shakertwelve · 1 year
thinking about animorph undersiders again but i always get stuck on taylor and alec's battle morphs. brian would pick lion obviously (big + strong + associated with masculinity + practical for the kind of fighting the animorphs do if jake's tiger is any indication) and aisha would pick hyena (smaller and easier to sneak around but with devastating bite force + she can laugh at people in morph. which is very important.) and lisa would go bird of prey (raptor vision air reconnaissance teammate who can also slash people up if needed) and it wouldn't be a question of if rachel would go giant wolfdog but of whether they could even get her to demorph once before she gets stuck like that forever on purpose. but i can't figure out what those other two freaks would be up to
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lakesbian · 1 year
also stoats and ferrets and weasels and so on are all weird lanky unpleasant-smelling little beasts. just like alec. furthermore aisha could wear him as a scarf. so there's lots of points to support my animorph alec conclusion
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rainbowgothdisaster · 2 years
new lore: Alecto has a favourite human that the demon hunters kill, and her favourite human (her names Annabeth) has a sister whos a piece of shit, but when Annabeth died she really cared for her and wanted to reconnect.
so Alecto decides that since killing Annabeth's sister would be rude, shell just kill her own piece of shit sister. and maybe her mom and her moms husband, just while shes there.
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two-turtleducks · 1 day
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Hi again! Just wanted to come back- this time with more Zonai "doodles"! This one is of the 5 head honchos! I wanted to first give each of them a face so it's easier to visualize them in the narrative, but I also wanted to explore different options for Zonai clothing and how they drape themselves. Some notes- the tassels are part of what marks these five as leaders or high up in status, along with the quantity/quality of the jewelry they wear, and the amount/style of teardrops under their eyes! Styles of draping is also highly variable, depending on preference! Taluk likes having his draped over a shoulder, while Alectus prefers to have it out of the way! Callio likes hers to be off the shoulder, more like a shawl, and Lillipa likes hers to be more of a covering shroud of sorts! The Zonai style is very personalizable, and adaptable to the time.
Also- Zamek is the first properly old person I think I've ever drawn, PLEASE don't pay him too much mind.
This exploration goes with Chapter 3 of my story, Dragon Tears and Secret Stones!
Read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3809488
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👰 our evil children ofc
Gus was never one for tradition, so when he felt as though he needed to see Alecto before they walked down the isle and became man and wife in front of far too many people who’s opinions he didn’t care about, he just walked into her dressing room and waited until the women helping her get ready left the room. 
He looked up at her when they were alone and smiled. “And which dress is this?” He asked, slowly walking toward her and letting his eyes rake over her as he did. She looked completely ravishing and he couldn’t wait until this whole song and dance was over and he could take her home where he could have his way with her. More importantly though, it would go back to being just the two of them. 
“Vera Wang of course,” She shrugged, her cheeks red. She always seemed to know what he was thinking, perhaps that was one thing he couldn’t hide. “This will all be over before long,” She said, walking up and wrapping her arms around his neck. His hand found her waist and already he was feeling better. 
“I know.”
“You know you’re not supposed to see me in my dress yet either, right?” 
“You don’t seem to mind all that much.” He said, letting his head drop down so that it was resting against hers. 
“I don’t mind at all.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 
“Good.” He could get through this. He could go out there and put on a show for everyone for her. It wouldn’t even be that much of a show. He cared for her a great deal. 
She reached up and cupped his cheek, brushing her thumb over his cheek. “Thank you for doing this.” She said quietly, her voice sounding more unsure now. Eventually he’d get her to stop thinking that he didn’t want to do all this for her. Eventually she’d understand that she was the only one he’d do any of this for. 
“Don’t thank me. We both needed to get married, and I can’t picture myself doing this with anyone else.” She flushed again and then buried her face into his chest. 
“Me either.” She said quietly. He kissed her hair, gently as not to mess it up and he felt his chest tighten in a way that only happened when she was around. 
“Then let’s do this.” He took a step back, holding her hands and looking her over one last time. “Let’s get married.” 
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ms-alectocarrow · 7 years
♪- Alectusss
Can’t help falling in love with you - Elvis Presley
Animals - Maroon 5
Chains - Nick Jonas
Fever - Peggy Lee
Strange Love - Halsey
Gods & Monsters - Lana del Rey
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jamalam · 7 years
"I've never met someone who can so gently destroy me the way you do." Please bless me angst queen.
I know this isn’t the ship you had in mind, but this is too good an opportunity to pass up.
