kantokraze · 1 year
My contribution for @knbexchange's 2022 Holiday Exchange! For my giftee, @jskd4. Happy holidays to you!
"Finals" Rating: Gen Characters: Akashi Seijuurou/Midorima Shintarou/Takao Kazunari Word count: 4,096
Takao is bad at math, but a sports management major requires accounting classes. When Midorima leaves for a class trip in the mountains, Akashi is left to tutor Takao for his finals.
A fic in which Akashi and Takao are in separate partnerships with Midorima, but a feverish honors student decides to let his guard down in the warmth of his apartment.
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acilykos · 7 years
Fanfiction in the future..
Sometimes I imagine that writing Fanfiction in the future would be like: Imagine the plot and the characters you want and a machine will make something like video out of your thoughts or something like that and I’m getting jealous.. I mean: You can immediately ‘save’ this thought, that you would probably have forgotten by the time you could/want to write it down. You’ll just sit there like: “Oh that’s a cute idea for my fanfic! I’ll build it in!” And also: No. Writers. Block. probably
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imagine-knb · 7 years
I'm up for some angst lately, so can I have some AkaMidoTaka friendship/jealousy scenario? Nothing romantic, just a clash between Midorin's past with Akashi and his present with Takao. Thank you.
Staring out onto the opposite side of the court, Midorima stared at the rival team they would be playing against today. His eyes scanned over each player, forming a hypothesis about how each guy would perform. Not that it really mattered anyway; Momoi had given the entire Teiko team a thorough presentation about each member of the opposing team.
“Do well today.”
There was a pat on his shoulder, one that Midorima had grown accustomed to receiving at the beginning of every game. Looking over, he was just in time to see Akashi retreating his hand back to his side.
“You do that every game,” Midorima mused, catching Akashi’s attention before he could walk away. “Why is that?”
For a moment, Akashi seemed to mull over his answer. It wasn’t until an expression that could almost count as a smile crossed his face did he speak. “Because the first time I did it, we won our first game together. It’s tradition now.”
And as Akashi walked back toward their coach, Midorima felt the slight tingle in his shoulder where his teammate had slapped him once more in friendly gesture.
Staring out onto the opposite side of the court, Midorima stared at the rival team they would be playing against today. As he looked at every single one of them, remembering the facts about their play styles he’d heard from fellow teammates, he couldn’t help but feel as if something was off. There was something missing that didn’t quite make this day feel right.
Hyper aware of just how cold his shoulders felt, he shrugged his Shuutoku jacket further up his body, not willing to let go of its warmth just yet. He could do warm up in it for all he cared, just to keep the familiarity.
“Don’t look so down in the dumps today, Shin-chan!”
The harsh slap to his shoulder nearly put Midorima off his balance. Taking a stumbling step forward, he whirled around to face Takao but the other player was already retreating with a grin on his face.
“We’ll get those guys today just like we do anyone else on any other day,” Takao encouraged, running away to start his own warmups.
Midorima felt his shoulder, where Takao had practically knocked into him, start to tingle. In fact, it was beginning to sting with all the force Takao had managed to put into that one slap.
But suddenly Midorima didn’t feel like anything was missing from today.
“It’s tradition,” he murmured to himself, shrugging off his jacket.
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artificervaldi · 8 years
Seijuurou forgot to cover something very important up when he went to see his boyfriends in Tokyo
A fic I wrote for @seii-chan! Thought I’d share a link~
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surkura813 · 9 years
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Didn’t feel like drawing their extra game jerseys (more like didn’t realize i could have until it was too late and I didn’t want to go back).
Jealous!Takao give me life! Jealous!Takao in a AkaMidoTaka situation keeps me immortal!
from @incorrectknb based off of this post
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vikingpoteto · 9 years
Murahanahimu bakery au or akamidotaka dancer au?
“I absolutely will not do this.”
“Shintarou, you got to admit that Kazunari is the best dancer of the three of us and thus, if he requires us to do the twerk, we’ll do the twerk.”
“You heard him, Shin-chan, do the twerk.” 
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mayuzumiiis · 9 years
Akamidotaka for the meme~
Yess ;w;
-who cries when someone dies in a movie: Depends. If it’s someone’s mom, you can bet Akashi gets a little upset. Otherwise, it bounces between Takao and Midorin 
-who wears the ugly holiday garb: Takao. He wears those obnoxiously orange halloween and Thanksgiving sweaters. 
