#al elrich
xjulixred45x · 4 months
Douma!Lector@ en Hazbin Hotel
Género: Headcanons
Lector: neutro
Advertencias: Douma xd, Cultos, canibalismo, infierno, Alastor, menciones de alcohol, trabajo largo.
Moriste durante la era Taisho, en Japón. habiendo vivido una vida bastante larga y… plena, por así decirlo.
¡Naciste con una apariencia única! con lirios arcoíris que te hicieron extremadamente popular en la zona donde vivías.
Tanto es así que la gente de tu familia creía que tenías un don especial para hablar con los dioses, por lo que formaron un culto a tu alrededor.
sin saber que de esta manera estarían despertando el lado más oscuro de tu ser.
A medida que crecías, siendo adorado por el culto que tus padres habían creado, realmente no podías aprender a diferenciar las emociones, lo cual era frustrante. Querías sentir ALGO, cualquier cosa. tener la experiencia.
y lo intentaste todo.
hacer cosas buenas, hacer cosas malas, ayudar a la gente de la secta con palabras que realmente no quisiste decir, estafar, lastimar, lastimar animales, lastimarse a sí mismo, lastimar a otros de múltiples maneras, etc.
Incluso si te generaran cierto sentimiento de emoción, no dirías que te llenaron.
hasta que decidiste intentar matar a ciertos discípulos y comértelos para deshacerte de ellos.
¡y fue un éxito!¡Finalmente empezaste a sentir las emociones de las que tanto hablaban los demás!
Aunque claro, no todo lo bueno viene gratis, cuando morías no había duda de que caerías al infierno, y así fue.
sinceramente te sorprendió mucho haber caido al infierno, no porque no lo merecieras, sino porque fuiste ateo toda tu vida, creyendo que todo lo que predicabas era una mentira
¿¿y resulta que era verdad?? que curioso.
pero no significaba que no sacarias provecho de tu nuevo patio de juegos.
con tu encanto natural, tu apariencia unica y llamativa(casi igual a como eras cuando eras humano) pudiste convencer a varios demonios de bajo rango que te confiaran sus almas, subiendo de rango de forma exponencial.
para que fuera más facil para ti, con tus habilidades de demonio creaste un lugar similar a como era tu culto, ahi podrias controlar mas fácilmente a las personas que te entregaban sus almas.
en tiempo record te convertiste en un Overlord. uno bastante conocido pero muy misterioso. uno que tenia una apariencia y poderes llamativos, pero que era rara vez visto.
podias hacer todo lo que querias en el infierno! lo cual hizo que el alcance de tus fechorias se incrementara exponencialmente ¡no podias estar mas feliz!
si hablamos de interactuar con rl cast del hotel Hazbin ¡por supuesto que lo hiciste! te dió cierta curiosidad saber como fallaria el intento de ayuda humanitaria de la hija de Lucifer. ademas ¿molestar a Alastor? ¡estas dentro!
técnicamente ya conocías a Alastor, ustedes dos murieron en epocas similares(moriste antes) y viste como se alzo con mucha fuerza entre los Overlords, te agradaba.
desafortunadamente Alastor no disfrutaba en lo mas minimo de tu compania, justamente porque le dificultaba mucho leerte, ya sea por tu falta de emoción GENUINA o porque, igual que el, usabas el truco de siempre tener una fachada risueña y agradable.
aunaue claro, el preferiria que lo mataran otra vez antes que admitir eso.
pero era realmente una lastima, el encontraba algunos aspectoa de ti agradables.
por ejemplo, tu gusto en la cocina Canibal, Alasror reconocia aue tenias un buen gusto en ese aspecto.
aparte fe aue venias de jna cultura MUY rica y hablabas fluidamente tanto ingles como Japonés, lo cual era una gran vista. Alastor normalmente no pensaria que alguien (a simple vista) tan cabeza hueca fuera capaz de hablar una lengua asi con tanta fluidez.
pero definitivamente el es algo asi como tu Akaza.
osea, cada vez que lo sacas de quisio lo suficiente, Alastor usara magia Elrich sobre ti y te destruira de las formas mas grotescas posibles.
¡eso hasta aue se da cuenta que te gusta que el haga eso!¡que haces que te lastime a propósito porque eres un hijo de perra masoquista!
lo peor es que no se da cuenta de esto hasta que Husk se lo dice...ya habiendote conocido durante años.
hablando de, Husk no confia en ti, en lo mas mínimo.
piensa que eres un fenómeno, un segundo Alastor pero incluso peor, al menos Alastor es sincero sobre lo horrible que es a diferencia de ti.
el te sirve tragos cuando le pides, pero si puede, te tira el vaso directamente en el ojo o en la cabeza, simplemente porque puede. para tu deleite.
es mas rapido en darse cuenta de tus intenciones que la media de gente, y si se da cuenra que quieres convertir a alguno de los miembros del hotel en tu "cena" el esga sacando las cartas TAN RAPIDO---
muchos apodos ofensivos, para contrarestar los apodos "cariñosos" que les das a las personas que conoces.
no lo toques ni lo times por sopresa ¿viste como hacen los gatos cuando les pisan la cola? ese es Husk cuando lo sorprendes.
Charlie..es insegura respecto a ti.
¡y se siente MAL por eso! se supone aue debe ser imparcial y que rodos merecen una oportunidad! pero tu...bueno, eres tu.
Charlie no es tan ingenua, cuando mas de un miembro del Staff le advierte que eres malas noticias, es considerada con ellos y trata de hacer que te retires, ya han tenido incidentes con Overlords antes, quiere creer que eres diferente.
pero se prueba Bastante rapido que no cuando muestras tu lado mas... sombrio.
ella trata de ser cautelosa, fallando miserablemente porque quiere saber todo sobre ti. eres alguien muy interesante!
