#ahhhh I actually finished writing a thing for once
yestrday · 1 year
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— TIE ME UP. yan! rich kid! childe x gn! mercenary! reader
your latest hit is a boy named ajax. the job's easy— kidnap him, bully him a bit, then send him back without any will to live. easy enough, it seems, but not everything will go the way you expect it.
( reader is not a good person; murder, mentions of torture; kidnapping; obsessive behavior, tying up, slight mentions of n/sfw, masochistic childe )
note. ahhhh im in a writing a slump so i decided to write the other part of anon's request to practice. idk if it's good enough, but childe will always be my go to whenever i want some disgusting yandere boy
you might like: childe's spiked drink
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it's nothing you haven't seen. someone wants someone dead and they would pay millions just to see that come true. you whistle when you open the case of green bills for the nth time this day and the sight makes you smile.
what a haul you've gotten. despite the dread that's been growing inside you since you took this job, the million worth of cash inside this single suitcase is enough for you to retire. maybe you'll finally take a break from all this gory business, find a nice plot of land where the police can't find you, and make a farm for yourself. that sounds nice.
determined to finally finish this once and for all, you slam the suitcase shut and chuck it into the back of your car, along with the squirming ginger screaming at you through his gags.
"it'll be all over soon, love," you croon, sporting a wicked smile. "jus' get some sleep in here, mmkay?"
with one last muffled scream of his, you slam the trunk on the poor man's shaking expression and rev the engine to life.
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"'ello there, babe," is the first thing the boy hears when he blinks his eyes awake. "good ting ya slept, hm? the road here was full of em potholes. not exactly pleasant for a passenger in the truck, right?"
it's a classic stereotype— that heavy country accent tinged with seduction and danger— even you're painfully aware of how cheesy your voice is. but it's what you were raised with, plus most of your victims dig the accent anyway, so might as well make use of it. the boy grimaces when the single fluorescent bulb swaying on the ceiling hits his sight, and he lets out a little grunt. 
"ajax childe. third son of the ceo of childe's toy corporation and now…" you plop yourself onto the wooden seat in front of him, nonchalantly waving the knife in front of his wide-eyed stare. "the target of some rich sod's hatred." you give him a lookover, from his ruffled ginger hair, his lean bod, down to his strong calves. clearly, he's been working out. you sigh in mock pity. "what the hell did ya do anyway? make off with someone's girl?" he's pretty enough to entertain the thought, and judging how flirtatious he acts in front of the paparazzi, that very well might be the case.
he protests against the gag once again, and you shake your head. "sorry, babe. not really in the mood to listen to sum brat scream." you tap your cheek as you contemplate on what to do with him. "hmm... they didn't actually want ya dead, if i'll be honest with ya. just bully ya a little till ya want yerself dead, y'feel? it's good to 'ave less blood on my hands, but hm, when i get commissions like these..." you cock your head, pondering over the countless victims you had over the last decade.
"they don't usually come out alive, yanno?"
another muffled scream through the gag, and you watch in boredom as he tries to wiggle his way out of his binds. clearly, however, it's futile when all he accomplishes is burn himself with the rope. well, what else was he expecting? you were a hired mercenary, he a mere ceo's son living a cushy life. there really was no challenge here.
but looking at him... you feel somewhat sympathetic. you have no respect for those high-class scum who like to hide behind fake smiles and faker compliments. but the kid in front of you was just some irresponsible young adult who just happened to be born into the elite, and well, if he wasn't the son of such a big corporation, he'd probably have gotten away with whatever he did. such was the consequence of having too many eyes on you. maybe it'd make you less worse of a human being if you let this kid air his grievances out.
you sigh, getting up from your spot. "alright, alright, i'll ungag you. just shut up already, jeez." he seems to jostle around less when you say that, and you swiftly untie the cloth to let him talk.
you already know what to expect— teary pleas, desperate bribes, maybe even some angry threats. all these are common in victims and more often than not are you forced to listen to all that shit before you decide to gag them again or just shoot them in the head. so you brace yourself for whatever agonizing scream they might have in store for you.
you grimace. here it comes.
"you're prettier than anything i've imagined..." he tilts his pretty face up, gazing at you with lovestruck eyes under the shine of the harsh light. your shock is mirrored in those loony eyes as his smile widens till it almost splits his face into two,
"...[your name]."
"what the fuck?!" instinctively, you recoil away from him, taking steps back while he continues to pin that heart-eyed stare on you. "what in the–?! how the fuck do you know me?!"
"oh, [your name], is there anything i don't know about you?" this... this freak sighs almost dreamily, and it makes you grimace by how slimy it is. "your name, your occupation (obviously), your favorite drinks, your... heh, three sizes!" he lets out a low giggle. "finally...! to finally see you right in front of my very eyes!"
you blanch. "three...?!" this cannot do. you are being outdone and outsmarted by some rich playboy. clearing your throat, you regain your composure and narrow your eyes at him in a glare (why... why is he shivering?!). "bluffs won't save you from your fate, childe."
you live a life in the shadows. leaving traces of yourself for people to find could spell to be your doom, and yet here was this kid claiming that he knew everything there is to you. it was a laughable attempt at a bluff, and he only caught you offguard by that disgusting grin of his. you're confident enough in your own abilities that you know that no one would be ever able to track you—
"[your name] [last name]. single father, three siblings, but they're all dead. you became a mercenary at age 16 and you go to your headquarters every weekend. you like the cafe at sixth avenue and you order the fourth thing on the menu almost every time." his grin widens when he sees the alarmed expression on your face. "should i tell you more?"
impossible. gritting your teeth, you pull him by his collar, almost tipping his chair over until you catch it with your knee. it... spreads his legs and pushes against his bulge, and you want to scrub yourself clean when you see his red blush and lip-bite. "how the fuck d'you know all that?" you snarl. you shake him. "tell me!"
"because i love you," he says, almost breathless. he looks at you with eyes so full of devotion and obsession that you might believe him. "there's not a single piece of you that i don't love."
you pull your lip back. "you're fuckin' disgusting."
"ah, but!" he wiggles in his chair, his clothes straining against the binds. "you're the one who tied me up like this! all vulnerable and ready for you to torture, right?"
you can't believe this man. "that's how kidnappings go, you idiot!" unable to hold on to this weirdo any longer, you let go of him and he and the chair he's tied to collapse to the floor. it's a nasty fall, but you're too busy rubbing your hands together in some attempt to rid yourself of the germs he may have transferred over to you.
the gasp of delight when he hits the floor grates like metal against your ear, and he squirms when you look down at him with such hate and disgust in those pretty eyes of yours. "is it starting? are you gonna torture me now?" your eyes flit to the array of tools you laid out on the counter, but now you feel reluctant to dirty this man's blood with the tools you painstakingly polished to shine. "ah~ ♡ i wonder what you're gonna do to me! are you gonna cut me up and leave me to bleed? tie me up till it hurts to breathe? ah, [your name] ♡" he calls your name with ecstasy. "i'm so excited to see what you'll do!"
with your back turned towards him and facing the tools, you don't grace him with a reply. instead, you bite your lip, panicked and pale expression reflected in the cold reflection of a knife.
'why me?!' your thoughts scream. 'i've never met this man in my life before!'
'how am i supposed to break someone who's gone too fucking far?!'
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he continues to smile at your back, watching as you contemplate which torture device you'll bless him with for that night.
'so, so cute!' you're shorter than him, but somehow the thought of you dominating him and spilling his blood makes his jeans tighter. 'they're gonna make me go through sooo much pain, i can feel it! they'll have the power to kill me. they might kill me!'
just like that man you shot in that alleyway, eyes staring blankly at the mess of guts and brain splattered against the wall. there was no remorse in your eyes as you wipe the blood off your cheek with the back of your hand. no remorse as you stuff that body into a bag and make a mess all over yourself.
he remembers it clearly. your skintight black bodysuit, how the blood seemed to match your soulless eyes, the peek of tongue as you licked the blood from your thumb— he remembers it all too well.
how could he not, when he had his back pressed to the wall, out of your sight, hand clamped to suppress his noises. not a terrified scream, mind you. but his heavy breaths as he continued to observe you from a distance.
better than an angel. more divine than an angel. you were the reaper itself, stained in blood and black.
and his obsession with that reaper grew, as you revved off with your motorcycle with the corpse in tow, and he lay in the alley shadows with a hand in his jeans and blood at his feet.
if you had looked closely beneath all the money, maybe you'd see one damning clue that would tell you that this commission was a bad idea. a clue stitched at the bottom of the suit, fancy lettering showcasing initials in cursive:
ajax childe's grin grows wider when he sees you finally settle on a tool. even when bound up and knocked to the floor, those hungry eyes and crazed grin seem to make him more of a predator than the you holding a knife.
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The Man Downstairs Status Report -
July 10 2024
It's ahhhh been a while. Thanks so much to everyone who has been patient with this! How are you all doing?
So, first off, the actual status:
It's alive! ALIVE! I will have a chapter ready to post this Saturday evening! Finally! I can't say how often updates will happen but I do still want to finish this so even if it takes a while, I'm gonna get there!
Why it took so long (and some photos, some with cats and plants) - under the read more...
The reason related to the writing itself is that something was wrong in the story/tone and I knew it but couldn't figure out what it was. Recently, I had a breakthrough and have been rewriting everything that didn't feel right. Also, there was a scene that just didn't fit quite yet as much as I wanted it to so I took that out for now. We'll see what happens with it in the future.
One main non-writing reasons is cats! So many cats! I mentioned finding kittens back in this post and they have a home now... With me XD. (Except one who some acquaintances adopted so now I have nine instead of ten). In order to keep them, I needed to screen in part of my carport to give all of my kitties more space.
Building it was the easy part thanks to a friend. Getting the permit was the worst. But it's done and it's beautiful now! And most of the kitties tolerate each other now thanks to it! (Six of them are here):
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Also, I've been putting in a lot of work on the gardens, especially the front one.
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And after:
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The dune sunflowers at the front will eventually fill the whole strip and the mulched areas that look a bit barren will fill in as the bushes grow and the wildflowers and ground cover fills in. As an example, here's the side garden when I first planted everything (with rain to illustrate that it also acts as drainage/a retention pond):
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And here it is after two years of filling in:
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And it's still not even near where it will be in the future!
And here's what the back yard looked like before:
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And what it looks like now (yes it looks a bit hairy at the moment because it's in a stage where I'm letting things figure themselves out for a bit and once they're settled, I'll straighten it out more):
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Aside from garden work, I also took driving lessons for a second time and actually managed to get my license this time (past all of my overwhelm and shut down associated with driving.)
Also, I was on ADHD meds but didn't like the side effects of not getting restful sleep and constantly having a stupidly high heart rate so I talked to my doctors, stopped taking it, and switched to a supplement program that helps balance things (cortisol, gaba, dopamine etc). It's not an immediately effective solution but it has been improving things over time and doesn't have the side-effects. Otherwise, I've been working on finding other coping mechanisms as well as trying to get meaningful rest to recover from burnout. It is getting better. Being able to write again is a good sign of that. Focus is still iffy a lot but it's improving. (I've been playing a lot of Palia and Stardew Valley lately XD)
So yeah. here's hoping for better things ahead for all of us!
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xxresi-rotxx · 2 years
Jealousy- Leon Kennedy Part 1 (NSFW)
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Ahhhh cannot believe I’m writing smut again...oddly feels right XD
Either way enjoy whatever this is! I will most likely not stick to any sort of timeline or actually events from the games so if you’re thinking “that’s not right” you are probably correct lmao, I really only have one objective... ;)
Part 2-
Summary: You’ve been waiting months for Leon to finally come home from his most recent mission but when he does it seems he’s still preoccupied with tying up loose ends. Luckily for you, Chris knows exactly how to change that. 
