#alexandrite birthstone
moe-broey · 1 year
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Whaogh did you guys see the new Emblems...... so cool...
LMFAO this wasn't meant to be an April Fools thing, but it might be funny. I am just always rotating them in my brain...
Also it took me WAY too long to design the bracelet, and like. Idk if it's even good LMFAO, but the thoughts behind it were two wings, Askr motifs (ofc), opalite gemstone that resembles how orbs look, and two sapphires one blue one pink (REALIZING. I'VE MADE AN ERROR. I got zodiacs and birthstones mixed up. Oh well. Well at least it looks nice!) (<- Also sidenote all that info is based in the fanon August 30th bday for them lmfao!)
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americangirlstar · 1 year
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American Girl - June Exquisite Alexandrite Outfit for 18-inch Dolls
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mousai-aesthetics · 8 months
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The Archer’s 1000 Picspam —> 282: Birthstone Redux, Pearls and Alexandrite for June
Birthstones of the Year
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Let's wrap up the end of June with more stories about one of its birthstones. Alexandrite is actually a ''new' gemstone. It wasn't discovered, or at least classified, until 1830 in an emerald mine in the Ural Mountains. Since it was discovered in Russia and on his birthday, no less, the stone was named for Prince Alexander II. At first everyone thought it was simply an emerald but Alexandrite has the unique ability to change colors depending on the light its under and the stone tipped everyone off it was something entirely new when it went from the green they expected to red.
Which is all fascinating to me - but it does mean the stone hasn't been around long enough to really got much traction when it comes to folklore or legends around it.
For that, we'll look to June's third birthstone, the moonstone.
Before I get started though I feel as if I should point out none of my books on folklore include gemstones. This means I get just about all my information when it comes to superstitions about them from digging around on the internet or little bits of things I remember hearing in the past, like pearls being tears. Usually this is okay. I try to cross-check all my stories, only using ones that show up in two or preferably three different places and trying to avoid 'modern' sites that seem to be more about vibes than historical superstitions. I'm not here to tell you how to cleanse your house, I'm here to pass along old stories associated with items or moments our grandparents and their grandparents might have told each other. Point being, I ran across a couple different sites that listed off moonstone superstitions almost word for word of each other, which makes me suspect they all got the stories from one of the websites and just passed it around between them. It's not a good way to fact check whether they're real old superstitions or just a story one website made up and the others assumed it was factual and ran with it. The entire paragraph above me is basically just me saying 'Take all of this with a grain of salt'. I will try to keep everything true to its historic roots, leaving out things I find suspect, but I will also make misjudgements. In the end, these are all just stories and should be treated as such.
So - moonstones.
To the surprise of no one, moonstones are associated with the moon. Their milky luminescence and the way the light reflected through them seems to wax and wane as the stone is moved around are what give the stone its name to begin with. Any society comparing one to the other would automatically give the stone many of the properties they gave the moon. Hindu and Roman stories claim that moonstones are formed of moonbeams themselves, the rays solidified into something touchable. The Greeks and the Romans associated the stone with their goddess of the moon. In India, it wasn't permitted to lay the stones out for display in shops for sale unless they were cushioned in yellow cloth, a sacred color for a sacred stone. It's even been associated with Monday, suggesting if you were born on that day you shouldn't need to be a June child to enjoy the stone as your own since Monday is named after the moon.
Like the moon, the moonstone is good for lovers and prophecy. A moonstone in the mouth during a full moon will give you a hint of your future or perhaps just a future love. In fact, in India, the moonstone is considered a traditional wedding gift. Lovers who both wear moonstone rings will find their love deepened and increased and exchanging moonstones after a quarrel is supposed to help ease over the difficulty and restore the relationship. Since the gem seems to carry its own light inside of it, it was considered good luck both for a marriage and for all other aspects of life as well. Association with the moon also meant it was associated with fertility. It is supposed to help people retain their youth.
You know what else is associated with the moon? Sleeping. Put a moonstone under your pillow before you go to bed to enhance your dreams and let you sleep tranquilly. Not interested in sleeping? The moonstone is also supposed to protect travelers, especially ones that travel at night. The same protection extends to anyone traveling over water. Intriguingly, wearing a moonstone ring is also supposed to be a charm when playing cards, tipping the game in the gambler's favor and making the people playing against him more likely to follow the card shark's lead.
