#akk: a liar
khaotunq · 2 years
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Akk, AKA the world's worst liar, and his very supportive besties
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pluto-attacks · 1 year
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A sketch of Akk to match a sketch of Aye I did earlier. He’s watching Aye have his little mermaid moment at the front of the boat.
Thank you @tiistirtipii for suggesting him, you are unbelievably sweet and this was so much fun. ☺️
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​This one was basically a screenshot redraw but I added hands and knees because I like to ruin a perfectly good composition 🤷‍♀️
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bellairfree · 2 years
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oh, who's the fucking lier here???
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heretherebedork · 2 years
I want to point out that for all the teachers are putting on Akk they also literally had Kan tell Thua that his father died four years ago when they were still basically children and if that isn't a bunch of adults abdicating their duties as adults than nothing is.
They put all the hard things onto their students and then bask in the success of not having to do anything that is supposed to come with their actual jobs.
Akk has so much weight on his shoulders that he can barely function and thinks he's a bad person and Kan is so wrapped up in trying to protect Thua that he sees himself as a failure and a liar because can't do that.
This is the epitome of the 'look at what you did, you fucked up a pair of perfectly good teenagers. now they're got anxiety' meme
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sollucets · 1 year
could you maybe write something where akk calls aye his home?
i absolutely can do that, nonny, thank u for asking! have a little bit (1.5k. of course.) of long-distance akkaye :') loosely related to the last prompt but fine to read without it
“Akk, are you sleeping?” 
Aye’s voice is tinny, the noises of a subway station behind him just the right side of too-loud through Akk’s phone speakers to catch his slow-moving attention. His headphones must have slipped out; he doesn’t remember it happening. 
“No,” he answers, like a liar, and pushes himself upright on his dorm bed with some effort.
He’d given up on holding his head up to look at the screen part way through Aye talking about one of the other international students he works with and her hopeless crush on a Thai grad student senior of theirs that Aye is 100% sure is taken, and all of the accompanying drama. “You think P’Win has a partner already.” 
“That’s the last thing you heard?” Aye asks, pouting a little on the tiny screen under his big blue scarf. His cheeks are pink. It’s really, really cute. Someone passes behind him; Akk thinks he hears the edges of a robotic voice making an announcement. “I don’t just think so, I know so, and I was telling you all the evidence.”
“Do you have a conspiracy board for this too, or am I still special?”
Aye says something extremely inappropriate for a public place in response, but he says it in Thai, so he’s probably safe. Akk still opens his mouth to scold him on principle, but he’s caught by a yawn before he can say anything, jaw cracking unpleasantly. 
Aye’s expression melts from put-upon irritation to fondness so quickly it’s impressive. “You don’t have to stay up so late for me,” he says. “Don’t you have class in the morning? At nine, right?” 
“Don’t remind me,” grumbles Akk with a sigh, but he swings his legs over the side of the bed, picks up his phone sans headphones, and heads into the bathroom barefoot. “It’s not really so late. And besides, you’d pout if I went to bed without calling. It’s our day.”
Their day, Thursday specifically, had been the day that worked best with both their busy schedules and the six-hour time difference for most of the first semester of their time apart. They’ve missed only once, during Akk’s midterms, and Aye had texted no less than thirty times that day, all test-taking memes and supportive emojis. Now, though, Aye’s classes combined with his new work in his university's tutoring center run into the London evening; it’s midnight in Chiang Mai. 
Aye says something in response, but whatever it is is drowned out by the noise of a rush of people behind him, all probably getting off of a train. 
“What?” asks Akk, propping his phone against the bathroom mirror and grabbing his toothbrush. 
“If it’s really not that late, then why are you falling asleep while I’m talking, hm? Am I so boring to you?” 
Akk rolls his eyes, squeezing out a little toothpaste, and says, “Maybe I just didn’t want to hear you go on and on about P’Win anymore, hm?” 
As expected, Aye zeroes in on that immediately. “Aww, is my baby jealous?”
Akk sticks his toothbrush in his mouth to avoid answering and weathers the ensuing and expected storm of teasing very bravely, if he does say so himself. He lets the ease of falling into a familiar dynamic soothe the very slight sting, and he listens patiently without showing even a hint of a smile on his face at how pleased Aye looks to have ‘won’ that admission. 
“And he’s almost as handsome as me,” Aye is saying, in his most annoying tone of voice, when suddenly he seems to stutter for a moment, his expression freezing in place on his face. It’s odd enough that Akk makes a questioning noise through his mouthful of toothpaste. 
“Akk…” Aye starts. He looks conflicted now, mouth turning down even as he speaks. “You’re not — really, though, right?”
Akk blinks. Then spits. Then says, “No,” even though it’s not 100% true.
