#cheng yi and his great expressions
muzsmoux · 5 months
Reviewing tgcf characters because I have thoughts
I finished S2 recently and I need somewhere to put my not exactly hot but like warm (?) takes because it's taking up too much storage space in my brain.
🤍 Xie Lian 🤍
It's a good thing I'm not into guys because if I was I would be on my knees for this man in every sense of that expression and his pet menace to society would mince me up like garlic.
So I'll try to be brief about my overflowing feelings about him. Xie Lian is the best main character I have come across in a WHILE. He's the embodiment of compassion and kindness. And also a cold blooded murderer. A babygirl. A father figure. A terrifying martial god. A silly little guy. A pathological liar. The most genuine man you'll ever meet. He's everything, and Hua Cheng is 100% valid in his obsession. I'm right there with him.
Rating: 10/10
❤️ Hua Cheng ❤️
Idk if we ever figured out who wrote My Immortal but I'm pretty sure we have our culprit.
"Hi my name is Hua Cheng Crimson Rain Sought Flower Red-Robed Ghost King and this is my evil weapon of death E-ming. I've killed soooo many gods with it!! My dark power is I can summon storms of BLOOD and SUFFERING. I have my own scary city of DEMONS and they all love me and think I'm HOT but I only want my BOYFRIEND who's the only REAL GOD so STOP FLAMING HIM YOU POSERS-"
Needless to say I love him. Being the 8 time winner of the Loverboy of the Century Awards with unbeatable records in the yearning olympics is truly a remarkable feat.
Rating: 9/10
(Bonus: E-ming. Cute little guy. Likes his stepdad more than his real dad. Not afraid to show it's feelings even if it makes it look like a muppet, 10/10)
🧡 Feng Xin & Mu Qing 🧡
Tweedle dee and tweedle dum gets a shared rating because they would hate to be grouped together like that and that's funny to me. Their dynamic is great, they're good characters, I wasn't sure which one was which until midway through the second season. But then also I have a pair of 7yo twin cousins who I still can't tell apart despite them not looking even a slight bit similar so that might just be a character flaw on my end. Oops.
Rating: 7/10
🩵Shi Qingxuan🩵
I'm doubling the rating because she is best boy and best girl at the same time. I love that I can use any and all pronouns for him because he's literally a pride parade personified and therefore all of them are correct. You don't get that type of chaotic fun just anywhere.
He is truly living my dream, presenting as whatever gender they want depending on what's more convenient and/or funnier in the moment. Super useful, for things like gathering intel and terrorizing Feng Xin by being a woman.
And I personally think we should crown her the new emperor. She'd look significantly better on that throne, with her Barbie-like radiance and flourishing Kenergy.
Rating: 20/10
🖤 Ming Yi 🖤
Listen, I hate to say it because I like a sunshine x grump moment as much as the next gay but he's just... not giving what he thinks he's giving. Everyone is whispering ominously about him having some dark devastating secret but MY point is no matter how big his boobs are in his female form, Shi Qingxuan could do better. I'm sorry. She really could.
Rating: 4/10
💙 Lang Qianqiu 💙
Just an honest man with good intentions and a sickass fucking sword. He did NOT hesitate to attack the infamous Crimson Rain Sought Flower on SIGHT and I respect a quick decisionmaker, even if it shows some himbo tendencies. He also has the same distinct energy as Fred from Scooby Doo.
Rating: 6/10
💚 Qi Rong 💚
He's got some odd dietary and moral choices going on. Definitely. But he's just such a fun villain!!! Being Xie Lian's nr 1 source of migraines SHOULD make me like him less but I'm sorry, every time he was on screen I was LIVING. He would do numbers on reality TV. Someone put this guy on Kitchen Nightmares, I need to see him 1v1 Gordon Ramsay.
Rating: 7/10
🌚 Jun Wu 🌚
He has his emperor status & DILF card going for him but something about this man just ain't right. If he came to a party I was attending I would cover my drink is all I'm saying.
Rating: 2/10
🔥Pei Ming🔥
I don't know much about him besides he had that one shady empolyee or whatever (could not hear the plot over the deafening sound of Hua Cheng's yearning) but I'm partial to a good manwhore character. The thought of people praying to him like "Hugh Mungus, who art in heaven-" really tickles me.
I know he's probably straight but I headcanon him as at the very least bi-curious because you can't be that hot with that much game and not use it for evil. (That evil being causing large scale gay awakenings among his soldiers.)
Rating: 7/10
❓Pei Xiu❓
Unreliable, unimportant, unattractive, unemployed.
I remember not a singular thing about him besides fucking up Xie Lian's daughter's life and also being on my last nerve from the jump. If you're going to be evil at like least be memorable about it, you know? You can't be a bad person and a bad character at the same time. Pick a struggle.
Rating: 1/10
📚 Ling Wen 📚
I heard she committed some war crimes but honestly if I had to do an entire realm's tax returns by myself AND teach Pei Ming how to read (I refuse to believe that man is literate, just look at him) I would want to rage on occasion too. I hope she has a hot wife waiting for her at home to give her massages after carrying the whole system on her back all day. It's what she deserves.
Rating: 8/10
Thank you for reading!! Opinions might change once I read the books but as of now this is it. Remembering everyone's names has been a journey and a half so this post is sponsored by @kirstenly 's character cheat sheet go look at it! and everything else too!!!
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Watching Mysterious Lotus Casebook common thoughts:
“Ugh another mystery? Should I fast forward?”
“Omg that mystery was awesome I’m glad I didn’t fast forward!”
“Someone on tumblr… please gif every facial expression Cheng Yi is rolling out for this show…”
“Someone on tumblr made a gif set of my scene!”
“Where is the dog?”
“I want a dumbass best friend to travel the world with who I can tease and play with…”
“Dude stop giving your qi or chi or whatever away! You’re gonna die!”
“Omg his eyelashes! Hmmm villain hottie.”
“This crazy bitch rules. Her agenda is dick and mayhem. She’s getting one at least.”
“Everyone has big houses in this show. And lotus ponds. And teenie tiny tea cups.”
“Poly gay!”
“Dude stop using your martial arts you’re gonna die!”
“The women in this show are great. But my Cheng Yi is my prettiest princess…”
“Villain guy (I mean is he even?) is soooooo… I mean… his hair! His grumpy face. Look at how he just stands there all menacing and hot…”
“The dog!”
“How does he keep his white robes clean? What was the laundry process back then anyway?”
“This show is made for tumblr peeps. Like… how can there be so much? Soooo much?!”
“Cheng Yi! Don’t cry… nooooo (let me drink your tears you beautiful creature it’s preposterous how pretty you are when you cry)”
“I think we are nearing the point where not telling your adorable dumbass your identity is borderline cruel… come on…”
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Thoughts I had during TGCF S2 Ep 4
This’ll be another quick reaction ‘cause I have a desk to clean!
-Oooh! ��Starting with the opening!
Previously on TGCF…
-Dim Sum night @ Paradise Manor!
-Man they didn’t even get a sip in
-He reassured Lang Ying
-Dude it was in a really small glass, so maybe it could’ve been to his liking if it wasn’t alcoholic
-Man that expression and tone made it seem like Hua Cheng made a really grave error
That noise when Qingxuan tilted their head
-Qingxuan is the wingman/woman
-For those of you who think he said, “Some sex allow indulgences” in the dub,  it’s actually “Some sects allow indulgences” which references the sects that practice cultivation, and I manage to catch that detail
-Licentious means related to promiscuous and sexual activity.
-A flashback to Ep 2
-That’s the advice on staying balance is basically what every patron ignores in Vegas
-He’s tricking him into getting the information for the dice portal
-“Enough San Lang!  Please stop teasing me.”  *In a sing-song voice*  No he will not~!  And XL said it so gently!!!!
-Man he fell for that favor all too quickly
-Just like transferring spiritual energy
-It’s a 12!
-It’s the music from EP 6 when they were both caught in the sandstorm!!!!
-He offered his dice!!!
-Man, hook line and sinker for XL
-“A few more rounds?” We all know what he was referring to~! ;3
-“San Lang, will you ever stop spoiling me?” *In a sing-song voice again*  No he will not~!
-Aww he doesn’t want to take advantage of his Ghost King
-Hi Qingxuan
-This is like removing your belt and getting into comfier clothes after going to town at a fancy restaurant with your folks
-No thoughts just Buff!Qingxuan, and he’s got great fashion sense
-Details~!  That’s literally all of us watching this!
-Yep told ya he’s got great fashion sense and imagine the montage Windmaster did just to sneak in
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-This has the energy of seeing your roommate just pass out in your room of the flat
-Salacious means arousing to appeal to sexual imagination
-“I mean he called you his honored guest in front of everyone” “Jealous~?” - Jake the Dog, Burning Low, Adventure Time
-He didn’t forget at all
-They were talking about luck~
-Man that transition with the dice toss
-A really temporary gift
-Another 12
-That’s a lot of stairs
-No need to be savage Qingxuan
-Just like The dragon of the west, the Martial god of the west somehow has that energy and more foreshadowing for the series
-It looks like a Mayan mural
-No earthbending allowed
-The dice and tunnel are confusing them
-He rolled a 7!  Somebody go get Miguel and Tulio!
-It’s the iconic floor trap pitfall
-They made two craters like Wile E. Coyote!
-Oooh right on the skull!
-It’s a narrow tunnel!
-Cave in!
-Another animal hybrid the people in ATLA will get scared sh*tless over
-More firebending!
-Fire beats bug!
-Well those dice tiles were convenient
-Another 7!
-Another trap door!
-It’s a 4!
-The downside of partnering with Xie Lian everyone
-And he just effortlessly helps up Buff!Qingxuan
-I like how he doesn’t badmouth Hua Cheng’s trickery
I’m gonna to skip this next part of the EP because it’s offensive!  (You know the part I’m talking ‘bout)
-That’s gonna be another visit to the exfoliating facial masks
-Welcome to XL’s pain dude
-Dude, you didn’t bring him bad luck at all, he didn’t realize and it’s out of both of your control
-One man can’t sway the Windmaster’s luck, that gonna be another iconic quote
-Get yourself a friend like Qingxuan
-Yay another conveniently placed dice tile!
-Another 12
-Man the whiplash Qingxuan has going from saying ‘San Lang’ to ‘Hua Cheng’ when he got exasperated
-This took place in a time before the Step counter was invented
-*hears Ming Yi speak*  OH NO HE’S HOT!!!
-He melted the metal shackles
-This has the energy of the cheerleader being close with the goth girl but masculine
-From EP 11
-Yep it’s exactly like the popular girl trying to befriend the goth
-And he already knows they’re close!
-And Ming Yi just sleeps to not talk to anyone, valid
-What was the number he just rolled
-Another floor trap
-He didn’t land in his lap like in the novel and man Hua Cheng
-Boo Chinese Censorship! BOO!!! (Rotten tomatoes)
*Hua Cheng gasps in demi* *wink wink*
That’s all for the reaction post, I gotta get back to cleaning me and my sister’s room
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kingsandbastardz · 11 months
I've reached episode 38 of MLC.
Cheng Yi's acting in the dungeon was impressive and the sequence it took for Li Lianhua to rescue Di Feisheng was super satisfying. So many micro expressions and subtle hints of his growing worry while he kept a rapid patter up to get information! While being starved/ denied water! LLH is great at multitasking!
Honestly, it was this episode that finally made me decide to watch the other dramas under this tragedy king's filmography. If I can battle my second-hand embarrassment to watch Ryan Cheng act out the role of a husky for longer than 5 seconds, surely I can watch Cheng Yi spit blood and die in misery 10x in a row.
Anyway thoughts:
While I enjoyed what I watched, instead of all this taking place in the palace, I wish the entirety was a rescue arc for DFS with the queen bug ending up in Shan Gudao's hands through other means, or uncontested and in his lair. Or maybe Jiao Liqiao had it all along! If only so we get more of the trio learning about each other and group stuff going on. They're the best when all 3 are together so DFS spending half the series away kinda puts a damper on that. And the emperor's arc seemed like a cop out. I'm aware of the ending before I even started watching so imo if they wanted a tragic ending, they absolutely could have nailed that home in several other ways. The tendon healing feels rushed bc they had less time to work with.
Fang Duobing what the hell kind of name for newly invented martial arts is that? You live and breathe heroic jianghu stories and you decide to go with a DFS style "sword", I mean, Mr Worrier's Swordplay? He do be worrying, though, so he's at least upfront about it.
If DFS and LLH ever decide to bump uglies, they would totally get distracted halfway through and go off to solve a mystery or something, wouldn't they? 💀 like DFS just randomly looks at the wall and being like ???? Why is it suddenly a different material and pattern? I need to see why it's so ugly. Also the fact that it's DFS doing this and not LLH. Xiao Shunyao says his intelligence is highly specialized to martial arts - but the guy is a natural investigator. He's just very tactile about it and prone to ripping things out of the wall or ground while checking it out. His instincts are spot on, though
I like how confused DFS was when LLH was like, "Come on JL totally told you the thing." DFS's expression screamed, "Why would I know? Did you not notice I've been doing my best to ignore her??"
I would have liked to see Wuyan deliver the salt to LLH just to see what else he does or doesn't tell him - I would also like to know when he received instructions to deliver the salt to LLH. Was it before or after DFS got paraded around and locked in the master bedroom?
