#aka my defining personality trait at 12
antiloreolympus · 3 years
14 Anti LO Asks
1. To the one anon: good question - how is it that the mortals dont know who Persephone is / assume she is a minor goddess and therefore its okay to mess with her but the gods (or Olympians / underworld denizens) know exactly everything about her (despite her being there only every so often and only being 20ish) - enough to say shes "wearing her signature white color" during a murder trial.
Also the reason why Persephone is wearing white is because
A). RS wanted persephone to always be "dressed as a bride" (and have Hades dressed as a groom respectively) to show that their matching / is supposed to be a visual cue that their eventually gonna be together.
B). I believe this is RS way of saying that Persephone (despite murdering some mortals) is innocent because in purity culture White = innocence, virginity, youth etc. (Even though RS explicity ssid she wanted to go against purity culture morals shes very much leaning into them). 
2. why are Psyche’s eyes yellow even in her human form? Is she sick??
3. honestly? LO is just gossisp girl at this point, espect even GG (at least in the first season) bothered to saturze the rich and was calling out how wealth and power makes them corrupt assholes. meanwhile LO is just GG season 2 and on of being like no no, the poor people are the evil people and the rich people are the oppressed ones! all while also fawning over their  wealth and status and being way into grown men wanting to bang barely legal teens and claiming to be "feminist" somehow.
4. Tumblr is well-known for broken tag system. Check the post' tags before complaining that it's op's fault. How about you guys not tag greek mythology when posting about LO? LO is not one-shot or short fancomic. It's also definitely not considered actual greek mythology. LO is years long webcomic with huge fans. LO has its own tag. Tell your fellow fans to stop using the greek mythology tag.
5. I would argue nyx is the only woman with a unique in design in LO but thats only because she looks like a deformed chicken woman. why was my night mom disrespected this much 😭
6. So now that LO is back from break and I can finally read chapter 170 - Why oh Why do ALL the female characters Have to be defined by their male love interests??? (Or really just love interests in general).
I understand LO qualifies as the "romance" genre and there are certain stipulations or I guess themes or what have you that make it romance but for f*cks sake.
Psyche being worried about Eros loving the "fake" her I kinda get, but really? Thats your most pressing concern?? Hera is defined by her garbage marriage to Zeus - King of the gods (of which is why she is Queen of the gods). Hestia + Athena are now defined solely by their relationship to each other (not the TGOEM or their respective traits of being a goddess of the hearth + goddess of war, strategy etc etc).
Aphrodite is defined by giving Persephone "relationship" advice (e.g: telling her to curb stomp Minthe because "nymphs dont take things from gods" - doubly implying that people are things to own) And by her jealousy of Persephone in the first place because Hades made a comment about how he thought Persephone was prettier than her. And also because of her "house of debauchery" (Artemis'  words) - and relationship with Ares.
Persephone is defined both by Apollo raping her and by her fated future status as Queen of the underworld (so her relationship with Hades). Hell, even the minor characters such as nymphs are defined by this relationship status / standard. Minthe is defined by her mean spirited personality yes, but Also because of her abusive relationship with Hades prior to the introduction of Persephone. Psyche is defined by her relationship woes with Eros. Daphne is defined by her relationship with Thanatos (and because shes a flower nymph) but also mostly because she looks like Persephone.
Rhea is defined by her marriage / relationship to Kronos (lets ignore the whole "fertility goddess power" plot for a second). Even Aetna is defined by Haphestus creating her! Is there not a single character (especially female) is isnt defined by their romantic love interest???Sorry. Maybe I'm overthinking this, but thats definitely how ot comes off as of late, in regard to the latest chapters.
Okay, same anon as earlier - I take it back somewhat - we have Artemis and Hecate that are not defined by their romantic relationships - but rather their lack of one.
However the way they are shown - it still comes off as a standard - "Artemis is stingy / a stick in the mud" because shes not romantically involved and is "barbaric" (according to Hera). And Hecate is still somewhat defined by her being Hades' employee (and cheerleader for him and Persephone to be together).
So technically yes, we have at least 2 characters that are not defined by their romantic interests / relationships, but they are still held to the standard of their "un-ladylike / undesirable" because their not romantically involved.
(I guess I should count Demeter, but only because shes more defined by just being "Persephone's overbearing mom" )
7. i think whats also kinda weird about this trial is like?? persephone is obvs framed as not liking the attention (bc duh) but she didnt like the previous press either, she wanted to be private, but wouldnt being with hades force her to be in the spotlight that makes her uncomfortable? also the citizens of the underworld already dislike hades, why would they want a uncontrollable felon as their queen, even if she found innocent? idk the whole thing just makes the endgame less plausible, tbh.
8. love that rachel was able to find a random deity name to name her random nymph the greek word for "beans" meanwhile apparently cant google actual greek names for even one off characters? like andrew, ellen, george, alexis, damian, luke, phoebe, sophia, and so any other english names are also greek, but she cant even bother with that? what exactly is her "research" if she cant even bother to spend 30 seconds googling greek names? at this point LO seems determined to be as un-Greek as possible.
9. wait so everyone in LO went from having no idea who persephone was, to her only showing up on ONE magazine cover, to now being the most well known person with a signature color? all in the span of two weeks with no genuine public outings? how does that make sense? also white isnt even her signature color if 90%+ the female cast and even a lot of the men ((including ZEUS) all wear it too.
10. the fact the courthouse WASNT the areopagus, aka the place in greece where they say the first ever trial ever happened and where the court system was invented, is just another point of rachel talking out her ass about being "respectful" or "researched" on greece and their mythology. its literally one of the most famous mythology spots ever with some fantastic stories to it and she's just like "nah! boring rectangle will do!" like why even both with mythology then if its this devoid of it?
11. Anons are saying Hades in the FS chapter is leaning down and talking to Persy like a child. Say it aint true.
(I wanna see. I thought RS was finally giving Persy adult proportions). 😨
12. So wait, hold up. I kinda get where RS is coming from with the law school in the underworld (because Hades is supposed to be a kinda Judge, jury, executioner situation in the afterlife when it comes to mortals and their "punishments" and whatnot). However, is RS stating that the ONLY law school / courthouse exists in the underworld? If so, why? Why wouldn't Athena be there then. She's a goddess of strategy and justice (among other things).
Also is RS really implying that Hades owns not only the banks and underworld but the law too? She really wants Hades to be a Gary Sue along side her Mary Sue - Hades controls everything that matters and since its his realm and blah blah blah rules, Zeus, king of the gods cant do anything about it.
(Which is dumb. Because you would think that because Persephone committed the crime in the mortal realm / on, or near Olympus that therefore she would be brought back there to dole out justice under Zeus jurisdiction because she committed the crime in His Realm). 
13. FP Spoiler ahead:
Why on earth couldn't the reporters have Greek names? There is so much wrong and bad with this story, yet this irks me so much. It is Brenda all over again.
14. i dont really get the point of the trial plotline, tbh. even persephone says she should be punished and held accountable, but hades is framed in the right for trying to go against that and weasel her out of it. so?? plus zeus has legit reason to punish them? persephone is a danger to others, demeter and hermes both committed treason to cover it up, and hades was harboring a fugitive of the law and is now trying to force the system to let her go. how is zeus in the wrong for this?
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ayzrules · 4 years
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✶ 𝐇𝐗𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒: 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 & 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 & 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍   Long story short, I have been thinking about this for wayyyyy too long now and wanted to get some ~thoughts~ & analysis written down! This post is going to be...fairly long, lol. Apologies in advance :D
  Also, if you can’t see the last gif (the one for ‘holy’), click here. Tumblr keeps fucking up the image when i try to upload it :////
  This post is probably going to be about 2/3 yorknew & phantom troupe/kurapika focused, 1/3 chimera ants, maybe with some references to other arcs (including manga-only arcs) mixed in. so, ofc, tons of spoilers ahead! also, i realize that my blog theme is hard to read (and i’m p sure clicking ‘keep reading’ sends you to the og post itself), so i’m linking the post w/ full text copy/pasted in on my art backup side blog (which has a more legible font) here. 
✶ 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇   I’m sure absolutely nobody is surprised with me starting here - there is just. SO. MUCH. DEATH. in hxh. & right from the start, one thing I noticed that togashi really emphasized was the #4 and its connection to death. in japanese, chinese, and im p sure some other asian cultures the number 4 is pronounced like the word for death so it’s associated with death in general, and boy oh boy does the ‘deadly number 4′ thing show up E V E R Y W H E R E. we get to the hunter exam, and hisoka is applicant #44. kurapika is #404. i didn’t notice it at first, but this was so intentional holy shit. togashi is NOT SUBTLE.
  So pika & hisoka are, right off the bat, associated with death. okay. and then there are even more clues to drive the point home: hisoka is member #4 in the phantom troupe, kurapika’s birthday is april 4th (aka 4/4). 100% not a coincidence (!!). with hisoka, it’s pretty obvious why togashi’s throwing all this death 444444 stuff around - dude is a psycho murder pedo clown, literally gets off on killing people (and there’s also the fact that judas sits 4th from the left in the last supper painting, and he’s sort of the judas equivalent for the phantom troupe). with kurapika, though, it’s a bit more subtle and woven deeper into his characterization, which i LOVE. togashi puts the mans in blue & gold & white (traditionally ‘pure’ or ‘heavenly’ colors), makes him so fucking kind & so good-hearted.....when he’s not relentlessly pursuing his revenge, ofc. more on this in the next section, but pika = death. togashi has made that v v v clear.
  Backtracking a bit to hisoka, though, I also just wanted to point out the 4 is death symbolism in the fortunes too (GOD i love the fortunes): in one translation, he’s the false fourth moon, and in the og japanese (i think), he’s the false hare (4th in the lunar zodiac or w/e it’s called. i don’t know the japanese cultural influences here, but in the chinese legend that established the zodiac animals, they race across the heavenly river & the top 12 animals got zodiac slots. the hare finished 4th, so it’s #4 in the cycle). 
  And just as a final note, Tserriednich is the fourth prince of the kakin empire, and also another dude who has a hard-on for murder & other gory shit. again: togashi is not subtle with this, lmfao
✶ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐘, 𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐘   As probably everyone who’s gotten to yorknew knows, togashi is so 0 fucks given when he wants to be. I mean there’s the whole thing where he just. took New York and decided, Yorknew. LMFAO, but also, he made the main antag of that arc be named chrollo lucilfer, sit around in a ruined church, have a reversed cross coat, pale & dark-haired/dark-eyed, generally dressed in dark colors, very terrible murder guy. liiiike......chrollo x devil symbolism game is 1000/10 at this point lmaooo
  And i know absolutely nothing about christianity in general, but pt/kurapika & yorknew arc is just so full of christian imagery/symbolism! one thing that i L O O O O O O V E though is how togashi really blurs the traditional christian-coded good/evil, holy/damned boundaries.
  Back to kurapika: he wears gold and blue, his coloring is very stereotypically ‘angelic’, he’s precious and good and kind. his chains are all about ~judgment~ and ~healing~ - some of the chains are also in literal cross shapes, aren’t they? And the chain dagger in his own heart...the imagery is very startlingly similar to the immaculate heart of mary, where the swords stabbing thru the heart apparently represent seven sorrows. IDK much about this stuff other than the visual similarities; literally had to google ‘daggers through heart christianity?’ to even get the name of that thing LOL. anyway, at first, it seems like togashi establishes him as the ‘angel’, the ‘good’, the ‘holy’ in the angel/devil, good/evil, holy/damned dichotomy between him and chrollo.
  But that’s not the end of the story. his entire storyline is driven by a huuuuuuuge giant desire for vengeance, first of all, and then there’s the scarlet eyes, which canonically are seen as demonic/cursed/what have you (according to one of the movies or smth? where they show pika as a 10 y/o?), and then we also have red eyes in modern culture being associated w pretty much the same thing (vampires, anyone?). the fight scene with uvo has everything in b&w besides the blood on his face & his red eyes & the moon (<<< more fortune foreshadowing & symbolism, i love to see it), and there are tonssss of scenes where he has to suppress his rage. so all of that is obviously not very angelic of him i would say LOL. in fact, what i find super interesting is that the scarlet/red eyes (which are ‘demonic’) is actually the driving factor behind his super powerful nen abilities; this ties in so well with the fortunes & death associations imo! the fortunes call him the ‘death-bringer’ in one translation, or ‘half-angel, half-death’, so that’s one side of pika = red eyes = death, but there’s also the fact that emperor time is literally draining his life force. so pika = death for both himself and others namely the pt, question mark?
  Now for chrollo: togashi’s devil symbolism is EXTREMELY overt with him, but i love the subtler jesus references too. the church thing, obviously, and the st. peters cross which is cuz st peter respected jesus too much & didn’t think he was worthy to die in the same way as him (or something like that, i am the most atheist person in the world & hxh is literally my entire christian education pls) but is also used as an anti-christianity symbol these days. bandit’s secret looks like a bible, lbr, and mans has a cross tattoo.
  Other things beyond visuals - 12 spiders, 12 apostles; hisoka’s betrayal, where member #4 can be thought to correspond to judas sitting 4th from left at last supper. and this miiiiight be a bit of a stretch, but i think the meteor city being the place of origin may also play into the blurred line between angel/devil and holy/damned here; meteors are defined as space rocks that are in earth’s atmosphere, becoming incandescent in the process. meteorites are for the kinds that actually reach the ground. and idk, lucifer was cast out of heaven / sky too right? so i think there might be some subtle fallen angel imagery/symbolism playing into the pt as well
✶ 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 (𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒)   Last section yay! i don’t have as much to say about this, besides when i was making chimera ant arc edits & realized that there might have been some subtle gon/meruem parallels???
  So obviously, everyone knows that line killua says to gon - “you are light” - and then i was just remembering that meruem’s name means.... “light that illuminates all” (!!!!). maybe it’s a coincidence, but knowing togashi, i’m leaning towards nahhhh. there HAS TO be some kinda meaning there (!!).
  Going back to the events of the chimera ant arc....ooh boy. let’s see: gon is optimistic & hopeful even in the face of kite potentially being dead, killua says he’s light, they find kite & dude is fucked up, gon is pissed. gets all angry & ~dark~, especially during the palace invasion when he’s staring pitou down as she fixes up komugi. then the actual fight against pitou: more darkness, more anger, but through it all there’s still light, namely his jajanken being very orange & fiery lookin.....and that final sequence, where he puts all his possible nen he’d ever have into his ~final form~ or wahtever & turns into a male version of true form!bisky but dressed in a crop top & short-shorts (i am SCARRED, btw. s c a r r e d !). there’s just huuuge flashes of light as that’s going on, and it reminded me of supernovas or dying stars when i was thinking about it, where the star is like, collapsing under its own weight? & burning thru its own fuel, until there’s nothing left except a dwarf or black hole or what have you. one final, extremely deadly burst of light & energy before death.
  On the meruem side of things: born into a dark cave, exhibits a traditionally evil/cruel/wicked/whatever personality/traits so that has ppl associating him with darkness. then he gets to know komugi, starts to appreciate other aspects of humanity, seems like he could have actually turned into a decent person who doesn’t want to eat everyone - so that’s a ‘path to light’, maybe? - and then the extermination team yeets themselves into the palace, netero takes him out to bumfuck nowhere, they fight. netero’s fighting is just ALL light, from his giant ass golden 100-type guanyin bodhisattva to the poor man’s rose. again, there’s the sense of finality to it all, in a similar vein to dying stars: netero comes in determined to kill meruem no matter what, and we all know netero doesn’t flake. then we see netero get destroyed after the zero hand, and he triggers the rose, and everything is burning & on fire before the flames are put out and all turns dark again.
  But wait!!! pouf & youpi revive meruem and all he does is play gungi with komugi, even with the poison of the rose. he eventually dies, and the gungi pieces in that final shot of them together (i am BAWLING just thinking about it holy shit) has one that’s all white, one that’s a black ring and white inside. i assume all white is for komugi, who has never done ANYTHING wrong in her LIFE, so i like to think that the 2nd one is for meruem - born “into darkness”, literally & figuratively, but he turns something like ‘good’ by the end. it’s interesting how togashi has sort of gone for a bit of a subversion here: the hero going from light to darkness, and the main antag from darkness to light.
