#prefect squad
khaotunq · 2 years
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Akk, AKA the world's worst liar, and his very supportive besties
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paalove · 2 years
"Youre useless my friend" dhdbdbdbd
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
i love how draco and harry have the perfect setup for an 'enemies to even worse enemies' story about how their childish enmity turns into true hatred and violence as they grow up and join their respective sides of the war
but they keep missing their cues. every time either of them is in actual danger they immediately drops the whole rivalry thing and are willing to risk it all to save each other.
harry's like 'omg i hate draco so much he's totally a death eater' but after the sectumsempra incident he completely backs off even tho his suspicions are more confirmed than ever because he doesn't want to be in a situation where he could hurt draco and after the astronomy tower confrontation he actively lies to minimize draco's role in things and spends the rest of book 6 and all of book 7 worrying about him. and he saves him twice without hesitation in book 7.
and draco's like 'im a death eater now and i hate harry potter so much' but even though he knows firsthand what letting harry potter escape will mean for him and his family he doesn't identify him at the manor and says nothing when he sees that harry and ron are loose in their cell instead of still tied up and he lets harry take his wand while barely putting up a fight and in the room of requirement even unarmed he tries to stop crabbe and goyle from hurting harry and doesn't touch his mark to summon voldemort and his wand works perfectly for harry despite being of the most loyal core.
they really looked at the obvious 'narrative foils who go from petty rivals to deadly enemies' arc for their relationship and said 'lol no thanks we'd like to be narrative foils who dysfunctionally pine for 7 books instead'
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tartppola · 2 years
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tsumted 1st year gang
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pinkskytwst · 2 years
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Yandere First Years/Prefect Romantic Poly, GrimxPrefect Platonic
The first ‘incident’ sent a ripple of suspicion and unease through the Housewardens.
They were all powerful, all skilled and talented in their own ways and none of them could ever claim to be ‘harmless’, but on the list of physically dangerous, Jamil was listed high. He had been trained since a child to be able to fight off adult assassins and excelled at it despite the few times he had been forced to show it.
When you took in Snake Whisper he pretty much jumped to the top.
Being able to control anyone just by meeting their gaze and having the mental ability to utilize it properly, well, despite how intimidating the twins and Malleus could be, no one dared to let their guard down around the Scarabia Vice-Housewarden.
So, when the news of the retainer/bodyguard being sent to the hospital wing because of a potions class ‘gone wrong’ – a class he was highly capable in – and then for that news to explode with the knowledge that Jamil’s face had been injured and his eyes mostly destroyed…
They all began watching each other’s houses even more closely.
The Prefect visited Kalim, who remained steadfast at his best friend’s bedside, and brought him food that he could at least know was safe to eat while he waited for Jamil to recover.
The heir was heartbroken when they learned that Jamil would never be able to see again even with all the magical healing they were using that had saved his life, but he promised the Prefect that the other would never have to worry. Kalim would take care of him, make sure he never wanted for anything.
He was alive and that was what mattered to Kalim.
The Prefect shared an embrace with the usually bright young man and promised that they would help any way they could.
Kalim had just chuckled weakly and gave them a light pat on the back, his gaze sliding past them to Epel, who had come with them to visit and was standing at the door. He quickly shifted his gaze away and back to the Prefect with a blinding smile.
“Don’t worry, I can take care of Jamil. My father is sending another trusted aide to cook and take care of me while Najma finishes up her training. With the both of us Jamil will be okay. You shouldn’t worry. You have a lot on your plate and I wouldn’t want you to overwork yourself.” He assured them.
The Prefect wasn’t fully pacified by this, of course, but realized that Jamil probably wouldn’t want them hovering and seeing him so weakened, so they promised to visit once the other boy woke up and wanted to see them.
Kalim agreed of course, but his expression somehow said he doubted that would actually happen.
The Prefect didn’t push but gave Kalim one last embrace before stepping out of the hospital wing with Epel at their side.
“You okay?” the lavender haired boy asked, his fingers finding theirs comfortingly to give them a gentle squeeze.
They looked up to their friend, unable to hold back the fond smile as they heard the twinge of country accent in his words that always slipped a little when he was concerned.
“I…think so.” They admitted, somewhat unsure, “It’s just…Jamil was so skilled at potions. I’m worried that if even he can get hurt so badly that others could too.”
They chewed on their bottom lip absently.
“Epel, would you mind tutoring us all more in potions?” they asked hopefully. “You’re so smart in that subject and you know how clumsy Deuce and Grim can be sometimes, and Ace doesn’t aways pay attention to details like he should. What if something like this happens again and they get hurt?”
The Pomefiore boy quickly released their hand to wrap around their shoulders and pull them closer to his side.
“Don’t worry, I’ll help you all study. I’m sure it was just a mix up. It’s really easy to get ingredients wrong if you’re not paying attention and he had to keep a watch on Kalim too.” He assured him. “Fairy wing powder and Pyroxene dragonfly wing powder looks basically the same unless you’re really familiar with them.” He pointed out. “I’ll make sure the guys will know how to tell the difference.”
The Prefect nodded, leaning into the comfort.
“Thanks, Epel.” They smiled softly, leaning their head against his.
“Don’t worry, you can count on me.” He promised gently, voice soft and with the warm drawl of his accent that never failed to make them smile.
“I know.”
The second ‘incident’ nearly caused an international scandal.
Rook Hunt, the Vice Housewarden and bane of existence for multiple students that were the focus of his obsessions, was attacked while Trein-sensei had taken the third years on a field trip of sorts to the Coral Sea.
The trip had gone well, in the beginning, despite some of the antics from the NCR students. There had even been a visit to the same museum that Azul had conned the Prefect into stealing from and one of the older siblings to Prince Rielle had hosted them for a meal.
No one was surprised, however, that the blonde huntsman had slipped away at some point in hopes of trying to track sea creatures he would otherwise not have access to.
Many in Pomefiore, in fact, were betting one what exactly he would end up coming back with.
What they hadn't expected was him not returning and a search having to be made for the Sunset Savana citizen only to find him barely alive from what appeared to be a shark attack.
His right arm had been completely torn off at the shoulder.
Vil had been livid, instantly setting out with all the backing of his fame and famous father to place blame on the school for allowing such a thing to occur and at the Coral Sea royal family for not ensuring that the visiting students were safe.
What he didn't say was how he suspected the Octavinelle Housewarden and his pet eels to have been behind it somehow. They made no attempt to hide how they despised the blonde for his stalking habits or his attempts to target them during events like the Bean Fest or Magift matches, and the twins had been visiting their parents on short notice during the trip.
He didn’t say it but he made his displeasure felt on campus and the Mostro Lounge lost all Pomefiore business in one fell swoop.
Magift matches between the two dorms became little more than blood baths that even Savanaclaw were impressed by, and fights breaking out between the students of said dorms became an almost common occurrence.
It was only under Vil’s pressure that Crowley assured the blonde that he would be allowed to return to school once he had healed up enough and would work beside the Housewarden to complete his coursework so that he wouldn’t be held back or hindered by his missing limb.
A magical prosthesis would be created for him, of course, but it would take a while to special create for him and it was doubtful that the tracker’s aim would ever be what it had once been.
“And you’ll thank Lilia-senpai again for me, right? For finding Rook-senpai and bringing him back?” The Prefect asked, looking up at Sebek from where their fingers were snagged onto his sleeve. “I know he wasn’t exactly pleased with Rook-senpai’s…hobbies.”
The half-fae’s expression flickered with discontent and the human knew he was probably just annoyed that his superior had been forced to do the teachers’ job for them.
Or maybe how they had realized that the blonde huntsman had been taking more pictures of them recently than usual.
“OF COURSE!” he declared seriously, not comfortable with instigating contact out in the open but he didn’t attempt to shake them off like he might once have done either. “LILIA-SAMA WAS ONLY DOING AS HE FELT WAS HIS RESPONSIBILITY BUT I WILL REITERATE YOUR GRATITUDE!”
The Prefect smiled brightly up at the knight, forcing Sebek to glance away quickly or succumb to the heat rising in his cheeks.
“Thank you, Sebek. I really like Lilia-sama but I don’t want to bother him when I know you all have so much to do, protecting Tsunotarou.” They admitted.
The soft look of wonder and fondness on the Prefect’s face had Sebek looking away again.
“I know, Sebek. I’m really honored to have such skilled and amazing knights think so highly of me.” They said gently, breaking the other’s desperate attempt to not flush under the praise.
They couldn’t help but chuckle at how cute and flustered the tall warrior could get at the smallest things despite his initial prickly attitude.
