#akiridion oc
makethiscanon · 2 years
I’m back again with my half formed story snippets. 👀
Delving into a Krel fic to test out how I’d write him.
Words: 350
Genre: Angst/Comfort/Recovery
Warnings: Injury detail
Krel rescues a girl from drowning on vacation (CPR), but she’s not out of the woods yet. So it’s back to the hotel to fix her.
AKA: Krel dealing with an unconscious body.
(Yes this is the closest you’re getting to a new fic. I’m so sorry 😭😭)
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Waiting to hear the click of Seamus locking himself in the bathroom, Krel pulled his serrator from his suitcase then pressed the button on its side. With a flash, his human façade morphed into his usual, much taller, much bluer Akiridion body.
Now with four arms and strength unfettered by a disguise, Krel collected up everything he needed from around his hotel room then sat down beside Tia.
Her bruising had gotten worse. He could only hope she was in a deep enough sleep to ignore the pain.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, lifting her from the bed like a delicate flower. He knew every slight movement had to be hurting her. “I’ll be gentle.”
Keeping her upright, he used his extra arms to feel along the ridges of her ribcage, checking the damage. Human bodies were so fragile. His façade had prevented him from exerting too much of his natural strength, but he had still hurt her.
“I... promise it was necessary.”
He sighed, tracing the contours of her shoulders, arms, wrists. Luckily nothing else seemed broken. Sprained, perhaps.
He double-checked that Seamus had closed the door to the bathroom, then with the dignity of a paramedic, began peeling the swimsuit from her top half, simultaneously reaching for the set of black cordamite rings, slipping them across his fingers. He had recently branched into the study of practical application of Akiridion Tech on humans. His tests were still in their infancy, but had shown enough promise for this.
Breathing deep, he held his ringed hands to his core, imbuing the cordamite with energy. The stones began glowing the same colour as his skin, so he placed them on Tia’s chest, over her damaged ribs.
“Seklos and Gaylen, help me.”
Under the guide of the charged cordamite, Krel felt Tia’s muscles start to constrict; popping, shifting until they pulled the bone back into place. Human bodies truly were a hideous miracle. He glided his hands over her skin, being careful to touch each bruise and scrape in turn. Then with even more delicacy he pulled her forwards, cradling her against his body so he could work on her back.
It was a comfort to feel her gentle breath dusting over his skin; a steady rhythm that told him her body was working with him to keep her alive.
“You’ll be okay,” he murmured, tilting his head to speak close to her ear. He didn’t know if she could hear him, but he was troubled by the thought that she was someone’s daughter. Perhaps she was someone’s sister. He wanted her to feel safe, the way he hoped someone else would keep Aja safe.
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honeyxmonkey · 1 year
Carter uses a wheelchair sometimes when he can't wear his prosthetics 👀💜
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the-gateway-to-madness · 11 months
3Below and Thoughts on Akiridions
Okay so it's mentioned in episode 2 of 3Below that Akiridions learn through "thermogenic cosmosis" or "thermogenic osmosis" it's not entirely clear which. Total technobabble, but if we go for the latter, we can discern what it means through the roots of the words (which is actually backed up by the little gesture Krel makes when he says the term!)
"Thermo"= of or relating to heat
"Genic"= generation or production
If we're bothering to break down the actual meanings, "thermogenic" means "heat producing" and osmosis is the process of a substance moving from an area of higher concentration of that substance to an area of lower concentration of that substance.
This would suggest that Akiridions learn by directly absorbing an amount of energy and by extension knowledge from each other.
My theory is that in the last episode of Season 1, when there's that flashback and Coranda and Fialkov make Aja's and Krel's cores glow, that's what they were doing. Trying to directly communicate part of their experience that they couldn't quite put into words.
Anyway, it's never brought up again, and in order for the audience to keep up the exposition has to happen externally, so- I guess we'll never really know. But this makes sense to me and also could make for cute accidental love confessions where one Akiridion is just trying to teach another something and one of them accidentally lets slip the ✨️feelings✨️
Also the way they portrayed Akiridion reproduction is bs and doesn't line up with any of the established canon in 3Below. If kissing was so risky why would Aja go for it all the time? It's clearly retconned in and it's not well done.