✶ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍   AahhhhHHHHHhhh so if you read all the way down here through my LONG rambles, tysm! i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear what other people think about all this, and i’ve FOR SURE missed tons and tons of stuff - chimera ants is just. SO MUCH. and i don’t know it as well as yorknew eeek.
  I’m not sure if i’m really ~knowledgeable~ in any other areas relating to hxh, so this might be the only one of these that i do, but i definitely think about some of this - esp all the religious symbolism & #4 stuff - a ton! so in the meantime, if it’s of any interest, i’m just going to shamelessly plug my hxh x religious beliefs/superstitions edit series :D lots of love to all!!!
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thegrandkinghimself · 4 years
who is oikawa tooru?
i guess that’s a weird way to start off a post, considering just how popular oikawa is in this fandom. i’m absolutely certain that he’s still one of the most popular characters if i can take the #oikawasear trend on twitter a couple of weeks ago seriously. (i will be mourning that iwaoi is no longer the top ship in this fandom. it’s devastating to me on a personal level). and i can’t say that i’m any different, either, otherwise i wouldn’t have made this blog or this post. but i guess the reason i’ve been itching to write this is because i’ve been in this fandom--and more specifically, a fan of oikawa--for about four or five years now. i devour the content available, and i can assure you that i’ve read too many of the fanfictions on ao3 to be healthy, and never before have i seen a character whose characterization is so hotly disputed. 
and i get it. he’s a complex person. he’s kind of awkward in that there is a very clear disconnect between his outward personality and who he is alone. it’s a very hard balance to strike, especially when you consider just how much conjecture goes on in his characterization among fans and in discourse. he’s really easy to project and certain traits, correct or otherwise, are amplified based off how authors perceive him. there’s plenty of presumptions that can be made based on his on-screen actions/thoughts/beliefs that can be taken to some very logical conclusions. 
but i’ve also seen people write him in ways that don’t strike me as particularly truthful. he’s type casted into stereotypes that don’t do him justice, or made into something that is vaguely like oikawa, but not quite. in the following post, i’ll be trying to dispel misunderstandings of his character, if only for my own sanity. 
tl;dr i think that oikawa is chronically one of the most misrepresented characters in fandom and i want to fix that
exclaimer: i am solely an anime-watcher; i have seen snippets of the manga and therefore have a general idea of what is going on.
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let’s establish some very very basic stuff. just to keep it simple, i’m not going to talk about anything beyond what has been published via the anime (as of season four). 
Oikawa Tooru | 及川徹 
gender: male
d.o.b.: 1994.7.20. or 20 July, 1994
height: 184.3 cm
weight: 72.2 kg
occupation: high school 3rd year, class 6
position/number: setter, 1 (captain)
here’s something that’s never pointed out: oikawa is in class 6 which, if we go off the trend of every other school in haikyuu!!, means that he is in a college preparatory class aka he’s pretty dang smart. it’s not confirmed or anything, but it a. follows the trend of every other class 6 student and b. is the highest class available among seijoh 3rd years (classes 5, 3, and 1). don’t get the idea that he’s dumb or unintelligent, or even that his strengths only lie in the classroom because that would be a gross understatement of his skills.
generally speaking, i like to start with the building blocks of his personality because there’s so much room for assumptions. here are the things that i think make up his core personality:
intelligence/knowledgeable: not only academically speaking, but he’s also well-versed in people. he knows how to play them--what will make someone more confident, more doubtful, what will help his teammates succeed. clearly, oikawa is very knowledgeable in human thought patterns. or he’s dedicated a lot of time to knowing them. 
loyalty: of all of oikawa’s traits, i think this one gets talked about the least, but we know it to be true. we make jokes about “you should have come to shiratorizawa” but it really shows you exactly how loyal, how much trust, oikawa has in this team that he has spent three years shaping. he never stops believing in the work that he has put in, and especially the hard work that his teammates have put into their volleyball. 
hardworking: one of the most well-known things about oikawa. most fans already know that his white knee pad is actually a knee brace. ‘nuff said. i salute you, good sir. 
insecurity: oikawa’s insecurities are perhaps his most notable trait. in a sense, he’s sort of the underdog--so good, but never quite good enough to accomplish what he’s set out to do. and we know that he’s struggled with his doubts since junior high, literally since he was 12 or 13, and that’s informed all of his character from the moment he ran into ushijima. oikawa is someone who is defined by his insecurities. 
oikawa is a lot of things. he’s introduced as someone who is very flamboyant--he’s built up by kageyama as the best setter, his senpai literally and figuratively, his initial shots are all of smug smiles and easy, unfaltering swagger in the face of this new team. even his theme, all rambunctious brass and jazzy, is meant to be all in your face, here’s the big boss! he’s someone who is petty and silly and seems to favor shallow conversation. but he’s oikawa, so there’s a surprising amount of depth in the little time that we have with him. there’s a reason that, in any other franchise, he’d probably be the protagonist.
he is someone full of contradictions. he’s childish and he spends time with a bunch of girls and is very clearly someone who likes to project a certain image of himself to the public (see: his cute lil’ humming run after his yell in s4e23 to make him seem kind of normal). but he’s also spent a lot of time with himself. in fact, if we take the few scenes we have of him alone and his bedroom (bare, spartan, meticulous) into account, oikawa actually is much more solemn and/or serious than the image he projects. he’s comfortable in the silences between all the white noise. he’s alright just being with iwaizumi. he allows himself to dwell on the past and his shortcomings, while also looking forward to the future. his ambition and passion to improve drive him, but his past failures weigh him down. they haunt him.
personally, i think that he’s naturally a pretty silly guy when given the chance. it’s not just for show. iwaizumi would even corroborate this à la oikawa’s introduction speech in s1. he likes having fun when he can with his friends. if we assume that oikawa is most himself with iwaizumi, then we definitely know that’s the case (see: “are you my mom, iwa-chan?”), and there’s nothing wrong with that. but i think that the most basic traits of his character, combined with his experiences in volleyball, have pushed him to be this person who is mired in doubt. it’s forced him to go down a path where something that he once loved for the fun of it has now become the source of his ire. it’s really just that simple. maybe in another life, things would be different and oikawa wouldn’t have to struggle as much. but that’s really just a part of the human experience, isn’t it? and, in all honesty, would we really love oikawa as much without all his vices?
and maybe this is getting into speculation, but i don’t think it’s a difficult argument to make that oikawa is really mature. he’s introspective. i say introspective because the revelations that he’s had in regards to his own strengths and weaknesses--those are things he’s had to confront and deal with since he was in junior high (starts at 12 years of age). it takes someone with a lot of maturity and self-awareness to realize those kinds of things about himself.
and he’s stronger than he gets credit for. most people depict him as a crybaby, but he’s really not. he doesn’t cry or give up in the face of ushijima or kageyama’s unfettered growth and successes, he doesn’t cry when faced with defeat. oikawa is there to support iwaizumi in his own doubt as ace, and lend support to his teammates. and oikawa doesn’t get stuck on the what-ifs or has-beens. driven by his infamous ambition, he looks forward to the future. 
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it’s kind of a double-edged sword. it’s pushed him this far--he’s put in this much effort to be one of the best in the prefecture--because of his competitive spirit, but it’s also something that has caused him serious injury. oikawa’s motto (”if you’re gonna to hit it, hit it until it breaks!”) is the very epitome of this mentality. it’s a message to work hard to finish what you started, but i also think that you could interpret that hard work breaking you, too. he’s steadfast—obsessive, really—to the point that oikawa will let his passions break him before he would ever give up. it’s the point of all the strife in his life, because he would never have the problems he does if he were even a little less enamored by this sport. 
and you really have to wonder where he would be without ushijima and kageyama as his obstacles. his drive will always be there, that is an intrinsic part of him, as are the standards to which he holds himself, but you really have to wonder just how good oikawa would be if he didn’t have such direct competitors. this is an incredibly important question to ask about kageyama and oikawa in particular. yes, oikawa does loathe ushijima: for his disregard for oikawa’s decisions, for his disregard of oikawa’s loyalty, for his flippant attitude of seijoh, who oikawa has poured his blood and sweat into creating. but ushijima is an opposite hitter. oikawa is a setter. those are two very different positions with little crossover. but with kageyama--that is a clear rivalry. they push each other to be better, made all the more potent by their differences as players; one setter’s growth as a player directly impacts how the other performs in each subsequent game. seijoh’s defeat by karasuno in season 2 just feeds into oikawa’s drive for the future. he has not intention of giving up. a light was lit under him, pushing him forward, to do better, to be better. 
this is something that has been pointed out in a different analysis (linked below) but, narratively speaking, oikawa is kageyama’s foil. their interactions inform their characters and are a major cause of tension in their development. their relationship is really the most complex in the story that i have noticed, and is something that has not been appreciated enough. the iwaizumi-oikawa thing has been expounded and studied in every facet possible (i love the alexander the great/hephaestion allusions), but it’s true that kageyama has impacted oikawa the most. they begrudgingly respect each other’s talents, what it is that they bring to the court, while also envying what the other has in spades that they do not. in oikawa’s case, his strength clearly lies in his interpersonal relationships--his ability to intuit exactly what his teammates need to be at their best. kags is just a fount of overwhelming technical skill who has a really hard time getting to know those around him. living up to the standards that oikawa places on himself, in tandem with kageyama threatening his position as setter, leave oikawa floundering, fearing his own incompetence against opponents who are naturally much better than he. so he’s left with the knowledge that maybe his best isn’t good enough, but he still continues on anyway. he pushes himself past a seemingly unreachable threshold just to go toe-to-toe with this monster. it’s the purpose of his character--to tell this story of the ordinary v. the extraordinary--and it is perhaps the most relatable arc that a story like haikyuu!! can tell.
their connection naturally causes oikawa to seek out help, seen in the flashback scenes where he is talking to an unspecified coach/adult. that coach’s words then become the creed upon which oikawa plays, maybe even more than what iwaizumi has taught him, and is the final push that completes oikawa’s character arc in s2ep24. that change in mindset allows oikawa to see kageyama’s unbridled talent not as an obstacle but as a challenge. it’s very nuanced, but it makes all the difference. it’s why, following seijoh’s defeat, oikawa has the audacity to declare to kageyama and ushijima his plans for the future. in a sense, karasuno and kageyama and ushijima have won the battle but not the war. it’s the tipping point in his story and, more than anything, what makes oikawa so compelling. we have seen what has led up to the change, but now we want to know what he’s going to do to meet that challenge. what will he be doing beyond the story when he is no longer relevant to the narrative? we don’t know the details at this point, but we know that oikawa’s love and ambition for volleyball have been reaffirmed in this moment. 
but to bring it back, the kags-oiks connection also makes us question what it is we are watching, makes us as the audience think: what qualifies someone as a genius? are there any limitations to what that genius can do? what can ordinary people do in the face of those geniuses? 
these are questions that exist beyond the reality of sports and transverse into other disciplines. for me, those are very real questions that i have had to ask myself as a musician. i have dedicated nine, almost 10, years to my practice but there are still 10-year-olds who are just better at it than i ever will be. part of it is time and practice to be sure, but some of it is just innate. and i think the more appropriate version of those questions would be this: what qualifies someone as a prodigy? are there limitations for prodigies? what can we do in the face of prodigies? 
oikawa is a genius player--he knows the ins-and-outs of his sport better than anyone, and he can accomplish great feats that others in his same position can’t. but even with all that veritable experience and skill, he is ultimately still overtaken by a prodigy whose talents seem endless. it’s why he can hate ushijima but fear kageyama. one is something he can actively fight against, the other is inevitable. 
and really, i think that’s the beauty of oikawa tooru, why he’s so beloved by the fandom, even years after he has stopped being relevant to the narrative. beyond the fluff and goofiness and hijinks, there’s someone there who is really, truly, human. 
an aside with much less significance/why do people think this??
so here’s one thing: even though oikawa has fangirls, i wonder what he actually thinks of them. for one, it’s only natural for anyone to be super flattered if people think you’re hot stuff. that’s just... i don’t think he’s weird if he pays attention to them. but i think that people are conflating his being kind to them to being genuinely egotistical due to the attention. actually, i think these are opposing ideas and a contradiction of who oikawa is. when you’re an arrogant person, you think that you deserve all the attention you’re getting and you’re not going to bother with the people who worship you.
but that’s not at all what oikawa does. he’s rather kind to his fans. i would never say that he’s self-effacing, but knowing what you’re worth is different from being pompous. and think about it. it’d be a real jerk move for oikawa to not say nice things to them and thank his fangirls when they spend time, energy, and effort to make him food and see his games. he would just be a genuinely awful person if he didn’t at least give them thanks. it’d be more alarming if he didn’t talk to them, at least in my opinion. more than anything, we should consider this: why is it that oikawa has the fan club and not anyone else on the seijoh team? i’m sure a part of it is because he’s attractive and the captain of a team, but i think it’s more than that, too. we see these interactions from other perspectives, but i think that reflects more on those around oikawa than oikawa himself if they don’t understand why he acts the way he does with those girls.
another thing: i don’t think that anyone can question that oikawa is very pretty, or handsome, or whatever descriptor you would like. it’s prevalent in fandom (see: pretty setters squad), but he is also the only person in canon to be acknowledged by other characters as being particularly good-looking. maybe the miyas count at this point? i’m not sure. but i don’t really understand where people get the idea that he is particularly focused on his appearance, though. there is literally no indication of that from the material that i have seen. and maybe he uses that to his advantage with his fangirls, but i highly doubt that, in all honesty. i think that it’s fun to imagine him being into these things as a hobby, but it irks me greatly when i see that people spend time saying that oikawa wakes up extra early just to fix his hair or slather on foundation/concealer just to look presentable. 
he’s a teenaged boy who clearly has other things that worry him, he’s a full-time student, and volunteers to coach at lil tykes volleyball classroom in his free time. he wouldn’t have time to spend on his hair or makeup. and we even seen in the hanger tooru special that he even wakes up looking like that. 
Tumblr media
he is au naturale, my friends. and we even know how little he gives thought to his own body, if you take into account his knee brace. for oikawa, his body is merely the medium through which he can accomplish his goals. we even have evidence of this when we see oikawa up all night studying karasuno game play or via his knee brace. he doesn’t know how to stop or understand when enough is enough. he breaks himself if there’s no one to watch him. 
also, just... how would makeup work, logistically speaking? i don’t wear makeup, but i’m thinking that foundation and concealer and hair product would be, um, really bad. like, it’d run down his face and stuff. also, it’d probably get into his eyes, too? seriously. i’m not against oikawa wearing makeup in the slightest cause he’d be even prettier, but we know that oikawa would absolutely not jeopardize his chances in any way. 
thank you for reading this long-winded, probably awful look into my favorite character of all time. and i do mean that. he is my favorite character in all of media. which, like, says a lot when he’s competing against the casts of a:tla, call me by your name, and my actual favorite book, the song of achilles. after all of that, if you would like another (better) analysis of oikawa’s character, i suggest this reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/haikyuu/comments/94irsi/character_analysis_16_oikawa_tooru_discussion/ 
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years
Last but not least: PJO hot takes part IV!
Alright my dudes. I think we’re still in this game for one final round. Anyway here’s wonderwall. And Part 1//Part 2//Part 3!
Percy had actually knowledge about the Greek myths. He didn’t waddle in blindly. Where did y’all even get that?
The new possible Irish myth saga will be PJO 3.0 aka Magnus Chase 2.0 aka The Kane Chronicles 1.2.
Riordan already got the names of gods of that possible saga wrong
Riordan‘s Asian characters only know bitch or bland mode, huh
Stop babying Annabeth for fucks sake. Seriously
How the fuck did Sally afford several private schools for Percy when they were poor as fuck? I guess Gabe had to have a some somewhat decent job but then again playing poker/being a gambler and stealing from your stepson ain’t a cute move
Hazel should’ve been Thanatos‘ kid. To break the classic 12 Olympian mold (yeah Hades/Pluto technically isn’t one but he’s still team major gods) and also to throw the damned Hitler/Pluto aesthetics away
Did any of the kids break their limps or get permanently disabled at some point? Or do they just... die (and mostly stay dead)? I forgot
Where can the kids at Camp Half-Blood actually sneak off to fuck? Percy is legit the only one to claim his own shit as his love bunker. The rest is just fucked I guess or has first hand traumatic pre-college experiences
”Percy cursed“. Literally why, Riordan. Let the kid say fuck. He has earned the rights to do so a long time ago
Did I mention that people lack of basic reading skills in earlier takes? Anyway. Here’s another reminder!
