wynnn · 4 months
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Madara x adult Sasuke (24)
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it is me i am wynn. live footage of me reading your ask
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obsessedwrhys · 17 days
I would like to request being sickly sweet/mushy with ROTTMNT Leo- I'm talking always kissing, cuddling, holding hands, giggling, holding/carrying each other around and even using the most dramatic names (mostly to mess with the rest of the Hamato family- April included) ie. Calling each other shmoopie poo and stuff like that
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ major fluff, lots of cheesy stuff, reader is fem!! (I love this ask sm)
To put it together, you both act like those highschool sweethearts.
One wouldn't be seen without the other, everyone just immediately sees you two as a pair that does everything together.
The dates would be so over the top too.
The most recent one would be when he prepared a dinner date on top of a musuem so you guys could enjoy the view. The place completely decorated with flowers and fairy lights.
Ya'll would definitely have matching things. It doesn't matter if it's a bracelet, necklace or onesie. You both just have the urge to have something that reminds you of the other person.
Which comes easily that you'd own something of his and him having something of yours.
Apparently he had given you his old bandana when he had gotten a new one. Instead of leaving it lying around to catch dust, you decided to use it as a ribbon for a hairtie. Trust that the first time he saw you with it, dude was levitating with heart eyes.
For him, you had gifted him a scarf. He was on cloud nine when he got it because it was entirely your scent. He would smell it every now and then or just wear it when you'd be busy with your daily tasks. It brings him comfort.
That's why everytime you visited after a long time, he'd completely shower you with cuddles and kisses. He doesn't really care if his family sees. Boy is just overjoyed to finally spend time with you again.
Even though his family are happy for him. They honestly wished he could tone it down a bit.
That's because he wouldn't even focus during patrols or missions because he'd just be talking about you. It drives his brothers nuts sometimes.
"Aw man! I forgot to tell (Y/N) goodnight!" Leo panicked.
"We're fighting off a huge squid monster and THATS your concern?!!" Donnie shouted while fending off one of the tentacles.
To be clear, the family doesn't hate you, they are actually welcoming towards you. It's just HIM they find annoying.
It got even worse when they overheard the petnames you both had for each other.
Ranging from petnames such as Booboo Bear to my little ketchup packet (???)
It's worst when he says them in a baby voice towards you.
"Here's your food! I got it all for my shnookums wookums" He'd say as he caresses your face.
Since he's so in love with you, he's willing to give you piggyback rides and carry you around the lair. He's so dramatic with it too.
"Make way!!! The queen is headed to the kitchen!!" He'd shout, making your grand entrance known to everyone nearby.
He has once pushed Donnie aside when he wouldn't move out of the way.
Also, Leo enjoys kissing you a lot. I'm just saying 🤷🏻‍♀️
His favourite spots to kiss you would be easily your cheeks. He finds them super cute that he wishes he would just leave his lips on there forever.
If you happen to have a mole on your face or anywhere on your body, he's kissing it, that's cause he sees it as a marking for him.
One thing I wanna say is that you two happen to have this weird habit of acting out scenes from any tv series you guys would watch together.
It catches the family off guard sometimes because you guys would just break into character out of nowhere.
Scenario ↴
"Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, could you pass me the salt?" You'd ask and Leo would suddenly turn to face you with a soft smirk.
"Oh my sugar-plum, here you go, just the way you love it" He'd say in a more dramatic voice as he hands it to you.
"Uh oh..."
"Oh, you know me so well. A little sprinkle of love… and salt" You'd say, sprinkling the salt into your soup.
"I always do sprinkle a little bit of extra salt in your life, you know... to keep things exciting" He winks at you which earns a disgusted groan out of his brother.
"Uuugggh!! C'mon!!!"
"Don't get carried away now cuppy-cake. I still want you to enjoy our lovely soup" You'd say, feeding him a spoonful that he drinks with a satisfied hum.
