#akagami no shirayukihime event
ans-arcade · 5 months
As we prepare for the next event after the Gift Exchange, we wanted to ask for some participation before we announce it. By participation, we are requesting for you to submit some one word prompts to be used in the event!
The event is a rare pair event called ANS Rare Pair Scramble, if that helps with brainstorming prompts or adds extra motivation! The event will properly be announced after the prompts submission deadline ends.
The more the merrier as far as prompts go!
Prompt submission starts today and goes through the end of June! Here's where you can submit your prompts for the Rare Pair Scramble. (Link down below).
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mitsukiki-festival · 1 year
MitsuKiki Week 2023
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Hello, everyone! Welcome to the first MitsuKiki event of the year: MitsuKiki Week 2023! The event will begin from May 21st — May 27th. Which will give you guys 1 and 1/2 months to work. ^_^
We decided to do a Spring theme for the prompts, since it is springtime, with the final day being a free day where you can choose anything, have it be an AU, or even both! It’s up to you!
Here are the prompts:
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Day 1: Cuddles
Day 2: Picnic
Day 3: Longing
Day 4: Flower Crowns
Day 5: Rain
Day 6: New Beginnings
Day 7: Free Day / AU
The rules are the same. SFW only (though you can add some sensual things if you want, so long as they’re not too graphic), and it must be centered on MitsuKiki (though you can do it through another person’s POV if you’d like).
Also, here’s the link to the Ao3 Collection tab for you to post your stuff there if you have an account on that site.
MitsuKiki Week 2023 — Ao3 Collection Link
If you have any questions, please feel free to DM us!
Also, if you don’t have a Tumblr, please don’t worry, we can also accept your works on Twitter, Discord, and/or Ao3 | FFN.
And please don’t fret about not being able to join if you’re too busy. We, as always, will accept late entries! We’ll be accepting them up to June 24th.
We hope that you have fun and we look forward to the MitsuKiki content you’ll come up with! See you in May! ^_^
— MitsuKiki Festival Mod Team
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nokaru · 5 months
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My participation for the ANS Gift Exchange Event! the mods have given me a greenlight to post early lets goo
"first meeting" Zenyuki piece for @airahscorner <3 I hope you like it friend! I wasn't sure what exactly you would like cause I know you basically love everything in ANS but I remembered you mentioned really liking the first zenyuki meeting in the anime so this fanart is inspired by it! I provide the lineart in cause you ever feel bored and want to color something small and silly ksdjkajd
thank you for the amazing event @ans-arcade!!
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zenyuki-festival · 4 months
ZenYuki Week 2024
ZenYuki Week 2024 will be June 9th through June 15th! This year, we went with more of a flower theme, to which you may create things inspired off of the flower meanings or inspired in any way off the flowers for each day! We also decided to do something new this year and add audience participation prompts! Anyone can participate with the audience participation prompts, even if you created something already for that day or are not creating something for any reason. It is just an added fun way you can participate! The bonus audience prompt is either for the day after the event or for answering any day of the event you would like to.
The prompts are down below, and the audience prompts are at the bottom of the post.
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Day 1: Rose
Day 2: Lily
Day 3: Chrysanthemum
Day 4: Yura Shigure
Day 5: Phostyrias
Day 6: Wisteria
Day 7: Bouquet
Appreciation Prompts:
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Day 1: Pick a flower and its meaning that you feel most represents ZenYuki.
Day 2: What is your most favorite ZenYuki moment?
Day 3: Show us a picture of flower(s) or garden that you'd think ZenYuki would have, or show a picture of one from an anime or manga.
Day 4: What makes them work as a couple?
Day 5: What are their strengths as a couple? What are their weaknesses as a couple?
Day 6: Is there anything you would add or change about their relationship?
Day 7: If Sorata-sensei had given you the power to choose one scene or moment ZenYuki could have in a future chapter, what would it be?
Bonus: Free Day! Share anything you'd like about ZenYuki!
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onedivinemisfit · 1 year
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Abandoned wips
AnS (c) Akizuki Sorata
Art: Me
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soulless-angel25 · 2 months
Whumperless Whump Event: Day 10 Prompt- Your work is never finished: Forced to work while ill / Workplace emergency / “…sit down, I'm calling HR.” @seth-whumps
Fandom: Snow White with the Red Hair Characters: Shirayuki
AO3 Link!
Shirayuki's head was burning and her visi was blurry as shetried to focus on the papers in front of her that she needed to read. H hands shook when she raised the papers up to gain a closer look at them. The words swaying, she was partialy aware of what the papers sd but it wasn't making sense in her brain.
Sighing she set them down as she rubbed her forehead. Honestly she wasn't that sick so it didn't make sense for to be feeeling as miserable as she does.
Standing up Shirayuki staggered as her legs gae up from underneath her, dropping to the cold floor./And- oh..felt so nice against her skin, could she just stay right here? For a few minutes at least.
Her breathing slowed as she closed her eyes, it would be fine. Just... a little nap, that's all. Like Ryu does from time to time.
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ruleofexception · 9 months
A moment apart, ch 2
Like a needle nestling itself into the worn grooves of a record – coaxing into existence a song captured in bits of braille only the stylus can read – the transmission begins as it always does with a click and soft whine. Components, never before challenged with transmitting from such a staggering distance, struggle to overcome the static that follows; to break through the crackles and pops that are born of the void and leach into the wavelengths like salt into soil.
Read more on A03
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randowwriter · 1 year
A Little Lesson (For My Love)
Here's my last new oneshot for Week Three of Cooking With Zen! I decided to write a married ZenYuki oneshot! <3 <3 <3
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kitkat1128 · 2 years
@ans-arcade | AnS Family Week 2022 (Late Submission) Day 2 - Best Friend Words: 843
"As Shirayuki befriends a prince from the foreign country of Clarines, it has both its challenges and blessings. Furthermore, she gets to know him little by little, personally. However, that personal information can be quite a lot. Another young lady appears in Zen's office...!"
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winterchimez · 7 months
A Fairytale Encounter | Jacob Bae
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SUMMARY: becoming an herbalist in Clarines wasn't all fun and games when you always knew at the back of your mind that you had a huge debt to pay to the prince of Tanbarun. But who would have thought that a fateful encounter with the prince of Clarines would turn the tables around, potentially rewriting the future that you had been prepared to accept for the past decade?
