoy it too.”
Only now do you notice his attire is a bit different to usual.
“Is that a new suit?”
“Yes. Lord Diavolo wouldn’t let me have it any other way.”
“It looks really good on you.”
“Thank you.”
“What did you want to do on your break earlier, before we were so rudely interrupted…many times…”
“I wanted to ask, would you like to dance?”
“Oh, well it’s a bit late for that now. The ball is just about to end, and we’re outside now. And I bet we’ll be interrupted when we go back in again.” 
“I wanted to dance with you. I don’t necessarily need music to do so. I’ve been left waiting for quite a while now so I really don’t care so much about the environment we will be in to do so anyway.”
“Are you sure?”
One step. Two steps. In elegance you glide. His confident hands trail your lower back as he pulls you close to him. 
Once again you notice breaths puffing out like a dragon, the warmth of his meeting your cheeks. Noses just barley apart, he feels cold. 
“Are you cold now?”
“Not in the slightest.”
“It feels awkward without music.”
“I can hear it from afar, can’t you?”
“I can’t really focus on that right now.”
“Oh, really? Why?”
“We’re…very close right now.”
“This is the manner in which you dance with someone at such a formal gathering, is it not?”
“Very close.”
He pulls away, and lets you spin.
“Apologies. I suppose I was cold and had to hold you closer.”
“You just said you weren’t!”
As you twirl once more he catches you and you hear the music in the distance stop. 
“That was the last dance.”
“Doesn’t mean we have to stop, does it?“
“Just how desperate were you to dance with me?”
“The whole night. Perhaps more.”
You pull out your D.D.D and it starts blasting a really embarrassing song.
“Shit- Sorry. Whoops. Ignore that. Um, give me a song.”
“I quite liked the sound of that one.”
“You’re joking. Give me a classical one, like the ones being played in the hall.” 
He recommends a song. 
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After your dance, the snow gets heavier. You’re trapped under the gazebo now. With him.
What a cliché! You can’t believe your luck!
“How was my dancing skills?”
“Of course-“
Mocking a face of arrogance, you look up. But…
There’s mistletoe.
“You hadn’t noticed before?”
“And you had?!”
“Oh gosh. Alright.”
You notice his hand as it rides up your arm. His eyes deepen in affection.
He leans in. 
“Are you going to kiss me?”
“If you insist.”
“I insist.”
And colours blend as you wanted it to.
It's only your eyes on him, and his eyes on you. 
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End author’s note: I hope you enjoyed! I posted this just in time for Christmas…Happy holidays and have an amazing new year! 🎆
Speaking of new years, that reminds me of fireworks…hey, this is shameful advertising but check out my Diavolo fic based on fireworks. 🥰 LMAOO
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marvelandhobbit · 3 months
Heart of Middle Earth Chapter 2 - “Two Fateful Encounters: The Meetings that Changed Everything (Or Did They?)”
You and Gandalf approach the hobbit hole that you’ve seen in the movies. You notice that Bilbo is sitting outside smoking his pipe. When he notices both of you he says good morning.
“What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning or do you mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not? Or perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on this particular morning? Or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on? Hm?” 
“All of them at once, I suppose,” Bilbo seemed confused but then again so were you even after seeing this scene many times.
“Can I help you?”
Gandalf looks at Bilbo intently before replying, “That remains to be seen. I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure.”
“An adventure? No, I don't imagine anyone west of Bree would have much interest in adventures. Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things. Make you late for dinner. Heh, heh. Mm. Huh. Hmm. Oh. Ah. Good morning.”
“To think that I should have lived to be "good morninged" by Belladonna Took's son as if I were selling buttons at the door.”
“Beg your pardon?”
“You've changed, and not entirely for the better, Bilbo Baggins.”
“I'm sorry, do I know you?”
“Well, you know my name, although you don't remember I belong to it. I'm Gandalf. And Gandalf means... …me."
“Gandalf? Not Gandalf the wandering Wizard... ...who made such excellent fireworks? Old Took used to have them on Midsummer's Eve. Heh, heh. Ahem. No idea you were still in business.”
“And where else should I be?”
“Where else...? Ahem.”
“Well, I'm pleased to find you remember something about me... ...even if it's only my fireworks. Yes. Well, that's decided. It'll be very good for you.”
Bilbo looks at Gandalf confused.
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“And most amusing for me. I shall inform the others.”
“Inform the who? What? No. No. No... Wait. We do not want any adventures here, thank you. Not today. Not... I suggest you try Over the Hill or Across the Water. Good morning.”
Bilbo slammed his door shut, leaving you and Gandalf near his gate wondering what just happened.
Gandalf looked down at you,“He’ll come around to the idea eventually. I’m sure of it.”
Timeskip -
After meeting Bilbo Baggins, you and Gandalf walked over to the western side of the shire to await the arrival of the dwarves. Once you get there, you see two dwarves walking over a hill, one with dark brown hair and one with hair as golden as the sun.
“Ah, here they come,” Gandalf notes.
When the two dwarves reach you, they bow to both of you and introduce themselves.
“At your service,” they added simultaneously.
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“Gandalf, at yours.”
“And what your name?” Fili asks, looking at you intently.
“Y/n Y/l/n.”
“Ah, a beautiful name for a beautiful lady.”
Your cheeks go red, “Thank you,” is all you can manage to squeak out.
“You two keep going to the meeting place, Ms. Y/ln and I will wait here until the others arrive,” Gandalf told the two dwarves.
“Very well. I’ll hope to see you later tonight Ms. Y/n.”
Feeling a sudden sense of courage, you manage to respond, “I hope to see you as well.”
When the other dwarves finally come over the hill and introduce themselves to you, you all start heading back to the hobbit hole. When you all arrive and knock on the door, Bilbo opens it very quickly and the dwarves who had their ears against the door listening fell down upon his threshold.
“Get off, you big lump!”
Gandalf pokes his head through the door.
“Gandalf,” Bilbo sighs.
