#zenyuki event
zenyuki-festival · 4 months
ZenYuki Week 2024
ZenYuki Week 2024 will be June 9th through June 15th! This year, we went with more of a flower theme, to which you may create things inspired off of the flower meanings or inspired in any way off the flowers for each day! We also decided to do something new this year and add audience participation prompts! Anyone can participate with the audience participation prompts, even if you created something already for that day or are not creating something for any reason. It is just an added fun way you can participate! The bonus audience prompt is either for the day after the event or for answering any day of the event you would like to.
The prompts are down below, and the audience prompts are at the bottom of the post.
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Day 1: Rose
Day 2: Lily
Day 3: Chrysanthemum
Day 4: Yura Shigure
Day 5: Phostyrias
Day 6: Wisteria
Day 7: Bouquet
Appreciation Prompts:
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Day 1: Pick a flower and its meaning that you feel most represents ZenYuki.
Day 2: What is your most favorite ZenYuki moment?
Day 3: Show us a picture of flower(s) or garden that you'd think ZenYuki would have, or show a picture of one from an anime or manga.
Day 4: What makes them work as a couple?
Day 5: What are their strengths as a couple? What are their weaknesses as a couple?
Day 6: Is there anything you would add or change about their relationship?
Day 7: If Sorata-sensei had given you the power to choose one scene or moment ZenYuki could have in a future chapter, what would it be?
Bonus: Free Day! Share anything you'd like about ZenYuki!
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nokaru · 5 months
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My participation for the ANS Gift Exchange Event! the mods have given me a greenlight to post early lets goo
"first meeting" Zenyuki piece for @airahscorner <3 I hope you like it friend! I wasn't sure what exactly you would like cause I know you basically love everything in ANS but I remembered you mentioned really liking the first zenyuki meeting in the anime so this fanart is inspired by it! I provide the lineart in cause you ever feel bored and want to color something small and silly ksdjkajd
thank you for the amazing event @ans-arcade!!
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randowwriter · 1 year
A Little Lesson (For My Love)
Here's my last new oneshot for Week Three of Cooking With Zen! I decided to write a married ZenYuki oneshot! <3 <3 <3
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Can I ask who's Obi and what's AnS? I've seen you mention them sometimes and I think I've seen you reblog things on it? But I never looked it up, but since you have amazing tastes in fictional men you got me curious now
Hehehe, Anon, you're in for a lot of gushing...
AnS/SWTRH: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime/Snow White with the Red Hair is a manga (with only one season of anime rip) and it was actually my first real manga love. That's right folks, my Obi love predates Shisui!
I don't want to spoil it too much for you if you decide to have a go at it but, basics are:
Shirayuki is a herbalist in the Kingdom of Tanbarun who was born with striking crimson hair, which garners a lot of attention for her. When she's forced to run, she makes it over the border into the neighbouring kingdom of Clarines as a kind of refugee. She meets and gains the aid of the Second Prince, Zen, and his two Knight aids, Kiki and Mitsuhide. Shirayuki and Zen are the main pairing in the anime. Shirayuki joins the gang by apprenticing as a herbalist at the Royal Infirmary.
Here's a manga cover: (bottom right to left going upwards clockwise) Shirayuki, Zen, Kiki, Mitsuhide, and then... Obi
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I'll try not to devolve lol
Obi, who is the tritagonist, was hired by a minor antagonist in the castle to basically... scare Shirayuki off from 'befriending' (in the shipping way, yk?) Zen, but nothing he does works. In watching her, Obi becomes curious about the kind of stubborn, sensitive, intelligent, kind woman that Shirayuki is. Through a series of events, Obi is taken on as one of Zen's attendants, going so far as to call the prince 'Master', and becomes Shirayuki's bodyguard and partner in crime during her adventures. He refuses to address her by name and only calls her 'miss'. Obi eventually comes to fall in love with Shirayuki, which Zen is aware of but Shirayuki is not, but he loves Shirayuki and values Zen too much to even consider speaking of it, not to mention his own beliefs that he is unworthy. Obi has a very mysterious past, not just because he has a lot of dubious skills with fighting, parkour, thievery and espionage, but because we don't actually know where he's from etc. Needless to say, I am hardcore ObiYuki allllll the way.
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He's just-!!!! He's very playful and evasive and you can tell he really doesn't value himself as much as he does the people around him. Even when Knighted, he's still got this image of himself as a dirty mercenary assassin trying to get by. He's flirty, a good few people polyship him with ZenYuki, but skittish of real emotion. He touched Shirayuki's shoulder once and then couldn't sleep because he was thinking about it over and over.
