#alecto & hephaestus
pjotvshownews · 1 year
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The gods and monsters in Disney+’s ‘Percy Jackson and the Olympians’
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leabethchase · 9 months
One thing Annabeth is gonna do is receive praise from everyone
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monstrumpuella · 2 years
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The Guests
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motheringbird · 9 months
There’s something about everyone speaking about Annabeth in terms of her skills and intelligence except for Hephaestus
Luke saying she’s always 6 steps ahead
Alecto saying she’s perhaps the most formidable demigod child alive
Ares saying there’s no fear in her
And then there’s Hephaestus saying she’s a good kid
Not a smart kid, a tough kid, a wise kid
A GOOD kid, because she is! And she proves that when she talks to him - she doesn’t save Percy through her intelligence, she saves him with her heart
A lot of times people characterize her as just a brain, lacking empathy and heart, but Annabeth is a genuinely kind and empathetic person and I think this scene sets that up more
And I think Hephaestus recognizes that and understands that she is different and so is Percy and that they can make a change in the end
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myth-lord · 7 months
ALl greek myth characters I love
Achelous (Triton) Achilles Achlys Acmon (Dactyl) Actaeon (Stag) Adephagia Aeacus (Daemon Judge) Aello (Harpy) Aeolus Aergia Aethon (Caucausian Eagle) Agamemnon Aglaope (Siren) Agrius (Bearman) Aigle (Hesperid) Akheilos Alastor Alecto (Erinyes) Amethyste (Oread) Amphisbaena Amphitrite Antaeus Anteros Antiphates (Laestrygonian) Apate Aphrodite Apollo Arachne Ares Argus Panoptes Aristaeus (God of insects) Artemis Asclepius (Medicine/Healing) Askalaphos (owl) Atalanta Athena Atlas Atropos Attis Autolycus (Master Thief)
Basilisk Bellerophon Boreas (Anemoi) Briareus (hekantoncheirus) Brontes (Cyclops)
Cacus Cadmus Calliope (Muse, Poetry) Callisto Calydonian Boar Calypso (Nereid) Cassandra Cassiopeia Castor & Pollux Catoblepas Celedones (two) Cerambus (Beetle) Cerberus Cercopes (Passalus & Aclemon) Ceryneian Hind Ceto Cetus Chalcon (Telchine) Chaos Charon Charybdis Chimera Chione Chiron (Centaur) Chloris (Dryad) Chrysaor Chrysomallos Circe Clio (Muse, Art) Clotho Coronis (Maenad) Corvus (Raven) Cretan Bull Crocotta Cronus
Daedalus Deimos (Machai) Delphin Demeter Diomedes Dionysus
Echidna Echo (Oread) Empusa Epiales (Pet of PHobetor) Erato (Muse, Literature) Eris (Mania) Eros Erymanthian Boar Eurus (Anemoi) Euryale (Gorgon) Eurynomos Eurytion (Centaur) Euterpe (Muse, music) Evenor (Atlantis King)
Gaia Galatea Gegenees Geras Geryon Graeae (Deino, Enyo & Pemphredo) Griffon
Hades Harmonia Hecate Helen of Troy Helios Hephaestus Hera Heracles Hermes Hestia Hippocampus Hippolyta Hybris Hygieia Hypnos
Icarus Ichthyes (Aphros & Bythos) Indus Worm Iris Ismenian Drakon Ixion (Daemon)
Kampe Karkinos Keres Khalkotauroi (Colchis Bull) Kholkikos Drakon Kobaloi Kratos
Ladon Laelaps Lakhesis Lamia Leonidas Lernaean Hydra Limos Lotus (Lotus-Eaters) Lycaon
Manticore Marsyas (Satyr) Medea Medusa (Gorgon) Megaera (Erinyes) Melaina (Thriae) Meleager Melinoe Melpomene (Muse, Tragedy) Menoetes (Daemon) Midas Minos (Daemon Judge) Minotaur Mneme (Muse, Memory) Morbus (Nosoi) Mormo Moros (DooM) Morpheus (Oneiroi)
Narcissus Nemean Lion Nemesis Nephele (Aurai) Nerites Nessus (Centaur) Nike Notus (Anemoi) Nyx
Odontotyrannus Odysseus Oedipus Orion Orpheus Orphne Orthrus