After finally getting through the door, you realize how much of a mess the other four dwarves have made and you start wondering how much more mess these other dwarves will make. You sit down near the big dining table that Bilbo has in his house and notice poor Bilbo running back and forth, trying to keep his house neat and tidy.
“Those are my… Excuse me, not my wine! Put that back. Put that back! Not the jam, please. Excuse me. Ex…Excuse me. A tad excessive, isn’t it? Have you got a cheese knife?”
“A cheese knife? He eats it by the block,” Bofur remarks.
“No no, that’s Grandpa Mungo’s chair, no…uh, so is that. Take it back, please. Take it back, this is antique, not for sitting on. Thank you. That is a book, not a coaster. Uh…put that map down.”
“Excuse me, Mr. Gandalf,” Dori asks.
“May I tempt you with a cup of chamomile?”
“Ooh, no thank you, Dori. A little red wine, for me I think.”
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Dori pours Gandalf’s red wine into a cup that seems normal size to you, but to Gandalf it is miniature.
“Would you care for any Ms. Y/n?”
“I would love some chamomile please!”
As you drink your tea, Gandalf counts the dwarves to see if everyone has arrived, though you know there is still one missing.
“Uh..Fili, Kili. Uh…Oin, Gloin. Dwalin, Balin. Bifur, Bofur, Bombur. Dori, Nori.”
“No, no. Not my prize winners, thank you.”
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“Yes, you are quite right, Bifur. We appear to be one dwarf short,” Gandalf remarks.
“He is late, is all. He traveled north to a meeting of our kin, he will come,” Dwalin responds.
Gandalf finally grabs ahold of the frantic Bilbo.
“My dear Bilbo, what on earth is the matter?”
“What’s the matter? I am surrounded by dwarves. What they’re doing here?”
“Oh, they’re quite a merry gathering, once you get used to them.”
“I don’t want to get used to them. Look at the state of my kitchen! There’s mud trod in the carpet, they…they’ve pillaged the pantry! I’m not even gonna tell you what they’ve done in the bathroom, they’ve all but destroyed the plumbing! I don’t understand what they’re doing in my house!”
“Excuse me, I’m sorry to interrupt. But what should do with my plate?” Ori asks.
Fili appears by your right shoulder and whispers to you, “Watch this!”
You realize what’s about to happen next.
“Here you go, Ori, give it to me,” Fili says.
That's what Bilbo Baggins Hates!
At some point during their merry song, Fili grabs your arm and swings you around. You may have stepped on his toes once or twice but he doesn't seem to mind at all.
When the dwarves finish their song, there is a loud knock on the door.
"He is here."
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know if you have any suggestions! I'm hoping to open requests soon for one-shots or future series.
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starfallcity · 3 months
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Brought to you by Starfall's longest-running magazine, providing you with quality content about the latest news, trends, and high life of Starfall's elites.
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This season is all about love- whether it's romantic or not, this issue of THE ECLIPSE has something for everyone, starring the heartthrob taking social media by storm. Founder and CEO of Dr. Love, and runner of the newest late-night show with a 'zine of his own on the way: everyone, welcome Cupid Amoré!
Interviewer: Thank you, Mr. Amoré for taking the time to sit with us. We know you must be busy.
Cupid: It's no problem at all! I'm honored you thought I was important enough to interview- the email startled me so bad I had to step away from my laptop! It was a little embarrassing...
I: Well I'm glad you found it so exciting! Getting straight into it, what are the basics of what you'd want the readers to know?
C: Hm. [pause] Obviously, there's my name, but that's likely been plastered all over the page by now. [chuckles] I guess from there it'd be my age, and so on- 34, as of right now. I'm a huge romantic- if you couldn't tell already. Mmn... [another pause] I don't really have a lot of nicknames- most people usually call me by my first name. Either that or my last. My favorite of all of them is 'squish', though. My sister gave it to me when I was younger.
I: 34? Wow! You seemed a lot younger- I wouldn't have guessed from your socials. And "Squish"- is there a particular reason behind it?
C: My sister would just say it's because my face was so fat. [sigh, a tired smile spreads on his face] She wasn't wrong, but I still want to whack her for it.
I: Siblings, am I right? Moving on, would you mind explaining the whole deal on your company, Dr. Love? It feels like it sprung up out of nowhere!
C: Well, I've actually run Dr. Love as a small online business for a while now, but only in recent months have we actually expanded into a "real" company. We sell products- mostly themed around couples, though our products can be bought by and gifted to anyone. Candies, cards, bouquets, etcetera. We even have a matchmaking service, and- ahem- 'items' for our older clients to enjoy on sale. Those ones are part of a...slightly different brand, though- the same one used for our late night show.
I: I see...it's nice to see you've taken the time to separate your adult and general brands. What inspired you to take this route? The type of business, I mean.
C: Love, of course! [chuckles] To be more specific, my love of love. I've lived in this city all my life- seen a manner of nasty things come about. I think if people took the time to slow down, and really take the time to appreciate themselves and the people around them- to interact without judgement, that Starfall can become a much better place. Too many people are on edge; trust is low- kindness to strangers is seen as some sort of novelty. If my company can help open hearts and change minds, well, I'd find that just wonderful.
I: An altruistic approach- don't you feel that's a bit naïve? With all the conflicts between humans and non-humans, not to mention the looming possibility of....well, I'm sure you've gotten your fair share of concerning fanmail yourself.
C: I have, and really, both of those issues are tragic to me, in a way. People are averse to change- I can see why someone with no experience would find the sudden appearance of non-humans jarring. Except, they aren't sudden- not in Starfall. They've been a long-standing part of our history. To try and push them out because of some sort of purity complex is, pardon my harsh words, stupid. Stupid and ignorant.
C: And yes, that 'possibility' you've mentioned. I can't judge those people too harshly. At the end of the day, that type of behavior is more than your standard pushy fan. It's a sign of something deeper- it's something innate in that person. [frowns] I can't help but feel sad thinking about it. There are people who need help in this city. Real help. They're disturbed, but they're still people. I doubt they actively choose to be the way they are- it's unfortunate.
I: ...Of course. How genuine of you, Mr. Amoré. Aside from your business career, what can we come to expect from you? Publicity wise.