He and Shirayuki are low-key high-key raising a child together (Ryuu is technically Shirayuki's apprenticeship master lol child genius) and he's such a good father figure, even if he wouldn't see it that way
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Obi is really sensitive, there are so many times when Shirayuki will earnestly thank him and he'll literally just... Buffer. He can swear his fealty and make sly comments about setting his life at other's feet but the moment someone suggests that they love him back?? Evasion, freezing, side eyes, wide eyes, I'm just 😩
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Obi is a badass. He's literally THE badass of the show. Zen has a sword, yeah, and Kiki could kill me and I'd thank her but... Damn. Obi is doing backflips in a spar and shit, he's literally launching himself across rooftops and scaling turrets.
Obi is actually just a really wonderful person? He listens to people. He has absolutely no background or real interest in herbalism but guess what he'll fucking do? Run around on little adventures with Ryuu and Shirayuki, repotting plants under their direction, wading through ice caves to find flowers, helping them in the lab to distill essences... And he's listening and brainstorming with them! It would be so easy for his character to have passed off on it, maybe turned it into a "I'm here but not mentally" joke or maybe even just pushed to the back of these scenes but no, Obi's right in there all the time to help. Shirayuki and Zen have relationship issues? Obi doesn't even think about trying for his own agenda, he just puts supporting them (Shirayuki first, then Zen) as the top priority. Kiki and Mitsuhide in a bind? Obi will come out with a line but of course he would help them, watching carefully with concealed concern. Later, when Obi has his own duties, he's still heavily involved with the day to day research of his friends, making friends with other lab researchers outside of being Shirayuki's tagalong!
So... That's Obi! My OG babygirl!❤️✨
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Hope that cleared it up for you! 🥰✨
Edit: his eyes are gold. That's the final nail in my coffin
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batgirlsay · 2 years
Zenyuki Valentine’s Throwback
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Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
Thought I’d share my playlists from last year’s Zenyuki Valentine’s event in case anyone is interested in listening again 😊 The one from the second week is still my favorite!
Expressions of Love, Kindness, and Encouragement
Expressions of Love, Time, and Treasure
Expressions of Love, Dancing, and Distance 
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Day 4: Respect
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galacticplum · 7 years
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Zenyuki Week 2017
Day 4: Secrets
(because secret gardens are beautiful and so is zenyuki)
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gabriella0807 · 2 years
AnS cover art observations:
-A retrospective essay, starting with the recent cover art.
This is my first analysis of anything ever, and it became longer than expected. English is not my first language so I hope I could express myself well. The following text contains my subjective opinion, I don't intend to convince anyone. However, I hope that it will inspire some of you. Thank you in advance for reading! 💛✨
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On the volume 25 cover I just noticed that red string on Obi's belt. Some red ornament hangs from Shirayuki's dress too. (Both accesssories have some blue and golden gems at the endings.) Maybe the one Shirayuki wears is insignificant, still, it matches Obi's string. Could the string Obi wears be a symbol of the red string of fate? 👀
I took a look at previous volume covers, to see if Zen also wears something that can serve as a red string of fate symbol, and yes, he does. On volume 17 and 21 covers, where the string is at his heart's side. So it seems, the red string theory is not an absolute Obiyuki win, yet.
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Sidenote: on the back cover of volume 21, there is a beautiful Obi, by the way.
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Now let's go back to the volume 25 cover a bit.
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They don't just wear matching clothes but also the same bracelets. And that shape above them reminds me of a bow and arrow, which could be a reminder of how they met. That glowing stone in the middle could also symbolize the stone Shirayuki gave Obi. They are also sitting close to each other, almost face to face. I know, there's not much space on a manga cover, but still... their knees almost touch... and they are just calm and natural in the other's presence. The ambiance is warm, cozy and kind of intimate, in my opinion. I get honeymoon vibes here. 😳
And not to mention, this is their second time that only the two of them are on a cover. The first time was in volume 11. Which shows the opposite vibe of the 25's cover, and another main dynamic regarding their relationship. While they can simply drink tea and chill together, they can also have a lot of fun and laughter.
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They have matching clothes and almost exactly the same necklace. Obi's clothes look like a guard uniform, but we've never seen something like that before. Also, the necklace can serve as a new identity tag. So it can be a foreshadowing to their future on the north in Wilant castle. They are back to back, arms laced, Obi lifts Shirayuki -her legs are probably kicking the air. They're just having fun and they are worryless. The whole scenario looks like some celebration event. It is playful, cheerful. There are yellow, red, green roses, but the wind blows white petals around them too. I get wedding vibes here. 😳
What's strange for me, that there's no volume where Shirayuki and Zen are alone together on the front cover, not like Shirayuki and Obi, which could mean that...
...even the covers indicate the Obiyuki endgame. OR Sorata-sensei is just waiting until the final book, when Zenyuki marry, to draw only Zenyuki on the cover, to make it special. But who knows. I wonder if it's a general expectation to have the endgame couple on the cover. Because of that, I also searched some of my favorite shojo manga's covers to get some proof. And the endgame couples (only the two of them) were on some of the covers. But in the case of AnS it may be an exception, and Zenyuki can be endgame anyways, and just the two of them don't need to be on the covers. But why is Obiyuki on the cover already twice, then?