Warnings: Nothing too nsfw in this part, tipsy reader, jealous Leon, no smut yet but everything is fully consented in all of my writings so keep that in mind. Alcohol, spanking, dom!Leon
1285 Words
One week. In hindsight, one week wasn’t all that long considering what your boyfriend did for work, but it still irked you relentlessly. Leon had been home for one week since his most previous mission with the DSO but it seemed his mind was elsewhere. The first night he returned was wonderful. Intimate and warm, almost as if the two of you had to remind each other who you were. 
You can’t help but smile at the memory of showering with him that night. Being so close again, relishing in each other's embrace under the hot water; the steam making it slightly harder to breathe. As much as you loved the reunion, that’s where it ended. You didn’t think much of it, nor did you blame him. You knew he must have been exhausted from traveling & truth be told being back in his arms was more than enough. 
At least it was a week ago. Now you found yourself sitting at the local bar, across from Chris Redfield, while you watched in slight annoyance as your boyfriend hounded Chris’s sister Claire for the information she gathered following the events after Leon’s mission. 
Chris took notice of how you couldn’t keep your eyes off of Leon & laughed before taking another swig of his beer. 
“You know, when you came to sit with me I figured we’d at least have a conversation. If you wanted to keep staring, you could have done so back when you were sitting next to him you know.” Chris said as he eyed you from behind his beer with a smug smirk on his face. 
Your attention now on Chris, you rolled your eyes before taking a sip from your drink. “Ugh, I know I know. I just- I’m trying to figure out if I’m being a bad girlfriend or not.” You said before downing the rest of your beer thinking somehow that would help your decision. 
“You a bad girlfriend? Doubtful.” Chris scoffed “You know what we all do for a living and you put up with more shit than I assume most women would. We’ve only been back for a week, I thought it would have taken Leon longer than that to fuck things up.” 
You gazed at Chris utterly confused now and realizing maybe you shouldn’t have had as many beers as you did, because everything was starting to feel warmer, and you could feel your filter slowly slipping away. 
“What? No he didn’t do anything. Well actually that’s the problem.” You slid your hands down your face sighing before putting them on the counter of the bar & staring directly at Chris. “I understand what you all do is beyond important, but I though you invited everyone out tonight to take their minds off of it. Leon hasn’t let Claire have a break since the moment we got in here. Pretty sure he’s been too busy interrogating her to even finish his first beer!” And with that you plopped your head down onto the bar and enjoyed the cool feel of the counter hitting your cheek. 
“Ah” Chris sighed before finishing what had to be his fourth beer. “That’s why you want to know if you’re the bad girlfriend...because he’s been too distracted by work, and you feel guilty about being upset about it yeah?” 
You nodded your head as best you could while keeping it on the surface of the counter. 
“You know, he’s a pretty easy guy to read once you know him well enough.”
This piqued your interest and had you lifting your head to ask Chris what he meant. Before you could, Chris leaned in close; moving your hair from the side of your face and leaning in close enough to whisper in your ear. 
“Bet he’s looking right now, am I right?”
You glanced up from where your eyes had previously been a moment ago and made direct eye contact with Leon, who had his eyes trained not on Chris but on you. You couldn’t help the nervous rush that flooded your system as a result of him looking at you like that. You tore your eyes from your boyfriend’s gaze long enough to look back at Chris who had resumed his prior position sitting slouched at the bar. Chris glanced at you from his seat before smirking and ordering another beer for himself & for you. 
“Bet you’ve got his full attention now.” 
It was taking everything in you to process what had just happened. Was Leon jealous? Is that what his reaction was? ‘Surely not’ you though to yourself, Leon trusted Chris and Claire with his life. There’s no way that little action would catch his attention. Maybe it was just good timing. But as you drew your eyes back up to glance in his direction you realized his eyes were still trained on you. Feeling beyond intimidated you broke the eye contact immediately and brought it instead to the beer now sitting in front of you. 
“Gahh Chris, what did you do?!” You couldn’t help but sink lower into your seat, feeling like a child caught doing something wrong, and Leon’s stare did nothing but intimidate you. You stopped yourself mid sip when you thought ‘why did that intimidate me? Like I did anything wrong’. You let the thought go assuming the alcohol was just fucking with your mind at this point, until you noticed Leon leaving the booth and walking your way. The only other discernable thing being Chris’s laugh that quickly faded as Leon got closer. 
“Redfield” Leon said while grabbing Chris’s shoulder, “mind if I steal my girl away for a bit?” He said as his gaze brought its way back to you.
“Not at all, but she did just start another drink with me-”
Before Chris could finish his sentence Leon had your beer in hand and was making quick work of it. 
“Thanks” he said to Chris while holding a smirk “we’ll be back later.”
He held his hand out for you to take, which giving the events leading up to this, seemed rather sweet. That was until you must have taken too long to reach for his hand and your whole world flipped. The next thing you knew Leon was hauling you out of the bar over his shoulder. When you looked up you saw Chris mouthing the words “fixed it” before winking and getting up to go sit beside his sister. 
“Leo-” you started and abruptly stopped as his hand connected with your rear. You squealed, not out of pain, but surprise. You’d never noticed a jealous side of Leon, how in the world had Chris?!
“Please wait until we get to the car, I’m slowly losing my self-control and would really like to not make as scene in the parking lot.”
A few more strides and Leon was at his Jeep, his firm arm setting you down in front of the back passenger door. As he opened it, you looked up at him in disbelief. 
“I have to ride in the back?”
“No, you just have to get in.” Leon was slowly losing his patience but couldn’t deny how cute you were when you got tipsy. Realizing you might not catch on; he maneuvered you into the back before getting in himself & shutting the door. 
Laying down in the backseat of his Jeep, you looked up to Leon who was now straddling your hips; or trying his best given the limited amount of space you two had. 
Leon held your hands before pinning them above your head and lowering his mouth so that it was hovering above yours. 
“Now” he breathed ghosting his lips over yours “where to begin?”
Ahhhh okay I actually liked how this turned out more than I thought I would! Part 2 to come very very soon! Please be nice & leave me your thoughts!! 
Thanks:) xoxo -Kitty
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
call sign: tennessee whiskey | rooster x fem!reader & hangman x phoenix | chapter eight
summary: you and bradley spend three days in encinitas on your proverbial honeymoon and make a big decision about your relationship.
warnings: smut, fluff, minor angst, suggestive language, swearing, mentions of death, military & aircraft carrier inaccuracies, second person pov
wc: 4.8k
listen to: the playlist
a/n: this is an exclusively rooster x whiskey chapter and gets a little smutty. this is the second to last part, so next chapter i'll wrap up the rom-com of these four. i'm going back to work and very much want to finish this nine chapter adventure before i do. however, i AM planning on writing a more extended oneshot that catches up with these guys a year and a half later so i'm definitely not done with these four.
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chapter seven | masterlist | chapter nine
“Look at us! We’re almost normal,” you comment, optimistically as you breathe in the bright California air. Sometimes, when you’re on leave, you can almost trick yourself into believing you’re a civilian. “No one would know by looking at us that you just saved the world!” 
“And almost died trying,” Bradley grumbles as a reminder the job you share is rarely ever that glamorous. 
Bradley holds your hand in his as the two of you walk along the beach. The drive up hadn’t been long, but you’d been eager to go for a walk after arriving. Once you’d arrived, Bradley had barely been able to put his seabag down before you’d practically tugged him outside across onto deck, past the gorgeous private pool, and off to the beach.
“That’s what I mean! We’re not aviators this weekend. We’re not facing near-death today! We’re just… two normal people who don’t have to worry about deployments or fighter jets or top secret missions funded and backed by the pentagon,” you continue, celebrating the freedom you’re leaning into on this particular leave. 
“Probably shouldn’t say that too loudly,” Bradley coughs, scanning the beach for any curious listeners. 
“Ahhhh yes, you’re right,” you mumble, lowering your voice. 
“But I like where this is going. We’re just… Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” Bradley chimes in, playing along with you. “You know… the boring ones. Not like... the spy assassin ones.”
“Right, right. Because there’s a fine line, Bradshaw,” you fire back. 
He laughs in response with a shake of his head, his eyes full of endearment towards you. 
“Okay so… how’d we meet?” you ask, turning to steal a glance Bradley’s way. 
“How does anyone meet these days?! On an app?” he answers, in his best well-duh tone of voice. 
“No!” you cry out, giving his arm a little shake. He laughs again, giving your hand a squeeze in return. God, no one’s made him laugh this much in a long time. He shoots you a quizzical look as you clarify with, “C’mon! There’s no romance in that! No, we uh… we definitely had a meet-cute.”
“Who knew you were such a romantic, Mrs. Smith,” Bradley chuckles as he teases you, giving your hand another squeeze. 
“Okay then. Tell me more about this meet-cute.”
“Okay hmmmm… so you’re…” you trail off, before letting the silliest, furthest away from reality thing tumble out of your mouth. “... a yoga instructor.”
“What?!” he yelps, his eyes widening at the ridiculous sentiment. 
“And I'm… a chef who’s just recently moved to San Diego to open up yet another fusion restaurant gentrifying small surf towns across the nation,” you continue, making sure your faux-job feels just as silly as his does. 
“Wait. Why am I the yoga instructor!? I can’t even touch my toes,” he backtracks, alarmingly. 
You laugh, “Because it’s funny! And maybe the furthest thing away from what we actually do.”
“Okay fine. I’m a yoga instructor,” he grumbles, resigning himself to his new pretend-occupation. “But I’m not growing out a man bun.”
“No, the mustache alone gives you enough street-cred. Or rather, hipster-cred, if you will,” you reply, playfully. 
“You like the mustache,” he shoots back. 
“Oh, I definitely like the mustache,” you smirk. “In fact, that’s how we met. I spotted that mustache across the room in a coffee shop, made sure to let you know that, even though they don’t really do it for me, yours was pretty cool, which of course led you to inviting me to the yoga studio that you own.” 
“Which was just an excuse to see you again,” Bradley adds, playing along. 
“Exactly,” you giggle, as the story continues to grow more and more ridiculous. “… And well, you know what they say! The rest was history.”
“You are so silly,” Bradley chuckles, releasing your hand as he wraps an arm around your shoulders instead. 
“Gotta keep you on your toes, Bradshaw,” you giggle, your sliding around his waist. “Oh! That reminds me. We need to go to the grocery store.”
“I thought you said we could stay in bed all weekend,” Bradley challenges, his tone light. 
“Fuel,” you shrug, coquettishly.  
“Besides, I’m cooking you dinner tonight.”
“Well, you are the chef between the two of us.”
“Now, you’re catching on.”
It’s later that night that Bradley learns that while you gave him the job furthest away from reality, the possibility of you being a chef was a lot more probable. He watches you create a lemon-scented pan sauce, his mind wandering back to earlier when he’d been surprised by your knife skills. 
“Holy shit! You really cook?!” he practically exclaims in the middle of the state-of-the-art home kitchen you’re occupying all weekend.
“Guilty,” you answer, as if it’s some kind of confession. “If I hadn’t gotten into the Naval Academy, I was going to go to culinary school. Just one psycho thing for the next.”
You coat the back of a spoon so that you can taste the sauce for seasoning:
Salt levels are good. Shallots are perfectly caramelized. Capers add the right amount of tang to it. 
You scoop up another pool of the liquid in the spoon once more, offering it to Bradley. 
“Come try this,” you say. “It’s a lemon chicken piccata. I think you’ll really like it.” You hold the spoon up to his lips, watching as Bradley tastes the lemon butter pan sauce. 
As soon as the sauce hits his tongue, you watch as he closes his eyes, in total disbelief. 
“Holy shit. This is un-fucking-real, honey,” he says, the term of endearment making you blush a little. 