C: Of course there's the show- thinking about it is still nerve wracking, but I'll live. It's a late night show, nothing explicit, but I suggest streaming it after the young'ins have gone to bed. [winks] For our younger fluttering hearts, though, our magazine is all-ages, with an advice column for those struggling hearts in our community. We've been considering featuring some local stories in our magazine as well- meet cutes, self love stories...just things that make you feel fuzzy inside, you know?
I: Looks like we may have a bit of competition, eh? We're looking forward to its official release! Wrapping up now, any final words you have or our readers?
C: I am too. As for final words, not many, surprisingly. I just wish to thank those who have supported me up until this point, and welcome all those who decide to join the little community we've crafted. I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have without your help. Other than that, continue to spread as much love as you can- you never know who really needs it.
I: A touching message. Thank you again, Mr. Amoré, we appreciate you coming in and answering our questions. For our readers who want more of Starfall's newest star, be sure to check out the information listed below about his upcoming projects. Thank you for your time, and stay tuned for the next issue of THE ECLIPSE!
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homosexualjavert · 5 months
WELL I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT INSPECTORS' WAGES ARE, if you will pardon my French, ABSOLUTE HORSESHIT. Good thing M. Fauchelevant took you in like a stray cat caught in the rain out of "obligation" or you would still be wearing the same threadbare clothes I remember you wearing in M-sur-M, over a decade ago. Do you get a paid sick leave? Seeing how you are not paying rent anymore, perhaps your pay can go towards a new coat?
More importantly, you were seriously injured?! What happened?? I suppose your line of work is quite dangerous, but regardless. I almost feel bad for calling you medium-ugly seeing how you are essentially crippled at the moment (almost). How are you feeling now? Will you make a full recovery?
Also, "rude" is not quite the term I would call myself- "brutally honest", more like. You can blame it on me being about 15-20 years your junior and naturally distrusting of law enforcement. I don't intend any genuine disrespect to your character, of course. I think Monsieur Fauchelevant would give me a disapproving look and stern talking-to if I did.
I am... reluctant to admit that you are, as of right now, not as bad as I recall. Perhaps that is your "friend's" doing, despite you stating that he hates the poor and children. Although seeing him give alms on occasion and his interactions with his daughter leads me to believe otherwise. And no doubt your injury had the man playing nursemaid for the past two months: it would explain why I have not been seeing him in town nearly as often as I used to!
-- M.M.
"Took me in like a stay cat" is hardly accurate. He took me in more like a very angry, very confused half-drowned cat. I imagine it was more unpleasant for him than it was for me, even with my leg.
I have informed Monsieur le Prefect about the situation, who was... weirdly kind about it. Said all this hogwash about how I was a "valued officer" and "of course I could take as long as I needed with such a serious injury" and "they all cared about me" and "perhaps I needed the break since I'm getting on in years" or whatever. I'm 52! That's hardly old enough to retire.
I am... I suppose the injury is serious. As I said, I was thrown into a particularly dangerous part of the Seine river as... a result, of the June Revolution. I am not a cripple! I am feeling... Well, my leg is healing. It seems my leg will recover in time, however I may walk with a limp. Hmph.
Why on earth would you distrust the la... Oh. Hm. Well, Monsieur Fauchelevant probably would.
I apprecate your opinion of my character, obviously. Almost as if you aren't a total stranger. And just because he hates the poors doesn't mean he can't help them. Ahem.
Wait. You live in Paris? Who...?
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asoundofdrop · 5 months
A/N: Trying to write Aventurine on top of a very energetic OC for the first time was... an experience LMAO. If you happen to enjoy this work, thank you very much. CW: Xiwu gets hit by a car but it's all dandy, brief mentions of alcohol, OOC-ness and not beta read, pre-2.2 release
Before coming to Penacony, Xiwu had no idea that price tags could be so long. But then again, a lot of these clothes and accessories were shinier and fancier than what she normally saw. Such a thing couldn’t be helped, she supposed, though it did make her think about how many centuries of saving credits it would take before she could afford a piece.
What was it that March said? Something like, if it was made completely from scratch, it was bound to be expensive because it means they were… they were… “hot culture”? Sounded close enough. But aren’t all things made from scratch? What’s the difference?
She couldn’t remember how the conversation continued from there.
“Ms. Xiwu?”
“Hm? This voice…” She turned around, and was met with a blonde man wearing a fancy blue-green suit and a pair of gold-rimmed shades. With a cheery grin, she greeted, “Mr. Jinkou!”
The man blinked and awkwardly laughed.
“Ah… pardon?”
Xiwu hadn’t intended to blurt that out. She corrected herself, “Um… Mr. Aventurine!”
With how purposefully she said it, he wondered if “Mr. Jinkou” was his designated nickname… Perhaps he should ask later how she came upon it.
“I didn’t think I would run into you here,” she remarked.
“Neither did I, my friend.” Aventurine then noticed the mess of ice cream at the corner of her mouth. “Maybe I should have expected that even a doctor cannot resist Penacony’s finest treats.”
Seeing her confusion, he tapped his own face with a finger.
“Ah…!” Xiwu hurriedly swiped off the mess with a thumb and cleared her throat, pretending her face wasn’t flushed with embarrassment. “Ahem… so, what brings you here?”
“It seems, after completing my mission, the IPC saw fit to give me the next few weeks off as vacation. I thought I’d start off by visiting the boutiques here. The watches they sell here are one-of-a-kind, or so I’ve been told by many.”
She gasped. With a hand to her mouth, she panicked, “Watches? Is yours broken? We didn’t break it earlier, did we—?”
Aventurine chuckled and waved it off.
“You’re working yourself up over nothing, my friend. It’s still perfectly fine, which is rather lucky with all things considered. But… it doesn’t hurt to add to my collection.”
“Ohh, I see.”
Xiwu sighed in relief.
Her relaxed cheeriness immediately came back, as if their “fight to the death” in the plaza never happened. Aventurine approached her with the expectation that she would warily watch every move he made. Even if she wasn’t the particularly cautious type, she knew nothing about him.
