#The Mortal instruments: City of Bones
winter-seance · 11 months
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The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013)
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jamie-bowers · 2 years
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Jamie Campbell Bower as Jace Wayland in The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013) dir. Harald Zwart
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filministic · 25 days
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The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013) dir. Harald Zwart
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bonniebird · 10 months
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Simon Lewis and the absolutely abysmal 96 hours
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wyatthaliwells · 2 years
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JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER as JACE WAYLAND in The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013) | dir. Harald Zwart
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nostalgc · 11 months
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Lily collins in The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013)
please if you save or use like or reblog
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imironstark · 2 years
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JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER as Jace Wayland The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013)
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ryan-waddell11 · 11 months
I’ve been struggling to find words to express the amount of discomfort, anger, and frustration I’ve had about this whole Jamie situation.
The AUDACITY of people bringing in weird shit for him to sign and then demanding a REFUND when he politely tells you he’ll sign something else is ASTOUNDING.
Saying "Me and Jamie have our own things going on" and not understanding how fucking creepy that sounds is beyond me and again is WEIRD.
A British man calling you “my love” and you not understanding that is him being polite is WEIRD. This man is in a committed relationship with a beautiful and kind woman. SHE IS NOT YOU.
Jamie handled the situation very well and was very respectful and they this person handled the situation is deplorable and DISGUSTING. The fact alone that you don’t see what’s wrong with what you did or your response to the negative comments is a whole other PLANET of DELUSIONAL.
Jamie, like most celebrity guests at these cons, loves meeting fans and talking with them. However, they are PEOPLE. Treat them like it. They are NOT people to trauma dump on. They are NOT people to make uncomfortable for YOUR satisfaction.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Things like this, make people not want to meet their fans because they’re afraid that it could happen again. So, not only are you ruining the experience for the talent, you’re ruining the possibility for other fans to meet their faves because you have no respect.
RESPECT IS NOT A HARD CONCEPT. NO ONE deserves to have a safe space they’ve created infringed or tampered with. This is utterly disgusting and heartbreaking. Respect people and their boundaries. Please do better!!
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robsclan · 10 months
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Robert Sheehan at the Madrid premiere of 'The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones' on August 22, 2013.
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bebx · 2 years
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simon-x-billy · 10 months
Simon x Billy
Year of the OTP: June
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Chapter 6: Where’s the helipad?
June prompt: Soulmates
AN: Enjoy the sweet sweet sounds of helicopter blades slicing through the air. I love the helicopter scene so much. It is happy-making. It just makes me love both of them for each other. (Let's ignore the fact that I wrote it.)
We are so close to the sex, guys. So close. This is the last SFW chapter for a while. Bask in the virginal dude-bro vibe, and let people know that you read the chapters before they were cool.
TW: Rewrites. Mystifyingly late posts. Drunkenness. If alcohol is triggering for you, no need to read the last teeny section after we first meet Barry. Rest assured that Simon gets home safely and says cute stuff, then happily goes to bed.
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I am trying to stop thinking about falling to my death. Give me a minute.
Ok, so this is…………This is a long flight of fucking rickety, wind-blasted wood. Not like that metal set of stairs with all the switchbacks I was complaining about last time I encountered stairs. I take all of my complaints back about that place. That was the height of stair-building technology by comparison. This place is just…..language fails me, like I’m picturing the stairs failing me any second now.
Shush, I need to concentrate.
Oh my fucking god. I can’t breathe. Metaphorically kissing the ground due to sheer survival has become a feature of my stay here. Just cuz I survived. So much ground kissing happening in Italy. Especially near stairs.
So from the size and schmanciness I’m guessing this place was either for a huge schmancy family, or hardcore party animals needing lots of bedrooms (the olden days version). This coastline has been a summer getaway spot for centuries. Scratch that. For millennia. What, like maybe three thousand, four thousand years?
But actual beaches are rare here. Anybody with two inches of it will stick a beach umbrella in it. So imagine owning an entire beach. Right? Beside the hotel, the only other possible access is from the water. And there are a lot -- I mean a lot of yachts around here. They will never, ever look normal to me. But they’re starting to look like a normal thing around here. And I’m told these aren’t even the big ones. Fuck me sideways.
