#alessa falling
seventies70s · 2 years
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Reyner Reyner Reyner
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anathemafiction · 1 month
Hey, Ana!
Going by the quote you reblogged just now, who are the characters that can have an one sided crush on MC? I thought it was just Hadrian or Alessa...
Rafael, Lance, and Vallen will like you if certain conditions are met even if you never flirt with them. Some of them will even fall in love.
Neia will lust for you as will the twins and the Pirate, but I wouldn't call it crush, per se. Desire, more like.
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bloodcasket · 2 years
Pairing: Obsessive! Pyramid Head x GN!Reader
Description: Short headcanons of what to expect from an obsessive Pyramid Head.
Warning: NSFW themes, obsession, and violent themes.
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Punishment (Will they punish you?) 🔪:
Pyramid Head has spent his entire existence punishing the ones who have sinned. He tosses around things he doesn't find important, but you? Oh no, he couldn't. He's so powerful he could reach down and crush you with his hand, but he simply doesn't because he chooses not to. When you've made a mistake, he leans more towards abandoning you so you learn your lesson. Oh? So you decided to explore the hospital without his permission? Stay there and deal with the nurses then. He'll leave for short periods of time, but then come back to retrieve you as he always does. He knows you've learned when he sees your bloodshot eyes and trembling skin.
Sexual endeavors (How they please you) 🥀:
He definitely falls on the higher spectrum for lust. He desires it endlessly, and will gladly take you if you even hint at it. Prefers to receive more than give during sexual intercourse, meaning he is always taking control in any situation. Prefers to bend you over something and pleasure you that way, it's easier for the both of you. Doesn't mind you grinding against him though, he melts when he feels your legs straddle his thigh, and your whimpers coax his gloved hands to squeeze your waist tighter. Definitely has a size kink, and is animalistic and rough with his sex.
Bloodshed (Are they willing to kill for their s/o?) 🩸:
Absolutely! It feels like his duty now to ward off the threats that could possibly leave a scratch on you. He will forever kill for you. You can't really stop him, it's the whole purpose of his creation.
Stalking (Will they stalk their s/o?) 🕸️:
At first, yes. He would linger in the shadows of silent hill and observe. But after seeing you as an eternal partner, he doesn't try to hide the fact that he watches your every move.
Obsession/scale 1-10 🖤:
Pyramid Head is an 8/10 considering obsession level. He is known for purely existing to protect Alessa, battling any darkness that attempts to harm her. He would absolutely do the same for you. Guarding your every step, and watching your every breath. Make sure you stay out of harms way when you grow exhausted and decide to rest. Even with as terrifying as Silent Hill is, you'll never have to feel scared with a 7ft tall monster protecting you.
Desires (What do they wish from you?) ��️:
Pyramid Head deep down wishes he could stay with you eternally. You are human though, and he knows this. He knows you're significantly different from him, and living this life with him won't last long.
Endangerment (How scary is it to be with them?) 🌕:
Pyramid Head himself doesn't put you in trouble. He doesn't wish to harm you, he's your "guardian angel" after all. It's the atmosphere that is a risk to you. Silent Hill is full of monsters, and staying in it is extremely dangerous.
Sympathy (Do they feel bad for taking you?)🪦:
He doesn't care less. It would be of best interest if you gave in, it would be less of a pain on your part. He was eventually going to take you whether you liked it or not.
Roughness(Do they hurt you?) 🦴:
Pyramid Head quite enjoys manhandling you, through innocent intention and sexual intention. Seeing how weak you are compared to him makes his monstrous mindset soften. He would not purposely hurt his darling though, it could kill them.
Intimacy (How romantic are they?) 🎀:
Obviously, he does not have the mentality of a human being. He won't take you on dates, and won't buy you presents. He doesn't speak words of affirmation, and he can't kiss you. But strangely, with how inhumane he is, he is quite affectionate. Keeps you warm in his large arms, and let's you curiously hold his hand. He rumbles through his helmet in an animalistic manner, and it echoes in your eardrums. You can truly tell he's happy with you. That he loves you.
Game? (Are you a game to them?) 🥩:
Never was, and never will be a game to Pyramid Head. He's one of the more serious slashers in general, so when it comes to significant others, he wouldn't find humor in it.
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midnightsun-if · 10 months
out of curiosity, and not because i'm team change scarlett's sexuality, but what are the other ifs with ice queen ros?
Some of these don’t fit the Ice Queen trope to a T, but they’re adjacent to it or fall close enough for it to count… I think anyway. They’re in the general area, let’s say.
Michael/Margot Steele @absentia-if
Rin @vendetta-if
Belladonna Malady @night-market-if
Ivy Sloan @bouncyballcitadel
Hamish/Helena (maybe Lestrade too… a bit?) @doriana-gray-games
Seraphina @keeperofthesunandmoon
Alessa @anathemafiction
Syfyn @exilethegame
I adore all of these characters— even if I haven’t been able to play the games they’re in as much I’d like to— and the authors who create them are wonderfully talented— if you haven’t checked out any of the games, I highly suggest that you do!
There’s probably a lot more that I just couldn’t think of off the top of my head, but I hope this small list is satisfactory!
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duskforged · 2 months
artblr intro 3.0
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Hello there, it's me again. This is the third iteration of my writeblr/artblr intro. Consistency is ridiculous and I have never made a choice in my life if procrastination was an option.
