#global caliphate
secular-jew · 6 months
If you want to understand what Islam is up to, you need to see what ISLAMIC POLITICAL AND MILITARY LEADERS and their spokespeople (Imams at weekly sermons, sheikhs, Ayatollahs, and the Arab global press), are saying daily in their own language. These headlines scream racism, hate, genocide and encourage daily acts of suicidal jihad of civilians, for the purpose of creating terror and eventually leading to global domination. These are just from yesterday:
Columnist In Qatari Daily: Hatred And Hostility Are Ingrained In The Jews;
Palestinian Author Hassan Hamid: The Israelis Know They Will Leave Palestine;
Lebanese Analyst: Only The Rich Jews Who Practiced Usury Were Burned In The Holocaust
Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP) Poster: Shi'ites Of Iran Orchestrated October 7 Hamas Attack;
Michigan Islamic Scholar In 2016: Israel Must Be Annihilated
Trinidad And Tobago Islamic Scholar: Russia Knows October 7 Was Planned By Mossad, Just Like 9/11
ISIS Supporters Eulogize Gazan Who Swore Allegiance To ISIS, Participated In October 7 Attack;
Following US Treasury Designation, 'Gaza Now' Condemns Sanctions As Attempt To 'Silence The Voice Of Wounded Gaza'
Los Angeles Director of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Ayloush @ Nov 2023 Islamic Society Of Orange County Event: Israel Should Be Attacked, Has No Right To Defend Itself;
Growing Influence Of Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) In The Central African Republic (CAR);
Under the heading: "You can't Make this Shit Up":
Islamic Scholar Shakir: Trump May Create A Palestinian State If Told He Will Be On Mount Rushmore
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tamamita · 11 months
how is isis different from hamas?
Gonna make it easy and comprehensible:
ISIS or DA'ISH is a transnational terror organization consisting of Iraqi Baathists, former Syrian rebels or moderates, recruited fighters from all over the world, former US captives in Iraq, and oppressed and disenfranchised Sunnis. Wahhabi in nature, ISIS subscribes to the literalist tradition of Islam, based on a strict adherence to Tawhid (Islamic monotheism), rejecting the concept of intercession and saint venerations, seeing them as an act of idolatry. Their religious verdicts are based on the literal interpretation of the Qur'an and Sunnah, rejecting metaphorical exegesis. They aim to establish a global caliphate, seeking to eliminate anyone who opposses it regardless of religious or ideological differences. They see their cause as a hastening of various Islamic end time prophecies in their interpretation of Islamic eschatology. Like many Salafis, they reject Taqlid, which is to conform to one of the four schools of thought in Sunni Islam. On top of that, they reject religious innovations (Bid'ah), which is the idea that anything introduced to the religion without any religious basis is heresy. Whether it be practical or theological, they deem any Muslim who engage in Bid'ah to be an apostate or heretic. They are notorious for their intolerance of non-Muslims and application of Takfirism (excommunication) on Muslims, whether Sunni or Shi'a. Christians had to pay the Jizya (poll tax) in their territories, while in other cases, they were murdered, expelled and had their churches destroyed or converted. They have no tolerance for Shi'a Muslims and will kill them on the spot (see: Speicher Massacre), and have often targeted them with IEDs or suicide bombers. Non-Muslims, like the Ezidis or Ahlul Haqq, were often subjected to execution whereas their women and children were either married away, converted or used as sex slaves. DAESH is not interested in national liberation, seeing it as a blasphemous innovation. DAESH does not consider Hamas to be Muslims due to struggle for national liberation which is supported by Iran and various Shi'i proxies.
Hamas is a political and military resistance group that consists of Palestinians. After the failures of the Oslo accord, Hamas broke away from PLO and formed their own political party. They either subscribe to the Shafi'i school of thought or some form of Ikhwani Salafism (Salafism as envisioned by the Muslim Brotherhood). They're a semi-governmental power in Gaza and are responsible for upholding the social and civil institutions, such as hospitals, schools and etc. Hamas' specific aim is localized and seeks to destroy the Zionist entity in order to form a one-state solution under an Islamic emirate or Islamic democracy. Their only enemy is Israel and any of its allies. As of the Hamas charter of 2017, they do not have an intolerance for non-Muslims or people of different religious and ideological comportments, as seen by them holding ties with both Shi'a and Socialist militias, such as Hezbollah and the PFLP/DFLP. Hamas is concerned with the national liberation of Palestine and the Palestinians. Being an entirely localized resistance group, they do not engage in global jihadism like ISIS nor do they carry out attacks internationally.