"It's perfect... just perfect. We must celebrate this!! To eternal love, salted and peppered!!" Leo would say, holding up his drink, pretending it was wine as he takes a huge gulp from it.
"You guys need help and I mean serious help" April said, pointing her spoon at both of you.
It's always fun to act it out (only for you two) because it would end with you and him bursting into laughter everytime.
Last thing I wanna add is that Leo definitely prepares the bed before you guys cuddle.
He always make sure everything is in place. The pillows, the blankets, some squishmallows, whatever it is that you need!!!
Honestly? He is 100% a loverboy.
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hunni-hive · 1 month
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stainedglasstruth · 10 months
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TIMING: A few days after Sacrificial Spawns LOCATION: Wormmates' Apartment, Worm Row PARTIES: Zack (@zackbanes) + Wynne (@ohwynne) + Arden (@stainedglasstruth) SUMMARY: After getting discharged from the hospital, Arden, Wynne, and Zack are all struggling to sleep through the night. CONTENT WARNINGS: N/A
After finally being discharged from the hospital, Zack, Wynne, and Arden– accompanied by Teagan and Ariadne– headed back to the apartment for some well needed rest. Well, first she cried upon seeing Hobbes and proceeded to smother him with affection. Then she rested, practically melting into her beautiful, comfortable bed. Her rest wasn’t exactly peaceful, though, plagued by nightmares of glowing red eyes. While that wasn’t exactly a new one for her, Wynne and Zack being there was. 
She woke covered in sweat, Dream Wynnne’s whimpering the last thing she could remember. Grimacing as she thoughtlessly tried to move her broken arm, Arden slowly sat up, surveying the room as she became more alert. Teagan was still asleep next to her, and she couldn’t help the small smile from creeping over her face as she looked at the nix. Ugh, she was so gay. Reaching for her water bottle, though, she paused. …was that smoke? She sniffed the air, feeling uncertain, but no. It was faint, but…
Carefully, as to not wake Teagan, she pulled herself out of bed, letting out a soft ‘oof’ as she got to her feet. Her body still felt heavy with exhaustion and the remnants of sleep, but she ignored it as she poked her head out into the hallway. Okay, that was definitely the smell of smoke, though not powerful enough to be concerned… yet. Arden spared another glance back to her sleeping girlfriend before stepping out into the hall and closing the door behind her. 
As far as first-times-at-the-hospital went, Wynne’s experience ranked pretty low. The lights had been bright, the smell of cleaning agents pungent, the nurses’ faces so concerned and pitiful. It had been disorienting, to go from that dark and pungent basement to the hospital, to be separated from the people they wanted to cling to. Now, at least, they were all together again, back in the home with the meowing cats and their fourth part of their whole.
They couldn’t sleep. They laid there, hugging knees and fingers trailing over the stitches in their neck. Ariadne lied against them, arms wrapped around their body. But her steady breathing did little to ground Wynne, who was thinking about that basement. About Metzli, ripping heads off as if it was as easy as plucking apples off a tree. About Zack’s pleas and the look in Arden’s eye and Zane, refusing to bite them but ending up tearing into their neck all the same. They considered the medication the hospital had offered, which made them drowsy and calm, but remained frozen. 
Until the smell of smoke reached their nostrils. They slipped out of bed, whispering something about the bathroom to an asleep Ariadne, knees trying to readjust to being stretched again. When Wynne walked into the hallway, their eyes fell on Arden and for a moment they just wanted to move over and hug her, because it was something they could do. In stead, they offered a quizzical look. “Zack…?” They offered as a possible explanation. Wynne started moving towards his door, and the smell of smoke grew more powerful. After knocking three times, just to be polite, they opened the door slowly.