-who pays for the meals: Akashi, always. He doesn’t even let them see the bill. 
-who slams the oven door and who plays the trombone: Takao slams the oven door and Midorin plays the trombone. 
-who brings home stray animals: Usually, Takao. Cats will follow Akashi home, though. 
-who leaves the bathroom door open: None of them actually 
-who tells the 'dad jokes': Midorin, surprisingly 
-who wants kids more: Takao brings up the idea. 
-who travels more: Akashi, for work 
-who spends more cash: Takao, on silly gifts 
-who buys the things in infomercials: Takao would, but when the infomercials come on Akashi immediately decides they’re busy with something else. 
-who draws in the dust on their cars: Takao 
-who starts the snowball fights: Also Takao 
-who throws away the directions to things: They’ve all done it once 
-who puts up holiday decor: They all do, Takao is just the first to get to it. 
-who is more likely to forget to bathe: Akashi, just because he gets caught up in his work 
-who gets more obsessed about things: Depends on the situation, really. 
-who sings in the shower more often: Takao has a full concert in the shower and I will not be convinced otherwise. 
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artificervaldi · 9 years
Title: Missing
Rating: T
Characters/Pairings: AkaMidoTaka, Akashi’s mother appears
Warnings: Character death (in canon)
Summary: Seijuurou missed his mother.
Here you go zugatakaizzou, for our trade~
Seijuurou missed his mother.
It wasn’t a new feeling, far from it, really. He was almost always missing the woman. The one person who had always cared for him and was there for him…
But the feeling was amplified by the time of the year, it always had been. It was the anniversary of her death. A day he remembered too well, something he could play back in clear, painful detail...
Shiori was in the bed, she looked weak. So much weaker than what Seijuurou was used to. Her hair looked duller and was a mess, not nearly as neat and bright as usual. Her skin was pale and she was so thin… Nothing like her usual rosy complexion and healthy weight.
Yet she still gave him a bright smile, the one she’d always have, when she saw her son.
But, no, it was still wrong. The smile wasn’t as bright as before, it looked like it could falter at any moment.
“Seijuurou, say goodbye to your mother.”
His father’s voice sounded more restrained than normal. Why was he even saying goodbye to his mother? Wouldn’t he see her again soon? He was brought to the hospital once a week to see her.
He didn’t ask, though. He just moved forward, standing at his mother’s bedside. She ruffled his hair, like she always did.
“Seijuurou, be strong for me, okay?” She asked. Her voice was hoarse, as if it hurt to speak. “Be strong, Seijuurou…”
Shintarou’s voice knocked the redhead out of the memory and back into the present. That’s right, he wasn’t alone.
No, he was with a very worried looking Shintarou and Kazunari.
“Are you okay, Sei-chan…?” The black haired boy asked, wiping a tear from Seijuurou’s face.
So he’d been crying, huh? That wasn’t too surprising, really. That memory always made him cry.
“I’m fine.” The redhead finally replied, turning his head away. “Just… Thinking…”
“About what?” Shintarou asked.
Seijuurou didn’t reply.
The green haired boy frowned. “Seijuurou, talk to me. Say something.”
Say something…
Say something...
“Please Seijuurou, say something.” His mother forced out. “Promise me, honey. I need to know you’ll be strong.”
“I promise…” Seijuurou didn’t mean it, though.
He knew what was going on by now, his mother was dying. His favorite person, the one woman he relied on, was going to die.
“That’s good.” She let out a breath. “That means I won’t be guilty when it happens…” Seijuurou wondered why she didn’t just say she was going to die.
She stroked his hair weakly, her hand shaking. “Goodbye, Seijuurou.”
Seijuurou didn’t speak until his mother’s body began failing.
He screamed for his mother then as his father dragged him from the room.
“Sei-chan…” Kazunari’s hand on his shoulder dragged him back to reality again. “Please talk to us.”
Seijuurou bit his lip. He didn’t want to talk, if he talked, he’d cry… And he’d cried too much in front of the two already.
“Please, Seijuurou.” Shintarou stroked Seijuurou’s hair (it reminded him of his mother). “Tell us what’s wrong.”
“I miss my mother, is all.” He finally forced out. “It’s… nothing new.”
