#alas it was never to be X3
bs-el · 1 year
rest in peace bravely default and bravely second online services
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eltystuffs · 10 months
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0h 3m g33 th1s 1s s0 R4ND0M 1 4cc1d3ntally m4d3 G1R 1nt0 4 FURBY r4wr XD~~ 1 t00k h1m t0 h0t t0p1c s0 h3 c0uld b3 1n h1s n4tur4l h4b1t4t bec4us3 1'm s0 QU1RKY!! XP nuzzl3z u~~ 1 w4s s0 clos3 t0 gl0mp1ng 4n 3mploy33 XD just s0 3xcit3dzz 0k33z?! X3
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I never went through a scene phase, so I hope I did that right.. ANYWAY! This is my Gir-by!
I tried to give another green dye recipe a chance, but alas, he turned pea green. Maybe one day I will redeem myself for the atrocious color I made Keroppi... Green dye recipes are just not my friend!
I am pleasantly surprised with how well the zipper came out though! It definitely added character and it was my first time working with zippers! This man has already been claimed by one of my friends, but who knows maybe I'll make a robot version if there's enough interest!
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lazyyogi · 1 year
Spiritual Fitness, Physical Alchemy
When I was growing up, I loved to play. I would run around outside, pretending I was some hero, wizard, or secret agent. I would climb trees, leap from rock to rock across small creeks, and just generally scamper about. In my room, I would put on music and dance all over the place.
Using my body didn't feel like work; it felt like celebration. It was the kind of joyfulness taken entirely for granted, as I had known no alternative at that age.
The Fall
I remember being in elementary school and looking at the middle schoolers who no longer played or enacted pretend games and it made me sad. Their world seemed so boring and I didn't want to join it. But alas, eventually I did.
When I grew older, my recess games were replaced with mandatory sports. The other kids started competing, weight lifting, and finding identities in the teams they had joined. I wanted no part of it.
I attended an all boys private school from kindergarten through high school graduation. While it was a fantastic school, there were plenty of problems inherent in its structure. My experience of athletics and fitness at that time was off-putting and, in a word, toxic. Although 'toxic masculinity' wasn't in the common lexicon at that time, it was that precisely.
It didn't help that I was a terribly sore loser and therefore loathed competition sports. I didn't like how they made me feel; I had no chill about any of it--curse of being the youngest child, I'm told.
I've always been underweight. It's something about which my family never missed an opportunity to tease me. It made me feel bad about myself and influenced my self-image. Nonetheless I was required to partake in 3 sports per year, one for each season. By the time I graduated high school, I was in excellent physical condition even if still underweight.
Yet the depressing impact left upon me by the transition from childhood play to teenage athletics never left me. Having outgrown childish games but without finding a place in athletics, I simply abandoned the matter. And so, in a way, I had also abandoned my body.
When I attended college, I stopped all physical fitness and sports. And that's how it was for the next 10 years of my life.
Crisis Averted
For those of you who have yet to discover this firsthand, once you get past the age of 25ish, your body doesn't feel as happy. Especially if you work a desk job after college. It's around the age of 25 that you first begin to feel the weight of your lifestyle choices.
When I began medical school at the age of 28, my body was unbalanced and unhappy. Spending hours sitting and studying over the previous 3 years during my post-baccalaureate premedical program really fucked me up. I barely ate, barely slept, and was living with chronic musculoskeletal and nerve pain. I was suffering and I wasn't happy with my appearance. That's another story in itself.
Things gradually improved over the next 4 years in medical school. They had free yoga classes, the cafeteria food was palatable, and I enforced a regular sleep schedule. My body started to normalize.
It was my transition to residency in 2020 when I actually started to thrive.
As a resident physician, I never know when I will have a chance to eat. So I learned to pay attention to how my body feels in order to determine if I need to eat rather than relying on the hunger sensation to prompt meals. I started doing elliptical cardio regularly and yoga occasionally. And, after a heart-rending breakup in 2021, I began using free weights.
A major turning point was early Spring 2022 when a friend introduced me to something called the X3 Home Gym. It heralded my moment of reckoning with strength training.
At the time I would do cardio 3-5 days per week, strength training 1-3 days per week, and some yoga on my off days. All at home or in my building's gym.
The X3 system brings the entirety of a weight lifting gym setup into your home. It is convenient, effective, and time-efficient. I could go on and on about it. The website looks like something out of an infomercial and if it weren't for the fact that my friend is incredibly muscular and swears by it, I wouldn't have tried it. But I did and it works really, really well.
Plus there is no toxic masculinity involved (unless you join their facebook group, which I did for the lolz and workout tips).
Adding essential amino acid protein pills was the finishing touch. I started to gain weight and muscle!
Now I do strength training 5-6 days per week, I do cardio 1-3 days per week, and I do yoga 1-3 days per week. This will fluctuate depending on my work schedule and level of exhaustion. If necessary, I cut out yoga and cardio while trying to preserve my days of strength training. Here's why.
I love cardio. It makes me feel physically happy. It boosts my overall mood and it has a legitimate cleansing effect. I love yoga. It works out the kinks in my body and repairs the idiosyncrasies of my postures and habits of movement. I love these practices so much that they are easy to pick up again after stopping.
But something I learned from yoga is that it's often the poses you avoid that are the ones you really need. For me, that was strength training.
As you might have surmised, strength training doesn't come naturally to me. It doesn't feel good to do it; it is painful. But I've come to recognize that for my body type, strength training is what balances my physicality most.
I mentioned before that I have always been underweight and it's true. I have a body type that, if I'm not careful, I can easily start shedding pounds.
When I'm stressed, I lose my appetite. If I'm engaged in something, I wont notice when I'm hungry. And even if I eat a ton of crappy food, I won't put on weight if I'm not doing some form of exercise to signal my body to do so. I have often struggled with and resented these aspects of my human form.