So to be proven wrong like this… was a strange surprise.
“Say, how about you join me for today?” he suggested.
“Hmm…” Xiwu tilted her head as she contemplated the choice. “I’m happy with the offer, but I don’t really know how to… what’s the word… appraise? I don’t really know how to appraise these things. Maybe someone else from the Express could make better company for this.”
“That’s perfectly fine,” he assured her. “I wanted to invite you specifically to relax and chat with me. Such opportunities are rare in this line of work anyway, especially in my position.”
“When you put it that way, sure! I’ll come along.”
With her hands tucked behind her back and large exaggerated steps, Xiwu followed beside him. Her head constantly turned as she looked at the displays. On the other hand, Aventurine seemed much more accustomed to the scenery.
She began to wonder if he was bored already.
“You’re staring at me,” he playfully said. “What’s on your mind, dear Nameless?”
“Oh, well, it’s just that you don’t seem very impressed. I guess when you’re so high up with a company like the IPC, you see these kinds of sparkly things everyday.”
“Perhaps. It’s certainly important to be knowledgable and well-acquainted with the finer things in life to establish relations with the wealthy,” he agreed. “But it’s not like this is all I surround myself with. I did agree to a friendship with you and the Express, didn’t I?”
“That’s true, even if it’s difficult to imagine you… well, somewhere else.”
“Haha! I suppose that’s a compliment.”
Before Aventurine could continue, Xiwu suddenly stopped in her tracks and pointed past him: “Ah! Look at that!”
She approached the display, hovering so close that her breath left a light fog on the glass. The Stoneheart stood beside her to take a closer look.
“I suppose the craftsmanship is decent… Though I’m surprised something like this caught your eye,” he said.
“Cause it looks like the one you wore when we first met.”
Aventurine inspected it again. It was a dark blue top hat, most likely made of satin—he assumes. The black band was decorated with a matching half-ribbon, a buckle embedded with a bright blue jewel, and two overtly large feathers. Goose feathers? He couldn’t help but wonder if Xiwu rarely saw such hats before to immediately compare this to his.
“Doesn’t it?” she pressed, her eyes large and expectant.
“Ah. I’m… flattered.”
And certainly, there was… some respect, if that was the word he had to use, to be had for how Xiwu could turn conversations as she pleased.
“Why don’t we look inside this one?” she suggested. “Maybe we’ll find a good watch for you!”
She was already running into the boutique, not that Aventurine had a particular reason to refuse. As soon as the store worker noticed the Stoneheart, he quickly bowed low and eagerly greeted, “Welcome, esteemed guest! Please feel free to ask for assistance!”
Of course, Aventurine saw how the worker eyed his accessories so closely. No one could miss such a flagrant flash of gold.
“Certainly,” he said as he nonchalantly handed over a wad of credits.
He didn’t keep exact count, but it was somewhere around ten thousand credits. That was the amount he usually passed out as goodwill.
“Mr. Aventurine, look at this!”
Xiwu gestured at him from the back of the store, where they kept the array of watches for sale in a glass case. Her eyes were focused on a pale yellow watch with green-tipped feathers—thankfully not too bright to look at for a long time. Though if Aventurine had to comment, he was beginning to think that she had come to associate him with all birds regardless of the kind or color.
“An ordinary watch, it seems. Or rather…”
The store worker from before shuffled over to assist: “The madam has a wonderful eye! You see, our Dreamscape watchmakers took inspiration from the Origami birds that helped build Penacony. This watch can be folded and tucked into any place for safekeeping.”
He was watching them like a hawk.
Aventurine redirected his attention to the watch. It wasn’t cheaply made, to be sure, and Xiwu seemed so proud of her find.
He eventually settled with: “A kind suggestion, Ms. Xiwu, but I’m not particularly concerned about misplacing my things.”
She took it well in stride and nodded. She then furrowed her brows as she continued looking over the display, while Aventurine kept her in his peripherals.
The Stoneheart definitely had his fair share of people kissing up to him, hoping for a chance to borrow or even take some of his influence. With those years of observation, he could only say… Xiwu’s attempts, if it could be called that, are comparably… earnest. Why? What was the point of it?
“What about this one, Mr. Aventurine?”
“Which one?”
The store worker realized which one Xiwu had been pointing at and spoke up, “Ah, another excellent suggestion from the madam! It is made to reflect the wearer’s mood, you see. This is a feat that only Penacony’s finest watchmakers can achieve!”
“That sounds cool, doesn’t it!” Xiwu asked, rather giddy.
“Why don’t you try it on for yourself?” the store worker suggested. “Perhaps the madam can go first?”
The store worker took the watch from the case and adeptly tied the band around Xiwu’s wrist. Within seconds, the case changed colors and the band became sparkling gold.
“It appears that the madam is quite happy,” he announced.
“Whoaa! Mr. Aventurine, look, look! I wonder how they did that… C’mon, you should try it too.”
“Well, I can’t possibly refuse such enthusiasm. If you don’t mind, sir.”
Aventurine himself was becoming curious what the watch would sense in him. He held out his own wrist and the store worker quickly transferred it over. Suddenly, the seconds felt like minutes as he stared at the case intensely. Surely it would say the same thing as it did for Xiwu…?
The case grew dark and the band became a dull silver. As if that wasn’t enough, it felt as though the small clock hands were trembling within the case.
“Ah, um… it appears the esteemed guest is feeling anxious,” the store worker announced after checking several times.
“Hm? Anxious…?” Xiwu repeated.
Laughter filled the corner of the boutique as Aventurine swiftly took off the watch and returned it to the store worker’s hands.
“Perhaps there might be a manufacturing error,” he said. “Either way, it would be much more easier if I were to just switch out my watches.”
“That can’t possibly—.”
Aventurine placed a stack of twenty thousand credits in the store worker’s hands. Yes, that had to be the explanation, he was sure of it. What could he be anxious about in this moment? There was nothing at stake, nothing to be gambled for. The watch had to have been broken someway somehow.