“Well it seems to be affecting you more now than usual.” Kazunari said with a frown. “Why’s that?”
Seijuurou didn’t reply until he was sure he could at least try and hold back tears.
“It’s… The anniversary of her passing.” He said, choking back a few tears. “I’ll be fine… Just give me awhile.”
Shintarou’s face became worried as he pulled Seijuurou to him. “Are you sure you will be?”
“I…” Seijuurou swallowed hard. “I don’t know…”
“That’s okay.” Kazunari said, running a hand through Seijuurou’s hair, his voice soft. “We’re here for you.”
“You can cry if it’ll help, you know.”
With Shintarou’s words, Seijuurou did something he hadn’t done in ages. He truly cried in front of someone.
He began shaking with sobs, clinging to the green haired boy holding him as Kazunari continued to stroke his hair.
He missed his mother, he missed her comfort… His boyfriends seemed to be able to fill at least some of the hole, though. They kept him from being alone.
If there was one thing he needed, it was someone else. He’d never say it outloud, his father made sure of that, but it was true. He needed someone to be there, someone to calm him when he was feeling like this.
That was what his mother had done for him before she’d passed away. She’d made dure he wasn’t alone when feeling down. Now that she was gone, though…
Seijuurou was grateful he’d found these two.
He sobbed into Shintarou’s chest for some time before finally pulling away with a sniffle.
“Thank you…” He whispered. “Thank you…”
Kazunari leaned to him and kissed a tear off his cheek. “That’s what we’re here for, Sei-chan~”
“Mmhmm.” Shintarou said with a small nod. “If you ever need something… We’re here for you.”
At that moment, looking at his boyfriend’s reassuring smiles, Seijuurou realized something. He could be strong for his mother, but he didn’t have to be strong alone.
And the fact he had two people he adored to help him be strong made it even better. With them, maybe he could even afford to be weak from time to time.
At least with them around that weakness might not seem so bad.
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dondake · 9 years
[akamidotaka] goofus and gallant
rating: t summary: a stupid little story where akashi and takao represent two parts of midorima’s personality.
The world operates in various sets of binaries, even if the reality of the situation is that things are more gray than black and white. He’s taught what good boys do and what bad boys do. He’s taught that when you are young, you ought to do as you’re hold but when you’re older, you can do what you want. Introverts like to stay to themselves and keep a close group of friends and extroverts smile broadly and talk to everyone. “Are you trying to compartmentalize us?” Takao asks loudly, breaking Midorima out of his thoughts. The thing is, they’re two distinct different people and entities and separate from himself, but they bring out two different sides to him, so Midorima is convinced that they are perhaps not entirely human and are physical manifestations of propriety and bad manners. Akashi wears all black and sometimes turtlenecks tailored to fit his measurements on cold days, and Takao wears bright colors and gaudy prints and Midorima is sometimes ashamed to be seen in polite society with him. 
“No,” Midorima says, scowling. “I was just thinking.” He’s thought a lot about it, actually. It was inevitable that the two meet, being nationally acknowledged point guards and being fairly integrated into his life. He is their point of convergence. Akashi greets Takao with a nod and introduces himself politely. Takao begins on an anecdote of one of Midorima’s shortcomings, which does bring a ghost of a smile to Akashi’s face at Midorima’s expense. Frankly, he thinks, they should have never met. 
“Did he do that all the time back in middle school?” Takao asks.
“He always thought around me, yes,” Akashi says. Even now, they look out of place because this kind of restaurant is a little too grand on Takao’s budget and a little too regular for Akashi’s. Takao leans across the table to put a hand on Akashi’s shoulder and Midorima remember never being that familiar with Akashi in his life. 
“Honestly,” Takao says, “we should ditch him. He’s being a terrible dinner guest.”
“We haven’t even finished our courses,” Akashi says, a little startled at the proposition. 
Takao squeezes his shoulder, and Akashi has stopped flinching at that kind of intimate contact. “Alright,” Takao says. “We’ll finish everything and let Shin-chan pay for it, yeah?” The playfulness of his tone makes Akashi smile, briefly. Midorima feels irritated by everything. 
They don’t leave without him of course. In fact, Akashi stands patiently at coat check, his spine straight so his black sweater lies flatteringly down his figure. Takao doesn’t use coat check, says that his ruddy jacket doesn’t deserve to be rubbed up against fabric that costs tens of thousands of yen. He fidgets as Akashi is handed his coat, nudging up against him and whispering things that Midorima can’t hear, but Akashi whispers things back, smiles wanely. 
