#aka deeby
veradune · 4 months
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YESSSS (much thnx to both these folks for humoring me)
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ms-demeanor · 2 years
Musk isn’t gonna have sex with you because you white knighted for his brain dead subscription service
The Venn Diagram of people who are both scrolling through tumblr and give a shit about who Elon Musk is fucking is vanishingly small so I'll ask again:
Is this Grimes? If this is Grimes you have to say.
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gloomverse-theories · 11 days
Bait and Switch
In most of our theories, we rely on the assumption that Amadeus Gloom (aka Mooching Hobo aka the Dark Overlord) is the same person as the dark figure that Rylie sees in her dreams and who (seemingly) murder Prisma and her Colors friends.
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But what if... it was not the case?
We do not know much about Amadeus’s past, besides the fact that he is an only child according to the printed version’s bonus chapter. We know he has a sketchy past, impressive shadow (and candy) powers, and that he was somehow part of what happened in the ruins. Since he’s called the dark overlord by the lemon kids, we all concluded that he and the shadowy figure from Rylie’s dream were the same person.
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However, Yellow never finished her sentence, did she? Was she calling for Ama-deus? Or perhaps Ama-ryllis? We do not know! There’s still the theory that those two are one and the same, going by different names at different times. 
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But a more interesting possibility is that she was calling for Amaryllis, and that the actual Amadeus was the child she carried in her arms.
Unthinkable? Well let me change your mind! 
Light and Dark
In most myths as well as popular thinking, Light and Dark are two sides of the same coin. One can not exist without the other, they depend on one another. They’re similar yet they’re opposed. This duality is often portrayed as Light and Dark being linked, with their embodiment being related to one another or having some kind of counterpart. From how much she’s glowing, to her white and gold attire, it’s kind of obvious that Prisma is the Light one. Alright, who is the Dark one if not Amadeus the Dark Overlord? 
It’s Rylie. 
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Yeah you read that right.
Light and Dark are Linked. Prisma and Rylie are linked. They look like each other, but they’re two distinct individuals. 
After all, Rylie has had many “dark” foreshadowing. She has (had) the look too! Black hair, eyes that appear either black or red, powerful and mysterious magic, and a dream that keeps going back to that one moment where the Shadow Figure does something to Prisma....
Not only that, but her dreams can only be from the “perspective” of the shadow Mancer. Prisma gets eeby deebied before the end and Yellow arrives late. No one is witness to the whole event, except the perpetrator. 
The Motive(s)
With this theory, I’m also uncovering a motive for the dark figure. If Prisma and them are linked, possibly siblings or even twins, the motive can be jealousy, resentment even. Prisma was by all standards the golden child. Powerful, beloved, and offered to lead a country! She’s clad in golds and nice fabrics, while “Ama” is in rags and bandages. Kept in the shadows. It would feel unfair. What would you want then, to set things "right"?
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It also adds a nice parallel of blood family feud (Prisma and "Ama") vs found family friendship (Rylie and Wallis + Harold) if they are related. 
This also explains Why Yellow wants Rylie dead! She may look like Prisma, but she isn’t. She’s her “murderer”. Yellow wants revenge! Maybe she believes it will bring back Prisma? After all, she seems trapped in Rylie’s psyche.
Speaking of, why is Prisma so nice to Rylie if what I said is true? Well that’s easy: Rylie is not her past, she’s not that dark figure. She grew up like a normal kid, perhaps under Prisma’s watch, and she just wants to live her life. Like Purple isn’t Violet, Rylie isn’t that dark figure, even if they share characteristics.
What about Amadeus?
I’ve covered who the dark figure is, if not Amadeus. That’s great, but where does Amadeus fit in then? In Midnight, he seemed to recognise the place and he swore that it would “never happen again”.
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It’s a popular belief that a murderer will come back to the scene of the crime, and that’s exactly what Amadeus does in this chapter. His demeanor in this whole scene can be read as someone wracked with guilt and regrets coming back to the place of their biggest mistake, BUT it can also be read as the victim coming back to where they lost everything. He looks sad, almost nostalgic, but he’s trembling. He’s afraid. This is a place of trauma for him, no matter how you read it.
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Another point is that Petunia is in the know. I’m not one to judge relationships, but it would be a pretty big deal breaker for anyone to find out your hubbie has been involved in mass murder. And left your family because he was haunted by his past. Granted, Petunia is more wild than she appears, but I still think Amadeus would need a really really solid reason for why he did what he did.