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Both shots are from the website of the actual Hotel La Tonnarella, which is the hotel I based my fictional hotel on. Yes, it really looks like that. Yes, I did stay there. Totally worth going into debt. Best decision I’ve ever made. You can faintly see the stairs, at left. It’s that pale diagonal line down the cliff from the hotel at top left down toward the beach, crossing right in front of that ruin in the middle, halfway down the cliff.
Anyway, we’ve seen the (only) road and there’s definitely no place for me to do my morning run. It doesn’t even have a shoulder. I guess if I can’t run without going airborne off a cliff, I could do the steps when I wake up. Better than nothing. It’s just-
Well, we’ve seen that I hate stairs. Steep stairs. Cliff stairs.
Fuck. Besides being terrifying, it was tiring just getting down here. What am I going to do when I have to go back up?
Anyway, Billy’s working down here today. And I really feel like disrupting his job well done.
“Will yeh take a look at yer man now. Down the beach, explorin,” he calls, as I approach the hotel’s tiny beach bar. “You didn’t take the stairs, did yeh?”
“Um, yeah? Certo. I wanted to see the beach.” Obviously.
“Why didn’t yeh take the lift?” he asks me.
I fix the man to his spot with a very frowny, very deep, “Would you mind repeating that, Billy?” Exactly like if Kronk was playing me in the movie. I can barely see through my eyes that have now narrowed to slits of disbelief and distrust and discomfort. “There’s an elevator?”
“Well, yeah man. How else are people meant to get down here? The cliff’s a dangerous way down, innit?”
It’s ok, Lewis. You can incorporate this new information without flipping out. Just be proud of yourself for facing your fears. You descended steep, unsafe stairs. Good job! And you were only vaguely terrified the whole time. Good job!
“Is the cliff so dangerous that they should close it down due to the mounting death toll? Or is it only dangerous in an inoffensive, cute way?”
He huffs out a quick laugh, then returns to slicing up lemons.
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“Billy? That was an actual question. Care to provide an answer?”
“Meh, it’s safe enough,” he says. And that, ladies and gentleladies, is all I need to convince me I can indeed use this as my new Italian Morning Exercise. 1. Cliff, 2. Coffee, 3. Cliff, 4. Vomiting coffee. Perfect.
I’ve spent all this week forging a grudging relationship with the beach stairs.
I’m getting a little more accustomed to it. I have a few specific stones and broken twigs I’ve chosen as landmarks, whenever I require reassurance that I am indeed climbing down the right cliff. And if I’ve survived it the last four mornings, I can survive it a fifth time. Flawless reasoning.
Behind the beach bar, Billy spots me and gives me a wave. “You packed, man?”
My insides instantly start fizzing. I am so fucking stoked. I got us an airbnb in Naples for the weekend so we can check out Sabina’s gig tomorrow night. Billy could not say yes fast enough. He’s a social guy, and there’s not a lot of nightlife around here. I have no idea how he’s managed it all this time. Oh wait, that’s right. He’s managed it with women. Lots of women.
Over the last week, I’ve come to the realization that management does not mind a guest hanging out at the bar distracting their employee all day, because while that guest is distracting the employee, he is also ordering drink after frothy fruit-based drink, and healthy fruit-based foods. It’s like they’ve realized that my distraction of Billy might actually be lucrative for them. I even have my own barstool. Officially.
I have an announcement to make. “I have come to a decision,” I announce. “We need a convertible.”
“A convertible. We need one,” I repeat.
“Yeah, mate, heard yeh.”
“What, it’s a convertible!”
Billy remains unmoved. “Why can’t we take the train? It’s simplest-”
“We are not taking the train.”
“But I quite like the train,” he claims.
“Because you’re insane and don’t like convertibles.” J’accuse!
“See now, I never said I don’t like convertibles. I-“ he begins.
But I totally interrupt him. “I need to go do something.” Because my brain just exploded with potential.
“What?” He might be alarmed.
Whereas I’m enthusiastic. “Be an Ugly American.”
“Er, that sounds terrible,” he says.
“If you’re gonna be American, you might as well own it. Watch me own it, Billy, watch me.”
