#aib season three
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szallejhscorner · 2 years
So, in case you’re wondering...
I’m still kinda on my social media break, somehow? :D At least I don’t have the apps on my phone anymore, because that was the thing: I didn’t want to look at my phone so much when I should focus on my child instead. But nothing keeps me from checking the desktop tumblr once in a while, hehe ~
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Hi! I absolutely love your fics and since AiB S2 had just ended, I was hoping you would take a Chishiya fic request. I'm a sucker for the enemies to lovers trope and was thinking it could be incorporated in the Jack of Hearts game (basically reader and Chishiya have no choice but to trust each other despite their differences). Amidst their tension, since they need to trust each other, both Chishiya and reader get to understand the other over time. Maybe a bit of angsty fluff?
Merry Christmas (if you celebrate) and Happy Holidays! I hope you get to enjoy this season of festivities!
hi! merry (belated) christmas and happy new year! i hope you got to enjoy the holidays too! here's your request! ❤️ feedback is always welcome and encouraged! i didn't do a explicit lovers situation, i left it open (bc lowkey im thinking of a pt 2) but i hope you can enjoy it nonetheless!
First, you were transported to that godforsaken world.
Then, you were made to play to get days to live.
And after that, you landed on a game of hearts where a rat tried to sell you out to save himself.
And a few days later, a bunch of zeppelins with face cards started to fly around and to avoid being shot until you turned to puree, you had to go on a game inside a prison complex to participate in yet another hearts game with the same rat that tried to use you to survive.
Just great.
You thought you'd just avoid him at first. He must be so used to fucking people over he doesn't even remember me, it's what you thought at first, but then his eyes met yours and they shone with amusement. He remembered you and didn't even look remotely embarrassed or guilty, in fact, he looked quite smug. It made your blood boil.
You decided to make your way over after you saw Chishiya leaning to murmur something in another player's ear. After sizing the boy in the overalls that looked absolutely terrified, you came to the conclusion that there was no better way to end Chishiya than to prevent him to be able to manipulate people.
You placed yourself on the other side of the boy, leaning on the wall opposite to Chishiya. "Hey", you spoke lowly. "Don't listen to him. He lies", you said. Chishiya raised his eyebrows, surprised. You remembered him after all.
"Huh?", the boy looked frantically back and forth as you and Chishiya as you stared each other down. You, boiling in fury and him smug as always.
"Ah, don't be too quick to take her word for it. It's your word against mine, after all. The game barely even started and here you are, already trying to get ahead. By what we know, you may be the Jack after all", he said, and the boy took an wobbly step to stand next to him.
"As if I'm the Jack. For all purposes, it could be you too. Aren't you used to leading people astray to their deaths?", you said, and Chishiya's face fell a bit, making you feel triumphant. He tried to sold you and accused you of being the Jack? The audacity.
He was about to open his mouth when another thing caught both of yours attention. A girl, dressed cutely, seemingly collecting players.
She came to your direction, standing in front of the three of you. "Do you want to play with us?", she said. Her fake smile grinded your gears even more, but you did your best to reciprocate. "But of course!"
"I'll play with you too", said Chishiya.
"Can't get rid of you, can I?", you grit out as you followed the group downstairs.
"We shall see", he said in a flat tone.
The game was nearing the end.
Your only ally, a woman in a red cardigan was led astray by the girl with the fake smile and cutesy dress, that in turn was betrayed by her own group. And now the group was getting smaller and smaller. There was Banda and a skittish boy with a fringe, and a couple. And you and Chishiya.
You eyed them all suspiciously. The game wasn't over, which meant the Jack was still among you. While you were looking around, trying to pretend you weren't straining your ears to listen to their conversation, Chishiya approached you.
"Do you know what they were doing before the game started?", he said, amused. You shook your head, not wanting to give him the time of day, but still listening with attention.
"Having sex. Inside one of the cells. He has full control over her", he said nonchalantly. "They'll do anything for each other. And the one right there, Banda. A serial killer, I saw on the news. Must've been a relief for him, being sent here...", he talked to you like someone talked about the weather, like you weren't in a death trap of a game.
"What do you want? For me to believe you? As if that's possible", you stood up, talking to him as quietly as possible. After all, it was best if the others thought you had an ally still. Even though you'd rather eat glass than to trust him with your life. "What? Want me to be like her?", you subtly nodded in the direction of the woman, that was absolutely entranced and attentive to everything the man was saying as if it was gospel. But it was probably a bunch of bullshit. "To follow you around until I'm useful to be bait?", earlier you were fuming but now you were just tired. Tired of dealing with all of this, and tired of seeing his face. Before, you wanted to beat him to a pulp for doing what he did. Now, you just wanted a peaceful and hidden place with food and maybe some rain for you to shower with.
"You're still mad at me for that?", he said. The game consisted of basically convincing people not to kill you. Since it was your first game and you got there desperate, and Chishiya was the first person you saw, you had delayed to him your entire story. That you worked with children, that you loved what you did. That you couldn't wait to see them again. And then he took it and used it as his own. If it was only between the two of you, you'd have died that day.
"Of course I am! I could've died", you said.
"And on any other game after that. It's not even about me anymore, is it?", he said as you stormed off to get water.
"It's not even about me anymore, is it?"
The fact was that no, it wasn't. He played by the rules, and did what he was supposed to do at a hearts game. And if what he was supposed to do was be a huge traitor, well, that's on the game masters' account as well.
You were there grabbing a bottle of water behind one of the shelves when Chishiya tried to approach the woman. She, of course, bewitched by her affair, didn't even respond. Chishiya was good at seeming calm, but you could see that if he was outwardly asking for help then he sure was desperate.
He was right. It wasn't about him at all.
You had to kill people too. Had to trick people too. And for what? You had no one but your students. Would you be able to look them in the eye knowing you killed innocent people to get back? Chishiya tricked the person you were before you got into the games. You for sure weren't that person anymore.
You made your way around the shelf to approach him, him turning around with a smile on his lips but you could see that his friendly facade faltered when he looked at you. He didn't expect anything from you and that strangely hurt. For a moment, as you and Chishiya contemplated each other, it was like looking at a mirror. Alone, untrustworthy. You took a deep breath.
"You were right, Chishiya", his eyebrows rose yet again. You remembered his name. "It wasn't about you", you slowly approached him.
"Turn around", you said, softly. For the first time since you were a desperate mess in a hearts game, you weren't glaring daggers at him. You seemed tired, and oddly at peace. He appreciated the change.
"Thinking about lying to me?", he said, feigning amusement.
"Thought", you corrected him. "But not anymore. Turn", you said again and he eyed you for a second before turning around in his heels. He could feel you stare at him, and he jumped slightly when he felt your fingers on the back of his neck, brushing his hair aside to look at his symbol.
"Diamonds", you breathed and he turned around.
You sat down on the table directly next to you, drinking your water.
"What, you don't want me to do it to you?", he said, plopping himself next to you.
"Are you thinking about lying to me?", you gave him a weak chuckle and he reciprocated with a small smile of his own.
"Thought. But not anymore. Turn", he said, the smile still there. You turned your torso away from him and he leaned over to look at it. You could feel his breathing on your neck and it gave you goosebumps.
"Hearts", he said. You laughed.
"I can't believe it", you said, looking at him. "Ironic, huh?", you raised your eyebrow. You felt contempt but that underlying bitterness showed through. Not at Chishiya anymore but at all of this, at yourself and he could definitely notice this shift.
