acilykos · 7 years
Fanfiction in the future..
Sometimes I imagine that writing Fanfiction in the future would be like: Imagine the plot and the characters you want and a machine will make something like video out of your thoughts or something like that and I’m getting jealous.. I mean: You can immediately ‘save’ this thought, that you would probably have forgotten by the time you could/want to write it down. You’ll just sit there like: “Oh that’s a cute idea for my fanfic! I’ll build it in!” And also: No. Writers. Block. probably
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mishychan · 7 years
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Comm: AoKaKi by MeguMonster
Posted with permission of the artist. Please visit their DeviantArt profile for more of their amazing fanart!
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formlesscopycat · 3 years
Thanks much to @boysloveandtaxation for tagging me, this is so fun to do and I’m very happy you’ve given me a chance to talk about my fics. I’m delighted that someone got actually interested to know my thoughts on these stuff! I love writing but I haven’t written anything for almost a year now bc of mental health and irl stuff. Answering these questions feels so refreshing, I really hope to bounce back to writing real soon! <3 So here goes:
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Heh, it’s AoKise <33333 i’ve never been ruined by a ship as much as Aoki had; after 3 years in the almost inactive KnB fandom, I’m still crying over these dorks everyday. 
How many works do you have on AO3?
Ahh just a few. Only 17. 
What’s your total AO3 word count?
121,800 hehe. Woah. I’m amazed that I did write that much in 3 years.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Love at First Lie - AoKise college AU with side pairing IwaOi. Multi-chapter.
But Losers Never Weep - AoKise faling in love during the Teiko timeline up to their final year in high school. My longest One-shot.
Distance of the Falling Sun - AoKise angst with a happy ending in Teikou setting. It’s a gift fic for a dear friend of mine and is just as special to me as the friend I gifted it to.
I hear you through these walls - AoKise neighbors!AU. This is the first AU I’ve ever written as I am always inclined to write my ships in canon setting. As they say, there’s a first time for everything and so this happened! 
Where You Belong (I Know it’s With Me) - AoKiseKaga AU with meet-cute, love triangles and family shenanigans. It’s still ongoing and I still hold the plot dearly in my heart. I haven’t given up yet, someday, I’ll finish writing this.
Do you reply to comments, why or why not?
I do, always. I love getting comments and I wanted the commenter to know how happy I’ve been to receive kind words so I always try to message them back albeit I’m very slow in doing that.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Ooh. I haven’t written anything with an angsty ending, I want my ships to sail into happiness every single time. There’s one in my wips tho where there’s major character death, based off the movie If Only. But it’s too sad, I haven’t found the strength yet to write it all down.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I think that would be “But Losers Never Weep” where Kise gets all the happy ending he deserves and more.
Do you write crossovers?
Love at First Lie is my only crossover fic, between KnB and Haikyuu. I haven’t been very keen on writing crossovers because it takes a lot of work and in depth characterization I think. But I’m hoping to do one again in the near future. Characters from different fandoms meeting together is so fun in my head.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
There was one time, in FF.net, when I was 15, for my very first published fic. The commenter said that it was a shit ending because the OTP I had been writing about wasn’t end game. And I wouldn’t blame them tbh. I was a kid writing on a whim, the fic was so full plot holes and hideous grammar so yeah.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have 2 smut fics in my wips ok? I haven’t posted nsfw fic ever because I feel very incapable... I think I haven’t reached that level yet where I get all very sensory and descriptive. But I’m welcoming the idea and have tried writing a bit of smut. Gimme more time and I’ll finish what I started.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Guess there wasn’t any fic of mine that was stolen, my writing’s not in the rob list-tier anyway.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone had left a comment and asked if they could translate one of my fics and I was flattered, I said yes, but I didn’t know if they ever got around to it.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nah. And I’m not sure if I ever want to... I’m very clingy with my ideas, tbvh, I’d rather work on a project alone. I guess it’s also because I’m a tunnel-visioned introvert by nature.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oh. I think that would be “Starry Nights” series. I planned it as a three shot story but as time went by, the  ideas grew distant. Last year, someone messaged me on Instagram asking if I would ever write the next parts. I told them I’m not dismissing the possibility but it’ll take a while because I’ve been in a long-term block until now.
What are your writing strengths?
Characterizations and dialogues, I think. I find it easy to write dialogues. Based on the comments I receive, people say I’m good with characterization so I guess those are my assets.
What are your writing weaknesses?