Do you want a full harvest and have money to burn? Bury a moonstone in the middle of your garden on the night of a full moon for an abundant harvest or hang it from a fruit tree for the same if you trust your neighbors.
The moonstone has enjoyed popularity all through history and in modern times, both the Art Nouveau movement and the 'flower child' hippy culture of 1960s America have seen a revival of interest in the stone. In 1970 the moonstone was named Florida's official state gemstone in honor of the moon landing that launched out of Cape Canaveral - even though the stone is not native to the state.
So what about that? When birthstones were handed out, June babies didn't do too badly at all, did they?
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ajluxejewelrystore · 1 month
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June Alexandrite Lavender Infinity Necklace at AJLuxe !
To shop this now click here: https://ajluxe.com/products/june-alexandrite-lavender-infinity-birthstone-necklace
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babygemsga · 3 months
💎Emerald - May💚
💎Alexandrite - June 💜
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lukanails · 4 months
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June’s birthstones Alexandrite and Pearl ✨
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Ren getting a custom alexandrite engagement ring to propose to Akechi with. 😊
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gemsbuild · 6 months
Discovering June's Birthstones: Pearl, Moonstone, And Alexandrite
By Gems Build 
Are you a June baby looking for a special birthstone? Look no further than Pearl, Moonstone, and Alexandrite - the three birthstones associated with June. Each of these gemstones possesses unique characteristics and is believed to bring a range of benefits to those who wear them. In this article, we will delve into the world of Pearl, Moonstone, and Alexandrite to explore their symbolism, significance, and the qualities they are said to enhance in their wearers. 
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Overview of Pearl, Moonstone, and Alexandrite 
Pearl, Moonstone, and Alexandrite are all exquisite gemstones that hold a special place in the hearts of those born in June. Let's take a closer look at each of these birthstones to understand their history, symbolism, and significance. 
History and Symbolism of Pearl 
Pearls have been treasured for centuries for their natural beauty and rarity. They have long been associated with purity, innocence, and femininity. In ancient civilizations, pearls were believed to be tears of the gods and were often worn by royalty and nobility. 
Characteristics and Properties of Pearl 
Pearls are unique among gemstones as they are formed inside the shells of certain mollusks. They are organic gems, created when an irritant such as a grain of sand enters the mollusk, and the creature secretes layers of nacre around it. This process gives pearls their lustrous appearance. 
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Benefits of Wearing Pearl as a Birthstone 
Wearing pearls as a birthstone is believed to bring several benefits. Pearls are said to promote emotional balance, relieve stress, and bring a sense of calmness and purity to the wearer. They are also thought to enhance one's intuition and foster a harmonious relationship with loved ones. 
History and Symbolism of Moonstone 
Moonstones have captivated people's imaginations for centuries with their ethereal glow and mystical allure. They have been associated with the moon and its cycles, often seen as a symbol of femininity and intuition. 
Characteristics and Properties of Moonstone 
Moonstones belong to the Feldspar family of minerals and are known for their unique adularescence, which gives them a captivating play of light. This phenomenon creates a shimmering effect reminiscent of moonlight, hence the name "moonstone." 
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Benefits of Wearing Moonstone as a Birthstone 
Wearing moonstone as a birthstone is believed to have several benefits. Moonstones are said to enhance intuition, promote emotional well-being, and encourage creativity. They are also believed to provide protection during travel and bring good fortune to the wearer. 
History and Symbolism of Alexandrite 
Alexandrite is a rare and mesmerizing gemstone known for its remarkable color-changing properties. It was discovered in the early 19th century in the Ural Mountains of Russia and was named after the Russian tsar, Alexander II. 
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Characteristics and Properties of Alexandrite 
One of the most fascinating aspects of Alexandrite is its ability to change color under different lighting conditions. In daylight, it appears green or bluish-green, while under incandescent light, it transforms into a reddish or purplish hue. This phenomenon is known as pleochroism. 
