#akuma weekdays
akumadayo777 · 2 years
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it's gremlin hours
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susannaius · 1 year
Was this the season finale?
So I have just watched the last two episodes of ML s5, and what the fucking fuck? I guess I will need to sleep on this (especially since it is almost midnight here), but, what? I have a lot of conflicting feelings, there were a lot of things I liked, and some that I... didn't. In no particular order below. But. Was this the season finale? Wikipedia still lists another episode for this season ("Action"). What's up with that?
Yes for:
LB hitting Monarch with a giant fly-flap
LB taking on Monarch alone (I do love Adrien/CN, but LB is the lead, and the way Adrien sent to warm the bench was like, pretty reasonable)
Ladybug/Black Cat unified form ö.ö
Nathalie trying to off Gabe
Every other hero making an appearance, including the U.S. heroes, Luka, Su-Han and Fei
Chloé being recognisable in her miraculised form, lol
Tikki and Plagg in their "real" form!!!
Gimmi! (Even though I cannot not think of that name as a butchered version of "give me")
Gimmi mentioning that they are only called when there is a complaint, never for a pleasant chat
Gabe not giving straightforward answers to Gimmi, just read my heart, read my soul
Everyone becoming permanent holders to their miraculous <3
Marinette creating new miraculous, yes, baby!
No for:
It was supposed to be the two of them against the world, why is CN warming the bench???
Every other hero is there, and they are kinda useless considering the big picture?
In Ephemeral we were very strongly advised against the destruction and recreation of the world, which in the end did happen, so - was that just fearmongering?
I'm happy Adrien has the two rings, but DOES HE KNOW WHAT THEY ARE??? And does Marinette?
Is my baby boy still having nightmares??? His were caused by the "previous" akuma
I was really REALLY hoping for a reveal, and... meh.
I was hoping for a conclusion on wtf is up with Lila (although not that much, as far as I'm concerned, Lila can go jump in a lake)
Tomoe still on the lose?
What's up with the Adrien+Kagami arranged marriage?
The jury is still out on:
Gabe somehow getting convinced to actually sacrifice himself instead of a random citizen. That is a bit abrupt, considering the last few years.
What exactly was the change? Emilie never have died, or Emilie came back? How is Nathalie's health? Doesn't having Nathalie+Emilie count for two changes?
Isn't Felix wanted for a lil bit of accessory to domestic terrorism? That's a great addition to any superhero team.
Whatever the fuck is going on with Lila
I guess my main problem at this point is that there are SO MANY questions that are still unanswered. And I am frustrated for not knowing what's up with the extra episode. Is that an epilogue? Or a clerical error? When is it coming? grumblegrumblegrumble
I'm just… this was so much. And its past midnight. On a weekday. Argrghr why do I have to get up and go to work tomorrow.
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Ch. 18: Girl’s Night (Heroes/Villains)
Teleporting back into her room in Gotham, Marinette flops onto her bed. Passing Kaalki sugar cubes and Tikki a cookie, she suppresses the urge to scream into her pillow. She was sick and tired of Hawkmoth. Sick and tired of being the one who has to fix everything. She just wanted one week with no Hawkmoth, no akuma attacks. But no. Of course not. Of course he just had to send out a stupid akuma every single day. Because why not. How’re people supposed to know he’s still being the main villain of Paris if he takes a freaking day off? Once she finds out who he is, she’s going to punch him in his stupid face. A knock on her door pulls her from her plotting ways to get back at Hawkmoth. 
“Come in.” She sighs, sitting up and forcing a tired smile on her face. 
“Marinette, your father wanted-” Selina starts, pausing as she looks her over. “Come on kitten, we’re having a girls day.” She says. Marinette raises an eyebrow. Sure she’d met Selina before, but they hadn’t really hung out yet. 
“What?” She asks. 
“You look exhausted and angry, sweetheart. Spending too much time with these boys isn’t going to help. So you’re gonna grab anything you need for an overnight trip and we’re going to go watch movies and eat junk food til we’re sick.” Selina instructs. Marinette grins, jumping up and shoving stuff into her backpack. She puts Kaalki’s glasses into her purse and lets her and Tikki fly in before she turns to Selina. 
“Ready!” She says, practically bouncing up and down in excitement. It’d been ages since she’d had a girls day with anyone. She was so ready to just take a break and be silly. 
“Well come on then. Harley and Ivy are going to adore you.” Selina says, slinging her arm around Marinette’s shoulders. Somehow, they manage to not see anyone on the way to Selina’s car. Which is weird, but it is a weekday so everyone probably had something to do besides sit around the manor. Pulling away from the manor, Selina flips on the radio, the new Jagged Stone song blasting full volume.
“Nice taste in music.” Marinette says with a wide grin. Selina smirks. 
“I have to like the man at least a little, his designer is one of my kids after all.” She says. Marinette smiles, a warm feeling flooding through her. Selina didn’t have to accept her with open arms, she didn’t have to treat her like she was her own daughter. But she did, and Marinette was so thankful for that. Thankful that even so far away from her Maman, she still had a Mom there for her. The two nod along to the music, scream singing the chorus together as the car pulls to a stop in front of an apartment building. Marinette glances at the building, suddenly nervous. Would Harley and Ivy like her? Or would they just tolerate her for Selina. 
“Don’t make yourself nervous, sweetheart. Harley and Ivy are two of the sweetest people I know. They’re gonna love you.” Selina says reassuringly, reaching over and squeezing Marinette’s shoulder. Marinette lets out a breath before nodding. 
“Okay, let’s go.” She says, grabbing her bag and jumping out of the car. She follows closely behind Selina, not wanting to give anyone the chance to get between them. You could never be too careful in Gotham. They walk into the building and go straight into the elevator, Selina pushing the button and leaning up against the wall while they wait. Marinette bounces on the balls of her feet, excitement and nerves bundling together. The second the elevator stops, Marinette’s out, following Selina down the hall. She pulls out a key, winking at Marinette before turning and unlocking the door. 
“Honey, I’m home!” She calls, and Marinette’s jaw drops. The apartment was quite literally covered in plants and vines. They were beautiful. She grins as one of the vines near her leans towards her, a small flower blooming at the end of it. 
“And who did you bring with you?” A tall woman with red hair asks, walking into the room. The designer inside of Marinette instantly has a million questions about the woman’s outfit. It seemed to be made entirely of plants, but she could also tell that they were still alive. She had no idea how the woman had managed that, but she guessed that it was something that couldn’t be replicated for someone else. 
“I’m Marinette. Nice to meet you!” She says with a wide smile. The woman, who Marinette assumes is Ivy, grins back. 
“Nice to meet you, Flower. I see you’ve already made a friend.” She says, gesturing to the vine which was now wrapped around Marinette’s wrist. Marinette giggles. 
“Well, I was hoping they liked me and that’s what this was. I have a garden back in Paris, and I’d hate to find out plants actually hate me.” She says. Ivy shakes her head. 
“No worries there. They adore you, it’s a little odd if I’m honest.” Ivy says, dodging Selina who tries to flick her. 
“Did I hear Selina?” Another voice asks, a short blonde woman walking into the room. Her hair was short and choppy, the small pigtails at the top of her head dyed pink. Marinette grinned at the woman’s outfit- a Gotham Amusement Pier t-shirt, Batman pajama pants, and hot pink fuzzy socks. She wondered if her dad knows that Harley Quinn has Batman pj pants….probably not. 
“Yes, with a guest.” Selina says, plopping onto the couch and gesturing over to Marinette, who was still standing by her new vine friend. 
“Hi! I’m Marinette, it’s nice to meet you.” She says, smiling and waving with her free hand. Ivy whispers something and the vine squeezes a bit before letting go, letting her move away from the door. 
“Well aren’t ya just the cutest!” Harley squeals, running forward and giving her a big hug. “Didjya finally join your boytoy’s adopting habits?” Harley adds, still clutching onto Marinette. Selina snorts. 
“No, he beat me to her. But she’s definitely mine, too.” She says, making Marinette’s face turn red. Harley coos at her, ruffling her hair before stepping back. 
“So what brings ya here? Get annoyed with Bats already?” Harley asks. Marinette blinks in shock. Harley knows? She thinks about it for a minute, and realizes it just makes sense. They’d been fighting long enough and then he started his relationship with Selina, who was one of Harley’s best friends. It just made sense that Harley (who was extremely smart) would put two and two together. 
“No, just thought that Mari could use a girl’s day. She’s been stuck with just the boys for over a week.” Selina explains. Harley gasps. 
“The horror!” She says, making Marinette giggle. “Come on pumpkin, I’ve got the comfiest jammies ever. Oooo, and we can paint our nails! Ivy, find the movies, Selina, you’re on snacks. This is gonna be so much fun!” Harley orders, grabbing Marinette’s hand and tugging her along to one of the bedrooms, Selina’s laugh echoing throughout the apartment. 
“I did bring pjs, ma’am.” Marinette says, once Harley stops tugging her and starts searching through a drawer. 
“Bet that can’t be comfier than the ones I’ve got for ya! And call me Harley kiddo, or Auntie Harley if ya wanna.” She says, looking up from the drawer to smile widely. She looks back and cheers in victory, pulling out a pair of bright red pajama pants. Marinette snorts when she notices the logo all over the pants. 
“Really?” She asks, giggling. Harley smirks. 
“We’ll have to take a picture of us and send it to your old man. Really get ‘im riled up.” She says. Marinette nods excitedly, taking the Robin pants from Harley. This was gonna be awesome. 
Bruce sighs, looking at the news report from Paris from earlier. The damned butterflies were hard to track. He was used to figuring out problems quickly, and this one was taking too long for comfort. It wouldn’t bother him as much if it was anywhere else, but it was directly impacting his daughter. She was being hurt daily, and she’d even died and now she was plagued with nightmares. All because of a man with some magic jewelry. God, he hated magic. A knock on the study door stirs him from his thoughts. 
“Come in.” He says.
“Hey B, have you seen Mari? I was gonna ask her if she wanted to go get ice cream with me and Little D.” Dick asks, leaning against the door frame, Damian standing next to him with his arms crossed.
“Not since breakfast. There was another akuma attack earlier, but it wasn’t a bad one. She wasn’t injured.” He says, remembering the completely strange battle from earlier. It was some man with pigeons, and apparently this was the 34th time the man had been akumatized over pigeons. 
“Did you not check her room after the battle?” Damian asks, eyebrow quirked. Bruce sighs. 
“It was the pigeon one again. I assumed that she’d want to take a nap, if anything. She still hasn’t been sleeping well. Tim said she’s awake every morning when he comes up for coffee, whether it’s three or five, she’s up.” Bruce explains, frowning at the thought of his youngest daughter’s sleep habits. He certainly didn’t need another sleep deprived coffee addict like Tim. It wasn’t healthy. 
“Well I already checked her room. She wasn’t there.” Dick says, and Bruce frowns, pulling out his phone to send a text to Tim and call Jason. One of them had to have seen her. She never left the house without telling one of the family, unless it was for a battle. 
“What.” Jason says gruffly, Bruce is just grateful he answered. Up until a couple of months ago, Jason would have rather thrown his phone in the river than answer one of Bruce’s calls. 
“Have you seen Marinette?” He asks, getting straight to the point.
“No? Why? What’s wrong?” Jason asks, and Bruce hears shuffling as Jason rushes around wherever it is he is. 
“Nothing. I’ll call you back.” He says, hanging up. He glances down at his texts and notices Tim hasn’t seen her either. He frowns, but doesn’t panic yet. Pulling out his computer, he pulls up the tracker that was on each of his children’s phones. He scans the map, frowning when he sees that her phone is still in the manor. In her room. He stands and swiftly moves past his sons to get to his daughter’s room. He knocks, waiting for an answer. None. 
“Marinette?” He calls, knocking again. “I’m opening the door.” He warns, pushing it open. He frowns at the empty room, nothing appearing out of place. 
“Do you think she had to pop back to Paris for something?” Dick asks, coming up behind him. Bruce shakes his head. 
“No, she would have told us. Suit up, she has to be somewhere in-” He stops as his phone chimes. He looks at it and feels all of the tension leave his shoulders. 
Took our youngest daughter for a girl’s day, back tomorrow XO. Of course Selina had her. 
“She’s with the Sirens. She’ll be back tomorrow.” Bruce says, suppressing a smile at the annoyed look on his youngest’s face. She was safe, and that’s what matters. Even if he was certain he’d have to listen to Damian complain for the entirety of patrol. 
“Make all the boy moose go WAAAAAAAAA!” Harley says with the movie, laughing loudly. Marinette chuckles, passing Tikki a cookie in her purse before sticking another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth. 
“I still like the first one more.” Selina says, taking a sip of her wine. Harley sticks her tongue out at her before turning her attention back to the movie. 
“Do you think Mia is secretly a superhero?” Marinette asks, frowning in thought. 
“What on earth are you talking about?” Ivy asks, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Even Harley pauses the movie to turn and stare at her. 
“Stan Lee.” Marinette says with a shrug. 
“Is that s’posed to mean something to me, kid? Cause I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.” Harley says, obviously confused. Marinette huffs. 
“Stan Lee makes a cameo in this movie. And Stan Lee is the creator of Marvel, right? He’s made a cameo in like, every single Marvel movie. So is Mia secretly a superhero? Is that why he’s in the movie?” Marinette rambles, almost flinging ice cream at Selina as she gestures crazily. 
“Sweetie, how much sleep have you had in the past three days?” Selina asks after a few moments of silence. 
“Not important. Is Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia, also a superhero? Does she secretly work for SHIELD? Or is she more like Iron Man, like a freelance superhero? Was she a hero in San Francisco too? Or did she take over a hero's mantle when she moved to Genovia? Cause she was really clumsy in the first movie and also super awkward, but now she’s less clumsy and she seems to be more put together, but are heroes really put together? I don’t think so. I think sometimes heroes pretend that they’re put together to make everyone else feel better when in all reality they’re seconds away from a breakdown themselves. Is Stan Lee coming to recruit her for SHIELD? Is that why he’s in Genovia? Does SHIELD have any jurisdiction there? Is there a Genovian branch of SHIELD?” Marinette rambles, suddenly stuck on the topic. Seriously, why is Stan Lee in Princess Diaries 2 if Mia isn’t a hero? Why would he-
“Kitten, take a breath.” Selina says, her hands on Marinette’s shoulders helping her to ground herself. Marinette takes in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. She blinks a few times, instantly feeling bad. 
“I’m so sorry.” She says, frowning. 
“What for?” Harley asks, looking confused. 
“For ruining girl’s night.” She says quietly. Selina pulls her into a tight hug and Marinette sinks into it. 
“Sweetheart, you didn’t ruin anything. I don’t know everything that’s going on. But what I do know, is that you rambling out a conspiracy theory about the movie we’re watching is not ruining girl’s night. Trust me. One time, we invited your brother Dick, and he ate all of the cookies by himself.” Selina says, Marinette snorts. Of course he did. “Now that’s a way to ruin girl’s night.” She adds, squeezing her once more before leaning back.
“Let's watch something that we can just get lost in and not have to think at all.” Ivy suggests, looking through the stack of dvd’s. Marinette glances over, eyes instantly catching one of her favorite movies. 
“Legally Blonde?” She suggests, Harley squeals. 
“That’s it, you’re officially ours. Brucie can fight me.” She says, putting in the dvd. Marinette laughs, laying her head on Selina’s shoulder, grabbing a handful of popcorn. She could get used to nights like these.
Next Chapter
Bonus chapter: Harley Vs Bruce
Drawing of Harley and Mari’s pajamas
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 4, Episode 16 Hack san:
Before anyone asks. Yes I know this is usually up sooner. But I am taking Weekdays off from tumblr for a while.
My Live Reaction and Spoilers below
Marinette is trying to get out of the trip. And her father is not having it.
-Wow the aunt sounds awful, IF TOM is talking smack
-Tom fears the aunt
-Marinette is Really trying hard. Gotta respect the hustle
-Gabriel is studying Markov, The Kwami fear it
-I F***ING LOVE NOOROO! If Gabriel loses! We can be free!
-All the couples are sitting together
-Kim thinks he can do 1000 push ups that fast. Either Kim is an absolute unit. Or a himbo
-Markov is just so smart he is kicking ass at chess and revolutionizing Science
-ALYNINO KISS not a drill I repeat! Not a drill! We got a lip kiss!
-Nino is way too chill with that.
-Sabine thinks Marinette trying to ditch. And now marinette feels bad
-This episode shouldn’t exist. MARINETTE HAS THE HORSE MIRACULOUS!
-Did Marinette just forget she could warp back to paris with the horse? I mean, Don’t get me wrong, I am fine with the episode idea. But this kind of makes this whole thing kind of dumb in retrospect. (Granted I know she gets captured so NOT really. But Marinette is marinette and if she had her miraculous probably could have worked a way out of it.)
-Trixx is a salty bean
-Alya prepping names
-Trixx REALLY jelly. I love it
-Tikki actually being a good encourager for Alya
-Alya now is paranoid about there being an akuma so now she is trying to help with EVERYTHING! I wonder how this will back fire
-Nino is concerned
-Marinette sending tips to Alya. Tip number 33. Just OUCH Marinette. Like I do think you are making him happy but ouch.
-Tom trying to find ways of getting out of the visit. Sabine is like “I know dear”
-Side note, Shadowmoth actually made a clever Sentimonster. I will give him points on that.
-Markov roasting everyone
-Alya is panicking. Understandable. So this is what marinette has to struggle through EVERY DAY…. Damn
-Trixx is an absolute salty bitch today. And I love it
-And now Markov gets akumatized again.
-Because Shadowmoth is a d***
-Markov is like “You d***! Fine I will help.”
-Oh! So that’s how the power works
-Nath and Marc confirmed weebs
-Daww, Max’s prize possession is the back up of his best buddy
-TIP 675. Marinette calm down girl. Also why is that the LAST ONE
-Marinette and Tom are the same
-The Bug?
-She is trying different names! Lady luck is better
-Chat noir arrives
-Chat noir is SUS of the new bug! Which to be fair is reasonable
-Damn right into the chimney
-Look I know Chat noir is aggro and all but two things. 1. He is right to be sus. 2. How did he lose? Like Alya hasn’t even used the ladybug miraculous before? Is chat noir really that incompetent?
-Like I know its cause plot. But they could have had Alyabug be clever about taking him down instead of just beating his butt. Makes no sense. Like Experience wise and combat wise Chat noir has the advantage. (its anti bug all over again)
-So she convinced him by explaining that she said she would go along and laugh at his joke. Damn. That’s cold.
-Scarabella? Meh
-Damn! Adrien is Catty today. I love it
-NOT MY FAVORITE CROQUETTES! Even pissed he can make a joke. Chat noir is peak professionalism
-Side note, respect the fact that he could have TOTALLY looked to see who this rando was. But didn’t.
-Okay so yea, I am convinced Marinette didn’t need to hand over the ladybug miraculous. She was hidden for long enough to have transformed and warped to paris.
-And now SABINE tagged her
-So Robustus is changing strategy.
-Chat noir point out things are sus and Being right. Good on the episode for giving him that one.
-Chat noir is perceptive this episode
-Justice spots! Maybe we will get her real name sooner or later
-Shadowmoth calling alya out. DAMN
-Robustus is hilarious
-Chat noir being the serious one? Shocking
-So Scarabella is what their sticking with? I can live with that
-Chat noir giving the pep talk. This. This is what I wanted. Chat noir being the encouraging partner. (I can overlook that lame physical fight between them now)
-Damn Alya is clever
-She nailed the weakpoint
-Shadowmoth should have listened to the robot.
-Marinette VISION!
-FRYING PAN! Marinette wins
-So that’s how they won
-Scarabella de-evilizing
-Marinette’s Laugh is adorable
-Alya telling her to talk with Chat noir. VERY IMPORTANT
-He wasn’t mad that she told someone her identity. He was sad that one day she could not be ladybug and that he would never see her again. Y'all SALTERS DONT DESERVE MY BOY.
-okay that last scene F***ING Hit me.
I did really enjoy the episode.
Despite the rough intro of Chat noir with Scarbella, the episode did show off why Chat noir is a great partner. And I appreciate that. I also loved Scarbella’s plan. Solid plan. The last few minutes hit hard. And despite the sweet moment, we know s*** is gonna hit hard. It also makes Rocketear and Wishmaker hit so much harder.
So yea. 8.5/10
I am still annoyed at how easily Scarbella kicked Chat noir’s butt. (the competence of chat noir’s fighting ability is ridiculously inconsistent) BUT the main thing I wanted from the episode was there, that Chat noir showed why he is the heart of the team. And THAT is the part that mattered.
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jinx-jade · 3 years
To choose her fate: Chapter 1
Any comments left on this fic will affect how the story progresses. Marinette will essentially be able to 'read' all of the comments and use that knowledge to her advantage.