English vocabulary and writing descriptions. Ah, you'll never know how much I drool over fics of writers with god-tier descriptions! This is why I don’t write smut because it requires very sensory writing and I’m not in that  level yet.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I’m okay with it, I think. It could make or break a fic but if the writer has the talent, I think they’ll do just fine. As for me though, I’d do it sparingly.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Final Fantasy VIII. It was my first love and will always be. I was smitten by Ashbear’s fics in FFN and that spurred me to write my own.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
My top 3 would be:
But Losers Never Weep because it puts my dear son Kise on a pedestal.
Distance of the Falling Sun because it’s written based off a count down and I honestly thought I won’t be able to finish it.
Where You Belong because this is my baby! So many characters, so many subplots than the stuff I usually write. It’s very challenging but everytime I finish a chapter, my heart soars.
I’m tagging any of my writer friends who want to do this. If you ever see this tho, please indulge me!
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kagamischain · 3 years
U r such a sweetheart...I wanna be a bit greedy...
May I ask for aokisekaga...
And one for the pretty boys takao and kise..
And one for the diva boys mibuchi and kise!
It's a little late here so I'll do all your wishes tomorrow.
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nolongerglitched · 7 years
said link also contains nsfw AoKiseKaga (and its permutations, and also HaiKise), so tread carefully.
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joss-lenn-blog · 9 years
Matchmaker porn magazine
Este drabble es para @fraintasticlife quien pidió a su OT3 con el prompt 43 (“Hey, have you seen the..? Oh.”). Joaquis, espero haya quedado bien el rollo del AoKise que se convierte en AoKiseKaga. 
No te dejes engañar por el tíulo, no hay sexo explícito.
Compartir dormitorio con Kise tenía sus pros y sus contras, decidió Aomine en uno de sus arranques de gran pensador y mejor persona. Una de ellas (la más importante) era el sexo casual sin temor a ser interrumpidos con las manos en la masa y en otras cosas. A veces pensaba que era afortunado por tener la oportunidad de satisfacer esa necesidad fisiológica con alguien como su compañero de cuarto, luego recordaba que él era el mismísimo Aomine Daiki y se le pasaba.
Qué suertudo que era el Kise, joder.
Lo malo de compartir piso con Kise era que, por alguna razón desconocida, Kagami iba a incordiar de vez en cuando ¿Desde cuándo esos dos habían hecho tan buenas migas? ¿Kagami no tenía dormitorio o qué? Quién sabe, igual y vivía debajo de un puente. Lo único seguro en la vida era que ambos parecían tener una especie de pacto con el fin de hacerle la vida de cuadritos a Aomine, la única víctima allí.
─Eh, Aominecchi, Kagamicchi y yo vamos a estar en el cuarto así que no molestes con tus cosas ¿Ok? ─fue la infamia que salió de la boca de Kise en un día que pintaba para ser trágico.
─Mira, me da lo mismo.
¿Cómo se atrevían esos dos a excluirlo? ¡A él! ¡La mejor compañía del bendito planeta! Allá ellos, entonces él se daría un tiempo para consentirse como merecía. O sea que iba a ir a hacerse una chaqueta con una revista de Mai-chan.
Si tan solo encontrara la puta revista.
Para ojos extraños no sería sorprendente perder la revista en semejante chiquero que mantenía Aomine en su rincón personal del piso, pero hasta él tenía un orden en su desorden y la revista definitivamente no estaba donde la había dejado. Busco, rebuscó, todo en vano. Así que no le quedaba otra opción.
─¡Kise! ─exclamó entrando al cuarto donde estaban Kagami y Kise, cómo no, sin tocar─. Oye ¿Has visto…? Pero qué mierda.
Allí estaban Kagami y Kise, ambos tumbados boca abajo en la cama mientras hojeaban el cuerpo del delito, es decir, la revista de moral dudosa de Aomine, mirando embobados la página central que mostraba a Mai-chan en todo su esplendor ¿Lo peor? Que había entrado en el momento justo en el que ambos soltaban una risa boba propia de un chiquillo de trece años en la edad de la hormona alborotada, no de dos adultos jóvenes.
─¿Qué carajos creen que hacen?
Kagami pegó un brinco y se sentó en la cama, soltando una maldición. Kise también se incorporó, palideciendo de golpe.
─¡No es lo que parece, Aominecchi! ─se apresuró a justificar lo injustificable.
─¿Se iban a hacer una paja con mi revista, cerdos? ─preguntó Aomine, rescatando su revista de las garras de esos dos pérfidos.
─¡Claro que no! ─negó Kagami con el ceño fruncido─ ¡No todo el mundo es tan puerco como tú!
─Me habría creído esa si no fuera porque los atrapé comiéndose la revista con la mirada.
Kise suspiró y se rascó la nuca, como si estuviera pensando en una explicación coherente a lo que había estado haciendo con Kagami.
