#ahh ive missed drawing these two
ndoandou · 9 months
Ikevamp bois playing modern games part 2
Vincent is way into.. gartic phone
Qnd perhaps skribble.io
Like way into it
He would sit down 12 hours in front of the computer and guess what HES BEEN PLAYING GARTIC PHONE AND SKRIBBLE.IO IN A LOBBY OF RANDOMS
Hed obv speedrun a drawing in a short period of time and manage to make it look *chefs kiss*
Imagine if skribble.io had a vc feature tho
No no, like imagine if people were actually toxic in this goofy ahh game
They would yell down vincent down the mic telling him to go play with photoshop
Randoms are salty that vincent can draw and portray even the most ridicilous prompts which results him with the highest score always
Not to mention hes really good at guessing even the shittiest drawimgs from other ppl
"Broer how- that persons drawing looks ridicilous, even arthur's dog could draw that"
"Don't be mean theo! I could guess the drawing from the emotional connection i felt from it"
Jean has a shitty brick nokia phone
And he really loves playing snake II
No im serious
Well i suppose momte doesnt trust him with any other phones than that
the last time he was given a smartphone he downloaded some hack and slash game
took the word slash literally and then proceeded to cut the phone into two
comte was too stunned to speak
momte didn’t want his kids to miss out on gadgets but he cant have jean destroying his smartphone
BINGO! a nokia 3310 it is! 
jean didnt know how to react at first, but he found it easier to navigate and thats when he found out baout snake II
found it a bit pointless at first but despite saying that, he doesnt realize that thats the only thing he does besids fencing
snake II is his pre workout
the only thing he will be doing before his fencing practice
before meals
and before bed
‘‘jean are you sure you haven’t had enough of snake II..?’‘ comte asked causiously as he never know how his son Jean would react
jean looked at comte and stayed silent for a hot minute
its official
He plays league of legends
Napoleon is deffo a jungle/top main
Jungle preferabbly
Bros actually cracked coz hed turn any non meta champs into an absolute beast
I see him being especially good with pantheon jungle
Hed play league with jean tbh
And jean would be a dedicated top
But i dont see jean being the best player..
No, like imagine napoleon defending jean from "top troll" and getting spammed "?" On his lane
Napo would literally go to that persons lane just to steal their minion last hits
If hes feeling extra hed even use pantheons ult to yeet over to that player to ks all the minions on that person's lane 😭
"Jgl troll gg"
Ok napo is actually not toxic and is rly nice to play with
Hed even supp for you if ur learning a new champ
Hes only toxic to people who are toxic to his buddies
Ill be honest
Comte looks like someone who would download all games from every ad pop up he gets
And im talking about anything gacha related
He does not care whether the game is explicit or not as long as he can collect pretty characters
Is he interested in the gameplay??? Probably not.
"For what reason did you spend $$$$$$ on xxx game???" Leonardo asked as he scrolled through comte's in game billings, cocking an eyebrow
"Hm? Well i simply wanted to collect all of these lovely looking characters."
"Without leveling up your characters?"
"Do you understand how to play this game?"
Comte only looked at him with his unwavering smile
"honestly this is the most ridicilous spending ive witness from you, heh" Leo snorted
"Much appreciated, but i dont recal asking for any input, old friend" comte retorted
Leo looked at him and sighed
"Honestly at this point i shouldn't be surprised"
This took me forever to upload because i coulndn't figure what type of game comte would play then one day i was like AHAAAAA
Also i didn't proof read as always so pls dont chop my head off :"))
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fourx · 1 year
Hi there! <:) So earlier, you said to send some asks, I hope this isn't too late, because I have one for you, so I love your art and stuff, and I love your designs of the algebraliens! <:D You mentioned one time about some lore you have about them, could you elaborate on it please? Only if you want to though! <:D I'm just curious is all!
oh my gosh thank you anon! i very much appreciate when someone asks about my gijinkas ahh 😭
its less like lore but more like biology i guess and how they function
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this is the explanation as to why i dont draw them more alien like! their forms are held together by power and they can go in and out of human and algebralien form. this is also the same for objects but the way it works is different for them but that is a post for later 😭. algebraliens are not organic creatures to me, i think theyre made out of really wacky stuff! they still retain their reality bending abilities and powers
ALSO there is a 3rd form for them which is an inbetween being algebralien and human ive only posted it once and it was with two
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heres some info about their funny looking ears and tails. not every algebralien i draw has them. theyre able to sense each other’s presence with these.
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and lastly some stuff about x. since theyre a variable i wanted them to have differences compared to the numbers. they are also floppy
the eye is missing due to an accident with their power abilities
tysm for asking about this anon i love talking about them
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wynnn · 2 years
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Madara x adult Sasuke (20)
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luvspence · 3 years
roommates (III)
i’m literally obsssed
I, II , IV<- additional roommate fluff
prompts i used: 1 2 3
spencer reid x reader
synopsis: and they were roommates
word count: 1.3k
sunday paper
to you the paper was just something to be eventually recycled
but to spencer it was something so special, so special he’d wake up at 8 am on a sunday just to grab it. usually waking you up in the process
“spencer why”
he was perched on his chair, coffee in hand getting settled in to read
“why what?”
“why must you get up at 8 am, that stupid news paper would still be there at noon”
“i don’t wanna risk the neighbors stealing it, they’re sketchy y/n”
“believe me spencer no one wants to steal your news paper, and anyways wake up when you want but you don’t need to be so loud”
“hey it’s not my fault i tripped over your 100 cords plugged into the wall”
you rolled your eyes are we about to go back to bed when spencer called out
“so you don’t want the cross word y/n?”
you immediately turned around, you had a love for crosswords
you stood in front of him “give it”
he tuts “i thought you said my news paper was stupid”
“it is, give me the cross word”
“you have to respect the newspaper to get the cross word”
you scoffed
“fine i respect the news paper”
“what else”
“it’s very cool and it’s totally not a waste of paper and ink when you could just look at news online”
he nods and hands you the crossword, that you work on fervently
white board
you and spencer had a little white board that was on your fridge, you’d write little notes to each other as you came and went
“we’re out of coffee creamer
- reid”
“okay i’ll get more creamer, why do you sign your name? there’s only two people living here
“the new creamers great, thanks. and i don’t know what if someone broke in and decided to leave a note. it could’ve been them
“fair enough, have a good day spence!
“y/n, question that’s too awkward to ask any other way: do you miss me when i leave on cases?
“yeah of course i do, i miss having someone to talk to constantly, of course i miss my best friend when he’s gone spencer was kind of question is that. but it’s not too bad because we work together and we’re always on the phone. anyway yeah i do
“oh okay, that’s good to hear because i miss you too, i never wake up in the middle of the night to find morgan baking in our hotel. and i miss hearing the singing from the bathroom. anyways,,, we’re leaving on a case tonight (as your most likely aware). don’t forget to feed the fish for me!
“have a good day y/n!
p.s. attached is a drawing of a lady bug!“
“i quite enjoy your lady bug spencer, have a good day as well!
p.s. i tried to draw a bee”
“y/n i love you but that’s the most a.) terrible drawing of a bee and b.) most scientifically un accurate bee i’ve ever seen, why is its stinger so big?
“dont stinger shame my bee, he likes himself how he is
you and spencer were both in the home office, you were sitting through emails and spencer was reading a book under the lamp, when suddenly the light went out
“my computer! i was just- my emails!!”
“ugh now i can’t see my book”
“dont you have that book memorized at this point spencer”
“yes, but i like to re read”
you laughed and went under the sink to pull out the flash lights
you stood up, immediately tripping over spencer
“jesus christ spencer dont sneak up on me like that”
he caught you mid fall
“apologies, do the flash lights work?”
you clicked them on and off, gave the back of them a good smack as well
“shoot no, i think i have some candles”
you wandered off into your room, spencer hearing another loud thump and rushing to see if you were okay
“y/n?? are you okay?”
“yes i’m fine, this wall came out of no where”
you found the few candles and the lighter, giving a couple to spencer to spread around the apartment
you were criminally bored, your whole life revolves around your computers, which were useless without an electricity
spencer was reading his book next to one of the candles, he looked like an 18th century philosopher, crouched down with a tiny worn out book in his hands, next to the light of a candle
you were hanging backwards off the couch in boredom
“i’m bored. the super said the power won’t be back for a whole TWO hours”
spencer looked around, your apartment wasn’t nearly illuminated enough to play any sort of game
“do you want me to read to you?”
he flashed you the book, “the prince” by niccolo machiavelli
“it is much more secure to be feared than loved”
“ahh you’re an expert already”
he crawled on the couch next to you, moving another candle near him to start and reading the pages to you
you listening peacefully as spencer read the pages to you, his voice like music to your ears
spencer was finishing up his nightly routine, about to enter his bed when he heard a scream from tour room
he immediately ran in “what’s wrong? are you okay?”
you trembled as you pointed to the spider on your wall, you then took refuge under spencer’s arm
“y/n seriously? it’s not going to hurt you”
“i don’t careeeeeee!! spence kill it please please please”
he looked at you, you were glossy eyed and had a terrible fear of spiders. he didn’t wanna kill it, but he’d do anything for you, including insect murder
he grabbed a tissue and crushed the spider, disposing of it in the trash
“my hero!” you flung your arms around him, he stroked the back of your head
“y/n if the food chain in this apartment is thrown off now i’m blaming you”
“hey y/n you ready to go home?”
you wearing in the cave with penelope
“hey tonight i’m gonna stay a little late, penelope can give me a ride home”
“oh okay, see you at home then”
you guys waved to each other
penelope started to tease
“you’re so in love”
“am not!”
penelope put her best spencer impression on
“are you ready to go home the dearest y/n? ready to come with me? your genuis future boyfriend?”
you threw a piece of paper at her
“shut up! oh my gosh it’s not even like that”
a couple minutes later you get a call from spencer
“hey spence what’s up?”
“okay so, i um. am locked out? i t-think my key fell out on the jet?? i’ll check tomorrow but for now can you please come and open the door for me”
you laughed and told penelope
“yes of course i can my love, sit tight i’ll see you soon”
“okay thank you y/n, bye”
you put down your phone and laughed to yourself a bit
penelope dropped you off at your yet apartment, you found spenxer sitting on the steps on the front door
“oh hi y/n sorry for making you come out”
“hey no worries, i live here too”
you opened the door and spencer followed you in
“thank you y/n, you’re the very best roommate”
you nodded but in your head you said
“if you like me as a roommate you should see me as a girlfriend”
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krisdreaming · 4 years
hi! i don’t know if you’re tired of writing them, but the scenario with iwa and kuroo was the cutest thing ever :((( is it alright if i ask for the same thing with tsuki? thank you!
Ahh, that whole 4+1 trope/concept is one of my favorites, so I’m not tired of it at all! I’d love to write for Tsukki ^^ This is a third year AU!
Edit: 4+1 masterlist is here
Four times Kei thinks he loves you, and the one time he finally says it out loud.
When you meet Kei in his classroom for lunch, you’re carrying two bento boxes. He doesn’t have time to ask you about it, because the moment you sit down next to him you push one toward him.
“Here, I made this for you.” You smile at him, almost bashful. “You haven’t been eating a lot at lunch lately, but I know you must get hungry. Ah, I hope it’s okay that I did that.” After all, the two of you haven’t been dating for so long, only a few months.
“Oh. Well, thank you,” Kei can’t hide his surprise or the small smile that finds itself on his face. “Of course it’s okay.” Why wouldn’t it be? The fact that you’d though of him does strange things in his chest. He pulls the bento closer to him, tugging open the neat knot you’d made in the cloth.
“I did a little research,” You add when the meal is finally unwrapped. “So I put in lots of protein and other stuff that you’ll need for volleyball. Can’t have you getting tired out.” You giggle, and he looks from the carefully prepared meal to your face, smiling expectantly. The feeling in his chest is starting to twist into something else, and it hits him right as his chopsticks are hovering over the rice. I love you. Huh.
“Thank you,” He says again instead, hand coming to rest on top of yours. “Really. This means a lot.” For just a few moments, the world comes to a stop, and he gives your hand a gentle squeeze, hoping it’s enough.
“I’m sorry. I know this isn’t ideal,” You say when you let Kei in. “It’s just that the babysitter bailed at the last minute, and they haven’t been able to go out just the two of them for so long.” You’re bouncing the baby in your arms, and Kei can’t not notice the tender way you’re holding him.
“It’s alright.” He shrugs his bag off his shoulder. “Ah, so what’s his name?” He peers stiffly down at the child, sleepy eyes already drooping shut. 
“Hitoshi.” You coo, poking your fingertip gently on the tiny nose, which scrunches up at the touch. “Do you want to hold him?” You offer suddenly, catching Kei off guard so much that he nods.
“Okay.” That quickly, you move to settle the baby in Kei’s arms, gently positioning its head in the crook of his elbow. Once he’s situated, you rest your cheek on Kei’s shoulder, peering down at him.
“Isn’t he so precious?” You ask in a whisper, and Kei doesn’t answer right away because he’s all too aware of your hands wrapped around his arm and the gentle look on your face. He sort of likes it. “Hm?” You prompt, and Kei almost jumps.
“Yeah, sure.” He says a little too gruffly. “He’s cute.” He turns and looks at you with three words stuck in his throat, but doesn’t say anything more. This might not be the best time to say it, anyway.
The evening air is cool as he walks you home, and the light from a streetlamp is playing across your face. You and Kei had just shared a piece of strawberry shortcake at your favorite little cafe, and it’s almost as though he can still taste the sweet berries on his tongue. You giggle, and he thinks maybe it’s your laughter, instead.