@badromantics @alex-2-hive-mind @alectus-hive-mind @alextushivemind
“What the hell do you mean you don’t love me!?” Alexander screamed, throwing his papers across the room.
“I mean, I don’t love you, Alexander,” Alex explained calmly, unable to make eye contact. “I don’t love you. I used to, but I don’t anymore.”
“Alex, please, let me make it up to you- we can make this work,” Alexander pleaded, desperately trying to catch Alex’s gaze and get closer to him.
“We don’t have to make it work because it never ‘worked’. Not for me.” Alex muttered in response, pushing Alexander away gently.
“Really? It never worked for you? Of course it didn’t,” Alexander said, spite lacing his voice. “It would explain why I found this in your bag the other day.” He accused, pulling a cactus spine out from his pocket.
“A-Alexander, I can explain!” Alex stuttered, eyes widening in shock.
“Save it, Alex,” He said, turning away and placing his hands on his desk to steady himself. “You don’t love me- we don’t need to make it work. Go back to Carlos, see what I care. Because I don’t. I wouldn’t care if you were the last person on Earth and I needed someone to save my life. I wouldn’t care if Carlos left you and you came crawling back. So leave, Alex. I think both of our lives would be better without the other person in them. I’ve never met someone who can so gently destroy me the way you do.”
“Alexander, please-”
“Leave, Alex.”
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beholdingslut · 2 years
a lyctoral name is !!! your first name !!! and the name of your cavalier !!! and his name wasn’t fucking john alectus oh i’m gonna throw up
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jakeluppin · 7 years
multiples of 6 for the end of year ask!
6. Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
probably nathan for you’s finding frances
12. Talk about a new friend you made this year
oh i made a lot but there’s @bensfank who is so great and awesome and it was so great to like meet up with them in new york and yeah man i love jenn so much
18. A memorable meal this year?
when i was in seattle, my dad made mexican food which i had really missed and yeah that was so nice
24. Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
i honestly don’t know i mean probably not bc i don’t remember anything so
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inkydandy · 4 years
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I’ve been drawing a LOT of D&D stuff that’s actually up on my Instagram, but I keep forgetting to put them here! I definitely wanted to post these ones here though, since you can see the entire image of each one. Top to bottom, my characters: Lanval (Archfey warlock), Alectus (blood hunter), and Victorien (paladin).
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bretongirlwrites · 4 years
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methredel, marianne and amusei bout to drop the sickest beats of 3e 418
(marianne is my future grey fox. while my headcanon doesn’t include the quest featuring the theft of alectus’s journal, i like to think of these three as a Squad)
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“I live to serve you. Always.”  From Ruby
Severus eyed the young woman kneeling before him as he sat in the mangled seat that served as his "throne."
The Carrows were present, which explained her behavior.
"You'd be wise to not forget your place," Severus said smoothly, looking down his nose at her with a sneer for added effect.
"I need you to run an errand," he procured a piece of parchment with a list of ingredients. Each ingredient had a separate meaning, and he knew once she saw it, she'd understand that it was message for the rebellion.
"Go to the apothecary listed and bring those ingredients to me. I've already informed the owner, he should have everything ready." He eyed the twins for a moment. "Return here in no less than an hour. I will be tracking you," he said with emphasis.
"But Sire, surely I should go with the slave, make sure she doesn't do anything funny," Amycus hissed, wand already twitching.
"Silence! Do not question me. I am perfectly capable of keeping an eye on her and dealing out the proper punishments. She cannot go anywhere I do not send her. If you wish to be reminded why I am here and not where you're standing, be my guest," Snape said, his hand flexing on the arm of the throne threateningly.
Amycus and Alectus both bowed their heads at his tone.
"Leave us," he said to the twins. "I have more to discuss with her about my errand and do not wish for you to interrupt me so carelessly again."
