#ahh but these all remind me of my family's nicknames for me lol
distant-velleity · 8 months
i know i could never come up with hornton or tsunotarou in my wildest dreams
so yu's nickname for malleus before he finds out who he really is, is something with "yue" (月) in it, because he first met malleus under the moonlight. or something poetic like that
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valkyriesryde · 5 years
Two Nerds in a Blanket
Pairing: Bucky x Rogers!Reader, Sam x Steve
Summary: In desperate need for a date to your work’s Christmas party you, reluctantly, seek the help of one Bucket Brains.
Word Count: 6,400ish lol
A/N: IT’S HERE!!! Feels like most of my fics are dedicated to @flowerymoonlight​ but tbh this wouldn’t be here without her so thank her for it. Big thanks to anyone else I rambled to about this baby you da bomb diggity. 
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A slip of the tongue. A simple bit of miscommunication was all that had gotten you into this mess. You weren’t even the one to say it. You hadn’t even confirmed anything. Now? Now you were stuck in a predicament. 
Cheryl had been talking about how she was so excited to meet everyone’s significant others and to introduce her wife to everyone. Then suddenly the four of you at your cubicle were talking about how awesome it was going to be with the eight of you. 
Not once were you even given a chance to speak, not once were you able to tell them that in fact, no, you did not have a significant other that you could bring to the Christmas party. When you left work that day with only a week until the party a plan started brewing in your head, it was too late for you to correct them, you needed a date.
Tony said no. He was too much of a public figure and a happily married man. 
Clint told you to ask Natasha. She said no. 
Now you sat next to Sam, your last option.
“Please Sam, you are my only option now!” 
“Yea I’m not your only option though, am I?” Sam smirked as he continued to avoid answering your pleas. You let out a sigh and threw your head back. “I’m pretty sure Steve wouldn’t be too happy with me doing that, why don’t you ask Bucky?”
“Ask Bucky what?” Bucky and Steve walked into the open lounge and kitchen area with the shopping as Bucky started unloading the food and Steve came to lean over the couch behind Sam. 
“Y/N needs a date to her work’s Christmas party” Sam was nonchalant about the whole thing while Steve raised an eyebrow and looked at you with narrowed eyes. 
“And you asked Sam?” you nod slightly, mumble ‘just for the night?’ but Steve’s mouth falls open and his grip on Sam’s shoulders tightened. “I’d rather not share my boyfriend with my sister.” 
Sam’s face falls and then scrunches up, “yea I’d rather not date both the Rogers.” 
In the kitchen, Bucky stifles a laugh as he continues putting away the frozen foods. 
“You could take Bucky?” Steve suggests, leaving the two of you to help Bucky.
“I’d rather not.”
“Does Bucky get a say in this?” Bucky threw up his hands as you stood from your seat. You do this all the time with Sam, talk about him right in front of him like he isn’t even there, drives him crazy. 
“It’s okay Bucket. I’d rather not go than go with you anyway,” you shrug it off but your shoulders sag, you were really looking forward to that party, maybe you can make some excuse as to why your partner couldn’t be there. 
Bucky sighs as Steve nudges his arm and gives him a pleading look, mouthing ‘please’ Bucky rolls his eyes. “Fine, Y/N. I’ll be your stupid date but you owe me!” 
“You don’t have to-“
“No, no I’ll do it. You just owe me a favour alright?” Your face lights up and you try to ignore the fact that you’ll be with Bucky, or the nagging voice in the back of your head that sounds a lot like Rebecca reminding you of that high school crush you used to have. 
Steve sat on the window sill that looked out across the street of his apartment. He had a notebook in hand and was drawing the potted plant that sat on the balcony across the way. It was a peaceful and serene moment.
“Greetings brother!” Moment over. “Is Bucket Brains here?”
“He’s in his room,” Steve nodded towards Bucky’s room and he watched you walk straight in, scream, and walk straight out. “He just got out of the shower.” Steve bit back a laugh. You shot a glare at him and Bucky came out of his room pulling a shirt over his head.
“Do you know how to knock?!” 
“I need to wash my fucking eyes out!” 
“Who gave you a key?” Bucky pulled a box of cereal out of the cupboard with a huff and slammed a bowl on the bench. “You’re here so much we should start charging you rent.”
“Oh please,” you plopped into one of the stools, Steve closed his eyes and leaned his head back ready for another battle between you two, same thing different day. “I have every right to be here, I’m family. What’s your excuse?” 
“I live here!” 
“But at what cost?” 
“Fucking hell you two bicker like an old married couple!” Sam walks over to Steve and pushes his notebook out of his lap, replacing it with himself. 
“Us?” Bucky exclaims as Steve pushes Sam to the ground and sits at the bench next to you. “You two bicker like a freaking married couple.”
“That doesn’t count,” Steve says and Sam stands and tries to push himself back onto Steve’s lap, much to his annoyance. “We basically are an old married couple.”
“Pfft. Like I’d marry you.” Steve gasps and pulls Sam closer, Bucky just ignores them. It was a common occurrence to witness Steve and Sam being sickeningly sweet.
“You take that back!” 
“Right, now that that’s out of the way I have to buy a dress.” You and Bucky, while Steve and Sam watched with amusement, had spent the past hour getting your story straight for the party that night. You had everything down to the last detail, where you met (through Steve), when you got together (two months ago), your first date (a simple dinner and a movie). In six hours, you and Bucky would be walking through the door to your to the Christmas party, for now, you needed an outfit. 
“You don’t have a dress?” 
“I don’t exactly go to many events Jameson.” Bucky bit back a growl. Those stupid fucking nicknames. 
“I wonder why. It’s the day of the event, you couldn’t buy one earlier?” 
“I’m not great at time management... and shop dressing sucks.”
“You need a babysitter.” You flipped Bucky off as you started to walk towards the door, you didn’t notice him pull his shoes on.
“Isn’t that your job now?” Bucky smacked Sam over the head as he jogged to catch up with you at the door.
“I have to go to the mall anyway,” he shrugged. 
Bucky was different when he was by himself. You noticed that as soon as the two of you got into the car. He didn’t bite back as much, his fingers tapped on the steering wheel to the beat of the radio, he was carefree. 
You dragged him into shop after shop trying to find the perfect dress for the night. Bucky didn’t seem too fazed. He followed suit, even picked out some things for you to try every now and then. There wasn’t much chat, you warned him about your coworkers.
“Stacy is a bit intense, she’ll probably question you but she means well.” 
He nodded along outside the changing room not really paying attention to what you were saying but just to the sound of your voice, it was rare he got to hear it not making snide comments towards him, he enjoyed the peace. 
“Okay this is it,” you stepped out of the changing room with dress in hand and smiled at him.
“Are you saying that because it’s good or because you’re sick of shopping?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know Bucket,” you winked. 
“Please stop calling me that.”
“You called me Inferior Rogers for a year so uh no.” 
Steve liked to describe you and Bucky’s relationship as love-hate, he wanted to tell people that you got along, that you were one big happy family but alas, that wasn’t the case. Bucky liked to say “she’s about one comment away from being as annoying as my sister”. Bucky meant by this of course, “she’s my best friend’s sister, as much as I want to kiss her stupid face I have to pretend I see her as a sister too”. 
You liked to say “Bucky is the bane of my existence”. Rebecca would follow up with “she’s in denial they’re gonna get married and she’s gonna be my actual sister one day”. You, of course, meant, “Rebecca was my only friend in high school because people used to only be friends with us to get to Bucky even though he’s a giant nerd who stole my brother...and I’m angry that I want to kiss his stupid face”. Rebecca, well, she meant what she said. 
The youngest of the Barnes clan had been rooting for the two of you since senior year when you went to a college party with the boys and got put into seven minutes in heaven with Bucky. Nothing happened, of course, at least that’s what you agreed and what you told a grinning Rebecca and tight-mouthed Steve when you walked out. The heated making out that was brought on by pent up feelings and snide comments was one of those ‘this never happened’ things. That was a long time ago. 
“I’ll pick you up at 7 then?” You sat in your car now, dropping Bucky off back at his apartment. Your shopping was in the back, Bucky’s one bag, he bought socks, was in his hand as he sat with his leg out the door.
“It’s at a gallery, like ten minutes away from here so we could walk? I can meet you here?”
“It’s at Steve’s place?” 
“Oh no, I tried but they went for the modern art one.” You shrug your shoulders, Steve was booked out for the holiday season so your work couldn’t get in to have theirs there, would have made things easier, you could have just hung out with him all night.
“Damn she’s a bitch.”
“Yea, ahh well. Don’t forget your notes! I’ll see you at 7?”
“See you at 7.”
“Fuck you!”
“I’m trying to help!” 
You walked into the boy’s apartment and stood in the doorway watching Bucky and Sam yell at each other from across the room. Bucky yelled over the back of the couch, his hand in his hair and dressed ready for the night except for the tie left undone around his neck. Sam stood in the doorway of his bedroom, he turned to you as soon as he noticed your presence.
“Get your boyfriend the fuck out of my apartment!” 
“Just before you were complaining that I was leaving!” Sam fumbled trying to come up with a comeback as Bucky slouched back into the couch and tried - and failed - to tie his tie.
“What the fuck guys?” you threw your hands up and slapped Bucky’s hands away, fixing the tie yourself. “One of these days someone is going to call the police claiming you guys are having a domestic dispute!” Bucky watched the concentration on your face, once again not paying attention to what you were saying, he had to sit on his hands and hold himself back from leaning in because all he wanted to do was kiss the crease on your forehead and suck your tongue as it sticks out the corner of your mouth slightly. 
“It’s not my fault Bucky can’t tie a tie!” 
“Neither can you!” he snaps out of your trance as you stand up straight and offer him your hand which he gladly takes. 
“It’s going to be fine.” The party was in full swing when you and Bucky arrived, you weren’t sure if you were talking to yourself or Bucky at this point. His hand rested on your lower back as he guided you through the gallery.
“Take a deep breath Poppet.” You bit your lip at the use of the nickname. You and Bucky weren’t strangers to nicknames, Bucket...and all of the bucket related names like Bucket Brains, Bucky-Bucket and Bucket Barnes, Buckerooster and Buckaroo, Inferior Rogers, Roger Rabbit, Stupid head, Stink for brains, Jerky McJerkface was a fan favourite and there was that one time he yelled “Abomination!” at you before storming out because you ate the last of his Nutella sandwich...you claim you thought it was Becca’s but who’s to say. 
