#aileen update
ask-aileen-berwick · 5 months
Aileen Update
Good day or night, everyone!
With it being the approaching testing season, I will be much busier than I would ordinarily be. Responses may be slower than normal, and some Daily Songs may be missed during this time. Please bear with me during this busy time.
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cyan1decandy · 16 days
I sincerely apologize for my lack of an update sooner. Life got crazy not long after I returned from my vacation, then I had some mental health things that I needed to take a step away for. I didn't feel it would be right to continue while that was going on.
I'm in a much better place now where I can keep these accounts going. However, that will come at the cost of the Weekly Song posts. While I enjoy sharing music, I feel it's in my best interest to keep it to other's requests for recommendations. So if you'd like to exchange songs, don't be afraid to share some of your own!
Replies will come out much slower, but I plan on trying my best to keep up with what is going on in this little corner of the fandom from now on. I'll try interacting more as I'm able to 💜
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the-arigen · 9 months
"Revered Elder,
         I have begun the process of working through the information promised by my wife (and how strange to be using that descriptor– I remember how resistant I was to the idea every time we had previously discussed it! Her mortality helps immensely, as much as that she is genuinely interesting to speak with.) and have come to the terrifying conclusion that I have somewhat understated my case."
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illusivekati · 1 year
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Generation One: Mint 
You’re a mischievous scientist that really loves the color mint. You are career driven but still make time for silly pranks and outings with your closest friends, with a love for luxury. You deeply strived to create your ultimate fantasy image; a mad scientific mastermind. 
Traits:     Vegetarian | Genius | Materialistic 
Aspiration:     Chief of Mischief 
Career:     Scientist 
 [ Goals for Generation Mint ]
Master  the Scientist career 
Live in Strangerville as Young Adult and continue to live there 
Complete the Elements collection 
Prank a total of 7 people
Make at least three enemies ( assign a Voodoo doll to one of them ) 
Have only 1 child 
Master the Mischief skill
Master  the Logic skill 
Complete the Chief of Mischief aspiration 
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darkeagleruins · 2 months
HUNTER BIDEN UPDATE: Investigative reporter Paul Sperry, who has been closely following Hunter Biden's latest criminal trial, reports that the judge in the case has ordered Hunter's lawyers to stop lying to the court and correct the record.
District Judge Mark C. Scarsi issued an order directed at the legal team of Robert Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden. The order demands that Hunter Biden's counsel respond in writing to correct a false statement of material fact previously made to the tribunal by the lawyer.
Hunter Biden faces federal tax-related charges, initially brought by David Weiss while he was serving as a U.S. Attorney. Weiss later transitioned to the role of Special Counsel, continuing to handle the case against Hunter Biden. The charges include two misdemeanors related to tax offenses, which were part of a plea agreement that fell apart in the summer of 2023.
In their recent motion to dismiss the indictment, Hunter Biden's legal team claimed that David Weiss "did not file any charges" during his tenure as U.S. Attorney, suggesting that all charges were brought only after Weiss became Special Counsel.
Judge Scarsi pointed out that this assertion was incorrect and that Hunter Biden's attorneys were aware of its inaccuracy. Weiss had indeed filed charges against Hunter Biden prior to his appointment as Special Counsel. Judge Scarsi criticized Hunter Biden's lawyers for "distorting the history" of the case and emphasized that he has "little patience for dishonesty." He issued a three-page document outlining his concerns and gave the legal team one week to clarify their position. Failure to do so could result in sanctions, including professional disciplinary actions or financial penalties.
Hunter Biden's attorneys argued that the appointment of special counsels like Weiss is unconstitutional and unlawfully financed. They referenced a decision by District Judge Aileen Cannon, who dismissed a classified documents case against former President Donald Trump based on similar arguments. However, Judge Scarsi highlighted a meaningful distinction: Hunter Biden was initially charged by a U.S. Attorney before Weiss became Special Counsel, unlike Trump, who was charged exclusively by a Special Counsel.
Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty to the tax evasion charges and related offenses. His trial is scheduled for September. The recent developments and Judge Scarsi's order add another layer of complexity to an already high-profile case.
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porterdavis · 2 months
What a complete crock of shit. Maybe now Jack Smith can get an honest judge.
This case speaks for itself -- the documents are top-secret, he has them, he's tried repeatedly to hide them.
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algebraicvarietyshow · 2 months
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jawusa · 5 months
Looking for translators for Aileen Landing
I know I said V3 would be the final version of Aileen Landing… but well, I couldn’t stop myself from renovating and a few more custom townies and NPCs made it into the neighborhood as well during the process, lol.
But then, the amazing @letomills kindly offered to translate Aileen Landing into French and also provided me translated text strings (which are absolutely great and I cannot wait for you to see them in the ultimate final upload soon!!) and I thought, well why not? It’d be cool to play Aileen Landing in other languages as well!
Therefore I’d also like to ask if anyone’s also interested in translating the neighborhood into other languages before I release the ultimate final version? That would be much appreciated and I’d definitely credit you for all your hard work! ^^
P.S. i’m currently also working on a German translation of the neighborhood which I’ll include in the next update alongside letomills’s French translation. But yeah, feel free to let me know what you think. ^^
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444m777 · 2 months
MJ BOOK CLUB: The HIStorians is LIVE!
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Based on the voting results we’ll be reading a book on Michael! 55.6% voted for a book about Michael and 44.4% on a book he’s read.