The only occasion Shirayuki and Zen are together on a front cover is in volume 4:
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BUT Obi is also there, and he's the largest on the pic. Zenyuki is in the background. This is the volume where Obi gives Shirayuki the iconic trinket (in chapter 17), so that's why it's tucked in his breast pocket (at his heart's side). He is also holding a bouquet of white flowers (roses?) with yellow wrapping and golden ribbon. The trinket, the wrapping and the ribbon matches Shirayuki's clothes. It looks like Obi bought the flowers to give it to her. Is it a foreshadowing? I hope so.
This is it. It is possible that I see too much into these things, I know, but I wanted to share how I see these covers. I'm still half agony half hope for Obi&Shirayuki.
What do you think about the mentioned matters?
Honorable mentions:
Obi is by himself twice on the covers, and he looks dashing.
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This is the cover of volume 8, where in the story Obi finally takes off his shirt revealing his scars. That's what the cover indicates. Also we get to know just a little bit more about his past.
On the pic, Obi is in the forest, probably it's autumn, and he's holding one of the orange-red leaves. And he gives it to Shirayuki on the back cover. May not has a great meaning, but it's such a lovely gesture. Still... for me it is special. What's more, Shirayuki is smiling and slightly blushing. Wholesome, heartfelt moment.
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And finally, here's the cover of volume 22 to bless our eyes once more in this post:
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I like that both times when Obi is alone on the front cover, the coloring is warm, and his appearance is stunning. Here he is holding some paper, and if I see properly, on it, there is a drawing of Shirayuki and Ryuu. (For their trio went to a soirée together for the first time in that book.) Furthermore, I love that Obi's hair is brushed differently, and he makes a sort of serious face.
Thank you for reading. Blessings! 💛✨
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kitkat1128 · 2 years
For the OTP ask. zenyuki
What’s one way their personalities compliment one another? (Is it opposites attract or are they pretty similar?)
How does each member feel about PDA?
Are they an introverted couple or an extroverted one—AKA would they prefer to go out to a party or event together or would they rather stay in?
Who wanted/would want kids first?
What’s each member flirting style?
Ohhh, this is interesting 😳 Let’s see… in order, Zen and Shirayuki’s personalities are not exactly the same. They compliment each other very well as they are both driven to support and rely on each other. Their limitless mutual trust and respect for each other is just 👌🏻
Zen and Shirayuki are expressive to each other privately but they wouldn’t necessarily kiss each other easily if everyone’s watching. Let’s, however, look at their relationship from a marriage standpoint. They would be touchy but in a formal way. Shirayuki would hold Zen’s arm. Zen would sometimes have his hand on either the small of her back or around her waist. I would imagine this in a banquet/ball. 🥰
In connection to the previous question, they would honestly seem to be a bit of both. Ball here, private date there. Hang out in each other’s room. Want to see friends/ally’s the next. I can see it both ways. But since Shirayuki knows how to ride a horse now, I see them a bit more introverted rather than extroverted. Still 50/50 in my book.
KIDS. Lord have mercy, the kids. I think they would take their time with kids. But somehow I see Zen thinking put it more than Shirayuki. If Zen were to ask her about it, I think she would need to properly think about it first and then tell him. Kinda like how Zen and Shirayuki confessed their feelings for each other. Or we can see it the other way, Shirayuki asking Zen and him asking her to wait a bit to respond. Of course, as he’s blushing red as a tomato. 🥰😂 However, I still think it would be Zen.
Zen is all about touch. OOF. It’s so good. But little touch. Like, sensible. Shirayuki responds to this very well and never pushes him away. So we can suspect her way of flirting is this as well. (Aka: the kissing Zen’s hand scene NFJSJAVAH). Shirayuki has a way with words as well. They can send just little common conversational phrases to each other and yet it has a deeper meaning. THATS THE BEST. 😭😭🥰💗
I will go down with this ship. PERIODT.
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ans-arcade · 2 years
ANS Rare Pair Week 2022!
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For the second time ever, we will be hosting a pairing event! This one is not of one particular pairing however. Almost every pairing is allowed for this event, with the exception of three pairings: MitsuKiki, ObiYuki, and ZenYuki. Those pairings are at the very least some of the more popular ones and tend to get multiple pairing events for them. Even OC X Canon character submissions will count as pairings you can create submissions with. Pairings can be minor canon ones (like HisaKiki or HakIzana) or even non-canon ones like IzanaYuki. 
As for the prompts, you have options for each day, where there are two general prompts or an AU; feel free to fill any one of the prompts or jump in and fill as many of them as you want. If you are inspired by combining the general prompts together or combining one or both of the general prompts with the AU prompts, feel free. And if a general prompt takes you down a different day’s AU, that’s okay too. Just have fun and take the chance to share your favorite rare pairs with others, whether you’re the only shipper or whether others also love the same rare pairs. 