"I work with children. I love what I do", he said after a beat of silence. You looked at him, perplexed. He really did all of this to toy with you? That's what you get for trying to help.
"You're an asshole", you say through clenched teeth, going to stand up when you felt his hand around your wrist. He wasn't squeezing you, you could shake him off by any means. But the overwhelming warmth of his palms and his gaze where all consuming, keeping you where you stood. He stood up, once again in front of you. "I'm not a teacher", he said.
You scoffed. "Of course you're not-", you started but he cut you off once more.
"I'm a pediatric heart surgeon. I was in the middle of my residency when I got here", he said. "What I said... Wasn't necessarily true. I don't love those kids like they're my own, because they're not. And I can wait to see them again. In fact, when I tell one to go home I hope I don't ever see them again. I hate dealing with people and the never ending questions and the sobbing parents. But it wasn't a lie either", he said.
"I... I didn't know...", you felt your face grow hot. He was a surgeon for kids. You never once wondered what he did before all this, but you assumed it was something shameful, since he decided to basically copy and paste your life story. You never once stopped to consider that maybe he did just have a similar life to you, after all. You felt sick all of a sudden.
"Don't apologize, there was no way of you knowing", he said. "I did what I did because you had something I didn't. You... Had that fire, that... Love. You wanted to see them again so bad. I didn't have that. I had to pretend", he said. He seemed... soft. Genuine. Your heart ached.
"I don't have that anymore", you said softly, avoiding his gaze. Chishiya felt needle pricks all over his body.
"I think you do", you looked up. "You wouldn't have come so far to give up", he said.
"I...", he started, but looked up at the sound of your voice.
"You...", you both talked at the same time. But that would have to wait because soon enough it was time to go inside the cells once more.
The game was over. While two of the remaining four tried to extract information from the Jack, you grabbed as much as you could carry and was making your way to the exit.
"What now?", you heard behind you.
"I don't know, Chishiya. What now?", you said.
"I'm looking for... my friends", you were surprised. He always struck you as a loner type. You did get him all wrong. "You could come. We can help each other leave this place", he said. "You're smart enough. A good player".
"Are you saying we're friends?", you asked, one eyebrow raised. Chishiya froze. He didn't think it'd escalate this quickly. Friends? You were similar. But he looked at you in a different way than he did other people. As his eyes darted around, you made your way towards him. "Something different?", you whispered like you were telling him a secret. You didn't want to say "more". Not yet, at least.
"Different, yes", he said, extremely relieved at your choice of words.
"One condition", you said and he nodded.
"You tell me about you. About your job. I'd love to visit when this all ends", he gave you a wobbly relieved smile.
"And you too. Tell me about your students", he said, walking alongside you as you exited the prison complex.
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catboyfics · 1 year
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Lure [part I]
oh my god thank you so much when i saw your request appear i literally got so happy
i started from before the king of spades appeared cause that made it more interesting, but also made it quite a bit longer, so i've split it into two parts. the second part will be when the actual fighting starts.
you also have a great day/night :D
𝑭𝑨𝑵𝑫𝑶𝑴: Alice In Borderland
𝑷𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮: chishiya x gn reader
𝑮𝑬𝑵𝑹𝑬 & 𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺: angst; gender neutral reader; spoilers for aib season 2, violence (nothing too bad yet), death
You'd been following Niragi for quite a while now. You'd seen what he's like. You'd seen what he's like. He disgusted you, but it took you by surprise when he stopped.
There was an overhead, blocking you from the light. You were on one side, with him on the opposite end. He faced away from you, towards an open area - a street crossing, you thought. You reached towards your gun, hanging from it's holster at your hip.
Carefully, you pulled it out, careful to be quiet as to not alert Niragi that you were there.
Suddenly, there were gunshots and you jumped. You peeked out from behind the pillar, but Niragi still was facing away from you.
"Yo!" You heard him shout, and you peeked out again. In the distance, you could vaguely make out a figure. The man you'd been following seemed occupied so you decided to approach.
Carefully, gun in hand, you made your way under the overhead, rubble crunching ever so slightly under you feet.
"It makes me pretty damn happy to run into you here." He continued, his voice booming. He sounded dangerous, malice dripping from every word.
You stepped forward again, ducking behind trucks and other vehicles to avoid being seen. You didn't think he would turn around, but you could never be too careful, especially with someone like him.
From you closer position, you could vaguely make out the one who Niragi was talking to. They were tall and wearing a white shirt. At first, nobody came to mind, but you quickly realized that the description matched Arisu.
Your eyes widened, and you inhaled sharply. Niragi was shooting at Arisu, and maybe someone else as well. That wasn't good.
"You intentionally didn't kill me with that shot." You heard someone say. This voice, you immediately recognized as Chishiya. Your expression soured, what he'd said to you before clouding your mind.
You'd only ever been anything but kind to him, but he was always brushed you off. He seemed annoyed with you, for no reason at all. It pissed you off.
"I wasn't going to end this with a surprise attack." Niragi declared in response to Chishiya's words. "Okay, let's begin: a game of shootout. Now that the three of us are back together, that seems most suitable."
You tensed up. Between players? What was the point? You understood that Niragi was angry, or maybe just insane, but that would only reverse the progress you had all struggled to make.
"A game between players?" Chishiya asked, voicing your thoughts out loud. You crept closer, their conversation interesting you profoundly.
"The three of us are very similar." Niragi started, "We're oddballs who can't fit in with society. Even so, our need to feel alive is much greater than most people's."
And then, Niragi coughed again, what was likely blood splattering against the ground. Finally, you figured out what was probably the reason why he was proposing this.
He was dying anyways. And he wanted to drag as many people down with him, to go out with a bang.
"I haven't got much time left, so let's do this." He declared as you exited the overhead. There was a building of some sort, it's intended purpose now lost to vegetation. You rushed there, hiding behind it. Niragi didn't seem to notice, but you couldn't guarantee anything for Arisu and Chishiya, and whoever else might be there.
"As kindred spirits, join me in one final game!" He cried manically before tossing one of his guns on the ground near Chishiya.
From your new spot, you could see better. Chishiya was lying on the ground, clearly hit by the bullets released earlier by Niragi. Arisu was standing facing the ex-militant, a shotgun hanging off his shoulder.
There was movement in the corner of your eye, making you look over. You could see Chishiya getting up to go grab the gun a few feet in front of him on the grass.
"I like it." He declared, hand still resting on his side. That must've been where he got shot. "Join us, Arisu."
Arisu was clearly surprised that Chishiya was on board with Niragi's plan. In all honesty, so were you, but you didn't know what he went through. Maybe it would be better for the white-haired man to die, anyways. It was clear he didn't have any empathy.
"I'm sure you despise me as well. Use this opportunity to take revenge." He continued. "Let's play a game, the three of us."
"Are you insane?" Arisu asked in a shaking voice, nervously grasping his shotgun. You tensely held your own gun, standing defensively, peeking out from behind the wall of the building.
"Come on, you've got a gun too. Take aim!" Niragi persuaded, taking a couple of shaky steps towards Arisu.
"Do we really have to do this?" The man trailed off wearily, swaying ever so slightly.
All of a sudden, a gunshot echoed through the crossing, making you jump. Another, though quieter, one echoed. You peeked out again from your hiding spot and say both Niragi and Chishiya shooting at Arisu as he ducked behind a car.
