#ain’t gotta think about personal strife when you’re working
oglegoggle · 2 years
I don’t get it. I do not fucking get it. Why the fuck am I expected to support those around me no matter the circumstance but it’s too much to handle when I need support? Where the fuck is my support????
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moonlightpastime · 4 years
Hmm gonna throw Mistaken for Couple + Sleep intimacy Zakkura your way for whenever you might want to play with it. :3 (Also possibly revealing my secret identity with this prompt lol)
Oooooooo! Delicious lil combo indeed.
(also sorry. it’s me. of course this turned into basically a mini-ficlet on it’s own lol)
Hmm...okay. Imma be a basic, trope-y bich then lol. Scenario I’d probably play with in a canon-ish setting would be Cadet!Cloud and Zack kinda bumping into each a couple times- maybe brief mission overlaps or something after Modeoheim? And since they’d hit it off so quick that just continues. And of course people take notice. For one thing it’s weird for a First Class to be hanging around and all. And sure Zack’s got a reputation of being pretty chill and outgoing. What surprises the other Cadets is Cloud. Because Strife’s always been stand-offish and stuff.
So of course the rumours start flying. And there’s the mix of usual nasty ones “Sleeping with Fair to climb the ladder.” ect. But there’s also some squad-mates of Cloud’s who don’t think that’d really be the case. Maybe there’s something more genuine there- though it’s still a bad idea considering Zack’s basically one of their CO’s.
So one mission comes along and Zack kinda meets up with the tail end of this little sortie that the cadets were off training in. It runs later than they planned so they all just decide to camp it out and head back to HQ the next morning. Being the country boys they are- and with that ‘weird’ chemistry Cloud and Zack are pretty quick to get things organized and get a legit pretty cozy camp.
Only a sliiiight problem in that they don’t actually have enough space in the trooper tent. Meant for a four man squad, not five. So of course, SOLIDER Fair slings his arm around Cloud’s shoulders and says, “Then I guess this guy’s bunking with me.” since Zack’s been packing his own small tent for his mission. Cloud flails and blushes a bit. “O-oh. No I can do watch duty.”
Zack just rolls his eyes and jostles the blond. Puts on his friendly ‘commander’ voice. “We’ll do it in shifts Cadet. Just like always.” So they work out a quick schedule. Couple hours each so they can all get some rest after their busy training. Cloud’s got first shift since he ‘volunteered’. Zack takes the last one- because he’s slightly evil and loves being the one to wake up/break down camp.
Of course once they turn in, Zack isn’t really tired- always too much energy- so he wanders over to keep Cloud company. He’s sitting a way off from the camp. Away from the fire they decided to keep burning. Tends to help deter monsters anyway. Zack nudges Cloud with a knee as he comes up behind him.
“Aren’t you cold man?” He asks. Eyeing the wind tugging at the cadet’s clothes. Cloud shakes his head. Something almost wistful on his face.
“This is nothing compared to home.”
“Nibelheim right? That’s out west ain’t it?”
They shoot the shit for a while, before Cloud gets a little flustered. Tells Zack he should rest since he’s waking up the earliest. And Cloud needs to focus on his job. So Zack puts on a little show of stretching and yawning- and NO. Cloud is NOT staring. He’s keeping WATCH.
Eventually Cloud gets tapped to head to bed. Hesitates for like an HOUR outside the tent. Or at least that’s how it feels like to Zack who of course isn’t sleeping. Scares the living day lights outta Cloud when he finally scoots over and tugs open the flap. Grinning up at the cadet, one eyebrow raised.
“You coming?”
Cloud shuffles in obediently, takes another age getting outta his boots, gloves combat gear. Just leave him in those baggy navy fatigues. The space is still pretty small, but Zack figures it’ll be fine. Cloud isn’t exactly a big person. (not that he says that. Out loud.).
Eventually Zack whines at him enough to get the other settled down anyway. The bedrolls really aren’t the most comfy thing, but they’d found pretty even patches of ground to set up their tents over so it could definitely be worse. Zack wiggles his closer to Cloud’s when the other very, very stubbornly won’t move himself. Logically it’ll keep them warmer and Cloud’s gotta be at least a little cold from watch right? Just makes sense. They tussle a bit, before Zack actually gets Cloud to relax again. Even crack a smile and it makes Zack’s chest feel warm. Cloud’s the first one yawning. Long, very busy day and he doesn’t have the same ridiculous energy as a SOLIDER (pointed look at Zack.) So Zack quite bugging him- as much- and they both settle in. Can hear the distant crackle of the fire and the two squadmates talking quietly outside. Thanks to his enhancements he catches little snippets of their conversation on the wind.
It surprises him a bit. Hearing people speculating him and Cloud are a ‘thing’. He shrugs it off more or less because he’s been around enough to realize Cloud’s kinda isolated. Honestly he feels bad for the people who don’t give the blond a chance. They’re missing out. Bit time, in Zack’s opinion. Cuz Cloud’s nice. And smart. And honestly just fun.
Warm too, now that the night time chill’s starting to fade from his skin. Zack snuggles up closer to soak some of it in and share his own. Habbit. Jungle kid after all. Prefers the heat to the cold any day.
He’s not really tired, not yet, still got that vague adrenaline pumping through his veins. Always kinda is. But there’s something kinda...mellowing about Cloud. Gives him something to focus on other than that constant itch to ‘get up, move, do something’. It’s nice. And pretty cute how Cloud’s hair falls in his face when he shifts. Can tell the other’s drifted off for real now. All those senseless little twitches and sounds. Used to freak Zack out a little bit when he first got enhanced. How he could catch the rhythm of someone’s heartbeat if he tried. But Cloud’s is nice.
Zack wasn’t really expecting to sleep that night. Usually has a tough time of it when he gets sent on missions that are way too easy. Takes a lot to tucker him out. But the next thing he knows he’s catching a voice. Snapping out of sleep. Something kinda soft brushing his face. Tickles a bit.
“U-uh. Sir?”
Hm. Cadet sounds weird. Almost nervous but Zack’s used to that. People act odd around him. SOLIDER status and all. Even Cloud gets kinda jumpy about it sometimes. But not as often as others.
“It’s nearly four a.m. Sir.”
“Oh right. Thanks. Go catch a few winks. We’ll be oughta here before long.”
The tent closes again in a faint rush of chilly air and Zack yawns.
Gets a mouthful of hair for his efforts and sputters a bit. Blinks open and.
Huh. Well that’d explain the extra warmth. He’s honestly not sure from the tangle their in if he’d moved in the night or if it’d been Cloud. Maybe a collaborative effort. But Cloud’s all tucked up against his front. One slender hand curled in the front of Zack’s heavy shirt. Zack’s got Cloud all wrapped up in a mix of their bedding and his arms. He’s done that since he was a kid. Grabbin’ up pillows and stuff to cuddle.
He thinks he prefers having someone to snuggle up with instead.
It’s super dark out. That weird hour before the sun starts to come up. Still enough to make out that funny little wrinkle of Cloud’s nose as the other grumbles in his sleep. Zack chuckles, leans back a bit so he doesn’t end up with another mouth of hair.
“You’re okay Spike. Get some more sleep.”
Takes a bit of careful shifting and wiggling to get them somewhat untangled. Doesn’t really succeed in keeping Cloud asleep either. Blue, blue eyes blinking open heavily. Makes a little mumble that could be Zack’s name. All confused and tired. Makes the SOLIDER chuckle again.
“At ease.” He says with a grin. Maybe a bit softer than his usual. If Cloud was like, actually awake, he’d grumble at Zack for real. Running joke with them. Started the first time Cloud thought he had to be all ‘formal’ and stuff around base. Dumbass.
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imgoingtocrash · 3 years
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Made of Iron, Born of Fire: The Fanmix 
by @imgoingtocrash
Listen on Spotify and 8tracks
Read the series on Ao3
AKA: A labor of love for @savvysass’s birthday!!!!
What can I say that hasn’t already been said because we’re both incredibly sappy people in our Author’s Notes? Writing this series with you has brought me so much joy in the last two years, and I never could have hit over 100k words without you. Here’s to whatever we write next in the series...and all of the WIPs we’re working on right now...and only god knows what’s next for us personally and professionally...and most importantly, to you on your Birthday. Thank you for being such a good friend, in both fandom and outside of it. I’m so, so thankful to know you and love you. 🥰
Director’s Cut Below, because we all know I love talking about this series, and yes, that does extend to why I picked these songs. (And also maybe because these song choices only make sense in my brain and hopefully Savannah’s?? Who knows! Feel free to ask questions if you want but let’s be honest this series and fanmix are most importantly for us, because we love the series so dang much.)
My Wildest Dreams by Ron Pope
I spoke in riddles and in rhymes, but my time with you has taught me to simplify, you’re not quite what I pictured you would be, you’re better than my wildest dreams.
We’ve talked about this one before, and I’LL TALK ABOUT IT AGAIN!!!! Ron Pope is so good imo, and this song wowowow the father-child feels, but especially with Tony and newborn Peter a la A Foreign Feeling and A First Time For Everything.
Big & Scared by Raleigh Ritchie
I want to be better for you, let me do that now, you’re my favorite human, so you should be prepared, I’ll help you get through it, when you’re big and scared
We’ve mentioned Tony’s thoughts about legacy multiple times by now, and I think this song really represents Tony looking forward to the person Peter could be become and that “breaking the cycle” mentality of supporting Peter even when he’s not a perfect father.
Legacy of Sadness by Ron Pope
irrational as it may seem I guess I’m sorry, even though I know that none of it’s my fault, it is easier for me to count my blessings, than to cry for every single thing we’ve lost
I have 0 shame putting these two songs by Ron Pope almost back to back because they’re the opening and closing of an album dedicated to his child like...it’s so perfect for Tony and this theme of reflection on who he is and who Peter will become/is becoming and all that entails.
this is me trying by Taylor Swift
They told me all of my cages were mental, so I got wasted like all my potential, and my words shoot to kill when I'm mad, I have a lot of regrets about that
I wrote something...very sad but also soft recently??? and this is for That it’s about pre-CW Pepperony being separated and the road to them trying to come back together including Tony working on himself and I love it!!! It hurts really good!!! This whole song is perfect for it and I can’t wait until people get to read it.
Be Good When I’m Gone by Four Year Strong
I'm sorry I can't stop to listen, but I've got so much to do and I've got some place to be, the house looks like the aftermath of a hurricane, I hope it stays that way
Tony being a busy parent but doing his best to make time for Peter in his life and making that time count has been something super important to illustrate to us, especially the transition from being a CEO to being a superhero and how that changes how Peter sees Tony’s absence over time.
I Won’t Back Down by Johnnyswim, Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors, and Penny and Sparrow
Tony puts on the original version by Tom Petty in Home Is Where The Heart Is, but I think this cover has a very slow, emotional undertone that’s really great too. The interludes, if you didn’t catch it, have all been featured in a fic previously.
Let It Matter by Johnnyswim
So if it matters let it matter, if your heart's breaking let it ache, catch those pieces as they scatter, know your hurt is not in vain
Pepper in Never Tell Me The Odds ALL DAYYYYY. She’s the emotional rock of that fic (and of our Ironfam TBH) and it’s all because she allows herself to feel her feelings and encourages the Stark boys to do so as well.
Simmer - Acoustic by Hayley Williams
And if my child, needed protection, from a fucker like that man, I’d sooner gut him, cause nothing cuts like a mother
Post-Home Is Where The Heart Is...y’all know Pepper’s not that mad about what happened to Obie. Also just Pepper when someone hurts her family?? I always write it as her sort of putting all of her emotion into something she can control and doing it well, so, this song is all about that.
Tightrope by Nia Hendricks
one step after another, keep holding on to each other, don’t look back, move on and let go, that’s how you walk on a tightrope
Pepperony trying to navigate their relationship and the insanity of superhero stuff and also co-parenting. It’s all excellent, I love them so much, I enjoy writing it so much!!!!
Dancing With Your Ghost by Sasha Sloan
Never got the chance, to say a last goodbye, I gotta move on, but it hurts to try, how do I love, how do I love again?