“Why don’t we go pick up Ace and Grim from detention and call the others? I’ll make dinner for everyone tonight to try and get our minds off of all this.” They offered.
Sebek’s shoulders shifted somewhat at the change of topic, and he nodded sharply again. A moment later he reached out to tug them out of the way of a Savanaclaw student that had almost stumbled into them.
He sent the boar therianthrope a sharp glare and moved them on his other side purposefully so that he could remain between them and rest of the students milling around.
“OF COURSE, PREFECT! I WILL KEEP WATCH WHILE YOU NOTIFY THE OTHERS!” he said seriously, his posture still at the ready as he always was when they were in public.
The Prefect pulled out their phone and began texting in the group chat for the rest of the First Years, reaching up again to lightly snag the edge of Sebek’s blazer, knowing the half-fae preferred having his arms free when he was in ‘guard mode’.
“How does Salmon Carpaccio sound?” they asked fondly, sneaking a look up at the taller male and hiding a chuckle at how he perked up.
“A VERY GOOD CHOICE, PREFECT!” he exclaimed eagerly.
“I’ll make extra so that you can take some back for Lilia-sama and the others.”
The third and fourth ‘incidents’ happened so quickly after each other that it left the school reeling.
Ace had chosen to challenge the Heartslabyul Housewarden again.
The Prefect had only heard about the battle after the fact and had been frantic, worried that Rosehearts-senpai wouldn’t go easy on Ace for challenging him again, only to find out that their red haired friend had won.
Deuce’s explanations weren’t very clear, but apparently Ace had made a deal with Azul to borrow Floyd’s Bind the Heart for the duel, which insured that Riddle’s own Off With Your Head couldn’t land and seal Ace’s magic.
Apparently the surprise of the move had been enough for Ace to have an advantage against the older student and had sent Riddle flying into the hedge maze much to the shock of the other dorm members.
“Not that I don’t think you are good enough to defeat Rosehearts-senpai,” The Prefect said with a furrowed brow as they cleaned and bandaged a cut on their friend’s cheek. “But won’t he just challenge you again? You can’t keep making deals with Ashengrotto-senpai. What did you bargain for with him, anyway?” they fretted.
Ace just flashed a playful grin, leaning into their touch and giving one of his customary, flirty winks.
“Aa-ah, can’t tell ya that.” He teased, “NDA and all.”
He laughed at the pout that instantly pulled on their lips.
“Don’t worry, creampuff, it’s nothing I’ll be missing.” He smirked. “And besides, apparently the tyrant’s mom’s been on his ass so he’s going to focus more on studies instead of trying to be a Housewarden again. It’s all good.” He waved off the whole situation like it wasn’t completely unbelievable.
“What!?” they gaped, looking to Deuce for confirmation and boggling when the blue haired boy shrugged and nodded.
“Heard him arguing with Trey-senpai about it.” He admitted. “Something about her finding out that he’s not as focused on grades as he used to be, or who he’s making friends with or something.”
The Prefect’s concerned look returned instantly.
“Is he going to be okay? What if-“
“Hey, don’t worry about it. The guy’s old enough to take care of his own shit. You’ve already kicked his ass before, so he knows what he’s about. He’s only got a couple more years of school anyway and then she can’t force him to do fucking anything.” Ace argued, poking their forehead.
“I guess…” they muttered, lightly rubbing the spot and sticking out their tongue when the red head just smirked again.
“Still, maybe I should-“ but before the Prefect could try to convince the two to let them at least bring the second year a bag of sweets to help lift his spirits when the front door to Ramshackle was thrown open.
The slam of the wood bouncing against the wall had the three jumping slightly and they looked up to see Jack and Sebek rushing in – Grim hanging off the wolf’s shoulder – and Epel followed close behind.
“Guys! You’ll never believe this!” Epel gasped, throwing himself in between Ace and the Prefect on the couch and shifting to hold the phone so they could all see as they gathered around.
The Prefect watched him click on the video that was already pulled up on the screen, moving a little to see better over his shoulder while Deuce pressed against their back and the two tallest leaned over the back of the sofa behind them.
The video blinked and then began playing, showing an odd angle that was clearly taken on a phone from behind a corner.
It was Vil.
A very drunk Vil who was ranting and raving in a barely comprehensible stream of rage that made him look near Overblotting again.
His hair was falling around his face and he was making wild hand gestures that were no where close to the elegance he was known for as a clearly uncomfortable Epel stood close by and tried to soothe and pacify him.
The Prefect winced, realizing the celebrity was going to have a hard time trying to smooth over getting inebriated on camera.
But then it got worse.
Vil wasn’t just complaining about Rook being hurt – which was understandable even to most internet gremlins – but he then he started in on throwing accusations about Azul being behind it and that turned into him complaining about other NCR students – namely the ‘deviant bastard of a second-prince, Leona’ – who he rambled about being no better than an animal in heat.
Then he turned on Neige LeBlanche.
“Holy shit.” Ace whistled lowly as the Prefect could only cover their mouth aghast.
Epel nodded rapidly, looking more than frazzled and harried.
“It just dropped, everyone’s going crazy.” He admitted. “Vil-senpai’s been really stressed since Rook got hurt and I just figured he needed a chance to vent or that maybe he had gone a little overboard with his potions, or something.”
“This…how are his agents and PR team going to be able to fix this?” the Prefect gaped, wincing as they could already see the rapid list of comments nearly flying up the screen with endless broken heart emojis.
“I don’t know if it’s something that can be fixed.” Jack admitted lowly. “Ignoring how highly thought of LeBlanche-san is, Vil just insulted a royal heir to Sunset Savana.”
Sebek gave a serious nod, eyes calculating as he continued to listen and watch the video.
“King Farena is amenable from what Waka-sama has said, but he is fiercely protective of his family. He will not take kindly to such words being thrown so publicly, especially by someone of Schoenheit-senpai’s fame.” He admitted, his voice lower and tense in a way that they seldom heard it.
There was a long moment of silence between them with nothing but the looping video audio filling the air.
“Welp!” Grim said suddenly, dropping down on the couch and into the Prefect’s lap. “It’s not our problem!”
“Grim!” They protested. “Vil-senpai is…well, he’s not nice, perse, but-“
“No ‘buts’ henchman!” Grim said defiantly, throwing his paw into their face. “The puppy is right! You can’t fix everything! This is something the guy got himself into and he’s got to get himself out of! What are you supposed to do against rabid fans anyway?”
The Prefect chewed on their lip worried, gaze flickering back to the screen and expression dropping at the storm that was clearly building into a hurricane against the actor before their eyes.
Deuce slipped his arms around their waist and nodded against their shoulder.
“Grim’s right, this time.” He said softly. “There’s nothing any of us can do to stop it now.”
The Prefect snuggled Grim under their chin as they were bracketed by all sides by the comfort of their friends.
“I thought…I thought me being here was supposed to help.” They admitted in a small voice. “I thought that was the reason I was brought…that I had a purpose…but how am I supposed to help them like Crowley wants when things like this keep happening?”
A tension shivered through the air and something in Ace’s chest snapped as he suddenly jerked from the couch and moved to lean over their Prefect, reaching out to cup their face in his hands, expression sharp and angry.
But not at them.
Never at them.
“None of this is your fault or responsibility.” He nearly snarled. “That crow bastard can go fuck himself if he tries to push this on you. If he tries to kick you out of Ramshackle you’ll stay in Heartslabyul. If he tries to kick you out of school, you’ll stay with one of our families. Mine and Deuce’s moms have been bugging us to bring you home for break anyway.”
“Yeah! And Grandpa says he wants to teach you how to bake his apple pies.” Epel added instantly.
“You would be more than welcome at my home.” Jack said firmly, large warm hand settling on their head.
“WAKA-SAMA AND LILIA-SAMA HAVE ALREADY MADE STEPS TO REGISTER YOU AND GRIM AS BRIAR VALLEY CITIZENS!” Sebek boomed, horrified at the idea of the small, stranded human being worried for their place in the world.
The Prefect’s breath was stolen as they looked up into Ace’s scarlet gaze and heard the words of assurance around them.
“You don’t have to worry, idiot.” The red head said, leaning in to press his forehead against theirs as Deuce’s breath was in their ear and Epel’s nose pressed into their neck.
Jack and Sebek were a warm, steady presence behind them and Grim’s claws tangled in their shirt.
It made their thoughts dizzy and their heart skip a beat in their chest.
“We’re going to take care of you.”
They loved them.
Hi guys! Sorry I'm posting kind of sporadically, my new job makes it hard to post during the week.