He slips his hand into yours, tugging you a little closer to his side because everything comes a little easier in the moonlight. Your conversation is light, chattering about nothing. About everything. He runs his thumb down yours, and at the gesture you pause in what you’re saying to smile softly at him. I love you bubbles up again, and really, tonight might be the perfect time to say it, but before he can work up the nerve, you’re standing in front of your house.
“Thanks, Kei. That was a lot of fun.” You face him, tilting your chin up so that you can see his face better. “I missed nights like this.”
“Me too,” He says softly. “I’m sorry, it’s just with volleyball and all-” You stop him before he can continue.
“You don’t need to apologize to me,” You say firmly. “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m really proud of you, you know? And I hope you know that you have my full support. No matter what. I’ll always be here to cheer you on.”
“I know.” He says, and lets his fingers skim your cheek before leaning in and kissing you, soft and sweet. Your arms wrap around his neck and he puts those three words behind the pressure of his lips.
“Good night, Kei.” You say when you finally pull away.
“Good night,” He echoes, and you lift your hand in a quick wave and turn toward the house before he can say another word.
Kei catches you in his arms with a soft oof. “I really missed you!” You say, muffled into his shoulder, and he holds you a little tighter.
“I was only gone for one week.” He says, laughter in his voice. 
“Yeah, I know.” You finally pull away to pout at him. “How was the training camp? Were you too busy, or did you have time to miss me?”
He huffs out a laugh. “Oh, it was just as intense as usual. I swear, Hinata and Kageyama are insane. I don’t know if they even slept. They’re worse than the first years.” He shakes his head, and you laugh softly. He missed that sound. “And yes,” He confirms, “I suppose I had a little bit of time. To miss you.” 
You feign a gasp, reaching up to rest your hand on his forehead. “Kei, are you feeling alright?” He narrows his eyes. “To think my stone cold boyfriend would actually admit to missing me!” You splay your hand dramatically on your chest. 
“I’m not stone cold,” He rebuts, crossing his arms across his chest. 
“Weeelll...” Your giggle turns into a shriek as he hooks an arm around your middle, dragging you back against his chest.
“Take it back!” He threatens, lips tantalizingly close to your neck.
“Or?” You shoot him a cheeky grin.
“Hm, glad you asked.” He nuzzles his nose into the juncture of your shoulder and neck, then presses a kiss there. Here, with you in his arms just like this, he feels incredibly light. I love you, I love you, I love you. For each time the words play through his mind, he presses another kiss to your skin.
He had missed you, and it was more than a little.
Graduation. It’s hard to believe the day is finally here. In some ways, Kei still feels like the gangly first year he’d once been, brooding his way through life. He doesn’t think it’s quite sunken in yet that his time here is over. A lot is going to be changing in the next weeks and months, except, he hopes, for one thing. 
The ceremony passes by in a blur of faces and names, and when it’s over he’s clutching his diploma in his hand and scanning the crowd for you. When he finally catches sight of you, you’re already headed in his direction.
“It’s a good thing you’re so tall,” You laugh. “Finding you in a crowd is always easy.” He smiles. “We did it!” You continue, “Can you believe it? We graduated. It almost doesn’t feel real.”
“Well, it’s real,” He says, reaching into his pocket and closing his hand around the cool metal object inside. You’re still chattering as you walk, and he holds onto it until it’s become warm from the heat of his hand. Finally, when the crowd has begun to thin and you find yourselves in front of the school beneath a budding tree, he draws out his hand.
“Hey, Y/N.” You look at him then, expression growing more serious at the tone of his voice. He holds out his closed fist, and after a moment’s hesitation, you extend your hand. He drops the second button of his uniform jacket into it, feeling his cheeks heat up even though he’d promised himself he wouldn’t blush about this. You look from the button to his face with wide eyes, and he nods, smiling, something he can’t quite contain.
“Kei,” You say his name softly at the same time as he begins speaking.
“I love you.” It’s easy. It feels right. “And that’s not going to change, no matter what. You are-” He cuts off, not sure what word can begin to describe everything you are to him. “You’re the most important person in the world to me.”
“Kei.” You say his name again, clutching the button tight in your fist. Your smile is wobbly, but wide. “I love you, too.”
He cups the back of your neck, drawing you closer for a kiss. “I love you,” He says again, against your lips.
(If you don’t know, it’s a sort of tradition in Japan for male students to give the second button from their uniform jacket to their crush / s/o as a symbol of their love etc, & from the little I’ve read it isn’t actually super common but it’s cute, darn it, so I used it)
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fallin-4-ya · 3 years
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The Follies and Vices of You
cedric diggory x reader- part v of series 
based off the novel and film ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen
summary: Being the beloved sister of the incredibly wealthy Mr. Potter, you felt no need to rush into marriage. But one day, when you come to meet a new acquaintance, the proud Mr. Diggory, your views of love and follies change.
warnings: none! (gif is not mine, credit to owner!)
part i, part ii, part iii, part iv, part v
‘Maybe it’s that I find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others, or their offenses against me. My good opinion, once lost, is lost forever.’ -Jane Austen 
The snow melted and flowers began growing, winter gone and the world welcoming spring with open arms. The earth turned ever so slowly and the cold months of the year began to pass, while the months of summertime approached slowly.
You thought often about the words crossed between you and Mr. Diggory and reread his letter hundreds of times. You replayed every emotion in your memory and found solace in his warm eyes, unable to remove him from your thoughts. The feeling of guilt, anger and love resided deep with you, for you couldn’t tell which thought to be corresponding to him.
Miss Ginny, however may have been right about two things in her letter sent to you in the New Year. You had received a proposal form not only Mr. Diggory, but from Mr. Malfoy as well which you declined almost instantly. While the other being she would be home before the flowers bloomed, which excited you greatly.
You told no soul about the proposal or the letter sent from Mr. Diggory, not even Miss Ginny; for to remember the memories of the conversation was far too painful. You had not seen Mr. Diggory since, you were told he was to go back home for the summer months.
One morning at breakfast, your brother turned to you, ‘Y/N, I am to go across country with Mr. Ron Weasley next week for some business.’ You hummed softy, ‘How would you like to join us? I think some fresh air will do you good.’
You looked up at Harry with sweet eyes, ‘Oh Harry! Of course, how exciting that sounds! What a wonderful distraction from life this will be, as what are men compared to rocks and mountains!’
The following week you rode up country in the carriage with Harry and Mr. Ron Weasley. The trip was splendid so far, as you passed the blossoming trees and blooming flowers. It felt as the world was at peace. You turned your attention to your brother,
‘Harry, where are we anyway?’
‘Derbyshire, I believe.’
‘Harry,’ Interjected Mr. Weasley, ‘Is that not the home of Mr. Diggory?’
‘Yes, Ron, I do believe it is!’ replied your brother, ‘Shall we pay our old friend a visit?’
‘Oh lets not!’ you quickly spurred out, ‘He um- Well he’s so rich. I do prefer not to.’
‘And what are we my dear sister!’ Harry shakes his head in amusement, ‘Nonsense, we shall go see our business partner. I thought you would love to meet an old acquaintance, Y/N.’
With that you slumped down into your seat, dreading the visitation of Mr. Diggory.
When you all had finally arrived to his estate you could not help but to smile to yourself, because it was more beautiful than you could ever imagine. You graciously made you way up the grand staircase up to the front doors. The doors opened and you were met face to face with Mr. Diggory, a meeting you had thought so long about. His eyes were still warm and you saw a smile that you hadn’t quite seen there before
‘Mr. Diggory.’ You bowed at his, returning the smile.
‘Miss Y/N, what a most pleasant surprise!’ He took your hand, greeting you properly. He then turned you your brother and Mr. Weasley, welcoming them to his home.
Soon you all sat in his parlor, conversation coming easily; all the while Mr. Diggory turned to you. ’Miss Y/N, would you do me the honor of perhaps playing the pianoforte. It’s been such a long while since music was played in my home.’
You nodded and walked up to the pianoforte, then began playing it graciously. The men once again became absorbed in conversation as you went into your own little world with your playing. It felt like hours had passed as you played; however, you were brought out of your piano trace with a presence stood above you. Without looking up or stopping your fingers you said,
‘You mean to frighten me, Mr. Diggory, coming in all your state to listen to me. But I shan’t be alarmed even if your family does play so well.’
He laughed, ‘Oh, Miss Potter, I know well that I cannot frighten you even if I were to wish it.’
You looked into his brown eyes, as if you were seeing their richness for the very first time. You saw the man behind the wall, a man ruined by tragedy and grief; a man numbed by the betrayal of friends and the loss of a most beloved sister. for how tragic life can be, as you knew that all too well. And perhaps Mr. Diggory was right, just because one has pride, we have no right to be prejudice towards the; especially when one’s character is severely misunderstood.
You stood quickly identifying your feelings, becoming very uneasy. You apologized and walked out of the room; for what you felt, you could not bear.
For the rest of the trip you pondered over your likeness of Mr. Diggory. You spend your nights lying awake solely thinking about him, he danced in your mind as a distance memory, something that was always just out of reach. And returning home did not fix your heartbreak, but rather made it worse. The feelings which you felt were buried very deep within your insides, for you could not handle the recollection of the emptiness you felt without him.
Month passed, and seasons changed. The end of summer came quickly. Your restlessness came to no avail, spending most nights walking the grounds of the estate. There your thoughts could not disturb you.
One night walking, you saw dawn soon approaching; but there was something else also steadily approaching you.
Mr. Diggory.
He headed onwards staright towards you, both of you dressed only in night clothes. Mr. Diggory came to you steadily with shaky hands.
‘Mr. Diggory! How- why?’
‘I could not sleep, Miss. Y/N. I think only of you and knew I had to come see you again, only to ask one more time.’
He paused looking at you, exhaling deeply. You nodded and gazed into his loving eyes.
‘Miss. Y/N, if your feelings have remined the same since last winter, please tell me so at once. My affections towards you have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever. However, if your feelings have changed,’ he paused slowly, ‘I wish to tell you that you have bewitched me body and soul and I love- I love you. And I never wish to be parted from you from this day forth.’
‘It’s always been you, Mr. Diggory.’ You stared longingly at him, ‘For I cannot express the moment it stared; but that once I realized, I was only in the middle and far too deep to turn back. So, if you will take me as I am, I am yours.’
He took your hands in his, drawing them in slowly and planting a kiss onto each knuckle. Stars in his eyes and angels in yours, it was like this moment had been envisioned a hundred times in your head but never had the courage of playing itself out. Now, instead of dancing alone in his memories, you danced in each other’s, together.
For the first time you felt like you were home, and you loved him, and he loved you. And after all, how much more could you ask for.
(authors note: Ahh! its finally here! the last chapter of this series, but not to worry there will be an epilogue! if you came this far, thank you so much, i really enjoyed writing this series and I hope you enjoyed reading it! much love <333)
tag list: @freddieweasleyswife @truly-insatiable @annasdani @mullthingsoverinthehotwater
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anestheticrage · 4 years
Be me: Japanese honor student🎓, 15, with half a brain and even less of a plan. Hunting bitches by day and witches by night. Livin that dank only child✌️ life while mom n dad yeet all over the globe, leavin me plenty of time to forget not to make 2 lunches for myself #quirky 😜
no time for socialization or basic electronics skills ???📱??? when your best friends are an alien demon rabbit🐰👽 and the inexplicable Hole ™ in your brain. lmao, btw did i mention im ✨M✨A✨G✨I✨C✨A✨L✨
dreamin bout my 2D waifus again when familiar pink haired cancer patient dances through my brain passin out fliers: Kamihama Meguca Dating Service: Sponsored by Cult of the Magius. 250 stones per session 🤔
seems legit, Mr. Moneybags. wasn't spending my unwieldy sack of gemstones on anything else anyway. lets pull 💎💎💎
first up we have Redhead Radagast and her plethora of plants. 🌿☺️🦎
anndd, nearly dies immediately. 
well not off to a great start but i guess shes pretty cute at lea- oh FUCK its her girlfriend, Tsundere Poseidon😒🔱💦, and their exasperated, straight and single Sword Mom 😔🗡️🔥. fml gonna have to save up for the next pull. might as well play a few rounds with what i got tho. 
get in some good girl talk about things like school, color coded hair styles, body count, permanent soul damage, and our personal demon pacts. ya know, the usual 😚 . realize my dark backstory seems to be missing, so the girls take me to Ketchup Queen Sappho 🍅🥧 (wtf?) to molest my glowy egg stone. whatevs, more action than ive had since Kuroe 🖤 got added to the story anyway
the gang agrees it's time to hunt down the cutest rabbit pimp 🕶️🐇💵 in the city. >> say 🎵mukyuuu🎵 one more time and ill hug you so hard my backstory will pop right out, you adorable fluffy bastard. plz be my new best friend 💕
Form brand new friendship pact with Kyubae, and remember that my lil Sis 🐥 was always the best wingman for pickin up magic chicks, and kept her side of the room so spotless i forgot she existed. whoops 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ Maybe if I find her i can stop paying these exorbitant pull fees.📵💎
speaking of which: hot damn this week's featured bachelorette is a 19 year old model and magical detective🔎 with massive levels of PTSD and self loathing 🥵💙💦 more likely to stab you or dramatically jump off a rooftoop than utter a single positive comment. wow, maybe i really COULD find true love…
... if i had MORE THAN A 1% FUCKING DRAW CHANCE. 😡 smh
hard to make much progress finding sis or winning the broken heart of a hard boiled detective amidst the never ending lover's quarrel of the Trident Vine Lesbians. 💔 Sword Mom tells them if they don't behave a monster will take them away. LOL classic mom 🤣
declare all-out war on urban legends, starting with staircases ⚔️ to reunite the dysfunctional trio, and hope that I net a way better lineup with the next 10x pull. at least sad sleuth lady came to help out. they say combat is the best way to bond wi-   and there she goes off the rooftop again 🙄 fml
alright that got way off track, we need a fresh start, away from all the loli drama. how bout a little B&E🔓🔨🤷🏻‍♀️ at the local house of worship to clear my head. ahh nothing like the unanswered prayers of the masses to get you in the mood for another wasted pull, and the 🔥 MIGHTIEST 🔥 headache you could ask for with a side of Double Cooked Pork 🐖🍜 (meh 5/10🧾)
venture forth into the spiritual unknown with your new human flamethrower🔥🌻🧡 and ask your favorite private eye to please, for the love of Eve, trade Meguca accounts with me~~~ Head through the eastern spirit portal to meet up with hologram propaganda sis and detective crush's evil ex, who joined a dating-app cult (#fuck) and also turned into the moon?🌕?(that's rough buddy)
get ambushed by Acid Horse on Wheels 🌈🐴 and vomit up my soul so hard that its time for a crossover episode. T U R F F F   W A R R R *que operatic harmonies* 💛 Blondie with the hair drills and enough attitude and guns to fill up a noble phantasm tries to ban my account permanently, but PI heartthrob denies her admin privileges. aww babe i didn't know you cared. 😭♥️
get kidnapped by my new true love and go back to her place 😏  defs enough empty rooms to house five emotionally traumatized girls and at least two ghosts hehehe👻 XD 💚🃏💜🎸 decide to form the anti-gossip brigade and recruit my blazing sunflower after getting ambushed by the witch living in my fruit loops🥣
❌outvoted 2:1 that cults are bad. mf. fiinneee one last pull to round out the team and then I'll delete the app. cmonnn Karin 🎃~
Always wanted a daughter 💜🔨🐄 with a penchant for pissing off the local Martial Arts & Books Club and drinking suspicious liquids offered by total strangers. Well if it's good enough for her AND the sexy mayadere with enough game to seduce a mermaid, might as well get in on that myself. 