Charlie definitivamente no tenia mucha idea de quién eras cuando te conocio, si le sonaba en algo tu nombre, pero ella no creyo que fuera tan importante ---
hasta que casualmente soltaste la información de que tenias un puto culto.
y que comes demonios.
ahi Charlie decide poner en practica todo lo dado en "poner limites" y te dice que si bien le gusta como...animas la atmosfera del hotel(y el aire acondicionado de alguna forma) DEFINITIVAMENTE ella no quiere asociarse contigo teniendo a Alastor.
si ella SABE que intentas hacer algo contra el hotel o alguno de los miembros del staff (especialmente Vaggie)...ohohoho amigo, preparate para una Charlie ENOJADA y lista para mostrarte QUIEN MANDA.
(Definitivamente ella trata de hacer que varios miembros de tu culto vayan al hotel con ella y asi protegerlos de ti)
Pones a Vaggie de los nervios.
no solo porque enfrias todo lo que tocas, sino porque eres muy similar a Alastor.
ella sabe que ocultas algo, que quieres algo de ellos pero no puede sacartelo fácilmente, por lo que se conforma de simplemente vigilarte a la distancia y asegurarse de aue no te metas con nadie.
MUY PROTECTORA CON TODOS CUANDO ESTAS AHI, aumenta las defensas del hotel un 130% y te mantiene lejos de donde esten los demas.
definitivamente te gusta molestarla llamandola por nombres demaciado amistosos para tu tipo de relación o incluso usandola de reposa brazos, en este tipo de casos sueles recivir unos buenos puñetazos en las costillas o un cabezaso.
si intentas acercarte demaciado te aplica la del piloto, osea, ella saca su lanza angelical y te amenaza con mucha violencia. maldiciondote en español en el proceso.
no se siente tan intimidada por ti como por Alastor, pero definitivamente no cree que eres mas seguro por ningún motivo.
menos después de enterarse de lo que haces con la gente de tus culto.
buena suerte evitando que Vaggie te mate!
Angel Dust te tiene miedo, como, muchísimo miedo.
no es poraue seas similar a Alastor, o porque seas Canibal, o que seas un Overlord poderoso. para nada.
es poraue eres muy similar a Valentino.
finges ser una buena persona, que te importa una mierda lo que le pasa a la gente del hotel, pero realmente no, es todo falso. REALMENTE falso.
no sientes nada.
y eso le aterra. no sabe como actua cerca de ti. por lo que Angel te evita todo lo que puede, llendo cerca de la chimenea ya que no te gusta el calor, o cerca de Husk.
sigue haciendo bromas a tus expensas, pero realmente es su forma de manejar la situación.
aparte de que genuinamente Angel cree que eres patetico, porque no encontraste otra forma de disfrutar tu vida y otravida mas aue lastimar a la gente.
eso es patetico.
eso si, no dejara aje estes cerca de los residentes mas vulnerables, como Niffty (cuando esta borracha) y definitivamente no te dejará estar cerca de Fatt Nuggets.
pruebalo y el te mostrara de que vivia mientras estaba vivo.
Niffty no esta asustada de ti en lo mas minimo.
de hecho se siente atraida por ti en muchoa niveles, oero Alastor NUNCA DEJARA que estes a siquiera un kilómetro cerca de ella en su presencia.
de hecho hay una alta posibilidad de que tu y ella se vuelvan amigos a escondidas, eso si, mas vale que Niffty se cuide cerca tuyo.
ella te hace usar tus poderes de hielo para que ella pueda hacer cosas en la nieve, angeles de nieve, muñecos, matar bichos con los picos de nieve, etc.
le agradas y ella te agrada :) sorprendentemente.
Sir Pentious es bastante similar a Angel contigo.
Sir pentious esta Muy al tanto de tu reputación como un Overlord de temer y definitivamente no quiere sumarse a la lista de víctimas junto a sus Eggboys, asi que se mantiene lo mas lejos de ti posible.
el ha tratado de hacer inventos resistentes a tus corrientes heladas, ya que le cuesta bastantes recursos a Charlie(porque tu no pagas una mierda de lo que rompes, tacaño de mierda) y ciertos artefactos aue contrarestan tus poderes de hielo.
trae varias de sus maquinas de humo al hotel cuando sabe que vienes de visita(y si vienes de sorpresa, lo mas probable, es que todos se escondan en la nave de guerra de pentious porque hace mucho calor ahi dentro.
eso si, no deja que sus Eggboys esten cerca de ti en lo mas minimo, les cuenta historias de terror contigo como el gran monstruo devorador de huevos.
y si intentad algo con sus Minions PREPARATE PARA EL RAYO DE LA MUERTE--
en general, eres un dolor en el culo para todos, todos, siempre :)
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axdently · 11 months
𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐃-𝐃-𝐃-𝐃-𝐃-𝐃-𝐃-𝐃 𝐃𝐔𝐄𝐋 !! ( IN A GLITZ BITZ EVENT ) ─── featuring: 𝒆𝒍𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒘𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏 & @cagliostrohq
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he’d delivered lethal precision with his Shard of the Sea dagger as it struck true, cutting through the heart of his challenger's offense. the Bloodstone Mask was nestled upon his face increasing his natural speed and agility, but the crowd could surely see the widespread grin and the glint of arrogance in the gleam of his sapphire eye-sling. the Blood Musket’s booms echoed his victory which were still reverberating through the grounds even after his much earned applause had died down. the pull of the trigger was used to hit the final nail in his opponent’s coffin. as he watched the defeat, Elrich spread his arms wide open as if welcoming an embrace of celebration. he jeers as deathly drops engulfed his adversary in corrosive Vanitas bloodstone rain.  the colosseum was his stage, and he was the undisputed star. he taunted with the crowd: sending a set sapphire winks to the maidens of the land and blew kisses to many of the men, as well. then he bowed–– mannerisms unlike an airship pirate once he was named the true victor. 
his pirate’s cape billowed with every gust of applause. the taste of success was sweet upon his tongue, and he reveled in the intoxicating high that surged through his veins. he felt invincible as he commemorated his conquest with a pint of ale–– a single round on him for all who’d shown up to honor him in the pub. “Having seen all the other fighters who do you think would be my strongest adversary for the next round? Don’t be coy, be honest. Consider showmanship, strength, speed, and combat skill.”