This song is tilted towards romance, but if you’ll remember, we’re a Pro-Tony Survives Endgame AU series, so it’s not about THAT...but well...Infinity War sure will hit something fierce for certain non-romantic relationships in this series, huh?
The Bones by Maren Morris
Call it dumb luck, but baby, you and I, can't even mess it up, although we both try, no, it don't always go the way we planned it, but the wolves came and went and we're still standing
Post-Endgame Ironfam!!! Tony and Pepper married with their kids, their family and HAPPY...THIS IS WHY WE DO ALL OF THE ANGST...FOR A FAMILY...WE LOVE THEM
Carry on Wayward Son by Kansas
Considered Pepper and Peter’s ‘song’, as it’s referenced multiple times in the series, and was one of the bigger solidifying moments of their mother-son relationship as a whole.
Mundane by Hardcastle
And I’ve been sinking into silence, dwelling on my thoughts, and in these months, I haven’t felt that most conversations have left me anything but blue
Peter’s selective mutism was something very special to us when we originally had the idea, and making sure we talk about it and utilize it in the right way is something we’re still working on, particularly with the Therapy Fic we’re brainstorming atm.
survivin’ (One Eyed Jack’s Session) by Bastille
What can I say? I'm survivin', crawling out these sheets to see another day, what can I say? I'm survivin', and I'm gonna be fine, I'm gonna be fine, I think I'll be fine
Spoiler Alert: Peter’s not fine, like, a decent amount of the time. But he’s sure trying, and we love him for that.
Jacob from the Bible by Jake Wesley Rogers
Mama, don't worry, it took me years, to say I'm sorry, to see your tears, Mama, forgive me, I grew up too fast, but it's not on you, it's in the past
Mostly part of Peter growing up to become a hero and realizing what his parents--particularly Pepper--have gone through for him to become the person he is today, but that sometimes he still doesn’t feel like he’s making them proud enough.
Compassion Is a German Word by To Kill A King
Don't be so arrogant, you ain't no different to anyone I've met, we're all the heroes in our own film, or maybe the villain in someone else's
Spider-Man being an excellent superhero boi!!! Being kind and good!!! We love it!! Also, I put a TKAK song on...a LOT of my playlists, because I think they’re great.
brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
And I'm so sick of seventeen, where's my fucking teenage dream?, if someone tells me one more time, "Enjoy your youth", I'm gonna cry
I mean...this song is such a Teenage Mood...I had to do it...
In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning by Frank Sinatra
So, I had this cute little scene in my head that went with this song for SO LONG but there wasn’t really anything for it to fit into so...yeah that’s part 2 of Savannah’s Birthday Gift, a little soft Baby Peter drabble. Fluffy Goop from top to bottom. That can be read here.
Home by Phillip Phillips
Just know you're not alone, 'Cause I'm gonna make this place your home
...I know it’s not original, okay? It’s found family, it’s great, I don’t care!
Comes and Goes (In Waves) by Greg Laswell
And this part was for her, and this part was for her, this part was for her, does she remember?
This song is good family angst in general BUT these specific lyrics made me think of Mary and that they never forget her in their lives despite the other stuff going on (because we refuse to let them).
I Have Made Mistakes by The Oh Hellos
I have made mistakes, I continue to make them, the promises I've made, I continue to break them, and all the doubts I've faced, I continue to face them, but nothing is a waste if you learn from it
No one in the Ironfam is perfect, but they all do their best to try and grow even when they’re scared they’ll never be able to. The ups and downs are all par for the course of this series to us.
Easy Days - Demo by Bastille
Cause I don’t wanna fall back again, back into the easy days, everything was so simple then, little fires burned away
Strife is a part of life, and the family in this fic growing through their loss and struggles and moving ahead as a unit to get to a better place is super central to making the fic what it is...but it’s easy for them to remember the old days before being superheroes and wishing it was simple again.
North by Sleeping At Last
Let the years we’re here be kind, be kind, let our hearts like doors open wide, open wide, settle our bones like wood over time, over time, give us bread, give us salt, give us wine
The way Tony went from feeling so alone to having an entire built family that’s so full of love and everything he never dreamed of...*screams into my pillow* I love this series so much thank you and good night!!!
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zigtheeortega · 4 years
ride or die playlist
by @pixeljazzy and @zigtheeortega
so after pj made this post, and was encouraged by @choicesarehard to make a playlist for rodaw, i reached out to her and we decided to collab! this is a comprehensive playlist, with explanations for each song. some being the lyrics fit really well, but others are because the vibe fits the characters (in our opinion), not necessarily the song meaning.
putting the song explanations under the cut, since it’ll be long! songs picked by pj have [p] next to it and mine have [j] next to it! hope you enjoy it!
What You Know Bout Love, Pop Smoke [p]
I had to apply the pressure, ‘cause you my hidden treasure / I think I’m falling in love 
Are we surprised this song is first? C’mon now. Anyway, literally when I heard it for the first time, I was like this is the love song that I could see someone just vibing to in a car with their partner, at a house party in the corner serenading their boo, etc. and then BOOM a vision of Hieron and Logan in a car appeared because I could totally see this as their vibe. Just the thought of Logan rapping this line to Hieron clears my skin.
[p.s. pj wrote a fic based on this song and it’s perfect you should read it]
The Way, Trippie Redd ft. Russ [p]
We’re lost but, babe, we found the way
Because Logan and MC are two teens are a mess lowkey and don’t know what they want from life quite yet but they know they got it together.
Think About Me, dvsn [p]
This song is just radiating Logan and MC parting ways vibes
FIND MY WAY, DaBaby [p]
I feel like as Logan is driving away from MC to god knows where, this is something he’d definitely drive to
Seasons, 6lack ft. Khalid [p]
You’re lucky the greatest thing I can do is marry you / ‘cause if I could, I’d spill my blood
I absolutely adore this slow, chill song, and feel like this is something MC and Logan would be listening to as they unwind in their loft, and with the favorite line, I think it encapsulates how much Logan truly loves and would do anything for MC
Idfc, blackbear [p]
This is giving me Logan vibes after the reveal where MC leaves the shop and he’s just reeling in his emotions and feelings and is just purely in his bag thinking about everything
Hide, Juice WRLD ft. Seezyn [p]
Really think I found my home, shorty made me feel at home
Think I met my soulmate, yeah, I know it
Dusk Till Dawn, ZAYN ft. Sia [p]
But you’ll never be alone / I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn / I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn / Baby, I’m right here
This song hurts me so so much but it’s giving me MC sleeping on Logan’s chest type of vibes while he’s up because he can’t sleep and he’ . Also reminds me of Logan because we all know that infamous line “I was just a rock in space lucky enough to burn up in your atmosphere for a moment,” and I feel like this was an unspoken if you look to the stars you’ll know I’m always with you type beat.
Fool In Love, Rihanna [p]
Mama, I found a man / who loves me and understands / papa, he’s quite a man / he adores me, he’s my biggest fan
Okay so y’all remember how MC was having a mini identity crisis and didn’t know which version of herself she was? And Logan was listening and understanding and processing everything she was ranting about but in the end was just like no matter which one you decide, I like all of you? Yeah, that. Along with him just supporting her whenever he can, even though sometimes it can be overbearing, and him just loving watching her change and grow before his eyes (even though we not gonna mention the part of him that doesn’t love that change, feeling guilty for the person she’s becoming and how it could change her life, and the initial intentions he had although how he feels now is genuine) is literally what I think about with these lines
And don’t get me wrong, I know he’s not perfect in your eyes / but somehow he’s flawless in mine
Papa, did I let you down? / Are you ashamed of how your little girl turned out?
This is the lyric that really gets me because one of the things I loved about Ride or Die was the complicated relationship MC had with her father as it was something that resonated so strongly with me. So this one right here really just encapsulates an aspect of that because when MC’s on her this is who I am now and I know you resent that because he genuinely is so hurt and in shock of how his girl changed before his eyes, beyond the reigns of control that he once had, and he can’t do anything else but process and accept that his little girl isn’t so little anymore, rolling around with the people he tried so hard to keep her away from.
Roll Dice, Roddy Rich [j]
I seen the Reap’ come / Live my life I had to roll dice / Been through strife, my heart is cold as ice
I’m a star, I’m just hidden in the low light
Pretty explanatory, considering Logan’s been through a considerable amount of situations that put him in harm’s way and he’s come out stronger (and considerably more detached) each time.
Story Of Us, Tinashe [j]
Yeah, you’re the prince of my heart / And now there ain’t no way they can keep us apart, keep us apart
This song reminds me of Logan and MC a lot because it’s an optimistic take on their relationship as a whole and the sad ending.
You Know That I Love You, Donnell Jones [j]
You know that I love you / And that ain’t gon’ change / And though you’re not here with me now / My love for you stays the same
I think Logan would listen to R&B, specifically sappy 90’s R&B, and this line reminds me of them perfectly. I mean just listen to it, it’s perfect.
My Favorite Part, Mac Miller & Ariana Grande [j]
Said, you just don’t know how beautiful you are / And baby that’s my favorite part / You walk around so clueless to it all / Like nobody gonna break your heart
Said, the universe couldn’t keep us apart / Why would it even try?
Before things come together, they have to fall apart
Logan says from the get go that he thinks it’s wild that MC is modest and that he’s surprised she hadn’t gotten a lot of attention from guys. The other song lyrics I mentioned remind me a lot of their separation.
Me And My Girlfriend, Tupac Shakur [j]
Lost in the whirlwind, ninety-six, Bonnie and Clyde / Me and my girlfriend, do one-eighty-five when we ride
All I need in this life of sin, is me and my girlfriend / Down to ride to the bloody end, just me and my girlfriend
So it’s canon that Colt likes West Coast rap – and this song absolutely embodies Colt’s musical interests and his relationship with MC. He wouldn’t admit it out loud but he definitely heard this song and thought of MC.
Something Special, Pop Smoke [p]
I think you’re something special / I’ll take you on a shopping spree
We all know Colt is the king of LA and can definitely buy him and MC anything they want, also the “her father the police” verse quite literally hit the nail on the head
Martin & Gina, Polo G [p]
He was playing games / Got you dancing in the middle of the club
At first, saw this as a Logan and MC song to listen to in the car, but if you’re like me and was romancing Logan but danced in the club with Colt because Logan was being distant, the lyrics just do it for me
Hit ‘Em Up, Tupac Shakur [p]
You couldn’t tell us Colt wouldn’t love this song, we’re not accepting criticism at this time
Pulling Me Back, Chingy ft. Tyrese [j]
Every time I try to leave / Something keeps pulling me back, me back / Telling me I need you in my life / It was meant to be / You were meant for me / So that means we gotta make it work
This song reminds me a lot of Colt’s feelings towards MC, because in the lyrics they’re not mentioning they necessarily love her, they’re just gravitating towards her, realizing they need her. And that’s exactly how Colt works through his feelings.
Loveeeeeee Song, Rihanna ft. Future [j]
Boy lately, you been stingy with your time / Got me wondering, I’m wondering if I’m on your mind / Boy I just wanna be in your possession / You say I’m the one you want so come express it
Yeah, we all know Colt wasn’t straightforward with his feelings but is more prone to expressing himself physically, and I think this song feels like a confession of her own qualms with him but recognizing that she’s alright with him being physical over verbal. Honestly it’s probably not that deep but this song reminds me of Colt x MC so much.
Complicated, Rihanna [j]
Why is everything with you so complicated / Why do you make it hard to love you / Oh I hate it / ‘Cause if you really wanna be alone / I, will throw my hands up ‘Cause baby I tried
God this whole song is Colt and MC all over because he’s so wishy washy and doesn’t express himself properly.
90210, Travis Scott [j]
I think Colt and Logan would bump this and that’s my only reasoning.
Changed Up, Rae Sremmurd [j]
I think Logan and Colt both alike would bump this in their car and maybe relate to the lyrics and the general vibe of it.
Demons and Angels, A Boogie With a Hoodie ft. Juice WRLD [p]
I’m from the West Side, know not to play with us, yeah
I think I’m addicted to this lifestyle, I swear
Colt is quite literally from the West Side, and the ‘I think I’m addicted to this lifestyle’ line is what really stood out to me because Colt wanted nothing than to be a part of his father’s life and legacy, and Kaneko wanted to keep that separate from him because he knew Colt would be all in.