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By joining the group you get full access to:
—(bi)monthly meetings
—the chance to select the next book (everyone who joins gets a chance ofc but we’ll make use of a random selector)
—seasonal giveaway (more deets will follow soon)
—FREE seasonal digital MJ bookmark which you can print or just collect (and I just might make special physical ones if y’all like ‘em and I’ll ship it to you)
The meetings will take place monthly. However, life gets in the way sometimes that’s why I want everyone to update how far they are with reading. I’ll do a reader check-in every week so I know if the meeting is still doable for everyone or we might need more time (depending on the length of the book/personal time constraints). But for the most part if you didn’t finish it on time but would still like to join the discussion (and not mind spoilers) then that’s also ok! There’ll be space to just chat and discuss but the main group meeting will encompass the book we all read and the question(s) I posed in the group (and if anyone else has any prompts/questions). No pressure ofc! This is all supposed to be fun and a safe space to spill our thoughts and feels about these books.
I’d love to kick off everything during Michael’s birthday month. So, I’m keeping it simple with these **7 titles. We’re open to title suggestions and we’ll have a list in the group so everyone can keep track of what was read and what’s been added to the list. This list will include both books on/about Michael and books Michael has read. The man had a personal library of over 10.000 books! So, the next member that gets selected will reveal the following book title at the end of the meeting and it’ll be highlighted in the group and on tumblr.
For those who do not wish to join the group/can’t but still want to read along, I’ll be posting updates here on tumblr on what book we’re currently reading. You just won’t have full access to all the options members would have.
I don’t want to make this any longer than it needs to be. The official schedule for reading will be decided once the title is chosen. We kick off reading by last week of July/1st of August 2024
**This book club is about accessibility and I want everyone to be able to read regardless of financial circumstances. I will do my best in providing you with digital copy and if possible a physical copy as a keepsake :) If you cannot afford any of these books and you’re a member of the group please contact me directly (if you’re a minor and the adults in your unit can’t afford it, I’d still need one of them to reach out to me about that so then I can discuss/get their permission). If anyone else is interested in helping let me know.
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loverrofmineee · 2 months
The Parting Glass- Robert "Rosie" Rosenthal x OC
Summary | AO3| Previous Chapter
Chapter 6- The Parting Glass
The month after the men’s return from Algeria was difficult for the tower girls. Sorcha had returned from her weekend in London to an inconsolable Aileen, who broke down in sobs as soon as they laid eyes on each other. Curtis Biddick was gone. Though Sorcha had only a few interactions with the man, she felt a pit in her chest at the news. Lilibet, along with the others filled Sorcha in on what happened during the mission, reassuring her that Buck and Bucky were still alive and well. As the weeks passed Aileen took turns seeking comfort in each of her friends, often spending long nights discussing her time with Curt as well as all the promises they made each other. Sorcha spent many nights alongside the younger girl, listening to all she had to say, never judging her for how she dealt with grief. Aileen seemed to improve over time, though the innocent girl they knew months prior was gone.
“Are you still writing Doug, Devs?” Anika asked as the girls stood on the grass outside the tower, anxiously awaiting Dye’s arrival. It seemed that the entire base had managed to crowd around the tower and hardstands, praying that Dye would make it back on his 25th mission.
“Yep,” Sorcha replied, popping the p as she stared at the sky, “he said he’s doing well and everything. He’s been writing Cormack as well, giving me updates that the kid refuses to tell me.”
“I still cannot believe nothing happened between you two.” Shiv shook her head in a mixture of confusion and slight disappointment.
Once Sorcha had departed from London, she and Doug exchanged information, writing to each other every so often. Their relationship was purely platonic, much to the dismay of the girls. His letters brought a sense of comfort to her as he wasn’t someone directly on the base, and provided a new perspective to Sorcha in a way others couldn’t. It was nice to be known as someone else, not being viewed as an overprotective sister or a woman amongst the crowd at the base.
“Devs!” Bucky's voice called from his Jeep, Buck sat beside him like always
“What do you want, Egan?”
“The boys have been wondering if we’re gonna reprise our act tonight.” Bucky’s classic smirk started to creep on his face as he toyed with the toothpick in his mouth.
Sorcha raised an eyebrow at the man, glancing at Buck to see his reaction, “What ‘boys’ have you been talking to? ‘Cause I’m sure Buck isn’t one of them.”
Her comment elicited a low chuckle from the man, “You’d be right with that, Devs. You’d probably scare all the new recruits.”
“That’s what I live for, Buck!” Bucky retorted, sending his friends an offended glance, “C’mon Devs, you know you want to.”
“I’ll get back to you when I’m a few drinks in.”
Sorcha’s response seemed to satisfy Egan, giving her companions a short nod and wave before speeding off again. The loud buzzing of a B-17 sounded from afar, accompanied by a barrage of flares. A chorus of cheers rang across the field as Dye’s fort approached the tower, everyone overjoyed that one of their men was finally going home. Sorcha embraced Lilibet in a fierce hug as tears fell from their eyes. Though they barely knew the man, Dye’s return signaled hope and a wave of emotion over them. It was incredibly morale-boosting that Dye had made it to 25, proving to the men that it could be done. Dye’s return meant things were finally looking up at Thorpe Abbotts and maybe some good could come out of the war.
“I’m assuming we’re all going to the party tonight?” Shiv asked as she let go of Anika and Aileen.
“Who are we to say no to a good time?” Aileen piped up, causing the girls to beam at their friend.
If anyone were to pass by the women’s hut, they would have thought the party for Dye was being held there. Shrieks of laughter and giggles mixed with the record playing in the back corner bounced off the metal walls, creating a symphony of girlhood. The girls had assumed their usual stations for the night applying the military precision they developed to the stages of going out. Per custom, Sorcha was on hair, tightly wrapping strands around curlers, always eliciting complaints from her friends.
“God, Devs! Could you be any harsher?”