Poppet was different. Poppet was a name of endearment. Poppet wasn’t something you’d ever heard Bucky call anyone before. Bucky had never called you anything endearing before. It’s just the deal, he’s just pretending, you told yourself cursing Becca for putting ideas in your head about the prospect of you and Bucky constantly. 
There’s no time to even think about it as your friends are coming up to you and introductions are being given out, Bucky is shaking hands, everyone is smiling and laughing and a glass of champagne is being pushed into your hand. 
It’s no time at all when Stacey is questioning Bucky about his work and his family and then the dreaded question comes up, “How did you two meet then?”
Bucky lets out a chuckle and before you can answer he’s going on about how when you were seven and him ten he came round to hang out with your brother, you wouldn’t leave them alone and Bucky ended up elbowing you “accidentally I swear” in the face. The group erupts in laughter as Bucky describes you crying and running to your mother with a chipped tooth, “wasn’t the best first impression, but her brother and I have been best friends ever since really.”
There’s a couple aww’s, you raise your eyebrows and give him a what the hell look because that wasn’t what we discussed. Bucky shrugs, it just came out. 
“You two must be high school sweethearts then! That’s so sweet!” 
“Oh no no not at all,” you try to stop her, try to tell Stacey that, no, you were not high school sweethearts at all but bucky beat you to it with a laugh. 
"No, couldn't stand her in high school. But after college she seemed to be less of a brat,” he looks at you and digs his hand in his pocket with a wink, “anyway, I moved in with her brother and we started hanging out and I started seeing her in a different light I guess." 
You stand there with your mouth slightly ajar, Bucky shifts slightly from side to side and takes a mouthful of his champagne.
"Well, how'd you get together then?"
He laughs nervously, not looking at you but you’re still looking at him, this wasn’t the plan! You don’t know what to say, your story doesn’t make sense now but Bucky speaks up, “actually have Steve to thank for that. He asked to go to the museum with the both of us, separately of course, then canceled after we were already there waiting for him.” He gives you a nervous glance, “she's a giant nerd but so am I so we decided to just go in and look around. Ended up there for what? Two hours? Something like that. I think that's when I fell for her as silly as that sounds. Something adorably intriguing about a girl you have to drag away from a sculpture because she's been admiring it for fifteen minutes. Yea, that was that." Bucky laughs again and the group aww’s and is gushing about how adorable that is and how sweet of a story it is.
You’re shocked to say the least. Shocked because that did happen, all of that. About five months ago when Steve invited you to a day out at the museum and you ran into Bucky outside. You were both shocked but thought, ya know what, fuck it. You didn’t HAVE to go around the new exhibits together but that’s what ended up happening. You moved at your own pace, sometimes reading through the information together. That was until you got to the marble statues and, well, you ended up looking at one for a good fifteen minutes before, like Bucky said, he dragged you away by the arm. Saying things like "what's so interesting about a sculpture anyway, it's the space exhibition you should really be paying attention to."
You laugh with your friends and the conversation quickly moves on to everyone else’s stories of how they met their partners. Bucky won’t look at you, he’s biting his lower lip and paying an awful lot of attention to his empty champagne glass until there’s a lull in the conversation and he pipes up and offers to get everyone another round. 
By 1am you’re both drunk and stumbling down the street with a bottle of something something each and the air is filled with laughter. The moment earlier is forgotten about, the night filled with laughter, stories from work and dancing with friends instead of awkward glances and nervous small talk.
You almost fall into Bucky’s apartment but he’s clutching your waist and your arm is slung lazily around his shoulder as you keep each other up. 
“We gotta - shh - baby we gotta be quiet” he nods towards the hallway where Sam and Steve are most likely sleeping as you sit on the couch and bring the bottle to your lips. 
“You can stop calling me baby, no one’s around,” you look around and Bucky sits on the floor next to you, his bottle sitting on the table. 
“Maybe I like it baby,” he emphasizes the word and there’s a smirk on his face as he looks at you. It’s just the alcohol you think when you see a twinkle in his eye. 
“Fuck, marry, kill Bucket!” You say sliding off the sofa onto the floor next to him. Bucky groans and throws his head back.
“Alright, you first.”
“Okay. Wanda, Nat or me?”
“That’s just all the girls but Pepper?” He taps his chin and he’s thinking as if he hasn’t already made up his mind. But he can’t tell you that.
“Well she’s married so you can’t have her.”
“You have to say why!”
Bucky laughs and takes the bottle from you, taking a drink before continuing. “Kill Nat, she can’t cook. Fuck you because it’ll shut you up for a second. Marry Wanda, then she can make me plum pies for the rest of her life.” He licks his lips, glazed over eyes looking towards the tv as he thinks about Wanda’s famous pies and the fact that it’s all a lie. 
“Like you’d be good enough in bed to shut me up”
“I can show you if you want,” Bucky winks and you shove him with your elbow and snatch the bottle back, raising an eyebrow expectantly. “Alright, Sam, Clint or me?” He lists off the names on his fingers and you roll your eyes at him including himself, Pietro is an option too he didn’t HAVE to say himself.
“Oh, that’s easy. I’m killing Sam, I’d rather not have my brother’s dirty seconds.”
“He’s got some weird kinks as well.”
“How do you..never mind. Fuck Clint because Nat says he’s good in bed and marry you.” Bucky perks up at your answer, you’re picking at the label on the bottle hoping he doesn’t ask why.
“You have to say why.” Fuck.
“Having to deal with Clint’s unpredictability all day? No thanks, he and Nat have it down packed.” 
“Oh, so I’m predictable?” Bucky feigns hurt and clutches his chest like you’ve shot him, you shove him again and he almost goes tumbling to the side with laughter. 
“No stupid. I bet you’d treat your sig-nif-i-cant other like royalty.” You’re smiling at him and your worlds are spoken slowly to get them out right but you’re so sure of yourself. You’ve seen Bucky in a relationship, though they only happen rarely and he’s absolutely loyal and caring. 
“Only if it was the right person.” You’re looking at each other and Bucky starts to lean in closer. You follow, your eyes darting to his lips as his tongue pokes out quickly and he licks his bottom lip. 
“And what’s the right person,” you whisper and you think, in the corner of your eye, you see his hand starts to raise towards you. All of a sudden Bucky is on his feet and you hear the bathroom door shut and what sounds like Bucky vomiting. 
“Neat.” You take another swig of the bottle and crawl back onto the couch, sleep sounds good, bad decisions are made with alcohol. 
“Hey,” something or someONE is poking your foot and it’s awfully annoying but not as annoying as the sound of the beEPING MICROWAVE. “Hey wake up.” 
“Go away,” you swat at the noise, Steve, but he just laughs and pushes your legs off the sofa, sitting in their place. 
“Looks like you and Bucky got along.” You can hear his smirk, how is it possible to hear someone’s smirk. God your head hurts, your stomach hurts too much champagne. You groan and he laughs again.
Without warning the sound of two pans smacking together rings out through the place followed by Sam’s laughter in the hallway and Bucky’s yelling. 
“I’m gonna go throw up.” 
Steve sits on the side of the tub with a bottle of water while you empty the little contents that remain in your stomach. As annoying as brothers can be at least you know he’s always here for you, even when you’ve just vomited in his toilet. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“Advil is in the left cupboard.”
“No, but thanks. Do you remember when you canceled on going to the museum with Bucky and me?” You’re searching through his cabinet and he chucks you the water bottle when you find the Advil. 
“Yea why?” Steve shrugs and nods his head.
“Why’d you do that?” As soon as you ask he’s got that guilty look on his face. The same one he gave you when he fed your stuffed teddy to the dog next door when you were seven and the same one he gave you when he and Sam and moved in together three months after the fact (that one still stings). 
“I just want you two to get along! You both love the museum so I thought if you had a common interest…” Steve shrugs again and you have to applaud his dedication to getting you and Bucky to get along, if only. 
“Our common interest is you, you idiot.” You think about all the times you and Bucky have fought, all the times you felt annoyed by him “you’re why we don’t get along.” 
“I think if anything, that should be a reason to get along.” You’re too hungover to explain this shit to Steve and his thick, loving brain now. 
“We’re at each other’s throats for your attention Stevie, now leave me to be hungover on your bathroom floor.” The cold tile is refreshing against your cheek, Steve stands up and kicks your leg, offering you a ride home and a promise to drop the subject but not without a “I love you both.”
Bucky regrets getting out of bed. Not even the pile of apology bacon from Sam for waking him up with PANS could fix his comment.
“The most important thing I want to know about your night is did y’all FUCK?!” 
“Dude, that’s my sister?” Steve walks into the kitchen and Bucky sighs in relief that you’re not with him, he doesn’t think he can face you after last night. 
“Don’t call me dude, my name is baby to you.” Sam points his tongs at Steve who just bats them away with a finger and wraps him in a hug. 
Bucky hates feelings, romance sucks. His head is in his hands and he is still very much hungover “no we didn’t fuck, it was fine. Went smoothly, nothing scandalous.”
Sam pulls back from Steve and gives Bucky a pointed look, he’s gearing for an earful. “Is it a genetics thing?” Sam turns to Steve and smacks his chest, “Are all Rogers just really fucking dense?” 
“What did I do?” 
“It took four months for you to realize I was asking you out and taking you on dates you buffoon!” Bucky swears this conversation was about him and you for a second but fuck apparently not. Maybe he could slip out? Go back to sleep? Avoid you for a few weeks and not think about the fact he almost kissed you or let spill about the museum…
“And I apologized but what does that have to do with anything?” Bucky catches Sam’s eye and his heart drops, his eyes are begging him not to say anything.
“Sam -”
“Nah you had your shot and you missed. In fact the net was here,” he points in front of him, “and you threw the ball allllllll the way over there,” and his hand is stretched out towards the window. Steve sits down on the seat next to Bucky, his attention caught in the conversation he doesn’t quite understand. “Steve, baby, love of my life, please don’t kill the messenger here.”
“Sam.” Bucky is about to leap over the counter and throttle Sam...if only his head didn’t hurt so much.
“Bucky wants to bone your sister and I honestly CANNOT believe she hasn’t realized that. Why else would he have said yes to last night?!” 
