dekarios · 18 days
best part of moving to a countryside village is without fail every single day very nice ladies will ride past on horsies
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singsweetmelodies · 2 years
i have 3 words which is causing me a breakdown. lefreres game night
can you imagine how competitive they would be? i just know charles will cheat, arthur will falsely accuse him because he won't understand how he's cheating and then lorenzo will actually figure it out and they both will tickle him until he cries for pascale to help him and hide behind her while she fondly tells them to leave her baby alone (and arthur would say he's the baby and charles would mutter, yeah a cry baby and then enzo would give him that Look that says that he was the one who cried for mom)
OH MY FUCKING GOD, WELL -- you've successfully given me a breakdown with those 3 words too, anon?!! LEFRÈRES GAME NIGHT... yes. YES 🤩🤩🤩🤩
and the way you describe this!! i am so soft and fond but also incredibly insane about it. the competitive idiocy of it all... lorenzo forever having the braincell... pascale being too fond of her idiot boys... AAAAHHHH ❤️❤️ it's absolutely beautiful, and i love you so much for bringing this image into my inbox. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH DARLING ANON!! 🤗🤗🤗🥰
and also because you know i have to: @effervescentdragon, come seeeee 🥰 as the instigator of the lefrères nickname, i feel like it's some sort of crime if you don't see this inbox-fic masterpiece about them ❤️ ily x
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bunji-enthusiast · 7 months
Heya again!! <333 as per tradition, before I put an order, I want to say ty for feeding the PP fandom and I hope you're doing well <333 may whatever you're planning to write, original or fandom, be successful!
May I order a blast in the past, where the Hour of Joy hasn't started, Caretaker! Reader is yet again an employee at Playtime Co. and they happened to find out about the rejected isle and they were overwhelmed by the sheer cuteness and charm of the toys, they do kinda get why some of them were rejected but thought mostly they were fine.
For the sake of the plot, they got to keep the toys and bring them home with permission from the higher ups ( wow reader charisma 💯 ). As they're happily making their way back, Catnap noticed them carrying this unknown toy, giving it affection, and overall just showering it with love from the shadows and gets quite pouty about it. So much so that the rest of the smiling critters had to pry it out of him to tell them what he saw and oh boy, they too were quite pouty.
Dogday tries to reassure them that everything's alright and they agreed to " ask " more like interrogating the reader the next time they come in to work. When that happens, Reader is caught red-handed still giving that rejected toy their love and affection, Dogday sends the rest of the group off so he and Catnap could talk it out with Reader more privately. Ends with them getting the full story and the smiling critters getting their fair share of love and affection, especially Catnap who's by the way still pouting about the whole ordeal 😂
I really just wanna see this sleepy cat having someone else he could actually trust as a parent figure and him just getting worried that his place might be taken away by some rejected toy 🥹 ahhh I'm starting to love him more and more slowly,, the Smiling Critters are such babies and I love themmmm
Signs Of Love
Note || yesss insomnia kitty needs love, all of em need love 💕
WC || 1,931
Sypnosis || Misunderstandings occur, but as quickly as they come, they can also very much leave.
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You were quite the lover of many things, having been assigned to be a caretaker when your superiors saw how well you integrated yourself into the role at your interview. They are quite fond of you and all their other caretakers, since they know you all (you and the rest of the caretakers) are the only ones able to keep all the toys and children in line. 
Though the children were mostly left to the Playcare Attendants as the caretakers were more or less focused on the toys themselves. It was without a hint of a doubt, you certainly had garnered the attention of many toys. Some who liked you, though it really was the Smiling Critters who liked you more than most.
Yet when you found out about the rejected toys, you thought it was really saddening that they were even rejected in the first place – though you understood why – you just wanted to simply take them home with you!
Deciding to try and convince a higher-up to take one home, that is exactly what you did.
“Ma’am, please look at this adorable potato!” You held up the rejected toy in your hands, clearly enough for your superior who shrunk back in surprise against her recliner chair. She let out an exasperated sigh, recollecting herself as she adjusted her position on the seat.
“I am well aware,” She begins, gesturing to the rejected toy. “But by no means are you allowed to take it home, rejected or not–it is still company property.”
You frown as you search your mind for conceivable reasoning to convince your superior, you sigh as the toy falls out of your hands, landing on your lap. “W-well, maybe I could keep it for a little while?” You jump up, your hands landing straightforwardly on her desk. “Like a-a security precaution!” 
A frown adorns her face in return to your earlier one, crossing her arms across the top of the desk as gently as she possibly could. Appearing to be searching your face for any lying or incompetence, her shoulders slump in defeat. “Very well, if you insist.”