Pan Pandora Panotti Paris of Troy Pegasus Peisinoe (Siren) Peitho (Persuasion) Peleus (Myrmidon) Peloros (Spartoi) Penthus (Mourning) Periphetes Persephone Perseus Phaea (Crommyonian Sow) Pharmacea (Nereid, Poison) Philyra (Odor, Parfum) Phobetor (Oneiroi) Phobos (Machai) Phoenix Phorcys Phthisis (Nosoi) Plutus (Wealth / Chrysus) Polyhymnia (Muse, Silence) Polyphemus (Cyclops) Poseidon Prometheus Proteus (Triton) Psyche Pygmalion Pyrausta Pyrois (Sun Horse) Pythia (oracle of Delphi) Python
Rhadamanthus (Daemon Judge)
Sciron (Cercyon) Scironian Turtle Scorpios Scylla Selene Sisyphus (Daemon) Skolopendra Sphinx Stheno (Gorgon) Stymphalian Birds Sybaris Symplegades (Planctae)
Talos (Automaton) Tantalus (Daemon) Tartarus Terpsichore (Muse, Dance) Teumessian Fox Thalia (Muse, Comedy) Thanatos Theia (Sight, gems) Thelxiepeia (Siren) Theseus Tiresias (Shade) Tisiphone (Erinyes) Typhon
Urania (Muse, Astronomy)
Xanthus (Mare of Diomedes)
Zelos Zephyrus (Anemoi) Zeus
Shades / Myrmekes / Gadfly /
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pjo-ship-polls · 3 months
Feelings Ship Polls Masterlist
How the PJO fandom feels about each ship.
I expect that eventually tumblr will stop allowing me to add more links to this one post, and therefore I made a spreadsheet with all of the results.
Percy/Annabeth (result: positive)
Nico/Will (result: positive)
Nico/Percy (result: positive)
Jason/Percy (result: positive)
Apollo/Percy (result: positive)
Luke/Percy (result: negative)
Rachel/Percy (result: positive)
Nico/Jason/Percy (result: negative)
Artemis/Percy (result: negative)
Thalia/Percy (result: negative)
Percy/Will (result: negative)
Percy/Leo (result: neutral)
Percy/Piper (result: negative)
Annabeth/Nico/Percy (result: negative)
Juniper/Grover (result: positive)
Percy/Grover (result: positive)
Annabeth/Grover (result: negative)
Annabeth/Percy/Grover (result: negative)
Ares/Grover (result: negative)
Chiron/Grover (result: negative)
Nico/Grover (result: negative)
Dionysus/Grover (result: negative)
Kronos/Grover (result: negative)
Hephaestus/Grover (result: negative)
Katie/Grover (result: neutral)
Luke/Grover (result: negative)
Chiron/Dionysus (result: neutral)
Chiron/Percy (result: negative)
Luke/Chiron (result: negative)
Charles/Chiron (result: negative)
Chiron/Castor (result: negative)
Chiron/Connor (result: negative)
Chiron/Pollux (result: negative)
Chiron/Travis (result: negative)
Annabeth/Chiron (result: negative)
Blackjack/Chiron (result: negative)
Chiron/Kronos (result: negative)
Nancy/Percy (result: negative)
Nancy/Annabeth (result: negative)
Nancy/Nico (result: negative)
Alecto/Nancy (result: negative)
Chiron/Nancy (result: negative)
Grover/Nancy (result: negative)
Lee/Nancy (result: neutral & result: negative)
Sally/Gabe (result: negative)
Percy/Gabe (result: negative)
Annabeth/Gabe (result: negative)
Paul/Gabe (result: negative)
Eddie/Gabe (result: positive)
Gabe/Sugar (result: negative)
Paul/Sally (result: positive)
Sally/Poseidon (result: positive)
Percy/Sally (result: negative)
Amphitrite/Sally/Poseidon (result: positive)
Paul/Sally/Poseidon (result: positive)
Aphrodite/Sally (result: positive & result: neutral)
May/Sally (result: neutral)
Amphitrite/Sally (result: positive)
Sally/Medusa (result: positive)
Hestia/Sally (result: positive)
Sally/Neptune/Poseidon (result: neutral)
Percy/Minotaur (result: negative)
Annabeth/Piper/Minotaur (result: negative)
Hazel/Minotaur (result: negative)
Jason/Minotaur (result: negative)
Minotaur/Will (result: negative)
Nico/Minotaur (result: negative)
Percy/Minotaur/Pasiphaë (result: negative)
Annabeth/Piper (result: positive)
Annabeth/Reyna (result: positive)
