#aleister black x oc
andie01writing · 7 months
Just updated with a few that I had forgotten to add.
Beasts Universe
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
First Spark
Misc In Universe
Be Good To Her
Be Good To Her 2
When You’re Drinking (Bo Dallas x OC)
When You’re Drinking
To a T
Pretend (Braun Strowman x OC)
Mistakes (Elias x OC)
Moving On
More Mistakes
Moving In
Little Mistakes
Perfect (Kassius Ohno x OC)
Perfectly Imperfect
Perfect Family
Perfect Problems
Fling (Pete Dunne x OC)
Attitude Adjustment
In My Head (Pete Dunne x OC)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
B – Bite – Pete Dunne
C – Car – Ridge Holland
F – Friends - Sheamus
H – Heal – Pete Dunne
K – Kitchen – Baron Corbin
S – Snow – Seth Rollins
One Shots
Adrian Neville x OC
Aleister Black
Baron Corbin x OC
Bo Dallas x OC
School Daze
Shut Up and Kiss Me
Braun Strowman x OC
More than Talk
Dash Wilder x OC
All These Years
Damian Priest
Better Man
Drew Gulak x OC
Aggression and Drive-In
Kassius Ohno x OC
Konnor x OC
Drunk Girl
Sheamus x OC
In Front of Me the Whole Time
Viktor x OC
Flight Fright
Found You
Alpha Series (Baron Corbin x OC x Konnor)
Ascend (Ascension x OC)
Ascend Pt 2
Kassius Ohno x OC x Elias
Baron Corbin x OC x Elias
Ascension x OC
What’s Mine Is Yours
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so, i'm thinking i need to overhaul this multi a little bit. really the main thing is i need to update and completely rework my character page. my pirates are still going to be the main focus. i'm keeping all my characters i currently have, but i'm going to add some other characters as well. gonna try to start on this tonight after work, but for my own reference
New character page
Edit entries for existing characters
Find faceclaim for Adewale
Find faceclaim for Mary Read/James Kidd
Update Edward Kenway's faceclaim to Charlie Hunnam
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag
Mary Read/James Kidd
The Witcher (Primary games and book lore, but show canon may be included)
Geralt of Rivia (may use Zach McGowan for faceclaim)
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Interview With The Vampire (Mix of AMC tv show and book series canon, faceclaims will be the actors in the show)
Lestat de Lioncourt
What We Do in the Shadows:
Laszlo Cravensworth
The Expanse:
Naomi Nagata
Characters I might add:
Sydney Adamu, from Hulu's The Bear
Loki, will have some Marvel stuff in there particularly from the Loki TV show but really leaning towards Norse legend. Maybe some stuff from the new God of War games if I'm feeling real crazy.
Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto, from Marvel. Mostly 616 continuity with some stuff from the X-Men movies sprinkled in.
Darko, biker gang/crime OC
Aleister Martel, musician OC
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retro-rezz-the-est · 5 years
Sick Day Birthday (Aleister Black/OC fluff)
Word Count: 3,726
Summary: Zelina puts Aleister and his team of kitties up to try their best and make OC Brianna feel better while she’s down with the flu on her birthday.
(A/N #1: This was supposed to be posted for @writinglionqueen’s birthday a few weeks back but since I was busy and I’m a forgetful wart, I didn’t finish it on time and I’m sorryyyyyyyy pls forgive me bb. I hope you like it!)
(A/N #2: mutual pining mutuAL PINING MUTUAL PINING MUTUAL PINI-)
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The brightness of the sun was what woke Brianna up late that morning, causing her to groan in despair and tug her blanket over her head. Its continuous through her eyelids was beginning to make her head pound even more than it had before, but she severely lacked the energy to actually get up to close her curtains. A few more minutes of straight light to the face and she awoke, shoving a pillow over her eyes to block it out.
“Fuck my life,” she cursed, wanting to go back to sleep.
She moved a hand under the pillow to her forehead and hissed at how hot it was, weakly pushing the object away from her face. An abrupt cough left her chest and caused her to shoot up, her seemingly hacking her lungs out for what seemed like forever.
Waving around blindly to her right, she managed to successfully grab a nearby box of tissues and blow her nose, tossing the used item far enough that it had almost reached the trash can on the other side of the room. Bri shook her wild bed hair away from her face to wipe at her eyes, feeling the softness underneath them.
Do I really have to get up this morning? she thought to herself as her vision started to clear. After staring at the ceiling for a while, she gingerly reached over to her bedside table, grabbed her phone and checked the date.
Huh, August 12th. Why’s that date so-
Her bedroom door suddenly burst open, the loud bang of it colliding with the wall startling Bri and making her hoarsely shriek and clutch her blanket in fear. She watched as her roommate came through the now opened door, dressed in black jeans and a violet crop top with a cupcake in hand and a full-toothed grin plastered on her face. The entire thing was covered in green buttercream frosting, topped with mini sparklers and sprinkles, and wrapped in a silver holder.
“Happy birthday, you lovely lady!” Zelina yelled, rushing towards the bedridden woman as fast as she could with the confection in her hands and placed it in her lap.
“Holy shit, Z,” Brianna winced as she placed her hands over her ears, “could you not yell right now? My head hurts enough as is.”
The other woman nervously chuckled, moving her hands quickly to brush more hair out of Bri’s eyes. “Sorry, hun. I just wanted to surprise you since you didn’t come out for breakfast… or lunch… again...”
“Huh? What time’s ‘t?”
Sighing, Z answered, “It’s past 12:30, girl. You’ve been in bed for forever and-”
“It’s only been three days.”
“-and you’ve got to get up. You need to eat, shower, change you clothes and, you know, live.”
Flopping back onto her mattress, Bri grumbled, “Moving and getting out of bed is for healthy people.”
“Well, it’s not my fault that you decided to sleep with the AC on full blast! You know it’s right next to you.”
The other woman grumbed to herself some more, sniffing in and rolling onto her stomach. She turned her head and mumbled, “Then, summer can kiss my ass.”
Kneeling down to her level and leaning her arms on the bed, Zelina asked, “Don’t you wanna try and get better, sis?”
Moving her head over to face her, the redhead replied, “I’ve tried literally everything. Eating doesn’t help since everything taste like agony and my own saliva, medicine does fuck all for me, and sleeping just makes me even more tired.”
Bri’s eyes began to close again and soon enough, Z could hear the clear sounds of her snores echoing through the room. She rolled her eyes at the display, seeing the other woman’s hair fall around her like a lion’s mane and rose, closing the door as she left.
Walking down the hallway into her own room, she dug her feet into her rug and sighed. She didn’t want her best friend to be in bed for her entire birthday, but there wasn’t much that she could do that hasn’t already been done by now to make her feel better. Crossing her arms, she hopped onto her own bed and stared outside.
A lightbulb went off in her head, and Zelina nearly fell as she scrambled for her phone. She unlocked it and went straight to her contacts, staring at the first name in it and praying that he would actually answer. Pressing his name, she held the device to her ear and heard it ring, hearing a voice on the other side after the third ring.
“What do you need from me?” the voice asked with a gruff tone.
“You remember that “thing” I did for you a few months back, and you said that you owed me?”
They sighed, “Mhm?”
“Yeah, I’m gonna need to cash in that favor today…”
Zelina marched back down to Bri’s room grinning, this time opening her door slowly and seeing her still asleep. Going up to her bedside, she shook the sleeping woman’s shoulders to rouse her from her slumber but her efforts proved to be fruitless.
“Hey, hun. We’re going out today. Get up,” she whispered in her ear.
“5 more minutes, dammit…”she muttered, turning over and burying her head in her sheets.
She walked over to her curtains and toss them open, letting the natural light in and then proceeded to rip the blankets off of Bri’s swaddled body. The redheaded female hissed at the sudden temperature change and squinted her eyes at the amount of light that filled the room.
“Why th’ fuck is it so bright in here?” she slurred, still adjusting to the changes.
“I said,” Zelina repeated, “we’re going out today. I don’t want you cooped up in here for the entire day. You deserve to have some sort of fun today.”
Bri retaliated with, “I emphasize my previous point: moving is for healthy people such as yourself. Sick humans, such as myself, are legally required to stay inside until they are better.”
The other woman moved down towards the foot of the bed and grabbed her ankles, nearly tugging them and her body off of the bed and closer to the door. The tired female feebly grasped at her sheets to try and keep herself attached to her mattress, but failed to do so.
“But I don’t wanna go,” she whined, Zelina helping her to her feet and leading her to their shared bathroom. The other woman laughed at her complaints as another cough rocked Bri’s chest. Her slightly nasally voice continued to flow through the cracks of the bathroom door after Z had told her to shower and pushed her inside.
“Hurry up and get ready in there, girl,” the dark haired woman said. “You have- I mean, we have places to be and things to do today.”
About an hour later - half of which was spent by Bri just sitting under a hot shower - , the two ladies were heading out of their home and out onto the road, driving down to an unknown location. Sitting in the passenger seat, the redhead began to pick at the frays of her dark green sweatshirt and looked out at the other cars.