DFS using grey wall or grey rock tactics to deal with JL. Ppl forced to live with narcissists/abusers do this. His version is more like what prisoners do when they have to face torture but that usually is refusal to speak. What he's doing is not just silence, but also refusing to look at her and trying to minimize any reaction to her play, which is an attempt to deny her anything she can feed on. I'm guessing he's had to do this growing up too.
Speaking of that - what exactly was Di Fortress doing with their method of training kids into killers? I somehow missed or forgot that part and can't tell if they ever addressed that. Did they rent them out as assassins? Is it a weird death cult that worships battle and uses that energy as human sacrifice to their war god? OHOHOH you know what they could have done instead of the Enperor arc? If they'd freed up the episodes and put the Nanyin bugs into a Di Fortress arc instead. Since they were already using some sort of bug mind control technique anyway.
Fang Duobing, what do you mean you always knew DFS was on your side? All you do is yell at him for being a villian! 😂 also what's with everyone just accepting that DFS was going to stand there and join them without even a bit of protest or trying to arrest him or anything?
It's interesting, the parallels between LLH and DFS's situation. They're both regular dudes trapped under some mythic narrative where everyone thinks they're these story archetypes. But they're not, they're just two martial arts nerds trying to live their life (one to do good, one trying to survive) . They both had someone they trusted not only betray them- but demand they get on their knees and become publically subservient to them. DFS's situation would have evoked sympathy by itself but LLH probably felt extra understanding about how he must feel. Especially bc he knows what his own reaction would have been in the past to that kind of humiliation. Like, aside from JL's implied intention of sex slavery, how is SGD's plan for LLH any different than what JL did to DFS when she dragged him back home?
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silviakundera · 6 months
silvia reads Kaleidoscope of Death chapter 106, established coupleness
After getting together, Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu didn’t particularly try to hide it. The two openly began to hold hands, hug, do the things that lovers did.
They were all clever inside the mansion, and this clear change in atmosphere couldn’t possibly go unnoticed. Yi Manman patted Lin Qiushi’s shoulder in admiration. “Nice. You even managed to snag Ruan-ge.”
Lin Qiushi laughed. “Yeah, pretty good, aren’t I? I think so too.”
Cheng Qianli was the last to figure it out, and he only figured it out after running running into Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu kissing in the front yard one day.
The ambience had been too great that night—bright moon, gentle breeze. Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu were sitting and chatting in the yard, and as they chatted, the two naturally got closer together.
Cheng Qianli had just come home. The moment he walked into the yard he let out that iconic scream of his—the one pitched exactly like the screaming rubber chickens.
“Fuck, what the fuck! Am I dreaming!” Cheng Qianli was saying.
“Fucking fuck, why did I just see Ruan Nanzhu and Lin Qiushi kissing!!”
Cheng Yixie, from next to him, “what are you yelling about…”
But it was already too late. Both Ruan Nanzhu and Lin Qiushi were looking up and over.
Cheng Qianli, “they’re looking at me!”
Cheng Yixie, “…” Who else were they supposed to look at, with you screaming like this?
Grinning, Lin Qiushi greeted Cheng Qianli. Cheng Qianli confirmed this indeed was not a dream, but still appeared flummoxed: “O- oh, good evening Qiushi.
What uh, are you two doing out here? Weather’s nice isn’t it…”
Cheng Yixie eyed Cheng Qianli; he kind of wanted to pry open the brain on this little brother of his, and check if it was all cotton inside. He apologized to Lin Qiushi, and hurriedly pulled Cheng Qianli away. While being dragged off, Cheng Qianli was still saying, all wronged, ge, can’t you pull lighter. His wrist was all red.
Cheng Yixie scoffed. “You didn’t see your Ruan-ge’s expression?”
Cheng Qianli, “…”
Cheng Yixie, “if I pulled you away any later, Ruan-ge might’ve beaten you to death right there.”
Cheng Qianli recalled that dark glare on Ruan Nanzhu, and thought his brother had a point.
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preciousqiqi · 4 months
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“Through his relentless pursuit to excel and willingness to achieve the next level, he embodies the artistic expression that breathes life into stories and led him to great fame and success in China.” Read the article.
240513 TUDOR shares a new article about Cheng Yi on their website.
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yiifu · 2 years
bunch of thoughts on the art styles in mdzs & tgcf visual adaptations:
i think out of all the four visual adaptations in mdzs and tgcf (i haven’t taken a look at anything from svsss yet) i love the art style of the tgcf donghua the most. it’s kinda ghibli-like but still sharp enough to give the characters some really great expressions. so obsessed with hua cheng’s donghua design (especially his true form like ??? just .... screaming over how perfect it looks). i haven’t watched it yet but i’ve seen mvs and edits and i just know that this san lang character design is going to be my all-time fav. a little childish, sly, secretive. you can see it in his eyes and his little smirky smile. very nice. i like it.
mdzs manhua was great overall, i just preferred the style from the first half compared to the second half (or what i like to call the black-haired version vs the brown-haired version). the art style peaked during the yi city arc imo. my fav manhua character versions: lan xichen, nie mingjue, xue yang, song lan (Obsessed with his manhua design), xiao xingchen, wen ning (his chibis are so precious).
mdzs donghua art style is very good for action (somehow it reminds of me those older animes e.g. ghost in the shell or perfect blue), it really grew on me a lot after watching the whole thing. idk how to explain it but the donghua eyes are a lot more fancier than the manhua style. some character designs i liked better in the manhua version - e.g. jin guangyao (he’s my absolute fav in the donghua i love his pre-chief cultivator design so much), jin ling (he became cuter somehow), jin zixuan (they really nailed his brooding temperament very well), in fact most of the major lanlingjin characters were just amazingly done in donghua. also wen qing, madam yu are a lot more imposing when you see them animated. some characters like sizhui, jingyi, huaisang, jiang cheng were equally great for both adaptations. 
i still prefer the yiling laozu and lwj hairstyles from the manhua though (just a personal preference!). maybe cos it looks cleaner? especially for wwx’s yiling laozu hairstyle. in manhua version it’s really sleek and straight. for lwj i just liked the general flow/shape of his hair in the manhua better than the donghua.
also for yi city quartet i’m manhua version all the way. i mean all the other iterations of xue yang are very nice but so far no other version of xue yang has topped his manhua design for me :) 
ok last one is the tgcf manhua this took me a hella long time to get used to it (i’m still getting used to it actually) - it’s very VERY pretty, like a painting. i won’t deny that. but it’s a little harder to see the expressions since everything’s so impressionistic-like. still, everyone here looks so goddamn beautiful so i’m sure as hell not complaining. xie lian looks like a doll i just keep stopping at every panel to examing the details of how they drew his hair and his lips and eyes like ... gaaahhh so!!! pretty!!!! and if hua cheng in donghua version is cute, the manhua version of hua cheng is intimidating as hell. his face is literally perfect i actually wanna cry admiring it. i’d combust if anyone who looked like that even gave me a glance. 
like, if i were to give an analogy, the tgcf manhua is high art, luxury dining, high-class food, something along those lines. the art style just screams rich which is suitable for a story about gods and immortals, it’s just that i’m slowly adjusting to all that gorgeousness and still getting used to it.
also on a side note i am very unhealthily obsessed with this fanmade song for tgcf called ‘pleased god’ that i came across in a compilation playlist and i’ve been looping it pretty much the whole day at work ;-;
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storge · 3 years
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What are you up to?
Dream of Chang’an Ep. 11
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queensconquest · 2 years
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@aristarchos​​​​ said:  [PICTURE] // hehualian ~
( BEACH/POOL STARTERS )  [PICTURE] - sender takes pictures of the receiver, both posed and surprise ones
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   It’s  with  great  reluctance  that  He  Xuan  agrees  to  posing  for  pictures  ;  moreso  for  Xie  Lian’s  sake  than  anything  else.  He’d  have  no  problem  telling  Hua  Cheng  no  and  let  the  older  ghost  king  pout  over  it.  It’d  more  in  his  taste  to  simply  not  be  involved  at  all  ,  or  being  the  one  to  take  the  pictures  if  he  had  to  participate  in  some  way.  
   It  felt  awkward  and  uncomfortable  ,  like  he  was  a  skeleton  left  in  a  clearing  those  still  living  had  wandered  into.  He’d  never  posed  for  paintings  in  life  and  in  death  he’d  remained  nearly  entirely  isolated  besides  Hua  Cheng  or  playing  as  Ming  Yi.  But  he  complied  to  the  request  all  the  same  ,  making  for  a  rather  stark  contrast  to  the  scenery.  In  his  domain  he’d  blend  in  ;  here  on  a  different  beach  the  dark  aesthetic  was  quite  the  beacon  of  attention  even  if  it  was  just  the  three  of  them
   After  the  last  photo  was  taken  and  seemed  to  meet  Hua  Cheng’s  standards  ,  He  Xuan  peeled  away  from  the  other  two  and  the  chairs  to  wade  into  the  water  that  welcomed  him  back.  A  single  day  had  produced  more  proof  of  his  existence  than  his  entirely  life  and  several  centuries  of  his  afterlife  as  well.  Funny  how  that  worked  sometimes.  
   His  fingers  trailed  through  the  water  ,  feeling  at  how  it  lapped  at  him  and  the  waves  crashing  like  an  excited  puppy  reuniting  with  its  owner  after  days  apart.  A  small  but  genuine  smile  rose  to  his  lips  faintly  ,  hearing  the  other  two  chatting  in  the  background.  He  Xuan  didn’t  pay  it  much  mind  until  he  heard  the  camera  shutter  click  and  his  gaze  snapped  towards  where  the  other  two  were  looking  pretty  pleased  with  themselves  and  looking  at  the  camera.  Little  did  the  ghost  King  know  what  when  one  of  them  was  busy  with  him  ,  the  other  was  sneaking  pictures  of  them  and  vise  versa  throughout  the  day  ,  filling  the  role  with  both  posed  photos  and  photos  taken  secretly  or  by  surprise.
  “  What  are  you  two  doing  ?  “  He  Xuan  raised  his  eyebrows  ,  suspicion  circling  as  he  began  to  move  out  of  the  water  to  return  to  see  what  they  were  looking  at.  But  judging  by  Hua  Cheng’s smug  expression  and  Xie  Lian’s  delighted  expression  ,  he had  a  good  idea.  That  didn’t  mean  he  wasn’t  going  to  check.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 10 second part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Meta)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Unclean Realm
Lan Wangji has a Louis Henry Sullivan moment on seeing the Nie family home, becoming enraptured by its overwrought monumental architecture after a lifetime of restrained good taste and single-story buildings.
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He approaches the fortress with the expression of delighted wonder that he usually reserves for when he’s looking at the moon or at Wei Wuxian.
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Wei Wuxian is like, yep that’s a building, all right, but he supports Lan Wangji’s kinks.  
Meng Yao tells them about the Wen Clan directive, and has what appears to be a moment of genuine, affectionate amusement at Nie Huaisang’s reaction.
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Jiang Cheng kinda blames the Lans for inventing the whole “indoctrination” thing and for encouraging his brother’s disaster bi tendencies. Wei Wuxian responds by complimenting the Lan Clan, almost like someone who met his true love got some real value out of the instruction he received there.  
(more after the cut)
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One of the great ironies of this story is that Wei Wuxian sort of becomes a rogue Lan disciple because of his relationship with Lan Wangji. He relies on Lan temperament techniques, uses music as a primary cultivation method, has committed all of the Lan rules to his supposedly terrible memory and cites them on multiple occasions, and is an important mentor for the younger generation Lan disciples. Because Hanguang-Jun is just that good in bed.
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Xue Yang in the background of this conversation is channeling OP’s church-enduring, school-enduring inner 10-year-old.
Nie Mingjue, Chifeng-Zun, appears, and couldn’t be more different than his brother. On first watching this episode, I saw him as a grumpy, sexy, very emotional leather daddy man who is quick to anger. Rewatching, I see someone who’s struggling with a growing illness...the resentful energy kind.
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Nie Mingjue’s handling of resentful energy is very different from Wei Wuxian’s straightforward interest and acceptance. NMJ has a traditional cultivator’s view of it, regarding it as evil and as something to resist, while he is literally carrying it on his back. He’s like a secret alcoholic who is preaching temperence, and can’t find a way to be reconciled with himself.  
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At this point of the story, Nie Mingjue is keeping it together, but is under a hell of a lot of stress, and Baxia’s blood thirst is already maybe a problem.
The Yunmeng bros think that Nie Huaisang’s fear of his brother is hilarious, because they don’t understand the situation. They think he’s just living in a hideously toxic family dynamic like theirs, when actually he’s in a loving, sorta healthy, if parentless, family that is being crushed under a generational curse.
Compliments for the Yunmeng Bros
I’m not the first meta poster to notice how happy Jiang Cheng is to be praised by Nie Mingjue.
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He never gets this at home. Jiang Yanli praises him, but in that watery “you tried your best” way that doesn’t really stick.  Nie Mingjue’s praise really means something, because he is a fearsome warrior and stern authority figure. And this is a double compliment, because Nie Mingjue says he heard it from Lan Xichen, and agrees with it.
Let’s Make Terrible Decisions
Keep Xue Yang alive, says Wei Wuxian, and Meng Yao immediately agrees, although I’m pretty sure he would have proposed that even if WWX hadn’t.