Similar to how women face societal expectations to be a certain weight and shape, men aren't supposed to be skinny. Overweight is okay; it can still be manly. But underweight men will be teased, feminized, and often deemed unattractive or sickly-appearing. I know this from experience.
Combining that with the aversions from my school days and it is safe to say I had a fair bit of baggage lodged in my mind and body. I recognized this and learned to work through it with meditation, somatic spiritual practices, and other therapeutic methods. Exercise helped significantly in that process.
I now continue my exercise practice for two reasons:
I want my body to feel happy, healthy, and capable. My job literally depends on it.
I want to live a long enough life to make the most of my spiritual practice and ideally realize enlightenment.
There are two large purchases I've made during residency that truly revolutionized my lifestyle. They are the X3 and the Theragun massage gun. I can confidently say that my body is happier and healthier than it has been since graduating high school.
Side note: I fucking love massages. My first treat-yo-self splurge after I finish residency will be buying a balls-to-the-wall tricked out massage chair.
There is a secret third reason behind my fitness journey: somatic spiritual practice.
The first ever lifestyle habit that I made for myself was daily meditation. Spirituality, to me, is a matter of life and death. There is nothing else about which I am more sincere and concerned. So when something connects with that, I find it easier to make it a part of my daily life. Physical exercise has grown to be a part of my spiritual practice.
Similar to how sitting meditation focuses the mind's attention, somatic spirituality focuses the physical feeling of the body. And just as sitting meditation frees you from the mind, somatic practice frees you from the body.
Freedom from the body does not happen by rejecting or in some sense leaving the body. It happens by completely inhabiting the body, releasing traumas, relaxing tensions, stretching out contractions, breathing strength into numb and abandoned areas, and then letting go of the body from within.
It's not about transcending the body so much as it is an integration and liberation.
When it comes to inhabiting, releasing, relaxing, stretching, and strengthening, physical exercise when combined with somatic methods has been an effective means. Its effects go beyond the physical body to intimately involve the subtle energy body as well.
So, if there is a single takeaway from this story, it would be this:
When paired with spiritual practice, physical exercise may become an alchemical process.
My own story is an example of how one may transform their relationship with their body and gender, as well as their overall health.
Meditation doesn't make you into a different person, it helps you to discover and be as you are with exquisite and divine ease. Physical exercise, when approached as part of the spiritual path, does exactly the same.
I hope that one day I will be in a position to teach this to others.
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kyuuxmizu · 1 year
I went to watch both events for the Gintama Ato no Matsuri!!
The afternoon event via live-viewing in the cinemas
The evening event inside the actual venue, Ryogoku Kokugikan~
(2023 is also my 15th year as a Gintama fan so what better way to celebrate than attend the matsuri!!!!)
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Hihi we used the penlights inside the live-viewing theater too.. hey most of the ppl in our row were using it too okayyy😂😂 It was so much fun!!!
ofc nothing beats the experience of watching it LIVE inside Ryogoku~🥹🥹
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3Z Anime announced!!!! Everyone was like majiiiii????
They kindly asked us not to post any spoilers on social media until the evening event ends, so I kept mum about it XD
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Upon arriving at the Ryogoku, my friends and I took pics of our matching Sonjuku ita-bags!! 🥹🥹 (Mine is the Takasugi one hehehe)
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So many ppl!!
Then I went to pickup my preordered goods, which I'll post later!! XD
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Outside Ryogoku~
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Inside Ryogoku~
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With my sibling wearing our matsuri shirts and sukajan~
We won the tickets during the Advance reservation lottery so we got pretty good seats~ マス席 in the first floor and facing the front! My friends were seated on a different row T^T
On to the event~ (A lot of screaming and crying XD)
I already knew most of what was gonna happen since I watched the afternoon event so I thought my hype would be dampened??? But the emotions just kept flowing!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭 (Tho ngl I wished they unveiled the 3z anime in the night event instead... I was expecting another bomb to drop actually hahahah xD)
The atmosphere inside Ryogoku... everyone's so passionate!!! You could feel the love not only from the fans but also from the seiyuu and bands as well!!! Aaaa I love Gintama and it's fandommm 🥹🥹💞💞
Never watched One Piece but the hype inside the venue and Kitadani's energy was so high it made me sing along too, idk how I managed to do it cuz I barely know the song😂😂 they went all out with this even parodying the OP of One Piece and the seiyuu mimicking the strawhat pose😂
Then the 生アフレコ went a trip down the memory lane🥹🥹 Makes me wanna rewatch everything all over again 😭
I started getting emotional when ChicoHani started singing ヒカリ証明論 (Kiheitai tapos Bansai death scene talaga..mashaket po mga mamshie...😭)
And サクラ舞う暁に..it's my fave ChicoHani song okayyy Chico shouting Matsuri ja Matsuri jaaa🌸🌸🌸 So fun to sing along with the crowd!!! Almost everyone switched their lights to pink!! one brain cell~ XD
Their surprise was the Samurai Heart cover!!! 😭😭😭
ChicoHani's gntmと出会わせてくれた song, Pride Kakumei!!! When the Honeyworks guitarist shouted "saikou da saikou" waaaa the hype!!!!! Crowd went crazy!!