“Can you just tell me where we’re going already?” she asked, not looking at her friend as she hung her head out the window to cool down her flushed face. Her hair whipped in the flowing wind and she shut her eyes to embrace it.
The other woman shook her head and smiled, one hand tugging at the bottom of the leather jacket she chose for her outfit. “My lips are sealed, babe. And you’re really asking that now? We’ve barely been on the road for five minutes.”
Groaning, Bri stated, “To be fair, you did kinda drag me out of bed against my will, so I’m owed an explanation.”
“You’ll be fine, I promise,” Zelina assured, glancing over at her before returning to the road. “I wouldn’t lead you astray.”
A half an hour’s drive filled with 90s tunes later brought them to a simple looking house that had Zelina’s face beaming. Parking her car, she dropped out and moved around the car to open the passenger side, catching her friend before she fell out of her seat. Half-dragging her up the small flights of stairs to the door, she knocks on it three times before stepping back.
“Who’s house is this?” Bri asked, looking around at her surroundings and wiping her nose with her sleeve.
Z waved it off and smiled at her. “I’m putting you in the best hands possible now, don’t worry. You’ll be fine.”
The door opened at standing in front of the two women stood Aleister Black, dressed in a Blackcraft Wrestling hoodie and some gym shorts. He looked like the antithesis to Zelina: him looking calm and collected while she looked like she was about to burst.
“What the hell, Z?!” the sick redhead whispered into her ear. She could feel a flush run down her cheeks and neck when she saw the man’s eyes drift from Zelina to her. “Out of anywhere we could’ve gone, you brought me here?!”
She giggled like a schoolgirl and ignored her remarks, instead giving Black her attention. “You remember what I told you, right?”
“How could I forget?” he replied, rolling his eyes sarcastically. He took Bri from her as carefully as he could and led her inside, shutting the door with his foot. He could hear the thud of her boots and her car rev off down the road before he let out a breath. Turning his head, he faced the woman holding onto him and cracked a small grin.
She’s still so damn cute, he mused, leading her deeper into his home.
Exhaustion still laid heavy in her veins as the Dutch male walked her into his living room. He sat her down on his couch, her pulling her feet up immediately after he crouched down to remove her sneakers. A fuzzy black blanket was thrown over her flushed body and Bri began to bury herself in it, trying to hide her brightly flushed face.
“Since I’m your caretaker for the rest of the day, is there anything the birthday girl desires?”
Yeah, you, she thought, quickly waving it away.
She could still feel his warm eyes gaze on her as she shook her head. “Nuh-uh. I’m good for no-”
A deep growl rumbled from deep within her stomach and at that point, her cheeks really did seem to glow redder and hotter than the sun.
I’m gonna kill Zelina for this.
Bri curled herself into a ball, wiping her nose with the cuff of her sleeve and covering her head with the blanket while Aleister laughed at the noise. He rose and placed a hand on her shoulder lovingly, feeling her breath begin to even out.
“Well, that answers my question now, doesn’t it?” he said softly before placing a soft kiss to her nose and making his way into the kitchen. A faint meow came from his feet and he looked down to see a white cat stroll in between and around his legs, finally hopping onto the couch and curling up next to Bri’s sleeping body. He smirked at the action, a slight heat rising up the back of his neck.
Aleister scratched at his beard and sighed, cursing himself because dammit, he’s in love.
A soft hand on her cheek began to rouse Bri from her slumber and she grimaced, rolling over to try and ignore it.
“Come on, love. You gotta get up and eat something.”
“Don’t wanna,” she replied, her voice muffled. “‘M warm and it smells like home in here.”
That seemed to shut him up a bit, and he was thankful that she couldn’t see his wide eyes or his blush.
She soon rose, rubbing at and opening her eyes to see Aleister smiling warmly at her with a bowl of something hot in his hand. He set the bowl down on the small table in front of her and sat next to her, lifting Totty Potato off of the couch and placing the white Persian into his lap. The cat immediately moved into hers, laying down on his back.
“I think your cat wants me to pet him,” Bri smiled, reaching over him to grab some tissues to blow her nose.
“Well, he’s gonna have to wait,” he said moving the cat to the floor despite its cries of refusal. “I cooked up some soup for your hunger… and your fever.”
She carefully lifted the bowl and brought it to her nose. “You made this yourself?”
He laughed nervously and turned his head, scratching at the nape of his neck. “I had the ingredients and I had the time, so why not make a good meal for a pretty girl such as yourself?”
Now it was her time to turn beet red as she silenced herself by spooning some of the warm food he made into her mouth. The two continued to enjoy each other’s company in a comfortable silence for a while before they grew more relaxed, Aleister sliding the blanket off of her head as their postures relaxed.
Bri sighed in contempt as she downed the bowl’s contents and dropped the bowl onto the small coffee table, making it clatter. Leaning back, she groaned and rubbed at her stomach with a dazed grin plastered on her face.
“Looks like you enjoyed yourself there.”
“Fuck, that was good,” she said. “You were right, it did help my fever go down.”
She chuckled at the statement and moved her hand to his shoulder, looking up at him. “Thanks for that. Y-You didn’t have to put in that much effort for me.”
Placing his hand over hers, he replied, “It’s not that big of a deal, love. I would’ve done it for you even if you weren’t sick.”
There’s that stupid nickname again, Bri thought, quickly moving her hand from under his and into the folds of the blanket. Totty managed to wriggle his way underneath Aleister’s legs and onto her lap, taking his place once again. Bri chuckled and ran a hand through the cat’s soft white fur.
“Aren’t you gonna introduce me to this sweetheart of yours, Aleister?” she asked, glancing back at him.
“Sure, as soon as-”
A loud “mrow” echoed out from down the hall and out came a line of cats skittering down, swiftly maneuvering themselves closer to the couch until all of them had descended upon it. One of them - an orange and white Persian named Tubby Tomato, she’d found out - climbed the couch and wrapped itself around Bri’s shoulders like a thick scarf while the others made themselves comfortable near her feet. Aleister burst out into laughter and so did she after a few seconds, the situation too strange and adorable to not laugh at.
“I don’t think they’ve ever warmed up to someone this quick,” he told her,  scratching at Totty’s head. He proceeded to introduce you to what he called “Team Pomato”  - a brown and black cat named Phoebe Purriwell, a black and grey cat named Pickles, and an all black kitten named Betty.
“She’s the newest addition to the family,” he added, picking the small black void off of the floor and holding her in his arms. “Only a few months old.”
Bri fished her other arm out from underneath Totty’s fluffy body and held out her hands. “Can I hold her?”
“Of course you can,” he answered, carefully placing the kitten into her hands and moving to stand up. She cooed at the creature and it mewled, the noise making her heart swell. She held it in her arms like a newborn child, but the remainder of the crew soon grew jealous and all climbed onto the couch to get a piece of her.
Aleister walked out of the living room, going over to his room to grab a small box of cat toys from his closet. Coming out, he was blessed with seeing all of his cats crowded around her, slightly intrigued with the story she was telling the small black void in her arms. He moved over to lean on a nearby wall, box still in hand with a content smile on his face.
She was… fuck, she was so beautiful. People didn’t really seem to appreciate natural beauty but damn, if she didn’t have it. Her wild and untamed red hair flew around her like small flares from the sun and though her skin was flushed from her fever, he could still see the life behind every move she made. The loving look in his eyes just seemed to rise as he continued to admire her from afar.
Holding the box of toys under one arm, he moved over to the kitchen counter and grabbed his phone. He pointed his camera at the small army on his couch, snapped more pictures than necessary, and sent a few to Zelina.
Aleister cleared his throat and made his way over to Br with a smile still on his face, placing the box down by her feet. She jumped at the sudden noise, laughing breathlessly at his intrusion.
“What’s in the box?” she questioned, looking over into it but not putting Betty down.
“I thought that since they’re so comfortable around you, you would maybe want to give their toys a try.”
He took out various stuffed animals, strings and sticks and automatically, the four older cats seemed to move as if they were attracted to them. “Think of this as my birthday gift to you, albeit a much crappier one than you deserve.”
“Oh, stop it. Being here is amazing, being here with you is amazing. I’m still glad that we got to hang out today, even though I’m a sick sack of shit who got dumped onto you.”
Aleister turned and faced her, his hands moving to hold both of her shoulders. “You are not a sack of shit. Besides, even if you weren’t sick, I’d still want to hang out with you.”
Holy fuck, he’s close, Bri thought, her face starting to glow as bright as her nose did. The area was pindrop-silent aside from the noises his cats made, so she made a move to break the slight tension.
“So, shall we?” she asked, reaching over his leg to grab one of the toy strings that he took out and held it above Betty’s head, watching the small animal bat at it with her paws.
Chuckling, he plucked up a stick with a stuffed butterfly on a string and held it out to Phoebe and Pickles, who were still lingering on the floor by her feet. “Oh, we shall.”
The pair spent the rest of the afternoon playing with the various cats, Tubby leaping from the nape of Bri’s neck and landing directly in Aleister’s lap. She continued to fawn and giggle over them, him sneaking looks at her with great care in his gaze.