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Currently, we have no clue. No obvious motives. No signs that Prisma deserved her fate. Her recent appearance shows her as a lovely person and a concerned friend, not someone rotten from the inside that needed to be stopped for the greater good. 
So, is it more believable that Amadeus is indeed akin to a serial murderer, or that he was one of the victims? 
Finally, Amadeus is an only child. That’s mentioned despite barely being relevant, so I call Chekhov’s gun on that! Yellow had One child. The emphasis on the baby is strong, but we don’t know what its deal is. We don’t even know if it survived after that day. So, what if that baby was Amadeus? They even have matching skin color! 
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The Flaw
Finally, I would like to bring up the one thing that breaks this whole theory: Pi.
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We learn from him that the hair and eye color of people with ecoversian lineage tend to be green. If Amadeus is really Yellow’s kid, then he would have at least been born with green hair and eyes. Petunia’s eyes are green. Both Harold and Wallis have blue eyes. My theory crumbles on that point because of PI. 
Instead of Amadeus being the one to off Prisma, it's someone else. Rylie takes after them and after Prisma. Amadeus has done nothing wrong, no murders, and is as much a victim as Prisma is, because he was Yellow's child. Yellow wants revenge, and she can get it by killing Rylie.
This is probably one of my most out there theory, but the idea is still fun! Tell me what you think!
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espers-n-espurrs · 4 months
Pinned Post
ello! supposed id do an intro post or what have you !!
my name is esper, i am not an espurr, my pronouns are she/her and im 14 !!
im currently attending my first year in naranja-uva academy though i grew up in spikemuth over in galar! so this is my first time out of my home region !!
some of my interests include art, photography, music, video games, baking/cooking, etc !! i also REALLY REALLY like sawsbuck and deerling, theyre my all time favorite pkmn !!
ive recently gotten my own pkmn as well, those of which are listed below !! yayyy !!
fauna - deerling | female | starter pkmn harley - maschiff | female | service pkmn taffeta - mareep | female
anyways thats all ive really got to say here !! 👍!!
[ OOC: Please read under the cut !!! ]
Other PKMN IRL Blogs can be found linked to my OOC hub: @grims-local-pkmn-irl-hub
All posts before [DATE AND TIME: 2024-06-05, 8 PM EST] are no longer canon to this blog! I've decided to reset it because I had grown tired and unhappy with what I was doing with Esper before! So, I (along with a few friends) reset our blogs so we can all get a fresh start! And I'm finally excited to RP Esper again as a result and I can't wait to see what happens!
A lot of her stuff is going to be pretty new and fresh too so it's not like I'm telling the exact same story over again! Lots of things have been shifted, twisted, added, or removed and I'm really happy with what I have planned! :]
Blog Guidelines
Though the mun is an adult, the character is still a minor, so please be mindful of how you interact! NO NSFW.
Pelipper Mail/Malice: OFF
Musharna Mail/Malice: OFF
Magic Anons: OFF ➥ These may be turned on in the future, but for now they will be remaining off to allow this to have more of an actual blog feel.
Mystery Gifts: Currently OFF
ANY kind of PKMN IRL blog can interact! Eeby Deebies, sapient/sentient pkmn, evil teams, canon characters, etc. ➥ Be aware that Esper will fearful/hesitant when interacting with legendary/mythical blogs!
IN CHARACTER anon hate is fine! Keep in mind that I reserve the right to not answer all anon hate asks though! Especially if they are something I don't feel comfortable answering!
ASK TO TAG! Sometimes an important tag may slip my mind or I may not think of it so please do not be afraid to let me know!
HIGH STAKES! This blog will delve into high stakes territory at certain points! Be aware of this for your own comfort!
Story Arcs
#Connecting Roots [Ongoing] -> ...?
Completed Arcs
#Hidden Revelations [Complete] -> Stranger and unusual things always seem to happen around Esper, things she can’t quite explain. This is until an argument with a girl by the name of Victoria causes everything to come to a head and results in a physical confrontation that reveals to Esper something about herself that she never knew. [This arc ends on the same post as Mystery Neighbor.]