Luke/Annabeth (result: negative)
Annabeth/Jason (result: negative)
Annabeth/Rachel (result: positive)
Annabeth/Thalia (result: negative)
Annabeth/Piper/Reyna (result: positive)
Annabeth/Connor (result: neutral)
Annabeth/Nico (result: negative)
Annabeth/Clarisse (result: neutral)
Annabeth/Jason/Percy (result: neutral)
Dionysus/Percy (result: negative)
Ariadne/Dionysus (result: positive)
Luke/Dionysus (result: negative)
Nico/Dionysus (result: negative)
Ariadne/Dionysus/Percy (result: negative)
Dionysus/Theseus (result: neutral)
Annabeth/Dionysus (result: negative)
Ares/Dionysus (result: neutral)
Castor/Dionysus/Pollux (result: negative)
Apollo/Dionysus/Percy (result: negative)
Luke/Thalia (result: positive)
Luke/Ethan (result: positive)
Luke/Octavian (result: negative)
Luke/Nico (result: negative)
Luke/Nico/Percy (result: negative)
Luke/Jason (result: negative)
Silena/Luke (result: negative)
Luke/Percy/Octavian (result: negative)
Luke/Lee (result: positive)
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greekfamily · 1 year
Let me introduce you to my Greek Pantheon
Hades: This is my wife Persephone and this is her primordial girlfriend Nyx and their olympian girlfriend Athena. Persephone is also with Minthe and Aphrodite. Aphrodite is married to Hephaestus and her boyfriend Ares. Aphrodite is also with Demeter, Hecate, and Nyx. Hecate is also with the fates Clotho Atropos, and Lachesis. Nyx is married to Gaia and is dating Erebus. That is my sister Hestia who is dating Circe and is with Agalia. My worker Thanatos is with Tisiphone, Alecto, and Megaera. Hypnos is Thanatos brother and is dating Hermes. Demeter son Dionysus is with Ariadne. My sister Hera is married to Zeus and dating Maia, Leto, and Metis. Letos son Apollo is with Ares. My favorite neice Athena is married to Artemis and Medusa and is with Medusa's sisters Stheno, and Euryale. Stheno, Medusa, and Euryale are with Arachne. My mother Rhea is with Gaia. Artemis is with Callisto. and finally Hebe is with the 9 muses Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polyhymia, Urania, and Calliope. Demeter: Please do not have a stroke reading that
by. Nyx @0lympian-c0uncil
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noxspost · 2 months
hades game and critical role mashup au and its codex
So here is the codex's list of Important characters.
The companions are the same but now the Olympians give them when Zagreus and caduceus are looking for their mom and dad in the fields of mourning with Mel. The people that have another next to them are from the critical role Universe.
They still exist especially the ones in the house with the exception of Orpheus and his wife.
But the olympian gods with the extra names. Those characters are still there but the kids that are the gods from the game hades are the cousins to Macaria and hecate.
Yes we are Ripping apart both universes and stitching them back together.
The crossroads are where Mel and those gods are.
More of the rest and how this works will be shown.
The Olympians.
Artemis- Vex
Apollo- Vax
Athena- Cassandra
Demeter- melora and Keyleth
Hestia- all hammer
Poseidon- Babenon Dosal
Zeus- pelor and is not married to Erathis
Hera- Erathis
Hephaestus- Percy de Rolos
Aphrodite- Marion
Chthonic Gods
The lord or lady of the house is replaced by corrin sicne the person who disappeared is both Cornelius and Constance
Zagreus is the twin of caduceus
Nyx is still here but also the Duskmaven is in the same role.
Charon- still the same
Hypnos- still here but also shares similar domains with verin
Thanatos same but with essek by with a few different domains.