#curseddrank 🤢 0/24 would not recommend to a friend, 'cept maybe Ria
win alot of cash 🤑, blow up a fountain, meet the pied piper²🎶🖕, moon cult, monochrome feathers, something about liberation✊🏻; adopt temper tantrum cow girl. aces 💜🥩
Next up!!! skydiving with DJ Hammer! Jump to apparently-not-certain death after suicidal A.I. 💚💾🗼 tells you to rescue her hostage before they run out of Radiohead albums and have to move on to Thom Yorke's solo discography. save the invisible shield kitten 💚👑😿 from happiness and get chased through the internet by the sexiest homicidal Paint Pallette 💚🎨😈 since Caravaggio. (apparently green is the color of the digital apocalypse. i’m deleting Kako from my friend's list)
that’s it, fuck this app. 250 stones 💎 per-life-threatening-experience is more than i’m willing to deal with 😓 don’t wanna mess with the perfect nuclear family anyway. we've already got: 
✔️the two emotionally traumatized moms with memory and commitment issues
✔️the adhd daughter with anger management problems and a giant hammer
✔️the psychologically abused scizophrenic cat
✔️and the eccentric aunt with crippling anxiety
now that were done hoarding bitches, its time to hunt the witches. and the bitches makin the witches. btw did i mention the witches ARE the bitches! AND WERE ALL GOING TO DIE!? 📽️⁉️💀 wait fuck lets back up a second
This is Nemo📕 and Token🧪 and they have all the answers but prefer if you only ask vague questions in exchange for vague responses so they can fill in the rest by discussing their superior intellect 🧠 at length. not to mention they built that dating app, so of course everyone in my harem decides to be a FUCKING. TRAITOR.🤬
cept waifu prime ofc 🥰💙. [PTSD > brainwashing] 'yOu CaN bE tHe LeAdEr NoW'. i have been from the very beginning you traumatized Hinedere nightmare. maybe if you weren't so caught up collecting surrogate daughters you would've noticed IM👏THE👏ONLY👏 ONE👏PROGRESSING👏THE FUCKING👏PLOT✨
rescue the rest of dysfunctional found-family™ from selves before my adorable firebender burns down Disnihama🎡🔥😱 during her weekly anxiety attack. (love the makeover T B H) 
CHAPTER 8: Magical Girl Massacre🩸🗡️
   - everyone has like, the shittiest day ever
   - the new Pope really needs to be extradited from the church
   - make friends with a really pretty tree 🌺🌲✨
i swear, if i don't finish this god damn story in time to get that free pull im gonna beat the shit out of every mirror i find in that giant mansion that i haven't even had any time to even mention yet. 🖕🏚️ let alone EVERYTHING happening with the prequel [fuck you, I'm the star] girls 💗💜💙💛❤️️ and their multidimensional melodrama. We don't need that many repetitive af episodes to emphasize that Homo-ra is a shitty person. we've all seen Rebellion. 🙄
uhhhggggg where were we… Topple a cult and burn down Hotel Denoument only to realize that Sis was fused with the dating app servers this entire madokafuckin time (told ya she was the best wingman 😊). 
Dilemma: Sis =🥚, Triumvirate of Trouble want 🐣. What do? vote now:
Help Hatch - IIIIIII
Not Do That - IIIII
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lets just fight everyone until something good happens.
Kill (???) the artist-in-chief of the italian reindeer murder police after teaching her the true meaning of Christmas 🎄 hatch 🐣lil Sis and realize she WAS your wingman all along🐰 MUKYUUUU! we're just gonna ignore how much trouble it would have saved if you'd just mentioned that. "yOu DiDnT aSk..." 
anywho, somewhere along the lines we of course summoned the Antichrist ⚙️ because why not raise the stakes to max and still not kill off a single character. Madofuckinkami, can we PLEASE wrap this up. 😩💤
feathers (not the culty kind, tfm) rain from the sky, and the power of friendship and not having the Urobutcher 🔪🩸as a lead writer saves our peacefully sectioned off alternate reality 😇
TL:DR fuck cults, real life waifus DO exist, don't sell your soul to space rabbits, or your stones to megacorporations. Enjoy arc 2 on the JP server with your shitty translation patch you filthy fuckin weebs 
Yours Truly, 
- Thirsty Weeb Eroha 💗💎😘 
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meowdymista · 4 years
Van der Driscoll Pt5
Warnings: Micah, violence
Part 4 & Masterlist
Part 6
Truth be told, after a week of being shunned by everybody except Arthur, you were starting to miss life as an O’Driscoll. Sure, they were slimy and smelly and brash and cruel, but they would at least excrete some sense of comradery alongside the shit they gave you.
You were used to being an oddball. Mocked for your smooth face, you insisted on a past life as a talented barber. If anyone cracked a shot at your wide hips, you placed a precise amount of lead in a non vital limb as warning to copycats. The terror of being discovered earned you a streak of being ruthless, which is how you climbed the ranks and managed to squeeze out regular breaks every few weeks.
The Van der Linde crap was something else though. The women pressing their lips together, the men spitting threats when Arthur’s out of earshot… Everybody was giving the two of you a wide berth and Arthur’s heavy sigh whenever he noticed someone acting colder than they had before didn’t do much to comfort you. This hurt on a personal level. You were the talk of this small town, but there was no house to take refuge in and no brick walls to keep the whispers out. Instead, you were sat on display with a billowing cotton sheet for privacy at best.
“They’ll get over it,” Arthur assures you daily. “They did with Kieran.”
Kieran Duffy - his whole corpse shook like the last leaf in autumn during a tornado. If your pulse was personified it would shake less, even when someone throws out a casual threat. Your feelings towards the man vary from disgust of his betrayal to rabid jealousy of him being able to live a life here without a bodyguard. As much as you appreciate your lover’s constant presence dissuading others from picking a fight, his protective streak was growing old.
Eventually, Hosea intervenes Arthur on his return coffee trip. Judging from Arthur’s glare, and the way he keeps looking back to you, it’s about a job that needs to be done. You know for a fact that money is thin on the ground - you’ve heard Miss Grimshaw berating the other men in camp about it, hissing with venum whenever they dare complain about picking up the slack.
After returning from another vain bathroom break (despite having little to no weight to push on your bladder, somehow your ability to retain liquids has diminished to that of a newborn yourself), you find Arthur gathering supplies.
“Won’t be long,” he assures you, a gentle kiss on your lips, squeezing your hand as he picks up his satchel. “Some feller other side of Valentine owes us money. I gotta go deal with him, but when I get back I was thinkin’ we could get outta here, do some huntin’ or somethin’, what you reckon?”
“Sounds great!” You force yourself to grin despite your stomach sinking faster than a wounded elk. Something in his eyes betrays his own attempt at make believe, jovially mounting his mare and galloping away with a small wave.
“New to camp?”
You look up as threateningly as you can. A man with sharp cheekbones and a thick dark beard is grinning at you jovially.
“Don’t get ya knickers in a twist - I ain’t gonna stab you or nuttin.” He holds out a grubby hand. “Name’s Peader.”
“Peter?” you repeat.
His eyes crumple with his chuckle. “Aye, if that’s easier for youse.”
You swear as you stick your thumb with the needle. You were better at gutting fish than needlework, and no one ate the fish you gutted. Seemingly tired of washing out more bloodstains, Miss Grimshaw calls you over to a wash basin to begin laundry.
“No heavy liftin’!” she snaps as you kneel on the ground beside the tub. “If you need somethin’ heavy movin’, you shout someone, y’hear?”
“Yes, ma’am,” you reply. You’ve overheard the other women in camp complaining about how bossy she is, but you find comfort in it - no matter how stern she can be, she never treats you differently for your time with Colm. For that, no matter how small, you can’t help but be grateful.
“It’s nice not to be the youngest for once.”
You stiffen. “What are you talking about?”
“I know I’m a hairy one for fifteen but-” Peter rubs the hair of his jaw pointedly and it knocks you sick. Two hours into this crazy life and you’re already found. What will they do to you now?
“Fifteen?” you repeat incredulously.
A belly laugh bubbles from his mouth. “Aye. Me balls dropped before I was walkin’, unlike youse. How old are you anyways, Thomas?”
“Fourteen,” you blurt out, your stomach dropping with every lie. At least you have a comrade to hide behind now. After all, this works better than the truth, and should hopefully buy you time until Heidi gets here.
You get to work, hating how the detergent creates a thick layer of slime over your skin. Even as your knuckles protest, you scrub until your arms ache, working out your frustrations against the ridges of the washer board. You keep your eyes down, your ears perked for any hint of ambush - but it still takes you by surprise when a pair of spurs stop too close for comfort.
“Ahh, Guinevere! We meet again!”
If anyone is hurt because of your actions, I’ll put a bullet in you.
You bite your tongue, wringing out a pair of Dutch’s trousers. You can feel the dead grey stare boring it’s way into your head before slowly sweeping over your body.
“Heard Ol’ Morgan’s knocked you up.” Micah chuckles, stepping forward to tuck a tendril of hair behind your ear, but you flinch at the contact. “But I ain't above tryin' again.”
Blood is roaring in your ears as your body tries to decide between fight and flight. Somewhere you can hear someone shouting, but it’s lost to the ripple of goosebumps up your back as he closes in on you.
“Whaddaya say, hmm?”
“I said leave her alone, dammit!”
“Oh, Miss Roberts,” he purrs, finally stepping back. “Of course you may join us. We were thinking about making it a party. Mom’s club, right? I mean, John and Arthur ain’t here, and since Jenny coulda been carrying Micah Bell IV, I guess it’s only fair I play the part of Daddy.”
You try to continue with the washing, but Abigail is tugging you to your feet by the back of your dress.
“In your dreams, Micah,” she snarls, pushing you to her tent where young Jack is drawing in the dirt with a stick. “Arthur’s gonna kick your ass from here to California if you keep hasslin’ her.”
“No need to get jealous, Abigail. I know it’s been a while since John’s taken to you. Where is he anyhow? Has he found himself a new whore to impregnate?”
“Piss off!”
He tuts, moustache twitching. “Now, that ain’t nice. I mean, can’t be worse than an O’Driscoll, can it? Poor Morgan. Just when you think he’s hit rock bottom, he just keeps rollin’, doesn’t he?”
He turns into Arthur’s fist with a crunch. His horse is trotting away from the ruckus, the other men in camp hurrying over as Arthur straddles his swollen stomach and begins pummelling him with his fists.
“MR MORGAN!” cries Dutch, moustache twitching with fury. “What is going on?”
Bill tries to pull him off, but Charles pushes him aside, wrapping his arms around his middle and hoisting him to his feet.
“He’s not worth it,” Charles murmurs softly as he sets him down facing the other way.
“If you have somethin’ to say to her, you can say it to my face!” Arthur spits over his shoulder, fists still clenched, his breathing heavy although calming energy is flooding him from Charles’ touch.
“What has gotten into you?” demands Dutch, striding up with Hosea at his side.
“I come back in, after leaving her for an hour and Micah’s already slimed over!”
“A pretty bird like that - you can’t know she’ll come back to you until you set her free,” says Micah thickly, holding his sleeve against his nose.
“You’re a damn cockroach!”
“Alright, alright, everyone calm down!” Dutch surveys the crowd. “Micah. A word? And Arthur - why are you back so soon?”
“Feller’s croaked.” He glares at Strauss who’s working nearby. “He needs to be more careful who he loans to. Got the impression I weren’t the first to demand payment. Bastard owes more than he could’ve ever paid up.”
Dutch breathes out hard through his nose. "Well you better find the money from somewhere, son."