Tbh the gods are egotistical fucks and have killed people for the fuck of it. I don’t see Poseidon being even close to okay with Sally marrying Gabe or Paul
I still don’t understand why Frazel is a thing
Most of you don’t understand how movie production works but that’s okay. Just know that everything inside your head will never be realized and there will be drastic cuts and additions to the books (again)
The electronics not working thing doesn’t even make any goddamn sense? Hermes is the god of the Internet. Does this mean that demigods can use the web just fine but simply can’t call each other? This really came back to bite Riordan in the ass now did it? Wouldn’t it make more sense to use old means of communication once you’re trying to reach more important/godly people or electronics fail in an accute situation?
Turning everyone heteroflexible creates the image that you’re simply liking a character for the fact that they are LGBTQ and not the character itself, just saying. More representation sure, but that itself isn’t a personality trait and shouldn’t be the main focus of a character unless it’s really defining in the story line (Nico‘s arc partially for example)
Tbh, HOO should’ve been aged up mentor Percabeth protecting CHB, with the rest of the gang fucking up Greece with aged Reyna + Nico perhaps. I might post an outline on that AU someday (someone should remind me about that tho)
On one hand you have in depth discussions and people diving into the matter and talking about every nook and cranny and on the other hand people are more then just fine with stereotyping and deflecting. Whut. Okay
Why are people shipping the lie that is Jasper/Jasiper
Stop romanticizing the gods
Dark!Percy is just a cheap way for you to turn Percy into an overpowered asshole and that’s that tea
Being in a relationship isn’t a personality trait, my dear shippers
Riordan‘s timeline is off because the coke rush didn’t last that long
The wasted potential of everything past PJO makes me want to cry
Percy’s fatal flaw isn’t stupid, Riordan just didn’t flesh it out properly which is why there were no real repercussions. A fatal flaw is supposed to be hindering you and not a compliment
The fact that adult people still can’t take jokes about their favorite characters is fucking insane part II
Why the fuck did the Stolls get tossed aside? Bruh. The potential? The stigma as a Hermes kid? They trying to redeem their cabins honor? Imagine one of them as a prophecy kid in HOO (and they’d switch and swap to confuse everyone)? Yes??
Every single one of you that essentially is team poc!Percy because he had a rough upbringing deserves to get slapped. Poverty, abuse, a single parent, etc. doesn’t equate to being poc?!?!? Smells racist just saying
Turning Hazel into Nico‘s sister was cheap af
Stop romanticizing and down playing the myth aspect. Tragedy is essential and will haunt demigods. Thank you, next
Also stop babying Percy
Let’s be honest none of those fuckers make it to college
Annabeth Chase is fucking WHITE part II. She’s not biracial, she’s not ”exotic“, she’s certainly not fucking black. She’s white with a little hint of a tan. That still makes her white. Do you really want to turn her into Ariana Grande 2.0? A fucking botched orange? This is your Annabeth aesthetic? Artists get it fucking right unless you state that you portray her as [spraytan headcanon] which is still fucking cheap let’s be real. Orange Annabeth isn’t part of the kulture
Regardless of the reception of the PJO movies, I’ll never forgive you people for letting Logan Lerman aka the OG white boy™ flop. Throw Tom “lipless but okay booty“ Holland and Timothée ”I missed a few meals“ Chalamet the fuck away!
Tbh a less romanticized version of the camps would’ve been more interesting. I’m still put off by CJ (and also the fact that CHB is a summer camp), but had there been more fights and actual deaths that had happened around the camps due to training, etc. you would’ve understood immediately why demigods dipped before the age of 18. The antithetical nature of sweet summer camp and people dying left and right would’ve been amplified
Did Reyna at some point in time even have the time to breath with all of the shit that went down? Her life is simply 24/7 stressful. I get that she wanted to bounce and no longer be in a tiring and demanding position but the hunters ain’t it sis
It’s okay to admit that fanon artwork or fanfics don’t deserve the webspace they are wasting. But phrase that probably in a nicer way
PJO Calypso wasn’t annoying. HOO & TOA Calypso on the other hand...
Alex Pettyfer would’ve been a better Luke Castellan but Jake Abel did an okay job
Percy isn’t an idiot. You are one for believing so
Riordan corrected the stance that Muslims don’t shower during Ramadan (literally how in the fuck did he come up with that in the first place?!) in upcoming MC books. Can he use the same energy to rewrite HOO tho??
Luke’s portrayals in SoM and TTC were straight up trash
Historically accurate PJO would’ve been everything
Monsters can detect demigods by smell. Camo wouldn’t do jack shit ffs
Jason is still bland and making jokes/pointing that out is more than okay
Omfg accept the fact that characters can have multiple facets all good and bad. Reducing them to one specific trait makes them boring and bland. Also it stereotypes
Getting mad over the fact that Clarisse has a boyfriend is still fucking insane
Not everyone needs to be a fanfic writer or an artist, a theorist or someone that analyzes everything phrase by phrase. As long as you’re in the fandom to enjoy works & discussions and remain on the saner side of the spectrum you’re good. You’re valid. Don’t forget that.
Not wanting to stay in a fandom and merely enjoying some of the fruits/benefits as in art/fics/headcanons is also super valid
PJO Reddit, Tumblr, IG and Twitter are a cesspool of chaotic mess and straight up trash but Tumblr > Reddit >>>>>> IG >>>>>> Twitter
Tbh: just try to enjoy a decent book series. It’s all not that deep
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Me and My Dick (Rewatch #2, 9/15/2020)
YouTube publish date: November 12, 2000
Number of views on date of rewatch: 2,129,928
Original Performance Run: October 29-31st, 2009
Ticket price: ?
Director: Matt Lang
Music and Lyrics: Darren Criss, AJ Holmes, and Carlos Valdes
Book: Brian Holden, Eric Kahn Gale, Matt Lang, and Nick Lang
Cast album price and availability: $9.99, iTunes
Album release date: January 6, 2010
Parody or original: an original (I suspect that the plot may have been influenced by King Missile’s “Detachable Penis” but that’s just a hunch)
Main cast and characters
Joey Richter - Joey Richter
Dick - Joe Walker
Sally - Jamie Lyn Beatty
Miss Cooter - Devin Lytle
Vanessa - Ali Gordon
Tiffany - Alle-Faye Monka
The Old Snatch - Nicholas Joseph Strauss-Matathia
Flopsy - Brian Holden
Joey’s Heart - AJ Holmes
Musical numbers
Act I
“Me and My Dick” by AJ Holmes and Carlos Valdes
     Characters: Joey and Dick
“Ready To Go” by Darren Criss
     Characters: Company
“I’ve Seen You Around Here Before” by AJ Holmes and Carlos Valdes
     Characters: Dick and Miss Cooter
“Nothin’ Like A Dick” by AJ Holmes and Carlos Valdes
     Characters: Old Snatch and Miss Cooter
“Listen To Your Heart” by AJ Holmes and Carlos Valdes
     Characters: Joey’s Heart and Joey
Act II
“Land of the Dicks” by AJ Holmes and Carlos Valdes
     Characters: Weenie, Big T, and the Lost Dicks
“Even Though” by Darren Criss
     Characters: Joey and Sally
“Gotta Find His Dick” by AJ Holmes and Carlos Valdes
     Characters: Joey’s Heart and Company
“The Council of the Pussies" by AJ Holmes and Carlos Valdes
     Characters: The Old Snatch, High Council Pussy, and The Council of the    Pussies
“Flight of the Pussies” by AJ Holmes and Carlos Valdes
"Big T's Temptation" by  AJ Holmes and Carlos Valdes
     Characters: Big T and the Lost Dicks
"Finale" by Darren Criss
     Characters: Company
Notable Notes:
The cast album became the first ever student musical album to chart on Billboard’s Top Cast Albums the week it was released (x)
The album debuted at #11. It was a place above the original cast album for Rock of Ages.
Cultural Context: 2009
Me and My Dick was performed the same year that StarKid did A Very Potter Musical
Barack Obama gets sworn in as president of the US
Glee airs its first episode (Darren auditions for Finn and doesn’t get the part)
Michael Jackson dies on June 25th
Kanye West interrupts Taylor Swift’s “Video of the Year” speech at the Video Music Awards
Avatar (the one with the blue people, not Avatar: The Last Airbender) becomes the highest grossing movie of all time
The “Miracle on the Hudson” happened on January 15th
Personal Thoughts:
When one first hears of a comedic musical about pubescent high schoolers and their singing penises and vaginas, one does not think, “Wow, what a sophisticated concept that dissects the relationship between gender roles and sexual identity in modern day society,” but that’s what StarKid Productions’ Me and My Dick is truly about. At first, having the main character’s genitalia being completely separate but complementary entities to the teenagers at the center of the storyline seems jarring and like it was only done for comedic purposes, but the longer and more complicated the plot gets, the more obvious it seems to be. The main character, Joey Richter and his relationship with his Dick is a very compelling one. Throughout the musical, Joey struggles with coming to terms with his sexuality as a teenage boy. At the beginning, Joey himself reflects the average stereotype of the sex-obsessed male teenager whose primary interest is getting laid rather than achieving emotional fulfillment. Later, when his Dick becomes interested in his neighbor Sally’s Miss Cooter, Joey and his Dick have a fight about what that attraction means for their relationship and eventually separate, before eventually coming back together once Joey develops a relationship with his Heart. Joey himself is his own entity, with his own thoughts, feelings, and goals, and his struggles with his Dick and his Heart represent very real internal struggles that many teenagers, and especially teenage boys, have with themselves, their sexuality, and their personal emotions. 
Joey’s Dick, as well as the other character’s sexual organs, represent the subconscious sexual identities of each character. For Joey, his sexual identity cannot be fully realized or appreciated by himself because he has not fully matured as a sexual being. Unlike Sally, Joey does not realize that in order to achieve sexual fulfillment, he needs to not only be physically attracted to someone, but also experience an emotional connection with someone, which is something that Dick AKA his sexual subconscious realizes before Joey and even his Heart do. This journey is the perfect example of the dangers of a sex-oriented society, and how that kind of society damages the well-being of maturing men and women. In Western society, the ideal sexually mature man is defined by his sexual prowess and dominance. If he can have sex with a bunch of hot women and not worry about how emotionally in-tune he is with himself and his personal relationships, then he is the ideal man. Society teaches men (and women) from a very young age that a man’s defining trait is his sexual attitude towards others. 
The ideal sexually mature woman, on the other hand, is represented by the character Tiffany, who is arguably the most sympathetic character in the musical. Through the perspective of her vagina, lovingly referred to as The Old Snatch (aptly named as Tiffany’s sexuality represents the general mistreatment of women’s sexual selves in society), we see that Tiffany is the unfortunate byproduct of such a male dominant sexually oriented culture. The only time Tiffany has ever experienced true sexual fulfillment was during her first time having sex with an unnamed male character she was in love with. However, it was later revealed that this character used Tiffany only for his own sexual enjoyment and did not truly love her, intensely hurting Tiffany’s feelings and resulting in her being used to getting treated as a sexual object whose existence is only beneficial for men’s pleasure rather than her own emotional and sexual fulfillment. 
Another, more subtle, detail that emphasizes this theme is Sally’s opening section in “Ready to Go.” While singing, Sally already knows that she has a crush on Joey, but her low self-esteem and worries about her own attractiveness lead her to become sexually repressed, to the point where her vagina, Miss Cooter, has to ‘fall in love’ with Joey’s Dick in order to Sally to realize that she not only experiences, but truly desires having sex with Joey. 
What I love about the representation of the character’s and their respective sexual organs is that they are tethered to one another through some kind of leash-type object that allows for the penis or vagina character to be connected to their person but freely move around and act as their own character without them. While this is beneficial for the actors and entertaining for the audience to see these beings take on a life of their own, it also compliments the theme of sexual identity and maturity very well. By choosing to have penises and vaginas tethered to, but not completely physically attached to their teenage counterparts, it communicates to the audience that the sexual identity the genitalia represents in of course a very important factor of the person’s life and individuality, but ultimately not the be-all, end-all of who a person truly is. While Dick, Miss Cooter, Old Snatch, and other characters go through their own journey, the most important development is the ones that their human attachments experience. The sexuality of the character is an integral part of who the character is and how they navigate their life, but in the end, the most important thing is that the human characters go through their own development in which their sexuality compliments, but never dick-tates (sorry, I had to). 
The ultimate take away from Me and My Dick is that in order to be a fully realized individual, one has to recognize and accept all parts of themselves, instead of just focusing on their physical sexual selves and ignoring their personal feelings, or overemphasizing their emotional feelings while ignoring their physical, sexual needs. 
“[Dick] is a part of you like I am, Joey. You need him and Sally needs him” - Joey’s Heart <3
“We gotta start thinking of love and sex as a team effort. We can’t just pine over a girl we can’t get or be in a constant pursuit of sex. We need to listen to each other because that’s the only way it can work out” -Joey Richter
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kob131 · 5 years
Monty!Adam: Created by Monty Oum, a minority. Focused on the Faunus, while wanting to get back at the humans for their mistreatment of his kind, a man of revolution who was focused on the safety of his people - seen as how he was strong-armed into working with Cinder Fall after getting her maiden powers, wasn’t so psychopathic that he would turn on his own kind and kill humans out of sheer glee (seen with Cinder and her lot, as he gave them a chance to leave), prioritizes the cause over a cat girl, who was his student - sharing a “student-mentor” relationship as established by the show’s creator as well as said cat girl (“Forget it! It’s time I headed back to Mistral!”), has a legitimate reason to hate humans - especially those affiliated with the Schnee Dust Company, very charismatic, somewhat of a fallen mentor figure given the way the catgirl described him, his cause steadily consuming him (“I had someone I care for, who changed…”), is one of the most popular male characters in the series in the first half of RWBY - despite having little screentime, has an aesthetically-pleasing look to him, compared to DMC!Vergil and Jetstream Sam - two of the most iconic video game characters, in terms of looks and fighting style, Adam Taurus fans signs his adoption papers so that Miles and Kerry would never touch him. People use this version in their fanfics and RPs, turning him into a redeemable person while still keeping his morally grey aspects. Tauradonna is more mutual than lovey-dovey.
Okay so let’s break this down and show this is bullshit.
“Focused on the Fanaus-”
He is never shown to actually help any Fanaus and all White Fang activity, ESPECIALLY in Volumes 1 and 2, revolves around fucking over human. In fact, considering Tuskon, the fact that Vale does not have discrimination against Fanaus and V1 E1 openly says a peaceful protest of Fanaus was interrupted by the WF (” In other news, this Saturday's Faunus Civil Rights protest turned dark when members of the White Fang disrupted the ceremony. The once peaceful organization has now disrupted...”): Adam has acted AGAINST the Fanaus since LITERALLY the first episode.
“A man of revolution who was focused on the safety of his people-”
Which is why, in an EARLIER episode than the one you cite (Volume 2 Episode 12 meaning MONTY was in charge here as we know since he was cited with putting in the Raven scene in the SAME EPISODE against Miles and Kerry’s wishes): Adam gave no shits about his men DYING when he openly said he’d convince them to work with Cinder without so much as a glare at her. BTW, Adam specifically cited Cinder being HUMAN for the reason why he didn’t want to kill his men (’I won’t sacrifice my men for a human cause’). If the human part wasn’t the reason why he wasn’t agreeing with Cinder, why would his dialogue not be ‘I won’t sacrifice my men, no matter what.”?
“ wasn’t so psychopathic that he would turn on his own kind and kill humans out of sheer glee (seen with Cinder and her lot, as he gave them a chance to leave)-”
Nuh uh, in the same Volume Adam out right STABS Blake and says he wants to destroy everything she loves, in the previous Volume he didn’t care about his men dying and said nothing about trying to DESTROY VALE killing THOUSANDS if not MILLIONS of people (including FANAUS) and at the VERY beginning, he tried to blow up a train car full of people who hadn’t even raised a finger against him even though, as Blake shows, he could have detached the train.