“Thank you for your service. Hopefully, you will re-examine the watch in a timely manner, and I just might return to this lovely establishment another day.” He then faced Xiwu and gestured towards the door. “I’m feeling a bit parched at the moment. Why don’t we go for some refreshments before we continue?”
Xiwu blinked, confused at the change of pace.
“Oh um, okay.”
Aventurine was quiet as they stepped out. His face hadn’t changed at all, but Xiwu couldn’t shake off the possibility that he was displeased.
Could it be…? That she wasn’t a good enough shopping partner?! That had to be it, it must be because her choices were so awful that his mood had been horribly soured beyond repair! He was only saying all those things to be polite! This wouldn’t have happened if it was Mr. Yang or Ms. Himeko! Quick, how would they help him feel better?
“Um… uh, so where did you want to go for refreshments, Mr. Aventurine?” she sheepishly asked.
He must have been deep in thought. It took a while for him to answer.
“There’s a small bar in Aideen Park. I’m sure you’ll enjoy their selections.”
“Oh… bleh, beer.” Xiwu realized what she had said aloud and backtracked, “I mean! Um… it sounds like a… very sophisticated place to be…?”
Aventurine chuckled. It was still difficult to gauge his mood, but maybe he wasn’t as angry as she initially thought.
“You have no need to worry, my friend. Bars don’t only serve alcohol, especially the ones here in Penacony. They’ll hardly mind serving you SoulGlad straight from the bottle.”
He caught onto the way she tried to tiptoe around him. She must still be wary from earlier as expected, and she was only trying to stay in his good graces out of caution.
“Wait, Mr. Aventurine.”
But then again, as he thought back on it, she didn’t look that terrified during the confrontation… How much did it really weigh on her mind?
“Mr. Aventurine?”
Understanding each Express member will help in future collaborations, certainly, but two of the members thus far have proven to be slightly more difficult than Aventurine anticipated.
“Mr. Aventurine, move over!”
He was jarred out of his head when he was pushed forward. He quickly regained balance, but he heard a loud yelp and honking from just behind him.
“M-Ms. Xiwu??”
By the time he turned around, Xiwu was already on the floor. The vehicle swerved around her fallen body and drove off without losing speed. Before he could reach a hand out, she sat up with large tears welling up in her eyes.
“Owww!! That hurts a lot!!” she cried.
“Apologies, my friend. I was… preoccupied and…”
Xiwu gingerly rubbed at her hip for a few moments. She then blinked and slowly stood up, her tears disappearing just as quickly.
“Oh, right… They said things don’t really hurt in this dream world. Phew, but that was a bit scary. At least it wasn’t that big of a car.” She looked into Aventurine’s eyes, so directly he was nearly startled, and asked, “What about you? I didn’t push you too hard, did I?”
“No...? You didn’t.”
“Okay, back to Aideen Park then!”
A genuine burst of laughter unexpectedly left Aventurine’s mouth, earning a stare of bewilderment.
“You’re too funny, Ms. Xiwu! I wasn’t expecting your concern was… for me, I suppose. And I must say… how should I put it? You certainly have a talent for brushing things off.”
Xiwu puffed up her chest as if she was rather proud. Mr. Aventurine wasn’t angry with her after all! Or if he was, he certainly isn’t right now. This made her quite relieved.
“Hehe! I’m very mature like Ms. Himeko and Mr. Yang, right? You see, with age comes wisdom!” she said. “ ‘You mustn’t let grudges ruin the beauty of flowers’! Or… uh, wait… that line didn’t come out right. How did they say it in the drama… Mrgh… I can’t remember…”
Wait... with age? Aventurine repeated to himself. He had no time to properly ponder this new piece of information.
She grew embarrassed again as she struggled with her memory. To fill the suddenly unbearable silence, Xiwu started tugging on his sleeves forward—which he had to note, was not in the direction of Aideen Park.
“Anyways! Let’s go, Mr. Aventurine! Some ice cream will make anyone feel better and then we can go back to shopping until you find something you like! And then your trip won’t be a waste and you won’t regret hanging out with me!”
“Wait, wait, Ms. Xiwu! You’re stretching the sleeve!”
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faruzxn · 10 months
Excuse me, but do you happen to be Madame Faruzan?
I… I’ve travelled all the way from Veluriyam Mirage and I believe I am most likely lost.
I interrupted somebody on my path to ask if somebody could help me with my predicament, and they sent me to you. They said you have much knowledge and would be the best person for the job~
I hope I’m not interrupting anything?
~ @hydro-eidolon-kaveh-official
Oh? Kaveh, did you.. dye your hair..? How did you get your eyes to change color also..
Hm? Veluriyam Mirage? Hm. I do not believe I’ve ever head of the place.. Agh.. Pardon me, in my old age I forget most things like this.
Hm.. Me? Much knowledge. Hm! How flattering. Who told you this anyway?
Ahem, no, fret not, Youngster, I’m sure I know something. I only need to jog my memory a bit.
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draconicfool · 24 days
@crimsononiarataki replied to your post “"I got blessed with th' most bangin' body and yet...”:
"I beg your fuckin' pardon?"
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"Uh- ahem- I mean uh- hm- I dug m'self a hole here..."
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emuotori-realest · 11 months
hiya, Emu-kun!! hm... you didn't hear it from me, but i believe a certain friend of ours- ahem, @nene-kusanagi-wxs , ahem, pardon me, not sure where that cough's from- would like to have a chat with you!!
oooo!! okay! i love chatting with nene-chan!! :D
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dotster001 · 1 year
Sherry's Route: Chapter Two
A/N: I want to keep the immersion, but making this last for thirty chapters makes me impatient. Ah well, I'll do it for you guys!
Previous Chapter. Next Chapter
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"Why, are you interested?"
You pulled sharply away, saying "No!" A bit too loudly, while feeling your cheeks warm.
Sherry narrowed her eyes, grin never leaving her face.
"I don't think I believe you," she sighed, dramatically. "See, my brother is a lonely man, and I want him to be happy. Happy with a paramour. But the thing is, he hasn't been drawn to anyone yet."
