iannozzigiuseppe · 2 years
09/01/50 Il racconto di quel giorno - di Carlo Albè, con la partecipazione dei Modena City Ramblers - Regia di Samuela Mosna
09/01/50 Il racconto di quel giorno – di Carlo Albè, con la partecipazione dei Modena City Ramblers – Regia di Samuela Mosna
09/01/50 Il racconto di quel giorno di Carlo Albè Con la partecipazione dei Modena City Ramblers Regia di Samuela Mosna Ero arrivato in Emilia da un paio di mesi, quando Katia Toffanello mi chiese cosa ne pensassi di costruire un progetto che ruotasse attorno all’Eccidio delle Fonderie Modenesi.Risposi d’istinto, come sempre: “E se facessi un documentario?”Mi sembrò quasi un segno del destino.…
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polkadotmotmot · 4 months
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Aurélie Bauer - Chez Albé, 2018 - Felt pen on paper
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burningvelvet · 1 year
A Mary Shelley journal entry where she writes about Percy Shelley and Lord Byron (Albé) only three months after Percy has died — “when Albé speaks and Shelley does not answer, it is as thunder without rain,—the form of the sun without light or heat,—as any familiar object might be shorn of its best attributes; and I listen with an unspeakable melancholy that yet is not all pain,” — October 19, 1822:
“How painful all change becomes to one, who, entirely and despotically engrossed by [his] own feelings leads, as it were, an internal life, quite different from the outward and apparent one! Whilst my life continues its monotonous course within sterile banks, an under-current disturbs the smooth face of the waters, distorts all objects reflected in it, and the mind is no longer a mirror in which outward events may reflect themselves, but becomes itself the painter and creator. If this perpetual activity has power to vary with endless change the everyday occurrences of a most monotonous life, it appears to be animated with the spirit of tempest and hurricane when any real occurrence diversifies the scene. Thus, to-night, a few bars of a known air seemed to be as a wind to rouse from its depths every deep-seated emotion of my mind. I would have given worlds to have sat, my eyes closed, and listened to them for years. The restraint I was under caused these feelings to vary with rapidity; but the words of the conversation, uninteresting as they might be, seemed all to convey two senses to me, and, touching a chord within me, to form a music of which the speaker was little aware. I do not think that any person’s voice has the same power of awakening melancholy in me as Albé’s. I have been accustomed, when hearing it, to listen and to speak little; another voice, not mine, ever replied—a voice whose strings are broken. When Albé ceases to speak, I expect to hear that other voice, and when I hear another instead, it jars strangely with every association. I have seen so little of Albé since our residence in Switzerland, and, having seen him there every day, his voice—a peculiar one—is engraved on my memory with other sounds and objects from which it can never disunite itself. I have heard Hunt in company and in conversation with many, when my own one was not there. Trelawny, perhaps, is associated in my mind with Edward more than with Shelley. Even our older friends, Peacock and Hogg, might talk together, or with others, and their voices suggest no change to me. But, since incapacity and timidity always prevented my mingling in the nightly conversations of Diodati, they were, as it were, entirely tête-à-tête between my Shelley and Albé; and thus, as I have said, when Albé speaks and Shelley does not answer, it is as thunder without rain,—the form of the sun without light or heat,—as any familiar object might be shorn of its best attributes; and I listen with an unspeakable melancholy that yet is not all pain. The above explains that which would otherwise be an enigma—why Albé, by his mere presence and voice, has the power of exciting such deep and shifting emotions within me. For my feelings have no analogy either with my opinion of him, or the subject of his conversation. With another I might talk, and not for the moment think of Shelley—at least not think of him with the same vividness as if I were alone; but, when in company with Albé, I can never cease for a second to have Shelley in my heart and brain with a clearness that mocks reality—interfering even by its force with the functions of life—until, if tears do not relieve me, the hysterical feeling, analogous to that which the murmur of the sea gives me, presses painfully upon me. Well, for the first time for about a month, I have been in company with Albé for two hours, and, coming home, I write this, so necessary is it for me to express in words the force of my feelings. Shelley, beloved! I look at the stars and at all nature, and it speaks to me of you in the clearest accents. Why cannot you answer me, my own one? Is the instrument so utterly destroyed? I would endure ages of pain to hear one tone of your voice strike on my ear!”