Benefits of Wearing Alexandrite as a Birthstone 
Alexandrite is associated with good fortune, love, and personal growth. It is believed to bring balance to one's life and strengthen relationships. Alexandrite is also thought to enhance creativity and intuition, making it an excellent choice for those seeking personal transformation and self-discovery. 
 Choosing the Right June Birthstone for You 
Whether you are drawn to the timeless elegance of Pearls, the mesmerizing glow of Moonstones, or the captivating color-changing properties of Alexandrite, there is a June birthstone that suits your unique personality and desires. Each of these gemstones carries its own symbolism, characteristics, and benefits, making them meaningful choices for those born in June. 
As you explore the world of Pearl, Moonstone, and Alexandrite, consider the qualities you wish to enhance in your life. Whether it's emotional balance, intuition, or personal growth, your June birthstone can serve as a beautiful reminder of your aspirations and a source of positive energy in your journey. 
Choose your June birthstone with care and wear it with pride, knowing that you are carrying a piece of natural beauty and symbolism with you. Let the magic of Pearl, Moonstone, or Alexandrite inspire you and bring joy to your life as you embrace the unique qualities they are believed to offer. 
So, whether you choose the iridescent beauty of Pearls, the ethereal glow of Moonstones, or Alexandrite's captivating color-changing properties, let your June birthstone reflect your personality and be a source of positive energy in your life. Embrace the enchantment and symbolism of these gemstones and let them shine bright on your journey. 
Birthstone magic blooms! Beyond your own gem, discover garnet's fire, amethyst's calm, and aquamarine's hope. Find strength in diamond, love in emerald, and magic in alexandrite. Ignite passion with ruby, seek peace in peridot, and wisdom in sapphire. Embrace tourmaline's vibrancy, topaz's warmth, and let tanzanite or turquoise guide you.
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reddpenn · 1 year
Here is a potentially silly question: how do you feel about birthstones? Do you think they fit the months (by season or astrological sign)? Do you have other stones you'd rather see as birthstones?
Okay, so, birthstones make absolutely no sense.
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I mean, look at this mess. We’re doing beryl and corundum twice! I get that they get Special Different Names for their Special Different Colors, but it's just lazy. And why are we giving some months cheap, common gemstones like garnet and amethyst while the poor June birthdays have to shell out tens of thousands of dollars for FREAKING ALEXANDRITE? That’s incredibly unfair! We should be picking birthstones that are all roughly the same price. And why do some months get multiple gemstones? I’ll tell you why: because nobody can agree on an official list and every attempt to standardize this thing has just added MORE birthstones to every month.
So obviously the answer is to standardize it again, by throwing out everything and starting over. Here are our goals:
Fair pricing. You should be paying roughly the same amount regardless of what month you were born in. We’re getting rid of those ridiculous outliers like diamond and alexandrite.
More customization potential! Nobody should be stuck with a stone they hate. We’re picking gemstones that come in multiple colors or varieties, so that everyone can choose a variant they like.
Wearability. Some birthstones are too fragile to be worn as jewelry. We need to replace them with stronger stuff.
No more duplicate gemstones. Every month gets a stone or family of stones with a unique chemical composition.
Now without further ado, I present to you:
The New And Improved List Of Birthstones With No Problems Or Flaws That Everyone Will Definitely Agree On And We Can Start Using Right Now Immediately
I've got no problem with garnet. It's a fine, classic birthstone, so January can keep it. But I would like to see a little more garnet diversity. January birthdays shouldn’t be confined to just red. The garnet family of minerals contains a rainbow of different colors, like orange hessonite, green uvarovite, pink rhodolite, yellow grandite, and many more. They’re all garnet, so we should be wearing them all!
The original birthstone of February was amethyst, which is… kinda boring. Super cheap and common and you only get one color? No, we can do better. February gets ALL the quartzes now. Keep wearing amethyst if you want, but also feel free to branch out into clear quartz, citrine, rose quartz, smoky quartz, rutilated quartz, tiger eye… actually, take all the agates too. If it’s quartz, it’s yours!