“Keep it.”
You let out a yelp of success, almost falling backward as you did so. You grin, an exasperated noise leaving your throat as you cautiously upright yourself, as to not uproot or accidentally change her mind in turn. Your hands make their way to your superiors, shaking them to be polite. “Thank you thank you! You won’t regret this.” You smile at her, then let go of her hand as she is left in befuddlement by the actions that had just happened. 
Normally you weren’t much of an extroverted person, only conversing and confronting social situations when necessary. But you had simply felt joy bursting through your veins at the accomplishment you had achieved, to convince a superior to let you keep the rejected toy! (One of the rejected toys at least, you couldn’t do much else for the rest as much as you wanted too) Now you were making your way back, rejected toy in hand and you had a lot of affection to give it.
Too bad it wasn’t alive as much as the other toys you knew were, but at least it was alive in your own heart.
A familiar figure in the distance resting on a rooftop had taken notice of this quite easily, may it be quite the discovery they had found. CatNap couldn’t let this go unnoticed, a strange pang resided in the depths of his hollow yet dense chest. The giant cat couldn’t pinpoint the feeling he felt, not knowing what name to put to the feeling he felt so strongly, like a parasite it wouldn’t leave him alone.
He felt a strange guise of loneliness, noticing how much you began giving the unknown toy such a sudden bout of affection and hugging. Even nuzzling it as well to boot, CatNap was jealous?
How strange, CatNap wasn’t entirely familiar with the concept of emotions. Even with how certain ones could flare up at times, depending in response to the situation, whatever one he may be in. CatNap got up, stretching his finely tuned legs. CatNap wasn’t prepared for the others to pry the information out of him, trying to figure out what he saw and knew. He almost felt a little intimated, but he was… in the sense very emotional–even beneath his sleepy and quiet demeanor.
Then he could feel himself justified for the guilt of jealousy.
Well, CatNap certainly did expect the outcry, all at the same time he truly didn’t expect it either. The group, he felt rightly justified in their emotions as he had reported it to them, he too was quite in earnest – very jealous of the unknown toy. KickinChicken spoke externally with the whole of his heart, “This sucks! Why does that toy get more love than we do?”
“I wanted a hug!” Bobby cried, sitting on the floor as Crafty had patted her back, trying to gently soothe her. The colorful unicorn too was upset, yet she hid it very well. Picky had remained quiet, just stuffing her face with an apple to conceal her upset, she had big emotions and wasn’t sure on how to deal with them unlike the rest of the Smiling Critters.
Hoppy on the other hand was pounding the ground with her feet, hopping around so as to not completely create noise. She was woefully upset too as it appeared to CatNap, he hadn’t expected any of them to take this information the way they did. But they had pried it out of him, He didn't know what they were expecting to hear anyway.
CatNap’s voice came out short and strained as he made an attempt to comfort any of them, “It’s ok–” His voice fell on deaf ears, CatNap huffed a puff of red air. His tail lapping about, then overlaying to rest upon his left leg.
Bubba was muttering to himself, rapidly tapping his feet. As if his intellect could formulate a reason as to why this had happened, alas CatNap knew the elephant was simply just trying to find reason in coping with his emotion.
Believe it or not, CatNap pays very good attention to all the Smiling Critters. They are his friends after all.
“Guys!--” The group still went on, continuously upset. No means of comfort getting through to them. “GUYS.”
His visibly noticeable purple fur rustled about as he sat down, noticing that DogDay was finally back in leadership mode. CatNap didn’t know what to do to calm them all down anyway, he was pouty and upset as they were. DogDay spoke slowly, “I’ll ask Angel what’s up, maybe we just don’t understand it fully. Okay?”
The group notices, finally relenting in defeat. None of them questioned him as DogDay always had a way with words usually, he wasn’t one to go wrong as he was the leader of the group for a very good reason.
As the group clamored to find you, you weren’t that hard to find surprisingly. Mostly as you were hard to find other times, they could all easily see that you were still found with the rejected toy. Sitting back on your chair that you had found, and giving it all the affection that had made a few members quite pouty.
“Guys, let's take it easy. Me and CatNap will talk with Angel alone,” DogDay motions for them to take their leave, holding out his hands before he elaborated. “Let’s not take it personally, okay? I don’t think it’s that complicated.” 
KickinChicken sighs, as Bobby and the other few do. They all take their leave, showing that Hoppy was still there. She points at DogDay, then CatNap who was confused by the predicament. A silent gesture.
Nothing weird boys, you got that?