PAIRING: prince!Jacob x f!reader (feat. bodyguard!Kevin)
GENRE: akagami no shirayukihime au, royal au, fluff, angst, suspense, slight thriller
WARNINGS: pg-13, Jacob is adorable and the sweetest prince ever yes that is a warning, minor injuries, mentions about yn becoming a concubine, kissing, slight fighting scenes, petnames (sweetheart, pumpkin, girlie), Jacob is scary when he's serious / on the battlefield (and also hawt whew 😮‍💨), Minhyuk is such a jerk here (sorry ophelia) 😃
A/N: this was written for k-vanity's not your shoujo love story event! and ofc, also written specially & dedicated to @snowflakewhispers 🩵 happiest birthday boo 🥳 you're like a long-lost sister to me, the sunwoo to my eric, and despite all of the bickering and you making me lose my shit on a daily basis, I still love you loads regardless. accept this little birthday gift from moi & i hope you like it 😚🩷 thankiew my pookies @itsbeeble @momhwa-agenda for reading this through for me too ❤️
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“Miss Y/N! We have another order for you!” 
Your assistant, Kiara, came running into the pharmacy with a note in hand, hastily making her way towards you with an enthusiastic smile plastered all across her face. 
“What’s with the rush, Kiara?” You chuckled, grinding the herbs in your mortar with your pestle while looking up to examine her appearance, clearly indicating that she had been somewhere—the dusty and slightly muddied skirt, the soot on her face, as well as her ponytail being all loose and messed up. 
The smile on your face instantly disappears. “Please tell me you didn’t get into trouble, young lady.” 
Immediately, your assistant pouted before crossing her arms and staring back at you. “Now that’s just rude, Miss Y/N! I was helping you to spread the news about our little humble business.”
“And that includes getting all dirtied and looking like a homeless person?” 
Kiara huffed. “You’ll be sorry if you keep it up like this because you’ll lose a valued customer.” 
Teasing your little assistant has always been something you’ve come to enjoy; she always gave the best reactions after all. It was a miracle to have been able to find a humble yet enthusiastic young lady like her. It hasn’t been easy for you ever since both your grandparents passed and you had to take over their well-known pub business in town. You have tried your best to keep up with the tradition and run the business for several years until it significantly died down. 
Eventually, you discover a stash of books in the attic where your mother used to keep them away when she was still alive. She was a librarian and kept many books away in the untouched room.
As you were helping your grandparents clean up the attic when you were younger, you stumbled upon various books about using traditional methods and herbs to help the sick. Mainly, you picked it up because you wanted to try your best to support your mother in overcoming her illness. 
It went well for some time, and you tried your very best to learn about all of the different herbal methods to treat her incurable sickness—it was usually a game like tug of war where she would sometimes feel better on certain days and then back to being under the weather on the rest. 
Despite your efforts and using the hard-earned money you have gotten from working at the pub, your mother eventually passed on, leaving you in your grandparents' care ever since you were thirteen. Years passed, and you tried your very best to help them out as much as possible while continuing your interest in herbology.
Eventually, they passed on when you were seventeen, and you decided to change up the humble pub into a local pharmacy instead, giving care and help to the poor by treating their wounds and sickness with traditional herbs. 
Business was slow to begin with, and it wasn’t till a few years back that your pharmacy gained a steady momentum, all thanks to your biggest enemy yet wealthiest customer to date—the prince of Tanbarun, Lee Minhyuk. 
Just when you thought that you wouldn’t have to see him again after all of the efforts your family has made for you to escape Tanbarun itself, the prince casually walked into your store one fine day, shocked that you were still alive and well. His demeanour immediately changed, and he wouldn’t stop meddling with you, as he kept reminding you about the promise made years ago. 
Be my concubine. 
You have never liked him in the slightest—you never really knew how he became prince when his older brother, Eunkwang, could have been the much respected and better prince than Minhyuk ever was. It was all because of how he decided to choose his lover over the throne that he decided to leave the kingdom of Tanbarun, leaving their father with no choice but to pass on the heir to the younger male. 
Minhyuk was definitely the so-called dream-like prince in the public’s eye as he was everything the people wanted—charming, handsome, and hell, even a womaniser. Undoubtedly, he immediately gained the public’s attention and convinced them that the kingdom was in good hands. 
If only the people knew how wrecked this guy actually was. 
Ever since that day, he has always made a note about your little humble store and made sure that the people knew precisely how such a place existed and made sure to complete your little store a huge matter in both kingdoms—your former home, Tanbarun; your current home, Clarines. 
Part of you was somehow grateful that Minhyuk found your little humble store; you wouldn’t have been where you are today without that. But another part was how you despised that you needed your biggest enemy’s help for your current success. It still makes you feel sick to the stomach to even associate with a guy like him.
Thankfully, he never returned or made any contact with you since that last visit, even though he made a deal to visit your store, or rather, you, once every couple of months. You figured that he was probably busy dealing with his royal duties, and you were grateful for that as you were holding back from taking a syringe to pierce through his forearm the next time he ever made a move on you again. 
Or so you thought. 
“The letter reads that we are to prepare a large batch of medicinal herbs that are suitable for warriors as they travel across the border to war, and the prince of Tanbarun himself would be coming in precisely three days to review the materials himself,” Kiara read out the little piece of note that was within her grasp. 
“You have got to be kidding me.”
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It was one day before the agreed meeting with your so-called “client”, and you were just stumbling around the woods trying to add potentially new medicinal herbs to your inventory. Everything was going surprisingly well—good weather, no distractions as if the woods were completely empty, and the sounds of the birds chirping were what calmed you down, too. 
It wasn’t unusual for you to leave the store to Kiara for a couple of hours; you have done it a couple of times in the past, but now that Minhyuk would reunite with you again, you couldn’t help but feel all anxious. You swore that if he ever brought Kiara into the mess you both have had in the past, you would definitely skin this man alive. 
Hence, you tried your very best to avoid dragging too long and head back to the store as soon as you finished your business. 
Just when you picked up the last medical herb at the very end of the woods, close to the streaming lake, you felt a gush of wind coming in your direction. As soon as you lifted your head to see what it was, a massive white animal passed right through you, and it finally came to a halt.
It wasn’t unusual to see horse riders pass through the woods; it was pretty much normal. But something felt off with this individual than the usual ones you come across daily. The individual hopped off their horse and slowly turned back to look at you. It took you quite a bit of time to get yourself back to reality despite you clearly noticing how the individual’s mouth had been moving, indicating that he was trying his best to speak to you. 
The male was taller than the ones you were used to, given that you have encountered most males in Tanbarun and the outskirts of Clarines. Naturally, you have assumed that he was part of the wealthy families from the city, judging from his outfits and how he presented himself. You have pretty much met most of the individuals from the little town you resided in, but never from wealthy individuals from the city itself. Hence, your jaw dropped with the way this male somehow showed you more than enough for you to determine what the people who resided in the city looked like.
And with just how attractive he was. 