“I don’t see you complaining when one of the boys compliments you.”
Shiv let out a small groan as Sorcha released the curler, a perfect spiral flowing down her back. “It’s not the only reason they compliment me.”
“Keep this up and I’m sending you out with the rest left in.”
Aileen erupted into a fit of giggles at the older girl’s words, causing Lilibet to smudge the lipstick she was applying. “Jesus,” Lil groaned as Aileen continued to laugh, “Could we shelve the teasing for later? I’d rather not go out with one of you having half a head of curlers and the other with lipstick all over her chin.”
“Sorry, Lil. We’re just having some fun! Aren’t we, ladies?”
“Why of course, darling,” Shiv put on her horrible posh accent as she spoke, annoying Lilibet further, “As proper young ladies, we wouldn’t dare look a mess in front of the boys.”
Shiv’s dreadful impression set Aileen into another fit of laughter. While Lilibet attempted to remain stoic, she only needed one glance at Sorcha’s beaming face to join in. The women's laughter meshed together to form a harmonious sound, their joy infectious to one another.
Once the laughter had subsided and the girls resumed their tasks Shiv dared to change the conversation, “Speaking of boys…” eyes darting between Aileen and Sorcha as she broached the topic, “Are you two lovely ladies up to a dance tonight?”
Normally the women’s attention would fall on Sorcha at the question, but this time it shifted to Aileen. The younger girl sat silent for a moment before speaking barely above a whisper, “I- I think I could be up to it.”
“No one would push you, darling.” Lilibet put a hand on Aileen's shoulder as a form of support.
“No, I know…” Aileen trailed off as she searched for the eyes of others, gauging how they felt. “I know I’ll have to move on at some point. It just feels like I’m betraying him somehow.”
Sorcha was quick to rush to the younger girl’s side, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as tears started to fall from Aileen’s eyes. “Sweetheart, it’s a natural feeling to have. There’s no point in not feeling it, but on the other side is good. Curt wouldn’t want you to be so hard on yourself.”
“She’s right,” Shiv kneeled at Aileen’s feet, grasping her hands as she spoke, “If anything, Curt would want to be hard on you.”
“Shiv!” Lilibet chided as a small smile crept upon her face.
“What?! I had to hear from the guy twenty-four-seven about how perfect and stunning Aileen is. Honestly, you know I’m not wrong.”
This reasoning elicited a sigh from Lil, giving up on trying to convince Shiv to be more appropriate. “So what do you say, Aileen?” Sorcha extended a hand to the girl, “How does a dance sound?”
After a short moment, Aileen took her friend's hand and stood up. A smile was plastered on her face as she rose to meet Sorcha, “Doesn’t sound too bad. Though my first dance won’t be with you.”
“What, why?”
“You always try to lead!” Aileen giggled in Sorcha’s face, “I love you, Devs, but you need to loosen up.”
“Nice to know Aileen is back.” Shiv chuckled as she took in her friend’s expressions. “Now, can we get going? Anika shouldn’t be the only one having fun.” Each woman gave an enthusiastic nod to Shiv’s plan, putting the finishing touches on before heading out of the Nissen hut.
The sounds of Glenn Miller's In The Mood could be heard as the women approached the officer’s club. Men and women were constantly flowing in and out, some wanting privacy, and others returning to the party. A wide smile crept upon Sorcha’s lips as she entered, arm-in-arm with Aileen, Shiv and Lilibet right on their heels. The group immediately went to the bar, starting what would be a long night of drinking.
Men and women were packed around the bar, making it nearly impossible for Sorcha to order, but she managed to push her way through. “I’ll take two martinis and a whiskey.”
The bartender gave a quick nod of acknowledgment to her words, before promptly serving the drinks. Sorcha gave him a quick thanks as she struggled to get through the crowds without spilling the beverages. “It’s like a madhouse over there!”
“Well, we thank you for going to war for us.” Lilibet smiled as she accepted her martini, handing the other to Aileen.
“Anything for you, my dear.” Sorcha mimicked Lili’s posh accent, causing Aileen to giggle.
“You’re not drinking tonight?” Lilibet pointed at Shiv as she sipped her drink.
A sly smile made its way onto Shiv’s face, “I’m planning on scoring drinks off of the new guys. It’s a pretty easy task, just bat your eyes, and make them feel like they’re the only man on earth.”
Aileen was the first to protest Shiv’s plan, “Well that’s just- that’s just mean, Shiv.”
“You could join me if you want,” Shiv stated cooly “With that face and accent of yours, I’m sure you could find a couple of men who’d be begging on their knees to buy you a martini.”
A rapid flush came to Aileen’s cheeks at the compliment and light innuendo, “M’not sure if I'm that type of girl.”
“Oh, of course, you are sweetheart,” Lil stated, her tone making the reassurance seem more like a simple fact. “Doesn’t matter how you go about it, any one of these men would be lucky to even speak with you.”
“C’mon, let's size up the lads for tonight.” Shiv’s statement grabbed each girl’s attention, their eyes scanning the room for any potential candidates for Aileen. After no less than five seconds Shiv pointed directly at an officer who had just come into the room, “That one there, with the atrocious dance moves.”
Sorcha’s eyes caught onto his figure, Shiv’s words about his moves ringing true. She watched as he spun around, hands in the air, the teasing cries from who she assumed were his friends falling on deaf ears. An airy laugh escaped from her lips as she watched him, sipping her whiskey to cover it up.
“I don’t think he’s my type,” Aileen stated bluntly, “I wouldn’t be able to dance with him, it’d look like a complete mess on the floor.”