His face must show it, because Aye’s frown droops even further and he says, clearly enunciated, “It’s not like that. You know I’m just—”
“Teasing,” Akk interrupts, having mercy on him. “I know. Aye, no, you’re fine. I don’t actually think you’re serious, or you wouldn't have spent the last half hour explaining why P’Win is absolutely definitely taken anyway.” And you wouldn’t usually worry that I did, Akk thinks, so why?
Usually, if he thinks he’s gone too far, Aye just drapes himself over Akk like a particularly affectionate cat, no matter what he’s doing. He kisses his way back to forgiveness, he brings Akk dinner or looks over his homework or buys him stupid, cute little charms to put on his phone keychain, and Akk always lets him even and especially if he isn’t actually mad, and — he can’t do any of that, six hours and half the world away. Oh. This is that communication thing they’re supposed to be better at by now. 
Aye is still staring at him with giant, horrible pleading eyes, because he doesn’t believe him, and he shouldn’t because Akk is still sort of lying. 
Akk sighs. “I’m jealous of anyone who gets to see you all the time.” He can’t keep looking at Aye, his gaze drifting towards the edge of the bathroom counter. “Just a little. That’s all it is. I’m— glad you have Thai friends, actually. You seemed a bit homesick lately. I think it’s cheering you up.” 
It’s silent for a little too long, and Akk finally looks up to make sure nothing’s happened to the connection and finds Aye with one hand over his mouth, eyes still huge but soft around the edges now. 
“What,” he mumbles. 
“My boyfriend is the sweetest,” Aye says, as he’d feared he would, all earnest and sincere and completely without the teasing edge, which makes it worse. 
Akk jerks his head away again, in a motion he couldn’t control if he wanted to. He puts his toothbrush into the cup with more force than is strictly necessary. “It’s just the truth, isn’t it?” 
“Phi reheated omelets on his break the other day and I thought I was gonna cry for a minute,” Aye tells him, laughing an embarrassed little laugh. “They’re not right here. They’re all undercooked and flavorless.”
“Did you get to have any?” asks Akk, imagining Aye looking (up, statistically) at this mysterious P’Win with his awful begging eyes.
“I wouldn't steal my senior’s lunch.”
Akk can’t help the little satisfied twitch of his mouth at that scandalized tone. Aye steals Akk’s lunch all the time. “Too bad. I get it a little, though. I really miss the way my mom prepares things.” 
Chiang Mai is easily 14 hours of travel from his house, more if you count having to switch trains, and he’s only been back once. He dutifully calls his parents every Sunday, but they don’t really have good enough reception there for regular video calls. 
Aye makes a sympathetic noise, then glances at something up and to the right of the camera. He frowns. “Baby, I have to go soon.” 
“‘Kay,” answers Akk, raising a hand to cover a sudden yawn. 
“Don’t worry about me too much,” Aye says, smiling at the screen all little and v-shaped. “I’m okay. I’ll go to a market and get my own ingredients and make my own omelet, and I’ll text you all the time, and I’ll call my mom twice so she can pretend I’m her favorite over you. Don’t you get too homesick either, okay?”
“Even if—“ Akk starts, hesitates, then forges on. He can say these things; he’s worked to say these things. “Even if I visit,” he tells Aye’s tiny, beloved face, miles and miles away and here in his dorm bathroom, “I’ll still be homesick until you come back. You’re my home.” 
Aye stares at him, mouth open for a minute, then demands, “Pick up your phone.”
“Just do it. Pick up your phone.”
Slowly and distrustfully, Akk takes his phone off the counter and holds it closer to his face. “Wha—“
Aye’s screen moves suddenly closer and then goes dark, the sound weird and muffled. “Hug me,” he says, just barely audible. 
Akk laughs a little, breathless and pointlessly fond. What must it look like, to those people in the subway station? Alone in his own room, though, he doesn’t hesitate to pull his phone to his chest, right over his heart. 
After a moment, though, he gives in to the temptation to peek and finds the screen still dark. “Aye.”
The station blurs into view again behind an Aye who looks notably pinker than before, a rush of people just like the last one passing behind again. “You’re so — I love you so much,” Aye tells him, sounding helpless, “and I miss you. It’s stupid that term break is still so far away.”
“Aye,” says Akk again, unable to stop grinning if he’d actively tried. “Don’t be late for your train.”
“They’re always late for me,” grumbles Aye, but he sighs and says, “Go to bed, okay? I’ll talk to you later.”
“Love you too,” Akk tells him, just before hanging up so he doesn’t have to deal with whatever new heart-squeezing thing Aye’s face is going to do at that. 
Just before he actually gets into bed, quiet in the sudden silence of his empty dorm, his phone lights up with a text: "❤️❤️❤️❤️"
And far away, in a subway car in England, Aye barely represses a little noise of delight to receive “❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️” in return. 
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firstkanaphans · 1 year
Your fics have the incredible ability to always always leave me wanting more. I need to see Aye’s reaction to finding out he slept through his proposal dinner 😂. I don’t think you posting extra scenes is good for my heart!!
Here you go! Enjoy 💛
Read on AO3
“So…what was your plan?”