ANS Rare Pair Week 2022 will run September 11th through September 17th, 2022! 
The prompts for this event are down below: Day One: Nostalgia | Memory | Canon Divergence
Day Two: New Beginning | Autumn | Chance Meeting AU 
Day Three: Innocence | Act | Modern AU 
Day Four: Laughter | Skinned Knees | Childhood Friends AU 
Day Five: Simplicity | Coldness | Lost At Sea AU
Day Six: Together | Longing | Different Series AU 
Day Seven: Secrecy | Garden | Fantasy AU
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Hope to see you in this upcoming event and are eager to see what content you’ll come up with and the various pairings you’ll pick from! ^_^
See you soon!
— ANS Arcade Mod Team
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zenyuki-festival · 1 year
ZenYuki Week 2023
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It has almost been a year since our first ZenYuki Week, and we decided to celebrate again this year, just a day sooner than last year. 
ZenYuki Week 2023 takes place the week of June 4th through June 10th. About a month from now.
The incredible prompts for the week, itself, were brainstormed by @noctusfury​ .
The theme is “Summer” this year. Please @ this blog, in case Tumblr goofs up or we miss your posts somehow. Please tag your submissions as #ZenYuki Week 2023, which we will check, to find posts as well. We hope you have a lot of fun and really enjoy this event!  The prompts are also listed down below:
Day One: Fireflies 
Day Two: Park 
Day Three: Barbeque 
Day Four: Constellations 
Day Five: Warmth 
Day Six: Festival/Fireworks
Day Seven: Free Day / AU
We hope that you’ll be able to participate in our second annual ZenYuki Week. We look forward to the creations you’ll come up with. Hope to see you soon. 
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nokaru · 3 months
ZenYuki in flower language
Zenyuki Week 2024 Appreciation Post @zenyuki-festival
Day 1: Pick a flower and its meaning that you feel most represents ZenYuki.
Okay, so this is an impossible task - I simply can't pink only ONE flower that represents Zenyuki for me. So I'll make a bouquet! mind you all of these together is a mess but I love it nonetheless
Firstly, I would pick typical red carnations; literally meaning "My Heart Aches For You", admiration, deep romantic love, and passion. When I think of ZenYuki I automatically think of deep devotion and admiration from both sides so carnations are perfect for them. *also zenyuki owns every cheesy romantic line ever so*
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Next, bluebells! Their meanings are loyalty, constancy, and humility. These are all traits I associate with ZenYuki both as a couple and as individuals. There's steadiness in Shirayuki and Zen, especially when they are together.
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Another flower that just screams ZenYuki to me is the azalea. I like this one for them visually a lot - I think it matches their vibe a lot, there's this softness about ZenYuki and azaleas uknow. Azaleas mean "Take Care of Yourself for Me" and if that isn't the cutest thing ever idk what is. It plays nicely into their long-distance relationship.
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Similar to bluebells, bellflowers are so ZenYuki coded. I like to imagine ZenYuki being all noble and castle-vibey but simple wild flowers suit them so much too! Bellflowers mean unwavering love and a constant heart - I will simply die it's so them AAAA DO YOU SEE MY VISION!!?? It naturally goes hand in hand with meaning of gratitude which I associate with Shirayuki's gratitude towards everyone she met in Clarines and Zen's gratitude towards his closest friends/found family (also his gratitude to being a prince as well??!! hes so grateful he can be of service to Clarines)
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This is my ZenYuki bouquet that is all over the place! Loved picking these and ofc there are way more flowers I associate with ZenYuki but I couldn't fit them all here ://
also honorable mentions:
Daffodils (regard, "You're the Only One", "The Sun is Always Shining When I'm with You")
Dandelions (overcoming hardship; faithfulness)
Blue Violets (watchfulness, "I'll always be true")
Wisteria (im cheesy) (new beginnings, transformation, passage of time)
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randowwriter · 1 year
A Meal Made Together (With The One You Love)
Here's a ZenYuki oneshot for Week Three of Cooking With Zen 2023! <3 <3 <3
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batgirlsay · 3 years
Expressions of Love, Dancing, and Distance
A Zenyuki Valentine’s Playlist (for Week 5 by @zenyuki-festival-2021)
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I had some distance themed songs compiled after making last year’s Zen playlists and I wasn’t sure where to place them in this month’s themes, so this playlist represents the Week 5 theme of physical closeness (mostly represented by dancing) and also the classic winter Lilias distance themes.
