#ai genderbender
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One Piece (2023)
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vinegar-rights · 4 months
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The science team took estrogen
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floatyflowers · 9 months
Male Version Game of Thrones/House of the dragon Characters
Rhaenyra Targaryen
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Alicent Hightower
(I tried so much to make his hair auburn but he just keeps going with that color)
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Sansa Stark
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Daenerys Targaryen
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Margaery Tyrell
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Arya Stark
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taxiaan-jun · 3 months
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bunch of frenrey sketches🫶🫶
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hyacinth43 · 1 month
you should draw am.. or auto.. as a woman
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I gave them cute alternate outfits just because. :D
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Episode 1: ♡Deluder♡
《Waking up in a body familiar, but uncanny, you unknowingly save an Idol with twins》
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《Warnings: Genderbend Ai, Ai Lives Au! Possible yandere. The story is for fun, more warnings to add later.》
《Deluder: To cause to hold a false belief; deceive thoroughly.》
WAKING UP in a body that wasn't your own wasn't something you enjoyed.
It felt like you were in bed. The next, sitting on the sidewalk with keys that didn't look like your own hanging on your wrist.
The feeling of the metal was cold and woke you from your thoughts.
Your skin felt like a rubber suit, or painted on... The sensation filled you with fear, so you did what any reasonable person would do.
You screamed in terror, jumping up in down while patting your skin and clothes on your back.
It was some work uniform that you had never seen in your entire life?!
While flailing about, you stop when people shot you weird looks. Judgment was very present in passer-buyers eyes. You shoot a nasty gaze right back at them, before turning around and seeing your reflection through a shop glass window.
It was you!
But, not exactly...
Your eyes were big and sparkly, hair was perfect, even after your panic attack. The clothes you wore were only slightly ruffled and a bag that you didn't own, hangs from your shoulder. T
You felt sick.
So you threw up on the concrete. You almost choked on your puke because you wanted to laugh at the shocked and horrified people that saw you spilling out chunks of black and purple.
Whoever's body you were in had eaten some weird-looking stuff. Gross.
Wiping your mouth of the residue and gagging at the taste in your mouth. Listening carefully to the sounds around you, which was some cheesy-sounding pop music.
You look up from your puddle of vomit and see a boy wearing your same uniform. Visibly weirded out by you, yet asks you if you were okay.
As if a switch was inside you, you felt like your body and mind were no longer in one.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little too excited, I got a new apartment so I have to deal with all the moving stuff."
The guy nodded politely, but his face lit up when seeing a poster nearby.
"Ah, I forgot! It's your day off tomorrow, right? Maybe you'll feel better by then!"
The boy was smaller than you, with short choppy hair and big yellow eyes. That's not a normal eye color, but they looked too real to be contacts.
You want to go home. Or to the godamn new home, your doppelgangers body had just bought!
"I hated today..." You groan, feeling whatever food was in the stomach of this body swish and gurgle in unpleasantness.
After digging around the bag that wasn't yours. You find a phone, I.D., wallet, and a note.
[Apartment number xxx, street xxxxx, keypad xxxx]
God or whoever, clearly had a love-hate relationship with you.
After walking inside the apartment complex, you smile proudly at yourself.
Look at you! Tired and scared shitless and finding possibly your forever home! Great.
Walking to your room number, you notice someone concealed in dark clothes following after you. Stopping at your neighbors' apartment. Quietly mumbling to themselves as they played with something in their pockets.
Weirded out. You ignore them before looking down at your doorstep.
You feel your eyes widen, a fond yet tired smile masking your face.
Someone left cookies on your doorstep in plastic tupperware.
Maybe.. Maybe that weirdo that was following you was your neighbor!
And you were just brushing off his kindness?!
Damn, now you felt like a ass.
Using all the energy you had left in your system. You hold the container close to your chest.
A friendly smile on your face as you walk over to over clothed man.
You call out to him happily. "Hey! I just wanted to say-!"
The door your neighbor who was standing in front of the door opens.
Your supposed "neighbor" pulls out a knife-
You throw up all over the attacker.
"AUGH! WHAT THE-!" Their weapon falls to the floor as a sickening *crack!* resounds in the hallway.
The attacker's body falls to the floor, vomit mixed with blood staining their hoodie.
Spit dribbles down your mouth, your body finally collapses due to all the stress in your system. Your eyes become blurry with tears or sweat.
You hope once you become unconscious that you'll wake up back in your actual body.
Unaware of the audience that watched you from their doorway.
Their star-eyed pupils become big at your fallen, disgusting form. The beats of your heart barely beating. Which caused your actual neighbor's heart to combust.
[Hey! I'm gonna try something new! Please comment, art, heart and reblog enjoy!]
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horzagobuchul · 11 months
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I might have taken some creative liberties when making this...
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deadvampire32 · 7 months
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Missing Him 🌻🍥
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raginggoose06 · 1 year
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Genderbend ai hoshino
Read a fanfic about GB!ai called “falsifier” by @ice-cream-writes-stuff & fell in love with it😆💘
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novankenn · 3 months
Pyrrha Nikos, the Four-Time Mistral Champion, and peerless student at Beacon Huntsmen/Huntress Academy... has a problem. She's enamored with her partner and team leader.
Now all her friends just keep telling her to admit her feelings for Joan Arc, the bubbly blond angel of Beacon... but Pyrrha is terrified of Joan rejecting her...
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... But discovering through Nora that her sweet innocent Joan is a popular and risque E-Girl streamer is threatening to be the source of her untimely demise... through blood loss...
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What is she to do, Suffer in silence... or ... confess?
I -- II -- III -- IV -- V -- Curtain Call
I -- II -- III -- IV -- V
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mshikfk · 7 months
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Traditional art something something.. I keep drawing genderbends of Kaito and Shinichi; I just love them so much
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One Piece (2023)
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lyrainworld · 3 months
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The most beloved girls of our favorite shuake genderbend. I've got this prompt from another winter (Christmas) exchange this time from Akechi Goro dedicated server. I did my best to make a Leblanc look alike, how it went judge for yourself, it sure has been challenging but also lot of fun!
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floatyflowers · 5 months
Male version of grown up Masha and the bear 🐻 🤭
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techstream · 1 month
What if? Female Rengoku
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hyacinth43 · 8 days
Now I really want to see what hal and tau would look like genderbent 👀
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I hit them with the girl beam! Hal is in similar professional attire but with an extra cute neckerchief. Tau is like a maid instead of a butler. ^_^
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