#Mystery Neighbor [Complete] -> A mini arc surrounding Esper's dorm neighbor who keeps leaving her (rather brash) notes to communicate rather than speaking to her about any issues she may be having with Esper. This soon ends in a confrontation that reveals something to Esper that she had never known. [This arc ends on the same post as Hidden Revelations.]
#Multiversal Discovery [Complete] -> Maple (@yveltalreal) tries to create a second account for the bit, but realizes that she cannot see anyone on Rotomblr through that new account. The rest of the gang are quick to try this supposed glitch out for themselves only to obtain the same result. They all turn to Z (@jaimemes), their resident tech whiz, for an explanation and discover the truth about the multiversal properties of Rotomblr.
General Tags
#esper beams -> Posts made by Esper
#esper rbs -> Esper reblogging something
#askbox -> Answered asks
#victoria / MN tag -> Victoria aka the Mystery Neighbor aka @victoria-vd
#thievul tag -> One of Esper's friends from Galar
Important Tags
#miracle eye -> Offscreen posts
#foresight -> Posts to pay attention to! These might provide clues or foreshadowing for ongoing or future arcs!
#blind spot -> Blind spot signifies that the tagged post is completely invisible to certain blogs linked to this one! [Such blogs are currently @victoria-vd | @jaimemes | @aspens-dragons | @yveltalreal | @vulgrados-best | @rock-n-rolycoly !] ➥ If a post is tagged with a specific character than that specific character cannot see it while the others are able to! For example "#blind spot: esper" would mean that Esper cannot see that post! Blind Spots are completely visible to everyone else besides the above blogs so anons or otherwise are able to see and engage with these posts!
Ref Art
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capturecharlesau · 1 year
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Now’s he’s drinking! :)
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Pinned Post.
14 y/o.
Water specialist.
Clawitzer: Jet.
Golisopod: Fortress.
Gabite: Aero.
Don't ask me about the Kan-Joh Interregional Youth Championships or IV or I'll sick my Gabite on you.
sigh. hi guys. its me. @aster-pkmn-irl-real is the main. i gave into the evil thoughts. yeah sorry
This is a PKMN IRL blog for Ryoga Kamishiro (aka Shark aka Reginald Kastle) from Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal. This is not a faller blog. I'm not exactly sure what I'd call this but the most accurate descriptor I can think of is a Pokemon IRL AU. In this blog's universe Duel Monsters isn't a thing in any capacity. This is literally just. Ryoga but he's a Pokemon Trainer and he's been a Pokemon Trainer.
If you're familiar with the source material, then I will state that in terms of character development this blog is starting from right before the World Duel Carnival arc, but obviously the actual WDC from Zexal isn't taking place.
For some basic backstory (plus a general idea of what public knowledge on him would be), Shark is Kantonian and lives in Saffron City, and was previously considered one of the best competitive trainers in his generation. About 9 months prior to the formation of the blog, Shark was expected to participate and potentially win in the finals of the Kan-Joh Youth Championships against a trainer known as IV (so like. four.), but in the middle of the battle, Shark was exposed as having looked at IV's team sheet prior to the battle, and disqualified for cheating.
Ryoga is a minor! NSFW is not allowed. The occasional dick joke is fine, but keep it PG-13.
Sentient Pokemon, eeby deebys, slow eeby deebys, chosens, legendaries, etc. are all welcome to interact, though Shark may be skeptical of them.
Pelipper Mail is OFF. Pelipper Malice, Musharna Mail/Malice, and Magic Anons are OFF.
literally feel free to ask about the kan-joh youth championship. ryoga will be a bitch about it but i, aster, am telling you to PLEASE ask about it actually
This is in no way required reading for the blog and knowledge of Yu-Gi-Oh isn't necessary in like any capacity but if you want you can read his wiki page ig.
tag system [will be updated]
#sharkbait: answered asks #sharkbyte: posts and rbs from ryoga
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kittsu-and-company · 5 months
((OOC post, in depth blog interaction guidelines (aka what I’m okay with)))
✅ = Yes
⚠️ = Yes, but communicated beforehand (Please send a DM if you’re not sure!)
🛑 = No
(Please assume anything not mentioned here is allowed to interact. If you’re unsure about anything, please send me a message or anon!)