Starlight (Taylor’s Version)- Taylor Swift Stay Young, Go Dancing- Death Cab for Cutie I Remember Everything- Midnight Television (from Dave Elkins of Mae) Forever Winter (Taylor’s Version)- Taylor Swift Little Wanderer- Death Cab for Cutie All at Once- Midnight Television (from Dave Elkins of Mae) My Favorite Dream- Mae
Summary lyrics are cited after the cut:
Starlight (Taylor’s Version)- Taylor Swift
Oh my, what a marvelous tune It was the best night, never would forget how he moved The whole place was dressed to the nines And we were dancing Like we're made of starlight Like we dream impossible dreams
Stay Young, Go Dancing- Death Cab for Cutie
Life is sweet In the belly of the beast And with her song in your heart It can never bring you down
Cause when she sings, I hear a symphony And I'm swallowed in sound as it echoes through me I'm renewed, oh, how I feel alive And through winter's advancing, we'll stay young, go dancing
I Remember Everything- Midnight Television (from Dave Elkins of Mae)
Seems like only yesterday I was falling for you I remember everything and it’s coming back so clearly Time stands still for a minute
I remember every melody in my ear I remember holding you but holding back
Forever Winter (Taylor’s Version)- Taylor Swift
He spends most of his flights getting pulled down by gravity I call just checking up on him He's up, 3 AM pacing He says, "It's not just a phase I'm in"
All this time I didn't know You were breaking down I'd fall to pieces on the floor If you weren't around
I'll be summer sun for you forever Forever winter if you go
Little Wanderer- Death Cab for Cutie
You sent a photo out your window of Tokyo Told me you were doing fine You said the cherry blossoms were blooming And that I was on your mind
You’re my wanderer, little wanderer Off across the sea Won’t you wander back to me
Always fall asleep when you’re waking I count the hours on my hands Doing the math to the time zone you’re at Is an unseen part of the plan
But if you’ll be my bluebird returning Then I’ll be your evergreen Standing tall on your horizon Guiding you home to me
And I hope your absence makes us grow fonder I hope we always feel the same When our eyes meet past security, we embrace in the baggage claim When we kiss in the baggage claim
All at Once- Midnight Television (from Dave Elkins of Mae)
To say that it was obvious is wrong I never even knew I could feel this much To say you went and planned it all along No, you never meant to take my breath away
The two of us went walking both alone I caught a glimpse and ever since, hand in hand, on and on How’d I know you’d be the one? Now I’ll never waste another day
My Favorite Dream- Mae
You are the cool wind that frees my bones And I'm so reckless when you call to me But when you're gone and I feel so alone
And there she goes at the speed of sound Oh there she goes to pull me back around
I can still remember that cold evening when we first met You had your mark on me you know you did And every note and word you sang to me Have never made their way out of my head When you're away they keep me hanging on But in our world you're only there, here until you're gone
And there she goes I still remember when you first saw me You had the mark, oh the mark of your melody I love and hate the way you're making me You make me feel like this was just another dream
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When Will I See You Again?
 Day 7 - Reunion
Series masterpost: The Beast with the Beautiful Face
The sky was gray, the sun barely visible on the horizon. A northern wind nipped at the cloaks of the gathered host, making the horses snort and stamp. Zen patted his steed’s neck to calm it.
Behind him, the knights of the Wistal Castle waited in full armor for their king-to-be.
Across the ranks, their faces were drawn and dispirited. Even Kiki, mounted at the head of the company, had a deeper distance in her face than Zen had ever seen. Beside her, Mitsuhide’s eyes were tired, but he managed a smile when he caught Zen’s eye.
Zen turned back as the palace doors swung open to reveal his lord brother. He met Izana’s solemn gaze before letting his eyes fall to Shirayuki.
She accompanied the first prince in her best dress. When their eyes met, Zen saw her relax and stand a little taller. She raised her chin, looking almost regal by the time Izana spoke, and Zen felt his heart swell with pride as he watched her.
Izana’s voice carried above the wind, cold and sharp. “Go in courage and honor to face these useless brigands that have invaded our shores. Exact justice for the knights of Sereg. In three weeks’ time, I will join you with the full force of our army. Clarines is no unguarded treasure ripe for plundering. Before winter comes, we will have vanquished and returned to peace and celebration.” Izana nodded at Shirayuki.
She squared her shoulders and descended the stairs. The whole host was watching her, but she only had eyes for Zen. As she drew closer, he could see a square of cloth peeking out from between her clasped hands. He couldn’t help but smile, feeling as though the sun had broken through the clouds.
Shirayuki stopped in front of him, her cheeks flushed. She hesitated, holding her hands tight to her chest. “Zen,” she whispered.
“Hey, Shirayuki.”
Her face softened and the last of the tension left her shoulders. “Prince Zen,” her voice rang out clear in the morning air, “please accept this favor from…from your…promised wife.” Her voice lingering on the last words, Shirayuki unfolded a scarlet scarf trimmed with white lace. It shone in the light, but her hair put it to shame.
Zen bowed. “I would be honored.” The scarf crinkled when she laid it in his hands and a sharp but sweet scent drifted between them. “Shirayuki?”