“Where should we go now?” Midorima asks after they’ve put their outerwear on and are standing outside on the doorstep of the restaurant. 
“We could get drinks at a bar I know,” Akashi suggests.
“There’s this cool beercade I went to a few weeks ago!” Takao chirps. “You can get cheap drafts and they have pinball and it’s super cool!” They look at each other for a moment before turning to Midorima for the deciding vote. On one hand, Midorima thinks, the majority of them are dressed for a nice bar, even if Takao has taken the initiative to wear a nice shirt and less scruffy jeans. On the other hand, the beercade would be a good opportunity to unwind after a dinner with polished wine glasses and quiet music. Rationally, he knows going with Akashi means he would be rubbing elbows with the elite of Japan and possibly getting new clients to his practice. But he hasn’t really let his hair down so to speak in weeks. 
“Um,” he says, in a failure to really reach any real consensus. 
“Let’s do both,” Takao offers graciously. “The beercade doesn’t close until real late so let’s get classy drinks and then watch the drunk people play ping pong.” Akashi agrees, almost quickly, to avoid conflict. Takao smiles at his diplomacy and entwines their hands together for a moment. Midorima feels a deep sense of disappointment in himself or not being able to be decisive. His steadfastness is his one greatest strength. 
It’s a good idea, of course. They do meet some of Akashi’s business partners and Midorima does get a good recommendation from a valuable member of Japanese society. Takao gets a good atmosphere going with his chattiness, pulling on stories from his photo shoots. He’s got a good eye for a lot of things so it’s perfect he’s freelancing and capturing models and nature and cities. The beercade is a blast too - even the most expensive beer is cheap, relatively, and Akashi fumbles and actually gets flustered when he tries a pinball machine for the first time. He is a little too careful, not pulling the flippers too hard even though Takao almost breaks the thing when he plays. The properness of Akashi is enough for Midorima to bring himself to stand behind him, watching over his shoulder, and he feels Akashi lean back into him comfortably. 
Afterwards, when they’re in their joint apartment, Takao is straddling him on his bed and kissing him with an open mouth. “Akashi’s so cute,” he says in between sticking his tongue into Midorima’s mouth. “Honestly. He’s like those kids in kindergarten who don’t move when the teacher says they need to stay put so everyone can be counted.”
“He’s always been felicitous,” Midorima says, in between swapping spit with Takao. “It’s part of his charm, I think.”
“Definitely.” Takao adjusts his position to make himself comfortable, putting his arms around Midorima’s neck and using his elbows on his shoulders to anchor himself. Takao has finished unbuttoning half the buttons on Midorima’s shirt when Akashi walks in, without knocking as he is never accustomed to, holding a large bottle of barley tea and three glasses.
“Oh,” Akashi says, surprise making his voice catch in his throat. “I’m sorry, I’ll just be in the kitchen.”
“No,” Takao yells, tearing his mouth from Midorima’s neck for a moment to turn to the door. Akashi jumps, almost dropping the glasses. “What did we talk about, Sei-chan?”
The way Akashi flushes a bright red makes Midorima certain he has no idea what Takao is referring to. The only time he’s seen Akashi look so embarrassed is when he first kissed him and Takao comes up behind him right after and says he knows the host of the party they’re at and there’s a bedroom upstairs that has been more or less unofficially assigned as a special room. The morning after, Akashi whispers to Midorima that he regrets accepting the invitation to accompany him to a party that Takao was tangentially invited to but months later they all move in together so who really knows. “Okay,” he whispers, and puts the barley tea and glasses on the desk and walks over, almost gravely. Takao gets off Midorima’s lap and gives him the space. 
“What did you two conspire?” Midorima asks, still aroused despite the interruption and Akashi is so careful right now, one knee on the bed and pausing as if analyzing all possible future moves before throwing his leg over and fitting right into the place Takao was moments before, although he doesn’t sit with all his weight yet, still hesitant. 
“I’ll tell him,” Takao drawls. “Come on, Sei-chan. You’re looking forward to it, aren’t you?” He reaches down and cups a hand over Akashi’s crotch and it makes Akashi gasp and sit back, weighing down on Midorima’s knees. “Come on, you can.”