March was originally aquamarine, but I’ll be giving all the beryls to May, so we need a different stone here. Let’s stick with that theme of pale pastels and go with spodumene. For an April birthday, bedeck yourself in green hiddenite, pink kunzite, or yellow triphane. Despite its subtle colors, your birthstone has some amazing fluorescence, with really cool pinks and oranges under a UV light.
Diamond is too pricy for this list, so we’re replacing it with something less expensive and way more interesting. April will now be represented by the feldspar family. We’re talking labradorite, moonstone, amazonite, aventurine, and sunstone. While you don’t have much variety in color, your stones are full of shimmery schiller which glitters and shifts as it catches the light.
May’s original birthstone was emerald, which is great and can stay, but we’re also adding its siblings! May is now represented by all beryls: Emerald, Aquamarine, Morganite, Bixbite, Heliodor, Goshenite, and whatever other varieties I’m forgetting to list. A bright and saturated rainbow of colors is represented here, so everyone born in May is sure to find something they like.
It’s time to address the alexandrite in the room, and obviously we’re getting rid of alexandrite. A stone worth $15,000 to $70,000 a carat does not belong on the same list as friggin amethyst. Instead we’ll look at the other traditional June birthstone, pearl. The problem with pearl is that it’s a clear outlier in this list. An organic gemstone, by some definitions not even a mineral. Should we replace it? NO. We are OWNING it. All organic gemstones now belong to June. Pearl is joined here by jet, amber, coral, ivory, ammolite, petrified wood… in fact, June can have every fossil ever.
July was originally represented by ruby, which is a fine stone and won’t be kicked off the birthstone list - we’re just shuffling it down to September. Replacing ruby for July is spinel. (See, it’s funny because historically spinel has often been mistakenly identified as ruby! That's a little gemology humor for you.) Available in any hue you could possibly desire, spinel offers some nice color options to a month that previously only featured red. Of course if you want to keep wearing red, red spinel mimics ruby so well that you’ll barely notice the difference.
Nope, we’re not changing this one. Peridot is the ideal gemstone and you ungrateful August whiners can die mad about it. HOW ABOUT YOU LEARN TO APPRECIATE PERFECTION
Sapphire is a wonderful, classic stone and it deserves its spot on this list. But the corundum family has been separated for far too long, and we’re finally going to reunite them. Joining sapphire in September is its sister ruby. Between the pinks and reds of ruby and the many, many colors of sapphire, these two stones give September a nice variety of colors.
Look, as gorgeous as opal is and as much as I love it, it is both way too pricy for our list and also TERRIBLE in jewelry. This stone is just too brittle to wear around from day to day and can be ruined just by getting it wet, which makes wearing your birthstone a huge hassle. We’ll kick opal out and hang on to October’s other traditional birthstone, tourmaline. Pink tourmaline may be classic, but this stone comes in plenty of other colors. Whether it’s brown dravite, watermelon elbaite, or the rare and beautiful blue indicolite, you can wear them all!
November can keep topaz, but we’re not confining it to the color yellow. This stone comes in a huge variety of colors, and now they can ALL represent November. No further notes; it’s a nice, classic stone.
I dunno, I’ve had to come up with 12 of these, I’m burnt out. Sure, zircon, whatever.
“BUT WAIT,” you say. “Now instead of having a single color assigned to each month, almost every month is represented by almost every color, making it impossible to tell anyone’s birthstones apart and removing what made them special and recognizable as symbols!”
Well CLEARLY you didn’t read the title of this list.
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Elevate Your Glam Look with Metalicious New Arrival Jewelry
Are you ready to elevate your jewelry game? Look no further than Metalicious, your go-to online destination for the finest custom jewelry and stunning new arrivals. We invite you to explore our captivating collection, which includes everything from sterling silver necklaces to dazzling alexandrite rings. Let's dive into the world of Metalicious Custom Jewelry and discover the perfect piece to express your unique style.
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New Arrival Jewelry: Unveiling the Latest Trends
At Metalicious, we understand the importance of staying ahead of the fashion curve. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our latest arrivals, carefully curated to meet your desires. Our new arrival jewelry collection embodies elegance, creativity, and individuality.