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enkeynetwork · 10 months
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awardseasonblog · 1 year
Prime reazioni l'ultimo film del regista brasiliano-argentino #KarimAïnouz, #Firebrand con #AliciaVikander e #JudeLaw nel primo film su Enrico VIII con un punto di vista femminista.
(Inizialmente per il ruolo della regina era stata scelta Michelle Williams)
TRAMA: Nell'Inghilterra dei Tudor intrisa di sangue, Katherine Parr, la sesta e ultima moglie del re Enrico VIII, viene nominata reggente mentre il tiranno Enrico combatte all'estero. Katherine fa di tutto per spingere il Regno verso un nuovo futuro basato sulle sue convinzioni protestanti radicali. Quando il re ritorna, rivolge la sua furia contro i radicali, accusando l'amica d'infanzia di Katherine di tradimento e bruciandola sul rogo. Inorridita e addolorata, ma costretta a negarlo, Katherine si ritrova a lottare per la propria sopravvivenza.
"Alicia Vikander porta un tocco sovversivo al ritratto astorico dell'ultima moglie di Enrico VIII. Lontano da ogni favola, il film di Aïnouz inizia non con “c'era una volta” ma con "un regno marcio e intriso di sangue" dove la storia ci racconta alcune cose, soprattutto sugli uomini e sulla guerra"
(Peter Debruge, Variety)
"E' uno sguardo sorprendente del periodo Tudor in Inghilterra, sorprendente perché il suo fulcro è una donna che è riuscita a sopravvivere al terrore di vivere con Enrico VIII, un Jude Law quasi irriconoscibile, con tutta la pancia, le ulcere e la dissolutezza che ci si potrebbe aspettare"
(Pete Hammond, Deadline)
"Ci sono stati molti film su Enrico VIII, ma pochissimi preziosi si sono concentrati sull'unica regina che è riuscita a sopravvivere a lui. "Firebrand" di Karim Aïnouz mette questo donna del popolo radicalmente progressista al centro della storia in un modo mai visto prima. Alicia Vikander coltiva quella tensione femminista tra l'urgenza morale e il pericolo mortale dall'inizio alla fine, che permette al film di rimanere in qualche modo coinvolgentemente teso"
(David Elrich, IndieWire)
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yourtrashcollector · 5 years
Per ottenere qualcosa è necessario dare in cambio qualcos'altro che abbia il medesimo valore. In alchimia è chiamato il principio dello scambio equivalente.
Full metal alchemist brotherhood
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imnothereforthat · 6 years
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I need to study for my last final (for good!) and I promised myself that if I will finish reading everything today I’ll draw something fun. guess who finish reading!!:D
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Physiotherapy Services Oakville
Back pain is a symptom caused (in most cases) by an injury in one or more parts of the spine. It can be located in the upper, middle, and/or lower back.
This article will talk about the most common: Lower back pain, also known as “lumbago”.
It affects nearly 60% to 80% of people throughout their lifetime. This means that 6 to 8 people out of 10 will experience low back pain. It’s the most common cause of disability in young adults: in the U.S. only, an estimated of 149 million work days are lost yearly due to low back pain, costing $100 to $200 billion a year. It’s a costly condition with repercussions in the patient’s life, the overall productivity, and the healthcare system.
It can be caused by numerous reasons, but the root cause is usually a bad posture. Other causes include accidents, sports injuries, and aging. Even though the low back pain can be disabling, it usually improves without surgery in 90% of the cases.
Anatomy Of The Back
To understand the causes of low back pain, let’s make a brief review of each part of the back:
Vertebral Column/Spine. It’s a column formed by approximately 33 bones called “vertebrae”. The spinal cord travels throughout the column. It’s divided into regions:
Cervical: This corresponds to the neck. It has 7 vertebrae.
Thoracic: Corresponds to the chest and the middle back. Has 12 vertebrae.
Lumbar: Corresponds to the lower back. Has 5 vertebrae.
Sacrum: It’s located in the pelvis. Has 5 fused vertebrae.
Coccyx: It’s at the end of the sacrum, where our tail used to be millions of years ago. Has 3-4 fused vertebrae.
Vertebrae. These are the building blocks of the column.They go from the base of the skull to the bottom end of the spine. They protect your spinal cord and help you stand straight. The lumbar vertebrae are the biggest ones. They support most of our weight and are responsible for most of our mobility.
Inter-vertebral disk. These are cushions placed between each vertebra. They have a gel-like nucleus, surrounded by a fibrous ring. They are shock absorbers and help with the mobility of the body.
Spinal cord. It’s a long, thin collection of neurons that goes from the brain to the end of the column. The nerves that go to the upper and lower limbs leave the spinal cord through a hole between each vertebra.
Nerves. They’re a collection of neurons that send and receive instructions from one place to another in the form of electrical impulses, acting like cables.
Muscles. These are the ones responsible for our movements. Each muscle is made of thousands of fibers that fusion themselves to form a cord called “tendon”. The tendon attaches to the bone. When the fibers contract, they pull the bone they are attached to, generating movement.