Going by the idea that Akiridions can share parts of their energy with each other, I choose to believe (because in this household there Is No Movie) that either person in the relationship can get pregnant regardless of their sex, and that impregnation involves voluntarily pushing a much larger amount of energy than usual to the one that's going to carry the baby. Life is delicate and an immensely serious decision and creating it should take more effort than "whoops, we kissed too many times". Also Akiridions deserve to be able to make out.
If they want to crossbreed with a species from another planet, theoretically the other species has to carry it (because most of 'em can't do the energy transfer it requires to get the Akiridion pregnant).
here's a bonus picture of my oc if you made it through all that!
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And a post compiling all my analyses of Akiridions:
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imconfusedbutok · 3 months
characters: Krel Tarron, OC
Tags: Krel has a crush, mutual pinning, alien x human kinda, fluff and comfort
Not the Time for Love
Krel Tarron x OC
Don’t let your guard down. Krel couldn’t risk anything. Even as he sat with his best friend, on a hill watching over Arcadia as the sun set.. he couldn’t help but feel a little sad.
He tried to ignore the music that played in the earbud he had. He couldn’t lose focus. He wasn’t here to fall in love.
Leo felt at peace, sitting with his best friend at the tip of the hill. He relaxed, one arm around the back of the bench and his other hand, the one that was closer to Krel, lying at his side. Soft, classical music played in the earbuds he shared with Krel, but his eyes were focused on the sky.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Leo asked, tilting his head towards Krel but keeping his dark brown eyes on the sky.
What a question. The prince raised an eye at Leo and turned his head towards the sky, taking a moment to register the sight. The sunset was beautiful, the colors blending together effortlessly in what could be described as a masterpiece. He took a moment to focus on the orange sun dipping below the horizon, before returning his gaze to his friend.
"I suppose it is..” he admitted, a small blush appearing across his face that he attempted to hide by looking away. He turned his head away, glancing over the town.
“Does Akiridion-5 have sunsets?” Leo asked casually, closing his eyes.
“Or is it just… space?”
No such thing as space sunsets, idiot. Krel mentally cursed at himself for having a smart-ass comment in the back of his mind. He paused and let out a small sigh, pushing the thought away.
“No.. we have sunsets, just not like this..” he began, gesturing to the sky.
“Huh.” Leo murmured. He opened his eyes after a moment, turning to look at Krel.
“Speaking of which… how long are you gonna stay here anyways?”
Krel’s heart thumped at the question, and he shifted slightly in his seat. It was a question he had expected, and yet one he wasn’t looking forward to answering. He let out a sigh, knowing his answer would disappoint his friend.
“I don’t know.” He muttered, avoiding Leo’s gaze.
“Does that mean… it’s somewhere in the years category?” Leo asked hopefully.
Krel felt a pang of guilt as he heard the tone in his friends voice. He knew Leo well enough to know what that sound in his voice meant.. hope. Stupid Earthling. He mentally cursed.
“I.. most likely not,” he began, still refusing to turn his stare to meet the brown eyes. “As much as I like it here.. I have more… important things I must attend to back in Akiridion-5..”
Leo’s face fell, his brown eyes turning sad as he looked at him.
“Oh.” He said quietly.
“So… you could leave soon then.”
Krel felt his heart sink at the sight of the sad look on his friends face. He had hoped Leo might have understood, after all, it wasn’t like he had ever indicated that he even wanted to stay forever..
He looked away, and swallowed. “Y-Yeah..” He managed to force out, “There’s a lot going on back home.. so I don’t know how much longer I’ll be here..”
He stayed quiet for a moment, thinking over everything they’d done. He’d known Krel from the moment he first walked into that school, and now…
“Do you think… you’d come back…?”
Why do you have to ask such difficult questions..?
Krel cursed his friends kindness sometimes. How could one person be so caring and considerate? He looked down at the ground, unable to meet his friends eyes.