The ex-militant jumped aggressively onto another car, shooting at Chishiya as he rushed behind a red car.
Bullets exploded out of Niragi's gun, the gunshots echoing out through the area, making you jump each time.
"Niragi! Stop this!" Arisu cried. You couldn't see him because of the car blocking his form. He likely couldn't see you either, so you rushed out of the building behind you, using the gunshots to cover any noise you may make.
"I'm simply doing what I want, the way I want!" Niragi started, "You guys are the same! It's always 'me!' with you two, it's always about what you want! You aren't experts on life just because you saw a bunch of people die! 'Living for others'? That's such bullshit! All we really care about is our own selves! As long as it's good for us, that's all we really need!"
Everything went quiet. No one said a word. Niragi was right. You all did only live for yourselves. People had died because of you. You had hurt others, you weren't good people. That didn't mean you should kill each other, though.
"Yeah." Arisu finally said. "You may be right. Killing each other here might just be appropriate for us."
You gritted your teeth. If Arisu gave into this bullshit, they would all die. You couldn't let that happen.
"You're all idiots!" You yelled, aiming your gun for Niragi's calf. Grimacing, you pulled the trigger, the force of the gun making you stumble backwards.
The bullet nestled itself in Niragi's leg, making him stumble on the car and eventually fall to one knee. You hated using guns.
"Sure, we deserve to die! Niragi surely does! But by resigning ourselves to death, the only thing we're doing is being cowards! I don't know about you, but I've regretted enough of my life. I'm done with that shit! If I'm going to die, it won't be in cowardice, it'll be in an attempt to protect those dear to me!"
You gun was still pointed at Niragi, clammy hands grasping it and you finger hovered over the trigger. You wouldn't die here. Not now.
Suddenly, you saw Arisu stand up from the corner of your eye.
"I'm not doing this." He declared. "I won't pull this trigger just to help myself." A dark humor made itself apparent in his voice, making you laugh darkly.
"This shit is ridiculous. I don't care about your shitty fantasy, asshole." You spat at Niragi, gun still pointed at his face.
It was quiet. Nothing was said. Niragi looked back and forth between you and Arisu, face blank with surprise. His gun was still pointed at Arisu, but his arm was relaxed, not ready to shoot.
"That sure put a damper on things." Niragi said with a chuckle, his gunning arm dropping down to his side.
"Arisu?" You heard a voice call, recognizing it as Usagi. "What are you doing?"
You chuckled darkly. What were you doing? It was all pointless, you couldn't believe the people you respected most were nearly dragged down with Niragi.
"Oh yeah... There was you too." Niragi said slowly, voice dripping with contempt as he raised his gun again, aimed at Usagi. He shot at her feet, missing her by mere inches as she jumped to the side, another bullet rushing at her.
"You asshole." You growled under your breath.
"Stop it! Usagi has no part in this!" Arisu screamed as he aimed the shotgun over the car, pointed right at Niragi.
"Every game needs a heroine to make it more exciting!" The ex-militant cried manically, and at this point, you were sure he'd gone insane.
"When the two of you are dead, the three of us can go back to being kindred spirits!" He yelled, looking crazily between you and Usagi. "I can't stand to be alone anymore." He said finally, quietly, before raising his gun to point to Usagi.
And then the sound of his gun firing rung into your ears, the man before you turning quietly and pointing his gun at you. Anger fueled you, rushing through you veins like lava.
You shot him in the shoulder, face blank as his own bullet grazed your cheek. Arisu had shot him as well, blasting him off the car. He landed pathetically to your right, you walked over to him and stepped on his wound, making him groan.
You grimaced, stepping dismissively over him as you rushed over to help Usagi, wiping your cheek on your sleeve on the way. Right as you mind cleared, you saw that Usagi didn't get shot. Chishiya had stepped into the way.
You cursed, starting to run. He couldn't die, he was an asshole, but he was important. You rushed over, ready to help him. Blood stained the side of his shirt as he grimaced, but otherwise, he seemed fine.
You breathed a sigh of relief, shoulders shaking as you took another step closer to him.
Arisu both rushed over, Usagi walking around from behind. He gingerly lifted his shirt up, showing that the bullet had grazed his side.
"Hey..." Arisu started, suddenly remembering that Chishiya never finished what he'd been saying. "What were you going to tell me earlier?"
"Chishiya made a noise suggesting he'd forgotten and had just remembered. "Oh, yeah."
"To me," He started, "people who live life seriously seem like fools. Those people who strive so hard... I just want to curse them. All their goodwill was repugnant to me. But I must've been jealous. They had what I didn't. It seemed like they were criticizing me for being such a vain and vulgar person. I was afraid of them."
The monologue sent chills down you spine. You nodded solemnly.
"I get what you mean." Arisu said sadly. You looked down, knowing the feeling all too well.
"Guys..." Usagi started, her voice shaking. "The King of Spades is coming."
You all looked up, the blimp overhead.
"Shit..." you cursed, you'd thought you would finally get a break. "We need to go."
Usagi went with Arisu and Chishiya went with you, hiding behind cars and trucks, trying to find cover from the King of Spades' guns.
Your gun was heavy in your hand. You could see from your side of the street that Arisu had kept the shotgun, and Chishiya was holding the pistol he'd been given by Niragi.
"We should try to find the others!" You shouted across the street to Usagi and Arisu, seeing them both nod back.
You kept running, continuously hiding behind vehicles and the sides of building.
"We can't go farther until the King of Spades is defeated! We need to kill him!" Usagi declared, looking nervously at you and Chishiya. You looked towards him, gaze anxious.
"We should at least try." He whispered. You nodded, looking across the street to Usagi.
"Let's do it!" You yelled, hand tightening anxiously around the gun. You and Usagi made eye contact before rushing up ahead, trying to get to where the King was.
Suddenly, Arisu yelled. "Kuina! An!" You looked up ahead, and, lo and behold, there they were.
They looked around for a moment before seeing you, starting to run towards Arisu and Usagi.
You decided to make your way across the street to communicate better.
"Are you guys okay?" You asked once they arrived, receiving a nod.
"It's so good to see you guys though. Good to know you're all okay." Kuina said, breathing heavily from running from the King.
"Yeah, you too." Usagi agreed.
"The King of Spades is trying to end things here." An said once things had calmed down slightly and greetings had been exchanged.
"Let's defeat the King together." Kuina finished for her, making everybody nod in agreement.
"We were thinking the exact same thing." Usagi said.
Suddenly, the King shot at the car you were hiding behind. You peeked over the top of the car, seeing him approaching. He was always so calm, keeping a walking pace.
You gulped, clammy hands gripping the gun tightly. You had to end it here.
Three other players sprinted to the car beside you, trying to hide behind it. Two of them made it, but the other was gunned down before they could get out of the way of the bullets.
You gulped, peeking over the top of the car again and seeing the King even closer. You gestured to everyone to go, sprinting away from the King.
You made it to another car, hiding behind it to catch your breath, when you noticed Chishiya gesturing for you to go to him. You took another deep breath and sprinted as fast as you could.
He'd been kinder to you recently. You weren't sure why, maybe he grew up a bit and realized that having enemies in this god forsaken country wasn't a good idea.
You made it to Chishiya, who was only one or two cars in front of you when An tripped. You stopped, turning back to check on her.
The King was only three or four meters away from her, making you cry out.
"An!" You heard Arisu say as well, making Kuina stop.