Magic Anons ✅
ANYTHING sexual in nature 🛑
ANYTHING that can be taken as pursuing Kittsu romantically 🛑
Attempts to pursue other characters on the blog romantically ⚠️
Attempting to establish in character meet-ups ⚠️
Pelipper Mail ✅
Pelipper Malice ✅
Pelipper Unmail ⚠️
Musharna Mail 🛑
Musharna Malice 🛑
Sapient Pokémon ✅
Canon Characters ✅
Fallers ✅
Eeby Deebies ✅
Legendary Blogs ⚠️
NSFW Blogs 🛑
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Grey 17 is Missing
The Time Mr. Garibaldi Went to Eeby Deeby
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rysko · 7 months
I want more of your based takes to giggle at so for the fandom ask, Marvel please
My narcissistic ass loves the opportunity to talk about my faves Red, enjoy
This will be an amalgamation of all the 'verses', im not only sticking to the mcu.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Miles Morales! Ever since the first Spiderverse came out i loved him. I genuinely relate(d) to him a lot, and his story and struggles resonated with me a ton. I don't like saying any fictional character 'helped' me, but he really really did.
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Listen, i have my own beef with the Loki show (beef, as in, I wanna hunt whoever came up with that idea for sport) but Mobius is like the light at the end of the tunnel, like the tasty chocolate with some shitty toy inside. ITS OWEN WILSON PLAYING A NERVOUS, CUNTY, NERDY AGENT
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scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
An awakened AI? Who visits the internet for 5 minutes and decides its time to genocide humanity? Slay. He was also like, really sassy and snarky and you already know i'm a sucker for these kinds of characters,
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glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
I WILL NOT SHUT UP ABOUT THIS MAN. I LOVE HIM. I HAVE CONSUMED E V E R Y PIECE OF MEDIA HE'S IN AND I AM STARVING. For all the lore i memorised for him i might as well be hired by marvel to think about this guy
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poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
I think we all know who this is gonna be.
My boy, my beloved npd having smartass (its canon because i say so), Tony.
I always was and will be Team Iron Man, RDJ is an icon that played him flawlessly. My man does not deserve the bashing he gets in the fandom nowadays.
Yes, he's selfish, narcissistic, cocky and a privileged ass, but all of it is a win in my book. If people don't like that, GOOD, more for ME.
If it wasn't Tony, then my problematic fave would probably be Redskull.
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horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Loki. There's a reason my favorite scenes with the guy are:
Him getting thrown by his brother in Ragnarok
He's pathetic, he's a loser
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eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
Doctor Strange, any iteration of him, be it comics, cartoons or Britishface Cucumberstache. I love him sm, but in a "puts you in a jar and shakes it violently" way. I'd send him there to see what tomfoolery he'd get up to.
i think what these asks do, is show that I'm a sucker for the cocky bastards with flamboyant tendencies
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malicious-fisheeves · 3 months
thinking about the dlc again which made me think of my pre-trailer ideas that I had. Under da cut
miquella seeks godhood
generally i didnt regard marika much except maybe in the form of lore snippets of her and miquella’s relationship and really drawing out the irony of him Repeating The Things She Did Wrong
miquella puts all/some of the other shard bearers in eeby deeby aka soul jail. Part for godhood or close to it by trying to convince them to give up their power ‘willingly’ so as to cement their followers' support (they won’t, thats where you come in), part possibly for godwyn resurrection purposes(?)
potentially certain shard bearers are already super dead eg already implying to the player that miquella has betrayed previous ideals of kindness/compassion for more ruthless means of goal seeking (perhaps alluding to his kidnapping by mohg serving to make him a worse person)
for whatever reason certain demigods have resisted him. My og idea was that miquella could not necessarily directly kill himself but could basically create means by which they give up
only one he maybe doesnt do this to at all is melania. Or maybe he does but he more outwardly feels bad about it eg she is put in a nice, pleasant dream and you kill her quietly, indicating both that miquella feels badly about it but also is a deep betrayal of melania that is what crushes her
you interact with certain npcs that have also following their shard bearers into sleep that miquella is similarly trying to convince eg tanith, jerren, and Others who can be perhaps influenced one way or another and in this way may be charmed to miquella's side. Again, an opportunity to leave the nature of his influence to something of a mystery while also being clear it is by no means innocent
the player does kill the ghost/spirit versions of the resisting shard bearers with new boss fights but there is further ambiguity with which its righteousness. Rennala mourns the loss of her children, again, further crushed and disappears from the over-world altogether and its unclear what happened to her (you can still respec bc she puts the Egg in the crib at least) but the implications are not Good. Tanith fights in Rykard’s stead and its with her death that he’s like ‘fine, here, fuck you’ and gives you The Item. I spoke about this before but funnily enough i imagined miquella putting radahn in the torment nexus for his wanton warring and had ideas that radahn would actually be someone you talked to who expresses regret for his actions, but still does not want to give up his soul and so miquella continues to put him in The Thunder Dome until you kill him outright. Not sure about Morgott. One idea was both he and Mohg are trapped in the evil sewer, again, forever, until they capitulate and give Miquella what he wants, drawing again a line to Marika’s evil in that both are punished, yet again, and Miquella willing to do some ruthless shit to get what he wants.