“I don’t.. I don’t know..” He mumbled, almost defeated. He hated admitting he had no idea what would become of him.
Leo’s shoulders dropped sadly.
“When you leave… I might never see you again for the rest of my life.”
Krel felt like he’d been hit across the face. That was something he hadn’t thought of. The fact that when he did have to leave for home, he might never see Leo again.
He was silent for a moment, trying to come up with an answer. But he found himself speechless, with nothing he could think of to say.
He finally looked up and met his friends eyes, a saddened expression on his face.
“Probably not..” he mumbled, voice cracking slightly. Humans had much shorter lifespans than Akiridions. So… If he didn’t keep track of time, and if he got too busy…
He would never see Leo again.
Leo’s eyes were glossy and his long eyelashes were slightly moist, his bottom lip trembling slightly as he stared back at him.
“But… you’ll say goodbye, right?”
Krel felt the lump in his throat tighten at the sight of his friends pained expression, and he quickly averted his eyes.
“Of course.” He mumbled, unable to help how emotional his own voice sounded. His chest ached as he realized he might never see his best friend again.
“I wouldn’t.. leave without saying.. goodbye..” He choked out, biting his lip as he felt his own eyes begin to burn.
“Just checking…” Leo said quietly.
He hesitated, taking in a shaky breath before moving his hand to grasp Krel’s squeezing it gently.
“I would hate for you to leave me without telling me goodbye.”
Krel felt a jolt run through his body at the feeling of Leo’s hand wrapping around his own, but he didn’t pull away. Instead, he gently squeezed it back, his eyes still fixed on the ground.
“You mean too much to me to do that..” he whispered. He meant the words, after all, in the short amount of time he’d spent on earth, Leo had become someone more to him than just a friend. He really didn’t want to say goodbye.
“Yeah.” He whispered back. His heart was pounding in his chest as he looked at Krel, running his thumb along his knuckles.
“I don’t suppose I could come with you, could I.”
A small flicker of hope lit inside Krel’s chest at the question, and he lifted his head quickly, his head snapping up to look at his friend.
“You.. you would want to?” He asked, almost a little too quickly. He tried to tell himself to stop the hope bubbling up inside him, but he couldn’t help the way his heart fluttered.
Leo’s eyes widened softly.
“Well… yeah…” he replied, running his free hand through his dark curls.
“I’ve pretty much got… nothing here except for you. Sure earth is beautiful, but… I don’t think I could feel at home here with you gone.” He said, averting his eyes.
Krel’s heart thumped as he listened to his friends words. A part of him was touched by their meaning, but the other, more guarded, part of him wanted to tell him it would be too dangerous. But just the thought of having him by his side was all he wanted.
He gently squeezed his friends hand and took in a shaky breath before speaking.
“..But.. what about your.. family?” He asked, suddenly remembering the fact that humans had.. families.
Leo laughed a little.
“My parents won’t even notice I’m gone. I promise.”
Krel felt stunned at his words, and the fact that he seemed so nonchalant about it. How could he seem so indifferent to this?
“But.. but how..? Don’t they…” he trailed off, not sure how to phrase his question.
“Let’s just say that… not everyone wants a trans kid.” He shrugged a little, looking away and scratching the back of his neck.
His eyes widened slightly as the words sunk in, and he felt a pang of guilt. How cruel could humans be, to not want their own child? He quickly composed himself, and squeezed Leo’s hand again.
“I see.. well… in that case..” he began, hesitating. Should he really be asking this? “You’re.. sure you’d want to come with me..?”
Leo looked back at him, his brown puppy eyes brightening.
“Yes. I’d wanna come. I can pack everything into one bag.” He nodded.
A small, relieved smile tugged at the corners of Krel’s lips, and his heart practically leaped in his chest. He was coming with him. He wouldn’t have to be without him.
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prismarts · 2 years
14. "I'm eternally yours, sweetheart" ^~^
Hi hello yes but I think this is the Douxilly thing ever-
Eternally Yours
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Plot: Douxie and Illy settle in the night after their wedding ceremony.