The King approached her menacingly, you raising your gun in an attempt to save her.
She took out her own gun, trying to shoot him in a desperate attempt but he grabbed it away. She tried to scramble to her feet when the King grabbed her shirt and shot aimlessly at Arisu and Usagi, forcing them to move out of the way.
Just as you were about to shoot, the side mirror of a car hit the King's head. Kuina kicked it, you put together. Finally, the King's attention was drawn away from An, giving her a chance to grab her gun and run off, hiding behind the car you and Chishiya were behind.
"You alright?" You asked, An nodding in reply.
You waited for a little bit, letting An catch her breath. Suddenly, there was a loud noise, like what a car emits. You peeked out from behind the car you hid behind, only to see another car running into the King and driving him into, well, yet another car.
They burst into flames as people stopped hiding to see if the King had finally been killed.
The group who you presumed were in charge of the stunt started celebrating. Then, bullets found their way into their leaders chest. The King wasn't dead quite yet.
From the flames, he stood up. Nothing had caught fire, so you figured his gear must've been fire resistant. He stepped onto the roof of the car that had crashed into him and started shooting at everyone who'd been watching.
You gulped and crouched back down behind cover. You wouldn't die here. Once the shooting finally stopped, you peeked out again and saw that he was taking off his cloak. Underneath it, he was wearing a bulletproof vest and a full face mask.
Then, he took off his mask, revealing a shaved head. It was scarred, and when you looked closer, you realized he only had one functional eye. His appearance sent chills down you spine.
His face was expressionless, emotionless. He felt no guilt, no mercy at killing so many people. You gripped your gun tighter, though it offered no sense of security.
He turned around, his eye finding yours before you ducked into the cover of the car. Eventually, his gaze landed on Arisu and Usagi, who stood petrified, out in the open. He raised his gun, shooting mercilessly. They were only barely able to duck out of the way as they rushed behind a car.
They quickly started running, Arisu ducking behind the cover of a different car to take offensive as Usagi ran, fully utilizing her climbing skills.
Eventually, the shooting stopped as the King had to reload, and Arisu took that chance. He peeked up over the car and took a shot at the King, who rolled out of the way.
Everything was quiet for a while as the King reloaded. Once he was finished, he peeked out from behind the car, gun loaded and ready to fire. Then, suddenly, an arrow shot itself into his side. It penetrated the bulletproof vest, but it didn't get through it.
The girl who had shot the arrow started to load another into her bow when the King started shooting at her, forcing her to run into cover. The King ducked behind the car again to remove the arrow from his vest.
You took the chance to run out of you hiding spot, sprinting down the street. You ducked behind the cover of the cars on your way, gun gripped tightly in your hand, always held close to your chest.
Eventually, there was a building in front of you. You saw Arisu and Usagi duck in, motioning for Chishiya to follow you - at some point, the two of you and An and Kuina had separated. It was dark - the lights weren't on - but it seemed safe and offered good cover.
You rushed in, ducking to the side where you couldn't be seen. Finally, you relaxed the grip on your gun and slid down the wall. You lungs heaved, not used to running so much.
"Jesus..." You muttered under your breath, eyes closing. You'd been having trouble sleeping, and it was a conscious fight not to succumb to rest. You wiped the sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand, taking deep breaths.
Kuina and An came in from the back, putting your mind to rest. Everybody was accounted for, everybody was safe.
"Arisu." Someone called. It was a girl with bow and a quiver of arrows, who you reasoned was the person that had shot the King.
"Heiya." He replied, looking over. They seemed to know each other, though you weren't sure how or why.
"You're Usagi?" The girl - Heiya - asked. Usagi nodded, looking at the newcomer in surprise. "Yes."
"Nice to meet you."
Suddenly, a familiar voice called out. Despite the voice being familiar, it felt like you hadn't heard it in ages.
"He's about to run out of his spare magazines." It was Aguni. You'd known him from the Beach, he'd been the leader of the militants. He should've died in the ten of hearts game, though. It was a miracle he was still alive.
Clearly, the others echoed your own feelings, breaking out into questions. He was probably the best person to fight the King with, though.
"Aguni? How'd you get here?" Usagi asked, watching him confusedly.
He rushed to somewhere with a little more cover from the King before answering.
"I followed you."
It was silent for a little while, the man's words processing through everyone's minds.
"You must like me." Heiya said with a little smile.
Aguni seemed to skip over what the girl said, moving over to get closer to all of you.
"He's still just a human. He's not omnipotent. His guns are the same, they can't be fired forever. When he's out of rounds, he reloads, same as us. The blimp probably sends more round down for him."
"We've got weapons." Arisu remarked, lifting his shotgun. You felt your grip on your gun tighten, a slight reminder it was there. Everybody checked their own weapons, Chishiya having a quick look at the gun he was given by Niragi, Kuina readying her fists, An taking a quick look at her own gun.
You weren't helpless. You had weapons, you had the means to do this.
"But these are all the rounds we've got." Aguni finished your train of thought.
Suddenly, Kuina remembered something. "I've also got this." She said, pulling a can out of her pocket. "A good luck charm." You looked at it questioningly before Chishiya said something.
"Oh yeah. I've already used mine, though."
"It's a bomb Chishiya made." Kuina answer the silent question hanging in the air.
"What good is that?" Aguni scoffed, looking at Chishiya.
"Lure him in and use it close." The man answered quickly. "It's made with kerosene, shoot it and it'll go."
"So an ANFO bomb." An remarked.
"That won't make much of an explosion." Aguni challenged. It wouldn't but if you could find, maybe, something flammable, like alcohol it would work great. Maybe if you lured the King to a gas station? You weren't quite sure.
Arisu answered your question for you. "There's a drugstore over there. If it's closed off and filled with aerosol fumes, the explosion will be amplified." He finished with a proud grimace.
"You sure of that?" Aguni said skeptically.
"Maybe." Arisu answered back. It wasn't a foolproof plan, everyone would have to play their parts.
"In other words, someone has to lure him in there." Kuina put together.
"Yeah." Arisu agreed. "I'll wait in the store for him and set it off." That was even riskier, though. If he was in the store when the bomb went off, he'd surely die.
"You'd die." You said warily, not ready for such a loss. Usagi seemed to have the same thought as you, saying something similar.
"No." He said confidently. "I'll get away."
"How?" Chishiya challenged amusedly.
"On the second floor," he started, a slight grin appearing as his plan formed. "Even if I'm blown outside, I can still survive." There was a little while of silence while he gauged the other's reactions to his plan before he added something on. "Maybe."
Chishiya nodded, and you agreed. It was reasonable, probably wouldn't kill him. Might seriously injure him enough to get him killed later on, though.
"This is nothing but 'maybe's." Heiya remarked suspiciously. It wasn't the best plan, no, but it was probably the best you had.
"It's worth betting on his maybe's, though." Aguni argued.
"Let's not bet too much, though. This plan isn't foolproof, it'll probably go wrong at some point. One or two people should stay back and interfere if it's going to shit." You declared, gaze sweeping over everybody as they looked at you.
"I can do that." Chishiya said, offering you a his signature grin.
"I'll join him, then." Kuina decided.
"Now that we have our two people to stay back, who's going to be the decoy?"
"This time, I'll be the decoy." Aguni said to Arisu, clearly referencing something in their shared past.
"It's reckless to lure him alone." Usagi noticed.