─Bueno, es que me encontré la revista cuando limpiaba, a ver si ya tienes más cuidado con tu higiene personal, Aominecchi ─se quejó Kise, recuperando la dignidad en tiempo récord─. Y bueno, Kagamicchi llegó justo cuando la tenía en las manos, me dijo que jamás había visto una antes y pues…
─No me digan que iban a toquetearse los dos juntos.
─¡Que no! ─exclamó Kagami─. Mira, sólo queríamos hojearla y ver qué de bueno tenían esas revistas y ya ¿Cuál es el problema?
Aomine entrecerró los ojos y se dio una palmada en la frente. No podía creer que estuviera ante dos personas tan poco educadas en el arte de la pornografía.
─No saben nada ─declaró con aires de sabihondo, esos que por lo regular correspondían más a gente de la calaña de Akashi o Midorima─. En verdad necesitan clases urgentes.
Caminó con la barbilla bien alzada hacia la cajonera y sacó de allí una de sus más valiosas posesiones: su colección de revistas prohibidas.
─Eh, Aominecchi ¿Qué pretendes? ─preguntó Kise, extrañado.
─¿No es obvio? No pueden ir a tientas en este mundo ─explicó Aomine, sentándose en la cama con ellos─. Yo les diré cuál es el mejor material y todo. Considérense afortunados de que pretendo gastar el tiempo con ustedes.
Kagami y Kise intercambiaron una mirada de desconcierto, pero aun así se sentaron junto a Aomine, mirando por encima de su hombro la revista que sostenía en las manos. Solamente ellos dos podían ver en Aomine Daiki un ejemplo a seguir.
Ese día Aomine empapó de sus conocimientos a esos dos pobres infelices y, para colmo de males, ellos estaban encantados de ser instruidos por él en el arte de la selección del mejor material pornográfico. Tanta fue su fascinación por ese nuevo mundo lleno de posibilidades que esa actividad terminó siendo una especie de ritual entre ellos tres. Al final hasta a Aomine la presencia de Kagami le parecía tolerable y todo, al fin y al cabo, siempre estaba dispuesto a aprender . Y Kise, oh, Kise. Avanzaba tan rápido en ese mundo de depravación.
Qué orgulloso que estaba Aomine de sus pupilos, sí.
─Básicamente me estás diciendo que tú, Aomine-kun y Kagami-kun decidieron vivir en el mismo dormitorio porque les gusta ver revistas pornográficas juntos ─recapituló Kuroko, después de que Kise le soltara todo un cotorreo sobre la conmovedora historia de su relación con Aomine y Kagami.
─¡Así es! ¡Es más cómodo así! ¿No te parece?
Kuroko suspiró. Él no merecía escuchar tanto absurdo de golpe.
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unenomainen · 4 years
So i looked into my wip folder and found another unfinished aokisekaga thing that i absolutely do not remember writing??? Like. When did this happen. How did i completely forget writing this thing fgdhkjflchs
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anjizu · 9 years
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Primary Colors ~ST☆RISH Style~ Are you Ready?        └ Happy AoKagaKise day! [15/7]
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ryouta-aomine · 9 years
For that fandom thing, I,L M ,O and V
Sure thing babe
I : Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?Hmmm… I don’t think so. In fact, it’s got me hooked to a fandom or 2 ;) Free! being an example: it was so much on my dash, that I was like i have to watch it!…and boy was I glad I did!
L:Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?Umm…I ask for an OTP drawing/ask for an OTP fic, with me and a coupke friends as OCs Ahaha…I suck at making use of such nice chances orz
M:A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to.My friend, also a former classmate, got me into Kuroko no Basuke…. Actually, she’d been asking me to check the anime out for some time, and then we ended up losing contact for a while. I had totally forgotten about her recommendation, and one day I saw this amazing ova of a basketball anime and I was like dayum! I gotta watch! And laaater, when we were reunited, she mentioned KnB again, and everything came back. Needless to say she was quite satisfied that I got into the fandom! :D Love her
O : Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?Flesh ~ Simon Curtis -> it reminds me of SouHaru gdi ∗˚(* ˃̤൬˂̤ *)˚∗
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?Ooooohhh! Yes YESSS! Loads of themmmm~! LEt’s seee…SouHaruRinAoKiseKagaKagaKiseKuroMakoRinSeiSouHaruSeiNagiHaruRei KagaKiseHimu
I’m insane don’t even bother questioning my hsips loool…Can;t remember the rest atm orz
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yaya-chin · 9 years
I want an aokisekaga mpreg au where they are living together and Aomine and Kagami are competing who's going to get Kise pregnant first lol.