Notes: Takes place in an alternate (not canon to ROTT) future, THEY GOT MARRIED, This is like...the night after all the wedding celebrations and aaaaaa, Douxie x OC, Canon x OC, FLUFF SOFT FLUFF, someday I will do a whole wedding fic but nfuregue for now here-
Trigger warnings: Brief implications of sex, mentions of alcohol. That should be it but let me know if I miss something.
Word count: 900 words
Tags: @stuck-in-arcadia @alovesongshewrote @furblrwurblr @slowpokenz @mxcheese @blixeon @generalfandomsofthefreak @valentimmy @marcoofthemoon @sergeantsporks @tales-of-hisirdoux @castle-of-my-dreams @lovedropletsdreams @bernie-the-nugget
Douxie was taking a deep breath, he was in the bathroom trying to clear his head… maybe it had been a mistake to have champagne at the reception…he hadn’t drunk in a while.
No matter…he just needed to freshen up. As he splashed his face with cold water, he caught sight of his ring… a blue stone glowing on his ring finger, the ring itself made of a dark magical branch and a single leaf, enchanted to last lifetimes…
He felt his heart racing in his chest as a smile overtook his face.. He couldn’t believe it, after centuries of traveling the world and trying to earn his staff. Centuries of being in love only to break it off or never staying from the mere thought of him being immortal… he was married to the love of his life.
It felt so nice…
It felt unreal to him…
But the ring was the proof, the ring that Illy made for him was on his finger and he spent a good moment longer just admiring it…to let it sink in for his beating heart. Once he mostly has that sunk in, he turns to the pajamas he brought in with him. “Right…I need to change..”, He mumbled softly.
Once he changed into his pajamas, he left the makeshift quite modern looking bathroom in the….mostly medieval looking master bedroom. Thank goodness for magic and Akiridion tech, they were able to make these sorts of renovations..
He spotted his newly wed wife sitting on the bed, seeming to fidget with the ends of her hair which was now down from the elaborate bun she had for their ceremony. She has a sleeveless light blue nightgown on, her wings gently folded against her back as she sat.
“Hello, my darling wife…”
Douxie said with a soft tone of voice as he reached down to carefully squish her cheeks in his hands, letting out a soft chuckle as her cheeks turn a shade of red at the new term of affection.
He stared at her with so much love, how turquoise eyes seemed to sparkle like stars, the way her smile, at the moment decorated with red lipstick lit up the whole room and the adorable freckles decorating her red cheeks.
His heart was leaping…
She was so beautiful to him….and he loved her so so much.
He hadn't realized…or maybe he did and merely enjoyed, how Illy seemed to stare back at him with the same if not even more love…
She mumbled softly, slowly standing up as she carefully leaned against him. Almost burying her face against his chest but instead just leaning her whole body against him. One of her hands reaching out to trace the magical rune tattoos all over his arms..
And he shivered at the contact, smiling widely at how affectionate she was..
"Everything alright, fluturaș?..."
"Mhm…I..just….I can't believe today was real…I..I can't believe it…we actually got married…we're married Douxie!"
The hushed excitement coming from her made the both of them giddy, coupled with how physically close they are… it was like heaven..
But Douxie pulled back for a moment, he had to… so he could carefully lean down and press the softest kiss against her lips. Arms gently wrapped around her as he carefully but successfully lifted her up.
Gently pressing her against him, he could feel her small butterfly wings flutter just above where his arms were holding her close. They were glowing from how loved she felt.
They could both feel their hearts racing in their chests as they finally pulled away from their kiss, soft pants escaping them as they leaned their foreheads together for a brief moment.
"I…I love you..so much Douxie.." Illy said, so much affection in that hushed declaration that it made his heart absolutely melt.
He twirled her around in his arms for a moment, relishing in the giggle that escaped her. Before carefully getting them both back onto the bed. Laying down on his back and carefully positioning his wife to lay down above him.