They passed the time by swapping various tales of their lives, both embarrassing and not. They grew more and more comfortable around each other, the two moving closer until their shoulders and their knees touched.
 Her attention was then focused on the ginger and white cat on her leg - Totty had become uninterested and had moved to curl up at Aleister’s feet - while his strayed over to the window behind her, seeing the sun slowly descend behind the horizon.
“The sun’s going down,” he pointed out, drawing her attention to the red and orange glow of outside. “What do you want to do now?”
Bri shrugged and picked up Tubby, placing him back on the floor with the rest of his siblings. “I dunno. What do you have in here?”
“We could watch a movie, if you want. I have plenty of those.”
She jabbed at his ribs with her elbow and raised a brow. “Mr. Black, are you attempting to trick me into Netflix and Chilling with you?”
“N-No, of course not!” he answered back, his cheeks and neck turning a soft shade of ink in the light of the fading sun. “It was just-”
“I’m just joking with you. You’d never do that.”
Even though I really want to, she thought as she watched him go over to the bookshelves that lined the wall next to his television. He searched for a while, finally selecting two before heading back to her.
“Alright, so we can either watch The Princess Bride - I don’t even know why I have this - or The Conjuring. And since it’s your special day, you get to choose.”
“Definitely The Princess Bride. I don’t wanna have nightmares going to sleep tonight,” she answered, yawning a tad bit.
He left the couch once more to put the movie on, turning off the lights as he came back. The movie began and Bri moved closer to Aleister, wrapping her sweater covered hands around his arm. She tried to sneak a look at him but failed and saw him staring right back into her eyes with the lights from the movie reflecting off of them.
“Thanks a million again, by the way. Spending today with you made feeling sick a hell of a better.”
He reached up to get a hold of her hand, saying, “Anytime, love. I’d do anything for you, especially on your birthday.”
Duly noted, she mused, bringing her feet up underneath her as the five cats made themselves known again. They hopped onto the couch and squeezed themselves in between the two humans, making them laugh. They brought their eyes back up to the screen and they both sighed in content, a great ending of a great day for two mutually pining idiots.
~~ Tag List: @writinglionqueen @writing-reigns @i-have-saracasm @yaint-me @calum-hoodwinked-me @missmoxy @gold–gucciempress @mistress-to-the-moon @meishaabae @luciddrreamss @neversatisfiedgirl @the-carter-mob-don @shazambitches​ @crossfitjesusinskinnyjeans @finnsauroraborealis​ @tacoshu @ladytea19 @candicelerae @sassybrose @bambixbliss @lookalivesunshine-x @liamakorn @baddie-bismuth @deepdisireslonging @flawlessglamazon​ @myorlandobloomersareshowing @thegoblin-maiden @justsimplevicky​ @taryn-dibiase @caramara3 @hardcorewwetrash @shieldgirl18@demonkingsangel @speckylynch @rollynch-roman-empire​  @trent7thirsting​ @theskullgoddess​ @nerdlife0612​ @missredridinghood​ @hardcoresweet45​ ~~
If you want to be added to my tag list, shoot me an ask or a DM! ^^
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deepdisireslonging · 5 years
Betrayal at Every Turn Masterlist
Serena has everything going for her. She’s on the rise in the women’s division, and she’s made powerful allies. Like Elias Samson. Together, they are set to take the Raw roster by storm. But in their path is Samoa Joe. The Submission Master is observant enough to know some things aren’t as sure as they appear. Part of him wonders what it will take to break Serena. But the still, quiet voice behind that wonders what it would take to shift her alliance. When Serena’s world shatters, is she willing to accept help to pick up the pieces? Can she trust anyone?
20 Chapters analyzing what people fear, why, and what they are willing to give up to defeat those fears.
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Part 1: Mutual Benefit
     Part 2: Plans in the Works
Part 3: Truth and Misdirection
     Part 4: A Shift
Part 5: Elias’s Choice  
     Part 6: Mutual Confusion
Part 7: The Deal  
     Part 8: On the Dotted Line
Part 9: Flying and Falling
     Part 10: Backstage
Part 11: The Hardest Fight
     Part 12: Out of Hand
Part 13: Defined By Name
     Part 14: Triumph
Part 15: Explanations
     Part 16: Fun 
Part 17: Fractured
     Part 18: Puppet Strings 
Part 19: Knives on Ice
     Part 20: A Final Twist (Finale)
Part 21: Goal Achieved (Epilogue)
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foot-chan · 7 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Professional Wrestling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Aleister Black/Original Female Character Characters: Aleister Black | Tommy End, Bray Wyatt, OC Kathleen Additional Tags: Waking The Demon AU, WWE NXT, Minor Character Deaths, Explicit Sexual Content Series: Part 3 of Waking The Demon Summary:
Just how did Kathleen meet the mysterious Aleister Black? How close are they? Why does he feel the need to help her daughter? After Aleister accidentally releases Balor's soul on the world of mortals, he needs to fix his actions. However, he wasn't expecting to meet a woman who would hold such a place in his heart.
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regalityandcoffee · 3 years
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I'm also on wattpad! My usmername is coffeeandregret!
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Note: I try to keep descriptions as vague as possible in my fics so anyone of any race can read them! Unless specified Reader usually uses she/her pronouns
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𝓢𝓶𝓾𝓽, 𝓢𝓮𝓵𝓯-𝓢𝓱𝓲𝓹𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓰, 𝓡𝓪𝓶𝓫𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰, 𝓞𝓱 𝓜𝔂!
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A big list of video links
Directory of my OCs
Nxt History lesson: Who Attacked Aleister Black?
Nxt History Lesson: The Legacy of NXT GM William Regal
A Long Rambling About The Nexus Invasion
Why Bryan Danielson Deserves Better
♡Jade Prescott AU Masterlist♡(cause she's my favorite OC so I'm giving her her own section)
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I dont take request, it's stresses me out. Again,I try to keep descriptions as vague as possible in my fics so anyone of any race can read them! But kewp in mind this blog is ran by a black women so if a reader is written with poc traits in mind then oh well lmao. Unless specified Reader usually uses she/her pronouns.
When it comes to wrestling fics I only write/reblog stories set in AUs or kayfabe. Using wrestlers' real names or real life experiences make me uncomfortable!!!!
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𝕹𝖔𝖓 𝖂𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕱𝖎𝖈𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
𝓦𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓪𝓶 𝓡𝓮𝓰𝓪𝓵
𝕵𝖔𝖓 𝕸𝖔𝖝𝖑𝖊𝖞
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖘𝖊𝖞
𝕭𝖗𝖊𝖙 𝕳𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘
𝕯𝖎𝖊 𝕱𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖊
𝓡𝓸𝓫𝓫𝓲𝓮 𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮
Red Light Special (Robbie Brookside x Reader, 18+)
A Pleasent Visit (William Regal x Reader x Robbie Brookside)
𝕱𝖎𝖓𝖓 𝕭𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖗
Flesh for Fantasy (18+) (Incubus!Finn Bálor x Reader)
𝕯𝖊𝖝𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕷𝖚𝖒𝖎𝖘
Dexter Lumis nsfw Headcanons
Possessive! Dexter Lumis x Reader Headcanons
𝕮𝖑𝖆𝖚𝖉𝖎𝖔 𝕮𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖓𝖔𝖑𝖎
Sharing Claudio Castagnoli x Reader x Eddie Kingston (18+)
Nsfw and sfw Claudio Castagnoli Headcanons
𝔼𝕕𝕕𝕚𝕖 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕟
Sharing (Claudio Castagnoli x Reader x Eddie Kingston) (18+)
𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖗 𝖄𝖚𝖙𝖆
Unwind (Wheeler Yuta x Reader, 18+)
(Dividers by @saradika, @mykento, and @cafekitsune! You're all so talented omg)
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marmolady · 3 years
Birds and Butterflies
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Main Pairings: OC x OC (Liv x Jeimy), and teeny snippets of most of my other usual ships
Summary: Endless Ending timeline. For Valentine's Day! And, as it happens, the debut of adult!Livi.
Liv has love on the mind.
Word Count: 4336
Chronology: Present-tense is after 'Mutual Comfort' , flash-forward is after 'Blue, Blue Christmas'.
Tagging: @saivilo, @edgydepressedchoicesthot, @sceptilemasterr, ​@mauvecatfic @rhemenway888
Thanks for reading
La Huerta, 2028
It was the second night of the reunion, and amid the usual excitement, the big news was that Aleister and Grace-- already on cloud nine with the expectation of twins-- would be married legally in a big celebration. Liv was thrilled.
It took a lot to tempt the five-year-old to leave the pool, especially when there was Fun Uncle Craig to play with, but this was a special case.
Dripping wet, Liv skipped over to Aleister in his deck chair and flung herself on top of him, arms around his shoulders and smacking him in the face with a mop of sopping hair. In the chair beside them, heavily pregnant Grace chuckled fondly-- seeing Aleister’s patient side with the children in the family never ceased to warm her heart.
“Uncle Al! When… when you first saw Auntie Grace, did you think ‘oh, I’d really, really, really, really like to kiss her’? Did you think ‘she’s super pretty’? Did you think--”
“Livia, ew!” Reggie groaned, coming up from behind. “What is it with you and kissing?”
