#ahsoka x kaeden
somewillwin · 1 month
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Kaedensoka requested by @cheery-space-lizz for the kofi event 💙🤍
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halepo · 1 month
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Kaeden didn't know much about their physiology, but she liked it.
Same, Kaeden.
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shinhatisgirlfriend · 4 months
happy pride ahsoka and kaeden are still gay
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ameliasalt · 2 years
kaeden: i’m so happy! i could kiss you! ahsoka: neat -
ahsoka: i can’t believe I said neat ahsoka: nobody says neat anymore! it’s the 21st century, it’s not neat to say neat! but i said it anyway because i’m a huge loser! obi wan: don’t beat yourself up, everyone gets nervous sometimes obi wan: remember what happened when cody confessed to me? ahsoka: didn’t you thank him? obi wan, putting down his book and staring into space: i thanked him
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
Ahsoka Show But Kaeden's There Pt. 1
Morai is also here just chilling btw
Episode 3:
*When Ahsoka is out is space doing deflecting turbi laserd with her lightsaber and being an all around badass*
Kaeden, staring dreamily: That is hot.
Sabine: don't you have bigger priority than staring at your wife?!
Kaeden: Nope 😊
Huyang, still off-line but aware: -_-🤦
. . .
*after landing, Kaeden finds Sabine's sketch book left open with a certain person being the subject of many drawings*
Kaeden, to Morai on her shoulder: hmm, so what do you think about this? Enemies to lovers?
Morai: 👍
. . .
Kaeden: So a little birdie told me a certain someone is filling up quite a few pages😈
Sabine: 😳, I'm gonna kill that fucking bird.
Kaeden: No you won't.
*sits Sabine down with tea or coffee*Now, tell me everything.
Sabine: ... Is it weird that her stabbing me was kinda hot...?
. . .
Shin: is someone talking about me?
That was fun, Imma do the other episodes soon I just had this in mind at the moment
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i-am-no-jedi · 1 month
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Here’s some Ahsoka sketches
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
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Femslash February 2023
052. Expecting - Ahsoka Tano/Kaeden Larte - archiveofourown.org/works/45101587
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Finally got around to watching Ahsoka episode 3, and really enjoyed it.
I wasn't a fan of the writing at first but I've come around to liking most of the aspects that I didn't at first, and I enjoyed watching. Good show so far, can't wait for more.
(Still holding out for any reference to the Ahsoka novel)
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geekygirlexperience · 2 years
Let's talk about what's actually happening with the Tales of the Jedi and the Ahsoka novel discourse. It's not about retcons. It's about not using representation of already established canon characters
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thecleverqueer · 2 years
I just read an article where the author was arguing that Kaeden had been replaced by the Fascist Farm Boy in the “Resolve” episode of Tales of the Jedi, and I feel like I must snap back on this (despite the fact that said author will never see this post):
First, to preface, neither of the farm characters in “Resolve” are the same characters that were in the novel. The two characters in “Resolve” are two completely different characters without names. Kaeden and Miara are not represented in the short in any capacity. This makes me angry and bummed at face value, but if I’m assuming positive intent (which I like to do), they wouldn’t have had the time in a 14 minute short to flesh out those characters or the relationship that they shared with Ahsoka in the novel fairly. I don’t know why he felt compelled to tell the story in the first place because the novel exists, but that’s neither here nor there. It’s done. It is what it is. Now to my point…
In the novel, Kaeden and Ahsoka were close. Their relationship was pretty obviously queer-coded (which isn’t really a new concept with Ahsoka…she’s been pretty consistently queer-coded since “Weapons Factory” in the second season of Clone Wars, but I digress). Taking out the “kinda gay” element though, Ahsoka and Kaeden were really good friends. They spent a lot of time together at the local cantina hanging out, and it was apparent that they cared deeply for one another. They did have a moment where Kaeden got a little pissed off at Ahsoka for not admitting up front that she was a Jedi, but there was never any animosity or disdain. I don’t get the same vibe with Fash farm Boy and Ahsoka. In fact, it’s kind of clear to me that Fash Boy and Ahsoka don’t really like each other at all in this short.