DogDay nods at Hoppy, who finally leaves as she hops away to rejoin the rest of the group. CatNap taps DogDay’s shoulder, gesturing that he should take the lead on this chat. His own paw comes up to pat CatNap’s, “I know bud, but let’s not overdo this.”
If the sunny leader were to be honest right about now, he too felt a pang of jealousy at the lack of affection and attention that he hadn’t received like his fellow critters. 
You were aimlessly cooing at the rejected toy, happily partaking in giving it all manners of affection (nothing weird, ahem). It certainly had a charm and adorableness too it that you couldn’t ignore, you have no idea as to why the designers and superiors had rejected this design or any other one in the reject aisle that you saw for that matter. 
Suddenly you felt a creeping chill crawl up your spine, traveling thoroughly all the ways to your shoulders and sides. 
Feeling two taps on your shoulder almost had you jolting, causing you to turn around to see CatNap and DogDay standing right behind you, albeit very menacingly from your perspective. “DogDay? E-eh CatNap?!” 
DogDay waved his hands, trying his best to reassure you, “Sorry we didn’t mean to frighten you like that Angel!” CatNap nodded along with DogDay’s words, doing his best to affirm that fact. You sigh in relief, hand very visibly held to your chest.
“So..” You straighten your posture as DogDay and CatNap came around you and sat down, to really level with you at most. “What’s up? Anything bothering you or the others?” You shrug, jabbing a questioning thumb as you spoke, directly in the general direction. They both knew what you meant, but they had more pressing matters.
DogDay let out a breath, before he spoke as to steel his nerves. CatNap deadpans, directed toward DogDay, emotional expression clearly evident despite the restriction of movement his own mouth has. “Well, we just… uh, wanted to know what was up with you.” DogDay pauses, then pointed at the toy which was unknown to him laying in your lap.
“And that.” He emphasized, wincing as he searched your face for any reaction. Suddenly what had surprised the two was how you began to laugh and giggle, waving your hand as the other clutched your stomach.
“Ah.. I’m sorry.” You shook your head, wiping your face. “Were you boys… perhaps jealous of this?” A small grin plasters on your face, with convoluted happiness as you held up the toy in question.
DogDay felt embarrassed, looking away as to not stutter or speak any words. CatNap sighed in reprieve, laying his head upon his front legs. Those actions alone had answered your question that effortlessly. “I see..” You couldn’t help but try and stifle the giggle, they were simply so adorable.
Them, jealous? It’s so cute. You really couldn’t resist their pouty moods, so you calm them down, proceeding to tell them the whole story so they didn’t have a misinformed perception of the situation.
You happily spread your loving and hugs to all the Smiling Critters and CatNap individually.
Albeit, CatNap was a little embarrassed that he had saw your situation with the rejected toy incorrectly. Feeling as if he might’ve been replaced.
You had reassured him individually as you had taken your time with each of the members, “I would never replace you CatNap! There’s always room for everyone..”
“Even you.”
You grin, booping CatNap’s nose. He recoiled back as he had the set revelation, CatNap slumped as he gave in to your very touchy movements. Feeling your hands thread throughout his fur, CatNap was content that he now knew.
He really had no reason to worry.
He truly was loved.
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fallloverfic · 5 months
Me: I read/watch Delicious in Dungeon for The Plot The Plot (spoilers for S01E17: Harpy/Chimera; CW blood and injury):
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And this episode we have the absolute best problem: THERE'S SO MUCH OF IT alkdjaljda
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I always loved this bit in the manga, with Kabru using logic to point out that Toshiro's frustration, while valid from a legal standpoint (and debatably from an ethical one), doesn't make any sense because he'd have done the same thing in Laios' shoes. Kabru defending Laios :3
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Kabru being supportive of Laios more T-T The soft looks. Love them so much.
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There's just something very compelling about how Toshiro is holding his hips in this shot alkjdlajda
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I know Toshiro was miserable during this but they are really cute together T-T Poor Laios wanting to be friends and being very bad at it, which is a total mood.
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Kabru protecc :3333 I just love seeing so much of Kabru's strategic mind at work this episode. He's always thinking and planning something and I love it.
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This shot was just really fucking good. In the manga, Kabru's slightly cropped out of the panel, but the way Trigger like fully defines his musculature is nice. Poor Falin :( Is okay, she gets her revenge and kills him back roflmao
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Blessed Plot TM.
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Just Them TM. Themmmm. So good.