He was wandering Worm Row at night. Was he going to meet someone? Probably. He must be – it was late and on his own. He must be meeting up with someone at the Wormhole or something. Maybe Arden? Probably Arden and Wynne and Sully – all of them heading out for a drink or two again. But when he turned the corner it was the alley where the torple had latched onto his leg. His brow drew up, confused, and that’s when he saw them – the familiar boots that Arden usually wore. Their body was a crumpled heap huddled at the corner of the alley and Wynne was there next to them – small and bloodied. Before the horrified “no!” could make it out of his mouth, Zack was slammed against the wall, teeth latching onto his neck – a six-foot tall torple ripping him apart. He couldn’t even scream with his throat crushed in but when the fear exploded from him, it was hot–
He wasn’t on the streets of Worm Row, of course, nor was he in the alley in Nightfall. Just his own bed, dreaming. Nightmare. But the heat… That was real. It was that strange kind of heat that always came from his fire. With a panicked gasp, Zack realized that it was his fire – the bed around him, his sheets and pillow were all caught and the flames were licking dangerously close to the curtains. 
It took a few fumbles before he was able to squelch the flames, terrified and caught off-guard as he was. Smoke filled the room still and just as he was moving to wrench the window open, the door opened behind him. Wynne and Arden were huddled there – obviously drawn to the smell of smoke. Shame dropped into his chest, fast and hot. And fear, again, because they had all been asleep. Everyone had been sleeping after the hospital and Teagan and Ariadne had been there too and Zack had almost burned the building down around them. 
“I’m sorry!” was what blurted out of him, sudden and fast and a little choked. “I… I was dreaming and it just–” Giving an unsteady breath, he reached to open the window, the smoke billowing out. “Are you both okay? I don’t think the smoke…got very far.” No, it hadn’t but that was cold comfort.
The moment Arden saw Wynne, she was walking over, closing the distance between them. She ignored the urge to wrap her arm around them, not wanting to upset them or any of their injuries. At the mention of Zack, she frowned. 
The thought had crossed her mind, the smell of smoke bringing her back to kneeling on the ground, putting pressure on Wynne’s neck as the barn went up in flames, the anxious churning of her stomach as she waited for him to get out. She hoped it wasn't him, but following Wynne to his door, it was clearly the source of the smell. 
Arden wasn't sure what to expect when Wynne opened the door, but a scorched bed certainly wasn't it. Nothing was actively on fire, though the smoke hanging in the air and the blackened sheets gave her a picture of what had happened. Her gaze turned from the bed to its owner standing next to the open window. He looked okay, thankfully, but that look in his eyes, the strained voice he was speaking in, it all felt so wrong. 
She had never seen Zack scared before they got grabbed, but she was fairly positive that his terrified face was now branded into her mind, along with Wynne’s. They were two of the sweetest people she knew, people Arden now had the certainty of knowing she would quite literally die for. Seeing the two of them so frightened and upset the past several days had killed her. And it felt even worse here, in their apartment, where things were normally so good, were supposed to be okay. 
Seeing Zack standing in his room looking so scared and close to tears, it broke her heart a little. 
"Hey," she started in a placating tone. "It's okay, we're okay. Right, Wynne?" Arden looked to them as she asked before throwing the question back at him. "Are you okay?" 
The smell of smoke reminded Wynne of home. Protherians preferred to heat their buildings with fire, rather than central heating, and then there was of course their bonfires. They danced around them on equinoxes, burned herbs and animal parts in them in the name of celebration. But the smell of smoke didn’t only remind them of home: it also reminded them of that night, only a few days ago, where they had watched that barn burn down before losing consciousness.
Zack had saved them with the fire that lived in him. They had seen his magic in action, seen its power. And they were so glad for it. But the smell of it still brought them back to that feeling of desperation. Their fingers moved to the stitches on their neck. They looked at Arden and thought all of this was surreal. The fact that they stood here, alive. That they were here, at home. And that Zack had started a fire again.
He was panicking and that seemed to flip a switch in their own mind. They couldn’t panic if he was panicking. They couldn’t make this worse with their own pathetic anxieties and fear, had to let go what was taking a hold of him.