Run This Town, Jay-Z ft. Rihanna [p]
Does this need an explanation because you already know Colt is running the fuck outta LA thank you for tuning in
Ungodly Hour, Chloe x Halle [j]
You know that I’ve, I heard it all before / You’re hesitant, wish you could give me more
I don’t have the time / To teach you how to love all over again / Now let me ask you this / Are you giving all that you could give?
This is Mona and MC all over. She was clear about being hurt by an ex, and that it was hard for her to open up to MC in the first place, let alone fall for her. So this is like a confessional from MC to Mona.
Te Amo, Rihanna [j]
Then she said Te amo, then she put her hand around my waist / I told her no, she cried Te amo / I told her I’m not gonna run away, but let me go / My soul is awry and without asking why / I said Te amo
The lyrics are sad but this reminds me of Mona and MC, too. There’s a lot of push and pull with Mona, so I think this describes their back and forth so well.
Scared of Love, Juice WRLD [p]
Not scared to love, just scared of love
I initially put this in the Logan section, but I think it’s more fitting for Mona because she put up these walls to avoid putting herself at risk in the process of giving someone her all after the last girl played her, but underneath it all, she’s still capable to love even though she may think she’s undeserving of it from MC or that love in itself is a scam.
ball w/o you, 21 Savage [p] [and j bc our minds are linked]
I’d rather have loyalty than love / ‘Cause love don’t really mean jack / See love is just a feeling / You can love somebody and still stab them in they back
This is giving me Mona and her ex vibes, and just how Mona is a very everyone for themselves type of person so she has no problem balling by herself because that’s what she expects in the end.
Escape, Akon and Wizkid [p]
We can run away / so far away, escape
Oh, my baby, oh, baby / I would never let you go
Okay I know our songs for Mona have been sad lately, but this reminds me of them because Mona said MC would be hard asf to forget and I already know MC is scrambling to find a solution, a possibility, where Mona didn’t have to go to jail and they’d be able to be together, hence ‘escape’.
Escape, Kehlani [p]
Strange for me to wanna love someone / Who’s better by themselves
‘Cause I can’t let you lose yourself, looking for me / And I can’t let you make me your, your everything
I know you see this escape theme I’m on here LMFAOO but I think this is in Mona’s perspective about MC because she’s like MC is a goody two shoes, new to this life, etc. just overall someone with a better future than me and I don’t wanna mess that up for them (hence the I’m dangerous and pushing her away in the beginning and all the warnings).
Acquainted, The Weeknd [p]
Baby, you’re no good / Cause they warned me ‘bout your type girl, I’ve been ducking left and right
To say that we’re in love is dangerous / But girl I’m so glad we’re acquainted
Can’t Remember to Forget You, Shakira ft. Rihanna [p and j]
I can’t remember to forget you / I keep forgetting I should let you go
“You’re gonna be damn hard to forget.”
This is so Mona because it’s both flexible in meaning with her ex and MC. 
Don’t Make It Harder On Me, Chloe x Halle [j]
If you keep acting so sweet / I might just wake up and leave / This boy that I pinky swore / We’d be together for sure / I can’t be thinking of you / When I’m alone with my boo / If you smile at me again / I may do something stupid
Gives me Logan/Colt/Mona love triangle type vibes!
Who Can I Run To, Xscape [j]
Who can I run to, to share this empty space? / Who can I run to, When I need love? / Who can I run to, to fill this empty space with laughter?
After her li’s leave this def gives me those bittersweet vibes like when they all leave L.A., including MC for college.
Aston Martin Music, Rick Ross [j]
Bobbin’ to the music / This is how we do it, all night / Breezin’ down the freeway / Just me and my baby
Would’ve came back for you / I just needed time to do what I had to do / Caught in the life / I can’t let it go / Whether that’s right I won’t ever know
This reminds me of another bittersweet moment like MC is reflecting on her favorite times with her LI, but also acknowledging that her LI can’t be 100% loyal to her because of her lifestyle
Love Without Tragedy / Mother Mary, Rihanna [j]
Brown eyes, tuxedo, fast cars / A James Dean on the low, Dean on the low
Who knew the course of this one drive / Injured us fatally
Let’s live in the moment / As long as we got each other / Die in the moment / I’m prepared to die in the moment / ‘Cause even forever ain’t forever
This entire song fits for all the LI’s (despite the lyrics saying “boy” it works for all of them perfectly. I just picked a couple lyrics to prove it!
Question Existing, Rihanna [j]
Who am I living for?/ Is this my limit?/ Can I endure some more?/ Chances I’m given, question existing
Reminds me of when MC was torn between loyalty to her father and Jason Shaw and MPC at the same time.
Bed of Lies, Nicki Minaj ft. Skylar Grey [p]
This is 100% MC after the reveal.
Change Your Life, Kehlani ft. Jhene Aiko [p and j]
I heard that you a gangsta / Not one to try to save her / Always focus on your paper / Don't got time to wager with your heart
You deserve someone that'll take you to another level
The lyrics to this song fit so well with all of the LI’s. Definitely addresses all of the LI’s reluctance to be with MC and MC’s pursuit of them.
Serial Lover, Kehlani [p and j]
Lord knows / My intentions are pure and my heart full of gold, oh
This song fits MC’s relationship with all of the LI’s, especially when there’s conflict between them. MC is miles more transparent with her feelings than Logan, Colt, and Mona.
She’s So Gone, Naomi Scott [p]
So it looks like the joke’s on you / ‘cause the girl that you thought you knew / She’s so gone
You can look but you won’t see the girl I used to be, ‘cause she / she’s so gone, away / like history
Yes this is from Lemonade Mouth and yes I feel like this embodies MC perfectly!
(this includes Ximena, Toby, side characters, the overall vibe of ROD, etc.)
Tints, Anderson .Paak ft. Kendrick Lamar [j]
Ridin’, ridin’, round that open street / I need tints / I need my windows tinted / I can’t be flying down that 110 with a bad bitch in my whip / I need tints
This reminds me a lot of Ximena and Toby because they’re so chill and carefree compared to the rest of the crew, and this song embodies that.
Nascar, Roddy Ricch [p]
Honestly, heard this song and thought I’d be perfect for another side show, or a racing song
We Don’t Luv Em, HoodRich Pablo Juan [p]
Another side show/racing song
DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love, Usher [p]
I feel like this could’ve played at the club depending on the vibe they were going for, and even if they weren’t, I feel like the club was a very romantically charged event so the DJ had errbody falling in love (MC and whoever, Toby and the guy he went off to dance with, etc.)
break da law, 21 Savage [p]
Me and my dawgs break laws
This is Kaneko and the crew, even though Kaneko would never call them his dawgs, but you get the gist.
Trust Nobody, Lil Wayne ft. Adam Levine [p]
I don’t trust nobody, not my lovers, not my friends / I don’t make no promises ‘cause I know just how they’ll end / I don’t trust nobody, I don’t need nobody else / And as messed up as it sounds, I don’t even trust myself, yeah
This hurts me because the song talks about not being able to trust people in general so I feel like this has been Logan all his life, Mona after she was betrayed, and Colt after the death of his father (minus the don’t trust my lover part because obviously they are whipped for MC and you can’t change my mind).
Undercover, Kehlani [p]
You know they don’t wanna see us together / But it don’t matter, no, ‘cause I got you
Baby, they don’t wanna see me be happy / ‘Cause they ain’t happy, no -- they don’t got you
So this is MC with all the LI’s because everybody (Riya, Darius, her dad, etc.) thinks everyone in the crew is bad news but no matter who MC is with, they’re happy with them regardless of what everyone thinks.
Party Monster, The Weeknd [p]
Okay, this might seem really weird, but I feel like this is a song that would play in the background as the crew would plan or orchestrate a heist you know like the camera panning to different people just really focused on that they’re doing like there’s some camera work going on in my head that I wish I could properly articulate but I hope you guys see the vision.
Shut Up and Drive, Rihanna [p and j]
This is self explanatory.
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ferdas · 4 years
Sentence Starters from Season Four of ‘Justified’ (Pt. 2)
**  please  feel free to change any pronouns or words to fit your character.  adult  themes, language, references to violence, guns, etc. are present.
"You just showed your cards."
"You're about as welcome here as a case of the clap."
"You know that we girls hold all the power, right?"
"When it comes to the Devil's water, I'm a simple man."
"Here I thought I'd never be part of the 'in' crowd."
"You still granting wishes?"
"I know the game, I still ain't playin'."
"Last man who handled me like that, I shot dead at a dinner table."
"Having to look at all the faces in the crowd wears you out."
"I might as well tell you now because I know I will later - I got a serious crush on you."
"Looking like ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag."
"For once in our lives, let's work together, huh?"
"Can't help I'm good looking."
"It's not your bullshit itself that bothers me. It's that your bullshit makes me think you're holding something back."
"Now you take your bottom-feeding ass out of here while you're still able."
"Did you just give me an order?"
"I know people like you are used to taking from people like me but there comes a point when people like me can't take anymore taking."
"You think we're gonna be alive to see three generations down the road?"
"Don't lose faith now, we're so close. This is our time."
"I'm trying to knock some Goddamn sense into ya."
"I don't remember you being this quiet the last we met."
"You wouldn't happen to have any bath salts, would you?"
"You know what your problem is? You should have been an outlaw. You'd still be able to shoot people and be an asshole, your two favorite activities."
"There ain't no future for me without you."
"Sooner or later, men like us have to reap what we sow and this is your six by six plot of land."
"You ain't man enough to pull that trigger."
"Nice try. I appreciate your effort. You are gonna wish that I shot you."
"Holy shit. They circled the wagons."
"I want you to know I can be the man I became, not just the man I was."
"I'd like to have a drink with this. One hand full makes the other one feel so lonely."
"How many tweaker dickheads did you have to suck off before you got to this wonderful place in your life?"
"Guys don't have to suck dicks to get what they want, they just have to betray someone."
"Are you saying maybe I hitched myself to the wrong man?"
"A man who speaks out of both sides of his mouth deserves to have it permanently shut."
"You want to find out if you insult me enough, I'm gonna break rank and put you into your place? Keep talking shit and we'll see."
"Did you not wake up this morning thinking today was another opportunity to mess up some bad guy's day? I did."
"The way you conduct business makes me wonder if you got any friends."
"You lost. Give up. Go home."
"You got no idea what I'm willing to do, little girl."
"I can't do it. I'm standing right here and I know what I gotta do but I just can't."
"You know what it's like to be in the shit. Go back there enough times and bad things happen."
"You got a full dance card here in the next little bit."
"My brother's heart was the pure one. Mine's not so pure."
"Do you believe in me?"
"That was supposed to be withering sarcasm."
"Let's talk about how to keep this from being the worst day of your life."
"You guys saying we're gonna go rob a bank?"
"Oh, you'll understand if I'm not really in a sharing place right now."
"I don't want to go anywhere else and start over but there's nothing left to do but run."
"You seem to have the impression I'm asking. That's my fault."
"The game's a game but you don't go after the man's family."
"You can know a fella your whole life and not really know him at all."
"I think you love anything that let's you put your head on a pillow at night believin' you ain't the bad guy."
"You know what I'm wondering? Is what do you tell yourself at night when you lay your head down that allows you to wake up in the morning pretending that you're not the bad guy."
"You okay with your wagon hitched to a guy who doesn't give a shit?"
"Oh, are we headed for unpleasantness?"
"Negative thinking yields negative results."
"You wanna survive in this business you gotta have your money on the horse that's out front."
"All the strife, all the bloodshed, all the turmoil. Kings fall, princes rise up and here we still are. The survivors."
"I like to think I'm the bigger person than that but I did tell you so."
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saintheartwing · 4 years
Invader Zim: The Pigshit Troll, Part Three
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"So it's coming from Dad's lab?"
Gaz was now very intrigued indeed. She sat across from Dib in the living room as he pulled open his laptop, Gaz pulling open a can of "Mountain Spew" and drinking away. Dib glanced over at the black can, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah…but why are you drinking that new flavor? Aren't you more into the original?"