Sterling Silver Necklace: Timeless Beauty Meets Modern Design
Elegance never goes out of style, and our sterling silver necklaces are a testament to that. Crafted with precision and adorned with intricate details, these necklaces are the epitome of timeless beauty. Whether you're dressing up for a special occasion or enhancing your everyday look, our sterling silver necklaces will be your new favorite accessory.
Custom Silver Necklace: Unleash Your Imagination
Create a personalized masterpiece with Metalicious Custom Jewelry. Our custom silver necklaces allow you to unleash your creativity and design a piece that reflects your unique personality. From engraved pendants to birthstone embellishments, your imagination is the only limit.
Alexandrite Rings: Captivating Color-Changing Magic
Step into the enchanting world of alexandrite rings, where color-changing magic takes center stage. These rare gems shift hues under different lighting, making them a mesmerizing addition to your jewelry collection. Explore our collection and find the alexandrite Enagagement ring that speaks to you.
Moonstone Ring: Mystical Beauty in Every Glance
Moonstone rings exude a mystical and ethereal charm. These unique gemstones possess an otherworldly glow that captures attention with every glance. Embrace the magic of the moon with our exquisite moonstone ring collection.
Custom Moissanite Ring: Brilliance Redefined
Experience brilliance redefined with our custom moissanite rings. These stunning gems rival traditional diamonds in sparkle and fire. Design your dream moissanite ring and revel in its radiant beauty.
Earrings Silver Hoops: Effortless Elegance
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Blue Topaz Dangle Earrings: Mesmerizing Azure Allure
Blue topaz dangle earrings capture the mesmerizing allure of the deep blue sea. Their vibrant hue and graceful design make them an ideal choice for elevating your style.
Metalicious is not just a jewelry store, it's a journey through exquisite craftsmanship and personalized elegance. With our new arrival jewelry and custom options, you can curate a jewelry collection that reflects your unique personality. Visit Metalicious today, and let your jewelry tell your story. Explore our collections and discover the artistry of Metalicious Custom Jewelry.
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uncommonjewelsin · 1 year
etsy share and save
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thedamselzelda · 2 months
Two Hearts Torn
Featuring: Fyodor Dostoevsky & Dazai Osamu
Summary: Broken, beaten, battered, and bruised. What keeps a heart from beating as one? For two, it's torn between losses and consequences of years past. However, in this twisted game, only calculated moves will stitch these hearts back together.
word count: 7.7k+, fem!reader, HOTD!reader, nsfw (oral sex m! receiving, unprotected sex, quick moment of domestic abuse [possessive Fyodor, very unhealthy relationship]), reader referred to with other names (no use of y/n), Russian words used (general meanings at the end), reader dissociates.
Author Chat: After an overwhelming poll, I have written another part of this story (tbh, I was a little too happy for it to win)! This part isn't as dark as I originally wrote it, as I couldn't bring myself to slander Fyodor too much. What can I say, the man is my #3 (behind my b-day buddy Chuya and my #1 Dazai ofc).
I also feel the need to mention before this part that this is an installment apart of the Beast AU. Yes, reader is married to Fyodor, however, the story is primarily a Dazai x reader story.
Hope you guys enjoy!
previous part ~ next part | LBH masterlist | BSD Masterverse
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You stared at your reflection in the ornate vanity mirror, the face looking back at you feeling strangely unfamiliar. With delicate movements, you began to remove the bobby pins from your hair, allowing each strand to cascade onto your shoulders. Your eyes, a striking violet, searched your own gaze in the mirror, desperately grasping for clarity amidst the whirlwind of memories from the night. A weary sigh escaped your lips as you closed your eyes and rested your head in your hands, succumbing to the flood of memories about him. The lingering effect he had on you was both frustrating and thrilling, a contradiction that left you feeling dizzy.
There was no doubt in your mind about the reason for his visit - he came solely to see you. The realization sent a shiver down your spine. Yet, his unexpected question about what it would take for you to leave the House of the Dead, to abandon your husband, had caught you completely off guard, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable.