Besides, they were more worried about him than anything else. Eyebrows creasing, eyes wide, their throat stinging a little from the dry air. “Yes,” they said quickly, falling in tandem with Arden and nodding their head. “We’re alright. Just wanted to see –” 
Well, Arden had said it, hadn’t she? Wynne had stupidly thought that maybe her roommates (and friends, or maybe even family) had been more okay than they were feeling. But maybe that wasn’t true. Maybe they were idealizing the people around them again, thinking them so much more invincible than they were in reality. “If you were okay. Did you have a bad dream?” They had them a lot, though things seemed infinitely better if Ariadne slept next to them. As if she had a magical calmness about her (though, of course, she didn’t: this was something that could be explained with pure emotional logic, rather than the actual magic they had and were witnessing).
They moved a little closer, wanting to take his hands but unsure if he’d want that. They were morosely aware that they all had red-rimmed wrists from the rope. Matching wounds. Just like the teeth marks in all their throats. “It’s okay.”
Zack’s eyes darted over his roommates, evaluating, ensuring that they really were okay. They were there, at least, standing there in the apartment. That was good, better than the dank cell they had all been kept in, better than the antiseptic halls of the hospital. The apartment was home, and it was safe. It was supposed to be safe. This time he had woken up early enough, had been able to put the flames out. But what about next time? What about when someone startled him while cooking or he was with someone and they moved their mouth to his neck, what about when Wynne was late coming how from work or Arden was with Teagan and he didn’t know where they were? What about the next night, when he had another nightmare, or the night after that?
“I’m fine. It’s… I’m fine.” He ran a hand up through the back of his hair, rustling the sweaty spikes there. Anything, any sensation to convince his body that he was awake. He was awake and he was in his room and Arden and Wynne were standing right in front of him, alive. “Yeah, I guess I did,” he answered Wynne. Which– How stupid was that? A nightmare and he had almost burned down the whole of their apartment. Overreacted like a toddler having a tantrum. 
Wynne’s quiet assurance was meant to soothe him, he knew. Was meant to settle him down and let him know that they were all fine. But it wasn’t and they weren’t. He laughed but it was a choked off noise. “It’s not okay. It’s really not. I could’ve–” They didn’t even really know, was the thing. What they had seen from him, in the basement, was nothing. They had all been gone when he set the rest of the place ablaze. And even that was nothing compared to what Zack knew he was capable of – the heat that could explode out of him, like it had when he demonstrated for Levi at the island. 
His mind was racing through the possibilities and potentials and problem-solving. “I’m sorry. I’ll– I should go.” It didn’t matter that it was the middle of the night and that he had nowhere to go. Zack had spent his fair share of nights on the street, he could figure something out. For now, the only thing that mattered was keeping his roommates safe.
Wynne. Sweet, gentle Wynne. There was already a lump in her throat and just hearing them, seeing the worry in their eyes, the hesitant way they approached him, made it more pronounced. Zack was right, it wasn’t okay. None of this, none of them were okay. 
The three of them had gone through something awful, something terrifying. They had been moments away from their demise before Emilio and Metzli came bursting in. Wynne had multiple stitches in their neck, looked like they hadn’t slept at all, Arden felt uncomfortable, restrained with the splint and sling on her arm, had been having nightmares nonstop since that first night at the hospital, and Zack… Zack was clearly so far from fine, and it hurt to see. It wasn’t surprising in the least, but that didn’t make it any more palatable, any less heartbreaking, to see one of her best friends in such a state. His strained laughter cut through her like a searing hot knife, but it helped rid her of some of the fog clinging to the edges of her mind. 
“But you didn’t,” she stated, firmly. “We’re fine. You’re fine.” They weren’t okay overall, but Zack had just singed his sheets. She wasn’t the most knowledgeable about spellcasters, needed to brush up on the subject, but she knew emotions had an effect on magic. In the morning, she would look into getting him a new set and getting a fire extinguisher for the apartment. She could ask Teagan to help her check their detector, too, and start digging into anything she could find on elemental casting– maybe ask Leah for a bit of help. Arden certainly wasn’t an expert and her arm would slow her down, but Leah might be more familiar, probably had some helpful books somewhere, too. 