Shrugging Charles off with mumbled excuses, he all but flies to your side. “Y’alright? He didn’t hurt either o’ you, did he?”
“You think he’d still be here if he had?” Miss Roberts rolls her eyes.
“Thank you, Abigail,” he mutters when he’s assured himself you are completely unscathed. “I appreciate it.”
“Thank you. He’s had it comin’ for god knows how many weeks - here’s hopin’ he don’t go forgetting his lesson too soon.”
"I mean… well you know what I mean." He gives you a squeeze before heading after Strauss. “Gimme five minutes, Y/N, and we’ll head out.”
“Alright,” you reply, brushing off your skirts with a hesitant look up to your saviour. “Thank you for… that.”
"You dont talk much do you?" Her blue eyes are sharp, squinting at you suspiciously when you shrug.
"Reckon it's better I keep my mouth shut," you admit.
She thinks about this before nodding in agreement. "For future reference, nobody is gonna think bad of you if you call Micah out on his crap. He ain't too popular round here."
"And another thing?" She checks Arthur is still busy with Strauss before leaning in closer. "If you hurt him, you'll be lucky if Micah gets to you first,” she hisses. “We clear?"
You nod as fervently as you can until she waves a hand to dismiss you.
"Enjoy your evening, Y/N."
Riding out with Arthur, the tension you hadn't realised was being contained in your shoulder muscles rolls off of your body. Your arms are wrapped around his waist, your cheek resting in the middle of his shoulders. He tilts his head back to touch more of you as you descend down the side of the hill towards West Elizabeth.
He insists on setting up camp whilst you start fishing in Dakota's River. Eventually he plonks himself on the bank beside you, a foot of space between your bodies as he also pulls out his rod and sets to baiting.
You sit in the quiet, enjoying each other's presence without complications.
"You, sir, are a fish!" he grins as he pulls in a fat bass.
"Do you always compliment your prey?"
"I pay compliments where they're due, beautiful."
You laugh, casting out again.
"How was it today? He didn't hurt you, did he?"
"Who? Micah?" You twitch the rod. "No. You came back before it got out of hand."
"Everyone treat you ok?"
You shrug. What is there to say? No one trusts you. Half would be happy if you were still bound to the trunk. In all honesty you can't blame them; you yourself are struggling to trust them and there are times when you would rather be tied to a tree so you don't have to watch your back.
"Listen. We got word that one of the fellers from the ferry is being moved outta state." He reels in another fish much to your dismay. "Javier and Charles have already headed down there to scope it out, but Dutch is wantin' me to go after them, check it's ok."
You say nothing, knowing he isn't finished yet.
"I'd be gone a couple days. Maybe more, but I doubt it. The boys should have done the leg work by now, so it should be a matter of grabbing him and getting gone."
"Do what you have to do." You give him a small smile. "Won't do us no good if they think I'm turning you against them."
"True, but that won’t stop me." He stares you out with his handsome gaze. "Say the word and I'll stay. They won’t miss me much, I'm just an extra gun."
"Take your guns and go stretch your legs. I can look after myself."
"And the baby?"
"I can care for the wee O'Driscoll wain, aye," you tease.
He chuckles. “You been listenin’ to Miss Molly?”
“More like I’ve been surrounded by all manner of irish men til you lifted me out of there.” You twitch your rod again, gasping joyfully as you feel a tug.
“You think they’re missin’ you? Them O’Driscoll boys?” he asks as you land an underwhelming pickeral.
“There were too many of us,” you admit with a shrug, offering him a small reassuring smile. “It’s not the first time I’ve ceased to exist to them. All those times you and I were together, none of ‘em recognised me for who I really was. They might comment, sure, but to be fair it’s real easy to lose track of who you have and haven’t seen. No one’s blown a whistle about Kieran going missing and he’s been with you how many weeks?”
He chuckles softly, eyes sad. “I didn’t mean missin’ you as a gun. You not make any friends?”
“It- It isn’t the same as what you’ve got.” You force yourself to swallow the lump in your throat as you cast out again with what you hope to be a more tempting chunk of cheese. “Most of them, the way they talk about women… it’s enough to know you’ve got a spare gun in a fight. No more.”
Arthur leaves early the following morning. He leaves a heavy kiss on your lips, his eyes burning into you, swearing an unspoken oath that if anything happens whilst he's away, the devil himself will not stomach the consequences.
As much as Hosea has accepted himself as your guardian, he is often guarding the rest of camp like some over tired dad. To avoid another Micah situation, if not separated in Arthur's tent, you hover near him or the other women despite their dirty looks. Abigail appears to tolerate you, but Mary Beth is the only other woman in camp actively throwing you a smile. The blonde - Mrs Adler - seems to hate you the most. If you get too close, her arms shake from clenching her fists so hard.
"Are you a real life O'Driscoll?"
Pulled from your thoughts, you find yourself eye to eye with the little boy who’s still sniffling after being sick a few weeks ago.
“How’d you mean?”
“Mama said Uncle Arthur brought another O’Driscoll back.”
You huff, uncomfortable of the gossip going around. “I was. I’m not now, though. I’m one of you now.”
“Because…” You look around for his mother but come up empty. “Because if I was, I’d still be tied to the tree.”
“But why?”
“Because the O’Driscolls and the Van der Lindes aren’t friends.”
You resist rolling your eyes and instead send a prayer up to the heavens, marking it as urgent before you throw this boy off the cliff. “Because Dutch wasn’t very nice to Colm, and when Colm wasn’t nice to Dutch, he didn’t like it, and they decided you had to be on one side or the other.”
“Which one are you?”
“I’m a Van der Linde now, like you.”
“But Mama said-”
“I mean, I live with you now. With Dutch. Not Colm.”
He thinks on that, and the moment’s reprise is heavenly. You begin to hum to yourself, but are quickly interrupted.
“Ma said you tricked Uncle Arthur.”
“Did she?” you ask, too tired to be disappointed.
“Yeah. She and him talked a long time when you came back.” He’s picking the bark of his branch, dropping splinters into your shoes. “Mama said you was bein’ sneaky, but Uncle Arthur told her to get lost.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Is it true you’re gonna have a baby?” he asks brightly,
“Hopefully…” He frowns, confusion dimpling between his eyebrows. You realise that he is still in a place of innocence that the world is black and white. You swallow a lungful of air, trying to think how best to explain. “Something could happen yet- things go wrong sometimes and-”
“What sorta things?”
You tuck your hair behind your ears, poking at your stitching, wondering where the hell his mother has got to. “Well, it might not grow properly yet. Usually ladies don’t tell anyone until a bit further along… if I get sick, or if the baby gets hurt it might not… you know. It might not make it to being outside my tummy.”
“When will you know?”
“When it gets here I suppose.” You look up at the boy’s thoughtful expression. “Why so many questions? You excited?”
“Yeah! Ima be an uncle!”
“You’re a little young to be an uncle, kid.” You can feel your mouth pulling into a smile despite yourself. “You’ll be cousins though, I guess. Your pa and Arthur are brothers, right?”
“Right! So this is gonna be my brother?”
You stifle a laugh of disbelief. “Well we don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl yet-”
“Do you got any brothers?”
“Jack! You playin’ hide and go seek again?”
“I’m here, Mama!”
Abigail rounds the tent, her expression darkening at the sight of you. You gulp, dropping your gaze back to your stitching, but the boy is already gushing about the new information you’ve taught him.
“Mama! She said she isn’t an O’Driscoll, so that means she can stay right?” He’s pulling on his mother’s skirts, pointing at you like you’re a bear behind bars. “I’m gonna be a big brother!”
“Maybe,” you remind him with a little more force than intended.
Her blue eyes flash with suspicion before the tug attracts her attention again. “Jack, honey, the baby’ll be a cousin to you. For you to be a big brother, me and your pa would have to have another one of you.”
“You can do that?”
She gapes, a fish out of water. It’s painful to watch.
“This baby can be your brother or sister,” you splutter, more to the mother than her son. “I mean, Arthur’s your pa’s big brother right? But they don’t have the same mom and dad so if you love them enough, I don’t see the harm.”
He’s looking up with his big eyes until Abigail offers you a half smile. “Right,” she confirms, crouching down and straightening his little coat. “You’re gonna be a big brother. Uncle Arthur’ll be mighty proud of you.”
“Can I go play?”
“Sure, Jack.” She watches as he runs off, dragging his stick behind him. Slowly she turns to you, arms folded across her chest. “He weren’t botherin’ you, was he?”
“No, no, of course not!” At least, he isn’t now.
“I- I’m sorry if he was bein’ nosy. It’s alright to tell him to butt outta your business if he gets a bit much. He heard me talkin’ with Arthur ‘bout it all-”
“Yeah he said,” you say as offhandedly as you can manage. You notice her teeth pulling on her lip out the corner of your eye, but you don’t react. Keep your hands clean, you tell yourself, tying a knot and cutting the thread. Keep your nose out. Wait for Arthur.
“How are you feelin’? About it all?”
You look up, surprised by her gentleness after the cold front that’s been hitting you on repeat from every member of camp. Exhaling thoughtfully, you shrug, not objecting as she pulls over a chair to sit down at the edge of the tent. “Alright, I guess. Gotta just… see what happens, I suppose.”
“That’s what Arthur said.” She offers you a small sympathetic smile. “He ain’t usually one for whistlin’, but he ain’t stopped since we got off them mountains. Thought it was the change of weather, but I suppose, looking back, it was meetin’ you.”
Colour blossoms in your cheeks as you look away. “I wouldn’t know. He hasn’t exactly been in the best of moods the past couple of weeks.”
“He’s pleased,” she assures you quietly, her eyes bright and earnest with honesty. “I think he’s just nervous like you are, that it might not work out, but I known him long enough to tell you I ain’t seen this side to him since Jack was first born.”
Your ears prick. “He isn’t-?”
“No! No, Jack is a Marston, I got no doubt at all about that. I just remember him bein’ real pleased when Jack was a baby. He- Being a father is something he- he’ll enjoy I’m sure.”
“I know about Isaac,” you breathe quietly and she lets out a big sigh of relief.
“Oh good! I was worried I’d said too much.”
“Don’t worry. He told me in the doctor’s when-” You shake your head of the memory. “Anyway. I know he’s not sure about it all.”
“He will be.” She gives you a sincere smile. “He’s a worrier, even if he tries not to show it. He’ll be better when it’s here, safe and sound. Anyways - I best leave you rest.”
“Sure.” You hesitate before calling out to her, making her turn back. “Thank you,” you call, not really sure how better to express yourself. She smiles and gives you a wave of understanding.
“I’ll see you around.”
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virtual-lara · 4 years
Irish Times - Jerr O’Carroll Interview
Interview appeared on the Irish Times website, dated to 3rd January 2000, and it was written by Fiachra O Marcaigh.
Jerr O'Carroll has a job that lots of gamers would kill for. The 34-year-old from Tramore, Co Waterford, has spent 10 years in the games industry. He works at noted game developer Core Design in Britain and was the animator of the recently released Tomb Raider IV.
Combining puzzles, action and high-class graphics, the Tomb Raider series has become a runaway success. It's probably fair to say that the unlikely figure of its heroine, Lara Croft, has also had some part in its popularity.
Irish Times:
How did you become involved with Tomb Raider?
Jerr O'Carroll:
I worked in Core for about three years, mainly on a PlayStation game named Ninja. During that time, I was asked to work on some cut scenes on Tomb 2, and then all of the cut scenes for Tomb 3. When four started the other animator backed out and I was asked to do the cut scenes for this one as well as the new vehicles and Lara's new moves.
Irish Times:
What skills are required?
Jerr O'Carroll:
Patience, a stomach for coffee and junk food, and a bit of talent!
Irish Times:
Is drawing very important?
Jerr O'Carroll:
Yes. Especially now with the next generation of machines about to arrive. There are quite a few people who are classed as artists but can't draw, and now that we can create super realistic work, with no real limitations, those that are weaker in the artistic side will find it harder and harder.
Irish Times:
Do you enjoy your job?
Jerr O'Carroll:
I'm lucky in that I get paid to do a job I really do enjoy. That's a wonderful thing, being able to go to work, knowing that. But it doesn't have to be Lara that I'm animating. It could also be designing a concept for a GameBoy title, or messing about on someone else's project. The whole aspect of the game, from design to finished box on a shelf interests me, apart from the coding. That's getting out of my depth!
Irish Times:
Is it pressure-filled?
Jerr O'Carroll:
Very much so. Always towards the end of a project when all the different parts of the game come together, major headaches ensue. There were five guys all doing different background sections, another animator handling the baddy anims, and the coders who had a jigsaw puzzle to do, which for a long time had quite a few missing pieces. A lot of late nights, bug testing for all the language versions and then suddenly it's all over.
Irish Times:
Does the pressure to meet release dates ever compromise your work?
Jerr O'Carroll:
Doing the animation in a lot of ways is one of the easy parts of the game's development. I know exactly what moves need to be done, and I know how much time I have, so I can pace the workload out. But it does become a bit daunting towards the end, when the old, "Could you just do us a quick anim for this" phase starts, and it can get a bit hectic then.
Irish Times:
Have you always wanted to be involved in the game industry?
Jerr O'Carroll:
No. Quite simply I went to the regional tech in Waterford and got a diploma in graphic design. I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do, then I went and got a lucky break in joining Don Bluth's studio in Dublin. From there I kind of fell into games, working first for a small time games company in Waterford, and then brought over to Sheffield to finish off the Littil Divil game, and from there to here.
Irish Times:
How many people worked on the whole game?
Jerr O'Carroll:
On the actual game it would 13 to 14. Five background guys, (an extra one came in towards the end) two animators and six programmers. Then there were the testers, the musician and another team who worked on the FMV [full motion video]. You could count the producers if you want, but we don't!