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So they do, not realizing that “kill him later” is never a good plan for someone who 1. super needs killing 2. has a whole lot of death-dealing skills.
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Future clan leader Jiang Cheng notices how smart and talented Meng Yao is.  Xue Yang finds it hilarious when the trio praises Meng Yao, possibly because their evil team up is already underway.
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Boss’ Bed Warmer Son of a Ho
The constant insults toward Meng Yao are about his mom, but there’s another level of leering implication, that Meng Yao seems to encourage in his conversation with the soon-to-be-murdered guard captain.
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Nie Mingjue elevated him way above his expectations, and he is ridiculously pretty, which has to create rumors. In the Nightless City scenes when he’s fondling Baxia and telling Nie Mingjue’s family secrets there’s definitely a sense of intimacy that’s not just “loyal retainer.”
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I feel like maybe this whole exchange is a bit of theater designed to show Xue Yang something without showing it to anyone else. Meng Yao didn’t need to have this conversation in front of his prisoner.
Let’s Do Exactly What We Said We Wouldn’t
Once the younger quartet are alone with Nie Mingjue, Wei Wuxian crosses the room away from his friends and practically into Lan Wangji’s pocket, if Lan Wangji had pockets.
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He has no pockets and also has no personal bubble any more, when it comes to Wei Wuxian.
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We could make a weapon out of Yin Iron, Wei Wuxian says, completely forgetting his entire conversation with Lan Yi, apparently. Lan Wangji doesn’t argue with this idea.
Nie Mingjue warns Wei Wuxian not to try it.
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I stabbed a man in Qinghe just to watch him die
Nie Mingjue is like the Johnny Cash of the cultivation world, carrying the weight of his poor choices and trying to steer the young folk to the path of righteousness. But--like Johnny Cash--his bad choices have made him really fucking cool, so he isn’t very good at deterring anybody.
Meng Yao Didn’t Come Here to Make Friends
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Immediately after Meng Yao’s fellow Nie clan people call him “son of a whore” again, Wei Wuxian meets him, is nice to him, addresses him by his military title, bows to him, asks why he’s away from the party, and thanks him for his service.
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But Meng Yao has already decided to make friends with Xue Yang, so Wei Wuxian goes onto his list of people that he doesn’t give a crap about except if they can be useful to him.  Then Meng Yao goes to make out hatch a plot with Xue Yang.
I’ll Sleep On Your Roof
Meeting SongXiao seems to have done away with the last of Lan Wangji’s resistance to his connection with Wei Wuxian.
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He hears a noise on the roof and, when realizing it’s Wei Wuxian, he smiles one of his tiny reserved smiles before heading outside.
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When he sees Wei Wuxian drunkenly sprawled on the roof, limbs akimbo, wine on his chin and neck, mouth full of poetry about the open road, Lan Wangji gives him the most fond look imaginable.
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Then he reluctantly leaves, with his signature “say goodbye, but only when he can’t hear you” thing.
They’ve both come a really long way since their first meeting. Wei Wuxian is openly and vocally attaching himself to Lan Wangji...but is not actually entering his space or asking for anything from him; he just wants to be near him, and wants to let him know that. “I’ll sleep on your roof tonight.”
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And Lan Wangji just...loves him. Wei Wuxian is drunk, embarrassing, demonstrative, eager to make a hell weapon out of yin iron, touchy feely, and absurdly sexy. And Lan Wangji is pretty okay with all of that.
I Might Have Been Drunk
Wei Wuxian carefully avoids telling Jiang Cheng where he was last night.
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Even if he did get blackout drunk, he would have woken up on Lan Wangji’s roof. And I don’t think he was as drunk as that. He just knows Jiang Cheng wouldn’t like the truth.
Wen Fucking Chao, Again
Wen Chao shows up to be annoying and boring.  This leads to a pretty good fight between Nie Mingjue and Wen Zhuliu. Note that when the chips are down, Nie Huaisang stands with his Gege without any cowering. Almost as if he had hidden reserves of bravery, and is not as helpless as he lets on.
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Wen Zhuliu isn’t styled to be super hot, although he’s certainly compelling, and in Dance of the Phoenix he looks good with sensitive-guy hair wispies. I wonder what actor Feng Mingjing looks like out of character?
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BRB, adding a tag to my follow list
Battle Bros
When the fighting breaks out, the Yunmeng brothers are decisive and united, with Wei Wuxian giving orders to Jiang Cheng and JC following without hesitation.
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I feel like if these two could have gone through a few big battles together, instead of being separated during most of the Sunshot campaign, their whole relationship would have improved. On the battlefield, they respect, trust, and understand each other.  
The Pointy End
Nie Mingjue is holding his own against Wen Zhuliu, but he gets distracted by Meng Yao hollering “Xue Yang has escaped” and then shanking the guard captain right in front of him.
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Wen Zhuliu takes advantage of the distraction to aim a very slow stab at Nie Huasang, and Meng Yao jumps in front to get stabbed on his behalf.
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When the Yunmeng bros show up to help NMJ, Wen Zhuliu immeiately yanks Wen Chao back behind him and points his sword at Wei Wuxian. He absolutely sees these two as a serious threat.  Considering that eventually WWX is going to kill Wen Chao while JC kills Wen Zhuliu, this concern is not misplaced.
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Wei Wuxian tells Wen Chao to stop being such a jerk, and Wen Chao menaces Wei Wuxian and gloats about the burning of cloud recesses. The burning, that is, of some part of cloud recesses that doesn’t include the library, the Jingshi, the main cultivation chamber, the rabbit warren, or Lan Qiren’s house, unless the Lan Clan is really really good at rebuilding things to very exact specifications.
In a rare moment of seeing Meng Yao’s internal thoughts, he is worried about Lan Xichen when he hears about cloud recesses.
The Yelling Part
Now we have the particularly nasty breakup between Nie Mingjue and Meng Yao. It’s...got some layers. Meng Yao is cowering on the floor, but is not apologizing.
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He never apologizes throughout this encounter.
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孟瑤無悔  - Meng Yao (has) no regrets
This scene is amazing and excruciating to watch, even more when you know what’s ahead.
What the Fuck is Meng Yao’s Plan
On one level this is Meng Yao, manipulative sociopath, setting up a cover story for his aiding and alliance with Xue Yang.  On another, this is Meng Yao, loving subordinate, being tossed aside by his lord because he dared to stand up for himself.
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He uses the same “scout’s honor” gesture we’ve seen Wei Wuxian use to swear he’s telling the truth. Wei Wuxian is always lying when he uses this gesture.
I’m...not sure exactly what Meng Yao’s plan is, with all these chess moves? By stabbing the captain in front of NHS, he created an opportunity to plant a cover story about Xue Yang’s escape. He might be hoping that Nie Mingjue will forgive him and keep him on, while Xue Yang can stay in his back pocket to be used later.
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Dry eyes? Try Visene
Or he might be intending to get kicked out, given his non-apology. In any case, Nie Mingjue is weeping during this encounter, and Meng Yao...isn’t. He is signaling distress in his voice, expression, and body language, but his eyes are dry up until the last moment, and even then they just glisten a bit. In a show where every actor is an expert at crying on cue, that’s got to be a deliberate choice.
Which isn’t to say that Meng Yao is faking being full of emotion in this scene. It’s just that the emotion isn’t necessarily sorrow.
What Does Nie Mingjue’s Head Think
Flip the view and this is about Nie Mingjue being betrayed by a subordinate, who has turned out to be a self-serving murderer. And on another level it’s Nie Mingjue being betrayed by his lover, who was just using him for advancement.
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I rewatched the later episode where we get the scene as Nie Mingjue’s head perceived it, and he’s particularly brokenhearted and disillusioned from his head’s POV.  In that version there is a telling addition to the conversation.
Nie Mingjue asks about the guys who were roasting Meng Yao behind his back. He asks, if I hadn’t come, would you have murdered all of them?
Um. No, dude. Of course fucking not. That’s what a patriarchal authority does. That’s the way an angry Nie Mingjue/Baxia team might solve a problem.
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Meng Yao has to use subterfuge to kill his enemies. And while he super hates being called “son of a whore” it’s absolutely not enough to make him kill someone, with the risk murder brings. Likewise, being treated well isn’t enough to make him spare someone. Nie Mingjue totally doesn’t get this, because he’s been the patriarch of this clan his entire adult life.
And Here’s the Actual Problem
There is a betrayal here, but Nie Mingjue is not simply a victim.  Whether it’s a sexual relationship or a non-sexual bond of affection, there can be nothing solid in Nie Mingjue and Meng Yao’s relationship within a feudal society, because it is fundamentally unequal. Even if they love each other deeply - which I’m not convinced either of them does - every encounter they have is tainted with power dynamics.
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Meng Yao has been elevated by Nie Mingjue and quite probably taken into his bed, as well as being told many family secrets, but has not been given a new surname (like, for example, Wen Zhuliu was) or independent power. More importantly, Nie Mingjue has not used his authority to remove or punish the many people who disrespect his subordinate.  Lan Qiren would have had all of those gossipy fuckers kneeling in the snow, and Wen Ruohan would feed them to his mosh pit zombies.
Meng Yao is a murderous little snake, but he is right to be angry with Nie Mingjue about some things, and his pursuit of his own agenda is understandable.
Well, That Was a Slice
Meng Yao leaves, hurt, with a dignified bow; just as he did that one time when his dad kicked him down the Carp Tower steps.
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Take note, both patriarchal authorities: that is his way of saying “I’m going to murder you one day.”
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Nie Mingjue sits with his broken heart, as we realize that we’ve only spent 20 minutes with this guy and we’ve gone on an entire emotional journey with him. This episode packed in a LOT.
Soundtrack: Johnny Cash, Folsom Prison Blues
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venomsreviews · 2 years
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This is a followup to my first post about Crippled Avengers (1978), where I promised to discuss Lo Mang and Chiang Sheng!
Lo Mang’s performance deserves a lot more praise in my opinion. He couldn’t speak for most of the movie, and his character was also deaf, so a lot of his communication came from expressions. He displayed so much character that it blew me away. Wei Jia-Jie had a very interesting journey in the film since at first he was extremely temperamental and then you gradually began to see another side to him. I loved how helpful and caring he was with some of the other characters, like Chen Shuen (Kuo Chui) and Hu Ah-Kue (Sun Chien). The fact that he also seemed to promise to feed and provide for Chen Shuen and Hu Ah-Kue since he was a blacksmith brought a smile to my face. That was such a sweet thing to do, even though he hadn’t known them long. He cared about people, which was easy to see if you looked closely. His determination and willingness to learn martial arts was admirable because he was ready to face any challenges ahead of them. You could also clearly see it in his face when he was confused or upset, while he was trying to find ways to communicate with everyone else. It was an array of emotions that could be felt through the screen, even if the emotion was just in his eyes. I have always thought Lo Mang was very expressive and great at facial acting, but this was by far one of my favorites. I also found him to be very funny at times, because you could tell Wang Yi (Chiang Sheng) was getting under his skin on some occasions or he was just teasing. He had great fight scenes as well, but I adored his acting just as much.
Wang Yi was a character that I instantly fell in love with. Chiang Sheng truly came in with a heroic presence, which I feel was amplified as Wang Yi wanted to help Chen Shuen, Hu Ah-Kue, and Wei Jia-Jie regardless of the consequences. He knew that people mistreating them was wrong, so he did not hesitate to act. He even went as far as being willing to avenge their injuries and try to keep others from being hurt. I thought he displayed such courage, along with intelligence, which I would later see in Yang De in Five Deadly Venoms (1978). I love it when Chiang Sheng has more serious roles, but I even cared for Wang Yi after what happened to him. The scene where he was being hurt broke my heart because Chiang Sheng genuinely did look like he was suffering. It was emotional since he had just gone to do what he thought was right. I thought Wang Yi was a diverse performance since he had so many different reactions and emotions to the world around him. Although, one thing is for sure. His loyalty to the other characters never wavered once. He was with them until the very end and fought beside them. I think it really made his death so much sadder because he was a character that I grew attached to from the start, so seeing him in Chen Shuen’s arms, telling him that Dao Cheng (Lu Feng) hurt him badly before dying in his arms brought tears to my eyes. Chiang Sheng’s performance there almost reflected what we saw at the beginning because it was such a serious, somber moment.
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ibijau · 3 years
How to Woo a Lan pt 4 / Also on AO3
Jin Ling explains why he fell in love, gets some advice, and tries to give advice of his own in return
Clearly expecting that the conversation would take a while, Nie Huaisang put away his work and called for servants to bring everything needed to serve tea. Once they were alone waiting for that tea to arrive, Jin Ling started explaining how he had fallen in love with the most perfect person in the entire world, how beautiful Lan Sizhui was (this earned him an unimpressed stare from Nie Huaisang), how elegant (more staring), how nice (a roll of the eyes).
“So he is polite, and you find that impressive,” Nie Huaisang noted, hiding a yawn behind his fan. “I suppose someone living in Jinlin Tai and the Lotus Pier wouldn’t be used to it. And of course he’s handsome, he’s a Lan. I think it’s something in the water of the Cloud Recesses.” Jin Ling frowned at the dismissal of Lan Sizhui’s quality, while Nie Huaisang yawned again, this time without bothering to hide it. “Is that why you love him? He’s capable of more basic decency than most people you’ve met in your life -a very low bar, might I add-, he’s somewhat good-looking, and that’s it?”