Ligaments. These are tough, fibrous bands attached to two consecutive bones. They restrict the movement, stabilizing the joints.
The related symptoms of low back pain will depend on the cause, and may include:
Sharp, stabbing, mild, dull, severe, intermittent, and/or constant pain.
Symptoms in one buttock/hip/leg, such as muscle weakness, tingling, numbness, burning sensation.
Worsening with bending, lifting, sitting, standing, and/or walking.
Sciatica symptoms: Pain from the low back down the glute and leg of one side, numbness, tingling, and/or muscle weakness.
Causes Of Back Pain
Back pain can be caused by numerous factors:
Poor Bio mechanics
Human bio mechanics can be defined as the way our joints, muscles, bones, and related structures work together to do what our bodies are supposed to do: Move. Good bio mechanics are translated into a healthy body. Movement allows the proper distribution of blood throughout the body, aiding the transport of the nutrients every cell needs to function.
Poor bio mechanics can occur for a number of reasons, and all of them can cause low back pain:
BAD POSTURE. In our present lifestyle, static postures are kept for long periods of time, i.e. working on a computer or standing all day. The body adapts to that posture overtime, perceiving it as “normal”. Finally, that can cause conditions or injuries like herniated disks or spinal stenosis, which will be described later.
SCOLIOSIS. It’s an abnormal curve of the vertebral column, causing deformity in severe cases. An individual can be born with scoliosis, or develop it through childhood or teenage years. Patients with arthritis can develop scoliosis as well.
OTHER CAUSES. Obesity and flat foot include changes in the biomechanical distribution of the body for long periods of time. Both are risk factors for low back pain.
Disk Injury
The intervertebral disk can get injured as well, causing low back pain and other related symptoms. The most common type of disk injury is the disk herniation:
It’s also known as “slipped” or "ruptured" disk. It happens when the gel-like center of the intervertebral disk pushes against the fibrous ring that surrounds it, squeezing its way through. In early phases of the herniation, the disk has a "bump" that could compress the spinal cord. As it advances, the nucleus can spill into the spinal canal, increasing the compression of the spinal cord and the nerves.
This is a common consequence of a bad posture. The bad posture compresses the intervertebral disk unevenly, e.g. does more pressure in the anterior part of the disk. This pushes the gel-like center backward, forcing its way through and creating the bump in the weakest area of the fibrous ring.
Other causes of disk herniation include:
Accidentally with lifting, pulling, bending, or twisting with heavy loads.
Wear and tear. As we age, the intervertebral disks gradually “dry”, losing their shock-absorbing properties and making them susceptible to injury.
The symptoms of a disk herniation may vary depending on many factors such as: exact place and size of the bump, area of the nerve injured, age... to name a few. They can range from mild to severe low back pain, and often include muscle weakness, tingling, numbness, and/or burning sensation in one leg, as well as gait impairment. Symptoms can last from weeks to even years.
Spinal Stenosis
A stenosis is an abnormal narrowing of a canal within the body. Therefore, a spinal stenosis is an abnormal narrowing of the spinal canal, where the spinal cord goes through.
A common cause of a spinal stenosis is the collapsing of intervertebral disks. This is common with age due to “wear and tear”. The disks lose their normal height and get closer to each other, narrowing the space of the spinal cord. This is also referred as “osteoarthritis”.
The body might respond to this by growing new bone on the edges of the vertebrae - called “spurs”- which worsen the stenosis condition and could compress more nerves.
Symptoms of spinal stenosis resemble the ones of a herniated disk: mild to severe low back pain, and include tingling, burning, weakness or numbness sensations in one limb.
Traumatic Event
Specific movements like bending, lifting, or twisting with heavy loads could cause low back pain. These are usually related to muscular spasms and should cease after 48-72 hours. The pain is commonly accompanied by stiffness and soreness.
Sports Injury
Direct contact sports like rugby or football may cause low back pain. Also, over-activity can cause muscle soreness in the low back muscles. Besides the low back pain, other symptoms include stiffness and soreness that goes away in 2-3 days.
Other Causes
A stressful environment, depression, anxiety, and smoking are risk factors for low back pain.
Red Flags
If you have the following medical history or if you are experiencing the following symptoms with your low back pain, please consult a healthcare professional:
History of cancer.
Constant pain, that doesn’t decrease despite your position or activity level.
Fever, chills.
Unexpected/unintentional weight loss.
Numbness, tingling or weakness in the groin area, both arms or both legs.
Increase of pain with coughing or sneezing.
Burning sensation while urinating.
Problems with bowels/bladder control.
Pain that prevents from sleeping.
Unresponsive back pain therapies.
Most of the cases of low back pain -and its emotional and economic consequences- can be prevented with physical activity and an active lifestyle.
For the ongoing cases of low back pain though, physical therapy and massage therapy are two of the best options for a non-invasive treatment to this disabling condition. Both help to reduce pain, improve mobility, and enhance the overall recovery in the short-term:
Physical therapy has shown to be very effective in patients with low back pain. Furthermore, physical therapy treatment in the first two weeks of experiencing lower back pain substantially reduces costs and healthcare resources over a 2-year period. This means quality-life improvement for the patient, reducing or even avoiding painkillers and going back on track faster. (7)
Regardless of how long you’ve been experiencing low back pain, physical therapy without pharmacologic treatment is recommended as the first option of treatment. (8)
Massage therapy has shown to provide significant benefits, including relaxation, pain reduction in the short-term, and increase of mobility. (9)
Pharmacologic therapy is recommended for patients without positive outcomes of these therapies. The last resort will always be surgery.