“Don’t be too hard on the poor guy, it's not his fault he’s not a good dancer.” Lilibet held back giggles as she spoke, also finding hilarity in the situation.
“Looks like his luck is about to get worse,” noted Shiv as the girls noticed Buck and Bucky approaching the men. Sorcha let out a small groan as she watched the brief conversation, feeling a smidge of empathy toward the men who had to endure Egan’s teasing. She continued sipping her drink while sizing up the room when Bucky’s sharp voice rang through the hall.
“Devs!” Sorcha’s eyes snapped up to meet her caller, shades of light embarrassment covering her face. Buck, alongside the new recruits, were all staring at her, each giving a quick one-over of the woman who apparently had the Major’s interest. She made quick eye contact with the pilot her friends were just ruthlessly teasing, offering him a small smile before her attention shifted to an approaching Bucky.
Buck's low laugh came as he watched his friend converse, still beside the men from his prior conversation. One of the crew gained the courage to speak up, “Is that the major’s girl?”
“Something like that.” Buck gave little time for the men to respond before bidding them farewell and joining the growing group around Bucky and Sorcha.
“Buck!” Sorcha cried as the man approached the group, “Please tell me you weren’t harassing those poor recruits?”
“I told her-”
“Oh be quiet,” Sorcha shushed Bucky with a wave of her hand, eyes focused on getting the truth out of her friend, “This one’s a liar when it comes to telling me anything. I trust you more than him.”
Buck’s lips turned up at the sight of his friends arguing, finding himself more on Sorcha’s side than his nickname companion. “Normally I’d agree with you, Devs. But in all honesty, he’s telling the truth.”
A bark of teasing laughter spilled from Bucky’s mouth as he was proven right, breaking into a little dance to deepen the annoyance etched on Sorcha’s face. She turned to him, giving a light shove to his shoulder enough for the man to stumble over. A chorus of laughter erupted from the circle, all finding a brief moment of joy in another's small misfortune.
“Remind me why I hang around you?”
Sorcha was still giggling into her palm as Bucky regained balance, annoyance plastered across his features, though his eyes betrayed him, a sign of mischief below the surface. “Because you love me.” The circle suddenly went still at Sorcha’s words, though her tone was airy, they wondered if there was any punch to her assumption.
“Oh really?” teased Bucky with a lift of his eyebrow and a smirk, “M’not sure if that’s true, Devlin.”
“Ooh, using my full last name, someone’s feeling serious.”
“You wanna talk serious, how about letting me have a dance?”
Those around stood with bated breath, the women excited to see Sorcha put the overconfident Major down a peg, while the men wondered if Bucky was about to be outright rejected. Their eyes moved back and forth between the pair, analyzing Sorcha’s contemplative face versus Bucky’s unfailing smirk. Sorcha eventually gave in, offering her hand, which Bucky grabbed immediately. The two found their way onto the dance floor, nearly the whole room spectating them as they swayed to the sounds of Duke Ellington.
“M’ surprised you didn’t turn me down, Devs,” Bucky spoke over the music, not caring who heard their conversation.
“Everyone’s made their assumptions about our pairing,” Sorcha shrugged as she spoke, eyes scanning the crowd, feeling every pair of eyes on her and the Major, “Truth be told, no one’s asked me to dance in a long time.”
“What about that English guy from a while back?”
Sorcha was quick to hit Bucky on the arm, not surprised he had mentioned Doug, but shocked at the casualness in his voice. As if they weren’t having a highly public conversation, “I guess he counts, but it’s not the same as dancing here. In London, no one knew me besides Cormack. Here, everyone knows everything about everyone. Plus, my slim chances have been ruined by you.”
Bucky feigned a look of innocence before spinning Sorcha around, “Me!? What have I done?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Sarcasm dripped from Sorcha’s voice as she spoke, “Maybe being a woman associated with ought to do it?”
“The boys should know better. I can’t be tied down, especially not by you.”
A gasp escaped Sorcha’s lips as Bucky teased her, “Believe me Egan, I wouldn’t dream of tying you down. It’d be like having an untrainable dog in the house.”
It was now Bucky’s turn to look offended, “You wound me deeply, Devs.” True to his words, Bucky started to slip from Sorcha’s light grip, dramatically collapsing to the floor. An embarrassed flush rose in Sorcha’s cheeks as she attempted to manage Egan’s dramatics. If people hadn’t been watching them before, they were now, as Egan flailed on the ground, theatrical cries falling from his mouth. The giggles Sorcha tried to stifle were now flowing freely from her lips, her laughter infecting those around her. Between giggles she struggled to get Buck’s attention, his name coming out in strangled cries. Soon enough, he got the hint to come retrieve his friend and pull him from the floor.
“You two caused quite a scene.” Chastised Buck, though his face betrayed the seriousness of his tone.
“It’s what we do best,” Bucky wrapped an arm around Sorcha’s shoulder, giving it a light squeeze, “Who else would entertain the troops?”
“I’m sure we could find someone else.” Shiv’s voice broke into the conversation, the rest of the group from the bar joining. “Sorcha could do a solo show for all the men.”
Lilibet choked on her drink at Shiv’s words, “I’m scared to ask what your definition of a ‘solo show’ entails.”
Shiv was quick to defend herself, poising herself as a proper young lady, “I’m appalled you’d even say that, Lil. Am I not a woman of respectable stature? There are impressionable young women here who could be corrupted by such words.” Shiv covered Aileen's ears at the latter statement, to which Aileen protested.
“I’m only a few years younger than you!”
“Exactly my point, my dear. We must shield you from these Brits and their dirty minds.”
It seemed as if a permanent look of offense was painted on Lilibet’s face as Shive spoke. She was used to the girl’s teasing but wasn’t inebriated enough to bear this level. “You in the mood for another drink, Devs?”