Akk groaned into his pillow. He was utterly exhausted despite spending most of the day in bed and every time he tried to sleep, Aye would wake him.
“What are you talking about?” Akk grumbled, but despite his annoyance, he rolled over and faced his new fiancé. Aye was still staring mesmerized at the ring Akk had given him and it warmed Akk’s heart to know that he had done this one thing right. That if Aye was the only thing he ever got right, it would still be worth it.
“What was your plan?” Aye repeated, shaking Akk’s shoulders as if the meaning of his question should be obvious. “How did you plan to propose? Because as much as I enjoyed being proposed to half-naked in bed, I can’t imagine that was how you meant to do it. I know you had a plan—you’re you!”
“I really didn’t,” Akk said with a laugh. He felt so much freer now that the ring was out of his pocket and on Aye’s finger. “I’ve been carrying that thing around for months, just waiting for the perfect moment.”
“Liar,” Aye pouted.
“I’m not lying!” Akk said, but he knew Aye well enough to know that he wasn’t going to get any sleep without first giving him an answer. “But I had considered doing it at dinner last night.”
“The dinner I slept through!?” Aye cried, appalled. “Akk!”
“What?! You’re the one who slept through it—not me!”
Aye smacked him on the shoulder like a toddler having a tantrum and Akk couldn’t help but laugh. “You should have woken me up!”
“I tried!”
That, apparently, was not a satisfactory answer. Aye tackled him to the bed, straddling his lap and pinning his wrists to the mattress. “That’s not fair, Akk! I didn’t know! I would have woken up if I’d known I was going to get a proposal out of it.”
“Well, maybe now you’ll actually listen to me, huh?”
Aye bared his teeth like a rabid dog, but gave up the effort of being intimidating when Akk once again started laughing. Aye fell back down onto the bed next to him and chose a new tactic—one that had never failed to get him exactly what he wanted. He begged.
“Please, Phi. Please. Just tell me. How were you going to do it? Ooh, what if I guess? You were going to put the ring at the bottom of a glass of champagne, weren’t you? Or, no—ring baked into the dessert?”
“With your appetite?” Akk joked. “We would have ended up with no ring and a trip to the emergency room.”
“Akk,” Aye whined, shaking him to really emphasize his annoyance. “Tell me.”
“Fine,” Akk finally relented. “After dinner, I was going to take you down to the beach with a bottle of champagne and propose to you there—under the stars. You like the beach.”
“And the stars,” Aye agreed, his hands still latched onto Akk’s arm. His eyes were wide and lovestruck and Akk was starting to feel a bit bad for not waiting for a more poignant occasion to pop the question when Aye added, “I like the way you did it better, though.”
“You do?”
Aye nodded. “It was more us. Now, whenever I wake up and see you lying in bed next to me, the first thing I’ll think of is the happiest moment of my life.”
Heat rose to Akk’s cheeks and he wasn’t even sure why. It was just…sweet. It made him feel very loved. “Oh,” he said.
Aye smiled as if he could read the emotions in his eyes. “Plus, I wouldn’t have been able to fuck you on the beach. We would have had to change locations to have engagement sex. What a waste of time.”
And there it was. Akk rolled his eyes. “Yes, that is exactly why I did it. Thank you so much for noticing.”
Aye reached out and pinched his cheeks. “My boyfriend is so smart.”
“Fiancé,” Akk corrected, swatting him away. After all, he hadn’t bought that ring just for show.
Aye smiled, soft and satisfied and happy, and then leaned down and kissed Akk with all of the tenderness in the world. “Fiancé,” he agreed.
And finally, they slept.
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spicyvampire · 4 months
Damn Akk, you are literally a cop how are you that unconvincing of a liar, you've got to do better than this my guy
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deliriousblue · 3 months
the eclipse, episode 5
starting out strong i see. ayannnn you can't Do that 😭😭
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and then akk's hunted expression here is killing me.....
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nothing particularly coherent to say about the way ayan is constantly pushing akk to enter the cafe/threatening to post the picture of himself kissing akk's cheek/teasing him about the photo but carefully giving him the out to not actually delete it. i'm just sort of rotating it all around in my mind.
akk letting the kid go instead of reporting him and taking the phone away.....
akk when ayan texts him about being judo partners/akk when his friends bring it up. liar <3
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neo and louis absolutely breaking my heart in this scene. khan taking thua’s hand and them both realizing they’re being Perceived and thua choosing to let go to protect khan. and khan’s complicated reaction that i can't fully capture in a screenshot of. betrayal and sadness and regret and guilt.
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fun for ME. once again obsessed with the way ayan is prepared to roll with whatever is happening at literally any time (even if it's to some degree a protection mechanism). are we fighting are we playing am i teasing you am i flirting with you? yes. meanwhile akk is going through seventeen different crises all simultaneously.