“ prioritizes the cause over a cat girl, who was his student - sharing a “student-mentor” relationship as established by the show’s creator as well as said cat girl (“Forget it! It’s time I headed back to Mistral!”),”
Except that, again. Adam STABS Blake and outright shows malice towards her in the SAME VOLUME, Arkos shows mentorship and romance are NOT exclusive and even THAT line is delivered with Adam looking furious clearly showing he’s hung up about Blake.
“ has a legitimate reason to hate humans - especially those affiliated with the Schnee Dust Company-”
Not really, especially since Adam was shown to be selfish in previous Volumes so why would he care about other people? In fact, the ‘fuckboi’ Adam you’ll bitch about later has the reason to hate humans, especially those with the SDC. This version, since he’s apparently completely seperate, is just racist.
“very charismatic”
Never shown OR said. Just projecting.
“ somewhat of a fallen mentor figure given the way the catgirl described him,”
Notice how here they don’t actually say WHAT the description is despite KNOWING about quotes? That’s because there’s nothing actually said in the show that is ambiguously about a mentorship.
“ his cause steadily consuming him (“I had someone I care for, who changed…”)”
Doesn’t prove anything AND it coinsides with ‘fuckboi’ Adam.
“ is one of the most popular male characters in the series in the first half of RWBY - despite having little screentime,”
So is Kirito, wanna guess what V1-2 Adam and Kirito have in common? They don’t have defined personality and their popularity came from people projecting onto them.
“ has an aesthetically-pleasing look to him, compared to DMC!Vergil and Jetstream Sam - two of the most iconic video game characters, in terms of looks and fighting style”
Both of which are incredibly common in anime.
“ Adam Taurus fans signs his adoption papers so that Miles and Kerry would never touch him”
Too bad according to you, they weren’t the ones who ruined Adam. No no, your issues, as I have shown, existed with MONTY. So you better start smack talking him... what’s that, if you did that you couldn’t profit off his name and his fanboys would rip you to shreds? Maybe you shouldn’t be a disingenuous fuck.
‘ People use this version in their fanfics and RPs,’
And people turn Jaune into a generic self insert and Ruby into an edgy angsty psuedo anti hero- that means nothing.
“ turning him into a redeemable person while still keeping his morally grey aspects.”
So basically making him a generic anti villian instead of a tragic case of someone not being able to get over their past tramua.
“ Tauradonna is more mutual than lovey-dovey.”
And it’s more ‘abusive’ than mutual.
Fuckboi!Adam: Created by Miles and Kerry, two amateurish white guys noted for writing sub-par comedy segments and part of the upper echelons of Rooster Teeth. Born out of the criticism of “show, don’t tell aspect” of the show - barely having any visible evidence of Faunus racism, born out of the two admitting they couldn’t write a racism sub-plot - despite having the money and resources to do so, established as an abuser by CRWBY and demonized heavily by them and the fanbase despite little evidence of such prior to because of catgirl’s various descriptions of him pointing towards someone “dear” (“More of a mentor, actually…”),  “hElLo, My LoVe!” “tHe bElLaDoNnAs HaVe CaUsEd Me NoThInG bUt GrIeF!”, “sO i JuSt wAsN’t GoOd EnOuGh FoR yOu.”, A fedora wearing crazed nazi ex-boyfriend, DMC-Reboot!Vergil but with the edgelord turned to 11, “Tauradonna? More like Tauradon’t!”, How many zippers does your dumbass outfit need? lol, Why did your voice crack?, Even his own VA hate him, Is an incel-ass bitch, Gaston apparently, Lol he’s attempting the birdbox challenge, That stupid ass face reveal did nothing as the damage was done, The fandom - primarily BMBLB, and CRWBY sing of his death (“Ding-dong the bitch is dead!”) - with the BMBLB fandom using his death as major evidence of their ship becoming canon. Also, his death caused such dissonance in the fandom that shit hit the fan in all kinds of ways, not to mention his death started the slow deterioration of RT - embodying the spite element that Blake attributed him, probably because he was pissed at CRWBY to the point where his hatred manifested as a curse - causing their various injustices against their employees to come out and be heavily criticized as a result (No, seriously, RT is visibly crumbling shortly after his demise).
“ Created by Miles and Kerry-”
And yet will somehow completely overlap with the Volumes Monty had the most control over.
“ two amateurish white guys”
Miles is part Mexician.
“ noted for writing sub-par comedy segments”
While Monty is noted for never writing whatsoever so i guess that means you think Miles and Kerry are better.
“ Born out of the criticism of “show, don’t tell aspect” of the show - barely having any visible evidence of Faunus racism, born out of the two admitting they couldn’t write a racism sub-plot - despite having the money and resources to do so,”
The criticism being located SOLELY in Volumes 1 and 2 Aka MONTY.
“ established as an abuser by CRWBY and demonized heavily by them and the fanbase despite little evidence of such prior to because of catgirl’s various descriptions of him pointing towards someone “dear” (“More of a mentor, actually…”)’“
You know...despite the fact that every single aspect of Adam’s character has been shown WITH MONTY, as I showed above.
“ “hElLo, My LoVe!” “
Located in Volume 3, which you cite as a Volume where ‘Monty!’ Adam existed.
“ “tHe bElLaDoNnAs HaVe CaUsEd Me NoThInG bUt GrIeF!” “
Huh, if you spelled “Belladonna” as “Miles and Kerry”, that sounds an awful lot like you...oh
“ “sO i JuSt wAsN’t GoOd EnOuGh FoR yOu.” “
They scream as Rooster Teeth ignores them.
“ A fedora wearing crazed nazi ex-boyfriend”
Never actually shown wearing a fedora or ever showing any personbality traits associated with it...but then again, you know what they say about mirrors...
Also at least it’s better than ‘blank edgy emo teen’ he was in Volume 3 which you loved apparently.
“ DMC-Reboot!Vergil but with the edgelord turned to 11″
Uh oh, Op’s brain rotted so he can’t actually make arguments....oh wait, he was always like that.
“ “Tauradonna? More like Tauradon’t!” “
So basically ‘wah wah wah. my otp is not canon’.
“ How many zippers does your dumbass outfit need?”
Dunno, why is wearing a tux as a freedom fighter and sticks out like a sore thumb?
“ Why did your voice crack?”
Why did he sound fourteen in Volume 3?
“ Even his own VA hate him,”
Ever since Volume 3 which you cite as “Monty!Adam”
“ Is an incel-ass bitch, Gaston apparently”
Or you know, a Beats who never grew up and never became a better person. But who needs insight?
“ Lol he’s attempting the birdbox challenge”
*insert Family Guy skit here*
“ hat stupid ass face reveal did nothing as the damage was done”
They say as most of the fandom did a 180 on how they view his character and gave him more justification for his actions than “Monty” Adam ever had.
“ he fandom - primarily BMBLB, and CRWBY sing of his death (“Ding-dong the bitch is dead!”)”
Which considering he was meant to be hated is a GOOD thing.
“ with the BMBLB fandom using his death as major evidence of their ship becoming canon”
Basically ‘wah wah wah make MY otp canon”
“ Also, his death caused such dissonance in the fandom that shit hit the fan in all kinds of ways”
all kinds being two ways: accepting it and throwing a fit because you didn’t get your way. Also inadvertently justifying wasps being assholes because they did the same thing during Volumes 4 and 5.
“ t to mention his death started the slow deterioration of RT - embodying the spite element that Blake attributed him, probably because he was pissed at CRWBY to the point where his hatred manifested as a curse - causing their various injustices against their employees to come out and be heavily criticized as a result (No, seriously, RT is visibly crumbling shortly after his demise).”
And said curse infected many of his fans where they all became monsters after his death like say, using the suffering of others AND THE DEAD *cough* MONTY *cough* all over a fictional character that didn’t even exist because as I have shown Adam is completely consistent with his characterization from the Black Trailer to his death. Something I am certain OP knows deep down because half way through this point they completely abandon any attempt at actually proving what they are saying to instead spout a bunch of memes in a vain attempt to appeal to people’s confirmation bias because they can’t actually make an argument to prove Adam had changed AT ALL, especially since their obsessive behavior, attempt at creating an abusive/parasitic relationship with RT and their own childishness has all but prove Adam is in no way unrealistic as they act like him except with NO justification whatsoever.
But sure, scream loud enough and people will think you’re right. That hasn’t BACKFIRED before.
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When I was 14 I told my parents I was trans. They put me in Christian therapy that... wasn't the "conversion therapy" of horror stories but was supposed to use prayer and faith to "manage" dysphoria or same-sex attraction. I just shut down. Either my parents thought it worked or saw it hadn't, because after a handful of months they stopped making me go. I feel guilty because I know I didn't even try, I was too scared. How am I welcome in the Kingdom if I can't die to myself?
Oh my dear anon, I am so, so sorry that you were put through that. Conversion therapy is abuse – it tries to twist you into something that you are not so that you’ll fit the molds that society wants you to fit, rather than being the way God made you to be. Moreover, studies show that conversion therapy does not work, and that being “ex-gay” / “ex-trans” etc. just isn’t a thing. 
There’s a comic by David Hayward, aka @nakedpastor, that really moves me:
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[image description: a comic by naked pastor that is titled “sheep conversion therapy.” a sheep with white wool on the left is holding a wool shearer and facing another sheep with dismay; that sheep is surrounded by newly shorn wool that is rainbow-colored, and the naked skin now revealed is also rainbow-colored. 
Hayward’s explanation of this comic goes thus: “This white sheep thought he was being helpful. He thought the LGBTQ sheep was just LGBTQ on the surface and it could be easily removed. To his dismay, he realizes it’s much deeper than he thought.” end image description /]
God does not mean for you to “manage” or repress or eradicate yourself. You think that not trying to go along with conversion therapy was cowardly, but it’s the most courageous thing in the world! Human beings told you that the way you are is broken and wrong and tried to change you, but you would not be “conformed to the world” (Romans 12:2). That’s beautiful, and I see God at work in your story.
In the Creation story of Genesis 1, we find that God delights in diversity, not conformity: God created a whole variety of ways for things to exist, a whole rainbow of life – and God looked upon it all and pronounced it good – “very good” (1:31). This God of diversity does not mean for all of us to be exactly the same. The Body of Christ is “one body with many parts” (1 Cor 12) – if we were all one body part, it wouldn’t be much of a body! if we all had the same exact traits and gifts and callings, it wouldn’t be much of a body. 
The way you have been taught “self denial” is not the way that Jesus means it when he says in the Gospels to “deny yourselves, take up your cross and follow me.” I recommend looking at this post for information on what Jesus is actually saying with that passage – essentially, denying the self is not about denying the way God made us; it’s about denying the way that the world defines us in favor of defining ourselves in relationship to God. 
I’ve preached a brief sermon on the concept of self denial and bearing crosses, which you can watch or read here. 
I’ve also preached a brief sermon on the concept of conforming to the world versus being transformed, which you can read as a transcript here.
You might also have heard the Bible quote “he must increase, I must decrease” as meaning that we have to completely disappear – that our selfhood sort of melts into God and goes away. But I believe that such a concept goes completely against the way God created us as individuals, with unique personalities and gifts. 
Yes, the Western world is much too individualistic, and we need to learn what it means to be one member of a community; and Christians need to learn how to make God the center of all we are and do – but that does not mean that God intends for us to lose our entire selfhood. I’ve got a #individuality tag with posts in it that explore this topic. One of those posts includes this:
In some ways we do “decrease” when we follow Jesus, and the way that we follow Jesus involves letting go of what we think are parts of ourselves – but in actuality it is the parts of us that were not ever really “us” at all that fall away. In seeking to lose ourselves in Jesus, Jesus liberates us from our fears and selfishness and sins we can’t seem to escape on our own, so that our true selves stand free of all of those things we thought were us – so that we can, at last, live a full and abundant life, finding that we have not lost our individual selves at all but saved them (Matthew 16:25). 
Finally, my #self denial tag has even more posts on this idea. And for more on how LGBTA+ folks are beloved by God, you might be interested in the “but what does the bible say?” section of my resources page, the section on God on my FAQ page, and my #affirmation tag. 
When you have been told that you are not good, that God wants you to change when really it’s human beings who want you to change, it takes so much courage and strength to unlearn those lies and learn God’s truth for you. It’s not an easy road, but you can get there, anon. There is healing to be found, there is joy to be had, there are whole communities of people out there just waiting to love and celebrate you as you are! In the meantime, God is with you every step of your journey, longing to guide you into a fruitful and abundant life. 
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bustin-a-hazelnut · 5 years
So basically @neopoliitan‘s last post has made me feel very strongly about the Amaranth family (the kids especially), so I now need my own post to sort out all the new information.
Let me begin by saying, I used to believe based off this post, that the Amaranth family only boasts five children; today’s comic proved me wrong. I went on to get some clarifications, and well...
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Two times more kids - two times more fun, am I right?..
Needless to say, I did some further searching, and this post basically turned into my personal masterlist of Amaranth children. Those are mostly personal opinions and/or speculations, but again, my feelings in regards to them are strong & plentiful. Without further ado, naturally, the list opens with our beloved girl:
1. Akane Amaranth, 19
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The oldest of the brood & really needs no introduction from me. A well-deserved favorite of Rain’s fanbase, among other things working on gradually rescuing her sister’s from their toxic household. As of late, her character arc has been (much to my joy) associated with William Lincoln’s, whom I assume will play a part in this encounter. The type of person he is, I wouldn’t put it past him to voice some unsavory truths to the face of Akane’s parents, with unpredictable consequences. With her own emotions & experiences in the mix, as well as the actual purpose of the visit, Akane’s got quite some development ahead of her. Not great for her - but a treat for us as viewers.
Her name in Japanese means “deep red, dye from the rubia plant”.
2. Miyako Amaranth, 18
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Having been neither introduced nor mentioned in the actual comic, still a personal favorite Amaranth of mine. She’s gotten a great characterization from another Rain’s fan ( @infinitree )  here, which was approved by Neopoliitan. I don’t loose hope for her to make an appearance & shine somewhere in the future posts.
Even though she may not be too relevant for the plot right now, I see great potential for an inner, personal character arc with her. The idea for her character, from what I can tell, is that she’s always coped with her parents’ harshness & constant demands by becoming more withdrawn, apathetic, to the point of neglecting her own needs. Having gone so far down that path has damaged her in more subtle ways, than outright abuse - she’s basically traded it for neglect, and internalized it to the point of not caring enough to defend her needs & individuality, & eventually sorta loosing herself. This is actually rather dark, when you think about it, but I do believe there’s hope for Miyako. Her connection to her sisters, especially Ayano, whom she’s got a deep bond with, is a sliver of her identity that hasn’t been taken from her. It can also become the reason for her to find herself again & start caring more. She is in a strange place right now, and not in a good way, but I have faith in her.
Her name in Japanese means “beautiful” & “night”.
3. Nanako Amaranth, 17
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Much like Akane, needs no introduction, having been a part of the plot for quite a while. Just as her elder sisters, this girl has all of my love, especially for her friendship with Tobin, even though the “wicked poo” line did play a part as well (which I Refuse to treat as anything other, than a reference to TTGOT S2 AU & Alanna Snow). It would be hard to guess by her upbeat personality, that she had to withstand more of her mother’s abuse, than possibly any of her siblings. This encounter is going to be a challenge for her, but I believe, that over the course of her life outside home, she’s gained the means to hold her own. She’s part of a team, a valued & great friend, a warrior, a huntressd & living proof, that neither what you’ve suffered, nor the people who’ve hurt you define you. She is going to overcome this, I have no doubt.
Her name in Japanese means "vegetables or greens".
4. Kasumi Amaranth, 16
A bit of a mystery at our hands, this one. No appearance or mention in the comic, no wiki page & the search through @neopoliitan came up dry. Her mention at Akane’s wiki page is the only indication of this girl’s very existence. There is little more to do than wait for further information on her, but as far as theories go - I wonder if she could exhibit a less positive personality, than her siblings? So far, all the Amaranth children we know of, that got somewhat characterized have exhibited different traits, yet, despite their home situation, I would describe all of them as well-meaning gals, even with their share of quirks & struggles. It’s not unreasonable to assume, that at least one of them would be affected more severely by their toxic parents - and have it shape them into a somewhat troubled person.