Otsu-chan so cute I didn't expect the fox at all (Gintama always subverts expectations so true even for events like these x3)
Toshi always up for anything riding the Thousand Sunny Sadaharu-Eli ship hahahah And Sakaguchi-san!!! 🥹🥹
Then 生アフレコ again~!! XDDD
Surprise was KUROKO's special appearance (with Suzuken as Murasakibara and Nakai-san as Imayoshi!! Chiba-san's side comment: なんかイチャイチャする 😂😂😂😂)
SuzuKen funny he said he could hear Kensho Ono from the Kuroko mascot hahahah
plus GINCHAAAN (for the evening event)
It was so adorable how Sakaguchi-san took a pic of Gin-san and Sugita on stage... He really loves Gintama, ne (The whole cast loves Gintama!! that alone makes it so special)
Sugita's side comment: he wants Oguri Shun to join too hahahaha
DOES so cool!! Everyone switched their lights to red when DOES started their set list~
It's also no secret that Wataru-san loves Gintama sm, he mentions it in his SNS accts frequently🥹🥹 ワタルさんかっこ良かった...有難う! Crowd shouting Wataruuuu Bravo!!! XD
The SPYAIR covers gosh 😭😭😭 I almost cried listening to the Wadachi cover 😭😭😭 (I did cry when I rewatched it through Abema haha 😭😭😭)
From the band's message in the end, it was apparent that SPYAIR really wanted to attend but alas they have no vocalist yet 😭😭😭
The highlight of the event for me was Yama-chan's surprise appearance 🥹🥹 LITERAL CHILLSSSSS I mean... THE KOICHI YAMADERA...
Apparently, Yama-chan never attended events like these and Ato Matsuri was the first one. That alone just made me.....🥹🥹🥹😭😭
is Gintama that special he agreed to make an appearance 🥹🥹😭😭
Or did Higuchi-san (producer) really splurge their budget on him ahahahah
We were joking that they must have spent most of the special guest budget on Yama-chan that's prolly why no other guests appeared 😂
And gosh that man has range.... I also learned that Yama-chan voiced Donald Duck from Kingdom Hearts..!!! That's why his animal and nature dubs (from the special Matsuri manga) are on point 😂😂😂😂
He can sing too (He sang JPN version of Prince Ali and Circle of Life) and had a duet with Hirano Aya (Nobume VA) for the Yakuza game 😭
Koyasu-san was a no-show as usual (I had high hopes since he attended the Isekai Oji-san seiyuu event at Anime Japan last year) He had a voice message tho, saying his ponpon was in pain (basically he had a stomachache) 😂😂
And then there's Sugita's closing message 😭😭😭
That even though gntm has ended 4 years ago, he hasn't forgotten about Gintama
That he'll be Sakata Gintoki until he dies..no, even if he dies 😭😭😭GURL I GOT SO EMOTIONAL!!!
Then he says "Chinko"!! how very Gintoki!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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And finally the Ginpachi-sensei anime which will be part of a series of projects for Gintama's 20th anniversary (which will last until 2026!!!) I am so excited 😭😭😭😭
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As Suzuken said 終わらないね銀魂ァァ
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Thank you so much Ryogoku~ See you again in the next Gintama Matsuri!!!
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hello chii yes tell me about your dysfunctional idol ocs
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Ok i have no clue how the idol bit started but i think it was me mentioning a idol au for our friendgroup or something. And alas egg (@.eggpeeee) and i did our FIRST and INITIAL idol drafts!
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Initially it was only the two of us. We were a duo. A insanely mentally fucking ill duo until we dragged others into this. The name megathrust was achieved through a fucking joke after one of our members tried to protest the megathrust name but we thought the bit was funny
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We have basically no fucking lore for them besides the most insane color theory bullshit we did for their universe (i bullshited all my way through it) and the fact they all live together (with kira and exe invading kawas apartment and horux just appearing one day). SO LETS GET TO THE IDOLS!
(really old drawing from our producer @.kohku thank you kit for producing this hell. Most designs here r outdated and we r missing some members. THERES NO OTHER PRODUCER KIT DRAWING AND I THINK THID IS BAD :( )
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so! Initially megathrust was in fact a duo produced by kit! Until eventually shit happened and kawa (kawa @.moonysadventureteam) and horux (no tumblr) joined this fucking hell. I don't know lore for basically any of the others besides kira because he's mine
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We have exe, who's mentally ill. Has as its emoji the ☢️ as we can see there. Exe is like th second sanest member of megathrust but is still low-key insane. Fun facts include the fact their blood is radioactive and that microwaves explode if it gets too close to them. electronics also stop working if they're too close. its pathetic and probably would be the member being drawn as the dying in a glue trap meme. Some themes include radioactivity, glitches, and mental fucking breakdowns. They're like the jerma of megathrust
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KAWA!!!!!!!!!! also mentally ill. Kawa is like the one braincell in the group and also the one who tried to stop us from calling the idol group megathrust (as we can see he failed). They're the one having his apartment constantly fucking invaded by three creatures and suffering with them having to buy a new microwave every week because exe exploded it by getting too close again. He deserves a break. Some themes include hospitals, stars and also crippling anxiety.
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HORUX!!!! also mentally ill. bites people to show affection and is also low-key insane just like our next member. Bug was the latest addition to megathrust and has chronical conditions which is why they believed initially that it couldn't be an idol like the others, but alas here he is now. no one knows how bug invaded kawas apartment too. themes include chaos, fun, magic and 488374 undiagnosed illnesses.
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My babygirl. Kira. Who's a boy btw and also has mental illness. Ngl they're the one w most stuff written here indeed just because they're mine so yeah. Canonically a convicted criminal for ?????? that ran away and now is a fucking idol. Canonically has charges of murder. Canonically owns and leads a cult which their fans are part of. Low-key fucking insane but i think the cute appearance excuses it ;3. Keeps this cute teehee x3 persona in public but is low-key scary in private and insanely bossy. No one has ever seen them frown and also they're obsessed with being the perfect idol for the public which is why his mental breakdowns in private may or may not end in explosions. Themes include mental illnesses, blood, ribcages, crosses, horror, ribbons, candy, fairytales, angels and princesses. No one is quite sure if they're human or not.
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Remember that they are the normalest unit ever and never stop thrusting ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ how can producer kit deal with these mfs.