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akk and mes......oh akk. meeting someone getting a confusing crush and catastrophically misidentifying the "want to be with them" vs "want to be them" wires. well whomst among us has not been there.
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hils79 · 8 months
Hils Watches Enchanté - Ep 9
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I really hope this isn't going to be like Plus & Minus where the story reached a natural ending point and then there was two episodes of totally unnecessary drama just to pad it out. I'm glad, for now at least, they can actually kiss when they start play fighting.
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Of course they would make being boyfriends into a silly contest too. God, they are idiots and I love them so much.
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What exactly does he thing French people are like? Does he think the entire population of France is just making out all the time?
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I really hope the next two episodes are just Theo and Akk being nauseatingly in love while everyone around them slowly figures out they are dating. These two both seem to be okay with it, and we know Theo's mum isn't homophobic given she was encouraging him to date Saifa. Just Theo's dad who is the unknown entity...
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Weirdly the Thai drama I'm watching with a friend also had one of the leads burn their finger and the other take care of them in the episode we watched yesterday
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I looked up the recipe after Theo kept talking about it and it sounds really good! I might have a go at making it some time.
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Oh, are we going to resolve stuff with the other boys. Does it make me a bad person if I say I really don't care about them?
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Okay, as much as I don't care, I don't like the message that if you finally push back against your abusive mother that she'll keel over and you'll feel guilty for the rest of your life.
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I thought for a second there was going to be drama about Akk not watching to do PDA at school.
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But he took one look at Theo's sad face and said fuck it. I think if there's going to be drama I don't think it's going to be from them. They are clearly stupidly in love
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I swear to god if you fuck with their relationship because you blame Theo for what happened to your mother I will end you (which I realise is impossible because he's a fictional character but you know what I mean)
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FFS! They legit made it look like he was about to stab Theo or something but no he just wanted to say 'I've learned my lesson and I'm going to take care of my mother now'. Which I'm not sure should have been what he took away from all this but at least he's not evil?
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Okay, is the rest of it going to be about the ones who lied making peace with themselves and with Theo? I'm on board with that. I want Natee to finally realise that Tan is in love with him.
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I really want to know if stuff like this actually exists in Thai universities or if it's just a BL thing
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Oh no please don't let them argue over money and school gossip. Come on they've been friends for literally years. When has Akk ever shown any interest in Theo's money or his dad's position?
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Look at this poor sad boy :(
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Theo just wants to feed his boyfriend but Akk is now worried about what everyone is saying. I don't like it!
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For a second I thought Akk had decided to get over it and shower Theo with rose petals but nope a bucket nearly landed on Theo's head 😂 Luckily Akk, as always, was there to save him.
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Saifa is a good boy. I'm sorry I said I didn't like you.
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I mean surely she must have realised that by inviting one of Theo's friends to her studio that he was going to find out about all this.
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OH NO AKK KNEW ABOUT THE PARENTAL DIVORCE! Okay, so maybe they WILL be the source of the drama after all.
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I mean, yes, everyone around Theo has lied to him and I totally understand him being upset. BUT HE ALSO INVENTED A WHOLE SECRET ADMIRER JUST TO GET AKK TO CONFESS HIS FEELINGS. Everyone in this is a liar.
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Oh, good, Jimmy is here to make things better. Or possibly make them worse.
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Yep, worse.
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distant-screaming · 2 years
Okay okay more Eclipse thoughts because they live in my head rent free!
So Ayan is a bad liar - not bad as in 'bad at lying' (that honor goes to Akk) but more that he never outright lies. Half truths, yes, or lies by omission - but I can't think of any moment in where Aye outright lies, especially to Akk.
On the other hand, Akk... lies a fair amount. Even something like going through Aye's bag and then pretending otherwise - it shows the contrast between their characters and environments and I love it so so much.
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Aye hasn't ever really had to lie - the consequences of his actions has never been huge + his family is supportive enough that he's able to freely admit his own thoughts and opinions. Plus, his personality also adds to that. Conversely, Akk has to lie all the time - the consequences of being honest at the wrong time are at a different level entirely. (For example, Akk's scholarship being put at risk after their fight, vs Aye... getting a disappointed look?) For Akk, being honest the way Aye is is a price he can't pay.
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Plus, there's another factor here in which Ayan is honest, yes - but he's secretive. He doesn't tell anyone about Uncle Dika, he keeps his cards close to his chest. And Akk is dishonest, but he wears everything on his sleeve - his thoughts are clear as day on his face all the time. (Plus, I don't think he necessarily goes out of his way to hide his involvement with the curse, either?) They're just so silly I love them (torments them endlessly) <3
Also there's a really fascinating thing in how Akk and Ayan interact with each other and how, by the end of the show, they're both so honest and open with each other but I don't have the time to write out the whole thing sjfoskfkf
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khaotunq · 11 months
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i'm so confused that your ask didn't appear in my inbox but instead appeared only in my notifs. wild. ANYWAY I LOVE THIS GIF I'M KISSING U ABOUT IT
EDIT ur ask didn't actually appear on my dash when i posted it so i have cunningly screenshotted
ANY-ANYWAY. Since I'm a liar who said I was going to bed and then didn't, how about AkkAyan dressing up? It's THEMATIC. Also I made that little gif for my ask to you and ended up rewatching the Our Skyy eps in the background, then remembered I wrote this!