Elrich, G. Low back Pain. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2003;81:671-676. Available at:http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/81/9/Ehrlich.pdf
Duthey, B. Background Paper 6.24. Low Back Pain (2004). World Health Organization. Available at: http://www.who.int/medicines/areas/priority_medicines/BP6_24LBP.pdf
Hoy, D., March, L., Brooks, P., et al. The global burden of low back pain: estimates from the Global Burden of Disease 2010 study. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014;73:968-974. Available at: http://ard.bmj.com/content/73/6/968
Most Americans Live With Low Back Pain - and Don’t Seek Treatment. From the American Physical Therapy Association. Alexandria, VA. April, 4, 2012. Available at: http://www.apta.org/Media/Releases/Consumer/2012/4/4/
Low Back Pain. American Association Of Neurological Surgeons. Available at: http://www.aans.org/Patients/Neurosurgical-Conditions-and-Treatments/Low-Back-Pain
Low Back Pain. American Academy Of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Last reviewed: Dec, 2013. Available at: https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/low-back-pain/
Child, J., Fritz, J., Wu, S., Flynn, T., Wainner, R., Robertson, Eric., et al. Implications of early and guideline adherent physical therapy for low back pain on utilization and costs. BMC Health Services Research. 2015, 15:150. Available at: https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12913-015-0830-3
Qaseem A, Wilt TJ, McLean RM, Forciea MA. Noninvasive Treatments for Acute, Subacute, and Chronic Low Back Pain: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the American College of Physicians. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2017;166:514–530. Available at: http://annals.org/aim/fullarticle/2603228/noninvasive-treatments-acute-subacute-chronic-low-
          Visit our website www.elitephysiocare.ca
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initiumseries · 4 years
What did you think of Scar's evolution in both FMA anime ?
Ah great question! I think Scar got great evolution in both, but I'm biased toward FMA which I found far more subtle and way better character development and moments overall. 
I liked the subtly of Scar's growth here. He starts off angry and vengeful, murdering alchemists on sight, with a twisted honour and religious code,  while also acting as a foil for the brothers, but through repeated interactions with the Elrichs which often lead to both him and the brothers needing serious medical attention, he meets other Ishvallans (sp?) And seems to start quietly working through his grief and pain, to a point where he seems to grow tired of the fighting and killing and simply just wants everything to end. I feel like there was an interesting attempt at redemption for Scar using himself (and the town) to complete the Philosopher's stone. He was able to face a reality Al didn't want to: the die had been cast, this town was going to be used for a Philosopher's stone whether or not they liked it, but Scar was able to control who was able to get the stone by using Al's body and himself, to me, as atonement but also for peace. I really enjoy the layers of that. FMA was bittersweet and full of enormous sacrifice for the greater good *and* evil and Scar's character arc is definitely a microcosm of that larger theme. I didn't necessarily enjoy the trope of him also being in love with his brother's wife/girlfriend. We coulda done without it. 
I don't entirely hate this version, I realize it's more faithful to the manga, I just don't believe that's always a good thing. As far as Scar's development here. Still the growth from no longer murdering alchemists, to harnessing the power of his arm to defeat the bigger evil that claimed the lives of his people. I just have a harder time with this because, while his motivations as a character make sense, everything is happening at neck breaking speed, there's like 30 characters running around doing things, the stakes get high to a point of absurdity, that we never really spend time on that growth for Scar. Circumstances push him into choosing a side and he does, and he survives the epic battle, and even gets a job offer. It's a little shallow for me, but it is what it is. 
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politicalbombshow · 3 years
Federal Appeals Court Hearing in Judicial Watch Taxpayer Lawsuit to Stop Montgomery County, MD, from Providing Cash Payments to Illegal Aliens
Federal Appeals Court Hearing in Judicial Watch Taxpayer Lawsuit to Stop Montgomery County, MD, from Providing Cash Payments to Illegal Aliens
April 30, 2021 | Judicial Watch (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that on May 5, 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit will hear Judicial Watch’s lawsuit (Bauer, et al. v. Elrich, et al. (No. 20-1707)) challenging the legality of the Montgomery County, Maryland program that provides cash payments to illegal aliens. Judicial Watch argues on behalf of Montgomery…
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tirnelsutcliff · 6 years
It's time foooorrrr...!!!
Another edition of WTF did I just watch?
It's been awhile! Today's edition, I haven't even finished watching! I'm only like 15 minutes into it and rage quit twice. What is it I am watching, you ask?
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The full metal alchemist live action film!
😧 oh my god, this movie. I can't. Pretty much all live actions based of manga/anime are pretty bad, with a few exceptions. The black butler film, I knew what I was getting into and was able to enjoy it. The second Death Note (way far away from its source material) was told quite well. But this...?
When my friend mentioned it to me and how awful it was, I thought maybe he was just being picky cause it's not just like the original sources as he is known to be. And I knew not to expect EVERYTHING and a perfect retelling etc going in. Well...
We start off with Ed and Al making that little toy they then show to their mom. Some weird cgi/animation going on throughout the sequence...the transmuting, ok..kinda weird but ok. Mom dies. And of course we go into then transmuting her.
Al get...carried away into a...tornado..??????
Cut to title and then, the city of Liore....
I'm sorry. Reole. 😐.
Cornello is running down obscenely vacant streets of some Mediterranean looking city (like in italy or greece). Here comes Ed (omg, that wig) chasing after on rooftop, pounces Cornello. Cornello then starts to beat the shit out of Ed with his alchemy...Ed not fighting back for some reason, even going to the point of when being knocked to the ground chuckling and saying, "A philosopher's stone," all dreamy like.
Chimera time!!!....uh no..wtf are those?!
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Spiky growly fleshy dog beasts?
