#akari: where am i you look like emmet why do you look like emmet i don't like this i don't like any of this aaaaaa
egginfroggin · 1 year
Wouldn't it be fun if Emmet wound up staying in Hisui for a few years longer than he did in WtST, and then went home with Akari and Rei in tow only for an angry Legendary to interfere with their space-time hop, rip them apart from each other, and have them all end up in different areas of Unova?
And Unova is frozen because the World's Best Worst Parent Figure, Ghetsis Harmonia, actually managed to take the region and went full snowblower on it with Kyurem?
And Ingo is just trying to help people get out of the region or shelter them in the tunnels -- and also not just collapse from exhaustion because he's working himself to the bone trying to keep hidden but still do things -- when this weirdly-dressed girl falls out of thin air, calls him a Zoroark, beans him in the face with a Pokeball, and falls over?
Yeah, doesn't that sound fun?
Also I want Kyurem to get body-checked by Emmet's absolute unit of a Garchomp. Just for fun.
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davepetacreates · 1 day
month of ingo day 20: lost
Angst, mildly inspired by the story of Orpheus (y'all know which part), around \~700 words.
He’s sitting in the subway tunnels, Train Fire at his side, and he is not crying. 
It’s been months since he cried. He should probably be crying more, but he can’t let himself, because he doesn’t know what he’s crying for, and that’s not exactly rational, is it?
It’s dark here. Nice. Familiar. 
The tunnels are his favorite place to be - all the sneasels running around at his feet, and Lady Sneasler guiding him. His eyes adjust quicker than others’ and he is proud of this. He sometimes wonders where this trait came from.
There’s a flash of white down the tunnel, and a horn blaring. 
Yelling, pointing. All aboard! Bravo! These phrases are his and his alone - no one could understand them to want to take them from him. He has a whole world to himself that no one knows about and he hates it. It’s no fun without a second person. The secrets shared, the inside jokes… He misses it.
“Who are you?” a voice asks, and he jumps. 
“I am Ingo,” he says. His frown deepens. “That’s not quite right. I apologize.” 
“I am-” He can’t make out what the man (where did he come from? Why can’t Ingo make him out?) says. “And you are lying.”
“Where am I?” Ingo asks.
The man shakes his head. “Ingo would know where he was, so you are not him.” Tears fall to the floor but Ingo doesn’t know whose they are.
“I am,” he says, “and I’m lost. Please help me.”
“I have to help Ingo,” the man says.
“Who are you?” Ingo asks.
The man pulls his shoulders up and takes a step back, into the light of Train Fire’s flames. Ingo can see his face now.
In the early days of his acquaintanceship with Miss Akari, they had plenty of conversations - the specific one he remembers now is that she told him that he reminded her of someone, but she didn’t know who.
He told her about the man who liked winning more than anything, the partner who wielded flames with mastery.
She said that she remembered someone who looked just like him but cleaner, and he laughed.
Now, he understands.
The man is crying. Ingo stands up and reaches out. “Who are you?” he asks again. It seems to echo in the empty tunnel.
“I am Emmet,” the - Emmet - replies. “Are you really Ingo?”
Ingo nods. “I am.”
Emmet sniffles, and pulls out a handkerchief, wiping away the tears.
Ingo steps forward and hugs him, and the handkerchief falls to the ground. “I’m sorry,” he tells Emmet. “I’m so sorry.” What else would he say? ‘I’m sorry for not being who you think’? ‘I remember you’? He won’t lie to someone so obviously grieving.
“You really are Ingo,” Emmet mutters, and Ingo hugs him tighter. It’s safe and warm. “This feels just like one of his hugs, but stronger.”
“I am Ingo,” he affirms.
The other man laughs.
“That’s my line,” Emmet says, before stepping back. “Do you want to go home?”
Ingo nods.
“Alright,” Emmet says. He smiles, spins, and points, just like Ingo does. “Chandelure, lead the way.”
The chandelure chimes something to Emmet, looking concerned.
Emmet just laughs, and starts walking.
Ingo follows, because what else is there to do?
They do not talk.
This might have been the reason why, three minutes later, Ingo sees Emmet’s head turning.
Train Fire’s flames blaze violet and red, a warning, but Emmet looks back.
Before the two can even make eye contact, Ingo is gone again.
He wakes up.
The blanket slides off his chest as he picks up his dream journal, and grabs for his pen.
He can’t find it.
The dream is slipping away already and he can’t find his pen.
He - Emmet! He found the man he’s been dreaming of. Emmet. Why did you look back, Emmet? Why?
The night is cold; the sun is just a sliver of orange on the horizon. A scream sounds through the tunnels, driving out a startled colony of bats.
Ingo is sobbing into his blanket, lost for a second time.
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raynavan · 1 year
it is finally here!! the winners of the @ultimate-submas-tournament first round!! this is. verrry long as I have a bit of (lighthearted!!) commentary on the winners. said commentary is not meant to be offensive, but i just poke fun at the Au's in the running. of course- i highly suggest checking some of them out! all the polls (and therefore the au's in that poll) are linked in the first word of the message beow it. and with that, doodles under the cut.
the Ingo Bracket!
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behold the subway boss Ingo! taking down statues! ah... but aren't gargoyles supposed to ward off evil spirits..?
eh, im sure it fine! nothing quite like an never ending cycle ammirite?
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dad instincts activated. it was super effective (thank goodness another ghost was there, its pretty hard to punch them) ((though ah... perhaps a bad idea to beat up your dead self..?))
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The Actual hero of courage!! purging the land of all poison! even his alternate's poison!!
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man actively bleeding out beats up fox man, more at 11.
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T-posing (the "T" stands for table) ((joke was made by @/thesilverinfinity thank you!!))
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fire beats electricity!! villains for the win!!!
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a... fae. a fairy type. destroyed by a... prince that commands (used to command) a dragon... perhaps there is a reason fae Ingo hides in the human world...
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who was going to tell him that LTOT ingo isn't even a pokemon technically
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bro respawn already you leaks are leaking everywhere- at least the Woodsman can continue his never ending task of gathering oil!
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oh right... kid kinda... had the favor of a few gods... good luck ingo!
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oh uh... i suppose even lord zoroark isn't immune to pets... (hope warden Akari doesn't find out-)
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ooh... probably should have checked you type advantages buddy... at least wormgo knows we all love him even if he's a worm <3
The Emmet Bracket!
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the power of sweaters
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one might be the eye avatar after looking for answers, the true detective turned out on top!
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tfw your just a train conductor in the far past with trauma (and brain trauma) and you get beaten up by another you that is friends with a god.
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GET 'EM WITH THE LASER EYES (that you definitely have) (hope grovyle doesn't find you)
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beach vacation in the past beats present Unova any day. (unless the Pelipper are looking for a snack)
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jellyfish stings!! not even Gift's wonderful cosplay of his bother as enough to avoid the beast's wrath... no respect for cosplayers these days...
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even though normally Ingo is the one to deal with unruly passengers, it easy to forget that robot Emmet has tasers for hands... o7 host emmet.
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mans under the effects of CST (Chad stasis Twin effect) he is currently unbeatable.
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wow the plushy has some power! uh... what do you have there Emmie..? why are you... looking at me like that...
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air tight suites will not protect you from toons. take note. (though im sure he'd be pretty helpful with those hoards of monsters!)
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congratulations! don't worry about the blurry Emmet, im sure he wasn't protecting anyone or anything, haha!
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good job Emmet! you beat someone in a hospital bed! /lh
that's the last of it (no i am Not doing bracket 13 i Cannot draw them all differently hgeirpohgnolp) wonderful job everyone! i definitely heard of some new Au's that i have greatly enjoyed! im verrry excited to see where this competition continues!
bravo to everyone moving on to the next round, and for all those who didn't, thank you for sharing your Aus!! here's to another fun round, and also to the amazing aus and stories everyone here has created!!
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archersxartxblog · 5 months
Warden's Twins: Wondering thoughts part one
this was just a fun idea I had in head for a bit, though I let it out here. just letting you know, I wrote this on my phone and this hasn't been spellchecked. Part of Warden's Twins AU
Summery: a lot things have changed since Akari caught Dialga and Palkia, and it all feels like it's happening so quickly, and yet they're still not home. Emmet has some thoughts about it all, and needs some time to sort things out. But in Hisui, one should never let themselves become too distracted, not when space and time can distort on a whim. ____
He didn’t mean to wander away from his brother, but at the same time he just wanted to be alone for a little bit, just to try and get his thoughts straight.
It had been several months since the sky had turned red and Akari had caught both Dialga and Palkia, stopping the two from ripping the world apart. 
Since then, a lot had happened.
Two of the biggest being that Miss Zisu had moved in with them, and their dad telling them that they would have some new siblings joining them.
That had been a shock.
At first Emmet had been really excited.
He really liked Miss Zisu, she liked battles, she was fun to be around, and she made their dad happy, so having her around more was not a problem for him at the time. Plus, the idea of being a big brother was thrilling to think about. Most of his life Emmet had been the younger brother, despite Ingo only being a few minutes older than him, so to have actual siblings that were younger then him, who could look up to him, and depend on him; that had sounded exciting.
But as the months went on, they spent less and less time with their dad. He and Ingo were either being sent to the highlands to attend to Sneasler with one of the other Warden’s, or being sent out to spend time helping the other Warden’s with their duties.
It was starting to feel like they were being pushed away, in favor of something new.
Ingo simply shrugged it off, saying that their dad and Zisu ‘were just busy preparing for the new babies, and didn’t want to worry about them being bored’. And while that made sense, it still brought up some uncomfortable thoughts.
Like…what were they going to do when the time came to go back home? If there were new babies then what was going to happen? Would their dad just abandon them to join Ingo and Emmet back in Unova? Or would he end up staying in Hisui with the new babies and send him and his back all on their own? The new babies could always come with them to Unova, but then what about Miss Zisu? It didn’t seem fair to her to have her kids ripped away from her, or for them to have to lose their mom. But then again…it wasn’t fair for Emmet and Ingo to lose their dad either, not after finally finding him after all these years.