Steve lets out a nervous laugh, he shakes his head and looks between Bucky and Sam, “what? Noo.” But when he looks at Bucky and sees his face dropped and the defeated look in his eyes Steve knows the truth and his mouth hangs open.
“It’s not like that Steve-”
“Oh no sorry, Bucky has a giant nerd crush on your sister.” Right, that’s it. Bucky leaps out of his chair and tackles Sam, his headache long forgotten about. 
“I TOLD YOU IN CONFIDENCE!” They’re scuffling on the ground muttering things like “you had your chance!” and “you fucker!” before Steve is pulling them apart and onto separate couches. 
“I was really rooting for you man.” Bucky narrows his eyes at Sam and rubs his hands down his face. This could not be a worse day. 
“Is this true?” Oh okay no Steve wants to talk about it this it could be a worse day. 
“It’s not like anything is or ever was going to happen. She’s your sister, I wouldn’t do that to you.” 
“And she hates him.”
“And she hates me yes thank you Sam.”
“She doesn’t hate you.” Steve stands up and walks into the hallway. That’s when it dawned on him. You were right. It’s him. 
Steve thinks back to all the times you and Bucky fought as kids and realizes that he was the common factor. You were fighting over him. Then as the years went by and you grew you just began fighting about everything, but it all started with having to share Steve. When you made Bucky eat sand at the playground when you were eight Steve thought it was because Bucky had stolen your toy but it was because Steve had chosen to play with Bucky. When you were twelve and you yelled at Bucky for being an asshat it was because Steve chose to ride bikes with him instead of you. Steve wondered how long Bucky had felt this way about you and how he’d missed it. His gut fell at the idea that he was the reason Bucky hadn’t done anything about his feelings. 
He turned and walked back into the lounge, determined to set right what he had caused to sit adrift for however long. “Right okay this is the weirdest fucking to happen to me and I’m friends with Clint and Tony. Is it just a crush or is it proper feelings?” 
After getting over the initial shock of Steve seeming okay with Bucky’s feelings he has to take a second to register what he’s being asked before he can answer with confidence. “Feelings?” ...or little confidence.
“You need to be sure because if you hurt her I will not hesitate to kill you.” Sam is taken aback by Steve’s outburst almost as much as Bucky but he’s also a little turned on right now…
“Okay, yea I’m sure. I want to date her I’m sorry okay. It won’t happen.” 
“That’s a lie.” Steve knows Bucky would never do anything to jeopardize their friendship, and he knows that if his feelings for you are real that he wouldn’t do anything that would risk hurting you. “Knowing Sam, he’ll make something happen.” But he also knows Sam’s meddling ass...who happened to suggest you ask Bucky in the first place… “Anyway, if you get married you’d be my actual brother and that’s pretty cool.” 
Bucky’s face lights up at the idea of marrying you. He only really thought it was a crush, maybe mixed in with some sexual tension, until last night. Having you on his arm, pretending you were his. The comments people made about you looking so good together. Bucky wanted that for the rest of his life. He didn’t love you, or at least he wasn’t sure of that yet, but fuck he could see it happening, he wanted it to happen. And you almost kissed him last night, you said you’d marry him so maybe, just maybe, there was something there.
After he’s showered, shaved and dressed Bucky is out the door and to your apartment as Sam slings his arm over Steve’s shoulder.
“I’m really proud of you, didn’t think you had that in you. Didn’t even punch him.”
“I think I’m already too emotionally invested in their relationship.” Steve sighs and leans back into Sam.
“Shit man me too she better say yes.” 
Bucky’s palms are clammy and his heart is racing when he reaches the door to your apartment. He has to count to three and take a deep breath before he knocks on the door but he’s thoroughly disappointed, and also a little relieved when Wanda opens it.
“You look almost as bad as her.” She looks Bucky up and down and gestures for him to come in, Bucky looks around the open lounge and kitchen area but there’s no sign of you.
“I feel like death is she here?” He’s frantic, he must sound like an idiot.
“She’s in her room.” 
There’s a soft knock on your door but no answer. Bucky looks over his shoulder but there’s no sight of Wanda anymore either as he slips into your room and sees you curled up and fast asleep on one side of your bed with still slightly wet hair and pajamas. 
He can’t leave, he considers it but he’s come so far. He could wake you up. But he doesn’t want you to be mad at him if you aren’t already. So Bucky sits on the side of the bed. Then after a few minutes of twiddling his thumbs, he’s scooting up to the top of your bed and laying his head on the pillow, careful not to make any sudden movements. The next thing he knows he’s fast asleep next to you.
You wake up and there’s a heavy warmth over your waist and your phone is flashing with missed messages. You peer over your shoulder and see Bucky sound asleep, turning onto your back you continue looking at him confused and pick up your phone...that has nine missed messages...one from Wanda and EIGHT from Rebecca, they state:
Wanda aka MOM: You guys are the cutest fake couple ever lmao
Betta Barnes: EXCUSE ME MA’AM!
Attached to Wanda’s message is a picture from the party of you and Bucky. His arm around your neck and yours around his torso, his lips pressed to your temple and you’re both laughing. You have a vague memory of the cameraman telling Bucky to show you some love and his striking the pose and then licking your cheek. That was five flutes in…oh no. Oh no Becca has seen these, this isn’t good. 
Bucky groans and grips your hip, pulling you closer until he opens his eyes and remembers where he is. His hand leaves your hip and curls under his cheek as he gives you a sheepish smile and mumbles hello.
“What are you doing here?” Your phone and the problem of Rebecca thinking you and Bucky are actually dating is put to the side the moment he smiles at you. Has it always been that nice to see him smile? 
“Wanted to talk but you were asleep...guess I fell asleep too.” Bucky rubs his eyes but he doesn’t move from his spot on his side next to you as you match his position. 
“Talk about what?” 
"I went off script last night." You suck in a breath as you remember what Bucky had said, the museum, the idea of him falling for you that day. 
"You did. Why?"
"Thought it was more believable," he’s playing with a loose string in the pillow, too scared to look at your reaction as he thinks maybe this was a mistake.
"Because you meant what you said?" You’re biting your lip hoping to god he says yes but why would he?.
"Every word." Bucky reaches out and pushes a loose strand of hair back from your face, his fingers trail down your cheek slowly.
"But you hate me? I'm Steve's annoying little sister," the whole reason you fought was because you were Steve’s sister?! Bucky hates you, Bucky thinks you’re annoying. Bucky meant every word.
"I'm not going to disagree with that second part. But I don't hate you. Disliked you a lot when were younger but never hate.” He chuckles as his fingers retreat from your cheek back under his pillow, they leave goosebumps on your skin. “Kinda like ya actually." He’s not looking you in the eye again and you’ve never seen Bucky so shy in all the years you’ve known him. 
"Does Steve know?” 
"Wouldn’t be here if he didn't. I know you don't like me much but I had to tell you. I thought it was just a stupid crush but after last night, I had so much fun and you were just you and I loved seeing you like that. You're not like that around me normally." It’s your turn to brush the hair back from his face as he tries to hide behind it and your fingers scratch through his beard until they settle on his jaw. Bucky closes his eyes momentarily feeling you against him in a way he never thought he would.
"That's because we don't get along," you have to be sure. You need to be sure this isn’t all just a game to him. You know better, you know Bucky would never do anything to intentionally hurt you but you need to be sure for your own heart’s sake. 
"Oh come on that's just banter neither of us means anything by it." He’s smiling at you and his eyes bounce between your eyes and your lips, god just kiss her he thinks, just fucking do it. 
"Maybe not. Want to know something I do mean though?" He’s nodding his head quickly and you’re leaning in and pressing your lips to his. Your hand grips his jaw and pulls him closer as his travel up your side and push you onto your back, his body shortly following as he settles with one leg between yours and his hips pressed to your side. 
Bucky is in bliss. He’s pretty sure he’s had dreams where he got to kiss you before but nothing could ever live up to the real thing. The feeling of your hands under his shirt on his shoulders, your fingers moving through his hair, your tongue. God your tongue welcoming him and drawing him in like he’s a sailor and you’re a siren in the middle of the ocean. He’d gladly follow you to the deepest depths. 
You pull away but Bucky doesn’t stray far and he’s got a giant shit-eating grin on his face which you’re sure you mirror as you lie there out of breath with him.
“Can I take you on a real date?” You nod and pull him down for another peck. Bucky rolls off of you settles down next to you with a kiss pressed to your shoulder.
“But tomorrow.” “Hmm?”
“Today I want to order McDonald’s and continue sleeping off this hangover.” You reach up and tangle your fingers back into his hair, soft and falling around your hand as Bucky laughs against your shoulder. “Are you going to join me?”
“Of course,” he sits up and kisses you again but only quickly before he pulls out his phone. “You order I need to do something.
From Bucky to Sam:
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There is an empty McDonalds bag on the floor, half empty cups on the nightstands and you’re lying in bed with your head on Bucky’s shoulder watching the IT Crowd when Bucky breaks the silence. 
"Why is Rebecca sending me angry yet very supportive messages about us? These are from this morning before I came round...wait no this one was from an hour ago." He was finally looking through the dozen missed messages from his sister, having forgotten about them after texting Sam earlier when he noticed the pattern, some favorites included
And those were just the most recent ones...
"When I was 15 and drunk off cruisers I told her I was going to marry you and she has never let me forget it," better to pull off the bandaid on that little tidbit you think. You should have known she would spam him as well, you just hoped she didn’t say anything embarrassing. 
"I knew you had a crush on me.” Bucky squeezes your thigh that his hand rests on teasingly and you nudge him back telling him no you did not. “How does she already know?" 
"She made me triple pinky swear to tell her if anything even remotely romantic were to happen between..." 
"So you told her I was your fake boyfriend for a night and then that I asked you on a real date?"
"....no. but she saw the pictures from last night," you look up with a sly smile to see Bucky’s eyes go wide and his mouth drop open.
"There’s pictures?!?!"