I'm tentatively going by Ezra, but you can call me Dusk as well! My pronouns are exclusively they/them, and I am trans/non-binary. This is more of a catch-all artblr, though it was originally made as a writeblr.
All my links can be found here.
Projects, past and present, under the cut, but I will be marking down the ones I intend to be putting most of my attention on at this time. This time I will organize them by world and then by type (e.g. fanfic will be its own section). As I said, I'm not the best when it comes to consistency, but I'm always up to answering questions!
I mostly prioritize fantasy and some sci-fi but I do love a good speculative story whether or not it's historically accurate. Though I'm not actively writing at the moment, I really would like to hear more from y'all.
Sanctuary inactive | fantasy novel | wip intro
After becoming a war hero in New Ánasezan Movement, Lady Alessámira Nasánza Solsinat is a knight who has retired from fighting. Three years have passed since the old monarchy was overthrown, and Ánaseza has finally returned to something resembling contentment and peace. Unfortunately for Alessa, darkness still lurks underneath the veneer of this new nation…
Amid Wisteria inactive | fantasy novel | wip intro
Having grown up on the isolated western coast of Aeros, Arêllan ve Povunra Aelisâm is only 29 years old when their mother, the Lady Matriarch Povunra, declares they will be adopted into the esteemed Llanaere family and live in the distant capital of Maêla…
Unto Summer Kings hiatus | fantasy novel | wip intro note: this is originally based on Arthurian legends, but I eventually intend to move it into its own fantasy world, which is tentatively called Urathla.
Arthur lives in a lull period between greater moments in history - the fall of the Roman Empire came before he was born and the future is yet unwritten…
Wolf In Shepherd's Clothing hiatus | fantasy comic note: takes place many many many MANY years before USK and in a very different place. Mesopotamian-inspired.
What's happening isn't their fault, Lahar thinks. But there's no explanation for why it keeps happening. Sheep stolen from rival herds - blood on their hands - and no memory of the full moon at night. Just dreams - nightmares - of hunger and pain. Only they can venture to find what is causing all of this.
The Vespertine active? | fantasy novel | wip intro
Aselhi is one orphan among many on the streets of Kestramore, eking out a living as a servant in a minor household. Unlike other orphans, they’re one of the vespertine, an alien people who ate through the cosmic Weft separating Moia from the other realms and setting the Causeways alight.
These Absent Gods hiatus | fantasy comic note: TAG might move from Moia to a different world, depending on how I feel about it
Malachi was built for battle - all war demons are. But they certainly weren’t built for cleaving to a pact, much less one written by an idiot and enforced by the blood of an innocent. But here’s what that idiot doesn’t know: the one who bleeds is the one who owns the pact. Albae is just unfortunate enough to be that sacrifice.
EARTH note: unless otherwise stated, all these stories take place in different "save states" of Earth.
Lodestar active? | speculative, near-future sci-fi | wip intro
When Lieve was young, they used to dream of visiting Earth. Now an adult, they know that is but a wish made by a foolish child. Now, they toil on the inner asteroid belt, alongside most of their peers. But when one A.I. goes rogue and their own starts developing her own independent thoughts, they're not sure they can stand idly by.
Loveless active | visual novel | developed by nightlotus studios
Loveless is a dating sim through the eyes of an aromantic. Get to know seven different characters, their stories and their interests, and watch them get to know each other too! Grapple with amatonormativity in a world built for romantic relationships, make wise choices to garner affection, and figure out if partnering is really best for you.
FANFICTION note: many of my fanfics are currently on hiatus, or pending rewrites. I often run into the problem of running out of hyperfixation before I can finish them, which is frustrating, but you have been warned.
these are my current/primary fics.
For Want of a Broken Nail active | supernatural | si/oc-centric | multi-chapter
Ezra's not entirely sure how they ended up halfway across the country, twenty years in the past, and fifteen steps to the left, but they'll do the thing they do best: doing everything incorrectly and off-script. They start by tripping over a Winchester, because the universe never gives anybody a break.
The Burning Comes Firstactive | asoiaf | si/oc-centric | multi-chapter
What do you do if you're reborn as the brother of the Mad King? What can you do? Aemon's got their work cut out for them, and they're no Daenerys. With their head wrapped up in the South, at least they have a good three decades before the White Walkers wake... Right?
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apocalypticapotheosis · 2 months
Different ways of Carrying The Suri
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Alex: Fully body pick up, hold her gentle so she doesn't fall.
Alessa: Scoop under the arms like a naughty cat.
Yejoon: Sack of potatoes
Suri: enjoys all of these but the sack of potatoes is a little humiliating, has to put up a fuss so she can save face.
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zairasarthaven · 1 month
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Harry Mason - Dark Guardian AU
After the events of Silent Hill 3, Heather is free but lonely. In the aether of Silent Hill's spirit there is still traces of Alessa's shackled spirit. She aches for what is left of her humanity as she feels Heather's sorrow and loneliness.
Calling upon Silent Hill's dark resurrection powers, a guardian of known heroic loyalty is conjured back to the world of the living to provide companionship for Heather as she tries to once more restart her life.
Though, when the darkness falls, some things are not quite how Heather remembers them...
A father's paranoia is ever watchful.
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writtenrotten · 2 months
Cheryl doesn't like to sleep, which unfortunately leads to her falling asleep at the worst times.