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rainbowgothdisaster · 2 years
im drawing Alectus' AU children. imma make these kids look so fucking cute.
also i have decided that the full demon/monster form is not necessary and that they can also be one of the two animals and look semi-normal
yes i did decide this bcuz i wanted to draw cute aminals, i mean how could i not? Rachel is a swift fox and Kathrine is a Siberian Cat (and a katydid) and Abilene is a Yellow American Warbler
once i chose such cute animals i was legally required to draw such a perfectly round bird
the only problem is theres 14 of these fuckers not including her sisters (who are canon but are a different beast bcuz they were born human) and oh my fucking god im glad they're not cannon bcuz i would rather rip my hair out than research 28 distinct animals
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lesbiantoller-blog · 8 years
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im gonna post these everywhere bc the ☀ has returned to us
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‘ the world is a little happier with you in it. ’ - alecto (i’m trash and i’m not sorry)
Send me a prompt if you want a drabble ya’ll
Itwas no secret from him that Alecto was not the same as she had been before he’dgone to prison. She’s changed, hardened, lost pieces of herself along the wayand now he was back, also changed, also hardened, his pieces more jagged andthey didn’t feel as though they were all in the right place. It was no wonderthat things between them had changed. There was relief at first, relief to beback within reach of one another, relief at not being alone anymore, relief becausethey’d waited so long. But relief could only get you so far and then there wasother things to deal with.
Therewas the anger- intentional or not it was there. Misdirected it could be foundthrown towards either of the two lovers. They’d been brought together by theirblood lust and now they were ripping at the seams. Both more volatile and lesswilling or less able to conceal it.
Sheblamed herself, assumed that he did as well. How could she not think that he’dblame her for what had happened. He’d been locked up for so long and she’d beenoutside, with all their money, power and resources and she hadn’t even managedto see him, hadn’t managed to get any of her hundreds of letters to him. She’dgrown up being told that she couldn’t do anything right, and she felt that thisonly proved it. They had been isolated because of her.
Heblamed himself, assumed that she did as well. He hadn’t been careful enough,hadn’t toed the line as well as he had before the war, before he’d gottenconfident that Voldemort would win. He knew that his name had been given byanother Death Eater, and while he blamed that Death Eater enough to hunt himdown, most of the blame still fell at his feet. He hadn’t hidden his trackswell enough, and so he’d been taken away from the only person that had evermattered to him. They���d broken because of him.
Therewas still love. It was withered and atrophied, but still there. Like a sun-wornphotograph, the good memories were still there, though time had left its mark.Left to grow on their own instead of together, they wilted instead. Bothfrustrated by their inability to instantly bloom from the moment of theirreunion. But she lacked the confidence to try and explain it and he lacked thewords.
Slowlythey began to piece themselves back together, to reshape not the life that they’donce had, but a new life that fit the people that they were now. He held her alot more then he had, disliking the space between them. He told her that heloved her more frequently, kissed her a little longer. She reached for his handwhenever he was near, joined him in his study more often because being on theother side of a door didn’t feel right anymore and he didn’t seem to want hisown space anymore.
“Areyou happy?” He asked her one night as they lay on a bed that wasn’t theirs, inthe dungeons of their old school. Neither of them wanted to be there, but bothwere there out of loyalty.
Shedidn’t answer for a long while, just rested her head on his chest and snuggledcloser to him. “Maybe right here.” She said, squeezing his hand. He lookedaround the room and wondered what she could mean by that. The room was cold,dark and far smaller than anything that they were used to. She looked up andsaw him inspecting the room and shook her head. “No, love. Right here,” She repeated, folding their armsso their hands rested against his chest.
Helooked down and smiled at her softly. “Right here.” He repeated.
Shenodded, “The world is a little happier with you in it.”
Hesqueezed her hand and pulled her closer. Same as before, same as when they wereyounger, he was amazed that she could say such things to him and mean them.That he never questioned her because her conviction was always unwavering. “Idon’t know what I’d do without you.” He said quietly, pressing his lips to theside of her head. “I love you, darling.”
“Ilove you too.”
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ms-alectocarrow · 7 years
“ you belong to me ” - Alectussss (opossum emoji)
The Dark Lord hadn’t gone easy on her these days. NormallyAlecto was always eager to deliver him what he wanted, but with this particularcase he was very insistent about the use of her female charms on this certainman who had valuable information. Of course she wasn’t comfortable with it andshe certainly didn’t want to go through with it either; she was married andvery much in love with her husband.
She and Gus fit like puzzle pieces; if they werecapable of producing a patronus charm, she was pretty sure they would match.Their relationship was perfect. They were passionate and they understood eachother, they loved absolutely everything about the other: the good and the bad,especially the bad. Fuck, they reallyloved their dark sides.
Of course she told him right away what the DarkLord wanted, what he expected from her. Alecto didn’t want to be any secretsbetween them and at first he understood. He wasn’t happy about it, but no onecould say no to Lord Voldemort. But after a few dinners between her and the oldman, Alecto noticed that something changed, Gus seemed more distant and colder with her.