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cyberb07 · 7 months
Good day, my fellow readers ~ 🤲
I'm in need of comfort. Know of any good comfort scenarios involving some of my fave crushes? 🙏🩵
Loki or Vision (Marvel) | Hobie (Spider-Punk)
Ishimaru (DR1) | Twogami (SDR2) | King Cold (DBZ)
The Duke (RE8) | Mr. Burns | Horned King (Disney)
Ennard or FT Freddy or Monty or Sun/Moon (FNAF)
Oogie Boogie (TNBC) | Cagney Carnation or Devil
Lord Royal Highness (SpongeBob) | skekZok (TDC)
Psycho Weasel (ft. Smartass) | Caine (TADC) *latest*
What's my scenario?
Well, I competed, wholeheartedly, in my office's Halloween costume contest this year... and I lost.
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This. I was Withered Chica. How did this lose? Against a girl in a black lolita dress with platforms and a white mask with blood tears? Against an OC??
So, any comfort scenarios you can link me to? Or, if you're bolder, could someone write my scenario?
If you want more details, read below ~
(warning; a bit whiny, which I try not to do, sorry)
I'm known by most as being a sweet, reserved, and devout worker; but also with a reputation for going all-out on dress-up days. Especially for Halloween. 🎃 I have for years.
Like always, I stayed up late and worked for weeks on my costume; compiling clothes & props and painting into the midnight hours. Was hard work, but it's always worth it when I step into my building and everyone flinches. My colleagues said I was a shoo-in to win Scariest Costume. In the office & out in the parade, I walked robotically everywhere. I had a sound box tucked away so I could make her groans & jumpscare noises. And mind you, I live in Florida! ☀️ I did all this, without eating anything after a light breakfast, and barely sipping any water through my under-mask's mouth slots. (Yes I had a 2nd mask on, of Nightmare Chica, for its second row of teeth!) But I didn't complain about it. I relished in it~
It's a personal thrill of mine. Performing in costume, either using my hip-long hair or hiding it in a net, especially to scare. ^^ I scare because I care, lol. (Monsters Inc/University scenarios are great too)
This time, I thought I had it in the bag. For years, the judges wouldn't choose me because my costumes, while very scary to my coworkers, were too obscure for the judges. I thought, surely, Chica would be scary *and* recognizable. And some of them did know what I was from. But alas~ 💔
I went back to my office desk sad, tearing up behind my mask. No one in my office has ever seen me cry, and thanks to my double mask, no one would. Several of them gave me sympathies, which I appreciated, but I kept my thanks short. I'm the nice level-headed trainer, and yes, there have been close moments before, but they couldn't see me like this. It was foolish to cry, I know, but I was hurt, and I never make a fuss or ask for anything. I just wanted.. Thankfully, everyone was excused to leave work early if they wished. So, I took my time peeling off my costume in the restroom as most everyone left. To the few left behind, I tried to excuse my flushed face and shiny eyes on the 1pm high hot sun. I stuck around just a little more, to finish a job. A half hour later, I was the 2nd to last one out. Drove home, listening to my Toon Patrol & The Duke playlists. Once home, I got myself a poké dinner, chugged bottles of water, took a pill for my aching head, and retired for a nap. X3 Imagining comfort scenarios, and passed out in minutes.
So, after all that, if I could be linked to a comfort fic for my situation, 😌 it would be much appreciated. Yes, I'm feeling better, but it'd still be nice, ya know? 👏 And I do enjoy reading new x reader scenarios.
Thank you for hearing me out ~
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baldi-7 · 2 years
Hi there! There will be no question today! :D
And something for you! A gift! With love!^^
I remember how I explode like a bomb when I see you! I have not experienced such emotions and feelings for a long time, which gave me this day, along with everyone I meet, and I smile burning with joy, just a little whisper that all morning I was thinking how to thank you for everything, even if we do not know, I would be happy to shine your way, and leave hearts in the form of patterns! So that you can watch from afar as everything blooms with your voice ringing, by your sweet face that I alas will not see you smile from happiness or from something else! May your day be just like mine, cheerful and carefree! I'll share it with you, I've got plenty more, take it all from me!
You see, I can only copy someone's style, see what will happen and how I want to draw it. But one important, truthful fact I will never forget is that I will not draw better than you do with my own handwriting, because I already have my own, and this does not negate the fact that I will not want to try to follow your paths! So that you also rejoice at how everything turned out! Remember, no matter what drawings you look at, your art will always be in the very first place for yourself, it will not make your drawings and your other works, talents, one dirty air, they will not evaporate among other people who are also engaged in drawing or something else! No way!🎀🖼🎨
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OMFG~ Do you have any idea how happy you make me?!! ajsdojdogh your words are so beautiful I am so SO sorry for not answering you sooner i was busy with some things I love you so much @miniaturetalekitten :D X3
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novelmonger · 1 year
Book Review: Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott
Recommended by @sailforvalinor as part of the 2023 Book Rec Exchange
Premise: Rose Campbell is a thirteen-year-old girl who has recently been orphaned after caring for her ailing father. Now she is being raised by a couple of great-aunts, but soon her care will be taken over by her uncle, a single man who has been working abroad. Because of a rift in the family, she has never met him nor the many aunts, uncles, and cousins she now finds herself in the midst of. Many adventures ensue as she spends her first year in this new, sometimes intimidating but ultimately wholesome, situation.