with this being the case i think there could be something of minor difference you could change to the boss fight outcomes or at least the outcomes of their followers by giving whatever important Piece to them rather than miquella. You could only do this a few times, maybe, before miquella would catch onto your betraying him and might confront you about it.
It comes a head when Miquella finally swoops to get his godhood, maybe during/after radabeast fight just absolutely fucking crushes them under his foot and then you are given the option to submit or fight. Submitting leaves the ending on an unclear but ominous note as to whether miquella would or even can be a benevolent sort of god given his actions and the inherent nature of godhood, whereas fighting can open back up the other potential endings with perhaps something more of a sad note that miquella fell So Hard. because if there was One thing i did like about miquella’s story in the dlc, his destruction of all the things about himself that made him who he was and a ruthless pursuit of godhood ending only in tragedy? was it.
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Hello there rotumblr, the name is Cocoa and Pie, the butterfree is my beloved partner.
I live in Azalea, on the Johto region, and I'm aspiring to become a pokemon professor.
I still don't know what exactly I'm going to study, but it doesn't matter, I'll just research everything.
It's a pleasure to meet you all.
//ooc: hello everyone, the name is Willow. I'm a 19 year old nb who just loves pokemon a little bit too much
here's the list of my pokerp blogs just cause
@pokemonprofessorintraining - me in the pokemon world
@ecruteakfashiondesigner - my oc that's based on my ex bf and my dream bf at the same time
@trio-of-chaos - a little joke that went too far, now a trio of dumbasses
@katcriollo - Cocoa's long lost sister
@mazes-and-puzzles - Maizie (canon character)
@spinarak-bite - Spinarak Man
@eggs-are-my-passion - Professor Elm (canon character)
@papercutt - Paper Cut Anon, aka another joke
@koko-tapu @lele-tapu @bulu-tapu @fini-tapu - The tapus
@sleepy-mot - Dudunsparce eeby deeby
@slakingthatslays - Slaking eeby deeby who is also a drag queen
@sleepingtight - Cresselia from the same world as Amy
@w1llowo - me again, but this time as a literal faller. Like, they're literally me!!
Their pokemon:
Pie, Butterfree, Female
Sponge, Slowking, Male
Opera, Shiny Crobat, Male
Sirius, Larvesta, Female
Pillow, Geodude (as smooth as a bowling ball), Male
Flint, Duraludon(an extremely tiny one, 6 cm/2.4 inches in height), Female
Cleopatra, Female, Trapinch
Team Menace
Krabbies (3), Females, Romana, Marinara and Carbonara
Krabbies (2), Males, Pizza and Pasta
Marguerita, Female, Kingler
Salsa, Male, Kingler (Team Menace Leader)
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veradune · 4 months
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She long.
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inverse-embers · 5 months
If you knew of this blog before April 2024 and/or noticed the URL change, no you didn't.
Hello Tumblr. As you might have noticed, the world has gone to shit in the past year. I don't really know why I decided to download this app again, but I did.
Call me Bruno. I'm 28 and use he/him/his pronouns. Send asks if you want.
We are taking PKMN IRL literally for this one! The characters are in the real world aka our world! But Pokemon began suddenly appearing over a year ago through Ultra Wormholes!
This is bad! And can genuinely be unreality! So we'll be trying to tag anything that crosses into that, though some posts may not need the tag.
If you have questions do not be afraid to ask!
Apocalypse / Post-Apocalypse
Big unreality warning!
High Stakes often!