“What kind of question is that?”
“Shall we leave this lot behind?”
Sorcha gave a light nod before she looped her arm through Lilibets, the rest of her friends too engrossed in a new conversation about who Aileen would dance with to notice their departure. The two made their way back to the bar, which had become less crowded over time. As soon as they turned around from ordering their drinks, Bucky and Aileen were found on the floor, alongside Benny and Anika, as well as Shiv and one of the new men. “Seems like they’ve all found what they’re looking for.” Lilibet nudged Sorcha’s shoulder as she sipped her drink.
“Aileen looks happy,” Sorcha smiled at the image of her friends swaying along to the slow tune playing, “She hasn’t been the same since Biddick. It’s nice to see her genuinely smile again.”
“She deserves it. We all deserve something like that.” Lilibet’s tone was laced with wistfulness as she spoke.
Sorcha leveled a glance at her friend who seemed lost in a faraway place, “Thinking about Andrew?”
The mention of her boyfriend snapped Lilibet out of dreamland, remembering where she was, “I miss him dearly. We got to call today, and I know it’s a blessing to even be able to hear his voice, but it’s not the same.”
A downhearted smile crept onto Sorcha’s face as Lil spoke, feeling partially sympathetic to her friend. “I know I can’t entirely relate, but you know I’ll listen to you babble on about Andrew for as long as you need to.”
“Oh, Devs,” Her eyes were filled with motherly emotion, wrapping an arm around the younger girl, “One day, hopefully sometime soon, you’ll be granted with feeling the way I do. I pray you’re not in the same situation as I am, but I know you’ll open your heart to love. When that day comes, you’ll find the man most deserving of your love in the same way I’ve been granted it.”
Tears threatened to spill from the corner of Sorcha’s eyes as Lilibet spoke. She quickly grabbed a napkin from the bar and lightly dabbed at her eyes, focused on not ruining her makeup that took hours to do. “You and your romanticism.”
“I know somewhere, deep down in that heart of yours, you want the same thing for yourself.” Lil leveled a serious look at her friend, her eyes soft as she spoke, “The girls and I rib you for it all the time, but know we just have your interests in mind. There’s no need to give your love to others without getting any back.”
“I have you though,” Sorcha spoke through a teary-eyed smile
Lilibet tutted in disapproval at her friend, “That’s true. But unfortunately, I'm a taken woman.”
“I could take Andrew in a fight.” Sorcha retorted matter-of-factly, a serious look on her face.
Her words caused the Brit to dissolve into a fit of giggles, gaining attention from others at the sudden outburst. “Oh, I would pay good money to see that.”
What was once a lively celebration eventually faded out, and only a few men and women were scattered around the officer’s club. The usual suspects of Sorcha’s makeshift friend group were chatting around the bar, while Sorcha and Aileen sat in front of the piano. Aileen’s mood had shifted along with the party, her liveliness replaced with melancholy. Sorcha had opted to keep her company, needing respite from all the socialization and attention she had gathered over the night. The women sat shoulder-to-shoulder, Aileen playing a light tune as Sorcha faced her friends at the bar, all in light spirits. A soft smile found its way onto Sorcha’s face as she took in the scene. A new body made its way into her eye line, the pilot with the bad dance moves. She watched as he made his way over to Buck and Bucky, wondering how he had the courage to speak to the majors not once, but twice in the same evening.
“You’re quite the observer, aren’t you?” Aileen's soft voice broke Sorcha out of her thoughts, her fingers still moving over the black and white keys.
“What are you talking about?”
Aileen shot Sorcha a knowing look but didn’t answer her question. Instead, she started to play a familiar tune, causing Sorcha to perk up. The beginning notes of The Parting Glass sounded from the old piano, starting soft and slow. Aileen continued playing the melody, waiting for Sorcha to start singing along, nudging her to begin. At the younger girl’s pleading eyes, she gave in, softly singing, as if Aileen was her sole audience.
“Of all the money that e'er I had I spent it in good company And all the harm I've ever done Alas it was to none but me And all I've done for want of wit To mem'ry now I can't recall So fill to me the parting glass Good night and joy be to you all”
As she sang, Sorcha’s voice carried across the club, catching the interest of a few bystanders, though most heard her voice as background. Aileen shared a large grin as they sang, once again forgetting they had an audience outside of themselves. Sorcha felt an overwhelming sense of calm wash over her as she sang. She felt as if she were home, though the meaning of home had changed since she arrived at Thorpe Abbotts.
“Of all the comrades that e'er I had They're sorry for my going away And all the sweethearts that e'er I had They'd wish me one more day to stay But since it falls unto my lot That I should rise and you should not I gently rise and softly call …Good night and joy be to you all”
Sorcha’s eyes began to water as Aileen played the final notes, laying her head on the younger girl’s shoulder. A silent understanding passed through them, both knowing the meaning the song held to one another. They sat in silence for a few seconds before Bucky’s voice rang out, “Aileen! Get over here!”
Aileen looked between Sorcha and Bucky, trying to see if it was ok to leave Sorcha alone. “Go ahead,” Sorcha urged as she cleared her eyes, “I’m all good over here.”
“You’re a saint, Devs.” Aileen chirped before hugging Sorcha and rushing over to the impatient Major.
Sorcha let out a soft chuckle as she looked to the ground, shaking her head at her friend’s behavior. As she lifted her gaze, Sorcha was met with a pair of stunning blue eyes, a soft look within them. She recognized him as the officer who had been floating in her eyeline all evening, “That was beautiful.”