Akashi looks at Midorima, his cheeks still pink, and he leans forward, pressing a cautious closed-mouth kiss on his lips. Midorima feels Takao’s hand shift slightly, kneading lazily and he feels it even more as Akashi scoots forward and brings Takao’s hand up against the front of Midorima’s pants as well. “We were talking about,” Takao says, his breath hot on Midorima’s ear, “that Akashi hasn’t really ever taken the initiative. Not that he doesn’t want to - but I understand, it’s hard for someone who isn’t used to it. So I said, I told him, if he doesn’t want to, it’s fine, but he’ll have to join in if he wants to and we’re going at it. It’s fair, isn’t it? And he can blame it all on me.” Akashi is grinding his hips now, Midorima can feel the pressure change beyond just Takao’s wrist. His mouth feels hotter. “Isn’t this good?” Takao asks, grinning widely as Akashi turns his chin, his eyes glossy, and Midorima kisses the spot on his neck he knows Akashi likes. Takao goes in for a kiss with Akashi. Midorima will admit - this is good. 
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kurokonoheadcanons · 9 years
Headcanons Akamidotaka, please~~ (Shuutoku vs Rakuzan killed me T︵T)
okay so ima bout a tell you my entire headcanon about how these three got together so sit back and enjoy
#286: It started allll the way back when they were in Teiko. Akashi basically had Midorima under his thumb, and the relationship was pretty toxic for both of them. At the end of middle school, Midorima decided to end it and Akashi reluctantly agreed, with the promise that he would be back for “his Shintarou.” Then, at Shuutoku, Midorima met Takao and it took Midorima a really long time to warm up to Takao (as we all know). Even so, they ended up together. 
Back in Teiko, Akashi started some of Midorima’s bad habits including taping his fingers and using the horoscope. My personal headcanon is that Takao was trying to change this, so Midorima could stop relying only on fate and start to believe in himself more. For a while, this was working. UNTIL Akashi weasled his way back into the mix (when Rakuzan and Shuutoku played) and changed everything back.
Takao was super super mad at Akashi and confronted him about it. They had a big fight over Midorima, Akashi stating how he was “his all along” and Takao saying how he had “chosen him now.” Midorima found them fighting and split them up and Takao demanded that he choose one of them. Midorima couldn’t choose between them, because they both meant different things to him. Then he left both Takao and Akashi feeling like total dicks.
The two of them made up then and, after a LOT of discussion, decided to try to make something work. They both went to Midorima and suggested that they all get together (even if Takao and Akashi don’t necesarily like each other in that way). And yeah, that’s basically how it went down.
#287: Akashi never lets Takao top him. Ever.
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vikingpoteto · 9 years
“Shin-chan.” Takao calls softly.
At first, there is no response. He would think Midorima had fallen asleep, if it wasn’t for a gentle hand slowly playing with his hair. It’s not unusual for Midorima to ignore his boyfriend, but during those moments -- during those stolen daydreams in which they’re able to just lie down together listening to each other’s steady heartbeat -- Takao only speaks when it’s really relevant, so he expects to be heard.
“Shin-chan.” He repeats, shifting a little so he can look at Midorima’s face without letting go of his lover. Midorima looks at him back, raising an eyebrow. “What’s the deal with Akashi?”
Midorima’s brows furrow. But maybe it’s because he’s not wearing his glasses and he’s squinting his eyes on an attempt to see better.
“What do you mean by what’s the deal with Akashi?”
“You like him, don’t you?”
The atmosphere changes drastically. Takao can feel Midorima’s entire body tensing up under his, which almost makes him regret touching the subject, but just almost. It’s true that the two of them don’t often get to be together like this. Heck, they probably wouldn’t have time to even date if they weren’t on the same team and on the same class, because they would barely see each other. Takao would hate to ruin the short period of time that they have to themselves, of course. 
However, he’s been beating around the bush for weeks now. He’s an observant guy and Midorima is the person he pays attention the most. It would be foolish of him to deny the obvious: that his boyfriend had feelings for his ex-teammate. 
“What are you talking about?” Midorima retorts, his voice sharp like a knife. 
“I’m talking about Akashi. You know? Red haired guy. Superiority complex. Sorta scary. He may be short, but he’s kind of hard to miss. Especially for you. After all, you’re in love with him, right?”