She gave a playful wink.
"Until you, that is. He's so intrigued that he stayed up all night."
Your cheeks warmed even more than they already were.
"He doesn't even know me!"
"It's love at first sight!"
"Ahem." You both looked up, seeing Roy patiently standing in front of your desks.
You buried your face in your hands, embarrassment seeping through your bones. Meanwhile Sherry just gave a friendly wave.
"Hello, brother. I'm just filling in our Y/N on how to change water into wine."
"Is that so? Then why does poor Y/N seem so stressed?"
You could feel both of them staring at you.
You say:
"Actually, I'm nervous because..."
"Sherry told me that you..."
"just the wine thing. Nothing else."
"The truth is, it's because they are nervous about their skill levels. Especially since someone as skilled as you is teaching them."
You peaked through your fingers, watching him raise an eyebrow.
"Perhaps a private lesson would help!" Sherry "helpfully" offered up, leading Roy to turn his face away, but not before you saw him bite his lip.
"I trust in your abilities to catch them up to speed. You wouldn't be my sister if I couldn't."
He quickly walked away, before either of you could speak.
"Sherry," you muttered.
"You know I'll have to go home eventually, right?"
"Avari is not that far from Invidia, silly. So nice try."
Oh right…your eyeballs had been dyed an Avari red… that was something you had to get used to.
You stared at Sherry, eyeing her for a moment. You hardly knew her, but a part of you was certain you could trust her…who the hell knew why…
"Sherry, I'm from farther than Avari."
"Another dimension," you whispered, watching her expression drop.
"Oh. I really hoped that…" she trailed off. "Huh. We could have been best friends. I can tell."
She seemed saddened. You desperately wanted to comfort her. You could also see yourselves becoming friends. But you had to go home.
The classroom once again buzzed, and you looked up to see the hooded headmaster disturbing the peace.
"Pardon the interruption, your highness. I need to speak with Y/N L/N."
You just stared at him, terrified of the nasty glares and murmurs being thrown your way. Until Sherry elbowed you, that is, making you quickly stand up, and follow the headmaster out, giving a final scared glance back at Sherry.
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meowww-ffxiv · 9 months
Mordred took G'raha with him for the Nanamo variant dungeon.
Meowdred: Bleh bleh. It stinks down here.
G'raha: Oh.... That's mold. You need to put your bubble helmet on.
Nanamo: Your-- I beg your pardon?
Meowdred: *had conjured a bubble around his head* Whoaaa thanks. You really saved me there, Raha. ^u^
Nanamo: Can I have one?
(all three of them wore bubbleheads)
G'raha: I hear the gigas were once enslaved by the people of Thanalan.
Nanamo: Regrettably, that was true. Our forefathers exploited the giants for their hardiness for physical labor.
Meowdred: Hopefully, the rest of the big lads are much deeper underground, and maybe one day we can talk to them without getting a club swung at our faces for an icebreaker.
Nanamo: Do you believe that could happen?
G'raha: Take heart, Your Grace. We miqo'tes were also once slaves, brought across the sea by the Allagan Empire. Life and freedom find their ways, no matter how dark the mud.
Nanamo: Thank you. :0
Nanamo: *pulling Meowdred aside* You must NOT lose him, do you understand?
Meowdred: Isn't he soooo good? Isn't he the best??? ^w^
Nanamo: Mordred!!! You're not seriously going to-- to butcher those crocodiles we just killed!
Meowdred: Hmph. I suppose they're not going to yield good hides considering how much damage they took.
G'raha: Although maybe we should roll them back into the water and vacate this place quickly, in case other predators show up.
Meowdred: Oh nah they're meaty. *stuffs both of them into his bag which magically tucked away 2 giant crocodiles no problem*
Nanamo and G'raha: [Tails.jpg]
G'raha: Are you checking the waterways' mechanisms?
Meowdred: I'm trying to. But I'm gonna be honest. I can't see. :[
Nanamo: It's not that dark, is it?
Meowdred: I suppose not. But I'm pretty blind.
Nanamo: What.
Meowdred: I'm nearsighted. I can only see you in a blurry pink form from here.
G'raha: He has very keen aether sense and spatial awareness, Your Grace.
Nanamo: I am hardly five yalms from him, though.
Meowdred: Yes ma'am.
Nanamo: This is lunacy... They said you never missed even a bird in the sky with your flames, unless those Ala Mhigo liberation stories had gotten far out of hands.
Meowdred: I don't aim with MY eyes... >.>
Nanamo: What does that mean.
G'raha: Oh look! A winch. We should pull it. Hahaha.
Nanamo: I have never seen you smile quite so much, Mordred. 👀
Meowdred: It's been a hard thirty summers on this wretch of a star, Your Grace. I'm overdue for smiles.
Nanamo: Nothing to do with present company?
G'raha: Erhem. Ahem. Eurgh.
Nanamo: Why, G'raha, are you alright? I still have my canteen of water if you need any.
G'raha: Oh I'm fine!
Meowdred: *already pouring water for him*
Nanamo: I See.
Meowdred: And for your question, aye, it's got everything to do with present company.
G'raha: You have extensive alliances with the Amalj'aa people, Mordred?
Meowdred: Yeah. They're fine metalworkers, and one of my black ma-- blacksmith mentors was an Amalj'aa.
Nanamo: Hm? Why don't you finish that sentence the way you meant to, Mordred?
Meowdred: Because I don't wanna go to jail, Your Grace.
Nanamo: I find it impossible to imagine any sort of jail you would tamely sit in, but very well. I will not press your secrets. Considering it is probably already known by most anyway.
Meowdred: Hey, I can keep secrets SOMEtimes. I keep state secrets.
Nanamo: By forgetting about them?
Meowdred: I can think of no better way, honestly.
(about the plundered treasure room)
Meowdred: D'you see a body?
G'raha: No. And I don't know whether to be glad or concerned.
Nanamo: Brrr, I am quite firmly of the former mind. Perhaps these guardians were tasked with cleaning up the aftermath?
Meowdred: Huh, that's a thought.