Anyway, hope you like the second part of this. I'm not super pleased with it but I have rewritten parts so many times I figured it would be better just to get it out and move on.
Tell me what you think. <3
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eye-cri · 1 year
Willem: "It is pride month Liz. You know what that means."
Liz: "huh, what.."
Liz: "Do you want us to teach like."
Liz: "Gay spells."
Liz: "what?"
Willem:*mischievous smirk*
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mapletart · 2 years
Prefect Ron
One of the things that I almost never see Ron fans complain about as much as I think they could is the whole Prefect subplot that he has in OoTP. Cause pretty much, when Prefect letters come out before the start of the school year, legit EVERYONE is shocked when Ron gets the badge instead of Harry. It’s honestly a really interesting scene character-wise because NO ONE comes out of the situation looking good. The twins literally say the words “we thought that it would’ve been Harry,” and Molly takes a full page before she’s even able to comprehend that Ron has actually been singled out for having done something good. Even Hermione, who had been ecstatic when she thought that it was Harry who had got the letter, then has to do a bunch of backtracking and stuttering when she realizes that no, her fellow Gryffindor Prefect will in fact be Ron. It’s a really telling moment for Harry’s character as well, since it’s pretty much the only time when he gets a taste of Ron’s side of things. He’s jealous of his best friend for essentially the first time ever, and really struggles with how he feels about Ron “besting” him. 
It’s honestly one of my favorite moments in the whole series, not only because it features something good happening for Ron, (not to mention that this is one of the only occasions outside of Philosopher’s Stone where Dumbledore formally acknowledges Ron’s badass-ery), but because it makes clear that there are other measures of bravery besides just *being Harry Potter*, a fact which can sometimes get a little lost in the kerfuffle of everything.
But then at the end of OoTP, R*wling just goes LMAO FUCK ALL OF THAT DEEP INTROSPECTION AND MEANING, because it turns out that in actuality, the only reason that Ron was made a Prefect was because Dumbledore thought that Harry “had enough on his plate already” and didn’t want to give him any more pressure. So Harry really was the worthier Gryffindor all along and had no reason to be jealous because obviously Ron is stupid and incompetent and can never once be better in anything.
Ron Weasley deserved better.
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crheativity · 9 months
Hello! Mind if I send in a request? How about some headcanons for the reader making cute little plushies for the overblot squad?
SUMMARY: You decide to make plushies for the overblot squad. How do they react?
WARNINGS: None that I am aware of!
COMMENTS: ANON I want you to know that this prompt randomly smacked me over the head at like 10 pm a couple nights ago and I have not been able to get it out since even though I haven’t been able to write until now. I hope you enjoy it!!
Part two - Prefect making the plushies clothes and accessories - can be found here. Part three - their reactions when the plushies are stolen - can be found here.
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Riddle absolutely loves it, please don’t mistake his silence for displeasure. He thinks it is skilfully made and quite adorable, really! He’s just… a little concerned. Does making a plush toy of the Queen herself count as sacrilege…? He’s racking his brains for any rule or law that would prohibit this adorable little toy’s existence, yet none come to mind. Does that mean he gets to keep it…? He really hopes so.
After a few days of diligent research into the matter, he determines that keeping such a cute thing is not against the law, and is overjoyed to find that he gets to keep it. After some deliberation, he decides to leave it on his desk - out of view from Cater, who would almost certainly want to take some “cammable pics” for Magicam. This way, the toy can sit on his desk and remind him of his studies… and also of you. Almost every time he sits down, he finds his eyes wandering to it and can’t help but smile.
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Heh, this is kinda cute. He doesn’t mind the plushy at first - it’s cute, but he finds the expression on your face as you give it to him much cuter. Of course he’ll keep it - it’s soft and squishy enough to be a pillow, so he’s eager to try it. Especially if it means skipping class.
As he attempts to fall asleep next to said plushy, however, he realises something - the plushy smells like you. He’s a beastman, with a heightened sense of smell. Even if the plushy doesn’t smell at all, it still smells of you. As a result of this realisation, the plushy now lives on his bed. He begins to find it frustrating to sleep without it, although he’d never be caught dead sleeping in the grounds with it. You’ll just have to replace it then instead.
(Ruggie has so many blackmail photos of Leona sleeping with the toy prepared just in case)
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Prefect, this is magnificent! Imagine the money you could make off of these! Hm? What do you mean they aren’t for sale-? It’s just for him…? Oh. Give him a moment, his brain just crashed. He doesn’t quite know how to respond. He loves it, and he loves you even more, but that doesn’t mean his brain is capable of forming a response, especially when you give him a big smile. Give the poor guy a minute.
He leaves it on his bed. This man definitely cuddles it while he sleeps. He gets easily distressed when it isn’t there. After a rough day at work or school, he’ll talk quietly to the plush until he feels better. If worse comes to worst, he’ll hug the toy and cry as he needs to. He loves it so much. It’s almost a new friend to him - something he finds great comfort in.
(The Tweels are no longer allowed in his room. When they inevitably come in anyway, he swears them to secrecy.)
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Is that the Sorcerer of the Sands… as a plushy? For him? Thank you, Prefect. Jamil doesn’t have a whole lot of plushies - he never particularly saw the point. But he’s absolutely charmed by this one — and by you. And the fact that it’s the Sorcerer of the Sands? You definitely knew him well. He’s smiling and shaking his head as he takes the plushy. You’re so cute, it’s so endearing.
At first, Jamil isn’t quite sure what to do with it. He can’t quite sleep if it’s on his bed - it reminds him of you too strongly - so he settles with leaving it on his desk. Occasionally, in his rare free time, he’ll sit at his desk and play with it, like a grown adult finding a lost but treasured toy again. It always reminds him of you. When life calls him back, he’ll set the plushy aside for now and get to work. It will be waiting for him.
Just like you, he hopes.
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Prefect! He didn’t know you could sew. It looks amazing! It’s for him? You’re very sweet, he’s very in love. He loves the plush toy so much, no matter if it has any imperfections. It was made by you, of someone he looks up to, for him. He hates to sound like Rook, but to him, that makes it the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
He’s so proud of you. Vil is taking that plush EVERYWHERE. It’s always in his bag no matter where he’s going. Anytime someone questions it, he shuts them down immediately. No one will dare slander something that his beloved made for him. In fact, he uses every opportunity to sneak the plush into photos for Magicam. Whether he’s holding it, it’s nearby or in the background, it’s always there. People start looking for it in all of his pictures.
If you’re okay with the plush being online, that is.
If you’d rather it stay private, he’d kiss your forehead or hand and tell you he understands. The plush toy then stays in his room, on his vanity table. Looking at it makes him feel like a teenage schoolgirl. He supposes it’s alright to indulge in such silliness occasionally, hm?
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Wow, you made him a marketable plushy? Of one of the Great Seven? He wasn’t expecting you to have such a normie hobby. Oh, but that’s not a bad thing. He’s extremely grateful, but extremely awkward - does this mean he has to get you something now? What kinda thing would you like? Ah, wait, was that not the appropriate thing to say? Ortho’s giving him the “shut up and be polite” look.
Please don’t be offended if it seems like he doesn’t like it when he receives it. He actually really, really does. He decides to make it his new “gaming buddy”, making him a little custom headset and fake controller and sitting it next to him while he games. He’s stunned to silence when the lil guy’s presence improves his gacha rolls by, like, a LOT. He was already taking pretty good care of it, but now he’s being WAY more careful with it.
Occasionally, Ortho will catch him talking to it. Idia genuinely loves the plushy - and you - a lot. Even if Idia doesn’t quite know how to show it, Ortho does - by recording Idia’s conversations with the toy and showing them to you. Idia is mortified.
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Oh? My child of man made me this… adorable plushy? My, how generous of you. He’s absolutely in love. If you thought he was attached to his tamagotchi, just wait and see. Malleus is NEVER letting the plushy leave his presence. Lilia had to take it away to clean it once and it stormed for a week. He loves it so much - and you so much more.
He absolutely treats the plushy as a human, and asks the others to do the same. Occasionally, he (or rather, Lilia using his phone to assist him) will send you a photo of him and the plushy doing something together, such as having a tea party or a picnic. Almost always with the caption, “Dear Prefect, would you care to join us? Kind regards, Malleus.”
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♥Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it!!♥
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bunni-v1 · 1 year
First Years Finding Out Your A Girl?!?! (NOT CLICKBAIT!!!)