Irish Times:
Is animation for both the PlayStation and PC a single task?
Jerr O'Carroll:
Yes. She has so many animations it would be an enormous task to do them twice. So they are done on a 3D package 3DS Max, and then the data is transferred over to an in-house editor, from which all the animation info came.
Irish Times:
Will Last Revelation be Lara's last adventure?
Jerr O'Carroll:
Ahh, trade secrets. Lara will go on for a while yet, but it has to be seen in what form.
Lara's anatomy has been the subject of much debate. . . The amount of times we've had to change her bust size, she must have some serious scars under that green top! Honestly, we get the word from some American marketing "expert": "make them bigger", "make them rounder", "slightly smaller", "over to the left" etc. It's gotten to be a joke. We have done some major improvements to the model this time round, but not in her mammalian protuberances. This time we actually got a fully skinned Lara working. No more unsightly tears in her arms, elbows or knees. It's more pleasing to look at, as well as adding to the other advances in the game engine.
Irish Times:
What are your favourite games?
Jerr O'Carroll:
I'm not the world's biggest games player. I'll find a game and play it to bits, then move onto something else. Right now I'm going nuts on the second Oddworld game, Abe's Exoddus.
Irish Times:
What are your thoughts on the Dreamcast and PlayStation 2?
Jerr O'Carroll:
The general feeling amongst a lot of developers is wait for PlayStation 2. I've seen the demos, and some work is being done in Core on next generation stuff, but when you look at the quality of some of the stuff that is coming out on the Dreamcast, you do think it has a fighting chance. Hopefully it'll have enough of a user base to stand up to Sony when their machine is launched. Competition is a healthy thing.
Irish Times:
Will the similar new Indiana Jones game threaten her dominance?
Jerr O'Carroll:
I think she is the female Indy, but I've seen the demo for the new Indy game, and I'm a little disappointed. They had a huge development team, a long development time, but it looks so rough, the animations are poor, the control weak and it's not even on the PlayStation. That's a big mistake. But then I would be biased wouldn't I?
Irish Times:
What do you hope to be working on in the future?
Jerr O'Carroll:
As long as I enjoy it, and can have a bit of creative input, I'll be happy.
All rights belong to Irish Times and/or their affiliated companies. I only intend to introduce people to old articles and preserve them before they are lost.
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS episode 7 commentary (Leo)
So this episode is the opener for what I know as the theatrical “Part 3″ ... and boy what an opener.... By the time it was over I was like “T-That was only the first one... BUT IVE ALREADY FELT SO MANY THINGS..” 
Having this as the first episode of the three has been pretty difficult because it’s just such a rollercoaster. I’ve actually been hesitant to see go Part 3 more just because I know I have to get through this episode right off the bat. And not because I think it’s a bad episode OH NO ITS JUST... SO MANY... FEELINGS.......... 
I got to go to the midnight showing for Part 3, and I honestly think that has an unfairly high influence on how I feel about the episodes. Part 1 and Part 3 I saw at the midnight showing and I loved them. Part 2 and Part 4 I saw at 8 am when I was exhausted and miserable and I ended up thinking Part 2 was weaker than the others, and Part 4....................... uhhuhh we’ll get to that later, anyway--
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So when I translated the original story about Over the Rainbow crossdressing for Miss Kakyoin, I honestly did it just for that two second reference in episode 3. I had no idea this was also going to happen. So when the first second of Part 3 opened on the theater screen with this I was like OH. MY. GAWD. YES. YESSSSSSSSSSSS. I’m gonna cry already. (Little did I know what was coming up later in this episode....)
Also this was the point where I began to realize some of these episode are taking place in the past/out of order. Because SSS starts off in the summer, but the Kakyoin Fest usually takes place in May. So either this is a Rainbow Live retcon, or this episode is taking place in May. (But I suppose there’s no particular big reason that can’t be possible. Well one small one maybe...) 
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So this is Rinne’s first appearance in SSS, right? (Outside of her silhouette in the OP.)
So... I don’t really think it’s a spoiler to tell you she will appear again, under.... vErY DiFfeRent CircumStanCes........ 
And I just wonder if like, when we get to that moment, someone who is watching only SSS who has never seen Rainbow Live or Pride the Hero is gonna be like “Oh that’s the girl from the beauty contest.... wait..... WAIT WHAT IS HAPPENING.... “ 
Oh lord. 
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This scene is a whole lot of fun in cheering because we all have our green out and are cheering to Freedom, then it... stops.... then it starts again ahahah.... 
I love Taiga in the background here. It’s clearly intentional. 
I wonder if he actually believes what Kazuki says here or not. But you know what. I don’t think it matters because I think this scene has about zero influence on how he reacts next. I mean, if Taiga actually realizes Kazuki’s just doing this to save face, well then.... hell yeah he’d want to help defend Kazuki-senpai’s honor! And if he believes him and thinks crossdressing and winning a beauty contest is an honor for Edel Rose.... hell yeah he’d want to follow in Kazuki-senpai’s footsteps ahah ha.......... yeah see it literally doesn’t matter........... For Kazuki-senpai!!!
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Yeah see this is definitely post-episode 3 Taiga. He definitely changed in that episode after becoming honest about his feelings for Kazuki. So this is the only stupid little thing that makes me question when this episode is taking place since the Nebuta Festival is in August ahahah ha.... (Well maybe he realized long ago.)
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Wait woah woah what’s going on here with the subtitle. I thought I saw someone else’s screenshot of this and it was an upside down “A”? Is it just my computer? Is it really like this?
BTW I actually never had any idea what they were saying here before, neither did I pick up that it was probably a reference to μ's because in the theater you just cannot see anything on that newspaper because it’s on screen for like half a second.
If I had, maybe I would have realized that..... 
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......Both Kakeru and Shin’s outfits seem to be a reference to the original Love Live! I had a little subconscious inkling in the back of my mind that I knew where Kakeru’s outfit was from and it probably wasn’t Pretty Series. But Shin..... Shin..... for the longest time I kept trying to think what coord this was. Because it does look like it could easily be a PriPara coord, doesn’t it? But after other folks started pointing it out, yeah it does look like they were trying to rip on the “Bokura wa Ima no Naka de” outfits goddamn it hahaha.... Well, it makes sense because there are people who worked on both Love Live! and Rainbow Live. 
But yeah I swear if they had only made the skirt plaid I would have gotten it. The plaid skirts are such a big point of that outfit for me. 
But still anyway, if anybody can think of a Pretty Series coord which is similar to this (or can make one on the 3DS).... um.... hit me up................ now..........
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OH COME ON MINATO you can do so much better than this.... For Miss Schwartz you actually found a look that worked for you.... 
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I mean sure he looks like someone’s mom but isn’t he. 
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The moment when I was like “Welp, maybe Taiga’s straight after all.” Such a mystery, this kid. 
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This moment goes by so fast I literally missed it my first two showings but OMG it’s my favorite joke in this episode and one of my favorite visual jokes overall I crack up uncontrollably every single time. Ahhhhhh you poor boys....  
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Welp someone hasn’t watched PriPara but I think we already knew that from Kakeru’s “Glowstick Cage”. Still, I really think you’d be able to figure out this is clearly a catch phrase but WHATEVS
I think my reaction echoes most of the community’s reaction as being “are they gonna say the thing--THEY SAID THE THING” 
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As much as I want to feel bad that Leo feels like he has to do this, it’s just too funny. And not to mention adorable. 
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How “masculine” Leo somehow ends up being EVEN CUTER than natural Leo, I will never be able to explain but OH LORD HE IS. (I guess just, the more he tries to fight it the stronger it is....)
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He’s not lying. 
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................ no..... noooooo.......... *buries face in hands*
So. Okay. Okayokay. Sorry we gotta pause here oh boy. 
Ever since the Pride the Hero era, Tsurugi was always my favorite member of The Shuffle. Especially since I realized that even though we could see him failing the training machine in the first movie, he still made the group. It was my headcanon that it was because Kokoro, Mondo, and Mitsuba helped him rise up and overcome his challenges until he finally made it. I saw him as the Otoha of the group. A sweet lovely boy who somehow got mixed up in all the corruption of Schwartz Rose AND SOMEHOW he survived. 
And then this happened. 
His feminine personality. It was all an act. IT WAS A LIE. Just created to add the right appeal to The Shuffle. AND I FELL FOR IT. 
I guess Joji isn’t the only liar in Schwartz Rose. I guess, Schwartz Rose just naturally attracts that kind of people huh. 
Well, from this moment on Tsurugi was not my favorite anymore. 
For the record, my favorite member of The Shuffle nowadays is Ace. And probably subconsciously has been since episode 5? But I actually didn’t come to realize that for.... a few more episodes...... So we’ll talk about it then.
Right now we have to talk about.... wait... wait no no no no no no no
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You ever have one of those moments when time just kinda stops and everything just kinda... spins around you........... that was this moment for me at the midnight showing....................
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Sorry I have to interrupt again to mention this. They revealed here Leo’s dad supposedly designed all these characters.
Well OK, but the thing is in this universe supposedly PairChams and stuff are actually real. 
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So how can they be designed by Leo’s dad?
Welp, my theory on this is Leo’s dad either was a prism star, or just has a lot of prism sparkle in him, and he secretly just draws exactly what he sees. 
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I think the phrasing is a little weird here. It’s more like Leo didn’t even particularly realize he was a boy. (Or what his gender was at all.)
(Yes they are wearing mini-Fortune Party CRs.)
(Yes this is also our Young of Prism reference.)
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.......I really like this episode but...... this part is just so hard for me..... it’s just...... a bit too real............. but I applaud them for it the same time but.... it’s just.... it’s hard.............
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People take out yellow and cheer for Otoha here, but at first I was just so distraught after the proceeding scenes it took me until maybe my 4th or 5th cheering show to actually join them.... just trying to get the energy and to come out of it and like oh it’s Otoha.... oh where are my concert lights.... oh where is yellow..... oh it’s over...... ................. (ahh it’s just.... so sad........)
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Okay so now that we’ve gotten this far, I can finish my train of thought about the order that the boys joined Edel Rose.
I think it’s safe to assume Yukinojo was probably first. His episode revealed that he liked prism shows since he was really little, so he probably entered his first year of junior high? I think Kakeru was already in junior high when he found out about prism shows so he probably transferred in anywhere from 2012 - 2014.
Yu and Minato I think probably joined at the same time in April 2015. Because when we meet them in the first movie they are both 1st years (in junior high and senior high respectively) and we know from Minato’s episode he was never in the junior high division. 
Then Leo joined sometime not too long after that, and finally Shin.
Taiga is the only mystery, because his flashback only features Kazuki and there is nothing to particularly date it. In my head I’m gonna throw him in there after Kakeru but before Minato/Yu though. 
Leo’s reactions as he meets each of the boys, and vice versa, are just... SO INTERESTING to me and reveal so much about him and the other characters. So I’m sorry but. We’re basically gonna take this frame-by-frame....
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Oh gosh oh no oh to think that because of his experiences in life, Leo is just so conditioned to the point where this is the first thing he says directly to any of his new friends I just I.... *chair squeak* excuse me I need a moment.
*walks out of the room*
*comes back after several minutes*
Oho gosh okay okay sorry where were we
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AND HIS FACE when he realizes Kakeru called him cute and clearly meant it as a compliment I just I *chair squeak* I may need another minute we’re like ten seconds into this scene and it’s already just--
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I’m pretty sure Leo’s extreme reaction here isn’t because he’s upset at not being called cute. It’s because, once again, Leo is just so conditioned because of everything he’s been through. He took one look at Taiga and probably saw him as the exact archetype of a person who usually bullies him. 
But he was wrong. 
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Taiga, the actual purehearted softie that he is, had absolutely no idea his words would have such an effect on Leo. And once he realizes, he PANICS, and says absolutely anything he has to in order to fix it as fast as possible.
I’d also like to note what makes this scene even funnier is that Taiga is using a Tohoku slang word for “cute”. (This is a younger Taiga who hasn’t quite lost his northern dialect yet. Also sort of a northerners bonding moment for the two of them maybe?) 
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So Taiga being attracted to Leo is a thing I guess. But.... but does it really count as being gay with Leo, like I mean.....?
Well.... Taiga being asexual is probably ruled out at least.
Out of all of them, Leo’s encounter Minato might just be my favorite.
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First, Minato reaches out his hand intending to shake Leo’s. 
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But Leo, probably being just.... so desperate for human contact at his point, sees this and actually reaches up and grabs Minato’s hand with both his hands instead. 
If you remember, Leo being too touchy-feely with other boys was one of the reasons he was bullied. Probably moments exactly like this.
But Minato....
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He doesn’t flinch. His expression never changes. Instead he’s just like, oh you remind me of my sister. Like it’s the most normal thing in the world. 
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And he probably thinks that’s kinda nice that it will be like having his beloved sister around. 
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Yu doesn’t care who Leo is as long as he thinks he’s cool. 
Sounds about right. 
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Gonna say the obvious here but YUKINOJO WHAT ARE YOU DOING 
How he just immediately powers down and goes into kabuki practice mode when nothing has been happening for 30 seconds..... 
I have things to say about this encounter too but we’ll get to it later. 
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My favorite comedic line in the episode. 
Yukinojo is somewhat oblivious about gender norms himself eheh. 
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I love the juxtaposition of this line with this scene. It’s not a coincidence surely. 
Leo kind of just made a fool of himself here, but the other boys had almost no reaction. They were all just kinda like “huh”, and instead of “this Leo kid is a weirdo” it’s “Yukinojo what did you do” hahahah. That, is acceptance. That is Leo finally finding a place where he can belong.......... Until.....