She was still blushing but her eyes were bright as she whispered back, “I sewed thyme and rosemary in the lining and filled it with crushed violets and wasurenagusa. I…don’t have enough skill to embroider so…”
Zen pressed her favor to his lips. He took her hand and ran his thumb over the gold ring on her finger, feeling the days-eye flower engraved there, wishing he could leave her with more than a ring and a promise. “I thank you, my lady,” he said loud enough for the host to hear. Slowly, he let her hand fall from his. “Goodbye, Shirayuki.”
“I’ll see you soon, Zen.” Shirayuki clasped her hands together again, blinking back tears. Zen wanted to brush them away, but it was time to go. Turning to mount his horse, Zen carefully tucked the scarf in his coat, right next to his heart.
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obiyuki-beebs · 4 years
I found this in chapter 56 and I thought it was kinda interesting. While Zen is comforting Shirayuki as she's crying, Mitsuhide says,"But this is about Zen and Shirayuki. I don't think this sudden distance is a big problem. It's not like being apart would cause their existence to become smaller in each other's lives." Maybe it's foreshadowing they will separate? What are your thoughts on this? Do you think ObiYuki still has a chance or is it just the author toying with us?
hi anon!!  ( ̄ω ̄)
Short answer:
Yes, Whoaboy get ready I have some THOUGHTS, YESS!! and No.
I have been sitting on this ask for a long time sorry for le wait
The vast majority of this post is below the cut. I hope it is not too much / addresses what you meant. 
Here are some notes before I subject whoever reads this to my madness:
These little moments of “It’s okay to do what you want to do” always strike me, and I think about them when I’m considering Zen v Obi endgame because it opens up the possibility that things can change.
Yes it’s a shojo and shojo protagonists tend to stick with their initial love interest... blah blah blah. I don’t think this preconceived notion of how shojo manga ‘always goes’ is a valid point anymore.
So .... I think the comments we are both thinking of usually refer to Shirayuki’s Path and how she must be able to Stand By Zen’s Side as an Ally, etc. So I’ll kind of be thinking of this from the angle of a Journey. 
Everything discussed is also after The Play We Believe is Foreshadowing (except for the panels pulled from ch 9 and 20) which I think should be considered for the context of the plot. 
If it is actually foreshadowing for an eventual Obi & Shirayuki story arc -- which tbh we might be in the midst of (currently) at ch 117 without realizing it -- then it’s relevant to how we frame the comments made afterwards. At the end of the day, Akizuki-sensei is an author. She is telling us a story. I think it’s reasonable to seek out clues to foreshadowing in fictional stories. So I’m operating under a 90% certainty that the play is foreshadowing.
I have found that the best (fictional) stories are ones that have been planned carefully. I have no way of verifying if AnS has been so precisely crafted to weave in so much foreshadowing that we speculate over, but damn it sure feels like it was. 
The manga was originally just the first chapter, so we can assume that after writing that chapter and deciding to make it into a series, there was some planning done.
ANyway............... strong speculation ahead. I think I was ~60% thorough in my search to find material relevant to Foreshadowing of a Separation.
Please enjoy! 
1) So we’ll start with a panel from ch 9, 
where Zen is considering his relationship with Shirayuki and his growing crush. 
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This panel is, as stated above, part of the story that Akizuki expanded on after the original one-shot. In the first chapter, we get a lot of cute fate-chitchat between Zen and Shirayuki, but I think -- after deciding to continue the story -- Akizuki changed the tone to allow for more character development, and to challenge the Fate tropes often seen in romance. 
Thus, the statement above from Zen that they may not always be together.
foreshadowing ?!   ( ˙▿˙ )
2) In Chapter 28,
we have the crew essentially saying they are all growing stronger for the sake of each other, and lending their strength as needed.
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Within the story, Akizuki-sensei has established a theme of moving forward and changing as needed as a way to get stronger.
Mitsuhide says this to Shirayuki, also in Ch 28:
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Why .... does Mitsuhide look so serious as he says this to her? Is he reconciling the fact that Shirayuki and Zens paths may diverge at some point, as they do for the Lyrias arc?
He follows up the above statement with:
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He goes on to say, 
“I want you to follow your heart so you can stand on your own wherever Zen takes you.” 
So... maybe that context takes away some of the significance for fellow lovers of AnS. But I don’t think we should just ignore the statement.
I think she’s being given permission to change her mind; that it’s okay for her to have feelings for Zen, but it’s also okay if she chooses to end things. Mitsuhide will support her either way.
Even though the the full remark still has to do with Zen, she is being encouraged to stand on her own. She is her own person. She has friends who will still be there even if she chooses something different from what people expect of her.
In this case -- pertaining to AnS as a whole, from the perspective of everyone who ‘knows’ about ZenYuki in-story and also (meta!) the manga readers -- Shirayuki is expected to someday marry Zen. 