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
Permanent Taglist (open): @witch-of-letters @harryngtonewithyourshit @morsmordrethings @buckysdumbmetalarm @marvelsangels @momobaby227 @weirdlyokaywithit @disgustangg @bucky-blogs
Bucky Taglist (open): @bxrnsfeyson @brilliantbellesoares @supraveng @chubby-dumplin @stuckonjbbarnes @meganlikesfandoms @mood-pancakes
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juliandev0rak · 4 years
From the get to know my character questionnaire, 1 for all of them (bc I know you named stella after alcohol but i wanna know about the rest lmao), and 7 and 27... also for all of them? i just love them all, hit me with the lore. —leila-of-ravens
ahh thank you for asking about all of them I have way too much fun writing character lore 💗💗💗 @leila-of-ravens
from these asks
these will inevitably get long so I’m putting the answers under the cut!
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?
Beatrice started off as a self insert character so I gave her my name and started playing the Arcana as “Bea”, but I soon decided I wanted to make her much cooler than I am lol, so I changed a lot of her personality and named her the longer version of Bea, Beatrice. I also love the name because it reminds me of Beatrice, Dante’s muse in Dante’s Inferno. He travelled through all of the levels of hell to rescue her and it just seemed to fit with the story of the Arcana. Long story short, I sort of named her after me lol.
I chose her last name Viano from googling “Italian last names” and choosing the one I liked the sound of best lol, there’s no deep meaning for that. 
I named her Freya because I love the name, but after looking up its meaning I felt it fit her really well. It’s a name from Norse origins and means “a noble woman”, and Freya’s whole aesthetic was built off of her being very dignified and elegant. She’s the type of person you’d expect to be nobility, even if she isn’t.
I googled “space names” because I wanted her to be star inspired and found the name “Astra” which means “of the stars” in Latin. I decided to go for Aster instead because I love the way it sounds. I also like how similar it sounds to Asra, I just think it’s cute that they have similar names lol. 
I decided not to give her a last name because I couldn’t find one I liked, and because I thought it would be an interesting part of her background. She doesn’t remember her family at all, and that includes not even knowing her own last name. 
I chose the name Camellia because I had the idea of all of Cam’s siblings being named after plants because they grew up on a farm. Camellias are one of my favorite flowers, and I like the way it can be shortened to Cam. Cam is nonbinary and basically defines their gender as “whatever feels right in the moment” lol, so having a name that can be less overtly feminine, like Cam, was important to me. I think both their full name and their nickname really suit them!  
Their last name is Giardini which means “gardens” in Italian, I chose it because it goes along with the gardening / farming theme of their background.
I know I’ve explained this before but here’s the full story: It was a Friday evening in August, I poured myself a glass of Stella Rosa Black, my favorite red wine, and started playing Lucio’s route for the first time. I knew I wanted to make a new oc for his route because Beatrice would really hate Lucio, so the idea of Stella was born. I just thought it would be funny to have a character based off of alcohol, who lived at a vineyard, and I think the name Stella is very pretty. 
I debated naming her Willow for a while because I wanted her to have a nature themed name, but I decided I like the sound of Willa better. It’s a sort of delicate sounding name which fits her. I chose her last name Clary because Willa is Irish-coded (because of course, there’s no Ireland in the game lol), and I thought it sounded good with her first name!
07. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)?
“Oh dear” is basically her catch phrase, she doesn’t curse much so it’s kind of her go to “oh no” phrase if something goes wrong. 
She has a very particular sigh that basically means she’s annoyed, she tries to keep her composure in front of people at all times so her annoyed sigh is the only sign she actively hates whoever she’s talking to.
She curses pretty much constantly but she throws in all sort of non-curse words, for example while fighting the Devil she turned to Asra and said “Fucking gumdrops my dude, this sucks!” which, although confusing, did make sense in the moment. She also says “oh worm” a lot ever since she heard Vlastomil say it. 
They have a very distinctive laugh which usually turns into snorts if they’re laughing super hard, which is pretty much always. 
She rolls her eyes a lot and says things like “Oh sure..” in a sarcastic tone of voice under her breath. You can’t blame her, she is dating Lucio after all which means she has to deal with him, and the courtiers, more than any one person should have to. 
Willa prides herself on being an “active listener” which means that if you’re telling her something she’ll be nodding her head and saying “Uh hu” to let you know that she’s listening. She also calls everyone “sweetie”.
27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it?
“I would probably be arrested for aiding and abetting fugitives. I’ve met a lot of people at the Rowdy Raven who are supposed to be behind bars- but I’ll never tell.” 
“Tax evasion, money laundering, insider stock trading.. these are just examples of crimes not ones I’ve committed. I refuse to discuss this more without a lawyer present.” 
“It would probably be for the time I let all of the palace horses loose in the city streets.. or maybe when I accidentally set a building on fire.. or maybe from the time I helped pirates smuggle in certain illegal goods.. well let’s just say it’s a good thing Nadia granted me immunity :) ”  
“Hmmmm.. I stole a book once when I was a teenager, it was way overpriced and the merchant was super rude so I just took it when he wasn’t looking. The guilt has haunted me ever since...”
“I broke into Valerius’ house last weekend. It was for a valid reason, he stole something from my brother and I needed to get it back. Valerius called the guards but I just portalled out of there, he knows it was me but he can’t prove anything...” 
“I smuggled all of the vampire eels out of the city, they weren’t happy living in the canals! They need open water to thrive, everyone knows that!” 
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fallingin-like · 5 years
november 23
the real folk blues by @annawrites [requested by @allforthebee]
see which other fics i’m reviewing this month! / my review request post!
this absolutely amazing and captivating fic that has the foxes as space bounty hunters and neil who is, as usual, and exceptionally skilled runaway. set away some time to read this fic as soon as possible, because once you start, you won’t be able to put it down until you finish.
this is such an entertaining, fun fic and you did an amazing job at balancing the softer moments with intense, action-packed scenes. at all times i was fully immersed in the story, you handled everything so well. i’m always a fan of your writing, so it’s not a surprised that i had a wonderful experience rereading this.
bits that stood out to me:
”counting stars has become a habit, something to subdue the memories” ah this is really cute and i can totally imagine canon andrew, lying on the roof of some building counting stars instead of trying to sleep
”renee cracks a chicken bone smile in the corner of her mouth” i have never heard this phrase before but i love it!
”there’s a collective intake of breath - andrew, who remembers every single bounty ever placed, can’t remember it ever being this big” for some reason, i love when this kind of thing happens. it feels so cool, knowing someone wants that character that bad and gets me excited for what kind of skills the hunted person has, to be able to evade the people looking for them (reminds me of john wick lol)
”nathaniel wesninski alias neil josten is a hacker, con artist, engineer and pilot” BLESS HIM FOR BEING SO CAPABLE AND SKILLED
matt’s infamous bell peppers and beef with no beef!!! that’s funny and i think about it surprisingly often
”renee pulls up a few more photographs of neil wesninski on the hologram screen. she deals them out like cards until they fan out in a neat timeline of faded hoodies and various iterations of the same polished smile, a mouth sharpened to cutting perfection… the eyes, in contrast, look consistently hunted” holograms and just this space tech is SO cool. i love seeing how the foxes view neil before they meet him. it’s interesting how many sightings they have of him, but also how blank he seems, when we all know that there’s so much personality under that surface
”the ISSP are a bunch of corrupt, incompetent idiots” LOL
”’tone down the optimism, day,’ andrew drawls. ‘we might start overestimating our chances’” agh i love your characterization of all of these characters and this is a great example of why! and i like that you used drawls, it feels very andrew-like
”andrew waggles his fingers lazily in the air” yeah this is andrew
woah i have never seen the art for this fic (i guess because i have the fic downloaded and i just read that version instead of going on ao3, the pictures must not have downloaded) but it’s great!
gasp, i love the idea of the foxes Dressed Up
ALLISON BEING BANNED FROM PLAYING!! “her former alias - lady luck, also known as poker alice” oh this is great. for some reason, them having reputations like this really excites me
”it’s in my blind spot” ANDREW this is so funny
ahhhh i can’t believE you added the “better luck next time” line in!!
okay so the whole action part of this scene is so intense, love andrew throwing the poker chip as a diversion, and neil pretending to give up for a moment before ACTIVATING HIS ARMED SHIP AND SHOOTING EVERYONE. ugh, hearing about neil being so good at what he does (steering, hacking, while taking off his jacket) makes me love this scene so much
”vowels rolling like a pair of dice” this is so good on its own, but paired with the casino scene that precedes it? stunning
”kevin values his ship, and his life, in that order.” i can imagine. i wonder, is there competitive racing in this au? i can imagine kevin being obsessed with that
thank goodness riko is dead, one less thing (on a list of many things) to worry about. whoop and i see that easthaven has passed, good.
oh dang limb regrowth tech in this au? wild
”’minyard and the monster, how lovely to see you again.’ neil greets him through the once more hijacked comm. they’ve been playing this game for weeks now, racing each other across the milky way like starved lovers. even allison is starting to run out of lewd jokes” i find it so interesting hearing about this relationship that’s being built between them even though they basically never meet in person, the joking from neil’s side
these hints of andrew’s eye mods are really great, i definitely didn’t notice them as much as i should have when i first read this fic, but every time after that, i appreciate little details like these more and more
”andrew shakes off the last dregs of sunday sleepiness that cling to his lips like the skin on warm milk. neil wesninski might have become a game by now, but the malcolms still mean business” ohhh boy, even knowing what comes next i get nervous hearing this. i love the contrast between the softness of what sundays mean with the conflict to come, especially when you jump right into the action
”renee pants, her voice cool and slippery like broken tiles amid the crackle of static” oh i love this description
LOL i can’t believe that andrew got matt’s dessert rations and gets to invite neil to be a part of their crew
”missions are slow and neil’s face keeps showing up on big shot, though not for lack of people trying to hunt him down.” i don’t know why but i really like this!! you go, neil!
oh oh thank you so much for the way that you describe neil alone on his ship, his hoodies, gloves, “one sad-looking sock”, “the one sock he’s wearing has holes”, talking to himself, “yet he’s still inexplicably trying to shield his robots from andrew’s gun” so cute!
”eyes like the gleaming insides of a wire in the dark” this!!!!
the! cats! neil made his robots cats!!