She often has nightmares and bouts of sleep paralysis where she relives the ritual immolation of Alessa over and over again. It isn't nightly, but she almost wishes it was, because at least she'd know what kind of rest she's in for.
She knows she should probably go have some sort of study done. Her friends tell her to, on those days when the bags under her eyes start to look more like suitcases. But really, what medication is going to eject the fragments of your burned and angry soul?
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antaresgalaeth · 2 years
Yearning for her (Sebastian Sallow x Hufflepuff OC) - Part 2
Notes: well, I suppose this is part 2 / ? 🤡
Warnings: Angsty, Spoilers from Hogwarts Legacy, jealousy, toxic behavior, light smut?, WiP✍🏻
Word count: 2138
Luckily for Alessa, Professor Weasley had not yet arrived when she entered the classroom. Her breathing was labored, still feeling great discomfort from the encounter with the Gryffindor keeper, but also she felt a tingling sensation in her stomach from the support of her friend Ominis. After everything they had been through since they met, Ominis was the most noble person she had ever known. Something more than commendable considering his origins, she held him in great esteem for defending his values despite the immense familial pressure he faced regarding the Dark Arts and pureblood lineage.
Whilst Alessa made her way to her designated seat, her breathing began to slow down and her features relaxed, revealing a slight smile. As she sat down, she rested her hand on her cheek to watch Natty practicing a bird-conjuring charm. Natty's wand movements were hypnotic, and Alessa's mind wandered until she began to think about how Ominis used his wand to guide himself, and then linked that to what had just happened with him a few moments ago. "I hope Ominis didn't get the wrong impression when I kissed him, how embarrassing!" she reflected. She cupped her face with her hands. "Well, it was an innocent gesture of gratitude, wasn't it?" She tried to reason with herself to reduce her stress levels, while wiping the sweat from her palms on her robe.
Her inner monologue was interrupted when she saw Sebastian enter through the door. She felt happy for him as she saw that he had his precious notebook in his arms. She looked at him with a big smile and waved at him. The classroom was spacious, the center of the room was completely clear, and two rows of desks faced each other on each side. Sebastian sat on the opposite side from Alessa, going directly to his seat without even looking at her. Normally, he would come to her desk to chat until the Professor arrived, but he didn't do it this time. Alessa was quite surprised about that.
The class went on as usual, the same could not be said of Sebastian's attitude. Alessa was used to his knowing glances and jokes from a distance, but not today. Sebastian didn't even look at her or interact with her, not even by chance. "Has something happened to him?... Did I do something that bothered him?... Or did he receive news from Anne?" Alessa was mulling over that while tapping her right leg anxiously. She was more focused on Sebastian than on the Professor. She felt impatient, wanting to approach him as soon as the class was over to ask him about what had happened. Whatever it was, they would solve it. When Professor Weasley finished the lesson, Sebastian was already crossing the door. "Sebast-" was all she could say before he disappeared.
The entrance to the Great Hall was crowded with students of all ages coming and going. First-year students could be heard screaming in amazement when they entered and saw the gigantic room decorated with Christmas ornaments and fake snow falling from the ceiling.
Ominis was standing next to the door, waiting for them with his usual calmness while listening to the reactions of the first years and chuckling to himself. "Hi, Ominis," sighed Alessa, touching his forearm for him to locate her better, trying to ignore the heat on her cheeks upon seeing him, something that hadn't happened until now. "Have you talked to Sebastian, is he already inside?" Ominis turned his body to face her. "No, we haven't run into each other," he furrowed his brow in confusion and continued, "I thought you guys would come together from Transfiguration class. Don't tell me he's got detention," he joked.
Ominis noticed a brief silence before Alessa explained about Peeves and how Sebastian had been acting unusually upon their arrival. "I don't know, it felt like he was avoiding me. Do you think he's upset that I didn't help him earlier?" He immediately shook his head, unconvinced by that conclusion. "Hmm. Clearly something had happened during the class exchange. But I don't think that's it, don't worry," he fiddled his fingers while trying to find an explanation. "I suspect that if something has upset him as much as you indicate, he has gone off to spend some time alone. You know how he is." Ominis raised his arm, seeking Alessa's shoulder to rest his hand and comfort her. "Yes, you're right," exhaled Alessa. "Don't worry, he'll surely tell us when he calms down," he assured her. "Shall we go for lunch?" Alessa felt a tingle when Ominis gently rubbed the hand he still had on her. "Yes, let's go," she said, briefly touching his back as they both headed inside the Great Hall, each sitting at their respective house tables.
The hallways and halls of Hogwarts were bursting with energy at that time of day, and Sebastian was not in the mood to put up with anyone's nonsense. He had tunnel vision, a dry mouth and a tense jaw. His heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest, and even though it was lunchtime, thinking about food made his stomach churn. The only place where he could truly calm down was in the complete solitude offered by the Undercroft.
The cold and damp atmosphere welcomed him. The dimness relieved him for a moment as he isolated himself from the stimuli of the outside world, regaining some peripheral vision. Nevertheless, thoughts of Alessa with Ominis were playing on a loop in his mind. He paced aimlessly, squeezing his eyes shut and shaking his head, trying to turn off his -extremely creative- imagination. When he looked towards one of the few walls that were clear, the image of Ominis facing Alessa against the wall came to his mind whilst he rubbed her body under her uniform and whispered to her in Parseltongue. Alessa moaned his name non-stop, arching her back to push her hips back, pressing into Ominis' sensitive areas. That's when Sebastian couldn't take it anymore, he pulled out his wand and, with a guttural shout, growled "CONFRINGO!"