“Thank you,” you smile, leaning in to place a kiss on his lips. 
As you pull away, he pulls you back for another kiss before murmuring against your lips, “Though I think I like it better on you.”
Holy shit, is that hot. 
As Bradley releases you, it’s almost as if you’ve forgotten to breathe. Your head feels light and you have to remind yourself to take a deep breath. 
“I won’t distract you any longer. Sooner we finish up dinner, the sooner I get you naked,” he coos, his hands dragging across your hips as he pulls away. 
Jeez, this man is perfect, you think to yourself. 
What the hell were you getting yourself into?
As you sit down to dinner with your lemon chicken piccata and a funky orange wine, you learn that Bradley can’t cook to save his life. You can’t believe that after two and a half weeks of the craziest of training, you’ve managed to find yourself on your proverbial honeymoon with a guy you’re quite sure is perfect. Sure, he’s got enough baggage to sink the USS Roosevelt, but you’re not sure you mind. He is, after all, who he is because of it. 
He finishes telling you another story from his days at UVA and you’re caught in a fit of giggles as you watch how animated he gets as tells you about his college-day shenanigans. 
“What?” he asks you, seeing the look on your face. 
You know you probably look like you’ve got goddamn hearts for pupils at this point, so your answer is simple:
“The more I learn about you, the more I like you, Bradshaw.”
He blushes.
“I really like you too, Whiskey.”
Saturday morning: 
Rooster Bradshaw thinks he’s died and gone to heaven. 
It doesn’t feel real. 
As you stand there in the middle of the kitchen, clad only in his NAVY tee, it’s as if the domestic bliss he’s always craved is right in front of him. 
This is all he’s ever wanted. 
Bradley’s frozen for a second, paused in a moment in time. Ever since his mother died, there’s been a hole in his heart he’s never been able to fill – not with girlfriends, not with work, not even with himself. It’s this hole in his heart that yearns for a family – that allows himself to be taken care of, to be cherished, to be loved. But he can feel something, this feeling, swelling in his chest as he watches you make breakfast in the way-too-fancy home kitchen after knowing you for barely three weeks. 
Now that he’s proven himself in the Navy, maybe he could begin healing his relationship with Mav. He could let himself open up to you. Maybe the part of his healing he’s been missing… is letting himself be loved. 
He’s not sure how long he’s been standing there, but he figures it’s been long enough as you turn back around to him, sending him a curious look. 
“Good morning, handsome. Coffee?” you greet him, with the sweetest smile he thinks he’s ever seen in his life. 
And damn, he loves the way you look in his t-shirt. 
“That would be great,” he answers, a lovestruck grin plastered to his face.
You hear the sounds of his footsteps before you feel his hands on your hips, pulling you in close to him from behind. You giggle, turning your head for a good morning kiss. Bradley’s lips are soft – a stark contrast from the rough texture of his mustache – earning another giggle from you. 
You nod towards the french press on the counter that holds the coffee you’ve just made. There’s a second mug resting on the table that you pulled from the cabinets for him. He likes that you thought of him – thought to do that. He likes being thought of. 
“How’d you sleep?” you ask, plating up two plates of eggs, bacon, sliced avocado, and a mix of berries you’d purchased yesterday. 
“Great. How about you?” Bradley answers, a soft smile on his face as he watches you. 
You wrap a hand around the edge of the plate while your other hand carries your coffee cup. 
“Wonderfully. Why don’t you grab a fork and meet me out by the pool?” you tempt him, sending a wink his way before disappearing, heading towards the sliding glass doors that lead to the deck. 
Instead of following suit, Bradley watches, taking this all in. He takes a few steps so that he can see you through the glass door. You sit down with your copy of today’s paper, while you snack on a few strawberries before picking up your fork to eat your soft scrambled eggs. Bradley swears under his breath, still in disbelief that this is real, before fixing his cup of coffee and taking his plate outside to join you. 
“You know… I know we have the same one… but I think I like mine better on you,” Rooster says, taking a seat on the lounge chair next to the one you’ve posted up on. 
You can practically feel your heart speed up, as you watch Bradley pop a strawberry into his mouth. 
“Listen. I’m just relieved you own something other than the Hawaiian shirts,” you admit, a cheeky smile on your face. 
“What’s wrong with my Hawaiian shirts?” he teases you with a wink. 
“Absolutely nothing. But… it’s not like I can bring you as a wedding date in a printed shirt and jorts,” you tease him back, playfully.
 As much as he likes to banter with you, he’s more focused on the fact that you’re thinking of ahead – thinking of the future with him. 
“How do you feel about eventually making our way out to the beach today?” you propose, continuing with your breakfast. 
“If we make it out… yeah,” Bradley replies, suggestively. 
You smirk, “Well in that case, finish your breakfast. You’ll need the energy.”
You enjoy the poolside breakfast with him, handing him the sports section of the newspaper so that he can check out some of the baseball stats. You swap: the arts section for the sports section when he mentions maybe seeing if there’s a show you both could go to – making plans that you most likely won’t make anyways. 
After breakfast, you pull Rooster’s NAVY shirt over your head, revealing your barely-covers-anything bikini you put on earlier. 
“You wanna-?” you start asking, with every intention of getting in the pool. 
“Oh, I don’t think so,” he says, grabbing your hand. 
Before you know it, Rooster’s thrown his empty breakfast plate on the small end table between both lounge chairs, pulling you back towards him. You follow, more than eager to explore exactly where this is going. As he pulls you down on top of him, you sit over his hips, just to feel how excited he’s gotten from seeing you in your bikini. 
“You are such a tease,” he growls, bucking his hips up into you. 
“I think you like it,” you smirk, leaning down to ghost your lips over his. 
“Uh huh,” he answers, and you can feel his breath on your lips. 
“Already, Roos?” you ask him, a devilish smile on your face as you grind your hips against him. 
He hisses, pushing his hips up again as he answers, “Baby, you’ve had me this hard all weekend.”
You giggle, your lips finally meeting his, your tongues easily tangling together as your lips move in perfect time. 
“I like these,” he says, his fingers dancing over your hips as works to untie your bikini bottoms. 
“Yeah?” you ask, your eyes filled with lust. 
“Yeah,” he answers, untying one side completely. 
Rooster sits up, flipping you over so that you’re now laying back against the lounge chair, earning something between a gasp and a laugh from you. Eagerly, he pulls your bikini bottoms off, tossing them somewhere on the deck as he covers your body with his in this new position. 
“Rooster,” you moan, his mouth moving lower. 
His lips and tongue are everywhere: your shoulders, your breasts, and rapidly making their way down your abdomen. 
His hands pull your legs apart to make room for his shoulders as he watches you with a fire in his eyes. You know exactly where this is going, waiting impatiently for him to touch you. Bradley licks a broad stripe up your already wet heat, his tongue stopping to move around your clit as you throw your head back, his name on your lips. 
“God, you taste so good, sweetheart.”
You close your eyes, the hot sun kissing the both of you as he eats you out, right on the freaking pool lounge chair. He works at your clit, tracing little shapes around it as you moan his name, trying to remind yourself not to be too loud since your friends do have neighbors. As his tongue moves further down, his mustache bumping up against your most sensitive spots, your hands move straight into his brunette waves, bucking your hips up against his face. 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” you cry as you feel him begin fucking you with his tongue. “You’re so fucking good at this.”
You feel him smile against you, your words having unleashed something within him. From here forward, Rooster is relentless. He’s holding your hips down, pulling all kinds of sounds from your body as he continues to bring you heavenly pleasure with his tongue and his fingers. 
“Fuck!” you cry, feeling that tight feeling in your abdomen as he pulls his fingers in and out of you. 
“You gonna cum for me again?” 
“Yes. God, yes. I’m so close!”
And it’s all he needs to hear to do whatever it takes to get you to cum, pulling you past the point of pleasure you thought you could feel. You come with a strangle moan, and before you know it, Bradley’s folding his body over yours once again. He presses his lips against yours and you can taste yourself on him, earning a moan from him as you kiss him with desperation. 
“I hope your friends don’t have cameras out here,” he chuckles, in between kisses. 
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” you tease. 
“Jeez, sweetheart. If that’s what you’re into….”
You were going to be the death of him. 
And, he decides, what a lovely way to go.
“Bradley!” you gasp, feeling that all-too-familiar tightening in your abdomen, as Bradley winds you up.
“You gonna cum?” he grits out, his hips driving into at a rapid pace. “Go ahead. Let go for me, baby.”
“Yesyesyes,” you’re practically chanting as you feel him so, so deep inside of you. 
“Fuck, Bradley. I’m gonna-,” you pant, and he groans, feeling you squeezing around him. “Please make me cum.”
“God, I love it when you beg me. Shit. Holy shit, baby. Fuck,” Bradley grunts out, his face buried in the crevice of your neck. He whines your name so sweetly as he releases, finally stilling the motion of his hips. 
Bradley lifts his head, still inside of you as he leans down to press a passionate kiss to your lips. 
“Holy shit. How is it possible that it just keeps getting better and better?” you sigh, your back hitting the sheets as you catch your breath. 
“I don’t know but… if we get any better at it I might go into cardiac arrest,” he jokes, earning a laugh from you. 
“No!!” you cry out, dramatically.
The two of you settle into a quiet intimacy, as you turn over onto your side, wrapping yourself up in the sheets. Bradley notices a shift in you, but remains on his back as you prop your head up on your hand. 
“I want to be with you,” you blurt out, causing Rooster to turn his head in your direction. 
He can’t even hide the smile on his face as he hears your words. 
“I want to be with you too, Whiskey,” he grins, his eyes as soft as the morning light. 
“Oh thank god!” you say, letting out a sigh of relief, eliciting the most amused look from Bradley. But you pause, and he can tell that you’ve got something else on your mind as you continue with, “I just-, I guess I’m just wondering if-. Do you… think we’re moving too fast?”
“What do you mean?” he asks, curiously, rolling over onto his side so that he can match your body language with his own. 
“I don’t know…” you hesitate with an ambivalent shrug. “We haven’t known each other for that long. Is it… totally wild to feel this way about someone after only three weeks?”
Bradley takes a beat, his chocolate brown eyes warm and filled with confidence. 
“Maybe. But stranger things have happened and… Whiskey, I-. I think I’ve been waiting to meet you for a long time,” Bradley answers genuinely. 
“I think so too. Is that crazy?” you reply softly. 
“If it is, then at least we’re both in it together,” he reassures you, pulling you over to him so that you can cuddle.
“What do you want to do today?” you ask him, shifting a little to something more lighthearted. 
Like you’d predicted, despite every intention of doing so, neither of you had made it out of the house this weekend aside from the occasional beach walk and for dinner last night in Leucadia. Not that you were complaining. The hot non-stop sex-a-thon and staying up to talk till the early hours of the morning were absolutely heaven… but you knew at some point you’d both have to resurface. 
“I think I might go for a run,” Bradley replies, as if it’s the most casual thing in the world. 
“You haven’t gotten enough cardio?!” you practically shriek in surprise. 
He chuckles, “Can’t take too many days off or I’ll lose my stamina, honey. Wanna come with?”
“Hmmm… I think I may just stay here… take a shower. Unlike you… I’m not a psychopath,” you joke. 
He laughs, “Okay, okay. Then how about when I get back, I’ll take you out to breakfast and we can go from there.”
“Sounds perfect,” you agree with a totally lovestruck smile. 
After a few more kisses, Bradley manages to unwillingly pry himself out of bed to get ready for his morning run. He’s right. You both have to return to reality at some point, and it’s not a bad idea to try to work in some of your routine before you’re back on base. You might’ve even agreed to go on a run with him, but selfishly, you’d like the alone time because you have to call Nat. 