“Well, they’re gonna do it at the wedding! It’s gonna be really romantic.”
“Yeah, but the wedding’s gonna be in a museum! There’s gonna be much more interesting stuff than kissing.”
“Kissing with dinosaurs in the background must be the most romantic wedding ever…,” Liv sighed dreamily.
“Fossils, Livia,” Reggie corrected. “They’re dead.”
“Well,” Aleister said, just loudly enough to keep the brewing bickering at bay, “actually, when I first saw Auntie Grace, I thought she looked rather lovely. I think ‘super pretty’ sums it up quite well.”
Grace smiled bashfully, mouthing an “oh, you!”.
“And then, I realised that Auntie Grace was also kind, and intelligent, and full of curiosity for the world. I knew quickly she was very special.”
Liv beamed. “Awwww! That’s really cute! And now you’re getting married!”
“Actually,” Grace explained, “we already had a wedding ceremony during Niala’rei, before you are born. But sometimes when you’re really in love, it’s something you want to celebrate more than once. Your mommies did that too, you know.”
That just about blew Liv’s mind. That had to be the most magical feeling; to be so in love that getting married once wasn’t enough. That was it; that was the dream. In the moments it took for Grace to plant the picture in Liv’s head, the start of years of daydreams were set alight. All Liv had to do, was someday, somehow, make sure she noticed when she met her very special someone, just as Uncle Aleister had.
San Trobida, 2041
Liv was panting. Looking for all the world like a literal hot mess. Two days into her degree at the University of Santa Juana, and she was already arriving late to a lecture after completely misjudging where the theatre was and having to make a dash from almost the other side of the campus. Sheepishly, she took a seat at the back of the theatre as discretely as she could manage.
At least it wasn’t too crowded a lecture. The back row was empty, save for one student at the other end, a girl whose appearance was so loud she’d have stood out in the busiest of classrooms. Her shining black hair was streaked with vibrant colour; yellow, orange, lime-green, sky-blue, scarlet. A tattoo of a macaw’s wing stretched over her left arm, and a colourful feather earring dangled by the left side of her head. Catching herself beginning to stare, Liv looked away-- but in her flustered state, she dropped her notebook as she did, Awesome Colourful Biology Student caught her eye and gave a shy smile. Liv’s cheeks burned.
Yeah… that was definitely a pity smile. Because you look like you’re so sweaty you can’t keep hold of your freaking books.
But, god, was that smile very nearly worth it.
The next two weeks passed uneventfully; Liv got herself lost only a couple more times, and she kept up her unfortunate trait of being apparently incapable of making friends. It was something she’d anticipated. Friends had never come easily to her. She was used to being lonely outside of her small circle of trust, but it didn’t make it pleasant. That loneliness was made harder because it wasn’t something she should have even been facing. Her cousin Reggie, her closest confidant and lifelong partner in mischief, was supposed to be attending Santa Juana with her. But the freaking nerd went and got into Oxford. She didn’t resent his choice… not anymore, but it was all but impossible not to imagine how much better her university experience had almost been.
And so, needing to do something about her friend situation, or lack thereof, Liv signed up for Queer Students of USJ. There, at the first gathering, a few people along in the circle from Liv, was Awesome Colourful Biology Student With The Cute Smile. Of course, Liv had seen her at every Evolutionary Biology class, always sitting off on her own… but she sure as hell hadn’t been brave enough to so much as say ‘hi’-- for all she knew, the girl wanted to be left alone. In that moment, Liv realised she’d been wrong on both counts; most people who showed up to a social group were probably open to the idea of making a friend, and looking at the name-sticker on the cute student’s chest which read ‘Jeimy, they/them’, Cute Stranger Whose Hair Could Probably Be Seen From Space was likely not a girl at all.
The meeting wasn’t terribly exciting, just information given out, questions and answers with the more senior members, and then it was over. This time, though, Liv was determined to work up the courage to introduce herself to Jeimy.
She swallowed up her nerves, tried to ignore the furious thudding of her heart, and approached.
“Hey,” she said, “I… I think we have Evolutionary Biology together.” There was no ‘think’ about it. “I’m, uh, I’m Liv.”
Dian avoided eye contact, clearly shy, but they smiled. “Yeah… I remember you from there. Uh….” They gestured awkwardly at their name-sticker. “Jeimy.”
Liv was glad to hear it spoken out loud, pronounced ‘yay-mee’ rather than ‘jay-mee' as she’d guessed. She was struck by just how quiet their voice was, how unsure they seemed in their interactions. It was violently at odds with the way they presented themselves to the world visually, and immediately Liv admired Jeimy. She was shy herself, and her usual instinct was to blend in as much as possible-- Jeimy didn’t hide who they were, even though it meant they drew attention.
She smiled back, feeling that little bit more confident. It was still nerve-wracking, but Liv couldn’t find Jeimy intimidating-- not when all she could feel from them was genuine warmth shining through the shyness.
“Jeimy? Am I… saying that right?”
Jeimy looked up, for a beautiful moment, meeting Liv’s eye. “Yeah, you’re fine.” And they smiled broader, their dark eyes twinkling.
Oh, sweet Jesus I have a crush. Say something, idiot!
“I really love your hair. And your tattoo-- is it a macaw wing or something?”
Liv must have said something right, because Jeimy’s whole posture relaxed, more at-ease than she’d seen them. She could punch the air in triumph.
Yeah! You can people!
“Thanks! It is, actually,” Jeimy gushed. “It’s a scarlet macaw wing. Birds are pretty much my thing.” Again, their smile became shy. “It’s… where I got the idea to do my hair like this-- bright colours. In sexually dichromic birds, it’ll the male birds who are always bright and extravagant, while the females are kind of drab. So… to me it feels masculine.” Then, that bashfulness returned, as if they caught themselves getting too excited. “I know it’s stupid, and no one else really gets what I’m going for… but it’s me.”
“That’s… actually really cool.” She gestured to her own hair, dark brown with the streak of blonde she always dyed in. “Obviously I’m pretty much your standard drab female. But this streak here is for my mom.”
Jeimy perked back up at realising they hadn’t weirded out a potential friend. “For your mom?”
“Yeah. Well, for one of them. Back when I was small-- I think five or something?--I wanted to have a little bit of my non-biological mom’s appearance so I started having blonde in my hair. ” She chuckled. “At this point it would feel weird to stop, even though I know it wouldn’t hurt her feelings. It’s just become a ‘me’ thing.”
Jeimy looked at Liv with such curiosity, as if trying to get the measure of her, but still any eye contact was fleeting, nervous. “I, um, I have another class I need to get to, but we could… we could maybe… talk? Sometime? I don’t know anyone yet… probably a little human contact would do me good.”
“God, I know that feeling!” Liv laughed. “I would really, really like that. I’ll catch you round, yeah?”
As they went their separate ways, Liv felt as though she was floating on a cloud, she felt like skipping. Suddenly… university didn’t look nearly so sad and lonely.
La Huerta, 2028
“Liv! Livi!” came the cry of a watchful Mama Taylor, “What have we told you about ‘running feet’?”
Liv screeched to a stop, almost toppling in. “Not near the pool…,” she grumbled.
“And why is that?”
“I could slip and get hurt.”
“See! I thought you knew how to stay safe. Make sure you remember, okay? Near the pool is for ‘walking feet’, sweetheart."
‘Walking feet’ were no fun at all. What was it with grown-ups and walking everywhere, anyhow? Liv sure didn’t get it.
A cheeky smile across her face, Liv exaggeratedly walked to the shallow end of the pool, where Quinn and Michelle were taking turns in gently bouncing baby Isla in the water. Her mothers joined her, apparently relieved to have her in the water where she was unlikely to slip and crack her head open.
And so, Liv bounced between them, splashing and playing, but being extra careful not to send any big waves crashing over baby Isla’s head. Wanting to quiz her aunts, she slowed her movements to a gentle bobbing upon the surface.
“What’s it like to fall in love?” she asked.
Michelle answered without hesitation. “Confusing. But in a really nice way.”
“Like… trying to spell a word right?”
Michelle laughed kindly. “Not exactly. I know when I fell in love with Auntie Quinn, I kept feeling a lot of butterflies in my stomach--”
To Liv’s indignation, both her moms and Michelle and Quinn laughed all the more.
“You’re not meant to have big flapping bugs in your tummy! I’m only five, but I know that!”
“Liv, Livi…,” Taylor said, controlling her giggles-- god, she loved that little dork--, “butterflies in your stomach doesn’t mean you actually have butterflies in there. It’s just a feeling. It’s like… you feel like your insides are twisting and turning. It’s like feeling nervous, but it makes you happy all at the same time.”
“Oh.” That wasn’t quite so interesting, but rather less alarming. “Did you have lots of butterflies when you fell in love with Mama ‘Stel?”
“Hoo boy, did I! So many butterflies. And I still get them sometimes.”
Then she looked to Estela and Quinn, her expression questioning.
“Yes, Mama Taylor gives me butterflies. At first it was scary, because it was a feeling I couldn’t control and I didn’t know what to do with it. But… once you get past the fear, falling in love has to be one of the best feelings you could have. No matter how much you’re hurt, it can make the pain less.”