The mattress wavers a bit when Midorima untangles himself from Takao, that pouts.
“I’m dating you.” He says as he sits up. “Do you doubt my feelings for you?”
“No. But you’re avoiding my question.” Takao also sits up and hugs his legs against his chest, resting his chin on his knees. “You do want to be with Akashi.” This time is not a question. Takao wants to solve this right now.
Midorima turns his gaze away, flustered.
“I want to be with you too.”
Finally he admitted. Takao waits for the jealousy - or any kind of bitter feeling - but, just as he thought, there isn’t any. And he did have thought a lot about this matter, considering his own feelings and Midorima’s and the whole situation itself - he even considered Akashi’s feelings, even though he didn’t know Akashi as well as he knew Midorima, and thus he wasn’t so sure about this part. In the end, Takao thought that Midorima and Akashi were a great duo, both in and outside the court. But he and Midorima were a great team too, so Takao wasn’t upset about Akashi. He only wanted Midorima to be happy. Takao smiles softly.
“I know, Shin-chan. I know everything that there is to know about you.”
“Why aren’t you upset?” Midorima snarls. He’s frightened, Takao notices. He’s scared he’ll lose Takao over this. More than ever, Takao feels reassured. “I thought my feelings for Akashi would go away now that I have you, but I keep loving the both of you and I...!” Takao shuts him up with a kiss. Midorima stays static.
“Shin-chan. I know.” Takao grins again. “I don’t mind. As long you love me too, I don’t mind at all. And I gotta admit that Akashi is quite a catch, I don’t blame you.”
There is a moment in which Midorima stares at Takao in baffled silence.
“What are you suggesting?” He finally asks.
“That you invite Akashi to join our relationship.” Takao shrugs. “Let’s be a couple of three.”
“That’s an absurd.”
Takao expected that kind of answer. He knows Midorima can be quite antiquated. It might take him a while to convince him to accept  himself. “No, it is not. What’s the big deal?”
Midorima cups Takao’s face with both of his hands. “Are you really not affected by this? Aren’t you hurt? Don’t you feel betrayed or... I don’t know, don’t you want to break up with me?”
Takao’s eyes widen. This is the last argument he expected to hear, but he lets out a chuckle when he realizes that he should have. Of course Midorima is worried about Takao instead of himself. Midorima does try to look mean, but the guy is just one big softie.
“Of course not, Shin-chan. Did I ever lie to you?”
Midorima looks at him in the eyes for a long moment, trying to find any trace of lie on his expression. “No... You have never lied to me.”
“That’s right!” Takao leans in for a kiss and Midorima kisses him back, hesitantly at first, but quickly finding their familiar pace. “So! When are you going to talk to Akashi?”
“Aren’t you a little to eager?” Midorima raises an eyebrow.
“Nah. But I’m kind of excited. Is that weird?”
Midorima considers the question for a while. “Yes. Very weird. But as long you’re happy...”
Takao smiles even wider. He loves Midorima and he’s sure that he’s loved back, so he doesn’t mind sharing this love with another person. If he thinks about it, he wonders if he won’t fall in love with Akashi as well or if they’re going to just stay like this.
One way or another, Takao can’t see the future. But when he thinks of the possibilities, he gets really hopeful.
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mayuzumiiis · 9 years
For the ship meme, akamidotaka bc I'm predictable and Akashi AkaHimu mayb
Oooh ye!! I can do this ;w; 
Under the cut for length~
Who’s more dominant: Depends on the night, really. Most of the time, Takao is though.
Who’s the cuddler: Akashi, he is a cuddle monster
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon: Midorin is always the big spoon, the other two alternate. 
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Reading, usually, or playing music ;w;
Who uses all the hot water: Takao 
Most trivial thing they fight over: Sleeping schedules (or lack thereof) 
Who does most of the cleaning: Midorima 
What has a season pass on their dvr/Who controls the netflix queue: Takao, because documentaries are boring after 6 hours.
Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working:  Akashi usually, if he’s not shivering too hard. Otherwise it’s Midorima 
Who leaves their stuff around: Takao, he has something of his laying in every room in the house. 
Who remembers to buy the milk: They all do, mostly. 
Who remembers anniversaries: Akashi for sure
Who cooks normally: Takao
How often do they fight: Rarely, if ever.