“Umm, hello? Earth to whoever I’m speaking with?” 
You finally came to your senses when the male was just mere inches away from you, waving his hands over your face and causing you to take a few steps back. “Oh my god, I-I’m so sorry! I-It’s just that I’ve never seen someone like you…”
The male cocked his head to one side and stared at you strangely before bursting out loud into laughter. “Well, I’m one of a kind around here, so—”
Right before he could finish his sentence, another horse rider came galloping towards your direction before coming to a halt abruptly. Another tall, well-built male leaps off his horse and walks straight up to the male before giving him a smack on his shoulders. 
“Ow! What was that for, Kevin!” The male pouted. 
“Who the hell told you that you were to head off all on your own, Jacob? You clearly know that you always have plenty of enemies up against you—”
“Calm down, kiddo. We’re just out in the woods for a little ride; there’s no need to panic or be uptight.” 
You were just standing there holding your little bag filled with herbal leaves and taking a few steps back before you eventually stepped on one of the branches, which elicited a snap, making both males redirect their attention to you. 
“I umm…I think it’s time for me to leave. Sorry for interrupting!” You bowed frantically before turning and walking away towards the other direction, only for your hood to be pulled back by the male.
“Nuh-uh, wait a second, girlie. We weren’t done talking yet.” 
“Let me go! I’ve done nothing—”
Before you could finish your sentence, it seemed as if the male had tugged on your hood a little too rough, causing him to pull it away, eventually revealing the part of you that you were most well-known for in town.
Your long crimson-red hair. 
Both males were stunned as they stared at you for a good minute, none moving an inch. You didn’t really know what to say then, so you decided that it was best to keep quiet for the time being. 
“You have really strange hair,” the male you assumed was Jacob, replied. 
Nervously, you start twirling your hair with your fingers, trying to hide the awkward tension in the air. “Y-Yeah! People often tell me that, actually,” you chuckled. 
Just then, you noticed how there was a slit right across Jacob’s arms, and blood was slowly starting to seep through the fabric of his clothes. Naturally, your doctor instincts immediately came, and you quickly dug through your bag to find the perfect remedy to treat the wound. 
“You’re bleeding! You can’t leave the wound like that for too long; you’ll get an infection—”
“Stop right there, young lady. What makes you think I’d trust you to put whatever is on my wound?”
You were stunned. “What?”
“You never know; it could be poisonous, and perhaps you’re trying to kill me.”
“W-What? Of course not! I’m an herbalist; I treat patients all the time,” you tried your best to reassure the male, but it seemed as if neither of them was convinced by what you had just told them. You immediately dug through your bag again, looking for something to change their minds.
A scalpel. 
Immediately, you made a little slit right on your forearm, earning a slight hiss from you and a shocked look from both males. As the blood began oozing out, you quickly took a clean cloth to wipe the blood away before applying the very same ointment you had just shown the two males earlier before finishing it off with a bandage. With that, you lifted your forearm and showed it to their faces. 
“See? I’m not a liar now, am I?” 
You were met by silence, and it returned until Jacob started giggling and taking a few steps towards you again. He stops right in front of you and shoves his injured forearm straight into your face. 
“Well then, let me reintroduce myself properly. The name is Jacob, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
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“I’m sorry about how I presented myself back there, Y/N. That must’ve been an awful first impression,” Jacob rubbed the back of his neck with his other arm while his injured one was in the care of your hands, applying the very same ointment you used earlier and wrapping it up neatly. 
“It’s fine; it was my fault too for not speaking up more,” you smiled back, trying your best to tell him that it was something that you didn’t really mind at all. 
It just so happened that Jacob had a little hut out here in the woods where he often came as a child. Thankfully, the place was still intact, and all of you could take a little break while you tended to his wounds. As you slowly started to patch the bandage up, you couldn’t help but feel as if a pair of burning eyes were staring at you, making you feel a little uncomfortable. Sure enough, as you lifted your head, you noticed that Jacob was much closer than before, leaning in while resting his chin on the palm of his hand.
“W-What?” You squeaked. 
“I have never met a girl like you, Y/N. You just seem very different from all the girls in the kingdom.”
Before Jacob could answer, he was earned with a hard slap on his shoulder, and it was none other than Kevin, who was staring down at his friend rather intensely. 
“Hey! Can’t you see that I’m a wounded patient trying his best to get treated?” He argued back. 
“With all due respect, Jacob. That’s something that you shouldn’t be disclosing easily.” 
God, another awkward moment. 
Just like before, Jacob reassured the male and gently put his friend’s hand down from his shoulder, giving them a little rub to reassure him that everything was alright. “It’s fine, Kevin. It would be rude to leave a lady in the dark like that. Besides, she helped me, and I think she deserves to know.” 
Kevin wasn’t convinced in the slightest, that’s for sure. However, it seemed he would always listen to Jacob’s orders, despite how often you have seen him hit the guy. As Kevin started to back away, Jacob redirected his attention towards you before lowering his voice slightly. 
“Say, Y/N. Do you know who I am?”  
“Umm…should I?” 
With that response, Kevin couldn’t help but snort at that comment you made, causing Jacob to give him a little elbow punch right into his abdomen, indirectly telling him that it wasn’t a laughing matter. 
“You do seem and act like an outcast; you’re probably not a local. Are you?”
“Well.” You cleared your throat as you finished patching his injury up, gently nodding your head to tell him that it was fine to retract his arm away from you before you decided to rest both of your palms on your lap, playing with the hems of your skirt to somehow ease your uneasiness away. “I have a good guess that you must belong to the upper class around here, perhaps an aristocrat or a higher-ranking official.” 
Jacob smiled at your answer, but he gently shook his head before posing another question right back at you. “Have you ever heard of the prince of Clarines?” 
It took a few moments for you to absorb what he just said completely, and you blankly stared back at him for a good ten seconds before you eventually started to connect the dots in your mind. 
“No way.” 
“Oh, yes way, sweetheart. I’m him, and he is I.” 
Unbeknownst to you, you naturally started backing off a bit, slowly moving your hip back until your back hit the end of the couch. Your eyes widened, and your hands were visibly shaking now, and it was obvious to the two that your uneasiness just shot from a fifty to a hundred. 
“I-I umm…I’m not in trouble, am I?”
“What makes you say that, Miss Y/N?”
“I-I mean…I just talked to you casually as if you’re an explorer—”
He chuckled before resting one of his hands on your head. “Y/N. Not all royals talk in royal language. We’re all human beings, too, and we basically live our lives just like any other individual in the kingdom.” 