“Of course that’s not all!” Jin Ling exploded, but he couldn’t explain the rest right away as the servants returned then.
Nie Huaisang, who could act like a good host when he felt like it, prepared tea with slow, measured movements and poured it for both of them when the servants left again. With unexpected elegance, he gave one glass of tea to Jin Ling before making a gesture to order him to resume speaking.
“He really is kind, and I won’t let you treat it like something that doesn’t matter,” Jin Ling said, before taking a sip of tea. 
It was nice, if a little plain. Having accompanied both his uncles to conferences in Qinghe before, he knew this blend was considered the better sort of tea available in the Unclean Realm, which comforted him. He had no doubt Nie Huaisang wouldn’t have hesitated to serve him bad tea if he’d really been annoyed about being half blackmailed into helping.
 “I know people from Gusu Lan are polite, but it’s not the same as kind,” Jin Ling pointed out, and he could have sworn Nie Huaisang’s mouth twitched in an almost-smile. “When we were in Yi City, he really was nice to everyone, checked those that had gotten poisoned, and encouraged them to eat some congee even if it tasted awful. If it had been me, I’d just have scolded them into eating it! And some of the others with us were scolding their poisoned friends, because we were all worried, but he took time to reassure others, even if he had to be worried too. I mean, his dad was out there fighting stuff, of course he was worried!”
Nie Huaisang made a face at the mention of Yi City, and quickly opened his fan to hide behind. Jin Ling only remembered then that if he and his friends had almost died in that place, it might have been because of this man sitting across from him. It was a really odd thing to think, and if Wei Wuxian in person hadn’t made the accusation, if Jiang Cheng hadn’t later told Jin Ling that the whole thing made sense… how could Nie Huaisang have had the guts to do that, when he was too much of a coward to meet Jin Ling’s eyes when he mentioned this?
“I suppose he’s been raised a little better than most boys his age,” Nie Huaisang conceded,fanning himself just a little too quickly. “An effect of growing up around Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen, both excellent role models, except for their taste in friends. So you love a beautiful young man who is kind to everyone, hm?”
It was Jin Ling’s turn to avert his eyes, his cheeks flushing a little in embarrassment.
“Well, it’s also that he’s not always sweet,” he muttered, before quickly emptying his tea to give himself a countenance.
“How so?” Nie Huaisang asked, sounding genuinely puzzled. He even closed his fan, as if to better focus on what Jin Ling had to say.
“Well. Well, you see, after that whole thing in Jinlin Tai, when Wei Wuxian accused my uncle of murder, and my aunt died, and then me and a bunch of juniors were kidnapped, right?” Jin Ling asked. Nie Huaisang grimaced again. Right, this too was kind of his fault, wasn’t it? “And even then Sizhui was so nice when we were held in that cave, and trying to comfort everyone! But also… Well. I have this very annoying cousin, you see? And he was acting awful, and Sizhui had been patient and patient and patient, but in the end… well, in the end he snapped, and I think if he hadn’t been tied up, he would have slapped Jin Chan in the face.”
Even after this long, the memory of Lan Sizhui’s righteous fury still made Jin Ling’s heart beat a little faster. That it had happened because his cousin had been pestering him was just a nice bonus.
“And also, he tries to hide it, but he’s a little proud,” Jin Ling added. “He really, really likes being praised. His face completely lights up when Hanguang-Jun says he’s done good, and he’s almost glowing whenever Wei Wuxian compliments him and says he’s a good boy and all that. And then when someone says something mean to him, his face does that thing…”
Jin Ling tried to scrunch his own face into an approximation of Lan Sizhui’s expression. He didn’t have a great talent for impressions, but it was still good enough for Nie Huaisang to let out a snort. He then tried to cover it by coughing a few times, but Jin Ling knew what he’d heard.
“It’s never for very long,” Jin Ling resumed, “but I noticed it and it’s just. I guess he wouldn’t like me to call it that, but it’s really cute. I just wish I didn’t keep saying the wrong thing to make him make that face, you know? I want to watch it, not cause it.”
“At least you have self awareness,” Nie Huaisang said, rolling his eyes. “That’s more than several members of your family could ever have said. You’ll just have to learn how to turn a weakness into a strength. Now, tell me, what have you tried to make Lan Sizhui aware of your interest in him?”
Jin Ling, suddenly, desperately wished he had some tea left in his glass, just so he could pretend to drink it instead of facing that question. He ended up turning the empty glass between his hands and staring down at the table, feeling Nie Huaisang’s silence get more and more judgemental the longer it took Jin Ling to answer.
“I see,” Nie Huaisang said after a while.
“You don’t see anything! I just want us to be good friends first, and then…”
Jin Ling trailed off, and toyed some more with his empty glass.
“Fine, then what have you done to become his friend then?” Nie Huaisang insisted, amusement piercing through his voice.
“Well, he hasn’t been around much those last few months,” Jin Ling muttered. “But, well, I went with him on Night Hunts twice before someone killed my uncle, so there’s that. And then he came home not too long ago, and we went on another Night Hunt with everyone! And then…” He sighed, deeply. “And then I said something wrong, and I think I accidentally insulted him, and I haven’t seen him since then and I can’t see him until I figure out how to do things right!”
Nie Huaisang hummed, but didn’t say anything right away. When Jin Ling risked a glance, he found the older man looking at him the way one might inspect a horse before buying it. Jin Ling didn’t particularly care for that. It felt so wrong for Nie Huaisang to have such an intense, calculating expression on his face, making him look miles away from the blundering fool who had bothered Jin Ling’s uncle for years and years.
When Nie Huaisang looked like that, it became too easy that he had done all those terrible things Wei Wuxian had accused him of.
“It’s true that you have a certain gift for saying exactly what people don’t want to hear,” Nie Huaisang stated, fanning himself slowly. “You’re impulsive, that’s your problem, and your uncles both failed you in that regard. It’d be hard to go against your own nature in the best of case, but they've done nothing to help you understand your own temper. I suppose we’ll have to work with it. Have you ever considered taking up a correspondence with Lan Sizhui?”
Jin Ling shook his head. “It’s… isn’t it risky? My uncles have always told me if I start liking someone, I shouldn’t leave traces. There’s always a risk of blackmail, if the other person doesn’t feel the same. Not that Sizhui would ever do that! But, well… Letters can fall into the wrong hands, and because of my grandfather I know people watch me more than other boys my age in case... well...”
“I’m not telling you to write him erotic letters,” Nie Huaisang said with a mocking sneer. “Not yet anyway, and I could teach you a trick or two about keeping those secrets. But simple, polite letters... it’s a good way to stay in touch with a friend, and it would let you think more carefully about what you’re saying, and how you’re saying it.”
That did sound wise. Even Jiang Cheng was a little less abrasive when writing than in person, and Jin Ling was fairly sure he wasn’t as bad as his uncle. That might be worth trying.
“Another piece of advice,” Nie Huaisang continued, fanning himself with slow, nearly hypnotic movements. “Own up to your faults. Admit to your little friend that you’re aware your mouth goes faster than your brain, and that you often realise too late you said something bad. You could even tell him that you’d appreciate his guidance in correcting this. Gusu Lan disciples love that sort of things, they’re all raised to become teachers. Offer yourself as a student and the fight is half won already.”
“You’re sure?”
“How do you think I even got Lan Xichen to notice me? ‘Please Xichen-gege, please tutor me’,” Nie Huaisang whined in a high pitched voice, his bottom lip trembling for a moment, before his pathetic pout turned into a disgusted grimace as he closed his fan with a sharp gesture. “I think the Lan like a desperate case, so you should have your chance.”
That was a very rude thing to say, but Jin Ling could hardly disagree. Nie Huaisang was a complete mess, that much was clear. And as for Wei Wuxian, the less said, the better. Yet those two absolute disasters had, apparently, managed to seduce the two top cultivators of Gusu Lan, nay, of the entire cultivation world, who surely could have had their pick of competent and emotionally capable partners of any gender.
Jin Ling hated that it did make him feel a little more hopeful.
“Well, that’s all my advice for today,” Nie Huaisang announced, before glancing with disgust at the pile of paperwork he’d set aside earlier. “I have to do my own work these days and it takes a while, so I’d appreciate it if you left. I know etiquette dictates I should invite you to spend the night here,” he added, “but I really don’t feel like it, and I don’t suppose you’d enjoy it either. Who could say if I wouldn’t change my mind and murder you in your sleep, right?”
Nie Huaisang laughed at his own joke, earning an unimpressed stare from Jin Ling for his poor taste in humour.
It probably was a joke. 
Just to be a pest, Jin Ling considered forcing the issue and demanding to be given a room. But Nie Huaisang had guessed right in suspecting that Jin Ling didn’t quite trust him enough to make himself vulnerable in his domain. Not only that, but if he stayed, poor Ouyang Zizhen might start worrying about him, and either try to storm the Unclean Realm on his own, or worse fly toward the Lotus Piers and get Jiang Cheng to storm the Unclean Realm, by far the worst possible option because then Jin Ling would have two other sect leaders furious at him.
“I’ll leave,” he conceded, which made Nie Huaisang smirk. “But can I come back tomorrow, and show you my letter? Just to make sure I’m not writing anything too awful.”
“I would say no,” Nie Huaisang sighed, “but I have a feeling you’ll just do as you please anyway, so I might as well pretend I have any control over this. Yes, come back tomorrow, why not. It’s not like I have anything better to do. Try to be here at the same hour as today, and I should be able to make time for you.”
Jin Ling promised. Nie Huaisang then called for a servant to bring Jin Ling back to the gate so he wouldn’t get lost. The distrust, apparently, was mutual.
Once out of the Unclean Realm, Jin Ling lost no time in returning to Qinghe proper, and there he headed straight for the inn where Ouyang Zizhen awaited his return with much anxiety. The poor boy nearly cried of relief when he saw Jin Ling enter the inn. In fairness though, he was just that sort of a person so Jin Ling told himself he hadn’t caused his friend any actual worry. Still, he made sure to buy the best food the inn had to offer, and some wine as well, just to thank Ouyang Zizhen for having come along.
While they had lunch in the privacy of their room, Jin Ling reported his success, and shared the advice given to him. Jin Ling had told Ouyang Zizhen that he’d gone to Nie Huaisang in particular because he used to be friends with Lan Xichen and thus knew Lan Sizhui, an explanation that seemed to be accepted without further questions. 
Jin Ling couldn’t help thinking that Lan Sizhui would have asked for more details about that. He was curious and observant, surely he might have picked up on something wrong with Jin Ling’s lie. Then again, with gossip forbidden, he might not have said anything.
Someday, Jin Ling wouldn’t have to speculate. Lan Sizhui and him would be married, and happy, and they would share everything, unlike some people, so Lan Sizhui wouldn’t even have to pick up clues to know things.
With this goal in mind, Jin Ling started drafting a letter as soon as he was done eating. His first attempt was predictably awful, but to Jin Ling’s surprise, he actually realised that on his own, even before Ouyang Zizhen could check it. Maybe Nie Huaisang had been on to something about it being easier to deal with his temper and lack of social skills on paper. So Jin Ling drafted a second letter, and then a third, while Ouyang Zizhen sat by, reading over his shoulder and occasionally offering his opinion.
By the fifth draft, Jin Ling felt he was starting to get the hang of this.
“I just can’t believe you got him to agree,” Ouyang Zizhen said while glancing at his letter again. “I mean, Nie zongzhu! You’ve said that Wei Wuxian said that he’s the one who got your uncle killed, right? So… are you really sure it’s not a trap?”
Jin Ling chewed on the end of his brush, trying to remember how to write a certain character, and shrugged.
“I’m not sure it isn’t. A trap, I mean.”
“And you’re still going back tomorrow?” Ouyang Zizhen gasped. “He’s given you advice, and good one at that, isn’t it enough?”
Jin Ling shrugged again, and wrote down another sentence.
His friend wasn’t wrong to find him unwise. Nie Huaisang was dangerous, there was no denying it, and he certainly wasn’t nice, that was certain as well. But if Nie Huaisang had been as awful as he pretended to be, he wouldn’t have listened to Jin Ling at all, wouldn’t have talked so fondly about Jin Zixuan, wouldn’t have gotten so upset at the thought of Lan Xichen’s reputation being ruined any further.
Nie Huaisang wasn’t nice, but he probably wasn’t that bad either. No more than other people in Jin Ling’s life, anyway, and at least he didn't shout as much as Jiang Cheng did.
“If I don’t go back, he’ll think I’m scared,” Jin Ling claimed.
“Well, aren’t you?”
“Even if I were, I wouldn’t want him to know that. Anyway, I think I’m done, can you read it?”
Ouyang Zizhen obeyed, and agreed it was about as good as it could get without getting too awkward. It didn’t need to be perfect, anyway. Jin Ling had a feeling that Nie Huaisang would enjoy having something to criticize. So he put away his letter, and went out to explore Qinghe with Ouyang Zizhen, forgetting his love troubles for a little while. They had great fun, and Jin Ling only wished a few times that he could have been doing this with Lan Sizhui instead.
Soon, he would.