Their hearts still racing in their chests…
He heard her giggle as he opened his eyes to look at her, golden hazel yet green eyes staring into turquoise ones…
He saw her giggle and laugh…
He adores it…
He adores and loves her so so much..
"Y..you…I..I smudged my lipstick all over your lips… I'm s..so sorry Douxie I-" She said giggling, reaching her hand out in an attempt to wipe it off…
Until she heard it..
"I love you…so so much…… I'm eternally yours, sweetheart…."
It was a hushed declaration… but with so much love in his voice..
She teared up, effectively smudging what little make up was still somewhat intact…still he found her to be just as stunning as she did in her wedding dress…walking down the aisle…if not maybe even more so…
"Oh fluturaș.."
"I….i love you too…s..so so much.."
He carefully lifted his torso up, if only to cup her soft cheeks with his hands pulling her in for a passionate loving kiss, the two carefully leaning on each other…
They showed all their love for each other that night, passionate kisses and caresses….hands carefully and lovingly exploring each other's bodies…
That night…all that mattered was each other…. And that was…everything they could have ever wished for..
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so i've never really posted on here about him i don't think, but i dug up some art of one of my motherfuckers, korthec. he started life as a vatborn OC, then got adapted for tales of arcadia years later, and now i'm adapting him back; as a result the only art i have of him is akiridion!korthec, so while i plan to redesign him for LL-verse again, in the meantime have A He.
he is a nasty bastard who loves war crimes, murder, and cannibalism, he is husband, and i love him. thank you for your time
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Drawing Request Guidelines
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UPDATE JULY 21, 2023: REQUESTS CLOSED (on vacation!)
I still have a couple of requests to complete (and I'm going a bit overboard on one of them). I'll try to finish them before I leave, but if I don't, the final requests in my inbox may not be posted until August since I won't have access to digital drawing devices for a little over a week. Please be patient, and thank you for understanding!
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I take requests for any characters and OCs (if visual reference* is provided)
Be specific please! Rather than just “fluffy stuff” or “[ship],” try: "[Character A] doing XYZ" or "[Character B] and [Character C] are doing XYZ." Even something as simple as "B and C are laughing together" works!
I stay away from making suggestive/NSFW content.
Though it doesn’t often happen, I can and will decline certain requests that don’t follow these rules or make me too uncomfortable. These asks will be responded to privately (if possible.)
Requests take time to post, depending on the different projects I'm working on. Please be patient. IRL things are complicated.
Also! Although I am not as experienced with drawing trolls or akiridions, I am certainly trying to practice!
Have fun. :)
*Visual reference can be full character ref sheets, picrews, face claims and/or images found online. I just won't work from written description.
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mxthxbot · 2 years
Kevin as Krel Tarron
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"Looks like human bones... with bite marks."
🎧 Kevin is the younger brother of Solar.
🎧 Adopted by @raiden-oc 🌺
🎧 Dating @vivzie-kpop-cb’s Jun and @ateezmystery’s Theo 🐺
🎧 They both come from the planet Akiridion-5.
🎧 Kevin is self-centered and he doesn’t really earn people’s respect or friendship.
🎧 In his Akiridion form; Kevin has electric blue skin, light blue hair that spikes up, blue eyes with black sclera and four arms of a royal.
🎧 But he’s the only one with a ridge on his forehead, marking him as king in waiting.
🎧 He has a deep love for science and music.
🎧 And unlike his older sister, Kevin appears to be more stoic and introverted.
🎧 He often makes snarky comments to his sister and everyone around him.
"And you always tell me we are the ones who have to be normal?"
🎧 Kevin doesn’t seem to have much of an interest in a lot of things, having a large ego.
🎧 Despite this, he appears to be an excellent disc jokey and loves to to dance.
🎧 Kevin is quick witted, curious about Earth.
🎧 Even with his curiosity, he often criticized Earth’s more primitive technologies compared to his planet’s.
🎧 He frequently gloats about his superior intellect, being a super genius and even past Akridion’s standards.
🎧 Kevin gets impatient and frustrated when people are clueless about a Daxial Array.