TW: Mild swearing, STRICTLY Female Reader, Discussion of Jack having a good sniffer (lol)
Info: Headcannons; Ace, Deuce, Jack, and Epel x Reader (platonic); Mostly for fun
🍓Hi. I'm back... sorta. I didn't have much time to write over the summer, and I honestly don't know how much I can write during school cause my schedule is... yikes. But I picked up something I wrote a while ago, edited it, and decided to post it. I'll be answering whatever's in my ask box right now, and then maybe work on some other stuff.
Ortho & Sebek
Second Years
Third Years
Dorm Leaders
-Okay so, I know we’re all wondering, how the hell do you get away with hiding your gender for so damn long?
-Firstly, those ceremonial robes do great at hiding the figure. The only tell would maybe be your hair, but feminine men aren’t unwelcome at Nightraven College, so you mostly get a few questioning stares and that’s it.
-Secondly, Crowley wants to save his own fucking ass. He already has to hide from the press that he has a MAGICLESS student from ANOTHER DIMENSION here, he doesn’t need the fact that you are a woman ALSO on his plate. So, obviously, he helps you hide your gender from others.
-Grim knows, of course, and he keeps his mouth shut for a few yummy cans of tuna (and threats of being expelled from Crowley <3)
-Even when you were just a janitor, he couldn’t have the rumor that he put a “helpless” young woman to work. (Like it wouldn’t be expected.)
-So how do you two do it?
-Baggy ass uniform. Crowley gave you at least three sizes too big.
-Your figure is completely hidden. Sure, you look completely homeless, but at least you’re hidden.
-For your voice, you simply deepen it. After some point, you blackmail Crowley into giving you a potion to help with it, since it's so taxing on your voice. (Or maybe your voice is naturally deep!)
-Sam provides you (for an unfairly pretty penny (not too different from your original world…)) any feminine hygiene products you might need.
-Honestly, you’re set for being cared for, but it’s the adjustment period that’s the hardest part. 
-Truly, it’s very jarring to suddenly be thrown into both a magical world and be isolated in a man's world with nowhere to hide.
-At least in your world you had other women who could understand your struggles. Here though? You’re completely alone.
-You notice how… messy some of these guys could be. How some of them smell… really rancid. -How rough they were with you and each other.
-Honestly, it’s kinda eye-opening. The way men show affection to each other is oddly refreshing to watch and experience!
-Ace and Deuce specifically are a good… trial run.
-That’s not what we’re here to talk about though…
-For the most part, it's incredibly easy to hide yourself for the first while on campus. Everyone on campus is so self-absorbed that they don’t bother questioning you.
-Your only real risk factor is Savannaclaw, but it's easy to avoid those guys (minus Jack, of course, but we’ll get to him).
-However, you can only hide your gender for so long… It’s mentally draining to keep up this facade all the time around people you care about.
-So… how do they find out?
-He’s one of the first ones who find it out, and it’s in the very cliche anime way.
-After some point of knowing you, Ace is so comfortable that he just invites himself into ramshackle. 
-It’s never been an issue or anything. You’re thick as thieves now, you’ve survived death together a handful of times. If you ask Ace, that’s about as close as you can get with someone.
-Normally, you and Grim are just sitting around in the living area, but this time you aren’t. However, he does hear voices coming from your room. His curiosity is peaked.
-So, slippery guy that he is, he sneaks up to your room and his curiosity only grows when he hears a woman’s voice. Prefect getting lucky? And he didn’t tell him? Ace thought you guys were friends.
-He creeps up to your room, slides open your door, and!!! Holy shit it’s you. It’s you in a towel. It’s you and you’ve got tits?!?! 
-His first reaction is to… well… scream.
-“You’re a girl?!?”
“Why are you in my room???”
“You’ve got- boobs!”
 “Get out Ace!”
-Bro sits very politely and very quietly on your couch after that. Deep behind his blank stare, he is seething. You were a girl this whole time, and you didn’t tell him! He thought you guys were friends!
-He definitely fights you about it once you’re down and dressed. He’s just salty, he’ll get over it. 
-Swears up and down he won’t tell anyone.
-Immediately tells Deuce.
-That's it though! Deuce is part of the main quartet, he deserves to know! (You scold him for this too, but you figured it would happen one way or another).
-From him finding out, he doesn’t really treat you differently. You’re still a person, why should he act differently cause you’ve got different body parts than him.
-Though, and he won’t admit this, he’s a bit more… watchful of the others around you. Yeah, you can hold your own and he respects you… but guys like Azul exist, and he’s seen firsthand the torture Azul is capable of. 
-As stated before, Ace outs you to Deuce almost immediately after finding out.
-Deuce, in all his awkward glory, completely shuts down. Disconnects from this plane of existence. He cannot believe the news he was just told.
-You, one of his best friends in all of twisted wonderland. You, the person who survived multiple overblots alongside him. You, who have seen him at his most vulnerable… are a girl.
-It isn’t even the fact that you’re a girl, it’s the fact that you kept this a secret from him for so long. You guys are… bros… how could you possibly hide something so important from him. Did you not trust him?
-Yeah… he overthinks things quite a bit.
-He also ambushes you the very next day with a million questions (very loudly (very in public)), to which you calm him down and reassure him that “No, Deuce, I don’t suddenly hate you. I wasn’t hiding it from you maliciously. I was going to tell you at some point, I just hadn’t had a good time to.”
-Deuce’s behavior definitely… changes… in some ways. 
-Deep down he knows you’re a kick-ass bitch and you don’t need to be cared for, but he can’t help but want to. 
-It’s definitely his mommy issues in play here.
-He just becomes more… protective and aware around you. Not in a creepy obsessive way, just in the same way a guard dog would. 
-Like Ace, he’s more than aware of what the people on this campus are capable of, and you’re completely magicless on top of being more feminine. Some guys at NRC would hop on an opportunity like that like nothing.
-He just doesn’t want to see his friends getting hurt okay :(
-It’s like you gained an overprotective older brother who also sometimes barks!
-Out of everyone, Jack was the first to find out.
-I don’t wanna be the cliche writer but… he’s got a sniffer on him. 
-He definitely could smell that something was up, but he didn’t want to assume! 
-You could be trans, you could be genderfluid, you could be anything other than a woman! It’s not his place to judge, and smell isn’t always the end all be all. You could just really smell feminine and that's how guys come in your world.
-Mr. Respectful would never want to assume anything… but he’s a little curious he won’t lie.
-Jack REALLY found out shortly after Ace, Deuce and Grim got their asses in trouble with Azul. 
-He’d never been given a reason to spend any more than a few minutes around you at a time. However, since he got pulled into this mess, he’s spent a lot more time with you.
-It happened when he was forced to hide under the desk in his office.
-You were so close and you just… smelled like a girl.
-He is so polite and so upstanding, he would NEVER ask you directly. But the suspense of not knowing really does take a number on him.
-By the end of Azul’s overblotting he is so awkward and nervous around you, that you absolutely have to say something.
-At this point, you figured most of the beastmen had an idea of you being feminine, however, you had no real confirmation of that. 
-Jack is such a “let's not bother other people” kind of guy, that you knew he wouldn’t want to say anything to you if you knew… so you decided to take the plunge.
-At the museum, you pull him aside and you have to ask.
“You know, don’t you?”
“I figured as much. Don’t tell anyone, m’kay? I want to tell my friends on my terms.”
-It makes Jack respect you more than he already did. Not only did you have the confidence to confront him, but you did it calmly and you were understanding of his position.
-And honestly? Not much changes between the two of you.
-He just respects you a little more. He’s not particularly protective around most other students, he talks to you the same, and he doesn’t act like you’re special. You’re just… a friend. 
-The only thing that he may be different about is other beastmen. He does his best to shield you from them if he feels they might be a threat to your well-being. 
-Epel, being a more feminine-looking man himself… doesn’t think much of you.
-At this point, you’re well acclimated to things at nightraven college, and are very good at being “one of the boys.”
-His ONLY implication is how… differently Rook and Kalim treat you.
-At this point, Kalim has found out via the previous chapter, and Rook knows because of course he does. (We won’t be getting into that today though)
-They both are more… delicate with you? Rook whips out the charm times ten when you’re around. Kalim, although friendly with everyone, seems to be even MORE friendly when you’re around. Like he wants you to like him.
-Even Deuce and Ace have a few… odd tells.
-They both pointedly ensure Jamil is at least five feet away from you at all times. Glare at Rook when he’s a little too charming.
-Other than that, nothing really gives it away.
-Epel is completely and totally in the dark because you’re really good at hiding that you’re a woman.
-He does, however, eventually find out because… Deuce slips up. He’s there giving his big speech on the beach, hyping Epel up, and somehow he manages, “And the prefect is a woman, but she never lets that get in her way!”