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jewish-vents · 3 months
There’s this bookstore in California that’s giving a night dedicated to the “axis of resistance” and celebrating the Islamic Republic of Iran and their “dedicated support to Palestinian liberation.” many people in the comments are rightfully objecting to this because it’s indefensible and upholding a literal fascist state that routinely kills its people. the IRGC “support” of Palestine is support of terrorism with an objective of a caliphate. but someone in the comments spoke up for the murdered women of Iran and some dude responded, “ew damn you sound like a Zionist.” and the author of the post liked it, and someone else added that only Zionists oppose the IRGC as a “global distraction” while (((they))) further the interests of imperialist America and so on, typical blood libel, Jews control the government type stuff.
And I just think how did we get here? woman life freedom, Mahsa Amini, this had nothing to do with Zionism, Jews, or Israel. it was about Iranians, about supporting oppressed civilians who object to their horrible leaders, who object to marginalized people and dissidents being tortured and executed.
but now, if you say the Islamic Republic is bad, you’re a filthy (((Zionist))) oppressor??? the people have been abandoned by this movement propping up their killers? and they claim to be liberals! how do they have no values and no consciences? who cheers on violent atrocities and despotic murderers? I don’t recognize the world anymore.
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girlactionfigure · 11 months
Here are 50 Palestinian Lies Since Last Saturday, 7 October 2023:
1- Hamas killed nobody.
2- Hamas only killed IDF soldiers.
3- The soldiers Hamas targeted were not in uniform.
4- Okay, Hamas killed civilians, but they’re part of the occupation.
5- Hamas didn’t kill children.
6- Hamas didn’t burn children.
7- The fire was an accident.
8- Hamas didn’t kidnap children.
9- Hamas takes care of child hostages.
10- Hamas didn’t rape women.
11- Other people raped the women.
12- The Hamas fighters who raped will be punished. 
13- Hamas didn’t bomb people hiding in bomb shelters. 
14- Only one bomb shelter was bombed. 
15 - Hamas didn’t shoot people as they fled.
16- The people who were shot while fleeing were guilty of occupation.
17- Hamas is not a terrorist group. 
18- Hamas is a resistance group.
19- Jews began the conflict in 1948, Hamas is still resisting that today.
20- Hamas doesn’t idolize Hitler.
21- Only some Hamas members love Hitler. 
22- Hamas is different from ISIS.
23- Only some Palestinians joined ISIS in 2014. 
24- Hamas doesn’t want a global Caliphate, (when Hamas’ Charter says they strive for a global caliphate).
25- Hamas respects Human rights, but… “Jews are not Humans”
26- Palestinians don’t idolize Saddam Hussein, despite him having roads, roundabouts named after him in Gaza and West Bank - and his photos raised in Palestinian protests.
27- Hamas does not steal. 
28- Hamas only takes what it needs to protect Palestinian interests. 
29- Hamas doesn’t kill Palestinians.
30- Only some Hamas rockets accidentally land in Gaza and kill Palestinians. 
31- Hamas never uses human shields.
32- Only in some cases Hamas may use human shields. 
33- We don’t want to drown Jews in the sea. We want a peaceful solution. 
34- There will be no peace until all the land is ours and the Jews return to Europe. 
35- All the Arab states have betrayed us.
36- All the Arab states are supporting us. 
37- Iran doesn’t fund Hamas.
38- Iran only supplies Hamas with weapons, not money.
39- Iran only pays our soldiers’ salaries. 
40- Hamas is not the Muslim Brotherhood. 
41- Hamas was only founded by the Muslim Brotherhood. 
42- Palestinians didn’t support Osama Bin Laden.
43- Only some Palestinians (thousands) celebrated on 9/11.
44- Nobody gave Palestinians a chance to govern themselves.
45- Yes we elected Hamas in Gaza, but Hamas doesn’t represent us.
46- Sometimes Hamas represents us, and sometimes it doesn’t. It depends.
47- Palestinians are indigenous to the Holy Land.
48- Yasser Arafat was Egyptian, but he was also indigenous to Palestine. 
49- Palestinians who stab Jews get paid because their families need to eat. 
50- It’s all the Jewish people’s fault.
If you’ve seen another lie being amplified over the last week, feel free to add it to the list below.
Imam of Peace
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myserioussideblog · 9 months
it gives me a good laugh when i see a pro-palestine post which likens hamas to idk some freedom fighters or something.
because then i'll go to their profile, and see that little emoji.
that multicoloured rectangle.
the fucking pride flag.
YOU support....? HAMAS? REALLY.
You just TRY walking in with your pride flag badge and your neopronouns or whatever is the latest fad in the scene. You could be there to provide aid. You could have been their fiercest fighter. You could have fucking paid every fucking penny out of your pocket to help them.
YOU, my dear, will be tortured and killed. Because that's Islam. And that's Hamas.
Your little posts on Instagram and Tumblr and X are going to do jackshit if you're supporting those whose main goal is to commit global jihad and result in a global caliphate, kill all those who do not follow their religion, and, of course... the LGBTQ+ people. YOU.