Oddly, Billy still looks wary. “That sounds-”
“-terrible. You’re not plannin to wear one of them caps with straws into beer cans, are yeh?” He snorts at whatever he’s picturing. “Actually, I might pay yeh to do that.”
“Nah. Not my brand,” I say, sliding off the barstool. I snag an olive and pop it in my mouth, to avoid grinning like someone who grins because they’re about to do something awesome. “Ciao, Beelee.” I wave behind me.
I’ve got the phone out and I’m already dialing before I’ve even reached the stairs. And then I remember I can also take the elevator.
Billy has finally met up with me at the fountain by the hotel entrance. Thank god, cuz I really don’t want him to miss the arrival of that Ugly American thing that required a phone call. Ever notice there’s an ugh in ugly? Just occurred to me.
“There you are, Delaney. MWAH hah ha ha hahhhhh! Prepare to hear the sweet sweet sound of helicopter blades pulsing through the air. It’s done, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.”
“So where’s the helipad?” I inquire.
“The what now? Mate, it’s not that kind of hotel. Why are we taking a helicopter to Naples?”
“The correct response would normally be ‘because we can’-” Obviously. Certo.
“That is not a normal response.” Billy looks mystified, yet still amused. So that’s a thing.
“-but not this time,” I finish. “That’s not the real idea.”
“Oh, so you’re tellin me this is a superfluous helicopter. That is ugly.”
“No! It is most definitely not superfluous.”
“Your carbon footprint’ll be spendin all eternity in hell, man.”
“Stop talking. And just enjoy the mounting anticipation. The mellow sense of horror, or at the very least a nasty case of creeping dread. MWAH hah ha ha hahhhh!”
“Stop it, mate. You’re gettin evil genius all over my uniform. And you know how I feel about laundry.”
“Just a little bicarbonate of soda. Gets out even the most organic of stains. MWAH hah ha ha hahhhhh.”
“Stop talkin. Like an evil genius. We’re gettin complaints.”
“Are not.”
“From me. I’m complainin.”
“What am I going to wear?” I ask. It’s a fair question.
“Simon. Oh my god.”
“I’m serious! I packed for Italy in ten minutes. It’s all socks and shorts.” And sunblock. And chargers.
He’s shaking his head at me. For some reason, this makes me happy. In my tummy. How novel.
“Is that the fire alarm?” he asks.
“Huh? I mean, MWAH hah ha ha haaaah, oh no. What you’re hearing is the sweet sweet purring of a helicopter bearing my booty.”
“You didn’t think that one through, mate.”
“Oh, but yes, yes I did. This booty is worth baring. Can you feel it? The heady excitement of anticipation? The mellow terror?”
“Yes. I feel the terror,” he says blandly. He finds my terror bland.
Wait. “That would be the best cologne flavor ever. Mellow Terror, by Simon Lewis. Pour homme.”
“Are you manic right now?”
I was joking, but Simon just went very still. I’ve put my foot in, haven’t I?
“I am a bit manic, am’nt I?” he offers, tossing off a fake laugh.
“Somethin wrong with your shoes, mate? Simon, man, my eyes are up here.”
“Just wait til you see what I’ve done,” he says sheepishly, eyeing me from under his furry eye caterpillars.
“Simon. Should I be worried?”
Oops? I haven’t a clue what to do with oops.
He grabs me excitedly by the forearm and starts dragging me toward the hotel gates.
That’s…Wait, is that-
“Simon. Did you buy a Mini Cooper?”
“A convertible Mini Cooper.”
“But why?” I ask the reasonable question.
“Because I can!” He’s practically vibrating. I can tell he wants to do his jumping-clapping thing by the way he’s currently bouncing on his toes.
“You bought a Mini Cooper. Convertible,” I swiftly add. “You’re in the land that built the Maserati, the Lamborghini, the Ferrari, and every other sports car that ends in i-”
“Not Audi.”
I huff in annoyance, “-and you bought a convertible Mini Cooper. And had it airlifted here. Because you could.”
“I’ve always wanted a convertible Mini Cooper.”
“But not a convertible Ferrari,” I clarify.
“Who are you?”