What do they do when they’re away from each other: Try to keep their minds off it, they usually call each other before bed, though
Nicknames for each other: Takao retains his affectionate Shin-chan and Sei-chan nicknames from high school
Who is more likely to pay for dinner: Akashi tbh
Who steals the covers at night: Takao, because he can’t sleep in one position 
What would they get each other for gifts: Small, sweet things that have deep meanings
Who kissed who first: Akashi kissed Midorin first, Takao kissed Akashi first, and Midorin kissed Takao first :3c
Who made the first move: Midorin, actually, because there was no way in hell Akashi was going to say anything
Who remembers things: Akashi, always
Who started the relationship: Surprisingly, Midorima did 
Who cusses more: Takao
What would they do if the other one was hurt: Panic. Probably check to see how bad it was and then wrap it up/take them to the hospital to check it out.
Who is the dirty talker: Takao, by a long shot. 
A head canon: They have a calico kitten named Alice that Takao brought home one day, and she’s basically their therapy/snuggle kitty. She likes to sleep with them on the bed and cuddle on the couch, too. 
Who’s more dominant: Himuro, by a long shot 
Who’s the cuddler: It’s pretty close, but Akashi is pretty cuddly
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon: Himuro refuses to be the little spoon
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Board games
Who uses all the hot water: Himuro, because he sings in the shower
Most trivial thing they fight over: Once again, sleeping schedules 
Who does most of the cleaning: Himuro
What has a season pass on their dvr/Who controls the netflix queue: Himuro, because he’s the one who watches TV 
Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Himuro, he’s quicker to the phone
Who leaves their stuff around: Neither of them, really. 
Who remembers to buy the milk: Akashi 
Who remembers anniversaries: Himuro, it’s the one date he can actually remember without needing a note 
Who cooks normally: Akashi, because he hates the mess Himuro leaves behind 
How often do they fight: Like... Once every month, if that. 
What do they do when they’re away from each other: Himuro sends pictures and spams texts, Akashi replies sometimes, and they call each other at night 
Nicknames for each other: Himuro has picked up on calling Akashi “kitten” and “strawberry”, as well as pet names like “babe” and “sweetheart”. Akashi just calls Himuro Tatsuya
Who is more likely to pay for dinner: Akashi. More like Himuro doesn’t even get to see the bill.
Who steals the covers at night: Himurp. Every night 
What would they get each other for gifts: Himuro gets Akashi little trinkets and sweet, meaningful gifts. Akashi does the same, but tends to get books more often
Who kissed who first: Himuro, because he just really wanted to know how it felt.
Who made the first move: Himuro again, Akashi is too much of a denier 
Who remembers things: Akashi, he remembers everything 
Who started the relationship: Himuro once again 
Who cusses more: “Fuck--” “Language, Tatsuya.” 
What would they do if the other one was hurt: Himuro panics most of the time, then wraps the injury and/or takes Akashi to the hospital. Akashi doesn’t even hesitate to check and see how bad it is and do his best to wrap/take care of it.
Who is the dirty talker: Himuro
A head canon: Himuro likes to listen in on Akashi while he’s playing the violin in the study by himself, but he’ll never say anything about it. 
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smileinthedark · 11 years
AkaMido and TakaMido are great ships, but I have fallen completely, head over heels in love with Akashi>Midorima<Takao
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dondake · 11 years
akamidotaka or akamido
The greatest thing about being the shadow to Midorima's light is that Takao knows where the spare key to the former's house is hidden on their front step and therefore lets him in whenever fancy seizes him. That is how he catches Shuutoku's ace smooching Akashi Seijuro in the living room. Midorima looks mortified when Takao lets out a chortle and runs to the kitchen claiming to fetch tea. Akashi settles for boring into Takao with a significant glare. 
"I didn't know you two were that close," Takao says conversationally, taking a seat on the couch next to Akashi and grinning widely. "I mean, sure, Shin-chan's spoken about you a lot but I never thought it was like this."
"For your information," Akashi says testily, "since middle school..."
"Oh, I get it. Don't sweat it. Do you know what would make it even better, though? Another person. Another person who also thinks Shin-chan is the bee's knees. It'll make things more exciting. Shin-chan says you like exciting things. You get what I'm saying?"
Midorima walks back into the living room with a tray with three cups of tea and a sheepish face. Akashi and Takao are now smooching it up where he used to be. "Well, this is unexpected," he says. 
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