Marinette gasped for air as she woke up to her school alarm.
“Breath Marinette. It’s ok. You can breathe. You’re alive. It’s ok.” Tikki said calmingly, far too used to her chosen waking up like this.
Marinette took another gasp of air, “T-Tik… Tikki…. It’s…. It’s getting worse…. I…. I can’t,”
“Shhh, it’s okay, Kitten. Listen to Sugar Cube. Breath.” Plagg instructed, flying up to her from where he had been previously, settling onto Marinette’s head, ribbing little circles with his paws.
Tikki flew forward, wiping the tears from her chosen’s eyes.
Marinette did as Plagg and Tikki instructed, taking a few more, be it a little shaky, breathes.
“There we go, kittens. Why don’t you go shower, that always makes you feel a little better.” Plagg suggests.
“We’ll bring your clothes to you before you’re done with your shower so don’t worry about picking out an outfit.
Marinette nodded her head numbly as she got out of bed and entered her bathroom.
“Mistress Marinette is correct. She seems to be getting worse.” Kaalki states.
Tikki let out a tired sigh, “I know, but what can we do about it? Everything has a price and the price for bringing back all those people after Akuma attacks is that our Guardian has to relive their deaths while she is in any kind of unconscious state.” The ladybug kwami reminds them as she begins looking through her chosen's closet for a ‘last day of school’ outfit.
“Yes, we know Tikki, and trust me when I say we are just as upset about it, but the point of this balance is to drive people mad, essentially the same effect of those Lazerus pits, but our guardian is too strong to break. Our guardian had walked through every hell imaginable and yet she remains, so why can’t we bend the rules a little?” Trixx purposes.
Tikki let out a hum in thought before showing the outfit she has picked out to her fellow kwami, each of them giving their agreements, and critiques for the outfit.
“What do you want to do then, Trixx?” Tikki questioned as she picked out accessories.
“Nothing big, just, let the kit know a few things… outside of our realm,” Trixx said with a shrug, as if it was no big deal.
“Are you suggesting we let our guardian break this world’s walls?” Wayzz questioned.
“Yup!” Trixx cheered both to answer Wayzz’s question and to the finished outfit, Tikki had created.
“I think it’s a great idea.” Fluff said, speaking in agreement with the fox kwami.
That made all of the kwamis pause to think.
If Fluff, the kwami of last chance, was saying they thought it was a good idea, who were they to argue.
“We do it tonight,” Tikki informed them with a sharp nod of her head, before bringing her chosen’s clothing to her.
Marinette walked out of the bathroom dressed in black leggings, a red off-the-shoulder peasant blouse, a gold underbust corset, and black combat boots. Her hair was pulled into two French braids with red ribbons woven in, instead of her normal twin tails.
She looked better after calming down and letting the hot steamy air into her lungs, the color has returned to her skin.
“Lady Marinette, I wish to travel with you today.” Longg states flying forward with his miraculi.
“I too, Miss!” Roarr claims, following Longg’s lead as he flies forward presenting his miraculi as well.
“Are you sure?” Marinette questioned as she extended her hands out for the two kwamis.
“It would be my honor,” Longg claimed with a bow of his head.
“Of course, Miss. I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t wish to.” Roarr informs her.
Marinette nodded her head before taking the two jewelry pieces, the kwamis leaving her hands as she placed the panjas bracelet around her wrist, slipping her fingers into each of the five attached rings. Once the tiger miraculi was succored Marinette clasped the black choker, dragon miraculi, around her neck.
The kwamis each have their cheers and compliments to give, causing Marinette to smile.
“Go now guardian, you will be late otherwise.” Sass reminded her.
“Right, thanks! Bye Guys!” Marinette cheered as she grabbed her backpack, today's kwamis flying into her bag to hide.
Marinette left the bakery, easily slipping out without her Aunt and Uncle realizing it, beginning her usual weekday walk to school.
Marinette cleared her head, letting a neutral expression grace her facial features.
The young guardian walked to the top of the stairs, finding her friend already waiting for her.
Felix gave a nod of his head, handing her one of his coffee-to-go cups. Marinette nodded her head at him in both thanks for the coffee and greeting for the day.
Kagami gave a similar silent greeting in the form of a small bow of her head, which Marinette returned before they began their walk to class.
If someone had told Marinette four years ago that she would be dubbed the Ice Queen of Paris, she would have been horrified.
Marinette never would have thought that she would become a part of the unofficial Ice Court as the Ice Queen of Paris, with Felix Graham de Vaneliy the Ice King of London, and Kagami Tsurugi the Ice Queen of Tokyo.
The bluenette walks with perfect posture as she heads to class with her friends, ignoring the whispers of the other students.
The Ice Court walked past Miss Bustier’s classroom, which was far too loud to be appropriate for a class let alone at school, and into Miss Mendeleiev’s classroom.
Marinette could already tell that today was going to be a long day.
Making eye contact with Felix and Kagami she can see them silently agree with her, not a single word needing to be spoken between them.
Kagami turned on her tablet, starting today's classwork even though they still had five or six minutes till the first bell rang.
Felix took out a classic novel that he has probably already read and memorized and began to read it.
Inwardly letting out a sigh, Marinette took out one of her sketchbooks and began to draw out a silhouette.
The kwamis couldn’t help but think to themselves that today was going to be a long, boring day, but after tonight, things were going to become a lot more interesting.
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alyasgf · 3 years
Private Tutor Adrinette April- Day 10 Tutor
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Marinette hates Adrien. But who else is lining up to tutor her in Algebra 2 weeks before the exam?
Word Count- 1223
Marinette hates Adrien. But who else is lining up to tutor her in Algebra 2 weeks before the exam?
It all started with their second to last mock test. Marinette had been out fighting an akuma late the night before and hadn’t had a chance to study. Needless to say she got a 60%. Her teacher told her to either find a tutor or have her parents called.
Adrien was top of the class. That in itself peeved Marinette off. Especially considering had she had less responsibilities she surely could’ve gotten better grades.
She hadn’t liked Adrien since the beginning of the school year and she certainly wouldn’t start now.
Unfortunately, when Adrien offered to tutor her she had already been turned down by about half the class due to busy schedules.
“Y’know Marinette my dad wouldn’t mind you coming over after school weekdays for studying.” Adrien offered with a small smile.
Marinette wasn’t sure of what his angle was. Gain her trust and then spill all her secrets to Chloe? Find out her secret nutmeg allergy and use it against her? Either way she didn’t have a choice.
So when the final bell rang and everyone headed to the school gate, Marinette had no choice but to wait for Adrien.
“He’s not that bad Marinette.” Alya tried for about the 20th time. “Nino hangs out with him constantly. If he was trying to pull something he’d know.”
“Do you not remember how the first day of school went? He put a piece of gum on my chair. I caught him firsthand.” She huffed, sitting on a bench and looking around for the blonde.
“Maybe there’s some sort of explanation. That doesn’t sound like him.” Alya attempted to reason, knowing how stubborn her friend was. “All I’m saying is give him a chance. A fresh start. He might surprise you.”
“I doubt it, but its cute that you’re so positive.” She teased, tapping her friend lightly on the nose.
Just then she saw a sleek black car pull up and Adrien head towards it. He turned and waved her over.
“There’s my cue. I’ll text you if he decides to torture my secrets out of me.” She stood up and walked towards the car.
Adrien held the door open for her and she slid in without even a glance towards him.
“I’m so glad we can finally spend some time together.” Adrien said in a hopeful tone.
He almost seemed genuine. Still Marinette stuck to her resolve.
“This is for studying. It’s not exactly hanging out with a friend” She almost felt bad for that comment as she saw his face fall.
They were silent for the rest of the ride.
Most of the studying was done very businesslike.
Marinette would solve a problem, Adrien would tell her she did it wrong, and she would correct it. She would leave at 4:30 sharp without a goodbye and that would be that.
It went on like that for almost a week. By Thursday Adrien seemed to have broke.
“Marinette, why do you hate me? Everyone else gets to have such a loyal, brave, and amazing friend, and all I get is a cold shoulder.” He said once they sat down at his desk.
“Adrien, are you kidding me?” She replied astounded by his audacity. “You put gum on my chair on the first day of school and all you do is defend Chloe! How can I be friends with you? You’re just like her.”
“Actually Marinette, Chloe placed that gum on your seat. I was trying to take it off when you caught me. I know Chloe’s not perfect, not by a long shot. By she was my first friend so I wasn’t going to throw her under the bus. All I’ve wanted since the first day of school was to be your friend.” He finished, sighing and looking down at the floor.
“Oh.” Marinette too looked down bashfully. “I had no idea.”
“I’ve tried to tell you before, but you always managed to avoid me.” Adrien said quietly.
“God I’ve been such a jerk huh?” Marinette began to think back on how she had treated the boy for the last year.
“Something like that.” This time Adrien laughed a little.
That was a good start.
“Can I just say I’m sorry?” She now looked up at him, hoping to catch his eyes. “I’d love to be your friend if you gave me the chance.”
Adrien met her eyes. “I’d love that.”
After that their sessions became full of laughter and jokes. Everyone at school was surprised at Marinette’s sudden change of heart, but fully supported it.
Marinette even began to look forward to tutoring every weekday. She told herself it was because Adrien was such a good tutor. Still, she couldn’t help but notice how his eyes shone like emeralds in the light or how her skin heated up with every slight contact they made.
She also noticed the slips of his personality that always surprised her. She never would’ve expected him to enjoy puns so much, yet he couldn’t control himself every time the opportunity struck, meaning she couldn’t go a day without hearing one. Between him and Chat Noir, she couldn’t decide who was worse.
“Well I guess we only have 10 minutes left of our final tutoring session.” Adrien sighed leaning back in his chair and stretching his arms above his head.
Marinette’s eyes drifted to the sliver of skin that was exposed and just as quickly looked away blushing.
“Thanks to you I think I might actually stand a chance at passing tomorrow. I appreciate you offering to help me, no matter how rude I was toward you.” She replied sheepishly.
“Hey it’s no big deal. If it weren’t for this, we probably still wouldn’t have been friends. I’m gonna miss seeing you every.” He confessed.
“Well maybe we could hang out more? You can come over for pastries from the bakery any day.” She offered hoping he’d accept.
“Father wouldn’t like me eating sweets.” He began and Marinette’s face fell. “But what he doesn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.” Adrien finished with a smirk.
Marinette beamed.
The next day, Marinette finished her exam with time to spare.
After about a week of waiting they got their scores back. Marinette got full marks.
She was bouncing in her seat with excitement. She only had one person in mind when she thought of who she should celebrate with. Unfortunately he didn’t have Algebra the same block as her so she’d have to wait until after school.
When she saw the tuft of blonde hair walking towards her, she sprinted and hugged him.
“I got a hundred!” She squealed into his ear.
He responded by spinning her in the air.
“Congratulations Marinette! I knew you could do it.” He laughed into her shoulder happily.
Once he put her down the smiles on both their faces were so wide they didn’t think they could grow anymore.
“Do you want to go get some pastries to celebrate?” Adrien asked, almost nervously.
“Are you asking me on a date Agreste?” She joked.
“Yes?” Adrien said as though it were a question. He rubbed the back of his neck and blushed. He smile had dwindled slightly.
“Oh then um I’d love to?” Now it was Marinette’s turn to blush.
Adrien’s nervous smile disappeared and was replaced by another wide grin.
“Really?” He looked at her so fondly all her anxious thoughts immediately disappeared.
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ao3bronte · 4 years
Mamma Mia AU [Part 7]
I Have A Dream
April mornings never cease to steal Marinette’s breath away. The cherry blossoms, the tulips and the lilacs all in full bloom...Marinette smiles into the breeze and inhales, savouring the sweet scent of the season in the air. It’s beautiful out here and Marinette can’t wait to take her daily morning break from designing to draw inspiration from the scenic parks of the Paris she loves.
Whenever she’s tired or lonely or just stressed out from work, she likes to go outside and stretch her legs. Now that spring has finally sprung, she rejoices in the warmth of the sun on her skin as it drives away the wet cold of the winter rains. It had been an especially chilly season and Marinette feels glad that she had at least a little reprieve from the weather on the weekends as the sleet came pelting down against the windows. Her heart and personal space heater returns to the Netherlands during the weekdays for school. He braves the traffic and takes the bus back to Paris every Friday evening and Marinette does her very best to meet him at the station to greet him with a pastry in tow.
She hums tunelessly as she shoves her hands into her pockets and walks along a pebbled path through the blossoming magnolias. She tries not to worry too much about what the future between her and Adrien might bring but Marinette has never been known for her rationality. He’s been nothing but accommodating and kind now that they’ve patched things up between them...but there’s still an underlying tension. Maybe, she thinks, it has to do with the fact that he still lives out of the country. They spend as much time as they can together on the weekends but between the akuma battles that have been ramping up lately and her mounting pile of commissions, Marinette wishes they could just stay together for good.
Of course, that would mean asking Adrien to move in with her.
Shortly after Luka’s and Kagami’s wedding, Marinette had to move out of her parent’s home just to get more space for her mounting fashion business. Now, she rents a one bedroom flat close by that she uses as a home, an office and a design studio and, although her two employees help keep her company, the loneliness closes in during the evenings when she gazes out of her belle-époque windows and watches couples meander down the boulevard hand in hand, sipping steaming beverages and window shopping together.
Sometimes, Marinette indulges in a fantasy to help her through reality. While she’s cutting and sewing fabrics and gossiping with her seamstresses, her mind is completely focused but during the other times, she imagines what Adrien and her life would be like together. Would he want to move in with her? Would he come to hate the fact that the space meant for a living room has been turned into a fashion studio? Would he want to live somewhere else because it’s too crowded here?
Marinette sighs. He would be taking on an architecture apprenticeship here in Paris once he finishes his fast-tracked theoretical studies, much to his father’s chagrin, and Marinette truly wonders if he really would want to live his life together with her. Would Gabriel, who had found out about his son’s studies through the tabloids and nearly blew his fuse, make him move back in with him? She can’t imagine Adrien agreeing to that, but she can’t help but wonder if moving into a crammed, run-down apartment with her would be any better.
There’s someone standing in the middle of the path and Marinette instinctively moves to the side to get around them. Everyone is taking pictures of the magnolias now that they’re in bloom and Marinette doesn’t want to photobomb someone’s Instagram story—
She’d know that voice anywhere.
“Adrien?!” Marinette gasps and spins around, holding her hands to her chest. Of course it’s him, all tousled hair and bright green eyes. He’s dressed in one of her creations, a chartreuse oversized sweater, and holds a bouquet of pink tulips in his hands, “What are you doing here? It’s a Wednesday!”
“It is,” Adrien’s ecstatic grin threatens to split his face in two, “I’m finished! My profs accepted my thesis on the first try!”
Marinette feels like she’s been struck by lightning, “You mean—”
“I don’t have to leave anymore,” Adrien runs up to her and stops just short, holding out his bouquet, “I can stay in Paris forever! I mean, if you...um, if that’s what you want.”
“Of course that’s what I want,” Marinette snatches the tulips from his hands and throws her arms around his neck.
Adrien melts into her embrace and kisses her firmly on the lips, relieved and elated all at once, “Does that mean I can move in with you too? Because I already left all my luggage at your place. The blonde seamstress let me in.”
“You…” Marinette trails off, her eyes blown wide, “You want to move in with me?”
“I love your place, even if it is a little crowded,” Adrien laughs and the sound of it makes her believe in angels, “As long as you don’t mind me buying us a nicer bed, I want to live with you and make coffee for you for as long as you’ll have me. I’ll do whatever it takes to prove to you that I’m the best roommate ever.”
“Just a roommate?” Marinette quirks an eyebrow, “Or something more?”
“I’ll be your husband too, if you want,” Adrien beams, kissing the astonished look off her face, “In fact, that reminds me. I have something to ask you.”
Marinette leaps a foot into the air and screeches loud enough to scare every pigeon in Paris as Adrien reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small velvet box, “How about it, Marinette? You’re going to need a model to boss around while you become Paris’ greatest fashion designer of all time and I want to spend every moment of my life with you. I want to be with you. I want to fight beside you and sleep next to you and kick Le Papillon’s ass with you. So what do you say?”
Speechless, Marinette’s eyes well up with happy tears, “I…”
“Come on, M’Lady,” Adrien gushes, his own eyes shining with emotion, “It’s only the rest of your life!”
Unable to contain herself any longer, Marinette jumps up and down and practically drags her future husband up to his feet by his collar, kissing him absolutely senseless. She jumps into his arms, wraps her legs around his body and giggles as his laughter rumbles through his chest.
“I’ve always dreamt of this moment,” Marinette gasps for breath, nuzzling his nose, “I love you.”
“I love you too, Marinette,” Adrien whispers, kissing her once more for good luck.
[One part left!]
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p-artsypants · 4 years
Longest Night (43) Eating
Ao3 | FF.net
Bonus Scene from last Chapter:
Emilie reclined on the couch next to her husband. She had a glass of whiskey in her hand, her drink of choice. A silken robe covered her form as she rested against the plush cushions.
But she was not relaxed. Not in the slightest.
Gabriel had pulled up the Ladyblog on the smart TV and proceeded to go down the timeline of akumas. Thankfully, Alya had organized the blog to skip all the theories and fluff articles. Only the actions of the heroes and Hawkmoth were shown.
Emilie had scooted away from him when he said, “I was a terrorist.” But she stayed long enough to hear that none of his damage or casualties were permanent. And that he had some regret about his actions. He had been desperate to get her back, and admitted that he had crossed the line so many times.
So now he was admitting to all of his crimes. He was coming clean to her, so she could judge him fairly and for herself.
“I had no idea that Adrien was Chat Noir. I didn’t know until his identity was revealed.”
Emilie found this to be a lie, however, since he reached an Akuma in the timeline when he suspected Adrien to be Chat Noir.
Gorizilla, that was the name. The bodyguard Emilie had known forever was the poor victim. He had turned into a giant blue ape and had Adrien in his grasp.
And then...and then...
Emilie watched in horror as the Akuma dropped her son, her baby, off the side of the building.
“I had hoped that he would transform to save himself, but he very cleverly called my bluff—“
The glass of whiskey was now empty, as it’s contents were in his face.
Perhaps he had been too honest.
“My baby!! My precious little boy! My innocent sweet sunshine boy! You let him get thrown off of a roof on a hunch?!??”
“I wasn’t going to let him hit the bottom. Ladybug saved him.”
“WELL I’M GLAD SOMEONE WAS ON TOP OF IT!” She shouted. “I can’t believe you! Of all the low down, dirty, rotten, conniving tricks!”
“Emilie please—“
“I should throw you off the building and see how you like it!”
“Please calm down.”
“Calm down?! CALM DOWN?!” She found one of her heels she had kicked off earlier. “Gabriel Maurice Agreste! I’m going to murder you!”
He looked at her flatly. “We haven’t even gotten to the worst part.”
Emilie’s primal scream of rage made something click in his brain.
It was time to go.
To say that Tom, Sabine, and Gabriel were surprised would be an understatement.
There, standing at the top of the stairs, arm and arm, were Ladybug and Chat Noir. Not Adrien and Marinette, but the costumed heroes that everyone loved. With added hats and scarfs to protect from the December air.
Tom was the first to recover and gave them a disarming smile. “Hey kiddos! Where’s the fire?”
“No fire.” Said Ladybug. “Ice Cream.”
“Ice cream? In January?” Asked Gabriel. “If you want Ice Cream, you could have just asked.”
Ladybug shook her head. “Alya figured out where Andre’s Ice Cream cart is. We want to go.”
“Okay, well, we could drive you—“ started Sabine.
“No!” Ladybug shouted. “I need to get out of this house or I’m going to explode! I need to get away from the smothering! I need to feel the sun on my skin and the wind—“ she choked. “I need to get out there for just a little while.”
“Your suits will draw attention.” Gabriel said it as a thought to be considered, and not a warning.
“I know. But won’t it help? Isn’t everyone asking about us?”
Tom gave a little smile. “What’s the harm? Can you just text us when you get there?”
“I can do that.” Ladybug smiled.
Gabriel spoke up. “Did you make sure Adrien wanted to go?”
“It was his idea.” She said cooly.
“Well, I have been disarmed.” Gabriel shrugged. “Just please be careful.”
“There’s nothing to worry about.” Ladybug assured.
After they both left, Tom looked at his wife and Gabriel. “They amaze me. They are doing so well!”
“I agree. Especially Marinette,” said Gabriel. “For her to not be afraid to go out in their suits...”
“I think the suits are for strength.” Added Sabine. “For them to be able to walk that far, and for protection.”
“That makes sense.”