You had no idea what in God’s mind made you wonder that royals are a completely different breed than the rest of the people in the kingdom, including your former home, Tanbarun. You have always assumed that these higher-ranking privileged individuals have a completely different taste of life and that they will never understand nor experience the normal daily lives that the public is used to. They are brought up with tight security, good education, as well as different mannerisms compared to the others. They must be on a whole different level than you were. 
Another reason why you have panicked and blanked out was that never in a million years would you have expected to come across an actual individual from the royal family, let alone the prince of Clarines. You have heard tales about the male, his achievements and how he was well-loved by the people; way better than the prince of Tanbarun, that is. But you have never seen nor heard about what he looked like, nor have you read any details or information about the royal family of Clarines. 
He was actually such a fine, good-looking male. 
Before you could continue with your little deduction session about the prince who was sitting right in front of you, the male himself redirected your attention back to reality, asking you a question while he gently rested his fingers on your chin as he lifted your head to look straight into his eyes. 
“What were you actually doing out here, Y/N?” 
“Like I’ve told you before, I’m here to collect some herbs for the store—”
“You can try to lie all you want, but I’m pretty good at reading body language, miss Y/N. Something tells me that the herbs you are collecting are something much more than just treating your patients back in town.”
“W-What? What makes you say that?”
“Sweetheart, I am often deployed out to the battlefield. Those large amounts of centella asiatica leaves you’ve got there,” he then points directly at your opened pouch that was left on the floor before continuing with his sentence. “-tells me that you’re preparing a large batch of potentially wound healing ointments, particularly for soldiers.” 
So he was as intelligent as you have heard from the rumours. 
“W-Well yeah…it’s kind of complicated.” 
Just when you thought this conversation was going nowhere, Jacob slowly leaned back to the couch before crossing his arms together as he plastered a smile. “You do know that you could always ask for help, right?”
“What do you mean?” you chuckled.
“Something tells me that whatever has been bothering you is no small matter, and my instincts tell me that this isn’t going to end up well,” he replied bluntly; the jovial and happy-go-lucky Jacob was far gone, now replaced with a stern look, perhaps this was truly what the prince of Clarines was really like on the battlefield. 
“With all due respect, sir, well… Prince Jacob. There’s no way that I am going to let a royal like you get caught up with my issues.”
“Unfortunately, I insist. I am and will help you resolve whatever is on your mind, whether you like it or not.” 
You have never thought a kind-hearted and soft-spoken person could be this persistent, and how he changed his whole demeanour within seconds somehow terrified you, but you also found it attractive at the same time. If he was not giving up on his proposal, then there was no turning back now, and your only option was to comply if you wanted to walk out of this hut freely and alive. 
“It’s about Minhyuk— I mean, the prince of Tanbarun.” 
With one sentence about the prince from the neighbouring kingdom, Jacob immediately scowled and hugged his arms tightly around himself. By the looks of his demeanour, it seemed as if the local prince wasn’t the best of friends with the neighbouring prince. 
“Jacob, you’re frowning,” Kevin replied. 
“He pisses me off,” the latter responded.
“You have wrinkles on your forehead.” 
“I was about to feed him to the palace dogs the last time I saw him.” 
Kevin sighed. He knew exactly the conflict that both princes had with one another, and Jacob always turned into a five-year-old grumpy kid who just had his favourite toy taken away from him whenever that name was mentioned straight to his face. While his friend tried his best to suppress his emotions, Kevin turned towards you and decided to press on for more details. 
“What about him? And how does a commoner like you have any sort of relationship with the male himself?” 
Taking a deep breath, you tried your best to explain the situation you always dreaded to recall whenever needed. “You see, I was originally from Tanbarun. It was all thanks to my mother’s effort that she got me out of the hellhole that Minhyuk placed me in. Because of my father’s debt in the past, I was offered to become his concubine when I was finally of age.”
Neither of the two males spoke a word after that—it was either they were trying to sympathise with your situation, or they were trying to figure out what exactly your father had done to offer his very own daughter as a repayment. 
“You must’ve been a pretty privileged individual to be able to be caught up with Prince Minhyuk’s affairs,” Kevin replied; you could tell that he was trying his best to ease the situation, and he intended to comment on it fairly jokingly. 
“I get that a lot. The fact that he had personally requested that I make a big batch of healing ointments for his soldiers was suspicious enough; I’m pretty sure he has his team of herbalists in the palace. However, he announced that he would personally come to collect the medicines rather than the soldiers…that is something I’m dreading to face tomorrow.” 
Jacob immediately stood up from the couch in a furious and annoyed manner, and he began pacing around the room before finally opening his mouth to say something. “Based on my deduction, I’m a hundred percent sure that he would probably make an extravagant event of some sort when he comes to collect your medicines tomorrow in honour of forcing you to come with him finally, that is.” 
“Yes, I am fully aware of that, Prince Jacob.” 
“So I’ll tell you what, Kevin and I are going to help you out, and again, no more buts. We’re going to stake out the hut tonight,” Jacob began rubbing his chin with his fingers, a smile suddenly forming. 
“Jacob, please tell me that you’re in your right mind with whatever you plan to do to that prince,” Kevin pleaded. 
“Oh, trust me. It’ll be loads of fun.”
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There were about ten minutes left before Minhyuk was going to arrive at the designated spot in the woods. You and Jacob arrived thirty minutes prior, scouring through the woods to see if anything was out of the ordinary, just in case. 
As you held the bag filled with ointments you had just made the night before (with the help of both Jacob and Kevin), you couldn’t help but begin trembling as you held onto the handle. It has been a while since you last saw Minhyuk, and you certainly didn’t want to face him ever again, given that each encounter you have had with him has always ended up horribly. 
And this time, he would come to force you to become his very own concubine. 
You shut your eyes tightly, trying your best to calm yourself down and think of any potential excuses or escape, hoping this will be the last time you will have to face Minhyuk. But at the same time, a deal was a deal, and it was because of your father’s debt that you were in this situation; you needed to repay whatever it was somehow. 
Just when you were slowly getting lost in your thoughts, you felt a warm pair of hands rest on yours, and you opened your eyes to turn right towards the male onto your left. It belonged to Jacob’s. 
“Hey, we’ve got this, Y/N. You are not alone in this messed up agreement anymore; I promise you that I’ll get rid of Minhyuk easily for you.” 
You chuckled slightly when you noticed how his ears were slowly turning red. “Something tells me this isn’t completely about me.” 
“N-No! It’s for you and just you,” he huffed before turning his head straight into the direction you both expected him to come from. You smiled at that, seeing how the prince of Clarines was this little humble and, might you add, adorable brunette individual. It must’ve been fate to have met him in the woods. 