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Oh boy I’m sorry we gotta go on another tangent here. A dark one. 
Throughout SSS it’s pretty clear that Shin’s arrival had a big impact on everyone, but it probably had the biggest impact on Leo.
Edel Rose was the first place in his adolescence where he was able to find acceptance. 
And I think it’s safe to say, that without Shin to bring everyone together, Edel Rose probably would not have survived.
And if that happened.....
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Leo would have nowhere to go. 
I really shudder to think about what might have happened.
And I don’t think it’s a huge exaggeration to think that Shin joining Edel Rose... may have actually saved Leo’s life. 
So when you really stand by and take all of this into perspective. 
All of a sudden how attached Leo is to Shin. His over-protectiveness, his jealousy. It.... it starts to make a lot more sense. 
So from this moment on I decided I won’t fault him for it anymore. I can understand.
Oh gosh okay I know it’s hard to come out of that with this, but....
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Y.. yay Christmas Party! This is going to come up again in SSS, but since people are going to be talking about it now I’ll talk about it now. 
The Christmas Party is an event which happened in detail on the Prism Rush Main Story and was the first time the boys all performed together as a group and debuted Dramatic Love. 
And yes, at the same time it is also an analog to the real live Music Ready Sparking concert, which was the first time the voice actors all performed  together in real life. Those are the outfits they wore in the real concert, and the same pose they used for promotional materials.
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They actually re-drew it for the anime in the performance outfits instead of the concert T-shirts. 
(The outfits aren’t a secret anymore, and no need to sell T-shirts ahah....) 
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WHAT. THEY FIXED IT. Okay I SWEAR in the theatrical version of this there is a continuity error here where Leo has his pigtails in this back shot, but his hair is down from the front. I paused here to take a screenshot so I could mention it then I was like wait whaaaaaaaaa. This is the only time I have noticed a blatant change between the theatrical version and the TV version. (Other than the new endings.) It makes me wonder if there’s anything else I missed. 
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I guess “yes” isn’t the worst translation, and who am I to talk since I don’t translate “IIZE” at all. But it drains the flavor out of it whenever I try. 
If you’re not aware, “IIZE” was the scoring system in the boys’ PriPara from Idol Time, DanPri. The joke is that it’s like a masculine version of “iine” which was the scoring system in the regular girls PriPara, and still is in PriChan. Probably the most literal translation of “iine” is “likes” since that’s what they call the like button on Facebook/Twitter. But yeah it’s a bit of a journey to understand this I suppose.
Iize = burly likes 
? ? ?
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He’s just.... he’s just so weird........... Tsurugi why...............
(Yes, Mirei hair and Bunny Magician coord from Prism Tours. Sorry I’m skipping over pointing out some of the PriPara references on purpose since this post is just so long as is.)
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PFFFFFFT okay okay. Okay. OKAY. Okay. 
I know this is probably just in here for a throwaway joke but OHHHH lord.
We saw Alec compete in a beauty contest on Prism Rush before in the Street Beauty No. 1 event, but not on purpose as Louis basically tricked him that time. To think he’d come this close to doing it on purpose, and in his Mom’s clothes?...... ohhhhhhhh wow
If this really almost happened, then I guess Alexander’s riding the same train as post-episode 3 Taiga nowadays isn’t he ahah. 
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And finally we get to the prism show. But oh gosh, I have to say I do not like his initial outfit. First of all it’s supposed to be a boys’ outfit but it’s.... not.... I guess they were trying to go for a Peter Pan thing or something, but it just registers strongly in my head that Peter Pan is usually played by a woman and like. I just wish they would have made this outfit a bit more masculine to highlight the change that’s gonna happen. The least they could do is take off the earrings. 
Not to mention form-fitting stuff does not work for Leo. It highlights how small and child-like his body is, and they even do a butt shot and just NO no please no why. STOP. Okay, my only criticism against this episode is that. Had to say it. 
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When you need a character to clarify this you’re doing it wrong. 
But anyway, moving on. 
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When we got to this moment, I just.... I felt.... such a great vicarious weight lifted off my shoulders. It just felt so good to finally, finally see this. It’s been a long time coming. 
Okay, let’s go back. Way back. 
During the first movie, when we first met Leo. In the bath scene he introduced himself using “boku” (a male pronoun). He was presented as wanting to be more boyish, and Yukinojo’s little protege. And I said OK, and I accepted this for face value. For a while. 
But then about a year passed, and this CD came out. 
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And I went woah. This was the first point when I began to realize things might not be quite as they seemed. Leo is just straight out wearing girls’ clothing here. As oblivious as he is, nobody can be quite that oblivious. 
So the whole theme of their duo song is mutual respect, and it clearly introduced for the first time the irony of Yukinojo and Leo’s relationship in that although Leo looks up to Yukinojo, in truth Yukinojo wishes he could be more like Leo because Leo is the feminine ideal he’s striving for as a kabuki actor who does female rolls. 
Well okay, but the thing is. 
Leo supposedly wants to be more masculine, but... but....
When he first meets Yukinojo, that’s not the reason he attaches himself to him. 
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Leo picks the most feminine member of the group to model his ideal after. Not someone rough like Taiga, or built like Minato. He picks Yukinojo. Yukinojo. 
And that’s when you start to realize.... Nothing Leo has said has ever matched up with what his actual actions are. 
Sure, he talks a lot.... but....
What has he actually done to try and become more masculine since King of Prism started? 
Even when he purposely sets out to dress masculine in stories on Prism Rush (like in his initial PR story for one), he always ends up picking out feminine clothes somehow. 
Although he once introduced himself using “boku” to Shin, it’s pretty much exclusively become “watashi” over time hasn’t it?
His Pride the Hero subplot was enjoying his (arguably) feminine hobby of clothing design. No masculine quest subplot there. 
And we even got to the point where SSS opened with him wearing a frilly pink shirt in one episode and pigtails in the next. 
The more time Leo spends at Edel Rose, a place where he is accepted, the more he slowly opens up and starts acting like himself again. 
So if you’re thinking this came from nowhere, you haven’t been paying attention. 
Still, I was really worrying about what was really going on inside him a lot before this episode came up. And then. Finally. FINALLY. 
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This episode should be seen by not just King of Prism fans. Not just Pretty Series fans. This episode should be seen by everyone. 
GAHHHH I’M JUST.... SO HAPPY.............. 
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I think just looking at these screenshots and taking it all in is making me tear up more than in the theater. 
Okay so. When I saw Leo’s coord for the first time, my immediate thought was Laala’s first PR....
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If you think maybe something else is a better fit though let me know. 
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So I actually think this score for Leo is fair. He only did two non-connecting jumps, and as this episode revealed he is the least experienced member of Edel Rose. (...Like I said before Shin... Shin is a special case........) I really like how their shows are actually accurate to what their skill level would reasonably be. 
But it also just makes Minato’s higher score more of a mystery. 
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I love, love how this contest has progressed from year to year. Rinne -> Kazuki -> Leo -> ??? 
It may take us until we get to the next generation to get another winner, but someday I hope we see one.... 
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YES this is obviously PriPara ahah but in canon it might be “Prism Land”? Ahah.
Okay, the end! 
The post is over!
The end!
Why are you looking at me like that?
It’s over!
Thanks for reading!
Okay. Since you’ve somehow stuck with me THIS FAR, I’m going to talk a little more about how this episode effected me personally and why it’s important to me. 
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The depiction of bullying was just so frighteningly accurate, and I feel like other people who have been through something similar would probably agree.
5th grade really is the year. 
It’s right around that time when gender rolls really seem to solidify. All of a sudden lines are drawn. The girls become more girlish and the boys become more boyish. 
It was around that time that I also noticed, that I didn’t like the same things that other girls my age liked. Other people noticed too. 
My gender issues weren’t as profound as Leo’s, but I just wasn’t interested in things like clothes or boys yet. I still wanted to watch cartoons and play in the dirt and stuff.
Going into middle school, I also tried to pretend. But it didn’t work. 
And I didn’t have any friends for a long time. 
But then something happened to change that. I got more involved in music. Specifically marching band. Music and performing brought me together with a rag-tag group of people from different grades who didn’t know my past, all working together to put together a performance. That sort of activity (music, sports, etc.) builds bonds between people that surpass normal friendship. And eventually, through those sort of bonds, I found myself around people who accepted me even though I was a bit different. Gradually, I learned it was okay to be myself. 
So just watching Leo make friends though prism shows.... just oh my god.... that’s me. 
I kinda joked about Leo being my self insert character in King of Prism before, but man. Watching this episode. It just got so... SO much more real.
*deep breath* 
Wow. Okay.  
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
~ A V X Reader set in an Alternate Universe wherein V, Nero, and Nico get to eat pizza together. 🖤
~ I really wanted to dedicate this to everyone who liked the first four parts. Thank you so much! 🖤
~ And to @acieoj , I hope I'm not ruining your sleep again. 🖤
~ And also to @heaven-on-a-landslide , you're a very nice person. Thank you so much for the likes and reblogs. 🖤
~ Enjoy! 🖤
Once inside, V noticed that not only the lobby got to be lavished with such care and attention when it comes to decoration.
Nico's unit was surprisingly neat and decorated in such a way that made Nero stare in disbelief and V look with wonder. Several paintings that depicted some popular stories of the Greek Mythology, like the sojourns of Heracles, the forbidden love of Aphrodite and Ares, and the abduction of Persephone, hung on the wall. There were fragile things around, like some painted vases, that would surely make anyone be mindful of their movements. There were even some old collections, like Homer, Alighieri, and even Lovecraft, on the shelves located on the beige - and - black - ensemble living room, small, but impressive, all the same. But, most importantly, there was a classic feel, and distinct scent, about the whole place that simply made V right at home.
"Looks like someone feels comfortable." Nero said, but he was ignored as V practically strode directly towards the glass top table in the living room where a black violin case was left forgotten.
The markings on V's skin vanished as Griffon and Shadow made their way out and made themselves comfortable like their master.
Nico came in, bringing in the delivery of pizza that just arrived a few minutes ago.
"Who knew someone like you could own a place like this?" Nero mocked the woman, pointing at the impossibly beautiful and cozy place. "Surely doesn't sound like you."
"Shut it, psycho!" Nico shot back, enjoying her banter with Nero and unceremoniously dropping the three boxes of pizza on the table near the violin case, startling V a bit. "And just to inform ya, I don't own this fancy place."
"Whoa, then who lives here?" Griffon, who has made himself comfortable on top of the shelves, joined in on the conversation. "Don't tell me you stole it!"
"No, little chicken! Any questions?" Nico screamed at Griffon's face, almost making the demonic bird fall off the shelves in fright. "I'm livin' here for a while, and I will appreciate it if ya don't make a mess, or else I'll throw you out,... or cook you in a steel pot!" She collapsed on the comfortable black sofa beside Nero and crossed her legs. "Any more questions, huh, little chickee?"
She reached into her pocket for a cigar and immediately stopped, suddenly looking horrified. She shook her head and cursed under her breath.
"What's wrong, given up with that nasty habit of yours?" Nero asked, already opening a box and digging in.
"No, it's just that,..." Nico said, fidgeting with her fingers. "She doesn't allow it here."
"Who?" Nero said, mouth already full of the special loaded beef supreme.
Nico pointed at the violin case in V's gentle hands ( in a space of a few seconds, nobody noticed the tattooed man as he picked it up ). "The one who owned that, and this place."
The childish smile on V's face disintegrated as he carefully out the violin case back down on the table. "Then, I guess I shall have to ask her first. Where is she?"
Nico shrugged. "Dunno. Said she'll be back before sunset."
"But, it's already half past six." Nero retorted, mouth full of his third helping of the beef supreme.
"Yeah, well, she'll get by." Nico answered, reaching into her pocket and producing a small piece of black envelope. "What we need to focus on right now is this."
As Nico put the envelope down on the table, V sat at the sofa across her and Nero, eyeing the suspicious thing with furrowed eyebrows.
"This is an RSVP from a wealthy man who lives just a few blocks away from here." Nico explained.
Nero chuckled, already picking up his fourth helping of the pizza. "Is that an invitation for a fancy party, or something?"
"See for yourself."
Nero was about to pick the envelope with his oily, messy hands when V stealthily snatched it away with his gloved hand, immediately tearing it open. And before he could extract the actual invitation inside, he carefully glanced at Nico and Nero's direction.
"If I may?" He said in a low voice, his smirk truly branding him as the mysterious man that they knew.
"Go ahead." Nico conceded, throwing her hands up in the air.
"Thank you." He said, finally extracting the small piece of paper inside and reading its contents aloud. "You who are brave enough to face the wrath of the Gods, come to this place this coming Saturday at exactly eight in the evening. It said nothing else,... except for the address,..." V's eyes lazily went back to the note, scanning it and making sure that he would not miss even the tiniest bit of detail, then looked at them once more. "... and the dress code."
"A riddle, huh?" Nero said. "Sure doesn't sound like Devil May Cry business."
"You're wrong right there." Nico muttered, having her first slice of pizza. "That exact invitation was sent to others within the country. Devil Hunters, to be exact. Hey, V, wanna eat?"
"I'm good, thank you." V answered, outright politely refusing the offer.
"How did you even know that?" Nero asked.
Nico leaned in closer to Nero like she was going to tell a huge secret. "So, I have contact with the others, like Lady and Trish. It seems that they also received the invitation. They even mentioned some famous and obscure names in the Devil Hunting business who got the invitation."
V listened in, absorbing every piece of information he could take.
"And, let me mention this - Dante also received one."
All of a sudden, all three of them heard a yelping sound near the window. Griffom almost fell off the shelves while the two men stood up, drawing sword and cane, ready for battle.