I should go. The words sent a bolt of anxiety through her. “Zack…” The idea of being too far from either of them after everything that had happened the past few days made her feel physically sick. She had been so scared, so worried for them, had been convinced she would have to watch her friends be turned into monsters, and she was still so worried. Being separated at the hospital had been torturous enough, she just wanted to be able to keep an eye on them, keep them close, make sure they were safe. Finally being home, being able to do that, had been comforting. 
Arden didn’t want Zack to go anywhere, but she also didn’t want to keep him if he needed the space. She couldn’t be selfish– not with them, not right now. But this felt more like isolation than needing space. This felt like Emilio apologizing to her, holding the weight of the heavens on his shoulders. It felt like Metzli calling themself a monster, leaving her on read, like Teagan trying to push her away for her own safety. It felt like her, pained and grieving and guilty, leaving this town and everyone she knew behind. Maybe that was just her own fear and paranoia, her own insecurities and selfishness blinding her– she didn’t know. Then again, when did she ever?
“Please don’t– We’re okay.” Please don’t leave. She was nothing if not a hypocrite. 
Once, seemingly a lifetime ago, Wynne had been a beacon of comfort and hope. An entire commune looked at them to be their savior, their martyr, the one destined to give the ultimate sacrifice for all of them. People looked at them, for some kind of guidance, thought there to be something special abut their touch or even their sheer presence. And though now, these days, they didn’t want to think of it any more, there was something of that person left, wasn’t there? A person who could park their own emotions and qualms for those of another.
There had no room for faltering there. No room for weakness or fear of death — if their sacrificial lamb were to start bleating in fear, what was to stop the rest of the community from doing so? And if they gave into the part of them that was afraid of Zack’s powers now, what was to stop them from somehow worsening this situation?
Repression came natural. Wanting to appease and comfort did too. And besides, they wanted their love for Zack to outweigh their fear of what he might do. Wynne looked at him with some kind of understanding. “I get them too.” Though there had been less of them since Ariadne had joined their side. “It’s okay to be upset.” 
But was it, if being upset meant setting your bed on fire? Was it, when it made him look so afraid of something he had done himself? Was Arden thinking of that last day in the basement too, when everything had burned, the bodies of the vampires as well as the humans that had fallen?  They didn’t want to be afraid of Zack, the same way they didn’t want to be afraid of anything but fear was hard-wired in her body. 
At least Arden was there. At least here, Wynne wasn’t alone the way they had been back at home. “She’s right, it didn’t happen. Nothing happened!” 
He couldn’t leave, not now that they were all back again. Now that things were attempting to get back to normal, as their wounds grew into scars and there was sometimes – when the birds chirped in the morning – even a distant feeling of normalcy until they truly woke. “You can’t go? Where would you even go that’s … that’s better than here?” Was there a place where he’d feel safer? Wynne couldn’t imagine a place better than here, with them, with the door tightly locked and their presence warming the home.
It seemed Arden had been right to worry. For once, she despised the fact that she was right. 
They had spoken a little longer, decided to all try to get some more sleep, talk in the morning. She had thought Zack might need to take some time for himself, maybe stay with Levi or crash at the motel or inn, something. It would be difficult to be separated from him after what they had been through, after she had been convinced the three of them would meet the same horrifying fate in that basement, but she could, she would, give him whatever space he needed. They had been moments away from death, from watching each other die, it was doing a number on all of them, and she didn’t have pyrokinetic abilities to worry about.
She hadn’t expected to find a goodbye note. 
Arden really hadn’t expected Zack, of all people, to break her heart. 