Nanamo: Why are you sticking your hand into the construct's mouth! It breathed fire just a moment ago!
Meowdred: *pulls out a femur* Aha. Incineration.
G'raha: 😬
Meowdred: *rolling the defeated gladiator mammet's head off* These are some pretty intricate machineries.
Nanamo: Are you going to put him back together after you are done with that?
Meowdred: To be fair, Your Grace. I just finished getting my ass beaten flat like naan by this thing. I don't fancy making it functional again just yet.
G'raha: Come, now. Give yourself some credit. You were scarcely singed.
Meowdred: My eyebrows...
Nanamo: Oh, hush. I shall loan you my kohl once we return.
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so bored... Airi, any ideas to spice stuff up?
hm... oooh, we could talk about crushes~
... crushes, huh?
yeah!! let's go around the group, everyone has to say if they've got one, sound like fun?
hehe, sure. hm, do you?
... sure do!! Haruka?
oh? i don't think i have any romantic interest in anyone, no. Minori?
eh-?? eeek... yes, yes, i- i do like someone-!! a- a lot, a lot!!
ha, and it's obvious whooo~
speaking of obvious- Kamishiro, have anything to say?
hm? what is it you're talking about, Ena-san? my apologies, i haven't been paying attention properly~
oh, don't you play dumb!! you like someone, don't you??
... "like" is quite the vague term~
there you go again!! please, you're a lot of things, but you're not stupid!! go on, admit it, spillllllll!!
ah, Ena-chan, don't shake poor Rui-kun- what are the two of you arguing about now, anyways?
this little liar won't admit he likes y-
a- aha, alright, alright, you win. i mayyyyyy fancy someone here. just a wee bit. good chance it's in a queerplatonic way, mind you.
... ah? Rui-kun likes someone?
aha, does that bother you, Shizuku?
no, no, of course not!! why, they must be quite wonderful...
... that they are.
just kiss alrea-
AHEM- oops, pardon me, i seem to have suffered from a sudden coughing fit, did i interrupt you there, Nene, oh dear, what a shame, anyways... ah, what say you? anyone currently catching your eye, my dear friend?
... maybe.
... you're not getting any more than that.
awww~ oh, come to think of it, for someone determined to drag the truth out of me, you haven't answered the question yourself, have you, Enanan-san? you sly thing, did you think we wouldn't notice?
urgh...!! fine. i might like someone. maybe. i don't know. K?
... sorry to end on an anticlimactic note, but i don't, no... i don't feel like that towards anyone.
well, that's alright!! nothing wrong with that, right?
of course not, it's how i've usually been. it's perfectly fine, Yoisaki-san.
... agreed.
ah... thanks, all of you.
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
Dropping into your askbox to send you a cute guy’s name for maximum brainrot exposure in tumblr: Clint Walker (Cheyenne Bodie) from Cheyenne. Brought to you by the western tv station 🤣 and watching him as a kid. No idea what anyone would use him for but I’m legally obligated to tell you.
Hm, lemme have a lil looksee here...
Alright, he was 6'6"...he was in a bunch of westerns...Lemme find a picture...
I Beg Your Pardon?
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I...he's, uh... *ahem*
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harveyhawkscripts · 1 year
[M4M] Brool the Library Gargoyle [Gargoyle Speaker] [Soft Fantasy] [Romance]
Categories: M4M, Gay, Fantasy, Romance, Storm Sounds
Synopsis: The listener has fallen asleep at the local library, causing them to be locked in for the night. One of the library's local gargoyles, Brool, finds them asleep at one of the tables and accidentally wakes them up.
About Brool: "Brool" means a low roar or deep murmur. If that does not match the speaker's voice, feel free to change his name. Brool is lonely, less athletic than his fellow gargoyles, and enjoys literature. He has a scholar's mind and romantic heart, but he can also be awkward, overly idealistic, and at times downright rude. Also, he is very gay.
Google Doc
Ellipses (...) are listener replies
Hm. The librarian forgot to draw the curtains again. Well, what better night than that of a full moon. A few dark clouds, but how gently the light illuminates their silver outlines. It's a perfect night for -
(Whispering) He's asleep. But what is he still doing here? The staff should have locked up half an hour ago. Did no one do a final sweep before closing?
(Whispering) And he had to fall asleep right in front of the romance section. There go my plans for the night.
(Whispering) Well... At least he is a handsome stranger.
(Whispering) I should go -
Agh! Shit, my tail!
Oh. Um. H-hello. Lovely night, isn't it? Aside from the storm rolling in, of course –
Ah, no no no no! Calm down, please don't scream. Please? I promise, I won't harm you.
Truly, I won't! On my honor.
I am a gargoyle. Perhaps you've seen me before? Up on the corner ledge on the front of the building?
Yes, that would be me! We gargoyles sleep during the day. Or, rather, we go into a dormant, half-awake state.
Hahaha! No, my dear. It's not like that at all. We aren't -- we don't turn to stone, goodness! We can move around if we so choose, gargoyles are simply nocturnal.
It may look so, but it's actually thick keratin, much like alligator skin.
Pardon?! Y-you would like to -- to feel it?
Ahem. Ah, it's fine. You managed to catch me a bit off--guard is all. However,... I do believe curiosity should be rewarded. And while usually such a request would be entirely improper... you may touch my arm.
My... your hands are very soft.
(Whispering) His fingertips are like rose petals...
Hm? Ah, nothing!
The other gargoyles? Yes, they're awake. Though they prefer to keep to themselves. They often wander off at night, so we don't spend much time together. They prefer more athletic pursuits, but I... Well, truth be told I'm not the strongest flier. Oh, I fly down to the docks on occasion, but never farther. Though, what I lack in strength I make up for in knowledge! I have an entire library at my claw-tips, after all.
Not every book, no. While I have attempted all of them - save for the newest arrivals - there are some not even I can stomach. And I consider myself quite liberal in my standards. Even if I don't particularly enjoy a book, I can usually still appreciate it. Some, though...
My favorite? Poetry. The classics, mostly. Bashō, Hughes, Dickenson. But, particularly, um... Neruda, Hemphill, and Essex.