Just then, you both heard a rustling sound coming from the distance, slowly growing louder each second. Immediately, Jacob retracted his hands from yours and positioned them on his sword, which rested perfectly on the buckle of his hips. His grip on the hilt tightened, and he positioned himself in a manner that showed he was prepared for battle. 
After what seemed like minutes turned into seconds, the familiar figure emerged out of the woods, plastering that sickening smile that you have grown used to but also loathe loads. 
“Why my dear, Y/N, it has been a while; you surely have gotten a lot more beautiful than the last time I’ve seen you,” he smirks as he walks towards you with a smug manner. 
Just when he was merely a few feet away, his steps came to an immediate halt when he saw that you weren’t alone as you were told to do so in the letter. “I see that you have come with a guest. Didn’t you know how to read properly, pumpkin?”
Before you could respond to the male with your fist all balled up, Jacob cut himself in and responded with his head up. “It’s none of your business who she decides to bring along. Besides, the woods can be dangerous for a young female like her.” 
“Huh. I guess some guys like you just can’t hold himself back,” he spat. 
You were used to Minhyuk making these sarcastic remarks towards you, but you surely will not have it when he dumps them upon other people. Your blood immediately boils, and you are going to stomp towards him before Jacob puts his arm around your shoulders, stopping you in your tracks. 
That’s right. Know your place and the right timing, Y/N. 
It always brings a smile or laughter to Minhyuk whenever he sees you getting all riled up like that, and he begins swaying his body before walking in circles in front of you. “Well, I can see that you have made your promise and gotten my order ready. You truly are meant to be with me,” he said while pointing at the bag of ointments you were holding. 
“In return, I have a little gift for you,” he added before pulling out something that he had clearly been hiding since the very beginning. 
A basket filled with red apples.
However, you weren’t convinced in the slightest and did not appreciate the gesture in the slightest. “What do you want, Minhyuk?” 
“Come on, Y/N. It’s just a basket filled with fruits, that’s all. I’m pretty sure you were a fan of apples, and I hand-picked them myself from the botanical gardens at the palace. I can guarantee you that they are the finest, sweetest and most freshly sourced goods all the way from Tambaram. Surely, you wouldn’t want to miss such an opportunity, right?” 
Sure, it was just apples. It could be that the prince himself finally came to his senses and decided to have some morals and repay for what he has done in the past. However, with all of the uneventful experiences you have had with him, you weren’t too sure if you should even accept the gifts at all, even if it came genuinely from the prince himself. 
“You can keep them. I’m just here to make the delivery, and then I’ll be on my way.” 
“Oh no, Y/N. I came all the way to see you, and you want to leave just like that already? That’s not a very nice way to treat a guest from afar.” 
“You have plenty of concubines waiting in the palace for you; there’s no need for you to meddle with someone as lowly as I am—”
It seemed as if you had gotten on his nerves as the look on his face changed immediately. His face darkened, and he reached into the basket to pick out one of the freshest apples among the bunch.
“Look at how beautifully shiny red this one is, Y/N. Surely you would want to take a bite?” 
“N-No thanks, I’m good.”
“Not the right answer, Y/N,” Minhyuk holds the apple in one hand while slowly taking a few steps towards you, causing you to back off. 
“Don’t do this, Minhyuk.” 
“Just a little bite won’t hurt, isn’t it?” 
“If she doesn’t want to, I’ll take it.” 
In an instance, both you and Minhyuk stopped in your tracks, and your eyes widened as you saw Jacob casually walking straight towards him to snatch the apple out of his hands and examine it to the best of his ability. “It is definitely much shinier than any apple I’ve seen before, and it looks scrumptious if you ask me.” 
Just then, Minhyuk began sweating profusely out of the blue, and his speech began to slur as he saw that Jacob was slowly bringing the apple close towards his mouth. “N-No, I don’t think you would want to eat that. Only Y/N would think it’s sweet since this apple would suit her taste buds more,” he chuckled. 
You could tell that Minhyuk was trying his very best to convince Jacob not to take a bite of the apple—more specifically, he insisted that it had to be you who would eat it, nobody else. It was the first time you had seen Minhyuk like this, panicking and in a frantic manner. It was new, and it was obvious that something wasn’t right here. 
Before you could intervene, Jacob eventually took a huge bite of the fruit, chewing it steadily as he began smiling. “Woah, you’re right! This apple surely is something else. It must be an authentic local produce; your farmers deserve a rise.” 
“O-Oh! Does it taste normal for you?” Minhyuk asked nervously as he rubbed his hands together.
“Absolutely! This is insane; you won’t get this anywhere in Clarines—”
Before Jacob could finish his sentence, he immediately collapsed to the ground, clutching his stomach for dear life as he began sweating profusely. Your eyes widened, and quickly ran towards Jacob, holding him up to check on him as best you could. 
“Jacob! Jacob! What’s wrong? Tell me what’s wrong!” 
Right there and then, you heard Minhyuk start to pace around and ruffle his hair messily before he began screaming at the top of his lungs at you. “It all would have gone so smoothly if you had just accepted the goddamn apple, Y/N! Why do you always make things a lot harder than they actually are?” 
With that, the little knots began forming in your brain, and you finally realised what he was trying to do. “You’re a scumbag.” 
“Not my fault that you have turned down my offers so many times, Y/N! Even after I’ve asked you nicely over and over again.” 
“I’m not becoming your concubine, ever.” 
“Unlucky for you, a debt is a debt, and it still has to be paid. So you’re coming with me, whether you like it or not.” 
Immediately, Minhyuk marched towards you and yanked you right out from Jacob, putting way more pressure on your arm that you were certain it would definitely leave a mark once he removed his grip from yours. You tried your best to squirm your way out from him, but he was far stronger than you were, and you were now slowly being dragged further away from Jacob. 
“No! Leave me alone! Let go of me— Jacob!!!” You screamed. 
Before Minhyuk could drag you back to his carriage, he was stopped immediately when he felt a sharp metal tip on the back of his neck. Slowly, he turned and was met with the one who had always been here witnessing the whole ordeal in hiding. 
“W-What now? You brought more friends to the meetup, Y/N?” 
“Correction. I was the one who insisted on joining her.”
That voice!
All of you redirected your attention back towards Jacob, who was now slowly getting himself up with the support of his sword pierced through the ground. 
“B-But how!? That poison in the apple would take at least a few days to recover without an actual antidote!” 
“Unlucky for you, prince of Tanbarun, I’m pretty much immune to most weak poisons like that, especially when I have experienced far worse than this.”
That was when Minhyuk finally saw the family crest that was embedded on the sword that Jacob was holding onto, and his speech began to slur, and his eyes widened upon the contact. 
“It can’t be…it just can’t…y-you…” he then points his finger directly at Jacob.