🎧 In spite of his haughtiness, vanity, arrogance, insufferable attitude, and being somewhat ill-mannered, Kevin seems to be a very compassionate and decent guy.
🎧 He also willingly throws off the math duel for Seamus after overhearing his and his father's argument.
🎧 While Kevin shown confidence in his ability to invent and understand technologies, there are times when he doubts himself.
🎧 He admits to Solar if he could ever fix the mothership by himself after it was damaged during their fight with Omen.
🎧 Kevin also appears quite touchy with his own inventions, shown when he constantly cautioned Solar not to break his mind reader headset to the point where he whines and was visibly dismayed after she broke them.
🎧 There's also a tiny, darker side to Krel.
🎧 Although it was understandable that he felt deeply hurt and betrayed by Vex when he learns that he had helped Morando invade Akiridion-5.
🎧 It was to where he almost kills him for high treason.
🎧 Even after two weeks, he still hasn't gone over Varvatos's betrayal and still held a mild grudge against him.
🎧 He has a serrator which is an Akiridion's most common weapon, being able to form into a nearly impenetrable shield, a blaster, a blade, and a two-pronged spear.
🎧 He also has a hover board, usually riding along with his sister.
"I like vintage!"
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olliesmultimuse · 1 year
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@mythunderlegion sent: 🌻 = a character I wish to write with
send me a symbol and i'll tell you... (currently accepting)
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Hello, I appreciate you sending in an ask, Nic! Anyway, let's cut to the question, shall we? A character I wish to write with is well, I have a lot of characters I'd love to write with. Be aware, this is gonna be a very long post.
As for the muses I currently have the muse for, it's Karl Uhl & Varvatos Vex and they have their own blog at arcadiandefenders along with E. Aster Bunnymund, Classified, Valiente, and Alfred Pennyworth (I'm only familiar with Wayne Family Adventures & Telltale's Batman games).
Now, let's break this down. Lately, I've been feeling the urge to write Tales of Arcadia but I noticed that there isn't much active Tales of Arcadia roleplay blogs now than it was years ago. As for one of my Tales of Arcadia muses, Karl Uhl, I'd love to throw him at the most underappreciated characters which would be mainly the adults within Tales of Arcadia series although I don't mind throwing him at characters from different shows/games/books/etc. I absolutely love crossovers!
I'd love to throw my Karl at either Coach Lawrence, Lenora Janeth, Javier Nunez, and so forth. I'd love to throw my Karl at all sorts of creatures and anybody.
Let's start with Varvatos now, shall we? Varvatos is an extraterresial being from the planet of Akiridion-5. He may be intimidating and threatening but deep down inside, he has such a caring and brave heart. By brave, I mean he just goes into a battle head-on. He cares tremendously about Aja Tarron and Krel Tarron along with Eli Pepperjack. Nearing the end of season two within 3Below, Varvatos shows concern about Eli's whereabouts which means his character development got more interesting and somehow better.
Okay--truth to be told, I'd love to throw my Varvatos right at Jumba Jookiba from Lilo & Stitch and some Tales of Arcadia characters such as the teachers. I would also love to see Varvatos interact with Mr. Strickler and the Tarron children, Krel and Aja Tarron. I do not mind crossovers at all. Like I said, I absolutely love crossovers!!
Okay, let's now focus on my muses that I have here on this blog. The muses I currently have the mood to write are Classified, E. Aster Bunnymund, Valiente, and Alfred Pennyworth.
As for Classified, gimme your Madagascar muses/OCs. Classified needs his North Wind family and he needs to interact with others than just the North Wind and the penguins. He also needs to interact with Zootopia/Beastars/Aggretsuko/Animal Crossing muses too as well.
As for E. Aster Bunnymund, throw ROTG muses at them. Althoughhhh...my highest characters I would like to write my Bunny with are Pitch Black, North, and Jack Frost.
As for Valiente, throw barn animals at him. Throw Ferdinand muses at him. Crossovers 100% appreciated.