He makes his staff with his weird transmutation graphics, yada, yada, Al shows up who is kinda cool looking, kind of uncanny valley. There's some weird editing where Cornello, after Al is revealed to be empty asks, "What are you two?" Then followed by revealing Ed's automail. They finally run into a place filled with people and Cornello grabs I presume Rose and holds her hostage while Ed is like, "You see? He's a fake!" They finally kick his ass (with some weird slowmo halfass punch).
The stone breaks from the ring and falls to the ground. Then freakin COLONEL MUSTANG and Riza Hawkeye show up with a bunch of soldiers...wtf is going on?! Arrest Cornello and detain Ed for "running amok". The stone is revealed to be fake.
Al does essentially the "broken radio scene" only he is by himself and he's removing a statue ed had made during battle. Winry shows up. (Eeehh..I don't expect everything and everyone to look spot on from the series and she wasn'ton long enough for me to give a definite opinion).
Then we get a nice shot of envy, lust, and gluttony and that is where I currently am. They look AMAZING.
The acting so far...eeeeeehhhh...kinda weird, not that good, in my opinion. Again, just my opinion. Like Ed during that whole battle scene. I didn't get "Edward Elrich" I got some cosplayer making a video for youtube for some fun. The only time I've sorta felt the Edward vibe is when he made that statue and it looked like something he would create.
Like I said, I don't expect for everything to be the same, but there was enough here that the changes didn't make sense in my opinion. And just the overall cinematography is bizarre, from the scenes to the directing to the acting. The transmuting takes too long. Like Cornello could have wiped Ed out by the time his transmuting was complete.
But it has Dean Fujioka in it, so I'm gonna try to finish it. Also for the sake of curiosity and I'm a glutton for punishment.
Can you hear my heart beat? Tired of feeling never enough....
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gemexchange-blog · 7 years
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StarEater Leader
Name: Alduen Farstrider (Al-du-wen) Age: 19 Height: 5′4″ (5′11″ with horns) Weight: 136 lbs Relationship status: Single Family - Father: Elrich Farstrider (Severely ill, on his deathbed) - Mother: Azeala Farstrider (Deceased - Died in childbirth) - Siblings: 8 younger sisters
With the death of his mother, and the deteriorating condition of his father, Alduen is thrusted into the life of leadership with more than a little anxiety on his plate. He always knew he was destined to become king, but the passing of the crown came a bit sooner than expected. Though if having eight sisters has taught him anything, in the dancing and tea party category, he absolutely excels. His people skills… eh… leaves a little to be desired. Despite this, he seems to have gathered a fanbase with the younger crowd which he is largely unaware of.
Government style: 
StarEater’s government runs in the same way a monarchy does. And while the Farstrider family is the main royal family, there are still numerous, smaller branches that pepper Jo’Arca. They are not the Kings and Queens of the Farstriders, but they are nobles in their own right. The Farstriders themselves are a kind ruling. They do what they can to listen to the complaints of their people, and accommodate as they can, and as far as the bloodline has gone, little complaint has been made against them.
Eaters by large worship and honor Hylcinth. This is not to say they turn a blind eye to her husband and children, but they feel closer to Hylcinth, possibly because they were the first to be created, and were done so by her hands. They see the sun as her symbol, the largest, brightest star, warming their world with her grace and love- meanwhile the four moons symbolize her husband and three children. The biggest moon being Helgin’s. And while Helgin is honored in his own right, they do hold a healthy amount of fear for him. Eaters respect him, but most do well in living their lives avoiding committing something that could be considered bad karma. Best to be on his good side when in death, they face his judgement. Some say the nobles are handpicked by Hylcinth herself to lead her ‘favorite’ race, but others argue that’s but a myth to try and put the royals on a higher pedestal than they deserve. 
Art drawn by missmab Profile written by clonecakes Stardragons ©  @rynies @cuttleskulls​ @clonecakes
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awardseasonblog · 1 year
Prime reazioni all'ultimo film dell'apprezzato regista giapponese Hirokazu Kore-eda che torna a girare in patria dopo il grande successo della pellicola Palma d'Oro Un affare di famiglia (candidato all'Oscar). Con #Monster torna a spingersi fuori dalla sua zona di comfort raccontando un'unica storia da tre punti di vista diversi con cui esplorare la perdita, l'isolamento, la natura sfuggente della felicità e le lotte delle famiglie imperfette.
TRAMA: Una città suburbana con un grande lago. Una madre single che ama suo figlio, un'insegnante di scuola che si prende cura dei suoi studenti che conducono una vita tranquilla. Un giorno scoppia una rissa a scuola. Sembrava una lotta comune tra bambini di quell'età , ma le loro affermazioni sono allusive e gradualmente si trasformando in un grosso problema che coinvolge la società e i media. Poi una mattina tempestosa, i bambini scompaiono improvvisamente....
"E' un commovente melodramma "sulla corsa al giudizio". Per quanto spaventoso possa sembrare "mostro" può essere una parola così stranamente confortante. Non solo classificare qualcuno come disumano ci assolve dal riconoscere gli aspetti più difficili della nostra umanità condivisa, ma riafferma anche la piccolezza e la semplicità di un universo infinitamente complesso che continua ad espandersi, non importa quanto vorremmo abbracciarlo. "Monster" è un punto alla fine di una frase; è il permesso che ci diamo per demonizzare tutto ciò che non capiamo"
(David Elrich, Indiewire)
"Una linea temporale complicata e la rivelazione selettiva di informazioni cruciali impediscono al pubblico di indovinare dove potrebbe essere diretto questo ritratto contorto di un pre-adolescente in subbuglio. Kore-eda dimostra quanto sia facile saltare a false conclusioni su altre persone. Condividendo solo parti selezionate della vita privata di ogni personaggio, ci obbliga quasi a saltare a conclusioni errate, distraendoci con argomenti come il bullismo, l'aggressività e il suicidio quando il vero argomento è il modo in cui i bambini sono socializzati e le pressioni ingiuste che questo esercita su chiunque chi non si adatta alla norma
(Peter Debruge, Variety)"
"Misura il peso del bullismo sull'amicizia infantile in un dramma tenero ma diffuso. La consueta delicatezza, compassione e sensibilità del regista si propagano attraverso il dramma, anche se i suoi toccanti momenti di illuminazione sono più intermittenti che cumulativi"
(David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter)
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El Misterio de Kek
Origenes I
Juan P. Hola Uni, tiempo sin vernos. Sabés todavía ayer que llovió en mi antiguo cuarto de bebé te esperaba para cubrirme con una manta.