He cast spell after spell aiming at the stacked barrels, the armor, and other objects across the room. They exploded until only debris and a cloud of dust remained. Sebastian's chest rose and fell rapidly until he cast the last Confringo. By then, his panting gradually calmed down until he returned to his normal breathing, finishing it with a big sigh. He walked to the wall where he leaned his back and let himself fall until his butt touched the ground. He rubbed his face and put his hands on his flexed knees, rotating the wand around itself while bouncing to the same rhythm as the repetitive movement of his right foot.
"Why does it have to be Ominis?" he said bitterly to himself. Among all the students at Hogwarts, he was the only person he could feel inferior to. He was elegant, disciplined, patient, always knew what to say to calm her down or make her laugh, and on top of that, they both shared an extremely rare ability. She was simply out of his reach, but that didn't stop him from wishing things were different. He looked up and saw the triptych hanging on the wall in the room, from when he helped her with her mission with the Keepers and the fight against Ranrok. A few seconds passed with a grateful silence in his mind until he heard Alessa's sweet and gentle voice in his head, like an echo "...I've had a sense about you since...".
Sebastian's foot froze in place and a slight smile began to form on his face. Realizing that perhaps it held a deeper meaning than he had realized up until that day. Those words, recovered from oblivion, gave him hope for a chance. Had their feelings been mutual all this time? Now everything made more sense, she could have abandoned him since the day he cast the Cruciatus curse on her in the Scriptorium, but she didn't. She endured his insults and much worse things. "No one who doesn't have feelings for the other person can tolerate that," he convinced himself.
"I'm sorry, Ominis, but she's mine," he said as he stood up. He dusted off his robe and ran his fingers through his hair, smoothing out the tangles and making himself look more presentable. Once he was tidier, he made a circular gesture with his wand in the air and said, "Reparo." Everything he had destroyed began to rebuild itself like a puzzle, returning each item to its original place as if nothing had happened. "Better to ask for forgiveness than permission," he muttered. He left the room in search of Alessa with determination, but angry at himself for being so stupid and letting so much time pass.
If there was something that could evade Alessa and give her a moment of happiness, it was a good meal. Alessa sat next to her great friend, Poppy, that shy girl passionate about animals. Like most in Hufflepuff, they both closed their eyes to focus on all the smells of the food and let out a sound of delight. "Mmmm. The mashed potatoes look delicious today," said Alessa rubbing her hands together and began to serve herself. "If the Christmas dinner is better than this, we're going to roll all the way to the common room. Thank Merlin we're not in Ravenclaw," replied Poppy. The two friends laughed and bumped shoulders in a sign of camaraderie. Being with Poppy was like a breath of fresh air.
After they finished eating their lunch, Poppy accompanied Alessa to the Slytherin table, where Ominis was, to let him know they all would meet later at the Grand Staircase to go to Charms class together. In the meantime, they would go back to their common room to freshen up and get the necessary things. The Hufflepuff common room was quite close, as it was located under the Great Hall, right next to the kitchen. "I think I'm going to take Highwing for a walk this afternoon, if you don't mind," Poppy said, skipping along and lacing her fingers together as she asked Alessa. She chuckled and replied, "Of course, you know you don't have to ask me for permission to go to the vivarium. The Room knows perfectly well that you're welcome."
Poppy was humming as they went down the stairs leading to the cellars, despite the looks of some classmates that she seemed to completely ignore. Alessa enjoyed seeing her so happy, showing a big smile. When they passed the kitchen door and turned the corner, Alessa stilled abruptly for a moment. "Sebastian?" she whispered with concern, all the energy that Poppy had given her vanished. Between them and the giant barrel at the end of the hallway, which was the entrance to the Hufflepuff House, stood Sebastian standing in front of some dusty barrels stacked up. Far enough from the entrance to avoid the vinegar stream. His shoulders were tense and his hands restless, in one of them he held his pocket watch, which he was staring at, as if he had to do something against the clock.
Poppy took a couple of steps forward before realizing her friend's reaction. "Alessa, is everything okay?" she turned back to talk to her. Alessa shifted her attention to Poppy and relaxed her expression so as not to worry her. "Y-yes, Poppy, everything's fine. You go ahead, I'm going to talk to Sebastian for a moment." Poppy looked at Sebastian and then at Alessa, who was clenching her jaw. If there was one thing that Poppy was good at with animals, it was empathy and reading beings' energy. The energy of both screamed ‘leave us alone’, and so she did. She said goodbye to Alessa and nodded at Sebastian, who responded the same way.
Alessa approached Sebastian with uncertain steps as he put away his watch and looked at her intensely with his dark brown eyes. Alessa swallowed with difficulty; she had seen that look before, and it wasn't a good omen. "Has something happened, Sebastian?" she asked with a furrowed brow, stroking the edge of her nails with her thumb. He stood right in front of her, so close she could smell him, although it wasn't the scent she expected, "hearth?" she thought, dilating her nostrils, "Where did he go?. Did he burn something?. I hope he hasn't been fighting." Alessa's dilated eyes met Sebastian's. "We need to talk", he ordered seriously. He grabbed her firmly by the arm and turned her around to retrace her steps and climb the stairs again. Alessa pressed her lips together, with her heart beating rapidly in her chest and the feeling of not knowing what's going on.