I'm not saying Israel is perfect (gay marriages abroad are recognised, but gay marriages cannot be conducted on Israeli soil, which is understandable, it is a Jewish country) but it has a strict policy against discrimination against LGBTQ+ people.
Logic, common sense and sanity suggest steering clear of being murdered for who they are.
When have the "wokes" ever had any of those things?
But the fact that these are the same people who have just begun to realise that a hijab isn't a choice doesn't give me much hope that this will go through their thick heads. Where is the outrage over CPL Noa Marciano?? She was MURDERED by a religion that not only justifies but rewards it.
What is happening to civilians on both sides is monstrous, but the focus should be on eradicating the parasite that is Hamas (and all other jihadi groups) from the face of the earth.
It is borderline pathetic that you are so terrified of offending someone that you will support them, even if they spit on and rape and murder you because of something you didn't choose.
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thatdebaterguy · 7 months
Astoundingly flawed logic
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So riddle me this, if Israel is committing genocide with the intent to kill all Palestinians
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And has one of the best global militaries, with a budget surpassing Palestine's entire gdp
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And even has nuclear weapons
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Then how is Palestine still here, how is Gaza still here, how are millions of Palestinians in one of the most densely packed areas of the entire world, all still here. It literally does not fit the definition. There isn't intention to kill. It's the opposite, they've warned Gazans before bombing.
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Whether in some cases they haven't warned, or if the civilians just lied, it's a war, they have no obligation to warn for bombing, the Brits and Americans sure as hell didn't warn Dresden, a bombing that killed 20,000 in a single strike, which is very close to the Palestinian civilian death toll, and yet Dresden wasn't a genocide too. Wanna know why? We didn't want to kill every single German. One interesting thing though, when Israel was founded and invaded by the Arab nations around it, what were their intentions? To block the existence of Israel.
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Most likely by eradicating all Israeli civilians and soldiers in the area, to remove any possible claim Israel had over the area. Speaking of claims, Jewish people who founded Israel had lived in the area long before some of the Arab settlers had. Some of the Islamic Caliphates are regarded as the most successful settler colonial efforts in history, spreading to Spain, Morocco, the Turkic Steppes, and settling the region of Palestine too, and this all happened after the Jewish people who had founded the city of Jerusalem. There were I think around 400,000 Jews living there before Israel was created, maybe a bit less but around there. It's not a colonial state, in fact it was freed after being a British colony, no different to the way other British colonies were freed. South Africa used to include modern Namibia, but those two states separated, yet I don't hear anyone bickering about Namibia's right to exist. I know it goes vastly deeper than that comparison, but it still somewhat works.
Anyway, let's say you're living in modern Afghanistan as a woman, where your rights are being actively crushed by a group who used to be designated as a terror group before ruling the country. Are you going to try live your life peacefully and avoid being executed over the simplest things, or going into the streets, protesting, then getting beheaded. I think 99% of people would rather keep living to fight another day, than die a martyr. That's why they're Martyrs, they're the rare 1%, people like the ones who helped hide Anne Frank, or hid Jewish people in their homes. I strongly oppose Hamas, but you don't see me flying over to Palestine protesting against them, same way you don't go over to Israel to protest the Israeli government, or go live with Palestinians to show solidarity. Knowing something is evil and wanting it to end without knowing how, and acting against that evil, are both being against it, one is just activism, the other is opposition. Not many people wanna be activists when the crime is death. Is that enough proof for you?
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 9 months
by Coleman Hughes
As with every society on Earth, there is racism in Israel. But the truth is that if you’re looking for the closest analogue to the racist propaganda experienced by blacks in European-offshoot societies, you will find it not on the Israeli side but on the Palestinian side. Consider the ghoulish, antisemitic TV programs that indoctrinate Palestinian children. There is no Israeli equivalent. 
There is yet another inconvenient fact for those who want to reduce the Israeli-Arab conflict to a competition between European settlers and people of color: the majority of Israeli Jews are not European. They are Mizrahi Jews—hailing from the Middle East and North Africa. What’s more, it is not the European Jews but the Mizrahi Jews—who are difficult to visually distinguish from Palestinians—that form most of the voting base of the right-wing parties that Israel’s critics consider to be the truly racist ones. 
When ideologues co-opt the African American freedom struggle and compare it to the Palestinian national movement, they do black Americans a grave disservice. Black Americans (aside from a fringe) did not seek to dominate and destroy white society, as Martin Luther King Jr. emphasized frequently in his speeches. African Americans pursued equality before the law and better economic circumstances. In black history, you can find the occasional Nat Turner, the slave who led a rebellion and advocated killing all whites. But compared to the leaders of the struggle—giants like Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King—radicals like Turner amount to a footnote in the black American struggle for equality. 