Once Bradley is out of the house, you slip a t-shirt left on the floor from the night before, hurrying into the master bathroom. You quickly FaceTime Natasha, praying that she picks up, considering this is the first time you’ve had a moment to call. 
“Hey! Didn’t think I’d be hearing from you till you got back,” Nat says as soon as she answers the call. 
“Oh my God, Nat. I am in love with this man,” you say, incredulously. 
“Are you talking about Rooster?” she asks.
“Yes, of course I’m talking about Rooster!” you exclaim, with a laugh. 
“Jeez, Whiskey. How much sex are you guys having?!” she teases, raising an eyebrow at you. 
“You… don’t want to know the answer to that,” you answer honestly. 
“You’re right,” she nods, her voice dropping. “I don’t. I guess I don’t even need to ask how it’s going then.”
“So well. Too well. I-, we told each other that we want to give this a shot. A relationship,” you fill her in. 
“Holy shit.”
“I know.”
“I mean... Whiskey, I think he’s ready to settle down with someone and… that’s why I wanted to introduce the two of you so badly. Don’t overthink it. Chalk it up to good timing,” she advises. 
“Okay yes, but do you think this is too fast?” you ask, nervously. 
“It’s… fast, sure. But it’s not like you’re getting married or anything,” she reassures you, before pausing. “You’re-... not getting married-.”
“Of course not!” you interrupt her, rolling your eyes playfully. 
“You know what the proverbial they say: when you know you know,” Nat adds, trying her best to offer up a little more reassurance. 
“Yeah, I guess I’m just trying to check in with myself. Make sure we’re being realistic, you know?” you vent. Truthfully, your hesitations have nothing to do with Rooster and everything to do with the fact that you haven’t chosen the best partners in the best. But Rooster? He’s near-perfect. 
“Have you told him about your deployment yet?” Nat asks you. 
You shake your head, “Not yet. I didn’t want it to be another thing to raise the stakes, you know? But I’m… I’m kind of nervous to.”
“Rooster knows how this goes. He’ll be fine,” she replies. 
You nod slowly, “How are things going on your end?”
“Uh… good. Just waiting for you guys to get back before I head back up to LA,” Nat replies with the most casual tone in her voice. You eye her suspiciously, knowing that that can’t just be it. 
“And Jake?” you ask, curiously. 
“What about Jake?” she asks back, earning a funny look from you. 
Okay, Trace. 
If she needs it spelled out, that’s exactly what you’ll do. 
“Have you guys talked or are the two of you still just fucking each others’ brains out?” you rephrase, putting it bluntly. 
Natasha rolls her at eyes at your crass comment before answering, “More so the latter,”
“Got it.”
You take a beat, not wanting to overstep, but then again this is the woman that quite literally parent-trapped you and Rooster. 
“It would be okay, Nat… if you had feelings for him,” you begin, cautiously. 
“Whiskey, I don’t-,” but she can’t finish the sentence. She knows she can’t finish that sentence because it would be a lie. And when has she ever been able to bullshit you? If anything, you’re the person who knows both her and Jake the best. 
She takes a beat before opening her mouth to say something else, “I don’t know if I’m ready. For that.”
You nod slowly, “And that’s okay too. You’re just gonna have to tell him.”
“Yeah, I know,” she sighs, dissatisfied with the resolution she’s come to. She changes the subject and you talk about a few other things. Who else is going on the next deployment from the Dagger Squad. Having lunch solo with Halo. That Maverick and Penny seemed to be a thing.
“Hey uh… I gotta run but, we’ll talk. When you’re back,” Natasha says, as she realizes what time it is.
“Yeah of course,” you agree.
“Okay. I’ll see you soon,” she smiles, signing off. 
“Bye, Nat.”
You take a breath after hanging up the phone with Nat. Maybe you wish that she and Jake could just figure it out, but you also know that they’re not exactly those people. They’re actually the most stubborn people you know. You run the shower for a minute or so, waiting for it to come up to temp before stepping in, letting the water help you think through things. 
You and Bradley were different. Both of you were looking for something – a relationship – and had found a connection with each other that felt good. It felt right to be with him, even if the idea of falling in love with him terrified you – even if it felt like the two of you were on the fast track. But Jake and Natasha? You’ve always felt like they were more similar than either of them would admit. They’d have to really want it, really want to be together to make it work, and it doesn’t seem like either of them are there yet. 
You finish up your shower, enjoying a little you-time before Bradley gets back. You haven’t exactly had that much since you got here, but you know you’ll have plenty when you return to Lemoore. After shutting off the water and drying your hair as best as you can with just the towel, you wrap a second towel around your body before heading back into the bedroom. 
Only, you see something you’re not expecting – something you weren’t quite ready for. 
“Bradley…” is all that comes out of your mouth as you see him. 
He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, tanned skin glistening from his run while he holds loose papers in his hands. 
Those papers. 
Your papers. 
“Why didn't you tell me?” he asks, looking up from your deployment papers. 
“Bradley. I’m sorry,” you repeat, your voice shaking a little. 
You take a few steps towards him, stopping so that you can sit next to him on the edge of the bed. 
“I don't know…” you answer, honestly. “I guess I just thought-. We've clouded our judgment with hot sex all weekend….” You laugh nervously. “... and all of this has just been so intense – between the mission, and you almost dying, and… – I didn’t want my deployment to change the outcome of this weekend.”
You wait for him to answer, and you can see the gears turning in his head as he listens to you. You’re right. The parameters of the mission, your hookup, all of it has been so high stakes. He’d be a fool to deny it. But it doesn’t change how crazy he is about you. He thinks he’d feel this crazy about you if he met you in the supermarket, not in training for a suicide mission. 
“I understand,” he says, his voice low as he turns to you. “But I wish you had told me.”
“Would it have changed anything for you?” you ask, stealing a glance his way. 
“No,” he reassures you, his voice softening. He slips an arm around your bare shoulders, his thumb rubbing soothing circles against your skin. “I just-, I don’t know. I guess I thought we’d have more time before we had to deal with… all of this.”
You nod, “I know. I should’ve told you earlier.”
“You still want to do this?” you ask again, with a nervous flutter in the bottom of your belly. 
“Yeah, of course,” he admits with a smile. “But it’s not going to be easy and… I guess… these papers just reminded me of that.”
You turn your body towards him so that you’re facing him, no longer sitting side by side. Bradley runs his fingers through your wet locks, eventually moving to cup your face. There’s a sadness in his eyes and you can see that the reality of your jobs has set in. 
“I kinda wish I was still a yoga instructor and you were some hot shot chef,” he chuckles, trying his best to make light of the situation.
“Me too,” you agree. “It’ll only be a month. And… then maybe once Cyclone has all the data he needs… they’ll make our detachment official. We-... won’t have to be apart.”
Bradley nods, “Yeah. We’re gonna figure this out together, sweetheart. I know it.”
You smile in response. How is this man real?
“How can you be sure?” you ask him, hopefully. 
“I can just feel it,” he replies, leaning in to kiss you. He touches his lips to yours before pulling back to ask, “What would you say to getting back in the shower?”
You smirk, “Lead the way, handsome.”
read: chapter nine
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1800nosleep · 1 year
all of my characters I write for + my ocs !!
pt two
warnings;; gn! reader, age of reader will depend on character, high school/ college student! reader, fluff, slight angst, cig smoking, underage drinking mention, maude isn't dating vin in this scenario, but they live together for rent purposes,
(a/n) since it's back-to-school season, I'm terrified for anyone and everyone in school, so have this as a soft reminder that school is coming or is already here !!
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nuh uh, do not ask him for help
he is so unhelpful, he is too similar to david (tlb) in the way that he will distract you and bother you
he is begging you to stop studying because he is bored
"please y/n, I'm so bored!" "please!"
anyways, if you can force him to help you, he will try to help you but he will fail successfully
just ask him to read you your study notes or your fact cards, and he will read them but in the most monotone ass voice possible
he'll stop helping you, just to invite johnny over to help you, that way dallas can go fuck around
what did I tell you, useless as fuck over here
honestly its a shocker if you actually learn anything from him because of his unwillingness to help you and his monotone as voice
"y/n this is so stupid, why are you studying" "dal, i have a huge test soon, stop complaining and help me."
constant begging and pleading for you to quit studying will leave his mouth so you've got two options
tell him to fuck off and leave or attempt to study with him around, your choice
since dallas isn't in school, he doesn't study, and he never studied while he was in school
in conclusion, do not go to him to help you study, you'd have a better time going to darry, pony or sodapop. he will distract and bother you the entire time.
he is a blessing, out of everyone in this part of my hcs
like he will make sure, that you will pass whatever class or exam you have
you and him can have study sessions where you help each other
so go down to the library with your books and notes and get down to business
"alright y/n, lets get this done and over with"
he is reading your notes and asking you questions, taking questions directly from the book and asking them, that way you can be prepared for anything
you'll do the same for him because, for one, it is common decency when studying with someone, and for two, why wouldn't you
he wants to make sure both you and him pass your classes and tests so he is determined to help you study
if you smoke, he'll invite you out for a smoke break, but even if you don't he'll still invite you because you deserve a break from studying
in conclusion, he is probably the most helpful when it comes to studying and learning.
love him frfr, i'd study with him, idk bout yall
LORD HELP ME, johnny is such a mixture of pony and dal
like he'll help you if you really need help, but he's definitely calling in someone for things like math, science, and anything that isn't social studies
social studies johnny <3
I think he's definitely an english and social studies type of learner
that doesn't mean he absolutely sucks at math and science but lets just say, he definitely needs to study for those classes
if you suck at math and science, yall are gonna need some assistance from pony
but if you're really good at math and suck at english and social studies, you'll get all the help you need from johnny
he loves reading and learning about history, so get your textbook and study notes cuz he's gonna make sure you pass those classes
unlike pony and dal, johnny is a believer of rewarding good things so he's giving you little kisses and hugs and once you finish all of your studying, he's defo gonna cuddle you and AHHHH
although similarly to pony, he's also having some small smoke breaks so either you can follow him out or stay and study a little bit more when he's gone
"y/n come here, we finished all of our work, time for cuddles"
if you don't give him cuddles, i swear to god
he's actually so sweet, he's bringing snacks and drinks to the study session, which most of the time takes place either at the curtis' house or in the lot
he asks darry to help him make desserts as rewards
don't even get me started, like AHHHHH
in conclusion, johnny is so sweet and he cares about you passing but he can't help with certain subjects and that's okay
(a/n) tbh, i suck at math and most science so...
don't. he has never successfully passed any classes or tests on the first try, not in a two bit type of way
but in a he never paid attention in high school way
anyways if you have a different type of major in college like art, art history, or something that doesn't require basic high school skills he might be able to help you
if you need help in like advance math, english, social studies or any science besides forensics, he's calling in maude or lydie
fortunately for you, forensic science is the only class vin enjoyed and paid attention to while he was in high school
vinnie is probably smoking a joint or bowl while you study, and don't worry, he'll offer you hits every so often or he'll half-ass shotgun it to you
but mostly he'll just allow you to sit on his lap so he can sort of help you, but i just wouldn't ask him for help unless you desperately need it
he wants to pass and succeed but he just cannot help you with it
in conclusion, you can ask him for help but you'll probably be better off not asking for it. at least you get to sit on his lap?
again, don't
on one hand, verano did pass high school, does that mean he did it with all A's? no.
anyways, the only classes he did well in were art classes and electives like shop class and health
so, if you have a medical major or some creative major, he can sort of help you but otherwise... just don't bother
he's sweet though, hes sort of like dal where he acts all tough and mean out in public but once yall are alone, he's all over you, touching, kissing, cuddling I mean lord
esp when you're studying, he's not helping you in a way thats very helpful but he's defo rewarding you after you get all your work done
hypothetically I wont him so bad
anyways, he isn't all that caring about your education in the way that he is "not another brick in the wall" and he doesn't want you to end up like the thing he hates
there's definitely been some arguments about it but thats for a different time, but he wants to succeed and he just needs to get over himself
in conclusion, he isn't all that helpful but at least you get rewards after. just don't go to him for help, that's it.
likes and reblogs are appreciated
please do not repost or steal my work as that is plagiarism and a crime !!