By nature of this world not having the same stuff as the PKMN World this is very much a Nuzlocke in a sense but worse as no proper healing items exist nor Pokeballs.
Beware of possible death, injury, etc.
If you interact with this blog please make sure to tag your posts properly so those who do not wish to see this are not subjected to the posts here!
Blog Guidelines
Pelipper Mail / Malice + Musharna Mail / Malice are OFF.
Magic Anons are OFF.
Any kind of Pokemon IRL account is welcomed to interact! Sentient Pokemon, fallers, eeby deebies, evil teams, etc.
#bruno's musings -> Any post made by Bruno #pokepocalypse -> All ic posts will be tagged with this! I urge anyone interacting with this blog to also tag with this so people can block the tag if needed!
My friends' blogs who are also in this world!
Likes and follows come from @aspen-in-da-crater. All of my other blogs are unrelated to this one.
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needletailz · 2 years
tumblr memes & trends 2022
sooooo i've been writing this down all year :p the dates just represent the day i noticed the meme & wrote it down, not when the meme was created
jan 1 - new years posts years out of date (happens every year)
jan 1 - horse plinko
jan 2 - oh mien got dis cave is full of bluntsmoken
jan 4 - urfavisunfuckable mod drama
jan 6 - blorbo from my show
jan 12 - eeby deeby trending w/ blorbo from my show & glup shitto
feb 7 - tbh creature w/ big eyes (aka autism creature)
feb 8 - amongi & amongus babies
feb 19 - quirked up white boy busting it down sexual style
feb 25 - im the ps5 speaking inside your brain
mar 4 - live slug reaction
mar 20 - new tumblr users
apr 1 - april fools this year was crabs :) they were cherished 🦀
apr 1 - get drinked
apr 21 - tumblr blaze
apr 25 - misha collins comes out as straight
may 3 - dracula daily
may 18 - not too fond of gay people dog
may 29 - morb
may 31 - swedes won't give you food (this is a twitter meme but it's funny)
june 2 - mousegirl bartender
june 4 - manscapped :'((
june 15 - that fucking pikachu man ad
june 21 - increased recognition of were-ralph (from the werewolf boyfriend pulling out post) by name
july 8 - shinzo abe is assassinated & boris johnson announces resignation & everyone rejoices
july 15 - crabs 2: the sequel 🦀 now bestowed upon others for a price
july 31 - something something taylor swift private jet idk
sep 6 - gougar
sep 6 - tumblr logo has eyes??
sep 8 - reigensweep looses to an unexpected SANS UNDERTALE & then THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND DIES 🦀 🦀 trisha paytas goes into labor
sep 26 - female presenting nipples & other scandalous appendages are unbanned (edit: they were not. everyone is disappointed)
sep 27 - ned from try guys cheated on his wife >:/
oct 20 - liz truss defeated by lettuce
oct 22 - posts that look like this:
🐈‍⬛ needletailz Follow
check this shit out
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oct 22 - this should be a _k post
nov 4 - ryan reynolds joins tumblr on destiel eve
nov 6 - so many 2014 style tumblr posts in hopes of scaring away twitter refugees (everyone say thank you evilmario666)
nov 20 - GONCHAROV (1973)
dec 17 - the pornbots return
dec 29 - greta thunberg roasts andrew tate, he reveals his location in his response & is arrested by Romanian authorities for human trafficking. what a lovely way to end the year :)
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monkeywiki · 2 years
Your name, email, contact should be at the top.
Poop Poop | phone number | Email
include 3 REFERENCES of people you trust, teachers, colleagues, even online friends, anyone who would vouch for you, and format.
Blah Blah | College Of Poop and Farts | Lab Tech [email protected] 3842348394
Blah Blah | College Of Poop and Farts | Lab Tech [email protected] 3842348394
Blah Blah | College Of Poop and Farts | Lab Tech [email protected] 3842348394
Education (I recommend putting this next, OR make it the very last thing on your resume.)
Early Graduate Diploma – EebyHS | 2018
Excelled in the Eeby High School Proficiency Exam earning a certificate of diploma prior to most peers in the graduate class.
Experience (notice putting about 2-3 is optimal and fine, if you have none whatsoever, consider volunteer efforts, charity events when you were younger, art clubs you hosted, and consider framing them as Leadership initiatives. Done art commissions? Handling confidential client information and transactions. Pet sitting, helping someone with their homework, babysitting, lawn mowing, anything can be re-framed into buzzword friendly search terms that show you have the diligence and willingness to learn more.)