Wat threw a costume party. That’s how it had started. That was the reason all of Ayan's friends were mad at him.
  In his defence, Wat clearly hadn’t thought through all potential permutations of a costume party for his birthday. He’d given them the prompt of old Thai movies and left them to it.
  It had surprised Ayan how little convincing it had taken to get Akk into the ridiculously tight shirt and pants that predominantly made up his costume. He'd rolled his eyes and fussed and turned his single syllable nickname into a three second groan, but he'd let Aye pick, and he'd certainly voiced no complaints when Ayan had pointed out he’d be wearing something similar, just in black.
  It also shouldn’t have been possible to look good in a ridiculous all-yellow outfit. That was part of Ayan's defence too: nobody but nobody should manage to pull off being dressed head to toe in banana yellow in lieu of gold.
  Akk could, it turned out. Akk did. Ayan was man enough to admit that at least half the reason he'd taken the black outfit was that he knew he'd be entirely unable to control himself around his boyfriend in form fitting black. Akk, at least, could usually be counted on to act appropriately.
  Anyway, it was Wat’s fault. All of it.
  It was Wat's fault they'd even heard of The End of the Red Eagle in the first place. Ayan would have never paid it any mind were it not for Akk insisting that their friendship with Wat depended on it. Ayan did sleep through most of Wat’s suggestions and although Akk ragged on him for it, he thought Akk enjoyed it when he was curled up sleeping in Akk's arms rather than awake and pointing out logical fallacies in any given film just to annoy him.
  So, Ayan had little to no real idea what the plot of Red Eagle was, but Akk hadn’t seemed overly fussed when Ayan suggested the hero and villain as their costumes.
  Ayan suspected Akk had also fallen asleep. He did it more than he'd ever admit to, because Ayan had woken up to him fast asleep under him several times while one of Wat's recommendations played on his laptop next to the bed. Akk would never admit to it, and Ayan found it too endearing to challenge: he knew Akk's phone browser was full of tabs on for various movie pages so that he could refer to them if Wat ever asked.
  By the time they arrived at Wat's, Ayan had reevaluated every choice he'd ever made that had led to that moment. He loved Akk for far more than his physical attributes, but the costume was serving as a brutal reminder of many of those attributes. He loved Akk's legs, which were normally a mile long anyway but were at that moment torturously accentuated by the bright yellow fabric clinging to them.
  Akk's body was already something Ayan was used to thinking about - and wanting - but the frankly obnoxious belt Ayan had picked out had turned his hips and waist into features specifically designed to test Ayan’s ability to keep his hands on the wheel on the drive over.
  Ayan had to unclench and clench his fists several times to get circulation flowing through them again after they’d parked up.
  Akk caught him staring a couple of times and had just laughed at him. He’d leaned in as they waited on Wat’s doorstep and reached around to check Ayan's mask was secure, using the excuse to run his fingers through his hair.
  Akk had started it. That was for sure. It was all Wat’s fault, but Akk had started it by flirting with him so openly. Ayan would have been just fine if Akk would have just kept his hands to himself.
  Whether that was true or not, nobody could prove anything.
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thats-rough-buddy04 · 2 years
Best scenes of episode 8
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This whole scene really pulled on the heart strings. You can see that Akk is fighting alot of personal demons and definitely needs time to figure himself out. I love that Ayan will be there for him whens he's ready, he shows how much he cares just from that one line.
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I really connected to this scene for the fact that my family struggles with mental health and I have seen this conversation play out multiple times. It's scary not knowing what's going to happen next after a drastic change in your life and thats why having support is important. The long pause Ayan gave responding to her really shook me because I don't believe he's response to his mother and I've gave that response in my own life and felt like the worlds biggest liar. Again this scene felt very real and the acting was top notch.
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this scene only for the chaotic energy that the Bermuda shorts and dress shoes paired with the shirtless playing of basketball gave
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invisiblegarters · 2 years
Micro BL Reviews +
So due to being ill, I've been spending a lot of time in bed watching dramas. And as always, I have thoughts.
So here, have some more micro (or not so micro) BL reviews, mostly for Thai shows that I missed last year (which is all of them, really).
Not Me (Thailand) - I quite enjoyed this. The romance stuff is secondary, but that was entirely fine by me as the main plot was interesting enough to hold my attention without it. In fact, and I know this is unpopular but…the chemistry wasn't really firing for me, romantically. I really liked Sean and White's relationship, but I never quite managed to buy into it. They have great chemistry but I didn't necessarily buy it as romantic. I think it's just me because the internet tells me that they are an extremely popular pair. And I had less than negative interest in Graffiti Cop and Hey, It's Akk From The Eclipse (it’s not, it’s Dan and Yok, sorry I'm an ass and also kind of a liar, because I didn't watch The Eclipse until after I finished Not Me and it took a trip to MDL for me to realize that Akk and Yok were played by the same person).