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kurokonotext · 9 years
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satsuki doesn't have a dirty mind, her assumption was perfectly reasonable considering the homolust involved
consider watching this video for context purposes
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my-fandomaddiction · 10 years
Check out @_bopeee's Tweet:
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mishychan · 9 years
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Happy AoKiseKaga Day!!!
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unenomainen · 9 years
Hey look I wrote something :o wow
Warnings: AoKiseKaga, poly relationship, very gay (although I don’t even headcanon any of these three to be gay…. in my world Aomine’s bi, Kagami’s pan and Kise’s grey-aro pansexual lol)
Things Kise has learned about Kagami since they started dating:
Kagami is a rather light sleeper. Once, Kise got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and though he tried to be as quiet as possible, Kagami was awake when he got back. It was nice, though, whispering silly things to each other in the darkness while Aomine was still sleeping right next to them. Sometimes Kise deliberately makes a bit of noise just to wake Kagami up and curl up next to him, sharing words he never has the nerve to say in daylight.
Sometimes Kagami talks in his sleep. Kise doesn’t sleep that heavily either so he’s woken up more than once to Kagami mumbling to himself. It’s endearing, really, and Kise’s fairly certain Kagami doesn’t even know about it. And well, since he finds it cute, he sees no reason to tell Kagami. It’s something only he knows and that makes him feel special.
When he’s in the mood, Kagami will do everything but actually say it out loud. Usually he gets more physically affectionate, lots of lingering touches, cheek kisses and clinging to Kise and Aomine’s arms until one or both of them get the hint. Aomine often teases Kagami about it but once things start heating up, Kagami quickly assumes dominance. Not always, Kise and Aomine are both too competitive to let that happen, but it is nice. Kise especially loves it when Aomine and Kagami gang up on him; they have their ways of making him feel treasured, particularly on days when he feels insecure (those happen more often than Kise would like to admit but it comes with the modelling job, he supposes).
Kagami loves cooking for his boyfriends. He might not say it out loud but the way his face lights up every time Kise and Aomine compliment his food speaks for itself. Of course they sometimes have to make fun of their precious Kagami, saying he’s such a good housewife and the like, but it’s all in good humour; if Kagami ever made any indication of actually getting hurt by it, they’d stop immediately.
Things Kise has learned about Aomine since they started dating:
Aomine is a heavy sleeper. So much so, in fact, that it’s sometimes a pain to get him up from bed in the morning, even if the alarm is going off at full blast. It’s annoying, especially on days they have to be somewhere, but they’ve learned to deal with it. On days none of them are in a hurry, though, cuddling next to the sleepy Aomine is the best way to spend the morning.
When he’s in the mood, Aomine is very straightforward. He’ll say it out loud, shamelessly, sometimes even in public or in otherwise inappropriate situations, adding touching and everything if he deems it suitable. He’s still understanding of Kise’s celebrity status, though, so he makes sure to keep it in moderation if there’s a chance of getting caught.
Aomine doesn’t toss affection around for nothing and yet manages to be a very attentive and sweet boyfriend. How he does it is still a bit of a mystery to Kise, but it’s not like he’s complaining. Neither is Kagami; they both love being spoiled by Aomine.
Things Kise has learned about Aomine and Kagami since he started dating them:
The romantic and sexual tension between all three of them got resolved when they got together and with that the way they play basketball changed (not for the worse, though; their favourite non-sexual pastime is still basketball, by far). It’s just different, in ways Kise can’t really name.
Aomine and Kagami bicker about the most stupid things sometimes, even getting actually mad at each other, but Kise’s learned to step in if things start getting too rowdy. He often thinks that these two hotheads would be fine without him otherwise, just maybe hurt each other a bit too much during fights without Kise acting as a buffer -
but if he ever dares to say that out loud, they get all upset. They say they don’t want each other unless Kise’s there too and, well - it’s so sweet Kise just smiles and assures them he’s not going anywhere, even if sometimes he has to be their babysitter.
Aomine and Kagami both love him very much, just like they love each other. They don’t say it out loud for a long time, even after Kise’s figured them out, but he knows, and it makes it all so much better.
Things Kise has learned about himself since he started dating Aomine and Kagami:
He loves them too.
A/N: A collection of headcanons i guess?? idk, i didn’t have that much time but wanted to write something for today so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (I started three things but only finished this one, one became a multichapter thingy and the third one may or may not get finished someday //gazes into a distant future)
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anjizu · 10 years
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The Three of ACE | ♡ knb:ship series | Happy AoKagaKi Day!
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jho-seok · 10 years
Quick Q
Okay: should I write some aokisekaga drabbles or aokise drabbles?
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