Blanca: Mi niño, tu unie quisiera estar contigo para abrazarte, pero estoy detrás por cuidarte de ese monstruo.
Juan P. Uni, que fue lo que ocurrió yo sólo recuerdo que me cuidaste fuiste una excelente madre. Pero Uni me mentiste durante cinco años y no recuerdo para nada que ocurrió antes de estar siendo cuidado por ti.
Blanca: Estás realmente listo Johan para saberlo.
Juan P. Si pero antes quien es Johan uni, siempre me llamaste así y la gente no dudo, así que por eso creo que es alguien que realmente existió. Dime qué pasó.
Blanca: Johan era mi niño era lindo cómo tu y ese Monstruo lo mató,tu abuela lo sacrificó por tia. Ella lo vendió cómo si fuera un esclavo cuándo se dió cuenta que apesar del daño que tú abuelo nos hizo a mí y Esmeralda no concebimos, ella no los dejo tenér nos daba ruda para abortar mensualmente, yo era su sobrina, esmeralda su hija, ella lo supo todo desde el principio, ella nos preparaba, a la niña la dormía por eso ella no sentía dolor el le enseñó a hacerlo bien, desde pequeña la ponía a succionar ahí, ella nunca supo que estuvo mal, tu abuela amaba que ellas lo hicieran, hasta que nació Margaret ella encontró a su papá con Esmeralda, por eso ella la odiaba por qué sentía que lo provocó, que ella le abría la boca por deseo pero el la obligó, ella creía que era normal. Supo que no era así cuándo en una cena le dijo Margaret que esa noche le tocaba a ella, ya tienes la edad. Ella le dijo que fuera al granero a ver cómo se hacía, para aprender. Cuándo ella lo vio lo dijo a su mamá ella castigo a su hermana y Kek le ayudo a que su padre enloqueciera.
Juan P. Eso es imposible, porque no hicieron nada, no denunciaron o se defendían eran tres contra uno.
Uni: Eran dos adultos contra tres niñas, por eso no tuve hijos hasta que me case y adopte a Kek, su padre tenía dinero yo era mucho más joven y papá y él se turnaban para hacerme daño, incluso el mismo día.
A veces sólo lloraba mientras los hacían, otras sólo lloraba en silencio, tu abuelo y mi esposo eran de lo peor pero tu abuela era la líder mientras ellos cumplieran les daría lo que fuera.
Luego el se enamoro de Esmeralda ella la limpió e hizo algo en su mente, de tal manera que no recordó nada era tan dulce e inocente como una niña.
Juan P. Eso ya lo sé, se casaron tuvieron a los gemelos pero de dónde sale Angie.
Blanca: Angie es mi hija con Kek despues de la muerte de Esmeralda, Kek estudio las artes oscuras pero no sabía que por la sangre de tu tía corría la sangre de un cazador que heredo directamente de su madre. Ahora de los gemelos ambos nacieron, cuándo su esposo murió el ofreció un intercambio del gemelo mayor, el primogénito por el regreso de tu madre, pero el traía la sangre mala de tu abuela y de el por lo tanto el niño no sobrevivió el acto y murió al ser sacrificado, Johan que era nuestro hijo mayor también fue sacrificado pero era igual que ellos de malo y no logro nada, Kek no supo que hacer hasta que convencido por tu abuela desidio robarlos a ustedes, pero Kimberly no podría aguantar era muy enfermisa, por eso te robo a ti, para que sobrevivieras la ceremonia y trageras la real de regresó, porque la que logró tenía todo menos el alma, está comía carne impura para sobrevivir. Fue horrible tenerla en casa sólo Elrich podía calmarlo era cómo si su bondad se esparciera al ver al niño, pero con Anguie o con Kek todo era diferente ella enloquecia por completo. Creo que en el fondo era consciente de lo que pasaba y le gritaba a el que no continuara comerse a su propio hijo destruyó la cordura y pureza de su alma pasando de ser un pequeño omunculo a ser un demonio sin alma ambos, que al comer más carne deseaba más desaparecer hasta que veía a Elrich y sabía que valía la pena intentar regresar.
Para entregarte me ofrecieron la mi libertad lo siento hijo yo ya no era nada. Sólo quería ser libre.
Juan Pi. que pasó entonces
Blanca: esa noche ya nadie sabía de ti, fuimos para iniciar el ritual, ella pasaría al cuerpo de Angie yo sería libre y ella te comería a ti. Juan yo te quice tanto y llevabas pocos años entre nosotros yo estaba agotada hacia lo que deseaban con tal de que no me hicieran daño.
Guardia de pricion: Joven su tiempo termino, ya es hora de que se retire el momento de visita a terminado.
Blanca: sólo déjame despedirme, Clein
Guardia: está bien no intentes nada.
Juan P. Preciosa Uni no temas mañana continuamos, la verdad es que hoy estoy agotado acabo de llegar a México y estoy en la casa.
Blanca: no estés ahí, es un lugar malévolo toma tu alma y lo destruye poco a poco. Las almas nobles se corrompen ahí. Sal de ese lugar por favor no estés ahí ella nunca dejo de existir todavía falta que sepas lo más importante.