"Yeah, but I wanna give the new flavor a try and I gotta be honest, it ain't bad for a zero calorie soda. It tastes like the way Mountain Spew used to way back in the day. A LOT better than their diet one, I'll tell ya that." Gaz remarked. "And it ain't given me diarrhea yet, so that's a plus."
Dib did the very best he could to suppress his laughter. When it came to Gaz's diet, her constantly going to Bloaty's Pizza Hog had real consequences. The cheese round the clock was getting her blocked, but when the levee finally broke, well…frankly, so did the toilet. Many, many times. And she would make him clean it.
There had been a positive to this though. Dib was now amazingly good at plumbing and mechanical engineering and he was actually picking up some decent money loaning his services out to the neighborhood as a plumber…provided nobody told the local trade unions about what he was up to, because compared to them, he was real cheap. So now he could afford a VERY nice laptop with all the bells and whistles as he showed it off to Gaz.
"Yeah, the IP address was traced back to Dad's lab. Unfortunately, I can't track it down to the very computer, Dad does have enough security in place to keep me from seeing that and no way am I risking jail time by cracking that open. They almost busted me last month when Dad tried to install the "Parental Controls" on our new television and I don't want Officer Krupke giving me that lecture again."
Indeed, in one of the very few times Dib and Gaz had been bound by common strife and pledged to work together for a common good, Professor Matthew Membrane had installed parental controls on their television because he was concerned about the damage being done to them from exposure to new Netflix series. Especially with all the brand new true crime dramas popping up all the time, it turned out to be something both Dib AND Gaz positively loved, the chase, the investigation, the grisly details, it was so engaging. They would watch together on the couch, eyes glued to the screen, binge-watching for hours and hours and then eagerly chatting about ALL they'd seen at dinner.
Well, Membrane had been determined to stop them from having their minds all twisted up by violence and at first it worked really well.
"C'mon! I wanna watch "The Ken and Barbie Killers!"
"Fat chance. You're gonna watch Cupcake Wars and you're gonna like it."
"Damn it, lemme watch Don't F—k with Cats, it's a classic!"
"No way. You're going to watch "Masterpiece Theatre"."
"Well…if it's got Patrick Stewart in it that might not be so-"
"Featuring Brian Blessed in the star role of Macbeth!"
"Hey, what gives?!"
"That's enough cartoons for you today. You're gonna watch some Animal Planet…no, wait. Better. C-Span. It's good to be involved in politics these days."
"Oh c'mon, it's just hearings on air traffic controllers! You fiend!"
So finally, Gaz had insisted Dib get rid of the thing.
"I'd be risking major jail time!"
"Dib…it's recording the best of Fuller House."
"…I'll go get my screwdriver."
Dib had indeed almost got caught and had to listen to a very irritating lecture from the police. It was rather astounding they got to the house so quick over that, but whenever Dib tried to let them know Zim was up to something, it was "Yeah, we'll get to you when we can".
The good news was the parental controls issue got solved soon enough. Professor Membrane himself decided to get rid of it, saying that though he was worried about the things they were watching, it was his job, not some machine's, to judge and curate what his children saw.
Translation: the parental controls wouldn't let him watch "The Mandalorian" because it was too violent.
"Well can we look up who's working at Dad's laboratory who might have a grudge against you?" Gaz asked as Dib grinned.
"Luckily, that's not protected health information, Dad lists all the employees on the website and under "Contact Us"!" He remarked as his fingers flew across the keyboard and he then turned the laptop to fully show Gaz the list. "Look at who's listed? Keef, of all people is one of the assistants, he's an intern!"
"Hmm. I've always thought there's something off about him…and his stories, well…" Dib cringed.
Keef was definitely, one hundred percent not allowed to write anything even remotely close to sexual. The school had no problem with stories about, say…Zim skinning people alive in one of HIS work. For some reason, that was just fine. Oh, but a bit of soft sex, nakedness? No no no no no! Bad!
But Keef had found a way around that and did stories with lots of innuendo, and a ton…a ton of stories involving Dib, Gaz, Zim…and romance. He called the ones between Zim and Dib "ZADR" and with Gaz and Zim "ZAGR". You could find them cute if you were into that sort of thing, after all, many were astoundingly well written, lovingly detailed, and your heart would begin racing as you kept reading his creative writing tales.
But Dib didn't much like the idea. For one, Zim was over 150, he was waaaaay too old for either him…or Gaz. Two, EW. Three, a lot of the stories had Dib's own personality being ignored just so he could smooch it up with Zim! It didn't come across as a natural evolution or a progression or character development that made sense, it was just "I want this person here, so I'm just going to force them to be there, even if it makes no sense, because the plot is pretty much porn".
Gaz, however, kinda thought it was cute in a funny sort of way. She also knew it wasn't like Dib had never thought about kissing Zim, Dib was still discovering himself, after all, and he had had dreams about…that sort of thing.
"And there's Mr. Elliot!" Dib added. "Wow, why did he decide to work there?"
Gaz smirked and chuckled inwardly. Nobody would EVER know how she got rid of him, and she wasn't gonna tell anyone. And if she wanted you out of your job at the school, it would happen. Now, there were three ways to stop her from doing what she do.
…what? You think imma TELL you?
"He could have finally snapped." Gaz mused aloud. "I mean, when the nice ones snap…they really, really go wild. It's the nice guys you need to watch out for, you can trust a jerk to always be a jerk. But when a decent person goes bad, they go baaaaaad."
"Yeah, that's possible." Dib confessed. "Hmm. Look, our janitor works there too." He murmured. "Johnny."
…Johnny. The one and only Johnny. A slim, slender man, messy black hair that was just downright ugly and grimy. A pale body, sunken eyes, and he smelled strange too, like meat that had been left out on the counter for far too long. He liked making little snappy remarks at people too.
"Did you wash the bathrooms like we asked?"
"I'll wash the walls with your blood!"
"Well before you do that, wash the bathrooms."
On top of that, there were rumors that he caked blood on the walls of his janitorial closet to feed a monster that laid within. He was always seen sinisterly smoking at the very edge of school property at night, an anti-social, creepy figure indeed. Him being the actual troll…it wasn't unreasonable to think of Johnny, curled up in his closet, hunched over his laptop, spewing hate out into the world.
"Wait. Wait, wait, wait, look!" Gaz pointed at one of the names. "…Tassirak. That girl's name's Tassirak Doe."
Dib frowned, and he examined the photo that went with the name. "Doe" was a common name for a dead body you hadn't identified and-wait. Wait. Those eyes. The facial structure. The hair may have been different, the skin tone less pale, but Dib recognized those eyes instantly, and that faint Mona Lisa smile too.
And he knew that name, because Tak, Irken Invader, had divulged that to him.
Dib had gotten really close to Tak when she'd first arrived, the purple-haired British-accented girl had been charming, intelligent and clever, and they'd had similar interests. He'd soon spent weeks with her, the two just…talking. Making fun of Zim, chatting about their favorite books and movies they'd read, sharing stories about adventures out in the wild…
And of course, that Valentine's Day dance. "No, no. One-two-three, swing! One-two-three, swing!" Tak had insisted to him.
"Ouch! Don't drag me!"
Her lessons on dancing were harsh but in truth, that time spent with Tak had probably been the happiest he'd ever been.
And that's how he should have known it was a lie. Because Dib knew he wasn't meant to be happy. He'd known that…for a long time.
She'd revealed her real name. They'd eaten lunches and even a dinner or two together. Seen movies and he'd walked her home. And then, just a few days later, she'd turned out to be an Irken invader.
It had hurt. A lot. He'd lost a friend. And maybe someone more. It had really…really hurt.
"Does SHE have an account on the website?" Dib murmured as he examined the school's creative writing website. "…oh wow, yeah, she does, she's using her old username and password she got when she first enrolled, there's not much, but they're there. Wow." He examined them. "She wields metaphors like blunt instruments. You can feel Tak in every single sentence, so much of it is in first person and there is a lot of really biting, cynical wit in here. It feels almost nihilistic. And it's super petty, too. A lot of really nasty stuff happening to folks she doesn't like."
"Wow, one story has her as the Tallest." Gaz remarked. "…damn, she cooked and ate the last ones. That's hardcore scary."
"It's beautifully written though, I'd like to shake her hand than recommend her to therapy." Dib admitted. "I mean, she's going into really grisly detail on every minute they die. She must be super bitter. I don't even wanna imagine what happens to Zim when she updates this story, she just finished catching him and she's got him tied up in…Japanese rope bondage? She's into BDSM?"
"The safe word is "eine kleine nachtmusik"." Wow, somebody's letting their inner Hannibal Lecter out, alright." Gaz said with a whistle. "…still, I kinda WANT her to update just to see what happens. It's like watching a train wreck, you kinda can't look away."
"It could definitely be here. We need to go to the lab and sneak onto those computers. If they saved their work on them at any point, I could prove they were behind it." Dib reasoned.
"I dunno, Dib. Not sure I wanna help you with this. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not really fun anymore watching you get dragged again and again for what the troll's doing, but…" She shrugged. "I mean, it's not my problem."
"What if I paid you?" Dib offered as Gaz rubbed her chin.
"…keep talking, Mr. Moneybags."
"My new job is paying me verrrrry well. To plant roses, I've shoveled a lot of manure, as it were." Dib remarked. "So how about it? Is there a new game you want me to buy?" He offered as Gaz thought to herself.
"Hmm. Well…now that you mention it, there is one game that's coming out that I really want. It's Sekiro: Shadows Die Thrice. Comes out in a week. You buy me that, I'll come with you."
"Deal." Dib insisted.
And so, Dib and Gaz made their way to Professor Membrane's lab that weekend as a quilt of dark clouds obscured their stealthy approach. Slinking on inside through the ventilation shaft as Dib temporarily looped the footage of the nearby camera watching the southern side of the laboratory, they crept through the vents and finally deposited themselves in, of all places, Johnny's closet in the lab.
There was a laptop there, hidden by a bucket. Gaz picked it up, gazing through it as she nodded over at Dib. "I'll look over this one, you go look for Keef's. Then we'll meet back here in…half an hour and go look for Mr. Elliot and Tak's."
"Deal." Dib said with a nod, quickly exiting the closet, getting his camera-hacking tool ready as it was clasped tight around his wrist. The lab was almost utterly closed for the moment, most people were heading home, there was just a skeleton crew left over. This meant it was easy for Dib to sneak around, avoiding spots in the security camera's vision and using his hacking tool to loop footage when he couldn't.
At long last, he reached a work station, the same station Keef had been said to be working at, since the website had said he was paired with a "Dr. Jones". Dib looked about, listening intently. No cameras here, and nobody was inside or anywhere nearby. So he slunk over to the computer and booted it up.
Ha! Keef had been the last one to use the PC, his username was on display. And Dib had a feeling he could guess the password.
Yep! Sure enough, it was "ZADRZAGR". "Oh, Keef…ya basic." Dib chuckled as he looked over Keef's internet history and-
"…hoooooo boy."
Well, Keef definitely, one hundred percent was not the one who sent the reviews. But now Dib knew where Keef got so much help in…inspiration…for his work. He had no idea Keef swung that way!...and that way, AND that way and THAT way.
"Well, um…whatever does it for you, Keef." Dib decided, quickly deciding to erase the internet history and log off, shaking his head. Meanwhile, Gaz had finally guessed Johnny's password. She'd had a feeling it was "Mammon" and yep…it was Mammon. Johnny may have been a loyal, devoted Satan-worshipping weirdo…but he wasn't very smart. He'd left a post it note reminding himself to change his last password since it was too easy to guess, and he needed a better one, and to pick a better demon lord. Unluckily for him, not only had he tossed that post it note in the trash can in the very closet Gaz was in, she'd realized the password hint immediately. "Greed is Good". Well, there were a few Demon lords best known for Greed and one of the best had been what she'd picked.
PING! She was in. And my oh my, Johnny had been a naughty boy. He'd taken selfies to share on the Internet of him and the bloody wall he caked gore on, selfies he was sharing on the Dark Web. Nasty stuff indeed. One particularly "funny" one showed him making a kind of macabre "snowman" on the wall with some exposed ribs and a bashed in nose and two eyes burned up like coals!