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Couples counseling goes swimmingly alkdjaldja Also I know that Toshiro is holding Laios' leg so that Laios stops kicking his hip/ass but also that leg grab alkdjaldjalj
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MEANWHILE THE BABIESSS. Just love them T-T Kabru just being like -very modest about his own abilities-, learning for future combat situations, and also, "This man is insane and dangerous." aalkdjaldj
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I want it noted that this is Kabru looking at Laios, and while obviously the idea is to focus on Laios' obsession with monsters and the danger that poses were he to become lord of the dungeon, I keep think about that slo-mo pan-up shot and how beautifully Laios is posed here. Just Labru thoughts.
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So soft for each other, these two. Frustration, aggravation, annoyance, pain, but also envy and softness. Toshiro's little, "That's the part of you that I envy." just kills me. Lots of Toshiro softness this episode. His Japanese VA did an excellent job showing his softness for Falin. Also Laios' constant YOU NEED TO EAT SOMETHING kept getting to me alkdjaldja
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THEMMMMMMM They end meeeee T-T "I'm glad we got to chat" just ahhhhhh
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I don't think Laios is going to forget you any time soon Kabru aldkjaldjalj Bless the animation of Kabru he is so beautiful and just ahhh
This episode was so fucking good. Looking forward to next week :3
Other delicious Plot:
The Plot in Episode 3
The Plot in Episode 7
The Plot in Episode 9
The Plot in Episode 11
The Plot in Episode 13
The Plot in Episode 14
The Plot in Episode 15
The Plot in Episode 16
The Plot in Episode 17 (you are here)
The Plot in Episode 18
The Plot in Episode 20
The Plot in Episode 21
The Plot in Episode 24
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scucharlie · 2 months
Hihi !!! Asking you about the slenderverse !! I haven’t seen much outside of marble hornets (and reading a couple creepypastas). So feel free to advertise it as well :)))))
OKAY OKAY. AHH AHHH I'll go crazy Abt the series I know in order :3
STAN FREDRICK: OH YM GOD. OH MY HOD STAN FREDRICK. JESUSCHRIST. VALERIA SANTIAGO YOULL ALWAHS BE FAMOUS. okay so, Stan Fredrick is SO interesting to me, because it's this series about this guy who instead of being a victim of Slenderman like the usual, he actually is like immune to slendermans shit* and only getd mild headaches. he can scare off slender for awhile , so he uses this to go around helping people. its SOOO good oh my godddddd it's such a interesting fresh take and Stan is such a good characters who is so complicated and oh my godd my little meow.meow <3
*depending on series it's diff, but typical slender sickness shit is being near slender too long and getting nosebleeds, bleeding coughing up blood etc
WHISPEREDFAITH: whisperedfaithhh FREAKIEST RAKE INTERPRETATION I LOVEEEE IT. the whispering, it being this "speaker" fucking FREAK OF A THANG. it's about this guy Lee and his friend mo getting caught up in this cult <- not just using this word it's actual cult, where they worship the rake! and Lee is this "carrier" and they need him so they just keep following him also the rake was in his house just chilling for a few days so. yeah! i love Lee <3 and Mo and lexx and Linnie and -
OH BOY. the series I never shut the fuck up Abt man. okay. so! Everymanhyrbid is this series about these guys doing a health/fitness gig, at first right? they planned to do this Slenderman prank but uh oh! the actual fucking slenderman is after them! shit! so they get deep in this shit of being hunted down by the slenderrr, bringing people into this and fuck. the acting is so good , fuck fuck fuckkk it makes me CRAZYYYYYYY it's also a arg with way too much shit going on that doesn't show up in he playlist but nightmind has explained all that stuff if you wanna listen to it! it's ultimately a series about change! :) change .. and also bloodying men up <3
MLA0: SIBLING ENJOYERS YOU WILL FUCKINV LOVE MLA0. okay! so, mla0 is about this guy, Micheal who's doctor has asked him to record himself after getting released from the mental hospital. he's of just, fine y'know. but then. JUMPSCARE. THE SLENDER.! slender starts appearing around him, scaring the shit out of him so he fleas to his brothers shauns and his roommate Eric to stay. shit goes downhill! its Soo fuck fuck fuck my life. Shaun and Micheal argue, and yell and they love each other and they're both scared and terrified, and theyre just. human. god..I love this series genuinely the series that started me down being obesesed w slenderverse <3 the acting fucks and Shaun is my babygirl <3 Eric is an interesting character andhhhhhhhhhgg I love themmmm god. the soft moments hit so much hardee after the fucked up shit yk? 10/10 series
okay so this one is so special 2 me, bc me and my friend Mike binged it in two days and it'sso ofucking good oh my hod. Alex and Chris are so silly and fucked up. it's once again about a cult, again. Actual cult not like jus using the word, where this time they worship Slenderman directly who goes by this sick ass name in germmen i believe? I don't remember but, yeah at first! It seems like Chris may be haunted, but then yeah the cult is after them for getting too nosey with It and yeag. god. THEY HAVE PRACTICAL EFFECTS FOR GORE ITS GREATTTT EHEHEHE also the actors FUCKK IT MAKES ME CRAZY. SHIUT OUT CHIRS BABYGIRL I CAN TAKE YOU TO THERAOY <3
audgdhdphyhic damage /POS ty for letting me explode u w slender ejnolwdge :3
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missamyrisa2 · 3 months
I'm very giggly and whiny when my hips are tickled 🙊 what would you do to them
Awwww do you have whinyyyyy giggle buttonssss? My adorableeee little giggletoyyyyy I'm sorrryyy but I'm gonna have to playyy with your butttonssss~! Which meanssss it's time to get you tackled and face down on this comfyyy bed~ ooh no need to get soo friskyyy my little petttt ~ just relax while Amy pins you downnnn and we graspyy graspy those hippy hippppps~ awww you're kicking and fighting nowww aren't yaaa~ nooope noppe you can't buck me off and you can't not giggle~!