Even early Malcolm X, the most prominent mouthpiece for black radicalism, was not interested in a violent takeover whereby blacks would run all of America and render whites second-class citizens. When he expressed black nationalism as more than a metaphor, he made clear that he was interested in a partitioning of black and white states inside America or a black ethnostate somewhere outside of America entirely.
Palestinian leaders, by contrast, seek dominion over all the land existing between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Some, like Hamas, have even more radical ambitions: a global Islamic caliphate. Palestinian leaders have rejected every partition offer they have ever received: the Peel Commission in 1937, the UN partition of 1947, the offers made at Camp David as well as the Clinton Parameters in 2000, and Olmert’s proposal in 2008. In the Palestinian national movement, the common denominator has been the rejection of a Jewish state of any size and scope, as well as the unyielding demand for nothing less than a Palestinian Arab state to subsume Israel: “from the river to the sea,” as the chant goes. 
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ultramaga · 2 months
English police are turning Islamist Mosques into armouries. Are they hoping to turn England into The Caliphate?
I’ve noticed when Leftists describe the attack that sparked it all off, they claim the Rwandan child murderer was Welsh, akshueallly, and caucasians don’t exist anyway so it totally doesn’t count when you kill them.
I don’t like the craziness of the riots, but that’s what riots are like, and I can’t help but notice the media is not kneeling and talking about how the protests are “mostly peaceful”, and from what I have seen online, they were until they were attacked by armed Islamists - as the police stood by and did nothing.
So if the police are taking sides, how do you survive without violence? Does the UK government advice all citizens to convert immediately?
I do find the suppression of the story interesting.
I remember giving up on Facebook because you were not allowed to say “men are not women”. It was deemed hatespeech to observe a simple face humanity observed around a million years ago.
Now, ironically, Twitter - or rather X - sorry, Elon - is becoming the bastion of Free Speech. I saw nothing reported on this on the Australian News when I flipped around at the start, and there was definitely some sort of suppression going on.
When it was reported, it was strictly using the formula of “the Natzees are natzeeing because white. Natzeee!”
There was no attempt at any balance. It was The Message only.
I am glad that there are at least a few dissenting voices on Youtube and elsewhere. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/29706765/shocking-footage-gang-palestinian-flags-punch-man-kick-head/ There’s a reason for the Second Amendment, and there’s a reason Leftists globally subvert and destroy self-defence laws. In Britain, as locals point out, you can be arrested for a letter opener, but Islamists are permitted to carry machetes and clubs.
Why the double standard?
Why does the media suppress stories like this, and only promote stories of innocent Muslim victims - which generally just seem to have mean words used on them, rather than kicks to the face.
“Indigenous people protesting against violent colonization is now far right.” I wish some equivalent of Diana's Lasso could be applied to Leftists, so they could just admit they want to kill white people as revenge for the failures of Communism. Imagine how refreshing it would be to see them speak honestly for a change.
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eretzyisrael · 17 days
Alone at the helm
PM Netanyahu is the sole world leader who is standing against radical Islam.
Sep 04, 2024
Israel National News
By Phyllis Chesler
As I've long feared, the entire world is now electrically pre-wired with Jew hatred. From coast to coast, on every continent, every day, pro-Hamas demonstrations disturb the world's peace.
It has only gotten worse after 10/7. At every conference, on every holiday, and on every campus, the hoarse cries of "Free Palestine" pierce the air. The surging, keffiyeh-masked pro-Hamas mobs are seemingly everywhere. They are not stopping anytime soon, even if Democrats try to claim they are. They constitute Iran's bought-and-paid-for global army.
Iranian, Qatari, and left wing billionnaire funding of both Jew, Israel, and America hatred for the last fifty years have accomplished this. Everyone absolutely refused to see the danger coming. One cannot blame only PM Netanyahu for this blindness, the entire world is guilty as Hell. This time, the Gates of Vienna have fallen and Europe has already reaped the deluge.
Think of it: Hamas massacres and wounds thousands and kidnaps many hundreds of Israeli civilians--and Israel gets cursed for fighting back.
Hamas sadistically executes six completely beaten-down, still shackled, Israeli hostages in cold blood--and pro-Hamas demonstrations take place in Bled, Slovenia (!), at a global conference which is just ending.
In Bled, a so-called "Ambassador" from "Palestine" and a Palestinian Arab soprano had speaking (and singing) slots--and only one Israeli, left-wing Tzipi Livni, a former Knesset member and the minister responsible for the failed 2006 UN Resolution 1701 which prohibits all armed militias from operating anywhere in all of Lebanon, and who has long been out of power, was there, telling the Europeans just what they want to hear.