“I’m sure you are well aware of who I am now. Since you have been such a dear and actually confessed to the whole crime just now, it has definitely saved up a whole lot of trouble trying to force the answer out from you back in the trial courts in the palace,” Jacob replied sternly as he swiftly removed his sword and was now pointing it straight towards Minhyuk.
“P-Please let me live…I am the prince of Tanbarun!!” 
“Hmm, I don’t think you would still be able to hold on to that title after exposing your crimes to the public. You have done more than enough for the past couple of years, Prince Minhyuk. I have had fun keeping up with your mess and affairs. Especially now that I have witnessed a case like today in person myself, I have more than enough to bring you back to my palace for some questioning, don’t you think?” 
Minhyuk then dropped to the ground, and actual tears began streaming down his face, giving Jacob more than enough time to slowly make his way to rest the tip of his sword right below his chin. “Scumbags like you don’t deserve to be king.” 
As Jacob looked up to Kevin, the both of them gave each other a nod before Kevin signalled a few soldiers who were around in hiding to personally escort Minhyuk back to their carriage, where they would transport the criminal himself back to the palace. 
You stood there motionlessly, refusing to believe that your nightmare for the past decade was gone just like that. All it took was bumping into the prince of Clarines and his companion actually to lend a helping hand, and that was it. As a burden was finally lifted off your shoulders, you decided to lean back against one of the trees before slowly moving down to sit straight on the ground, taking in a deep breath while you closed your eyes to forget about the entire ordeal that had happened before. 
Before you could even have a little moment of peace, you immediately let out a hiss when you felt something cooling come into contact with your wound, and you were surprised to see that it was Jacob again, trying his best to patch up your wound. 
“I’m sorry that I let him lay a finger on you; it definitely took it a little longer for me to reciprocate from the poison,” he said gently as he applied the ointment onto your fresh bruise slowly. 
“W-Where did you get—”
“Oh, well. I may or may not have stolen some of the centella asiatica leaves you have gotten and made a little ointment myself last night,” he smiles as he now takes one of the bandages from your bag to wrap them around the wound. “...and there! That should do the trick, and you will heal in no time.” 
He chuckled. “Look, I read a lot and I myself am interested in botanicals too. I know my way around the battlefield,” he winks before lifting your arms up close to his mouth. 
Before you could ask what he was trying to do, he gently leaned down to place a kiss on the wound, resting his lips right there for a good ten seconds before he decided to pull away. 
Instantly, you felt the heat rising up to your face, and you tried your best to keep your cool as you asked what it was all about before you eventually failed miserably.
“It’s just a little something my mother taught me. If you give a lot of love and care to a wound, it will heal faster than usual.” 
With that, he slowly moved his hand down so that he was now holding both of your hands in his, swinging them gently while ensuring he wouldn’t cause you any discomfort with your wound.
“Say, Y/N. Would you be interested in coming to work as the royal botanist in the palace?”
You were stunned. “M-Me? In your palace? There’s absolutely no way.”
“Hey, never say never, isn’t it? You could always try to take the royal test, and if you do pass, you’ll be here in no time. Besides, I’m sure the palace would definitely need an extra pair of hands in the gardens.”
“I…I don’t know, Jacob…that’s a lot to take in for me…”
“I understand. But you'll know what to do if you ever change your mind.” 
In a split second, the young prince pulls you in closer so he can plant a little kiss on the side of your cheeks. Right as he let go of both of your hands, he immediately did a little courtesy bow towards you as he got himself ready to head back towards the carriage, especially when Kevin was about to throw a pebble to his friend’s head to signal him that it was time to go. 
“I’ll see you around, Y/N. I look forward to the day when we’ll meet again.” 
Just like that, the male sprinted back towards his carriage and gave you a final wave before he and his men took off into the distance. As you were left alone to recollect your thoughts and digest whatever happened throughout the past hour, you slowly lifted your wounded hand to touch the spot where he had just left a kiss. 
“Whatever fairytale mess is going on here?”
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A/N: may or may not have a pt2 👀
taglist: @deoboyznet @kflixnet @k-films @flwoie @zzoguri @kyusqult @tinkerbell460 @cheonsafics @sulkygyu @jaerisdiction @lngwayup @daisyvisions (join my permanent taglist here!)
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meefy · 2 years
Some Thoughts on Mitsuhide + Aromanticism in Media and Reality
Major spoilers for Chapters 92 and onwards of the Akagami no Shirayukihime manga ahead!
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When I first got into the AnS fandom, I kept hearing about some big manga!plot decision that had made some fans completely abandon the manga, so disappointed were they. I did my best to avoid spoilers so I didn't know what this event was for the longest time. Now, being caught up to that storyline and thensome, I know what that event was - and can say that I was a bit surprised when I remembered that it had upset people so badly.
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Yes, Mitsuhide rejected Kiki's proposition of marriage, and she opted to marry Hisame instead. It was, apparently, clearly hinted at that Kiki and Mitsuhide were in love all this time, and it was cruel of him to reject her when she cared about him so deeply - right?
Well...maybe not.
I write this as an aro/ace person, and I'm going to be examining Mitsuhide's character through an aro/ace lens, too. I have talked plenty about how AnS has some great, positive representation in its characters, and Mitsuhide is no different. In fact, I relate to his experience quite a bit.
Mitsuhide is often teased, from the very beginning, for being "in love" with Zen. He shows no interest in anyone else other than Zen, outside of what seem like only platonic friendships, but his loyalty is solely to the Prince.
Except, it appears, for Kiki Seiran.
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Their first interaction is yet another source of jokes; Mitsuhide mistakes her for a boy. And when the current story begins, the two are already always together as the Prince’s trusted aides. It's the perfect set up for a love story, even moreso when Hisame is introduced: the man initially so desperate to improve his social status and have Kiki's hand that he offers to fight her for it - and Mitsuhide steps in and saves the day. It's romantic, it's satisfying, it's...not all that it seems.
First, let me preface all this by saying that I will never go out of my way to tell others what they can and cannot "ship" or "headcanon". It is absolutely possible for this sort of plot to eventually devolve into a friends to lovers scenario.  And, had it not been for Mitsuhide's blatant "coming out" to Zen and his rejection of Kiki's proposal in Ch. 92, it might have turned into this. But to me, it would be incredibly disrespectful to Mitsuhide as a character to berate him for "not marrying Kiki" when he explictly tells Zen in Ch. 98, after chapters of soul-searching, that he is not interested in marriage - with Kiki or anyone else for that matter.