She frowned. “Actually, I think it’s the suits that are letting them do this well. I found them sleeping in them the other night.”
Tom winced. “That’s not a great sign.”
Gabriel screwed up his lips in thought.
Outside the mansion, Ladybug and Chat Noir descended the stairs and went out to the gate. It was at the point where the media no longer lingered outside the mansion. No one had gotten a glimpse of the heroes, and they weren’t likely to for a while still.
“Do you want to walk? Or take the roofs?”
“Walk. I’m still not strong enough for rooftops.”
“Okay. He’s not that far from here.”
They made their way, hand and hand, to the Ponts des arts.
As they walked, occasionally they were bugged by passerby. Mostly with handshakes and cheek kisses, occasional selfies. Thankfully, since it was January, there weren’t a lot of pedestrians.
Finally, they reached the bridge. Andre spotted them from the other side. “Ladybug! Chat Noir! Oh my favorite duo!”
Ladybug gave a soft smile to the man. “Hello Andre. One please.”
“Of course! On the house!” He prepared a cone, and started to scoop. “One scoop mint chip, for Chat Noir. One scoop cherry chip, for Ladybug, and one scoop cookies and creme, for true, pure love, riddled with trials and tribulations.” He stuck two spoons in the ice cream and handed it over. “Come see me whenever you like. You’re always welcome here!”
“Thank you. This looks delicious!”
It was unseasonably warm. Sitting on a bench looking out on the river, ice cream in hand, everything felt normal for a little while. A lovely ice cream date, something Marinette had always wanted to do with Adrien.
He let out a long sigh.
“Are you okay? Comfortable?”
“I’m fine.” He smiled at her. “My butt hurts a little, but I’ll survive.”
“We don’t have to stay long. We’ll just finish our ice cream.”
“No, you were right,” he breathed. “Just being outside for a while is nice.” A tear rolled down his cheek. “I can’t believe how much I missed this. It wasn’t that long but…”
“The sunlight.” Ladybug finished for him. “It’s nice. I can feel it.”
“And the wind. And hearing the birds. Hearing the water. It’s all nice.”
They ate in companionable silence for a while. Living in the moment with blank minds.
“Hey, you beat us!” Alya called as they approached.
“We decided to get out before school let out and everyone ruined our fun.” Said Ladybug.
Alya and Nino got their ice cream and joined them on the bench.
“So, how’s the dynamic duo today? Haven’t gotten to spend a lot of time with you since we both moved back home.”
“Well, we have sweethearts ice cream. Not much to complain about.”
“Anybody give you trouble on the way out?”
“A couple people wanted pictures, and to express sympathy. It wasn’t bad.”
“It helps that it’s not tourist season, and it’s a weekday.”
“I’m sure. What kind of ice cream did you get?”
“Neapolitan. Or as Andre now calls it, Ninopolitan. Just for us.”
“That’s adorable.”
“I’m not usually a fan of strawberry ice cream either, but Andre’s is so good.”
“His chocolate is amazing.” Added Nino. “I want him to make my wedding cake out of it.”
“What, you don’t want my dad’s better-than-crack chocolate cake?”
“Half and half!” He protested. “I shouldn’t have to choose!”
Chat Noir smiled broadly, his shoulders shaking with mirth.
“Oh, before I forget. Did Chloe tell you about the Mayor’s ball a few weeks out?”
Ladybug groaned. “Yeah. The supposed ‘Hero’s Ball’ in honor of Chat and I? No thanks.”
“It can’t be too bad. A chance to get all gussied up, eat good food, and mingle with rich people.”
“Old Marinette would be excited, but...”
“You’ve got to stop referring to yourself like that, girl. You’ve changed, but you’re not a totally different person.”
She laughed. “I’m not?”
“A lot different, but there’s plenty of things I recognize. Right now, you seem to be doing really well. Besides the hair cut, you can hardly tell.”
“That’s good then.” Said Ladybug. “As long as someone recognizes me.”
“Are you designing a dress for the ball?”
“Gabriel and I are collaborating.” She stated it so plainly, like she didn’t even care. “He found a design he liked in my sketchbook, and he’s altering it. Same for Adrien. He’s designing a dress for my mom from scratch.”
“Oh that’s cool!”
“Poor man, he’s trying so hard to be a good father, but he’s so awful at it.”
Chat Noir snorted.
“He doesn’t get points for trying?”
“No. Not when he’s being awful when it matters. I’ve been yelled at for talking for Adrien, since he still isn’t ready to speak. Gabriel is impatient and bossy. He’s plenty generous, but he lacks understanding.”
“And it’s easy to be generous when you’re rich.” Added Nino.
Chat nodded in agreement.
“How are you today, bro?” Nino asked.
Chat shrugged, and pointed to his ice cream with his spoon.
As they say, all good things must come to an end. And the simple peaceful outing turned into chaos when one person shouted. “There they are! It’s Ladybug and Chat Noir!”
From both ends of the bridge, people came running. Calling out for attention. Swarming.
“We didn’t even get to finish our ice cream,” Ladybug lamented.
Chat Noir, however, trembled at the noise and shifted closer to her, Alya, and Nino.
Alya stood, allowing Nino to wrap a protective arm around both of the heroes.
“Back!” Alya shouted at the crowd, raising her hands. “Back, you animals!”
The mob heeded her commands and stopped just a few feet away.
“Ladybug and Chat Noir are not ready for visitors! They aren’t doing autographs, and they aren’t doing hugs! They’re just out for ice cream and sunshine! So be on your merry way please!”
“Ladybug!” A little girl cried out. She weaseled her way through the crowd and ran at them, ignoring Alya completely to crash into Ladybug’s legs and nearly crawl into her lap.
“Hey!” Alya shouted. “What did I just say?”
“I’m so so sorry!” A woman called, catching up with the girl. “She’s just so excited! She loves Ladybug!”
“It’s alright.” Ladybug assured, petting the girl’s head. “How are you Eva?”
The girl beamed. “You remembered my name!”
“Of course I do. I’d remember any akuma that took six hours to beat.”
The girl giggled. “Sorry not sorry!”
Ladybug lifted the girl so she could properly sit on her lap, while the rest of the crowd stood back and listened.
“How are things at home? Did they ever get better?”
Eva gave a little shrug. “Mommy and daddy ended up getting divorced. But now that they don’t live in the same house, they get along a lot better. Sometimes we have dinner together. It still hurts, but at least they don’t yell anymore!”
“I’m really glad to hear that. I’m sorry that they divorced. That’s never an easy thing to go through, but I’m glad things worked out.”
“What about you? Are you feeling better?”
Ladybug swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’m…I’m doing alright. Somedays are better than others. Today we felt good enough to go out and get some ice cream.”
“Ice cream makes everything better!”
She smiled. “It sure does.”
“What about you, Chat Noir? How are you?”
He nodded with a smile.
“He said he’s good.” Provided Ladybug.
“Oh yeah, his voice hurts. That happened to me last year. I coughed and coughed and then I sounded like a frog. Do you sound like a frog when you talk?”
He shook his head.
“No? Well that’s good! Wouldn’t sound much like a cat if you croaked!” She reached up and petted Chat Noir’s head like a real cat.
He couldn’t help but purr.
“Oops, you found his soft spot.” Ladybug snickered.
Eva giggled and scratched him again. “What kind of ice cream did you get?”
“Mint chip, cherry chip, and cookies and creme.”
“Cookies and creme is my favorite! Did you like it?”
“I did! Though, I don’t think there’s any bad ice cream.”
“I do! My dad likes pistachio ice cream! Bleh!”
“Oh but pistachio is good!”
“No it’s not! It tastes like butt!”
Ladybug laughed. “Why don’t you ask your mom for some ice cream?”
“Oh hey yeah! That’s a great idea!”
The woman with Eva came closer. “Can I get a picture with you together?”
“Mom! Get Chat in the picture too!”
Chat Noir leaned in, as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
A click, and Eva was scampering off of her lap. “It was nice seeing you Ladybug! I’m going to get ice cream now!”
Ladybug smiled at her. “I’m glad we could talk, Eva. That was nice. See you later.”
Ladybug let out a blissful sigh. The crowd was still surrounding them, waiting to be prompted.
“I’m kinda tired.” She announced. “What about you, kitty?”
Chat nodded and yawned.
“They’re going to go home now folks! Go on, get!” Alya shooed them away. “Sorry your outing was interrupted.”
“Mmm, actually, that wasn’t as bad as I was expecting.”
Adrien awoke from his nap feeling only a little groggy. He was down to one nap a day now, though it still usually lasted over an hour.
Marinette laid in his arms, her back pressed against his chest. It looked like she was awake as well, as she scrolled through her phone.
Adrien nuzzled closer, pressing a kiss behind her ear. “Whatcha reading?” He asked softly.
“Ladynoir FanFiction.”
He chuckled softly. “I thought you hated our FanFiction.”
“I did. But not so much anymore. Alya said a lot of authors on the blog are going back and editing their stories, so that our names and backgrounds are right. It’s kind of fun to see what people assume about us. The innocent things, like what our favorite Pokémon is and what flavors of ice cream we like.”
“Hmm.” Adrien hummed in her ear, savoring that perfect level of comfort. “What is your favorite Pokémon, my lady?”
“According to fics, it’s Ledyba.”
He scoffed.
“But I think I like Spheal. He’s a spherical seal. He’s a good boy.”
“He is a good boy.” Adrien said sleepily. “Wanna guess mine?”
“Is it Arcanine?”
“...yeah, it’s Arcanine.”
She giggled, turning her phone off and turning to face him. “I’m afraid you’re an open book to me.”
“Only to you.” He promised, kissing her swiftly.
There came a knock at the door.
“Adrien? Are you awake?” Gabriel’s voice came from the hall.
“He’s awake,” Marinette answered for him.
They adjusted themselves to be a little more presentable as Gabriel entered. He actually looked nervous, and excited? It was hard to tell on a man so stoic. He rubbed his hands together. “So, Adrien, we have a guest joining us for dinner tonight, and I thought you might want to see her first.” He beckoned the guest at the door.
Seeing Aunt Amilie, even after all this time, made his heart squeeze. She looked just like his mother, right down to the side ponytail.
Was this some sort of joke? Amilie was in white, and her hair was tied on the other side, just the way his mother used to—
“Hi Hunny Bunny.” Her voice was so soft, so gentle. Tears gathered in her eyes as her hands raised up for him. “Look at how much you’ve grown!”
All of a sudden, he wasn’t in his bedroom. He was in that cold dark room, where they had been kept in crude cages. He was looking at the corpse with his mother’s face on it.
Then it morphed into everything wrong. Mouths for eyes, snakes for teeth, dripping fingers, as she just continued to smile at him. “It’s me, Adrien…I’m home.”
Adrien shook his head frantically, trying to shake the vision. But it wouldn’t leave. It was acid, wasn’t it? LSD? That’s what Dr. Boucher said was in his system. That hallucinations he had down in the catacombs would continue to haunt him. They were as unpredictable as they were vivid.
“Adrien honey?” Her voice was too sweet. It was wrong. Why was she here?
Adrien scrambled off the bed, placing himself opposite of the mattress from her, and he watched her with careful eyes.
“Adrien,” Gabriel tried. “It’s alright, your mother is home now. She’s back.”
Between the horrible visions and twisting thoughts, he had half a mind to take offense. She was back? She was fine all this time? Where was she? Why did she leave him alone? He couldn’t find any joy in the utter wrongness of it all. It made no sense, and it felt like some sick twisted joke.
His eyes wandered over to the windows on the other side of the room. His reflection was so small, so disgustingly thin and dirty, bloody, and pale. And her reflection…
It wasn’t his mother.
Gabriel nervously bit his thumb, waiting for Adrien’s reaction. So far, he just sat there, staring at her with impossibly wide eyes. Then he scrambled out of the sheets, his eyes never leaving her face. But there was no smile, no disbelief, no awe. Just shock and fear.
“Adrien, it’s alright. Your mother is home now. She’s back.”
Adrien quaked in his spot, shaking like a leaf, ready to burst. His listless eyes turned and caught sight of something in the window.
Gabriel never did know what his son saw, but whatever it was, it was horribly upsetting.
Terrible enough to rip that scream from his throat. Frightening enough make him flail his fists around, at him, at Marinette, and his own mother.
“Hunny bunny?” she asked once more, pleading with him.
It didn’t work. It only further exasperated Adrien, so that he shouted at her, like if he yelled loud enough she was disappear in a puff of smoke.
That’s when Gabriel conceded that his plan had failed epically. He grabbed Emilie’s wrist and pulled her from the room, as Adrien continued to scream after her.
Sabine caught her in a hug just outside the door. “It’s alright, dear.”
Emilie clung to her. “He doesn’t know me!”
“Of course he does,” Sabine soothed. “He’s just confused right now.”
Gabriel had made sure to close the door as they left, but it did nothing to suppress the noise from the room. The banging, the crashing, the clattering of books and trophies being flung off the shelves.
And Marinette’s rational voice trying to reach him.
“I hate her!” He yelled, like an arrow to Emilie’s heart. “She’s a liar! That’s all she’s ever been! I hate her! I hate her!”
Gabriel pressed a kiss to his wife’s head. “He doesn’t, he loves you so much.”
“Where did so go?! Why did she leave me alone with—with him?!” He voice broke off into ugly sobbing.
“Oh my baby boy,” Emilie wept. “My poor baby…”
“Well, I really hate to be the one that told you so…” Plagg spoke, phasing through the door.
“Don’t sound so smug.” Gabriel bit.
“I’m not. I swear I’m not.” His ears hung sadly. “But’s like I said. He doesn’t know where she’s been. To him, she ran away without a word, and she’s only coming back now? Because of what? The fact that he was tortured on screen?”
Emilie covered a mouth to hold back a sob.
“That’s not what happened, and you know it!” Gabriel yelled back.
“Of course I know! But he doesn’t! And you’re going to have to explain all of it to him.”
“What do you mean, ‘all of it’?”
Plagg looked at him levelly. “If you want Adrien to accept his mother, you’ve got to tell him about being Hawkmoth.”
Gabriel looked at the door. “Do you think he’s ready? Either of them are ready?” Plagg shrugged. “His world is rocked either way. I think you’ve got to decide which parent he needs more. Because the way I see it, he’ll reject the other. Maybe both of you.”
Emilie and Gabriel shared a very meaningful look.
Finally, Emilie hugged Sabine. “You’ll go comfort him, right? He needs a mom right now.”
“Of course dear.” Sabine opened the bedroom door slightly and crept inside. Emilie watched from the crack as she approached Marinette and Adrien, who were huddled together in a corner. It didn’t take any convincing for both of them to accept her embrace.
“I’ve missed so much.” Emilie whispered, teary-eyed.
Tom squeezed her shoulder. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Gabriel sighed. “And hopefully, you won’t have to miss anything more. I’ll tell them tomorrow. Even if…even if Adrien hates me, he deserves my honesty. And…I haven’t been very good to him since this whole mess started. You’ll be better for him, I know.”
“It’s alright. I suppose this is my punishment. But as long as Adrien gets everything he needs, then it’s all worth it.”
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quicksilversquared · 5 years
The Babysitting Fiasco
Alya and Nino aren't actually supposed to be pushing off their babysitting duties onto Marinette in favor of going on extra dates, but try telling them that. But after a poorly-timed akuma attack and a chance encounter set off a domino effect...well, they couldn't get away with it forever.
inspired by @zoe-oneesama‘s fantastic babysitting salt posts from...er, several months ago.
links in the reblog
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Marinette took one glance at the clock as she headed for the stairs of the Grand Paris and groaned. She had hoped when the akuma of the day had popped up that they would be able to defeat it quickly so that she could get back to her normal work again, but no such luck. Instead, the akuma had taken longer than usual to defeat, and now there was absolutely no way that she could babysit for Alya and Nino and finish the homework that she needed done the next day, not unless she stayed up late to work on it and she really didn't want to do that again.
On top of all of that, her phone was dead, so she couldn't text Alya and let her know right now. By the time she ran home and got her charger, it would be practically time for Marinette to be over at Alya's house to take over watching the three kids. It would be too late for Alya to find someone else to babysit so that she and Nino could go out, and then they would be irritated with Marinette again.
Groaning more, Marinette picked up the pace. Maybe she would have to drop by Alya's apartment to let her know in person instead of texting- that might be faster, actually- but what if Alya wasn't there because she was out after chasing the akuma for the Ladyblog? Or what if Alya thanked her for coming and ran off before Marinette got the chance to say anything? She couldn't afford to turn in any more assignments late, and it wasn't smart to be running low on sleep, not when Marinette had to be alert and quick-thinking when battling akumas. No, she would have to go home and maybe use her mom's phone to text Alya first, and she would just have to deal with her best friend's annoyance later, but at least Marinette would be able to get her homework done and not fail and get grounded for a dozen years and-
"Hi, Marinette!"
Marinette skidded to a stop and turned around to see Alya's mom standing there by the stairwell door, apparently on her break. It took a second for that to sink in, and then Marinette perked up. Perfect! For once, her Ladybug luck was kicking in."Madam Césaire! Hi! You're, like, just the perfect person for me to run into right now!"
Madam Césaire laughed. "The perfect person? And why is that?"
"Alya asked yesterday if I could babysit for her and Nino again tonight and I said yes but I just realized that I really can't because I'm super crazy behind on my homework and I would text her but my phone is dead and by the time I get home, it'll be really late to let them know-" Marinette took a deep breath and finished- "so do you think that you could text her? I'll text her myself when I get my phone a bit charged, too, but I don't want to leave her hanging."
Madam Césaire considered Marinette's phone as she waved it in the air. "Actually, I can give you my phone charger so that you can text her yourself. I've got it right here, actually- my phone can finish charging later. Just give it to one of the wait staff and tell them it's mine once you're done."
Marinette perked up. "Oh, that's even better! Thank you, Madam Césaire!"
"It's no problem at all." Madam Césaire handed Marinette the charger with a smile. "I've got to go, but it was nice talking to you, Marinette."
Marinette waved good-bye, then went to go find an outlet to plug in her phone. It didn't take long for her phone to charge up enough for her to turn it on and open her messages.
Marinette: I'm so so so sorry but I can't babysit tonight! I'm REALLY behind on my homework and I know that I wouldn't be able to get it done with the twins and Chris running around! :( :( :(
It didn't take long to get a response. Marinette winced before opening it.
Alya: boo HW! You're always behind, aren't you? No worries, though, we got someone else to accept last-minute. Go catch up so that you can actually babysit next time!
Marinette cringed at that. She was always behind on homework, but it wasn't exactly her fault. She was a full-time superhero so she had less time to start with, and then when she missed class then she had to learn the material on her own, which could be hard sometimes. Alya and Nino were only part-time superheroes, so they weren't getting their normal lives interrupted anywhere near as often. They had plenty of free time. Marinette did not.
...Marinette also had a really hard saying no, which was why this kept happening in the first place.
Marinette: OK I'm glad that things worked out! Say hi to the girls and Chris for me!
With that sent, Marinette unplugged her phone and pushed herself up off the floor. She didn't have any time to waste, really. There were several assignments and papers that she had to get done tonight, and then she had to start getting ahead on her homework again so she wouldn't be scrambling to finish last minute.
Sometimes being a superhero really stunk.
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  Marlena Césaire had been having a relatively normal day. It was a typical weekday workday at the hotel, with only a handful of hotel guests having lunch in-house and maybe twice that number of off-the-street customers. Then there was a slight lull before dinner where all of the chefs could get some prep work done, and Marlena took advantage of the calm to duck out and take her break. She always did a bit of reading on her break and grabbed a snack, relaxing before the madness that was dinner rush and checking in with her kids to make sure that they were all right.
She had to hope that Otis would have a better work schedule soon. As head chef at the Grand Paris, she had to work most evenings so that the kitchen would run smoothly, and at the moment her husband had to work one evening a week and be on-call two other evenings. That meant that at least one evening per week the kids were home alone and Nora and Alya had to split babysitting duties, which wasn't entirely ideal. It did give them some feel for responsibility, which was good, but Nora had more and more commitments as she grew older and it wasn't fair to hold her back, and Alya had homework to do and it was easier to finish if she wasn't trying to keep Ella and Etta in line.
The phone call home went smoothly, and as her break came to an end she was feeling good about the evening. Alya had things under control at home, and she could focus on making the hotel kitchen run smoothly.
And then Alya's friend Marinette went zipping by, and after a quick exchange Marlena was left reeling. Alya had been having Marinette do her babysitting for her? More specifically, she had been having Marinette do babysitting for her and Nino, all without asking their parents first? This was the first time Marlena had heard of the arrangement.
Marlena liked knowing exactly what was going on at home and who was watching her girls. She liked knowing where her daughters were. Nora could come and go as she pleased- she was old enough, after all- but Alya needed to tell her parents where she was. And she wasn't.