You extended your arm forward, observing the glistening ring on your finger. The alexandrite stone caught the dim light of your boudoir, its colors shifting mesmerizingly from a deep emerald to a rich purple as you turned your hand. Regret washed over you like a cold wave, seeping into your bones as you contemplated your choice of gem. The stone, his birthstone, now felt like a silent betrayal, a constant reminder of the man you couldn't forget, couldn't refrain from loving despite everything. Disgust rose in your throat, bitter and biting, as you berated yourself for not choosing a simple, neutral diamond instead. The realization that your heart had once again acted without your conscious consent left you feeling raw and exposed.
Your mind drifted to the circumstances of your marriage to Fyodor. The decision felt rushed, almost impulsive in hindsight. It served no real purpose for either of you beyond Fyodor's antiquated notion of propriety. His timid words echoed in your memory, tinged with an air of pious restraint:
"I could not lay with you unless we were wed..."
You rolled your eyes at the thought, irritation prickling beneath your skin like tiny needles. Initially, aligning yourself with Fyodor had been a calculated move, a way to strike back at Dazai and the unfair hand of cards you had been dealt in life. But over time, it had evolved into something more complex, a relationship built on stolen moments - chaste kisses on hands and lips, always restrained by his devout adherence to religious principles. His unwavering commitment to God frustrated you; for what cruel deity would curse you with such an ability?
The irony of your situation wasn't lost on you. Never in your wildest dreams had you imagined yourself married, not even to Dazai. Life within the Mafia, and now in the House of the Dead, seemed incompatible with such conventional milestones. You had been content in your life with Dazai, before his gradual descent into whatever labyrinthine plans now consumed him.
Now, you found yourself in a precarious position. Isolated, you focused your efforts on seizing The Book from Dazai, the key to Fyodor's grand plan of overwriting this hellish reality. The weight of this mission hung heavy on your shoulders, a constant reminder of the complex web of loyalties, desires, and regrets that now defined your existence.
A soft click of your bedroom door stole you from your thoughts, your eyes shifting in the mirror to the figure entering your room. Fyodor's reflection appeared behind you, his rich purple eyes tired, as if he had paused his work to come and deal with you.
"Oh, moya lyubov', I wasn't expecting you." The lie slipped easily from your lips, even as you knew he would see through it. You had expected him, especially after how easily Nikolai had caught on to the change in your demeanor. Damn Nikolai...
"Moya zhena, I hear you've had quite the exciting day." His voice was smooth, yet laced with an undercurrent of something you couldn't quite place.
You made no indication of moving from your position as you looked up at Fyodor in the mirror. His weary smile was laced with fondness, yet you could detect icy undertones beneath the surface. He drifted over to you, his movements graceful despite his apparent exhaustion. His hands, cool and slender, came to rest upon your shoulders as he leaned down to place a kiss upon your undone hair.
His warm breath caressed your scalp, his lips parting as if on the verge of speech. Before he could utter a word, you smoothly began recounting your evening, carefully omitting any mention of Dazai's appearance.
"It was so tedious," you sighed, reaching for your makeup remover. "And now I'll have to get the carpet replaced." You dabbed at your face, the cool liquid erasing the traces of the night. Fyodor merely hummed in response, his intense gaze following your every movement.
"I suppose I'll have to search for a new group to take on the Port Mafia," you continued, your tone deliberately casual. "Maybe I should seek help from that Detective Agency. Perhaps they would work for the right price."
"No," Fyodor interjected sharply, his voice cutting through the air like a blade. You turned; shock evident on your features. He had never disagreed with your suggestions before, always supporting your efforts to obtain The Book.
His knuckles grazed your cheek, sending an involuntary chill down your spine. His lips curled into a malicious smile, violet eyes glittering dangerously in the dim light.
"Moy dorogoy, you've never been a terrible liar," he purred, his voice silky smooth yet laced with venom. "However, the secrets you keep have always been so apparent."
Your eyes narrowed as you searched the storm brewing before you. Suddenly, his hand wrapped around your throat, swift and firm, forcing you to your feet. The pressure increased, making each breath a struggle.
His face hovered mere millimeters from yours, his breath fanning over your lips. "You forget yourself, moya zhena. You belong to me. I know every move you make here, malen'kaya mysh'."
A desperate squeak escaped you as you gasped for air, your fingers clawing at his hand. "I know, please," you managed to choke out.