Come morning, Jin Ling dutiful returned to the gate of the Unclean Realm. Just like before the disciples guarding the entrance stared him down in disapproval, but this time they let him in almost immediately, and Jin Ling was again led by Qinghe Nie’s first disciple toward Nie Huaisang’s office. This time there was already tea waiting for him when he got there, and the pile of paperwork on Nie Huaisang’s desk looked a good deal smaller and neater. Either he had worked hard to free some time, or he had hidden away anything sensitive to make sure Jin Ling wouldn’t get too curious. Jin Ling figured he would have done the same, and decided to take no offence.
Instead, he put a small pouch of candies on the desk, by the teapot. Nie Huaisang threw him a sharp look for that but pinched his lips so he wouldn't ask any questions. Jin Ling sat down and shrugged.
“You used to bring those to Jinlin Tai when I was little, even if nobody but you would eat them. I figured you had to like them, and since you’re helping me and all…”
“I see good memory runs in the family,” Nie Huaisang noted, glaring at the candies yet making no movement to take one. As if Jin Ling would have poisoned him. It was a coward’s method of murder, Jiang Cheng always said, and Jin Ling was no coward. “Did you write a letter, Jin zongzhu?”
“I did,” Jin Ling confirmed, digging into his sleeve for the latest draft which he handed to Nie Huaisang. “I think it’s pretty good.”
In answer Nie Huaisang just rolled his eyes, and started reading. Jin Ling realised he was getting nervous, as if that odd man’s approval actually mattered in any way. To distract himself he drank some tea, and helped himself to a few candies. They were pretty much nothing but sugar, which made his teeth ache. How could anyone enjoy something like that? Maybe Nie Huaisang had just wanted to be a pest back then, bothering everyone with shitty candies.
“It’s acceptable,” Nie Huaisang said at last, returning the letter to Jin Ling. “Not great, but a clear improvement over the things you tend to say in person.”
“I can rewrite it again,” Jin Ling muttered, disappointed that all his efforts got him so little praise. “If you show me what to change…”
“No, the imperfections are necessary,” Nie Huaisang explained, opening his fan. “If it is too polished, it will be obvious that you’re not writing alone. It really isn’t so bad, anyway. Better than when your father… well, nevermind that. You’re not doing so bad. And inviting him to a Night Hunt is smart, I’m surprised you thought of it.”
“You don’t think it’s too bold?” Jin Ling asked.
“He’s a Lan, they don’t see Night Hunts as a prelude to flirtation,” Nie Huaisang said, before grimacing. “I wish I’d known that when I was young, actually. So don’t hope for anything more than a pleasant moment with a friend. Well, pleasant if you enjoy Night Hunting, which apparently some people do.”
Jin Ling huffed. Of course he liked Night Hunting. Any decent cultivator did. But of course, Nie Huaisang was hardly a decent cultivator, no matter how you looked at it, and his dislike of Night Hunts was no big secret. He only showed up if he had absolutely no choice, Jin Guangyao used to complain, and then he was such a hindrance that everyone would have been better off without him, especially poor Lan Xichen who’d had to rescue him more than once.
But still Nie Huaisang would go and try, Jin Ling remembered. He didn’t enjoy it, but he tried, at least if Lan Xichen was also present. And Lan Xichen did look happy about that, whenever it happened. Really happy, instead of just polite.
It really was too bad that these two had fallen out like that, because they’d seemed to have a good influence on each other, aside from the one murder. Not that any of this was Jin Ling’s business, of course, and he presently held little affection for either man.
And yet...
“Since we’re on the topic of letters. Have you ever thought of writing to Zewu-Jun?” Jin Ling asked, because if it were him having such a huge argument with someone he loved, maybe he would want someone to butt in and help. He wouldn’t like it, but he’d want it. “Because maybe…”
“I have written to Gusu Lan a few times on official business,” Nie Huaisang coldly cut him, closing his fan with a snap. “Aside from this, I have no reason to correspond with anyone there.”
“But maybe you could…”
“I have nothing to say to Lan Xichen,” Nie Huaisang explained, reopening his fan with an impatient flourish. “You see, I am not sorry for what I’ve done,” he said with a cruel smile. “Your uncle deserved to die. He was an awful man, who did awful things, and if I’d truly had my way, he would have died an awful death.”
Jin Ling, who’d thought that losing an arm, being stabbed by his closest friend, and then having his neck snapped by the enraged fierce corpse of one of his victims only to be trapped with said fierce corpse for a century to suffer untold torment had been a pretty awful way to die already, couldn’t help a frown.
He made a decision to never ask Nie Huaisang what he would have preferred to see happen to Jin Guangyao.
“I know what Lan Xichen wants to hear from me,” Nie Huaisang continued, fanning himself. “He most likely wants me to say that I’m sorry. And I could say it. I’m a very good liar, if I do say so myself. So I could lie to him, say exactly what he wants to hear, be exactly the man he wants me to be…” He paused and grimaced in disgust. “But in that case, I would just have turned into another Jin Guangyao.”
“And you don’t want to become like him.”
“I am like him,” Nie Huaisang snapped with such rage that Jin Ling jumped on his seat. “I can’t change that now. I am a good liar, but I’ve decided long ago I wouldn’t lie to myself, and I know what I am. As for Lan Xichen, in spite of his blindness, in spite of his errors, he deserves better than to fall prey to another liar. And that’s why I cannot…”
“You really should write to him,” Jin Ling insisted. “And tell him all that stuff. I mean, since you don’t have regrets and you know you're an asshole, then it’s no big deal telling him things as they are, right? And then at least he gets to know the full truth. You old people really should be more honest instead of making everything complicated all the time.”
Nie Huaisang glared at him, as cold and angry as he’d been the day before, but Jin Ling realised it was already starting to lose its effect on him. It wasn’t so different from when Jiang Cheng threatened to break his legs over every single little annoyance.
Well, it was a little different in that Jin Ling still wasn’t sure Nie Huaisang wouldn’t murder him if he was certain to get away with it, but it was still the same general sentiment.
Jin Ling didn’t even mind that Nie Huaisang impatiently ordered him to leave, grumbling about disrespectful children, time wasted on educating idiotic youths, and how he refused to be involved in this any further. This, too, Jin Ling had heard before from his uncle, and he’d learned to ignore it all.
If the letter and the Night Hunt didn’t work, Jin Ling knew for sure he could come and ask for Nie Huaisang’s help again.
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cheri-cheri · 3 years
[L&N] Jesse’s Main Storyline - Reunion
🍒 Warning: Contains detailed spoilers from Chapter 8 of the main storyline of Light and Night 🍒
Previous section: here
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He’s Jesse? But the youth who was with me that day-
Staring blankly at the clean and clear face, my heart thumps heavily. That’s right. Those eyes are stubborn and bright.
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Jesse: There’s something unique about MC’s designs. She likes drawing four-sided stars. You could compare it with her earlier drafts. It’d be clear at a glance who copied whom.
But this is a little secret between me and my grandmother. No one else would-
I’m in a daze. I’m basically a dummy.
One other person knows about it. Someone who was almost forgotten with time.
I stare at him in disbelief, and have the illusion that this is a game of hide-and-seek which has been going on for seven years.
This instance is akin to a movie scene. The years accelerate in reverse, each frame filled with memories engraved on my heart.
Him at 13 years old: What kind of adults do you think we’d become next time? I really want to travel to the future and have a look.
Him at 11 years old: Since you gave me Chinese tuition, I’ll reluctantly go to the same junior high school as you and teach you math.
Him at 8 years old: Next time, I’m going to be an outstanding person. Outstanding people will have lots of money, and I can afford to buy everything you want to eat!
MC at 7 years old: Hey, why are you squatting on the floor with mud on your face?
Him at 5 years old: [crying] T-they threw mud at me. They said I’m a fatty, and that fatties are most useless...
MC at 7 years old: Don’t be afraid! I’ll wipe it off for you. Next time, just follow me. I’ll protect you! Don’t cry. Real men don’t cry.
Him at 5 years old: Sob sob sob... okay...
MC at 7 years old: What’s your name?
Him at 5 years old: My name is Xia Ming Xing. Xia for 夏天 (“xiao tian” - summer), Ming for 一鸣惊人 (“yi ming jing ren” - amazing the world), and Xing for 星星 (“xing xing” - star)-
MC at 7 years old: What a difficult name. Can I just call you Xing Xing?
Him at 5 years old: That sounds like the relative of monkeys.
[Note] In Chinese, 猩猩 (“xing xing”) is “gorilla”
MC at 7 years old: How about Ming Ming?
Him at 5 years old: The uncle next door is called Ming Ming.
MC at 7 years old: Hm, I’ll call you “Dumpling” then. You look like a dumpling.
Him at 5 years old: Sure, dumplings are so delicious.
MC at 7 years old: Let’s make a pinky promise to always be friends.
Time moves in reverse, and once again returns to the present. I feel as though a gust of wind that was stalled in the past is now coursing between us, blowing away the many years apart.
MC: Dump-
I smile, unable to help myself as I call his name. The moment I say one syllable, he clasps a hand over my mouth.
The composed youth from earlier is now flushed, giving me a pitiful look.
At this moment, Wu You’s face is ghastly pale.
MC: I’m uninterested and have no time to play such games with you. This is a competition, and it has its rules. I can afford to lose and can afford to win. I accept a just contest, but I reject dishonest tricks. There are many more designers, including your sister, who are striving to make even better products. That’s the meaning of designing. I’ve already explained what I had to. I trust that everyone can make their own judgements.
Grabbing Dumpling’s hand, I turn around to leave. Now, there’s something even more important waiting for me.
Feeling the warmth in his palm, the youth’s expression turns from astounded to beaming with happiness.
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Jesse: Let’s go.
Pulling him to a place where we won’t be disturbed, I suddenly feel a little speechless.
What should I say? Exchange conventional greetings? Would that be too formal?
But we haven’t seen each other in so many years. It might be awkward to talk about other things.
He seems to realise this as well. He looks at me, dumbfounded and at a loss for what to do.
MC: Erm, Xia Ming Xing, it’s been a long time.
Jesse is taken aback for a moment. Then, he bursts out laughing.
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Jesse: Who are you? Why are you calling me by my full name? Give that fierce girl back to me!
He reaches out to pinch my cheeks, his appearance as playful as back then.
MC: Stinky Dumpling. You’re the one who’s fierce. I haven’t asked why-
Before I can finish speaking, I’m pulled into a hug. It’s cosy and tastes of sunlight. The second half of my question melts into his arms.
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Jesse: Did you know that it’s been a very, very long time since I heard the name “Dumpling”...
He tightens his grip, burying his head in the crook of my neck.
MC: Dumpling...
Jesse: Mm.
MC: Dumpling Dumpling Dumpling!
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Jesse: I’m here.
Jesse: Did she bully you earlier? It’s my fault for arriving too late. She made things difficult for you for such a long time.
His voice brings with it a nasally tone. It’s gentle, like a cup of hot milk gradually flowing into my heart.
MC: Why are you only asking me about that?
Jesse: What else should I ask about? What’s more important than you getting bullied?
MC: I’m fine, thank you.
Unexpectedly, he’s given a fright and blinks incessantly.
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Jesse: MC, have you gone silly? You actually thanked me?
MC: ?
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Jesse: Aren’t you going to throw me a left hook, then ask where the hell I’ve been these years-
I place my hands on my hips, pretending to be angry.
MC: Why would I ask where the hell you’ve been? Didn’t we know each other just two days ago?
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Jesse: What do you mean “two days ago”?! We’ve known each other for 15 years and 9 months!
MC: But why do I recall how a certain person refused to talk to me unless he wore a strawberry headgear?
Jesse: I... I was afraid you’d ignore me once you recognised me. I wanted to meet you again in a more formal setting.
MC: In that case, why did you rush into the room furiously?
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Jesse: They were bullying you right under my nose. How could I hold myself back! 
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Jesse: Don’t be angry, okay?
He shifts closer to me. No matter where my eyes look, he meets them immediately. 
Faced with such a pair of pure eyes, my temper dissipates. It’s as though everything in the past has been written off in them.
MC: Shouldn’t you give me an apology before I forgive you?
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Jesse: Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry-
He continues on and on, as though he'd continue saying this till the sky turns dark if I don’t get him to stop.
MC: That’s enough, I forgive you.
And with that, a bear hug lunges at me.
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I’ve genuinely forgotten if his hugs were this warm during childhood.
Now, these pair of arms are filled with a comforting ease.
There are so many things I want to ask him. I want to ask if he’s been living well, and why he didn't give me a single call.
More than that, I want to ask why he left without saying goodbye.
But when I open my mouth, I swallow the words back down.
He mentioned that he couldn’t see me due to certain reasons. In that case, I’ll ask next time. Anyway, we’ve already reunited, and there’s still a very long time ahead.
MC: All right all right, you can let go now.
Jesse: Hang on. We haven’t seen each other for 7 years. Shouldn’t we make up for what was lost? One hug per year will do. That means seven, each lasting 5 seconds. In total, 35 seconds!
He actually calculated it seriously.
??: Cough.
I hear a cough from behind me, and feel Xia Ming Xing’s body stiffen. He lets go of me reluctantly.
MC: Jiang Lai?
Jiang Lai looks at me awkwardly, then drags Gao Cheng from his hiding place behind her back.