Megaera- still the same
Alecto- still the same
Tisiphone- still the same
Chaos- still here but shares the role in the game with melora is in the same role but more like Gaia
Hades and Persephone are the grandparents to Zagreus, Mel, caduceus and his siblings.
Macaria is the child of Persephone and hades.
Others of Note
Achilles- beau
Orpheus- is replaced by Scanlan since Orpheus got his happy ending of his myth.
Sisyphus- still here but now Caleb stays with him. He is filled with so much self loathing that he put himself in Tartarus the Furies don't care.
Eurydice-replaced by pike and veth in the way she comes to visit alot.
Theseus- jester by dethroning him still salty about it.
Asterius-Fjord but he still here but is peacefully living in the fields
Cerberus- still here.
Dusa- still here and is assisted by grog who also helps with The repairs of the domain every single time. The twins come back from ransacked and everything and also the house contractor with things.
Skelly- is here
House contractor- Kingsley
House Chef- Shaun Gilmore
The Broker- mollymauk
Also the mimiboss that is the giant crystal I've merged that with Trent. So essentially he's being infested by the crystals.
Frinos- Mel
Frumpkin- Caleb's
Toula- Hecate
Windrunner- Clarabelle's
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supernovaae · 2 years
Greek Mythological Figures to Use for Dislyte Ocs:
Persephone, Demeter, Hephaestus, Psyche, Chronos, Ouranos, Aeolus, Chaos, Tartarus, Thalassa, Helios, Eos, Selene, Hecate, Erebus, Morpheus, Circe, Ourea, Daphne, Pontus, Ker, Uranus, Achlys, Minthe, Aether, Aion, Ananke, Hemera, Galatea, Hypnos, Charybdis, Nemesis, Enyo, Nesoi, Cassandra, Tyche, Nike, Asclepius, Macaria, Zagreus, Aegaeon, Brizo, Ceto, Delphin, Glaucus, Leucothea, Galene, Psamathe, Nereus, Peneus, Rhea, Oceanus, The Muses (Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, and Urania), Tethys, Hyperion, Theia, Iapetus, Atlas, Epimetheus, Crius, Coeus, Phoebe, Themis, Mnemosyne, Dione, Harmonia, Adonis, Pegasus, Chrysor, Priapus, Phanes, Lelantos, The Fates (Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos), Angelos, Acheron, Orphne, Stillbe, Palaemon, Phorcys, Proteus, Sangarius, Thaumas, Thoosa. Alectrona, The Anemoi (Aparctias, Apheliotes, Argestes, Boreas, Calcias, Circios, Euronotus, Eurus, Lips, Notus, Skeiron, Zephyrus), Iris, Astraios, Eosphorus, Hesperus, Pyroeis, Phaethon, Phaenon, Astrape, Bronte, Chione, Ersa, Satyr, Aphaea, Desponia. Eunostus, Plutus, Epoine, Hygiela, Panacea, Castor and Pollux, Icarus, Leto, Asteria, Deimos, Anytos, Phobos, Maia, Metis, Phaethon, Odysseus, Tantalus, Oedipus, Achilles, Orpheus, Perseus, Theseus, Arachne, Andromeda, Midas, Oedipus, Despoina, Astraeus, Menoetius, Pallas, Perses, Styx, Titan, Syceus, Anteros, Hedylogos, Hermaphroditus, Himeros, Hymenaeus, Pothos, Phthonus, Eunomia, The Furies (Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megaera), The Meliai, Charon, Minotaur, Harpy, Akheilos, Kratos, Endymion, Hemithea, Palaemon, Phantasos, Eurydice,
Note: Keep in mind that this list may not be accurate and/or may be missing some mythological figures because I put down what I knew and did the bare minimum of google searching.
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yami268 · 2 years
Storm Hawks characters as Greek Myth Deities
Disclaimer: I've tried my best to match them to the best of my ability but I am basing this off memory and internet pages (mostly Wiki). They're probably are ones that fit the characters better and some can be interchangeable with others. That being said, I hope you appreciate what I came up with.