Thoughts: What a delightful read! I really wish this had been the book thrust upon me over and over again when I was a kid, instead of Little Women; I think I would have appreciated it much more at that age. Alas, instead I ended up with an unfairly poor impression of Louisa May Alcott, simply because little me was bored by the romance at the end of the March sisters' story ^^'
But in Eight Cousins, I immediately fell in love with every single character I encountered. Especially the cousins. I had much sympathy for Rose's apprehension when she learns that she's going to be spending a lot of time with her seven cousins who are all boys; I probably would have thought the same thing at that age. But all of them are so sweet and kind, not looking down on Rose because she's "just a girl," not excluding her in their games, but going out of their way to include her and respect her even when she's not inclined to go frolicking around like they do. I think my favorite cousin was Archie, because he's so sensible and respectful, a natural leader; it was easy to see why the others follow his example and look up to him so much. A close second was Jamie, who is six and utterly adorable, from the time they meet and he immediately asks for candy, to the part in the last chapter where he promises to wash his hands before he touches her if she'll just go and live with him X3
It wasn't just the cousins that I fell in love with, though. I instantly liked Phebe, the servant girl Rose befriends early on and decides to "adopt." It reminded me a lot of Sara and Becky in A Little Princess. And of course I loved Uncle Alec, Rose's guardian, right off. He's so interesting, with all of the things he's brought back from his travels and his unconventional approach to raising her and improving her health, but it's so clear to see that he's just brimming over with love for his little niece. An eccentric uncle who will brook no nonsense but give his charge everything she needs and more with a heart of true generosity? What's not to love?
The book is a simple read, almost episodic even, but I really enjoyed it. It's full of wholesome joy and delightful people living life together. There's no real antagonist and not much conflict beyond the ordinary ups and downs of life, but that doesn't diminish the story in any way. It brought me many laughs, lots of smiles, and even a few sweet tears. It gets my stamp of approval, and I look forward to reading the sequel to find out what happens next to all of these wonderful characters.
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tamblrtrain · 1 year
I'm a Controversy by Ado (But Kinda Badly Translated Into English by Someone Who Doesn't Know What They're Doing)
Do I cause problems that much? x3 Don’t really think so….
Hold on, tell me why you think I’m the best Can’t say how I feel, I’m all at unrest My life’s ordinary, so are my mistakes Caring for people is nice, you say?
Spotlight’s on all of my shadows, good and—oh…. In my cowardice, I smile until I can’t no more They look at me as if I don’t know How to perform or deliver But I have to thank you oh so much
Do I cause problems that much? x2 Really, though? x2 Your idiocy’s awesome “I think you could turn it down.” x2 Oh, such a stupid joke To where it’s pure and cute, though (HEY!)
A knife I never wanted, holding it was a mistake But time passed, it came to liking, like burning on a stake (Oh) Do I cause problems that much? x2 It seeps in my conscious I’m sorry for my weakness, then….
Wah, wah, please don’t get mad at me Wah, wah, here, have a cup of tea Let’s shake hands, then This isn’t cockiness Is this all for me to have a mental breakdown?
That kind of battle’s the worst But you can’t quench my thirst Sincere words make me feel best I swear to not give up yet
A universe full of bad ends is bound for hell Walking risky paths in every reality, well The absurdity’s that VIP Oh, great, uh, what’s your name again? It’s a joy to work with you, but alas
Waa I know I’m a failure
Do I cause problems that much? x2 I’m good and I’m evil, their thoughts on me are awesome “I guess this is our last goodbye.” That so, huh? That so, huh? Must be to each their own, though (HEY!)
Surrounded on all sides by a huge bed of thorns But I’ll try to at least make wherever I am home Do I cause problems that much? x2 This can’t be, that can’t be Sorry for my boundaries, then….
I’m not really the best person on the Earth But I’m not the worst, either At least not as bad as you’d originally said I think
Do I cause problems that much? x2 (Do I cause problems that much? x2) Do I cause problems that much? x2 Fine, okay, fine, okay, I’m not up to your standards!
A knife I never wanted, holding it was a mistake But time passed, it came to liking, like burning on a stake (Oh) Do I cause problems that much? x2 It seeps in my conscious I’m sorry for my weakness, then…. I couldn’t meet expectation
Do I cause problems that much? x3 What about your lies?
notes: i shouldn't have done this but if you're gonna take a swing at using the translation please please PLEASE leave credit back to me
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kubakian · 7 months
Kubakian 1074
May 29, 2013 You'll notice I happened to have a thought or two, And I should stop right here, there's already enough to go through....
Untitled It could have been useful info, If the truth you could have come to show. The points A, B, and C, Shows you knew you should've told me. It's fine I understand how it does go, But I feel I should've been allowed to know. It doesn't change much either way, A few moments and in total maybe a single day. It just seems mildly unfair, That of the truth I was unaware. Of course you didn't really need to say, Or owe an explanation for it to be okay. Info that may have been useful before, But alas I know it now and evermore.
Untitled Ok God if this is what You want to be, You're gonna have to help me. Because I can't offer You much, Or hope that spot to ever touch. So You must know what You want to do, And I can only put my trust in You. What You're asking of me is a bit more, Than what I've done before. So if You want this of me to be fair, You are going to always have to be there. If You think this is going to work in some way, Through it all with me You will need to stay. So be it if this is what You ask, But only with You can I live up to the task.
Another Part of It I recall a vow from long ago, The words of which I no longer know. The gist of it comes back to me, The result of which I now see. Perhaps that played a part in it all, Or how things came to fall. A long forgotten thought, The invisible strands by which I'm caught. As if it is magically infused throughout, Built into the background without a doubt. A part of the story to be told. As unconsciously by it I am pulled. Another part of it I guess, Whoever thought it would cause sucha mess.
Untitled How did you expect this to go, Because I imagine the truth you did know. It couldn't really be another way, And what was said we needed to say. It had to be one or the other in the end, Because both would have broken not to bend. Another option did you hope to see, Cuz I have a hard time imagining that to be. This is what must come to pass, A reality unlike the looking glass. A single option and nothing more, A change made to what was before. It is the only way you must have known, By the choices that were shown. Untitled As soon as you make that turn, The other way you will then learn. The very opposite of which you know, As soon as you come to let go. The life you always lived by, Will be brought before your eye. As soon as you are upon that way, You will see the option for which you did stay. The step away will open the door, That was always closed before. And then you will truly see, What you always hoped to be. You couldn't plan it if you wanted to, The way this life you must go through.