“It’s really special, Liv.” Quinn grinned as an excitable Isla kicked her legs about, sending up a spray of water. “You cannot beat love!”
Liv wasn’t totally convinced on the whole ‘butterflies’ thing, but it didn’t sound quite as gross as she’d first assumed. More information was still needed. She hauled herself up onto Estela’s shoulders and hollered across the pool.
And, thus, poor Zahra died on the spot.
Craig, of course, bellowed straight back. “HELL YEAH, I DO!” And mysteriously doubled over, as if someone had booted him in the stomach below the water.
Love, Liv determined, was weird and chaotic. And… apparently, full of bugs.
San Trobida, 2041
“Listen…,” Liv said, only slightly out of breath as she reached the top of hill, “we do have a spare room. I’d have to run it by the moms, but if you weren’t having to pay for accommodation, you’d have more of the money from your lola free to use on living your best life. I know I can only guess, but wouldn’t that be what she wanted?”
Jeimy took Liv’s hand, getting a boost to the top, then sighed. “Yeah… I know she’d want that. It’s really sweet of you to offer, but I can’t just… take advantage of you.”
Liv frowned. “I don’t know that it’d be taking advantage. I’d quite like the company in all honesty. And, hey!-- we could build an aviary out the back! We’ve got a load of space; we could build rehabilitation flight cages and everything, start a real rescue.”
“Livi, that’s definitely getting very far into ‘really should talk to your moms’ territory,” Jeimy laughed affectionately. “Honestly, I’d be happy just hanging out with those chickens you’ve got. I miss having chickens.”
Together, they sat down on a log, and Liv passed Jeimy their water bottle.
“There must be a lot of things you miss. I know it wouldn’t be the same… but it might feel more like a home than what you’re in now.”
Jeimy stared down into the valley. Feeling home had been lost to them long before they were forced from the physical house they’d once shared with their parents.
Seeing their friend retreat into themselves, Liv’s stomach dropped. Too sensitive a subject?
“I’m sorry. It’s not fair for me to stir up bad memories….”
“It’s not… the bad ones. The happy memories hurt more. They feel dishonest now the people in them have decided they don’t love me after all.” Jeimy rested their head on Liv’s shoulder. “I don’t want you to be another thing I miss from another home I can’t go back to.”
Liv took Jeimy’s hands and squeezed. She knew it was hard. Jeimy hadn’t been close to anyone since coming out as non-binary, and changing their name… and leaving everything they knew behind. She wanted to be something safe, reliable. Someone Jeimy could trust in. After all they’d been through, she didn’t expect that to happen overnight-- even if she had to sometimes catch herself getting over-zealous in her excitement over the burgeoning friendship, and her own growing romantic feelings.
“You’re not going to lose me. I’m pretty stubborn; once I’ve decided you’re one of ‘my’ people, you’re in for life. You know I’m far too much of a social disaster to risk losing the friends I do have.”
“Livi, you’re not nearly as bad as you think you are. Trust me.”
“I guess what I’m saying is… with us, there’s always going to be another hike up into the hills together. But I get that moving in with me and my moms is too much.”
Jeimy returned the pressure to Liv’s fingers, and lifted their head to meet her eyes with a grateful smile.
Something in Liv’s stomach fluttered at that smile. Butterflies. It kinda made her want to sing… and it kinda made her want to puke. As if feeling queasy could ever feel so good? She beamed back. And she felt something change in Jeimy’s gaze. She couldn’t read it. It was new. But it felt so tender….
A distant bird cry, and the spell was broken. Jeimy looked away, and ran their fingers repeatedly up and down their arm-- an anxious habit. So Liv gave them a moment.
“Hey…,” Jeimy said shakily, their fingers slowing to a stop, “if the offer works for just weekends? I’m going to be an anxious wreck by the end of the quarter with all the damn parties in the dorms.”
Liv could have screamed ‘yes’ from the treetops. Do you have any idea how much I like you?
“I think that can be arranged,” she said instead.
Movement in the trees caught both their attention. Jeimy reached into their pack for two pairs of binoculars and passed one to Liv.
“Tamarins, I think?” they observed. “I can’t tell which species.”
Liv frowned, scanning the trees going down into the valley. “I can’t… quite find them….”
Gently, Jeimy put a warm hand over Liv’s, and guided her gaze. Liv’s breath caught in her throat, nothing to do with excitement over the monkey sighting.
“See,” Jeimy said, “just to the left of the big fork. Looks like a family of them.”
“Y-yeah,” Liv managed, seeing the tamarins at last. “Yellow-crested, I'm pretty sure. Back in school, I did a project on them; Tio Nicolas took me out here to go searching for them on the weekends and we eventually found a family a bit further down by the river. Might be a good place to set up the camera trap.”
Jeimy lowered their binoculars to look at Liv. “Your tio abuelo sounds really great. I don’t even want to think what my papa would say if he ever found out I was hanging out with the family of Nicolas Montoya.” Their eyes clouded, and their voice became soft. “But… it doesn’t matter anyway. We’re a long way past fixing things as it is.”
Liv cuddled closer, offering what support she could… and realised Jeimy was struggling with something. They tried to speak once, twice, three times. Their voice caught in their throat, not quite getting out a full word. Liv waited, letting them find the words that were eluding them.
“I… mmm… this is going to be weirdly personal…,” Jeimy managed at last, wincing a little.
“That’s fine,” Liv assured.
Again, Jeimy took a few minutes, but then they spoke. “How….” They cleared their throat awkwardly. “How do you feel about kissing?”
Liv felt herself blushing furiously. She could evaporate on the spot her face and neck were so hot. She could only hope Jeimy was bashful enough themselves that they didn’t notice.
Her voice was rather high-pitched when she gathered her senses enough to reply. “I’m, errr, I’m open to kissing. I mean, I don’t really get, you know, like sexually driven kissing-- like, making out with someone and having no emotional attachment to them. To me, kissing has to mean something, otherwise it’s just… there’s no point to it.”
“Oh.. o-okay,” Jeimy stammered out, clearly flustered themselves. “I didn’t want to make assumptions. Some people see it as a very sexual thing, and I already know that’s not your bag.”
Why were they even asking? They couldn’t seriously be thinking about kissing her, could they?
“What about you?” Liv asked, putting on a very poor impression of being cool. “How does kissing appeal?”
Jeimy giggled. “With the right person? Wouldn’t say ‘no’.”
If Liv’s cheeks were red before….
“Thanks,” she said, looking out over the beautiful valley, so much lovelier for the company she shared it with, “for coming up here with me. I really needed the break from studying.”
“Honestly?” Jeimy said wistfully. “Anytime. Really.”
La Huerta, 2028
Liv shrieked as she ran, Reggie’s footsteps pounding behind her. No way was she going to let him catch her. No wa--
Suddenly, she was in midair, held aloft by her mother’s strong arms.
“Mooom! Lemme go!”
“Oh, Livita,” Estela teased, totally unruffled by the struggling, “we told you only ‘walking feet’ by the pool. You know what happens if you can’t walk safely… you’ll just have to swim instead!”
She dangled a squealing, squirming Liv over the water.
“Do you think you can get those feet of yours to behave?”
Liv just wriggled and laughed and screamed bloody murder.
“No? Oh, mi amor….”
And Liv was dunked. She came spluttering up to the surface, still laughing hysterically. Estela jumped in after her, and Liv threw her arms around her neck, held safely above the surface while she tried to get over a wicked case of the giggles.
“Do you get the message now, monitita?”
Reggie crept cautiously to the pool to join his friend. “I’m walking! I’m walking! Don’t throw me in, Tia Estela!”
“Wuss!” cried Liv.
He entered the water at his own pace, having avoided the ire of his tia. Liv, though, he discovered, was still banging on about sappy stuff to whoever would talk to her.
“More questions, mija?”
Liv stuck out her tongue. “Yup! I haven’t asked you before-- when you fell in love, did you kiss Mama Taylor, or did Mama Taylor kiss you?”
“Livi, are you still going on about kissing and stuff? Gross!”
“It’s not gross! It’s romantic!”
“It’s just like… mashing lips together. What’s so good about that? I bet kissing is all slobbery….”
“Yes, thank you, Reggie.” Estela detached Liv from her shoulders. “Well, I guess it was Mama Taylor who kissed me first, after I asked her.”
Reggie’s eyes grew wide. “You asked her? How did you know she’d say ‘yes’? You could have said, ‘please, Taylor, I think you’re pretty, please kiss me’, and she could have said ‘ew, Estela, no.’! That would be completely and totally and one hundred percent embarrassing!”
“See!” Liv said, triumphantly. “Kissing isn’t lame. It’s for brave people. So, Mama Tay said ‘yes’ and kissed you? How did you know?”
Estela scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. How to explain sexual tension to a five and six year old?
“I didn’t know exactly, but I had a feeling. Sometimes that’s all you have to go on, a feeling that you have to choose to be brave and trust. And, yeah, it was scary. It can’t remember many things that made me more scared than I was in that moment when I told her I wanted her to kiss me. But then… she did.”