Maybe that was why they were being kept away from their dad. So it would be easier to let go when it was time to say goodbye to Hisui.
Then again, maybe he was over thinking things, after all there had been no sign of them even being able to go home.
Which was another thing he didn’t want to think about.
He didn’t want to stay in Hisui.
He didn’t want to be stuck here, in the past.
He wanted to go back to Unova, with his brother and his dad in tow.
He wanted to continue his journey.
Earn all eight badges.
Take on the Pokemon league.
And take on everything the Future had in store for him and his brother.
He didn’t want to stay in Hisui.
Didn’t want to stay in the past, where pokemon wanted to attack him at every turn, and the gods threw temper-tantrums.
He just wanted to go home, back to his uncle, back to his friends, and back to Unova, where things felt less confusing.
But yet, it felt like it had been over a year now and they were still here.
“I am Emmet! And I just want to go home!” he yelled, kicking a pebble in frustration as he let his emotions out, listening to it bounce off the cave’s walls as he continued deeper in.. “Is that really so much to ask for?”
As if on cue Emmet felt the hair on the back of his neck stand one end as a strange electricity surged through the air. At that moment, he felt his heart suddenly drop as he realized what this was.
Without another thought, Emmet took off at a full sprint back towards the mouth of the cave, hoping to escape the boundaries of the distortion before it was too late. 
Yet even as he ran, he could already see the ground beneath him change and distort. Grass starting to form on solid rock, puddles forming where it had been dry moments before, items from the future, some of which Emmet even recognized came from out of nowhere. Even the walls of the cave began to change, almost seeming to resemble Charge stone cave in some ways. 
His Father had warned him about this. Space-Time distortions. Small storms that happened when space and time just suddenly started to distort. They were extremely because they tended to bring with them angry and aggressive pokemon from different points in time and places. Their Father had always warned them to stay as far away from them if they could, and to run if they ever ended up getting caught in one.
“Ingo!” Emmet called out to his twin, trying desperately to find a way out of the cave as the walls around him changed and shifted. “Ingo!”
No answer. 
How did he manage to get this deep? He was sure he hadn’t been walking that long.
Was it a right or a left he took? He really should have been paying attention to where he was going.
“Ingo! Warden Gaeric!” He tried again, wishing his voice carried the same way his brother’s did.
It was an answer, but not the one Emmet was looking for, as space and time bent around in front of him and allowed a very angry Electivire to step out of the Rift. Emmet skidded to a stop in front of the beast, staring up at it in fear as pokemon looked down at him like he was to blame for this.
“Elect!” The pokemon growled once more, raising its arms high over its head.
Emmet didn't wait for what came next as he quickly spun on his heel and fled deeper into the cave, and the Electivire charged after him.
He panted hard as he continued to run, pushing his little body as hard as he could, even as his engine felt like it was about to give out. 
He couldn't stop, not even to throw out a pokemon to fend off the enraged Electivire, if he did then he risked being open to an attack, or worse, another pokemon appearing behind him and joining the battle.
Emmet felt electricity surged through the air as the pokemon behind him started to charge up an attack, and quickly ducked into a small opening in the wall; the heat of the attack just missing his cheek.
Emmet’s heart pounded in his chest as he slowly backed from the opening, his hands pressed firmly to his mouth in hopes of preventing any sound from escaping. 
The opening was just big enough that Emmet could stand if he slouched a bit. It was probably dug out by something small to hide from bigger predators. So, a big pokemon like Electivire had no way of coming in after him…but that didn't mean he was safe.
The Electivire stocked up to the opening, not fooled for a moment, as it glanced into the opening with a loud growl. Quickly Emmet backed up even further away, as a big yellow arm reached out for him, just inches away from grabbing him. 
Only for his back to hit a wall.
A Dead-end.
Emmet screamed as the now frustrated Electivire roared, as it smashed both its arms against the side of the wall in an attempt to make the opening bigger, and the air surged with electricity as the distortion continued to rage on.
He was going to die here.
He was going to die, all because he wandered away from his brother.
They might not even find his body, the distortion might just take him with him, and he'll be found dead in some random time and space.
Once more he felt the Electivire charge up another attack, and this time he had nowhere to go. And there was not enough room to even send out a pokemon.
 All he could do was close his eyes, and wait for it to happen.
Suddenly, someone grabbed the back of his tunic in an oh-so familiar grip, and he was pulled backwards.
Emmet’s eyes snapped open and he watched as the walls turned from the harsh jagged and rough surface of stone to the smooth clean surface of metal, plastic and glass.
He saw the Electivire through what looked like the rift above Mt Coronet had formed in a window.
He watched as the Electivire smashed through the opening with its large body, electricity pulsing from its being as it continued towards him…
“Dragon Pulse!”
Only to be knocked back by a shock wave.
An alarm blared, sounding extremely loud to Emmet’s ears, before what looked like crystal shards formed over the rift, sealing it off.
“Hey, are you okay?” Someone asked him. But their voice sound so far away.
He opened his mouth to answer, only to find himself unable to speak.
His mouth was dry, and he felt like he hadn't drank anything all day.
Why was everything so blurry? 
Was the ground shaking or was it just him? 
He should probably answer the person trying to get his attention, they were starting to sound worried…
But first…
…he just needed…
“No! Don't pass out!”
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feroluce · 2 years
Of A Cyclical Nature
I have Awoken and am Choosing Violence, so I’m putting this blankshipping writing under a read more because of past offscreen major character death with no happy ending, my favorite type of submas angst, and anyway:
Ingo working hard, like really really hard, in pursuit of his lost memories. He chases down leads, he explores every distortion bubble he can get to, he battles Akari every moment she's available to try and knock loose a few more recollections. And it works! It takes time, and effort, and nearly running himself into the ground, but it works! Ingo can finally put a name to his Man in White! He finally knows who Emmet is!
Ingo feels so horrible that he ever forgot him, because they were partners, in every sense and meaning of the word, how on earth did he live alone for so long without Emmet?
Dialga and Palkia prove to be useless, so Ingo borrows the Azure Flute from Akari to speak with Arceus. Akari gives him a strange look, then sighs and tells him not to misplace it this time. Ingo has no idea why Akari would think he's the one doing anything with her Flute, she's the one who keeps accidentally leaving it in his hut, but he's too eager to stop and bicker about it. Maybe Arceus can send him back to his first home, and even unlock the rest of his memories!
So Ingo hauls ass to the wrecked Temple of Sinnoh, and plays the Azure Flute, and is granted audience. And he politely kneels and bows his head before the towering form before him and asks that Arceus might let him go back where he came from, to Unova and Nimbasa City and Gear Station with all of the depot agents and Elesa and with Emmet. And Arceus refuses.
Ingo isn't sure if something was lost in communication somewhere, so he asks again. Arceus refuses again.
And Ingo starts to get pissed, because why not? This is a god we're talking about. If Arceus is really as almighty as the people of Hisui say, and as gracious and kind, then this should be something easy for It to do, so why the hell not?
Ingo raises up off his knees, back to his full height, grits his teeth and pulls out Gliscor's pokeball. Arceus looks down Its nose at him like a bug.
"Do you truly want to remember?"
"I do."
Arceus makes a sound almost like a sigh. Ingo bristles. And then-
and then his head is so full, he sees Emmet next to him with their hands joined between them, he sees Nimbasa City lit up in the night, he sees Lostlorn Forest and a wild Zoroark that looks so so different from the ones he knows here, Chandelure and Eelektross guarding their eggs together in their nest, Cloud corralling the depot agents, Elesa laughing at him over a drink, Emmet and Elesa telling him to hurry up, Emmet bright and excited after a battle, Emmet whistling at the stove while he cooks breakfast, Emmet telling him that he loves him, Emmet Emmet Emmet-
Memorial. Gravestone. Offered flowers he doesn't want to see. Offered food he doesn't want to eat.
Ingo feels like he might be sick.
He opens his eyes without realizing he'd screwed them shut. His forehead is on the ground. His throat is raw. He feels like he can barely breathe.
"Do you remember now?" 
He does. An accident. Emmet had taken his shift.
It should have been him.
"Your place now is here, to help guide the people toward a united future- that was our agreement, so long as I took your memories." 
Ingo curls into himself. It was a waste, all of it. All of his efforts had been for nothing. He can't go home, because home is gone, home went before its time and left him behind, alone. Ingo sees himself in a graveyard, hollow shell, empty husk, stepping through the offered rift next to two plots, only one of them empty as a broken promise. Sees himself at the Temple of Sinnoh with the Azure Flute, but it's wrong, this is autumn now, his memories speak of springtime.
"I've...I've done this before, haven't I?" Every word drags like sandpaper through his throat.
Arceus sighs again. It doesn't sound as rude or dismissive as the first time. 
"You have, yes; many times."
He doesn't want to get up. Ingo doesn't want to move ever again. He wants to lay here until the world ends.
"Have you reached the same decision this time as well?"
Ingo can only nod. He's a coward. He'll take the emptiness. He'll take anything but this.
Some invisible force wrenches his head up, Ingo blinking spots and stars and dampness out of his eyes to see again. There's a bright spot right in front of him, the Halo of Arceus fanned out around it. It’s aimed like a bullet right between his eyes.
"Very well then. Until next time."
Ingo wakes up in his bed, jolted out of a dead sleep by someone knocking at his door. Gods, his hip is killing him, the hell did he do, sleep on a damn rock? Ingo roots around in his pockets- he must have really worn himself out doing...something, to have fallen asleep in all his clothes- and pulls out some weird blue wooden instrument that he recognizes as Akari's. Ingo is going to start making her check all her pockets before she departs, if she keeps leaving this thing here with him.
Ingo yells to the door that he'll be there in just a moment, and fumbles around until he finds his hat. It's too bright out and he's barely awake, he wants to hide his eyes under the shade of it for a while longer.