She never belonged to me, A point I clearly see. I know she was a gift from you, No matter what I hoped to be true. Though I saw her before me there, It wouldn't be the first thing I've imagined to be fair. She was your daughter before she was ever mine, An understanding that only faith can define. I would have been there for her, If that it what had come to occur. She would have been held close to my heart, And as I thought would be just the start. I know you love her more than I, And I'll need your help if that's to come by.
Untitled (x3) "What don't you trust me?" He says with a smile easy to see. "It's not that, it's just you know..." "Everyone else down that path would go. Haven't you realized I'm not everyone else yet, And that would be a losing bet." "I'm sorry for acting this way." "I wouldn't worry about it, and it's all okay. It's kind of funny." as he smiles again, "What's that?" she asks with her own grin. “You trying to be stealthy and all, As if so very sneaky is your call." "I could be if I wanted to!" "I wouldn't expect anything less of you.
What don't you trust me, Checking up on my claim to be. I know the hurt you bear, And that it will always be there. But you in turn must know, My love for you I'll always show. I know how hard it is for you, And what you have gone through. But know that I will be there, And I'm not those to be fair. Have I ever given you a reason to doubt, Or ever leaned to walking out. I know it is hard for you to trust, But in me you must.
What don't you trust me, Or are you looking for something else to be? A reason or an excuse to hold, To justify what by you is told. Because of the way that you are, Hoping to pin the same on me and disbar.
It is that how the truth comes by, Exposing what is your held lie. Waiting to be able to say the same, So you can turn away the blame. How did I never know, When you so very easily show. Well, not exactly what I did expect, For the start of that conversation to this intersect.
Untitled And that shows you my mind, A pattern not able to find. A fictional and passing thought, Not even a second to be caught. Taken in three different a way, Analyzing what to say. Then each started in reverse, But finished and presented in original verse. Now imagine what it's like for me, If that is always what I see. Just the way things are, Unable to ever get away very far.
So that is how it is made to go, Probably doesn't tell you what you wanted to know.
So now back to the start, What I wasn't going to into depart. But you didn't really think did you, It'd be that easy for it to be true.
In closing a reflection to share, Not needed but I don't really care. Thoughts mixed and in the caldron stew, Hoil, toil, boil and bubble like witches' brew. Maybe one too many to be fair, And a mistake I didn't notice was there. All and all such as they come to be, I'm guessing what's come to be expected of me.
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Hey don't worry, tall subs are not, everybody likes toping someone taller than them
E-everyone? 😳😳😳
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
More Dragon Age shenanigans because Female!Fane is steadily growing on me. I love my child in any form~ X3
So, have some screenshots! (as well as a bonus and more investigations! >:3)
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Gonna hold her face and just....squish those cheeks~ :3
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Redcliffe Chantry lighting, my beloved~ Plus....DORIAN. *heavy breathing*
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Different expression, same line of conversation, but MY CHILD. MY CHILD.
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From certain angles, Fane is very androgynous. I think it’s the jaw or the cheekbones or something, but this looks closer to the male version, even if the face is a tad smaller. Also...hello, wolf husband. I see you back there. Peeking. >:3
Read more the BONUS! :D
Now, these are screenshots from my male ‘canon’ file of Fane! I was doing the Carta quest that takes place in Valammar, and while I was traipsing around in the vault, looting and just examining everything, I fell upon something interesting:
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So, on the far wall there’s a conglomeration of loot, barrels, vases, and broken artifacts. Among those treasures and lost items, I saw things of...Elvhen distinction; a statue that is seemingly and suspiciously like the ones of Fen’harel that line specifics eluvians, two or three small statues of the Owls of Falon’din and at times, Andruil, and a very interesting broken statue of a woman with wings and hair that may seem familiar. (You may need to click on the images to see the items more closely as I can only zoom in so far.)
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This shot shows a better depiction of the winged woman statue, and you can see that she has pointed ears. And I was trying to see what was, more or less, jabbed into the bottom of her diaphragm, but alas, no fly cam or such for me. Even so, I found these discoveries fascinating, especially the winged woman. Is it a depiction of Mythal, maybe? Her hair, thought it’s hard to see, is akin to Flemeth’s, horns, almost. 
If you think about it, we know the ancient elves descended into the underground in search for the Titans, and most specifically, their hearts. So, were these remnants of shrines and altars set up to ‘honor’ the Evanuris after the Titans were ‘vanquished’ in some capacity? The Carta were holed up here mining red lyrium, but during Bianca and Varric’s quest you never get to go past her second door. The Carta could have hauled out these items along with the red lyrium, seeking to sell them and just never got around to it. Or these artifacts were always in the vault, but no one was able to figure out the two cogs to open the door. (npcs have great deduction skills~)
Just some thoughts. Just another investigation. Most importantly, questions without answers. GIVE ME ANSWERS, BIOWARE. 
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demonslayedher · 4 years
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This all started with a passing thought: “Mitsuri has the constitution of Benkei”
Many people are familiar with legends of Japan’s greatest historical/literary dynamic duo of the Genpei War, Yoshitsune & Benkei. Yoshitsune was a young strategist who brought about the downfall of the Taira clan, while Benkei was the insanely strong warrior monk who loyally served him after being defeated in their fateful encounter at Gojo Bridge. 