“Awwww!” Liv cried.
Reggie grumbled under his breath. “I guess that must have been pretty exciting. But can we talk about something cool now?”
San Trobida, 2041
Just lean in.
Just a little bit.
Close enough that they can take the hint, but not so close you can’t recover if you’re reading this wrong.
Come on, Liv… just lean in.
Oh my god, can they hear how hard your heart is beating right now?
And then, Jeimy closed the gap, their lips meeting Liv’s softly in a chaste kiss. They came away trembling, eyes wide with panic.
Her own eyes still closed, Liv instinctively raised a hand to her friend’s face, a gentle touch to reassure, even though she was certain her own mind was teetering on the verge of a short-circuit. Was she even breathing right now? She exhaled shakily, opening her eyes to look into Jeimy’s.
“...I…,” Jeimy choked out.
They looked afraid.
Be brave, Livi.
Liv leaned in again, and pressed her lips to Jeimy’s, lingering to savour every sensation. The butterflies were going wild. This was pure magic.
“...I…never kissed anyone before,” Jeimy croaked after they parted.
“Me neither,” said Liv softly. “I wasn’t bad, was I?”
Jeimy laughed, still shaking like a leaf, but looking euphoric more than panicked. “We’ve just established I’m no expert!”
Liv snorted, feeling faint.
“But I liked it,” they breathed. “Sort of makes me wish I got up the courage sooner.”
Now, Liv wasn’t even sure if they were butterflies. The feelings in her gut were just too big. Probably, they were birds.
This was, after all, Jeimy, and birds made more sense anyway.
La Huerta, 2028
The sun was going down. Liv scooted over in the sand, bringing herself closer to her beloved tio as he worked on their sand-castle beside her.
“All right, jefa, what castle do you think we should make it this time?”
With a lopsided grin of contentment, Liv sat back, looking over the rough mound of sand that was their creation.
“Can we do…. can we do….” She had to ponder. “Can we do the castle like the one in Labyrinth? We haven’t made that one before.”
Diego whistled, impressed. “Damn, that’s a pretty good one. I’ll have to look up some pictures.”
“It doesn’t matter if it’s not perfect,” Liv declared. “We know what it is, and that’s what matters.” She plucked up a piece of seaweed, scrunched it into a ball with some stringy ‘limbs’ sticking out, and placed it beside the mound. “See? This is Ludo!”
“Ha. All right. I guess this is gonna be Jareth’s castle.”
They worked together in companionable quiet. Liv had so missed time spent with her tio since she’d moved to the States with her mamas to go to school. This was just like the good old times. Diego looked up pictures of the castle, and side-by-side, they worked on turning their sad, sandy mound into a replica-- even if a little imagination was needed.
To her tio, Liv could ask the big questions.
“Tio Diego? Do you think one day I could fall in love and have a special person? I’d really, really like that.”
He smiled kindly, and patted down the walls of the castle with gentle hands. “Oh, I think so. If you’re open to falling in love, I think that your special person will find you exactly when you’re not expecting it, but when your heart needs them most.” He glanced upwards, toward the sea, where Varyyn was surfing the last waves of the day. “Sometimes, love is tricky like that. It knows what it’s doing even when you don’t!”
Tricky, Liv understood, but she knew that something so special must be worth even a hundred bugs flapping around in one’s tummy.
One day, she decided, I’m gonna fall in love.
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andie01writing · 1 year
Masterlist Update
Up to date as of July 30th 2023
Beasts Universe
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
First Spark
Misc In Universe
Be Good To Her
Be Good To Her 2
When You’re Drinking (Bo Dallas x OC)
When You’re Drinking
To a T
Pretend (Braun Strowman x OC)
Mistakes (Elias x OC)
Moving On
More Mistakes
Moving In
Little Mistakes
Perfect (Kassius Ohno x OC)
Perfectly Imperfect
Perfect Family
Perfect Problems
Fling (Pete Dunne x OC)
Attitude Adjustment
In My Head (Pete Dunne x OC)
Part 1
Part 2
B – Bite – Pete Dunne
F – Friends - Sheamus
H – Heal – Pete Dunne
K – Kitchen – Baron Corbin
S – Snow – Seth Rollins
One Shots
Adrian Neville x OC
Aleister Black
Baron Corbin x OC
Bo Dallas x OC
School Daze
Shut Up and Kiss Me
Braun Strowman x OC
More than Talk
Dash Wilder x OC
All These Years
Damian Priest
Better Man
Drew Gulak x OC
Aggression and Drive-In
Kassius Ohno x OC
Konnor x OC
Drunk Girl
Sheamus x OC
In Front of Me the Whole Time
Viktor x OC
Flight Fright
Found You
Alpha Series (Baron Corbin x OC x Konnor)
Ascend (Ascension x OC)
Ascend Pt 2
Kassius Ohno x OC x Elias
Baron Corbin x OC x Elias
Ascension x OC
What’s Mine Is Yours
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wwevampireamongkpop · 5 years
A Battle of Giants P3
Pairing: Selene (OC) x Sheamus (former), future Selene x Damian Priest, Hunter(Triple H), Matt Riddle
A/N: I’m glad I’m getting inspiration and motivation for this series, idk how many parts but we shall see
Tag list: @evilangel84 @gold--gucciempress @ladytea19 @tacoshu @the-carter-mob-don
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
After Selene left the PC(Performance Center) for the day, she made her way home. She had planned to do some baking, no matter what kind of day it was at the PC. The need for her favorite cupcakes, apple pie cupcakes, was strong which she didn’t fight that need like she fought the need to climb Damian.
Shaking her head to clear away unnecessary thoughts so she could get to work on her cupcakes. Moments later, she had the cupcakes in the oven and started working on the filling. Adding a couple shots of Honey and Apple Jack Daniel’s whiskey mainly for the flavor not so much the alcohol content itself. The frosting didn’t take her long to make once everything was done.
Once she finished putting everything together, she realized she made several dozen cupcakes. In all honesty, she didn’t mind making so much because she knew she could take them with her in the morning before her training with Riddle.
Selene sat down on her couch with a couple cupcakes on a plate along with a mug of warm tea. She wanted to catch up on Raw and SmackDown that she missed from the past week all because she decided to workout during each show without realizing what time or day it was. She loved watching her friends do what they love to do. It always inspired her to push has hard as she could through this whole recovery.
Selene had set the cupcakes she made in the cafeteria area before making her way to the locker room. She walked through the halls as if it was only yesterday she walked them for the first time a number of years ago. As she walked she heard a couple people talking and one of those people just happened to be Matt Riddle.
“I swear it’s going to be a long and annoying day bro.” Matt was clearly annoyed and Selene knew it was all because of her. “I get to help Selene prepare for her comeback and she had the nerve to tell me to watch her shit on the Network. Her moveset isn’t all that impressive, at least compared to mine.” Arrogance filled his voice just like Selene knew filled his whole being.
“How is she not impressive? She teamed with Balor for a while and they were one of the best mixed tag teams on the main roster.”
“Balor carried their team.” Selene stood by just out of sight of Riddle listening to what he clearly thought of her.
“I disagree, Balor once said she is one of his favorite tag partners.” The sound of the other person sounded like Adam Cole. “Hell when we invaded the main roster, I saw her in action on SmackDown. Honestly I wouldn’t mind being her partner in the ring.”
“Bro, you have to be careful talking like that. I saw how Damian looked at her last night.” Riddle clearly knew something that she didn’t. “It was a look like if anyone messed with Selene, he would kick their ass.”
“Duly noted. Besides, Selene seems like a great person to actually get to know.” Adam sounded genuine in his comment. It was that moment Selene decided to walk by the two men with a smirk on her face.
“Riddle, you shouldn’t say someone’s moveset isn’t impressive. Especially since most of yours are moves you copied from others and decided to add “Bro” to.” She used air quotes and that whole statement felt good to say especially with he was bashing her before he even had a chance in the ring with her.
Instead of stopping to hear his retort, she just continued walking. She wanted to change and start warming up. She thought to herself that it was going to be a great day. Not only kicking Riddles ass but proving that he was wrong about her. What Riddle didn’t know was that over the last few years, she has trained with Aleister Black, Sheamus, Naomi, Christian and what many don’t know is that Hunter even helped her out when she first came to the WWE.
She put on her favorite deep red sports bra and one of her many Hufflepuff shirts that she had turned into a crop top. Her leggings were a simple black with mesh cutouts from mid-thigh down on the outer side of the legs. Wrestling boots were the last part of the whole outfit, making her feel absolutely amazing.
As Selene made her way to where the rings were, she noticed a couple people who had found the cupcakes and they both had smiles on their faces. This only made her morning even better.
Once she made it to the rings, she noticed Hunter standing next to one of the rings talking to Riddle, Damian, and from the looks of it, from the other side of the room, Kacy. Selene had heard about Kacy thanks to Ricochet and from the pictures of them together, they looked super cute and adorable together.
“Morning Hunter, Kacy.” Selene glared at Riddle who didn’t even look at her. “Riddle and morning Damian.” She couldn’t help but smile when her eyes met with Damians. He smiled back at her with a slight smirk which didn’t help her in the slightest.