It's sooo fun tickling you like thissss ~ you can flail your arms and kick those leggiesss allll you like and the tickles aren't stopping nooooo~ I can reach around with my loooong tickly fingers and work your buttonss and you can just get allll desperate squeakyyy whinyyy on the pillow mmmhmm~ ooh I gotta squeeeze these sides tooo uhuhhh and mmmhh there's a little kissyyy for your nape ~ now now nowwww don't fretttt there's still plentttyyy of tickle tickle ticklesss for your hippssss ~ such lovellyyy hips toooo~ so bouncyyy cuteee~!
Uhh-huhhh mmhmmm ~ yeahhh~ tell meeee alll about it ~ tell me about those ticklish hipssss~ does it just tickle sooo much ~ do you find yourself unable to stop dancing when I grasp you heeereee? Riiiight on your hippy pocketsss? Awww look at you arch~ it's like you wannnttt me to tickle your cuteeeee little curvessss~ you wanttt ittt? You want your ticklessss? Tell me how much you wantttt themmm ~ tell me as you giggle and whine for meeeee~ I promise i'll give you aallllll the tickles you could ever wanttttt~
Oooh soo perfect sooo cuteee~ yesss I'm flipping you over darling. Come on pancake, let's flip you over now that you're sooo gigglyyy weakkk~ mmhm now just put those noodly arms up thereeee yesss and keep these legs heeereee and ahhh~ there they areeee there's thoooose hiiipss~!! Sooo cuteee and pinky and ripeeee for the kisssiesss~ yessss we're gonna kiss everyyy last bit of those hipssss from the top of the curve muuuahhh tooo the dippyyyy mhuah muahhh~ and oooh yessss riight along that outer bank~ it's like mmmh a side-booty isn't it? Definitely definitely kissess thereee and nowww the massage~
Mmmhh ~ soooo much ticklyyy massage for you hereee~ rubbing those hips rubbbing them rubbing themmmm and you can gasp and ooh yes, gigglemoannn all you wanntttt~ sooo neeeddyyy and whinyyyy and I'll give it alll to youuu~ but nowww let's get those silllyy silllyyyy giggles because I have my biiiig flooofy duster and we're gonna dustttt those silly hipsss and make you buck and whine til' the cows come homeeee~<33
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thelastwalkingsoul · 2 years
The Last of Us Episode 5 time let’s gooooo
(This one’s gonna be an ouchy)
Ep 1 | Ep 2 | Ep 3 | Ep 4
- Ok yeah straight into the fucked up behaviour
- Is that sign?
- God she’s so condescendingggg
- SAM IS SO LITTLE AHHH. How old is he?
- Stop. Playing. This. SONG 😭
- Oh my god I’m a dumbass. Sam’s deaf
- Awwwwwww the paint mask I’m gonna die that’s so cute
- Not Ellie and Sam getting along already :)
- Hahaha the simultaneous denial of Joel being Ellie’s dad
- Ohhh I knew they’d do this down here ;-; brb gonna go cry
- The rules board, the painted goal ahhh it’s so faithfully recreated!
- I should have figured that out by the title name
- Henryyyyyyy godamn
- The house sniper section haha. So weird seeing parts of the game put into the show.
- Holy shit the infected really are terrifying
- Go Ellie save themmmm
- Haha where are the people complaining about not enough infected now?