Thank you for reading! Open to feedback ^^
LINK PART 1: https://www.tumblr.com/antaresgalaeth/712598432672612352/yearning-for-her-sebastian-sallow-x-oc?source=share
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Here's a list of ships/fandoms I'm into, in case anyone's interested.
RWBY Ruby/Penny (Nuts and Dolts) Ruby/Weiss (White Rose) Ruby/Blake (Ladybug) Ruby/Yang (Enabler) Weiss/Blake (Monochrome) Weiss/Yang (Freezerburn) Blake/Yang (Bumbleby) Weiss/Blake/Yang (Bee's Schnee's) Ruby/Weiss/Blake/Yang (Pollination) Ruby/Cinder (Fallen Petals) Ruby/Neo (Strawberry Shortcake) Ruby/Emerald (Blood Mint) Ruby/Ilia (Chasing Rainbows) Yang/Neo (Baked Alaska) Cinder/Neo (Spicecream) Weiss/Ilia (Prismatic Ponytails) Weiss/Winter (Schneecest) Blake/Ilia (Catmeleon) Ren/Nora (Renora) Jaune/Pyrrha (Arkos) Jaune/Ren/Nora (Renorarc) Winter/Robyn (Snowbyrd) Robyn/Fiona (Springthyme)
Danganronpa Mukuro/Junko (Despaircest) Komaru/Toko (Tokomaru) Komaru/Syo (Syomaru) Makoto/Kyoko (Naegiri) Chiaki/Sonia (Soniaki) Chiaki/Chisa (Yukinami) Chiaki/Hajime/Nagito (Komahinanami) Hajime/Nagito (Komahina) Fuyuhiko/Peko (Kuzupeko) Kiyotaka/Mondo (Ishimondo) Imposter/Ryota (Mitworai) Ibuki/Mikan (Band Aid) Monaca/Kotoko (Class Clowns) Aoi/Sakura (Sakuraoi) Komaru/Kotoko (Komasugi) Junko/Monaca (Towashima) Komaru/Kotoko/Toko Mukuro/Kotoko
Kingdom Hearts Aqua/Cinderella (Aquarella) Kairi/Naminé (Namikai) Roxas/Xion (Rokushi) Sora/Riku (Soriku) Lea/Isa (Leaisa) Aqua/Kairi
Kill la Kill Ryuko/Satsuki (Satsuryu) Mako/Ira (Iramako) Nonon/Uzu (Uzunon) Rei/Nui Ryuko/Satsuki/Nui
Avatar Azula/Katara (Azutara) Aang/Katara (Kataang) Sokka/Suki (Sukka) Zuko/Azula (Zucest) Mai/Ty Lee (Mai Lee) Korra/Asami (Korrasami) Korra/Kuvira (Korvira) Korra/Jinora
She-Ra Adora/Catra (Catradora) Entrapta/Hordak (Entrapdak) Glimmer/Bow (Glimbow) Glimmer/Frosta (Glimmta) Adora/Angella
Supergirl Kara/Lena (Supercorp) Kara/Alex (Kalex) Alex/Sam (AgentReign) Alex/Maggie (Sanvers)
Resident Evil Jill/Claire (Red Valentine) Jill/Wesker (Weskertine) Chris/Wesker (Chrisker) Leon/Ada (Aeon) Leon/Ashley (Leshley) Claire/Sherry (Clairry) Helena/Deborah
Sonic the Hedgehog Metal Sonic/Amy (Metamy) Shadow/Maria (Shadaria) Shadow/Molly (Shadolly) Rouge/Topaz (Roupaz) Sonic/Sally (Sonally)
Pokémon Dawn/Cynthia (GirlPowerShipping) Hilda/Rosa (WhiteSquareShipping) Selene/Lillie (MoonLilyShipping)
Mass Effect f!Shepard/Liara (Shiara) Jack/Miranda (Jackanda) Tali/Legion (Talgion) Tali/Garrus (Talibrations) Samantha/Gabriella
Dragon Age f!Tabris/Leliana f!Mahariel/Morrigan f!Cousland/Alistair Alistair/Morrigan f!Hawke/Merrill f!Hawke/Bethany f!Adaar/Sera
Hazbin Hotel Charlie/Vaggie (Chaggie) Charlie/Emily (RoyalHalo) Charlie/Emily/Vaggie (Charlie's Angels) Angel Dust/Husk (HuskerDust)
Miscellaneous Arya/Daenerys (Danarya) - ASoIaF/GoT Arya/Sansa (Sansrya) - ASoIaF/GoT Andrew/Ashley (Coffincest) - The Coffin of Andy and Leyley Carla/Penny - Kindergarten Max/Kate (Marshfield) - Life is Strange Alex/Steph (Chenrich) - Life is Strange: True Colors f!Dragonborn/Serana - Skyrim Gaz/Tak (TaGr) - Invader Zim Emma/Regina (Swan Queen) - Once Upon a Time Elsa/Anna (Elsanna) - Frozen Rapunzel/Cassandra (Cassunzel) - Tangled: The Series Heather/Alessa - Silent Hill Dipper/Mabel (Pinecest) - Gravity Falls Ben/Gwen (Bwen) - Ben 10 Luz/Amity (Lumity) - The Owl House Hunter/Willow (Huntlow) - The Owl House Lightning/Serah (Farroncest) - FF13 Kara/North (Northara) - Detroit: Become Human Kara/Alice - Detroit: Become Human Cal/Merrin (Merrical) - Star Wars: Jedi Series Mai/Maki (Zenincest) - Jujutsu Kaisen Raven/Jinx (Raejinx) - Teen Titans Vi/Jinx (Vijinx) - Arcane Anna/Marnie - When Marnie Was There Isabela/Mirabel (Isamira) - Encanto Wynonna/Waverly (Earpcest) - Wynonna Earp Chell/GLaDOS (Chelldos) - Portal Monika/Sayori (Sayonika) - Doki Doki Literature Club Yuri/Natsuki (Natsuri) - Doki Doki Literature Club Zelda/Link (Zelink) - Legend of Zelda Link/Midna (Midlink) - Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Lana/Linkle (Lalinkle) - Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors Enid/Wednesday (Wenclair) - Netflix’s Wednesday Kim/Shego (Kigo) - Kim Possible Katniss/Johanna (Joniss) - The Hunger Games Frisk/Chara (Charisk) - Undertale Alphys/Undyne (Alphyne) - Undertale Ripley/Call - Alien: Resurrection f!Revan/Bastila (Revastila) - KotOR f!Exile/Atris - KotOR 2 f!Exile/Brianna - KotOR 2 Mercy/D.Va (Hanamercy) - Overwatch Sayo/Hina (Sayohina) - BanG Dream Jessie/Zofia (Terror Twincest) - Wolfenstein: Youngblood Yuzu/Mei (Yuzumei) - Citrus Needy/Jennifer (Needifer) - Jennifer's Body Ginger/Brigitte (Fitzcest) - Ginger Snaps Kanade/Yukino - Candy Boy Vanessa/Gregory - Five Nights at Freddy's Gaige/Angel (Gaigel) - Borderlands 2 Ahsoka/Barriss (Barrissoka) - Star Wars Ahsoka/Bo-Katan (Bosoka) - Star Wars Alice/Rain (Ralice) - Resident Evil films Lara/Sam (S.S. Endurance) - Tomb Raider Tara/Sam (Carpentercest) - Scream Sydney/Tatum (Tatney) - Scream Danny/Jazz (Sibling Secrets) - Danny Phantom Danny/Dani (Sue Killer) - Danny Phantom Coraline/Beldam - Coraline f!Deputy/Faith - Far Cry 5 f!Captain/Carmina - Far Cry New Dawn Bella/Alice (Bellice) - Twilight Bella/Rosalie (Rosella) - Twilight Bella/Leah (Belleah) - Twilight Nicole/Jecka (Jeckole) - Class of 09
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belarix · 1 year
Hey there, how are you? My question is how Silver and Alessa meet each other? Was it love at first sight?
Hi! I'm fine thank you. 💚
Silver and Alessa's relationship is a collaborative project with my bestie @spongysandy that we are working on.
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It is not that Silver and Alessa are from the same universe, but we reached an agreement that the universes (called Spongy Universe and Belarix Universe) upon feeling the loving loneliness of Silv and Alessa guide them to a kind of neutral universe, where they meet and can live together without the limitations of their respective worlds.
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Also, each one of us handles the characters in a different way, they have different roles both in my AU and in Spongy's.
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(In mine, Alessa is a mental manifestation of Silver's lack of feminine love, which makes him fall in love with his own hallucination [still working on it, it's not final]).
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In Spongy's universe he is Alessa's boyfriend, but he is a guy who is not related to Ales or Betilla. That is also working ands he has many subplots with the couple very nice. (Credits to Spongy for her magnificent drawing ☺️🤲✨️)
There's no "specific" way how they met, but it was love at first sight. 💚🩷
I also add, that although both in each universe are children of Ales, THEY DO NOT SHARE COBLOOD, being from different universes, different Ales, different mothers and relatives.
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Thanks for asking, and I'm sure Spongy would be pleased to hear that you like Silver and Alessa ☺️.
To tell the truth, the ship started with our followers on Instagram, then we made it canon 🙊🙊
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anathemafiction · 26 days
If certain characters can have a crush/fall/lust for mc, even if mc doesn't flirt with them, does that mean that we can have conflicts or jealousy with our ro and these characters?
(Also I just love how powerful romanus is, making all these characters simp for them lmao)
You won't be able to have all three characters crushing on you in a single playthrough. Vallen and Lance, for example, are directly opposite in what kind of Romanus they like.
Ysabella won't be interested if you're the kind of person who gets Neia's attention, and Rafael probably won't fall for you if you always agree with Alessa. Hadrian will be flabbergasted if you give the Pirate any attention, and so on and so forth.
So, you won't be walking around with everyone lusting after you. 😆 But yes, there'll be jealousy, of course. Hurt feelings and all that good stuff.
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duskforged · 1 year
artblr/writeblr (re)intro
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edit 9/24/23: updated game list
hello, one and all, to my artblr/writeblr, duskforged. my interests are massively widespread and i swear i pick up more hobbies than i care to count, so this will be my catchall art blog.
my name is hesperos wingrove, i am trans + nonbinary (they/them), and i am an artist, writer, and worldbuilder, among other things.
my preferred genre is fantasy but i sometimes dabble in historical fiction and sci-fi. i also write fanfic, draw blorbos, and try my best to not cry while learning how to code python.
i am a security guard for my day job (don't ask), and studied graphic arts at a vocational center.
my links!
more about my WIPs/projects under the cut! this includes: novels, comics, fanfics, and video games. there is quite a few of them.