But I really want to jump around under a giant pride banner. Like,  badly.
This one was mostly tight, though, and tackled themes I didn't expect from a BL, and that's why I'm rating it 9/10. Fell apart for me a bit in the end, but otherwise very solid, although to be frank I don't see myself rewatching it.
The Eclipse (Thailand) - I love this one, and it's almost entirely chemistry based. The school stuff was interesting enough but what kept me watching was Akk and Aye, for the most part. And I adored Akk's struggle with his sexuality - I actually thought it was portrayed well, and I felt for him. Also I love a good coming out scene with supportive and lovely parents.
Honestly, Akk was my favorite. Dude was a hot mess wrapped in tears and panic and a prefect's arm band and I have to admit I was entirely there for it.  I do tend to have a thing for characters that seem like they're constantly on the verge of a panic attack (see: Uenoyama from the Given live action drama, my archetype for this).
Not the biggest fan of Thua in the end or the giant outing scene in front of the school (dear lord that's traumatizing and why do they keep going there??? STOP), but I did think that Kan and Thua were really adorable as a second couple right up until Thua went all *waves hand*…that.
LOVED the trio of protesters and loved that the drama never vilified them or tried to make them seem in the wrong. Not so fond of the Dika/Chadok thing, or how suddenly everyone was like "oh it's fine that you traumatized a kid and manipulated him into doing actual crimes and actively endangering other people's lives and essentially upheld a system that is detrimental to most of the student's mental health and also tried actively to run another student out of said school using the teachers and the kid you were traumatizing and manipulating because you hurt, too." And here's the thing. I feel for him. The backstory with Dika was tragic. But there's no real excuse for the things he did. I sympathize too much with Akk to be able to do a full 180 on the guy pushing him into destruction, even if everyone else did. Tragic backstory doesn't excuse mentally torturing more than one high schooler. Although the more I think about it the more I see that he is where Akk might have ended up, had things been a little different. Not a fun thought.
This one I originally rated 8/10 because of the above. I was annoyed by how pat the ending felt. But then the stupid thing caught in my head like a fish hook and I wound up watching it again and even though I still feel the end was weak and I am still irritated at Teach, the very fact that I couldn't stop thinking about it and basically had to watch it again made me bump it up to a 9/10 for enjoyment purposes. Because I did enjoy it, probably more than I did Not Me, although I think that Not Me was tighter and better written overall.
I'm also obsessed with the way Akk looks at Aye.  Yeah, this one got me and go me hard, so much so that I know that had I watched it last year with everyone else it would have wound up in my top 5. Sorry, Choco Milk Shake.
Secret Crush On You (Thailand) - Oh, this drama. I am honestly not sure how I got through the first few episodes, tbh, because I was cringing the entire time. Like full on trying to retract my head into my body like a turtle.
And to be honest, it didn't get much better for me. I appreciate that Toh is not the typical lead in a romance like this, but I just couldn't with the collecting. Nuea was pretty, too, but I didn't get much from him by way of personality. This is a drama where if you don't like Toh, I don't know how you can get through it. I liked him even if he made me cringe a lot (he kept a whole ass crab as a memento. An entire crab. I can't get over this), so I did finish. And I will say that the chemistry was good. The kisses at camp were hot, hot, hot. My goodness.
I also really hated that most of Jao's storyline was about how fat he was. I just don't enjoy that kind of thing and also, to me he looked like a normal sized dude shoved into clothes (mostly the school uniform) a size too small.
My favorite was Daisy, though. Love. And love how sweet Intouch was with her. I read somewhere that he uses the same pronouns (?) for her she uses for herself, and I love that. Thank you show for not making me hate the whole thing and not treating that character like a joke. I about cried my eyes out, though, when she tried to be more what she thought would be less embarrassing for Intouch (read: more masculine), and Som spoke my thoughts exactly.
I actually really liked the friend group in this one. Giving it a 6/10 based mostly on that group of friends, although as I said the chemistry is good, too.
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner (Korea) - I was enjoying it, but I didn't like the ending at all. Unfortunately an ending I'm not fond of can kill a show for me, and this one kinda did that. Also I badly want a Denis spin off because I still don't know what his deal was and by the end that was more interesting to me than the whole reincarnation thing (although I have to admit there's something to them being doomed to repeat the same pattern). 6/10
Currently Watching
Between Us (Thailand) - Full disclosure, I have never seen Until We Meet Again and probably never will because fated mates aren't really my thing and I don't like reincarnation plots. I did watch a video about the original couple though, does that count? So I have zero attachment to Win and Team outside of this series, although again, I did watch a vid with them in once. It was fine.