“I’m awesome,” he answers, because he’s Simon.
I decide not to mention that we could have skipped the car altogether and taken the helicopter to Naples.
This is so childish, and impetuous, and reckless, and I refuse to find the actions of a grown man adorable. Jaysus.
“Oh my god!” he squeaks. “They were driving Minis in The Italian Job!!!”
Shaking my head. Just shaking my head. “Did you have them airlift in some clothes, too?”
“Shit! I totally should have!” He appears to actually mean that.
“You should see your face,” he hoots. Feckin hoots, all half bent over from laughin.
And now he’s ignoring me. Suddenly I’m not even here. He only has eyes for his Mini. “Oh my god it’s so kawaii.”
His smile is kawaii.
“Go away,” he flaps a hand at me. “I want to fanboy freely and without judgment from a judgy Irishman.”
“Fine. I need to pack anyway.”
And off behind me I hear him call, “Wait! What am I gonna wear?”
Shaking my head. Just shaking my head.
I’ve gathered my gear, and I can see Simon out by the car park. I’m hitching up my pack, so it isn’t really until I’ve cleared all the foliage that I realize Simon is humping his Mini Cooper convertible. “All right?” I ask, tryin to keep a straight face.
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“Oh, yes. All is definitely right,” he purrs.
“Have you turned her on, too?”
He slides off the car til his Converse hit the pavement with a slap.
Now he’s draping himself over the boot. I can’t help it that I’m laughing. Sometimes he hits me just right to set me to belly laughin. Doesn’t happen often with Simon, but when it does, he wears the greatest surprised happy face I’ve ever seen. This time there’s giggling. Off to a good start, which is good. Yes. Good.
I hesitate. “Look, mate. Will this thing actually fit us?” I eyeball the car. “I am quite seriously concerned that we might actually need the top down to ride in this thing. How tall are you, anyway?”
“Six feet. Why? How tall are you? Mate, get off the boot so I can shove this in there and we can go.” He does, and I do.
I have to say it, “Thanks for not getting the red, white, and blue one.” There is a god. Thank you, Poseidon.
“They were out of orange, white, and green, too,” he says with regret.
“You asked about the tricolor, did yeh?” Alright yes, he’s got me laughin again. Simon Lewis. Driving the Irish flag.
“Fuck out of the driver’s seat!” he’s suddenly roaring.
Blimey. He looks proper angry. I may have just flinched. “Don’t you want a car and a driver? No, serious, don’t yeh want me to drive, since I know the way?”
“Get the fuck out of the driver’s seat, Billy. Now!”
“Alright! Fine, fine. You’ll be usin GPS then, will yeh?”
“Si si si, certo.”
I groan. “This is all about to go so very-”
“Awesome,” he declares. “This is all about to continue to be awesome. Be the change, Billy. Be the change!”
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“Oh my god Simon.”
“I can hear you rolling your eyes from here,” he says from behind the boot, which he slams shut a little too hard. I feel it in every moving piece of this tiny automobile. Bigger than a SMART car, so I suppose I shouldn’t be complainin.
Well, here’s hoping he’s still so enthused about it at the other end. “Gotta say, mate. I’m surprised you’d want to drive at all.”
“Why not?” he’s askin.
“Because mate, it’s Italy, innit. Famous for frightenin foreign drivers.” He has to remember what the drivin was like on our three other trips down this road. “Well,” I sigh. “At least you get to drive on the ‘right’ side of the road in Italy.”
“See? I told you you’d fit.”
“Alright man, you did,” I admit to the muppet.
“Come on, give it up…”
“What?” I’m not laughing, I promise. “Is she a smooth ride? I don’t know, man, why don’t yeh start her up ‘n find out?”
“Well there is that. So yeah,” he says as he pulls out of the car park and up to the mouth of the hotel driveway. “It’s to the left, right?”
“Em, yeah. Yes, the city of Naples is still in the general direction of left. Like the other three times we’ve done this road together.”
He rolls his eyes, and all is right and well with the world. Until the moment he pulls out onto the road. Then I’m brought up quick by the realization that between us we know fuck all about the convertible Mini Cooper. “Wait, where’s the GPS on her, for the flat’s address?”