She had no leg to stand on, either. She couldn’t manage to fan the smoldering embers of anger into a full on flame, as she sat on the floor in front of the scorched mattress reading and rereading the same words. Was this how Leah felt when I shut her out? When I left? It was all she kept thinking as she fell apart all over again. 
She hadn’t even known Zack that long, but they had just clicked in that wonderful way that just happened sometimes. After the loss of her dad and Jo, she had been so devastated that she gave up, shut down. She closed herself off for so long, keeping people at a distance, sinking back into the familiar ache of loneliness until it became unbearable, until she began to drown. It was only after she returned, needing answers, needing closure, that she was able to breach the surface again. It was only after Leah that she finally started to give people a chance again, finally started to let them in. And Zack had been one of the first.
It was only right then that he would be the first to really hurt her, too. 
Arden couldn’t even hold it against him, the bastard. Sure, she was a hypocrite, but more than anything, she just wanted him to be okay. She needed him to be okay, wherever he was. And if he ever returned, she knew she would welcome him back with open arms, just as Leah had done for her. 
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bloo-the-dragon · 1 year
hey hello!!!! 's been a hot minute but this is moon [you may remember me as the glowingmooncreations guy hahah] and it's a delight to see you around again!!!!! i hope life's been treating ya well hsjdjsjs
this message mostly sparks from a friend [wynnibee, if you've seen them around!] sharing your art in a groupchat and myself recognising it immediately [it's distinctive enough to prompt that, what can i say] - said group also says hello, same as my partner! incredibly amusing to me that we meet again at jingleboy avenue, too hsjjsdjsj
all that said though, there's no pressure to respond to this!! just wanted to drop by and say hello :] hope you're havin a good one!
p.s. one of the buddies in that group - dings - would like you to know that they love how soft your art style is, whenever it appears on their dash! [and i do agree wholeheartedly]
p.p.s. wynn would like you to know that they're [and i quote] "still rapidly approaching bloodmoon's location with peeling intent". do with that what you will
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MOON!!! MOOON HEYY HELLO!!! It's been so long aaa its so good to see you!! :D
I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME THIS LONG TO REPLY i havn't been able to see any new asks since my inbox icon has been bugged out for a while now OTL
WYNN?? YOU KNOW WYN?? @wynnibee Y O U-
GHDJKFG YEAH this seems to be a running theme with the silly dca boys introducing me to people who've been hanging around for a long time (looking at you cob) and now bringing back an old friend!! I MISSED YOU!!
'p.s. one of the buddies in that group - dings - would like you to know that they love how soft your art style is, whenever it appears on their dash! [and i do agree wholeheartedly]' SOBS AHJKDFHJF i'm glad you all like my art aaa ;;o;;
'p.p.s. wynn would like you to know that they're [and i quote] "still rapidly approaching bloodmoon's location with peeling intent". do with that what you will' NOOOOO WYNNN NO PEELING THE BLOOD OF MOON WE TALKED ABOUT THIS-
I'm so glad to hear your still around and doing well though! <3
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trsrina · 1 year
thank you for tagging me wynnn 💗💗🫶🫶
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three fav solo artists
1) youha 2) iu 3) taeyeon
five fav bgs/ggs
1) twice 2) enhypen 3) treasure 4) lesserafim 5) ive
top five favourite mvs
1) attention - newjeans 2) what is love? - twice 3) love dive - ive 4) drunk-dazed - enhypen 5) my treasure - treasure
top three leaders
1) hyunsuk & jihoon- treasure 2) yeji - itzy 3) jihyo - twice
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how many albums do you have?
just counted and it’s 29 😅 not proud of it my spending habits definitely needs some improvement
do you have/share a close birthday with any idols?
yes! i share a birthday with loona’s yeojin
fancy date w/ bias or at home date w/ bias wrecker?
fancy date w/ bias
mvs or live performances
live performances!! <33
favourite album + song of your fav group
well ofc my favourite album of twice has to be eyes wide open or taste of love i really like formula of love too and for fav song it has to be moonlight and cry for me and queen of hearts
three favourite maknaes
1) leeseo - ive 2) junghwan - treasure 3) yuna - itzy
rap or vocal line?