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Gao Cheng: We didn’t want to disturb you two.
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Jiang Lai: We just wanted to tell you that the producer decided to use your designs.
MC: Really? That’s great!
Jiang Lai’s a tsundere so MC has to take the initiative to ask the three of them to form a team
Jiang Lai and Gao Cheng leave
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Jesse: They’ve already left, so why are you still looking? The person you should be looking at is here.
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Jesse: Can I send you home? Just like in junior high. 
MC: I was clearly the one who brought you home, okay? I sent you safely into your mom’s hands. Little Brat.
Out of habit, I reach out to tousle his hair, but realise I can only reach it by standing on tiptoes since he has grown much taller.
Jesse: Don’t call me Little Brat!
MC: Well, I’m two years older than you.
Jesse: But I’m already taller than you!
The youth lowers his eyes to look at me, his smile dazzling.
Jesse: Let’s go home~
MC: Let me test you. Which bus did we use to take? I moved houses due to work, but I still take the same bus.
Jesse: 102.
MC: How are you still able to remember?
Jesse: Of course I remember everything. I remember things related to you even better than yourself. The bus is here, the bus is here!
He places a hand on my back and we hurry onto the bus.
Although it’s a weekend, the bus is filled with students in uniform. We have no choice but to grip the handles while standing.
Jesse: Do you think they’re attending make-up classes? Isn’t today a Sunday?
MC: Many students have classes over the weekends these days. It’s unlike our time, where we had two days to rest.
Jesse: Wow, that’s great. Sigh. If only we were born a few years later.
MC: Let me off! Why didn’t I know that you were so enthusiastic about learning in the past?
Jesse: I’m enthusiastic about learning now. Is that wrong?
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Jesse: Hey, look at that pair-
He points to the last row of the bus. A boy and girl are sitting next to each other, one earpiece in each ear. They aren’t interacting at all, and are staring out of the windows.
The boy would occasionally turn his head and glance at the girl, but will avert his gaze before the girl realises.
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Jesse: Don’t they resemble us from back then?
MC: In what way? We were so boisterous.
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Jesse: Correction. You hit me one-sidedly.
I shoot him a glare.
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Jesse: But they’re still far from us. He wasn’t as handsome as I was back then.
MC: ...
Jesse: Look at them. One hand holding their school bag, the other placed on the seat. At a glance, it’s clear that they want to hold hands but don’t dare to.
MC: They look like junior high students. Where’s your mind wandering off to?
Jesse: These eyes of mine have seen through too many things. Sigh, what dummies! Just shift over slowly and grab it.
MC: You sound as if you’d actually do it.
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Jesse: Of course I would. It’s just that I didn’t dare. Otherwise, I’d have-
MC: You’d have what?
He glances at me, then shakes his head, lips tightly sealed.
MC: Boasting again.
The bus suddenly jolts. The boy’s phone tumbles onto the ground, rolling in front of us. Xia Ming Xing picks it up and returns it to them.
Glancing at the tune that’s currently being played, I realise that it’s the male singer I liked most back then.
MC: How nostalgic. I was the same back then, only daring to listen to music on the MP3 after school.
Jesse: I was different. I listened to it in broad daylight in the classroom.
MC: Which is why The Exterminator confiscated it five times.
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Jesse: But afterwards, I exchanged it with five exam scripts with full marks.
MC: Show off. Back then, I thought about how the days passed by so slowly. I wondered when I could grow up, because I’d finally be able to do the things I wanted to. I didn’t expect for time to speed by. After becoming an adult, each day passes by so quickly, and I don’t even have time to listen to music. In the blink of an eye, the people around me changed.
Jesse: But some things didn’t change, did they? We became the type of adults we are based on what remained.
MC: What remained for you then?
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He no longer speaks, looking at me quietly with a silly smile.
MC: I realised that the frequency of your silly smiles are a little high.
Jesse: I’m looking at what remained for me. If we had gone to the same senior high school, what kind of people would we have become?
MC: You probably wouldn’t have gotten slimmer. After all, you came over to my house every day to freeload on meals.
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Jesse: Do you think I can’t tell that you’re being sarcastic?
MC: Hahahaha-
How would we have turned out? I have no idea either.
When I travelled across the ocean after my grandmother’s death in my sophomore year, we would have parted anyway.
MC: Fortunately, we’ve met again now.
An earbud is suddenly stuffed into my ear. An acoustic guitar prelude instantly pulls me back to those youthful years.
I originally thought that I had forgotten the lyrics since a long time ago. But I can still hum “small yellow flower” and “playing on a swing”.
It turns out that the things we thought were forgotten are engraved in our minds, waiting to be awakened.
MC: There’s a similar MP3 in my house, but it’s broken and I need to get it fixed by a servicing shop. Oh yes, why are you listening to this song? Weren’t you distasteful of it in the past?
Jesse: It isn’t bad after listening to it again and again, although it’s still a little lacking as compared to me. In the past, you used to say that I was the God of Singing in your eyes.
MC: Hahahahaha, fine fine, God of Singing. I didn’t expect you to really enter this industry and become a musical actor. It’s miraculous.
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Jesse: Miraculous?
MC: When we were younger, there was an essay where we had to write about what we wanted to be when we grew up. You wrote about being a singer who sang for the entire world. Afterwards, your mom saw it and forced you to erase it all off, changing it to a scientist.
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Hearing me talk about his embarrassing past, he scratches the back of his head abashedly.
MC: Being able to make your dream come true, especially if it’s a dream which isn’t understood or affirmed, is truly incredible.
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Jesse: That’s because I have a secret strength supporting me.
Hearing the music, I suddenly think of the outfit I had designed for him. Perhaps I could add a few more elements related to youth.
Taking out my notebook from my bag quickly, my head suddenly feels dizzy, and my nose bumps against his shoulder.
MC: That hurts!
Jesse: [sighs] ...
He turns his body in resignation, bending his back.
Jesse: Draw while leaning on my back, Miss.
MC: Mm!
The sky gets dark very early in autumn. The evening breeze raises a hue from afar, and leaves rustle from the trees.
The hubbub of voices on the bus and affectionate teasing seem to have been dispersed by the breeze, leaving without a trace. What’s left are the both of us walking home in silence from the bus-stop.
Moonlight leaks from the trees along the roadside, outlining the side of Xia Ming Xing’s face. It’s no longer roundish, and has become a little foreign.
MC: Dumpling, why did you suddenly move away back then?
I have no idea why I suddenly asked this. There was simply a strange feeling that he’d disappear again if I didn’t ask about it.
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A twinge of guilt flashes past Xia Ming Xing’s face.
Jesse: Do you still remember the call I gave you on the day I left?
MC: Call? What call?
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Jesse: You don’t remember? You picked it up, but hung up after I said a few words.
MC: ...when did I hang up?
Why do I have no impression of this at all?!
MC: What’s going on?
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Jesse: Back then, my family was moving. I managed to fight for one week with my parents, wanting to stay behind to finish the competition with you. I didn’t have the guts to tell you because I was afraid you’d be upset if you knew. Afterwards, I summoned my courage and gave you a call. But you weren’t willing to listen to me.
MC: That never happened. Why didn’t I know about this at all...
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Jesse: So you never hung up?
He grabs my shoulders, his fingers cold as ice. I can almost feel his body trembling.
Jesse: It wasn’t that you didn’t want to hear from me?!
He asks once more, his tone seeking confirmation.
For a period of time after he left, I refused to hear the name which was equivalent to “betrayal” in my heart. But no one knew that I was secretly looking forward to him returning one day.
At the very least, it could prove that I wasn’t the party who was abandoned.
But why was this the answer? A mistake? A perhaps irretrievable mistake from such a long time in the past?
With this thought, my chest feels suffocated.
MC: So that’s why you didn’t look for me in all these years?
The youth remains silent, orange strands of hair blowing up with the wind.
Jesse: I had my reasons for not contacting you. It had nothing to do with the call. I... just wasn't brave enough.
I suddenly have no idea how to respond to his calm gaze, and I also understand that neither of us were at fault for the parting back then.
MC: Xia Ming Xing.
Jesse: Hm?
MC: Were you the one who put the MP3 into the tin?
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Jesse: Mm.
MC: So you put the card in there too.
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Jesse: Mm. But I didn’t participate in the competition with you, and couldn’t stay by your side. I don’t seem to have kept any promises.
I shake my head forcefully, eyes already damp.
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Jesse: But now, I won’t shirk from it. As long as it’s something I promise you, I’ll definitely do it.
He takes a step towards me. The years have caused the once delicate youth to change entirely, turning into the man in front of me, whose eyes are especially resolute. With such a gaze, I’ll always choose to believe him, no matter what.
After sending me home, he stands in the corridor as he watches me enter, just like in the past.
Five minutes later, a rustling sound comes at the window.
Jesse: MC, open the window!
Opening the window in confusion, the image before me almost causes tears to leave my eyes.
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Pink confetti flutters and blooms in the city sky, dancing gently in the clear summer night, akin to that snow which had yet to appear many years ago.
Amidst the pink coloured snow, the youth reveals a bright and hearty smile as he waves at me.
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Jesse: You asked if I regretted it. The answer is - I regret it. I regret it very much, and at every single moment. Summer is already over, but why do I feel as though this summer has just begun? 
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Jesse: Next week, come and watch my performance. This time, it’d be my turn to wait for you.
MC: Mm, I’ll definitely be there!
Only after the snowflakes finish their descent does Xia Ming Xing reluctantly walk home. If he was slightly braver and slightly stronger back then, would the ending to their story be different?
He doesn’t know. It seems that particular rainy day is still before his eyes. It’s late at night, and a figure flashes past at the end of the dim alley.
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Jesse: Who’s there!
The surroundings are completely silent. Xia Ming Xing turns his head and looks at the girl’s illuminated window, then quickly chases after that figure.
A crow flaps its wings and flies past at a low altitude. The moss-covered corner is encased by deathly pale moonlight. Xia Ming Xing stops in his footsteps, black blood soaking his shoes.
However, he doesn’t pay any mind to it. His gaze is locked tightly on that figure whose knees are on the ground, bowing devoutly towards the moon.
Jesse: Who are you?
That person turns around slowly. It’s a girl around ten years of age, and she’s small and petite.
Black hair covers her cheeks. She lifts the white candle in her hand, stuffing it into her mouth and chewing on it. The two golden bracelets on her wrist jingle.
Jesse: Her soul has been taken-
The moonlight grows increasingly bright. An indiscernible black spot suddenly appears on the girl’s chest, and the stench of something burning begins to fill the air.
Seeing that the girl is about to bite the tip of her tongue off, a rope flies from his hand, binding and tying the girl up.
The white candle falls to the ground. Xia Ming Xing lifts up two fingers, twisting a charm towards the girl. With a tearing sound, the charm turns into ashes in the air.
Three days later, it’s the day of the final competition of “Upper Hand”
MC is caught in a traffic jam along the way and decides to alight from the taxi halfway through
Sadly, she arrives just as the curtain falls
I hesitate, not knowing if I should approach him.
However, Xiao Ming Xing is already walking towards me. He has changed out of his performance outfit, and is wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans, looking clean and fresh.
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Jesse: How was it? I didn’t embarrass you, did I?
I don’t really have the guts to look at him.
MC: I’ll tell you something, but don’t get mad.
Jesse: Every time you said that in the past, nothing good happened.
MC: Really?
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Jesse: The first time you said it, you broke my game console.
MC: ...
Jesse: The second time you said it, you cooked me expired cup noodles for supper.
MC: ...
Jesse: The third time-
MC: Enough!
Why do I have such a black record!
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Jesse: Go on, I’ve mentally prepared myself.
MC: Actually, I only heard the last five seconds of that song.
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Jesse: ...
I can clearly sense that he’s akin to a deflated balloon. His eyebrows, which were arched earlier, droop downwards.
MC: Sorry. I’ll treat you to orange soda and vanilla ice-cream until you’re stuffed, okay!
I lift my hand up, gesturing a vow. Pulling a long face earlier, Xia Ming Xing suddenly bursts into laughter.
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Jesse: MC, why can’t I get angry with you?
MC: You’ve forgiven me?
Jesse: I didn’t say that.
MC: But you just said that you can’t get angry with me.
Jesse: If you want me to forgive you, sing a song with me!
MC: ...what?
Before I can react, he grabs my hand and rushes towards the stage.
The youth has a smile which says that he has gotten his way. It’s as if this moment is something he’s been plotting for a very long time.
The moment we step onto the stage, a familiar melody sounds. In an instant, I feel as though I’ve travelled to a lifetime ago.
Jesse: Still remember this song? We named it together - “Portrait of Youth”.
How could I not remember? This was the song we wrote together for the competition back then.
It’s the song that we wanted to clinch the championship with.
It was a song we didn’t get to sing in the end.
In an empty basement, we’d hold our cola cans like microphones, practising till late at night.
We had immaturely mimicked the lyrics we didn’t understand at that age. But many years later, I realise that each line has turned into our story.
It’s as though something in the depths of my body is being awakened. It’s the fervour and anticipation that a youth has for the future, throbbing and pure.
My eyes can’t help but feel warm, and I find myself singing along with him involuntarily. 