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Mitsuhide turns Kiki down the first time by saying that he wants to wait till Zen himself is married and living his own path, and that as Kiki is so close to the Prince and is so trusted a friend, it would be impossible and downright strange for him to consider wedding her. It doesn't help that since Kiki is on a deadline to marry, Mitsuhide is put in a position where he must immediately choose the path he wishes to take. I definitely feel here for Kiki, who has by her own admission harboured feelings for Mitsuhide for years now (feelings he never caught onto - #justacethings!), only to be told in no uncertain terms that he cannot reciprocate them.
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I empathized a great deal, as an aspec person, with Mitsuhide's first confession here. Growing up aroace in a world dominated by amatonormativity, I was told indirectly or otherwise that there was something "wrong" with me, and that my priorities - work, friendships, family, hobbies - would one day come second to an important intimate relationship. Since that never happened for me, I just assumed, as Mitsuhide did, that I was waiting for something in my life to settle down before I dated: till I was done school, for instance. Or, when my teenage relationships inevitably failed, they just "weren't the one" or it was a situation of me being "not ready". Never did it enter my mind that I could tell someone (or even myself) that I would never date or marry at all, and I wonder if this concern ever crossed Mitsuhide's mind, too, when he withheld some details from Kiki in his first conversation with her about the matter.
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When Hisame and Mitsuhide speak about what transpired with Kiki in that discussion, Hisame senses that Mitsuhide was not completely honest with her about his true feelings. Although Mitsuhide is understandably angry by this accusation, he nevertheless does not deny it - and eventually speaks to Kiki again to clarify that it is not just her he is rejecting, but everyone and anyone else who may propose to him in the future. This he says in no uncertain terms; his oath is to protect and serve Prince Zen, and this he holds above all else, marriage included. At last, he is able to put his feelings on the table and be honest with others and himself: he does not want to marry, he wants to remain at Zen's side.
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Those on the aromantic and/or asexual spectrum are often told, through popular media or directly by family and friends, that an intimate romantic relationship should be prioritized above all else. Relationships are all about compromise, about changing your immediate desires when it means letting your partner be happy, so that everyone "wins". This is a very amatormative way of viewing things. What happens when your priorities and values do not work when a relationship is involved?
For me, my priorities are my hobbies, my dog, volunteering, my close friends, and maintaining my health. I can think of nothing worse than having to change any of those values or even alter them to allow for another person in my life - one with whom I'd be expected to intimately share my space and time with, at that. It seems this is what Mitsuhide feels, too: marriage would interfere with his sworn duty to protect Prince Zen, and this for him is his highest priority. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that! He seems perfectly content with doing so...until, of course, he confides all this in Zen.
There is quite a humourous post on Mitsuhide's "coming out as aroace" to Zen here on Tumblr already, but on a more solemn note, this is a similar reaction (at least, the core themes) as I got when I first came out to close family. I was just "not ready to be with someone" and "hadn’t met the right person". I needed to "grow up and try harder", and "one day I would want to find someone to marry".
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Although Zen’s motive for scolding Mitsuhide is rooted moreso in not wanting him to give up his life and wellbeing for Zen's own sake, there is a genuine confusion and shock in the Prince’s words to his aide: what will Mitsuhide do if he gets other proposals? Is he just waiting to see if he'll change his mind? It is very difficult at first for Zen to understand the gravity and finality of what Mitsuhide is saying, and this is often the case with many aroace people: the "you will change your mind one day" line.
But so what if I don't?
I found Zen's emotional response, and Mitsuhide's equally emotional reaction, quite moving as the two grew to understand each other's thoughts and feelings on the issue. It certainly did not help that Mitsuhide was still reeling from the trauma of the Bergatt affair, and I sense that Zen suspected Mitsuhide's reasoning and fierce desire to protect him was based on that experience. And, to some degree, it might be! But again, the idea that trauma is at the heart of someone's "choice" to be aro/ace is not an uncommon one, but it is a hurtful one, and one that undermines the feelings and values of the person who is coming out. I am not aroace because I was traumatized, I am aroace because that is who I am. Mitsuhide might be more inclined to protect Prince Zen because of his fear of being unable to do so, but that is a separate matter from his desire to never marry.
And for Kiki, who so openly admitted her true feelings and desire to be with Mitsuhide only to be turned down? As I wrote earlier, I truly feel for her; it was by no means easy for her to be rejected not once but twice, regardless of the reasons. But as hard as it may be to accept, she is not owed Mitsuhide's romantic attraction or his hand in marriage; she is owed his honesty and respect, yes, but he cannot simply "change" and fall in love with her. It cannot and does not work that way in reality.
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Mitsuhide's rejection of her romantic proposal also presents a rarely-explored (and rarely well portrayed) concept: a purely platonic friendship between a man and a woman, built on love and mutual respect. Friendship of any gender is usually pushed aside in favour of romance; to see a strong, solid friendship prioritized over a forced relationship is both pleasantly surprising and deeply admirable. Everything Mitsuhide tells Kiki sounds as what one might tell a platonic friend of the same gender in any other amatormative media piece - I love you, I respect you, I enjoy working with you, but I am not in love with you.
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I have always had deep respect for the way love has been portrayed in AnS, and I was so excited to see aromanticism and asexuality depicted, too. Having a character reject a relationship in favour of remaining single for its own sake and to say true to his values is almost unheard of in popular media; asexuality is typically portrayed as a condition in need of treating, or one that the "right person" can "fix". Mitsuhide, mercifully, is not portrayed in this way. Zen's initial reaction is, of course, quite heated - his shock is understandable if it is not justifiable, and even if it hurt to read, it is a fairly accurate depiction of some common misconceptions about aromanticism/asexuality.
And in the end, after all, Zen (and Kiki, and Shirayuki, and Obi) come to understand and respect Mitshuide the way he is - as it should be.
Amatonormativity: the assumption that everyone desires and strives for a romantic relationship.
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ans-arcade · 8 months
ANS Gift Exchange 2024!
Let's build some community and help others to find each other! This is a gift exchange similar to a Secret Santa, just instead of suggesting prompts when you sign up, we have a focus on discovering other fanmixers, editors, artists, writers, and more, getting a chance to see others' creations that we may have missed before. Just send an ask through here saying whether you are a fanartist, editor, writer, or anything else, and we will send you the account name of someone you hopefully haven't seen the work of that also writes, draws, edits, etc.., and based off of whatever you love there, anything wonderful that they've made, you create something for that person!
You'll have six months (July 2024) to create something for them; there are no prompts, just you get the chance to observe and discover and then create something.
It's just a fun way to appreciate the fandom, with all of our diverse talents and skills, and come together as a community, and grow a bit closer.
If someone isn't willing to create for a particular pairing or willing to see content for a particular pairing, just say so, when you sign up, and we won't give you a person who primarily or only creates for that pairing. We want it to be fun and not stressful!