Juan P. No estoy solo y la casa ya no existe ahora es un spa y el único daño que tendrá será la gente curada por el quiropráctico, te vengo a ver mañana te traje una frazada descansa.
Blanca: Tu también bebé.
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surfacegalleryblog · 6 years
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Elrich: NTU 2nd Year Photography Show 3rd - 10th February Opening Night: Friday 2nd February, 6-8pm Joe Barlow / Gina Coelho / Rebecca Collins / Matthew Dennis / James Fitzpatrick Diamond / Lauren Heap / Georgie Jones / Georgina McGrath / Ria Measom / Megan Oakley / Joe Santander Surface Gallery is pleased to announce Elrich, an exhibition showcasing the work of eleven Nottingham Trent University BA Photography students. Elrich explores the individual interpretations of ‘The Uncanny’. The exhibition brings together a variety of photographic styles and techniques, culminating in a wide range of captivating work. From the intimate portraits exploring the boundaries of time by Matthew Dennis, to the large scale sculptural forms featuring in the work of Georgie Jones, Elrich showcases what some of NTU’s brightest up-and-coming photographers have to offer. Elrich opens in the Project Space during the final week of the International Postcard Show in the Main Gallery. Complimentary drinks will be available while supplies last. As always, there will be a donations bar with ales from local brewery, Springhead. Free Entry: Everyone Welcome http://ift.tt/2EgcEog
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bycmab-blog · 7 years
Entre pinceles usados, óleos y un lienzo a medio hacer, el estudio de Ornella Pocetti es el reflejo de una mente en pleno proceso creativo. Joven y comprometida, la artista le abrió las puertas de su espacio a BYC Magazine.
La individualidad en su talento y la inquietud que la caracterizan lograron que a principios de este año le ofrecieran pintar un póster para promocionar la apertura del nuevo local de Blackmamba. El mismo estuvo en varios puntos de la ciudad embelleciendo con su arte alguna que otra parada de colectivo.
BYC: ¿Cómo llega la propuesta de la marca a vos?
OP: “Llega en un momento en el que justo ya venía haciendo esculturas de serpientes. La propuesta fue desde Instagram y me propusieron hacer una pintura en conjunto. Su estética no se alejaba de lo que hago y sumaba bastante, entonces acepte. La mayoría de las propuestas que me llegan son desde redes sociales, hoy es una herramienta de difusión muy grande para mí, creo que la mayoría me conoce más desde ahí”.
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Obra de Ornella Pocetti | Ph: Christian Baragatti
También trabajó asistiendo al artista Diego Gravinese y a Leandro Elrich, colaboró con pinturas para “Recuperemos la imaginación para cambiar la historia”, libro de Proyecto NUM (Ni una menos) que compila obra de otras mujeres con imágenes artísticas y donde refleja su lado activista en defensa por los derechos de igualdad de género, y exhibió sus obras en varias galerías y museos. 
Ornella confiesa que no proviene de una familia de artistas y que, aun así, recuerda estar conectada con el arte desde pequeña: “No recuerdo cuál fue mi primer contacto con el arte. De chica siempre hice danza y música, donde aprendí a tocar varios instrumentos. Y lo mismo con la pintura… desde siempre tuve el impulso creativo.”
BYC: ¿Te acordás del instante en el que decidiste dedicar tu vida a ser artista visual?
OP: Solo recuerdo que la primera artista que me hizo pensar desde otro lado, fue mi profesora de plástica y dije: “ah! esto no solo es un hobbie, de esto también se puede vivir”. Vi una veta más profesional, donde pensé que esto también era una profesión. Que más allá de lo lúdico, era algo a lo que me quería dedicar.
BYC: ¿Este lugar es tu único espacio de creación para concentrarte más y trabajar?
OP: No suelo tener un espacio de trabajo fijo en el que me concentre más, o menos. Tengo varios. Prefiero, quizás, estar sola en el momento creativo y sentirme cómoda en ese lugar para poder trabajar. Además porque cuando me concentro es al 100%, no presto atención a otras cosas.
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Obra de Ornella Pocetti | Ph: Christian Baragatti
Pocetti forma parte del colectivo artístico “Viento Dorado” y realiza ilustraciones digitales para la editorial infantil “Muchas Nueces”. Ahí sigue ampliando su expresión aunque declara: “El contacto con lo artesanal me gusta, el material me seduce más. Me considero más de la época romántica en ese aspecto”.
BYC: No te limitas solo al lienzo y al óleo, ¿Qué te lleva a intentar manipular otras técnicas?
OP: Me gusta experimentar con diferentes materiales. Cuando me sentí cómoda con la pintura tuve ganas de empezar a incursionar con otras formas de expresión, otros lenguajes. Por ejemplo, esas esculturas (señala mano y pie dorados) fueron hechas para Viento Dorado, un colectivo al que pertenezco hace aproximadamente 3 años junto a otras dos artistas. Con ellas hice varias más, es ahí donde agoto más mi lado instalativo. Es más experimental.
Para mí el arte es un agente de comunicador más, con diferentes características que un medio, porque tiene estética y poética, pero debe haber responsabilidad en lo que se comunica, tiene que tener una bajada de línea.
Por Claudia Villalba
Ornella Pocetti: sobre su colaboración con Blackmamba y su trayectoria en el arte visual. Entre pinceles usados, óleos y un lienzo a medio hacer, el estudio de Ornella Pocetti es el reflejo de una mente en pleno proceso creativo.
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manic-sociopath-321 · 10 years
Sam and Dean are basically Ed and Al. I mean their mom is dead, daddy issues galore, and codependence on their brother. I'm not saying Supernatural is a Fullmetal Alchemist AU but it totally is.
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