For color coding: purple is considered priority within the category; red is 'stuck' or 'back burner', i enjoy the idea but am not currently working on it; green is finished (rare); blue is pre-planning/plot bunny stage/not yet posted.
Unto Summer Kings | wip intro | arthurian legend, fantasy, historical (ish)
Arthur lives in a lull period between greater moments in history - the fall of the Roman Empire came before he was born and the future is yet unwritten...
The Vespertine | wip intro | fantasy
Aselhi is one orphan among many on the streets of Kestramore, eking out a living as a servant in a minor household. Unlike other orphans, they're one of the vespertine, an alien people who ate through the cosmic Weft separating Moia from the other realms and setting the Causeways alight....
Lodestar | wip intro | sci-fi, speculative fiction
When Lieve was young, they used to dream of visiting Earth. Now an adult, they know that is but a wish made by a foolish child. Now, they toil on the inner asteroid belt, alongside most of their peers...
Amid Wisteria | wip intro | fantasy
Having grown up on the isolated western coast of Aeros, Arêllan ve Povunra Aelisâm is only 29 years old when their mother, the Lady Matriarch Povunra, declares they will be adopted into the esteemed Llanaere family and live in the distant capital of Maêla...
Sanctuary | wip intro | fantasy
After becoming a war hero in New Ánasezan Movement, Lady Alessámira Nasánza Solsinat is a knight who has retired from fighting. Three years have passed since the old monarchy was overthrown, and Ánaseza has finally returned to something resembling contentment and peace. Unfortunately for Alessa, darkness still lurks underneath the veneer of this new nation...
These Absent Gods (title WIP) | fantasy
Malachi was built for war - all war demons are. But they certainly weren't built for cleaving to a pact, much less one written by an idiot and enforced by the blood of an innocent. But here's what that idiot doesn't know: the one who bleeds is the one who owns the pact. Albae is just unfortunate enough to be that sacrifice.
Cracked Prophecy (title WIP) | fantasy
It was an accident, honestly! Grand Duke Hektor was supposed to be unkillable by any man, and here's Corbin, ruining the prophecy in that final battle. Now he has the enraged chosen one, Nirsaa, on his tail, and as he is lifted to new heights within their society, he realizes something about himself that no one saw coming. (or did they?)
The Hanged Man | Naruto | SI/OC-insert as Hatake Sakumo
Waking up in the body of a man the day before he's supposed to die isn't the greatest thing. Especially when I know what's going to happen to his son.
The Ever-Growing Gloaming | Baldur's Gate 3 | SI/OC-insert
It all started when Vespere tripped inelegantly through the fabric between realities directly into an illithid's vessel as it split the Planes into Baldur's Gate. On one hand, they're lucky enough to survive the experience. On the other… they have a tadpole in their head, a dream visitor they don't trust, and have somehow ended up being the face of a party of absolute fucking weirdos. Oh, and what's worse, they don't even know how to get home from here. Joy.
hope is a weapon / hope is a skill | Star Wars | SI/OC-insert, outsider POV
With the addition of the small planet of Edhen to the Republic, Senator Bryn Laverne is a new player on the field. The Clone Wars have just begun, and no one is quite sure what to make of it. Except the new senator, of course.
the stars that listen | Star Wars | AU, crack-y
Tiring of the Order's treatment of his padawan, Obi-Wan takes Anakin back to Tattooine with every intention of freeing first Shmi, and then the planet as a whole. This snowballs into a desire to free the entire galaxy from slavery and other systemic woes. Obi-Wan just didn't anticipate all but stealing half the Jedi Order doing it.
Winter Wakes The Wolves | Game of Thrones | OC-insert (sorta), crack-y
They don't know how they ended up here, but each one of them knows what will happen at Harrenhal. They're desperate to change the timeline, and clearly the best way to do that... is to bring an industrial revolution to the North. (Four random people get inserted into the bodies of Brandon, Eddard, Lyanna, and Benjen Stark a month before Eddard goes to foster at the Eyrie.) Inspired by Red Pill, Blue Pill (Falling Into Wonderland) by writing_as_tracey
Trickling | MCU/Thor | time-travel, genderbending
Loki dies on the Statesman and awakes in their childhood bedroom on Asgard, centuries before the Avengers would be born. Alas, this timeline is one step to the left, and they're left in the body of a little girl - not a little boy. Inspired by the Song of the Yggdrasill by Valerie_Vancollie.
(more TBD)
You don't know how you ended up here, but you do know that wherever this is, it isn't Earth. You suppose you're lucky you haven't died of some sort of alien disease or exploded into hives from an allergic reaction. But now you have a new cellmate, and they seem hellbent on teaching you a language you've no context for...
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cozcat · 2 years
(It is not that night, or the next, but she does spend a night with Alessa, before leaving Lisbon. And it isn't as though it is unenjoyable, but it is far from an experience she will go out of her way to repeat, no matter how gentle the hands guiding her own through motions she has no prior idea about. She'd gladly repeat the morning, though, of sunlit sheets and feather-soft kisses and coffee brewed strong enough to make her jittery; she just sometimes wonders if the morning after is worth the effort of the night before.)