Portrait of Youth (audio here)
That vanilla ice-cream
Melted in our rainy season
That old piano
“Ding dong ding dong” - is the tapping of the hour hand
Back then, I always loved to tease you
But didn’t allow anyone else to make you cry
You always said that I was a koi
But I was always asking you for tuition before exams
Dragonflies fly past our heads
Our inseparable shadows when we were young walk slowly in our memories
On the bicycle, I’m the only one with sweat like rain
I’m the only one left on the bicycle dripping with sweat
You were long gone from behind me
If the storm didn't block our vision that day
If I knew how to say goodbye that day
The flower petals in the diary
The unwashed roll of film from the camera
They wouldn’t be lonely longings
If the string of the kite didn’t break that day
If I could have been slightly braver that day
The empty pages in the diary
Wouldn’t have been filled with moss
The seven years in which we wandered off can’t be lost.
The lights gather in his eyes, and I'm reflected in them. It has been the case since many years ago.
All the stories seem to have ended with summer, but they begin with summer as well.
Fortunately, summer will always arrive. This unfinished story shall begin on this summer day.
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watch-grok-brainrot · 4 years
Wei Wuxian and Chinese Virtues of 忠孝仁义
There’s a lot of conversation about Wei Wuxian and how he struck out on his path without a concern for the Jiangs; about how he’s reckless and not giving a sh*t about his role within his society; about how he had a family and siblings and threw it all away for his sense of right and wrong. But the way I read his actions is within the context of the virtues of 忠孝仁义 (and how the virtues, especially 义, is ingrained in him via the Jiang sect motto). WWX’s major decisions can all be read as him acting in accordance with one or more of these virtues. Even when WWX is being his most irreverent self (and yes he’s rude and bring about a lot of second hand shame) he still remembers the we-self (to borrow from baoshan-sanren’s post) context as the head disciple of the Jiang Sect. Even when he seems to abandon everything, he didn’t abandon his understanding of these virtues. 
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First of all, let’s talk about 忠. 忠 (zhōng) is loyalty, devotion, fidelity. I usually associate the concept with loyalty towards your country but it can be applied to other units too. In the case of CQL where we don’t see an Emperor or country, it would only make sense that this concept be applied to either a person (e.g. SuShe at JGY) or a sect. 
Tangent, feel free to skip: An (maybe THE) embodiment of this virtue is 岳飞 (Yue Fei), one of THE MOST famous Chinese generals. Yue Fei lived during the second half of the Song dynasty. He loved his country so much, he wrote poetry about drinking his enemy’s blood and eating their flesh (壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血) and taking back his country’s lands and saving the two previous emperors from being POWs. He is famous for the tattoo of the words “尽忠报国” (exhausting all loyalties to replay country aka i will be loyal and fight for my country until i die) on his back bestowed by his mother before he left home. When he was unjustly executed for treason, the executioners saw that on his back and the people knew a great man was wronged.  
(if anyone wants a translation of the poem and a rambly share about some of my favorite Yue Fei  related facts/stories, let me know. Otherwise, i’m gonna get back to our favorite necromancer)
So back to WWX. His loyalties are very much with the Jiang sect.  After JFM and YZY dies, within the structure of 忠, Jiang Cheng is effectively who he needs to be loyal to because Jiang Cheng is the sect leader and essentially the symbol of the sect. The act of giving up his core to JC, then, embodies the idea of loyalty within the context of 忠. (I’ve seen memes about how WWX gave consent, WQ gave consent, but JC didn’t. drwcn has a great post about consent. For this post, i’m not going to go into it because this is outside my defined scope.) Furthermore, 忠 compels WWX to protect the Jiangs. I’ve read meta that thinks WWX was trying to get himself killed based on the crossing of his hanfu and his mouthing off at Wen Chao. I’m inclined to believe that reading because if dying means JC would never find out, so be it. And as long as WWX is dead, there will be no evidence of the core transfer so JC would never lose face before other cultivators. It would mean the Jiang sect can be rebuilt to its old status without being tainted by WWX’s sacrifice. 
Ok, next is 孝. 孝 (xiào) is most often translated as filial piety. I don’t think there is a good sense of it in western culture. In chinese culture, it is the expected deference younger generations need to display to elders in their direct lineage. [Note: i use lineage because you can be 孝 towards your biological parents and grandparents, your kungfu master and their master, your adopted/honor bound parents, etc but not to everyone who is in a higher generation. It’s very family/lineage based.] 孝 is complicated because it’s ingrained into Chinese kids at a really young age. Go pour your grandparents tea. Go give your grandparents a back rub. Listen to your parents. When your parents get old, you’ll take care of them. Respect your elders. Even if your elders are wrong, don’t talk back. It’s a set of emotions that tie you to your ancestry. To turn your back on it feels like turning your back on your culture and identity. 
Tangent, feel free to skip: Ok, this is really cool and I had to share. In looking up 孝 in the online xinhua dictionary, it says about the etymology: “形声。从老省,从子。” This is so cool! We have two characters: 老 (old, as in Yiling Laozu) and 子 (child). You’ll notice 孝 is a character where to top part of 老 is taken and 子 essentially follows. This character is a style of character where the meaning comes from the structure of the character. So 孝 is where the children follow the old, often blindly and with disregard of their own needs. 
WWX, as an orphan, can only direct his 孝 towards Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan. 1) No matter how awful they were as parents, JFM and YZY raised WWX. 2) WWX is the head disciple. That means JFM is his shifu. [He calls JC his shidi and JYL his shijie for that reason.] That teacher-disciple relation is often described as “一日为师,终生为父” (a teacher for one day should be treated like a father for life). Both 1 and 2 bind WWX to the Jiangs regardless of his adoption status. So, when on the boat YZY and JFM tell WWX to take care of JC and JYL, it’s the order of an elder in his direct lineage. To not listen, to not defer to that order would not be 孝. Considering they perished at Lotus Pier, WWX was obligated to execute those orders to their fullest whatever the price (i.e. golden core). 
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Along those same lines, out of 孝 (and human decency, tbh) WWX and JC had to retrieve JFM and YZY’s bodies. Wen Ning helping them out in that situation is a HUGE favor. Not to mention all the other things WN and Wen Qing does for them. I will get to the favors and their ramifications later. 
Ok, moving on to 仁. 仁 (rén) is most often translated as benevolence or humanity. (I want to say I find the translation of humanity very interesting from a bilingual child’s perspective because the chinese character for person/human is 人 which is also rén. I got the concept confused a LOT.) 仁 is found in the love and kindness shown towards fellow humans. Ctext often translates it as virtue, which is a bit too broad, IMO. I think this line from Confucian Analects explain the concept succinctly: 
Fan Chi asked about benevolence [仁]. Confucius said, "It is to love all men." 
WWX embodies this love better than everyone else in the story (except maybe LSZ but LSZ probably gets it from WWX). WWX meets stuttering WN and acknowledges him, offers to give advice, and truly sees the younger man. He treats WN with kindness and friendship (and yes, he takes advantage of WN’s willingness to push him around in a turnip wagon but that’s more shenanigans). WWX also sees the Wens at Phoenix Mountain as human and steps out of line to help them.  His blindfolded five arrow show stems out of his 仁. His saving Mianmian is also an expression of his 仁. So many of WWX’s actions stem from 仁. A lot of the fandom see it as his empathy and I agree! It is that! But it can also be viewed as his internalization of the virtue to love humanity. 
Finally, 义. 义 (義,yì) is actually the reason this ENTIRE post came to be. 义 is the same 义 as  Yi City. I offer the traditional version of the character above so you can see how it compares to the stone on the way to Yi City. You will recall when WWX says Yi City, LWJ asks, “Yi, which means chivalrous?” And WWX explains same character but for coffin/mortuary in this case. 
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Actually, 义 is used in a lot of words: 
正义- correct/rigit + 义 =  righteousness
意义 - ideal + 义 = meaning
侠义 - knight -errant + 义 = chivalry
义气 - 义 + air = personal loyalty; code of brotherhood
名义- name + 义 = nominal
义父 - 义 + father = sworn father (this is a difficult to translate idea that sometimes i translate as godfather for simplification and cultural parallelism. it’s a parent figure that you acknowledge via vows. If the character for father is replaced with brother, then it’s the relationship that the 3zun have. And OMG i want to talk about the 3zun and romance of 3 kingdoms and how much of a awful un-义 person JGY is… but also holy out of scope batman)
In the case of virtues/morality, we’re looking at 义气 - the 义 that means loyalty to people and a code of brotherhood. The Jiang Sect ancestor is described as a 游侠 (yóu xiá, wandering hero). The ancestor’s identity as a 侠 (xiá), which indicates a highly skilled martial artist/fighter who will defends others (à la wuXIA and xianXIA), places him within the world of 江湖 (jiāng hú, sometimes translated as rivers and lakes or “pugilistic world” in some wuxia subtitles). In 江湖, 义 is the most important virtue. Based on 义, you help those in need. You stand out and do what is right. You are an outlaw that follows a strict moral code. 义 is the foundation of the Jiang Sect’s motto. Furthermore, the idea of 义气 can in some ways be viewed as currency. You do me a favor, I owe you one. You treat me with decency, I return the favor. You DO NOT return kindness with ill intent. It is taboo. 
WWX exemplifies 义. 义 is part of what makes him so lovable and reckless. For 义 , he sticks out his neck for LWJ during Wen Summer Camp. For 义, he follows LWJ to search for the Yin Iron. Under 义 , he is free to be the hero who lends a hand whenever it’s needed. Oftentimes, 仁 and 义  go hand in hand because to stand up and stand out for other requires love of others and seeing their humanity. 
So let’s get back to the Wen remnants: for 义, WWX must protect WN and WQ. As I mentioned before, WN and WQ had done WWX and JC (and thus the Jiang Sect as a whole) MULTIPLE HUGE FAVORS. 1) saving JC from Wen Chao at Lotus Pier. 2) retrieving JFM and YZY’s bodies. 3) transferring the golden core against WQ’s best judgement. All of these actions are so vital to the survival or the reputation of the Jiang Sect. WWX knows it. I’m positive JC knows it.  To turn their backs on WN and WQ would be 不仁不义 (neither 仁 nor 义). Really, the ONLY thing they should be doing from the perspective of 义 is helping the Wens to repay their kindness. But WWX knows, as the head disciple, that JC cannot afford to align the Jiang Sect in sympathy with the Wens because it’s political suicide. The Jiang Sect WILL NOT SURVIVE if Nie, Jin, and Lan all turn against them. Even if Lan stood neutral, Nie and Jin would still be able to wipe out barely rebuilt Jiang. 
So what does WWX do? He has already painted himself as a rebel, as rude, as ill bred. And from an outsider looking in, WWX is in alignment with his slippery descend into darkness. WWX knows if he steps just a little more out of line, he can accomplish everything else his morality dictates. (We could talk about WHY WWX feels like it’s ok for him to give up everything and analyze WWX’s self worth and what not. But that’s also outside the scope of this post and i’m pretty sure other people have done a better job of it than I could.) 
Save the Wens, run away to the Burial Mounds, and defecting are all aligned with WWX’s morals. Defecting protects JC and the Jiangs sect in an act of loyalty (忠). Defecting also protects JC and JYL, thus fulfilling the filial piety toward YZY and JFM’s instructions (孝).  Saving the Wens returns the debt of 义 that JC and WWX owe to WN and WQ. Saving the Wens also appeal to WWX’s sense of 仁 towards the non-cultivators. Lastly, protecting the Wens means JC does not end up 不仁不义. From WWX’s perspective his actions are the only option for him to really have no regrets when he asks his heart. 
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tiramisiyu · 3 years
Sorry, the link I put in probably doesn’t work m. weibo. cn/detail/4608947896717694 you’ll have to get rid of the spaces in between because it won’t let me send a link
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Oml this fic was great (link here for the original), thank you for sending it in! In this house we appreciate MC for handling the four guys when they're sniping at each other like elementary schoolers.
See below cut for translation!
Part 1
Given how they’ll spend two minutes having little arguments and three minutes having big arguments when holding meetings in the investigation team, you decided to do a little something to maintain the friendship between the team members, which wasn’t very deep to begin with.
“Cheng Cheng, if friends are fighting, where should they go to make their feelings go back to normal?” After all, Cheng Cheng had the most ideas. After work, rather than rushing home, you sat at Cheng Cheng’s seat, asking for her suggestions.
(Cheng Cheng is Kiki Bennet, for those who follow global server information.)
“It’s gotta be the amusement park for sure!” Cheng Cheng’s eyes shone. “There is nothing and no place more suited for nurturing relations than the amusement park!”
As if thinking, you lowered your head. You didn’t notice how the door of the office behind you opened, then closed.
Part 2
“Lawyer Zuo, do you have time this weekend?” After making up your mind, you knocked on Zuo Ran’s office door.
“I do. What’s the matter?” He stopped arranging his items, looking gently at you.
“I want to go to the amusement park, and was wondering if you’d be interested?”
Zuo Ran froze, then remembered the dialogue he’d just heard, then immediately thought that he didn’t seem to have had any conflicts with you recently, and being mean to you due to work was also unlikely… so where did he anger you?
“Lawyer Zuo?” Seeing him silent, you felt a little anxious. Sure enough, having Lawyer Zuo go to a place like an amusement park was too difficult.
“Ah, sure.” Regardless, might as well answer and then figure it out after – so Zuo Ran thought.