And then there were his uploads to "Bestgore". Yeccchhh. Gaz was fine with dooming the deserving wretches, but Johnny was just an outright creep about this-
Wait, was that a cat?
He wouldn't.
Gaz's mouth fell open and then she darkly glowered, shutting the video off and going through the rest of the janitor's internet history. No, he wasn't the one leaving those reviews. But he was guilty, alright. Just not of the sin Dib thought he was guilty of.
A few minutes later, Dib knocked on the closet door and she exited it, giving Dib a solemn look. "He's not the one. He's a piece of shit, but he's not the one."
Dib could see something was very, very wrong, Gaz had a look on her face he'd only seen when she'd seen crime specials on killers who hurt animals. He thought it best not to ask about it. "I understand. It isn't Keef, either. He's into a lot…but not into that sort of thing."
So now it came time to check the other computer stations. Luckily for them, both Mr. Elliot and Tak were working in the same wing.
Unluckily for them, they were still there. A fact the two found out when they opened the door…
Just in time to see Mr. Elliot AND Tak currently hunched over a computer screen. "What the?!" Dib gasped out as the two wheeled around, seeing Dib and Gaz, staring in surprise as Dib and Gaz looked behind them and-
…Jackass? They were watching Jackass videos?
"You're into those stupid stunt videos where the guys get, like, basketballs bounced onto their balls after they're launched onto trampolines?" Gaz inquired as Tak and Mr. Elliot deeply blushed, Dib racing over to the computer, gaping at the sight before his eyes. He couldn't believe it.
"But it's so…lowbrow! So…STUPID!" He remarked aloud.
"But it's funny." Mr. Elliot said with a shrug. "I can't help it, I find it funny."
"Yeah, something about it simply clicked with me." Tak admitted. "I mean, I do enjoy watching stupid humans suffering for my amusement."
"Yeah, the Germans have a term for it. Schadenfreude." Mr. Elliot confessed. "Happiness at the misfortune of others." He added as Dib looked through their internet history. Yeah, they'd hadn't left the reviews either. All that work, all that effort for…nothing! Except now he knew stuff about his classmates he really, REALLY wish he could unlearn.
"It's not that funny." Gaz said, though she chuckled as she saw a video of Johnny Knoxville soaring off a motorcycle and into a ball pit, groaning loudly…because he was butt naked when he did it. "Okay, maybe a LITTLE funny."
"Sometimes you just wanna indulge in something nice, simple and a bit stupid. Not everything has to be Shakespeare, after all. It fills a need and it doesn't really harm anyone." Tak remarked. "Well, except them, but they get paid for it, so…" She shrugged.
Dib moaned. "Damn it. Damn it, damn it, damn it. I thought for SURE…"
"You're really not that Pig Shit troll, huh?" Tak wondered aloud. "I thought maybe you were doing some kind of false flag, Dib, but…no, it really isn't you." She commented dryly. "Hmm. Well, best of luck with that. Unless another classmate of yours, like, pees their pants or something in front of everyone in school, nobody's going to forget this anytime soon. The good news is that people have short memories. A month or two passes by, and you'll be fine. Folks are like GOLDFISH. Best and worst thing about them!" She laughed.
"…yeah, maybe if I slip Zim some ex-lax under the guise of it being a candy bar I can trick him into taking from me…" Dib mumbled as he slunk out of the room. "This sucks. This totally sucks."
"Cheer up, tomorrow Dad's going to treat us to breakfast, remember?" Gaz offered. "You always like that." She told him as they headed out the office door and down the hall to exit out of the building.
"Yeah, him making his pancake and eggs combo with bacon always-"
Dib stopped. Wait.
Could it be?
"…I need to check one more computer." He quietly muttered at Gaz, his voice sounding cold and dead.
… "You liking your delicious breakfast, son?" Professor Membrane asked as Gaz stared at Dib, waiting for the other shoe to drop. He'd said absolutely nothing since their Dad had begun making breakfast and now he was halfway through his meal when he slowly finished chewing and looked up.
"…it's really nice." Dib remarked. "Can I ask you something, Dad?" Dib wanted to know, as he put the fork down and folded his hands in his lap.
"Of course, son! Anything!" Professor Membrane said as Dib took in a long, deep breath.
"Why did you do it? Why did you do those reviews?"
Professor Membrane dropped the plate of bacon he had in his black-gloved hands, looking astounded. Dib went on, speaking quietly. Softly. Soft…but with an edge.
"I thought about it, long and hard. I remembered you were the one who encouraged me to come see you if I kept having problems. The IP address was also traced back to your lab. And then I thought about how…ridiculous the reviews were. They were so badly written but…not badly written enough for someone in my class to have done it. I mean, even a 9 year old knows not to write in all caps. It had to be somebody older, trying to be over the top. And then when I checked your computer, just to be sure…I found out…yes. It was you." He remarked. "…so Dad…why'd you do it?"
Professor Membrane sighed as he sat down at the table, and held his head in his hands. "I…I did want to try and…push you into my arms, as it were. That if I put a little pressure on you in your school setting, you'd keep coming back to me to talk about how you felt. It allowed me to feel like I was the only person you could truly trust, and that felt good. But it wasn't just that, I…" He took a deep breath. "It was…funny to write those reviews. Sometimes it just feels good to be…so lowbrow and coarse and nasty." He admitted. "It was like I tapped into some dark, twisted part of me that'd I'd been ignoring for so long, and when I finally got a chance to let it run wild, it felt amazing!"
He rose up a little and went on. "I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. I need ways to unwind myself. I didn't really think I was actually doing any harm. Or maybe…I didn't want to believe it, because I didn't really mean all the things I said, so how could it be anything that bad?" He murmured as Dib took off his glasses, Gaz taking in a short, sharp breath.
Dib never…ever did that. Him doing that meant he must have been really furious.
"…I don't think I want to talk to you for a while, Dad." He quietly muttered.
"…I thought as much." His father sighed as they sat across from one another in silence at the breakfast table, and Gaz quietly sipped on her orange juice.
Come the next day, it was a school day again, and Dib was making his way down the hallway before he overheard a rather familiar accusation.
"I'm telling you, he's writing about your fic in his fic. He's trashing your fic and making fun of it and you as a writer. He's a troll but pretends he isn't and just blames it on another troll when he keeps trolling."
Dib turned around, seeing Zita talking to the Letter M and he frowned a bit as he stared at the girl and the African American boy she was talking to.
"You know, you're just plain wrong." He said aloud, as other kids began to look at him. "It was my dad all this time. Not me. And I don't really care if you don't believe me. I've said my piece. You don't like it, tough." He told her, walking off.
"You think that'll convince us?"
"No. But maybe there's no point in casting pearls before swine." Dib said with a shrug as he walked off. "And people like you who just plug their ears and won't listen to any counterarguments are real pigs indeed." He remarked as he walked off, Gaz walking alongside him.
"Pearls before swine, huh? Nice Bible quote." She remarked. "But I wouldn't be too worried. Tak was right. Just wait a month or so, folks will forget."
"Oh, I don't doubt it. I thought about sneaking Ex-Lax to Zim but…I'm not going to lower myself to that." Dib insisted. "Even if it would be really funny."
"Well, I've got something that'll cheer you up." Gaz offered. "I copied the videos Johnny the Homicidal Maniac did for the dark web and I sent it to the police and now he's in jail! So we're gonna need a new janitor."
Dib stopped in the hall. "…wait, is this because of how good I am at plumbing now? Look, there's no way I can be the new janitor. I'll be a laughingstock! Dib, the janitor!"
"Yeah…but you will get keys to every single room in the school." Gaz added. "And paid twice what those neighbors pay you."
Dib chewed his lip. "…well…when you put it like that…I mean, it would be nice to be able to literally go anywhere I want in the school at any time…and I could use the dough…"
"You could rig the toileeeeets so that they always act uuuuuup whenever Zim goes to use iiiiiit." Gaz added in a faint, singsong voice.
"…I KNEW there was a reason I respected you." Dib said with a big grin.
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blackhakumen · 5 years
Mini Fanfic #249: Returning Back to Smash Town (Super Smash Bros Ultimate x Kingdom Hearts x Final Fantasy 7)
Tifa: (Looking out the Bus window while sitting next to Cloud) Wow... You weren't kidding when you said this Town is huge and colorful.
Cloud: Yeah... I was kind of surprised about that too when I first got here. It...feels nice here if I'm being honest.
Tifa: (Smiles Softly as she gently hugs Cloud's arm) Well, I'm you're enjoying yourself here, babe. I know it must've been lonesome not being with us so often, huh?
Cloud: Pretty much. But on the bright side, I'm still able to FaceTime you guys most of time. Plus, with everyone in the mansion....and how caring and kind most I them treat me...(Smiles a Little) I guess I'm not as alone as I thought I would be.
Tifa: You made yourself some pretty good friends here, haven't you?
Cloud: I'd say so, Tifa. (Looks out the window to see Samus, Meta Knight, Kamui, and Isabelle) standing on the front of the mansion's door for his return) And speaking of which...
Tifa: Aww...They were waiting for you. That's sooo sweet~
Cloud: (Smirks a little) I told you that they're caring.
Tifa: (Giggles Softly as she gently punch Cloud's arm before getting up from the sit) Never doubted you for a second, 'hon~
Cloud: (Chuckles Lightly as he got up as well) I know you don't.
Cloud: (Got out of the bus with Tifa to greet his friends) I'm back-
Kamui: Cloud! (Happily Rushes over to Cloud and gives him a big (sisterly) hug) It's so nice to finally see you again!!
Isabelle: (Happily joins in on the hug) We missed you soooo much!!
Meta Knight: Welcome back, my friend.
Samus: (Walks up on the group hug and Begins to ruffles Cloud's spikey hair with a teasing smile) You missed us, Solider?
Cloud: (Smirking back at Samus) I could ask you the same thing, Bounty Hunter.
Samus: (Chuckles Lightly) I'll take that as a "yes" then. (Smiles Softly) Welcome back, Cloud.
Cloud: (Smiles back at Samus) It's good to be back.
Samus: (Turns to Tifa) Oh, Tifa. (Walks towards her to give her a high five) Sorry about that. We almost didn't see you there.
Tifa: (Giggles Softly as she received the high five) No worries. (Had her eyes focusing on Cloud having a conversation with his friends who are still giving him a group hug) I can already tell how much you all missed him recently.
Samus: (Rubbing the back of her head back and forth) Yeah...I mean we are one big family after all...
Tifa: (Smiles Softly) And I'm glad for that. Thank you all so much for taking care of my Cloud for me.
Samus: (Smiles back at Tifa) No problem, Tifa.
Kamui: (Smiles a little more excitedly) So Cloud, not sure if you noticed, but we have a "Welcome Back" brunch just for you.
Cloud: (Raised an eyebrow) You guys... actually made me brunch?
Meta Knight: Technically King Dedede and his men were the ones who prepared them. We were just setting up the preparations before you were to return.
Isabelle: (Smiles Brightly at Cloud) We really hope you like it, Mr. Strife.
Cloud: (Smiles Softly at his friends) Yeah....I think I'll give them a try. (Turns to Tifa) Hey, Tifa, you wanna join brunch with us?
Tifa: (Smiles a little more Disappointedly) Oh I would love to, Cloud. But I'm afraid I can't. I have to get back to Hollow Bastion before Barrett starts another fight on my bar.
Meanwhile at Hollow Bastion in Lockhart's Bar.....
Customer: (Impatiently Anger) Hurry up, old man! I don't have all day here!
Barrett: ('Sigh in Annoyance') Sir, I'm tryin' my best to finish your order with just one arm alone. You want it so badly, then you gotta wait like everyone else here.
Customer: I ain't gonna wait for SHIT!! Why don't you go back to that little brat of yours if you don't how work the kitchen!!
Barrett: (Immediately Stops what he's doing once the record scratched and slowly turns towards the customer with anger in his eyes) The fuck did you say about my baby girl?
Customer: (Turning back and forth to see the other customers reactions before turning back to Barrett) That.... she's a little brat-
And with that, Barrett throws the impatient customer out of a window, shattering it instantly.
Back at Smash Town.....