Her name in Japanese means “mist”.
5. Akiko Amaranth, 15
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Her arrogant demeanor & the status of her father’s protege could lead to mistaking Akiko as someone who’s “sided with the abuser” in their family (a parallel to Whitley Schnee, someone who copes with abuse by submitting to his father). Another characterization post, however, suggests that she is actually far more than meets the eye. There’s this duality in her - outward brightness, determination & desire for leadership, wich is exactly what her parents expected; & hidden intent to use her future position for good, refusal to reject her sisters, who’ve been cast aside by her mother. This kind of characterization is an honest to god breath of fresh air - ambition & confidence, that is treated as a positive thing, not a sign of corruption. By Neo’s own words, she’s like a “good Whitley”, which is a fantastic character concept. I’m looking forward for anything she could have up her sleeve.
Her name in Japanese means “bright, sparkle” & “autumn”.
6. Sakura Amaranth, 14
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Another kid we know virtually nothing about - and so far there isn’t much to theorize from. Sakura’s placed near her mother & appears relaxed, suggesting she isn’t in Yukiko’s bad graces. My two main guesses of why could that be are - either she’s just naturally inclined to obey & accept her parents’ way of seeing things; or she’s learned how to bypass them in her own ways. I find the second guess to be more interesting - while she can’t run away like Akane & Nanako, but can’t be up to her parent’s standards the way Akiko is or detach herself like Miyako, she could’ve developed a great ability to lie & manipulate, perhaps even in malicious ways, like shifting the blame onto her sisters in case of a screw up. I know this is really far-fetched, and I’m honestly just having fun coming up with those ideas at this point. One more option is her being a fave of Yukiko for some personal reason & therefore spared from mistreatment. 
I also find it interesting, that other than Nanako, who is shown gradually dyeing her hair throughout the comic, Sakura is the only one not to share the natural Amaranth hair color so far. Who knows if it’s just a reference to her name’s meaning, or some symbolism, like her not sharing the family values deep inside, but not letting it show in her demeanor... Idek, I honestly meant for this to be shorter.
Her name in Japanese means “cherry blossom”.
7. Natsuki Amaranth, 12 
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She displays a strong, blunt personality from her first seconds on screen & strikes me as kind of a tomboy. I can’t imagine Yukiko being tolerant of such demeanor - and I can easily see Natsuki fighting back relentlessly against her reign. She probably took Nanako’s place as a punching bag not long after the latter left, and now her relationship with Akane parallels the one latter had with Nan. By the way Natsuki immediately gets to the subject of leaving, it’s clear how much this life affects her. It probably greatly exacerbates her naturally blunt personality - she’s got no time for affection or chatter, getting away is priority number one. I’m not sure how much of it is Natsuki’s “normal” character & how much - emotional damage from her parents, but at this point, it is hard not to assume the worst.
Her name in Japanse can mean “vegetables or greens” & “moon” or “summer” & “hope”. Interestingly, the name is considered unisex, though more commonly used by women.
8. Ayano Amaranth, 9
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Getting close to the end here, and moving on to the actually small children of the fam, Ayano is a welcome change as an example of an Amaranth daughter, who’s actually getting to be a kid more (again, according to a previously established characterization). I particularly love the idea of her & Miyako being mutually close - it’s hard to tell which one of them needs it more. It’s also good to know, that Miyako’s efforts to shelter her haven’t been in vain & she actually seems to be okay around her mother, despite having a personality, that would naturally grate on her. Then again, kids can be rather perceptive, so maybe Ayano instinctively holds back her more unruly side in Yukiko’s presence & reserves poking & prodding for her sisters. She may know something isn’t right deep inside, and adjust her behavior, so as not to become another target for her mother.
Her name in Japanese means “of color; from love”.
9. Hana Amaranth, 6
Another mentioned-only character, with no face attached yet; at the age of six, I’d be glad to know that she is kept away from the family’s shenanigans & simply enjoys being a kid. Not much to theorize from here - will have to wait & see if she’ll make an appearance, and what her place in the family hierarchy is going to be. 
Her very existence to me raises a question of why Yukiko would choose to have another child, when there is no need for a specifically male heir, as Akiko has been selected for that role. We get to know, that she has no actual love for her children - so what could drive her to have more? Family’s reputation, desire for more control, or perhaps Aka Amaranth comes into play at last? He’s been barely mentioned here due to my lack of knowledge about him, but judging by his appearance on the poster, he is about to play a big role in this arc. Gonna have to wait and see. 
Her name in Japanese means “flower”.
10. Baby Amaranth, ~1
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A literal baby, basically raising the same questions as Hana did a paragraph ago. I’m going to spare this one from my dark theories & let her chill for now, observing the reunion from a safe distance. Being a 10th child is no piece of cake even in most benevolent of families, so let’s all just give her a break for now. She’s still got all the time in the world to grow up & eventually develop her personal brand of the Amaranth Badassery. 
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robertodbabaran · 5 years
Knights, Tomatoes, and Defining a Final Vocabulary
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Medieval Ages, Knights, and Their Coat of Arms
When I was very young, probably around the age of 9, I remember I was very interested in medieval times. From castles, to weaponry, to horses, to the Arthurian Legend, everything about it captured my mind, and I day dreamed about it for weeks at a time. Knights specifically fascinated my young mind, and I especially loved reading about their armour with all of its different parts.
In fact, in the morning before going to school, I always jumped out of bed excited to change out of my pajamas to my school clothes. To me, each piece of clothing represented a piece of armour. As I put on my tshirt, it became my chainmail, and as I put on a sweater it became my plate armour. As I added each layer, I felt as though each would prepare me for the day and any of the obstacles it threw my way.
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One of the things that also fascinated me about knights was their coat of arms. Every noble family in the middle ages had a coat of arms, and on it there tended to be different symbols, insignia, and words which represented that family. One example is that of Richard I of England, or Richard the Lionheart, who was known for being a great military leader and warrior. On his coat of arms were 3 golden lions above an azure red shield, something which symbolized his courage.
Richard Rorty’s Final Vocabulary
In grade 12 I took a life-changing philosophy class, and one of the concepts that my teacher introduced was that of a “final vocabulary”, an idea introduced by the philosopher Richard Rorty in his book Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity. In it he suggests,
All human beings carry about a set of words which they employ to justify their actions, their beliefs, and their lives. These are the words in which we formulate praise of our friends and contempt for our enemies, our long-term projects, our deepest self-doubts and highest hopes. They are the words in which we tell, sometimes prospectively and sometimes retrospectively, the story of our lives. I shall call these words a person’s “final vocabulary.”
A final vocabulary then, is a set of terms used to define yourself; it creates a standard by which you can measure your behavior.
Going back to the coat of arms as an example, there may have been a set of words written across it: courage, honour, and chivalry. These words, in essence, were that family’s final vocabulary. The idea is at the end of each day, or even one’s life, people within the family would judge themselves by whether or not they’d lived according to that set of words, or values that they used to define themselves. At the end of day, a knight might ask himself, was I courageous and honorable today? He might look at moments where he lacked these traits, and vowed to change his ways. Similarly, in moments where he displayed these traits, he might have felt a sense of pride and joy in having lived up to that trait.
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Something that I find incredibly interesting is that final vocabularies aren’t limited to centuries old family crests, but are also embedded in our culture and our religions. For example, within Christianity, as far back as 590 AD, Pope Gregory identified a sort of final vocabulary (and its counterpart): the seven heavenly virtues vs. the seven deadly sins.
The Loss and Importance of a Final Vocabulary: Tomatoes
In the past, all people tended to have a final vocabulary. However, my teacher suggested that it is something lost in the present day. However, this standard is one that we direly need. In losing our final vocabularies, we have also lost one of most important things that makes us stronger and allows us to excel.
When I was younger, I spent a lot of time with my family in our backyard. We found a lot of joy in spending time outdoors, and we spent a lot of time caring for our garden, watering the plants, and growing vegetables. One of the vegetables we loved to grow and eat were tomatoes.
In order to make sure that our tomatoes grew, we sometimes put barbeque skewers near to the tomato plant. What this did is it allowed the plant to grow in the direction that the barbeque skewer pointed: upward. In doing this, we more or less ensured that the plant would grow in the way we wanted. However, if the skewer wasn’t placed, it wouldn’t grow properly, and instead it would grow in all sorts of ways and directions. There was no standard for growth.
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In many ways, this is a good analogy for having a final vocabulary. When we have a barbeque skewer in our lives (aka final vocabulary), we grow in the way that we want to. When these terms are ones chosen after very careful deliberation, then they have an especially immense power. These words allow us to envision a certain life and character for ourselves. On the other hand, if we don’t have a skewer present in our lives, we will wilt, and grow randomly. There is no measure, or standard by which to measure ourselves, and we will be directionless.
Barriers to Effectiveness: Semantic Shifts, Abstract Ideas vs. Concrete Actions
However, there are certain barriers that prevent us from growing even when we have defined a final vocabulary for ourselves. The barrier is semantic shifts. Semantic shifts are the inability to keep a word to a set definition so that the modern meaning of a word is radically different than the original usage. For example, the word “awful” originally meant inspiring wonder or fear, whereas contemporary usage has a negative connotation. In other words, words no longer have a definite meaning.
For example, in the medieval times, if a knight were to go into battle, he knew what it meant to be courageous. Courage was immediately associated with certain actions, and stories of people in his mind. Much like the difference between abstract words vs. concrete words, he knew courage meant action: (1) to fight means to risk your life, (2) go and fight anyway because others are counting on you.
In fact, a final vocabulary’s value lies not so much in the “calling” of yourself virtuous, but rather the ability act, and to remember that YOU acted. The virtue lies not in the label, but in the action. In that way, growth is intimately related to action.
Creating a Final Vocabulary of Your Own
And this point you might be wondering: “what should I do now with all this knowledge?” Consciously adopt a final vocabulary of your own. Here are a few useful principles to consider:
Choose adjectives, and not nouns: Your final vocabulary should consist of adjectives as opposed to values or nouns. For example: (1) strong vs. strength, (2) responsible vs. responsibility, (3) competent vs. competence. Why? Because you want these words to be something that describes YOU, your actions, and your character, rather than be an abstract concept as values such as responsibility often become.
Consider 3 or 4 adjectives max: I personally have 4 words in my final vocabulary, and I find that this works well. Any more than 4, and you may find it a struggle to consistently evaluate yourself against them
Make them actionable: Once you’ve decided upon an adjective, consider listing out specific actions that you can take in your personal life that would help you move towards being that specific trait.
Connect them to events, stories, and admirable lives: For example, something I find beautiful about the Catholic Church is that it has named exceptional people in its history as saints. These are people who lived virtuous, holy lives worthy of imitation, and contemplation. If forgetting a word’s meaning is easy, you can base them in reality by finding a saint, a character, or a story that resembles these traits. Consider even exploring archetypes.
LIVE them: This is something my philosophy teacher challenged my grade 12 class — a challenge which I now extend to you. If you’re up to the challenge, set your own final vocabulary. Carefully discern what these terms will be, and definitively decide to devote your life to manifesting these virtues. Carefully reflect at the end of each day about whether you’ve lived as you could have, and if you haven’t make steps to improve. Be brave and live.
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atomic-insomnia · 6 years
writing tag meme
tagged by @danafaithwriting !
1. Which writing advice do you dislike the most?
Weird one but basically any writing advice that is like "SCREW that writing advice, you actually need to do the opposite!!!"  Like, I know what they mean.  But I'm capable of deciding for myself how relevant it is to my work, and a lot of the time the 'opposite' advice seems to miss the point of the original statement.
2. How do you create your characters?
Oh it's a mashup; a lot of times it's seeing a character I like somewhere else and being like "hey...I could do that..."  Other times somebody just pops into my head, I write them down, and usually they change radically from what they originally were.  Lots of times I'm just like "I need someone to ask this question"/"Deliver the mail"/"Get hurt so the main characters can save them"/etc. and I quickly fill in someone, but I end up getting attached and giving them more traits & backstory
3. How long does it take you from getting the idea to actually write it down?
lol I have ideas I still haven't written down...the main WIP I work on was a couple weeks; I was supposedly going to write a different novel for NaNoWriMo but I liked my dumb fanfic idea better and the words just weren't flowing for the "real" novel, so I gave in and wrote the other one.  I didn't win NaNo that year but I stuck with the story and made it less of a fanfic and more original
4. What’s the most you’ve written for a story (aka word count?)
oof...I believe the collected parts of my main WIP add up to more than 100K over several years of NaNoWriMo plus dozens of oneshots and character studies...and it still doesn't have a well-defined plot
5. Do you have a headcanon which you haven’t told yet for your current story? Which one?
Oh, tons, but most of them aren't relevant to the story at all.  Like if my MC were a pokémon, she'd be a Meowth, because she likes shiny things & yellow/gold/tan and I like cats.  Pokémon doesn't even exist yet in the time period I'm writing.
Uhhh...the MC's sister talks to her houseplants because "they don't ask me for money," so there's that.  I also know everybody's middle names, even the ones who technically shouldn't have middle names based on the culture they come from
6. With which of your MCs would you get along the best?
Probably Nash, the mentor-character who knows everybody but is barely aware of reality.  They like to ramble about nonsense and are the sort of person you can get way into weird tangents and just keep going.  They probably won't remember you the next time they see you, though.  They're the sort of person I enjoy talking to, that weirdo that just gets you.
7. Where do you get your inspiration from?
Just about everywhere.  If I see something cool there's a 90% chance I'll be like "hey fit that in somehow"
8. Do your wips (if you have more than one) fit together? or if you only have one: do you plan on having fitting stories?
Some of them do, but a lot of the time I then try to work them into 1 story and it gets even bigger and more convoluted.  Most of them, no--although sometimes I put in references that only I'd ever get, just because I find it funny
9. Which one of your characters do you like the most?
Vinny, the sidekick who ended up getting his own backstory & arc.  He puts up a too-cool, tough-guy front but he's so easy to fluster and is so weak for sob stories he ends up very smol & soft & I love him.  Which is a shame because his stuff gets cut whenever I edit.
10. Would you like to get published?
Nah, not really.  Sometimes I think hey, that'd be neat, but it's not my goal.  I'm still deciding if I'll ever put it online or if I'll just write the whole thing for myself.
11. Do you prefer to schedule your writing time, or go only whenever the creativity strikes?
I gotta schedule--if I don't have any motivation when it's time to write I'll let it go, but I just don't have free time to go whenever I feel the ~Muse~ awaken
12. Home, coffee shop, or library for writing?
Home only.  I can't work with other people moving around and making noise (and potentially looking over my shoulder, which sounds paranoid until you actually start trying to write in public and immediately there's some stranger like "HEY whatcha writin' can you put me in it you should add a giant robot"<--based on a true story)
13. Would you ever collaborate with another writer on a story?
I used to RP, but if that taught me anything it's that I'd want ground rules as to, for example, what we both want from this story so we aren't trying to undo each other's plans, what our headcanons are for the same character, what schedule we're working on, etc.
I'm not much for tagging so if you see this go ahead and do it!
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kurahieiritrjio · 3 years
World building
Sharing an old project based on an Ice Aged Greece to help focus the concepts here.
Believe it or not coloration is the greatest imagination grabber of all. It focuses the scene to provide the setting. Shape comes second. Lumpy, rounded, square, flat, twisted, gnarled, fuzzy, oval, squat, sloped, angular, and circular all give distinctive impressions of how something looks. How many shapes can you think of that describe rocks, tree limbs, cave mouths, faces and body builds. Animals and plants all have distinctive colors and features of shape that should be combined when you describe this element to give a breathtaking four dimensional feeling kind of setting to promote any written scene.
Here is a worksheet that is helpful to help you figure out your world, Example used is Ice Age Greece. Ignore the Futuristic tags since I devised those for my own worlds. This worksheet was designed for space travel obviously. However this will be helpful in explaining how your world is a character that all other characters must interact with at all times whether they realize it or not. In some cases I will also add notes for you to consider before you fill out that section.
 Generalized Outline- World Building Basics: Science Fiction
Astronomical/geological Section:
Planet Name:
Planet Class:  Moon, Super Terrestrial, Terrestrial (Earth like)sub-jovian, Jovian (Think Jupiter) Sub-terrestrial (Think Venus or Mars For Size):
If Terrestrial; Is it Like Earth Now, the Past, or Futuristic (very High tech):
How Is This Planet The Same or Different From Our Planet?