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lightsoutletsgo · 2 years
hii, idk if you write for felipe drugovich since you didn't specify it in your post but if you do, can i request a fic with him and singer!reader or actress!reader where he takes him on her first race weekend? thank you in advance<3
la vie en rose pairing: felipe drugovich x singer!reader (I'm imagining the reader as a member of little mix because I love those girls but you can imagine whatever band or group you want!) warnings: cheese, fluffy fluff, bad writing word count: 2.1k ahhhh thank you so much for this request!! I loved writing it! ik I kinda strayed from the request a bit but I hope you still enjoy it <33 look how boyfriend he looks I'm- 😭
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“Princesa?” Felipe softly smiled down at your dozing form from where he sat with his back up against the headboard of the bed as you whined and buried your face further into your pillow, refusing to accept that you couldn’t stay in your warm, cosy dream world any longer.  “Bebê?” You sighed as you stretched, eyes still remaining shut. You heard Felipe chuckle from next to you, “You look like a little kitten” You huffed indignantly as you felt one of Felipe’s hands gently stroke your face that lay on the pillow next to him. “Come on meu anjo… you gonna open your eyes for me?” He pressed a soft kiss to your cheek as you whined once more, “Let me see those beautiful eyes baby…” You sighed softly before cracking your eyes open, taking a minute to adjust to the bright morning sunlight filling the hotel room. You rubbed your eyes sleepily as you yawned and Felipe felt his heart clench at how cute you looked, your eyes opened fully and you couldn’t help the dopey smile that immediately stretched across your face as the first thing you looked at was your boyfriend. “There you go, there’s my pretty girl.” You felt your cheeks get warm as Felipe stared back at you, the same cheesy grin plastered across his face. 
Mornings like this were rare. It was bad enough that Felipe’s schedule was unpredictable and intense, given the chaos of the F2 season, but your schedule was just as bad. Whilst you loved your job and you knew you and your bandmates were incredibly lucky, touring the world and recording new albums and all the media responsibilities that came with that left very little time in your schedule to spend with friends, family or your boyfriend. There were times however, where the stars - and your calendars, aligned, and your tour dates matched up with the F2 season. 
This was one of those once-in-a-blue-moon weekends. Barcelona. You’d arrived the night before, exhausted, having just finished 3 shows in 2 days and then been whisked away to the airport for a flight to Spain. You’d never been more relieved to see the entrance to a hotel and after a slightly tearful (though he’d never admit it) reunion, you’d spent some time with Felipe, the adrenaline of performing and travelling keeping you awake before you couldn’t fight it anymore and you’d fallen asleep in his arms for the best sleep you’d had in a long time. Video and voice calls were great for on the road but nothing compared to him actually holding you. 
“How was the last city’s show Amor?” You gave him a soft smile once more as you nodded, “It’s been okay, we decided to change the set a little at the last few shows but it seemed to click well last night!” Felipe smiled as he stroked your arm gently. As much as he hated being apart from you, he had your job to thank for the two of you meeting. Your band had been asked to perform at a live event in London and you’d - quite literally, crashed into him backstage. He didn’t know who you were at that point. All he knew was that looking at you made him feel like he was in a fucking Disney movie. Or La La Land. Or a cheesy 90’s romcom. Complete with a shiny halo round your head and  cartoon birds singing in the background and a dramatic, moving orchestral score playing in the background. It wasn’t until he heard Clem fangirling over you in the distance that he’d been snapped back to reality and introduced himself. He thanked his lucky stars that he’d been too distracted trying to find a coffee machine that day that he’d bumped into you, even if he never got his coffee, he’d gotten your number and that was far better. From there it was a whirlwind of virtual dates on opposite sides of the world, you eating breakfast as your day started and him eating dinner as he got ready to wind down for the day as you shared your days and the latest news, it was stolen kisses in his car, Sunday pancakes at his apartment and makeshift movie nights in the recording studio during off season, it was him standing in the wings of your band’s show before you’d gone public, smiling to himself as he watched you perform love songs he knew were about him and only him. 
He was pulled from his reverie by your next sentence, “I was thinking I’d come to the race today.” He sat upright a little more and you yelped as he jolted you a little, “Sorry! Sorry!” He pulled you into his side and kissed the top of your head, “I just got a little excited for a second.” You giggled, grabbing the hand of the arm that was around you and linking your fingers together, smiling at the way his fingers interlocked with yours so perfectly, “You really mean it?” You nodded, “Mhmm! I mean, people know we’re together now and you’ve been to so many of my performances, it’s only right that I come to support you too!” Felipe smiled before he looked concerned, “Shouldn’t you rest though Princesa? Your show is tomorrow and I don’t want you getting sick or injured.” You smiled at him fondly as your hand came up to stroke his cheek, “I’ll be okay, besides, I’d only be watching it on TV if I stayed here! So why not just go and watch it live?” He laughed at your reply before gently booping your nose, “First one to the shower gets playlist privileges!” Before he was up and racing across the hotel room. You spluttered from your spot on the bed, “That’s hardly fair! I wasn’t ready!” You raced after him, “Drugovich you are such a cheat!” 
You giggled as Felipe nervously stuttered while introducing you to some of the drivers you hadn’t met yet. These giggles only got louder as the men you were introduced to gaped like goldfish when they realised who you were. “I won’t lie to you mate, I didn’t even know you could get a girlfriend…” Marcus joked good-naturedly as Felipe rolled his eyes, “You’re just jealous.” “Bro it’s Y/N. Who wouldn’t be?” A voice behind you made you turn round. “Hi Clem,” you smiled at the Frenchman who immediately swooped in to give you a hug, “Hey! Ines told me to tell you she loved the merch you sent!” You clapped your hands excitedly, “Oh good! Yeah the tour merch this time round is definitely my favourite we’ve ever had!” “How long is the tour this time round?” Dennis asked you, “Oh it’s a long one this time, we’re almost doing a world tour…” The conversation faded into the background as Felipe stared at you proudly. You looked immaculate, sporting a cute outfit from your favourite designer brand who’d jumped at the opportunity to dress you for the weekend. The colour was the perfect tone to make your eyes and hair colour pop and the shape and cut had him almost ready to get on his knees and worship your body right there and then. “Felipe?” You gently shook his arm, sensing he’d zoned out. He blinked a few times and inhaled deeply as he realised the two of you were now stood in the paddock outside catering alone “Hmm?” “I should probably go and find a good spot to hide away now, “Why?” “Why what?” “Why hide away?” Felipe grabbed your hand, thumb soothingly tracing shapes across the back of it as you looked down at your intertwined hands for a second before looking up at him. “I don’t want to distract from you. This is your time to shine. I don’t want to take away from your hard work and results.” Felipe smiled back at you, leaning in to quickly press a kiss to the corner of your mouth, making you gasp as you heard camera shutters behind you. “You won’t distract Amor, people will just see that I have the prettiest cheerleader ever.” You rolled your eyes with a giggle, “Fine then” As you headed through the paddock, you took no notice of the cameras or paparazzi shouting your name. You weren’t here as Y/N Y/L/N from your band, instead, you were here as Y/N Y/L/N the girlfriend of Felipe. You smiled to yourself, watching your locked hands swinging gently between the two of you. You made absent-minded conversation as you walked, occasionally stopping to take pictures with fans of him and you. While you had no time for the paparazzi, you always had time for your fans.
———————— “Well you can come again!” One of the engineers yelled to you, making you giggle as you turned back to watch your boyfriend step up onto the podium. “Definitely! Please come again!” Another one pleaded making you giggle as tears welled up in your eyes and you quickly pulled out your phone to snap some pictures of Felipe, uploading one to your instagram story before shrieking and giggling as you felt champagne spray down onto you and the team below as Felipe shared the victory celebrations with everyone. 
Heading towards his personal space you couldn’t help but laugh as he came barrelling through the door, “Princesa!” His hands were cupping your face and his lips were pressed to yours immediately. You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face and the two of you took a break from kissing as your smiles got too wide. He gently nuzzled his nose against yours, relishing in the moment before kissing you once more. “We should celebrate! I heard Clem and Marcus saying-“ “No.” You pulled back to look at him. “No?” He nodded, “Your show is tomorrow and you need rest, besides, there’s nothing I’d want more than to celebrate in our hotel room. You, me, room service, Netflix and clean sheets. “But-“ “No buts! Butts are for sitting!” He said winking as he mimicked what you said whenever he tried to argue with you, you sighed, shaking your head with a smile, “I just feel bad… You should be out celebrating with your friends, your team…” He moved closer once more, holding your face as he kissed your forehead, “Don’t feel bad bebê, I want to do this. Besides, I need to get my rest if I’m gonna perform every single routine in the audience tomorrow.” Your head tipped back with a laugh, knowing he wasn’t joking about his commitment to the dance routines. “If you’re sure…” “I’m sure” 
“Buenes noches Barcelona!” You waved to the audience with a smile as you rose up in the middle of the stage from a platform underneath for your solo section. “Are you having a good time so far?” 
You arranged yourself on the stool the stagehands had placed at the front and adjusted the mic on the stand before starting to strum your guitar softly, checking the tuning. “So this next song is actually a cover,” you waited for the screams to die down a little before continuing, “as you guys know, I have my amazing boyfriend here tonight! So this song is one I’m dedicating to him. Our relationship hasn’t always been easy but he’s always there for me and from the day we met this song is exactly how he’s made me feel. I’m so thankful and lucky to have him and I hope he feels that through this song.” Your gaze traveled to the box where Felipe sat with some friends, you couldn’t see him but you knew he was smiling at you. Beginning to strum the introduction to the song, you could see your fans getting out their phones and turning on their flashlights as they realised it was a slower song. You smiled and closed your eyes as you started singing, “Hold me close and hold me fast
The magic spell you cast
This is ‘La vie en rose’
When you kiss me, heaven sighs
And though I close my eyes
I see ‘La vie en rose’
When you press me to your heart
I'm in a world apart
A world where roses bloom
And when you speak, angels sing from above
Everyday words seem to turn into love songs
Give your heart and soul to me
And life will always be
‘La vie en rose’”
It wouldn’t be until later on when you had finished the show that you checked your phone and saw a post notification from Felipe, a picture of you on stage, eyes closed and a blissful smile on your face as you sang the song dedicated to him with the caption, “You have my heart and soul Amor” And if you also got tagged in a video by multiple people that a fan had taken of Felipe crying during your solo… Well… You were definitely saving that one to your camera roll for the wedding speech… 
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satancopilotsmytardis · 6 months
""Everyone else sucks!" Magne says cheerfully." I think this sums up how you write the League's attitude pretty well, lol.
Though Toga is so sweet. She finally finds people who accept her quirk and are willing to give her blood as if it doesn't mean anything, as if it doesn't mean the world to Toga (they do know, they know now) and I love that for her.
"Dabi wishes he could take some of the work from his shoulders" They're so sweet. Especially with how much you make sure the reader knows Dabi does take off of Shigaraki's shoulders. Even here, when as a cat he can't work as much, he's helping.
I love Compress. Without Dabi, he's the second in command and he fills that position well. Of course Onigiri is actually first but since we don't count that...
Shigaraki arguing with his cat over said cat's drinking habits is funny as fuck. No wonder Compress thinks Onigiri is some kind of nomu.
