#al-asqa brigades
secular-jew · 6 months
If you want to understand what Islam is up to, you need to see what ISLAMIC POLITICAL AND MILITARY LEADERS and their spokespeople (Imams at weekly sermons, sheikhs, Ayatollahs, and the Arab global press), are saying daily in their own language. These headlines scream racism, hate, genocide and encourage daily acts of suicidal jihad of civilians, for the purpose of creating terror and eventually leading to global domination. These are just from yesterday:
Columnist In Qatari Daily: Hatred And Hostility Are Ingrained In The Jews;
Palestinian Author Hassan Hamid: The Israelis Know They Will Leave Palestine;
Lebanese Analyst: Only The Rich Jews Who Practiced Usury Were Burned In The Holocaust
Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP) Poster: Shi'ites Of Iran Orchestrated October 7 Hamas Attack;
Michigan Islamic Scholar In 2016: Israel Must Be Annihilated
Trinidad And Tobago Islamic Scholar: Russia Knows October 7 Was Planned By Mossad, Just Like 9/11
ISIS Supporters Eulogize Gazan Who Swore Allegiance To ISIS, Participated In October 7 Attack;
Following US Treasury Designation, 'Gaza Now' Condemns Sanctions As Attempt To 'Silence The Voice Of Wounded Gaza'
Los Angeles Director of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Ayloush @ Nov 2023 Islamic Society Of Orange County Event: Israel Should Be Attacked, Has No Right To Defend Itself;
Growing Influence Of Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) In The Central African Republic (CAR);
Under the heading: "You can't Make this Shit Up":
Islamic Scholar Shakir: Trump May Create A Palestinian State If Told He Will Be On Mount Rushmore
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liberty1776 · 11 months
Last Saturday, the world looked on as the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, launched Operation Al-Asqa Flood, the largest military incursion into the state of Israel since the 1973 October War, the 50th anniversary of which had occurred just one day beforehand. Though lauded by many as a legitimate military response to the Israeli occupation, many could also not help but wonder at how Israel, an entity possessing state of the art surveillance equipment and which receives annual funding from the United States to the tune of billions of dollars, could seemingly be ‘taken by surprise’ by militant Palestinian … Continue reading →
The recent build-up of US Forces in the Persian Gulf, and Israel’s history of involvement in false flag operations intended to incite a US military response, from the USS Liberty to 9/11, it appears that the stage is now being set for a deliberately provoked or staged attack on US Forces in the region in order to draw Washington into a wider conflict with Iran, and the catastrophic consequences that will follow.
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secular-jew · 6 months
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I truly adore Gad Saad.
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secular-jew · 4 months
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What location should the "occupation mosque" be relocated to?
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secular-jew · 5 months
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From Ali Karimi, one of the greatest Iranian footballers of all time. Be like Ali.
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secular-jew · 6 months
Just in time for Easter, the world has now another Resurrection miracle!!!
Dead Palestinian journalist was arrested in Austria!
Odd, because we know absolutely for sure that he was dead, because the UN is always fully transparent and tells us the truth.
The UN is always truthful about Israel "occupying Palestine" although no one knows where occupied Palestine is. But UN said so!
The UN always speaks the truth about starving Gazans although Israel is sending more aid then before October 7 and Gazans are posting pictures from Syria.
The UN claims to know absolutely nothing about Hamas tunnel networks (which are more vast and larger than the London Underground) under UN offices in Gaza, despite electric cables from UN offices powering Hamas servers. And also, the UN knows nothing about thousands of UN employees who are Hamas operatives, and who murdered, raped and kidnapped Israelis on October 7, despite a vast amount of video evidence. Oh, and the UN knows nothing about the hostages that UN are hiding, nor about education for terror in UNRWA schools. Nothing.
Anyway, we believe the UN, because, you know, it's called United Nations, so it must be something serious and impartial.
Conclusion: we have resurrection miracle of Palestinian journalist, no less!!!
Maybe a new religion should be established.
Oh, wait, it is already established and it's called "Free Palestine, Let Radical Islamic Jihadists rule the world".
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secular-jew · 5 months
Gad Saad, Lebanese Evolutionary Behavioral Scientist & Author:
""The mindset in the Middle East is very simple. It is based on the Qur'anic concept of dhimmi status for all religious minorities who are "people of the book." Such people can at best be tolerated but they should NEVER be in a position in power whether within a country or within the Middle East. As such, Israel's existence violates a definitional and fundamental tenet of the mindset in the region. It is that simple. It has nothing to do with land; nothing to do with two states; nothing to do with other geopolitical realities. Islam is supreme. Islam can protect you as long as you know your place. Israel said NO! We have dignity; we have a right for self-autonomy. Ask yourself the following question: How are non-Muslim minorities faring throughout the Middle East? Yes, there are times when minorities are "tolerated" but the overlords reserve the right to exterminate you as they see fit. There is 1,400 years of that recorded history. Learn your history.""
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secular-jew · 6 months
A Jewish family in Silwan (Shiloah Village). Jerusalem, 1890.
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secular-jew · 5 months
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Ask yourselves:
Why did Obama and Biden enrich a terrorist country that chants "death to america" and "death to Israel?"
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secular-jew · 5 months
One of the ballistic missiles fired yesterday fell in Shiraz, Iran
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secular-jew · 5 months
One of the son's of Hamas, 30 years ago. This is the son of the butcher, Hamas leader who has a net worth of $4 billion and lives in luxury in Qatar.
In 30 seconds of listening to this young person's thirst for death, you willattain a better appreciation for the what Israel (and the entire world) is up against. What Islam teaches. What Islam creates. We see this everyday, all over the globe, not just in Israel.
The world faces a continuous stream of suicide murderers -- and attacks -- on soft targets, unarmed civilians, office billing's, restaurants, school buses and trains, theaters, sporting events, shopping malls, festivals.
Without walls or the IDF, the numbers of dead Israelis would be in the hundreds of thousands if not millions. Egypt knows this well, which is why their border wall with Gaza is 10x stronger than Israel's.
Simply stated, these people are taught from an early age, to despise life and love death.
This child, interviewed 30 years ago, stated quite clearly, that his dream was to become a martyr.
This week, the IDF made his dream come true.
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secular-jew · 6 months
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Herein lies the difference.
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secular-jew · 5 months
I'll just leave it there...
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secular-jew · 5 months
Everyone talks about those "innocent" Palestinians, who are enslaved by Hamas. As you can see from this footage, documented by high-end media video cameras and iPhones, these are not Hamas militants. The kidnapping and murder and rape of Israels (Jews and Arabs) in Israel on Oct 7 wasn't just carried out by Hamas and Islamic jihad.
One can clearly see that all of these kidnappers, rapists, and murderers, are rank and file everyday Gazan/so-called Palestinian.
They're all dressed in polo shirts, plaid button down shirts, t-shirts, jeans, and general civilian garb.
Please explain how Israel can make peace with this kind of rabid animal.
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secular-jew · 6 months
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secular-jew · 5 months
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Before islam. The way it used to be, until the Mullahs and Ayatollahs and Sheiks took over, the same Islamists that students across America are cheering for, the same Islamists who's supporters fill the streets of London and New York. Shame on them.
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