"I'm enough." Aguni pushed, but Usagi stayed put.
"Let's all be decoys." She finally decided. You were up for it, you were far from weak. Everyone else seemed to echo your feelings, - except Chishiya and Kuina of course - nodding.
Aguni scoffed, clearly defeated. He rolled his eyes, but otherwise, seemed on board with the plan.
"Okay. Let's go."
i'm so sorry this ended up getting so long and i didn't want to have a huge wall of text so i'm splitting it into two parts, i hope it's ok so far though :)
remember to drink water :>
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mistbornthief · 1 year
me before: well AIB ended on a pretty wrapped up note overall, so even if they dont get a season three it'll be fine
me now seeing those posters: if I dont get an AIB season three I'm going to start throwing shit
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anime-and-arson · 2 years
Ok I have something to say.
I’m not confused about the ending of aib not about the joker card (Ok I am a little bit bcs people have been giving so many great ideas and theory’s), but it’s not that.
What I’m confused about is how they had a massive focus on the rapid growing plantation and wildlife taking over the city, there was an entire thing with Ann investigating it and that guy finding her with the camera and Arisu and Usagi seeing that on the tapes.
So what I’m confused about is
A) have I missed something or
B) is it a metaphor or meaning for something or
C) is it something that could be explained or is set up for a possible third season
D) is just something the writers forgot to or couldn’t write anything wrapping it up
Because it just felt so important and it felt like it was just dropped or forgotten at the end and I feel a little stupid because maybe I missed something????
But so many people have been focusing on the joker card because yes that is important to but I feel like people have been forgetting about this entire subplot so are we maybe getting a season three, or could the writers just not wrap this loose end up?
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lanternkiwi · 2 years
what i personally think would happen if the bllk characters were in alice in borderland
cause i love bllk and aib season two just came out and i love aib!! i was gonna make this earlier like before 2022 ended but i didn’t have enough time.
possible bllk manga spoilers & aib spoilers! read at your discretion D:
isagi yoichi, chigiri hyouma, bachira meguru, & kunigami rensuke !! — excels in club & spade games. and they’re a little group! just like arisu, chota, kurabe, and shibuki <;3 if you know what’s coming, sorry (i’m not)
isagi might not be physically strong but he has good endurance and is one of the more intelligent characters. actually, he might even pull off a low-mid difficulty diamond level game but he sticks to his strengths of clubs & spades. i feel like he’d lean closer to club games so he can work w others and form bonds w them if they all manage to survive! he’s trying his best and he really wanted to get back to the real world so he can tell his parents he’s okay, he thinks they’re worried sick about him and they are.
chigiri is just like isagi. he, isagi, kunigami, & bachira met in a club game and they made the fateful decision to team up! they’ve been together ever since. it was isagi’s first game- the others were still relatively new, but not a beginner like him. chigiri is still paranoid about his acl injury because the club & spade games are very physically demanding for him. but once he discovered how much he wanted to live, for his sister and his mother, he was able to overcome that mental block. i also think chigiri is able to pull off a low level diamond game if he’s lucky
bachira’s the one that keeps everyone’s spirits high! he’s agile and fast so spade games are right up his alley. he has no problem working w his three buddies so club games are also a personal preference of his. he likes to make light of every dark situation they might find themselves in; give them hope in hopeless times. the anchor of the group :( bachira once confessed he’s never negative and never gives up cause his mom would kick his ass if she found out he did. he wants to go back for her.
kunigami secretly finds spade games fun. they challenge him and he’s able to get stronger the more spade games he participates in. he also has no problem with the occasional diamond game either. he’s got a good head on him, why not use it? he, much like bachi, tries to keep the groups spirits up. but, unfortunately, kunigami got himself in a bit of a bind. he was a bit too selfless. he made the decision to sacrifice himself for isagi, chigiri, and bachira if it meant they could live. it was a hearts game. their visas were running out and they almost had no choice. isagi, chigiri, and bachira were the only survivors of their 13 person game.
who know what else this world has in store..
rin and sae itoshi — diamond and spade games galore!! these smart asses love a good diamond game and their physical strength shines in spade games.
despite the two of them never ever getting along, their new circumstance called, no, demanded for teamwork. they still had their arguments and disagreements, that’ll never change. but at least they cooperated during games. it was all they asked for each other.
sometimes they split to do other games alone and had a designated meetup spot. sae would try his hand at low level heart games and would be surprised to see how well he’d perform. rin attempted a club game on his own, he knew damn well working w his brother would be difficult but his visa was counting down the days.
he ended up meeting aryu and toki in this game and to his surprise, he didn’t completely hate it. and he didn’t die either, which was also nice. the three of them formed a nice alliance that rin could rely on, he asked them to stick around for a while until it was time to meet with sae again. they agreed.
sae, in one of his diamond games, met a trio of players named oliver, kazuma, & sendou. he found all three of them to be rather annoying, but when one of their friends kazuma died in the game, he felt … bad? sae hated the idea of working together, he had no idea who was going to betray him- even rin. but he figured some temporary company wouldn’t hurt anyone.
our little trio- isagi, chigiri, and bachira- had heard of a paradise called the beach during one of their games. chigiri talked to one player named aryu who might’ve accidentally let the name slip. he was immediately infatuated with chigiri because how in the world was his hair so shiny and smooth in a post apocalyptic world like this? a miracle. aryu had no problems answering chirigi’s questions, even the location of the beach was so easily given away.
chigiri had no idea how long aryu was a member of the beach, but his answers were good enough. now, after that game, all three of them had a least a week each to search for the beach. it was perfect. they were going to be safe! have a nice place to rest, maybe even a good meal! at least, that’s what bachira always said. isagi was still in a strange slump because of what happened with kunigami, but he was still focused on the task at hand.
finding the beach.
they found themselves outside of a resort, with spray paint over the name- BEACH. they found it. they were here! when suddenly- everything went dark.
isagi was the last to wake up between him and his friends. the three of them were tied to chairs and in a dining hall that was emptied out. there were people in the room with them as well.
the guy directly in front of them introduced himself as oliver aiku, but they were to call him hatter. to his left was sendou shuto and sae itoshi. turns out sae’s chosen company was good company after all. there was a tall player, styled hair and round frame glasses as well. another had black spiky hair with purple ends and a sly smile plastered on his face. in between them was a guy with white hair, an awkward green stripe of hair going down the center of his bangs. those three guys were armed. on the other side of the room, there was a duo. one with purple hair and one with white. these guys weren’t armed, for some reason. what they all had in common though, was their clothing. beach clothes. weird, on theme, but weird.
isagi, chigiri, and bachira were allowed to join the beach as official members! they had to wear beach attire, oliver says it’s harder to hide weapons that way.
isagi was approached by the duo from the room. they introduced themselves as reo mikage and nagi seishiro. reo explained the hierarchy of the beach. he and nagi were oliver’s executives, along with sendou and sae. sae had taken kazuma’s spot after his death in the diamond game. but the beach was split. oliver’s half- and karasu’s half. the mercenaries were allowed to have weapons on the beach, and they were the ones most likely to participate in games. karasu’s executives were yukimiya kenyu, tokimitsu toolazytolookuphisfirstname, otoya eita, and rin itoshi.
aryu and toki took rin back to the beach after their game and karasu was impressed by rin’s talents. he knew right then and there he would be an excellent executive.