The designer sounds fun! The thing about fashion! Yes! Absolutely! Especially since they're UA gym uniforms you'd think they would be fireproof, but no. God, I cannot imagine how expensive quirk adjusted clothes would be, if you think about how expensive even glasses can get (which are rarely covered by insurance). Damn.
It's interesting to see them pick their outfits! Nice!
Oof, being told off like that has to suck for Spinner, but it's something he needs to hear, especially since they're going to work with Stain in the future.
Oh, that's interesting! How Dabi views all of their resolves now that he's calmer than in canon. I like that a lot.
The League interacting with each other without the constant threat of death is so nice to see. I love that for them. They deserve a happy domestic life (of planning and training for terrorism).
I'm really happy that Muscular and Moonfish aren't part of the League here! It shows that they're really Shigaraki's group and he makes more confident decisions. I mentioned more of this in my last comment, but yeah, I like that a lot.
Dabi's trust in Shigaraki has grown so much since the first chapter. Not only Shigaraki, but everyone in the League. He trusts that they won't hurt him, that Tomura especially will keep him safe even while he's a cat and small. Ahhhh, I love this. Well, at least he trusts them not to hurt Onigiri. Dabi is once again seperating himself from the others by making a clear cut between Dabi and Onigiri. He thinks he can only be either one or the other. Oh damn.
The fact that Shigaraki especially tells the League that the Doctor is lying should he tell them to do anything really speaks of how much trust he has in the guy. It's none.
Compress being in physical pain about how Shigaraki washes his fancy clothes is very amusing.
"He can enjoy being human for a little while" if only Dabi knew how incredibly wrong everything starts going in the very next scene.
(I felt like with more scenes, I should add to my last comment and finish my reaction to this chapter! Thanks for giving us this!)
The League is a family!! Shigaraki didn't just give them a job, he gave them a home! It's all about connection baby!!!!
Magne deserves to be loud and supportive and really earning of the title "Big Sis" by treating the rest of them like family! Toga deserves to have people who accept her "evil" quirk as a part of her and not even blink about giving her what she needs to fuel it! And Compress deserves to show off how intelligent he is!
I think we all should spend more time thinking about how everyone being a superhero would affect pop culture and the world. Like Superhero movies? Documentaries now. So do the Sci-fi and Fantasy genres take off more? In a world with people with non-standard human biology, are there more years required to train as a doctor? If there aren't, how many more medical malpractice suits are made? Why does the fashion in the age of superheroes look so similar to that of fashion from well before that time? I can't get into all of these things in my writing, but it's something that SHOULD be considered in the world-building. MHA rests on the idea that all entertainment comes from heroes, heroes are the toys, heroes market products, heroes make clothes, etc. But I would like to mention if that is true, it speaks to an even more stilted and withered version of culture than has been explored in the Canon.
Spinner's having a rough time, but just like Shigaraki having to see his ideas/behaviors were stunting his growth, Spinner is at a point where he needs that too. This guy went from a law-abiding citizen to a villain from watching some videos online of a serial killer. That's not a great pipeline, and it's clear he's kind of using his obsession with Stain to keep from deeply examining the societal and racial injustice that he's been facing his whole life and deciding how he wants to fight back against that. He has strong beliefs, but he'll only be able to see them realized and stand up on his own if he takes the time to figure himself out and not just try to rip-off of someone else's.
Muscular and Moonfish are never part of my League! All my homies hate Muscular and Moonfish! ✊🏼
Thank you for going back for the rest of the chapter and commenting here! I'm so glad that you found so much to enjoy in the missing material! 🖤
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well, i was gonna have to do this episode eventually lmao
you know... i don't actually remember now what my expectations were for this episode??? i think we were all still onboard the miorine is going to lose an eye train or something and just knew some shit was gonna go down this ep lol
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if we ever get a recap movie i really hope we get to see the whole plan here get told to eri... like i just really really wanted miorine to have a serious conversation with eri for like the entire series lol
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gosh, the beginning of this episode is so rough to rewatch lmao. suletta is so damn smitten with miorine. just standing out here waiting since who knows when for her to wake up
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man i remember this scene and thinking mio nooo! like of course she doesn't KNOW aerial is literally family, at least not yet... and suletta doesn't fully understand yet either... but it's just ahhhh lmao again there are so many things that happened off-screen that i really wish we'd seen. like what the hell was mio's reaction to finding out that the actual girl who provided the genetic material to create suletta is stuck inside a gundam
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suletta you're gonna get bonked by the horny police
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gotta wonder how shaddiq was gonna dissolve the benerit group if he had taken the presidency. would it have been as easy as miorine made it out to be? just announce it to the world out of nowhere?
clearly he had no intentions of keeping any of these promises to peil lol
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you tell him, bbgirl
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hey maybe you should have adhered to that too, shithead
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i like that suletta doesnt go all fidgety while rejecting guel and telling him about her feelings for miorine
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remember the cours 2 trailer that emphasized suletta saying she'd win until mio's birthday lmao
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lol this asshole left with miorine and never did any of this shit. with how much guel fanboys love talking him up as a "good guy" you'd think he'd at least have done this
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*smiles in homura akemi*
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really incredible stuff that so far we only see lauda and petra barely standing next to each other and suddenly that means they've been dating. however getting married after a whole series finishes means you're just mega friends to some people lol
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i do appreciate the ptsd reactions to so many of the characters but now with everything over, it feels like it's lacking in depth lol they just get one random flinchy reaction just once or something and then an episode later they're fine lol
worst of all with guel is his ridiculous determination to make sure jeturk heavy machinery keeps doing it's thing --- that thing being making weapons of war lol
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i wonder if bandai knows how much money they'd make if they released options sets for the darilbalde and michaelis upgrades in this cour
then again, its bandai
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lmao i don't actually want this to have been shown in the show, but i really do have to imagine what that convo was like when el5n went to go find shaddiq and asked him to hide him
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honestly kind of wish we'd had secelia being the one to MC the duels or whatever for the entirety of the show
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lmao ok so i definitely remember thinking they were just gonna leave it as this being the only affirmation suletta says outloud, but....
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... yeah.
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i honestly really love how they cut to everyone's reactions as soon as suletta loses. secelia in particular looks really distressed lol
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god, suletta's desperation here just as red birthmark starts playing is so awful lmao i love it
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and then the gut-wrenching scream once she loses the holder pilot outfit colors
ahhhhh lmao this episode is definitely the most angsty of them all but god i love yuri angst
lmao fuck all the fairweather miorine fans who hated her the minute this episode finished. she was always my favorite of the two but this episode just solidified that
also i know opening/ending artists get like very vague story line summaries to help them write their songs but i am really convinced red birthmark was written to specifically play at the end of this episode. like sure it was a great decision to have the intro fade in at the end of every ep for this cour, but the FEELS when it starts playing here are like no other in the whole cour besides maybe episode 23
also only slightly related, but i am obsessed with my calibarn. i put it on my desk for work and i just catch myself going full on COOL ROBOT mode during the work day just staring at it lmao
ok will try to get to ep 18 eventually... i've been dragging out this rewatch because i keep getting caught up reading lately
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chaoskid-deer · 3 months
😅, 🏆, 💔 answer me, ps5
I'm still haunting you I see :)
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
Ahhhh I feel like you already know the answer to this one. I am super proud of this fic, because I think it had strong, clear themes, great prose, and as with all my fics it's a testament to my hard work and ability to finish something. HOWEVER, I was fighting off the shame demons to post Tell Me About A Complicated Man, and as much as I want to show it to everyone and ask them what they think I am also very embarassed to show it.
I feel like it has a lot of darker themes than my usual work, so I feel like I gotta attach a warning whenever I'm showing it to people. Frankenstien x his monster isn't that crazy a ship within the fandom, but I also feel like I can understand some sidelong looks over it. What can I say, I like seeing characters psychosexually torture each other.
Also, it's porn, and I've never written it before, and I feel like it says a little TOO MUCH about things I find hot
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
AUGH THIS IS ALSO KIND OF WILD. It's a Buzzfeed Unsolved fanfiction I wrote when I was 16 that has almost 2k kudos and was at one point both one of the longest bfu fics and on the first page of bfu fanfic sorted by kudos. I am super proud of it because it is the first long piece of fiction I've ever finished, and it's novel length, which is a crazy achievement. I think the plot was moving and I really found my stride as a writer. I got fanart for it that I really cherish, and some really kind, moving comments. It was my first time I've really felt a part of a fandom community and I found it to be a really motivating, positive experience.
That being said, I now have some more complicated feelings about RPF, and while I don't regret writing it or begrudge anyone else for writing it, I don't think I'd write RPF again. Also, there are some bits of it, especially in the beginning, that I would rewrite or cut completely. The start is kind of silly and meandering at times. I was posting chapters before the whole thing had finished, which is I think what pushed me to finish it, but also meant that I couldn't go back and tighten up the whole work as a whole. Once it was posted, that was it! I couldn't change it! Now I like to finish the whole work before I post a chapter, because I often only find out what a fic is actually about halfway through writing it.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Nope! I am an evil fanfic writer and hurting characters brings me nothing but glee. There's a major character death fic involving one of my clone ocs that I look forward to writing with a dreamy smile on my face. Live in fear.
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just-a-carrot · 9 months
Given how apparently I’m immune to playing OW games without recording them now, you’ll audibly hear my thoughts within the next few weeks (I’m posting tomorrow because I’m an absolute maniac), BUT I WANNA SAY THINGS HERE BECAUSE APPRECIATION CAN’T WAIT THAT LONG!
Also Merry Christmas! It’s midnight when I’m writing this, so ‘tis the day of caroling and festivities and woah. Or happy holidays if you don’t celebrate!
Back to the Our Cinderella topic, I have only played Genzou’s route as of now (I’m sure that’s hardly surprising, he is my fav), but the others are next. Their time is coming. They cannot escape. SO SPOILERS FOR GENZOU’S ROUTE!
First off, I saw you included the little dancing in front of TV Iggy pose and the joy I felt seeing it was off the charts. I kept bringing it up, I was very happy. And seeing Iggy moving about was really cool in general, even without the novelty of seeing a suggestion I made exist in the game.
NEXT UP! Genzou drunk singing is an image I didn’t know I needed, thank you for the visual and the brain food. BUT ALSO I HAVE BEEN CONNECTING JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR SONGS TO OW FOR SO LONG AND HEARING THE MUSICAL BE MENTIONED BY GENZOU THREW ME FOR A LOOP. Great musical, very nice. Last Supper reminds me of Genzou and Orlam. Judas’s voice in general reminds me of Orlam. Musicals and OW can further connect in my brain hobby drawer.
The text interactions in general were really funny, actually. I liked the absolute chaos that was Iggy and Genzou’s text conversations, I was laughing while trying to read a lot of the time. I remember the aforementioned drunk singing conversation and the puddle one both got me pretty good while I was reading, and it was overall fun to see more lighthearted conversations from the characters, even if it’s in a different universe from the main canon.
To end things off, ‘cause again 1) I haven’t finished all the game’s routes yet, and 2) you’ll be able to hear my thoughts in the moment if you choose in future anyways, I wanna mention the version of Cinderella Bucks tells at the end? I can’t get it out of my head. When I was thinking about the game after having just played it, my mind kept flashing back to CinderJesus. It absolutely decimated my brain function, but in a very fun way. More slice-of-life Bucks, please, she’s peak comedy.