Media the world over continue to lead with headlines which position Israel's fighting back as pre-emptive overkill, as demonically genocidal.
Once again: Hamas sadistically executes six hostages, hours away from being rescued, and Israelis who want a very different kind of state, not the one they have, stop traffic in Tel Aviv, call a half-day strike, blame only PM Netanyahu for Israel being attacked by Iranian proxies on three fronts simultaneously.
These Israeli protestors, mad with grief and fear, (heartbroken too), do not march to protest at the Gaza border, or attack Iran demanding the release of the remaining hostages, dead or alive. They do not take on the mullahs. No one does.
PM Netanyahu is the sole world leader who is standing against radical Islam. Presidents Obama, Biden, and Vice-President Harris all enabled Iran to get this far. If Harris is elected, I have every reason to assume that she (and her handler, Obama), will take it even further.
If the world does not back PM Netanyahu--we will all be overrun by radical fundamental Islamists who yearn for the destruction of the West and for a Shii'a Caliphate.
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I've seen people call Hamas right-wing and maybe it's my American perspective but I don't consider Hamas right-wing or left-wing. It's an Islamic death cult, separate from the left vs. right political sphere.
While technically not inaccurate, it's an insanely America-centric view, specifically a left wing American view, because they see all politics as a straight line from left to right where the farthest left is perfect communism (or whatever their own personal utopia is) and the farthest right is a fundamentalist, fascist theocracy. But that's not even remotely an accurate way to describe politics.
The political compass grid, with authoritarian left, authoritarian right, libertarian right, and libertarian left, is much more accurate and allows for more nuance. And on that grid, Hamas would probably be near the top right corner, which is auth right. In reality though, most American right wing politics these days are a lot closer to the libertarian right than the authoritarian right. So while it's technically true that a fanatical theocracy is by definition "right wing", it's nothing like what the modern right advocates for. Broadly, the modern right wants freedom of speech, armed citizens, small government, less taxes, religious freedom, and to protect children. Hamas is a radical Islamist terror group who wants to kill every Jew in Israel and institute a global caliphate run under strict Islamist law. The American right and Hamas are natural enemies, since basically all their ideals and goals are diametrically opposed.
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secular-jew · 3 months
What more proof do you need?
This mother just learned that her son became a dead Shahid.
Immediately after hearing the news, this mother and her friends are celebrating the death of their son who was extinguished while fighting as a Jihadi for Hamas. In short, she is saying how happy she is, how it makes her sing, to know that her son died as a Shahid (aka Shaheed, aka Martyr) for Islam. She is so happy, and we should also celebrate with her because she got what she wished her whole life for.
In truth, she's happy because she will receive a King's ransom, a lifetime salary from Hamas thanks to her son's sacrifice. Islam is a death cult that incentivizes its women to become birth factories so that the children can murder non-Muslims all over the world.
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tamamita · 7 months
Whats the diff bewteen daesh & Al-qaeda?
Al-Qaeda sprung out as a rebel group against the pro-soviet communist government of Afghanistan with the leadership of Bin Ladin. Al-Qaeda is far more concerned about the interest of Muslims in SWANA and seek to overthrow the Muslim governments which they consider corrupt. Bin Ladin was more concerned about building up an islamist vanguard against the Western powers and its "Jewish" elite, and favoured large-scale, dramatic attacks against strategic or symbolic targets, such as the twin towers. While Al-Qaeda adopts some sectarian policies, they do not carry out attacks against Muslims of different branches.
DAESH is a global jihadist group concerned with the establishment of a global caliphate. It began initially as al-Qaeda of Iraq (not affiliated with Al-Qaeda despite its name) following the illegal invasion of Iraq. Composed of Iraqi Baathists, tribal Sunni leaders, etnical groups and Salafists. Al-Zarkawi was the leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq and would encourage his followers to carry out attacks against any group that did not swear allegience to their cause. As a precursor group to ISIS, they were far more sectarian and sought to establish an Islamic emirate in Iraq and its environs, often with the sole purpose of eliminating the local Shi'as, non-Muslims and Sunni "apostates". When Zarqawi was killed following a US lead operation, Abu Bakr al-BAghdadi, a former Guantanamo inmate, would shore up support due to the brutal policies of the Iraqi PM Nour al-Maliki, which affected Iraq's Sunni minority, ultimately leading to the formation of ISIS. The Islamic State embraces some of al-Qaeda's goals, but see expansionism as an effective tool to recruit new fighters and while also carrying out indiscriminate bombings against its enemies. As opposed to al-Qaeda, ISIS is also known for its atrocity propaganda, which it sees as an effective tool for mass recruitment.
In short: Al-Qaeda is concerned with the enemies from far away (the west). ISIS is concerned with the enemies nearby (literally everyone.).