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lesolitecose · 2 years
I video memme di Alberto Angela mi fanno sempre così ridere.
Albé, ti amo.
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retrogeographie · 3 years
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Albé, le village Vacances Famille.
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mallory-swanson9 · 3 years
Fin d'après-midi printanière près d'Albé. by ViveLaMontagne67 Via Flickr:  
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linaxart · 2 years
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Aureliá e Albé
[ID: Two pencil sketches on adjacent pages of Aureliano Adami and Alberto Anacleti from Suburra: La Serie. Aureliano’s portrait is from his neck upwards. He has a beard, his neck tattooed with the wings and his hair short. It’s a 3/4 view that cuts off at his forehead. In the other page, Alberto is  from behind as he turns around. He’s wearing a jacket, his hair in the mohawk End ID.]
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chetuttoarda · 4 years
Alberto è un mio paziente, ha giorni buoni e altri meno buoni. Altri giorni invece aspettiamo che la morte arrivi, impotenti restiamo a guardare perché tutto quello che c’era da fare è stato fatto e quelli sono i giorni più brutti. Come stanotte.
Stanotte Alberto stava male più delle altre volte e ci hanno detto “tenetevi pronti perché tutto può succedere da un momento all’altro”. Io ho pensato solo al suo ultimo giorno buono, quando mentre gli davo da mangiare lui mi ha detto “ti giuro che la prima cosa che faccio quando esco da qui, vado a prendermi un gelato. Ci ho litigato non so quante volte con mia moglie per il gelato perché ne mangiavo troppo, però poi veniva con me e se lo prendeva anche lei. E poi litigavamo perché i gusti miei non le piacevano e non poteva assaggiare io mio gelato e io invece ero contento perché così era tutto mio.” Abbiamo parlato dei gusti ed è uscito fuori che ad Alberto piace limone e pistacchio, il suo compagno di stanza va di stracciatella e zuppa inglese e io nocciola. “Come sei triste figlia mia, nocciola è proprio da persone tristi”. Abbiamo riso tanto.
Ecco, io di Alberto non so nulla, non so quanti anni ha, non so quanti figli ha, ha un tatuaggio da carcerato ma non so se in carcere c’è stato davvero, non so che lavori abbia fatto prima di arrivare in quel letto davanti a me, però stamattina Alberto si è ripreso, mi ha sorriso e mi ha salutata con la mano. Non è morto.
Non ha parlato, non parla più da qualche giorno ormai, però una cosa me l’ha fatta capire a gesti: voleva un gelato a colazione.
“Limone e pistacchio Albé?”
Ha sorriso.
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anastpaul · 4 years
Memorials of the Saints - 4 May
Memorials of the Saints – 4 May
St Albian of Albée Bl Angela Bartolomea dei Ranzi Bl Angela Isabella dei Ranzi St Antonia of Constantinople St Antonina of Nicaea St Antonia of Nicomedia St Antonius of Rocher St Arbeo of Freising St Augustine Webster St Cunegund of Regensburg St Curcodomus of Auxerre St Cyriacus of Ancona St Enéour St Ethelred of Bardney St Florian of Lorch Bl Hilsindis Bl Jean-Martin Moyë (1730-1793) Biography: ht…
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unissonmag · 7 years
Flash sur le premier EP de #Albé appelé #FaceA Enjoy!👇 L’EP d’Albé, appelé simplement Face A, nous a beaucoup plu. On en parle en flash.
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nouvellesdumaquis · 7 years
Albé - Valises
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anyesway · 8 years
Albé - Egards
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bironism · 5 years
Relatively high, not high enough to make the reigning champions (S.C. and a certain Albé) nervous. 