At first she ignored it, but then it came to apoint that his distance was physically painful. So that night when she arrivedafter another dinner date with the old creep, instead of going straight totheir bedroom, she went to his study where he had been since she left their home earlier that day.
She knocked on the door but had no response, so shewalked in only to find him staring at his work but not really doing anything. “Hey…”Alecto said softly but immediately tensed when his cold eyes meet her. She knewhe preferred when she – or anyone for the matter – didn’t go into his study,but she had this feeling that this time it wasn’t about that.
His hard gaze ranked her body and he clenched hisjawline at her wardrobe choices. He could tell she was wearing stockings, thatall he had to do was hike up her dress just a bit to meet the lacy arrangement that huggedher thighs firmly. She was even wearing the emerald necklace that matched herbig eyes. Her lips – her red lips – looked bigger with that lipstick that shewas wearing and that fortunately, it wasn’t ruined. 
Fuck she looked ravishing.
“Hey” he said seriously and looked away. “I havework to do” he said, as in letting her know that he wanted her gone.
Alecto pursed her lips and looked down at her feetfor a moment. She didn’t know what to do when this happened because it neverhappened. He was never this cold with her, even when they started dating.
“No” she said after a moment. “No, I want to talk”she said softly and took a careful step towards his desk and then another andanother until she was on the other side of it. “C’me on, sweetheart…” shesaid softly. “I know you are upset but–”
“You are doing a job for the Dark Lord, Alecto, I’mnot upset” he interrupted her. “Now, will you let mefinish here?” He said before looking away.
Alecto sighed miserably and nodded. “Right… sorry”she said quietly. She glanced at her husband one last time but then just turnedaround and walked away. She closed the door of his study and ran her fingersthrough her hair before making her way back to her bedroom, not noticing howthe door of Gus’ study opened again nor her husband’s eyes following her as sheclimbed up the stairs.
She walked into the large dressing room and took off her high heels. With a swift wave of her wand, she sent said heels totheir rightful place in the closet and then walked towards the jewelry closet.She had plenty of those: diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, pearls…
He had always been so quiet that she nearly jumpedout of her skin when she felt his fingers helping her remove her necklace. Guswas so impossibly close to her that she couldn’t help but to sigh with both reliefand excitement, it seemed like ages since they had been this close.
“How was your dinner?” He asked, his tone was lowand he was whispering in her ear. He carefully placed the necklace back on thebox and then moved her black hair to the side.
Alecto closed her eyes and let out a shaky breathas she felt his lips near her ear. “Boring” she mumbled. “I missed you…” sheadded, feeling her legs quiver as he pulled down the zipper of her dress.
“Did he kiss you?” He asked, ignoring what she saidabout missing him. His hands slowly pulled down her arms the straps of her dressfirst, revealing her lacy bra that matched her stockings.
“No” she replied as she placed her hands in one ofthe shelves, not really trusting her legs at the moment.
“Good” he said while he carefully started pullingher dress down. “Did he touch you?”
Her grip on the shelf tightened as the dress fellto the floor, making a puddle surrounding her feet. Alecto felt his handssliding down her arms as he pressed himself against her, pretty much trappingher between his body and the closet. “No” she lied. Immediately his grip on hertightened and he pressed himself more against him as in letting her know thathe knew she was lying. “Just my thigh…” she gasped, finding this incrediblyarousing. “Gus I–” she began but was quickly interrupted again.
“You.belong.to.me” he said, pausing in each word toemphasize his statement and using that low and grave tone that made her knees goweak. “Do you understand that?” He mumbled, pressing himself even more to her. “Youare mine” he said slowly so he would make himself very clear, he didn’t like toshare, and particularly he didn’t like to share her.
“Yes…” Alecto moaned quietly, her grip on the shelfgripping even more, finding this incredibly erotic.
He wasn’t satisfied with that answer, but he could also tell that she was enjoying this as well, so he pressed his body against her evenmore. “Say it” he ordered, whispering those words in her ear.
“Fuck, yes”she hissed. “I’m yours… I’m your girl, always”she mumbled incoherently before turning around, lookin desperately for hislips and kissed him hungrily. “I fucking love you” she mumbled heatedly,wrapping her arms around him and pulled him inexorably closer.
This time it was his turn to moan at her actionsand kissed him back just as heatedly and hungrily. “I love you too, darling” he hissed, easily lifting her up and taking her to the bed. It’s been a while since he had his way with her.
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