Ingo drags himself to the door and opens it, and Irida is on the other side, all but bouncing in place, eyes and smile bright. Ingo is instantly in a better mood and happy for her- whatever just happened must have been really good. He hasn't seen her quite so excited since Palina and Iscan's daughter had been born. Irida happily tells him that she got his message yesterday- she got here as soon as she could, and she's so happy for him! She wants to hear about everything he remembers! She especially wants to hear about Emmet!!
And Ingo looks at Irida for a long moment. Scrunches his brow. Cocks his head.
"Who is Emmet?"
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huh-1260 · 1 year
doublebattleshipping but PLA
I have been consumed by the brainrot that is doublebattleshipping and PLA AUs that I make at night with my other crackhead ideas. Okay so like after Ingo gets Hisu'ed, Emmet gets a therapy/emotional support Walking wake because fuck yes thank you @bottle-of-harpoons for this Crack head of an idea, because I love me some good mental health (He was in Paldea for Teracrystallisation not because of time travel Boogaloo dang it. Also to see if Emmet can make battle strategy with it or ban it from the subway because it's to big SAFEY FIRST) Most of the paradox forms are ban from the subway because too big or will fuck up the train in battle. A year pass and Evelyn and Emmet start dating in secret from the media because the media always ruins a good relationship. They marry. ( Ingo now has been gone for 4 years they been dating for 2) the media catches on, they have twins named Rei and Akari ( it was suppose to be Akira it means Ideal but Emmet was verry tired and it was Akari but it could mean like the lights in gearstation or as in "up" because one of Rei's meaning is "return, resume, go backwards" :) I'm so funny. The reason why Akari looks like Dawn is because she is her Idol much to Iris disappointment. Rei is just a coincidence. Either way Dawn is in Hisui just doing Galaxy team thing and oh look two children fall from the sky, they both look like Survey corps members Rei and Akari (dawn and Lucas) but they also look a bit like Warden Ingo? Dawn takes them to Jubilife village because what kind of sicko leaves two kids that are like 5 or 6 in the wilds. Ingo is there at Jubilife this time when Dawn kicks down the doors ( not really) going " Holy Helix! Ingo I found kids!" Lucas looks at the kids then to warden Ingo then to the two unconscious kids in Dawn's arms. " Ingo did you spawn kids?" Ingo give a face of confusion. Akari awakens and says it very bluntly that her father would be proud, " I am Akari what the heck am I." Ingo's fragments of memories are screaming because she acts like Emmet. Rei wakes up and the first thing he does is cry, because he is in a strange place that guy looks like his dad and he just got kidnapped by some look a likes. Akari bites Dawn and Dawn yelps and drops them both, the siblings run Ingo, Dawn, and Lucas chase after them they are on the pokemon battle field, Akari pulls out her Pokeball which Rei does too, Lucas is so confused right now. Dawn is hesitant about fighting two little children. Akari screams "Fight me coward!" She smells the her hesitation. " I am Akari. And this is my little brother Rei, I like to win more than anything else!" " I am Rei, w-will your tracks line up towards v-victory or will you be crushed in defeat." Both children yelled, " ALL ABOARD!" Akari sends out a strange Zorua, and Rei sends out Axew. Ingo is getting flashs, Akari sends out her Decidueye, Rei sends out Pikachu. " Zorua use sludge bomb on the bird!" " Pikachu use Iron tail." " Axew make sure it doesn't hit you!" " It has sludge bomb!!?'
(Akari and Rei lost their pokemon are Level sixteen to 20 they couldn't beat 62 level pokemon. Not even with enough plot armor)
" I am Akari, I lost." She mumbled. " F-fair play," her brother said, " You were very strong trainers." Ingo was having flashbacks where have he heard scripts, (scripts?) Similar to those children.
Meanwhile: Emmet
When his kids went missing, and team Neo Plasma was trying to gain power, his first instinct was to destroy them, which he did, Rosa live streamed it. Then future Volo tries to convince Emmet to his side saying I know where his kids are at, which lead to Evelyn and Emmet beating the living crap out of him. I mean Volo it sounds like you kidnapped them or work with the person who kidnapped them. And then Arceus because he needs to get to Hisui to protect his kids. And now they in Hisui. Emmet has Chandelure out to track their soul energy, and Evelyn grabs him to check the sky for higher ground with her Latios, remember Latios pokedex says it can go to Mach 4 so it's really fast so imagine your Sabi, you are flying with Lord Braviary and your vision says hey something fast and blue is going to pass you and you turn and a streak of blue flys by and then you see in your vision that was a Ingo in white and a women in blue. Wait what.
They end up in Jubilife village, so people panic because Emmet wears white and red, you know who else is white and red, Hisuian Zoroark. Akari and Rei sees them, and scream, " Mama! Papa!" While running to them. " Rei! Akari!" They hug, family reunion. (Looks at Ingo)
" Kids" Evelyn said.
" Yes mom?" Both their children replied.
" Your grounded."
" Whyyyyyyy?" Akari
" You uncoupled your trains from ours." Their father said.
" Emmet?"
Emmet turns around to only stare at his missing brother, and is that the Chamion of Sinnoh??
"Your married???"
"You look like you got ran over by a train?"
Cue akward family reunion Between brothers.
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lackuraphi · 1 year
Angel wings au)Chapter 9:Lingering
They had lingering.
I used a translator
This is the Fan fiction
It’s different from the original
Pokemon doesn’t appear(Except for one)
All Trainers have angel wings
This AU includes discrimination
Hisui is modern in this au
Content Warning:character gets a little mentally unstable, some violent and brainwashed
I am not really satisfied. I've punished the angels who hate me, But I am not really satisfied.
Why? Why am I not really satisfied? I hit the worst hypocrite with a sign, But Why am I not really satisfied? —————————————
Ingo's eyes stood a young black angel in shabby clothes that resembled his childhood.
“Ingo is a teacher! Ingo knows everything!”
The young black angel quickly grew into a teenager. He looked like Ingo as a teenager.
“Ingo is my teacher!”
The black angel, who grew up to be an adult, wore a white coat opposite to the black coat that Ingo was wearing.
“If Ingo is so happy, I’m so happy, too!”
But suddenly, the black angel sat down on the spot, bowed his head, and trembled in tears. Ingo sat down and held the crying black angel in his arms.
And the trembling black angel became Team Plasma Grunt, who toppled Ingo. The black angel smiled and said to Ingo.
“Yup. As expected, Ingo is a hypocrite. The verrrrry worst hypocrite ever.”
And he hit Ingo with a sign.
Ingo opened his eyes to a small hospital in Hisui Jubilife Village. (The size of the hospital was a community health center.)
"This is……" "Ingo! I'm glad you woke up!" "…Akari….and Melli..?" "The great Melli took you personally to the hospital! Do you know how hard it was for me to carry you down here?" ""Is this..a hospital..? Ugh..!" "Ingo!!" "Ingo!"
Ingo grabbed his sore head with both hands. And Ingo's head was bandaged.
"Ah… I was fighting with the Black Angel… …Melli! Are the Black Angels still attacking?" "The attack ended 4 days ago." "4 days ago..?"
Melli said the Black Angels attacked Ingo four days ago, and then Melli rushed back with the fainted Ingo, and the Black Angels also stopped attacking and flew somewhere. In other words, Ingo was attacked and fainted for four days.
"Melli came to this hospital in a hurry with Ingo in his arms. And you'd been badly hurt in your head…" "If I wasn't there then, you'd already be ingoing to the afterlife by now." "I see.."
Ingo once again recalled what happened 4 days ago.
"Ingo, What are you thinking so deeply about?" "Well.. among the black angels I've fought with, there was a black angel who looked like me.." "Oh, that's right. The black angel with the creepy smile! His name is, um…Was it Emmet…?" "Emmet…?" "He whispered to me in a creepy voice! Even now, when I think about that moment.. Ugh! I still get goosebumps!" "Emmet…Emmet……"
Ingo was very familiar with the word "Emmet"(down-train), but he did not know where he usually heard it. Before becoming a guardian angel, he only assumed that he would have heard it as a sign of the direction of the train's progress while staying as Subway boss. (Sorry. This part didn’t have the original meaning. It was a difficult part.)
"Emmet..Emmet…Ugh…!" "Ingo! You must have a headache. Get some rest first!" "Akari..Thank you for worrying about me.. But the thought doesn't leave my head "Hmm? What are you thinking?" "The black angel named Emmet who attacked me… He's like…My family..Especially like my brother…" "What?! family?! The black angel and you?" "You can't necessarily conclude that he's your family." "Melli, What do you mean?"
Melli explained to Ingo and Akari what Diamonds Mai went through.
"Mai told us that she saved an angel named Marley from a cave in Sinnoh." "You're right. It was longer and more complicated than Wayward Cave, and an angel girl named Marley was lost!" "But the angel and Mai were mistaken for twin sisters, and their faces looked so much like looking in the mirror! Even though it was their first time seeing each other that day!" "Come to think of it, I think I've heard of it.. The story of Marley, who looks similar to Mai…" "I mean, in other words, the eerie black angel is just a doppelganger with a similar name! That's it!" "Are you saying he's just my doppelganger?" "Of course! So forget about the black angel!" "….I'll try." "Oh! Come to think of it, there was something like this around you?"
Melli held out an old little toy train to Ingo. The toy train was a favorite item of Ingo's childhood.
"This is… a toy train that I lost when I was young!? I loved it so much, but I was sad that I lost it!" "Oh, this is your item." "Melli! Where did you find this?" "Four days ago, the Black Angel knocked you down with a sign, and then he took it out of his pocket, threw it next to you, and he left, so I took it just in case." "Really..? Melli..Thank you so much!!! You saved me and found the things I loved!" "Don't be mistaken! I'm just helping you as your partner! We're just partners! We're not best friends! so never mind!" "Melli…."