Storm Hawks
Aerrow:  Aeolus, God of Winds Piper: Theia, Goddess of Insight Finn: Apollo, God of Music and Archery Junko: Hephaestus, God of the Forge Stork: Moros, God of Doom Radarr: An Aurai, a nymph of the cooling breeze
Cyclonis: Hecate, Goddess of Witchcraft Dark Ace: Thanatos, God of Death Snipe: Ares, God of Brutal War Ravess: Athena, Goddess of Strategic War
Starling: Alecto, The Unceasing Goddess of the Furies Repton: Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt Carver: Nemesis, Goddess of Revenge Harrier: Arete, Goddess of Virtue Suzy Lu: Chione, Goddess of Snow Tritonn: Palaemon, Sea God who aided sailors in distress Dove: Nike, Goddess of Victory Lightning Strike: Zeus, God and Ruler of the Heavenly Domain
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loreolympiad · 1 year
Muse Poll
Starting to feel confident enough in my ability to manage multiple muses under one blog. So I'm going to add two more LO muses and I want to see what duo is most wanted atm.
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perry-johnson-fan · 2 years
So, to recap:
Walker Scobell- Percy Jackson
Leah Jeffries- Annabeth Chase
Aryan Simhadri- Groved Underwood
Adam Copeland- Ares
Jason Mantzoukas- Dionysus
Lin-Manuel Miranda- Hermes
Jay Duplass- Hades
Timothy Omundson- Hephaestus
Timm Sharp- Gabe Ugliano
Virginia Kull- Sally Jackson
Glynn Turman- Chiron
Charles Bushnell- Luke Castellan
Dior Goodjohn- Clarisse La Rue
Megan Mullally- Alecto
Suzanne Cryer- Echidna
Jessica Parker Kennedy- Medusa
With roughly a month left a filming, the show is set to be released somewhere in early 2024
The Sun and the Star, a stand-alone book about Nico and Will is going to be released on May 2, 2023
Percy Jackson and the Chalice of the Gods is a book set to be release on September 26, 2023. Taking place during Percy's senior year (after Heroes of Olympus, but before Trials of Apollo), Chalice of the Gods is centered around Percy, Grover, and Annabeth.
"[Percy] has a much harder quest: getting into college. New Rome University requires recommendation letters from three gods, which means . . . yep, you guessed it. Percy has to run quests to get the letters. (That sound you hear is Percy screaming into his pillow in frustration.)
First quest: the cupbearer of the gods, Ganymede, is missing his chalice. Not only is this embarrassing. It’s also a potential disaster, since any mortal who happens to drink from the cup will gain immortality. Percy, Annabeth and Grover have to find that chalice and return it to Ganymede before anyone realizes he lost it. These gods . . . they really need GPS tags on their magic items, don’t they?"
- Rick Riordan
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specialagentartemis · 2 years
Apologize 2 all my followers for Wolf 359 and The Locked Tomb and Greek Mythology blogging all at once. Throwing around names like Hera and Hephaestus and Palamedes and Alecto and Electra and Iphigenia and you can probably work out from context who I’m talking about but those Greek Classics names are just soooo thematically powerful
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spacecadetspe · 4 months
A snippet from last year...
May 15, 2023
Well, something finally happened.
I've been working on W's final project with him for most of the weekend.  I guess it's fitting that I had to put in some work in order to get him for Mother's Day.  So I've been keeping myself stressed out, and having some relatively bad dreams.
Night before last's was pretty bad... even worse when Fortitude put it into context for me.  Cure has figured out how to tap into her powers, finally; and moreover, has learned a bit about where her power descended from- namely Ouranos and Aphrodite.  Needless to say, she's overpowered and under-experienced.  And a couple nights ago, she called Alecto back for a rematch not sure what her fascination is with Alecto, but whatever).  To everybody's horror, she used that newfound power to control the oneiroi nearby... and got many of them killed in the ensuing battle.  Even Njorun was gravely injured.
I think I was attending the triage unit during the aftermath, and glaring daggers at some dipshit who was just... I don't even know.  He was wearing a suit, as I remember, but I can't figure out why I was mad at him.  I found myself winding my way through the building to the entrance, turning around and emphasizing that I had no idea what I was doing "here" or who the fuck any of these people were.  I had no idea why I was so angry or upset... and I was so full of self-pity that I just wanted to be left alone.
So... I suppose I figured out what was wrong with me, at last.