As for Alfred, personally, I'm more familiar with Wayne Family Adventures and Telltale's Batman series version of Alfred but I'd love to interact with DC muses within WFA and Telltale's Batman series muses.
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helis97 · 2 years
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It appears I needed to give some love to my story villain, Hans (and his twin bro Alkètius). I’m still constantly working on the character and his motivations, so I left everything vague.
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soundskrill · 2 years
ZASH General Morando's personal assassin
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muku-gc · 3 years
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Have i ever mentioned how much i love Anemone and Morando? well now i have-
(Anemone is owned by @helis97 )
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the-gateway-to-madness · 11 months
I haven't really... clarified what this blog is, huh
Hi folks, I'm Mad. I'm mostly just here to vibe with whatever fandom is on my mind at any given moment. My main ones are Rise of the Guardians, Big Hero 6/the series, and Tales of Arcadia, but I go in for Encanto, Ducktales (2017), Tangled/the series, Elemental, and crossovers like The Big 4/ROTBTD and the Futuristic Four. I play video games such as Skyrim and Baldur's Gate 3. Casually, for enjoyment. I will yeet my thoughts at you and I cannot guarantee I will do more than that. Sometimes there will be art maybe.
I shalst enclose a list of OCs.
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Mahina, Rise of the Guardians. Clever, calm most of the time but prone to anxiety, sharp-minded, and reserved. Very genuine sort. She's into Jack Frost, like most things on Tumblr are.
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McKenzie Jamesson, Big Hero 6. Quick-witted, fascinated by brains, caring, protective. All she really wants is to give and tell her loved ones all the amazing things they deserve. And also to use force fields to make them all safer. She's a cinammon roll. And a big ol Hiro Hamada simp.
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Cara Okhrana, Tales of Arcadia, noblewoman of Akiridion-5 and sworn protector of Krel Tarron. She grew up on earth from age 6 on, and has self-esteem issues due to only vaguely recalling the way that Akiridions consider honor- and thinking other Akiridions, if they could ever find her, would believe she'd failed her oath to House Tarron. She's fierce, outgoing, tactical, sassy and sarcastic, but only really emotionally opens to a handful of close, trusted people. Cara Williams is her human disguise name. Also she's into Krel, but no way in heck is she bold enough to tell him. She sees the way he acts about romance. She's not that stupid.
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Brook Ripple Jr., Elemental, named after her aunt (Wade's mother, I believe). Wade's cousin, as introverted as water gets. Emotional as any of her family, though in more of a stressed depressed lemon zest way. And dating fire runs in the family.
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Madeleine "Mad" Corr, Ducktales. Eldest of ten, chaotic, a bit sketchy- imagine Louie but more emotionally genuine, and instead of a good liar she can pick locks, and she genuinely loves the thrill of stealing stuff over the payoff. She talks Louie out of his truly terrible ideas, only to offer more practical alternatives.
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Betania Madrigal, Encanto. My brain said, "Hey, they never told us if Bruno was ever married in the past" and so I came up with idea that he was, his wife left the Encanto 17 years prior to the movie for her own protection, and whoops she was pregnant and now he's got a long lost daughter. She's shy and uncertain but sweet and smart and oh gosh that's such a Y/N description... anyway. Stuttery clumsy baby who just wants to get to know her long-lost dad and figure out how to control her new ability to go into/change people's dreams.
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Aelvy, Tangled the Series. Once a dryad, she gave up her tree and longevity to experience the full range of human emotion.
Long story short, for the most part they're just normal people in weird universes who just wanna be loved.
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tmcandy27 · 3 years
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Does she have a name?
No not yet.
A little
Her father was King Fialkovs brother (he is also unnamed), and he got banished in his teen years. Couple years go by and that chick is born
Half Skallel Half Akiridion
... Mostly Akiridion lol
(Skallel's are a closed species)
But uhhh. Yeah. New character! I adore her.
Edit: click for better quality
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queenfishie · 4 years
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My Troll OC Gage, and my Akiridion OC Vadix!
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perth2548 · 4 years
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I’m interesting in this OC so yeah heh...ahahahahahah!
For @helis97
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