”neil is like a live fish under his hands, constantly wriggling and sliding out of his grip, fingers twitching back toward his abandoned project like flies caught in a spiderweb” ahh squirmy neil is super cute, “neil shivers under the touch like he’s not used to being touched at all” this doesn’t surprise me. even if i didn’t have an idea of what his childhood might have been like (with mary and nathan, i imagine there was not very much affection), he’s probably been alone for so long, when would the last time someone would have touched him? i don’t think i would be able to handle it
ahh barefoot neil is always cute
SCARS no matter how many fics i read, i always love moments when neil’s scars are revealed
”neil slinks into the room late, looking tousled and a little sticky around the edges like he’s just woken up from a nap. he freezes when he sees andrew, stuck standing right in the middle of the projection, and only moves when dan throws a cushion at him” your writing actually paints scenes in my head which for me, a person really bad at visualizing things, is really impressive. it makes the experiences of reading exponentially more interesting, and doesn’t happen that often.
renee as praying mantis!! what a perfect nickname. is she religious in this au as well? i can’t remember if any religions even exist in this au (whoops i know nothing about cowboy bebop)
”she looks stiff and faded like old newspaper in the light of the kitchen lamps” what a gem of a sentence
me: sees the nickname gorilla and gets excited because i know some action is going to go down
”the three of them would just  about reach his head if renee sat on andrew’s shoulders and lifted neil up” THIS IS AMAZING. i mean, andrew and neil are tiny but they are not that tiny
”andrew begins tonelessly, tracing patterns into neil’s skin” if we ignore the fact that andrew is telling a terrible terrible story, this is so soft
”his breathing is viscous now, like syrup in his lungs. his left eye aches and the corner of his mouth twitches painfully into the ghost of a manic grin. he bites his tongue and it tastes like the word please” i am speechless but i really wanted to acknowledge this sentences lakjsdf
NEIL WINNING THE BET ABOUT BEING ABLE TO STEAL THINGS FROM THE VENDOR AND ROBBING THE MAN JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING. uGH you do such a good job of integrating humour like this into your story and having it fit the tone and pacing of the fic effortlessly.
excuse me how is it possible that you followed such a lighthearted scene with something so devastating as andrew explaining his past to allison and neil and have it still flow??? “because… i did not mean for you to get hurt” ANDREW YOU’RE SO GOOD
”he’s smoking outside and watching the dusk unfurl like an exotic flower when there’s a crash inside the store” this description is so gorgeous
what in the world, andrew i don’t even know how to describe you. he really just helps catch the robbers with his headphones on while choosing things to buy, killing a dude, then checking out, no big deal???? i understand neil’s attraction to him a little bit more now…
andrew and renee sharing clothes is now canon, please and thank you
oh no, lola is Bad News, especially when it comes to threatening neil’s family
”the bebop crew are basically overgrown children and react very well to the little sugary rewards for good behaviour” yeah this is very true haha
”’your blatant flirting woke me up,’ matt grins weakly. ‘can i have a lollipop too, neil?” i remember this whole scene so well, the second the infirmary was mentioned i knew it was lollipop time. matt, is basically how i feel right now HAH
woah wymack taking care of bonsai trees? i didn’t know i needed that in my life so badly. just like neil and the twins, so tiny :’)
uhm so, the tape that nicky sent to andrew? it’s actually making me cry (which is super rare for fics) “i hope you know that i love you”, “things aren’t so easy at the moment, and maybe they still aren’t easy for you watching this ten years from now, but i’ll always be there for you, and for aaron, too. i hope that one day we can be a family. happy birthday, my little piyoko, don’t eat all the cake by yourself!” i love this so much, and it makes me so sad and happy. this nicky is so good, and as much as i think andrew needed to see this, i think that i needed to read this more. thank you
nicky calling the twins his little piyokos, his lucky birds ;-;
the reunion scenes are so good, i really don’t think i can write anything that sufficiently describes how i feel. the way that nicky acts, the new relatives, older aaron, it all feels so right, so real.
andrea minyard deserves her own bullet point
neil just goes and makes all the police ships crash by controlling them remotely just for andrew to be hit by a moon rock?!?!?
”something irritatingly warm rises and swells inside andrew like yeast dough and he plunges his fists into it and kneads it into submission, twists it until all that remains is sticky, frothy anger” and “andrew sits down on a crate and prods at the yeasty mass still fermenting in his insides. the sudden bloating of anger has subsided to the usual starchy nothingness, but there’s a sugary residue of unease that he doesn’t want to examine any further right now” as much as i adore your jokes and beautiful descriptions of scenes, sentences like these ones that blow me away completely are why you’re one of my favourite fanfic authors. these are the kinds of sentences that i carry with me even after i am finished reading
”i can’t decide if you two are more like toddlers or like an old married couple… either way, it’s really bizarre to see andrew having feelings other than hate and destruction” LOL
thea is the coolest person ever
”kevin makes a noise like a dying dog” me too, kevin
thank goodness neil is here
apparently i am very fond of the words “juice pack” and think it is cute. why? i also do not know
huh, riko naming his identity kevin king?? feels… not good
oh boy, lola is back
is it bad if i am happy that all these people are dying (proust, lola, etc.)
oh dang, it’s stuart (i trust him)
andrew’s eye! thank goodness, because although it kind of sucks, it also Really Does Not Suck
”it’s stiff and awkward and neil quickly wriggles out of it. kevin must be really shaken up, because he tries andrew next. andrew waits passively until he’s close and then steps to the side at the last moment, smothering his amusement in a cough when kevin walks straight into the wall with open arms. serves him right for thinking even for a second that andrew would let him” LOL i love you, anna, so so much
money!! woohoooooo (or should i say woolonghooo okay sorry that’s like the world’s worst pun)
BELL PEPPERS AND BEEF WITH ACTUAL BEEF AND NO PEPPERS YES! what a great way to bring things full circle, even though it’s small
sweet dumplings filled with fruit? i am intrigued
i can’t not acknowledge the bit with the key, neil is too clever for his own good
we finally get to see bee! ugh i love the relationship between bee and andrew
”they may be marks of destruction, but they are still andrew’s; still proof of his existence” yeah (like a good yeah)
interesting about andrew’s memory not being as good without his left eye. does he have eidetic memory in this au? maybe it’s better if he doesn’t
i remember the first time i read this fic, in startling detail. this fic was so good then, and it has been just as good, if not better, every time i have reread it
it’s kind of embarrassing, but one of the things that i remember distinctly (among a lot of other things) is the noodles! reading this fic never fails to make me want to eat instant noodles
so one thing about me is that i am actually really bad at visualizing things. when i read stories, i can never imagine what a character looks like, i just see the feature that is being highlighted at the moment, and the second that sentence ends, that image is gone. like i just have a magnifying glass to someone’s face but i can’t piece together the parts. it makes it so that i often struggle with the visualization of stories. but something about your writing makes it easy for me to pictures scenes happening. everything is so vivid, and real (hence, the instant noodle cravings lol) and i love that so much. it’s so special.
the flow of this fic is amazing, the characterization is incredibly authentic and really helps with carrying the plot. you integrated lighthearted scenes with pure angst and awful things (easthaven) and i’m honestly curious as to the cowboy bebop episodes you took inspiration from. this fic was so well written, you are so skilled at introducing characters, locations, plot points, although i’m not familiar with this universe i wasn’t confused at any point. you explained everything without me noticing. this was just a breathtaking fic. thank you so much for writing this!!
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anjibooks · 5 years
Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare (Book Review)
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I'm just going to jump right into the review as I am feeling too lazy to really think out an intro, sorry. I have some mixed feelings about this book-- it's definitely my least favorite of Cassie's conclusion novels. Usually she's a goddess at writing the most satisfying and glorious conclusions, but here I found the finale somewhat lacking. The main reason for this is due to the fact that Cassie spent so much time setting up for her Wicked Powers series with the younger characters that there were way too many new issues opened and way too many loose ends created in this book. Like Cassie spent A LOT of time with Ty, Dru and Kit (lol I forgot what his nickname was and was like Chris? That doesn't sound right...) and creating tensions, plot lines and dramas there that are clear set ups for a series that is not this one. Usually Cassie's set ups or hints to other things are more subtle, and flow better with the story, yet this time it just made this book feel like another book in a series instead of a satisfying finale. A lot of people had issues with Clary and Jace's involvement in this book, but I would actually argue their parts were some of the best-- though, I may be completely biased seeing as I live for Jace and Clary. Like wow, wait... maybe I should save that comment for the spoilers section lol, but let it be out there that I have absolutely no issue with my TMI characters being involved in these or future books. So my biggest issue was with all the set up for another series, but the other thing that irked me was something that was supposed to irk me: Horace Dearborn and his biggoted followers. It's not at all subtle what Cassie is alluding to, and while I applaud her for adding her own social commentary, I found the big presence of Dearborn and his followers and what they were working for all together extremely depressing and irritating. Like I get it-- I KNOW that the political situation sucks in America, I couldn't agree with Cassie more on that, but I kinda read books to escape the real world, so reading a situation paralleling with what we're already dealing with just was depressing and irritating (as I already stated many times). This whole thing with the Cohort was also irritating because HOW DID NO ONE COMPARE HIM TO VALENTINE WHO WAS EVIL AND EVERYONE ABSOLUTELY HATES? Like they're the exact same, they even both hated downworlders?? Ugh. People were also making a shit ton of hasty, dumb decisions that got them into bad situations, which irked me as well. Actually, a lot of things just felt rushed in general, it was strange. There was also a LOT of drama in this book, and not the normal of level that felt actually enjoyable-- like a little too much. It just pushed certain things, which made the whole thing feel extremely melodramatic, especially the Julian-Emma situation. Okay, these are all my issues with it, but let me just remind y'all it's a Cassandra Clare novel-- obviously it's good! 8/10 stars, just there were some issues that stood out to me. OF course, it still had all the classic Cassandra Clare blending of action, relationships and characters that made a fantastic novel. It's just that I hold Cassie to on another level for ratings, which isn't exactly fair, but she's proven time and time again that she is a stellar author. Anyway, here's the synopsis: Dark secrets and forbidden love threaten the very survival of the Shadowhunters in Cassandra Clare’s Queen of Air and Darkness, the final novel in The Dark Artifices trilogy. What if damnation is the price of true love? Innocent blood has been spilled on the steps of the Council Hall, the sacred stronghold of the Shadowhunters. In the wake of the tragic death of Livia Blackthorn, the Clave teeters on the brink of civil war. One fragment of the Blackthorn family flees to Los Angeles, seeking to discover the source of