modified the beach’s hierarchy a little to suit the story idc IM IN CONTROL HERE
unfortunately, as i’m in control, i need to kill some people off. our group is a tad bit too big to send into the final stages so i’ll try to keep their deaths canon to their aib counterparts (save for bachi- he has the power of my personal bias)
also if it’s not totally clear yet, the bllk’s counterparts to aib are
isagi = arisu, chigiri = usagi, reo = chishiya, nagi = kuina, bachira = chota (he’s supposed to be dead but again, power of my personal bias), kunigami = kurabe, oliver = hatter/takeru, karasu = aguni (random asf i know 💀 ran outta players), yukimiya = kuzuryu (but the king of diamonds will be someone else wink wink), sae n rin = ann- miss me w that “two people can’t be one person” THIS IS MY AU. I AM THE GOD HERE. i guess that makes toki that tattoo guy and aryu niragi huh 😭😭😭 promise aryu won’t commit any atrocities like niragi did. also don’t worry about mira. just don’t. trust me. i got a plan for her.
reo, nagi, sae, rin, isagi, chigiri, and bachira all survived the massacre at the beach. the ten of heart games had brought them closer together and they formed an unlikely alliance.
and finally, they had all the playing cards in the deck. now the face cards were surfacing.
reo, sae, and rin were separated from the group when they were ambushed by the king of spades! sae and rin ended up together, as a duo once again, while reo was off on his own.
so that just leaves isagi, chigiri, bachira, and nagi to fend for themselves. nagi is worried about reo, he’s never really been apart from him. but he knows reo’s smart so he has faith.
they try their hand at a king of club game where they reconnect with aryu to their surprise. they thought he had died in the fire at the beach! they were worried cause they were one player short to play the game but with aryu, they could participate.
this is where they met the king of clubs, michael kaiser. he had a team of four behind him as well- alexis ness, annndd think of two other players from bastard cause i’m too lazy to look up their names 💀 but you get the gist.
also yea i was thinking about making kaiser the king of spades but again… i got plans. wink.
michael and isagi were rivals in this game, it was no secret. and michael’s game was tough. an obstacle course that required both incredible physique and teamwork. michael might as well have been a heart as well because his shit talking nearly drove a wedge between isagi’s group. ness’ taunts and condescending words affected chigiri and nagi. they were able to pull themselves together at the last moment, and claim their victory.
michael and his group were killed by their group, but not before he explained that every face card game was a battle to the death. they might have won, but the couldn’t have done it without bachira’s sacrifice (sorry my personal bias is now in a committed relationship with reo) isagi was crushed. he had known bachira the longest, but his death was not in vain. isagi and chigiri stayed together after the game while nagi went to search for reo, and maybe even sae and rin if he got lucky. and aryu decided to separate from the group as well. just pretend like i have a good reason as to why he left.
reo, sae, and rin met up in an unlikely place. the king of diamonds. the man didn’t look like he’d be able to put up much of a fight. but he was lanky, tall, and had a bowl cut. he also had that creepy look in his eyes that freaked reo out lowkey.
his name was ego jinpachi.
his puzzles and riddles had the three of them stumped at times. the questioned seemed simple, they were “who is most likely to” and they had a hypothetical scenario with three different answer options. they were all sat in front of older screens with messed up font, it was hard to understand at first but they got the hang of it. and of course, those who answered wrong would die. at first, they provided tons of background information to help them answer the question. but as the game went on, the stories got shorter and shorter. but at least one of them had to know the answer.
they doted off of each other to answer the riddles and solve the puzzles. then at the last moment, ego had asked them “who is most likely to die” and presented them with four options instead. and, they weren’t allowed to talk at all.
option one- A liTTle girL WitH a BaD hEarT and NO DoNor
option two- a GuY wAlkInG oNto inComIng trAFFic
option three- tHe SMoKER wItH stAgE FOUR lUng CanCer
option four- thE GOod Jumper wIthiN his PAraCHute stIngs
reo, sae, and rin were the only three left alive, the other two players had died. it was just them and the game master, ego jinpachi.
the other three answers were obvious. but a jumper within his parachute strings? was he tangled in his parachute and that’s why he was going to die? or-
no. it wasn’t that. reo saw it. right there in the answer. the fourth option, the capital letters spelt out the game masters name.
reo had his answer. he then had to wait for sae and rin to hopefully notice the same things he did.
and he was right (personal bias sorry i couldn’t bring myself to kill the toshi bros). all three of them had survived that last game, killing the king of diamonds.
players that were still left were able to defeat the other games and meanwhile, isagi and chigiri joined the queen of spades game, defeating her as well
sorry to speed through the queen of spades cause i loved her game but dawg there aren’t enough girls in bllk to give them a queen okay 😭 unless i make like idk julian loki the queen of spades LMFAOOO
moving onto the final arcss. the way this was just supposed to be a fun little rant and then turned into a whole ass au. god. it’s also so obvious when i decided to start turning it into an au 😭
the king of spades are going on killing people without mercy. isagi and co had reunited and they were ready to try to defeat the king. after someone had crashed their car into him, and he had gotten out without a scratch, isagi and co knew they needed a good ass plan and a lot of strength to beat him. before they could come up with a real plan tho, the king of spades removed his hood and mask. and he was—
kunigami?! 😱 (act surprised)
isagi couldn’t believe it. he thought kunigami had died a long time ago… but here he was. standing in front of him with a neighborhood body count the bad kind, an assault rifle, and a dream with the intent on killing him.
well, canon to episode seven, kunigami packed everyone else up except isagi 😭🙏 nagi? shot trying to protect reo (to bllk’s canon it would be the opposite but i refuse to critically injure reo so bite the bullet nagi! literally) chigiri? stabbed multiple times. reo? beaten up while trying to avenge nagi (he was not shot or stabbed, again i refuse to hurt my boy) sae and rin? shot and shot (and probably shot again) it was brutal. unfair, even.
kunigami then tracks down isagi who was busy building a bomb in a nearby connivence store (oh these aren’t homemade they were made in a factory… a bomb factory. they’re bombs!) and the two are forced to have a heartbreaking confrontation :(( isagi wonders why kunigami was doing this, how he could easily kill so many people. kunigami was met with a cruel world after his “death” they had saved him and made him a citizen because his abilities were spectacular. unlike anything they had seen before. isagi was heartbroken, distraught, and angry. kunigami was one of the first friends he had made here, and now he was his worst enemy…
anyways kunigami blows the fuck up, with the help of best boy reo of course.
isagi goes to check on the rest of his buddies and finds chigiri is the only one left that can really move around. if isagi was smart he’d just leave chigiri w reo but hey! arisu took usagi so isagi is taking chigiri. rin and sae are beside each other, and reo chooses to stay with nagi.
chigiri and isagi move onto the final game. the queen of hearts.
she was beautiful. short red hair and a well put together business look. she had a tablet in her hands and puts it down when she greets the only two players there with a smile.
she’s the final game.
and her name is anri teieri.
anri would never hurt these boys in bllk’s canon but again this is my au and what i say goes
y’all know how the queen of hearts game goes shits too elaborate to type out here just go watch episode eight 💀💀
meanwhile, reo is tending to everyone else’s wounds, trying to keep them all alive. especially nagi. rin and sae were having their little ann & kuina heart to heart while reo was focused on nagi.
it’s a shame that they were only able to get along in death. sae couldn’t begin to express how sorry he was that he allowed their relationship to end like this. rin returned the same sentiment. they were both hurt and continued hurting each other to make themselves feel better, or to at least forget the pain. overcoming the other meant overcoming their own personal pain.