-Epel: Shocked, confused, in awe… says nothing. He lets the information ruminate.
-He lets it ruminate for a very long time.
-So long, in fact, that he doesn’t raise his suspicions until the two of you are on a broom heading off to save Vil’s life.
-The silence was killing him, so he had to ask.
-“Prefect, are you a girl?”
“You didn’t know?”
“I couldn’t be sure, I look like a girl too, so you never know.”
“Yes, Epel, I’m a girl.”
-Honestly, he’s kind of jealous of you. You passed better than him, and you had to try harder.
-It doesn’t change how he treats you, honestly. He’s not that kind of country bumpkin, but he won’t lie and say he doesn’t have a little resentment held against you.
-He thinks you’re cool as hell, and you help redefine what femininity can look like to him much better than what Vil does.
-He, however, does actively become more protective of you. 
-Not because he thinks you can’t fend for yourself, but because he kinda wants to show off a little.
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Yuu transitioning their kisses to Vil from book 5-7
Book 5:
-After seeing how harsh Vil is to Epel: Blow kiss(angry)
-After OB: forehead
-After VDC: Top of head
Book 6:
That one scene where Vil kissed Yuu, Rook and Epel; Yuu kissed Vil back(u decide where)
Book 7:
-Yuu giving him the pout kiss before going to anotger dream and foreheads kisses every after landing
Eventually, in the future, Yuu kisses him on the lips:)
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Let's premise that Vil isn't aware of Yuu's custom, but he DID hear that the Prefect of Ramshackle was overly affectionate. Meanwhile Yuu has kept themselves in check, withholding doing their custom with strangers.
There were a lot of times during VDC practice that he saw them blowing secret flying kisses at him, but he didn't comment on it, taking it as them having a crush on him. In a way, who wouldn't? As long as Yuu was doing their job as a manager, he can keep letting them do their secret flying kiss rituals.
Vil observes, however, that Yuu had a tendency to kiss Deuce, Ace, Kalim's and even Jamil's head after practice, meanwhile they just offer a congratulations to the him and his Dorm members. Vil raises an eyebrow at this, Jamil shrugs. Vil warns you from kissing the boys, as it seems like its distracting them. Yuu blew him a flying kiss when he turned, much to Rook's amusement and Epel's surprise.
Vil was too busy perfecting the routine, succumbing to his jealousy and everything else leading to VDC that even he did see the Prefect seem to have a pattern in their affectionate gestures, he didn't think about it much.
The first thing Vil felt, except for body pain, when he woke up from his Overblot is soft lips on his forehead. Although Epel and Rook was supporting his upper body, it was Yuu who held his face up tenderly. They didn't really say anything, opting to give his forehead another peck, this one a bit lingering, as if they were trying to convey a deep message.
After VDC, despite the devastating results, everyone seems to be having fun. Neige pulled the NRC team to the stage and everyone joined in the song and dance.
MC/Yuu went down stage and took pictures of the team. Once the dance ended, they returned back stage to congratulate the SQUAD. perhaps it was due to pure giddiness, that finally finally the day is over, they couldn't help themselves but offer the whole team a quick peck on the top of the head. For Ace and Deuce, it was second nature to bow down a little so Yuu could reach the top of their heads, so they did so unconsciously. For the Scarabia Duo, much to Jamil's annoyance, he bowed unconsciously while Kalim returned the gesture. Rook, understanding of what's happening, leaned down so Yuu could reach. Epel couldn't even say no as the Adeuce Duo held him up so that Yuu could kiss him, Deuce whispering to the lilac hair boy what the meaning of it was as quick as he could.
When it came to Vil, Yuu look at them expectedly. Vil raised an eyebrow. They can't possibly think he'd just let them kiss him again, he was semi-unconscious before, but now he is fully awake. When he doesn't budge and Yuu kept staring expectingly, he just sighed and instead patted their head."Yes. Good job."
Vil found out the meaning of the kiss gesture after the event, with Rook and Epel explaining it to him, a piece of paper in Epel's hand full of Deuce's writings explaining what each kiss placement meant. Rook kept praising the romance and beauty of it all, Epel was cringing insidde because it was kinda sappy and Vil...Vil was recollecting the feeling of Yuu's lips on his forehead.
Jump to chapter 6.
Vil's kiss on Yuu's cheek really caught them off guard. But it also kinda made them giddy and maybe it melted their brains a little.
"May I?" they asked.
Vil, expecting that Yuu would give him a kiss of thanks for his praise, offered both hands. Yuu, instead held both his hands, pulled him closed, leaned their head forward, and kissed his jaw. "I believe we all hold the same sentiments." Then they kissed his forehead. " You did well, enduring all this time." They said, all innocent and smiling, unaware of how that affected Vil inside. If they weren't in a life-death situation he thought of reciprocating the actions in a way that Yuu would truly understand the depths of his feelings.
After the events of Chapter 6, Vil is steadfast in reminding the Prefect not to get excited and forget their self-restraint. In a way, Yuu was just like Epel, who needed to unlearn their habits. It's not that Yuu's habit was bad, it just that it doesn't translate well in Twst, especially in NRC. Yuu needed to learn to adjust.
Therefore, while Yuu and Grim stayed in Pomefiore while their dorm was getting renovated, Vil took the time to help Yuu have a bit more of self-restraint. Granted that, although he did not wanted to admit it, he kind of misses their greeting kisses and excitable "you did well" kisses. He is fond of their air kisses, a kiss if not done quickly enough, looks like a pout, whenever Yuu wants to indicate that Vil should trust them more.
Sometimes, Vil wonders what the I love you kiss is like, it was never on the list..
But maybe it was this?
Unconsciously, as he brushed their hair one night, chiding them for getting knots on it, Vil made the move of leaning down to Yuu's eye level." You should trust me on this, I know what's best and I am looking out for you." He says, voice mixed with assertiveness and concern.
Yuu pulled his neck closer, taking him by surprise. " May I?" They asked.
Vil didn't stop them. He nodded, observing.
Yuu pulled him close, their face nearing their neck. For a moment Vil was afraid they hate him and was gonna kiss his neck.
The Prefect instead moved his hair out of the way, landing a soft lingering kiss on his nape. "I trust you, Vil-senpai." They say.
If Yuu pertained to his hair care routine, he didn't care. Right then and their, he pulled them closer. Landing a fervent kiss on their lips.
Yuu turned red, flustered.
"Ah, Vil..?! Are you...confessing to me?!"
The blonde beauty smirked. "I don't know, it's your language." He teased.
To find other related post in my blog, the tag is #TwstKissAU
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khaotunq · 1 year
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One Year of The Eclipse: Prefect Squad in Every Episode
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
Do you think PTM!Jade would have some sort of size kink?
I’m like, hella frickin short (5’1) and Jade is a fricking MONSTER to me (in terms of height and build) and god forbid I’m gonna have to crane my neck just to look at his face 😭
But what about from Jade’s point of view?
The prefect’s a literal shrimp in size, which makes him want to capture them in his arms even more. Every time he sees them scurry around, it makes him just wanna CHOMP on their neck, lock them in his room and—
Well, ykno hehe
shorty squad let's go!!!
I personally think that it can either go one of two ways, and it's not limited to PTM, I personally think this can be applied to Jade and the rest of the trio in general. :
First way: massive size differences in the sea are common enough that most people end up with someone at some point who is massively smaller/bigger than them. It's relatively normal so there's no real kink to develop cause it's just a matter of fact for them.
Second way: Yes lol. It's not just the size that gets to him, it's how vulnerable you are. You are so small, weak even, you need someone to protect you! He does have a bit of a prey drive around you, to be honest...he and Floyd both do around the smaller classmates on campus. But with you, it's a bit more. It's not just the vulnerability and the prey drive, but also the knowledge that you trust him to not harm you.
After all, he's not only much bigger than you, but much stronger, much sharper, and yet ever so positively in love with you. He'd never want to harm you, maybe spook you a bit with a snap of his jaws against your ear, just to see the way your chest rises as you gasp in surprise and your pupils dilate. He wants to trace his claws and see the goosebumps on your skin. He just wants to see you cry out, maybe a bit in pain and a lot in pleasure, as he tries to fit himself in you. He wants to make sure you depend solely and whole on him and him alone, as selfish as that might be.
But he deserves to be a bit selfish, doesn't he? He's always ready to serve everyone else, to be made into a wallflower, and to be seen as the ever dutiful right-hand man. But you're his, his to hold to know to clutch to his body to the point that he might mold your bodies into one to make the idea of being alone but a foreign concept. He knows how to handle something fragile. He knows how to make you feel loved and revered, and only he knows the limits to your mind and body. He's not known for being a gentle man. Polite, yes, benevolent, debatable, cunning, absolutely. But gentle? That's rare, even when comparing Jade to his brother.