the disease that is destroying the race of warlocks. Meanwhile, Julian and Emma take desperate measures to put their forbidden love aside and undertake a perilous mission to Faerie to retrieve the Black Volume of the Dead. What they find in the Courts is a secret that may tear the Shadow World asunder and open a dark path into a future they could never have imagined. Caught in a race against time, Emma and Julian must save the world of Shadowhunters before the deadly power of the parabatai curse destroys them and everyone they love. And here's the spoiler section of my thoughts on the novel: Okay, so I feel like the conflict all came down to Emma and Julian turning into nephilim, and it was epic how they utterly DESTROYEd everything but...I feel like they got off wayy to easy. Like the whole forbidden love has been pushed on us since page 1, but there were no consequences from anyone after the big fight and I felt like it was all too easy. Maybe this is just because I'm biased, but the whole Thule situation where the TDA crew fought felt blasphemous. Like uhhh ONLY the TMI crew can kill Sebastian. And also the fact that it said Julian was fighting toe-to-toe with Jace felt like a joke to me. Like Jace normally is already one of the best warriors there is, but since he has angel blood he is legit like the best fighter. Julian wouldn't stand a chance. Also blasphemous-- Zara using Cortana. Like, no, sweetie fuck off. Oh yeah, and the ending with everyone leaving Alicante was just annoying and an extremely obvious set up for more to come. Like this book would've been SO much better had it not been marketed as a conclusion. Kind of a similar situation to ACOWAR, actually. Basically my all time favorite parts of this novel were with all the old cast, which is bad, I know, but I'm just so partial to those characters. Like Alec proposing gave me the will to live ahh. And then when Clary cries and Jace wonders what he did wrong this time for the proposal! I LOVE THEM. OH MY GOD. lIKE AH. And then Thule Jace showed up and wanted Clary and... excussee me? leave my Jace ALONE. Lol, but seriously, my biggest investment in the next series is still about Jace and Clary... whoops. Thanks for reading, ​Anji
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overnightheartbeats · 5 years
NAME: Marilyn  NICKNAME: idk if I really have one? A lot of people call me Luna tho (last name) ooor ‘Mary’? I don’t even know why tho...reminds me too much of nursery rhymes lmfao AGE: 21 FACE CLAIM: n/a PRONOUNS: she/her HEIGHT: 5′3 BIRTHDAY: April 10
AESTHETIC: oh fuck, okay so many goddamn mugs (it’s like I’m a collector at this point), however these mugs are only for tea !!! My coffee = only iced pls, mf memes on my desk (got a ‘meme of the week’ whiteboard and all), pictures that reflect happy times everywhere on my wall (family, friends, etc.) - things that ‘spark joy’ if you will, Spanish music blasting everywhere..reminds me of home, birds, flowers, and superhero collectible figurines, a thick ass folder of people’s birthday/christmas/funny notes for a rainy day, water bottle decorated in different stickers that I like/represent me, journals on my desk..most unused (because too scared to ruin perfect beautiful journals), post it notes !!!, colorful pens and different coloring books, ooh and junk food everywhere
LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO:  Solamente Tú - Pablo Alborán
FAVORITE MUSE ( S ) YOU’VE WRITTEN: ooh tough, all of my muses have their own shenanigans going on but I think...Irvin, James, and tbh Danielle ?? lmfao (it’s hard to mention my female muses because I don’t have many opportunities to write them) 
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO TAKE ON YOUR CURRENT MUSE ( THAT YOU ARE POSTING THIS ON ): Alicia was created on a whim tbh, actually now that I think about it...a lot of my muses are lol but anyways, I was thinking that I wanted to try something new but I always tend to take baby steps when it comes to writing. In this case, baby steps was..writing a muse who’s background didn’t start in Los Angeles, CA (lmfao do I even know another city..answer is no, I don’t). I figured I wanted to dive a little more with a female muse completely out of my comfort zone (and the characteristics that Alicia displays were new in a female muse of mine, they had only been displayed in some of my boys). Melissa was created on a whim as well, I had retired a few of my female muses because they were underused/collecting dust and I had said I would switch to an all male muse blog because that’s what was working/getting interactions/etc. buuuut I couldn’t bring myself to remove all of my girls so I decided to try again by adding new female muses and soooo it started with Melissa and then later, Alicia/Danielle/Laurel came to life (ish). James was created...eons ago when I had just started in the rpc, so TBH my mans was created because I love Nick Jonas and already had Irvin (who was inspired from an idea a friend gave me, I started in the rpc as a favor to her lmfao, long story) but anyways, yeah love Nick Jonas and thought Irvin could use a brother, so he came along..he was a sweetie at first, so nice..but life happened to him, now he’s an asshole haha
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE ASPECTS OF YOUR CURRENT MUSE: I love that Alicia is one of the muses I have that is just..so unapologetic about everything she does. She is completely comfortable with who she is, what she does. She (and I can’t stress this enough) doesn’t care about what people think about her. I haven’t had a chance to explore much of her, but all I can say is that she’s very honest/blunt so she may come off as mean..but she does have a heart in there somewhere ?? Melissa..ahh this girl, I love/hate that she’s so forgiving !! Like...some of my other muses are too, but they’re unaware of how forgiving/kind they can be, but melissa?? My girl knows and she’ll STILL forgive time and time again !! It’s sweet and endearing in my opinion, though it gets on my nerves too lol (personal opinion of mine tho). James..that idiot boy of mine. I love that he’s loyal beyond belief, like....he could be an asshole, but he’s so loyal with friends/family/partners...it’s wild to me. I absolutely love him for it tho.
WHAT’S YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION WHEN IT COMES TO WRITING: biggest inspiration ?? It depends, but mostly music ?? I love listening to upbeat music, usually Spanish music. It’s weird but when I have to write/read in English, I have to listen to Spanish music so I can concentrate aaaand when I read/write in Spanish, it’s the opposite? My brain haha but anyways, yes music !! I also really enjoy taking walks through campus or just walks in the neighborhood (this school may be killing me, but the campus sure is beautiful) sooo yeah when I’m getting frustrated with drafts/my writing, a walk helps :)
FAVORITE TYPES OF THREADS: Angst for sure..hands down. I thrive in pain lmfao...i don’t know what else to say about them, I’ve noticed that not many of my muses are in touch with their feelings, or I should say..not comfortable with them (in varying degrees) but angst tends to put them in spots where they kind of have to work with it ?? reminds me of something we say at my job, ‘challenge by choice’ (except that here..the choice is mine lmao)
BIGGEST STRUGGLE IN REGARDS TO YOUR CURRENT MUSE: uhhh...Alicia can be mean, or she comes off as mean at least I think so. Another struggle? I feel like this is general for me, but I’m not as confident in my ability to write with my female muses which hurts my soul because I love them. I just feel like I don’t really get the chance to develop them as much as my boys. Like my boys, y’all can throw anything at them and I’ll be confident-ish at it, but I take so much time with my girls because not much development for them.
tagged by: the beautiful souls @refcrmist and @goxinsane !! tagging: @cursivebloodlines, @stxrroving, @fxllingdcwn, @hopelesswxnderers, @inaglassbox, @roscgoldcn, anyone else reading this !! 
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plumblackjeon · 6 years
When the river mourned
Written by sloth:
Well hi it’s me again lol so because l’m reaaaaaally not sure about writing l don’t feel comfortable making a blog so l’ll just leave this here (it’s a little different than the last one l think idek)you can post it or just read it and tell me your thoughts and anything you feel l should improve? (if you want of course, this is your space after all) -sloth
“Minnie..I’m leaving this town” you said smiling but tears were making your eyes glisten in the dark.”please don’t be mad at me baby, l love you..promise” you whispered and touched your forehead with his. Then you kissed him..and if he had known that would be the last time, he’d have held you and kissed you back. But he was crying and you kept wiping his tears with your thumbs.
The first time he saw you it wasn’t the first day of school. It wasn’t the first week and neither was it the first month. It was two months. Two months after school had begun you had opened the door and stepped inside, the class and his life. At first he thought you were a transfer student too. Later, he found out you had been living in this small town before you could even walk. He watched you carefully. How you walked to the back of the room without introducing yourself and the teacher didn’t even question it. It was almost as if the teacher knew something that nobody was supposed to know. You sat on the last seat and pulled out a notebook, your phone and your earphones. You covered your ears with them and spared a glance at him. Then you started drawing, deeply sunken in your own little world with the music protecting you from the whispers of their world. He was sitting across the room watching you from afar and he wished he could see what your hand was making the pencil create.
“Jimin babe wake up” he heard a voice say. He blinked his eyes twice and turned to see his girlfriend smiling that he was finally up,”Go get dressed you’ve got an early class today, remember?” You were nothing like his girlfriend. Your black short skirt replaced her pastel pink. Red strands of hair fell over your face when her blonde hair was always up in a high ponytail Your voice was quiet and silky smooth and you spoke slowly, barely forcing your words out of your mouth whereas hers was high pitched and she spoke as if the world was covered in maple syrup.
The first time he heard you laugh was under the bridge, near a river. It was late and the raindrops that fell on your face ran down your cheeks, blending with your tears and almost hiding them. Almost. He approached you slowly, hesitating. Maybe you didn’t want to be seen like this. Maybe you would snap at him about how this was none of his business and you’d be right, it wasn’t. “Hey l don’t know if you know me but um we have the same classes and l see you pretty much everyday, well l mean the days when you show up and l uh- are you okay?” His rambling almost made you laugh. Almost. “Lollipop boy” was the only thing you said, which made him look at you with a confused face “I..um..what?” then you laughed. You laughed and never had he thought he would feel the need to keep hearing your laugh. “You always buy lollipops on Fridays”
“Fuck baby just like that ahh lick it just like that..oh fuck” he kept moaning as you sucked his cock. Then you kissed your way from his abs, to his neck and finally his lips. “Minnie” you whispered the nickname just below his ear “..tell me what you want. I want to make you feel good baby, l want to make you happy” “All fours then,babydoll” and you did as he said. He hovered over you, so close that his chest was touching your back. He gathered all of your hair to one side,over your right shoulder and bit on the left one as he pushed his cock inside of you. He wrapped his right hand around your neck and slapped your butt with his left, his many rings leaving marks as you gasped from the sudden action. His thrusts were slow and deep and he kept kissing your shoulder and whispering “You’re so good for me baby and all mine.You know that don’t you? You’re my babydoll, mine and only mine l won’t let anyone lay a hand on you ever again” he paused and enjoyed how you felt around him before speaking again “say it baby, say it, let me hear’ “l’m all yours” “mine?” “oh fuck Minnie go faster please” “no baby, not until you give me what l want” he said and slapped your butt again. “Ahh baby.. l’m yours, all yours and no one else’s,,,please” and he quickened his movements. Moments later he laid beside you,wrapping you in his arms and he rested his chin on top of your head. The first time he said ‘l love you’ was that night when he thought you were sleeping. The thought of him loving you was scary but you wanted him, you needed him to make it all okay. And it was all supposed to be okay.