“when we meet in the real world… let’s be brothers again…”
sae’s last words— as his wounds were more fatal than rin’s. he was losing blood at a much faster rate than rin was. it was the first time reo had ever seen rin cry. no matter what the games had put him through, no matter what injury he might’ve gotten, rin never faltered. never cried. never showed any weakness like that. until now, as he watched his brother die before his tear filled eyes.
tw for overdose for chigiri’s explanation!!
after the defeat of girl queen pussy boss anri, isagi and chigiri chose to go back to the real world!! they survived the borderlands. they got another chance to live. reo and nagi went back as well. rin was the last to say his decision, but he accepted to go back to the real world, grabbing his brothers hand before saying it.
rin woke up in the hospital, where his sleep deprived and saddened mother was sitting beside him. she rejoiced at his awakening. apparently, sae and rin had gotten into a car crash after practice. sae was in surgery and it wasn’t looking good for him at first but by some miracle, he was going to be okay. dad-toshi was waiting for his surgery to be over while mom-toshi stayed with rin.
down the hall, chigiri was being embraced by his sobbing mother and bawling sister. chigiri almost overdosed on medications for his knee because of the pain during practice.
in the room across from his, isagi was hugging his mother. he had devoted himself to soccer so much that he neglected his own health. it caused him to pass out during practice but because he had ignored his bodies needs for while, it raised even more issues.
but that wasn’t the important part, the important part was the boarderlands were over. they could finally rest.
this… this was supposed to be short 🧍‍♀️well, shorter than this at least, it was only supposed to be like oooooo which bllk characters would be good at which games ooooo but then it turned into a whole ass au 😭😭😭 if you made it this far congrats. if your fave died along the way sorry 💀
didn’t know how to kill off the players in the borderlands in their real world so i just skipped it 🧍‍♀️ uhh idk bachi was possessed by his monster and had a failed exorcism and kunigami dropped weights on himself mid workout /j
also don’t ask about barou. i was in the middle of writing out kunigami’s reveal as the king of spades and then suddenly remembered him. barou could’ve had another i’m wasnt the king moment but i wasn’t in the mood to rewrite the majority of it already and i thought kunigami being the king of spade would kinda be like what happened with him and the wild card program. i couldve made barou take aryu’s place as “niragi” and also made him aguni at the same time but again too lazy to go back and change it in case i missed a detail and it’s just confusing. but if i did automatically include barou he would’ve been a mercenary and been the niragi/aguni of the group without any like… major atrocities.
and finally kira died in his first game, end of story <3
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beewolfwrites · 1 year
are you ever going to write for chishiya again? not like ur series just maybe requests/one shots?
In truth, I'm not sure. Probably not. I rarely have much time to write much nowadays. Though I suppose it depends if season three of AIB inspires me (if there really is a season three).
Besides, I have a different fic in another fandom that I'm struggling to find time to work on, so that fic would always take priority.
Sorry, I know this probably wasn't the answer everyone wanted :(
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wellfell · 1 year
inhales deeply .. AIB SEASON THREE CONFIRMED .
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angryborzois · 1 year
season three of aib???
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xoteajays · 1 year
That answers some questions.. Because of the time zones from being in different countries. And also because of my erratic sleeping habits, since I'll wake up and sleep whenever I want - regardless of the times.
Possibly drunk.. I don't know about the first movie, but second movie was the men drinking too much alcohol. Because if you watch Dream Boys music video (that was the scene from the second movie) so that time you see the men passed out from drinking too much alcohol this time. But I can't remember in the first movie though for some reason.
Exactly! That's how I am now. Kind of. Normally I try keeping limits on how many original characters I have for a story, for the most part. But I made an exception for High&Low because of how many characters.. There are a lot of characters in this franchise. And I like way too many of the characters, that I can be a bit indecisive on what ships I'd want.
But I already have four, possibly five, original characters for H&L now.
Which reminds me! You have characters in four. Since you have really already done an edit for the elements. What about the seasons? Only because seasons come in four. Or maybe card suits (even if not AIB). I'm overthinking this again... Ignore that. Because I'm always like this.
I do miss the other gangs involved. Don't get me wrong. I like our Oya boys, and I also like the other schools too. But Worst feels completely different than the original storyline... In a good or bad way, depending on how you'd see it. Because what we know about the original guys in SWORD; Murayama got his job with Seki (at his father's construction site), Rocky's reopening his businesses after everything that happens in the original story, and Cobra seemed like he retired from Sannoh in my opinion. But not really anything about Daruma and Rude Boys. So just the thought of that is depressing to me. Because I miss the boys.
And, of course, those three characters - Dan, Tettsu and Chiharu - did have cameo scenes in the spinoff movies.. Not including DTC movie. I admit that upset me. Because once I saw them, I thought more of the original cast would show up besides them. But they never really did.
Exactly! Whether you would be frienemies, lovers, siblings, whatever.. You would know the differences in his personality and tones if you are close enough to him to understand how he acts and reacts about any thing. If you assume to know him, then that would so backfire on you.
Not a himbo. He's an intelligent man, but his plans keep backfiring on him every time though. And.. That's why I have always never been too fond of shows and movies with cops. Sometimes it's too unrealistic in my opinion. Just the fact that the cop's boss told his wife of all people that he was on sick leave. His wife. Who is always with him. Seriously! And, if you were going undercover on dangerous missions like this, I'd say you should tell your spouse. I know, I know.. Police and detectives never want their family and friends to worry about them. But still. You should tell your spouse in case anything were to happened to anyone.
Sometimes I can be patient. But never that patient. And.. I thought all the same thoughts you did about this. Vincenzo's trying to be a polite man to these people, have manners, be considerate to these people.
And yes, he does have a hidden motive. But I'm also a spiteful person in a lot of ways. If someone acted that way toward me, or even spoke, to me in that way.. I would want to demolish their building out of spite for them treating me that way. Since might be why I can't be in mafia.
I'm not much of an emotional person. But when I am, my emotions I'd express are negative emotions. Being spiteful is a form of violence for me. Spiteful and vindictive are violent tendencies. That is what I'd do.
Actually! I've noticed some things. But this is because other countries are different than us.. You mentioned the cop in Worst Of Evil has this bunker to sleep in. But buildings like Vincenzo's, also in Sweet Home.