"Someone's listening!" Nero said, revving his Red Rose.
"Looks like we have an,... unwanted visitor." V whispered, slamming his cane against his left palm several times, ready to give some beatings. "Best to make it at home - "
"Guys, guys! Stop!" Nico practically shrieked, standing up between the men and the window where they heard the suspicious sound. "What did I say about making a mess?!"
"Hey, hey! There's an intruder right - AHH!" Griffon flew off the shelves, almost ripping the cream curtains when the tattooed woman suddenly grabbed him by the beak and forcefully threw him across the room, making both Nero and V dodge the incoming projectile. Shadow, who was actually unfazed all throughout the ordeal, looked up as Griffon flew, involuntarily, from point A to point B, and went back to lounging on the carpeted floor near V, chin resting on sleek, black forelegs.
"To not make any?" Nero muttered, answering Nico's question but still not willing to put his weapon down.
"Exactly! That's just the - ah - neighbor's cat!"
"That,..." V said, pointing at the window using his cane as an extension of his arm. "... does not sound like a feline, at least to my ears."
"Okay, okay, guys! Trust me and put your weapons down. Thank you!" Nico breathed a sigh of relief as the men calmed down a bit. "Now, as I was saying, we must go to this event and find out what this, wrath of the Gods, is!"
"We cannot go shorthanded." V mentioned, still looking at the window suspiciously. "If we take the riddle in a very literal sense, then,... we would not have enough strength. We would be dealing with the wrath of the Gods,... after all."
"That's where I come in!" Nico crossed her arms and smiled proudly. "Nero, how's the breaker coming along?"
Nero held up a blue metal arm which V shamefully did not take notice of before. "It's fine, sure."
"Oh, yeah? Then, I'll be making new ones."
"Isn't this enough?"
"No!" Nico screamed, then turned towards V, and using the same tone she used on Nero, she spoke to him, making his eyes leave the window. "And, you! You seem interested in all this, yes?"
"As a matter of fact, I'am." And it was the plain truth.
"Then, go get your own formal wear! I can't provide you with one. I'm an artisan, not a freaking, fancy tailor!"
"Wait, like, right now?" Nero asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Duh?! Are you, like, gonna wait till Saturday for that? Go, go, GO!" Nico, despite her diminutive size, tried to push both Nero and V towards the door, making the two of them leave.
But, why?
Nero might be easily swayed by the woman, but V remained sharp. His eyes lingered for a second at the direction of the window when Nico snapped her fingers right in front of his eyes.
"Hey, hey, if you're looking for some chicks, then you're in the wrong place!" Nico sassed. "Get moving!"
V sighed, getting annoyed by the woman. What was she hiding from them?
He called in Griffon and Shadow, who went to him without question, and followed Nero outside, hearing the woman close the door quickly as soon as they got out.
And as soon as the two were safely out, Nico hustled towards the place V was intently staring at, drew the heavy curtains, and revealed the wide - eyed girl who was just hiding at the balcony right behind the window pane. Nico opened the window and let the girl in.
"Are you crazy?!" She shouted at the girl. "Why would you be hiding there? This is your home, for crying out loud! Are you a thief, or something?!"
You just looked at Nico, (E/C) eyes still wide, chest still heaving.
"It's him, Nico." You said.
"I'm sorry, what?"
You grabbed Nico's shoulders and gave them a mighty shake. "It's him! The man with the violin in my visions!"
"The one with the markings on his skin!"
It was Nico's turn to have widened eyes. She looked behind her at the door the two men just walked out of, then looked back at you. "The mysterious man? Are you sure about that?"
Yes, you were very certain of it. "It. Is. HIM!"
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artiy · 5 years
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Ahh I love posting here again v.v, Ive also missed drawing these two ( honestly the only thing my followers came for)  I don’t know why the shadowing came off when I saved it..
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writtingflurries · 5 years
Five Times I Almost Said Those Three Words and the One Time I Did (+ a bonus)
I Confusion
I can’t believe it had been two months since I had seen you. Those days felt like years and it was like rain coming down on the desert. I lay on top of you in only a shirt our desires long have sated. I look up at you and I can’t help but feel lost in the moment. A smile breaks on my face and I feel a warm sensation run through my body, as if someone flipped a switch.
“You look like you want to tell me something” You caught me staring at you and I guess I do.
“Hey, Jacob I-“ I stop myself. I later learn of the obsession I have with those three words. In that moment with the emotions at a ten I think it should be said, but don’t often think about my own feelings. Even when I don’t know this there is something that tells me not to.
“You what?” I realize I had just trailed off in the middle of the sentence
“I really missed you, and I am happy you’re here” that earns me a tightening of your arms around me
“Same here”
I wasn’t truly there I still needed time and whether you noticed it or not you let me be.
II Stupidity
“You have to drink the entire bottle before midnight or else you will be cursed for 21 years” She said as she handed me a bottle of wine. It’s the eve of my 21st birthday and Jesus how can I drink this entire bottle by myself in what, two hours? Oh lord, I thought as I started drinking. Though a skeptic I was worried it had been spoken into existence, so I started working on the bottle.
Fast forward to twenty minutes before midnight. The bottle has been empty for about twenty minutes, and after a brief period of nausea coming I am pulled into the great glories of disorientation alcohol offers. No one thought about taking my phone away and now I’m on the porch of her house with you on the phone.
“Jacob I have to tell you something but I really don’t think I should” Don’t think I should? Of course I shouldn’t this is wrong I haven’t even sorted my own feelings out, but here I was about to make a mistake maybe you’d break up with me. Whoops that would suck, but my alcohol soaked brain is too gone to process anything.
“Then don’t” It’s a simple enough request, one that stops me in my tracks.
“But I think I should”
“How about you think it over and tomorrow you can tell me”
“That sounds smart I like that idea”
The next day I was so hungover I could barley even look at the screen to text you. You didn’t let this one slide, however.
“You were about to do something reckless it seemed, do you remember? You sounded really drunk.” I did remember and boy I hoped you’d let it slide but luck wasn’t on my side this time.
“Yea, I figured it could wait till I see you next. Are you coming over to KY at any point?”
“Yea I was thinking maybe sometime in December”
III Expectation
“Lets go to bed this game is about to end and we are going to be up in the morning. We go about changing into jammies before settling in. I’m resting on your bare chest while you draw patterns and shapes on my bare back. Theres nothing sexual about it, just a need to feel skin on skin to be close.
Your promise to come in December was broken and it resulted in a fight that had me questioning everything. In January we fought again, but I ended up explaining my feelings. You realized you might need to step it up, and in the past weeks I’ve seen improvement.
I kept promising that next time I see you in person there was something important I needed to tell you, but right here right now I can’t bring up the words. Its obvious you’re waiting to see if I say it, but after everything I don’t know if I can quite yet.
So I close my eyes. And at some point you do to.
IV Nonsense
“I love you! I love you so much sooo sooo much!” I slur drunkenly. We are seated right next to each other, but you can’t hear me. In my drunken state I know that I am probably going to tell you tonight. Maybe I’ll get lucky. Maybe you’ll hear me over the blearing music and we’ll leave it at that.
“I can’t hear you what are you saying?”
“Oh that I am going to go to the bathroooooom!” I get up right as the bass drops, I drop on your laugh. I start laughing because come on, this seems to be like something out of a rom com. You give me a smile and I keep laughing and smiling, now because you really don’t know how to handle your very drunk girlfriend. However, you’re trying and that’s the most important thing to me.
I get up and go find a sister of mine to go to the bathroom with me. The line is unfortunately long, so we are forced to wait.
“Roooose I’m in looooove!” I say while we wait. “I’m going to tell him toooday” I say with a smile to which she just laughs.
“I’m happy for you sis” she says as she finishes my drink. I pout, and she begins to laugh once more.
V Determination
“Hold on before we go I need to do something first” You put the car in park for a second before giving me several kisses. I smile thinking you know what I’m about to say. I’m about to say it when you place your hand on the gear shift again. “No wait, I really have something important to say” I gave you my best serious face. It probably accumulated to nothing more than a mere pout at this point.
Its funny how I was here again many months later. My mind lost in the amazing warped reality of alcohol, but this time I knew I had to and would do it. I was sure of myself, sure of my feelings.
The thought alone made me smile “Now, drunk Stephani is going to tell you this because sober Stephani is a chicken and I gotta tell you this”
“No” you shifted the car gear “You can tell me when we get home” I pouted and crossed my arms. Maybe I should tell you anyways or may-
“Wait a second you know what I’m going to tell you aren’t you”
“Yes I do” You wouldn’t even look at me your eyes ever plastered on the road.
“Then let me say it”
“No you have to do this sober, look we’ll get home and see if you want to do it then”
I took a quick look over my phone to see you putting on your shoes
“Now I’m weak and scared” I text them back while biting my lip.
“Dooooo it”
“I mean he knows its coming” That he did. Last nights conversation proved as much and I can’t believe I let liquor get the hold of me one more time. In that moment I felt my heart beat start racing and my palms got sweaty.  
“AHH” I text back at the indication of pure anxiety that I was feeling. Truth is this is probably the first time I say those words for the same time while meaning it. I felt like I was always pushed to say those words at first. They mean a lot, and over time I would feel it too, but this is the first time where I am sure from the start.
I heard you telling me something, but I was truly only half listening while I continued to text my motivator.
“If you feel like you are ready, which I think you are, they say it. He doesn’t need to feel the same way, but you need to come clean! Honesty is important!”
I took a deep breath.
“Jacob I need to tell you something before we go” that got your attention. “I think you know what I’m going to say, but I need to say it out loud and know that you know.” I dared looked up at you before finally building the courage.
“I love you” I take a deep breath as I set my explanation.
“I love you too” you say so nonchalantly.
“You- you do?” I hear my voice crack a bit at the end as I feel my eyes begin to tear up. You give me a small smile and pull me onto your lap. You give me a tight hug.
“Yea, why wouldn’t I?” Jesus, I don’t think you know what those words mean. There are several reasons as to why you might not be ready, why you might not even want to say it back. In this moment I realize that all my fears were for nothing. You love me, and I you, and it reassures me that no matter how hard this gets we will always make it work.  
“I think we need to break up, I just don’t honestly know where this is going” I read on and on. I smile weakly at the screen. Truthfully I saw this coming, so I am not surprised but it still doesn’t take away how upsetting this is.
“I care a lot about you, a lot, and I am not lying when I say I love you. However I understand if you really dont feel the same way” Because really how could you? Even though you said those words back then, how could you actually love me if you’re letting something like distance get in the way. 
How could you truly love me if you’re willing to so easily let me go? 
My thoughts are interrupted when I hear another ping come from my lap.
“I don't think I'm emotionally ready for a long term relationship where I'm not sure where it's going right now. And I obviously care about you a lot but I'm not sure if that's enough for me. I think you truly do deserve happiness; I just don't think this, nor me, is where you’ll find it.”
But who are you truly to decide that for me? Who are you to tell me where and when I will find it. I try as I might to calm down, but this is all too much.
“I will never be a prisoner to those words again” I think as I let rage consume me.
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franeridart · 6 years
hi what brushes do you use to sketch/lineart?
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tbh I’m pretty sure they’re the default marker and brush tools in SAI haha
Anon said:I have followed you for a long time (back in the KnB days) and I have never once regretted it. You are awesomely talented and oh so amazing and an absolute joy to see on my dash. Thank you for being you!!!
Oh my god???? You’ve been around for so long???? I think I’m gonna cry thank you so m u c h ;^;
Anon said:Okay, I feel like I'm totally missing something obvious, but why is Kiri crying in the comic where Baku is in his hero costume and pushing his fists together???
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Anon said:Okay so I know you haven't drawn it in forever so I don't even know if you still even like it but I just found it so I just wanted to tell you that your bakushimanari art gives me life and it's amazing and your amazing asdfghjkl okay that's all!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m currently really focused on krbk and kmjr so every other ship involving them has sorta taken a backseat for me, but I’m definitely still shipping it!!! It’s such a good ot3, I’m glad you liked my stuff for them :D !!!!
Anon said:Hi this isn´t a ask I just wanted to say I found your blog two days ago and since then I´ve spent two days going all the 110 pages back viewing all your lovely art and it has been a b l a st (I found you through your kiribaku art because it's my otp and I'm so w e ak for it- I love how you draw them so much- I saw you did a lot of bakukamikiri in the past but now you do more kiribaku and that makes me happy lol NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT SHIP!! but yeah, love! Keep on being great!
AHHHHHHHHH thank you for taking the time to go through all of it???? I’m happy you like my stuff!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Oh my god fran i LOVE u thank u for ALL of ur art but esp that comic where bakugo is so inlove(which is most of them -again THANK U- but im talking about the most recent one like the one kiri is saying goodnight and stuff) like oh!!! Thank u thabk u thank u!!!! Thank u so much for blessing us with ur art!!! I love ur art i love YOU thank u u have my full heart 💕💕💕💕💖💖💖💓💓💗💗💗💞💞💞
Anon said:You fuckin g killed me
I swear that wasn’t the intention!!!!! D: (thank u t h o
Anon said:i might just reblog everything on your blog, your art is amazing *:・゚✧
Anon said:hihihi i just wanna let you know that your art and comics and like everything you produce here puts me in a super good mood and gives me a lot of fluffy good feels and that knowing they put you in a good mood making them is also yes good n im sorry this doesn't make sense lololol im just saying thank you for making the stuff you do it makes me and a lot of people happy n idk just means a lot i think haha n i hope you have many good days n yea
gODS thank you so much I’m so so so so glad my stuff can put you in a good mood!!! I hope you’ll have all the good days too!!!