(Disappointed) You haven't? Well, no matter! There are plenty of anthologies you can borrow here. I was actually going to take a book down to the docks to read, but those storm clouds are moving in quick. Ah, well. We can stay in and I'll show you my trove of knowledge-- I have a personal collection of books not even the librarian has heard of! What do you usually read?
Oh? I haven't heard that title. Is it a novel or a collection of essays, or...
An online comic strip. I see.
Nothing! There's nothing wrong with that at all! Any art is worth making, I just... From all of those journals and books strewn about the table, I assumed you were a scholarly type and into, you know... more intellectually stimulating material.
[Journal opening, pages flipping]
What the - these are all doodles of little sheep on dates! But, but then what are all of these -- ah, these are all... romance novels.
Date ideas. For the sheep. Of course. So... You aren't a prodigious scholar burning the candle at both ends?
You're a cashier who does art commissions on the side?
Well -- I don't know! Wishful thinking, perhaps? So I have a thing for the academic types, so what? When your only company is fantasy romance protagonists, you tend to idealize a bit in your head.
That's -- that's not what I meant, I --
No, I...
(Sigh) You're right. You must just want to return home, but here I am making such judgements and being unnecessarily rude. I haven't even asked your name. My apologies, dear. This is my first conversation with a human, you see. Perhaps we could try again?
Thank you, dear. My name is Brool. It's a pleasure to meet you. Now, how did you manage to sleep all the way through closing?
Yes, well. Unfortunately, those sugar-loaded energy drinks only keep you wired for so long. I assume the crash put you right out. Hm... the bus station is not too far of a walk if you would like me to escort you.
You don't have fare money? And you're new in town so you don't have a pass... That makes things a bit harder. You've memorized your address, haven't you? If it's not too far, maybe I can fly you there before the storm rolls in.
You live near the docks. You are quite the unlucky human tonight, aren't you, dear?
Oh? And why not?
(Flustered) Well, I, uh -- that's -- um. Ahem. That's. Very kind of you to say. I find myself enjoying your company, as well.
Now, as for your situation. How about you stay here for the night? You would be heading right into the storm if you left, and the librarian has a sofa and some snacks in her office. You can sleep there.
Of course. The librarian always forgets to lock it. She's getting up there in age. It should be perfect.
Is that so? You certainly seemed tired when you were slumped over your notebooks.
Haha! I'm just teasing, dear. I understand it would be hard to sleep in these circumstances. Come along. The storm hasn't reached us yet. It may be a bit bluster, but we may have time for a stroll in the garden before the rain comes.
No need to worry. The library's security alarm will take but a moment to disable, then we can go through the employee door in the back.
[Sound of wind, rustling, maybe wind-chimes]
Why do you look so nervous? Is something wrong?
The storm... Frightens you? Oh, don't be silly, dear! Right now it's just wind and distant thunder. There's nothing to worry about. Besides, I'll be there to catch you if a gust of wind tries to sweep you away.
Ah, fresh air... mmh, feels good to finally stretch my wings... Ah, human? Why are you staring?
Beautiful...? Oh! It is beautiful, isn't it? The local schoolkids planted this garden. I often come out here to read Bashō . "The face of a flower/ is it feeling shy/ the hazy moonlight."
(Sigh) Ah, the haiku. Truly, one of the most evocative forms of poetry despite its brevity. I must admit, the ability to be concise is lost on many a poet, myself included –
Hm? Me?! No - well, yes, I did just say - but I'm hardly any good! Not by any professional standards. It's simply a hobby, really.
You would? Well... My poetry is rather special to me. It's very personal, you see, so I rather like to keep it private. We've only just met each other and –
Goodness! Are you alright? I didn't know humans could jump so high.
Right, the storm. Would you like to go inside?
Are you sure?
Hold my hand? I... suppose that would be alright, if it would make you feel better... Oh, human. You're trembling. Here, let me shield you from the wind with my wing. There we are. How's that, dear?
Oh, it's not that. I just haven't shared my poetry with anyone before. As you can imagine, I've scarcely had the chance.
Certainly not! The others don't share my appreciation for the literary arts. I doubt they would take my work seriously.
That isn't to say I dislike them! They're good folk; we've protected the library together since it was built. We simply have nothing in common.
Gargoyles are creatures made of magic. Historically, humans aren't often fond of magic. And if they are, it's only for their own benefit.
Well, the library is my place. Every gargoyle has a place they protect. My family has lived in this town for generations, and the library is where I feel the most at home. I can't quite explain what it feels like, it's just an instinct.
This again? You really aren't going to let it go, are you?
Hm... I suppose a fresh pair of eyes would be helpful... How about this? We're still getting to know each other. Let's see where the night takes us, dear. We can talk, and when you're ready to sleep you can retire to the librarian's office. I'll write a poem especially for you while you rest, then once the storm passes I'll take you home.
Yes, then you can read my poem.
It's perfectly fair. You can tell me what you thought of it tomorrow night.
[Thunder, rain]
Damn it all, looks like the storm caught up to us.
Oh, don't fret! It's alright, dear. Come on, take my arm. Back inside we go.
Ahaha, don't worry about that, dear. The water will drain through the spout whether I'm there or not.
Of course it counts. Who here is the gargoyle?
The rain doesn't bother me in the slightest. It slides right off my skin. It can be a pain to fly in, but other than that I find it rather refreshing. Now, let's warm you up and get you something warm to eat.
[Time Skip]
There you are, my dear. It isn't much, but this portable heater should keep you warm through the night. Have you had enough to eat?
Good. As forgetful as the librarian is, she always keeps her snack drawer fully stocked. Now, try to get some rest. I'll wake you early to fly you home.
What's wrong? Are you still on edge?
A bit....Very well. I'll stay by your side until you fall asleep. Lie back and relax, my dear. When you wake the storm will have passed.
Yes, and I will have written your poem. If there's time before the library opens, I may even recite it to you.
Yes, really. Now goodnight, my dear.
[Pen/pencil on paper]
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