Job title | Company | Location | Year
Brand Ambassador | Eeby Deeby Programs | Or, Bo | 2019
Utilized PC technology to quickhand troubleshoot technical issues, lead IT support
Camera and photography operations, lead marketing, staging, lighting and merchandising.
IOS maintenance 
POS operation lead, customer & client assurance, tendering sales
TIP: What did this company advocate for? What were your goals and what did your work accomplish? 
Certified Onboarder | Ourga Bourga | Port, Borba | 2018
Coordinates onboarding & training for new hires to successfully transition into their new roles accordingly and within a timely manner.
Communicates effectively to responsibly manage and maintain workflow between the front of house and kitchen.
Leading to ensure customer satisfaction by managing staff’s ticket fulfillment to company standards and to order.
Go to indeed, create a resume and do their skill assessment tests if you want to add more buff to this, however, first you need to look inward. Have you been online your whole life? Welcome to the first step! your next thing on your resume is your :
(do a wpm test and put your result)
Windows OS & IOS technology
Microsoft technology
Proficient in Word, Excel, Powerpoint 
POS terminals & technology (better way of saying "i was a cashier")
IT support (same thing)
Experience in supervisory, management and training (ever run your own discord? ever recruited for a zine? hosted a re-animated project? No need to say it straight.)
Proficient in marketing, merchandising & staging (AKA: setting up store displays, making sure burgers look Like They're Suppose to, making store aisles clean and products are pulled forward)
(also might help to use indeed, do their resume and their proficiency tests and include those on your resume)
Proficient in OSHA and FDA regulations in food safety control environments (aka i worked foodservice, i have cleaned toilets)
Quality assurance (literally everything ever)
Bonus points if you've worked any place that has access to cleaning products, you can say the following:
Proficient in Ecolab standard protocols.
It's important to consider that recruiters are sifting through hundreds of resumes.
short-term your experience with simple, but BUZZWORD friendly language. Why?
Not only do recruiters want to pick up what you can do Likely within the first few seconds of viewing your application, your application is more likely to be seen by websites like indeed if you use keywords and buzzwords that make your resume relevant to the website's search algorithm.
Sentences are not important. Experience is, and you likely have more than you give yourself credit for. good luck
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 years
Hello~ I hope you're having a nice evening!! I wanted to ask you about tumblr eras because I've seen you mention them a couple times now. I've been on tumblr for a while now actually but haven't seen anyone else refer to tumblr eras, and I was wondering if you could explain them? No worries if not!!
of course!
so, I'm probably one of a handful of people who actually uses tumblr eras. I use it as a shorthand to describe when certain events happened and the people who joined before or after those events
Era 1 is from the beginning of tumblr until dashcon. this was from 2007 to 2014 and is the longest era so far. it's notable for the creation of superwholock, the mishapocolypse, oncelercest, and more. it's the first thing people thing of when they think of classic tumblr
Era 2 is from after dashcon until the community guidelines change in late 2018 (aka the "porn ban"). this is actually when I joined (I was originally an undertale blogger). this is notable for the more popular fandoms of tumblr, and some incredibly famous posts like the bone stealing shit or John Green's cock post. it ended when the community guidelines changed to ban "female presenting nipples" and a lot of people left for twitter
Era 3 is honestly when tumblr was at its best. it's when most of the inside jokes were created (eebby deeby, horse plinko, Goncharov, etc). even though tumblr wasn't insanely popular at this time, it had a real sense of community and togetherness that can't really be said about any other websites.
Era 4 is the newest era and the one we're currently in. this was started when elon musk bought twitter and tons of people left and either rejoined tumblr or joined for the first time. this was also the same time tumblr started trying out a lot more new features like tipping, blazing, tumblr blue, and livestreams. I have no idea where tumblr will go from here. I hope that the new users can embrace tumblr's weirdness and that the staff won't introduce a bunch of useless features that kill the site. we'll just have to see.
me and some of my friends are currently making a timeline that will showcase all these eras and most important tumblr events from the start of tumblr to the modern day.
but again, the concept of tumblr eras is something I made up and isn't that widespread.
thank you for asking. I hope that makes sense.
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