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televisionenjoyer · 6 months
i know you made that post like a week ago but the idea of the u.s. having unobstructed democracy is literally just one of the myths used to convince people that its a morally superior country. like black people and immigrants and poor people in general have to jump thru so many hoops to register to vote. and the bipartisan system is so forced that quite literally it does not work to vote third party in federal elections. i really fucking wish it did but it doesnt. the usamericans online who are all fighting over voting for biden or not voting at all are a tiny minority and they couldn't get a third party candidate elected even if they all magically agreed on one. if it was a real democracy than they would be doing what you want them to do, not agonizing over all the other shitty options that they have
AND leftists wouldve actually been successful in voting against imperialism for the past 200 yrs.. like this is not our choice. i know most americans are total pieces of shit about everyone else but the actual allies and sympathizers of the u.s.'s victims really are powerless within the system
Hi! I've left this ask simmer in my head for a whole day because I really wanted to digest it and put it down in a way that made some sense.
Fair warning I'm about to get rlly political about imperialism under the cut
I've received a lot of comments in that post about how democracy in the US is not as straightforward as it appears —I've gathered as much, which is why i referred to it as a perfectly crafted illusion of free will. But what I think most people missed from the post is that I was referencing, in its opposition, countries that literally had to bounce back from nondemocratic, violent governments through popular organizations rebelling against the system, which put their lives at immeasurable risk.
Throughout history all types of seemingly unmovable systems rose and fell. Kingdoms, dynasties, dictatorships, monarchies, caliphates, colonies, republics, you name it, its been made and destroyed. A common denominator within revolutions such as the french revolution, the haitian revolution, the american civil war and countless others was an overpowering sense of necessity within its "rebels". An overwhelming amount of people were poor, starving, and/or getting killed left and right because of their stations, races, ideologies, religions, etcetera.
It is my deeply cemented belief that the American Dream is in fact a device of the empire to keep the average usamerican content and compliant. As long as you have food on your plate, Netflix on your TV and an iPhone in your hand, you're not going to pay that much mind to which happens outside. You have the luxury to see an update on the current situation in Palestine, reblogs it, say to yourself "thank god it isn't happening to me", and move on to another amiable day in the suburbs. I'm not saying the life quality is anywhere near perfect, but it by far surpasses that of the "global south", "the third world" or however you'd like to name us.
It's strategic, calculated, a small sacrifice that the empire has to make to protect its exploitative endeavors: provide for those who have actual civic impact (reminder: puerto rico still can't vote). It's a necessary dent in the empire's funds, one they'd like to keep to a minimum, hence the dubious immigration policy and carefully crafted housing crisis in a country of such an extent — The American Dream can't be for everyone, otherwise there'd be no one else to exploit.
In essence the reason why the current democratic system has not yet been overthrown is quite simply that the usamerican people, those who have actual civil impact on the inner politics of the country, are not motivated enough to make it change. There is a reason why a significant number of the people who are most involved in the political cause of palestine happen to be marginalized sectors: people from the global south, arabs, people of color — understanding this imperialist oppression firsthand makes it harder to ignore. There is a reason aaron bushnell self immolated: his occupation put him in a position that made it outright impossible to ignore the horrors.
Furthermore, there is the knowledge that one win against the empire helps ton for the overall cause of mitigating this regime. A damn good motivation for us, not so much for the people who benefit from the current system.
TLDR you can always overthrow the government and demand a fairer system, but the the average american finds no strong real reason to.
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girlactionfigure · 11 months
3 questions for the global far left:
Here’s the 1st question: How many Jews need to die before you stop blaming us for everything that happens? Because on that dark Saturday 2 weeks ago, 1,400 were murdered. How many more do you need? Ten thousand? 6 million? 
2/14 Yes, I went there. I referenced the Holocaust. Tactless, I know. The Jews always do that, don’t they – bring up the Holocaust so they can claim to be the victims. It doesn’t work. Six million is just a number to you. Like 1,400. 
3/14 Maybe the number shields you. That way you don’t need to think about the people behind the number. About the grandmother who was murdered with her autistic granddaughter who loved Harry Potter. 
4/14 You won’t need to think about Abigail. She’s three. Hamas abducted her into Gaza. Who abducts a 3-year-old girl? What will they do with her? How can it be that there are people demonstrating against Abigail and in support of the people who abducted her? 
5/14 The second question is this: Do your feelings exempt you from knowing the facts? I understand that you feel the Palestinians are suffering, you really feel it, it’s a strong feeling, but do you really have no interest whatsoever in actual facts? 
6/14 Do you know, for example, that Hamas doesn’t support a two-state solution? They don’t even want to free Palestine. That’s not the kind of movement they are. Hamas isn’t a Palestinian national movement, you’re confusing them with the Palestinian Authority. 