(On top of that, somehow Marlena doubted that Alya and Nino were paying Marinette for babysitting for them, and considering that Alya at least was getting a significant bonus to her allowance for babysitting- well, that just wasn't right.)
She Was Not Happy.
Alya was taking advantage of being home alone with the twins to go on secret dates with Nino, that much was clear. And she was taking advantage of her friends in order to do that. Marinette had seemed quite frantic when she dashed by, and it wasn't okay for Alya to be asking her friends to babysit when they were struggling to keep up with their homework, even if she had asked her parents for permission first.
So now she had to decide what to do. Marinette clearly hadn't realized that she had told on Alya, so Marlena could catch her daughter red-handed. If she got off early tonight- which was possible, she could ask her second-in-command to take over because of a family emergency- she could get home early and see if Alya was gone.
Which she would be, Marlena knew. When Marinette sent her phone charger back in with a server, she had also passed along the message that a different friend- Alya hadn't said who- would be babysitting instead. That was very, very useful information, though also worrying.
Marlena had met Marinette before and seen her with kids. She was trustworthy, if perhaps a little easily overwhelmed. But she didn't know anything about this other person. Who knew if they were trustworthy or could deal well with children?
So Marlena went to her second-in-command and told him that she would have to leave a couple hours early, timed so that Alya would most certainly be out with Nino and not yet back. It was unfortunate and not a habit that she wanted to get into- she needed to take her duties as head chef responsibly, after all- but it was a bit of a family emergency.
So a couple hours earlier than usual, Marlena clocked out and headed home. Her apartment door swung open to reveal three wide-eyed kids listening to a girl who Marlena had most certainly never met before, who was in the middle of telling them about how she had saved a whole train's worth of people on an amusement park ride in London after a safety feature on the ride broke.
...yeah, that sounded perfectly believable. Not. Marlena raised an eyebrow and let the door click shut loudly.
The voices in the other room abruptly cut off and four pairs of eyes swung towards her. Ella and Etta lit up at once, jumping up and running over to her for hugs. Chris waved. The stranger babysitter turned pale.
Interesting. Did she perhaps know that Alya wasn't supposed to be having her friends babysit for her? It was strange that Marinette didn't, then.
"Madam Césaire! Hi, I'm Lila Rossi, Alya's friend," the girl said, recovering and hopping up to greet her. "She didn't tell me that you would be returning early tonight!"
"And Alya didn't tell me that she was having her friends babysit for her," Marlena said, ignoring the girl's hand for the moment. Something about this girl wasn't sitting right with her. Maybe it was the lie that she had overheard as she came in, maybe it was Lila's reaction to seeing Marlena, maybe it was-
Lila Rossi? Marlena remembered Alya talking about this girl, actually. There had been some really questionable stories that Alya had conveyed, and Marlena had assumed that the clearly unbelievable details were mostly thanks to Alya's tendency to embellish and exaggerate. Now, though...
It seemed that Alya was probably relaying the stories pretty much as told, and the problem lay with the initial teller of the (clearly untrue) tales. The initial teller, who had apparently been trusted to watch children.
Lila clutched at her shirt and sighed dramatically. After cooking for actors both established and aspiring for years, Marlena could recognize acting when she saw it, and this girl was most certainly making up a story on the spot. "Yes, well, it was just the once- apparently Alya and Nino had reservations at this restaurant nearby that they really wanted to go to but the staff messed up on their reservation date and put it today rather than on the weekend, and they either had to give up the reservation or get a substitute sitter and they had so been looking forward to it, so of course I offered to step in. They must have forgotten to tell you! School's been so busy lately, so of course that's understandable."
Marinette had said something about babysitting again. Lila was claiming that this was a one-time thing and that she had been lined up to help out ages in advance. They were completely contradictory claims.
Marlena knew who she believed, and it wasn't the girl in front of her. Just in case, though, she would be asking the kids in front of her once Lila was gone.
"Well, thank you for coming in," Marlena said rather than arguing with this girl. If she was right and Lila was a liar- which was pretty obvious, honestly, Marlena dealt with celebrity clients on a near-daily basis and she knew that they wouldn't be falling over themselves to give favors to some 14-year-old girl that they had met once, and ambassadors weren't going to be meeting up with all sorts of celebrities anyway- then there would be no point in arguing. "I can take care of the kids now. Alya can pay you whatever she's promised at school in the morning."
"Oh, no pay needed!" Lila said cheerfully. "I volunteered to do it. I love working with kids- I volunteered a bunch of time at an orphanage when I was in Africa for a summer as part of my charity organization for disadvantaged kids."
...well, that explained why Alya thought that this Lila character was an acceptable emergency babysitter.
"That's very nice," Marlena said politely. "Do you need to call someone for pickup?"
Lila shook her head. "No, I'll take the bus. It's not that late yet. Bye-bye, guys!" she called, waving to the three kids. "Good night!"
"Bye, Lila!"
And with one last wave, Lila was out the door. Marlena waited for a minute to make sure that she wasn't coming back, and then she turned to the kids.
"All right," Marlena said, placing her hands on her hips and surveying the three of them. "I have some questions for you three, and I'd like some answers."
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  By the time Nino and Alya returned (far too late for collège students to be out, especially without their parents' knowledge), Marlena had interrogated the younger kids and found out that Alya had been going out with Nino instead of babysitting every week, and Lila had babysat for her three times in total, not just the once. Marinette had done all of the other times, including some times when the twins were with Nora but Marinette had babysat Chris for Nino, or when Chris was at home with his parents but the twins were with Marinette.
She suspected, based off of what Lila had said, that Marinette had been paid for exactly zero of that. That would be coming out of Alya's allowance so that Marinette would actually be compensated for the not insignificant amount of time that she had spent roped into babysitting.
Marlena had called up Otis to let him know what was going on, and he had come home early, too. Then she called up Nino's parents. Just as she had suspected, they had thought that their two sons were at home, not over at the Césaire apartment, and they were none too happy to find out that Nino had been sneaking out behind their backs.
Twenty minutes before Otis would have normally returned home, Marlena heard Alya's keys turn in the lock. She and Otis exchanged a look, sitting up at the table and fixing the door with a stern stare.
Alya and Nino stepped in, heads together as they laughed about something. They were clearly absorbed with each other, so Marlena cleared her throat pointedly. Their heads whipped towards her at once, and she had the great pleasure of watching the blood drain from their faces.
"You two were meant to be babysitting separately tonight," Otis started sternly. "Each at your own homes. Instead, you had a friend that we hadn't ever met watching all three kids. Explain yourselves. Now."
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  Marinette came into school feeling really good. The homework that she had to get done hadn't taken her quite as long as she had expected (though she still wouldn't have been able to get it done if she had been babysitting), so she had gone ahead and gotten ahead on a couple other assignments, knocking out most of an essay and doing some research for her Civics class. It put her in a pretty good position, and she had even gotten to go to bed on time for the first time in nearly a week.
So she was well-rested, caught up, and relaxed. Marinette had plans to continue her work over lunch, since she was on a roll with both research and her essay, and then maybe she could actually be able to do some designing for the first time in-
Well, she had done some sketching between classes, sure, but she hadn't gotten to sit down and design for a while. Things had just been too busy.
Marinette was not expecting Alya to storm in, looking miserable and upset and a little bit angry. She slammed down into her seat, scowling.
"Someone must have ratted me and Nino out to my parents!"
Alya's face was red. "I got home last night and my parents were already home and they were furious that I had been going out on dates with Nino and having other people babysit for us- well, having you and Lila babysit, at least- without telling them, and now I'm grounded and not allowed to go on any dates with Nino for at least a month and I'm having my allowance chopped- and when I was so close to saving up for a new camera for reporting, too- and there's no way that they just happened to come home early!"
Marinette's gut twisted as she absorbed that onslaught of information. She knew exactly how Madam Césaire found out about Alya's stand-in babysitters, and she felt so, so guilty about it. But she- she hadn't known! It had been reasonable to assume that Alya and Nino's parents knew about their dates and substitute babysitters, right? The two of them had been going out and staying out past dark, and if Marinette were in their shoes, her parents would definitely know what she was up to. They'd be super upset about her going behind their back to do stuff.
(Superhero activities excluded, of course.)
And Alya had definitely never told Marinette that her parents didn't know about the whole arrangement.
"Like, we've been doing this just fine for months, and we've been getting back a good half-hour before my dad gets off to be safe, just like Lila suggested," Alya continued, and Marinette frowned. Lila had suggested it? Lila hadn't even been at school when Nino and Alya started shirking their babysitting duties to go out on dates. "And we bribe the girls and Chris not to mention having a different babysitter with extra dessert. And then all of a sudden, this happens."
"You were coming back before your parents even before Lila got back to Paris," Marinette pointed out, frowning. "And at the same time, too."
Alya snorted, waving that off. "Text messages exist, silly. I was in contact with Lila the entire time she was traveling, because I wanted to hear about all of the cool stuff she was up to! When I told her about having to babysit and not getting to have enough dates with Nino, she suggested that I just ask someone else to babysit. And I knew my parents wouldn't approve, so that was when she suggested giving ourselves plenty of buffer time." Alya sighed. "It worked really well! Until yesterday. I can't believe it! We got betrayed!"
Nino slid into the seat in front of Alya. He looked exhausted, too. "Babe, I told you before, it might just have been really bad timing. Maybe it was a slow night at the Grand Paris and your mom decided to come home early. I've been around your place enough to hear her saying that she'd like to be at home with you guys more."
Alya slumped in her seat. "Maybe. But Lila said that she told my mom that it was just the once and she made an excuse for us, but mom seemed to know that there had been a lot of times."
"She might have asked the kids directly, and they probably told her everything," Nino countered. "Seriously, Al. No one told on us."
Marinette swallowed hard as Nino patted Alya's hand comfortingly. She still looked like a stormcloud, and was unlikely to calm down soon. Lila came in then, going straight to Alya and immediately lamenting about what had happened the previous night. Marinette tuned her out, feeling dread twisting in her gut.
She really should admit to accidentally telling Madam Césaire, but Alya was clearly furious about her bonus dates coming to an end and all of the associated punishments that came with her parents finding out. On top of that, she and Marinette had been going through some rough spots lately because Marinette still refused to accept Lila and Alya refused to entertain the idea that Lila was a liar. Marinette didn't want to admit to her mistake only for Alya to give her the cold shoulder for who-knew-how-long.
The rock sat in Marinette's stomach all morning as Alya stewed next to her. She hadn't- she hadn't known, she hadn't meant for this to happen, she just wanted to make sure that Alya knew that she couldn't do the babysitting with enough time to find someone else. Marinette had tried to do the responsible thing, and it had backfired.
She should do the responsible thing and 'fess up, too. But Marinette was scared.
"You seem distracted, love," Mrs. Cheng commented as Marinette picked at her lunch listlessly. "Anything that you want to talk about?"
Marinette considered it and then decided that yeah, she definitely needed to talk to her mom. It would help to have a second opinion. So she started explaining. Partway through, her dad came up to eat, too, and paused to listen in, leaning on the counter as he ate.
"I know I should tell her," Marinette finished miserably. "But..."
"Well, if you want my opinion- normally I would say yes, you need to tell Alya," Mr. Dupain said, exchanging a look with Mrs. Cheng, and Marinette wilted. "But not in this case, unless Alya admits that she was in the wrong for not telling you that she didn't have her parents' permission first. From what you're telling me, it sounds like she and Nino are ignoring that they put themselves in that position. She would blame her punishment entirely on you and that isn't fair."
Marinette blinked in surprise and looked to her mom. Mrs. Cheng was nodding, too.
"I wouldn't have been comfortable with you doing babysitting for Alya and Nino if we had known that her parents didn't approve," Mrs. Cheng told Marinette. "And frankly, I was going to say something about it soon. We've noticed that you've seemed pretty stretched thin lately and picking up unpaid babysitting definitely wasn't helping."
"And Alya knows that you have trouble saying no," Mr. Dupain added. "And it sounds like they took advantage of that. And they took advantage of it quite a bit."
Marinette paused, then nodded because they were right. She had been more stressed every time that her friends begged her to babysit because they 'so wanted to go on this cool date'. She didn't want to disappoint them, so she accepted unless she really couldn't spare any time.
"This will teach them a lesson about honesty, hopefully," Mrs. Cheng added. "And it might help the two of them take a step back and realize that they've been neglecting other things in favor of their relationship. For example, their friendship with you. True friends shouldn't take advantage of each other like they did to you, and they should have noticed that the added responsibility was stressing you out."
"And they also need to realize that going on dates was not more important than their responsibilities," Mr. Dupain added. "If they wanted to do some extra dates, then they should have asked their parents first, then made sure that you had time to spare. But from what I've heard, they got one date a week normally anyway, which is plenty at your age."
"But what if Alya finds out later and gets mad at me then for not telling her?" Marinette asked anxiously. She could see where her parents were coming from- Alya had lied by omission first- but she just wanted to cover every possibility.
"Well, hopefully by then she would have cooled off a bit," Mrs. Cheng told her. "And will be more open to admitting that she should have been upfront with you in the first place." She leaned across the counter, placing her hands on Marinette's shoulders. "I know that we've raised you to always be responsible and honest. But you shouldn't be taking the responsibility of everyone else's mistakes on top of your own. It's important to recognize when you did something wrong versus, say..."
"Versus when someone overreacts or they put you in a bad position in the first place," Mr. Dupain finished. "In this case, it's the latter." He smiled at Marinette. "It's a good lesson to learn, at least."
Marinette nodded. Her parents' words made her feel a lot better. "Yeah."
"And if you're busy or just need time to do your own things, it's always okay to say no. Even to your friends. And even to us and Madam Chamack," Mrs. Cheng added. "We don't want you to get overwhelmed and be sacrificing sleep or having your schoolwork suffer. That's your primary responsibility right now. Okay?"
Marinette smiled. School and sleep and saving Paris from supervillains, actually, but she couldn't let her parents know about that second part. Not until Hawkmoth was defeated, at least. "Okay."
"We're proud of you for coming to us with this," Mr. Dupain said, resting a hand on Marinette's shoulder. "We know that you want to help others as much as you can, but you have to remember to save some of that time and energy for Marinette, too. You can't help others as much if you're too worn out and spread thin and not taking care of yourself. It's okay to tell other people that they're putting too much pressure on you and to enforce your boundaries when they try to push or claim that something will be just the once. Looking after yourself will never be selfish, even if other people try to frame it that way. And if you ever need help yourself, it is more than okay to ask for it. You've given a lot to people around you, and helping is hardly a one-way street."
That was good for her to hear, Marinette thought as she burrowed into her parents' hug. Lately, sometimes taking time for herself had felt selfish somehow, even though she knew better. There was a lot of pressure on her to do the best in everything that she took on (and everything she was forced to take on), but even if she sometimes had superpowers, she was only human underneath it all. She would get overwhelmed and make mistakes and forget things, and that was okay.
She could finally breathe again.
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bard-of-worlds · 4 years
Ladybug the Law is the Law CH9
Sorry this is so late guys, i needed to get past a writer’s block and then i needed to deal with some other stuff, in RL.  and here it is finally and i hope to have a good gift for all of you this Christmas
Adrien looked at the black pants and a black jacket/vest with dark blue pockets he was wearing before looked at how he looked in the mirror with the rig and smirked.  “You know I look normal with black hair.”
 “You’re just lucky that it’s a cold enough for some people to wear a jacket.” Marinette said as she looked at him holding the arms of the jacket and sighed.  “But it isn’t cold enough for the full piece so……”
 “Yeah, good call with the zipper arms.”  Adrien said and Marinette shrugged.  
 “It was like that when I found it; it did give me a few ideas and it taught me a few ideas about some tricks to try out.” Marinette said with a laugh that caused Adrien to stare at her and blush and he heard Plagg snicker in the jacket vests pocket.
 “Well this is pretty good. Why’d whoever give it to a thrift store?” Adrien asked and Marinette chuckled and smirked.  
 “I had to replace a zipper on one side, there was a stain on the pockets that caused me to cut them away and put in some new ones, that’s why they’re a different color.” Marinette said and Adrien ahhed.  
 “Thanks for this Marinette, I better go before Nadja gets here, see you after where ever we’re supposed to meet up.” Adrien asked and Tikki spoke up before Marinette could.
 “The movie theater in the 17th near the Arc.” Tikki said from Marinette’s purse.
 “Thanks Sugarclub, come on lover boy the sooner we’re done, the sooner we can talk to Fu and the others.” Plagg said from a pocket in the jacket and Marinette looked away with a blush as Tikki giggled.
 “I’ll meet you and the others there, this way we won’t press our luck more then we have to.” Adrien said as he looked at Marinette and took a deep breath.  “And we will have to have a talk before Monday.”  
 “About…..” Marinette asked and Adrien looked at her.
 “Us.” Adrien said and Marinette blushed and looked away.  Adrien bent over and kissed Marinette’s forehead and she blushed harder and he smiled at her as he rubbed her right cheek.  “I’ll see you at Fu’s.”
 “Wait, don’t forget this.” Marinette said as she handed him a slice of cheese breed wrapped up and Adrien smiled at her and hugged her.
 “Thanks Marinette, thank you for being you.” Adrien said before he quickly left through the door and moved along the streets towards a location he could transform and blushed a little bit for what he had done.
 “Nice going lover boy, and what do you want to name your kittens?” Plagg teased and Adrien looked down as Plagg snickered.
 “Plagg, will you keep it down?!”  Adrien said as he looked around, hoping that no one was nearby enough to see or curious enough to investigate.
 “Relax, nobodies close enough to hear us.” Plagg said and Adrien looked around and force himself to relax a tiny bit but kept walking, his eyes looking around for any trace that someone had heard Plagg.  “And if anyone does hear they’ll probably think your phone is on speaker.”
 Adrien kept quiet as he walked through Paris and away from the area of both the school and the bakery, he had to find a place to transform that he wouldn’t be seen.  “We have to be careful Plagg, especially now.  Once mistake and this will be like the time Marinette and I tried to see that movie!”
 “You’re paranoid, but in your case that’s a good point.” Plagg admitted as Adrien walked down a blind alley a few moments later.
 “Plagg, claws out!” Adrien said and within a moment he had transformed into Chat Noir and jumped upwards and began dashing over the Paris skyline.  You know I’m right kid
 Marinette stayed still for minutes after Adrien had left until Tikki moved up and got in her face, grinning at her.  “I told you he would still like you Marinette!”
 Marinette snapped out of her daze and still blushing moved upstairs and got the area ready for when Manon would get here, leaving Tikki to follow behind and giggle as she flew after her chosen.  Five minutes later Marinette was finished putting the last finishing touches on the living room when she heard the doorbell and gestured for Tikki to hide and hurried down stairs and opened the door and smiled when she saw who was there.
 “Some one’s been dying to see you again Marinette.” Nadja said with smiled at Marinette as Manon hugged the designer.
 “Marinette!” Manon called happily as Marinette laughed a little, glad that Manon was still the same given the chaos of the last few days.
 “Hi Manon, my friend Alya is coming over later so let’s hope unlike the first time there isn’t an Akuma attack.” Marinette said and Manon giggled.   “Now I left out a juice box and cookies upstairs, who can I trust to be a good girl and go drink it and eat the vegetable cookies?”
 “ME!” Manon called out and Marinette let her run to the stairs and walked up them carefully.
 “Thanks again Marinette, I’m sorry for bothering you like this all last minute but I was originally going to have the day off but then my boss called me and I had to go in for a surprise interview. So everything is good then I’ll be back before noon.” Nadja said as she handed over a small bag and Marinette nodded.
 “Don’t worry; this is fine. And I might be on hand to watch her during the mornings on weekdays in the future if you need me to.” Marinette said with a smirk as Nadja looked shocked.  “I’m going to be homeschool for the rest of the year at least, so I’ll get back to you about what days I might be able to handle her.”
 “Did something happen at school?” Nadja asked and Marinette sighed.
 “That is a long story that I can’t legally talk about until my expulsion hearing.” Marinette said and held up a hand as Nadja opened her mouth.  “LEGALLY I can’t talk about it, but once I can I’ll tell you the whole story okay.”  
 “I’ll be back in a few hours Marinette, thanks again.”  Nadja said and walked off, a frown on her face.  Why, in the name of everything on this planet would Marinette, Marinette of all the students in that school be expelled, this makes enough sense as….. nothing at all!  I think I have a new subject for my next investigation, the current state of the Paris Education department and schools! She thought as she looked at the school across the street and she hoped that it wasn’t as bad as she feared it was.
 As Marinette moved upstairs she saw Manon as she drank her juice and smiled at her.  “Okay I’ve got a game, there’s a good movie you like or you could play one of the video games your mom brought.”