Cloud: (Sounded a little sad) Oh...Well I mean...if you gotta, you gotta.. ... I am... gonna miss you though......
Tifa: Awww Cloud....(Walks up and gives Cloud a loving hug) I'm gonna miss you too~ You'll FaceTime me once I get back home, right?
Cloud: (Kiss Tifa on the lips) Definitely. Right after brunch.
Tifa: (Smiles Sweetly while Blushing) Okay. (Turns to Samus and the rest of Cloud's new friends) You guys will keep looking out for him, right?
Isabelle: (Smiles Softly) Oh absolutely!
Kamui: (Smiles Brightly) We'll do our best!
Meta Knight: We will be there for Cloud at all cost.
Samus: (Smiles Softly) We always have.
Tifa: (Bows to them) Thank you so much. (Steps back on the bus before waving Cloud goodbye) Bye, Cloud! I love you!~
Cloud: (Waves back at Tifa) I love you too. Take care!
The Bus takes off once Tifa is seated.
Cloud: ('Sigh') ......
Meta Knight: (Turns to Cloud in concern) Is something wrong, Cloud?
Cloud: No it's just....I'm starting to miss her already....
Samus: (Place a hand on Cloud's shoulder) Hey...you know you can always FaceTime her, right?
Cloud: Yeah but.....I gonna miss cuddling with her every night.....
Samus: (Eyes widened a little) ......... You're gonna miss what now?
Cloud: (Immediately starts Blushing after realizing what he just said) You didn't heard anything.
Meta Knight: On the contrary, my friend, I believe you said that you "missed cuddling with her every night", yes?
Samus: (Slowly begins to Smirk Teasingly at Cloud) Well, Well, Well....I never expected you to be a cuddler, Strife.
Cloud: (Turns away from Samus while Blushing even more) Am not...
Kamui: (Softly Giggles) Oh Cloud. There's nothing wrong with cuddling with someone you have a great connect with. Especially if it's with your friends or a significant other.
Isabelle: (Patted Cloud's with a reassuring smile) Kamui's right, Cloud. There's no need to feel embarrassed here. Me and Wolfie cuddle whenever either us have any freetime.
Samus: Yeah and Luigi and Daisy cuddle almost everyday here.
Cloud: (Facepalms) I get the memo, you guys....
Meta Knight: Good because there is nothing more relaxing than being cuddled with the person you cared about.
Samus: (Smirks at Meta Knight) Is that reason why you let Lucina cuddled you like a teddy bear every since chance she gets?
Meta Knight: (Starts Blushing) I...umm....yes....(Immediately points at Samus) Well what about you, Ms. Bounty Hunter?! Last I checked, you would cuddle with Pikachu as well!
Samus: (Starts Blushing a little while rolling her eyes) No shit, Sherlock. He's my little partner....and my baby.....(Looking away a little) and I love him.....
Cloud: (Pinching his nose while groaning) Can we just get inside already before any of us gets embarrassed any further?
Samus: Yeah...
Meta Knight: I agree....
Isabelle: (Giggles Softly at her three friends) Still don't know why you three are embarrassed for...
Kamui: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah. I love cuddles!
Samus: (Rolling her eyes playfully) Of course you do, dragon princess. Now let's go before Dedede gets impatient and starts eating the entire brunch.
Everyone (Except Cloud): (Begins to Laughing at Samus' little jab towards the king)
Cloud: (Smiles Softly at his friends before walking back with them to the Mansion) (Yeah...It really does feels good to be back, huh?)
Tifa steps out of the bus....only to see her glass window of her bar shattered and an unconscious customer on the floor.
Tifa: Barrett!
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kitkatktpi · 5 years
I really am just not sure what to do. What direction to take. Being a single parent is one the most difficult things to do. You always have to rely on other people. It's frustrating. The past couple of weeks have been frustrating. I messaged one of my friends and he has ignored me twice. I don't know if his gf doesn't allow him to talk to other girls or if I did something. I probably did it. I really don't understand myself sometimes. Why do I act this way when I know I should act another way. I assume it's just the anxiety causing most of the issues. I burned Billy's clothes that he forgot here back in like September. Fitzi gossips to me that he may be back in town this week visiting Kari. Good. Have fun. Y'all ain't got nothing-- NOTHING on my relationship. Knitting a simple washcloth earlier was so soothing. Every day it becomes more and more apparent that I don't have friends. Like maybe 3. Which is ok but we're all on opposite schedules and socializing is hard. And I'm a social introvert and if I don't have SOMEWHERE to dump all that bullshit like you do with friends well then Bill is going to get all of it and I think it's too much for him sometimes. Idk. I have to work on it. I need more things to do to occupy my mind and hands. KNITTING! READING! I'll work on it. You're an ok person if you're trying to correct your behaviors and attitudes you've created as defense mechanisms right? Cause I feel bad that to go thru and make small corrections that there's strife to deal with in the middle of it. Idk if this is making sense probably not. I'm sorry I always feel like I have to share my thoughts. Why can't I be a quiet person dang it. I blame it on being gemini. Don't we blame everything in our star sign because I know I do. We watched Encino Man last night. I made some bitching cabbage soup. BITCHING. Gosh how do I stop being such a clingy person? Like damn I know I'm afraid of abandonment but damn. I also take things too sensitively. I'm too sensitive. I gotta figure out how to deal with my intense emotions and feelings. Oh man I pigged out tonight and it was fucking glorious. I ate like 1200 calories at mcds and it was amazing. And I don't feel guilty about it. It was much needed after a sort of tiny bit of a rough day. I'm ready for sleep.
How about you?
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kingjamesonfawkes · 7 years
A trade with dear @straying-thru-numbani 
Junkrat’s old flame reunites with him when they find out they’ve both found their way to Overwatch’s ranks.
Everything had been perfect in your first couple weeks of training at the newly reopened Overwatch base in Gibraltar. You first mission went smoother than you could have imagined and you fit into the team like you were born for this role. It was so different than where you had come from out in the outback, it had been hard work but you had gotten out of Junkertown and never looked back, why would you? There was nothing left in Junkertown for you except bad memories and strife.
So why was it that he was here? How could he be here? In your second week, a crew returned to base from a month long mission, and you were naturally excited to meet the other recruits that you hadn’t met yet. Until the Junkers hopped off of the transport ship, and you heard the cackle that you hadn’t heard in years, high and shrill and unmistakable. You face fell and your stomach churned. You were definitely over him, definitely. So why had that reminder of your times together, his uncontrollable laugh, hit you so hard? You hadn’t thought about him in years, trying to push him out of your mind when he left you without warning and didn’t even try to contact you. You tried to hide your sneer as you greeted the other heroes, congratulating them on their successful mention and then sneaking away before either Junkrat or Roadhog caught sight of you.
You made a note to ask someone how they had even come to work for Overwatch, and seeing Ana in the hall as you made your way back to your quarters, you caught her attention, ushering her aside.
“Overwatch knows they’re criminals right?” You said to her suddenly, and catching her confused expression, you clarified, “Junkrat. Roadhog. Surely an organization this big has the intel to know that.” Ana chuckled at you, “Well surely you’ve heard to keep your enemies closer?” She smiled and nodded to you as she explained, “Of course we know, but we’re safer with them here on our side. Took a pretty penny to get them on the team but they do have a certain special skill set that comes in handy. Plus, missions keep them out of trouble and civilians safe.”
Luckily avoiding him had proved easier than you thought, he was reclusive or spent most of his time with Roadhog, a thought that panged you with jealousy and resentment for the larger junker, feeling like junkrat had left you for his new partner. It was another week before he had caught sight of you and hobbled over in his limping gait, grinning ear to ear like someone had just handed him a bag of cash.
“‘Ey ‘andsome, ain’t ya a sight for sore eyes!” He said, voice flirty and casual like there was no ill will between you.
You scowled at him, “Fuck off, Jamison, you’re the last person I want to see.” Venom dripping from your words, but the man didn’t seem to mind.
“Ah, ya ain’t the least bit happy ta see ol’ Junkrat again? Been a while babe,” He said, flexing his eyebrows at you, “Can’t tell me ya don’t miss all this!”
You stopped walking and turned to him, a fire alit in your eyes, “Junkrat, you didn’t even fucking try to tell me goodbye before you were off and out of Junkertown with Roadhog. You thought I wouldn’t notice? Wouldn’t wonder where my boyfriend went? Or if he was ever coming back? Or if he fucking cared that he left me in that desolate shit hole without a second thought?”
“‘Ey!” He said, voice suddenly cross, “Ain’t my fault we left suddenly! Tried to get back in for a damn year, but Queenie wasn’ ‘avin’ it! An’ no one said no one said ya couldn’ come along, woulda had my boy at my side in a second if I coulda.”
You were quiet. Fuming. You looked away from his face, “What the fuck did you to do get exiled anyway?” you said, voice quieter now.
You looked back at him, and he shrugged, irritation gone from his face again, “Roadie and I debated a couple things but not sure.”
You were quiet, and started walking away from him again, you weren’t sure you could do this right now, or ever. You didn’t think you’d ever see him again, let alone here. You heard him follow behind you, sensed him watching you as you made your way down to the training room for practice.
He grabbed your shoulder, the first time you had touched him in years and you felt your heart jump for his touch. “I still love ya.” He said, voice more serious than you had ever heard it. You stopped walking, and turned to him.
Looking at his face, judging his sincerity. You swallowed hard, your words caught in your throat. “I still love you too,” you spoke softly, “I never stopped, its just hard because you weren’t there. We missed so much of each other’s lives.”  
“We got time ta catch up,” He said, wrapping a hand around your waist and pulling him towards you, and winking at you, “Gotta tell me ‘ow ya got outta Junkertown yourself, ya know.” Without letting you continue, he leaned down, pressing his lips against yours in a kiss laced with the sweet sooty taste that lingered on his body. A constant even now.
You gave yourself into the kiss, your hands finding their way around his waist to pull him closer to and up into his hair to pull him closer and deepen the kiss, reigniting the spark that you had felt dull over the years, feeling it work up to the raging fiery passion for him you used to have. You felt him smile into the kiss, and you couldn’t help but smile to, this is what you had wanted for so long, this is what you had been missing all this time.
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bryyo-data · 7 years
Diaries of a Pirate Hussar
Log Entry 1
Well, I've finished training and today they're gonna give me a beast. Also, I broke my personal records device. The one I stole off Captain Brules a cycle ago. Oh well, I'm missing it more than he ever did. Luckily I managed to get hold of a new one today- the respect you get as a rider is glorious! They'll just give you this stuff.
They've captured a new bunch of Korakk Beasts, all younglings fresh for training. I've gotta get mine into shape and then we'll be patrolling down by the jungle generator, I think. Supposedly it won't take long- they're loyal beasts, but dumb as shit. Dangerous, mind, but dumb. Kinda reminds me of Brules, now I think about it.
Log Entry 2
I met up with my beast yesterday. He's a weird looking thing. I mean, I haven't seen that many Korakks, but this one has this straggly look about him. And he just doesn't sit still. It's gonna take us the rest of the year to get the armour on him.
Wish I could say he took to me like the Velbop in that old story they used to tell us as youngsters. Nah, he threw a hissy fit when I tried to get near him and knocked my lance out of my hand. Could've been trampled. But I'll persevere. It'd be cowardly to back out now. This is my beast and I will tame him.
Log Entry 3
Beast taming is not going well. Somehow he managed to put a dent in the walls of his pen, because he was thrashing around so much and acting like an idiot. Then he sat in the corner and made whimpering noises all evening. It pisses me off because I saw Hussar 15 go off with her beast into the jungle, and she's only had it for ten days! It's not like I'm expecting instantaneous results here, but I can't even get the thing to sit still for five minutes so I can get on its stupid head.
Log Entry 4
Two week's worth of training finally paid off. I managed to get onto his head today. Then I sat myself down in what we like to call the driver's seat, and away I went! Flying through the sky because the freakish creature bucked me off. Then I was nearly trampled by it, and let me tell you, there's absolutely nothing fun about a Korakk running at you at high-speed while you're incapacitated on the floor.