“Morning Selene.” Hunter smiled at her. “There is a slight change in plans for your return to NXT.”
“Oh really, what changes have been made?” Her eyebrow quirked up as she asked.
“Well, I was talking to Christian the other day and he suggested that the Wednesday before Survivor Series have you come back in a surprise match that would be the main event for the night.” He looked at her as she thought it through.
“If Christian thinks it would be a good idea, well then I think it could be great.” Selene trusted Christian, especially since he was like a father/uncle figure to her, besides Hunter. “What kind of match are you thinking about? A normal match, a tag match, a mixed tag match?”
“I was thinking of doing a mixed tag match. That way it helps you prep for that Sunday and it won’t be too much for your first match back after your ankle.”
“Don’t worry about a match being too much for me in a couple months. My ankle is healed and I’m just ready to get back in the ring.”
“That’s what I love to hear.” He nods his head towards the ring. “Get in there and lets get this training started with.”
Selene climbed up on the side of the ring then stepped through the ropes. Hunter quickly instructed her to get a feel for the ring and start warming up. She did exactly that, the more she bounced off the ropes on all four sides of the ring the more she felt at home. As she went to bounce off one side, she never expected her ass to fall through the second rope. Riddle had pulled the second rope down climbing up on the side of the ring just as Selene went to bounce off it. This caused her to fall right into Damian’s arms.
He smiled down at her and this caused her to get flustered. The man hasn’t even said a single word to her and he has her completely flustered. His smile turned into a smirk as he set her down on the side of the ring then glared at Riddle. 
Selene looked up from Damian’s handsome face to see Riddle shrug his shoulders. This simple act would seem harmless but if it wasn’t for the fact that he just caused her to fall through the ropes. The look on her face morphed to a serious look. Hunter stood by the side of the ring and smirked, he knew that when Selene had that look she was about to beat someone's ass.
Selene climbed back into the ring and tilted her head from side to side, cracking her neck in the process. Then she cracked her knuckles as she glared at Riddle. He just stood there and smirked cockily. This didn’t help in the slightest.
“Selene, what do you think you could do to me?” His tone sounded light but taunting. “You’re about 5’2, what can you.”
Without a single word, Selene hit him hard in the abdomen with a spear. She sat up on her knees as she tossed her hair over her head, mimicking something Edge had done. A moment later she stood up and stepped away from Riddle so he was able to start getting up off the mat. He tried to get over the surprise attack. He didn’t get up fast enough though.
Selene took the opportunity and lifted Riddles head up, just like Aleister does before he hits black mass. She grabbed him by the chin as he looked a bit dazed still. “Don’t ever taunt my height again.” She then spun around and the top of her foot hit the side of Riddles head, laying him out. “Everyone is the same height when they are laying out cold on the mat.”
“That’s my girl.” A familiar gruff voice came from the other side of the room. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen White Mass.”
“Aleister! Zelina!” Selene looked happy to see him along with Zelina. 
“Looking to make a NXT comeback I see.” Selene nodded her head. Aleister looked at Hunter. “Who’s she tagging with for that mixed tag match you were talking about?”
Hunter looked at Aleister to Selene to Damian. “Damian Priest.”
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Mad King
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Aleister Black x unnamed female oc 
Warnings: Smut 
For @moxleysbaby AU Challenge with the medieval prompt. 
I saw him sitting there on his throne. He was dressed in a black with fur draped around his neck. Horns sticking out of his coat.  He was looking at me burning holes inside me as he did. He was silent. He didn’t say a word as he looked at me. It was making me more nervous as he did. 
He looked up at my father and nodded his head, “I agree to your request. I will marry her in the return of my alliance to your kingdom.” He said. His voice was deep and held so much power as he spoke that I almost trembled when he spoke to me. 
My father smiled at him, “Perfect. I am so happy. Trust me, she will not disappoint you.” He said pushing me forward. I didn’t look up. I just stared at my feet. 
“I am not worried.” The King spoke. “You can leave her here tonight. We shall wed high noon next Sunday.” My father nodded in agreement before he left my side leaving me alone with this man. He ushered his own out of the room before he stood up slowly still never once looking away from me. He kept his eyes glued on me. My heart raced inside my chest as he began to approach me. His cape flowing as he moved. He walked until he was inches away from my face. I bit my lip as he reached out for my hand taking it slowly and gently. He didn’t say a word as he took it guiding me out of the room.
“You don’t have to be nervous.” He said as we moved about the castle. “You may call me Aleister." He opened the door. "This shall be your room until the wedding night."
I gulped at the mention of it. I didn’t want to think about it or all the other times it had to happen. I didn’t know this man. I had only known what was said around the kingdoms. He was called the "Mad King". He was ruthless in the way he fought wars. He was soon conjuring land all over. He left no man alive if he did. He would have them begging for mercy. That's why my father chose to make an alliance with him to save our kingdom from the same fate. Our kingdom wasn’t in the right state to go to war with someone as ruthless as him. I just so happened to be the only one of his single daughters left, so lucky me.  
Who knows what this man will do to me? I know his first queen died, but I never heard how. With how ruthless he is, it could have been him for all we know. Apparently, you don’t even mention her name around here or else. 
The wedding was a beautiful ceremony. It surprised me in a way I wasn’t expecting. It was like a dream. I had never dreamed of my wedding before, but this would have been how I would picture it. There were white roses everywhere with petals all over the ground. The king was even cleaned up. He was in the traditional robes for a wedding. My dress was white while the strings were a light blue in the corset. I wore white roses in my hair. I wore my hair flowing down in the back. 
The wedding was soon over and he was taking me to his room. I hadn't left my room often in the days, I have been here, but I still knew which was his.
I sat on his bed playing with the strings of my corset. He took his robes off leaving them on the bed. I looked down at my feet slipping my shoes off. Aleister didn't say anything as he laid on the bed. He got under the covers before blowing out his candle.
I was confused as he didn't move to touch me. "Aleister?" I asked. "What are you doing?" 
"Sleeping." Was all he said. 
I slipped out of my wedding dress before crawling into bed with him. "What about the thing a husband and wife do on a wedding night?" I asked. 
He shrugged as he turned over in the bed. "You don't want to so you should be pleased." 
I should be, but a new worry filled me. Was there something wrong with me? Was I not pretty enough? He seemed pleased with me when my father presented me to him. What changed? Someone like him would have spoken up and definitely killed me if I wasn't enough. So, what was stopping him? Now, that it wasn't happening. I almost longed for it to happen.
Soon, a snore came from his side of the bed and I knew there was no chance of it happening. 
Weeks went by and he still barely touched me or even acknowledged my presence. I didn't see him much, but when we would eat together and when we went to bed. Our interactions were limited even then. I decided I wanted answers as to why he was acting like this. He was in the garden like he was every Tuesday when I decided to go find him and get my answers. 
He was sitting near the middle of the garden next to the statue of a woman. I had passed it many times, but I never saw the significance until I saw Aleister on his knees in front of him. 
I slowly walked up to him. I touched his shoulder gently. 
He jumped when I touched him, "I am sorry, your majesty." 
"I already told you, you don't need to call me that." He groaned as he got up slowly. "What do you want?" 
I took a deep breath. "I want answers. I want to know why you don't touch me. I've heard stories. I watched my sister's get married and one was even pregnant by now. I need to know why. Why you won't touch me or even talk to me?" 
He doesn't look at me. He keeps his eyes glued on the statue. "I know you heard the stories. The ones about my first queen. How she died suddenly? I know they warped her death into something else." I nodded biting my lip. "I'll tell you the truth. I didn't kill her with my hands. I killed her with my seed. We were supposed to have a son. Heir to the throne. All to be gone after thirteen long hours of labor. Both her and the child...gone. There was nothing that could have stopped it. She was the love of my life and there was nothing I could do to help her that moment. All that blood. It wouldn’t stop.” He made a face as he was remembering that moment. “Something inside me that night switched. It was like darkness began to cloud around me. I no longer wanted to be the king I was before. I wanted to cause pain. The same pain that was given to me. I didn’t care who I was hurting. I had no emotions towards anything.” He paused. “ That was until you came along. I had gotten your father’s request was going to just kill you in front of him to show him, he couldn’t use some girl to change my mind about how I felt about his kingdom. That was until I saw you. Something about you put a light back in my life. I wanted to keep you around so I didn’t lose it. I have been in this darkness for so long that the thought of losing it kills me. That’s why I won’t touch you. I don’t want you to suffer the same fate as her.” He gestured towards the statue. “This garden doesn’t need to be full of wives my seed has killed.” 
“My mom died in childbirth. It happens quite often. It has nothing to do with you or the seed. It just happens, I guess. I can’t explain it.” I moved to touch his back gently. He jerked away. 
“That’s what they all say. They all say it just happens. It won’t happen again.” He said standing up before walking away. 
I sighed looking at the statue for a moment as I thought of what to do. His fear to touch me almost made me want him more. I wanted him to touch me. To show him that there was nothing to be scared of. To be that light he was craving so badly to have. I had to get him to trust me and break his promise. 