 “Movie!”  Manon said and Marinette turned the TV on and she laughed as it started.
 Marinette got out a drawing pad and started to work on a dress design as she sighed, happy that this would be easy for once.  
 “Hey Marinette, your parents said I could come up and help…… okay TV and movie, good.” Alya said softly as she came up from below.
  Chat Noir dropped down into a back ally and dropped his transformation and Plagg flew into his pocket that Adrien put the cheese slice and Adrien could hear the kwami eat the food. He moved out the alley and saw Louise waiting by his car and moved towards him.  “Hey Louise!”
 Louise looked up and blinked a few times before he realized who he was seeing.  “That you kid, I wouldn’t have known it was you if I hadn’t heard you!”
 “Thanks, she does good work doesn’t she?” Adrien asked as he smirked as he got into the backseet and Louise got into the driver’s seat and started the car.  As they drove along Adrien looked at the windows and whistled.
 “What’s with the tainted widows?” He asked as he felt Plagg move against him and waited
 “Security feature that I got when my car needed to be replaced.”  Louise said and smirked at Adrien through the review mirror.  “Let me tell you, that modification really help me get my clients around safely.  And at least this way your fans won’t see you in the windows!”
 Adrien laughed lightly as they drove through Paris, letting the radio takeover the small talk.  As they passed by a Limo Adrien went white as he saw the Gorilla in driver’s seat.  As the car passed by and he looked back and saw the limo drive away he breathed easily.  
 “Yeah kid I know, we passed your family’s car.  Don’t react, we’re almost there.  All we have to do is make it a few more blocks and we’re home free.”  Louise said and Adrien sighed as he leaned back. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this car after your mom disappeared and he doesn’t know what my license plate is so we’re golden.”
 Adrien kept silent and Louise looked at him and frowned, not liking how Adrien was behaving.  Come on kid, I know that Gab did a number on you, but I really want to believe that there’s still a way for the both of you to heal.  He thought as he went over everything that he could do to get a rise out of him.  “Hey kid, your dad ever tell him the first time he met your mother she threw up on him?”
 “No, really?” Adrien asked and Louise laughed a little.
 “Okay, let me tell you all about how those two met.  It was college, Gabriel was putting together this fashion show and your mom was between shows at the theater so she decided to give it a try, IE her sis talked her into it.  Of course acting and modeling is kinda different so she was nervous as heck.” Louise said as he drove the car through Paris.  “Unfortunately her sister gave her a cure but it was actually meant to purge her system and well you can guess what happened when Gabriel walked up.”
 “No way!”  Adrien said and started to laugh.
 “Yeah, man o man he had this expression as what the fuck happened and then Emilie was apologizing and then Gabe went and changed into his spare clothing, it was his suit and then he started the show, and since it was high class clothing his complimented it and he got a great review!” Louise said and laughed.  “Emilie worked in a few more of his shows and then they started to date after they graduated and then well you know.”
 “You know they never told me that story.  Any other stories like that?” Adrien asked and Louise laughed and shook his head as he looked into his past.
 “Plenty kid, plenty!” Louise said as he looked into his past and snickered.  “I’ll tell you all about then once we’re inside there.”
 “There? Oh.” Adrien said as he saw they were just in front of a blocky building with a garage door next to a black glass door with a card reader and a keypad next to both doors and he whistled.  “You know, I never noticed that before.”
 “Yeah, I know what you mean.” Louise said with a sigh.  “Strange isn’t it?”
 “Yeah.”  Adrien said as they drove up to the garage door and Louise opened his window and inserted a card into the card reader next to the garage door and put in a code before it started to open.  
 They drove into a well-lit garage with rows of parking spaces and a door on the other side with a card reader next to it.    Louise parked and then parked the car, Louise looked at Adrien and smiled. “Okay kid as we went into the door, it started to close and we just need to wait another minute then we’ll be able to leave.  And don’t worry about anyone talking about you being here, everyone signs a contract of confidentiality and if anyone talks, everyone is punished until the person responsible is discovered.”
 “Oh.” Adrien said and looked at the garage door and saw it closed and then he opened the car door and Louise got out as well.
 “Another fun fact, the door to the waiting room outside turns twice, no way for anyone to get camera shots of inside.”  Louise said as they walked towards the door to the building, it opened and a man in a suit with a face mask and thick glasses walked out and signed a few words to Louise who nodded at him.  “And the doctor is great with people who have particular objections and personal requirements to their treatment, hey man how’s it been?”
 The man signed a few more words and walked away towards a car and got in, not reacting and Adrien looked at Louise who grinned.  
 “Motion sensors, this way the doors out only open when nobody is out of the building.” Louise said and Adrien whistled.
 “They really work to keep their clients identities safe don’t they?” Adrien asked and Louise nodded with a laugh.
 “Yeah they do kid.” Louise said as he opened the door and then walked infront of him into a waiting room with a girl Adrien’s age with black glasses, pink hair and she was wearing a nurse’s uniform with a black hat on.  Adrien noticed that she was wearing a grey choker around her neck.  “Hello, wait are you Sarah’s daughter Lisa?”
 “Yes I am, are you the three 10 o’clock appointment a MERZETH?”  Lisa asked and Louise nodded and grinned at Adrien.
 “And another thing, they give our appointments code names and password.  Yes, I am Mr. Duty.”  Louise said with a smirk. “Kid go with her, she’ll take you and I’ll be here when you get back.”    Adrien nodded and walked after Lisa who led him to a room and gestured for him to enter. As Adrien sat down in one of the chairs Plagg pushed his head out and looked at Adrien.
 “I’m going to poke around a bit; this is about an hour right?”  Plagg said before he darted away, Adrien watching helplessly.
 Plagg flew through the vents and smirked as he saw black cobwebs followed them until he reached a drop and moved down until he found a circle of the black webs on the side and phased through it into a small chamber with a black sphere of the webs that glowed, illuminating the space.  
 “I thought I felt you Webby!” Plagg said with a grin as he looked at who he had found.
 “Don’t call me Webby stinky sock!”  A high pitched voice said as a spider like Kwami with four ‘stick legs’ sticking out of it’s back and it had it’s arms crossed.  “And what are you two doing here?!  I thought you all went with those people to Tibet centuries ago!”
 “The order fell before WW2 Zera.”  Plagg said and Zera looked at him in shock and gasped.
 “Then this Hawkmoth thing isn’t those guys trying to drag us out of hiding?!”  Zera said, shocked.  Plagg looked at her before wincing, remembering a few things the Order had done to get some of their holders to give the Miraculous over to their ‘care’.
 “No, it really isn’t. So how about, want to talk your holder into fighting alongside us?” Plagg asked and Zera looked down, her mind elsewhere.  “What is it; your’s is on the side of the good right?”
 “Yeah, but she’s not one who likes to fight.  I mean my powers are best with a team, my webs can hold foes down or help protect others, and she’s a medic!”  Zera said and then looked at Plagg.  “I’ll talk to her, I’ll say that I found you when I saw Chat Noir on the roof and you detransformed and you swung by while your holder was eating at a restaurant nearby.”
 Nadia walked into the hotel and looked around, trying to find her crew when she spotted someone waving at her from the elevators.
 “Hey Nadia, sorry about calling you in but we really didn’t have a choice.”  The executive said and looked at her with an apologetic look on his face.  “I mean nobody expect that to happen to him, really we didn’t.  I’m sorry; I’ll give you a day off with half pay so please I’m sorry.”
 “We were just lucky that I could get a babysitter, that’s all I will say about this.  So who am I meeting with?”  Nadia asked and he sighed at her answer and bowed to her.
 “An executive from a movie theater that is looking to open a studio nearby, and by nearby I mean outside the range of him.”  The executive said and Nadia looked shocked.  “We need you to well, read off a few question for the preliminaries and hopeful if nothing happens then we’ll have an interview at the studio.”  
 “That’s something; I mean it would be the first new business that’s come into the city in, well since this thing started!”  Nadia said and the executive nodded.
 “Then you see how this could be big, right?” The executive said with a smile.  “And the studio might make a superhero movie first!”
 “That is amazing.” Nadia said and looked up at the clock and nodded.  “But I have to be finished before noon, I promised the sitter that I’d get her before then and this was last minute.”
 “Of course, I promise no more than an hour.”  The executive said as they walked towards the elevators,
 “Nice, and I might have a good story about one of the local school within the next few days.”  Nadia said and the executive looked interested as the doors closed. Meanwhile outside the Agreste limo came to a stop in front of the hotel and pulled to a stop.
 Nathalie got out and looked at the ‘Gorilla’ and nodded at him.  “Go park nearby, hopefully I’ll have Adrien and we’ll be back at the mansion in a few hours.”
 The Gorilla looked at her and grunted and scowled at her, and Nathalie winced and looked down.  “I promise I won’t stop you if at the end of it all Gabriel and Adrien doesn’t make up and fix this, you can take Adrien to the police and testify okay?”
 ‘Gorilla’ nodded and Nathalie looked around at the hotel and walked inside, her eyes looking all over trying to find a clue that Adrien was there.   After a few moments a hand fell onto her shoulder and she turned to see the mayor looking at her with a smile.
 “Nathalie my dear, how are you?  You usually talk to my people over the phone if you need the space, has something happened?” Chloe’s father, André Bourgeois the mayor of Paris asked as he stood there in his usual clothes.  Nathalie looked at him and smiled.
 “No, I just thought I’d hit the café here and grab a coffee.  With everything that happened lately I thought it might be best that I grab one from here.” Nathalie said and Andre sighed and shook his head.
 “I know just what you mean my dear.  With all Hawkmoth and now this newcomer, what’s her name, Karula Zayura….. whatever. First it was how people just needed to feel strong emotions and now what she uses to make monsters, I just don’t know what Paris is coming too.  Thankfully tourism hasn’t fallen too much.” He said with a laugh.
 “I think her name was Mayura, and it’s never a good idea to taunt the crazy Mr. Mayor, I would have the name memorized before any speeches.” Nathalie said frostily and Andre nodded.
 “Of course, but with the special guest I have……opps!  Please forget I ever said anything my dear, and don’t mention it to Gabriel.” Andre said as he looked at her.  
 Nathalie kept silent and looked at him and barely kept a smile down.  “So you don’t want Gabriel to know about it then?”
 “Just until the announcement my dear, a day at most and then go right ahead.” Andre said and he shrugged. “I know it sounds convoluted but that’s what they wanted.”
 “I understand completely, truly I do.” Nathalie said and smiled at in self-thought victory.  “Just for the sack of wondering, is the guest in the ninth Suite, that has nothing to do with this one right?”
 “Oh of course, we were obliged to give that room to them, a point of honor as you can guess.” Andre said and then looked at the clock and then nodded.  “I’m so sorry, but I have to leave, I have a meeting about a concert and well I don’t want to be late.”
 “Of course, I’m sorry that I took so much time from you.”  Nathalie said and watched him leave before taking out her phone.
 Nath; I have two pieces of evidence that he’s here, plan is a go
 Gabe;  Good, I’ll see you with him hopefully, good luck.
 Nathalie walked towards the café and looked around the lobby, she was sure Adrien was here and once Gabriel found the right target, she would have her chance.  Once it started she would go up to the top floor and then she would find Adrien and talk to him about everything as the Gorilla drove them away from the attack.
  “When you have that court date, call me.  I want to have a talk with your nutritionists, a talk involving my hands around his neck.” Doctor Albert Wayzong said with a glare as he looked at Adrien.  When he had seen Adrien’s results it had taken some fast talking before he hurt Louise and then after hearing that Adrien was filling for emancipation and he calmed down a bit after that.
 “Thanks doc, I really appraised it.” Adrien said as he shook Albert’s hand.  Doctor Albert Wayzong was a middle aged man with a bald head and had blue eyes and a small beard.  He was wearing a blue shirt under a white doctor’s coat and black pants.  Adrien leaned against the wall and after a moment he felt Plagg press against him from within his coat and he kept a grin down. “And this place is great; I mean you’ve got great service and well you really take care of your clients privacy!”
 “Don’t thank me my boy, this place was set up after one too many paparazzi broke down my old place. And helping you, well that was part of my weakly charity work.  Keeps my optimism alive and I get to stay in practice.”  Doctor Albert said with a laugh.  
 “Goodbye, come again!” Lisa waved as she sat behind the counter.  As she looked down at her pocket she frowned and looked up at the doctor and cleared her throat.  “Sorry doc, bathroom breaks be right back in a bit.”
 Adrien and Louise walked out and got into Louise’s car and then they were on the road outside of the building.
 “Okay, so where do I need to take you Adrien?” Louise asked and Adrien looked at him.
 “Back to where you dropped me, that’s all I need to get back to my friends.” Adrien said as he felt Plagg push against him from his pocket.  Louise smiled at them and shook his head.  “Anyhow, I’m sure that with how the doc reacted to your physical that part of the case is won, just give me a few more days to look over everything my investigators have found and your own interview I think we’ll win, but I am sorry you had to do this kid.”
 “I know Louise, I know.” Adrien said and looked thoughtful.  This is going to be very hurtful no matter what happens, I guess in the end I have to hope that dad wasn’t this way on purpose. But I don’t understand how he could have done this otherwise. He thought as he looked out the car’s window, not paying attention to anything until he felt the car stop.
 “We’re here kid, are you sure you’re okay?”  Louise said and Adrien nodded and got out of the car and bashed towards the alley, slipping down it and after a few moments he found the dead end he had dropped his transformation before.  
 “Well kid that was hopeful.” Plagg said as he grinned at Adrien and smiled.  “I can’t wait to talk to the others at Fu’s!”  
 “What is it Plagg?” Adrien asked and Plagg grinned wider.
 “Let’s just say that I might have helped us win a victory today, and I really hope I did something right this time!”  Plagg said with a grin.  “But I’ll talk about it later, let’s go kid!”
 “Right, Plagg, Claws out!” Adrien called out before transforming into Chat Noir and then he leapt upwards and moved towards the meeting point.
  “Thank you so much for this Marinette, this was such a blessing.” Nadia said as she held Manon’s hand as she smiled at Marinette.  Nadia looked between Alya and Marinette and then looked between them.  “Are you sure I can’t get you to tell me what happened at your school?”
 “No, I really don’t want to talk about it.  But I will tell you when I can okay?” Marinette promised and Nadia nodded.
 As Nadia walked away holding Manon’s hand Marinette waved as she watched them walk away and Alya looked at him and laughed a little.
 “That wasn’t as bad I feared you know?” Alya said and Marinette nodded.  
 “Manon’s very sweat, either just right or is a complete monster that destroys everything.” Marinette said and then looked at her watch.  “Come on, we’ve got to meet the boys!”
 “Yeah, but you know that she won’t give up right?” Alya asked at they walked away from the bakery. Marinette sighed and nodded.  
 “Being you’re friend taught me that about reporters.  And I hope we get paperwork back after that tells me at least what this will be.” Marinette said with a sigh that turned into a glare.  “My parents and I talked about it; if we have to we will sue the school and or my former principle and trial by public works too.”
 “Ladies, hey!” Nino’s voice kept Alya from reacting and turning towards his voice she smiled and kissed his check.
 “Hey you ready for this?” Alya asked and Nino grinned and looked at them.  
 “Yeah, we’re just waiting on Maxie and his bot?” Nino asked and Alya nodded.
 ���Don’t wait for me everyone, I’m here!”  Max said from behind them and Marinette jumped and looked at Max as he stood there and smiled at them.
 “Learning to walk silently bot boy?” Alya asked and Max laughed and rubbed the back of his head.
 “Well, all those times I ran and hide from Akuma’s had to have done something to me sooner or later.” Max said with a smirk.
 “Let’s go, we have a nice walk until we get there.” Marinette said a she walked off, her eyes looking all over until Alya looked at her and cleared her throat.
 “Uh girl, are you looking for someone?” Alya asked as Nino and Max looked at Marinette as
 “I’m looking for Lila, she can’t follow us.” Marinette said and the others looked at each other and nodded, all of them agreeing that if Lila found out anything about this then it would be bad.
  Sabrina smiled at Chloe as they walked through the streets, glad that they had spent the day listing to the bands and having lunch out.  “So think we’ll have to do that after Marinette’s hearing?”
 “Probably yeah.  I mean I wasn’t a great student but they should have called me out on a lot of the stuff I did.” Chloe said with a scowl as she looked away.
 “You really don’t like Miss. Bustier at all, do you?”  Sabrina asked and Chloe got an ugly look on her face.  
 “If there are word that describe how I feel about that bi…..witch I don’t know them in French, English or Chinese!” Chloe said with a growl.   And that’s why I really didn’t think that teacher bitch deserved Marinette’s work like that, sorry Mari but sometimes there is collateral damage. Chloe thought with a frown as she looked away from Sabrina and sighed.
 “Hey what are they doing?” Sabrina asked suddenly and Chloe looked up and saw Marinette, Nino, Alya and Max walking on the other side of the road and Chloe looked closer when she saw Marinette was looking all around.  “Are they going somewhere?”
 “And they don’t want anyone to know.” Chloe whispered as she pulled Sabrina to a storefront.  “Don’t look at them, look at their reflection, and keep your eyes focused on Marinette.”
 “Chloe?” Sabrina asked before she could see Marinette look all around through the cars passing by the window.  “What is this?”
 “Marinette probably doesn’t want Lila to find them so let’s follow so we can intercept her.” Chloe said as she led Sabrina parallel to Marinette and friends.  “Come on, let’s help her out since we couldn’t during the attack.”
 Sabrina laughed a little and let herself be dragged along behind her
  Chloe looked at them as they followed Marinette and the others, a frown on her face as they
 As the four friends moved turned down the alley Chloe frowned and moved quickly and quietly towards it as Sabrina followed behind.
 “What is it Chloe?” Sabrina asked and Chloe ignored her.  “We saw where they were going, and Lila isn’t around here as far as we know.”
 “This theater, it’s had the same owner for years, they always pay their taxes full even when they have terrible business, dad’s been……” Chloe trailed off as she saw Chat Noir drop down by them and a flash turned him into Adrien with a black cat kwami floating by his head.  Sabrina’s mouth dropped open as Chloe looked from Marinette to Max, Alya and Nino and suddenly Chat Noir flashed and Adrien was standing there with a little creature hovering over his shoulder. “Oh my. god.”
    “Adrien, how was the checkup?” Marinette asked and Adrien frowned a little.  
 “Not as bad as I feared but better then I hoped, I’m getting a bit underweight and well Plagg said that while the Miraculous help us use energy in a balance and heal us, it can’t make things from nothing.” Adrien said and rubbed the back of his neck.  
 A sound from the door caused them to look up and see Master Fu looking out at them and smiling with a look that had a hint of mischief in it.
 “Ahh there you all, come in come in.”  Fu said as he gestured for them to come into the door and then pointed towards a doorway farther down.  “This way my young friends.”
 “I can’t believe it, I mean it’s so obvious.” Chloe said dumbly as she watched them walk into the door and then she ran towards it after it closed and then calmly brought out two pieces of metal and got to work on the door
 “Chloe what are you doing?!” Sabrina demanded as she watched Chloe work.
 “I’m not giving up a chance to give that old man a piece of my mind for throwing Marinette and Adrien at Hawkmoth!”  Chloe said as she unlocked the door and they saw a hallway, a door closing a few feet away.
 Fu led the way into his apartment under the theater and opened the Miraculous Box and let the kwami out, but only those who had partners who went to their humans as they all sat down and Fu brought out a tea set and cups, filling them with tea and.
 “Welcome, one and all.” Fu said as he bowed to them.  “I had lost hope that I would ever sit with chosen of the Kwami again.”
 “Is there a difference between us and Hawkmoth and his blue witch?” Alya asked and Fu nodded before looking at her with a glare and she swallowed.
 “Yes, but I must insist that you keep it from your blog.  If Hawkmoth or anyone else finds out about it!”  Fu said and Alya nodded.
 “Chill, I’ll keep quiet, I promise.” Alya said as Trixx giggled from her place on top of Alya’s head.
 “I told you she was a true Fox!  We know when to find and when to hide!” Trixx said and Alya looked at her.  “And we choose you Alya, we choose all of you.”
 “Indead.”  Kaalki said and nodded.  “Each of you have traits that we Kwami……. The closest word in the common tongue is resonate but it fails to catch a few things.  This was so much easier when people spoke Altantian.”
 “The problem with the wish, as Plagg has said is that it is balance in its purist form.  To make a selfish wish, that causes the universe to deal the same damage to the wisher.” Fu said as he put down the teapot and looked at them.  “To save a life of a loved one, a loved one is struck down.  To cure of a terrible diseases, then they get another one just as bad.”
 “Wait, Atlantis was real!? What happened to it?!” Max asked and Adrien only pointed at Plagg.