For instance, when Fash Boy’s sister falls all over herself begging Ahsoka to come sit with her during lunch, Ahsoka smiles at farm girl, sort of rolls her eyes at Fash Boy, and then gets up all begrudgingly to go take a place with the others by the soup pot. He starts fellating the Empire while his sister goes into her “acts of service” love language with Ahsoka. Sister mentions that she feels safe, but not because of the Empire, and Fash Boy gives Ahsoka a side-eyed death stare.*
*Side note: Fash Boy is probably also xenophobic and/or homophobic. I know fascists. It seems to be pretty par for the course with them. His sister’s clear and present crush on Ahsoka may be part of the problem, but I’m rambling… let me move on.
Then, as farm girl walks Ahsoka home in the evening, she tells her about her plans to drop off the hay (or wheat, or whatever the f*^% they’re harvesting), Ahsoka asks if Fash Boy will be joining his sister on the delivery. It’s clear by Ahsoka’s tone and body language that if Fash Boy goes, she’s not. Farm girl mentions he’s not, and also mentions that she knows Ahsoka is a Jedi. Ahsoka tries to lie about it, but farm girl has her number. Then as farm girl runs off, Ahsoka lifts her arm as if she wants to say something else, likely something to the effect of “please make sure your stupid brother doesn’t find out about this.” But, she relents and walks back into her hut.
The following day as Ahsoka and farm girl are about to head out to drop off the harvest, Ahsoka and farm girl share a warm, flirty, “not-at-all-gay” stare with one another. Fash Boy then audaciously blurts out “may the force be with you” to which Ahsoka’s face pains as if to say, “mother f*^%er.” Then, it pans back into him where he has this smirky, smug, “you’re so f*^%ed, bitch” look on his face.
Finally, there’s the fact that he literally rats her out to the Empire for favor (or because he’s a xenophobic/ homophobic piece of shit) or whatever. None of this would have happened between she and Kaeden. Kaeden wouldn’t have squealed like a bitch to the Empire. Even in distress, she didn’t give her up. She was literally in love with Ahsoka, and she hated the Empire from the start.
Did Ahsoka save him in the end? Unfortunately. I probably would have let the Inquisitor slice him in half, but Ahsoka is too good and pure to allow anyone to die like that. Revenge is not the Jedi way, I guess. The sister did also screamed “NO!” on his behalf. Anyone that pays attention to Ahsoka knows that she’s a sucker for girls and often goes way out of her way to help them. This may be the only quasi-parallel, but not really. Ahsoka saves a bunch of villagers in the novel. Her most daring rescue is that of Kaeden, and she didn’t save her from the Inquisitor directly. In the short, she saves Fash Boy, farm manager and the flavor of the week. Also in the short, the plot seems to be focused more on the duel with the Inquisitor, and Ahsoka being forced back into the fight and less about saving the villagers’ asses.
In conclusion, the author was wrong. Though, I’ll be honest… I thought it was possible from watching the TOTJ trailer that Fash Boy was replacing Kaeden. I think it’s because Fash Boy looks so much like concept boyfriend from the walkabout arc (you know, the one that Dave scrapped and replaced with two obviously gay women for Ahsoka run around with instead). And, honestly, had he replaced Kaeden with a vanilla ass white dude, I would have been way more pissed off about all of it…. But, he didn’t.
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grntdmp · 2 years
Ahsoka and OG Handmaidens
This has been in my head for a while, and after finishing Tales of Jedi I need to get it out.
To get our facts straight, so to speak, Bail and Ahsoka were working together, Bail knew about Obi Wan and Yoda, don't tell me he didn't have any way to contact Padmé's handmaidens.
