#alestair crowley
h-medicinalis · 1 year
I choose to believe Alestair Crowley walked the earth once more, however briefly, in the form of the Craigslist JO Crystal guy
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kungseyesfr · 2 years
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"The idea of incarnations that ′′perfect′′ something originally perfect by definition, is imbecile. The only healthy solution was previously given: Assuming that Perfect dwells in the experience of an (apparent) imperfection."
--Aleister Crowley
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horror-aesthete · 7 days
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Hannibal, 2015, dir. Adam Kane
SE03E07 Digestivo
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lonniemachin · 3 months
thinking about amadeus arkham’s journal and how it’s all esoteric and meanwhile jerry’s is like dear diary. i’m so fucking scared
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sovaghoul · 8 months
I define Magick as Occultist Alestair Crowley did, “the Art and Science of causing change in accordance with Will.” (Spelling it with a “k” is also Crowley’s doing, and is meant to differentiate between Witchcraft and sleight of hand). Using that language, Magick becomes no more mysterious or “supernatural” than raising my hand. And, indeed, to any well-educated Witch, it shouldn’t be.
Magick is similar to prayer, as it is an appeal to another source for intervention and assistance. However, I view Magick as more involved than prayers; to my mind, prayers are handing over the situation to that other power, saying, “You do it for me and I‘ll cross my fingers and hope it all works out.” Magick is instead saying, “I’m doing what I can on this plane, and now I need You to do what You can in the astral.” If involving some area of the mundane (finding a job, for example), any Magick done should be an extension of mundane efforts (filling out applications, submitting resumes, etc.).
Only three things are essential for effective Magick:
💭 Knowing one’s true Will
🗣 Stating clear intent
💥 Having the utmost confidence that one’s works will be successful
Correspondances in regards to timing, materials, colors, scents, etc., can sometimes have an impact and “boost the signal.” But, whatever else is done in terms of preparation or execution of a spell or ritual, if those three aspects are lacking, success is unlikely.
Magick is sometimes categorized as either Low (natural) or High (ritualized). The differences usually cited are that High Magick will involve naming a specific Deity or other named entity (such as Archangels) and asking for Their help, and will also usually include a prescribed set of actions and words. Low Magick, by contrast, uses the (often unnamed and amorphous) forces of nature and the personal power of the Witch to achieve its ends.
The two can also be combined, such as charging a pouch filled with herbs and stones associated with fertility, and also sending up a request to a fertility Deity. My belief system and way of worship allow for and incorporate both High and Low Magick, and also the described combination of the two.
However, there is some history associated with how these distinctions were first made. Originally, High Magick was the sort practiced by people hired by the Church and/or government, and incorporated elements from the Judeo-Christian traditions (such as the inclusion of Archangels) to set that authority more at ease. Low Magick then was the “foul sorcery” that the common folk practiced. It was more of a political distinction than anything else.
(Additionally, this led to the word “Witch” being considered female-gendered; the Church would hire men to perform spells and divination for them, but then turn around and condemn women who engaged in the same practices. Since the townspeople called on older Gods and Nature Spirits, they were said to be in league with the Devil and, therefore called Witches. The hired men were never called Witches, because clearly calling on Angels made them holy and pious. It’s circular logic and very misogynistic. A male Witch is called a Witch, because as was discussed before, Witch is a gender-neutral word.)
Since it is my belief that since the same “God stuff” makes up everything, including the forces of nature and an individual’s power, i also believe that taking a Low Magick approach is still calling upon the Divine for assistance, albeit indirectly. So it is my opinion that the lines between High and Low Magick are blurry at best. Since Wicca allows for both, it’s rather a moot point and up to the practitioner to decide, based on their own need and skill level, which forms are most appropriate.
The practical forms that Magick can take are almost as varied as the types of Pagans (for example, cord/knot Magick, candle Magick, herbal Magick, etc.). What is the most useful is up to the Witch and their situation. All over the internet are correspondence charts, with Moon phases, days of the week, herbs, crystals, candle colors, etc. that can be incorporated into a spell, what they each mean and how they can help. You can also find full spells themselves, but it’s my opinion that, while taking inspiration from someone who’s done a spell before is fine, a certain degree of personalization can make it all the more effective. For me, it adds to the confidence that it will work, because it’s my own.
For many Wiccans, it’s considered at the very least ill-advised to perform Magick on/for someone without their knowledge or consent, even if your intent is to help. Some people are simply not comfortable with the idea of having Magick worked on them, whether because they don’t understand Magick (and, say, believe all Magick is evil), or because some believe doing so spiritually binds them to you and you to them. Your best bet, always, is to ask.