7/14 The two organizations are bitter rivals. Hamas is a radical Islamist organization, like ISIS. Their goal is an Islamic caliphate across the Middle East without Jews, without LGBT people, without Christians, even without moderate Muslims 
8/14 And what about LGBT people? Do you really not care that the people you’re supporting hang gay people? Don’t “Queers for Palestine” care about Ahmed Abu Marakhia, a young gay Palestinian who managed to escape to Israel but was abducted by Hamas, murdered, his body mutilated? 
9/14 By my calculations, this is the point where you stop reading, because it won’t help. You feel differently, and so there must be something wrong with what you’re reading rather than what you’re feeling. 
10/14 As far as you’re concerned, my words are an annoying manipulation that’s best ignored.
I promise you’ll be able to find other facts that will better suit your feelings. There will only be one problem with them – they’ll be wrong 
11/14 The reason they’re so available on your social media feed is that Hamas and the Iranians fund a huge network of disinformation, which directs itself to the algorithms of the ultra-liberal left 
12/14 If you’re the kind of person who Googles “trans rights” or “climate protest,” you’ll soon find their propaganda appearing in your scroll. It will make you feel good, but I’d still recommend that you check why there aren’t trans people in Gaza, not even one. 
13/14 And the third question is this: Do you know that there is a simple answer to the first two questions? There is a reason that you’re protesting against us these days and, like everything else, it comes from feelings. 
14/14 Because as opposed to everything you think about yourselves, 
everything you say about being color blind, humane, champions of human rights and all the rest, you have one other personality trait – you are antisemites.
I know you think you’re not, but you are. 
• • •
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mariacallous · 8 months
Can you imagine what a digital white ethnostate or a cyber caliphate might look like? Having spent most of my career on the inside of online extremist movements, I certainly can. The year 2024 might be the one in which neo-Nazis, jihadists, and conspiracy theorists turn their utopian visions of creating their own self-governed states into reality—not offline, but in the form of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).
DAOs are digital entities that are collaboratively governed without central leadership and operate based on blockchain. They allow internet users to establish their own organizational structures, which no longer require the involvement of a third party in financial transactions and rulemaking. The World Economic Forum described DAOs as “an experiment to reimagine how we connect, collaborate and create”. However, as with all new technologies, there is also a darker side to them: They are likely to give rise to new threats emerging from decentralized extremist mobilization.
Today, there are already over 10,000 DAOs, which collectively manage billions of dollars and count millions of participants. So far, DAOs have attracted a wild mix of libertarians, activists, pranksters, and hobbyists. Most DAOs I have come across in my research sound innocent and fun. Personally, my favorites include theCaféDAO, which aims “to replace Starbucks” (good luck with that!); the Doge DAO, which wants to “make the Doge meme the most recognizable piece of art in the world”; and the HairDAO, “a decentralized asset manager solving hair loss.” But some DAOs use a more radical tone. For example, the Redacted Club DAO, which is rife with alt-right codes and conspiracy myth references, claims to be a secret network with the aim of “slaying” the “evil Meta Lizard King.”
The year 2024 might be one in which extremists start using DAOs strategically. Policies, legal contracts, and financial transactions that were traditionally the domain of governments, courts, and banks can be replaced with smart contracts, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and cryptocurrencies. The use of anonymous bitcoin wallets and non-transparent cryptocurrencies such as Monero is already widespread among extremists whose bank accounts have been frozen. A shift to entirely decentralized forms of self-governance is only one step away.
Beyond practical reasons that encourage extremists to create their own self-governed structures, there is an ideological incentive too: their fundamental distrust in the establishment. If you believe that the deep state or the “global Jewish elites” control everything from governments and Big Tech to the global banking system, DAOs offer an appealing alternative. Conversations on far-right fringe platforms such as BitChute and Odysee reveal that there is much appetite for decentralized alternative forms of collaboration, communication, and crowdfunding.
So what happens if anti-minority groups establish their own digital worlds in which they impose their own governing mechanisms? What are the stakes if trolling armies start cooperating via DAOs to launch election interference campaigns? The activities of extremist DAOs could challenge the rule of law, pose a threat to minority groups, and disrupt institutions that are currently considered fundamental pillars of democratic systems. Another risk is that DAOs can serve as safe havens for extremist movements by enabling users to circumvent government regulation and security services monitoring activities. They might also allow extremists to find new ways to fundraise, plan, and plot radicalization campaigns or even attacks. While many governments have focused on developing legal frameworks to regulate AI, few have even recognized the existence of DAOs. Their looming exploitation for extremist and criminal purposes is something that has flown under the radar of global policymakers.