 “He did.” Adrien said and every human aside from him, Fu and Marinette stared open mouthed.
 “To be fair, I had no choice.  There was this monstrosity that was part animal and plant, and Tikki’s powers can’t destroy life.” Plagg said and looked down.  “Unfortunately it had it’s roots all under the island and well.”
 “And this wish couldn’t be used then why?” Nino asked and Tikki nodded.
 “My holder at the time, she died before and her body fell into the sea.  I slept for hundreds of years until it made it to shore and I found someone I could see would use it right.  I meet Plagg again about three hundred years later in the early days of Rome.” Tikki said and looked down at the floor.
 “What happened to you Plagg?” Adrien asked and Plagg shrugged.
 “Me and my holder had a fallen out with the survivors and fought our way free and with like-minded people escaped to what you all know as Africa and I spent the next few hundred years fighting against them, and then I found Tikki and a few hundred years later the Guardians found us.” Plagg said with a scowl.  “The survivors really went mad after that.”
 “So what was Atlantis like?” Max asked with stars in his eyes.
 “It had a caste based society, only it wasn’t based on birth but potential and what they would like. They had an understanding of sociology that is still unmatched so their tests helped a lot of people find their passions.”  Wayzz said with a laugh as the Kwami grinned.   “One of our missing siblings was usually partnered with a member of the Healing Caste, and they passed on many things to the Guardians.”
 “Amazing, but back up a bit okay. Then you think Hawkmoth is after the wish to save someone?” Alya asked and Marinette looked down before she nodded as a scowl grew on her face. “Why, what happened?”
 “It was the last time we fought Mayura.” Adrien began and looked at Marinette who was just a s messed up as him.
 “The day that I was expelled and that mass attack fizzled out, Mayura made an appearance.  She tried to trick Adrien with a Ladybug Senti-Monster…… I gave the item that created her to her and Mayura, she just killed her by recalling the energy used to create her.” Marinette said as she hugged her arms and looked down, never noticing that Adrien had hugged her as well or the stormy expression on her face was mirrored on his. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget the look in her eyes as she died!”
 “Oh Mari…..” Alya whispered as they all took in what she had said.
 “Dude….. that’s evil on another level.” Nino siad and even Max with his limited social skills knew that this was beyond anything.  Even Fu looked both mad and sad.
 “In fact, all that I know that shouldn’t have been possible.  Once the Imok has it’s item, you can’t just recall the energy used, and as someone who has created one I should know, you need the item to destroy banish it away, otherwise you can’t.”  Fu said as he looked at the children before him.  “But what happens next is why we think this.”
 “She got sick, like she almost passed out.” Marinette said and looked at them with a haunted look in her eyes.  “And then Hawkmoth appeared and saved her.”
 “Hawkbutt came out of his lair?! Dude.” Nino breathed and Alya looked shocked as Max’s glass slipped off his head.  A gasp caused them all to turn and see two figures at the stairs, Chloe and Sabrina.
 “CHLOE?!?” Adrien gasped and Marinette face palmed as Pollen who had been hovering by the gamohpone shot towards her and hugged her cheek.
 “The puns, how caring Marinette is, I should have seen it.” Chloe said and Sabrina looked out from behind her and waved.
 “How the hell?” Alya asked as Fu looked on and stroked his beard and Chloe shrugged.
 “Sabrina saw you four move along the streets and I saw Marinette looking around and then we saw Adrien transform back and then I picked the lock.” Chloe said with a shrug at the looks she was getting.  “What, I had to do something to pass the time when I was younger and stuck in my apartment while dad was out, learning to break out was something to do, at least until he moved me to the roof.”
 “Come in, the both of you, let us talk for a bit.” Fu said as he looked at Chloe and Sabrina, his eyes on them and with a curious glint in his eyes.  “I have wanted to talk to you for a while Miss. Bourgeois.  And this is as good a time as any.”
 “Good.  I wanted to talk to the person who chooses kids to fight Hawkbutt anyway.” Chloe said as she glared at Fu as he grinned as the others looked at her.
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akumadayo777 · 2 years
also here's a tiny intro to those weekdays characters i've already drawn a bit of, the art's older but it still holds up
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as you can probably guess from the name they're themed after the days of the week
0 notes
silvia7272 · 4 years
11 ~ 3 In 1 ~ Piper Burst/Training Time/Added Member
Ok so I was still sad that I hadn’t included everything from the previous chapter so this may just be a shorter part 2, unless if I want to include the 3 in 1. Or both, both sounds good.
Word Count: 5381
Tags: @queenmj10, @fangirl39, @animegirlweeb, @northernbluetongue, @maribat-is-lifeblood, @raisuke06, @indecisive-mess-named-me, @luleck, @themotherofhogwarts, @more-or-less-human-i-guess, @gwennex, if you wish to be tagged all you have to do is say. Also, if you change your name please tell me, I don’t want to leave you out since you’ve asked to be tagged.
This fanfic and its ideas were all made after season 3 and before season 4/movie came out, so if something doesn’t add up please don’t worry. That information wasn’t available then, and unless it fits into my story or I like it, I won’t include it in my story.
Just so it's not too boring there won’t be an Akuma/Amok/Trinklet in every chapter. I may like fight/action scenes but too much isn’t good, kinda wish canon did that as well. So, I’m proposing that Hawkmoth won’t be making an Akuma every single day. Sorry canon, I don’t want my story to become repetitive. Probably the only other reason why is because I can’t think of any Akuma names/powers/reasons to be upset just for 1 time. Damnit, I have better things to do.
“Girls you need to wake up soon.” A voice shouted from downstairs. The three girls stirred awake.
“Ok, Maman sorry.” Marinette rushed downstairs in a panic, nearly tripping over the last step only to be caught by Rosina.
“C’mon Mari, let’s hurry,” Said girl pushed herself up and soon dressed in her usual attire. Yesterday was a hectic day, she hoped today would be much simpler.
No promises.
Kissing her Parents on their cheek, Rosina and Marinette prepared to leave, but someone tiny was following them.
“Oh Piper you can’t follow them, they have to go to Collège now. But you can stay with us and wait until they come home” Sabine crouched to her level and reached out her hand to pat her head.
But once again Piper grasped onto Rosina yet again, she wasn’t scared of Sabine, but she was still extremely cautious of everyone besides the redhead.
“Hey, Piper, its alright, it won’t be for that long” Rosina tried cooeing her, but she continued to grab onto her clothes.
“I don’t think she’s gonna let go” That could be a problem, if they left, they knew Piper would cry and may end up Akumatized, but they couldn’t skip Collège.
What to do what to do? …
“I know, I’ll call the college up and ask if you can bring Piper along, even if it's just for a short amount of time. Hopefully, by then, Piper will come out of her shell.” Sabine smiled towards the girls. She certainly didn’t want to make any of the girls uncomfortable, and she could tell how Piper wasn’t at ease around anyone besides Rosina and Marinette.
“Really? That would be so nice of you Sabine” Her smile widened as Marinette pounced on her Parents, exclaiming her gratitude as well.
“Well, we’ll cya later. Bye Maman, bye Papa” They waved, Piper copying the two as they took one step out.
“Marinette, Rosina! Now you have to explain!” A hand was pointed towards them by none other then Aurore.
“Aww she looks even cuter here”
“So, you weren’t kidding?” Marc stared in shock.
Who else had stopped them at the base of her door? Her friends of course. Of course, it had to be them, of course, they couldn’t wait until they got there.
Oh well, they would’ve had to tell them eventually right?
“Ok ok, we’ll tell you on the way” Piper was still shy and decided to bury herself in Rosina. They opted to tell them the same story Marinette told her Parents, after all, it would get too confusing if more stories were made.
“Soo Rosina just made a mistake? Good, we were worried you just took the girl from the street, man you got us worried” Marinette nervously gulped, if Rosina wasn’t as good a liar as she knew she was she’d think they would be in deep trouble.
“Is she alright? She does seem really scared” Marc asked worriedly, he knew the signs all too well.
“Yeah, she’s just really shy of new people, she always has” Rosina pat Piper’s head, and started to coax her into meeting her other friends. Saying things like they are just like Marinette and Chloé, and that they would never hurt her, and they would like her immediately, in fact, they do.
The three nodded but didn’t move so they wouldn’t alarm the girl. Piper peaked out of Rosina, gave them a slight wave in their direction, before turning back and hiding herself.
It was a good start the girls proposed.
“Aww, that was adorable.” Mireille cooed out. And Marc smiled. But Aurore noticed something tied around her waist. It looked… Like a mask.
Wait a minute!
“How does she have Crisono’s mask!?” Aurore didn’t mean to shout it, but the shock just overcame her.
Unfortunately for them, someone overheard that question.
“Who has Crisono’s mask?” The ombre haired girl asked, she had come up to the group, surprising them with her quickness and speed, she looked around before her eyes landed on Rosina and a kid she didn’t recognise.
“You have a Sister? No way me too. Tell me, is she a brat sometimes? Mine can be such a handful y’know, you can never get away from them to have some peace and quiet” Marinette's mouth hung wide open. The hell? How could that be the first thing she says? Yeah, siblings could be annoying (she didn’t know but with her sometimes babysitting Manon she could definitely say they could be a handful) but she couldn’t just outright say it!
“I know exactly how you feel, one of my Mother’s friends always asked me to babysit their kid and they could prove to be so much of a handful y’know. They eventually listened to me after so much time together they immediately grew to love me. But if you want, I could give you some tips?” Lila had entered the fray, and they hadn’t even processed it yet.
“Excuse you!?” It was Chloé. And boy did she look furious!
“There's one thing to intrude upon a conversation, there's another thing to just rudely cast your opinions upon a child!” Chloé prodded her fingers into the girl's chest, jabbering at her almost as much as her words.
“As if you can talk, you don’t even have a Sister. The most you had to take care off was your attitude, and even then, look where that got you” Alya jabbed back, as if she’d let Chloé of all people walk over her.
“Hey what the hell was that for? You were in the wrong first, and there's no need to fight in front of a child” Aurore jumped in, she saw the saddened face of the two girls and wanted to help. Her and Chloé may not see eye to eye but that didn’t mean she was going to leave her like that.
“Aurore I cannot believe you girl, I thought you had more sense than that. How can you stick up for Chloé after everything she’s done?” Alya held shock on her face, she thought Aurore was smarter than that, was she under the blonde and bluenette’s spell as well-
“That’s enough!” They all heard the voice, but were shocked at whom it was from. They all turned to look at Rosina, a wave of slight anger in her eyes they hadn’t seen before, two had and even they wished they could erase it from their memory.
The girl waltzed up to Chloé and Aurore, grabbed both their hands and walked off.
“We’re going to class so you can stop being mean to my friends” They walked off and into the school. Marinette, Mireille and Marc followed after them, surprised to see Rosina like that.
Alya and Lila stood there in shock, one noting that she wasn’t as much of an airhead as she thought, the other thinking maybe she had gone a bit too far with her comment about her Sister. Whatever the case, they decided to give her some space.
“Err… Rosy? Are you ok?” Marc was the first one to ask. Upon arriving in their classroom, it was empty, meaning they had some time before people would come crawling in. Maybe it would be good to meet up like this, so they didn’t have to wait for that one lunchtime to meet up.
To their luck, Piper didn’t understand the conversation they just had, and they were able to distract her with crayons and pieces of paper. She was drawing carefully for such a young person her age.
While she was in her element the rest grew concerned with Rosina’s outburst. They had never seen her like that, was it normal?
“Sorry, I just don’t like arguments. Me and Aunty never had them, so I really don’t like them…  And I didn’t like that Alya called Piper a brat.” Mireille rested a hand on the girl's shoulder, trying to comfort her.
“It’s ok Rosina. I hate arguments as well, it's normal. So, if anything else ever makes you uncomfortable just tell us ok?” Rosy stared before her smile stretched across her face, quickly hugging her.
“You guys are the best” Mireille was surprised as her emotions were quickly changing.
“Group hug!” Someone shouted, she wasn’t sure who, but it didn’t matter, everyone was engulfed in arms.
“You too Chloé”
“Ahh! -” She slowly accepted her fate, though her clothes may be ruffled, for once she didn’t care about it. Baby steps.
Time passed as they all talked over plans to hang out, since it was a Monday they all planned to watch Rosina’s fencing match, D’Argencourt allowed them to as long as they were quiet and wouldn’t distract any other students, and afterwards meet up with Luka and Noémie. Kagami would already be there and by her Mother’s command have exactly 2 hours of free time with her friends on weekdays. And if she had finished her noble arts and studies earlier, she would have some extra hours at weekends. It was better than before so they were glad they could bring Kagami along.
They had planned on going to an arcade, there was a small one apparently Noémie knew about, somehow, she knew all the best places, she must’ve explored a bunch of unknown sites.
Rosina felt tugging from her top and looked down to see the black-haired girl hand her some paper. It held scribbles of flowers and stars drawn all around it. Marinette had a few picture books she had used for when Manon would be quiet, and she quite enjoyed them. Piper seemed to adore them as every one of her drawings contained it.
That’s right drawings.
“Aww Piper these are adorable”
“What a real artist”
“I know exactly what to buy you for your next birthday” Piper had made a drawing for each of them, so 6 in total. And they were all great. They all felt honoured she would draw for them.
Ring… Ring
The bell had rung signalling for them to attend their own classroom. As the three from Mendeleiev’s class began to exit the room a certain redhead arrived.
They stared for a bit, one glared while another tried to dodge the gaze. Aurore grabbed onto Marc’s hand and marched straight out of there, if Nathaniel wanted to believe a liar more than his friend then that was on him. He made his bed now he can lie in it. Mireille walked along with them, and away they went. Marinette was still disheartened about the whole thing, she wasn’t able to convince Nathaniel to change his mind, she didn’t know what exactly Lila had told him but whatever it was, had fully convinced him Marc had to go.
Even after everything they had been through, he chose to throw it all away.
But that was how life was.
More people filled the room, some were surprised to see a child, others hadn’t noticed, some had taken double takes but the teacher luckily entered and was able to explain everything… Even if Marinette could tell she wasn’t thrilled about the situation. Marinette didn’t say anything, I mean, she was just a child, who may have not been taken care of, who was she to deny the girl some affections from her newfound Sister?
“Did you enjoy today Piper?” The little girl nodded, a toy was cuddled up to the girl, a toy a certain blue-haired boy was able to win, earning the trust of the girl right away. Since Luka was the only one to have a sibling, that they knew of at least, and with Juleka being his Sister, he automatically knew how to get the girl to come out of her shell.
It was incredibly cute, even Chloé couldn’t deny it. Her little arms reaching around to hug the second eldest of the group. Piper may have been shy towards the teens at the start, but she became pretty social afterwards. Accepting hugs from all of them and even being carried by them, she was then considered the little Sister to them all. And although it took a while for Kagami to earn the girls trust, she loved her none the less. Noémie begged to take a picture of the cute girl as they all posed again before leaving.
And it was at that time Marinette noticed she started to smile, she had seen the girl looking at other people laughing and hugging others, Marinette thought maybe she was just glancing at a lot of things considering her age, but now she knew it was because she was intrigued and probably just wanted to do it herself.
It was surprisingly Chloé and Aurore who were able to produce the first smile, Piper had pointed to a toy with a female in a giant pink tutu and in such an elegant stance, it appeared she was beginning her own routine. She didn’t know what it was so the group explained ballet to her, Aurore suggested someone demonstrating so Piper could properly understand and selflessly volunteered Chloé for the job. The other blonde appeared to challenge the thought and smugly waltzed onto an empty DDR machine. She danced as they all wooed her, clapping’s and a lone whistle was heard. She also had an audience partaker; Rosina copied her movements perfectly. Piper widened her eyes, astonished of how cool and fun it looked.
“Wow,” She whispered, a small astonished smile appearing on her face, making Marinette notice and pick her up to join them.
But she was only able to make everyone else unbalanced and all of them fell onto the floor in a pile. But they all laughed, her clumsiness was well known at this point, what else could they say?
When Piper waddled up to Chloé and looked up towards the blonde, she bent down towards her… And had her nose booped.
It happened, it finally happened.
Chloé hadn’t been so happy than in that moment.
Picking her up and spinning around saying she was going to teach her everything there was to ballet.
They continued playing with a bunch of other machines before the tiny girl was worn out.
Overall, the sleepy expression the tiny girl held on her face was well worn. And as the two girls headed back home to rest up, Chloé having departed already, they were going to enjoy their quiet free time.
Tap, tap, tap.
‘… Huh?’
Tap, tap, tap.
Marinette sat up, that wasn’t Chat Noir was it? He hadn’t visited for a while; she guessed his civilian self might have been busy but oh well.
“Chat what are you doing here?”
“How dare you mix me up for that oversized cat?”
Mrs Hernandez?
Her bedroom window opened, and the older woman had entered. One girl jumped as the other held an enjoyable expression on her face.
“Aunty!” Of course, she hugged her, and of course she had proceeded to be whacked on the head.
“What are you doing here Aunty? Is there another Trinklet? Or is there an Akuma we need to take care off? Do we need to bring Chloé with us again?” A whack was heard once more in the room.
“No amaretto, there is a much urgent matter to attend to”
“What is it?” Marinette grew worried, was this about the Miraculous, any side effects she had yet learned off?
“This… Is about your training”
“Chop chop, you shall meet me in 10 minutes near the Louvre. And you best bring that Bourgeois girl as well” They couldn’t ask any more questions as a box was thrown towards them and she vanished.
What the hell was that?
And- wait 10 minutes, quick they had to leave now!
“Ok, we’re all here now, why did you have to have this now? I had to cancel a hair appointment for this!” Stinger huffed crossing her arms, clearly annoyed at the clash of events. Finding Mrs Hernandez at the Louvre was one thing, her pushing all three into the Trinklet without any time to speak was another.
“Well Bourgeois, if you want to take that hair appointment instead of learning how to be a mediocre hero, then you are free to leave and prove my point” They glared at each other before Chloé huffed off, saying she’ll stay here instead.
Hernandez smirked, knowing she had achieved a small victory.
Ladybug sighed, if this is how they’re going to act for all meetings she’d rather not be a part of any of it.
But the older woman coughed to get everyone's attention, they all stood in a line awaiting any other further instructions.
“Now that you’re all here you should expect that your once normal and average lives will be changed and altered forever, and because you’ve already accepted you can’t step back” Ladybug was about to speak up, they already had the Miraculous how crazy could it become?
She was silenced by the woman’s stare and promptly closed her mouth.
“Your training starts now, and I expect all of you to follow my orders without hesitation” A loud yes ma'am was heard, the other two promptly followed shortly afterwards, although with less enthusiasm.
“Now transform back” Crisono did it without hesitance.
Ladybug and Stinger froze and grew shocked!
“What? We can’t, I can’t let anyone learn about my identity” Chloé quickly shook her head, she knew everyone there knew about her identity but she couldn’t learn about Ladybug’s, not now and certainly not here in the Trinklet again Stinger had to have a moment to collect herself on being transported to two different worlds in two days.
“Oh hush, you can still keep your identity a secret if you really want to even if it would be so much easier if you didn’t” Ladybug and Chloé looked so confused, what?
“There is a spare set of sports clothes in those doors, change into them when you detransform… Secret identities are so much hassle” She muttered that last part as she walked away. Ladybug and Stinger looked at each other still unsure.
“Is this a good idea? I mean, doesn’t the Miraculous protect us from learning about our identities?” Stinger asked, she didn’t want to find out who Ladybug was, although she liked the mystery to remain she didn’t want to accidentally reveal her idols identity.
“I’m sure it’ll be alright, you’ll both be wearing masks still, plus I think your Kwami’s might be able to give you both a magic cover so I don’t think there's any reason to fear. Plus, now your Kwami’s can give pointers and help us and-” A finger was placed on her lips to silence her.
“Whoa whoa whoa, settle down there Rosina. One thing at a time. Let’s just get changed first before we get into that” Ladybug smiled, no matter the situation, Rosina would always be so hyper.
“Sooooorrrrrryyyyyyyyy, I’m just happy that we’re all going to train together, I know it's going to be hard at first, and hurt all over your body, and as days past you’ll wish to just stay in bed all day and forever… But I promise you’ll love it; we’ll all be the strongest heroes in the world”
What the hell did they get themselves into?
“Left right left right! Come on Ladybug, aren’t you faster than that!” She was dodging flying planks of wood that would swing right in front and back to her… Without her Miraculous. Man, what a nightmare, and this was meant to be basic training?
“What's the matter Stinker? Got cold feet already?” She turned her head towards the hero clad in yellow, fully knowing she wasn’t fearing well much either.
“It’s Sovereign Stinger to you” She replied but didn’t move. Below her were tiles that would set of a trap, she had to run to the other side without setting any of them off, if she did she would have to go back all the way to the beginning and start all over again.