After this, in Chapter 29, Izana is a bit derisive to Shirayuki after she gets the title from Tanbarun. I think his comments are intentionally made to make her uncomfortable. He says,
“Hahahaha! What an unusual title! Amazing!”
- cue confusion from Zen and Shirayuki -
“I wasn’t poking fun at it, it’s just a bit strange. Hmm... before, I said a nobody like her at your side would sully your name, Zen, but with this you can be friends without any such worry, right?
“Shirayuki, I’ve never asked what kind of relationship you want to have with Zen. And I don’t know if it’s something that can be said.”
Alrighty. So. Izana says in front of Shirayuki that he had described her as a nobody. This seems like something said meant to disquiet her, and her initial reaction is, “taken aback,” so we can safely say it was at least temporarily disconcerting for her to hear. I imagine it’s hurtful to hear you were once thought of as someone unworthy of notice.
Don’t get me wrong, I think most of what Izana says and does is in relatively good faith. I think the fandom has come to a general conclusion that he’s testing their relationship. 
Obi finds her in the early morning and he notices that she’s upset, commenting that she’s making a strange face. She is still thinking about what Izana said, and Obi asks,
“Is it about the path you want to take?”
“....No. It’s that I haven’t given it any thought.”
Zen already wishes (though I don’t think he’s explicitly stated it the way he does later in ch 33) to marry Shirayuki, and we see her here facing emotional turmoil because that part of her future isn’t something she has thought about yet. Interesting, to say the least.
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I’m not really sure about this, but it seems like she either means where Zen is taking her and / or where she can stand on her own.
And then .......
“Obi, will you lend me a hand?”
“Didn’t I tell you before that I’ll take you wherever you want to go?”
This part of the story is still heavy ZenYuki, but I think Obi saying this to her right now is significant. Akizuki has repeatedly weaved Shirayuki’s path into the themes of the story so far, while contrasting that Zen will meet her at her destination, while Obi will be at her side for the journey. 
Zen and Shirayuki meet and talk. They basically address that Shirayuki doesn’t really know what the future holds, but that she still wants to stand by his side, and says that even though he’s a prince she wants to think it’s okay for her to feel that way. 
You almost forget about the significance of Obi and Shirayuki’s relationship when it’s followed up by this ZenYuki scene. I wonder about the aforementioned nature-of-planning involved in the story and the future of the characters at this point.
gnah how did this post get so long already
3) Zen has presumably given his blessing for Obi to be happy in love
In chapter 31, while the group is stranded outside Wistal due to rain, Zen and Obi are in the bath talking about the possibility of Kiki and Mitsuhide getting married.
“It’s fine with me as long as they can say that they’re happy. I intend to make sure of that.”
“You’ll make sure of that?”
“The same applies to you too, Obi.”
More foreshadowing? Presently it seems that the MitsuKiki ship has sunk, so contrasting this conversation to current-manga-events is titillating to me. ESPECIALLY because Zen says that he wants to make sure Obi is happy when Zen knows how Obi feels about Shirayuki. So it’s established that they will support one another as friends.
Later, Kiki and Mitsuhide are talking after dinner and discuss how the nature of Zen and Shirauki’s friendship never changes (that’s the impression I got from it). Mitsuhide recalls when he and Zen talked about the same thing:
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I think what Kiki and Mitsuhide are referring to is that Zen and Shirayuki have made a conscious effort to become friends despite the barriers they’ve encountered so far, by way of them showing the strength of their mutual respect and desire to aid one another. I get a similar feel from the conversation between Zen and Mitsuhide. 
And then .....
“The two of us will always be friends.”
Zen saying this -- in context to everything from the past four chapters -- implies that Zen is okay if their relationship is not romantic. If it is true that the mangas plot was deliberately planned out, these chapters will become increasingly interesting to look back on as the plot progresses. 
The direction of the story has changed since then if we are only looking at the big turning point of Mitsuhide rejecting Kiki.
And despite that rejection, the group is still a group despite their physical distance. 
Brief note to say that in Ch 33 Izana says to Zen,
“Let me be an ally as you and Shirayuki follow your own path.”
While this is a ZenYuki comment, I see it as Akizuki reinforcing that each character is following their own path and they will be supported as they do.
3.5) After this point is the first Lyrias arc, 
where obiyuki shippers are starting to salivate over how much is packed in just for their relationship. I mean .... remember when she pushed him to the ground because she thought he would get hit by snow? And he gives her those moony eyes just like it didn’t stop ... my heart
UGH JUST SAYING IT BECAUSE context! Shirayuki’s path is changing slowly, and Obi is still by her side.
4) A period of transition
I think this is around the time the Bergatt arc is actually beginning, leading up even to current-manga-events.
In Chapter 53
And thus, they head towards the path that a new wind blows upon.
The times are changing.