All that said, I absolutely love this. Reincarnation and fated mates might not be my thing, but the whole FWB gets serious and no one involved has any idea how to handle it thing definitely is. Between Win thinking that he can't hold onto what he loves and Team's survivor's guilt making him doubt he deserves life, let alone love, those two have enough baggage to fill a small plane, and I am here for it. Add to that the fact that their communication styles are entirely different and honestly, I'm entirely unsurprised the confusion and angst that we're mostly getting. This might be unpopular but I'd be fine if it were even angstier. I do love mess.
The side couples are fine. I can take or leave all of them but Waan and Tul, tbh, but I also think that a little cute is a good thing to break up the tears and the frustration (for people who aren't me who don't eat this sort of ridiculousness up*) of Win and Team. I don't really care about the dad stuff, and while I actually do want Team's trauma to be addressed I don't think we have enough time for it anymore. It makes me wonder if they're hoping to do some sort of continuation but even if they are they better not end this with the two of them apart or then I will be annoyed.
*I would like to say here that I do eat it up, but part of the reason that I am loving this so much is that to me (again, someone who never watched UWMA and binged the first nine episodes the day before the tenth aired) this makes so much sense for these characters as I know them.  You can say (and people have) that this amount of angst over something that could be taken care of in one conversation is too much, or is unrealistic, etc, but as a person who finds it very difficult to communicate actual feelings to people it actually feels pretty true, especially for two people who are what? 19/20 at most?  Most especially when you consider that neither of them have done this before, both of them were utterly blindsided by the fact that feelings were happening, and both of them have a ton of baggage. I get the complaints, but for me it works.
Also my goodness Boun is lanky, isn’t he. 
HIStory 5 (Taiwan) - I'm enjoying it well enough, the workplace romance a bit more than the time traveler, but honestly I just don't have a lot to say about it. For me it's fun, easy to watch, but I'm just not that invested. I keep waiting for the time traveler and his rich soon to be boyfriend to do something for me. I hope this most recent ep will kick things into gear there.
That said it does make me laugh, and honestly the workplace duo are the most adorable thing.
Love in the Air (Thailand) - for some reason Viki is being a dick and releasing this one week at a time when I'm fairly sure it's already been over for a while, and Dailymotion keeps freezing on me (or playing an ad and then refusing to start the vid), so I'm stuck waiting currently. This is a trash watch if there ever was a trash watch, I went into this knowing that and knowing that if I wanted to get through it I'd have to turn my brain mostly off and just enjoy the pretty and the high heat. Fortunately for me I am fairly good at turning my brain off when required. I also have the dubious fortune of having cut my teeth on far worse.  I genuinely like Sky and the dude who plays Prapai is gorgeous.
On Hold
Ameiro Paradox (Japan) - I keep trying to get into this one and it keeps not happening, so I've given up the ghost for now and will binge watch when all eps are out. I feel like I'm punishing it for not being Eternal Yesterday and that's just petty.
Bad Buddy (Thailand) - I don't know, I just couldn't get into this. The chemistry wasn't hitting for me and eventually I just decided to stop watching rather than try to force it. First kiss was good and I shipped the girls, though.
And well, since we're here and since nothing about this fits the definition of "micro"…
Looking Forward To
Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu (Japan, Jan 29 on Viki and Gaga) - yep, another one that will very probably end badly. I hope it'll give me good chemistry though since Japan likes to do that with the sad ones.
Utsukushii Kare Season 2 (Japan, Feb 7, no word on if it will be on Viki or Gaga but I'm assuming it'll be on one if not both) - I'm still very very much in the WHAT stage with this one. And part of me is terrified it's not going to be good (the first one is my favorite BL ever, fight me) and I can't quite squash that fear, but I think that's probably just the normal fear with sequels. The assumption is that they're splitting the 2nd novel into two parts, essentially, with season two being the very end of the first novel plus some side story stuff, as well as the beginning of the second, and the movie finishing the second novel up. Not sure about the accuracy here, though, this is just stuff I found out when I first heard about it and I'm not necessarily in the loop with this stuff.
Only Friends (Thailand, ??) - I love me a mess, and this looks like a big one. I think I'll probably wimp out though and wait to see how it all shakes out before watching because I feel like real time will frustrate me and I'm hoping if I go into it already knowing who is going to pair off I can prevent the inevitable "oh no I ship this thing that's not gonna happen more, boo"s.
Our Skyy 2 (Thailand, ??) - Mostly into this for the Akk & Aye part(s), if I'm perfectly honest. “Alexa, play The Heart Wants What it Wants”
Dangerous Romance (Thailand, ??) – Because Perth, basically. See above.