Anon said:I love your arts so muchhhh ꉂ (′̤ॢ∀ ू‵̤๑))ˉ̞̭♡ They always make my day >w
Thank youuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A;
Anon said:Ahh, I just wanted to say that you're super awesome and such an inspiration!! I absolutely love your art haha, it actually got me into BNHA and the like. This is probably a mess, but I guess what I'd really just like to say is thank you for being so amazing and I hope you have a great day! :D
Ahhhh thank you so much!!!! And I’m glad I could make you decide to give bnha a shot!!!!! :D
Anon said:Jeeezzz i smile like a dork with the happy and in love comic. Dhvskdbslbxks i love the sons, and you for draw. Keep melting my heart ♡
I’m!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy you liked that one!!!! ;O; making it made me happy so knowing it can make people smile feels really good!!!!
Anon said:Ive stared at ur most recent comic for 5 hours now. Im blessed. Its so cute and wholesome
t h a n k  y o u ;O;
Anon said:Your Bakushima/Kirishima fanart makes me want to fall in love 😥
MAN that’s such a nice thing to have said about my stuff!!! oh my g o d!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Frannnnnnnnnnnnnnn stop feeding the horrible hopeless-romantic gremlin inside me aaaaaaaa your art is so cute and sweet
Hahahaha why tho!! Being romantic feels good!!! :D
Anon said:AWWWW I can imagine katsukis mom knowing about his crush on little eijirou and poking fun at him so much bECAUSE THATS SO CUTE
I think she’d be more shocked about Katsuki liking anyone at all tbh hahaha
Anon said:Fran, Fran, Fran, your art gives me life cause it’s adorable and wonderful❤️ that’s it, just had to make sure you were appreciated today!
Ahhhhhhh thank you so much for the good vibes anon!!!!! I’m glad you like my things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:your childhood friends au just killed me, i am dead. i'm feeling emotional i almost cried they're so cute. i just love them sm ;o;
hECK I’m happy you liked it!!!! It’s such a comfort au for me tbh!!! ;O;
Anon said:Tbh I never even noticed that you don’t usually draw noses o.0
That’s good tbh cause I sort of try to not make it too obvious hahaha
Anon said:Oh i saw you answered an ask abt favorite ships! I'm a little sad that you don't like miritama as much anymore haha but i wanted to ask if you ship kiri//mina?
I am a FOOL how could I FORGET MIRITAMA OH MY G OD I definitely still ship it as much as I always have holy heck they’re so good
as for krmn, I definitely prefer them as friends. Well, right now I’m just really picky about my kirishima ships, lbr hahaha
Anon said:In your headcannon, does bakugo wear eyeliner (like when he's not in the hero suit)?
I don’t really have an headcanon for that! :O I think it’s not in Horikoshi’s intention to draw him with eyeliner ever, and I never draw him wearing eyeliner either, but it’s not like I mind the idea of him using it! So in general I’m like, either way it’s fine, he’s beautiful whatever he’s putting on his face hahaha
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depmode · 6 years
For the character ask thing, Jester?
How I feel about this character
jester. That Girl. she warms my heart. i love her. sometimes she is a chaotic mess and one day she's gonna get herself into real trouble (AGAIN....) but she just. makes me smile. she's so kind hearted and genuine and sweet and devious and i would let her use me as a barbell and draw dicks on my face if it would make her happy. she just wants to find her place and make friends and find joy now that she's out on her own, it breaks my heart while also filling it with happiness. sometimes i gotta say WHAT ARE YOU DOING? at her choices but... i always enjoy her haha.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
i like jester/yasha! there isn't a lot of content for it and even i don't talk about it as much as i should (ive been trying to think of fic ideas!! but nothing good has come to me yet.... and i have so many dumb things im trying to write already orz) but, i think it has good potential and would be super adorable. big strong wives, jester the exuberant ball of energy with a more silent and restrained yasha, balancing and supporting the other. and i think they'd appreciate those differences in each other (and you can't think for a sec that yasha wouldn't go along with ridiculous plans and enjoy it even if she doesn't look the type!). i can also get behind cali/jester, and i talked a bit about her with caleb in my ask about him~
My non-romantic OTP for this character
everyone! cause this is jester we are talking about! who doesn't wanna be her friend?? nott and caleb i talked about before, so, her friendship with fjord is also fun. they have each others backs through everything. and he was really like... the first true friend she made, so that relationship will always be important. and the roomies. i love any time her and beau have silly conversations up in their room cause they are always the best lol.
My unpopular opinion about this character
i think some fans infantilize her a bit too much just because she has a silly childish side, and she doesn't have as much experience out in the great wide world yet. but, that doesn't mean she's actually a scared little girl that needs protecting, or that she'll break at any moment when something bad happens. i've seen some people speculating how terrible her being kidnapped is going to be and how it's going to break her and change her so much, but i dunno, don't really agree. i mean it will be awful for all of them no doubt. but i can only imagine her giving the world's worst stink eye to the slavers and wishing she could spit and curse at them in the most ridiculous ways as they cage her up, rather than being frightened and weepy haha. jester has a lot of fight in her my dudes!
also i have mixed feelings about her relationship with her mom. i don't doubt that she loves her, and the letter moment was so sweet just cause it made jester so happy but.... i mean, the way she was raised wasn't uhhh the best. but i don't have that strong of an opinion yet, not until we get more backstory.
oh and i guess seeing her and fjord as just super best buddies is unpopular, but yeah, i don’t ship just the two of them on their own tbh (despite my earlier mentioned ot3 lol probably strange but.... shrugs)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
one day i want jester to punch someone and laura rolls a nat 20 so it's just. the most intense decking any person has ever experienced. LMAO. but that's very silly. ahh, but actually, despite what i said earlier i think it would be interesting for there to be an NPC that just.... doesn't like her. and for her to be in a place where she can say "fuck you too" and not be hurt or feel like she needs their approval. i await a jester confidence boost! curb that people pleasing desire a bit. also: she finally reads something other than tusk love lmao. please jester. expand your smut horizons.
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gfn-sam-evans · 6 years
Texts || Fabrevans
Taggings: Sam Evans & Quinn Fabray When: Thursday to Saturday Notes: Getting to know each other! <3
Quinn: Please do! And once you've got it, we'll talk about a vlog. Quinn: Oh geez. That's such an unflattering picture!! Quinn: Honestly, I started getting bored. Everyone was so busy with each other, I figured I'd get home to Jude. He gives me all the attention I want. Sam: Aye, aye! It shouldn’t be too far from now. I’ve talked to Blaine about singing there. Sam: It’s not! I think it’s cute. Sam: I didn’t realize you were bored.
 Quinn: Oh that'll be a great show then. I'm sure other people will show up to join in. Quinn: oh but it really is. I could always send you a better one. A way cuter one. Quinn: I mean it was fun at first but then idk...i was ready to leave. I felt slightly odd ball out
 Sam: I hope. Sam: Business is good but it’s not booming and I don’t want to hit a bad stretch of months. That freaks me out. Sam: I won’t say no to that. Sam: I didn’t realize how fast the night turned until that truth or dare game happened. Sam: I hope I didn’t make you feel awkward
 Quinn: I understand. I can see why you'd freak out. Your business is your baby. You want it to do well. Quinn: Well hopefully we can get you some publicity and get more people to come in :) Quinn: Hmmm, now i gotta pick a good one. GIve me a sec. Quinn: I think everyone was just tipsy, and horny apparently lol Quinn: oh no no. You didn't make me feel awkward at all. I won't lie, it wasn't a bad sight
 Sam: It really is. I never thought I’d have my own store. I still pinch myself about it. Sam: Yeah. Even my date and I got carried away but I reeled it in. Sam: It was fun to do that. Not something I wanted a group of people I know to see but I couldn’t back down.
 Quinn: Was it something you always wanted to do? Or did little Sammy have other aspirations? Quinn: Oh I saw that. Although, I think she would have been okay if you hadn't. Quinn: Hey sometimes alcohol makes us do the wildest things. As long as you had fun with it, that's all that matters
 Sam: Little Sammy wanted to play football but when that didn’t look like it was happening he changed things. Sam: You saw us making out? Sam: I did but when people started taking their shirts off I didn’t know if it was about to turn into a sex party.
 Quinn: So I take it you were a football player in high school? Woulda been just my type.  Quinn: Oh I thought you meant the lap dance. No. I didn't see you make out. I'm assuming this happened after I left. Quinn: Yeah it was getting wild. And while I'm not afraid of wild, I had had enough for one night
 Sam: You’re into jocks? I still play but only when I’ve got time. Sam: Yeah. That’s why I was confused. I took her home and then left after she fell asleep. It was a fun date but I don’t like being that guy who hooks up with someone right off the bat. Sam: Kissing is fine though. Sam: You’re not? What’s the wildest thing you’ve done?
 Quinn: Well I mean I was in HS. I was head cheerleader after all. But I was super into the artistic types too. Quinn: Ahh gotcha. Sorry for the confusion. But that's very gentlemanly of you. Quinn: I don't think there's anything wrong with kissing on the first date. Especially if you've had a good time... or you're super into/attracted to them. Quinn: Wildest? Ummm... climb up to the roof of a house and jump into a pool, half naked? I mean granted I was drunk so that could have been super dangerous.
 Sam: I try to draw but I’m not the best. I can do macaroni art and make actual masterpieces with it. I can show you if you ever want to see it. Sam: Quinn! That’s insane! Even I wouldn’t do something like that.
 Quinn: Wait seriously?? I have to see this. Ive never heard of someone who makes macaroni masterpieces. I'm intrigued.  Quinn: Yeah... not one of my proudest moments. I won't lie... I did a lot of stupid stuff the first two years after HS...
 Sam: They’re good. What I lack in drawing I’ve picked up with macaroni. Sam: Why after high school?
 Quinn: That's impressive. You're full of surprises Sam Evans Quinn: Well pretty much my whole childhood and high school career I had an image to uphold. For the sake of my mother basically. I got tired of it. So when I graduated, I wanted to live my own life. I uhh... I partied a lot. I was super social. But along with all of that, I hung out with the wrong crowd, did things I shouldn't have.... Just lost control of my life basically.   Quinn: wow I'm sorry, we barely know each other and I'm unloading all this heavy stuff on you. I'm so sorry.
 Sam: I like you shared that with me. I did a lot of stupid things in college. Not to live a deprived life but because I hung out with a lot of frat guys. They wanted me to pledge but I didn’t want to go through the whole Greek thing.
 Quinn: Are you sure? That's alot of information I'm sure you didn't want to know. Quinn: But yeah.. I didn't even bother with sororities. But I knew where all the parties were. Living in LA, there's always a party somewhere
Sam: We’ve all been through stuff, Quinn. It’s s lot but it’s still things that help me get to know you better. Sam: I spent my freshman year drunk most of the time. I had fun and met a lot of cool people. Did crazy things kinda kind what happened at that party.
 Quinn: I don't tell people these things. Even some of my closest friends here in Nashville know about this part of me. About my past. Quinn: Yeah sounds like me. I didn't even finish though. I uh... kinda got kicked out because I missed too many classes.  Quinn: I'm uh... really not proud of that.
 Sam: I used to dance for money. Sam: Only sharing that because you said you told me something real personal. But I get doing things you’re not proud of.
 Quinn: Sam you didn't have to do that. Just because I'm basically word vomiting right now doesn't mean you have to too. Quinn: But now I know why you're so good at it.
 Sam: That was me drunk. William sent me the video and I could tell I lost my touch. I needed money to send home and that was a quick way without dropping out of college. Sam: Just don’t tell anyone. Okay?
 Quinn: I've always heard it was a good way to make some serious chunk of change.  Quinn: Your secret is safe with me. I promise. I wouldn't tell a soul.
 Sam: It is. I made a crap load. It was insane because I’ve worked all types of jobs but that one was a last resort job and it paid the best. You lose a little of yourself and I had to go slow with giving my parents the money because they thought I was delivering pizzas.
 Quinn: oh wow. So like on average how much were you making a night? If you don’t mind me asking. I won’t lie but I kinda wish there wasn’t a stigma about the adult business. They’re just trying to make a living like everyone else.
 Sam: it depended on the night and how busy it was. The most I made in one night was $300. Sometimes you get requested by clients. I was one of the favorites there which seemed weird but it was extra money. I did it for a few months.
 Quinn: Wow. That's nice. The money I mean, not being favored by people. I'm glad you found what you actually wanted to do though. Although  some lucky lady is gonna be able to see your experienced moves.
 Sam: it’s nice but it messes with your head. I didn’t really want to date for awhile and didn’t exactly like to be touched. Sam: Technically many lucky people have.
 Quinn:  Oh wow. I never even thought about it messing with someone. I'm sorry. Here I am praising you for it and when in reality... it sounds like it's something you didn't really want to do.  Quinn: Well true but it's not the same like in the intimacy of the bedroom. That's what I meant.
 Sam: It’s cool, Q. You didn’t know and it wasn’t all bad. I met interesting people and got to take part in shows. It felt like being in theater with some of the acting we did. Just when I thought about what it was in the end. That’s what gets me. Sam: Oh. Uh, yeah. That...I haven’t heard any complaints when it comes to that.
 Quinn: Okay then, let's just say you were in Magic Mike... the musical? lol idk Quinn: Well from seeing your moves the other day, I didn't think you had
Quinn: I had a good time yesterday btw
 Sam: I did too! Sorry I didn’t realize I had pasta sauce on the side of my face.Sam: Magic Mike would make an interesting choice for one.
 Quinn: It's alright. It happens to the best of us. It was cute seeing you slightly blush. Quinn: actually i think it's actually a thing...
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