Having been, ahem, rescued by a few of my colleagues, I set about putting a complaint in to command. Clearly there's something wrong with this one. With the amount of time we've spent on it, it should be as cooperative as the rest of them. I suspect Phazon madness, because you see more of that stuff growing around every day. Nearly stepped in a blob of it before- could've melted my leg off!
Log Entry 5
We had Commando 68 take a look at it, but the beast has been given the all-clear. He beat the thing pretty harshly into shape- it wasn't nice to watch. In fact, I feel a bit sorry for inflicting that on the stupid thing now. It looked awfully subdued afterward. I felt so bad that I went out and caught a Nightbarb for it- the normal ones, not those Phazon weirdo mutants. Seemed pleased enough.
Tomorrow they're going out to round up a couple more beasts, aiming to catch at least three of four of them if they can. I was gonna volunteer to help, but they want us to go mounted, and that probably ain't a good idea. Either I'll end up dead, or my beast will.
Log Entry 6
I've been sneaking rations to my beast. He's starting to look fatter, but that's okay because he was skinny to start with. Now he just looks normal.
It's fine, I can afford it. We're well paid in our position. It's a dangerous job handling Korakks, given their size and strength, so we're compensated. It takes someone like 68 to really know how to handle them- I still ain't too pleased with his methods, but he's the expert so I won't question it. But he's not handling my beast. I am, so from now on I'm handling things the way I want to.
Also, I decided on a name for him. I'm calling him Pod. It's short for "my brain is the size of a Wryl Bean Pod and I'm stupid" because he is.
Log Entry 7
Hussar 11 caught me sneaking Nightbarb wings to Pod and told me it was dangerous. Said I "wouldn't be the first to get devoured by my Korakk if I associate myself with food". I feel a bit bad stopping now because he always looks forward to them, but oh well. I prefer my head.
We rode around a bit today and he's actually taking a liking to me. Well, I hope so anyway, maybe it's just the snack thing. Maybe he's gonna toss me off and eat me. Hopefully not.
Log Entry 8
Today I'm confident enough to take Pod out on duty. We've had some worrying reports coming from the north and Command aren't risking anything. It sounds like the Federation are getting suspicious. I'm surprised they haven't turned up sooner if I'm honest, Norion's only, like, a planet away.
We're just trying to get the Phazite armour on Pod now. He's a bit hesitant, but I think if we- oh, bugger.
Log Entry 9
We got the armour on Pod. He took it off again. Commencing attempt two.
Log Entry 10
Great, Pod just inflicted a fatal wound on Hussar 18. They had to drag him off. Won't be seeing him again. Didn't like him much anyway, he was a- POD
Log Entry 11
Pod somehow got OVER the pen walls, found a few storage barrels, and is eating weapons fuel. I really don't wanna go near him because of the whole food-association thing... Man, his tongue's huge... I didn't even realise they were that big... Oh damn, those guys have weapons. They're gonna shoot Pod. I gotta do something.
Log Entry 12
So I managed to drag Pod away from the weapons fuel and somehow convinced my superiors that he's a really nice Korakk Beast and it won't happen again. He's actually an idiot and he's going to ruin my reputation, but I still feel bad about what 68 did and now we've bonded so I have to look out for him. We got out on duty within good enough time, and nothing interesting happened. Now I'm sitting on Pod's back while he paces up and down this stretch of path non-stop because he can't sit still for two minutes.
I guess his energy levels are a good thing?
We did spot a few of those reptiles who live on Bryyo, and I swear one of them was riding a Korakk too. But they vanished into thin air the moment we got up there. They like to lurk behind those giant thorn plants, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. At least I have Pod to protect me.
Log Entry 13
Pod caused a little bit more strife. He got into a fight with one of the other Korakks, and things got nasty. I mean, Korakks are nasty beasts anyway, so two of them locked in a deathmatch is brutal. Next thing you know there's Korakk blood-goo everywhere and claws waving wildly in the air. Me and the other Korakk's rider managed to get well out of the way in time, but we couldn't call the beasts off each other. Pod managed to rip the other one's tongue out and then was making jabs at its belly. That could've killed it.
Lucky a few aerotroopers showed up. They managed to distract Pod from the safety of above while we climbed away and the other terrified animal made a run for it. Luckier still, you can't reach a Korakk's stomach from above, and that's the vulnerable point. Those guys would've killed Pod for sure if they could.
Log Entry 14
Pod and I have been removed off duty due to disciplinary issues. Commando 68 isn't best pleased with my efforts. I guess he was right? And I was starting to think me and Pod were pretty tight.
There's been a couple more attacks on the jungle base by those lizards, and apparently the gel plant area is having major problems with them as well. At least our glorious Leader has sent a new Commander to help us sort them out while our technicians finish up the generator defences.
In the meantime, I dunno what I'm gonna do. I've been accused of being "too soft" which is just about the worst reputation-tarnisher a Pirate can get. Too soft means not ruthless enough for battle. Unable to battle means unable to serve the Pirate forces. If I get struck off, I'll be shipped back to Urtraghus and have my head put in a drone 'til the end of my days. I'd rather not.
Log Entry 15
Me and Pod have been sent to a quieter location down south. There's less for him to get angry at there, and so the both of us are safer, as is everyone else. We're basically just keeping the reptiles at bay from down here, but most of them are coming from the north anyway. It's not particularly entertaining.
I've been a bit stricter with Pod- haven't talked to him much, or picked bugs off the thorn bushes for him. I even jabbed him in the side at one point when he was misbehaving. He nearly threw me- won't be doing that again. I felt bad doing it, but security is paramount, and the only way he's gonna keep going is if he learns to behave himself.
Log Entry 16
Some of those Bryyonian lizards dared to get close to us today. I could tell Pod was on edge for a while, then suddenly one of the things lunged at his face. Couldn't get past his armour, but it was a shock. Needless to say, he dashed the thing to the ground and it was a pulp in seconds.
I signalled to a couple of the ground guards and they pretty much took care of the rest. A few more lizards jumped through the bushes but they were basically leaping into weapons fire. It almost feels like some sort of weird test. They can't be that intelligent, they're brutish and their planet's soaked in Phazon.
Pod wasn't too shaken by the assault, but he had taken a very small wound to his right leg. It must've been hurting him because he didn't move about too much afterward, which is uncharacteristic. He even let me clean it up afterwards. I don't know if he's forgiven me for the harsh treatment, but I'm gonna have to admit it- I'm not cut out for that. I'm too nice or whatever. From now on, it's bugs as often as I can catch them.
Log Entry 17
68 noted today that I've been working hard on Pod. I dunno what I've been doing that he's noticed, but he was pleased. Said the guards on the south end were impressed, partly because I managed to control Pod enough to prevent him from killing them too. I still think that was something to do with his leg, but oh well, I'll take the praise.
I know what I haven't been doing, and that is harsh treatment. You simply can't do that to them. They get annoyed, and you end up dead if you aren't careful. Treat 'em nice, and they love it. Today Pod followed me around while I was on foot, didn't ignore me, didn't try to eat me, just followed me around like a faithful Velbop. It was- dare I say this about my killer beast? It was adorable.
I hope nobody reads my diary.
Log Entry 18
Those lizards made a full-scale assault on us today. I was out towards the east near the generator with a couple of other Hussars, and suddenly we were surrounded by them. Some of them were huge, bulky things which turned invisible the minute you looked at them. The rest had these animals, Warp Hounds, which could teleport with them. Horrible things, they were. I saw a trio of hounds tear the limbs off someone's Korakk. The rider had a lucky quick death after that.
Pod handled it well- kept his stomach shielded, just like he was trained to do, and didn't falter once, even when one of those reptiles grabbed hold of his tongue. Korakks have sensitive tongues and it hurts to pull on 'em, but Pod managed to yank the reptile over and crush it. I also managed to coax him into spitting Phazon, which isn't something he generally likes to do because it burns his mouth on the way out. It worked well, though. Not exactly hypermode-PED levels of power, but I was impressed.
Near the end of the battle I got knocked off by one of those lizards' throwing weapons. I landed near the holobarrier, and the electric shock disabled all my limbs. Ruddy things. What amazed me was Pod stuck around and shielded me the whole time, standing over me to keep me from harm. At first I thought he was gonna trample me by accident, but I could tell he was being deliberately careful with where he put his feet.
After the battle, I was taken in for repairs, which is where I still am. Supposedly I'll be out tomorrow and back on duty. I'm a lucky one. About half the guards over there are lying dead in the mud now, plus two Korakks. Those lizards really know how to beat them.
Log Entry 19
I've come out of repairs and all my limbs are good to go. This is what happens when you don't evolve your own legs like most other species, you're transformed into a useless slug when the technology inevitably fails. Not even like I could crawl away with all the heavy metal stuck to me and pinning me down. But hey, I had Pod to look after me, and even if it did take a little coaxing for him to let the guards get to me, he did a good job.
Bad news from the north- the Hunter Samus Aran has made planetfall. And here we were thinking she was dead or something. She's never dead, she comes back faster than Lord Ridley. Well, bugger, we're dead.
Except we can't afford to be dead, because Command are insistent that we beat her this time. We have Phazon on our sides, and Phazon makes us stronger. Our Leader makes us stronger, with Phazon. Nothing's going to go wrong, okay?
Log Entry 20
Me and Pod have been reassigned again, this time to the way between the generator and the nearest viable landing site. It's a pretty vital path if the Hunter wants to get down to us, but Commando 68 is confident that we can handle it. Apparently you need a "wild, unpredictable beast" to take down something as dangerous as the Hunter. Apparently, to no surprise, a "wild, unpredictable beast" is how they're referring to Pod these days. No worries, I've got a handle on him.
I really hope the Hunter isn't gonna come down this way, if I'm honest. There's other ways to the generator, albeit longer ones- wouldn't it be ridiculous of her to place her ship so close to us? She's probably got the sense to make her way down from the cliff region instead. Maybe, maybe not.
Oh well, no good panicking about it now. I'm not a coward and I'm not disobeying orders. As much as I like Pod, his duty is the same as mine- we go in together, and if we die, we die. Whether we do or not, hopefully we'll stop the Hunter in the process.
At least it's a good spot down here, near the densest part of the jungle. There's bugs galore! I keep catching them out of the air and sneaking them to Pod. Tried a few myself, but they get stuck between my teeth. So I'll just give them to him for now. He seems pretty happy with himself.
That's a funny looking ship up there. Don't recognise that one. Maybe it's a Federation vessel, or the Hunter? I'd better investigate, I think I can see some rising smoke. Thought I heard a funny loud noise too. Didn't spook Pod, though. If I leave my records device up here, I hope nobody makes off with it, or there'll be hell to pay.
-- Records end here --
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marqweabyss · 7 years
Just The Two Of Us
Will Smith’s “Just the Two Of Us” is such an important song for me. If you listen to the lyrics from beginning to end, it's like he's being a fatherly figure through his music. For his son and for listeners too.
Telling us about his experience and journey as a father. From the moment his son was born all the way to that present moment, which at that time, his son was 5. Will dishes about how his experience as a father makes him feel and what his duties and responsibilities are as a parent. Then he adds life lessons and parenting 101 in the form of lyrics as guidance.