Melli grabbed Akari's hand with a little red face and said he was going to deal with Akari's practice matche, then he hurried out of Ingo's hospital room with Akari.
"Then take a good rest Ingo~!"
Ingo stared silently at the toy train, lost in thought.
"I guess…Is he just my doppelganger..?"
In one of the numerous rooms where Grunts were staying, Emmet continued to mumble and punch the wall.
not satisfied. not satisfied. not satisfied. not really satisfied. I am not really satisfied. Why? Why? Why? Why am I not really satisfied? I definitely punished the worst hypocrite, But Why am I not really satisfied?"
Team Plasma Grunts, who share a room with Emmet, looked at Emmet with anxiety.
"Emmet…." "If you keep hitting the wall like that, only your hand will hurt…" "Should I have hit the old trash on the floor and smashed it to pieces?" "Hey.. Emmet..?"
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"Why do you keep talking to me? It's annoying."
Emmet smiled wryly at Grunts. His expression was smiling, but his voice was an angry voice with anger without laughter. Grunts were frightened by Emmet.
"That's… that's…" "Why." "You seem to have a concerns. Why don't you go to Lord N..?" "…Lord N?" "If you tell Lord N about your concerns, he will give you advice! We sometimes go to Lord N for advice, too..!" "Will Lord N make me really satisfied? "Of course! Lord N is our king!"
Emmet went to N, as advised by Grunts.
First, Emmet went into the audience room. But there was no one on the throne high up.
"If there's no king in the audience room, is there only one place left?"
Emmet, who came out of the audience room, entered the so-called "N's Room," which is called the room where N stays when he is not in the audience room.
The room was littered with toys and, as Emmet predicted, N was in the room. N was silently staring at a train toy that could not move because the track was cut off. And Emmet approached N carefully.
"Hey. Lord N.. Ah! Excuse me. My Lord.." "You don't mind telling me as usual. There's no need to be formal in this room."
N spoke to Emmet, who was too rigid for him, with a kind smile and a soft voice.
"I am Emmet. I came to you. because I had a concern." "Why did you come here?" "My concern is..is.." "Ah, you may play with this train toy." "….!" "You went around telling everyone in this castle that you like trains, right?" "……Thanks. Lord N."
Emmet began to confide his concerns to N as he connected the tracks of the toy train that had been cut off.
"Four days ago, I swung a train sign to punish angels who hated me. But somehow,But somehow I didn't really satisfied. I even knocked down the worst hypocrite I hated, But. I didn't really satisfied." "I see." "Lord N. Why am I not really satisfied?" "……" "My Lord..!?"
Hearing Emmet's concerns, N gave Emmet a silent hug. And while covering Emmet with his black wings, he spoke quietly to Emmet in a soft voice.
"Poor Emmet… You still have lingering feelings…" "lingering..?" "Happy memories of angels remain lingering, and even if you attack them, you are not really satisfied at all." "Happy memories remain as lingering?" "And that lingering feeling may become a guilt that you attacked the angels, which may constantly distress you." "…So I knocked down the worst hypocrite, but not really satisfied, because of those happy memories?" "You told us that the guardian angel you call the worst hypocrite is your twin brother…" "……." "But don't worry. If you give up your lingering feelings, you will no longer suffer from guilt…" "…….." "Oh… You must have had a hard time…"
N stroked Emmet's head, which had fallen asleep in his arms, with a soft touch so that Emmet would not wake up.
Emmet woke up in the Grunt room where he was staying.
"yawn..! I feel like I slept well without worrying for the first time in a while! Huh? Is this the Grunt room I'm staying in? …Then was it just a dream for me to meet Lord N?"
The Grunts, who were waiting for Emmet to wake up, told Emmet that N held the sleeping Emmet and entered the Grunt room where Emmet was staying and spilled it on Emmet's bed. Emmet was very embarrassed when he heard it.
"Gaaah! I slept in front of Lord N?! And in N's room??? Oh No! What should I do? "I acted so rudely to Lord N, is it okay???" "Don't worry Emmet, Lord N is merciful to our black angels. Because Lord N is the king of our black angels." "So don't worry, Emmet, Lord N will forgive you all!" "Oh Really..?"
Emmet put on his undressed Grunt hat again and picked up a train sign that had been standing on one wall.
"Then I go to swing with this momentum! I'll go hit the sandbag hard in the training room!"
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stratuscloudsurfer · 3 years
What if Emmet inexplicably appears in Hisui and he’s found passed out in the Crimson Mirelands by the Diamond Clan? Who assume that he’s Ingo because... well they’re identical twins.
So Adaman goes to Irida and informs her that they found her warden. 
“Don’t worry,” he says, “Ingo is recovering back at the Diamond Settlement. We think he ran into a horde of Paras. You know how vicious those little guys can be.” 
At this Irida is very confused, because she was just talking with Ingo two minutes ago at the training grounds, and he is doing just fine.
...so they come to the most logical conclusion. 
It must be a Zoroark disguised as Ingo! 
This explanation seems to make a lot of sense to Adaman. It would explain why the coat was white instead of black. Sometimes Zoroark make mistakes when they transform into people.
So they call in Akari because why wouldn’t they? She’s usually called in for things like this. They lead her to the tent they have Emmet in and tell her that they think there’s a Zoroark disguised as a human in this tent, and they want her to break its disguise. 
As soon as she steps into the tent she knows he isn’t a Zoroark. Ingo’s mentioned remembering someone who looks like him, and you can’t really get any more alike than this. Other than the clothes and the fact that he’s actually smiling, they’re identical! 
But they want her to prove it, so, sighing and thinking of the poor Sudowoodo that she doused with a water pulse several months ago, she pulls out an empty pokeball and lobs it at him. 
He catches the first one inches from his face (With admiration: “Whoa! Nice arm! Are you trying to take my eye out?”) The next one lands squarely on the top of his head and bounces off without opening. 
While Emmet clutches his head and spits expletives because OW, she wasn’t exactly trying to be gentle, Akari turns to Adaman. 
“See? If he was a Zoroark, the pokeball would have at least opened. Besides, do you really think a Zoroark would know that many curse words?”
“A Zoroark? Of course I’m not a Zoroark,” Emmet says, shaking his head. “I am Emmet. I’m looking for my twin brother, Ingo. Do you know where I can find him?” 
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lil idea based off this comic by @bloomingcadaver because i loved it SO MUCH THE ART IS SO GOOD (I expanded a lil bit)
Emmet sat up, dazed. What had happened? He didn’t recall. He had been sitting on his couch at home, doing some sort of paperwork? Maybe? It was really fuzzy. Looking around, he saw that there was barren wasteland around him. There was snow everywhere, ice and white taking over the landscape. It was cold. Where was he?
He got to his feet, looking around some more. He saw some Pokemon wandering in the distance. There was a set of large pillars of ice, and beyond that… was that smoke? People? He decided to head that direction first. He moved his feet, crunching through the snow. He made his way slowly across the landscape, taking care to avoid the Pokemon around him. He didn’t have his own partners with him in case one became hostile. At least there wasn’t any wind out here.
Emmet noticed a camp off to his left. He changed tracks, switching his destination to be much closer. He stepped towards the encampment, picking up speed and swinging his arms. He made sure his smile was visible. He noticed two people sitting around a fire at the camp, both in conversation. “Hello! I am Emmet! Where am I?” Both of them lifted their heads, taking in his appearance. And then they ran off, yelling about a Zoroark. Emmet tried calling after them, but apparently they hadn’t heard him. How rude!
So, Emmet readjusted and made his way towards the larger camp he had seen. He worked his way delicately across the open field of snow, watching the Pokemon. It reminded him of that one year, several winters ago, that he and Ingo had gone to Anville Town for the winter festival and had gotten lost in the forest for a time. He smiled fondly at the memory, bittersweet as it was. Ingo. Still missing, even after two years.
Emmet noticed something moving behind a snowbank, out of the corner of his eye. He turned, witnessing a person sneak back behind the pile. They were holding something. “Hello!” he called out. “I am Emmet! I am verrrrry lost. Where am I?” The person behind the pile did not acknowledge him, so he decided to talk to them head-on. He swung his arms, similar to a toy soldier, quickly closing the distance between him and the pile. “Why won’t you say anything?” As Emmet rounded the corner, he made eye contact with the person. They wore an odd pink robe with an odd symbol on the front. They were shaking.
“P-please, don’t hurt me, I was only making sure-” Emmet cocked his head, still smiling. Something whistled past his head. A Pokeball.
“Damn!” he heard from behind him. Emmet whirled.
“Wh-” There was another person there, this time wearing a bright red uniform and a wide-brimmed straw hat. They had their face scrunched up in concentration. But that isn’t what made Emmet stop. In fact, it was the rudimentary Pokeball that struck him right between the eyes, fired by a strong arm, toppling him over. Something else - presumably another ball - hit him square in the jaw, knocking him out cold.
Irida, Ingo, and Akari all sat huddled in Irida’s tent. The latter two had been summoned suddenly by Irida after getting some information. The information in question lay in the form of a strange man, laying under a blanket on the floor of the tent. He had a knot on his forehead and a bruised jaw, and every other thing about him was achingly familiar to Ingo. Mostly because it was like looking into a mirror. This stranger was a perfect replica of Ingo himself, right down to the dark circles and the silver sideburns. The hat - again, achingly familiar to Ingo’s - sat next to him as he lay unconscious.
“I am sorry for displaying such…hesitance in calling you-”
“There is no reason for that, Lady Irida. You were concerned for everyone’s safety. Zoroark are indeed nasty creatures, and this is a perfectly natural station for you to arrive at,” Ingo stated simply.
“Uncle Ingo, he looks just like you. Do… do you think he’s-” Akari started before being cut off.