‘I may hate this but I am so going to complete it just so I can shove it in that old woman's fac-’ Red flashed her eyes as the tile opened up and swallowed her whole, she would be placed at the start yet again.
The Kwami’s were busily indulging in food as they watched their respective holders… ‘Training’ they were of course worried but Hernandez told them not to, if they are any good at being heroes then this will be a piece of cake by the time they complete it.
They didn’t seem too convinced until they remembered to look up. A lone type rope was there, and a redheaded figure was slowly making her way across it, she was as straight as a board, and the baton she used to steady herself helped as far as they could tell. Until they were able to make out that she wasn’t holding it with her hands, oh no, she was holding it with her feet.
“Rosina is crazy” Pollen nodded her head.
“Yes indeed, I wouldn’t class this as any regular training I’ve seen, how can she see with that blindfold?” Pollen spoke, worried for her holder's friend as the colour from Tikki’s face drained.
“Wait she’s BLINDFOLDED!?”
“Of course she is, you wouldn’t think I’d give her something basic to start off with like those two?”
“THIS IS MEANT TO BE BASIC TRAINING!?” Ladybug screamed but she had lost her focus, she had gotten hit and flew across the field. Her and Stinger landed in a pile together.
“I have to say, you two did better than what I thought, but I suppose you can have a break” The girls smiled, finally some rest.
“Rosiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” The older woman screamed. As the two girls looked up, they were able to see their friend swinging around on the rope, if it was anyone else but her, they would’ve been petrified at that prospect but they weren’t concerned.
This wasn’t even the craziest thing she’s done-
Wait a minute she wasn’t swinging anymore.
“Heeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy guys” Arms were wrapped around the two girls as they screamed in shock.
“Wait for one-second Crisono, how did you get down here so quick!?” Rosina’s smile left her face immediately, and she leaned in very close towards the girls, they leaned in as well to hear her answer.
They fell over in shock.
“Now let’s get us some water I’m thirsty” She joyfully skipped over to their fridge as Ladybug and Stinger resolved to just sit down there, hoping there wouldn’t be any more surprises.
“Heads up!”
… Why does she keep jinxing herself?
A bottle landed on the bluenette, with no way for her to cover herself after being so exhausted with her previous training, she gave a glare to the redhead, who only smiled back in return.
“Sorry about that Ladybug. Heads up” Was spoken yet again, but the object was thrown in a different direction. And was caught by her Aunt.
Ladybug supposed it was natural, they must’ve done this routine over a hundred times by now, of course, they were used to it.
“You both need much more training before you can even qualify as a hero in my books, but considering it's only been a day I suppose it’s the best you can produce” Normally they would have a retort but they were too exhausted to think of anything witty, so they just waved her away.
“And I believe you require another person to join” The three girls looked up in confusion.
“When I’ll have you do the next step in your training, it's important that you can fight your opponent efficiently, but to do that you’ll need to fight each other to prove to me you listened to every instruction. And since I don’t want you slacking off, I think it’s time for you to include someone else.” The two girls glared at her with that last sentence, but she didn’t care.
“And so when you all train together you’ll know everyone's strengths and weaknesses, and since I want it to be even I believe someone else joining would prove useful to you. I want you all to know the importance of fighting without your Miraculous and not to rely on your magical power for everything.” Ladybug thought for a while, before deciding on someone.
“Great, I’ll bring Chat here and then we can get him up to speed with the Trinklets and Revenant-”
That sound was heard throughout the field, but instead of the redhead being hit, it was the bluenette.
“What was that for!?” Hernandez glared at the young heroine; she was so naïve it hurt her so.
“I will not have that mangy cat anywhere here until he proves he can act serious in a battle. Until then I want this to remain a secret from him… Do you all understand?”
“But Chat is Ladybug’s partner, they can’t keep secrets from each other” Tikki tried to reason, Chat may act goofy sometimes, but he was still a hero to Paris no matter what, he still helps whenever he can.
Mrs Hernandez however never lifted her glare.
“I won’t repeat myself again,” Tikki reluctantly flew back down to Ladybug’s side saddened she couldn’t persuade her former holder, but a gentle pat on her head calmed her down.
“Now I expect you to pick someone that will have a strive to protect and conquer any enemy in their way.”
Ladybug looked down in thought, if she couldn’t let her own partner know who else was there? It, of course, couldn’t be Alya or Nino, she hadn’t called them up since last summer, they were unofficially retired.
And it couldn’t be anyone from her class, it may be petty of her, but she also believed they wouldn’t keep it a secret, she still feared for the day Alya would tell Lila she was Rena Rouge.
What about one of her new friends?
Although, they might find it strange to suddenly called for, plus she didn’t want them to fear for the new threat.
She needed someone that would be composed and loyal, and who would take the situation seriously.
A light bulb went off in her head.
“I see you’ve made your choice… Hurry along now, make sure you don’t keep me waiting” Ladybug got up, said her goodbyes with the promise of bringing someone who would be perfect for them.
After all, they already knew each other.
“Amoretto, I know she’s your friend but you do have to hit her at some point, you need more help with your combat abilities as it is”
A dodge was made.
“But Aunty I can’t, she’s my friend… And she might hit me harder”
A fist was pulled back…
“Damn right I will”
But it couldn’t make contact.
“Get back here Rosina!”
“Nooooooo you’re scaring me!”
And that’s the story of how Hernandez had two children running around her in circles.
“Ahem,” Someone cleared their throat to gain the three’s attention from their… “Training”
“I thought long and hard about what you said Mrs Hernandez, and I believe I’ve chosen the perfect candidate” Ladybug stepped out of the way for the person to come out.
They waited before seeing blue hair and a maroon mask, they had already gotten changed into the Gym clothes so at least then they could get started.
“Hooray a new face. Hiya there I’m Crisono” The new blue-haired girl stood back, so this was Crisono Tassa? She had expected her to be a bit, how would you say? Formal? Serious? But here she was all smiles and giggles.
And reminding her of someone.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Crisono, I’ve heard so much about you, I would be honoured if we could have a fencing match?” Crisono’s eyes lit up in awe. Sparkling with joy.
“Of course of course of course. Aunty can we can we can we? Pleeeeease?” She fluttered her eyelashes in her Aunt’s direction.
Hernandez, however, didn’t respond as she was looking the newcomer up and down, trying to stare her down, but it appeared she wouldn’t look away from her glare. Almost challenging it weirdly.
“Heh” Hernandez smirked, she liked this kid already, she seemed to prove herself in a matter of unspoken seconds, she couldn’t wait to see what else she could prove.
“I suppose seeing your skills in action would be a way for me to test what your capable off, if you think you can handle it?” The new girl nodded.
“I will strive to do everything to prove myself” She bowed formally.
“Very well, cherub teach her what it takes to be a true hero” Crisono excitedly waved her arms up and down again, a habit the girls noticed she would do whenever she was happy.
“Ok… Does that mean we can fight?”
“Yes, of course it means you can fight… What am I going to do with you?” Hernandez sighed as Rosina giggled before taking the new girl’s hand and take her to a large field. Ladybug and Stinger making their way over as well, wanting to enjoy the show.
“Oh yeah, what's your superhero name?” The new girl looked down, she knew, in the long run, she wouldn’t be able to go by her old name, Hawkmoth already knew her identity and she couldn’t put her friends and family in danger.
So, she decided to choose someone who had inspired her for a sport she had grown to love.
“I’m YukiOta”
“I suppose you’ll need to catch me up to speed Tikki” Longg floated over to his long-time friend, forgetting the last time he had seen her he was excited to spend some time outside.
“Of course Longg, don’t worry it's not all bad… At least I don’t think so” Longg looked confused, what did she mean by that?
“Here Longg, we have plenty of snacks to eat as they all train. But don’t worry about them, they’ll be alright” Longg gave a puzzled look again before settling down near them, greedily taking a cookie while listening to Pollen and Tikki retell the recent events that had transpired.
“You’ll get used to it”
In a classroom, voices were heard. Well, more like whispers were formed by the people in there.
And it was very clear as to why.
They all saw, it was impossible not to notice.
I mean, the three girls who sit in the back come in, all with bandages around them? What had happened? Were they involved in a fight? Was there a short Akuma attack the news team couldn’t capture because they couldn’t get there in time?
Whatever had happened they were still worried and asked what had occurred, they may not be on the same page but to leave them like that would just be heartless, a brunette couldn’t really care less but had to act as if she did.
“We’re starting paintball lessons”
And like that everything went back to normal, of course, that had to be the reason. Kim vouched, saying the last time he went paintballing he came back with a bruised leg, he hadn’t worn enough protection and shivered at how long it took for him to heal.
And even though it seemed plausible… It still seemed strange that someone as clumsy as Marinette, and someone as dirt free as Chloé would ever participate in such an extreme sport such as paintballing.
Rosina, they could kinda understand, she had already proved to be a pro of a fencer so this activity would just be a form of exercise.
Chloé had asked why Marinette was all banged up only for Rosina to say her Aunt wants her to personally teach her some self-defence tactics, but she kept falling over. Chloé laughed at that as Marinette huffed asking why she’s so banged up, Chloé’s smirk fell off her face as she stuttered for a reason, eventually saying she was starting karate thank god Marinette seemed to buy it.
The girls thought the next few days wouldn’t be as bad.
Boy were they wrong.
And it’s done, sorry this might have taken longer, I kinda got into a Pokémon phase as I plan to do something big with Pokémon, but I need to plan it out more, so hopefully, that will be good. Also, hope you like it, next one is either 3 in 1 or Felix I’m leaning more towards Felix, haven’t decided yet, anyone have any short requests for me to do in the 3 in 1? Any scenarios?
Well anyway, I’m going to upload YukiOta’s design afterwards so you can all see it. Hope you’ll like it.
Also, what really sucks is that my drawing tablet doesn’t work with the Paint Tool Sai and every time I install it and uninstall it, it always makes my computer reset so I really hate that. Hopefully, it's just a problem with the laptop as I’m planning on getting another one for uni soon. But that also means updates will be slower so sorry, but I want to pass uni.
Anyway, hope to see you all soon. Have a good day/night.
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starshine583 · 5 years
Hooked On A Feeling
(Y'all I am like, high off of serotonin, you guys really like this fic that much?? Oh my word??? I can't believe how many notes and responses I am getting! Here's part 8 because you guys are so lovely that I can't possibly say no to giving you more)
Motorcycle Madness (This was part 7)
Marinette heard the roller coasters before she saw them. The rattling of the tracks and the giddy screams was a nice change from the crashing buildings and screams of terror that came from akuma attacks.
The Motorcycle rolled to a stop in the parking lot, and the two climbed off.
“So where did you rent this from?” Marinette asked, handing him his helmet.
“I didn’t.” Damian replied, hanging the helmet on the motorcycle handle and stashing the keys in his back pocket.
“Didn’t rent it.”
Marinette blinked. “Wait, you own this?”
Damian tilted his head from side to side in a “sort of” gesture. 
“It’s more of a ‘hand-me-down’, but yes.” 
Marinette scoffed. Hand-me-down? This thing is in mint condition!
She ran her hand over the motorcycle in admiration.
“What’s this?” 
Near the rear of the motorcycle, resting just underneath the seat, was a yellow R symbol that looked vaguely familiar. Hadn’t she seen it on Robin’s costume?
“Oh that?” Damian asked, following her gaze. “That’s just the brand symbol.”
“Brand symbol..” Marinette repeated under her breath. Why would a hero buy his costume from an ordinary store? What brand sells clothes and vehicles? 
“Are you ready to go?” 
Marinette shook her head, pushing the thoughts to the side and glancing up at Damian with a smile. Robin was on their side, so there was no reason to wonder about simple things like coincidental brand symbols.
She straightened. “Yep! Ready to go when you are. What do you want to do first?” 
“Doesn’t matter as long as we do it all.” He smirked, starting the walk into the amusement park.
Naturally, they started with the roller coasters. The spinning ones, the ones with loops, the ones that were so high that they lifted you off of your seat on the way down- they rode them all. Being a weekday, there weren’t as many people crowding the lines. That made it all the easier to ride the rides several times over again.
“Am I supposed to feel sick after a while?” Damian asked as they strolled to the next ride.
Marinette giggled and patted him on the shoulder. “You’ve never been to an amusement park before, have you?” 
“I have. Once or twice.” He admitted. “We didn’t get to ride any of the rides though.” 
She furrowed her eyebrows. People don’t usually go to amusement parks, and then not ride anything. 
“Why not?” 
Damian’s gaze flicked to her, oddly distant for a moment.
Then he looked ahead again. “Stuff came up.”
A frown tugged at the corner of her lips. That was an extremely vague answer..
“Do you want to get some water? I’m kind of hungry anyway.” She asked next, directing him towards the food station. She supposed it was rude to pry. So they might as well change the subject.
He appeared to appreciate it, a small smile coming back to his lips along with his shoulders relaxing. “Water should be fine, but I’m hungry too. What food do they have here?” 
Marinette snorted. “If you can call it food. They have Cotton Candy, Funnel Cake, Corn Dogs, Popcorn- mostly sugar that has a few extra ingredients to hold it together.”
Damian raised an eyebrow. “Well, I don’t want Cotton Candy. What was the other thing you said? Funnel Cake? What is that?” 
She gave a blissful, dramatic sigh. “It’s heavenly. I’ll get some to share.” 
They found a table near the stand, and Marinette got in line to order. A few minutes later, she gave Damian his water and set the plate of Funnel Cake between them.
“It’s hot, so be careful.” She warned, carefully breaking apart some of the pieces to cool it down faster.
Damian took the water bottle with a “thank you” and opened it.
She flashed him a smile, then picked up a small piece of the Funnel Cake.
“Here, try it.” Marinette said, holding it out to him.
He hesitated, giving her a look.
She rolled her eyes with a chuckle. “Come on, you liked the lattes. Just try it, okay?”
Her smile widened when Damian sighed in resignation. He leaned forward and let her feed him the funnel cake. Marinette flushed from embarrassment as she hadn’t expected to feed it to him herself, but he didn’t seem to think much of it.
“S-so? Your thoughts?” She held back a cringe when she stuttered. Great. Is that how the rest of this night’s gonna go?
Damian hummed. 
“It’s okay.”
Marinette shook her head. “You’re so picky.” 
The boy scoffed, though his lips held a smile. “You’re allowed to be picky when you have the money for it.” 
“True, true.” Marinette agreed.
She almost jumped when an alarm bell started ringing.
The two turned to see a little boy grinning from ear to ear and pointing out which toy he wanted from a game vendor.
“How do they stay in business?” Damian asked, watching the boy tightly hug his new, pink elephant. “The games are too easy to win.”
Marinette couldn’t help laughing. “Too easy to win? Most of those games are rigged for failure. The mom probably paid the vendor to get the stuffed animal.”
Damian gave her an incredulous look. “How? I could win those with my eyes closed.”
Her smile faltered. Is he being cocky or does he actually believe that?
“Why don’t we play them then?”
Marinette’s smile returned, this time more sly. “Let’s play the games, if they’re so easy.”
Damian narrowed his gaze at her. 
“If you want to.”
“Oh, I definitely want to.”
That’s how the competition began. Play each of the games together, and whoever wins the most, or has the highest scores combined, wins the whole competition. 
The first game was ring toss. Damian’s accuracy with the rings was uncanny, Marinette found out. She managed to get one or two, but he was able to throw six at a time without a problem, each landing on a separate bottle.
“How are you that good at ring toss?” She asked. No wonder he thought all of these games were easy!
Damian shrugged. “Practice.”
Practice? Practice? What kind of things do you practice to get that good??
Next game was a water gun game where you shoot the target to raise your icon to a certain point. Marinette had the luck of getting a gun with better water pressure, so she won that round.
“That shouldn’t count! It was pure luck!” Damian protested.
Marinette flashed him a smile. “Miraculous Luck, I’d say. I’m totally counting it, though.” 
Third game was Balloon and Dart. This was a close one, but Marinette and Damian ended up tying.
This continued for the next half hour with Marinette and Damian beating each other in different ways. By the time they finished, the sun had set, and the stars were glistening above them.
“What are we going to do with all of the prizes?” Damian asked once they finished the last game, holding up the handful of goods they’d won.
Marinette hummed, plucking a toy yo-yo off of the pile. There were definitely a lot of toys here that they didn’t need.
A soft gasp brought their attention to a little girl who was staring starry-eyed at the pile of toys in Damian’s hands. 
The two exchanged a glance, before sharing a smile.
“You want one?” Marinette said sweetly, handing her the yo-yo.
The girl eagerly took it, slipping the string onto her fingers and attempting to swing it around.
“Guess we know what to do with them now.” Damian commented, already starting to hand out the rest of the toys to passing kids.
Marinette smiled, taking half the pile to help. The grins from the kids and appreciative looks from the mother warmed her heart. 
“What do you want to do next?” Damian asked after they finished giving away the toys.
Marinette hummed, glancing around the theme park. They’d ridden all of the roller coasters, played all of the games..
“Oh! Let’s ride the Ferris Wheel!” She exclaimed. It’d be a perfect way to end the day!
Damian looked up at the attraction, a small smile crossing his lips. “After you.”
Marinette squealed, excitedly shifting from foot to foot before starting for the Ferris Wheel.
Because it was later in the day and school had long since let out, the amusement park was now packed with people. She could barely hear Damian telling her to slow down over the talking and laughing and screaming, nor did she register how many people she bumped into or squeezed past. 
It wasn’t until she felt a light pull on her arm that she turned back around.
“You’re hard to keep up with in a crowd.” Damian said.
Marinette laughed, giving an apologetic smile. Then her eyes trailed to their hands. 
Damian glanced down as well, and he started to pull his hand away from hers. “Sorry, I was trying to stay together.”
A blush bloomed across Marinette’s cheeks, and she giggled. He looked so uncertain. It was adorable, really.
She gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “It’s okay. I don’t mind.” 
Now it was Damian’s turn to blush, and oh, if that didn’t give her butterflies..
The line for the Ferris Wheel was a bit long, but Marinette felt it went faster with Damian’s hand in hers.
They were still holding hands as they got on the ride and as they got to the top. The stars littered the clear night sky, almost as bright as the shining lights lining the roller coasters.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Marinette breathed, completely absorbed in the inky blackness of the night.
She didn’t see the way Damian’s eyes softened, or how his eyes were only on her as he said, “Yeah. It is.” 