“I dunno, check the screen thing.” So helpful, yer man Simon is.
“Do you even have an Italian driver’s license? Or insurance? I love this guy. How’ve yeh managed to live this long?” I pause for an answer, but none is forthcoming. “I mean, fucksake, Simon. You called someone to buy you a car and suddenly you’re on the road to Naples. Do you even know where the directionals are? Or like, the wipers? Should I be concerned for my safety?”
“Shoosh. Don’t jinx us,” he sternly admonishes me. “Do you need to have registration in Italy? Or insurance? I don’t know. Italy doesn’t really strike me as a big insurance-y type of country.”
“Fair point. But I take it you have….whatever, I dunno, papers and all that?” How is he like this?
“Don’t know. What’s in the glove box?” He makes a flappy gesture in the general direction of my knees.
“How are you like this? Were you actually born like this, or did it come with fame and wealth?”
“You mean, was I actually born a flaming asshole, or just become one?”
“Meh. Yeah ok,” I shrug. “We’ll go with that. So, what’ll it be?”
“Ow. Straight for the throat, Delaney.” His tone is recriminating as he protects his throat with both hands. “Uncool, man. Uncool.”
I’m flipping through the owner’s manual. Before long I’ve programmed everything, located the GPS, found Simon’s Only In Italy playlist, and even found the button to pop the bonnet. “There you go. It’s workin now.” I toss the manual in the glove box.
“What’s working?” he asks.
I shrug. “Everything, man. Everything.”
He barks out a laugh, the grumpy fuck, and I realize I’m laughing as well.
I plug in the address for the flat and immediately the voice pumping out the speakers is a woman speaking Italian. So I’m maniacally fumbling with it again, while Simon drives on in a fit of laughter.
“Aw, come on! Let’s see how we do in Italian,” he gasps out.
“Fucksake. See how we do in Italian.” Shaking my head.
“No, seriously. Let’s hear what she has to say, this ummmmm, what should we call her - Maria! Because obviously.”
“Certo.” That gets me another laugh.
“Santa Maria, Holy Madonna, show us the way, in Italiano,” Simon pleads in a truly horrendous Italian accent. “I am so happy right now.”
He says it with a laugh. Such a thing to so easily roll off the tongue. Fella I met a few months ago, I never would have pictured bein happy, let alone noticing it, naming it, declaring it. Nice to see. Unexpected, know what I mean?
“I don’t trust you when you’re quiet that long, Delaney.”
Am I missing something?
“Ok, so.” He clears his throat. “We know who I am. Who are you? Let’s hear it. Who is Billy Delaney?”
Aw, man. Serious? “How long we got?” Please don’t make me.
“How would I know?” he shrugs. “Maria’s speaking your language, not mine.”
“Fair enough.” I hit play, hoping the music will make the conversation trail off from there. But of course it doesn’t, because this is Simon. Si. Certo.
“What. Do you have some horrible second identity thing going on? Are you really even Irish? Truth time, Delaney.”
“You show me yours, I’ll show you mine?”
“Yeah, ok,” says the cheeky monkey.
“Oh,” I answer, not sure how else to dodge Simon’s inquisition. Uh, erm….. “Soooo, what mate? What do you want to know?” I ask, though truthfully I wish he’d just let it go.
“Is your name really Billy Delaney, and are you actually even from Ireland at all?”
“Brief,” I counter.
“Obtuse,” he counters.
“Oh my god, Billy. So where are you from?”
He looks around us rapidly. “Is she going to start speaking Italian? Cuz we just passed Ercolano.”
“Yeah! I know, right? Time flies when you’re torturing someone for information. So should I panic?”
“Nah,” I reassure him. “We've a bit more road before we turn aside. Maria can sleep on.”
“Alright. But I swear to God, Billy. If you don’t start coughing up some details, I'm serious, I will pull this car over. Do I have to pull this car over, young man?”
“Wow, that’s forceful.” Cos it is. “Ow!” I flinch when he swats my shoulder with a backhand. “Fine, ye bastard. My name is actually Lola, but I go by Billy Delaney. And I’m only mostly joking. One of the summer cousins I used to play soccer with couldn’t say William when we were little. So for a few months every year, I was Lola. There. Was that not juicy enough for yeh?”