- That’s an absolute shit show LMAO
- Not them making plans to travel together
- “I’m scared of ending up alone.” ELLIEEEE
Welp, that destroyed me just as much as I thought it would ;-;
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chomperzzzz · 2 years
OKAY OKAY i know i'm already talking about all this again BUT I HAD TO OKAY LOOK AT THIS
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alsoOo AGENT 42 AND TH EPIGEON UNDER HIS HAT JASDHJKckja I'm going to be thinking abt him literally forever
ALSO THE CLOWN -- oml i'm so SCARED of himM why does Darling like clowns like wtfajsdhkja
ALSO THE TORTURED ON -- CAN WE TALK ABT -- LIKE MARIS!!! AHHH let me HOLD YOu precious cinnamon roll too good too pure kjashdkja
also Olive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and the ants,,, screaming and crying as ALWAYS
okayokayokay i'm being SO normal abt this AHHH okaybyeee
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Y'all I'm so excited :))
Oop Maddie maybe?
AHHH yep :DD
OOGH they're happy, it looks like we're gonna see them find out about Buck o.o :))))
Or about to anyway lol
Awww y'all :'))
It's really nice to see them have a good, or starting to mend their, relationship ::))
Awww lol <3
AAAHHHH there it is :)))
I'm not okay <333
"Do more" 😭😭😭😭😭
The subtitles said it lol
He's so confused xD
Awww lol :')))
Also unrelated but huh allergy to naproxen :o! Idk I just like random facts lol
I am literally losing my mind y'all I can't
XD forget he has a brother lol
That could be the call he lost that one guy AND the tsunami
Y'all I'm freaking out
Man's just real confused xD
Family dinner 👀👀👀👀👀😳
Different decoratingggg xDD
Uh ohhh
I remember seeing Doug in the promo sooo xD
Okay they do have a kid at least xD
AHHH (awh not aah) so G works as a nickname bc it's Genevieveeeee I see lol
Ik it would mess up the dream stuff and all that but.
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taegularities · 2 years
i’m sooooo excited for this new series 😫. finishing reading it was sour but sweet because i get so antsy and excited to know what the next chapters like! but i expect nothing but greatness from you. can’t wait!
wahh keke you're so kind 🥺 there's definitely a lot of chaos 🔥 planned for the next chapters, so i genuinely cannot wait to write themmmm ahhh thank you so much for reading and reaching out !!! 🤍
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highermagic · 2 years
thoughts from Neverafter as they're happening (light spoilers honestly mostly just reaction)
fuckkkk me Brennan don't do this to me in the intro!!! Lou I fucking love you coming in swinging you're best boy <3 Brennan as the evil stepmother is so fucking hot I can't stand it oh my god. Evil stepmommy I adore you. Lou does such an endearing child, his character is so good and Lou and Brennan's chemistry is so electric all the time I love how they play off each other. I literally can't concentrate on the story because I'm so enamored with their performances jeebus xmas. SENATOR!!!! SHOUTOUT TO SENATOR!!! Lou is always so sassy I love him. Brennan you need to CALM your VOICE and EYES okay I can only be so Normal about this. fdadlsf the nat20 oh my god what timing. that was fucking wild WHAT DOES IT MEAN BRENNAN WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT ALL MEANNN.
oh my god. it's infinite stories. infinite chances, as long as you're willing to sacrifice all the potential happiness of other versions of yourself oh my god. how many versions of yourself must you kill to get your happy ending. THAT'S POETIC AS FUCK BRENNAN OH MY GOD.
why do they have to do all these things individually my poor babies /sob curiosity killed the cat Pib pls my boy do not I believe in catboy Zach supremacy o7 Zach is so funny I can't stand it. I love this sort of surrealist comradery shit so much ahhh Fox & Rabbit & Cat adventures when. PIB GETS REINCARNATIONS BC CATS HAVE NINE LIVES I'M!!!! This is so pure I love them so muuuuuuuuuch /sob ZACH BRO YO??? THREATENING KITTY CAT??!!! YOOOO??? I love themmmm I'm going to lay down on the floor and cry, Zach is the best <3
breaks my heart they're doing all this separately though I know why, I feel like Emily is probs the only one watching everyone's to keep things separated.
NO NOT THE GLASS GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY GIRL YOU GLASS BITCH. tho I will admit that glass armor idea is metal as fuck so I love that. ooooooof the lore of princesses who get a perfect happy ever after and cinderella's bitterness and OOOOOOOOOOOOF subversion is so delicious omnomnomnom Rosamund is so precious I love her <3 Brennan choosing to expose the entire multiverse to the character least equipped to understand it is such a Brennan thing to do I cannot with this man. I retract my complaint about Cinderella I love her now lmao
I fucking love existential dread fuck me up with that good shit!!! Scream at destiny question everything rewrite the stories and examine everything!!! Fuck me up!!