He can't trust someone else to be gentle with you in the way you need, or to be just rough enough to make you scream. So, back to your question, yes, he does. He loves the size difference, because he gets to live with the fantasy of simultaneously indulging in his more sadistic and protective sides. Jade gets the privilege of you, inside and out, and he gives himself to you for the same purpose. Only you, romantic as it is exhilarating, no?
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10 Seconds - Floyd
Author Notes: I'm not gonna lie, I had a lot of fun writing this. This fic was pretty much entirely inspired by a scene in chapter 111 in Akagami no Shirayukihime (Snow White with The Red Hair). After I found out that Floyd and Obi had the same voice actor, the temptation was to great for me to resist. As per usual, reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Fluff/ flirtation/ romance/ kind of spoofy/ Reader does have a pushy admirer so be warned on that note
Word Count: 1890
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There was something about persistent wanna-be lovers that made one nervous enough to look to even the most shady sources of help. Including Octaveinelle.
“So this young man has been bothering you for…?” Jade trailed off as he looked up from the glass he was currently polishing to where I sat, right in front of him, at the bar.
“A little over a month now, I think.” I frowned as I recounted the numerous times the Pomefiore junior in question had just ‘happened’ to be right where I would inevitably run into him.
 I would be trapped there, having to interact with him and dodging his advances until I was saved by some passerby or thought up a reasonable excuse to leave.
I could’ve gone to Vil for help, considering it was one of his dorm members. But I also didn’t entirely want to put my annoyingly persistent and considerably pushy admirer through quite that much sorrow.
I did, however, want this handled, and me turning him down numerous times as politely as possible simply wasn’t cutting it. Which was why I went to Octavinelle to seek the advice of the infamous tweels. After all, they handled a lot of Azul's issues. Surely they would have advice for handling one persistent admirer.
Floyd let out a low whistle from behind me, causing me to twist slightly to glance at the young man who ought to be sweeping but was now just propped up on the broom’s handle as he shook his head, “Stubborn guy.”
His eyes found mine as a grin crossed his face, and I realized very quickly that I didn’t want to know exactly what Floyd was thinking. That wasn’t really one of his nice grins….
“Come now, Floyd. We can’t exactly blame the poor fool for being quite so smitten with our darling little Prefect, can we?” I almost grimaced at Jade’s teasing tone as I turned in time to catch his mocking, sharp-toothed smile.
“Guys,” I didn’t even bother fighting the whine that slipped into my tone. “I just want some advice. I can’t get him to go away, and I’ve already tried being blunt.”
Jade smiled in an indulgent manner down at me before a frown crossed his face, “I suppose it is rather problematic and concerning if he’s been at it this long.”
He sat the glass down with a tiny clink on the bar as he continued to ponder my plight, “You said he’s a Pomefiore student?”
I nodded, wondering exactly what Jade was thinking as Floyd slipped up next to me, propping himself on the bar, “Should I just scare him off? That’d probably do it.” 
Floyd sounded perfectly willing to do just that as he looked at me with that sharp-toothed grin of his before looking towards his brother. 
But he was soon frowning in confusion as Jade started to shake his head with a slight frown, “No, if he’s as determined as I fear, then I doubt that would solve the problem for little more than three days.”
That mocking smile appeared on Jade’s face again, even though he wasn’t actually looking at either me or his brother, as he continued, “Besides. Those Pomefiore boys are the schooling sort. Always flitting about in a group. If we tried aggression, he’d just come back with his friends, and that would make things more difficult for you, wouldn’t it, Prefect?”
He looked towards me as he finished, and I nodded glumly, “A squad probably would make it tougher.”
Especially since Pomefiore squads were known to be aggressive. Turning him down in front of his posse could be risky at best.
A chuckle slipped from the vice-housewarden’s lips as he smiled at me, “Now, now. There’s no need to make such a face. The solution is really quite simple, isn’t it?”
I perked up at his words, looking at him hopefully before I frowned once I noticed his grin, “What’s it gonna cost?”
The twins laughed together, their voices joining in a strange harmony that made me tense ever-so-slightly. 
“Oh, it’ll be on the house this time. After all, this will be most amusing for both of us.” Jade’s words seemed to surprise Floyd as much as they did me.
Unperturbed by our obvious confusion, Jade leaned forward with an undoubtedly conspiratorial grin. Propping himself on his elbows as he gestured both of us closer with a single flick of his long fingers, “Listen closely…..”
And that was what had brought me to this moment, as I let out a quiet exhale before rounding the corner.
I didn’t even have to worry about setting the guy up. I knew exactly where he’d be.
Propped up on the wall in that careful pose he was always in when he was waiting for me to come and just ‘happen’ to bump into him.
And sure enough, there he was. Leaning against the wall with one arm raised so that he had me slightly caged in from the very second I rounded the corner.
“Prefect! What a surprise,” His perfectly white teeth flashed almost blindingly, and I fought not to gag at the raw amount of perfume he was wearing. 
It was a good thing he hadn’t brought his posse; I probably would’ve passed out from the raw amount of perfume that would’ve been in the air.
But I smiled. Pretending to be surprised and not at all frustrated by his persistent, unwanted affections as I carefully went back through the plan that Jade had laid out in my head.
Interact with him like everything was normal while waiting until reinforcements came, and then follow those very simple directions that Jade had given.
So I waited. Awkwardly exchanging pleasantries and smiling up at the young man who now leaned increasingly closer despite how much I would like him to say far away. He was no doubt about to drop some sort of new line that was intended to sweep me off my feet but would be far more likely to make me grimace.
And right as he opened his mouth with a grin that spoke of some very misplaced confidence, I heard the exact thing I’d been waiting for.
“Shrimpy~” Floyd’s sing-song call came from behind me, and I turned so fast that I almost missed the deep frown that appeared at impressive speeds on my admirer’s face.
“Floyd!” I didn’t have to fake my joy at seeing him, though I couldn’t say the same for him considering that Floyd himself looked entirely bored as he looked towards the Pomefiore junior that now stood stiffly silent. Already frustrated by the mere presence of Floyd.
For a brief moment, I was honestly worried about how well Jade’s scheme was going to go over until Floyd’s gaze shifted and his eyes met mine. Because then there was an entire change to his person.
His gaze softened ever so slightly, and his lips twitched up in an absentminded smile as he walked over, all but cooing at me affectionately, “There you are.”
He didn’t stop until he was right next to me, looking down at me, and then I knew the moment of truth was upon us.
I could hear Jade’s amused voice in my head as I braced myself, swallowing as I recalled his words: “Ten seconds. You will need to stare into each other’s eyes for ten seconds. But that’s all it will take.”
Floyd was far calmer than I was as he slipped off his blazer and draped it over my shoulders, blocking the cool breeze that came through the open window.
 His voice was quieter than usual, though still playful as he spoke, “There you go; can’t have you getting cold.” And that was my cue that we were beginning.
My hand reached up to tug his oversized jacket a little closer around my body, and my hand brushed lightly against his fingers that lingered at my shoulders.
Two. Three. Four.
I twisted just a little bit more so that I could look at him better as his hand slid down my arm so that his arm was wrapped around my shoulders.
It was already getting sort of awkward to keep staring for this long into Floyd’s mismatched eyes for this long. But now I was beginning to think more about the color of his irises than the actual situation we were in.
Six. Seven.
One was a yellow color. Not a sickly yellow, but rather it was a warmer color that made me feel oddly safe considering the young man I was looking up at. The other eye was a surprisingly gentle olive that was also welcomingly familiar and spoke of how, in certain moments, Floyd himself could actually be quite gentle.
Eight. Nine.
I could feel numerous people staring at us, and I was fairly certain that one of them was definitely Jade. He was probably utterly delighted by how uniquely embarrassing this really was. Because even though I’d been prepared to feel a little self-conscious, I hadn’t been expecting to be this flustered. Especially since it was just Floyd….
Floyd’s smile grew by just a fraction, and then he blinked, “I reckon I’ll see you later. I know you can’t miss your class. Good little student that you are~” He let go of my arm with an affectionate squeeze as he continued to look down at me. But this time with amusement in his gaze and a teasing lilt to his voice.
I swallowed down my overwhelming shyness as I looked away, blinking as I attempted to force my recovery by focusing on his teasing. 
But even then, my voice wobbled as I quipped back, not quite able to look back up at him, “Unlike you, I actually have to study to keep my grades up.”