“Charming. But from that I got these few details: 1. You have cousins. Conceivably fertile ground. We could continue that way. 2. You play soccer, and you call it soccer. Isn’t that illegal outside the US? No- don’t answer that. I’m not finished. 3. You go someplace where there are cousins to play soccer with in summer. Are we even still in Ireland?”
Em. I just sort of sit here and wait.
“And you really don’t want to talk about this, do you?”
“You are so easily distracted,” I tease. “No, but seriously, here’s some details for yeh. I’m 27. Left Ireland at 18, after graduating culinary school, and was sent out to do my apprenticeship. That was at a manor house near Galway,” I say, wrapping up the conversation.
“That’s not enough?” I thought that was a fair bit of information, to be honest.
“Do I have to turn this car around, young man?”
“I fear I might be missin some essential cultural reference here, mate.”
“Don’t distract me with your distractions, Delaney. Feed me.”
And that’s when Maria tells us to turn left.
I can’t fuckin believe that there are Irish pubs in Italy. Nor can I believe I’m in one. I mean, where do real Italians go to watch soccer? This can’t be right.
“All right?” Billy asks the bartender.
“Howeyeh,” says the man back to him, and Billy’s eyes go comically wide.
Next thing I know, I’m bored stiff, pretending to find the intricacies of European football interesting with a Welsh guy named Barry.
And whoa, turns out Billy’s day-to-day accent is pretty washed out in comparison to the thickness of his accent when he’s speaking to his new BFF. They’re speaking so fast that I can’t understand a word through their accents and grammatical errors. Welsh is so much easier.
That is, until I hear a voice disturbingly similar to Billy’s, requesting a Bud.
I swing back around in time to see Billy’s new BFF nod at him and begin turning toward the draft beers.
“No! Wait,” I wave. “He’s only joking,” I say, emphatically shaking my head no.
“Oh,” the Irish bartender looks back to Billy in surprise. “Were you?”
What, he thinks I’m lying? “Course he was! Certo.”
“Why ‘of course’?!” Billy turns on his barstool to face me. “What the fuck, Simon?”
“Sorry if I fucked up your joke, dude, but don’t drag it out, ok?” I say under my breath.
Disparaging other people’s beer of choice is like a national pastime in Brooklyn, because it frequently employs irony, and we are naturally good at it from birth. Don’t blame him, he’s new.
“I’ll take that Bud,” Billy reiterates. “Ta, mate.” The barkeep returns his nod and goes about the business of it.
“Billy? We’ve talked about this. You swore you’re Irish. Were you lying to me? Are you a lying liar who lies?”
“Why do yeh say that?”
“Because you can’t – you’re not – you’re not, like, allowed to drink bad beer when you’re Irish. Isn’t that illegal? Or fatal, or something?”
The big ape is just lazing back against the bar, sipping his pint of piss beer, looking at me in amusement.
“You’re like a caricature of yourself sometimes, Simon, d’yeh know what I mean?”
“Fuckin- What?! That’s not very nice! I’m outraged.”
“You should see yerself, mate. Yeh look like your face is about ready to split down the middle and outrage’ll start pourin out like lava from the fissures.”
I stop and cock my head at him. “That was both specific and descriptive. Nice one. But that said, how dare you! I demand an apology.” I’m trying really hard to keep a straight face. He has no intention of making it easy for me.
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“Apologize? For what?” He gives me a cock-eyed grin. Oh look, his cock eyes are doing that twinkly thing again.
“You have offended my good taste and have let down your countrymen and native soil. Or water or whatever it is that makes all beer taste better in Ireland. The least you could do is the decent thing and apologize to your countrymen, and me, and then hide it in your jacket where no one can see you sneaking sips!”
He laughs because he thinks I’m joking.
“Do you just not like beer at all? And that’s why you don’t order the good stuff?” I prod.
“Simon, you are such a snob,” he says, and goes right on twinkling.
“Correct. And if you’re going to drink cheap beer, for god’s sake, order PBR and salvage at least some of your self respect.”
“Do you know this man?” the bartender asks Billy. “Is he harassin yeh?”