But fewer people are familiar with the legends of Benkei’s mother, Benkichi. She was of a demure personality and good family, but due to her statue and appearance, she wasn’t exactly desirable marriage material. The journey she went on to seek a good match did result in a fateful encounter, but her difficulties were not over. During her pregnancy she had such a craving for iron that she absentmindedly ate nine and a half garden hoes, and baby Benkei was so strong that even tying him to a giant mortar couldn’t keep him from happily toddling up a steep hill to go bother mommy while she worked. (Look! Look! Are you looking at all those similarities with me? Are you making those connections with me??)
But anyway, I love this crossover because MITSURI LOOKS SO DANG CUTE dressed as a warrior monk. X3 Can you just imagine her stealing giant temple bells from rival temples (because doing so would supposedly give her good luck in love)? Instead of stealing swords on Gojo Bridge, she had been trying to steal hearts, ahahahahahaha. XD
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I added Shinobu to this crossover too as a Shirabyoshi dancer. She wouldn’t be Obatsune’s lover, instead she hangs out with them because Benmitsu is a fan. 
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Alas, this duo ended tragically with the “Standing Death of Benkei,” in which Benkei, well, died in a standing position being pelted with arrows while covering Yoshitsune’s escape (to later that night commit ritual suicide, because honor.) But hey, Benkei, that is a pretty dang cool way to go. 
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In Edo times, there was a saying that a parent and child would be bonded for one lifetime, lovers for two lifetimes, and a warrior and his lord for three lifetimes. Well then. Obatsune’s thoughts:  “Curse my noble blood that led to this! I promise that in the next life, I’ll never let you throw your life away for mine.” 
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buggaberry · 4 years
ML Blog Appreciation Day!!
ohuuhuhoho i heard it was that day,,, and imma comin’ to appreciATE AHAHAHAHAA
@seasonofthegeek oh my heckin’ goodness she was like,,, one of my first favorite writers in the fandom and then I eventually joined a discord server with her and she’s the sweetest darn bean my gosh she’s talented and like draws too and gAH--
@secretagentspydetectiveninja waHAHAHA im loVE you ur so amazing and sweet and fun 2 talk with, aish’s writing is also mMM yes 10/10 and the amount of iconic things they’ve made is kfkjhkajshdf
@nolongervoid the sweetest beaN!!!!! Also the thing’s she’s written are aaaaaaaahhhh, real good (and u never let me let go of the daping thing >:|) love u~~~
@jattendschaton iM LITERALLY--- they’re like the sweetest human being on the planet I literally, I caNNot. They have done the most adorable cosplays of Ladybug, Marinette, and Adrien, I always loved them so so much. Their writing is also amazing, they’re so sweet and delightful to read (and they always have the absolute sweetest tags on all their reblogs my goodness).
@adrienaline-rushed-art I’ve known u since I was like,,,, 14??? 15?? My goSH, but regardless, you’ve grown so much as an artist and as a writer and I absolutely adore everything you create, I feel like I don’t express that enough. An amazing bean.
@lesslinette hhhhhh she could steal my soul and I’d say thank you omygod her art is-- aaaAAAA and she an absolute sweetheart.
@marinoodles aaaa ur so goofy and fun and just like adsfjhdh sO nice, quality meme-age also im lvoe u
@megatraven veR sweet im love they made quite a few really cute drawings and stuff and aaaa i met chu long ago but u are amazinnng
@mikauzoran iM CAN’T MY GOD I COULD SCREAM ABOUT YOU FOR HOURS I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Literally sO talented, knows how to get you in the feeLS, beautiFUL writing, and just ajdsfljads such a sweetheart, I would go back and read her works hundreds of times.
@mireilletan yOU, anoTher talented and amazing writer but also amazing artist gaAAAhhh I love the way you akjdflakjd WORDS. Yes. And you’re super duper nice and aaaaaaa I loaf yuo qAq
@ominousunflower i love u and our hamster so much aaaaa, but for real he just writes,,,, so good. You can stab me in the heart a thousand times and make me cry or feel super duper soft and hnnggg when I teLL you these people are literal writing goALS--- so preTTY
@galahadwilder Very sweet! Also writes so good I love, my goodness the talent
@thewritewolf if u wanna read some fluff he is like tHe place to go, I don’t generally read a lot of fluff but aa a a a aaggh I love it a lot
@overworkedunderwhelmed I’ve read quite a few of ur things and they’re so a a a a!!!! They’ve been here for a long time and honestly they make some mmmm yes quality stuffs i yes love
@tides-miraculous aaAAA gotta stan the nino content and all the muslimah miraculous wielders, they’re and incredible artist, I was always in awe of their works
@thelastpilot moAR NINO-- I love their writing very very much, as well as their art qAq 
@botherkupo agaiN YES writing is vER gUUD and I lovE theM they are so sweet
@chatalyst they post so many iconic things oh my goD, she also writes verY good and is mucho skillzzz
@chataclysmes ahHAHAA rarepair heaveN?? Also very nice!!! And!!! Amazing artist!!! Whom I love!!!! Very much!!!!!! Yes!!!!!
@discoveringmiraculousartist OH MY GOD THEY’RE SO SWEET they’re doing the work of like ajdsfadlskjfhmy godsh. If you wanna find new ml artists you go thERE, they honestly do so much, they do so much work, and they’re so kind and my goodness gracious me oh my
@landturtlealyce wAAAAHHH VERY GOOD ARTIST VERY SWEET BEAN all the heartus
@fizzyarts i cry at the skill, like,,,,, their art good g od
@siderealscribblings a verY good writer, they’re so good at like interpreting characterization and emotions it’s like jfhadskjffj oh my guacamole 
@masilvi the living heck moar talent artist the ladrien is VERY GOOD in this house i love u
@chatnoirinette ur so sweet oml, and also verY good art, you’ve improved so much and I love ur writing too qAq
@zeknoir the l u kadrien my dude also u have nice writing and u are nice aaaa X3
@marikittynoir huAHAAHA more cute art!!!!! also a sweet!!!!! i lub
@emsylcatac wAHhahasdkjadsfh I love u so much ur so talented kjafndsjfn
@bugaboo-n-bananoir u ver skill!!! ver nice!!! i lubu
@janaikam she has some neatO writing and I like a lot and she’s honestly a really amazing person too I-- aaaaaa <3
@bugabisous VERY AMAZE TALENT GIF makeR and sweet bean
(o goodness gracious this is getting long and im loosing braincells but there’s so many >:O I’m gonna cut here but if ur under the cut I don’t lobu u less or anything I just don’t wanna abuse the people who see me on their dash)
@honeychats THEY HONESTLY HAVE DRAWN SOME PRETTY DARN CUTE THINGS and they are ver nice!!!!!!