So their housing apartments also have businesses inside? Like I know in America, sometimes there are apartments attached to a workplace - like a restaurant or salon. But that's not that often though. So to just know that there are businesses in apartment complexes is so weird in my opinion. I don't know why? But I know every countries is different.
i usually stay up late and then can’t sleep well anyway. have not had a decent night’s sleep in ages, so if some of my replies are short, it’s probably because i’m tired.
i’d maybe lean more towards drunk, did they ever show anyone actually using the drugs in h&l? i know the mentioned people using it, but was that ever shown on-screen?
ooh the seasons or card suits are both good ideas! i’d have to do some symbolism research into them tho to see who i’d put with what. if i had more aib ocs, they’d be good for a card suits edit, even though they’re not all in the same story.
i love the oya boys! but i miss my other boys too. i wanna see more of cobra, yamato and noboru. i wanna see how the rude boys are adapting to smokey being dead and takeshi being the new leader. i wanna know what daruma are up to, since so little is known about them really and there’s not a lot of scenes with them. let me see how the new club heaven is going!
i don’t think his department boss even knows he’s undercover, since he was approached by a man from a different department for the undercover job. so his wife and his division didn’t know he’s undercover. also if ‘sick leave’ excuse was for asthma. which. i had asthma as a kid. don’t know that it’s sick leave worthy.
i’m watching the third episode while i respond to this. they’re talking about the world ending in 1999 💀 almost forgot this is set in 1995 💀💀
i am a way over-emotional person. i can usually bury them down, but when i’m really feeling them it’s painted all over my face. i’m pretty quick to burst into tears tbh, just because i keep it bottled up so much so it tends to boil over. i can also get frustrated with people pretty quickly, but can usually hold it back since i work in customer service and i’m not allowed to snap at customers even when they deserve it. so i guess i could probably manage something similar to vincenzo’s politeness and patience, but maybe not for as long until i privately break down.
it is a little strange but i guess i view it kind of like when people live above their businesses? like when it’s a small solo apartment above and then a shop below? but on a larger scale where there’s a set of small businesses and then living quarters on the higher floors? maybe it’s because korea is a much smaller country than america or australia, so they’re a little more cramped in the cities? i’m not sure
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studiousfish · 1 year
I’m sorry AIB season THREE-? What is that even gonna be-? 😭
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mistbornthief · 1 year
literally season three of AIB could just be the characters in therapy for ten hours and id eat that shit up. i just want MORE i MISS THEM
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nanny-nani · 1 year
There might not be a season three of AIB but I'm still hoping because I still need an explanation for what the FUCK HAPPENEd
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thisbelongstoniragi · 2 years
it's almost 2 years since i first watched AIB with my best friends and i'll always remember how the night before we watched it, we were outside buying liquor for our country's new years eve party, i accidentally dropped a full bottle of vodka in the supermarket and the security guys were chasing us around the store and yelling at us to leave 😭 (kinda similar how arisu, chota & karube were chased by police in the first episode) and how as soon as we got outside, we saw fireworks. it's like the borderlands were 'calling' us, in a way. and me discovering the show altogether was also quite a destiny moment on its own; the day after the nye party, i was bored out of my mind, went on instagram and saw a random niragi edit. yeah. he was the first person i saw from the entire cast. not even arisu, not even chishiya who were blowing up at the time. it was him, from the very beginning. and when i found out him and i share the same birthday, i immediately told my friends 'DIBS', because i firmly believe it's a soulmate moment when two people share really rare birthdays 🥹
it's really strange that we decided to watch a 8 episode tv show because all of us have attention spams of a singular cockroach, and we get bored so easily, but when i tell you we INHALED this show from start to finish. there were no breaks, just cigarettes after cigarettes, tears, disbelief and fear. from happy friendship moments in ep1 to devastating, heartbreaking scenes in both ep3 and ep8. i'll never forget how i couldn't fall asleep later, because i thought the horse head guy from ep3 would chase us. and how the next day nothing felt the same. we started listening to japanese music, watched all of the AIB's cast dramas & movies, created fake scenarios at sleepovers, my friends even had DREAMS about playing games, talked about the show, plot & characters for MONTHS later. it got so bad to the point that i started acting way more impulsively than usual, picked fights with people who looked at me the wrong way/insulted my friends all because i was so influenced & mesmerized by niragi and his freedom to do whatever the fuck he wants. i wanted to be just like that, and never act like my previous insecure self. not just that, but the three of us completely changed our hairstyles to match our favourite characters. it was literally more than just an obsession, it was absolute insanity over a simple japanese tv show.
my own personal feelings and experience aside, i truly believe the second season will never sniff near the first season's level. it's just that girl, she just does it so much better. the games were so much more interesting, the characters were obviously so perfect for the plot (and they weren't boring, almost every single character had depth to them and multiple layers you can see them through, both good & bad) THE BEACH ARC, niragi's absolute dominance and PRIME moments during that era, chishiya's intelligence & cunningness on display, hatter's speeches, arisu's godlevel abilities to see through the minds of his opponents, MIRA. so many things. almost every single thing. and the most interesting part is that even two years later, i still feel the same. i still love it more than i've ever loved anything before and i'm still rewatching it almost every single month. it's no longer an obsession, it's a part of me.
man, if i ever end up having kids, the first show they'll watch is alice in borderland. this needs to be passed on to generations to come. it's just that good. and writing all of this totally didn't make me sob. good night 😭🫶🏻
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alluringmaiden · 2 years
Alice in Borderland, released in 2020, left the viewers with many unanswered questions, and now fans eagerly anticipate what will happen in season 2 of the thriller series. The Japanese science fiction series is based on the manga of the same name by Haro Aso. The drama is about three friends who are mysteriously transported to a different version of Tokyo which is abandoned and only a few people are left to survive by playing dangerous games; those cards affect the nature and difficulty of those games. If the participants fail to clear those games, they are killed by red lasers blasted from the skies.
The protagonist of the show is Arisu (his name sounds like Alice from Wonderland). By the end of season 1, Arisu loses his other 2 friends to the deadly games, after which he meets Usagi and teams up with her to untangle all the mysteries. Now the question arises: what will happen in season 2? What to expect from the next season of the show?
The audience can definitely expect to see deadlier and more thrilling games in the next season. The new set of games will be to collect the face cards that might enable the surviving characters to return back to the real world. The arcane stage or the world of the games is going to be bigger than the one of season 1. The final 12 games will decide the fate of the characters.
From the video posted earlier by Netflix, fans also got an idea about the cast that will be there in the next season. Some of the other minor characters are also expected to appear in season 2. What came as a surprise for the AIB audience was the appearance of Niragi and Aguni in that video. Niragi's character showed dark traits and hence he was the antagonist of the last season; Aguni's character was quite mysterious in the starting but later he sacrifices himself to save other people on the Beach. After the final battle of Niragi and Aguni, the audience assumed that their characters were killed off in the last season. So, it will be a very breathtaking moment if the two characters are seen again in the new season.
The ending of the former season came as a shock to the viewers when it was revealed that the game is not going to end that easily and the final battle is still far from sight. Season 1 revealed the 'Game Master' to be Mira, a Beach executive. However, if we consider the plotline of the manga, then Mira is the 'Queen of Hearts'. For the audience who are curious about what will happen in season 2, they can rely on the storyline of the manga for now. In the manga, Mira first describes the world of the games as "Borderland"; it is a virtual reality location for humans who have the desire to live in a world of complete perfection i.e., utopia but connect themselves to suffering. She says that if Arisu wins all those games, then he will get to stay longer in Borderland and design more games. However, she later reveals that she has been lying about this theory and in reality, she is Arisu's psychiatrist who is helping him to cope with the death of his friends and Arisu has been hallucinating those games all this while. Arisu realizes that Mira is just messing with his mind and is manipulating him while he is drugged. Later, Arisu wins all the games after which all the players are given a choice to either stay in Borderland or return to the real world. Arisu and Usagi return to the real world and then they get to know the whole truth. In a meteorite invasion of Tokyo, all Borderland players were hurt by space rocks and their hearts stopped beating for a whole minute as a result of the catastrophe. Their souls somehow were transported in this parallel dimension of Tokyo. That means that the Borderland's total temporal span lasted only one minute in real-time.
The audience can either expect Netflix to stick to the plotline of the manga or create their own ending with a different twist. Whatever happens in season 2, it will be worth watching!
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