Very fun game, 10/10, very sad I couldn’t buy the Kirby in the first playthrough but it’s on my to-do list, aaaand yeah! Thank you for making this! I loved every minute of it, and I’m really excited to play the remaining routes once my irl festivities are over.
sob this is so sweet! 😭💕 i'm excited to watch your playthrough too -- things are a bit overwhelming in general for me right now as i'm still with my family and doing a bunch of things, but even if i'm unable to find time this week i will for sure watch once i'm back home next week. i'm really happy that you're enjoying it so much already tho ahhhh and that you're finding it so entertaining 🥺
i'm glad you liked the poses i had so much fun with them and also using some of the suggestions to add more! and LMAO JCS is a musical i grew up watching (my parents used to play the original album in the house lol) so i get the songs stuck in my head a lot, hence why it randomly worked its way into this (among many other random silly little references or inspirations from my own life hahaha). that is extremely funny to me 🤣
i'm glad you liked the convos they were the epitome of silly. and also bucks's part hahaha. i was half-worried it would end up being too ridiculous and random for people because it just got so weird in places hahaha
thank you so much for this lovely message and all of your thoughts and for playing the game! 🥺💕 i look forward to watching the playthrough so i can see all of your reactions in real-time lakjdfs
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stabbyfoxandrew · 2 months
It’s going pretty well for me, just procrastinating things I actually want to do for once (I want to write until I suddenly have time and then it’s a series of little distractions I make for myself) but I’m doing pretty decent right now. How about you? (Also, if it’s the good sort of ‘hurt my feelings’, may I ask what book you’ve been reading?)
ahhhh babe i totally know the feeling. i can be Raring To Go write all day then get my laptop out and sit there like 'huh i wonder what's on pinterest right now' or 'oh i'll play a game'
like whyyy??? TWT
ALSO! it was the good way! and i was reading these:
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i actually just finished the second (and last, to my knowledge) and it was very bittersweet. but it ended as happily as possible. :') imagine the hunger games but more modern, with teenage angst, magick, murder, and mayhem. (and GAY PEOPLE) and that's these haha
shoutout to allie for telling me to read them (not tagging you bc it's annoying? but also you'll see it anyway probably)
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Anyways, Meant to be Yours is my absolute favorite song from the musical, so I had so much fun writing this one. I don’t really know how to write yandere, so I did try my hardest, but don’t be disappointed if it’s not yandere enough 🤣
Warnings: firearms, mentions of guns, an actual gun description once or twice, faking of sewerslide (yes, just like in the scene in both the movie and musical), extreme violence in the name of society, mention of bombs, mention of terrorist act
It had finally come. The night of the pep rally was here and you were in your bedroom, getting ready to go spend time with Heidi after pushing her to the back burner. Your ex boyfriend took up all your time, but now that you’ve broke things off with that psycho, you wanted to work on repairing your friendship with the brunette. You had just walked out of your bathroom after taking a shower, wasting no time in getting dressed and sitting at your vanity to take care of your hair and face.
You had just began to comb through your hair when your brush slipped from your grasp, falling to the floor. Looking up, you groaned in frustration, your eyes flicking to your phone to check the time. You were already running behind, and it seemed like the universe just wanted to keep you from getting to the school gym on time. Bending down from your seat, you grabbed the handle of your brush, straightening your back as you looked back to the mirror of your vanity.
Your heart dropped into your stomach as you noticed an all too familiar figure had appeared seemingly out of no where. You stood up quickly, turning to face the figure as if to shield your back from him. “Michael?!” you exclaimed, disbelief running through your system. The tall male smiled at you, striding to your shocked form. “It’s me, in the flesh. I know, shocking, right? I figured you needed a while to calm down from your episode the other day.” he stated, reaching his hand up to graze your cheek softly.
You flinched away, your eyebrows furrowing in anger. “I told you to stay the hell away from me, Michael! You’re insane.” you said coldly, glaring at the taller male. He just looked at you with an unimpressed look on his face. He sighed, looking to the side and around your room. He made his way over to your bed, perching himself of the side of it. “Insane? What do you call yourself then?” he questioned, turning his attention to you. You opened your mouth to answer, but no sound came out. In a way, what he was insinuation was right. He was twisting your words in the way he always did when he wanted to prove his was right. Instead, you chose to ignore his words, not wanting to play into his mind games.
“Michael, for the last time, get. Out. Of. My. Room. Get out of my fucking house, and get out of my life!” you snapped, never faltering in your stance. He looked at you, an unreadable look on his face. You could see his eyes were sizing you up, but you couldn’t discern the emotion rest of his face. He scoffed, a smirk spreading across his mouth. “I don’t think this whole spat we’re having right now is gonna end in the way either of us want it to. So why don’t we just forget about everything that’s happened and start over?” Michael announced, holding his hand out. “Greetings and salutations.” he finished, his signature smirk on his face.
You stared at him incredulously. “You’re a psychotic asshole,” were the only words that fell from your mouth. His face dropped for a moment, before he started laughing. “Come on, (Y/n)! Let’s go to that stupid rally and put everything behind us.” he coaxed, standing from your bed. It was in that moment that you finally noticed the gun in his hand, finger resting lazily on the trigger. With minimal thinking, you darted into your closet, shutting your door and making a makeshift lock. You pulled a pile of clothes over you, hiding in the safety of the dark room. His familiar foot steps sounded until they were just outside of the closed door. “All is forgiven, baby! Come on, get dressed, you’re my date to the pep rally tonight!”
You chucked me out like I was trash
For that you should be dead..
Then it hit me like a flash
What if high school went away instead?
Those assholes are the key!
They're keeping you away from me!
They made you blind, messed up your mind
But I can set you free!
Your heart raced and your mind ran a mile a minute. Away from all of his delusions for a few days, you wracked your brain trying to decipher his words. Messed up your mind? The only one who’s messed up your mind was him. He was the one who ruined your mind. It was Michael and his actions that deluded your mind. You always thought clearly until he metaphorically got you in a chokehold over him. You stared intently out the door, like a prey waiting for the predator on the other side to break the door down.
You left me and I fell apart
I punched the wall and cried..
Then I found you changed my heart and set loose all that truthful shit inside!
And so I built a bomb
Tonight our school is Vietnam!
Let's guarantee they'll never see their senior prom!
Your eyes widened. You felt like you were going to throw up at his haunting words. You slowly slid your hands down to feel your pockets, searching for your phone to call the cops, to call Heidi, to call your parents, to just let someone know what was going on. Your heart dropped as you remembered it was sitting on your vanity. Cursing yourself for not grabbing it, tears flowed endlessly down your cheeks. Your mind raced at the thought of all of the other innocent people who were in mortal danger just a few blocks away from your house. His shoes blocked the light coming in from the bottom of the closet, signaling he was still just waiting beyond the door, torturing you with his presence.
I was meant to be yours!
We were meant to be one!
Don't give up on me now!
Finish what we've begun!
I was meant to be yours!
Michael was absolutely delusional. And so were you when you were with him. He filled your brain with so much senseless bullshit that you actually believed he was doing good for the world. Now that you dropped the honeymoon phase, you realized just how sick in the head he was. The times he broke into your room out of no where, the cruel jokes he would play on the popular kids, the way he would gaslight you into believing that nothing was wrong. And now he was attached to you, just like a parasite to an unsuspecting animal.
So when the high school gym goes BOOM with everyone inside..
In the rubble of their tomb
We'll plant this note explaining why they died!
We, the students of Westerburg High
Will die
Our burnt bodies may finally get through
To you
Your society churns out slaves and blanks
No thanks
Signed the Students of Westerburg High
He was planning on blowing up the whole school as an act of protest. To turn around and shove some senseless notion into the face of people who didn’t care while taking the lives of over 200 people. And he wanted you to be there with him, amongst the group of those who are about to meet their untimely demise.
We'll watch the smoke pour out the doors
Bring marshmallows
We'll make s'mores!
We can smile and cuddle while the fire roars!
It was even worse than you thought. He wanted you to sit from afar and watch with him as the blaze engulfed the school and its surrounding area. And he wanted s’mores? You had to do something to get out of here and clear out the school before he got there. Anything to warn somebody out there that they were in danger. Racking your brain, you looked around your closet, looking for a weapon of some sort. Your eyes instead landed on a scarf, and you knew what you had to do to escape your psychotic ex-boyfriend.
On the other side of the door, Michael had his forehead pressed against your closet door. His heart was also thumping in his chest, but not out of fear. Oh no, he was angry. He was angry with the school, angry with society, angry with you. So incredibly mad that you just brushed him off after all he had done for you. He had murdered for you just to show how much you are worth to him. And now you’re taking it back and trying to throw him out. He wasn’t going to stop until you had come out of hiding and came to watch the show.
I was meant to be yours!
We were meant to be one!
I can't take it alone!
Finish what we've begun!
Michael reached out, gripping the door knob of your closet. He jiggled the door handle, expecting it to open easily. There was no leeway, and his anger steadily rose at your prolonged refusal to his offer. He looked to his other hand, at the gun he had brought with him. An idea rose to his brain, and he pointed the muzzle at the handle. He was going to get in, one way or another, and he didn’t care if he had to break the damn door down himself. Remembering you were in there, he lowered it, coming to his senses. He really didn’t want to hurt you. He loved you far too much to cause you any harm. He resumed to knocking on the door, sweetly pleading for you to open it.
(Y/n), open the- open the door, please
(Y/n), open the door
(Y/n), can we not fight anymore, please
Can we not fight anymore
(Y/n), sure, you're scared
I've been there. I can set you free!
(Y/n), don't make me come in there!
His anger was rising as you kept your silence. If he could just see you, just talk to you long enough to get you back on good terms with him, that’s all he wanted. He’d leave this town if it would make you happy, but he wanted to know that you weren’t angry with him anymore. He just wanted a peace of mind, to show that no matter how you felt about him, he’d always love you. He raised his gun again, pointing it at the handle.
I'm gonna count to three!
Fuck it!
Horror ran across his face at your lifeless body hanging from the ceiling. He walked to you, falling to his knees.
Oh my God... No! (Y/n)!
Please don't leave me alone
You were all I could trust
I can't do this alone
He stared up at you, even in death, your face looked so sweet, so soft. Tears rolled down his eyes as he looked he looked on. He stood up, reaching out and grabbing your hand. He pressed his lips against your hand, setting it by your side gently. He was gonna get revenge for this. On who, he didn’t care, but he wasn’t going to stop until he felt like your life was worth its waste.
He left the same way he came in, through the window. Tonight was gonna be the night he would remember forever.
As soon as he had left, your bedroom door opened. Your mother had come in, carrying some of your favorite snacks. “(Y/n)! I brought you a snack!” she called out. Looking around, she noticed your empty bedroom. She didn’t think you had left, so she walked in a little further, looking around for you. She stepped just behind your closet door, which she noticed was open. Swinging the door the rest of the way, she called your name once again before letting out a loud shriek.
You snapped your head up, holding your arms out to your mom. “Mom, mom, mom, it’s okay, I’m okay!” you fussed, your mom staring at you in shock, one hand clutched over her chest, the other still balancing your snack. You untied a part of the scarf from your waist, dropping to your feet and rushing to your mom. “I was just practicing for the day I run away and join the circus. Speaking of running away, thanks for the snack, but I gotta run! Emergency at the gym, I’ll explain everything later!” you shouted, running past your still shocked mother and out of the house. You were determined to get to the school before Michael did so you can repay all the karma that you owe, and you weren’t scared if you had to go down with him.