“I do not know. I would love nothing more than to reach that destination, but there is not enough evidence to charge ahead at full speed.” Ingo must have been too loud again, as the man started to stir. “I’m not sure what the exact destination is.” The man shot up suddenly, whirling around wildly, looking at everything in his area. He immediately tried shooting to his feet, wobbling. “Slow down, passenger!” Ingo shouted, surprised, standing. He gripped the brim of his cap out of habit. “You are in desperate need of repairs and we have come to your assistance. Please do not move much, as this will aggravate the concussion.” As he was speaking, the mystery man had stopped and watched him with wide eyes, a grin on his face forming. It looked so achingly familiar to Ingo, though Sinnoh knew why.
“I found you,” the man breathed. His voice cracked. “I finally found you. I reached my destination!” His voice was gaining strength and he moved to get up again, only to be tackled by Irida.
“Hey wait, you’re still injured! I do not know who you are, but you are a guest in my Clan and it is my duty to ensure you heal properly!” The man hardly took notice of her, easily shaking her off and standing to lock eyes with Ingo. Something was alight in his eyes, his grin genuine and large. He pointed at Ingo in what seemed to be Ingo’s infamously odd pose; one hand at the ground, one pointed directly at him - except it was mirrored.
“I am Emmet. I am Ingo’s twin. We are Subway Bosses!” he announced proudly, his voice oddly flat and missing any feeling.
“So that means you remember where you were before now?” Akari asked. The man - Emmet - lowered his hand.
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”
Ingo lowered his eyes from the man who was supposedly his brother. He tucked the brim of his cap over his eyes so Emmet could not see them. “I- Emmet, I regret to inform you that… upon derailment from the last platform, I do not remember anything about the station I departed from.” His voice was uncharacteristically quiet, as he hung his head. He wanted to remember, more than anything. Being around Emmet felt right but by the almighty Sinnoh, he didn’t know why and it drove him mad!
There was silence for a long moment. Emmet’s voice broke, quiet again. Y-you are Ingo. Ingo is verrrry bad at pranks. Stop it, this isn’t even a little funny. This is a verrrrrrrry terrible joke, Ingo.” There was another pause. Ingo could see Emmet grab his cap out of his peripheral vision and place it on his head, pulling the brim down over his eyes like Ingo had. There was silence that neither of the girls filled in either.
“I am Emmet,” he said suddenly, making Ingo’s gaze return to him. “You are Ingo. We are brothers. The Subway Masters. We miss you.” He paused again, wringing his hands together. Ingo saw the beginnings of moisture collecting in Emmet’s eyes as his voice wavered. “I-I miss you. Our friends miss you. Nimbasa City misses you. Our fans miss you.” Emmet paused again, seemingly considering his next words. He began to pace, his feet moving in large strides as he wobbled back and forth around the tent, pointing at Ingo with each point he made.
“You like Lillignt tea, no honey, no sugar. You drink so much of it. It helps you sleep.” He mumbled, “Please, please, please remember.” He moved closer to Ingo, circling him as Ingo stayed in the same spot, not moving his eyes, for fear of what he did not know. “You love so many things,” Emmet continued, circling him, “battle strategies, following rules, trains. You have verrrrrry terrible handwriting. You write paragraphs and paragraphs because you like explaining things. You have to be as precise as you can.” Emmet stopped circling him, standing directly in front of Ingo now. He lowered his voice further, almost to a whisper, “I need you to remember. If not for me, then for everyone else. Please. You are Ingo, my brother. You are Ingo, Subway Master. You are Ingo, my rival and best friend.” Ingo, who-” he cut off suddenly with a choking sound as one tear spilled over.
Ingo suddenly found a gloved hand in his face, pushing him away as Emmet laughed, “-smells verrrry fucking bad.” That word tumbling from what almost seemed like Ingo’s own mouth shocked him. He would never-
Emmet smiled as he led Ingo to the Multi Train, ready to battle for the day. They had a larger queue of trainers than normal and Emmet was ready. He pumped his fist, yelling, “Oh, fuck yeah, these kids look verrrry strong!” Ingo grabbed his brother by the collar, scolding him,
“Emmet, do not curse on the job! It is incredibly unprofessional!” Emmet laughed and waved him off, still moving towards the train. They couldn’t keep their passengers waiting.
Ingo left the shower, still towel-drying his hair as Emmet set out breakfast, his Lilligant tea how he liked it with eggs and toast. Emmet put his plate in the sink and ducked into the bathroom next.
Emmet and Ingo sitting at a table in a nice restaurant, talking to Elesa.
Ingo and Emmet battling side-by-side, using the best tactics they could to win.
Emmet and Ingo as kids, searching Chargestone Cave for a Tynamo for Emmet.
Ingo and Emmet-
Emmet and Ingo-
Ingo reached over and pulled Emmet’s hat down, covering his eyes. “Emmet, do not curse on the job! That is incredibly unprofessional! I have told you this before!” He glanced over to a surprised Irida and Akari, “I apologize for his language. He is rather loose with his lips sometimes.” Emmet was laughing under the hat. Akari cocked her head.
“Uncle Ingo-?”
“Uncle??” Emmet ripped his hat off his head, looking at Akari. “Since when? How long have you been here?” Akari kept talking, however, drowning out Emmet’s crisis.
“-you’re acting a little different. Did you remember something?”
Ingo slowly nodded. “I remember. I was a Subway Master. I hosted Pokemon battles daily alongside Emmet. My twin brother, my little brother.”
“You remember being four minutes older than me? I was hoping you would not,” Emmet grumbled.
“I remember living in Nimbasa City, with Emmet, seeing our close friend Elesa. I remember my partner, Chandelure. I remember my old life.” Ingo’s vision was blurring. “I remember…” He looked up at Emmet. “You cursing made me remember,” he realized, his voice uncharacteristically flat.
“Permission to curse at the Subway?”
“Permission denied for the eighty-fourth time.”
“You did remember everything,” Emmet grinned. He reached out to Ingo, who gladly reciprocated the hug. They held each other tightly, finally reunited after two years apart. “Though, I’m wondering. How did you get Sinnoh’s missing Champion Dawn as our niece?”
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
Akari does not get reincarnated in the ultra space ver of the reincarnation au bc at some point after Nobori’s memories of his time in Hisui come back he’s just like. wait a fucking minute. I can already cross through dimensions. do you think I can go back in time too. and emmet shrugs like damn I don’t see why not.
Emmet and Elesa accompany Nobori on a trip back to Ultra Megalopolis, where he gets his recon corps gear retrofitted for time travel (once he explains why he wants that) and then it’s a road trip back in time to Hisui. They can’t just leave Ingo’s adopted niece there!! They wormhole straight into the middle of Jubilife Village. Everyone takes one look at Emmet and freaks out even more than they did when the literal wormhole opened up in the middle of their village like WARDEN INGO???
Emmet: No, I am Emmet. Ingo is my brother!
And Professor Laventon and Rei who came out to see what the commotion was feel so bad that they’re going to have to break the bad news to Emmet that his brother died... until Akari comes back from a survey mission with Ingo’s Alakazam in tow and it takes one look at Nobori and realizes that’s it’s trainer??? and all of sudden, all of Ingo’s Pokemon are there and just shoving themselves into this weird blue kid.
Akari, squinting: wait... Uncle Ingo!?
Nobori: hey. I came back for you.
(and now Akari has also thrown herself at him. She doesn’t know why her uncle looks so different now, but he came back for her, and that’s the most important part.)
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flamyangelwings · 2 years
Third, ANGSTY, reunion fic [I still won't be writing] Part 1
This time with far more angst because I had A Thought and HAD to share it.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
-A portal just opened up underneath him and he fell.
Emmet, Drayden, Elesa and Iris all saw Ingo vanish.
- They'd all taken the day off and were spending time as a group
--Ingo stepped away to get everyone drinks or something, and was twenty feet away from them all when it happened
This makes things both easier and worse
–Emmet dived for him but the portal was closed by the time he got to where Ingo had been standing
---The only sign he'd been there the spilled drinks on the ground
-They know what happened to Ingo
–Kind of
—They at least know there’s a chance he’s alive
-They don’t know what happened to Ingo
–The discovery of Ultra Wormholes does not help.
—What do you mean there’s a good chance he’s been thrown through time and lost his memory?!
Three years later, Emmet takes off his uniform for what was supposed to be five minutes during a break.
-Like, he got soaked or was hit by a mud slap and was changing into a clean shirt
–He turns around to see his coat and hat vanish into the EXACT SAME portal Ingo did.
—Don’t ask me why. It just happens
They land in the air over the Cornet Highlands during a BAD storm.
-Crazy winds, sheets of rain, hail, lightning
–The works
—Not quite a hurricane, but almost a hurricane basically
-The metal buttons on the coat and the logo on the hat draw lightning, so they get zapped quite a bit and are charred in spots
-The hat is blown away and lands in the middle of Moonview Arena, where it hits Melli, who is busy making sure Lord Electrode doesn’t get overcharged by the storm, in the face.
–Melli just tosses it off to the side and forget about it until a couple days later when he finds it while cleaning loose branches and stiff that blew into Moonview Arena during the storm.
—It takes him a moment to figure out what it is and recognize the symbol on it as the same as the one on Ingo’s hat
—-His first assumption is, of course, that Ingo threw it at him.
—–Because of course he was out during That Storm and had a pure white copy of his hat laying around, and decided to sneak over, in that storm, to throw it at Melli. 🙄
So Melli naturally goes over to confront Ingo
Ingo sees the hat and his brain short circuits
-‘That’s. That’s his hat. How is it here? Is he here?’
–He still doesn’t know who he’s thinking about, all he knows it that he’s important.
–“Where Did You Find That?!”
—Wild eyes, pinning Melli to the wall, looks at bit crazy ATM
-Adaman was on his way to see Melli when he saw Melli on his was to bug Ingo, and got there just in time to see Ingo flip out
–He pulls Ingo off of Melli and demands answers
—-And gives Melli an unseen eyeroll at his assumption
—Thankfully he is understanding of Ingo’s reaction
----so there's no repercussions for a Pearl Clan Warden attacking a Diamond Clan Warden
-Adaman suggests giving the hat to Akari or Calaba to see of Ursaluna can track it’s smell
Akari and Ursaluna track the scent to a section of cliff that collapsed during the storm, right on the edge of the river
-Ingo starts to dig. He’s grabbing rocks and tossing them aside with no concern about where they land.