What’s the unit of wack, anyway? (Crowdsourcing)
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nftcryptonews · 3 years
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NFT Paper Hands On Ethereum. In this post we are gonna analyze what… | by Adria Parcerisas Albés | Feb, 2022 - DataDrivenInvestor http://dlvr.it/SJZsM0
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dakaractu · 4 years
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Suppression de la ville : « Il est constaté que la ville aujourd'hui n'est pas pertinente … Il ne faut pas verser dans le sentimentalisme » (Mamadou Albé Ndoye, maire de Rufisque-Est) https://www.dakaractu.com/Suppression-de-la-ville-Il-est-constate-que-la-ville-aujourd-hui-n-est-pas-pertinente-Il-ne-faut-pas-verser-dans-le_a198514.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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Toutes les sorties FR chanson-pop-rock-electro-indé annoncées pour février ! J’actualiserai cette page régulièrement, so come back soon!
02-fev   Crayon - Post blue [EP] 02-fev   Dragon Rapide - See the big picture [LP] 02-fev   General Elektriks - Carry no ghosts [LP] 02-fev   Juliette Armanet - Petite amie (deluxe) [LP] 02-fev   Le Roi Angus - Est-ce que tu vois le tigre ? [LP] 02-fev   La Goutte - Advienne que pourra [LP] 02-fev   Makeshift [LP] 02-fev   Perez - Cavernes [LP] 02-fev   Pierre Faa [EP] 02-fev   Santa Cruz - Now & here [LP] 02-fev   Sydney Valette - Fight back [LP] 02-fev   Therapie TAXI - Hit sale [LP] 02-fev   Vacarme [LP] 02-fev   Vox Low [LP] 02-fev   Weekend Affair - Du rivage [LP] 06-fev   Thierry Stremler - Quelques années passées [EP] 08-fev   John M - Nothing to lose [LP] 09-fev   Agop - Songs of good hope [LP] 09-fev   Casablanca Drivers - Menu best of [EP] 09-fev   Dusk Totem - Love [EP] 09-fev   Juliette - J’aime pas la chanson [LP] 09-fev   La Souterraine - Voyage en soute [LP] 09-fev   Louis Arlette - Sourire carnivore [LP] 09-fev   Lulu Gainsbourg - T’es qui là ? [LP] 09-fev   Marie Modiano - Pauvre chanson [LP] 09-fev   Nuit Ocean - Midnight seduction [EP] 09-fev   Pendentif - Vertige exhaussé [LP] 09-fev   Tales & Remedies - Love & crimes scenes [LP] 15-fev   Monkey To The Moon - How funny is it? [LP] 16-fev   Arnaud Le Gouëfflec - La faveur de la nuit [LP] 16-fev   Angèle David-Guillou - Mouvements organiques [EP] 16-fev   Bensé - L’amour et la haine [LP] 16-fev   Bill Deraime - Nouvel horizon [LP] 16-fev   Damé - Bye Bye [EP] 16-fev   Daphné - Iris extatis [LP] 16-fev   Grand Corps Malade - Plan B [LP] 16-fev   Grand Veymont - Route du vertige [EP] 16-fev   Hiver Pool - Turbulences [LP] 16-fev   Jean Tonique - Well mannered frivolity [LP] 16-fev   Joko - Loon [EP] 16-fev   Molecule - -22.7°C [LP] 16-fev   Pauline Croze - Ne rien faire [LP] 16-fev   Plaisirs - Roll’n’rock [EP] 16-fev   Romance - La peau [EP] 16-fev   Th Da Freak - The hood [LP] 23-fev   Albé - Face B [EP] 23-fev   Bagarre - Club 12345 [LP] 23-fev   Carpenter Brut - Leather teeth [LP] 23-fev   Concrete Knives - Our hearts [LP] 23-fev   Docteur Sadd - La disparue [EP] 23-fev   Doctor Flake - Divagations [LP] 23-fev   Erotic Market - Queendoms [LP] 23-fev   Raphaele Lannadère - Chansons [LP] 23-fev   The Dead Mantra - Saudade forever [LP] 23-fev   The Supermen Lovers - Clock sucker [EP]
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