Thanatos visited me briefly.  He asked me if I was aware that he continues the cycle of life... and I know he does.  I think I might need a different policy, rather than just reviving people every time they die.  It feels like... I'm not always protecting my people the way I think I am.  Some people need to live with their deeds.
Anyway, Thanatos mentioned offhand that W seemed to show a little fear towards him, at long last.  I explained that we had watched "Coco," and there was a point toward the end of the movie where he finally understood what it is to die.  Which is why I tell him stories.  Whether he believes in me or not is up to him, but the lessons in them are invaluable, and may help him not be afraid in the future.  And as always, I paint Thanatos in a loving light.
I just wanted to lie down and cry for most of yesterday morning.  I felt so embarrassed; I just wanted to disappear.  This aspect has been tearing at my insides for over a week, and I'm tired and aching.  I feel like I have invisible bruises on my chest, back, and sides.
Mother spoke up to point me in the right direction... apparently to the smiths, who now gather on a regular basis.  Looks like I've formed a guild, of sorts.  Hephaestus, the dwarves, the nailsmith, and the apprentices took one look at me and knew exactly what was happening.
Hephaestus folded his arms.  "How many months?" he asked simply.
"Barely a week and a half."
There was some muttering about how quickly this aspect has surfaced, but the lot of them put their heads together and came up with a solid plan.  The aspect responds to embarrassment, shame, and stress.  The smiths put staves on my chest, back, and sides to prevent her from damaging too many of my vital points.  Then Hephaestus got Harmony involved.
She was confused at first; I was asking her to hurt me? Was I serious?  I nodded and walked her through what was happening, and gave her an objective; to keep the magics held together until she could bisect my lower abdominal wall, releasing the entity within.
Hephaestus made a joke about pregnancy, and I cracked up.  That was, in fact, the last place I wanted an aspect to come out.  Anyway, she surfaced soon afterward, and Harmony, in the form of a scalpel, slit open my belly.
The aspect, Self-Pity, came screaming out of my womb, clawing at anything in reach, and the dwarves took action.  They threw a net over her, which was constructed from my feathers, and hammered her with blows until she shrank back into her confines.
I'm in recovery again, and I'm exhausted.  I'm still bruised, but I feel a good deal better than I was.  I'm not hiding anymore, just... tired.
My job search is going nowhere.  I'm still trying, because I want to achieve something higher than this, but... I'm tired of having leads that just dead-end.  I'm tired of filling in the same little boxes over and over again.  Like... tell me you aren't going to look at my resume without telling me you aren't going to look at my resume.
In short, I'm growing fucking tired of capitalism.  I'm good at what I do, I'm talented, I'm smart, I'm well-educated, and I'm a damn good guide.  I need to light a fire under someone's ass, and soon.
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So, how ‘bout Overly Sarcastic Productions, huh?
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alectocarrion · 3 years
with: @hephaestusgalani​ ​​​ when: february, 2130 (week one) where: pontius, helicon 
Alecto leaned against one of the many railings surrounding the upper level of the ship. The salt in the air hung heavy, and if she focused too hard, the ache in their chest became impossible to ignore. Years, she had spent from this place, and yet, looking overtop of the cascades of green and blues, she felt as though she had never left. But to anyone else, she was new here -- those twenty-one years had gone by quickly for all she was concerned, and it was better that way. 
Out of the corner of their eye, they take note of a very tired looking Hephaestus. With all that had come to light in the past weeks, Alecto found it impressive that he’d been able to focus on the summit at all. Then again, did he have much of a choice? For what it was worth, it seemed as though the people who called Pontius home truly cared for its progress, even if Alecto couldn’t wrap her mind around it themself. 
They consider retiring to their quarters, exhausted from the game of cat and mouse played to keep out from under the public eye in regards to visitors from Tartarus, but decide that Hephaestus’s tired eyes are an invitation for something more. She had to give Nyx and Hades something to report back on. 
“You look like you could use a coffee,” Alecto says, tone lighthearted. “You’ve all been so busy, it’s been eye opening -- the dedication of this place, I mean.” Alecto doesn’t figure that’s why Hephaestus looks as though he hasn’t slept in weeks, but at least it will direct the conversation in a way that maybe he won’t think is related to situation at hand.
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