—–All the while he’s getting a flood of memories
——About his home, #####
——-About growing up under the watchful eye of his #####
——–With his twin brother-
———-Why can’t he remember his name?!
———–‘I am #####. I am a ###### Boss. I like Double Battles. I like combinations of two Pokémon. And I like winning more than anything else.’
————‘Bravo, #####’
————-’I am #####. I am E###t. I am-’
-At this point, Akari arrives with more of her Pokèmon
–Ingo is shouting Emmet’s name frantically as he digs, he doesn’t even notice that Melli is helping him
—Ingo had been muttering as he dug, as he remembered to be specific, and the moment he said 'twin’, Melli went from standing by watching with mild amusement to frantically helping dig
—-Pale as a sheet
—For drama/angst sake, in this AU Melli lost a sibling to a very similar incident.
—-Maybe even his own twin 😈
—–Yes. Melli now had a twin who died
——Or did they? Maybe they got sent to the future and are a John Doe in a hospital somewhere
—-He’s feeling irritated guilty sympathetic about the incident.
—– If he’d known he wouldn’t of been as confrontational about the stupid hat!
—— Why did he forget about the stupid thing?! It’s been days!
-Ingo’s scream of despair when they find the coat under the rubble is heard all the way at the Diamond clan settlement
–People come rushing and they see Warden Ingo keeled over sobbing and clinging to a bundle of white cloth, with Warden Melli awkwardly trying to comfort him
—“He’s gone. I just remembered him, I just remembered him! I forgot him and I remember and he’s gone!”
-Adaman sends Akari to fetch Calaba and Irida
-By the time they’ve arrived Melli has managed to pry Ingo away from the wreckage while the Diamond Clan members dig through the rubble.
–They find the remains of a campsite on top of the cliff and come to the conclusion he must have been using his coat as a blanket or something
—Nobody was hurt, it was a few days old but they don’t know that
–They don’t find a body obviously, but the assumption is that he fell into the river
Akari is so confused by Melli right now
Ingo is sitting in the grass staring into space, and Melli is quietly [Weird] and gently [Weirder] coaxing him into talking
-He’s also trying to hand him a cup of tea but that would require Ingo to let go of Emmet’s coat so that isn’t happening.
–Melli doesn’t actually know what he’s doing, he’s just going off of memory from what he’s seen others do in similar situations and what he remembers from his own Incident
-This is a turning point in Melli and Ingo’s relationship
–They aren’t best friends or anything, but they understand each other in a way few others can, having both lost their twin
—[The real reason Melli’s twin is alive in the future, because it’s not fair to, eventually, give Ingo his twin back and give not give Melli his]
–They even come to a compromise about the torches in the Wayward Cave
—The compromise being that Melli was just doing it to mess with Ingo mostly, so he generously agrees to have enough torches that people can see what they’re doing, and also post direction signs in the cave.
There were very few things in the coat, Emmet his his belongings in his pants pockets, obviously
-One of these few things though was a photograph of the twins that instantly becomes one of Ingo’s prize possessions, for obvious reasons.
It takes a few days to fully clear the landslide and make sure they didn’t miss anything
After a week, Ingo returns to the Highlands and gets back to his duties as Warden
-Nobody begrudged him that bit of time off, everybody has lost somebody and understands
–Melli is happy pleased not annoyed to see Ingo back. Finally.
—If he were to comment on it, Adaman would point out that Melli basically didn’t leave his tent for a month after his Incident.
—-Which isn’t the POINT Adaman!
Once back to his home base, Ingo makes a memorial for Emmet in his hut.
-He considered making a grave, but couldn’t bear the thought of burying Emmet’s uniform, so instead it’s carefully folded into a nice box Irida gave him for it.
–Irida also taught him the traditional Pearl Clan remembrance rites and how to set up an altar with the box.
There’s far more happening back in Unova, since this is, eventually, a reunion fic.
This is…About halfway through the AU idea.
On Ingo’s end.
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ihaveatheoryonthat · 2 years
Every Day Took an Age
Note: This is unfinished and I likely won’t be returning to it. It features scenes out of context, ends abruptly and is littered with placeholders/notes. If that’s a dealbreaker for you, you’re better off skipping this.
This was also the very first piece of writing I tackled in this subfandom, so if anything feels especially off, that’s why.
The girl took one look at them and her expression cleared. There was the surprise at what she was seeing, of course-- perhaps mitigated by her own circumstance-- but it quickly turned into recognition. Not just recognition in the sense of ‘you have the same face as my friend’; there was something else there.
“You’re the man who likes winning more than anything else.” She said. It was, notably, not a question.
It should have been. That was an outlook Emmet himself had been forced to reconsider over the months.
When she was finished casting a critical eye over him, her attention settled on his face, “Your name is Emmet, isn’t it?”
“I am Emmet.” He [agreed], “How did you come by that name?”
Her eyes slid away, to somewhere beyond his shoulder, cheeks turning pink, “I tripped last week, and accidentally launched a Pokeball right past Ingo’s head. It only knocked his hat off, but I get why he was startled-- I wouldn’t want a high-velocity apricorn that close to my face, either.” / “That was what he yelled: ‘Emmet’. He says a lot of stuff he doesn’t really understand, but...”
“Be gentle.” She said seriously, “He’s… a little like a Rampardos right now, I think-- super strong, but at the cost of being a lot more fragile than you’d guess.”
The sounds of a battle echoed down through their tunnel and, though she hid her trepidation well, Akari’s expression tensed. Wordlessly, she sped up.
“The battle platform is at full capacity, sir. I’m afraid I have to insist that you settle for a later departure time.”
Though they’d already increased their clip, Emmet redoubled it, the steady rhythm of battle compensating for his unfamiliarity with the cave system.
He rounded the corner in sync with a firm, “Sir, if you refuse to follow the guidelines, I will, regrettably, be forced to take matters into my own hands,” and made it to the mouth of the cavern just in time to see a figure dart away, a familiar coat billowing behind them as they wove through the battlefield.
Neither of them had ever been much for triple battles—they were difficult to run properly as a two car train-- but it seemed his brother had reconsidered in the past few months. In the chamber before him, six Pokemon faced off against one another, not counting the would-be freighthopper, and Emmet instinctively gauged the matchups. It took all of two seconds. He redirected his attention to where it really belonged, and choked out a silent laugh, beaming.
Because there he was. That was Ingo.
Pinning a Machoke to the ground.
To be entirely fair, his brother had given it ample warning.
Behind himself, Emmet heard rapid footfalls approaching, and Akari skidded to a halt several paces beyond where he’d stalled. She swore under her breath and a hand dropped to her belt, “Where do you need me?”
“Please remain seated, Miss Akari,” Ingo called back with a surprising amount of restraint, pausing long enough to shift the Machoke into a headlock while doling out a new round of instructions, “This battle is running in accordance with the timetables; we’ll arrive at a scheduled victory momentarily.”
“But those are--! How did you even piss off three alphas at once?!”
Ah. Well, that explained her alarm, Emmet supposed, but he wasn’t convinced it would turn the tides of this battle-- and if Ingo didn’t see any reason to worry, Emmet simply would not.
To the far left, the Golem squaring up against a Tangrowth rolled back in a dead faint.
He might not have known what Pokemon were native to the area, but it was easy to tell which ones had been trained under his brother’s hand, and that all three had been selected specifically to fend off the species which would frequent a mountain. No, it wasn’t just easy to tell-- it was laughably obvious.
So laugh was exactly what Emmet did.
Ingo’s head snapped up, looking directly at him, lips parted as if to say something. It was hardly the time, so Emmet headed it off with a sharp, eager smile and a single word:
For just a second, there was a flash of recollection before Ingo narrowed his eyes; as he said, he’d already had this in hand, but Emmet had just turned it into a challenge.
Almost as an afterthought, he released the Machoke’s limp form. It was fine-- he’d ended the stranglehold some time previously-- but it did flop down with an audible thud. Then he looked up, as if to ensure that nobody had gone anywhere, and made his way over, eyes never wavering from his destination.
It was absolutely no surprise that he came to a stop in front of Emmet, several polite steps away.
“I know you. You’re important.” He said, quiet, but with an intensity that matched some of his most ear shattering announcements.
Without an ounce of hesitation, Emmet crossed the distance his brother had left and seized both hands in his own. “No, I am Emmet. Whether or not I am important is negligible. At this juncture, the important thing is that you are Ingo. And you are here.”
For just a moment, Ingo’s attention lingered on their hands before shifting back to Emmet’s face. His mouth twitched in something most people wouldn’t bother to call a smile. “I suppose I am both of those things, but please do not downplay your own [importance] like that. Each car is just as vital as the next.”
Whether or not he realized what he was doing, he slotted in at Emmet’s left side-- and Emmet, for his part, automatically mirrored his brother as Ingo began to point their path. Ingo faltered briefly, taking their arrangement in, then cleared his throat and began anew.
“Now I believe it’s time to return to station; please take measures against becoming uncoupled from the group,”
“Follow the rules.” Emmet added, grin threatening his cheeks, “Safe driving!”
“All aboard!” They said in unison, and started back down the tunnels.
“Holy shit.” Said Akari.
Ingo didn’t look back as he [idk], “Miss Akari.”
“Yeah. My bad.”
There was a Pokemon waiting for them at the mouth of the cave, one hand resting on a cocked hip and a single, long feather fluttering in the breeze coming down the river.
“My lady.” Ingo greeted her warmly, unfazed as she invited herself into what was currently his and Emmet’s shared personal space. As had been the case with every individual Emmet had encountered, she gave him a critical once-over and, once she seemed satisfied, looked to Ingo, a visible smirk playing over her features.