Now, I haven't read the Vader comics, I know that they protected Padmé's grave and founded their own small rebel cell? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Now to my point, Ahsoka specifically tells Bail that Padmé was her friend. Now, I refuse to accept that during her time with the senator and then alone on her own she didn't talk more with either of the handmaidens (and even if so, this is Star Wars, everyone has met/ knows everyone).
I propose Ahsoka working with them. This annoying teenager/young adult/new adoult who reminds Sabé of both, the tiny to be padawan and her love, would drive them absolutely crazy (kinda in the good way).
Just imagine the sass that would go down, the debates that would look too violent to everyone, except those who know them.
I also need Sabé punching Bail in the should for keeping secrets (this is an AU)
And now imagine Kaeden, and maybe Miara, joining this little AU equation of mine. The attitudes, the pranks.. The matchmaker situations because of course Kaeden and Ahsoka haven't gotten together despite certain scene in the Ahsoka novel. I want to say I'm sorry for causing Bail such headache, but I'm really not.
And then they meet the Ghost crew, and Sabé joins Kannan's bitching on the Jedi (only when there is alcohol involved and the kids are sleeping), because despite never meeting her, Kannan knew who Amidala was, duh.
And Princess on Lothal comes around, and Bail almost meets his end a few years too early. (note - never put yourself on a bad side of a first gen handmaiden). Even if all handmaidens suspected who Leia actually was, or more like, who were her bio parents.
And then Rex comes back, almost has a heart attack, because not only is little Snips dating, but there was another Amidala?? And later he when he finds out that not only did they have twins, but Anakin turned to Vader, and that wookie is Chewbacca?? Isn't the galaxy supposed to be like, large or something?? Give him a break, the old man deserves it. Old bald man, as little Poe calls him.
Also, Sabé would go a little crazy from Amilyn, before she understood her (the rest would be just laughing at her tbh).
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somewillwin · 6 months
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Little family portrait of this little family I love them so much you don’t understand. Also we needed a pic for the discord server hshshs
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galaxysharks · 2 years
Ahsoka just chillin as a force ghost at her and kaedens house post-death, and using the force to interact with the world has lead to a rumor that the partners of jedi slowly abosrb their 'force powers' via sex and become sensitive upon their death.
And sense very few records survived the genocide, no one can tell them their wrong. Ahsoka is unhelpful.
Luke: Ahsoka! Ahsoka! Is this true? IS THIS WHY THE JESI WERE CELIBATE?
Ahsoka: the jedi were not celibate, we do not monogamously marry, we do fuck. Certain members even have children.
Luke: you can marry polygamously? But not just one person?
Ahsoka: a marraige of two is a writ of mutual possession, I own you as you own me. Possession is bad. Master mundi's marraige was a formal agreement to produce children given his species low birth rate, he had no feeling of obligation or jealousy between his wives.
Ahsoka: you know? Visiting Master Mundi's widows wasn't really on my priorities list post-Order 66. Come to think of it though, he was sent on less and less missions as his number of children grew.
Kaeden: Okay, thats enough meditating for you. Get out of my house.
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rippler3 · 1 year
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chili3nachos2 · 11 months
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Happy late halloween
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
Kaesoka Sketch I'll Probably Never Finish
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Hey I drew a half decent side profile for once. The image pose is based on one wlw couple pose reference/base I looked up and sketched out to use however I wanted, so first I did it with Kaesoka and I'm gonna do it again cause it's fun and easy.
Now have some close ups cause these gays are so in love with each other:
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I love these two so much💖 I would sell my soul to make it canon and happy and fluffy and wouldn't even regret it.
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Well well well, would you look at that, the best week of the year. I swear this event is like a spiritual experience or ritual for me cause of how religiously I observe it.
If the apocalypse happens while I'm still alive I'm absolutely gonna make a religion centered around gays in space, it would be a good time, just lots of sapphic fanfic reading. (This is a joke obvi, if I survived the apocalypse I'd be in full unhinged adhd god mode cause I'll have no meds, just had a week of being off my meds, it was both fun and freeing and very frustrating and overwhelming at the same time)
So this is all I'll post about the next week.
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