hmm vocal line probably
what song got you into kpop?
ddu du ddu du by blackpink!!
album you have on repeat?
does it have to be kpop? well actually midnights by taylor swift but for kpop it’s cheshire by itzy
you were in a kpop group, what positions would you have?
probably some dancer position since i dance so yeah or maybe my company would give me a vocal position so i wouldn’t be completely useless to the group lol
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tagging : @lov3niki @yenqa @badmuni @chu-ji
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dazedhypen · 2 years
hiii jam!!! i agree w ina (ˆ▽ˆ) school is v stressing though i know you can do it ! and also rest if you need it since mental health is very important <3 always drink a lot of water and sending some goodluckss and loveee (^_^)ヾ(^^ ) // also cutiee sahi + yoshi coming through
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hii wynnn!! <3 sorry for the late replyyy but thank you sm for this (´ε` )♡ i'll make sure i get some rest whenever i can!!! sending you some love & goodluck too (^^)!!
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comicbookcritic · 4 years
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lylalove0412 · 4 years
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wynnn · 3 months
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"I felt that I have always loved you"
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Regarding the fantasy book recs for children, I would second a lot of the answers I’ve already seen (Charlie Bone for the magical school and ensemble cast, and Diana Wynnne Jones and The Worst Witch books just on principle). You could also add in the Septimus Heap books by Angie Sage, which have some of the learning-magic, young-person-versus-the-world vibes. There are also Cornelia Funke’s novels, like Dragon Rider and Inkheart, which pull away from the magical school, chosen-one story.
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avenger-hawk · 3 years
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l was tagged by @altraes (thank you, this was a lot of fun!!) to do this picrew game : show your irl self vs your online persona.
Uhm I’m not sure I got the meaning of online persona lol but my irl self wears scarf when it’s cold, glasses, drinks and eats and might or might not have a pigeon in her head I guess the online persona can show more skin and has cooler hair and clothes?
tagging (only if you want to!):
@renamon15, @lusciousitachi , @moonsuke, @admiral-izusasu, @aione0723 @wynnn @tsukiko-hibiki (my friend, where are you btw???), @shuuxsuke
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ceruleanmusings · 5 years
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                         Runaway Train — Chapter Update
If Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe was a Candy Land dream, then the Whyte Wyrm was its gothic misunderstood little sister. All light that entered the bar from the door became swallowed by its darkened interior as it swung shut behind Wynn. Her eyes adjusted to the low lights fast an she spotted a plethora of pool tables, pinball machines, arcade games, and dart boards littering the bar. Flittering from table to table, from game to game were leather and flannel clad people of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Some carried cigarettes between their lips, some had ring-encased fingers wrapped around beer bottles, and all appeared to float within the smoky haze like wraiths in the night.
Wynn placed a hand to her chest, coughing when she inhaled a burst of smoke that came somewhere from her left. The smoke took on a neon green haze beneath the snake signs emblazoned on the walls and—was that an actual live snake!?
Like a moth drawn to a flame, Wynn made a beeline through the crowded bar to peer at the coiled yellow and white snake displayed proudly on a high-top. Her nose pressed up against the glass, she watched as the snake lifted its head and locked eyes with her. It blinked and flicked out its slim tongue and then lowered its head again. She grinned.
"Hey." A hand clapped down on her shoulder and Wynn was yanked around. A dirty blonde-haired woman dug her fingers into Wynnn's shoulders and sighed. "What is it with you Northsiders walking in here like you own the place? What? Too good to show your faces until you want something from us?"
FFN | AO3 | Wattpad
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trsrina · 1 year
HELLOO INAA !! how are youuu? :D
HIHIII WYNNN ive been doing good im on christmas break rn and finally have time to catch up on things so yeah 😀😭🫶
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fasteddiesstrat · 2 years
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