“I’m well aware.” He said. The warmth wasn’t gone, but tempered by [fond exasperation]. Perhaps to bury it, he turned in toward Emmet and took a step back, making way for a direct view of their procession. “We are currently hosting several first time passengers. Emmet and Miss Elesa have taken great pains to visit, so please afford them the hospitality you’ve showed me.”
The Pokemon glanced down the line, offered a singular nod, and then back to Ingo, eyes narrowed mischievously.
“I may have misspoken. There are certain hospitalities I don’t believe our guests would appreciate.”
She raised a clawed hand and snickered behind it.
“Yes. Thank you for your patience.” This time, the words rang somewhat hollow-- still fond, but exasperated
“Wait,” Elesa cut in, a smile beginning to crack her features, “The old man from the Pearl Clan you mentioned…?”
“Perhaps your own eyesight is failing you, hm?” Melli asked, “He hasn’t managed to forget where he is and wander off yet. You should make the most of that.”
Briefly, Emmet glanced to his brother, trying to take a cue from however Ingo might be reacting, and was met with a neutral frown. Unbothered, but also wholly uninterested. This man was difficult patron, perhaps, although no worse than he’d expected to be met with.
“I’ll bite.” [Elesa] “How old are you then, Warden Melli?”
“Mmmhmm. Lemme tell you a little secret,” She said, leaning in and wagging a finger to point between the twins, “Those two? They’re 27 years old.”
Melli followed her gesture [adj], considering what that might imply for himself. “Well. I suppose that proves that not all of us can age gracefully.”
Elesa watched him go, one brow arched, and, as he vanished into the tunnels, turned to her friends.
“We’re working on your image when we get back to the village.” She told Ingo, not unkindly, “I’m not letting that guy have the last word on this, but you do look like you spend all your time in a cave.”
He spread his hands in a broad shrug, “If I may, the Highlands boast the finest cave systems in all of Hisui.”
“A tunnel connoisseur, I see.” She snorted, before reflecting on her own words and sobering minutely. “Ah.”
As they crossed the threshold into the village, Akari’s hand shot out and snatched Ingo’s, and she immediately started pulling him towards an enclosure.
“I know we just got here, but I’ve gotta show this off. Can you set up Unown’s Path of Solitude for me?”
“Of course,” He managed, once his brain caught up and kept him from being dragged in her wake. She released him as they reached the pasture, and he turned toward the southern gate, “I’ll be just a moment. Please make any preparations and meet me on the loading platform.”
Emmet immediately made to follow, but Akari snagged the edge of his coat. “Nope. It’s a surprise.” She handed the handful of fabric off to Elesa and held a brief conversation with the woman manning the enclosure, running a thumb over one of the rustic Pokeballs as she returned to them.
There was a sharp whistle to the south, loud enough to make itself known over the din of Nimbasa’s commute; here, it rang clearly across the entire village.
“Battling helped before, so maybe this will do him some good now that you guys are here.”/ “This is just the funniest way to do it.”
Lords above, Ingo had been trying so hard without even realizing what he was doing. Slinking through cave systems until he could navigate them offhand, raising Pokemon in a culture where humanity teetered on uneasy cohabitation with their neighbors, even hosting a battle facility when the number of returning challengers could be counted on one hand.
[after the Unown bit, they all ready/swap in for a multi battle]
“You didn’t use Earthquake.” He said, disbelieving, “You’ve been catching Eelektross in the crossfire for years. You chose now to break the streak?”
“It wouldn’t have worked. Gliscor isn’t Haxorus.” Ingo said, and immediately frowned to himself.
Emmet didn’t seem to catch what had happened, “Even now, you understand the source of the malfunction. That leaves one explanation. You have been doing it on purpose.”
“You’re going to have to find a counter strategy someday.”
“Not. If you stop using Earthquake. On the Multi Train.”
“And if someone decides to employ the combination in Doubles? What would you do then?”
“Then they would also affect their own Pokemon. It’s a double edged sword. As you have demonstrated.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose and tilted his head back, exasperated. “Emmet.”
Emmet did his best to mimic the tone as he [idk] back, “Ingo.”
There was a terse silence. Or so Emmet assumed.
“Wh- wait. Emmet?”
Or… maybe it was confusion?
When he dropped the [not act but idk] and opened his eyes, something had changed-- and not just the fact that Ingo had gone from exasperatedly [w/e] to looking directly at him.
There was a level of comprehension there that, until now, had been missing.
He had exactly two seconds to process that fact. Then Ingo crossed the gap between them at a speed that was frightening, even for a conductor, and lifted him right up off of his feet.
“You are Emmet!”
Ingo was smiling.
Not the usual crinkle of his eyes at a bad joke or [adj] slant of his brows. Not even the faint downturn of the lips that most people would take as mild disappointment. He was beaming up at his twin with a [idk] beyond what Emmet himself saw in the mirror.
Someone sobbed. After a second, Emmet realized he, himself, had been the source.
“Battle Subway? Like… the Battle Frontier?” / “Are you telling me your Unova’s Frontier Brains?”
Unfortunately, she’d instinctively directed the question toward the twin she was more familiar with, who gave her a dull look.
“You know perfectly well that I’m unable to give that kind of inquiry a satisfactory answer.”
“Ingo, honey,” She said, [idk], “You’re the sweetest man I know, but you look like you’re about to carry out a hit for the Sneasel mafia and dispose of the evidence.”
There was a long silence, during which time Ingo tried to puzzle out a response. He eventually landed on, “That’s… just my face.”
“If that was true, Emmet would look like a maniac 24/7.”
“Sometimes the truth is painted on the subway walls, I’m afraid.” He deadpanned.
Whatever Elesa had been about to say was lost to the slow release of air as she tried not to laugh.
“I am beginning to rethink this expedition.”
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Me dealing with Arceus spiriting away my beloved husband Ingo. Me trying to keep myself, plus everyone else who loved him held together as hope dies and bearing the trauma of losing the love of my life and him possibly being dead. Me being spirited away to Hisui and dealing with the shock that he's amnesic. Me being there as he slowly remembers everything he lost, all the pain his loved ones are going through without him and holding him while his heart breaks. Me promising that I'm not angry with him as he remembers who I am and why I've been so worried about him. Us falling back in love, maybe more than ever, and it's our only comfort. Me getting pregnant in Hisui without modern medicine, with triplets no less, and effectively being sidelined from being able to get us home. Me and my three babies managing to survive birth against all odds. Our children somehow surviving without modern medicine and much needed vaccines, plus wild fucking pokemon. A child who looks just like our own, just like Ingo, appears and they're in a modern, gear station themed onsie. They're just a little younger than our babies. Us realizing this has to be Emmett's child. Where's Emmet? Is he here? Is he ok? Is he amnesiac like Ingo was? Oh no what if he's dead? Where's the mother? Oh god we have to reunite them, Emmett can't keep losing his family to the rifts. Akari gets Ingo, Emmet's baby and I home, but where are our fucking children? Arceus where the fuck are they? What do you mean they don't belong in our time? Emmet finds us. His baby! His brother! His in-law! He's overjoyed until he realizes his has a niece and nephew that are uncoupled by God himself. Emmett wondering why God hates him and his family; they've always been good people and just wanted to be happy. Emmet and his S/O trying to keep Ingo and I together while we hunt down our children and find out fuck all whatever.
All of us standing before Arceus in a bid to reunite our entire family once and for all; Listen here Arceus you worthless, homewrecking giraffe, you better give me back my children perfect health and keep us all together, so we can spend the rest of our lives in bliss, or I will gut you. Then hang your corpse from the moon before give your divine throne to some random fucking bidoof. And you best hope I find a bidoof fast, because otherwise, I'll let Volo be God. I'm sure he'd agree to it in exchange for my family's happiness.
Me crying when my children manifest into mine and Ingo's arms; ok, but I'm still going to be a devout atheist.
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You grabbing god by the throat: where the fuck are my kids you better give them back right now before I rip you apart
And Emmet and Ingo are in the background ready to rumble
Also, yeah! Be an atheist! If Arceus is snatching people and stealing kids, what right does it have to be recognized or worshiped as a god??
But poor Emmet! Your baby just getting swiped like that, and then your brother and in-law are returned, but the niblings are gone! What did he do to piss off Arceus so much?? Why does he suffer??
God I love all of this! Bravo!! Beautiful angst! And a happy ending! Lol imagine telling god to his face that you’re an atheist despite coming and kicking his ass lmao
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archersxartxblog · 4 months
Ok so recently I read the entirety of Warden Twins in the span of 4 hours (with a break in between cause it was 2:30 AM) and I just had a funny shower thought I'm gonna put here.
Basically, Arceus feels bad about the whole situation, so he gives Drayden and F!Emmet Arc Tablets or something that show the both of them Ingo, Lil' Ingo and Emmet and their misadventures. They essentially react to everything that happens in the fic as it happens.
Drayden is initially very sceptical of the whole situation, rightfully so. His nephews were kidnapped like 3 days ago (he basically got like a prologue vid showing what happened before showing him everything else), and then some stranger gives him an iPad that shows him his missing nephews being adopted by some guy who looks hauntingly similar to Lil' Ingo, with amnesia and who knows where. But he eventually warms up to F!Ingo cause hes actually not that bad at being a dad, is increasingly growing more protective over his now sons everyday (as he should be), and is looking out for them when he cant.
He invites Clay over cause his boys just became friends with Liam who ALSO looks hauntingly similar to Clay. And then the both of them bust out conspiracy boards when Akari reveals that all 4 of them are from the future. Lil Ingo and Emmet make sense, but Ingo??? If hes from the future as well, then is he some cousin they never heard about? What is this???
But they dont really care about that. Drayden swears that Ingo is now gonna be (officially) part of the family if- no WHEN they all return back to the future. Oh and so will Akari, she's a cool cousin to the boys.