"Just because you were lied to doesn't mean everything is a lie. Do not take the crimes of those who manipulated you and lay them at the feet of the world. We write the story." ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU FOR THE FREE THERAPY D20!!! <3
big bad wolf Brennan is also very very hot I can't help myself and I won't apologize, it's the Calroy voice too it's just, oof, monsterfucker card presented and ready. fdsjdlsfs Emily you're so cute stop it right now 'I'm sorry I said freak at you' stop <3 BRO??? 'the only time you'll accept to make your life worthwhile is forever' ????? WHAT THE FUCK BRENNAN JESUS. you can't just 1 hit K.O. philosophy like that without warning jesus FUCK that is so attractive I'm going to die. morally neutral predatory monster is my fucking WEAKNESS GAWWD. Emily is so chaotic oh my god I love this so much. her commitment to a bit is god-like <3 "You're my princess" PLEASE I love them ahhhhhh
This is so fucking cool as a premise honestly like. Every time I get so blown away by Brennan's lore and storybuilding he one-ups it again I can't fucking deal with it.
MURPH C'MON BABY BOY LET'S GO. I love when they come in and sass Brennan, bestie behavior <3 oh feck off you fairie bish fdsjkdls cutting from Murph's hysterics to Brennan's hands to face thing was so goddamn... the drama, the vibes of this interaction is so fucking good omfg it's giving 'diva and overworked PA' energy Gerard 'keep my wife's name out your fucking mouth' Greenleigh my beloved <3 hhhhhhhh Brennan does such good subtle shit and inflection I can't, it's got big priest character vibes right now oof also pretty gold sparkles in the background love that for Murph, v flattering. ummm that origin story??? o.o
Brennan is going to get his PVP before he dies calling it now.
HYONK HYONK MOTHERFUCKER LET'S GOOO I hope Nat King Cole is the running joke of the seasons pls. such geese slander lmao but consider: they are delicious pls confirm my book theoryyyyyyyyyyyyy probably not but like. god. imagine if that's how it has to end. the perfect ending is the one immortalized in the books. I M A G I N E. OH MY GOD IS IT?? AM I??? WAS I RIGHT omg oh that's so cool, the multiverse trippiness is the best thing ever golden goose really said no notes lmao fdhasadsfs that beanstalk retelling I love it so soft omg goose hugs <333
I'm so fascinated by this world building and I love it so much, 1000/10 Brennan no notes.
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storge · 3 years
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What are you up to?
Dream of Chang’an Ep. 11
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thedeadthree · 2 years
1, 20, 28, 35, 41 and 50 for Chiara and Marc?
MARIIII i adore u sm ty ty for the ask about my two loves! between chiara/marc, marta/ricardo AND vika/goro they have been living in my mind rent free and haven’t released their grip since! i will never not yell about these two!!!! 🤍😌
oc asks relationships edition 🤍
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1. what were their first impressions of one another?
marc thought she was an enigma! frustrating but also interesting and not to mention quite easy on the eyes. but WHY was she... traveling with him? at their first expedition into a ruin for a valuable relic she wanted, he refused to have her tag along. where they were going there was BOUND to be others who would be more than happy to kill her for what they were after! he can’t make money if his client is dead u know? but she insisted! and did phenomenal well! they were in and out with the artifact with relative ease :). someone bearing the name BORGIA as her maiden name, with such high esteem was the last person he expected to hit targets with her precision. Chiara’s first impression of marc wasn’t much. he was a merc! someone she needed to watch her back were anything to happen. he was definitely appealing to her, but to be honest she never would anticipated seeing him after the endeavor was over. let alone find herself as enamored by him as they continued working together.
20. what are they like when sharing a bed?
a moment in bed together is a raare moment for them them both when they’re not on endeavors into ruins, or taking on some of their rivals and power players of the criminal/merc underworld, or whatever harebrained errand khonshu had them run. its just a respite for them to be in the presence of the other close and he might absentmindedly play with her hair, she might hum a tune. they’re just sort of... enjoying the short rest that moment is while it lasts? they don’t get very many so!
28.  are they affectionate in public? is it too much?
for the first? few months? or so? they were very private about their relationship! her ex husbands nonna is still alive *SIGH* so chiara had to be strategic on how public she wanted things to be between them both. a huge fear was that marc would meet the ire of her and her families adversaries, so for a bit to protect him she asked that it just be her, marc himself, layla, steven, jake, and khonshu being the only people in the know! then she broke the news to her close friend (and college ex boyfriend who unbeknownst to her also harbored feelings so it was bittersweet for him!) dane, and then finally she announced that she was seeing someone to her immediate family. so they would stop hounding her about remarrying ajndia. i would say that they’re not like SUPER into public affection but they’re not opposed to holding hands, a kiss to her forehead from marc, subtle displays are usually their go-to!