Your decision to not see something for a particular pairing will not be publicly shared, so don't worry about that.
Though if you do that, you may have a greater chance of already seeing someone's created work, but that's okay too. If that happens, you just get to send some more love and appreciation to whoever you're creating something for.
Otherwise, we will pair you up with someone who may create content for that ship, so if you do not want to see or create for a specific pairing, let us know, so we don't pair you up with someone that may be difficult for you to enjoy the wonderful creations of!
As for how much of someone's creations you get to enjoy, it depends on what you have time for or interest in or motivation for. Since the goal is to appreciate someone as well, you have to view at least one of their creations, but you will have six months to view as many as you want to. If you look at one of their creations and are inspired right away and have a great idea of what to gift them, then you can create whatever it is for them right away and view their other creations later. Life can get busy, and some people have created a lot, so we don't expect you to be able to have seen everything they have created. Since that can be massive numbers of creations or even longer ones than you might be able to enjoy within six months.
Early posts are welcome if you have created something in less than the six months and late submissions are welcome too; life gets busy and sometimes ideas are fleeting.
The goal is to find someone new to you in the fandom, and to draw us all closer together. On that note, you will not get the name of someone who did not sign up for this event to create for. They may get your name as well or get someone else's. So, who knows one of your newest fans could be the one you also got the name for.
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mitsukiki-festival · 1 year
Conclusion to “MitsuKiki Week 2023″!
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This now concludes the end of MitsuKiki Week 2023! We hope you enjoyed this event and had fun. Thank you for your time. ^_^
Also, as always, please don’t worry if your submission is later than usual. We always welcome late subs regardless of the time, as we know that being busy is common, whether it’s school, work, life, family, etc.
We’ll accept late submissions for this event until July 4th. However, we’ll accept them even if it’s past this date. So please don’t worry.
We love you all, and thank you for your support and participation. We hope to host another MitsuKiki event during the Fall. See you soon. ^_^
We hope you have a wonderful summer vacation.
-- MitsuKiki Festival Mod Team
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nokaru · 3 months
ZenYuki in flower language
Zenyuki Week 2024 Appreciation Post @zenyuki-festival
Day 1: Pick a flower and its meaning that you feel most represents ZenYuki.
Okay, so this is an impossible task - I simply can't pink only ONE flower that represents Zenyuki for me. So I'll make a bouquet! mind you all of these together is a mess but I love it nonetheless
Firstly, I would pick typical red carnations; literally meaning "My Heart Aches For You", admiration, deep romantic love, and passion. When I think of ZenYuki I automatically think of deep devotion and admiration from both sides so carnations are perfect for them. *also zenyuki owns every cheesy romantic line ever so*
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Next, bluebells! Their meanings are loyalty, constancy, and humility. These are all traits I associate with ZenYuki both as a couple and as individuals. There's steadiness in Shirayuki and Zen, especially when they are together.
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Another flower that just screams ZenYuki to me is the azalea. I like this one for them visually a lot - I think it matches their vibe a lot, there's this softness about ZenYuki and azaleas uknow. Azaleas mean "Take Care of Yourself for Me" and if that isn't the cutest thing ever idk what is. It plays nicely into their long-distance relationship.
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Similar to bluebells, bellflowers are so ZenYuki coded. I like to imagine ZenYuki being all noble and castle-vibey but simple wild flowers suit them so much too! Bellflowers mean unwavering love and a constant heart - I will simply die it's so them AAAA DO YOU SEE MY VISION!!?? It naturally goes hand in hand with meaning of gratitude which I associate with Shirayuki's gratitude towards everyone she met in Clarines and Zen's gratitude towards his closest friends/found family (also his gratitude to being a prince as well??!! hes so grateful he can be of service to Clarines)
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This is my ZenYuki bouquet that is all over the place! Loved picking these and ofc there are way more flowers I associate with ZenYuki but I couldn't fit them all here ://
also honorable mentions:
Daffodils (regard, "You're the Only One", "The Sun is Always Shining When I'm with You")
Dandelions (overcoming hardship; faithfulness)
Blue Violets (watchfulness, "I'll always be true")
Wisteria (im cheesy) (new beginnings, transformation, passage of time)
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zenyuki-festival · 1 year
ZenYuki Week 2023
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It has almost been a year since our first ZenYuki Week, and we decided to celebrate again this year, just a day sooner than last year. 
ZenYuki Week 2023 takes place the week of June 4th through June 10th. About a month from now.
The incredible prompts for the week, itself, were brainstormed by @noctusfury​ .
The theme is “Summer” this year. Please @ this blog, in case Tumblr goofs up or we miss your posts somehow. Please tag your submissions as #ZenYuki Week 2023, which we will check, to find posts as well. We hope you have a lot of fun and really enjoy this event!  The prompts are also listed down below:
Day One: Fireflies 
Day Two: Park 
Day Three: Barbeque 
Day Four: Constellations 
Day Five: Warmth 
Day Six: Festival/Fireworks
Day Seven: Free Day / AU
We hope that you’ll be able to participate in our second annual ZenYuki Week. We look forward to the creations you’ll come up with. Hope to see you soon. 
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onedivinemisfit · 2 years
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AnS Fox Shapeshifter!AU - Ryuu
Yeah I expected everyone to have forgotten these infos too. I KINDA DID 🤣
Obi - Shirayuki
Ryuu Info: Again, very little. It runs in the family lmao. Tiny kit was found all alone on the border between the forest and the human settlement, something that in itself does not bode well. Shirayuki was just out foraging when she came upon the chilled, dehydrated little thing, and she begged Obi that they take him in and nurse him back to health.
Fox people in general are skeptical of adoption, and especially adoption of kits of unknown origin. To the point that some territories outright forbid it, for fear of inviting disease, trouble, or worse, bad omens. Hiding Ryuu completely wasn’t possible, bc upon being found, he was not close to weaned, and it took some time for Shirayuki to get her milk to come for him - but the Wistal Volva, Haki, agreed to keep his adoption on the low. And supplied Shirayuki with the much-needed medicine.
Bb Ryuu is a very, *very*, good boy. Best little kit. Except when he’s being put to bed; he’s a very fuzzy sleeper, with Shirayuki suspecting it might be buried trauma from before she found him. The only solution is to drop him on Obi’s chest for some heartbeat therapy.
As a tiny kit, Ryuu cannot do much. He spends his time playing in the den, with Obi carving toys for him (and maybe stealing some human toys too) and when he’s outside, is never far from either parent. Shirayuki sometimes lets him sort her herbs and berries - he seems to enjoy that.
AnS (c) Akizuki Sorata
Art: Me
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