This eventually just devolves into Drayden watching all of this like it's a soccer game or something : very passionately. Like "oh my dragons I'm gonna kill the Miss Fortune sisters for kidnapping my nephews", and then cheering like his team won the world cup or something when Gyarados shows up. Oh and Drayden will be so angry he might rip a tear in spacetime in order to kill Volo when all THAT happens with him and Lil' Ingo.
With F!Emmet its gonna be a bit more complicated, since he either remembers the past or not. But if he doesnt remember, then he will be panicking. His brother went missing like 5 years ago, and when he finally sees him he's with baby versions of them??? Why is Ingo a father to two kids who are named after them and look EXACTLY like him when he was also 10?!? 'AM I AN UNCLE??? DO I NEED TO BUY A BIGGER APARTMENT NOW?!??' Elesa is surprisingly taking this much better.
And then when Akari is revealed, F!Emmet is both verrrrrry happy to be an uncle and that his brother is not alone and happy, but at the same time mourning his bank account, cause hes gonna need to buy a bigger apartment if he is to house 3 new kids and like 24 new pokemon.
And then its revealed that both Ingos are one of the same. Emmet is internally having a blue screen of death moment, cause that means that Ingo literally raised him. Elesa is just treating thos like it's a certified Watchmojo top 10 anime plot twists.
But if he does remember, then he is basically just refreshing his childhood memories.
I wanted to add that maybe Emmets and Draydens tablets are connected to one another, but I've already typed WAYY too much. Can you tell that I love the Warden Twins AU?
Anyways enough from me, thank u for listening to my Ted talk. What are your thoughts about this? Really hope the fic gets updated soon and have a good whatever-your-timezone-is
Oh wow
Not gonna lie this was really fun to read. I love reading stuff like this. This is a really fun idea, i just imagine Arceus making like a YouTube channel like Gamingharry or Ladyoflore or something and just sending it to Drayden and future Emmet with a message that says "this explains everything"
I do need to get back to writing Warden’s Twins, I'm a little stuck with Lil Ingo's face off with Kamado, so I've taken a small step back for a bit to try and figure out how to go about it.
But I'm so glad you're enjoying Warden’s Twins :)
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sunnidaydreamer · 2 years
Home Again
Once more, for @moefongo, a companion piece to Reunion.
Ingo looked up at the sky, the same blue it usually was. But there was something different about this sky. Something that wasn’t a pokemon flew across it. He heard noises coming from his right. Wait, why was he lying down? Ingo sat up, looking around. This place was nothing like the Pearl settlement. For one, it was very much summer. He saw a large tent shaped like a pikachu, a few people wandering about. There was a very large planter filled with flowers nearby, some trees. Where was he? He felt for his pokeballs, only to find them gone. He could hear cars. Cars? He turned and looked behind him, watching as cars sped past. Cars. He knows cars. Where were his pokemon? Ingo stood, brushing grass and dirt off of his pants. Well, no way to find out where he was unless he started asking. He approached a young man and woman as they stood talking. “Pardon me. Where are we?” They seemed stunned for a moment. “Ingo? From the Battle Subway? But, you’ve been missing for four years!” “You know me?” Ingo was shocked. All he’d wanted was to know where he was, but these people knew, or at least knew of, him! “Oh Arceus, we have to get him to a hospital! We have to tell the police!” The young woman got something out of her purse, Ingo hearing beeping noises coming from it. “What is that?” He pointed to the device. The young man just stared at him for a moment. “It’s a cell phone. You...don’t remember what a cell phone is?” “Cell phone? It seems similar to what Akari calls her ‘Arc phone’. But no one else in Hisui has such a device.” “Hisui? Where’s that?” “...I...don’t really know if I am truthful.” Now that he thought about it, he’d never seen where Hisui was on a map. “I hope Lady Sneasler is not too upset with me abandoning my post.” “Sneasler? Who-” “It doesn’t matter.” The young lady interrupted. “The police are on their way, they’re going to take him to a hospital. I’m so glad you’ve been found, Mr. Ingo!” “I...am happy to be found, I suppose.” The three waited where they were for about ten minutes, Ingo deciding to get as much information as possible before the police were to arrive. “Where are we?” “We’re in Nimbasa City, in Unova.” The young man supplied. “Ah, forgive me. I never got your names.” Ingo felt silly, how could he forget to ask? “I’m Rachel, and this is Jon.” The young man waved. “It’s nice to meet the two of you. I would introduce myself, but the two of you seem to already know my name.” “Yeah, the Battle Subway is famous for its twin leaders. I go there all the time!” Rachel said with an excited grin. “Twin?” Ingo felt like his heart was aching. “Yeah, you and your twin, Emmet. You...you do remember Emmet, don’t you?” Jon looked saddened at the thought that Ingo might not remember this Emmet. “I’m afraid I do not. Not entirely, anyway.” Ingo shook his head. He did vaguely remember someone who looked like him. It must be this Emmet. “That’s awful…” It was then that the police arrived. “Excuse me, you’re the one who called about- Mr. Ingo! It is you!” The officer’s jaw dropped in surprise. “Yes, I am Ingo.” “Mr. Ingo, we...we thought that we would never find you.” The officer looked almost teary-eyed. “I believe I can understand why. I’ve been in Hisui, not,” He turned to Rachel. “What is this place called? Unova?” Rachel nodded. “I’ve been in Hisui, not Unova.” “Hisui? Where’s that?” The officer pulled out a device and held it to his mouth. “Confirmation of subject, it is Ingo of the Battle Subway. Escorting him to the hospital now.” “I’m not sure where exactly Hisui is, but I must get back. I am warden to Lady Sneasler, and must fulfill my duties.” Ingo felt that pit in his stomach again, that strange, strange feeling. “Mr. Ingo, please come with me. We need to get you to a hospital, get you looked at.” The man gently took Ingo’s arm, lightly tugging him along. “I insist I am fine, but if we must.” He got into the car. --- At the hospital Ingo sat through various tests, letting them examine him to their heart's content, but asking that they please hurry. He needed to return to Hisui, and his duties as warden. They patted his hands and reassured him, that there were only a few more to do, they were almost done. As they ran their tests they asked him where he had been, where was Hisui, and who was Lady Sneasler. He answered them all, there was no need to hide his experiences after all. Finally, Ingo was left to rest in one of the rooms, nurses and doctors telling him they just needed to wait on results now, so he might as well rest. Before he knew it, they were bringing him dinner, telling him they would have the results tomorrow. Ingo ate his meal thoughtfully. This food was much different than the food in Hisui. It was...blander, to start, but that might just be a hospital thing. Still, it filled him up. He fell asleep easily with a full belly and an eased mind. --- The next day they came back to him with the results. He was malnourished, they said, but otherwise healthy. They couldn’t find any reason through the tests as to why he might have lost his memories. Ingo was a little disheartened but felt it was to be expected. After all, he told them, Akari had lost memories as well when she fell through the rift. They grew concerned at that, whispering among themselves about head injuries and hallucinations. Ingo was left alone again, the only sound in the room being the tick of the hands of the clock. Then the door opened. “Ingo-!”
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waywardstation · 2 years
So I just had a thought about Ghetsis telling everyone that Ingo is dead after he goes missing in the Ghetsis Wins AU... Ghetsis shouldn't do that. Anything short of providing a body or evidence of a body and I'm not convinced that the public at large would be entirely convinced that Ingo is dead. Especially not Emmet. What Ghetsis should do instead is to claim that Ingo joined his side!
It could make for a very powerful propagandist move! Emmet may say that Ingo would never do that and any 'evidence' that Team Plasma puts out is fabricated... But Emmet certainly has no proof of this outside of his own word. And if it is fabricated, then where is the real Ingo? At best Ingo is being held captive and some sort of imposter is pretending to be him. But at worst, Ingo is dead and they have some sort of imposter pretending to be him. And as Emmet is able to KNOW that any imposter is not Ingo at a glance, and as he continues to find no proof that Ingo is being held by Team Plasma somewhere, then Emmet would likely have to draw the conclusion that Ingo is dead.
On Team Plasma's side, if they can convince even a few people that Ingo joined their side, then that plants seeds of doubt that Emmet actually makes for any kind of good leader and would weaken him or maybe even divide any power he has. It could make for a good recruitment tool! But either way, by using Ingo's image in such a way, even if the real Ingo does pop back up some day, he would likely be treated as a pariah by anyone trying to fight back against Team Plasma! Because even if they believe that Ingo didn't join Team Plasma's side, how would they possibly be able to know that this guy is the real deal and not just an imposter sent by Team Plasma?
But that's how you convince Emmet that Ingo is dead! Because of course Ghetsis would lie! Of course Emmet wouldn't believe him! But change the lie, and Emmet would have to make assumptions and conclusions all by himself... >:3c
WOW! I am also sure that the public would be super skeptical that Ingo’s actually dead, but if he never shows up, Ghetsis isn’t proven wrong. I just sort of left that there, but you provide an interesting alternative.
It would seem like a more entertaining concept to play with. Sure, he could claim Ingo is dead and this is what happens to resisters. But claiming Ingo is now working for team Plasma? They don’t need to provide a body for that!
And it could definitely be used for propaganda, seeing as people have already proposed strong trainers are either captured or blackmailed into doing work for them, Ingo is just another pawn that happens to be exceptionally strong.
Ghetsis could claim blackmail too and that could cause people to even question the Ingo’s morality. What has he done that so bad, that he’s working with Ghetsis to keep it a secret? As you said, if Ghetsis can stain Ingo’s public standing, if he ever does show back up, people could look at him and turn him away, thinking he’s done something terrible, or question if he’s still doing something for Ghetsis and it’s a trick. Emmet wouldn’t want to believe this, but the public might be more open to it. Other stronger trainers are now working for Ghetsis, why not Ingo?
This could cause problems when Ingo does eventually show back up in Frozen Unova with Akari!
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