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missmeredithr · 2 years
It’s really interesting watching reaction channels and checking out some comments on social media about something you’re really enjoying. I start to wonder if I’m watching the same thing lol
I’m not saying they’re wrong or I’m right. My interpretations are mine, but wanted to ramble a bit after The Eclipse Series episode 11 and decided here was as good a place as any lol. I really should find myself some friends that watch BLs too :)
1. They thought Aye saw his uncle jump from the cliff - I assumed it was just a nightmare/scenario Aye had created. He was always presented as present Aye with his hairstyle and the fact he was wearing the necklace, which he would have received after the fact.
2. Teacher Sani and the picture. How? - well she took over from Dika so I just assumed she found it amongst anything he left behind as seems she took over his desk. Looked like she took it from the pages of (what I can only guess was Dika’s) student welfare manual, and if he and Chaddok were strained he probably didn’t care what got left behind.
3. But Thua was bullied so he should know better - don’t get me wrong outing someone is bad and would never agree to his actions, but people saying he’s been bullied so why would he do it… pretty sure in part his bullying is because of the rules and ‘curse’ both of which Akk has been supporting until recently, so if I was Thua and saw Akk frolicking in a pool with his boyfriend while (at that scene’s point in time at least) Kan had spent years?? pushing him away and even though they’d got close again he was hiding behind Bruce Wayne, so yeah I’d probably not prioritise how Akk might get treated when revealing everything either. Again, I don’t agree with what he did, but he’s a 17/18 year old kid making a knee jerk reaction to the situation, provoked by Aye trying to shut him down and protect Akk.
4. Why did Thua choose now? - Akk just got the best boy award, Aye was clearly supporting him. Then outside, the protesters show up and suddenly Aye is calling out in their favour. I get why Thua did it and had had enough and spoke out. As I said before I don’t agree to everything (ie the outing) but get why he did it. He was calling out Aye, the fact his love (and likely unknown to Thua, Akk’s mental state) had meant Aye no longer tried to get Akk to tell the truth and instead was encouraging him during the ceremony. Aye had presented himself as someone who would expose the curse, had in some ways pushed Thua from his neutral place, the ‘curse’ might not have been active but it and the rules remained in the background. At that point, Kan still wanted them to be a secret, maybe Thua thought his step dad would have been less ‘rough’ if not for his experience of the curse, after the doll incident I felt like he was shaken because any faith he had had left in the system, the teachers enacting justice, protecting their students was extinguished. So Aye was in love, the protesters being manhandled, he probably saw himself as the only option for the truth to come out.
5. A missing scene? Was there a time jump? The group made up really fast - I agree to some extent about the fast turn around but I personally didn’t have an issue with it or get confused thinking I missed something. They did talk and get everything out in the open and from what we know from an earlier episode, or at least Akk, Wat and Kan, the group resolves conflict the same day, doesn’t let it fester. Thua said he’d accept whatever Kan felt he should do about him. Not going to lie, I wouldn’t have minded a ‘sorry’ in Thua’s explanation… ‘sorry I did it but I did what I believed was right’… after that Thua went home as his mum was waiting so I assumed it was the end of the school day. Skip to the next day, or maybe it was a couple, and the short film discussion. I went with the idea that this was Thua’s apology, he’d help them which would help in particular keep Kan (and Wat) being exposed as liars, and also help back track the outing of Akk and Aye (any investigation into Akk and the cause of the curse I presume will be revealed next week - this is solely about covering for Wat and Kan and making the film).
6. Kan and Thua being cute - now these two… personally, I don’t know if I could be as forgiving as Kan but a) he loves Thua, and has finally been able to be brave and say it - love is a crazy thing, b) if he can forgive Akk’s actions, he can forgive Thua’s, c) Thua is helping with the film and to cover for them so making amends that way, d) Kan’s part of a friends group that resolves conflict quickly, e) maybe he has his own guilt as he believed in the curse, and he had kept Thua at a distance for so long. Maybe he felt bad he didn’t notice what was going on with the curse or Thua. That last bit is just me maybe-ing but whatever the reason they stay together, move on, and he takes another brave step forward, and I’m happy for him.
Ahhh that’s better. Just wanted to ramble out what I’d been thinking. Nobody might ever see this but phew, feels good. (Watch next episode tell me everything at the end of this episode was a dream and everybody actually hates each other and everybody is crying buckets!!!)
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kwonzoshi · 2 years
I just finished Enchanté and I have THREE things to say:
1.) Akk is too pure for this cruel world. He loves hard and forgives harder. He is loyal, supportive, loving and real. What a fucking man. The standard for a partner is Akk, 100%.
2.) Theo is a goddamn spoiled ass brat. He’s a liar and a crybaby. An attention seeking childish man, who really believes fictional love stories are realistic. He’s selfish and can’t appreciate what’s in front of him. He doesn’t deserve Akk, and I will die on this hill.
3.) Whoever styled Jimmy for this role, deserves their ENTIRE ass ate. He looked so delicious the entire time. It kept distracting me. 10/10 on wardrobe for him.
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leehakjoos · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
“With dogs, you’re always smiley.”
“There’s one dog that won’t get to see me smile.”
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