35. what moment did they realise that they were in love?
so for chiara, for a few months after they began on working together on a particular op? it hit VERY close to home for her. the artifact in question was cosimo’s wedding ring that she found out his nonna stole from his body, sold it to a black market dealer and claimed chiara donated it. so as to further incriminate her on her *murdering* her grandson. the dealer was holed up in a private island on a heavily guarded estate in the aegean island archipelago. it was different than their usual op but there was nobody else she trusted to carry this out with her. when they recovered the ring, she explained to him why this meant so much to her. he probably said something along the lines of, “all that? for this? must’ve been special.” and it was! inklings of her feelings were coming it but it hit her when she told him about how her au pair made her a sleeper widow without her or her parents knowing, and she sh*t her husband. telling him how she didn’t remember the weapon in her hand, and how he? understood? he sympathized? it was when he pulled her in and she sobbed into him that maybe what he meant to her changed! for him, it honestly was that very first op they went on! it was when he realized she was more than she seemed, when she took down a merc ready to put him in the grave while he was in combat with another enemy of theirs. she put herself on the line! it meant more to him than he thought and that’s the moment he went, “oh.” sakjnans.
41. what green flags do they have for one another?
hers? would be his concern for her wellbeing, when he dropped himself down to be there alongside steven/save him in the sands, for being the only soul she can open up to and not dread them thinking negative of her or believing what has been said of her! for him, it’s that likewise, shes concerned for his! as well as the wellbeings of steven and jake! that she had his back through everything they’ve been through, that they’re something akin to soulmates is a green flag if he’s ever seen one!
50. is there anything that scares them about their friendship/relationship?
chiara 🤝 marta in this ask <- terrified of losing the one person that means the most to them! except unlike marta it’s a little different for her! marc is already aware that she was a sleeper widow and until yelena undid her conditioning with that red gas, could k*ll him at any given moment should anyone know the activation words, and that bc of her being a sleeper widow without her control killed cosimo... and though a fear of hers WAS that potentially she could do that to him, that went away after she was reconditioned! her biggest fear about her relationship and was ultimately why it took her so long to reciprocate the mutual feeling that she in turn had for him, was that now that she was reconditioned it didn’t spare him from others hunting him down. anyone who knew the truth was a THREAT to cosimo’s nonnas plan to bring down chiara and the last dregs of the borgia name. sure, he had khonshu. but her enemies are CALCULATING. what if he was caught off guard? what if there is a moment like during the series where marc DOESN’T have khonshu and the moon knight suit to defend him? her biggest fear in their relationship doesn't necessarily have anything to do with HIM per say, its others! she’s waited this long to call him hers, she doesn’t want to lose him now!
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ssuckitlosers · 3 years
Oh, I’ve seen some stuff about the 2ps on the timeline and idk what has brought them up but I’m ngl lads, I do enjoy the 2ps (or at least how I personally think of them and from some other people’s portrayals)
And I’m saying it now, I will not stand for any Allen Jones slander in this house. He’s the best boy who doesn’t wanna be the best boy. He’s the man that begrudgingly helps old ladies across the street because while he likes to think of himself as the big bad his morals will not allow it lmao. Idk I think he’s endearing af and I wish he was an actual character low-key
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i-am-thevoid · 3 years
*has gender envy for my own characters*
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I hope you don't mind me jumping in here just like this <3 What drew me to Gwen (at first) was probably curiosity? A very bad comparison but here me out: they are like a beautiful painting in a museum everyone stares at, but they all miss the little details hidden here and there. They misinterpret things about it because that was what the author aimed to, so that only a few lucky ones can see the truth hidden underneath. Help that sounds so cringe I’m sorry </3 After actually reading their backstory I’m just amazed at just how much they have had to endure to stand where they are now, just how many things they have had to give up. I got attached to them what else can I say ;;; I hope they stay safe from now on because you can bet I’m going to read each and every post in here 💪 A bit silly after this rant but I also think they have an extremely personal design, the kind you see and go “Oh yeah this is Gwen it can’t be anyone else”
❆ i adore that comparison— and i ADORE YOU for popping into my inbox like this >< ♥️ i’m glad you were curious enough about them to stick around on my blog!!
and AHHH IM GLAD YOUVE GROWN ATTACHED TO THEMMMM. dw things only get better for them from now on 💪😎. UNLESS? 🤔
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