I got ready for bed that night a bit earlier than normal. I made sure to put on the best perfume and had even asked for my bath early this month. I waited for him patiently on the bed, pulling at my nightdress to show more cleavage. 
He didn’t notice me at first when he walked in, taking off his robe. He had to second look when he moved past the bed. “What are you doing?” He asked. I bit my lip. I didn’t really have a plan for passed this part. I guess I was hoping he would just jump on me or something. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting to happen. Before I could open my mouth to speak, he was already crawling on the bed to me. I gulped as his eyes focused on mine as he moved in closer. 
“I thought I told you, I wasn’t going to do this.” He growled. “Yet, here you are sitting here practically begging for it to happen.” 
“I am supposed to. I need to birth you a new heir, don’t I? What if you die in war? What will happen to this kingdom? It will be burned to the ground.” 
“And if it kills you and the baby just like it did the first. I will still be in the same position as before.” I sighed taking a deep breath. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. “You never know.” I ran my hands down his chest. “I may survive.” He sighed kissing back putting his hands on my hips. His hands move underneath my gown. 
“You really want this, don’t you? You want me to touch your body?” 
I nodded. “Please.” 
His hands took off my nightgown in one swift movement. “You don’t know how hard it has been not to touch you. How hard it was night after night. I wanted to touch you, but I can’t lose another one. But, now, you are so intoxicating sitting here in front of me, I can’t help, but forget my fear.” He roughly squeezed my boobs. I moaned. He leaned in and began to suck one of my boobs. I wrapped my arms and my legs against him. I started feeling the wetness pool from my center. I had never felt this way before. I didn’t want it to stop. His hands moved down to the wetness running his fingers gently through it. He groaned light before taking himself out of his pants. He stroked himself for a bit before thrusting inside me. I almost screamed. It hurt a bit to feel something in there, but at the same time, it felt so good. He moved slowly trying to make sure that I got used to it before he went full force inside me. I felt my back arching. He pulled my hair pulling me up close to him. 
My walls began to clench around him as I felt something build inside my stomach. “Let it go.” He whispered in my ear as his finger went on my clit. “It will feel amazing.”  I nodded as I did what he said letting my first orgasm. My eyes rolled back in my head in pure bliss. He thrust in me hard as I rode mine out. I soon felt his dick pulsing inside me as his seed released in me. 
I put my head back on the pillow out of breath. He pulled out rolling on the side of me. He pulled me in close. “You might have just convinced me to change my mind about this.”
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lazywolfwiccan · 6 years
My WWE Ships
Aleister Black x Zelina Vega Pete Dunne x Tyler Bate Sonya Deville x Paige Alexa Bliss x Braun Strowman Becky Lynch x Charlotte Flair Dean Ambrose x Renee Young Finn Balor x Violet (my oc) Bayley x Sasha Banks Nikki Cross x Dakota Kai The Undisputed Era as a polygamy group Ruby Riott x Liv Morgan Peyton Royce x Billie Kay Naomi x Jimmy Uso Asuka x Carmella Ember Moon x Baron Corbin Tye Dillinger x R-Truth Miz x Maryse
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foot-chan · 7 years
Chapters: 28/? Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Professional Wrestling, Raw (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Finn Balor | Prince Devitt/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Finn Balor | Prince Devitt, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley, Bray Wyatt, The Undertaker (Professional Wrestling), Nakamura Shinsuke, Kurt Angle, OC Aislin Baker, Aleister Black | Tommy End Additional Tags: Demon Finn Balor | Prince Devitt, Demon!Finn, demon king, Balor, Alternate Universe, AU, Violence, Character Death, additional tags to be added later, Explicit Sexual Content, the shield - Freeform Summary:
Aislin Baker had just moved to a new town with her boyfriend, but she found herself stuck there after the car wreck that caused his death. Luckily, Aislin somehow survived the incident, even though doctors couldn't figure out how she walked away from it. After going back to work at Raw, a small bar that she'd gotten hired at when she first moved to town, she realized that her body was acting strange. That same night, she started seeing odd things lurking in the darkness. With the help of her friend, Roman, and a new man she'd met while at work, she comes face to face with the glowing red eyes of the Demon King. Little did she know, she would be forced into the middle of a war. Can she help keep all of her new friends safe as she learns secrets about them and herself?
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wweassets · 3 years
So I’m playing through my universe mode on 2k20 and I don’t know if this match card for wrestlemania would slap or not. So please critique. This will be in order of the card. 1 A world heavyweight title match between drew McIntyre and champ Samoa joe, 2 drew gulag vs Champ jinder for the IC title, 3 the revival vs b-team for raw tag team titles, 4 a triple threat ladder match between the Usos, heavy machinery and Damien priest and an oc because I’m gay for Damian for the smackdown tag team titles. 5 Christian vs miz for the US title. 6 kharma vs Kairi sane in a singles match. 7 Bianca defending the raw womens title in a fatal four way with bayley Ronda and Naomi. 8 Aleister black v cena in a singles match. 9 Allie and rosemary from impact vs Mandy and Sonya for the womens tag team titles. 10 champ finn Roman and ali in a triple threat for the wwe championship and main eventing Jazz Charlotte and Sasha banks for the smackdown womens championship with Jazz being the champ.
1) that would snap
2) that would be so fun omg
3) kinda boring but could be a fun joke match
4) sounds like a hot match x
5) that would eat
6) omg YES love that
7) match of the night i fear
8) that would be so fun and hot
9) that’s camp and iconic
10) also sounds very hot… wow
11) other match of the night IKTRR
thats a banging card bestie yup yup
0 notes
deathtourmorality · 6 years
Your turn! Tell me about your fave ships in your fave fandoms 💞
There are so many of ‘em…
WWE: • Aleister x Zelina; • Randy x Brie (I would die to bring back that radiochemical reaction between ‘em in 2013 ✨🔥🤩);• sometimes there is Roman x Brie (fanfics are good);• Deanee (They are so cute! 💕);• Adam x Roderick (sorry ( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )
FC5:• Jacob x Staci (kinda hate all OCs and ugly smiling at fact, that Jacob kept Staci alive).
STAR WARS: • Darth Vader x Padme (I could say Anidala too, but this black suit makes me shiver ✨🤩);• Obi Huan x Satin (😭😭😭);• Darth Revan x Bastila (😚😚😚);• Jagged x Jaina (Sometimes I miss these things from Legends);• Poe x Hugs (Once you see their interaction in ep 8, you’ll never comeback (΄◉◞౪◟◉`).
OVERWATCH:• Reaper x Mercy (not Gabriel, Reaper. HIS SUIT AND MASK ✨🔥🔥🔥);• Mccree x Mercy (dat cute ✨💕☺️).
MORTAL KOMBAT: (hope you know ‘em 😅)• Sub-Zero x Kitana (I’m blue Da ba dee Da ba daa);• Johny Cage x Sonya Blade (✨🔥).
ANIME: (back in time, when I was a teenage mutant 😌)
• Naruto x Sakura (MY SWEET OTP! THEY MUST BE A CANON! 😭);• Itachi x Sakura (fuck this sasuke of shit!);• Alucard x Integra (these cold-blooded assholes in black sunglasses!);• Starrk x Orihime (babes).
STAR TREK:• Han x Carol (once you see one photoshoot for Vengeance and read “Bitter Sweet”, you will never comeback… (΄◉◞౪◟◉`).
DC: • Superman x Wonder Woman (POWER COUPLE RULES!);• Batman x Catwoman (no comments);• Deathstroke x Catwoman (idk idk idk, but I do like what I see in my mind 💕).
MARVEL:• Thor x Sif (Lady Sif deserves better (._.);• Steve x Backy (broooo).
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andie01writing · 1 year
Up to date as of July 15.
Beasts Universe
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
First Spark
Misc In Universe
Be Good To Her
Be Good To Her 2
When You’re Drinking (Bo Dallas x OC)
When You’re Drinking
To a T
Pretend (Braun Strowman x OC)
Mistakes (Elias x OC)
Moving On
More Mistakes
Moving In
Little Mistakes
Perfect (Kassius Ohno x OC)
Perfectly Imperfect
Perfect Family
Perfect Problems
Fling (Pete Dunne x OC)
Attitude Adjustment
In My Head (Pete Dunne x OC)
Part 1
Part 2
K – Kitchen – Baron Corbin
S – Snow – Seth Rollins
One Shots
Adrian Neville x OC
Aleister Black
Baron Corbin x OC
Bo Dallas x OC
School Daze
Shut Up and Kiss Me
Braun Strowman x OC
More than Talk
Dash Wilder x OC
All These Years
Damian Priest
Better Man
Drew Gulak x OC
Aggression and Drive-In
Kassius Ohno x OC
Konnor x OC
Drunk Girl
Sheamus x OC
In Front of Me the Whole Time
Viktor x OC
Flight Fright
Found You
Alpha Series (Baron Corbin x OC x Konnor)
Ascend (Ascension x OC)
Ascend Pt 2
Kassius Ohno x OC x Elias
Baron Corbin x OC x Elias
Ascension x OC
What’s Mine Is Yours
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