Hints of scarlet painted Sorcha’s cheeks at the compliment and the handsome man who it came from. For the first time all night, she was able to get a good look at the man who had been briefly occupying her thoughts. He was movie-star handsome, she thought. His hair seemed gelled to perfection, falling into place with his pristine uniform. A bashful smile played on his lips as he awaited Sorcha’s response.
“Thank you,” She spoke in a soft voice, feeling uncharacteristically embarrassed, “It’s not a crowd favorite song, but I think it’s lovely.”
A pensive look crossed the man's face as he took in Sorcha’s words. It seemed that he was truly thinking over her statement as opposed to letting it pass by in the air. The two remained in a somewhat awkward silence before the man spoke again, “Robert Rosenthal,” He stuck out his hand before adding, “Though most people call me Rosie.”
“Rosie.” Sorcha let his name spill from her mouth as her lips quirked into a smile. She took his hand, shaking it for a moment too long. She wasn’t sure what was happening, but part of her was intrigued by the man before her. So what if it wasn’t proper to let a handshake linger? There were worse things that could happen. “Sorcha Devlin. Though everyone here calls me Devs.”
“Not too creative, are they?” Rosie laughed, Sorcha’s heart fluttering at the sound.
“I fear they haven’t spent enough time working on their nicknaming skills.” Sorcha agreed, “They must have something else going on to keep them busy.”
Rosie let out another chuckle, a permanent grin etched onto his face. “Unfortunately they didn’t cover nicknames in training.”
“Well, that's a shame. Makes a girl wonder what you’re learning back in the States.”
“You should write to the higher-ups,” Rosie began as he unconsciously sat beside Sorcha, feeling the need to be closer to her. “Get them to add something in the handbook about creativity and nicknames.”
All of a sudden the piano bench felt smaller than before. She felt her stomach flutter as Rosie sat beside her. Sorcha could feel the heat radiating off Rosie and could smell his cologne, and God was it an enchanting scent. Sorcha could feel herself getting lost in his presence, demanding herself to snap out of it. She finally turned her gaze back to his blue eyes, ones that were already looking back at her. A shy smile played on Rosie's lips as he gazed at her, awaiting a response.
“I- I’m sure we could make that work.” Sorcha stuttered. Unknowingly her face scrunched up as she wondered why she was acting so strange. Ten minutes ago she had been fine, standing beside Lilibet and entertaining Bucky, but as soon as Rosie appeared, all her banter and charm faded away.
“Is everything ok, miss?” Rosie’s voice was laced with concern. His mind replayed their brief conversation, analyzing every moment to see if he made a mistake. Surely he didn’t say something out of turn or offensive?
Sorcha nearly got whiplash as she looked at the man beside her, frantic hazel eyes meeting soft blue ones. “I’m so sorry. I just- got lost in thought for a moment.”
“No need to apologize,” Rosie’s soft smile aided Sorcha’s embarrassment, the flush from her cheeks fading away, “Just wanted to make sure everything was ok.”
“It is,” Sorcha responded earnestly. Her racing mind had slowed as she gazed at Rosie. Somehow this man who she had just met found a way to calm her constant nerves that were kept below the surface.
“So, Rosie,” Sorcha began, loving how gentle his name was. It was a name she believed she could never get sick of saying. “Tell me about yourself.”
Rosie contemplated the question for a moment before turning to face Sorcha, nearly going speechless at the soft look painted on her face. How he had managed to be sitting inches away from a stunning girl like her was beyond him. “Well, I’m a pilot.”
Giggles flowed from Sorcha’s lips at his statement. “I figured as much. Why else would you be here?”
It was now Rosie’s turn to be embarrassed, internally cursing himself for starting with something so obvious. “Maybe I'm just a fan of England. You know, I hear they have absolutely lovely weather.”
“Oh, you don’t know the half of it. Makes me miss New York weather, as finicky as it is.”
The mention of New York piqued Rosie’s interest, eyebrows raising in surprise. “You’re from New York?”
“Born and raised.” Sorcha beamed with pride, “As much as I love being over here, I miss the place.”
“I know how you feel.” Rosie sighed, “I tell ya, there’s no place like Brooklyn.”
“Brooklyn’s nice enough, but I’d argue the Bronx is better.” A teasing smile was placed on Sorcha’s face at Rosie’s look of offense.
Rosie let out a scoff at her statement, matching her smile as he crossed his arms. “I think we’re gonna have to agree to disagree.”
“I’d have to disagree with that statement.” Sorcha shrugged, not wanting to give up her position on the matter.
Rosie was about to speak again before a feminine voice cut him off. “Devs!” He turned his head to see the group of women Sorcha had previously been with, all looking at him with analyzing stares. He would be lying if he said they didn’t intimidate him, knowing that women often convey unspoken thoughts through stares.
“Duty calls,” Sorcha sighed, wishing she could spend more time sitting on the tiny piano bench with Rosie, “We’ll finish, or really start our debate another time?”
“I’ll prepare my opening remarks,” Rosie said with a wide smile, once again sending flutters through Sorcha’s body.
Sorcha stood up, sparing another glance at Rosie over her shoulder. To her surprise, he was already looking at her with a grin, that damn grin that she had quickly grown to love. He sent an awkward wave her way, causing Sorcha to giggle.
“Seems like someone had a good night.” Aileen teased as she looped her arm through Sorcha’s.
Sorcha couldn’t help the smile that threatened to lift the edges of her mouth, a very visible blush exploding on her cheeks. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, her short encounter with the pilot was highly enjoyable. Rosie seemed unlike any other man she had met on the base. He held a gentleness that Sorcha found comforting. In nearly every other social encounter, she analyzed everything to make sure she was acting according to her own social rules. With Rosie, all anxiety faded away. Maybe her friends had been right to encourage her to step outside their small group, though she would rather die than confess it to them.