“Do you have to go?” he had asked you in the morning walking inside the bathroom while rubbing his eyes with his small hands. He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and rested his head on your shoulder while you brushed your teeth. He closed his eyes and started making your body move left and right with his as if he was trying to put you back to sleep.”Yes Minnie,l do have to this is about my brother. You know he’s the last person that’s left for me to call family you understand, don’t you baby?”he simply nodded and kissed your cheek ”l’ll see you later then, okay babydoll?” you hummed as a response and left his apartment.
When you returned that night his chest was waiting for you to bury your head in and let go of the last bit of strength that was left in your worn out self.”He’s gone Minnie. I’m all alone now he’s long gone. You should have seen him…hospital clothes look terrible on him. They make him look sick. He wasn’t sick Minnie, there was nothing wrong with him you know”you said and continued sobbing. He tightened his hold around you and spoke, his voice barely audible “l know baby shhh it’s okay, l know…l know..”
He walked home from class passing by the river. He asked you on your first day at that river. He kissed you for the first time when you were sitting on top of the little bridge. He was so worried you’d fall that, when you finally listened to his pleas and came down, he was relieved and kissed you without any second thoughts. You first told him about your deteriorating family near that river. And know it was empty. There was nobody leaning against the bridge, talking about little pointless things while watching the water glow.
“Do you really have to go?” he asked you wiping his tears with the sleeve of his sweater.”There’s nothing holding me here now Minnie”you answered cupping his face and looking into his eyes. He pulled your hands away “What about me huh? Am l not enough? Do l not love you enough? Am l not worth your stay?”he yelled in your face. You stared at him with a shocked expression “Answer me dammit” he said his voice now sounding hopeless.”Tell me baby,say it,l want to hear it” “l love you Minnie…promise”
He walked passed his old apartment. He had moved out since everything about it reminded him of you. The kitchen where he used to make you breakfast. The bedroom where he showed you how much he loved you. The living room where you cried countless times while he blasted you favourite music from his speakers to protect you from their world. His closet still filled with your clothes, your perfume on the bathroom shelf, your shoes on the doorway made it seem like you were home. But you weren’t.
Not many people had come. He stayed afterwards to talk to you.”You had to leave babydoll…you really had to leave, didn’t you? I’m all alone now baby, can you see? It hurts babydoll, it hurts so much can’t you kiss it better? Now you’re trapped here forever..” he paused as tears started to stream down his cheeks “…how are we going to leave this shithole now, hm baby? Answer me dammit…” he kneeled to the ground and placed the flowers over the soil. He started to sob quietly before whispering “The ones you loved…lilies”
Well.. You should definitely create a blog and start writing. This is a collection of everything I love in writing. It’s amazing, It’s very interesting seeing that the female character (your OC) is the more dominant - maybe it says something about you too :D Your plots are very interesting and engaging, I always want to know more after reading your works :D I just love it..
Please make a blog and start writing, I’ll be reading your every work!
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coalessscence · 7 years
TAGGED  BY : @sonnydisposition (THANK UUU !! SORRY ITS LATE AHH) TAGGING :   ummM @soughtbirthright @surviivorx @traumeriin @pxperhearts + ANYONE WHO WANTS TO !!
NAME :  Cass NICKNAME : N/A / it used to be the cinnamon roll but i’ve probably lost my hold on that innocent title by now XD FACECLAIM :  i dont actually have one for me??? i can barely make enough icons for my muses fam PRONOUNS :  she/her HEIGHT :  5′2 BIRTHDAY : sept. 29, 1999 AESTHETIC :  pastel-grunge, retro-pop, neon, colorful. cute and pink but also gritty and dark.
GETTING  TO  KNOW  THE  ACCOUNT : (i’ve had to adjust this a bit as a multi so whoops- single muse blogs i tagged can just answer them singularly lol)
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THESE MUSES :   i generally am attracted to characters that have minimal background information, or no popularity whatsoever, or both. i enjoy breathing life into a character no one would know if it weren’t for me writing them. i also love to bring life to my favorite OCs. and so... here we are. these criteria apply to like.... all of my muses lol WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVORITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSES:   i’m actually gonna list this for everyone so hold onto your hats. i love lorraine’s fearlessness, jennifer’s in-control calmness, remembrance’s confident silence, that herb is secretly less of an asshole than he pretends he is. i love mira’s intelligence, lucille’s spunk, bunny’s young activism, and linda’s gayness / struggle with identity bc Same. i love ruby’s tragic idealism, i love that tommy is such a martyr and yet he never gives up, i love seaborne’s cynicism and secret hopefulness, i love roach’s belief in conspiracies and actual pretty level-headed-ness, i love both love and hate maude’s ruthless, heartless con-to-win approach to life. i love jacob’s selfless self-sacrifice and also love (read: cry over daily) his secret self hatred and self blame for the past. i love how badass but incredible gentle and caring lisbon is, and i love how flippant and sarcastic and offbeat johnny is. i love how much andy supports his friends but also love (read: relate to) his obsession with success and a need to succeed. THATS..................EVERYONE, I THINK WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING :  i generally watch the canon material- specific favorite moments for my character only, if i’m in a hurry to get to drafts- for a reminder of the character’s voice. for the OCs around here, i really just force myself to take my time and think about who they are before i type up a reply. FAVORITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS :  p much anything tbh ??? i mean i love platonic relationships a Large Amount, but i can also do some romance ??? enemies ???? frenemies ??? fwb ???? long lost cousins twice removed ??? the classic plot of ‘whoops i bumped into someone on the street” all the way up to “complexly plotted starter we talked about that includes an entire familial tree’s worth of research” or any kind of meme turned into a thread like idk ???? JUST WRITE WITH ME TBH BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSES: overall, the biggest difficult thing about writing my muses as a whole would be that i don’t have a lot of free time to write and develop them ??? so i do feel a lot of my newer muses suffer a bit from that. but i do like to make a point to make headcanon development posts whenever i can, and i like to talk to people about my muses as well, which also helps!!
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sopeotp-blog · 7 years
a “should we know us a little better” tag
RULES: you must answer these 89 statements and tag 20 people
Tagged by: @jeonniez (thanks for tagging me :))
1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: my best friend
3. Text message: my best friend once again lol
4. Song you listened to: without you by oh wonder
5. Time you cried: ahh, i don’t remember. my memory is quite bad sooo
6. Dated someone twice: nope, never seriously dated actually
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nope
8. Been cheated on: nope
9. Lost someone special: yeah
10. Been depressed: no, i don’t think so
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no:)
12-14. black, blue, white (i also like green but-)
15. Made new friends: yes!
16. Fallen out of love: no, i’ve never been in love
17. Laughed until you cried: no, it had never happened actually
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yeah, not really nice things
19. Met someone who changed you: yep
20. Found out who your friends are: oh yeah, definitely 
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nO
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all of them
23. Do you have any pets: yes! i have a turtle, budgies and fish and theyre my children basically, i love them so much
24. Do you want to change your name: nah, not really. i wanted to when i was younger though
25. What did you do for your last birthday: listen, this is no jokes. i cried my fucking eyes out. i couldn’t stop. and no, it wasn’t happy tears i was sad as hell i felt like shit. thank you very much
26. what time did you wake up: 10:30 am cause i have summer holidays now ayeee
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching bts concept/au videos
28. Name something that you can’t wait for: HIXTAPE!!
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: im right next to her right now:) 30: What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my looks lmao 
31. What are you listening to right now: ivy by frank ocean
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: nope, i live in poland and you don’t have many people named tom here lol
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: automatic messages on twitter 34. Most visited website: twitter/facebook/youtube/tumblr/ao3 35. Mole/s: one on my cheek but it’s small so idk
36. Mark/s: a tiny one on my wrist and it reminds me of a hedgehog for some reason
37. Childhood dream: a dog (i still want a dog tho)
38. Hair color: naturally black
39. Long or short hair: i used to have long hair but i cut them short and donated it a couple months ago
40. Do you have a crush on someone: nope
41. What do you like about yourself: thanks to my friend i now like my eyelashes:)
42. Piercings: i only have ear piercing
43. Blood type: B
44. Nickname: i used to have one but nobody calls me that anymore
45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: aries
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV show: i don’t really watch tv shows. i’ve watched 3 in my life so idk 13 reasons why was quite good 
49. Tattoos: none, im underage so
50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: none
52. Piercings: ear piercing 
53. Sport: *laughs* i suck at sports tbh
54. Vacation: i'm going to asia this year to visit my family there
55. Pair of trainers: i like converse?? (i dont really get this question sorry)
56. Eating: right now nothing
57. Drinking: water hehe
58. I’m about to: read some sope fluff (sorry not sorry)
59. Waiting for: hIXTAPE
60. Want: a dog (and hixtape)
61. Get married: i don’t know to be honest. i’m too young to think about it but probably yes
62. Career: i have no idea what i want to do in the future 
63. Hugs or kisses: none - cuddling is awkward and so is hugging
64. Lips or eyes: EYES
65. Shorter or taller: taller
66. Older or younger: older
67. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice personality (idc really, be who you want to be as long as you’re kind)
68. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
69. Hookup or relationship: relationship
70. Troublemaker or hesitant: is there something in between? 
71. Kissed a stranger: no
72. Drank hard liquor: no
73. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no
74. Turned someone down: yes
75. Sex on the first date: nO.
76. Broken someone’s heart: i don’t know, i hope i didn’t
77. Had your heart broken: no
78. Been arrested: nope
79. Cried when someone died: yes
80. Fallen for a friend: no, i had a little crush on them though
81. Yourself: sometimes? but it’s really rare. i have to be very motivated
82. Miracles: yes
83.  Love at first sight: hmm.. not really?
84. Santa Claus: no
85. Kiss on the first date: for me: no. for others i don’t care 
86. Angels: no OTHER:
87. Current best friends: listen, im not gonna mention names here because this is a secret fan account that i dont want my friends to know about, sorry
88. Eye color: very dark brown, almost black 89. Favorite movie: the boy in striped pyjamas, big hero 6 and 12 angry men i dont have many mutuals and i definitely won’t tag all of them so i’m only tagging @otpinmybrain @j-hopes-aegyo @ults95
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godblessjintro · 7 years
92 statements tag
Thank you for tagging me @bun-squad! RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people (WTH that’s too many people lmao I’ma tag 5)
THE LAST: 1. drink: Horchata 2. phone call: My friend because I was lost and needed directions 3. text message: The happy emoji with the hands 4. song you listened to: Bryson Tiller - No Longer Friends 5. time you cried: This past Wednesday aka summer solstice but I honestly tear up so easily at anything 6. dated someone twice: No 7. kissed someone and regretted it: Ehh…not really. It was more like I was embarrassed. I don’t know if that’s the same. 8. been cheated on: No 9. lost someone special: Yes 10. been depressed: Definitely 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Only twice
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: 12-14. - Black, burgundy, navy blue IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU:
15. made new friends: Hmm, do friends I made on Tumblr count? LOL of course they do, so yes. 16. fallen out of love: You’ve got to be in love to fall out of it, so no. 17. laughed until you cried: For sure 18. found out someone was talking about you: I don’t think so. Thankfully I’ve never been in drama where someone was bad-mouthing me. Or maybe I just wasn’t aware? But I’m fairly certain that’s never happened. 19. met someone who changed you: Yes 20 found out who your friends are: Yup! 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: No
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I pretty much know all of them since they are family or friends, but I still need to clean out my friends list because there are some people I don’t really talk to. I don’t even really use Facebook anymore. 23. do you have any pets: No but I really want a dog! 24. do you want to change your name: Nah, I’m good with my name. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: I think I just went to dinner with my family, and then dinner with my friends. I can’t rage like I used to lol not like I even really did. 26. what time did you wake up: 9-ish AM? 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Just got home from hanging out and having a long catch-up talk with a friend. 28. name something you can’t wait for: This heatwave to be over. 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: This morning. 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I was more self-motivated. I can talk myself out of anything. 31. what are you listening to right now: The Bryson Tiller - True to Self station on Spotify. 32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes, from college! The only other Tom I know is the one from MySpace (anyone remember that?) 33. something that is getting on your nerves: The nosebleed I just had and barely stopped because it’s too hot in my house! 34. most visited website: Tumblr or YouTube, and not even the website since I’m usually browsing on my phone, more like those are the apps I use the most. 35-37. lost questions?? 38. hair colour: A dark brown/red because I dyed it 39. long or short hair: Medium, just past my shoulders 40. do you have a crush on someone: Nope, can’t relate lol. It’s been a LONG time since I’ve had a crush on anyone. 41. what do you like about yourself: Uhh like personality wise or looks wise? Personality wise - I’d like to say I’m pretty empathetic. Looks wise-I like the color of my eyes, my natural brow thickness/shape and my lips.  42. piercings: One on each ear that I got done when I was a baby. 43. blood type: O 44. nickname: CJ 45. relationship status: single, too lazy/slightly jaded/busy trying to get my life together to mingle 46. zodiac: Pisces 47. pronouns: she/her 48. favourite tv show: Law and Order: SVU. BENSON AND STABLER FOREVER! 49. tattoos: None, but I have a couple ideas for cute small ones, but don’t want them enough to get them 50. right or left handed: Right 51. surgery: Thankfully none 52. piercing: Why is this question here twice? 53. sport: Hah, I am athletically challenged so I don’t play sports but I do enjoy watching swimming and soccer. 55. vacation: Like favorite vacation, last vacation? Next vacation or where I want to vacation? Favorite vacation-Hawaii or Santorini, last vacation-Monterey Bay with my family, next vacation-Boston, where I want to vacation-everywhere! I really want to backpack and travel for 6 months-1 year. 56. pair of trainers: I only have Converse and Nike sneakers.
MORE GENERAL 57. eating: A cake pop 58. drinking: A bottle of water 59. i’m about to: watch Bon Voyage season 1 61. waiting for: my house to cool down since I just turned on the AC. 62. want: to not feel like everything around me is falling apart 63. get married: Ahh I don’t know. I think deep down, I want to share my life with someone long term but marriage scares me a little, for different reasons that are too long to detail here, lol. 64. career: something that allows me to travel. Dream job-travel blogger/writer/photographer but I also want to help people who want to study/work abroad or be a librarian.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. hugs or kisses: I love a good hug! None of that side-hug, weak stuff. 66. lips or eyes: It depends on the person. I don’t even know what I tend to look at first. 67. shorter or taller: Taller but I’m short, so literally everyone is my height or taller! 68. older or younger: I think it’s nice to have a balance of both in your life. It just depends on who you click with. 70. nice arms or nice stomach: I feel like arms are seen more than a nice stomach, so probably arms but again, depends on the person 71. sensitive or loud: Sensitive. I rarely ever get loud unless I’m fangirl screaming/squawking about BTS, lmao 72. hook up or relationship: Relationship. I personally don’t feel that hook-up culture is for me. But at the end of the day, as long as both parties know and agree on what they’re doing. 73. troublemaker or hesitant: I tend to be more hesitant for sure.
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: HAH…yeah 75. drank hard liquor: Yes 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: I don’t wear glasses or contact lenses and I rarely lose my sunglasses, I just end up breaking them because I don’t take care of them =/ 77. turned someone down: What’s the context? I’m just going to say no, because someone has to ask you in order for you to turn them down and my friends/family say no one approaches me because I have walls up and people can sense that. They aren’t wrong. 78. sex on the first date: Nope, hard pass 79. broken someone’s heart: No 80. had your heart broken: Romantically, no. But in general, yes. 81. been arrested: Nope 82. cried when someone died: Absolutely. 83. fallen for a friend: Not really. I was interested in someone when I met them, and we became friends after, so does that count? With another friend, it wasn’t so much that I fell for him because I wasn’t attracted to him or anything but I always thought, what if...
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: Gosh no, but I’m trying to be better at that 85. miracles: Yes 86. love at first sight: People can definitely click and have a connection at first sight but love…not sure. 87. santa claus: No, never did. My parents right off the bat were all, he’s not real, lol sorry. 88. kiss on the first date: On the cheek, maybe. 89. angels: I’d like to think so.
OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name: They have pretty unique names so I’m just gonna use their initials: M, A, G, S, T 91. eye colour: Slightly lighter than your average brown. 92. favourite movie: Most of the Pixar moves but especially Finding Nemo, also Lilo and Stitch, and most of the Disney Princess movies but especially Tangled. I like animated movies that remind me of being a kid and allow me to reminisce on times when I didn’t have all the responsibilities of adulthood, lol. BTW, no pressure to do this! I’ll just tag the last 5 people I messaged minus @bun-squad - @got7peaches, @blueagust, @youngjaesloudlaugh @floralseokjin @noonaornah
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littleshadygrove · 5 years
regression profile!
A note from the creator: Copy/paste, complete, and tag 5 people. Please tag me @princetkitten if you do it, so I can know more know more about my little friends~ 😃 Have fun with this! You can add pictures, new categories, etc. & Feel free to be vague about parts you’re not comfy with!
My Regression Profile
under the cut !!
I was tagged by: @littlecuddlebee​ - thanks for tagging me, this is cool!
Name: you can call me shady! or shady grove, doesn’t matter to me :-)
Nickname(s): well shady is a nickname. also my partner calls me little bear or princess <3
Age: 19
Gender: lol
on a seriouser note i guess i’m just androgynous but when i’m in little space i feel like a girl
Pronouns: on here i’m a she or a they, your pick!
Sexual orientation: what is that, never heard of it
Romantic orientation: don’t know him, sorry
Relationship status: happily in a monogamous relationship! <333
Location: southern usa
Little/middle/regressor/dreamer/other: i don’t label myself too hard but i guess i’m a little/middle and i just do what i do!
Community/ies: none
Clubs/daycares/preschools: nah
Follower count: 10! happy to have y’all, i’m really new to this!
Favorite color: ahhhhhh ummm they’re all good. but i love yellow, and pink, and blue, and cyan, and purple, and burgundy
Favorite stuffie: teddy! a little pink bear i’ve had since i was realllllly tiny. unfortunately she is at my family’s house and we haven’t been able to find her since i moved out :-((( i’ve been really bummed about it lately, i just want her back so bad. she’s been so good to me :,-(
Favorite little activities: cuddling! and hugging my big polar bear (kumajiro), or just daydreaming. probably my favorite ever is playing DRESS UP GAMES though!!!
Top 3 little shows: i don’t watch a lot of tv in my little space but i love punky brewster and steven universe and the movie matilda!!
Top 3 little movies: matilda, fantastic mr. fox, and kiki’s delivery service!
Top 3 little books: the velveteen rabbit, anything by roald dahl, and heidi!
Top 3 little apps: pastel girl bc i’m predictable, lily story, and this virtual crosstitch app!
Top 3 little video games: lol we have a gamecube and i play this awful atv racing game and sonic and knuckles. i also have a dsi and i love all the electroplankton games!!
Favorite little gear: i have these really pretty ballerina shoes which is really nice because i never had a chance to do stuff like that when i was a kid. and i have a sparkly tiara ring to remind me i’m a princess even when i’m just in a boring class or whatever. 
Favorite drink: milk!
Favorite snack: ahh i don’t know...pb&j?
Favorite meal: baked pasta!!
Favorite dessert/sweet: strawberry shortcake ice cream bar for sure
Favorite memory: i could never choose one above the others...a good one was writing to my favorite author and getting a letter back with a list of books to read (i asked what he read) and a special card with a cool cartoon!! i was so excited - if you have an author or someone like that who’s still alive write to them!!! you never know if they might read it and maybe even reply <3
One year goal: have my driver’s license
I tag: anyone who wants to! @pinkpastel-kitten @kiddokitto if you want!
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