Billy is now laughing so hard that he’s almost fallen off his stool.
“We know each other,” I reassure the barkeep. “Don’t know how long that’ll last, all considered, though. Check back for updates.” I raise my pint of Guinness in respect.
“It’s czech. Budvar,” the man informs me.
“Ah, no! Why’d yeh tell him, mate!” Billy raises his hands theatrically. I’m telling you, theatre school. “Yeh just had to put him out of my misery, yeah?”
“And my misery,” says the man.
Ok, so what is it with the whole pub drunkenly singing “oh-ay-oh-ay” at the top of their drunken lungs, sloshin beer out of their pint glasses, whenever Europeans play soccer. Mebbe they sing it in Southmerica, too. Butwhatevercuz I don’ really care.
If you can’t – beat em then join em. Thassmymott, um, -o. Thassmy motto. Motto.
Where’s Billy? I can’t see him. If thissperson would get out of the frickin way. He’s all backed up against my face’n I can’t see. Anything. Nothin to see here, folks. Move along, people, move along.
Where’s Billy? Oyeah, right right right. Right here in my face.
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I figure it’ll be easier to keep track of him if I hold onto his belt loop. Or a pocket or something. Yeah, I’m just gonna hang on to his pocket.
I like the word pocket. Lossa hard consnits that pop. Pop.
I like the word pop. It sounz like it pops. And it’s the same backwards and forwards an’itsall about the lips. Pop ’ing.
What? Where’s he going? I’m trailing after him with my hand in his pocket. He keeps pullin it out and I keep puttin it back in. Oth’wise I’m gonna get lost and then where would I be? Huh? I wouldn’t even know!
“Oh! Now I know where we are! We’re on the block where we’re were where gonna sleep.” If make it up th’stairs. But Billy’s helping. He’s nice like that.
“You’re nice like that,” I say with a big smile. “And you‘re funny lookin.”
“Oops! I mean yerlookin funny at me right now. Whass funny? ‘m’I funny? ‘r’Juss funny lookin?”
I crack myself up. Like in real life, cuz I’m laughing. Right now. Sometimes iss hard to stop laughing but I’ll be ok.
“Billy. Billy! Hey, Billy. What’re you doing? Tryin to get in my pants? That tickles! Oh, hey! Did we win? I mean, I don’really care - just wonren.”
Hey! Tickles! “Stop that! How’dyou know I don’t wanna wear those? I’ll take ‘em off when I feel like it. Prollymaybe take ‘em off tomorrow. Hey! I was wearing that! And that!”
He’s very pushy. “You’re very pushy. Stop pushing!”
I land on the bed and it’s like fluffy clouds of teddybears. “K, fine. I’ll go to bed, jeez.” Alls I wanna do is bury my face in pillow, but can’t breathe when I do that.
“Don’t close the door all the way, Ma. And leave the hall light on, K? g’Night, love you too.”
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winter-seance · 10 months
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The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013)
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moonlitdark · 1 year
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Nice write up about Jamie for Armageddon Expo, NZ (March 25 & 26).
"Ultimately, Jamie emerges as a modern Renaissance man, compelling curiosity with every creative move he makes."
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filministic · 10 months
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The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013) dir. Harald Zwart
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excelsior9173 · 6 months
just saw that the mortal instruments: city of bones movie is leaving prime soon (hopefully moving to another streaming service) and it’s got me back on my “jamie campbell bower is the best on-screen jace ever” bullshit.
i cannot describe how right it felt watching this movie for the very first time. i was 13, i’d devoured the books (at least whatever had been released at that point) and the moment i saw jcb on screen everything clicked. he was the jace i’d always pictured in my head while reading
this movie had sooooo much potential, if only they’d made different casting choices for izzy, alec, and valentine… and i wish they’d not fucked with the ending. it would’ve been near perfect
don’t even get me started on the netflix show… i’ve never been so disappointed in a screen adaptation in my life. i don’t care if cassandra clare worked on the show, it was still awful and they butchered the story so badly i could hardly finish it
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yasmini24 · 2 years
it's almost a decade since the mortal instruments: city of bones came out but i will always be bitter that the movie series wasn't completed
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