I've said before that Magick is an intergal part of Wicca, hence why every Wiccan is a Witch. The act of Casting a Circle for a Ritual, the actions performed as part of that Ritual, all involve Magick, at the very least in the form of energy work, if not in more specific spellwork. Celebrating the Sabbats focuses energy towards turning the Wheel of the Year, which is a Magickal act. This is at the heart of Witchcraft and Magick, causing change in accordance with Will.
Next post: Death
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redacted-metallum · 2 years
People out here posting about cthulhu mythos stuff and taking it seriously like HPL himself wasn't a whole atheist and threatened to quit writing over this sort of shit. If you want a magic worldview from a old dead racist from the 20s Alestair Crowley exists.
And also. Theyre misspelling Cthulhu.
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prettybluelites · 9 months
This is a PSA that Hexennacht perfumes has a scent called Aziraphale. Whatever you're thinking this scent would smell like, you're probably right. I'd describe it as books, church, and pastries; the website describes it as marshmallow-topped hot cocoa, rice, wool, crêpes, leather-bound antique books, and old, wooden bookcases. It's warm. it's neither "Supreme Archangel" nor "Angel of the Eastern Gate," it's very definitely "eccentric bookseller." I like it very much.
And on a different fandom-y note, I've just learned that they also feature a scent called Polite Menace: West Indies bay leaf, Siracusa lemon, bergaptene-free Calabrian bergamot, sweet orange, Bulgarian lavender, tolu balsam, clove, cinnamon leaf, Persian lime, black pepper, choya nakh absolute, bourbon vanilla CO2.
I haven't tried that one, and that's a lot going on in one scent, but I think I'm gonna take a chance on it. I'll report back.
You can order from their website or you can order samples here.
(I'm not affiliated with them, btw, just a perfume dilettante who enjoys a good fandom connection.)
ETA: There's a scent called Crowley as well, unsurprisingly. It's not entirely clear whether this alludes to Alestair "Thoth Tarot" Crowley or Anthony J "formerly known as Crawley" Crowley, but whatevs, if you're like me you'll want the set. :P Also, it appears from the sample site that Aziraphale is perhaps being discontinued. Get 'im while he's hot.
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sophopolis · 6 months
the original dom bottom alestair crowley
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sixsixsickness · 7 years
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Don’t neglect your education ;)
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pugsims · 5 years
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Some Spellcaster bachelorettes...
Alanna Alastair is in purple, Majorie Rose is in blue & green
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kungseyesfr · 2 years
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"Put on the wings, and arouse the coiled splendour within you: come unto me!"
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horror-aesthete · 1 year
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The Wicker Man, 1973, dir. Robin Hardy
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slippery-minghus · 4 years
so i think i'm actually gonna get the job ;-;
they said they want to move forward, except that they were having trouble contacting my references, but i got in touch with the old boss who's gonna give the best review of me, and i'll hopefully hear back from the boss from my last job by tomorrow. she's kinda scary, but i dont think she's so awful as to be unprofessional. and i have a few people in mind for backup references if needed.
talking to so many people has made me nervous, but i think i'm doing it well enough. and if i get this job? so many good things are just going to fall into place.
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suspiria76 · 4 years
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This is the very unique and eccentric Evan Morgan, Viscount Tredegar.
Roman Catholic convert, despite being a practitioner of the Occult. Used the Cellars of Tredegar House for His Rituals which led His acquaintance Alestair Crowley to name Evan "the adept of adepts".
Crowley later fled Tredegar House in TERROR following one of Evan's Occult dabblings....
Kept a Menagerie of Exotic Animals at Tredegar House, held wild and flamboyant parties to suit His wild and flamboyant nature, and despite being married twice (once to a Russian Princess) was a very promiscuous Homosexual.
A truly astonishing character from the History of My local Area. And I am fortunate enough to work as a Volunteer (from time to time) at Tredegar House.
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twiggyhecate · 8 years
Rare Aleister Crowley Tannhauser book could raise Thousands  for Shrewsbury charity shop
Listening to Radio Shropshire bombing along the country lanes hoping to not meet a tractor on the way to work this week a  segment broadcasted that the  little Oxfam Book Shop in town had popped a rare book on EBay.  
This rare first edition is one of 200 copies written by and dubbed one of the most evil men to inhabited this planet, Alestair Crowley,whom was a poet, mountaineer and occultist.…
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black-cat-cafe · 5 years
I slept with faith and found a corpse in my arms on awakening; I drank and danced all night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning.
-Alestair Crowley
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