Tag List: @thebookwormfairy @unholykrow @constancetruggle @vixen-uchiha @derpingrainbow @kceedraws @graduatedmelon @starry-bi-sky @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @sweatyruinsstudentbored @go-n-ef @tinybrie @resignedcatservant @never-neverland @captainmac6 @drama-queen-supreme  @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @roseinbloom02 @grimmhallow31 @zazzlejazzle @crazylittlemunchkin @iggy-of-fans @origamieater @kiara-rose-blackthorn @spicybelladonna @redscarlet95 @mooshoon @t-nikki10 @auradonfairy @shamefulllove @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @johnlockfeelz @imfreakingmagical
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Seating plan part 9
Alix being the best bro anyone could ask for, super squad being soft, Marinette and Felix's second date, miraculous swap
Link to part 8
After Alix fails in her plan to stop Chloe from stealing Marinette's diary and exposing her feelings for Felix to the whole class (this is way before Felix and Marinette get together) using her bunnix abilities (as a now full time part time hero she gets to keep the bunny miraculous on weekdays, Mari tried to convince fu that they should just keep them full time but his wisdom is confusing, once she’s the guardian the super squad becomes permanent) she goes back to that morning and purposefully makes herself and Mari late for school in the hopes of stopping Chloe from sneaking into Marinette’s room (she forgot about Sabrina) but once she gets to school she sees Chloe put Marinette’s diary into her bag *cue menacing butterfly* Alix is then akumatised into reverser, as reverser Alix has the ability to put whoever she zaps into permanent reverse mode, for example, she zaps Sabrina and suddenly she's walking backwards out of the school and towards the Dupain-cheng bakery to put back Marinette's diary back
cue Chloe screaming for Lb while trying to avoid Reversers zaps “hurry up! get this crazy obsessed she-devil away from me this instant before I call my father” lb smugly looks to chat and says “whats her father gonna do? fire us?” chat- “or banish us from Paris? they wouldn't last 10 minutes without you bugaboo” they both laugh and go defeat Reverser 
after the Akuma is defeated Alix goes to find Mari and tells her about the diary fief, sins Mari is totally over everyone's nonsense in my au she goes straight up to Chloe and says “I believe you have something of mine” and snaches her bag to retrieve her property, alix smirks as Chloe tries to yell and Sabrina's face goes bright red “you really wanna start yelling that Marinette is stealing from you when you literally just stole from her? are you really that dumb?”
master fu holds a yoga class for all the heroes to try and teach them how to control of there emotions betterto try and avoid any more of them becoming akumatised, Alix feels like she let Ladybug and Chat down because she wasn’t strong enough to fight hawkbitches power, LB tells her “I wish I was as strong as you Bunnix, why do you think I chose you to wheeled the bunny miraculous, why do you think I chose any of you? *talking to bunnix, carapace, Ryuko, viperion and Renard Arctique (Fox Felix)* it’s because I see how strong you all are, I know I can trust all of you, you have true hearts, never doubt yourselves....but if you do just remember that I will never doubt you, i see you” “that was beautiful my lady” *cue LB fondly rolling her eyes* then they have a big group hug and they all agree they’d never be able to do any of this without her leadership CP-“and Chats unshakable faith and positivity”, master fu smiles proudly at the group
Felix and Marinette going on there the second date, Mari face-timed Alix while getting ready because “what if I choose the wrong outfit sand he decided I'm too much of fashion disaster too date? what if he decides he never wants to speak to me again because of this one wrong decision” Alix is just sat looking at her phone screen watching Mari pace around her room like *my best friend is so blind* she eventually interrupts Mari “he's gonna love whatever you wear Mari, just because it's you that's wearing it, in case you haven't noticed in Felix's eyes you can do no wrong” *cue adorable Mari blush*
for there the second date they visit the louvre and then have a picnic made by Felix, he's trying to impress Mari so he totally watched a dozen youtube tutorials on how to make perfect bread, cookie and scones, Adrian and Nathalie had to intervene before he burnt down the kitchen but with a little help he did it (Adrian definitely sent Mari photos of felix covered in flour while struggling to roll out the cookie dough) after the picnic they walk around Paris holding hands as the sun sets 
The super squad girls love patrolling together, they have races around Paris, they talk about irl stuff (leaving out anything that would reveal there identity) and give each other advice, they practice new combat moves to surprise the guys with Bun-“Chats gonna get his ass handed to him again” *evil smirk from bunnix” Ryu- “Doesn't he always” *bunnix laughing* LB-“don’t be too harsh girls *LB smirking* it’s not the guys faults were total Badasses....their all strong too, where are all amazing” Bun-“just not as amazingly strong as us” *jokingly flexing her muscles*, one of the nights the girl hero’s are patrolling together Ryuko says “do you think you’d bring any other hero’s into the tam *Kagami is thinking about a certain blue hair friend while bringing up the question* “I have a few ideas, in case of emergencies *meaning max and Kim* then both Kagami and Alix simultaneously starts thinking about how amazing it would be to have Marinette on the team
The miraculous swap is very different in my au,well technically the actual fight is basically the same its just how it happens and the villain that's different,  Sabrina is akumatised into a villain with the ability to switch people (I can’t think of a name so let’s call her the switch witch), if she hits you with her power your physical appearances stays the same but your personalities and clothes change, she switches Chloe into a quiet girl ready to follow orders, Alya turns into a snapback wearing bro, rose is now a compulsive liar in zero pink, Alix is off building a robot and Felix is in the back of the class quietly drawing Marinette (okay he’s supposed to be swapped with nath but that’s actually very on-brand for Felix...) Sabrina is akumatised after returning to school on Monday wearing a new necklace her father bought her for her birthday, Chloe green with envy, because she had her eye on that very necklace, demands Sabrina take off “that utterly ridiculous eyesore or ill be forced to end this friendship” Marinette interjects and says “why should Sabrina's choice of clothing affect your friendship” Alix-“more like dictatorship” rose “I think your necklace is lovely Sabrina” Chloe- “No, that fashion disaster is utterly ridiculous, ridiculous I say, take it off now or were over Sabrina” Sabrina runs out of the room crying, she doesn't wanna lose Chloe (the heart wants what it wants I guess...) but she loves the necklace, her dad spent so much time trying to find the perfect git, she slumps to the hallway floor crying because just once she wishes she could treat Chloe like this, see how she likes it, see how she likes feeling bossed around and made to feel small, shes then akumatised 
during the battle with akumatised Sabrina (switch witch) LB and chat get hit with her power and switch miraculous, Ladybug is now in full black and feels the sudden need to make a pun and chat Noir is suddenly hit with the bone-crushing weight of responsibility *hehe jk...but not really* its mostly similar to canon just with a different villain and a slightly different dynamic between lb and chat, after watching the disaster interview (link to part 4 for my version of prime queen) for himself he realised how blind to lb’s feelings he’s been, he stops beings as forward, he’s decided that if there soulmate’s then it will happen when it happens...he still gets jealous whenever LB and Renard are joking around though, it’s still progress I guess
Part 10
@bamagirl513 @persephonebutkore @charlietheepic7 @7-sage-7 @spicybelladonna @akana-sama
Edit- designs of Alix and Sabrina akumatised link here
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acefrogmonarch · 5 years
My Turn :) Pt.3
(❁´◡`❁) (❤´艸`❤)(✿◠‿◠)(✿◕‿◕✿)~( ̄▽ ̄)~*(❤ ω ❤)
Tags @vivilakitty @mystery-5-5 @northernbluetongue @thatrandomfandomsgirl @vixen-uchiha
I hope that’s all of you guys in the tags if not then eh.
Tell me
1 | 2 | 3 (You’re here) | 4 - ao3
Uh heavy warning.
Diana had just landed her invisible plane on the outskirts of Paris and makes her way to the inner workings of the city.
Bruce had called her to notify her of the situation in Paris. She, herself, had never been present when an Akuma was and always missed the chance to fight one.
Every time she was either off-world or on a mission. Finally, after ranting to Bruce about it, he seemed to inform her that he was taking the initiative within the following week. "Finally some good news after all this time!" Stretching out her limbs, Diana wasted no time in arriving in Paris.
Diana went to her boutique first, she trusted the girl that ran it when Diana left for her 'business trips'. リリーパッド regularly left her school books in the back of the storage. Scribbled post-it notes on her desk as she checked out every few months. A mess within the mess but always order within that chaos.
リリーパッド was, already is, family and often asked if she could help lighten the load of Diana's work or hide from her friends and family at her store.
'From embarrassment.' Is Lily Pad's excuse but Diana still teased her, she wasn't safe anywhere. Diana had sent a message an hour ago when she passed the Atlantic ocean but had yet to receive a text.
It was well past bedtime and Diana couldn't get mad at her little helper's very wise decision to sleep on a weekday. Taking out her keys, Diana opened the door to her boutique to find her helper there. "Marinette!" The girl jumped, started awake and focused her eyes at the door. "Mademoiselle Prince!"
Wiping her mouth, in case she drooled, Marinette checked around the surroundings on her desk. "Mari, it's 22 at night why-" Diana didn't bother to check the time, striding to Marinette's table, beginning to scold her. Marinette bites her lip, hesitant to speak up, but does so anyway.
"Uh, Actually, it's 21:57." Diana looked at Marinette with an unapproved stare and a hand on her hip. "You are not sassing me out リリーパッド." Marinette smiled at the small nickname. She rubbed the back of her head. "I hope you're not mad, I stayed without your permission."
Diana smiled at her helper and went to drop her purse in her office. "Not at all, what's happened since I last left?" Marinette fumbled with her collar and shrugged, looking away.
At the lack of response, Diana looked through the doorway. "Marinette?"
Marinette had taken off her turtleneck and revealed her fading light purple, gruesome green, and yellow hue of a healing bruise crawling on her neck.
From the doorway, Diana froze at the sight of the small women in front of her. "リリーパッド, Who did this to you." Marinette walked over and held her hand, slightly smiling.
"It was the most recent Akumatized victim." Quickly recovering at the memory, Marinette smiled at her. "But don't worry! I won't let that stop me from work!"
Marinette loosely wrapped her scarf around her neck. Marinette wanted to change the subject and noticed the texts from her boss. "Why, are you back so early mademoiselle?" Diana turned to look back at her desk.
"I have something that's caught my attention." Crumbling an old piece of paper, Diana controlled her growing anger. "Marinette, stay away from here."
Marinette in the meantime slipped on a jacket and entered Diana's office. "But Madam. What about work?" Diana shakes her head 'No'. 
"You were already caught up in this. I don't get caught up again." Marinette gave a small smile and walked up to Diana. "It's very hard to do that when your classmates are shit."
Diana smiled back and hugged her. "Maybe, but if you see one. Run away." 
Marinette had tried, really she did. But she couldn't stop helping people even if she didn't want to.
'Thank god, Royal is alright.' The white noise dimmed around her and she regained consciousness. In a colder place, good. From experience, Marinette could tell this grogginess is from blood loss. Looking down at her stomach she saw the torn clothing and Chat Noir's arm.
'Never again, screw this." Blinking at her surroundings, Marinette grabbed onto the arm that's wrapped around her. "How long was I out?" A little louder than her normal tone. She was right to panic a little, they were in the middle of an Akuma attack! "Not long."
Both Chat Noir and her aren't there to take care of it and Mademoiselle Prince! Struggling to move away from Chat Noir's, Ladybug instead leans into her partner. "I don't know who is Mdm. Prince but she doesn't matter right now, the Akuma has been dealt with, those two strangers helped me deal with it."
Chat Noir placed Ladybug on a chair and went to go get supplies. "You know the drill, don't move." Ladybug waved her arm in his general direction. "Whatever you say. Cat boy."
Ladybug held her stomach, in her hand was her yo-yo. "Lucky charm." Weakly throwing it up the air, Ladybug caught the polka-dotted burner that fell back down.
Marinette laughs at the situation. "Not even right now? Really" Sighing as she waited for Adrien. She needed it anyway and she was already guessing that Adrien did too. "Thank god this doesn't happen often."
Adrien enters the lobby, his hands full of items. A pot, a sewing kit, Alcohol and a couple of water bottles. "I got everything." Marinette nodded and sat up to ease her head.
"In a pot?" Adrien briskly walked back to her. "Y-yeah." Adrien was stopped to stare at her open wound. "Hey." Marinette smiled weakly and held out her hand.
"I'm going to be okay." Adrien grabbed it and fell to his knees again. "How come the Miraculous could cure me but not you." Gripping her hand and quietly letting his tears flow.
"Easy there, I won't be back up to my usual self if I don't hurry." Sniffling, Adrien nodded and took the burner and turned it on. Adrien gives her the cold water bottle and alcohol.
Wordlessly he moves to help Marinette. Adrien boiled another water bottle and took the sewing kit he found and waited for the water to boil. Once it's boiled, Adrien takes the thread and washes it in the hot water, the same with the needle.
Marinette in the meantime detransformed. Tikki went off to guard the place, She couldn't bear to see her companion hurt. Marinette lifted her shirt to lather the areas around the slashes with-- Marinette checked the bottle. "Bourbon?" Adrien didn't reply to her, too busy watching water boil. Marinette shrugged and took a sip.
"Better than last time." Grabbing a few tissues, Marinette covered the gaps and applied pressure. Dousing the outside of her stomach with bourbon she continued. Adrien stood up from the pot delivering the disinfected needle and thread to Mari with a pair of pliers and eyebrow pluckers.
Marinette takes them into her hand, she bends the needle into a hook. Pausing to look up to her partner, he hasn't expressed disconcert since he gathered the supplies. "You don't have to look, you know." Marinette tied the knot on the needle.
Adrien shook his head. "I passed out last time, I have to look." Marinette stared at him. "Don't push yourself 纯儿." Adrien grimaced and breathed out slowly. "G-got it."
Marinette took the plier in one hand and the bottle of bourbon in another. Taking a big gulp of the bourbon and steadying her hand, she slowly worked to tie the first throw together.
After successfully getting the first know she continued on the smaller parts of the claw marks. Catching her breathe, Marinette stops and takes a sip of the water and bourbon. "The pot."
Wordlessly Adrien hands the hot item to her. Adrien gags and covers his mouth with his hand. Marinette pulls the two strips of skin together and presses the hot iron on it.
Melting the skin together and the agonizing burn makes it difficult for her to be awake. Adrien stands up abruptly and runs out, covering his nose and moth with the palm of his hand. The smell of burnt skin and seeing his friend in pain makes him puke.
His lunch comes up as Marinette finishes her first claw mark. "A" Marinette bites back her cries and throws the pot away. "Ah, Merde." Adrien cleans up his puke and makes his way back to the Marinette.
"Looks like I can't wear a two-piece bathing suit anymore." Marinette lightly jokes, Adrien doesn't smile at her attempt to lighten the mood. His somber state brings Marinette worry, a silent beat passes.
"You looked better in a one-piece any way." Marinette snorts but quickly develops into pain. "Ow." Adrien detransforms and looks at Plagg. He floats closer to Marinette's face and nuzzles her cheek.
"Mari-bug, get some rest. I can handle it from here." Marinette giggles at his whiskers, lightly grazing her cheek. "Got it Plagg." Grinning softly at Plagg and Adrien; Adrien held her hand and rubbed the back of it. Marinette closed her eyes, letting the pain and sorrow consume her body.
"Adrien, get the pot and reheat it." Plagg barked orders at Adrien's inability to move. He nods and scurries off to fetch the pot. "Sorry about this baby bug." Repeating the procedure for the claw mark above the first one, Adrien and Plagg worked tirelessly to ensure the rest of the injury closed.
After finishing and closing the wounds, Adrien went to Marinette's side. "We're are ready to finish the Purification of  the Akuma." Plagg went off to find Tikki at Adrien's words.
When Plagg found her, she was looking onto the city, sitting in the gutter. "Sugarcube." Turning to find her partner, Tikki doesn't cheer up. Plagg spins around her and grabs ahold of her paws.
"She's all patched up!" Plagg strived to match Tikki's endless cheery euphemism. It didn't work and it got out a sad smile from her. "You should leave the optimism to me, sock." 
Plagg nudges her, leads her back to Marinette. Tikki hovers at Marinette sides, Plagg drifts from afar. Leaving enough space for Tikki to take in the sight of her little ladybird. "When knowledge when is used to help others and not yourself, then is it a gift."
Tikki wasn't wise, that belonged to Wayzz for a reason. But by any means is she naive. Tikki dreaded the injuries she couldn't heal and how restricted her powers were without a proper vessel.
"Don't be so tough on yourself love." Plagg grabs a paw from Tikki and floats around her. Almost like dancing, Adrien couldn't help but stare at the little gods dance. "Oh no, you are not calling me those nicknames again." Tikki took back her paw and crossed her arms.
Plagg nudges her again and holds her. "Come one sweets, how long are you going to be mad at me." Tikki flies off and goes to Marinette. "I will stop being mad when you give me a reason too." Adrien catches Plagg with his hands.
"Maybe we should leave the girls to themselves." Plagg stares at Tikki from a distance and sighs. Then flips the switch from crushed to apathy in an instant. "Gender is a fake construct and time isn't relevant."
"Uhh" Leaving Adrien in a dazed and confused state. Plagg floats off for some food. "Okay?" Adrien trails after Plagg into the kitchen.
Tikki glides down to Marinette's sleeping form and proceeds to nest on her hair. "Everything is going to get better, I promise Крошечный жук" Tikki pets her hair slowly.
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voidless-screaming · 5 years
A wide Range of sweets
(Carmen Sandiego\Miraculous Ladybug)
I posted this two nights ago on AO3, why not here?
https://mk-gabalia.tumblr.com/post/184903457480/regarding-the-fic-request-how-about-a-short-story#notes - Previous
Paris’s roads, perfect concrete effortlessly spread out for miles sitting along dreadfully thin roads.
Carmen pulled her hood tighter around her face as a chill swept through the street. She hazily stared at the sunset. A warm shade of pink blanketed the sky which was accompanied by a tawny orange. The fleeting sun sending drawing out every shadow. Couples and friend groups scattered in small amounts around town. Carmen passed apartments and occasional abandoned businesses with graffiti littered on the windows.
The woman stopped outside of a local bakery, the Depain-Cheng’s. It was a recommendation from Player, he had searched up several restaurants and cafes in the area. This one had quite a reputation; making pastries for the mayor himself for starters.
Carmen gazed at the variety of pastries displayed through the windows. The variety of sweets made her mouth water; fresh, crisp donuts and croissants were delicately placed on the stand; breads of inordinate shapes and sizes lay thick and fluffy looking; Cakes big and small and of every flavour. She had to go in.
Carmen pulled her crimson hoodie down and flung the door open, the bell above the door ringing and startling the employee behind the counter. She barely focused on the only person in the room as the fresh flood of smells circled her.
‘’Uh- Hi!’’ The girl behind the counter squeaked. Carmen snapped her gaze towards her, she was a petite girl with pigtails; awfully young to be running this place alone.
‘’Hello.’’ Carmen smiled as she stepped closer to the counter. ‘’How are you?’’
‘’Oh! I’m fine, thank you,’’ The girl seemed caught off guard by her presence but smiled nonetheless. ‘’How can I help you, madam?’’
Madam. Carmen had rarely ever been called that before, she liked the ring of it. ‘’Say, you mind if I get a few shelves worth?’’ Carmen pointed at the shelves littered breads, cakes, donuts, croissants and other pastries she couldn't name. She had to bring plenty back to Zack and Ivy.
The girl blinked. ‘’The entirety of those shelves?’’
‘’Of course.’’
‘’Are you sure you have the cash for that?’’ The girl cocked her head slightly, not fully believing her.
Carmen pulled out a credit card and several lumps of cash from her pocket. ‘’Do you accept both?’’
The ravenette gaped at her. Before quickly nodding and scurrying off with a small metal paddle and a several bags in hand.
Carme drummed her fingers on the counter. ‘’Sooo, you run this place alone?’’
The girl continued to shuffle through the shelves. ‘’No, It’s my parents bakery. I look after it while their away.’’
Carmen nodded, ‘’Do you get a lot of business around here?’’
‘’It’s mixed,’’ The girl shrugged, back turned to Carmen. ‘’It’s more common on busy weekdays in early mornings and afternoons.’’
Carmen nodded. ‘’I hear this place got commissioned by the Mayor on Heroes day, that true?’’
‘’Oh! Of course! Mayor Bourgeois and his Italic darling daughter like to stop by.’’
Carmen suppressed a giggle at the girl’s evident distaste for the Mayor’s daughter. She couldn't blame her, she’d heard terrible things about her. ‘’Ah, the Mayor’s daughter, what's she like?’’
The girl rolled her eyes. ‘’Don’t get me started, she’s horrible.’’
‘’She can’t be that bad.’’
‘’I’ve been going to school with her for four years, believe me.’’
‘’Are you friends with her?’’
‘’She’s always picking on me or other students.’’ The girl huffed. ‘’Not to mention the Queen Bee incident.’’ The last part was a mumble. Carmen remembered watching it on the news, Mayor’s daughter tries to derail a train!!! And several other incidents revolving the following Akuma's.
The girl walked back behind the counter, with four large heavy bags in a basket. She placed the basket on the counter. The girls fingers flew across the cash register, she’d done it a million times before.
The cash register froze and the girl suppressed a groaned. She sighed. ‘’Sorry, it’ll be a moment.’’
‘’Of course, don’t worry.’’
The girl chuckled. ‘’Y’know, I’ve never had someone order so much, besides the Mayor, of course.’’ The girl grinned at her. ‘’Are you here on business?’’
Carmen waved her hand dismissively. ‘’Uh- Yeah, something like that.’’
‘’What do you work as?’’ The question in itself was only mildly intrusive. The girl tried to sound casual but Carmen couldn’t help but shake the odd sense behind the girl’s eyes. Speaking of her eyes, Carmen recognized the large, bluebell eyes from somewhere. She couldn’t remember where exactly.
‘’Have we met before?’’ Carmen changed the subject. ‘’You seem familiar.’’
The girl seemed to look nervous. ‘’Ah- no, I don’t think so?’’ Carmen eyed her. She was way too young to be in V.I.L.E’s program, they learned their lesson about advanced placements anyway.
Carmen sighed and let it slide. Her parents owned a well-known enough bakery, maybe she saw her on the news briefly.
Silence filled the room, it wasn’t heavy or awkward but it still seemed... wrong. Carmen’s eyes drifted around the room absentmindedly. She gazed at the now-empty shelves, the kitchen behind the counter, and the few pasties left on the shelves,
The cash register dinged, alerting the attention of both girls. ‘’Oh! Your total is 150€?’’ The black haired girl look up at her nervously.
Carmen pulled out her wad of bills and placed it on the counter. ‘’Keep the change.’’ And with that, Carmen hoisted up the basket, swaying from the weight.
Carmen grunted. ‘’Geez, you really lifted this?’’
The girl chuckled and wished her a good day while Carmen left.
‘’I’m Marinette by the way!’’ The girl called out to Carmen, who was nearly out the door.
‘’Call me Carmen!’’ The woman in red yelled back as she continued to walk out.
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