But Mary can’t quite go back to her hotel - not yet. Instead, she walks back to the water and stands in the shallows, her feet digging into the cool, damp, sand. And she thinks, of that great yawning absence, of a chasm that was so recently not there at all. It’s suddenly so simple, everything that she was washed away with the tide, and she can’t even bear to miss it, with something else left in its wake. He was there, and He is not, and it’s as clear to her as the rush of the breeze in her hair, as the light of the moon on the water, of the touch of lips against her cheek and softly spoken words." so how does it feel to win?
[author's commentary ask meme]
"I'll do this when I get on my laptop tomorrow," I say, not doing it until 1am because Tumblr didn't keep the +1 notification.
This is an excerpt from how falls the serpent, a fic I published about Mary Malone in November 2020.
I've been fucking levitating about being so goddamned CORRECT for two weeks which is a nice reprieve from bouncing around four stages of grief :|
This fic wound up being a bit of an experiment with the flash-forwards and occasional flashbacks in brackets, and the actual evening in Lisbon as the main body of it. I don't think it is something I'd make a habit of, but I think it worked well for this. Mary's going through a bit of a crisis, so her mind's going to be all over the place. Fic is a fun place to play with writing techniques that you might not use again.
There's a line in an appendix in The Amber Spyglass, in Mary's notes - "tried sex, rather dutifully, like going in for badges in the Guides". (That may not be verbatim but I'm not checking it rn.) When thinking of the Mary in my head, the fact that she is asexual is as core as the fact that she is a lesbian. So, a lot of my own relationship with sex is present when I write Mary, because that tiny - canon! - piece of information resonates something fierce. Also, being gay and being ace are both things that make it a hell of a lot harder to figure out what it is that you're feeling, so both at once, when you want to become a nun and you never need to think about it again? Mary has a whole bunch of reflecting to do, very suddenly.
And then it bounces back to what is, rather than what is to come. She doesn't know that that's what's going to happen with Alessa - she's having a crisis of faith right now, but it's barely a crisis, because it was like a switch flipping. I think I was unconsciously paralleling a lot of the moments we see in Mary's POV, particularly when her soul temporarily floats away from her body, in which she's very grounded in the sensations of reality and what is as she suddenly realises what isn't. I don't remember doing it on purpose.
This fic is also something I all but rewrote - I wrote dust, dust, for all the days of your life about decisions Mary made to lead her to where she needed to be, and so, the moment in Lisbon had to happen in that too. It's interesting looking at them together, actually, as the same scene happens in quite different ways, as well as the aftermath. I always feel like my canon-compliant fics need to gel, but they don't. In this fic, everything is about this moment; in the other, this moment is a turning point, but not the whole story.
Also, do you want to know what's wild? I could never exactly picture Alessa, though I had a mental image of her that stuck. And then the flashback happened in the show and - that's her. That's exactly who I have been trying to picture for TWO GODDAMNED YEARS. What the FUCK Dan and Kahleen you pulled her out of my brain.
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I was going to make another ask but then felt bad because one of mine was already answered recently lol. Decided it would be easier to put this out as a post because I made a Hadrian and Alessa writing thing. Alessa's got too long so im saving it for my fic. Anyway:
In another much kinder universe where the ROs and MC grew up around each other (same village or whatever) and all of them are childhood playmates/neighbors/friends, would they all still fall in love with MC? And if so, what would they do to win over MCs affection? How would they deal with their crush?
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wizardyke · 2 years
honestly silent hill 4 and walter sullivan's chaarcter just comes off to me as cheesy. like i really hate to be one of those "1-3" purists but what made alessa and james' stories so compelling is that they started out with a nugget of realism and truth, and then spiralled out of control. child abuse is very much real, but sacrificing her in purifying flames isn't. the conflicting feelings and pain and selfishness that comes about watching a loved on succumb to a terminal illness is very real, but very very few people kill them outright.
walter sullivians character feels like they were just desperately trying to come up with a backstory for an already established unrealistic situation. (because thats what happened, walter was introduced as a throwaway background detail in sh2) and imo the story and thus the symbolism/horror falls really flat for me. silent hill 1 and 3 did the mother symbolism better too, and to have a third game based around mother inagery just makes me wonder abt wtf is up with team silent
i also think it suffers from the same problem apollo justice has, when the protagonist isnt actually the focus. 4 is undoubtedly walters game and thus henry has fuckall to do or say. like sure he wantd to get out of his apartment and then later save potential next victims, but why? silent hill is such a character driven series so it REALLY fucking suffers for it. even if you cant name much about harry mason, his motivation is so clear that even the game pokes fun at it (have you seen a little girl? short, black hair?) and james sunderlands turmoil is palpable in every single inch of that game. heather has the benefits of being a dorect sequel to 1, and also being the first and only teen girl protag to make her interesting and sympathetic. (i mean killing off her dad , who we also know and love is really good for explaining what would draw a 17 year old to a dingy abandoned resort town)
tbh there is an argument that most silent hill protagonists are everyman /self inserts , because their decisions are distinctly that of just Some Guy rather than The Right Thing To Do (harry walking out in fear of lisa even though it leaves her desolate and alone in what seems to be her final moments, james sunderland not summoning the right words to say to angela on the staircase) but henry ????????? it just comes across as weak and strange. theres definitely better ways to portray "guy who shouldn't be caught up in all this mess but somehow is" (something akin to james' "leave us borh the hell alone" wouldve been nice)
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