Part 3
“This weekend?” On the other end of the phone, Mo Yi was somewhat surprised that you would take the initiative to invite him, though his mouth curved up right after. “Of course I have time. I have time as long as it is your invitation.”
“Awesome, then I’ll see you at the amusement park entrance on the weekend!” Having achieved your target, you hung up in satisfaction.
Mo Yi has always been kind and rarely rejected your requests. Plus, to him, the amusement park was worthy of being called a location to nurture relations, and it might even let your relationship take a step forward.
Looking at the blooming roses on the windowsill with deep emotion, Mo Yi reached out and stroked the delicate petals – “You are always able to surprise me.”
Part 4
“What’s up, thinking of me?” As soon as the call was picked up, Lu Jinghe’s mischievous voice was transmitted into your ears.
“Yeah, I was wondering if you had time on the weekend, Young CEO Lu?” You rolled your eyes, then followed his words to bring up your request. “I want to go to the amusement park on the weekend. Young CEO Lu, want to come?”
“Don’t call me like a stranger, I like hearing jiejie call my name more.” He laughed quietly.
“Lu, Jing, He! Are you going or not?” Enunciating each syllable, you recited his name.
“Don’t be so ferocious.” Sounding pitiful, Lu Jinghe said, “I’m going, of course I’m going! It’s so rare for jiejie to ask me out yourself, so how could I miss out on this chance!”
Not wanting to bother with bickering with him, you huffed quietly. “See you on Sunday 10AM, Stellis Amusement Park entrance.”
Part 5
You felt a lot more confident when inviting Xia Yan – after all, you grew up together and had planned to go to the amusement park together after reminiscing on your childhoods. If he wasn’t working, he definitely wouldn’t refuse you.
“Go to the amusement park?” Xia Yan tilted his head, looking at the photo taken at the amusement park with you, 8 years ago. “Of course it’s fine, I haven’t been to the amusement park in so long anyways, and I’ve been pretty tired out from work recently… it would be nice to go and relax.”
I hope we can relax, you thought.
“So it’s a promise then, I’ll be waiting for you at the Stellis Amusement Park entrance on the weekend.” As you expected – when the amusement park was mentioned, Xia Yan would think of when you were little. Inviting him to the amusement park was a cinch.
You hung up, picked your clothes for the weekend and placed it on the clothes rack, cleaned yourself up, then fell into the world of dreams.
Part 6
“So, why are you here?” Lu Jinghe looked with a face full of hostility at Zuo Ran, who was sitting by the flowerbed, holding two cups of hot drinks.
“When Young CEO Lu comes with someone else to the amusement park, am I not allowed to come here with my partner on the weekend to relax?” Zuo Ran stared hard at him, then lowered his head to continue fiddling with his phone.
Seeing his smug look, Lu Jinghe laughed coldly. “Coincidentally, the one who asked me here today just happens to be your partner during work hours.”
“…” Zuo Ran’s hand on the phone stopped.
“I should have expected this. If she suddenly asked me out to the amusement park, it definitely couldn’t be a simple relaxation session.” Xia Yan walked over from the other side of the round flowerbed, looking coldly at the two.
“Looks like it’s not just us.” Lu Jinghe raised his eyebrows. “Looks like she set the time to 10 o’clock to wait for a certain someone to wake up.”
Dissatisfied with Lu Jinghe’s malicious speculation, Zuo Ran placed his phone into his pocket. “Based on what I know, the amusement park opens at 10.”
Lu Jinghe: “…”
“Morning.” Mo Yi, who was standing by, nodded at everyone in greeting. Zuo Ran turned around and raised the hot beverage: “Morning.”
Xia Yan turned his head, ignoring him: “Hmph.”
Lu Jinghe said disdainfully, “Yeah, you could consider it early if you’ve only woken for an hour.”
TL Note: “Morning” and “early” here use the same word in Chinese. 
As the atmosphere became stiffer and Mo Yi was seriously considering the possibility of lowering Lu Jinghe’s behavioral grading on his family education, you finally arrived at the amusement park entrance two minutes before 10.
“Sorry, sorry I came late. So everyone already got here.” Having overslept slightly, you jogged over, still panting.
“Slow down, drink some of this hot beverage.” Zuo Ran handed the hot beverage in front of you. “I didn’t know what you like to drink, so I ordered a cup of hot milk tea for you.”
“Thank you, Lawyer Zuo!” You smiled gratefully.
Mo Yi started to become different from usual again, speaking the most acidic words with the warmest expression: “One who acts so unaccountably solicitous...”
Xia Yan followed up immediately. “Must be hiding evil intentions! Watson, you’ve got to be careful of two-faced guys like that.”
Zuo Ran: “…”
You were about to speak when Lu Jinghe cut in, sounding slightly wronged, “Jiejie, I originally thought that this was going to be a sweet weekend with only us two. Why are the three of them also here?”
“What sweet weekend.” You shot him a look. “Today is our NXX investigation team’s team-building activity day, so of course the members of the team should be here.”
Zuo Ran, Mo Yi, Lu Jinghe, Xia Yan: “…”
Ignoring their strange expressions, you held up the tickets in your hands. “Let’s head into the amusement park!”
Part 7
You originally thought that after the slight displeasure of heading out, there would be happy memories. But who would’ve thought…
“No way, Zuo Ran, you’re too scared to get on the pendulum ride?” Lu Jinghe tried to hold in his laughter. “Hahaha, who would’ve thought that Zuo Ran, the great Lawyer Zuo, so ferocious in court, would be scared of the pendulum ride, hahahahaha…”
“Lu Jinghe!” You glared furiously at him.
“Sorry, sorry.” He blocked his mouth, but his trembling shoulders weren’t convincing at all. “I usually don’t laugh, unless if I really can’t hold it in.”
“Zuo Ran, that’s pretty sad.” Xia Yan spoke concisely, looking meaningfully at Zuo Ran.
“According to the country’s laws, defamation of others constitutes a crime and can result in a maximum of three years of imprisonment, detention, surveillance, or deprivation of political rights.” Unwilling to display weakness, Zuo Ran fired back.
“It’s very normal for people to fear things. No one can avoid this, Zuo Ran included.” Mo Yi pushed his glasses up.
“Dr. Mo gets it.” You released a breath – finally, there was a peacemaker.
Mo Yi followed up by speaking to you, “So, I hope you can strive to be with someone more ideal.”
You: “…”
“How about we check out the bumper cars? I remember that Lawyer Zuo’s driving skills are excellent!” Seeing that there were bumper cars not too far off, you made a suggestion.
“You all can head in. I will watch over your purse for you outside.” Mo Yi’s expression looked stiff for an instant, though it went back to normal quickly.
Xia Yan keenly noticed the abnormality in his complexion: “So it turns out that you’ve also got things you fear, Mo Yi.”
As if pointing something out, Lu Jinghe said, “After all, things like bumper cars really are hard to bear for older people.”
Looks like Lu Jinghe’s family education final assessment for this semester won’t be able to hit minimum standards.
Zuo Ran immediately emphasized his innocence. “My driving skills can be considered decent. If you want to go, I can go with you.”
As the situation became more and more off, you decided to simply head to the next amusement park attraction.
“How about the haunted house? I went with Xia Yan when we were little, and I went with Lawyer Zuo after for a team building activity for the law firm, and the murder story script I did with Mo Yi was pretty similar.” And Lu Jinghe…
A young, vigorous guy wouldn’t be scared of this, right?
“I’m not going.” Sure enough, Murphy’s Law strikes. If anything can go wrong, it will.
“What’s the matter, does the young CEO Lu fear ghosts?” Zuo Ran landed an attack first.
Mo Yi followed closely from behind. “Who would have thought that the 1.88 metre Lu Jinghe, the young CEO Lu, would also have things he fears?”
“You really can’t go on by simply growing taller without growing brains.” Xia Yan sniped in last.
Lu Jinghe shrugged. “Being scared of ghosts isn’t a big deal. Any normal person would be scared of them. Are you all really not scared of them?”
Silence. Dead silence.
Lu Jinghe: “… Pretend I said nothing.”
You smiled, relieving this strange atmosphere. “It’s fine, everyone has things they’re not good at. Let’s head to another attraction.”
“How about we head to the pirate ship?” Lu Jinghe pointed to the nearby pirate ship. “There’s also a pirate-themed restaurant beside it, and we can head over to eat in a bit.”
“How about… we change to another one?” You pursed your lips. Was it because you didn’t check the Chinese almanac before heading out today, or was it that these four just naturally run into issues?
“Jiejie, are you scared of this one?” Lu Jinghe smiled mischievously.
You said nothing, turning around to look at Xia Yan.
Xia Yan: “…”
Smiling, Mo Yi said, “So it turns out that the great Detective Xia isn’t great with the pirate ship.”
“Even special agents have things they’re not great with?” Zuo Ran flicked a casual glance to the pirate ship, from which screams kept coming from.
Stiffening his neck, Xia Yan shot back, “Special agents are people too, so of course there are things we’re not great at!”
“Alright alright, it’s getting late, so how about we go eat?” Playing the mediator, you said, “I know that there’s an elf-themed restaurant nearby; it’s a little like the ones on Skadi Island from before.”
“Alright, I’ll listen to you. Jiejie, I’ll cover the bill for your lunch. The rest of them can pay for themselves.” Lu Jinghe winked at you.
Zuo Ran said resolutely, “Lu Jinghe, as Pax is the largest investor in Stellis Amusement Park, I thought that you would be able to take on our four lunches as the acting CEO.”
Xia Yan nodded in agreement. “After all, between all of us, you’re the only one decked out in gold and silver – you pretty much look the most suitable for a kidnapping.”
Seeing the situation get more and more unfavourable, Lu Jinghe turned towards Mo Yi who was watching them argue with interest. “As the family teacher, shouldn’t you say something to preserve your student’s interests?”
Mo Yi smiled. “I also believe that this is an excellent opportunity for you to display your respect for your teacher.”
Young CEO Lu: “???”
“…” You helplessly held your forehead. Sure enough, when these guys are together, their ages when summed up do not exceed 12.
Ignoring the immature brats arguing behind you, you walked towards the elf restaurant, facing the sky helplessly as you sighed about the usefulness of Cheng Cheng’s suggestion. The NXX today was as harmonious as usual.
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enbyleighlines · 3 years
I’m unable to sleep because of a cold and I just watched episode 30 of the mo dao zu shi donghua so I’m just gonna share my thoughts
Firstly, it was super painful to watch the breakdown of the venerated triad relationship. I’m glad the donghua didn’t rush through it like they did with the Yi City Arc.
That said, I wish the donghua had kept Jin Guangyao’s motivations and feelings more ambiguous like they are in the novel. Like he doesn’t need to secretly do a little evil smile every time he does something bad? Not only is that out of character (Jiggy would never let his mask slip in public) but it also is just unnecessary. Let viewers come to their own conclusions about what he’s really feeling and thinking. That’s what his character is all about: he’s so good at acting and playing the part that even the reader never learns to what extent he feels remorse in the end.
As someone who has had a sibling who often lost their temper and threw a bunch of verbal abuse at me, the way Nie Mingjue treats Nie Huaisang is just really painful to watch. I recognize that Mingjue was being poisoned by the saber spirit, so I don’t place all the blame on him, but then again, my sibling was suffering from mental illness. It’s just an uncomfortable personal connection.
Lan Wangji’s moment where he’s like “I want to take a man to Gusu and hide him away.” Fucking painful every single time. Young Lan Wangji looks so fucking young and it breaks my heart.
I love that they included the moment where Mian Mian stands up for Wei Wuxian and gets laughed at by the men for it! Like obviously it sucks that it happened to her but it shows her strength and also the extreme prejudice that taints the cultivation world. And Lan Wangji saluting her for having the courage to speak up! *Chef’s kiss* If your fix-it au doesn’t include Lan Wangji and Mian Mian becoming badass bff’s, then is it really a fix-it at all?
Also, Mian Mian, congrats on being the last surviving female character. RIP Qin Su. I wish we had learned more about you.
Lan Wangji being present in the empathy flashbacks is a nice addition, I do love seeing the contrast between past wangxian dynamics and present wangxian dynamics being laid out so clearly.
Jiang Cheng trying to stand up for Wen Ning and Wen Qing was nice. I do not believe that happened in the novel. Maybe the donghua is hoping to add some yunmeng bro reconciliation to the end? I understand and respect the opinions of people who say that the idea of yunmeng bro reconciliation is unrealistic; however, the idea feeds my soul, and I want it, no matter how unrealistic.
Poor Jin Ling! I was a little upset at him the first time I learned he stabbed Wei Wuxian, but this time all I felt was immense compassion. Like, damn. He really was starting to trust and love this uncle he thought was irredeemable trash, only to learn that it was his other uncle, who Jin Ling thinks is responsible for the death of his parents, because that’s all he’s been told all his life. The donghua really showcased all of that in his expression, the hesitation, the confusion, the betrayal. It hurts even more because he earlier stood up for the man he thought was Mo Xuanyu. Poor baby. Jin Ling deserves the world.
Wei Wuxian’s smile when he tells Lan Wangji his reputation will be ruined forever and Lan Wangji just does not care?? It’s so great. It looks like Wei Wuxian had already expected that response, he’s just so happy and he trusts Lan Wangji so completely.
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