Type of Atmosphere?
Geography: Mountains/deserts/plains/woodlands/ Swamp/ Oceans, Etc. Physical Features Include Size/ Gravity/atmosphere/ Moon(S)/Sun Class: (F5 Lower Strength White Through F-9 Lowest- to G Class Yellow (Our Sun is in This Category= G1 to G9 (9 Is Weakest) or K Class (Red Dwarf Close to Death =Plot Added Drama)/ Constellations of Note:
Maps: Get Graph Paper and Build Your Own Maps or Buy Some D&d Type Maps and Then Do Mental Alterations or Chop and Pastes onto Larger Sheets to Create a Map to Help You See Where Your Characters Are Going to and Coming From! (No Matter What Genre You Are Writing it helps you to see the distances the characters cross so they don’t do 100 miles in a week at one time, then two hundred miles in one week somewhere else. Pace and Time Laws Do Not Change, and Therefore You Will Have to Give Space and Time References to Build a Good Story:
What Natural Resources Exist (Such as Mining Resources to Build Technology from If Applicable)? Yours will be stone/animal/flora heavy:
How Are These Resources Utilized by The Dominant Species Specifically?:
Climate: Distinct Seasons; Summer/winter/spring/ Fall/dry/wet/ & Types of Weather Patterns: Ie. Snow, Rain, Arid, Humid, Tropical:
Temperatures Expected Average Highs/Lows During Each Season:
Flora And Fauna Section:
Food Sources: What Do People And Animals on Planet Eat?
Domesticated Animals: Types of Livestock For Work or Food Can Your Planet Support Based Upon Geography And Climate?
What Types of Companion Animals or Pets Does Your World Have, If Any?
 Wild Animals:
What Kinds of Animals Does This Planet Support Naturally? How Do The Main People And Animals From The Wilderness Regions Interact? Are Wild Animals Carnivores, Omnivores, or Herbivores, or Some of Each Type? What Is The Food Chain Like? Ex: Herbivores Need Plants in Large Numbers to Eat So The Carnivores Can Eat Them And The Omnivores Eat Both Meat And Plants Aka Like Humans Do:
Are Any of These Wild Life Animals Intelligent Like Your Dominating Species Is Intelligent?
 People or Races Section:
Population Size:
World Population:
City Population: (Only Those Needed For Story Line):
Town Populations:
Village Populations:
Specific Race (S) of Note:
In What Ratios? (I. E.  30% White Skin, 15% Black Skin, 12% Blue Skin,  65% Green Skinned)
 Culture And Society:
Villages or Cities, Rural or Suburban, Inner-city Versus Outer-city (Think New York With Brooklyn And Other Suburbs For Inner Outer City Concept)
Language(s) Spoken:
Specific Cultural Aspects: (Hunter Gatherer/ Farmer/ Industrialized?)
Holidays, Celebrations, Rites of Passage, Family Traditions?
What Are The Most Important Festivals And Holidays?
How Important to Culture Are These Rituals And Holidays?
Behaviors Frowned Upon?
Behaviors Approved Of?
Word or Phrases Specific (Idioms) to The Region in Question?
Any Known Origins to The Words or Phrases Used by People of This Area?
Significance of Following Cultural Enrichment Forms:
Leisure Activities:
What Forms Do These Items Take?
Gender Roles: Which Gender Is Dominant or Is There No Dominance at All?
How Does Society Enforce Those Gender  Roles Through Education, Through Expected Conformation of Roles Between The Two Genders?
Family Structure:
Who Raises And Teaches Children?
Who Cooks Meals by Tradition?
Do Extended Families Live Together or Is it Parents And Children Only in Each Dwelling?
Are There Different Types of Food Eaten in Different Social Classes or Unified to Region (Japanese Eat Stir Fry/ Americans Eat Steak And Potatoes as Example)
Social Class: Warrior/spiritual, Wealthy/working/poor/middle Class Etc:
Where Do Each Class of People Live And Do Their Dwellings Vary From Class to Class?
Do Clothing, Personal Items Such as Jewelry or Fashions Vary Based Upon Class And Wealth?
Do Hairstyles And Similar Things Vary by Class And What Types Are There? (Long or Short Hair? Beards or Mustaches Etc Go Here)
 Genealogy: Build Bloodline Maps For Visual Bloodline Traits And Such For Future Reference, Even If Not Mentioned in The Story Per Say, They Can Be Great Ways to Add Tension Based Upon Race And Other Background Hints You Don’t Go Into in Depth And They Make For Very Interesting Characters!
 Religion(s): )Major Notes) An example: Greece never followed the standard proto religious format of Gods created the world and Universe. They always felt the Universe created the Gods both male and female as mediators between Universe and man, plants, and animals. It was one of the very first cultures to embrace pantheons or multiple Gods belief system. That is the reason it still influences out modern world to this day. Instead of fatalistic driven human sacrifice to appease the Gods, these guys actively sought out more than one God to get the decision they wanted long before the classic era Mythology tomes of their ancient religion was passed into a physical written format. That needs to be shown in action to some extent. Have these people doing rudimentary rituals reminiscent of much later Classic era Ancient Greece religious ceremonies. Read classic Greek Mythology. The titans of earth and sky are the well known distinction that sets ancient Greece apart from the rest of the world.
This provides a very strong tool for making the story line zing if you explore the mythology for the oldest recorded roots, and downgrade the best known Grecian ancient rituals significantly into a more generic shamanic norm. Give clues to the later evolution into Greek specific rituals through your prototype religion which tickles memories of school classes that touched upon the classic era Greek in many schools. Then readers will really stick with your story because they will be desperately trying to figure out where the main is living.)
 One God or Many? Name Some And Denote Genders Implied:
Spiritual Philosophies:
Beliefs About Birth, Death, And Afterlife?:
Does Culture Condone Burial, Cremation, or Something Else?:
Who Is in Charge of Places of Worship?:
Does This Place Have Magic Practices And If So How Does That Affect The World on a Planetary Wide Basis as Well as Locally?
How Does Religion in General Impact The World?
Will it Have Relevance in The Plot Line of The Story? Or Will it Simply Be a Low Key Element That Helps Define Character Behaviors in Story Line?:
Do Different Races Have Different Gods?
Does Technology And Religion Co-exist Peacefully or Are There Strong Conflicts Between The Two Factions?
(*myths from Religions Alive or Defunct/ History / and Politics Are Always Relevant to the Shaping of a Character’s Behavior and Actions!)
Architecture: Describe the houses and buildings with some interior details so we can see where everything is in relation to living quarters and/or communal get together areas.
What Levels of Education Exist on This Planet or in a Specific Area?  Give List of Educational Expected Forms Such as Home School to High School and College If Possible.
For my world Education system, who trains under which hall (This Is The Term For Schools Based Upon Highly Specific Technology, Medicine, Textiles, Political, Police, Computers or Space Travel in My Sci-fi Series Which Means Trained to become a Journeyman Level For The Particular Trade... It’s a Guild Based Trade Society Kind as You Can See....If You Choose Hall Style, Is Training Off Planet, or Planet Sponsored (For Home Planets With Resident Halls)
Give List of Halls And What They Train Help Insure Plot Consistencies And Add Details to Plots.
What Forms of Specialized Education Systems Exist If Any for your genre and expectations by readers?
 Time Section:
 What Calender or Other Methods of Measuring Time Exist? Include Clocks And Time Pieces, or Sun Dials, as Well as Give Some Form of Indication as to Whether or Not This Society Is Aware of Months And Years Passing. (All Technology Using Species Will Have Both Clocks And Calendars For Certain as Will Any Medieval Societies Have at Least Calenders If They Have Oceanic Shipping And Trade With Outside Races And Nations)
 Technology Section: (If in your case it is flint napping, and wood work, basket making and similar, you do need to have this down pat to be believable.)
Technology, Science And Jobs Section; Is Technology Eco Friendly or Industrial Pollutants Generating? Large City Complexes With Factories & Refineries, or Smaller Information Dominant Social Structures That Have Pleasant in Home Offices, Smaller Scientific Designated Areas Versus Agriculture Regions.
What Levels of Technology Exist on This World (Horse And Carts/ or Cars And Planes/ Space Ships And Higher?)
Communications Systems Include Mail, Phone or Other Forms of Vocal/written Communications. Are There High Tech Telephones or Is There a Mailing System? How Does it Work For Sending Info Like ‘Help, We’re Being Attacked! Send The Militia!’ How Does it Work If Calling Home to Say, “Hey Mom And Dad I’m Getting Married Next Week, or I Got That Great New Job!”?
Is Technology The Same Planet Wide or Only in Specific Regions?
Is Technology Distributed Based Upon Racial or Economic Factors or Equally Shared?
Is There a Technological Aspect That Will Have Significant Impact Upon The Story?
What Is The Major Forms of Transportation? (Horse And Carts/ or Cars And Planes/ Space Ships?)
How Does Technological Advances Shape These Forms of Transportation?
What Level of Technology For Weapons Where Applicable? (Forges/Assembly Lines/robot Workers as Examples)  
Are There Any Weapons Restrictions, And Are Those Restrictions Important to The Plot Line?
How Has The Technology (Or Magic) Helped to Build up or Destroy The Society That Uses It? Is it Still Helping to Build, or Destroy Its Users?
 Medical Section:
What Level of Medicine Exists?
Who Does The Healing?
What Technology Is Involved, If Any? (Shamans And Witches And Magic Users Would Use Herbs or Crystals)
If Technologically Advanced What Types of Medical Care Is Available to The People (Hospitals And Insurance Company Concepts  Go Here)
What Types of Diseases And Illnesses Are Common?
Are They Curable, or Lethal?
Who Cares For Sick Family Members With Non Lethal Colds?
Governmental Questionnaire:  
What Kind of Government(s)  Exist in This World? (Story Relevance Specific) (Politics Is Always Relevant to Some Degree in Every Story Line!!!)
Does Your Planet Have More Than One Government?
Sovereigns = King Queen, by Birth With Dukes And Lords
Democratically Elected= President And Congress as Example Elder’s Council,
Land Holders Council, Dictatorships, Ogliagarchy, Parliamentary (Limited Sovereign- Must Get Elected Groups Agreement to Do Certain Things) Militant (Yes it Is Different From Tyranny, A.k.a. Dictators),  Cooperative (A Lot Like Ogliagarchy, But a Smaller Group Making The Decisions),
How, & Why Did This Government Come About?
Diplomatic Corps) How Many? Any Special Training required?
How Are Relationships Between Countries? Are Any Currently at War With Each Other? If So, Why?
How Does it Work? Purchases Taxed Only, Land, Paychecks, Possessions, Birth Fees?
Taxes and Regulations upon Imports & Exports Where Applicable. Community Based Trade Without Taxation Such as a Village Would Be Seen as Normal. Trade? Name Some Imports, Exports (Look at Geography for Natural Resources to Come up with These Items- a Farming Community Will Trade Grain and Food Stuffs with More Industrialized Areas for Things like Forged Metal Goods Etc)
Are There Taxes on Imports and Exports?
Trade Section/
Large Mass Goods or Specialized Goods. Example, Are They Like Corroscant From Star Wars.. Must Import Food And Water to Survive.. Or Like Mon Calamari... Lots of Exports, Lesser Imports Due to Self Sufficiency. Export Raw Materials or Finished, or Refined Goods.  
How Are Goods Imported and Exported? (By Ship/truck/train/caravan/plane Etc...)
How Is Local; Trade Carried Out? (Barter May Exist in Local or a Credit Ledger You Pay off When Harvest Time Is Done as Example)
What Types of Currency Is Used? (Money And Coins/ Credits or Plastic Cards/ or Implanted Chips/ Gems or Barter Forms (A Chicken For a Bag of Grain Example) Currency? What Are Denominations in Credit/ Money Forms For Your Planetary or Nations? Driads For Coalition as Example. If You Have Major Ports of Call Built Into Your System, You May Have a Star Grouping Form of Currency Such as Example Star Wars Driad, as Well as an Internal Set of Indigenous, or Planetary Specific Currency. Are the Monies Based on Metals, Papers, Fabrics, Jewels and Crystals, Microchips, Cards, or Barter?
Is There More than 1 Monetary System to Be Considered for this Story Line?
In Depth Judicial System: What Rules For Theft or Does This Species Idolize It? Violence (Warrior Species Will Probably Have Ritual Battles And Other Forms of Accepted Violence And Laws That Uphold Forms of Ritualized Violence)are There Laws For or Against Sex Crimes? Or Any Other Form of Judgement Ruled System Such as Divorce, Wills/probate, And Drug Slave Trade Laws or Bans Etc. And Who Enforces... Military <Militant Rule Government System> Private Security Groups (Hired by Government?) Regulation Trained Police or Law Enforcement Agency That Is Government Backed. Embezzlement, Fraud/perjury, Domestic Situations: I.e. Traffic Tickets/ Monetary Disputes., Lawsuits, You Get The Idea.
What Level of Law Enforcement Exists?
Is There a Structured Legal System Such as in America With Lawyers And Courts? Or Is it ‘Caught And Hung Same Day’ Variety (Antiquated/medieval) System?
Who Makes And Upholds The Laws of The Region?
What Are The Laws And The Consequences For Breaking Them?
 Basic History:
Any Major Wars? Inter-species to Interplanetary?  More Than One Country/nation And Governmental Styles Will Have a Past War History. First Space Voyage, Famous Treaties or Constitutions With Who Signed And Why? These Are Good to Make Obscure References to in Novels That Take Place Elsewhere If Only to Remind The Reader of The Exotic Setting Without Having to Bash Readers Over The Head. Major Holidays, Interplanetary And Galactic? Design a General Interspecies Calender, or National Holiday Calender Depending on The Genre Writing. History World and Local
Wars of Significance?
Treaties of Significance?
Major Discoveries That Have Altered History
Natural Disasters, and Other Events That Have Altered History?
Are These Histories Directly Affecting Your Story Overtly, or Simply Shaping Character Behaviors (Same as Religion)
If Important to Main Story List Some Ways it Will Affect the Characters and Story Line Potentially.
History of Interactions Between Different Societies?
Important Historical Figures That Influence a Culture or Society? In Example:  Religions Created By, Governments Designed By? Laws That Make Differences? Metals Found and Forged for First Time? (You Get the Idea Here)
Military.. Draft Based or Volunteer Corps? Paid a Good Wage/ Poor Wage? Does This World Have Sets of Treaties to Provide Troops in Time of Crisis in Example  Coalition Sponsored or Local Provisions Such as Lord Calling on Vassals, or Do They Have Full Time Experienced And Trained Army or Similar Liberation Intentioned Forces? Example : Major Ports And Military Platforms Paid For by Coalition Agreements in Return For Skills Such as Tech Support, Housing For Warriors, Docking/repair Platforms in Space Etc...(Sci Fi Examples)
 For Fantasy Only Section:
If There Is Magic on this World Is There More than 1 Type of Magic (Type Is Healing or Warrior, or Holy Relic Making, or Getting from One Place to Another in Examples)
How Does Magic Work in Your World? Cast and Get Immediate Results or Cast and Wait, or Perhaps You Need a Power Object to Do Anything at All.
What Are the Limitations of Magic? (Example Magic Might Not Work to Resurrect the Dead, but it Might Be Able to Recreate an Arm If You Lose One in a Fight)
What Magic Taboos Exist? (I.e. Creating a Frankenstein Would Be a Taboo in Many Cultures):
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3 Writing Tips I Learned From Stranger Things
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Anyone who keeps up with TV news will know that the show Stranger Things, the breakout hit from 2016, just released its second season on Netflix. The cinematic TV show is about a boy named Will Byers who disappears from his small town and how the boy’s friends, mother, and town police chief start searching for him independently, only to find that the boy might have been taken by an otherworldly monster. That’s a poor summary so please, go to IMDB for a better description, or better yet, put on Netflix and start watching.