“(Now dad this is a very sensitive subject) From the first time the doctor placed you in my arms I knew I’d meet death before I’d let you meet harm Although questions arose in my mind, would I be man enough? Against wrong, choose right and be standin’ up From the hospital that first night Took a hour just to get the car seat in right People drivin’ all fast, got me kinda upset Got you home safe, placed you in your bassinet That night I don’t think one wink I slept As I slipped out my bed, to your crib I crept Touched your head gently, felt my heart melt ‘Cause I know I loved you more than life itself Then to my knees, and I begged the Lord please Let me be a good daddy, all he needs Love, knowledge, discipline too I pledge my life to you
Just the two of us, we can make it if we try Just the two of us (Just the two of us) Just the two of us, building castles in the sky Just the two of us, you and I
Five years old, bringin’ comedy Every time I look at you I think man, a little me Just like me Wait an see, goin’ to be tall Makes me laugh 'cause you got your dads ears and all Sometimes I wonder, what you gonna be A general, a doctor, maybe a MC Haha, I wanna kiss you all the time But I will test that butt when you cut outta line, tru dat Uh-uh-uh why you do dat? I try to be a tough dad, but you be makin’ me laugh Crazy joy, when I see the eyes of my baby boy I pledge to you, I will always do Everything I can Show you how to be a man Dignity, integrity, honor and I don’t mind if you lose, long as you came with it An you can cry, ain’t no shame it it It didn’t work out with me an your mom But yo, push come to shove You was conceived in love So if the world attacks, and you slide off track Remember one fact, I got your back
Just the two of us, we can make it if we try Just the two of us (Just the two of us) Just the two of us, building castles in the sky Just the two of us, you and I
It’s a full-time job to be a good dad You got so much more stuff than I had I gotta study just to keep with the changin’ times 101 Dalmatians on your CD-ROM See me, I’m Tryin’ to pretend I know On my PC where that CD go But yo, ain’t nothin’ promised, one day I’ll be gone Feel the strife, but trust life does go on But just in case It’s my place To impart One day some girl’s gonna break your heart And ooh ain’t no pain like from the opposite sex Gonna hurt bad, but don’t take it out on the next, son Throughout life people will make you mad Disrespect you and treat you bad Let God deal with the things they do 'Cause hate in your heart will consume you too Always tell the truth, say your prayers Hold doors, pull out chairs, easy on the swears You’re living proof that dreams come true I love you and I’m here for you
Just the two of us, we can make it if we try Just the two of us (Just the two of us) Just the two of us, building castles in the sky Just the two of us, you and I
Just the two of us (Just the two of us) Daddy loves you, daddy loves you (Just the two of us) For the rest of your life (Just the two of us)
(This is a good song dad, how much am I gettin’ paid for this dad?)
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The whole record is wrapped in love. Nothing he speaks about when it comes to teaching his son is problematic. AT ALL. • how his son makes him feel • being a male & it being ok to feel • how his son should go about treating women • how to process and deal with his OWN feelings and emotions (heartbreak, pressure, stress, rejection, ect) • it being ok to cry • picking yourself up and moving on • character traits to possess (what type of person you should strive to become) • Assuring his son he’ll always stand behind him & have the love of his father
ANOTHER IMPORTANT PART! At the time i do believe Will Smith wasn’t with his son’s mother anymore. Will wants his son to understand that their relationship is not effected by Will and her separating. Throughout the song, Will’s focus is on him and his son’s relationship hence “Just the Two Of Us”. However Will does briefly explain the separation between himself and his son’s mother by saying “It didn’t work out with me and your mom, but yo, push come to shove, you were conceived and loved.” There was no disrespect, no shade or animosity included when discussing his son’s mother.
Everything this song embodies is why it’s one of my FAVORITE songs! It’s inspiring and gives insight on the dynamics of a healthy relationship between father and son. It can definitely be used as a guide to help young and older men understand how to be a father to their sons. Will’s delivery on his fatherhood can also bring clarity and reassurance to current father’s who are already fulfilling their roles and building relationships with their sons. Hell, it can probably change some current fathers who are trash, for the better as well. But yea, I’ve loved this song since before i was a teenager. It’s so good. Thank you Will.
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omgnsfwisnsfw-blog · 5 years
NSFW #07: Second Chance
One last check. John Bishop Church and Mike McGuire stood before the vanity mirror of a makeup table. John winced slightly as he adjusted the knot of his tie so it laid flush against the collar of his dress shirt. In the silence of this prelude, John’s soft breathing was ragged. His cheeks were pale and cool to the touch despite a layer of perspiration already accumulating on his forehead. He retrieved a handkerchief from the inside of his suit jacket and dabbed away the sweat before returning it back to its pocket. He averted his gaze from Mike even through the reflection. “Okay. Let’s do this.” “Hold up. One sec.” Mike looked to their partner with furrowed brows, an expression of genuine, heartfelt concern on their face. Reaching out, they place one hand on his arm. “It’s not too late to not do this. I mean if you want to hold off for this week I totally understand, and I bet Ashley and Iggy would too. I mean, no offense, you know that… but you look kinda awful.” “They don’t make that decision.” John looked down at her hand and smirked. The expression, imagined possibly, brought a little color back into his face. “I’ll be okay. I’ll have to be.” “If you say so, then I believe you. I mean, shit. I know how bad we both want this. Like, real fucking bad, more than anybody.” “Then, let’s show them.” The camera moved through a pair of doors into a magnificent reception hall, all vibrant, lush red and gold-veined white marble. Gilded alabaster pillars line the balcony, bordered by elegant black wrought railings. It took the viewer up the claret carpeted stairway, beneath the grand crystal chandelier, through another pair of doors into a gorgeous theater in the same color scheme, the high ceiling decorated with gilded scrolling and the seats upholstered in ruby. Finally, the camera stopped, its wielder taking a seat in the front row. The stage’s ceiling was blocked in burgundy and slopes back, the backdrop also deep red and white, the wooden planks of the stage floor slightly scuffed from years of use. The house lights dimmed, and at the center of all this majesty two spotlights hit the stage, one at each side. Into these, Bishop Church stepped into the left one, Mike McGuire the right, and the lights trailed them until they met in the center. Mike slowly, deliberately slipped her aviators off, grinning a bit. “Evening, EWC faithful. Look at where ya boys are at tonight! Check these digs out. Fancy, huh? Just perfect for a big occasion, and trust me on this- this is a big fucking occasion. And we were gonna pull out all the stops for it too. You wouldn’t believe the sheer level of ridiculous hijinx we had planned for this. But…” She gave a glance over to her partner. He, however, did not remove his shades. “Better reserved for our opponents. That is, after all, their modus operandi.For fun. Remember that? Mr. Lutter assembled a group of super friends that failed to live up to that ideal. And after a purge, he seems to have it just right.” John shrugged. “Swango. Brizzie. Don’t take that as a dismissal of your talents. Your detractors will label you inexperienced, ineffectual, and irreverent. However, at Night of Champions, they could only call you winners.” The lights rose just slightly, the ambience brightened a bit. From somewhere unseen, a soft, uplifting tune began to play. Not loud enough to be obstructive or drown out the words the pair were saying, though- just audible enough to be heard clearly. “You two got magic. The same kinda magic we had when we first started out. You literally just got your kite off the ground and you’re flying like a couple’a fuckin’ pros, and that’s badass. It’s not easy to do that, y’know. Tag teaming ain’t easy. Contrary to popular belief you can’t just throw two people together, no matter how capable, and expect them to win goddamn matches if they ain’t got a drop of chemistry. Heh, ask Merc and Jerk about that.” “You won’t get a real answer out of either of them.” And then John removed his shades as well. Normally his gaze was passive and distant but at this time, blue eyes stared at the viewing audience. Perhaps at NSFW’s opponents. “But that night. The very night that we broke The Limit, the landscape of the tag team division started to change for the better. Many will attribute it to our new Tag Team champions. Some even to Mike and myself. I would say that a bit of the credit belongs to the efforts made in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity. So it is no surprise to me that you stand opposite of us. With the opportunity that we have been fighting every inch of the way for.” The lights brightened a little further. “You’re the challenge we’ve been waiting for. This division as it stands right now? It’s the division we’ve been wanting to fight in. And right past you? The chance we’ve been working so fuckin’ hard for, since day one. I’m pumped for it. Church is. We got electric in our veins, but… do you?” Mike’s brows furrowed, the lights dimming back down almost somberly, with a slight blue tinge. “Brizzie. You don’t have that For Fun mojo going on much right now. And I get it. I got nothin’ but respect for Nos, and I don’t blame you if your head ain’t in the game. But you gotta understand… you ain’t gonna beat us like that. Not by a long shot.” “As your fellow employers. Perhaps even your friends, we are deeply concerned with what has happened. But understand something.” He stepped forward. The lights began to brighten, the blue beginning to fade away. “Monday Night. Houston. The main event. Our very first main event. With the chance we’ve been asking for on the line. If your music plays. If you two walk out. If you get into the ring with Mike McGuire and Bishop Church, you are telling us one thing. That you are ready. The bell rings. Our concern takes a backseat. Losing this match means that we are deprived another chance to represent this division. This business means everything to me. It is the most important-” Mike reached out. Her hand rested comfortably on his jacket-sheathed bicep. “It is one of the most important parts of my life. I think I understand my partner enough by now to know that she agrees. I am not content to be on the sidelines however. That’s what losing that match will do to us. Losing means we sit back another night and watch other people take what we have earned with our blood. It would be foolish to make ultimatums. The world doesn’t end with one shortfall. But after all this time, it doesn’t feel right. So ask yourselves? With circumstances as they stand, what would a defeat mean to you? Chalk it up to inexperience. Momentum not being on your side maybe.” “Yeah. You guys are brand new, right out of the box. We ain't exactly old news ourselves, but we kinda got the ‘new car smell’ knocked off us by now. We got, in a way, more to gain from this than you two, and a hell of a lot more to lose. I don’t know how much you guys want the tag titles, but I can fuckin’ promise one thing. It ain’t near as much as we do.” The intensity of the lighting was almost at full house strength now, the coloring shed of its melancholy blue and, instead, tinged with gold. “We came here with two goals. Revive the tag team division, and be its fucking champions. I think we can consider Goal One met. Two? Like I mentioned. Runs right through the Rockin’ Dreamland you got going on. But we can’t stop. We WON’T stop. No Sympathy For Wifey- at least, not in between those bells. And I’m sorry if that seems mean. Trust me, I wish to fuck this thing with Nos wasn’t happening at all, much less now, but gold waits for nobody.” “So that is what I meant. You two come down and you forsake all of that strife for that moment in time. Iggy, Ashley, you took everything from two teams that didn’t give you a chance. We consider you two our greatest challenge.” He turned his head and addressed his partner eye to eye. “Mike, remember the last time we had a chance like this? We thought of ourselves to be the heirs apparent.” “And we came up fuckin’ short. Just by a hair, but you know what they say about horseshoes and hand grenades. We played it cool, y’know, ‘tomorrow is another day’ and all that positive happy crappy B.S. but you know what? It fuckin’ stung. And it’s a feeling I never… and I think I can safely say, WE never… want to deal with again. The fuckin’ feeling of seeing a golden opportunity slip through your fingers. We ain’t gonna let it happen again, no matter what we gotta do.” The soft gold illumination intensified, became sharper. “So come out. For Fun. And we’ll take everything you have and throw it back at you. No jokes. No time machines. No more silly names. No song and dance. No more platitudes about respect.” “This is our second shot for a shot. And it’ll be our last one, because after this one, we won’t fuckin’ well need another one. We’ve been put through a fucking meat grinder this summer. We’ve been table’d, chair’d, thrown off shit, beat to a fucking pulp, my partner damn near got disemboweled, and in the middle of all that, we’ve gone through damn near the entire division that WE rebuilt. Our literal blood, sweat, and tears are all over the fucking place.” More intense now. The entire stage was bathed in vivid golden light. “You guys got the magic, but you haven’t paid your dues. You haven’t earned it. You don’t have the rights to it, not yet.” “So we offer the same courtesy that we did to the Unholy Two. Sure, we’ve met. But we haven’t been formally introduced. Where it matters. Iggy Swango. Ashley Brizzie.” John put the aviators back on. “I’m Bishop Church.” Mike followed suit. “And I’m Mike McGuire.” “We are NSFW.” “And we’re the next EWC Tag Team Champions.” The golden light intensified so brightly that a bright, gilded flash was all that the camera could pick up. When it faded away, NSFW were gone. What does a team do after they rent out Heinz Hall for their own personal statement on their most important match to date? Go grocery shopping. John’s hands were ringed with the loops of plastic grocery bags. He let them slip from his fingers gently on the kitchen table. He also had a week’s worth of mail tucked under the opposite side of his wound. They fell out onto the table and unfolded like an accordion. Mike closed the front door behind them. They had all of the bags full of things that needed to be in the refrigerator so they made a beeline to it. He looked suspiciously at a party sized bag of peanut butter M&Ms that had managed to make it into their cart. But then something else caught his eye. One of the envelopes. “Hey. You got a letter.” She was a phone call or text away. Not too many miles between them. His eyebrows raised quizzically. But it was addressed to just Mike. So not really his business. “From Natalie.”
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