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olivieblake · 11 months
i just finished reading the atlas paradox and can i just say thank you so much. i've been in a bit (understatement of the century) of a reading slump for the past year and then i decided you know what fuck it i'm reading a book i know i'll love instead of trying new things and i picked up the atlas paradox. i think i've read it in two weeks (which is a record for the past year) and oh my god i missed this feeling. the book was incredible and i stayed up past midnight more than once because i was dying to see what happened next. so thank you so much for that experience
now onto less well phrased and more spoilery thanks: OH MY GOD THIS BOOK!! i just!!! my goodness it was incredible and while i ended the last book with certain opinions (was a bit of a callum hater i have to say) the events of t.a.p. managed to switch all of that around (and now i'm a mega callum fan). also the relationships!!! the whole tristan and callum love/hate/want-you-dead-but-not-really thing had me clutching my heart and needing to take a pause from reading because ahhhh my babies!! also nico and gideon. need i say more (i will because i love them too much not to. oh my god that final chapter!! i think i actually teared up tbh). libby's corruption arc did not disappoint (belen i'm so sorry you deserved better). reina's shift in alliances and her strange hatred for parisa was amazingly written and i love being in her brain it's so bizarre in there (in the best way). CALLUMM!! i adore him and his cynicism. parisa was so interesting -- i loved seeing more of the dalton situation. tristan is still one of my favourites i have to say (but maybe he's been knocked down to number two, which i think callum (my number one) would appreciate). oh and ezra. his povs were so interesting. and i loved that the book both started and ended with gideon! always had a bit of a soft spot for gideon tbh
basically there aren't enough words to describe how much i loved this book, so thanks again for writing it and inspiring me to not only read more but also to engage more in my own writing!
thank you so much for reading and sending me this! I’m so glad it gave your brain something to play with—that’s honestly the goal. I’m so happy you enjoyed your read and I hope the energy stays with you!!
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januaryembrs · 5 months
Hiya, ok so the last time you posted a chapter for your Spencer x Bugsy series I sent a response/ask (I don’t even know how to call it) and you said that you love hearing what are people’s favourite bits from your work so you bet that for the newest part I had to make a list of all my favourite moments (I was quite literally jumping between tumblr and my notes app to make bullet points of all my favourite moments and I still had to cut out a few things because it was getting wayyy too long). So this might be a little long (if it’s too long or annoying just ignore it or tell me to stop for next time) but here are all my favourite moments from the newest part:
* I love how very soon after the explosion we get Hotch’s point of view to see a little bit inside his mind and what he’s thinking. A found-family trope or the father figure storyline is always a favourite of mine so Rossi’s and Bugsy’s relationship in the last part or Aaron’s and Bugs in this part was just ahhhh ✨chefs kiss✨. “but Aaron wasn’t finished, not until he saw her.” “He thinks he said her name, but it might be just a sob.” I really liked that we got to see a little more vulnerable side him. And when he called her sweetheart, I think I just melted. “Stroking gently down her face with the same care he would put Jack to bed with.” “and he saw nothing but his son with a scraped knee in her eyes” the little references to his own son and how he possibly sees Bugs in a similar way (because lets be honest it’s like Morgan once called Hotch and Rossi, mom and dad, and the BAU team are just their children). Honestly, that whole scene between the two of them just melted my heart.
* Bugs panicking about her favourite bra? Honestly, would do the same thing.
* When Spence tells the team at the wedding to not mention anything about her arm or forehead and then he’s cut off by Penelope. I couldn’t stop laughing. I was just imagining all the members just going silent and looking at that interaction and Spence just thinking “well, never mind then…”
* Love Henry calling her Buggy.
* The dance scene between Hotch and Bugsy was amazing.
* After Bugs comes back from London and Spence goes “What are you doing here?” with a confrontational tone. Even I felt offended. Honestly even if Spence and Maeve ended up together I would have been happy for them but after meeting her Spence just behaved like a straight up A-hole to Bugs. I’m sorry but he needs to get his act together.
* And then Spence calling Maeve the most beautiful girl in the world and Bugs just thinking she would never be good enough for him. I cried. I cried a lot at that scene (but then again it was around 5am when I first read it and I was like half delirious but I still cried).
* They both need to realise they’re in love with each other and get together soon.
Ok, so again I apologise for this being so long but I love love love your writing and get so excited every time you post. Also, thank you for the good luck wishes for my exams, tomorrow is my first one so hopefully everything goes well but seeing a new part after waking up definitely made my day a lot lot better so thank you. 💖💖
THIS. THIS RIGHT HERE IS WHAT I LOVE ABOUT YOU GUYS SENDING ME THINGS. I have read this all three times kicking my feet giggling because this is so so so validating and encouraging to read as a writer. The fact bugsy is not just mine anymore to enjoy but everyone else’s literally makes me feel like I’ve sent my child off to school and they’ve come home with gold stars.
Thankyou so so so much for taking even a minute out of your day to message me all of this, it honestly fills me with so much joy that people like my store so much they’d go to such lengths to note down exactly what made them feel something 💗💗💗
It is not annoying at all, completely the opposite actually, feel free to message me whenever you like because I love reading stuff like this 🫶
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andypantsx3 · 1 year
Hii I just wanted to say always love hearing you talk about books!
As much as I love reading the biggest downside for me compared to fanfic is that there aren't any people immediately available to talk about a story with. I love that most often I am actually able to tell the author how much I loved their writing and seeing everyone in the comments express what they thought and felt is something I am so so grateful for!
But after I finish book that I have opinions on, whether I am freaking out over how great it was or if it made me once again question the publishing house that allowed it to go into print I am just like?? What am I supposed to do with myself now? most like i stare at a blank wall for about an hour to process and then try to move on with my day, it just not the same as being able to hear other peoples opinions on it. So, if you have any more book recs or just book thoughts please share them, it's really entertaining to read!
I hope you have/ had a good day :)
Ahhhh Archer you are such a good lil egg!! I I love talking books with other people too!! It drives me nuts because some of my faves are so niche and no one else I know has read them, because very few other people share my tastes.😭
I'm curious what your fave books are?? It's so hard to make recommendations without knowing your faves because I think book recs should be personalized to the recommendee's preferences. I would never rec my faves to the vast majority of readers, because they don't really appeal to the majority of people!!
But I guess that being said my all-time fave book as everyone already has heard me say ten million times is The Goblin Emperor, and I almost died of happiness when my beloved @acerathia read it too and I got to chat about it hehehe.
People are shocked when they learn this, because I am a silly idiot romance author and this book is very much not that. It's a meticulously-planned hurt/comfort fantasy of manners that is heavily character-driven. But to me, it is perfection. It is the pinnacle of literary achievement. It is so contemplative and explores the unique grief of losing people who were cruel or indifferent to you, about being kind in a world that makes it extremely hard to be, and about finding/making your own family in the face of social norms that would isolate you!! I just like how it gives you space to learn and process things with the MC, and how by the end of it you feel like you've grown as much as he has!! It's so earnest and hopeful and good and makes me want to rip apart a phone book with my bare hands!!!!
Another fave I semi-recently read is Winter's Orbit, which I think I have talked about on here too. It's another hurt/comfort-y found family narrative, only this time with real romance and space gays!!! The author actually first published this novel as an orig fic on ao3, and I think you can tell that by how much they seem to love and respect the tropes they employ. We get a little bit of the classic sunshine/raincloud dynamic with the two MCs, but the author does some absolutely fantastic character work and turns that right on its head, fully fleshing out both characters' buried personality traits, insecurities, and personal histories so that you end up with these two absolutely lovely good people who your heart totally aches for. It very much reads like an ao3 fic in the absolute best way, but polished and shined to perfection.
Another fave that I always blab about is the Pink Carnation series. This one is exactly what you would expect from me. It's silly idiot regency romance shenanigans, with several scoops of academia and historical espionage!! I think the author does such a good job at balancing the silliness of a fun romance with the intrigue of an actual historical thriller, and the characters are hilarious. This is the sort of thing I'm talking about with MCs who have major side character energy, as our first novel's protag Amy is good-hearted and smart enough in specific ways, but she is also unfailingly a horrible detective with a very limited perspective determined to be something she's not, and it also gets her into tons of sexy fun trouble.
So yeah!! If I had to blab about anything and rec things without knowing your specific tastes, it would be my holy trinity lmfao. But tell me more about ur faves, I wanna know!!!!
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qserasera · 10 months
i'm like, perpetually at least two weeks behind my tumblr feed but belatedly for the writer ask game: ❤️🎬🦋 (hope you're well and getting enough sleep!)
GIRL....HELP. it has almost been a month since u put this in my askbox....and No i have not been getting enough sleep but IM TRYING T W T questions from this ask meme here
okeys i was rlly happy i got to sit down and answer some of these hehehe
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic? oh gosh...all these answers are going to be bg3 related on account of uh *waves hand* everything hahahaah ^ - ^
this would be a scene from stag hunt, one of those fics based on my own game playthroughs where my protag made an unwise choice with limited information and has some Regrets about it:
"He was defenseless!" This is the closest to shouting that Astarion has ever heard from her. Her eyes blaze, sparks against smokepowder. Like smokepowder, it flares, then dies down in a flash to cold ashes—gray and hollow. "And I—was my own greed that killed him."  Against his own will, Astarion's grip loosens slightly. "Layla—" She's not so unsteady as to crumble—but her posture slackens, the warmth of her forehead leaning into his shoulder, against his collarbone... Astarion presses his lips together.  What does she want to hear?  What does he even have to offer, in comfort?  She is the one with the soft touch, and he, the crooked one.  'You could have asked me,' Astarion does not say. 'You could have asked me to kill him. I would have. Just this once. To stain my own palms in red, to wield my blade at your word. I would have done it willingly, at your command. But you—' But she wouldn't, he knows. It must have been a side effect of all those songs she surrounds herself with—a streak of paladin tendencies in her, despite her bardic background.
for the context my favorite line written Has to be the one about astarion offering to be her blade, to take on the the dirty work so to speak...something something mirror image of a lionheart knight, but in reverse :'')) he doesn't have to, but that combo of unstated protectiveness/hinted at beginnings of devotion even when he's Not the type to necessarily think about others is very. Chewy to my brain.
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
ok OK. so. i already mentioned like every single genshin fic i've written for this question (pspsps emperor!zhongli and consort!childe) so. i have to choose something else her LKDJFLSD
when i finish my bg3 transmigration tav fic meeting magistrate astarion, it's going to be Very fun and good but until i have. i don't think i can do that XD
i always forget if u did read/follow up on natsume yuujinchou but if i had to film a very short movie/film for one of my fics, i think it might have to be in your periphery
it was one of those slightly Unhinged fic images that grabbed my brain and wouldn't let me go??? and i finished writing it in like. an hour.
i can see it being filmed like a 20-minute mini-episode, with lots of implied pining music in the background even as the main character Insists to themselves that he's moved past such silly feelings like childish sentiment :))
and for the aesthetics of it, i kno it's a cdrama and not a jdrama, but i would love it to have the slightly tragic, color-rich aesthetic of an ancient love song ahhhh
o w o i need to fancast them too....oh boy. um. i have no idea actually...their faces are already perfect to me in the manga ahhh
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[img description: "matoba and natori stare at each other with surprised expressions"] someone else who knows more about the jdrama actors scene can cast them for me. 🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
oh gosh. i don't know?? (right now it would have to be astarion :)) but i do like character types who are. hm. not liars specifically, but they say one thing and do another thing (masks/identities/roles), even if they're feelings are telling them something different! schemers...planners. i also do enjoy writing uh. casually kind characters, if that makes sense.
what i cannot feel like i can write well yet are straight up extroverted characters.......it is. too advanced for me right now :''))) (that might explain why i enjoy reading fic about sportsball anime once upon a time, but very rarely Feel the urge to write something for them hahahaha)
another character type i can struggle with a little more are the ones that are ruthless/willing to be cruel since it's hard figuring out where the line between believably ruthless with some crunch for texture and cartoonish evil laughter would be lmao
i do sometimes like writing characters with less?? dialogue?? and just more thoughts, but that can be a problem for characters who enjoy talking overall (like astarion ; w ; )
thank u for asking these of me friend, thanks for patiently waiting for the response LKSDJFLKSDJFLSD
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