Now that season two is on I am in Stranger Things Land once again (aka the upside down) and want to talk about the writing tips I’ve learned while watching it. If you’re worried the rest of this article contains spoilers for season two, don’t be. I’m not even going to talk about season two today. I’ll be talking about season one since I’m currently rewatching it and I’ll try to keep it spoiler-free so that even those who haven’t seen this masterpiece of a TV show can read on. Let’s see how this show can help us write better novels.
 First, I consider this show to be a masterpiece of the television medium for many reasons, the main one being that it is very well written. It’s a very tight story structurally, and it accomplishes so much in such a short time you’ll be amazed it’s only eight episodes long. There’s a ton that writers can take way from this show, and this article doesn’t completely cover all my musings on it, but here we go:
1. Characters and what Defines them
All writers have probably heard the argument of which is more important, character or plot. That’s a whole article in itself, but my quick opinion is that they’re almost equal in importance, with character pulling ahead just slightly. You have to have characters the audience can connect with, or how can you get them invested in the plot? You want characters who are relatable. Who are fun to read. And who have individual personalities.
Often when I watch TV or movies and analyze the characters, I have a thought like this:  “Movies and  TV are kind of cheating because the actor brings their own personality to the character.” What I’m talking about is the Acting. Novel writers don’t have actors in their novels, acting out their scenes for people to watch. We can describe the character’s movements, reactions, and facial tics, all down to the last detail, but it still isn’t the same as acting. And often, we don’t want to describe every last detail of how our character is acting and reacting and fidgeting because that gets old fast. So instead, we rely on their dialogue, their thoughts, and their actions. This is how we define our characters.
Well, this show made me rethink some things. Because yes, the actors bring their personalities to the roles, but the characters themselves are still individuals. I know what the characters are likely to do or say based on their dialogue and actions. If different actors were put into the roles, the characters would still be defined by the same actions.
In Stranger Things, Mike, one of our main characters, is a 12-year old boy who is part of a group of misfits at school.
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Like his friends, he geeks out over dungeons and dragons, Lord of the Rings, and anything sciency. In fact, all three of his friends share these traits in common. But Mike is defined as an individual by his actions. He often takes the lead in conversations and has a goal-oriented mind set. He’s empathetic and likes to look after people, as he does for the girl Eleven when he finds her in the woods. He volunteers to hide Eleven in his basement while his other friends advise him against it. When he talks to Eleven, he’s mindful of her feelings. Dialogue and actions define him.
Dustin is one of Mike’s friends and he’s just as geeky as Mike (maybe even more so) but he stands out as an individual, not just as “one of the friend characters”.
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Dustin is funny and loud, effortlessly delivering witty dialogue. He’s usually the first to make a geeky reference and does so as if he expects everyone in the room to know what he’s talking about. His adult teeth haven’t completely come in yet so he has a speech impediment, which he handles in stride. He spazzes out more easily than his other friends, mostly for comedic effect. At first glance he seems like the less intelligent one of the group, but as the show goes on you realize he’s not only the most level-headed, he might be the smartest, and he’s very intuitive about others feelings. He acts as mediator between his friends and tries to get them to stop fighting, even advising Mike to make things right with his friend Lucas. 
Lucas is harsher with words but he comes off as a decisive character. Once he’s made up his mind, it’s hard to sway him.
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Though Dustin is physically the strongest of the three boys, Lucas is the one who projects a tough guy attitude. He never forgets his slingshot (aka wrist rocket) and fully intends to use it on any bad guys that pop up (along with his dad’s knife and binoculars, “from Nam”). He’s a very loyal friend, so much so that he can be suspicious of people not in his friend group. More than once he gets angry at his friends for not being serious enough about looking for Will, and takes it upon his shoulders to look for his friend alone if he has to. Again, taking action. 
We often see inactive characters as being uninteresting. Part of the reason is that they take few actions on their own. As a result, they can’t really be defined by their actions and they come off as one-dimensional.
Dialogue speaks for your character. Actions do as well. Are you letting these things define them?
2. The Characters are Connected to the Plot
This is a topic I’ve been thinking about recently. In a good story, a character drives the plot. In a great story, a character is connected to the plot on an emotional level. This story isn’t just another life event for them, it’s the most important and defining time of their life. As such, this story should be an emotional ride for them, one that they feel and experience so that the reader can do the same.
The character is defined by their actions right? Well, their actions should be directly tied to what’s going on in the story and should, at times, be an emotional response to what’s going on. The characters need to care about what’s happening.
In my own writing, I often have my characters react emotionally to the plot. Where I have problems is knowing how much emotion to use. Am I being melodramatic? Am I spending too much time focusing on their emotional response and not letting them move on with the story? This is a really hard one to navigate.
I don’t think characters should be having emotional reactions all the time. I’ve read plenty of YA books where the MC was getting emotional about every little thing that happened, and it doesn’t work for me. Your character should be behaving intelligently more than they behave emotionally. But when the plot calls for an emotional reaction, let them feel it. Don’t glance over it. Try to use phrases that are outside the norm. Not everything should make the girl’s heart beat wildly out of her chest, or have her inhale sharply. Sometimes these emotions don’t need to be described physically at all, but can be shown through a character’s actions.
In Stranger Things, a boy named Will Byers goes missing and this has a huge effect on those close to him. I’ve seen a fair amount of TV or movies where a child goes missing. The family is usually shown sitting at home, grief-stricken, with little to say except how much they miss their child.
In this TV show, the boy’s family members are some of the main characters, and they aren’t sitting around, they’re moving. Joyce Byers, the boy’s mother, goes to the police in episode one and demands that they listen to her. She frantically searches the woods around her house for her missing kid. All through her actions, she exhibits how frantic and afraid she is. She is emotionally connected to the plot and she feels what’s going on. 
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The same is true for the other characters. Take Mike for example. Mike gets upset over Will’s disappearance and lashes out at his parents at the dinner table. He calls his friend Lucas and tells him (paraphrasing here) that Will was a friend who had their backs in the past and they should be out there looking for him, even if their parents forbid it. But Mike shows his connection the plot in other ways, not just with the central storyline.
Mike meets a girl named Eleven, a girl who just escaped from a top-secret lab. When Mike learns of the danger Eleven is in, he agrees to hide her, and even defends her to his friends when they tell him he should turn her in. When he thinks that one of his friends has died, Mike lashes out at Eleven and runs home, a sudden change from his usually kind self. We can see how much the story affects him, which in turn affects us.
3. Personal Stakes
The stakes in this show are always high, thanks to the disappearance of a young boy. Us viewers are automatically more sympathetic to a child character than we would be to an adult. Not only does Will go missing, he vanishes in a supernatural and frightening way when an otherworldly creature starts stalking him in the night. Just five minutes into the show the stakes are real and it seems like this kid who we just met could die any second.
The stakes from this point on are tied to the idea that Will is missing and he could die at any time. None of the characters know if he’s even alive, but his friends and his mother Joyce are convinced he’s out there somewhere, in need of rescuing. This situation creates a kind of ticking time bomb. The characters have to rescue Will before he dies, but we have no idea how they’re going to pull it off, not while a strange monster is on the loose.
The stakes are equally real for the character Eleven. Eleven is a young girl who’s been raised in a top-secret government lab, a lab that has something to do with Will Byer’s disappearance. For Eleven, the real fear is being found by the men chasing her. We witness early on that the men from this lab are willing to kill to get her back, and could even be aiming to kill Eleven herself. As a result, they pose a looming threat, especially since Eleven is being hidden by Mike, Lucas, and Dustin, three kids who we definitely don’t want to get hurt in the crossfire.
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A looming threat is a good thing in a story, but what are some ways you can make this threat more real to the characters? For one thing, the characters should know about the threat or they have no way to care about it. If the world’s going to end and the reader knows but the characters don’t for half the story, they can’t react to the situation, resulting in the reader feeling distanced from what’s going on.
If Will Byers had disappeared but it took days for the characters to learn about it, the stakes wouldn’t be real to them. Let the danger present itself in your story as early as possible. Pin your characters up against the antagonistic force. Let them take actions to save themselves or others, actions that help define who they are.
None of this is easy to do, but these are a few things to think about when you sit down for your next writing session. I need to look at the stakes in my own novel and figure out how to make it more intense. Most importantly, I need to let my character’s act in ways that define them.
Because if the reader can connect to your character’s actions, they can relate to them. Once you have a character we can relate to, we will be so much more afraid when their stakes are increased.
What are some ways your characters can be defined by their actions? What are you doing to up the stakes in your story? Have you learned about writing from Stranger Things too or is it just me? And do you even know what this TV show is or are you confused as to why everyone is raving about this girl with a shaved head who loves eggos?
Leave me a comment! And if you want to discuss the show, no season 2 spoilers please. I still haven’t finished it myself.
I Hope you don’t find yourself upside down in your writing this week. ;)
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nicolelelelelele · 7 years
get to know meme...?
thanks @fluorescenthoodie and @literal-treasure too tbh i hope u enjoy reading about lil ol’ me 🤗
1. Are you named after anyone?
lol ok so my middle name is Indy-Rose. my dad is a huge fan of indy car racing so that’s p much where that half came from 🙄 and my mom’s name is Rosa, so ye 🥀💜
2. When was the last time you cried?
last night lmao i don’t often go more than a day without pouring water out of my eyes
3. Do you like your handwriting?
i have a lot of different versions of my handwriting, and each one is p much trying to emulate some other persons handwriting that i’ve liked, sooo i guess i love everyone’s but my own?
4. What’s your favorite lunch meat?
yo i used to fucking love turkey sandwiches with doritos in them to give that extra CRONCH. i miss that tbh
5. Do you have kids?
yes. their names are leo, cappie, tilly, and mocha. i guess teeechnically only 2 children and 2 grandchildren, since tilly birthed the first two at the ripe age of 1. currently i’ve only got custody of my most recent child, mocha, while my mother has custody of the other three. 🐈
6. If you were a different person, would you be friends with you?
like if i was a 3rd person? ima guess that’s what this question is asking... uhh probably? as much as i hate myself on a deep and unhealthy level, i also think i’m fucking fantastic and would be amazing to hang out with on the daily
7. Do you use sarcasm?
ima be honest here, i’ve tried to tone it down it recent years because in high school i was an overly sarcastic ASSHOLE so like these days i try to be pretty straight up so people don’t get the wrong impression about what i’m tryna say
8. Do you still have your tonsils?
yup, i thankfully don’t snore or have any issues w them so i like them where they are. i have plenty other reasons to sit at home for two weeks eating ice cream.
9. Would you bungee jump?
nop. do not like. roller coasters? yes. free fallin’? no.
10. What’s your favorite cereal?
if i had the money it’d be just a really plain cereal like rice chex or something but i’d put fresh strawberries and blueberries in it every day.
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
i will always find a way to be the laziest version of myself, so no.
12. Do you think you’re a strong person?
i bench like 250 and can lift my own body off the ground for minutes at a time. 🏋🏽‍♀️ (i’m weak as fuck in just about every category, but will still manage to to drag you to hell in one way or another if u fuck w me or someone i care about)
13. What’s your favorite ice cream?
probs vanilla which is p ironic haha
14. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
depends on the person i guess? i can’t really pinpoint one thing, i think it’s probably just like their most defining personality trait? i basically always just notice what makes them ~them~ and that really sticks with me
15. What’s your least favorite physical thing about yourself?
the hair on my arms. thanks kid from junior high for pointing that out and making me forever self conscious about it! you know who you are 🙃
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now?
dark blue jeans and white old skools
17. What are you listening to right now?
miss you by mura masa
18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
no it’s a crayo-
anyway yeah like a minty blueish green or maroon idk they’re both my fave colors tbh
19. Who was the last person you talked on the phone with?
my fucking homie at our local taco truck what a hero 💯
20. Favorite sport to watch?
once upon a time it was baseball i guess but thanks to my s.o. i am now a slut for basketball
21. Hair color?
not the color that i want it to be
22. Eye color?
~hazel~ aka it seems to depend on what colors i’m wearing on any given day lol
23. Do you wear contacts?
nah fam
24. Favorite food?
either enchiladas or pupusas or pickles they’re p much all tied for first
25. Scary movie, or comedy?
i used to really like scary movies but i think the realities of life scare me enough on a daily basis that i should probs just stick to comedy and try to laugh away my sorrows.
26. Last movie you watched?
this is a Very Good Question™ to which i do not know the answer. ask me again this weekend and the answer will be Ladybird (saoirse please mother my children)
27. What color shirt are you wearing?
white. and it has emojis on it. it’s from a festival i went to ok i’m not totally a walking meme
28. Summer or winter?
i love winter because it ideally has all of my favorite things like snow and pretty lights and cozy sweaters and christmas and my birthday and all of those things are 10/10 but on the other hand... summer in the city means cleavage, cleavage, cleavage...
29. Hugs or kisses?
hugs for everyone, kisses for the right person
30. Book you’re currently reading?
i’m really bad at sitting down and reading books so i’ll just answer with the most recent book i’ve purchased: Waves Passing in the Night by Lawrence Weschler. it’s about the sound designer Walter Murch and astrophysics and a bunch of other cool shit idk i still need to read it!
31. Who do you miss right now?
my mom
32. What’s on your mousepad?
zwei’s booty
33. What’s the last TV program you watched?
The Bold Type. #kadena owns my ass
34. What’s the best sound?
😏 but also the little chirp cats make when they see a birb outside a window
35. Rolling Stones or the Beatles?
for some reason i never realized that twist and shout was by the beatles and i FUCKING LOVE that song so i guess that’s that?
36. What’s the furthest you’ve ever travelled?
lemme just give you a glimpse into my devastatingly lacking travel history: raised in cali, visited vegas twice before the age of 9, now living in new york. that’s it. going somewhere? take me with you p l e a s e
37. Do you have any special talent?
i can tie a cherry stem with my tongue 😉 also i sometimes think i can sing so check out my latest sad cover over at soundcloud.com/nicolelelelele/youth and cry with me!
38. Where were you born?
the place that *contains* the happiest place on earth but definitely *isn’t* the happiest place on earth: anaheim, california
@onehundredsevendays ur the only one i can think to tag in this rn so hop on bud
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bfknj · 7 years
tags masterpost (?)
I was tagged in a few tag games over the past few days and instead of posting them all separately I decided to just put them all on one! If I tagged you feel free to do any or all of these (including people who tagged me!!) As always, don’t feel any pressure to do any, I just think these are fun and wanted to share :)
- - - - 11 questions tag - - - -
Rules: 1. Make sure to post the rules!! 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people
these questions are from @moonmyun !! michaela you had me stRUGGLIN OKAY YOUR QUESTIONS WERE HARD but ily still bless you for the tag you angel :”)
1 who is your bias group? why?
BANGTAN SONYEONDAN AKA MEME SQUAD !!!!!!! honestly they just make me so beyond happy wow holly nobody ever says that about their favs ur original a LOOOT of music is centered around love these days and not to say bts doesn’t do that with a lot of their music but they also tackle a lot of societal issues and I really respect them for that. From 21st century girls w politics, spring day mv and the ferry sinking, suicide in the I need u mv and many other things I feel like they take risks for the sake of portraying what they hold true to their hearts/morals not necessarily what will sell best and I can’t name many other groups who do that as well :( also my boys cute af I love those dweebs IM SO WHIPPED HAH
2 which kpop video do you find the most aesthetically pleasing?
this is hard :(( idk my number one but I really like seventeen hip hop unit’s check in, red velvet’s one of these nights, ladies code’s galaxy, kim lip of loona’s eclipse and crush’s fall ! they don't all match my aesthetic but I feel like they match the songs really well!!! watch them okay 3/5 of them are hELLA UNDERRATED bye
3 if you could instantly learn one choreography, what would you pick?
something by either gfriend or bts?? love whisper or not today or blood sweat tears?? OOOH or red flavor by rv!! tbh though I’m really skinny so my limbs look weird af with a lot of dances rip
4 who do you look up to as a role model (in the kpop community or not)?
there’s no person in particular that really sticks out but I will say I’ve always admired jungkook, and really all trainees for that matter, who leave their families to start training really young because its a process thats hard physically, emotionally and mentally for late teen/early twenties trainees but there’s sO many kids who enter in their pre-teens and idk how they survive also I realized this doesn’t answer your question at all I'm sorry its 1:28 AM I’m just waiting for the DNA mv to drop
5 whose concert would you go to if you could and why?