Out of my peripheral vision, I could tell he was fully grinning now, “Aww, if you ever need help, you can just ask. If you're nervous about Azul, I can help you out.”
He leaned down and into my line of sight so that he could wink at me, and I let out an exhale. Reminding myself that this was Floyd I was dealing with. Not some incredibly romantic male lead who was here to sweep me off my feet and actually be successful.
Which brought me back to my admirer, who was still standing there, staring in open-mouthed shock. 
“Ex- Excuse me, I lost track of time with Floyd and really do need to get to class now,” I  was still flustered enough that I stammered slightly before I flashed him an apologetic grin before I trotted off. 
As I fled the scene, I passed a chuckling Jade and mouthed a quick, ‘Thank you,’ before hurrying on. Attempting to outrun the oddly shy sensation I now felt at the thought of being near Floyd and entirely missing what happened behind me as I fled the scene.
“You haven’t gotten anywhere in a month, and it only took me ten seconds.” So saying, Floyd glanced down at the Pomefiore student, who almost immediately puffed up with indignance that quickly deflated as Floyd grinned in a way that perfectly displayed his too-sharp teeth.
“You might as well just try somewhere else, ‘cause you aren’t going to be stealing Shrimpy away from me anytime soon.”
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shinjisdone · 1 year
When You Have An Secret Admirer - And It's Not Them (Diasomnia; 7)
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A love letter was left at your door and now you are searching for that ‘secret admirer’ - everyone wants to help you out…but have their own reason for it.
'I can't give you the faboulus experience of an Fae nor can I give you the treasures of royalty...I'm sorry about that. But know that I can give you my entire heart.'
form of headcanons + scenario-ish
[note: reader is gender-neutral but mostly mentioned in 2. pov; a series of everyone you meet following you. headcanon will follow each char. own thoughts on the situation. mostly nervousness, slight jealousy & stubbornness]
Part 1: Heartslabyul
Part 2: Savanaclaw
Part 3: Octavinelle
Part 4: Scarabia
Part 5: Pomefiore
Part 6: Ignihyde
Weirdly enough nighttime was your comfort time.
An odd thing to name it, Malleus noted. You could only half-heartedly laugh as your eyes drifted to the ground. You could barely listen to his ramblings of gargoyles.
In fact, you were somewhat...relieved. Malleus and in this case all of Diasomnia haven't...done anything. No cheating. No corruption. No overblot.
Not yet at least.
There wasn't a single thing to dislike about them, aside from their little ego boost they get when they show off their power. It's true most students of that dorm are highly talented nobles and nobility tends to get arrogant. Surely they couldnt be such an eyesore, right?
Could your secret admirer do anything to them?
Lillia Vanrouge
That'd be a foolish decision.
Lillia is surprisingly one of the last people to get wind of these things. Both Kalim and Cater weren't so talkative of what happened in their dorms when he meets with them in their club. In Cater's case, Riddle insists on not talking about the 'criminal' so rumors wouldn't spread and Kalim was surprisingly dejected at the mention of the secret admirer.
A secret admirer, eh?
Oh, how exciting that sounds. Lillia didn't know young people were still into that old courtship tradition.
Though he has heard they aren't really your typical, run-of-the-mill admirer...
Even for Fae standards that is...woof.
And they have their eye, heart, admiration and affection all for you? Little Prefect of Ramshakle dorm and Malleus' friend?
Well, that makes perfect sense. Lillia couldn't imagine anyone else being the target object of affections, especially when someone is this determined to show their love.
On one hand he is happy for you. You deserve all this attention for you are such a cutie human. But on the other hand...eeeehh, perhaps such a person would not really suit you, no?
I mean, even Lillia finds them a tad bit odd and maybe extreme.
The father-like blood in him causes him to worry. He is of course worried about you but especially about Silver and Malleus. The latter won't like that his favorite human is...well, getting attention in such a way.
And Silver? Poor boy probaby doesn't know what to do with himself.
Oh, my. Perhaps he should offer a helping hand.
Sebek Zigvolt
What is the meaning of THIIIIIISSS
The last one of the first years to catch up.
Literally did not notice a single thing until the squad straight up told him + he needed the extra confirmation from Lillia. What do you mean you had a secret admirer from the very start?
Your strange behaviour? Sebek shurgged it off, probably just the change of the weather.
Things going haywire in the other dorms? Well, obviously. They aren't as great and organized as Diasmonia and have no great WAKA-SAMAAA in their circle.
Admirer shenanigans? Pah, nothin' but rumors.
BUt the MOMENT Lillia or Malleus tell him of these things he just IMMEDIATELY believes them.
WH-wh-wh-WHaAT??? :O Waka-sama you are so smart for noticing these things! OH, you are like a royal detective, the Sherlock Holmes of faes to-
Wait, everybody already knows?
A bit...stumped and confused. You...got a secret admirer? And judging from all the things he has heard and all the lasting consequences he has seen in the dorms...it's quite serious too, isn't it?
WelL; whAt does the matters of a hUmAN concern him ANYWAY??? YOU Aren't Waka-sama nor Lilia-sama so...who cares??? Sebek doesn't. Nope. Not one bit.
The others try as they may but Sebek gives the entire thing the cold shoulder. He doesn't care, that is your problem. If anything, aren't humans usually super happy when they have a secret admirer? You should concider yourself grateful.
The squad tells him, no, this isn't something to be thankful for nor something to ignore. This is serious and complicated and none of them can just leave you alone in this.
Sebek supposes that makes sense...
But well, he...he can't show he cares...because he doesn't. No.
Also kind of the last one to catch up. Mostly because he literally slept on it.
Well, techincally it is not of his concern. It doesn't interfere with his classes, his training or when it comes to protecting Malleus, though the latter seems to be concerned.
He can't deny his worries...and understands them, too. You are a great friend to Malleus and to Silver as well.
Of course. It makes sense that you have a secret admirer. You are to be admired for all that you are. All that you have gone through as a magicless student. Though is this attention truly...loving?
Does not have a single concern in his mind if Diasomnia will be humiliated next. His old man is nto concerned and therefore, he won't be either.
Silver is more worried about Malleus.
Additionally, you have to face these 'affections' all on your own...will you be alright? Perhaps you need protection?
Silver would gladly provide it...but he is unsure if he can just barge in and be part of this whole shenanigan.
Malleus Draconia
Funnily enough, Malleus is one of the first people to know about your admirer.
It was the night after the 'crime' was comitted at Heartslabyul. Lost in your thoughts you almost forgot that you promised Malleus to accompany him on your many night walks.
The prince noticed your stillness.
"I'm sorry, Tsunotarou," You gave him a nervous smile, "Something came up today and I think I need to...think it all through."
You cut the stroll short and excused yourself. Malleus had no problem and let you be, a bit surprised you'd ever find yourself in a pickle. "Certainly. Just know that you can always talk to me about your worries, Child of Man...or not if you don't prefer."
And so you were gone. And your strolls became shorter and shorter.
Out of worry, the fae went to Lillia and told him of his woes. His friend is...not as chipper as usual.
Lillia promises to keep an eye out...and lo and behold, as the news of the admirer became bigger and bigger and the things they caused out of love more vivid and vivid, Lillia told Malleus of what was really going on.
A...secret admirer?
He felt a bit uneasy at the thought...
He may not be present at everything nor up to date (it feels like not getting invited) but Malleus can tell that this way of courtship is...peculiar.
Was first surprised that traditional wooing was also executed by humans (your admirer IS human, right?) but oh my, not even faes are that...hm, let's say, determined and petty.
Thinks it's endearing but also pathetic. Winning your love does not need to revolve around the doom of other dorms, does it? Even when they have wronged you.
After all, you all made up. You wanted to and were the reason why everything was good between you and the dorms now, even though you are magicless.
Seems like this admirer does not know you well...not as well as Malleus does.
The prince has been quietly pondering ever since, cradling his chin in thought. Lillia watches in anticipation.
My, this is strange.
Lillia has been watching from the sidelines for quite a bit...but he got the feeling that today was especially peculiar.
Making his way to the entrance of the dorm he absent-mindedly told Silver of his mild woes to which the lad immediately insistend on accompanying his father. Usually the fae would decline and say it isn't a big deal...but maybe Silver should witness it, too.
The student followed worriedly as Lillia seemed to...go up and down and all around the entire dormitory. He knew he was old but old enough to know the entire building like the back of his hand? Where are they going anyway, it feels like entering a labyrinth.
The wind blew high and dark clouds swirled around. Just as Silver wanted to ask what they are doing on the roof, Lilia seemed to have caught something right before it went down the chimney. The fae barely waited to be back in his room and opened up the letter right then and there.