While Shirayuki is preparing for her and Ryuu’s move to Lyrias, Zen and co. are at Wilant meeting with Haruto, who describes fools aiming to throw the country into turmoil. This is a seed for the plot that develops, ie, the Bergatt arc that was not actually resolved when Touka gets taken down at Sereg in ch (?) 86. I bring this up because I think it shows the level of planning that Akizuki has put into the story at this point.
In chapter 55, after Shirayuki has finally been able to tell Zen she’ll be away from Wistal for 2 years, and they have this conversation (slightly paraphrased) after he’s processed for a short time:
Zen -
“Sorry. The fact that you would be leaving the castle was something that I’d never considered. So my reaction was a little slow.
“I’ll hear it. I’m sure there was more you wanted to say.”
Shirayuki -
“I’m really glad that I got to meet you and come to the castle! I’m where I am now because I wanted to become Zen’s ally; and i achieved that by coming to the castle and becoming a royal pharmacist.
“I’m sure that, like how it’s always been, there’s something ahead connecting to my path now. That’s why, because there’s a place I have yet to go, I want to be there.”
This is Zen’s face after she says the above:
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What is he thinking? Is he worried about their romantic relationship? I interpret it as preemptive disappointment that they may not stay together.
Shortly after we get to the point you made in your ask (sweet anon) re ch 56 with Mitsuhides comment. This adds to the reinforced theme that change is okay and they will all still be friends and allies regardless of where life takes them.
BUT IMMEDIATELY AFTER Mitsuhide says that in reference to Zen and Shirayuki, Obi responds:
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Is Akizuki drawing a parallel between MitsuKiki and ZenYuki? No idea. maybe. But somehow I do not find it coincidental.
This seems like a MitsuKiki hint, meant to fuel the ultra-shippable pair that we all loved... but after the rejected proposal, it’s hard not to see the whole situation differently re: zenyuki / obiyuki and mitsukiki / hisakiki.
Then the first true ObiYuki hug, and this:
“It feels as though Obi might suddenly appear in Lyrias!”
girl you already knew. Shirayuki knows that Obi will follow her.
Obi deliberately postpones going to Lyrias, though, in order to consider his feelings for Shirayuki and how to tell Zen.
Then!! in 58-59 we get long-awaited confirmation from Obi that he has feelings for Shirayuki, and after this beautiful moment Obi goes to Lyrias to be at Shirayuki’s side, and after everything that has happened so far that is a clincher for me regarding our beloved Foreshadowing.
While discussing Obi’s crush on Shirayuki, Obi asks Zen
“Aren’t you going to propose?”
“.......................Well, I’m.. making her .. wait.”
“Master ... I don’t recommend postponing it, you know.”
I wonder about this comment. Is this a clue for us that Zen postponing engagement is going to be a negative thing in the future? 
idk maybe ╮( ̄ω ̄)╭
Either way ........ This transition period, in between Lyrias 1 and 2, shows us that the story is changing.
I have definitely not covered all of the possible moments of foreshadowing and am actually going to leave off on that topic for the time being. I might do a part 2 as its own post. 
But for now I will switch to previously mentioned point that...
5) Obi and Shirayuki’s paths are walked together
I think the following two panels are a great way to frame their relationship. Chapter 20 in early Tanbarun arc:  
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And then, much later in chapter 106 as they stand by the fire and Shirayuki tells Obi he’s handsome in the light:
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“... because you come with me.” ( ╥ω╥ )
And then more delightful talk from chapter 104 that I think is ... gasp 
foreshadowing !!!!!
They are having this discussion after they’ve found out about Kiki becoming engaged to Hisame.
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“It’s necessary to have the courage to make a decision and take a step down that path, isn’t it?”
Shirayuki is possibly saying this due to the implications of Kiki’s letter. Kiki has made the choice to take a new path from the one she had been on by marrying Hisame. 
So what about Shirayuki’s journey? Has her growth led her to a path she didn’t expect, and now it will take courage to step down it?
In recent chapters Shirayuki is shown to be seeing Obi differently and as a man:
overhearing him calling her beautiful and being surprised that he is embarrassed she heard
witnessing him going to a marriage meeting
that little moment where he is holding her wrist as a Lyrias knight tells him that the knights sister wishes him luck in love
the firelight comment oh my god
realizing she lost the pin Obi gave her and tearing up as she literally stared at him; upset that the gift she cherished is now missing and potentially realizing how very dear to her Obi actually is
fake dating and the 10 seconds of ... just... I still cant even 
Obi is the one who is by Shirayuki’s side. They developed a bond through years friendship that is now being reframed by Akizuki. The nature of their relationship has been slowly changing and I think we approaching a time in the manga where Shirayuki will realize it.
To answer your last question ... I do think ObiYuki has a chance and I do not think the author is just toying with us. I’ve talked a lot about my ObiYuki Endgame feels in previous posts/asks. I could probably talk about it forever but this post is absurdly long .... sorry
Thank you so much for the ask! and wow thank you so much if you actually read this whole thing! 
<3 beebs <3
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