Technology expert Carl Miller, who has long warned of potential misuse of DAOs, told me that “even though DAOs behave like companies, they are not registered as legal entities.” There are only a few exceptions: The US states of Wyoming, Vermont, and Tennessee have passed laws to legally recognize DAOs. With no regulations in place to hold DAOs accountable for extremist or criminal activities, the big question for 2024 will be: How can we ensure the metaverse doesn’t give rise to digital white ethnostates or cyber caliphates?
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old-school-butch · 9 months
Why did Hamas take hostages and start a war?
I'm tempted to use the fable of the scorpion and the frog here, because what is Hamas without war? It was always going to be war, their entire existence is dedicated to overthrowing Israel and taking it for themselves. They went through a bit of rebranding in 2017 when they created a new charter that said they accepted the 1967 borders of Israel as the basis for a 10 - 100 year ceasefire (not a peace treaty though - that means recognizing the existence of Israel and of course, and never giving up claims to the 'right of return' of Palestinians into Israel, which would give Palestinians majority control over country), and they realized it was more acceptable to say they were anti-Zionist instead of anti-Jew.
But I'd argue they've never been too interested in the leadership of Gaza for the sake of the Palestinian people. They don't govern Gaza really, UNWRA manages most of the foreign aid that sustains schools and hospitals. Little interest is shown in building infrastructure. Hamas' main achievement in holding power was to establish a security force to consolidate it's own power, but at least reduced the anarchy, gang violence and competing terror cells that were running rampant. Gaza has received billions in foreign aid over the last 2 decades, it should look like a seaside paradise by now. I've noticed this with the Taliban too and even the Muslim Brotherhood during it's time in power in Egypt - ideologues and revolutionaries aren't really in it for the bureaucracy and daily work of governing a state. They want to be either unimaginably wealthy or powerful, they dream of running a global caliphate, and destroying Israel is just step 1 in creating the Arab superstate, destroying Western corruption, consolidating power and expanding from there. Hamas is a short form of its official name - Islamic Resistance Movement, and it is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. Islamist organizing to create the new caliphate goes back to the 20s but it was overshadowed by a more secular pan-Arab movement until the six day war with Israel dealt the Arab league a resounding defeat. Islamism has been the new, organizing principle to rally around to consolidate regional, and ideally, global power. I'm finding wikipedia a surprisingly unbiased source if you want a quick overview, although you have to read a few different entries to get the full picture.
Israel has made so many attempts at appeasement and containment, which are ironically now dragged out as if the Israeli government was somehow complicit in creating Hamas because they allowed Qatari money to enter Gaza to be paid to Hamas political leaders (now spun as 'Israel brought briefcases full of cash to Hamas') or that they supported Hamas to undermine the PA (Hamas was elected and fought a war with PA to control Gaza so I'm not sure how Israel could have ignored them. I really can't imagine juggling the PA, PLO and Hamas, and every time you make peace with one the others splinter off and reject your agreements). Hamas, in turn, has spent the last 2 years preparing this attack, while also convincing Israel it was moving away from seeking conflict.
Anyway, you were asking about this war in particular, and not the first and second intifada, their war with Fatah, or the wars against Israel in 2008-2009 or 2014. I'm not privy to what intelligence Hamas possessed that now would be a good time to start another war, but I can make a few guesses:
Opportunity: They learned of security holes in Israel that they could successfully exploit to make a devastating attack.
Method: They had friends willing to supply weapons, training and intelligence. Most significantly, Iran and Hezbollah, but they also met with Russia, they sent a delegation to the Saudis in April and to Syria in June to try to smoothe over those relationships.
Motive: They felt that supply of support might fade in the future, and thus the time to strike was now. The U.S. has been simultaneously getting Arab countries to recognize Israel and normalize relationships with Israel. The Palestinian 'cause' couldn't exist without external support. There's not enough people and, let's be honest, no real history to support a sustained nationalist campaign. The Levant was a sparsely-populated, dirt poor backwater where remnant populations of invading Arab caliphates were overtaken by the Ottoman Empire for hundreds of years. Without external support, anyone who didn't want to be in or near Israel would have left and been absorbed by any number of the 22 Arab Muslim states in the region. Its claim to fame is that it's the site of religious significance to multiple religions and thus, its has symbolic significance.
But Hamas was formed as proxy fighters in a proxy war, and the U.S. efforts were moving toward peace at an alarming rate by sidestepping direct intervention (as they had with Camp David negotiations in the past). Instead, they took their message to the regional powers who, over the years, have now all had their own run-ins with iterations of this movement and now see it as a threat to their own rule. Egypt, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, and Bahrain have all recognized Israel. The Saudis were in the process of joining them, which threatened to tip the balance of power in the area.
The goals of this war were to make Israel respond so they could be freshly blamed for regional problems, make Hamas and Palestine relevant again to global interest and as a regional force and remind everyone that making peace isn't possible as long as radical groups remain a force that can undermine that process.
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