'Nighly walks can make one sick, Draconia.'
What a way to start off a greeting.
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Oh my, my, my, MY!
Alright, his gut was right then.
Lilia wasn't planning on interfering, really...but this won't do.
Passive-aggressive jealousy towards Malleus and therefore the entirety of Diasomnia cannot be ignored.
It's kind of a shame really. This secret admirer seemed so passionate but it also looks like their negative traits are passionately expressed as well.
They just had to succumb to their weakness...love really makes people complicated. Or commit awful things unnecessarily.
Silver already knows and he trusts him. However, it's best if you and Sebek don't get the news...you are heavily involved as the admired and Sebek can get uuhhhh...maybe even more passionate than the admirer themselves.
Unsure how to approach Malleus though. The lad also feels quickly challenged...
An emergency!
Silver is ready to draw his sword. It must be one of these messaged threats to royals he has heard about! In fact, it reminds him of the tale of the Thorn Fairy...
Nevertheless he keeps his cool, following Lilia. However, he can't help but stick close to Malleus in general...glimpsing at him in worry.
As a matter of fact, his thoughts then flow over to you. While the message was meant for Malleus and is certainly no love letter, he still worries about you. If Malleus has to deal with something akin to jealousy and well, a threat (thats what he sees it as for sure, Lilia is a bit more amused even in his concerns) what must you be feeling being the object of affection?
How long will you play that role? Are you comfortable? Unsure? Unsafe? It is such a complicated issue, one that does not need to go over such lengths...
If only your admirer were normal...
Hm, no...maybe no. Maybe that still wouldn't calm Silver entirely.
As a knight he does not have a good feeling about this. He decided he will protect Malleus and you. The crown prince is being threatened and you seem more like a damsel in distress rather than a blushing maiden to him anyway...
Just how is Silver going to approach this? Just start hanging around you like a guard?
He got the feeling he might start having bad dreams about this...
As much as Lillia tried to keep this a secret, Sebek of course butts heads and shoves his nose wherever needed when it comes to the well-being of Malleus.
Is quick to panic and will drop everything to find the 'enemy'. No one will get past him to WAKA-SAMA!!!!
Unlike Silver, Sebek is unfortunately too emotional to control himself and will quickly blame you for having this 'secret admireeeer' of yours who only causes trouble! Don't you know?! They want Waka-sama's head! (An exaggeration)
This of course leads to the word being spreak quite quickly. Huh? The dormleader of Diasomnia got a letter? Bullying? No, threats? THE crown prince? What's going on?
Great job, Sebek, now everyone knows.
The student quickly clams up and starts feeling guilty for pointing his finger at you and barking up the wrong tree. Silver and Lilia are quick to tell him that this isn't your fault and that just adds to his guilt.
Yet...it is your secret admirer's fault. They are the one causing trouble, they are the one envying Waka-sama, they are the one trying to win your heart.
He's all over the place and so are his feelings. Sebek is trying to do the right thing but it isn't going as swell as he hoped he would.
If only that admirer never had the courage to show you their love and none of this would be happening. If only things could have stayed the way they have.
Thanks to tattletale Sebek, Malleus swiftly heard of this 'bullying' as some students have asked him about and demanded Lillia to show him this so-called 'threat'.
Re-reading the one sentence over and over again, Malleus couldn't help but laugh. He first chuckled, then chortled before straight up letting out a guffaw.
"Nightly walks makes one sick, eh?" He mockingly repeats. There's something about this letter that hinders him from crumbling or throwing it away. Looking at it a second longer, Malleus insisted on keeping it.
Wouldn't matter if it did go missing. The prince can easily recall the threat as if it were a spell.
The fae can't deny it. The thought of you having a secret admirer irked him. It made absolute sense that someone else notices your quaint self and so he held himself back. As long as you were happy.
But now this petty student thinks they can just challenge him? Tell him to stop spending time with you?
All the while spitting out the name 'Draconia'. He could read the venom out of it.
How funny. They think Malleus will listen? Set aside his own feelings and just - stop being your friend? Sever your bond and accept defeat as if he had no chance whatsoever?
Pathetic little worm.
[welp, this is the last one. i saw many wondering who the admirer might be and...its not what you think. not malleus. think of anyone and you are wrong. its no one from rsa either. sooo...will be taking a break now and instead take requests. after that another project with the secret admirer will be started before they finally and officially confess to you...]
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iamnmbr3 · 6 months
in book 5 hermione tells harry not to go picking a fight with malfoy bc he's a prefect and could make life difficult for harry
the interesting thing is she's right. but draco doesn't. he never gives harry detention or even seriously threatens to other than mentioning on the train that he could. he doesn't go after harry's friends either.
even when he joins the inquisitorial squad he only takes points off harry and co that one time to show he can.
it's interesting. because if he just hated harry you'd expect he'd be much more eager to use his authority against him. especially since the ministry is so against harry. so it's not like he'd face negative consequences for it.
but seemingly he doesn't really want to make harry miserable. he even tones down his antagonism a bit during harry's lowest point during 5th year. and he completely steers clear of topics that are too sensitive - like cedric. it's like there's invisible boundaries and rules that he follows.
im sure he doesn't acknowledge it even to himself. but his feelings for harry are much more complicated and less negative than he might want to admit.
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ventique18 · 7 months
Book 7, Chapter 7, Episode 101:
So the DiaRamshackle squad landed in Ignihyde, where they meet the completely aware Idia. They had thought they got out of a dream into the "real world", but it turns out they're just outside of Lilia's dream but still within Malleus' magical domain expansion-- which is Idia's "dream" now. Proof of this is because Sebek's still wearing his armor.
At this point in time, apparently they haven't really conversed with Idia yet. Sebek barely remembers that Idia's the Ignihyde housewarden LOL.
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Sebek: "... That's right! I knew I've seen that face before. You're Ignihyde's housewarden! Back at the entrance ceremony, you attended in some sort of board-like thing. This might be the first time I've seen you in proper form."
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Sebek: "I am from Diasomnia, First Year, Class D, Seat 33, Sebek Zigvolt!!" WHY IS HE SO ENTHUSIASTIC LMAO
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Sebek: "This dopey man right here is Silver. Second Year, from the same dormitory!!" (DOPEY DSJKNDAS HE'S BASICALLY SAYING HE LOOKS HIGH LMAO)
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Idia: "Are Malleus and co.'s ears still fine from being blasted by this boombox everyday at close-range..."
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Silver: "Everyone, on alert! Idia-senpai, Grim, prefect, get behind me and Sebek!"
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Idia: "Wuh?! What's this all of a sudden?! Ow, ow! I'm getting crushed between hard muscles and hard armor!"
So the "darkness" have come for Idia because they sensed that someone needs to be lulled back to sleep lol.
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Grim: "Malleus might pop up again to say "You're awake?"..!"
Sebek: "The "darkness" are fine, though I do not know if we can win against Lord Malleus without Sir Lilia..."
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"No, we are ready!"
Sebek: "Whether it be the darkness, or Lord Malleus... We will definitely strike back!!!"
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Idia: "Uogh... Wai-- too close... Can't... breathe..!"
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???: "About Malleus and the dark shadows... You don't need to worry about them for a while. I think he's spending considerable "resources" trying to get Lilia Vanrouge back to sleep."
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Ortho: "Hehe, sorry for making you worry."
Apparently, Ortho's appearing in monitor mode for now because trying to appear as his usual form in Idia's dreams causes some serious errors.
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Ortho: "Anyway... Everyone, brother's face is already turning blue from asphyxiation. Can you let him go now?"
So the two let go of him and Idia let's in a HUGE GASP FOR AIR
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Idia: "ohh I almost descended to the underworld... Tha-thanks for the save, Ortho..."
So anyway, Sebek starts questioning the two what they mean by Malleus using up resources to put Lilia to sleep. Ortho starts the explanation by recounting events. That during Lilia's farewell party, Malleus put everyone to sleep-- no, froze time and space itself. But Ortho in particular managed to escape from the island through communications satellite. Everyone was shocked because Ortho could do something like that?! Ortho just laughs and says his "peculiarity" was helpful, because while he's not a mage and therefore cannot have a unique magic, he can transmit his "soul" through radio waves.
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Sebek: "Loathe as I am to admit... but human advancement in machinery is amazing."
Silver chimes in and praises that Ortho's uniqueness is something they can never attain no matter how hard they train. Ortho moves on, explaining that he went to STYX headquarters and there, they hatched the plan for Ortho to infiltrate Sage Island in order to analyze Malleus' unique magic, Fae of Maleficence.
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