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beezonia · 2 months
I will update and add links to this as I make references and more ocs!
But hey introducing the chaos kids and let me know if you’d like to learn more about them! ——
Aileen Mooncoult - Twisted from the moonstone opal (Tangled)
Yukai Kitigawa - Yuu (MC)
Rianne “Riza” Salukairi - Twisted from Rita (Oliver and Company)
Baxter Rosconto - Twisted from Roscoe (Oliver and Company)
Narcissa Viperoné - Twisted form Narissa (Enchanted)
Dias Feathenfool - Twisted from Diablo (Sleeping Beauty)
Leya Hyemoki - Twisted from Lena Hyena (Who Framed Roger Rabbit)
Rosabelle Tulivan - Twisted from Rosetta (Tinkerbelle)
Inez Suseté - Twisted from Iridessa (Tinkerbelle)
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cyan1decandy · 7 months
Update on my two MC's backstory
I started work on it. It's just an incomprehensible rambling at this point-
But I probably won't be able to finish it up until next week? Idk it's midterm week for my graphic arts class, as well as trying to get my second certification. Then spring break!
...And I don't think I'm going anywhere for it? My family is so disorganized when it comes to breaks like this so I never really know.
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your--isgayrights · 3 months
Outside of Lee Seolhwa and Lee Sookyung, do you have plans for any other character outside of Kim Dokja’s primary companions (like Gong Pildu or Han Doonghoon) for your soulmate fanfiction? Constellations like Persephone or Uriel or Sun Wukong probably wouldn’t make sense to exist in real life but maybe characters such as Han Myungoh/Han Dareum or Jang Hayoung could fit? If I recall correctly, Jang Hayoung in particular is the one responsible for the title of the fanfiction, right? I feel like she alongside the Unidentifiable Wall and the Fourth Wall would be so thematically appropriate but I couldn’t imagine how you would do it if at all. I also want to say that I’m impressed how you managed to seamlessly incorporate so many references to the original ORV into your work. It must have required you to reread and recheck the wiki.
Yess, I'm glad you asked this anon bc literally I just threw in a little reference to Han Doonghoon and Lee Sungkook in the 4.4 update and got worried people would think they had to remember the characters well to understand the surrounding plot point better than Kim Dokja does. But I think I should trust the reader a bit more lol.
Unfortunately my inclusion of Aileen and Jang Hayoung isn't going to be as big as the other kdjco members, but they're sort of already set up in the fic and have a role in chap 5. I think JHY doesn't appear directly bc to me the relationship between her and KDJ is harder to make 'real,' though I have some ideas depending on how much I decide to include in chap 5. In my plans 5 will have a gaming tourney featured, so other big 'wos players' may be referenced further there as well.
Of course like you mention the fic title and many of the chapter titles are coming directly from the mouth of Jang Hayoung, so in that way she is constantly being referenced, haha.
Han Myungoh and his daughter are referenced earlier in Chapter 4. It's sort of a drive by.
I do make use of the wiki (bless the editorsn🙏), though mostly just to check dates, numbers, and spellings of names. I like to think of myself as someone with a pretty decent memory tho, so a lot of the more specific story references are definitely just me pulling in stuff I remember from my novel read throughs. Like I might have to look at the wiki to remember Han Dareum's name, but I'll never forget Han Myungoh's entire Male Pregnancy that he had like that was a crazy random W to me on my first ORV read through I was like hello??? Also that being around when JHY was being confirmed trans haha. I think I was only out for like a year or so before reading orv so the little gender fucky moments really stuck out to me.
Sometimes rereading my old work I also remember things I forgot happened in ORV. I think part of the reason I'm struggling so much with chap 4 and onward is that now that the wall fic characters have sort of developed to where they are some of the scenes I had in mind are less 1 to 1 with the OG. For instance, I'm trying to rewrite a scene I have of YJH and KDJ having a rooftop chat that like parallels the one back before the seoul's strongest incarnation arc in the novel, but it's a bit difficult. At first I wanted to include a lot more of KDJ interacting with the rest of YJH's team, but the rooftop Scene makes more sense to put a cap on the themes explored in chap 4. But when I first wrote this scene it was less specifically addressing that theme, because it was in the outline of like right after I wrote chapter 1, so it was kind of just the OG ORV scene with the flavoring of my AU on top. A lot of the little things they do and say in the OG novel would have to be quite finagled to fit anymore, so reworking it is the big task rn.
Anyway I'm really appreciative of people like you who take note of these small details <3. it's kind of helping me remember and appreciate a lot of the parts of me that were behind a lot of Wall fic originally if that makes sense? I am like reintroducing myself to him and giving him a hug instead of running away cringing just because it's me lol.
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illusivekati · 1 year
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Aileen Minton
I ended up starting with fresh one however this is really only going to be gameplay which I can manage for now  atm so heres our new mint founder yes I used ea hair color as if I put anymore custom content atm I will slow my saves down again as I did think of downloading hair berry colors that have been done but its alot and my laptop doesn't like alot lately but here she is Aileen, Living in Strangerville as it says I almost invited in the weird townies they give me the creeps XD til I remember they would leave weird plants around and military would be removing alot XD like yeah not dealing with that XD 
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hyperforcereignition · 3 months
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"Gonna start a revolution! Go by the name hero!"
So, time for a BIG update.