DAY6 DAY6 DAY6 DAY6 !!!!! THEY INVENTED LIVE SHOWS DONT FIGHT ME ON THIS or shoot maybe dean or crush or heize?? I LOVE TOO MANY TALENTED PEOPLE also I would say bts but although there are countless amazing beautiful armys there are def some crazy scary ones that are known to be horrible at concerts so
6 if you could pick one idol to be best friends with, who would it be and why?
OK YALL IVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS A LOT IN MY DAILY LIFE SO S/H TO MICHAELA FOR ASKING ILY either boo seungkwan or ahn heeyeon!! I feel like hani would be so fun to have girl time with bc I feel like we’re really similar in some ways ?? IDK I LOVE HER bUT overall I’d say boo seungkwan because istg we are 100000000% the same person only he has a weenie ok just trust me I am boo and boo is me
7 would you want to be a part of a kpop group if you had the opportunity to be?
I’d absolutely love to be in the entertainment industry and I think the staging, costuming, group dynamics and publicity (variety shows, fan service/interations) in the kpop industry are all really cool but I honestly don't think I have the mental strength to do it lmao idols go through so much and I don’t think I could handle it regardless of how much I enjoy singing/dancing/performing etc.
8 what languages do you speak, and which do you want to learn?
english and some spanish??? I understand a lot because quite a bit of my family speaks it but my conversational skills have gone downhill recently because I haven’t had a lot of opportunities to practice :( with that said, I’d like to be fluent in spanish and - BEFORE YOU COME FOR ME READ IT ALL OK - I’d like to learn korean BECAUSE!!!!! when I was little before I moved I would go to a farmers market by my house and a lot of the older ladies there spoke korean and little holly though it sounded so pretty and I always wanted to chat w them ok THATS WHY I’m not a creepy koreaboo this has been a thing since before I even knew what a kpop was ok bye 
9 what song cheers you up when you’re sad?
fire by bts bc I get hella turnt to that song its a pROBLEM also jackpot by block b, baby/puss in boots by astro, chained up by vixx, not today/bst by bts, knock knock by twice, i think I love you by sonamoo THE LIST GOES ON I HAVE A WHOLE PLAYLIST OK
10 what things do you associate with your bias?
dimples!! pretty hands, closing one eye in selcas, ootds, happiness so cheesy ik sORRY, ryan, studying, awkward dancing, open mouth laughs, second hand embarrassment, sentimental rants
11 what’s your favourite thing to do in your free time?
cry over namjoon tbh I’m one of those people who is constantly listening to music so I’m always doing that and singing along regardless of if its free time or not HAH then I really like reading and catching up on my youtube subscriptions
my questions!
what is your dream job?
favorite book of all time?
what is your current fashion like and what is your dream fashion?
if your best friend was cloned, how would you know which one of the two was your best friend?
what song got you into kpop?
which idol do you think is most similar to you?
favorite kpop lyrics?
if given the opportunity to collaborate with any group/soloist of your choice, who would you choose and why?
what is your favorite physical and character trait of your ult?
which underrated groups/soloists do you believe deserve more recognition? any song recs?
do you read fanfics? if so, what are your favorites?
- - - - song title game - - - -
I was tagged by @kihani, your song choices were 12/10 
rules: spell you your url with kpop songs and tag ten people! (all of these happen to by song recs too so listen nd be happy friends)
mysterious - hello venus
i think i love you? - sonamoo (a fav ok listen pls)
life in color - beenzino
knock - knk 
jelly - hotshot
only u - daze
out of sorts - vixx
night rather than day - exid
she’s a baby - zico
- - - - get to know me tag! - - - -
1ST RULE: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true. tagged by @sleepysugarmoon, thank you friend!! APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses (or contact lenses) I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people  People tell me that I’m funny   Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument  I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month Fandoms are my #1 passion  I do or have done martial arts EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
tagging some mutuals bc ily and why do you even follow me I'm a wreck tbh OK i tag: @kihani, @21jd, @lapatronakim, @94seulqi, @gayoongi, @springdqy, @medina-kim, @15minss, @je0n, @cottontae, @taebaeul, @booty-baekery, @lalisl, @babekhyun, @voidpjm and anyone else who wants to try any or all of these!! 
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book-o-scams · 7 years
Either 1. Do an analysis on the scene from Run for Your Ed where the Kanker's find that their ship-in-a-bottle is missing. Or if you don't want to do an analysis (please think about doing one though) you can just answer this question. Why is the Kanker's ship-in-a-bottle so important? * If you have any questions see the post on my blog. You have until Sunday to complete the analysis.
I’m excited to do this because ‘Run For Your Ed’ is a really great Kanker episode AND a really great LATER episode.  Season 4′s Kanker episodes have some of the most intentional character-exploration in the show’s entire run, and it’s really nice to see AKA so proactive about developing characters who are usually treated like extras, especially during an era  era where they were having trouble developing the central characters.  This season contains at least 3 episodes that begin from the Kankers’ perspective and humanize their motivations before setting them loose on the cul-de-sac, this being one of those episodes.  This season also contains ‘A Twist of Ed’, an interesting episode that begins from the Eds’ perspective but starts blending in the Kankers’ perspective when the Eds start to turn the tables on them.  It’s disappointing that we don’t really get any Kanker-focused episodes during the digital era of the show, but at least season 5 finally breaks status quo, first by having the Eds publicly declare the Kankers to be their girlfriends, and in the end by scaring the Kankers away for most post-s5 episodes.
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Here’s a weird thing I noticed… for the last 3 episodes of season 4, the storyboard credit screen does not actually say “storyboard by.“  And although they are all episodes with the “Tout Le Monde“ credit--  a trend mostly used during seasons 2 and 4, while season 3 had more solo episodes and season 1 wasn’t credited very clearly, it’s a French phrase they use when all of the storyboard artists in the studio contributed pieces of the episode-- earlier instances of “Tout Le Monde“ as late as s4′s ‘Stuck in Ed’ included the “storyboard by“ line.  Kinda seems like an oversight as season 4′s deadlines got tight...  But obviously I know this is nitpicking, regardless it’s very interesting that Danny wanted the show to go out with so many group-effort episodes.  I wonder if perhaps it was to improve morale when everyone was feeling out of ideas?  Or if the artists actually disliked not receiving clearer credit?
Anyway the other reason I wanted to include this screenshot for Kanker appreciation month is that I noticed the Tout Le Monde episodes of seasons 2 and 4 (IIRC, it’s just Homecooked Eds, A Twist of Ed, Run For Your Ed, and technically the movie although it is not credited to Tout Le Monde) produced some of the most iconic Kanker moments and I think the Kankers’ group dynamics are influenced by the team spirit at AKA.
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This is the first time we see the trailer park at night and the only time we see it at night without it being buried under snow.
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Oh, I also have model sheets archived for this episode!  Here are some color tests using season 1 background lineart:
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This episode is the only time we get to see the Kankers all sleeping in their bed, as well as the only time we get to see their pajamas.  I’m fascinated by which characters get pajamas and other sorts of alternate outfits.
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So things begin peacefully enough, with Brahms Lullaby, lotsa night ambience, and a cute gag where the Kankers each have their own obnoxious snore that somehow doesn’t wake the others.
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But soon enough, one crash downstairs wakes Lee and a second crash wakes Marie. 
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The storyboarding seems to be intentionally framing this as the older sisters sharing a feeling of responsibility for their household.
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Ohh, I also love whenever we get to see the Kankers scared shitless like this, it’s surprisingly not as rare as you’d think.
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Have some cute sleepy Mays:
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The girls have each others’ backs as they cautiously look down their staircase.
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Thankfully I have the model sheet so we can fully appreciate this perspective:
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In a subtle and effectively creepy little bit of animation, all the Kankers see is a tiny tin can rolling out of their kitchen.
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Marie and May immediately turn to Lee for their next move.
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LOVE this shot with the kitchen light.  Season 4 also has the hands-down BEST trailer backgrounds, we get to see so many interesting perspectives in these episodes.
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Lee seemingly lets her sisters stay behind and charges to the kitchen with their wall-mounted swordfish (or is that a marlin…?).
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However, the intruder has already left and we get a few more looks at the nighttime trailer park:
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Relieved, Lee and Marie jump into the window and bark insults at the intruder.  Another good older sisters sequence, and this one I have a couple storyboard panels for:
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They inspect their wrecked kitchen, and at first the background, Lee’s tone and the music sync up to make this look like a really depressing moment, this family with little to begin with having been eaten out of house and home.  And as fans, the next scene’s reveal that this is a redux of Ed’s sleepeating from season 1 is no surprise, and I think it’s being portrayed a bit less amusing now that it’s affecting families outside of Peach Creek’s ritzy suburbs.
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But then we get this dramatic shot of Marie holding the table and it always throws off the mood of this scene to me…  I still love the scene as a whole but when Marie whines “why’s it always the good ones that get away!?” while looking at a bite mark out of something inedible, it kind of implies weird things about the Kankers and adult strangers and really any trailer park weirdo who might break in…  Especially after what the Kankers do without a second thought to Bro in BPS, this is more than a bit concerning.  It’s right up there with Marie saying “I LIKE cheaters“ in her second appearance, sometimes Marie’s defining trait in my mind is that she’s somehow LESS rational than the others.. Or maybe it’s just another reference to this specific interest they’ve picked up from their mom, in men who have big appetites…
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I always want to believe this is actually a more absurd gag and that Marie is instead saying it to mourn the table where she eats all her meals, in more of a “why do the good die young” way… but then Lee and Marie continue the conversation, referring to this stranger as a bum they shouldn’t shed tears over and it’s cemented as a creepy moment.
Moving on, I love this unnecessarily detailed ketchup bottle Lee shakes and then tosses on the floor:
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At least Marie ends up agreeing with Lee.  Then Marie makes a joke about May being the only one to clean this up and it gets a laugh out of Lee.
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I love how much the later backgrounds in the show focus on how these homes look from various standpoints… Makes the world feel very lived in.
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Take note of how the front door has been eaten through by Ed, exposing their yellow car out front. Ed apparently nibbled on EVERYTHING along that wall on the right…We also see a new telephone, a Chekhov’s Gun for a later gag in this scene…
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Love the trumpets blaring as the camera swirls up to the missing heirloom.
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“HOLY TOLEDO!” Lee and Marie exclaim in unison to underline that this is crossing a major line.
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This angle is making my mouth water.  Latter-day EEnE backgrounds are to die for.
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Getting back to my favorite time-wasting Kanker gag, even at their most personally attacked and mutually motivated, the siblings have to fight over who gets to hold the plaque first.
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Marie strikes first.
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Yay, May called first dibs before they jumped!
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Lee looks so much like Bro in this pose…
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Could these just be Toomey’s drawings?  I’m not sure how often he storyboarded or how often he changed drawings during the design phase since the show’s so close to the boarders’ styles, but I feel like these square jaws are something I keep noticing when archiving Toomey’s model sheets.
Also, I love the phrase “someone shanghaied our ship inna bottle,“ very nautical.
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May is moved to tears yet again this season as she fills the audience in on how this is a family heirloom that the Kankers were allowed to play with during bath nights at their old home.  Pretty cute memory, I wish the show had flashbacks at this point!
Does anyone know what it is May calls their old home here?  I’ve always heard it as “the Ol’ Hubcap“ which is convincing enough for me as a name for another local trailer park or just a nickname the Kankers would come up with for a nostalgic home, but it’s difficult to hear through her sobs.  Another popular theory, which I see is currently used on the EEnE Wikia’s transcript of the episode, is that she just says “the ol’ homestead,“ which is a pretty old-timey phrase if you ask me.. May’s certainly not made to feel “modern“ as much as Marie or Nazz are but it also seems unusual to give her such antiquated wild-west dialogue.
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Marie covers May’s mouth before she exposes any more vulnerability or personal details about their backstories.
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Marie is surprisingly lawful and proposes they call the cops.  I WISH WE GOT TO SEE THE COPS THEY MENTION AND THE FIRETRUCKS WE HEAR LATER IN THIS EPISODE, AAAARRRGGGHHHHH I just want to see more emergency vehicles, this season let us have an ambulance for Pete’s sake!
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Uh.. May, put the phone down, the Little Rascals Movie’s calling, they want their joke back.  Sorry, this episode came out when I was 12 and going through a terrible Little Rascals phase. 
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This episode has really good camera direction…
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“NO COPS!!“  Why do I get the feeling their mom would punch a phone to prevent the cops from getting involved in anything…
Such good looking backlit sparks!  Gonna miss backlighting during the digital era.
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Can’t help but notice that these model sheets have been reversing the rimlighting on the Kankers…
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In this very well composed and cinematic feeling shot, Lee vows to find the crook and recover their bath toy, “Kanker Style…“
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Cue maniacal laughter and end scene!  It’s a pretty self-explanatory scene, but I really appreciate all the detail put into the Kankers’ poses and expressions and home life.  Season 4 doesn’t always sit right with me, but I think this episode has a pretty fun understanding of every character.  Hope you enjoyed studying this scene with me!
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This isn't meta, this is more like self-promotion.
I just love this introduction to an AU so much because it says so much about what an AU should be. Yeah yeah it turns out to be a dream that Dean creates himself but if nothing else that enforces these rules even more strongly, but they're the things that make it such a credible AU while it's happening. Even in 4x17, which is utterly cruel with these rules, from the get go there are tiny things which link Smith & Wesson to their "IRL" counterparts.
But yeah. 2x20. What I love about this is the simplicity of cutting from the real life stuff to the AU and announcing it by horror movies. Dean watches horror movies as a comfort thing to sleep. They're the background radiation to his life - the clue of the last actions of what he did before the real Dean dropped into the place of what you would imagine his AU counterpart had been doing up until this point. (Probably making out with Carmen to a horror movie in the background, before falling asleep before 10 like responsible adults.)
For anyone who's reading Andrea's Diner (aka "Terrible Coffee AU") you'll know how much I love writing the sort of AU where I try as much as possible to uncanny valley mirror canon with random details, character purposes, relationships or whatever... Rewatching this episode though I'm just so amused because the entire emotional subplot between Sam and Dean in Andera’s Diner is low key about horror... no spoilers but Sam's off writing a horror novel and Dean's off designing a horror video game, and they've both moved to this creepy town because they kind of dig the horror vibe it gives off... Dean casually name-drops the monsters they've hunted and I didn't even go as far as making him and Baby "civilians" but crammed in way more of his life as a hunter into his lifestyle before he gets to town, giving him a transient life with all sorts of earliest known canon > season 12 style off-screen adventures/trauma/relationships (or all three at once).
I do kind of feel like this one moment in 2x20 really defines for me what writing AUs is all about (personally, when I write, but also in a meta way of how the show uses them) though, because it's just... Immediately showing us the difference and what stays the same. What is and what isn't now. Horror to Dean is a movie he plays to lull himself to sleep - a normal part of his life, and in the pop culture way we know he loves anyway. But it's still there, it's like showing there's still a strong link between him and his old life even when you conjure a completely monster-free life for Dean, something in him just veers that way. It's the lesson in 4x17 but in one clip of an old film overlaid with the title and used as our intro to Dean's AU life. You don't need to MAKE him see hunting and monsters is a part of him... When you try and define Dean, there ALWAYS has to be a part of him drawn to the uncanny and having all these traits we know where he has such a weird relationship to monsters, even if they're only ones in the media and conspiracy theory websites on the internet and wherever else he can read about urban legends when he's bored. It's an integral part of his character, you know?
Anyway, that's just something I feel deep down in my heart of hearts, and I think this moment explains really nicely for me my entire policy about both how AUs should work when I watch/read them - how to re-use the elements that make the characters feel real - and how I write them myself. I want there to be ties to the world we know. I want to write something that feels like you could stick a "and then they woke up and it had all been a djinn dream" with the canon characters as the last paragraph if you WANTED, and you probably WON'T because AUs are AUs after all, but... idk, I just like the way it feels pulling on canon and all its weird little details.
(I'm trying to get better at self-promotion because I keep seeing all these posts about how it's not evil and writers need it to get the audience they thrive off, but I have spent several days trying to directly write a post about why you should read Andrea's Diner and utterly failing to give it even a simple blurb, so mashing it up into some meta is plan B while I work on the self-esteem problem :P)
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