@yeet-noir gAAAAHHHH i love yo so much I kid u not ur iconic
@amimons aaahhahahaa talented artist and so kind!!!!!!!!
@terrible-miraculous-ladybug-aus thamk yuo so much for all the times you made me wheeze so hard my lungs came out
@leviaana your art!!!! is so good I love the way you color SO MUCH it’s so pretty and soft!!!!!
@sweetsweetsweetie hnnnngggg ur ability to make backgrounds god I wish it was contagious and ur comics are so good!!!!!
@wintertundra-art hmhnmnmgf they do vberry good art and aaa their trans!au is the best
@ladybeug i just o my gosh i love them so much their art and just-- can i die 4 u
@ladyblargh they’ve done so many iconic things i--
@buggachat if ur not following her already i--- aMAZING art, quALITY content YES.
@therealscribblingmama I have so many of their things bookmarked, they are a reaLLy good writer
@miracu-less such CuTE art im in lots of love
aaAAAAA alas im getting tired but there’s probably like a bAJILLION more i really am sorry if i didn’t get you or anything like that because I do genuinely lob yuo. if u ever made lukadrien content or smth 10/10 all the screams for you u might not see like ur account but I definitely saw what u made and cried over it bc i like live in that tag 50% of the time
@megs-ils you seem to be very nice and you make so much art I’m honestly baffled and it’s also really good, like,,,,, much skill
@amyahue AAHAHAHAAHAH so cuteeee their art is so cuteeee and it makes my heart go kaboom
@tizzymcwizzy ohmygod I love the way they draw chat its so cute and like the winGS and the DHAHDBAKFSM yEs
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 years
Q) How long is your lifespan?
Imam Ali a.s said -
1. "Verily your lifespan is the total number of your breaths and there is a watcher over them counting them.
2. Your yesterday has passed on, your tomorrow is uncertain, and your today is to be taken advantage of
3. Be cautious of wasting away your lives in that which will not last for you, for whatever has passed of them never returns.
4. O People! (Take advantage of) now! Now before regret sets in and before "anyone should say 'Alas for my negligence in the vicinage of ALLAH"' s39 v56
Read tafseer and unique key words on this website beautifully presented-
Lastly refer on this hadith that the Holy Prophet saww said "Be even more niggardly with your life than with your dirham and your dinar (money)".
Ponder on it
Salawat x3
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hauntuned-a · 3 years
There’s a whole expanded universe of OC’s in Shiloh’s canon (which is funny to consider but I have a lot of stories I want to tell in this world) and they may appear as NPCs in threads. Blame my being a Dungeon Master, but sometimes you need NPCs to help tell a tale. Naturally, if one of these interferes with your canon, they wont be involved, or will be tweaked to fit. (More may well be added to this list) Read below the cut if you’re curious!
Bastion Walker, AKA ‘Howl Doe’ -- a churchyard grim, murdered by his younger brother when he tried to help said brother escape a cult. Where his body was hidden, a churchyard sprung up, thus making him the grim. ‘Hibernates’ for long stretches so is not technically much older than when he died. 
Kat Walker: Bastion’s great(x3) niece. The only one who really knows what he is, or that he exists since her uncle died. Joined, and then defected from ‘The Watchers’. Owns a bookshop, and knows a little green witch-type hedge magic.
Weaver Caspary, A deaf, slightly psychic ‘meddling kid’ archetype (she is an adult however). She and her twin went missing as children, but only she was found. 
Father Jeremiah Baring, An eldritch horror in the skin of a man. Eternally hungry, and cruel. Also Shiloh’s father. 
Dorian Shelley, the only survivor of a family of ‘Watchers’, a secret society devoted to watching the boundaries of the world where they’re thin, and upholding the masquerade. 
Lorna Morales, another deaf woman, former ballet prodigy, ‘apprentice’ Watcher recruited after a werewolf attack.
Jesse Morales, Lorna’s uncle. Not a Watcher, more of a hunter. And only for his niece’s sake. Owns a bar.
Edith Bailey, Irish immigrant and Wild West outlaw ala Kissin’ Kate Barlow turned werewolf, currently ‘owned’ and under the control of a Demon called Grinning Jack.
Vesper Dearing, a Watcher specializing in cursed items, folklore and ‘archaeology’ whose family dabbled in summoning things they oughtn't. Disabled, but also a swordswoman.
Lydia Dearing, Vesper’s younger sister, presumed dead. Currently host to an eldritch horror which she must feed with the dead. 
Paxton Greene, born to a man who fought the revolutionary war and bargained away his firstborn to the devil to survive. Paxton became a priest, and denied the devil when he came to collect. Only to be caught up in a bargain of his own. He will never stay dead, and so long as he doesn’t stray from the path of the ‘righteous’ the devil can’t claim him. Currently a therapist, and associate of the Watchers. 
Grinning Jack, A demon or a devil that owns a traveling carnival -- and everything and everyone in it. 
Barghest, a boisterous Viking era werewolf. 
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