Hyper Force Reignition Status Update
One of the biggest struggles I've been having is honestly, even wanting to post again. Burnout is real and dealing with a lot of IRL stresses doesn't help. I also was struggling with the scope of this fict, because I wanted to really linger and flesh out this AU, but I kept running into walls or having some really messed up experiences, l really don't wanna go into here involving IRL, that made it hard to wanna work (Death in the family, car getting stolen and wrecked)
Genuinely, I was struggling. I made models, I tried to keep forcing myself to work through it, but I just was NOT HAVING FUN ANYMORE.
Like, this was the biggest thing. I never lost my love for this fict, but man, I was not enjoying myself and I felt a lot of pressure.
This is something, I think I need to specify going forward when discussing Reignition and the tags later on will be updated to reflect that.
This is not an AU
This an iteration. So, it is DELIBERATELY different and canon is beloved and adored by me, but I cannot write it as is. Not out of a dislike for it, but because that's just not how my brain was wired. I've tried to explain it as "Same bones, different journey" but I don't think even that was enough.
The difference between Reignition and SRTMHFG is the same difference as THESE
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I got back into TMNT as well, so this is kinda how I realized that I needed to really lean into the "iteration" part of Reignition, because truth be told, this wasn't really a canon rewrite. Canon was a suggestion left at the door.
An iteration is different from an AU cause it's that person's full interpretation of the story and telling their own version of it in it's entirety. I didn't wanna initially call Reignition that, because I didn't even realize it was that, but canon rewrite wasn't proper either... because it's not.
Also, because I've been getting some real pressure I wanna be out here and say it right now.
The worm?
This worm? This thing?
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Big Chungus here?
Aileen and I have some very specific body horror squicks and she has expressed to me, extreme discomfort over the idea of covering this arc because she doesn't want to illustrate it and I don't wanna write it.
This hits a very specific squick of ours, it's non negotiable.
Due to the "iteration" thing again, season 3 will have it's OWN storyline which comes up to the latest thing...
I have decided Reignition as it stands currently is COMPLETED...
I feel a little bad I didn't contemplate this sooner cause I could've announced it differently, but when I posted the last chapter here, I thought i was going to keep pushing through into the next arc.
Instead, we'll be going into...
Hyper Force: Feathering
As the story evolved and grew, it's become painfully obvious to me, that the way I was going was NOT going to work out.
So, instead of rushing through and giving you guys a non satisfactory ending...
We're coming back and in a new way. Keep an eye out. It'll be posted here to the Reignition tumblr as always and be locked into the series on A03. I will also still continue Reignition: Maintenance Checks as now that I've decided to turn this into a series proper, it's been feeling a lot better.
I'm also going to be incorporating promotional videos and I've been studying animation and using vroid more and more. There's a lot underway that I'm excited to get to.
Also keep an eye out for updated models! Aileen is cookin and I'm cookin!
I'm gonna also work on not putting as much pressure on myself, because I kept feeling like I had to be 'perfect'.
Kinda lost sight of why I was doing this.
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I'm doing it for my younger self.
She's the one I'm doing 99% of this for.
So, going forward... what's happening to the main fict?
Thing is, while it's technically 'done' it's not. I had a full plot hashing out happen and I need to edit some early sections of it. That will happen over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out, I will be updating it as if it was regular updates, because it's new content just updated chapters. My soft goal, is to be back up and running by the 20th anniversary of SRMTHFG.
I've been honestly, trying to decide if I wanted to even make an update post, but it's been so long since I posted properly and... I don't believe in hiding.
I'm not fully ready to be back yet, but I hope you guys will stay with me, while I'm updating and getting stuff ready. Some sneak peek stuff will go up after this post.
Thanks for reading guys!
See you soon!
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lawbyrhys · 2 months
Special Counsel Smith Moves To Appeal Judge Cannon's Dismissal Of Classified Docs Case
In the wake of the latest in controversial rulings by Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon, Special Counsel Jack Smith is moving to appeal.
The classified documents case just got messier.
Smith's notice of appeal read as follows: "The United States of America hereby gives notice that it appeals to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit from the order of the District Court entered on July 15, 2024, Docket Entry 672."
This move comes after a recent ruling this past weekend, dismissing the case against the former president over classified documents and subsequent claims Special Counsel Jack Smith was unconstitutionally appointed to his role by Attorney General Merrick Garland; a ruling Mr. Smith's office disputes, remarking, "The dismissal of the case deviates from the uniform conclusion of all previous courts to have considered the issue that the Attorney General is statutorily authorized to appoint a Special Counsel. The justice department has authorized the Special Counsel to appeal the court's order."
Judge Cannon also alleges Special Counsel Smith was improperly funded by the Treasury Department, another factor in her dismissal.
The appeal seeks to address the constitutionality of the questions raised by Cannon's ruling. If her controversial ruling is upheld, it could have potentially serious implications on future investigations and the authority similar special counsels hold in them.
Ben Meiselas, fellow attorney and anti-MAGA legal commentator, shared his thoughts on his MeidasTouch Podcast, marking Cannon's decision as "horrific," going on to contribute his optimism and overall support for the appeal—predicting Smith's ultimate success. Meiselas also believes the successful appeal will result in Cannon's removal from the case entirely.
So what are my opinions on the whole situation?
My opinions on the matter are fairly concise; I fully support Special Counsel Smith and his actions. I do believe in Attorney General Garland's competence and morality, and I trust he wouldn't do something unconstitutional. I think Smith is legit, and it's obvious why the case was dismissed; I don't have to spell it out for you, do I? Let's just say this is not the first time Judge Cannon's conduct has been called into question, and the other times haven't gone well for her, either.. I believe the decision to appeal the ruling has merit, and I look forward to seeing how this story updates and coming back with more when that time comes. That's it for now, though.
What do you think of this news? Let's discuss!
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