"He was here tonight," Fyodor hissed, his eyes blazing. "And I hear you two did more than just talk."
He released you abruptly, causing you to stumble back. You massaged your throat, gulping in fresh air. After regaining your composure, a smirk played on your lips. "All this because I danced with him?"
In a fluid motion, the back of his hand struck across your face, swinging back up to grasp the back of your head firmly. His voice dropped to a menacing whisper, "He is still in love with you. From how you feign the mere mention of him, I would suspect that you, moya lyubyashchaya zhena, also still love him."
A pain sparked upon your lips as you smirked, a breathy laugh escaping as you slipped into Russian, "Budto. It's as you suggested; I have initiated another plan by indulging him in a dance is all."
His eyes softened slightly, his grip on your scalp loosening. "Speak."
"He wants me to come back, to rejoin the Mafia," you explained, the words flowing effortlessly. "We can use that. Let me slip back into his good graces. He's bound to eventually have me up in his office. There, I can do what none of those assassins could, and take The Book for ourselves."
His anger was quickly replaced at your obedience, a soft smile reappearing. "Chudesnyy, moya lyubov'. I believe that is a great plan."
His eyes darted to your lips, urging you to quickly grasp the collar of his white buttoned shirt and pulled him into a kiss. His eyes fluttered closed as he kissed you lightly. You could feel him reveling in your compliance. His hand drifted from the nape of your neck, down to your waist, pulling you flush to him. His lips danced among yours, fervently melting.
Your fingers deftly toyed with the hem of his pants, coaxing a chuckle from your lover’s lips. He hummed as your body pressed against his, your hands slipping past the cloth to grasp his hardened cock. You smile at his breathy moan by your mere touch, leaning up to kiss the corner of his mouth.
"What you do to me, ty lisitsa." His eyes trailed you as you dipped down to your knees. His fingers combed into your hair, pulling every last strand from your face. Your eyes panned to his as you pulled his pants down slightly to free his hardened, leaky member. One hand rested upon his hip, the other supporting him as your tongue slips out, barely brushing against his tip, tasting the salty cream from his slit. He hissed, rocking himself forward slightly to you. You hum, releasing his gaze, closing your eyes as you opened your mouth to fully take him in.
"Ugn, so beautiful, moya lyubov'." His praises reach your ears; his lips uttering your name, like a thankful prayer to his God above.
His tip reaches the back of your throat, and your eyes squeeze together to feign from gagging. You draw back slightly, barely parting your lips to allow your tongue to trail behind. Your hand pumping in your lips wake, applying gentle pressure. 
He gathered your hair into one hand, using the freedom to brush a dripping tear from your cheek. "Takaya khoroshaya devochka."
Your lips close around his cock once more, dipping yourself to push your nose flush with his hips. You suppress a gag once more as your throat spasms against his length. 
"I must have you, moya lyubov'," his voice shaky, nearly causing you to laugh at his submissive behavior. You don’t release him just yet, however, gently sucking as you bob upon him. His knees slightly buckle at your defiance, earning a tug of your hair, pulling you from him.
He pulls you to stand by your hair, a slight burn forming from the aggressive pull. He releases you, grasping at the vanity seat to shove it out of the way. You were next on his brief redecorating of your room. Grasping you firmly by your hips, eagerly pulling at the skirt of your formfitting dress and forcing it up to your waist. His hands roughly grip onto you before pushing you into the vanity. 
You’re lifted by Fyodor to sit upon the cold surface, legs slotting open as he aggressively grasps your face to kiss you once more, as if it was his last dying breath. His member plays at your clothed cunt, slightly dripping from your arousal. His hand leaves your face, his fingers tugging at the cloth to pull it aside, aligning himself. He pulls at your waist once more, fixing the angle to allow himself to slide between your plush walls.
“Fuck!” You sharply exhale, your eyes slotting closed. Instinctively, you lurched forward to grasp onto him, and to rest your chin upon his shoulder. Your hands rested upon his nape and back, holding onto him as his hands gripped yours in a way that would leave bruises behind. His lips grazed your neck, leaving behind a trail of kisses and soft bites. 
Your eyes slowly opened as his thrusts grew sloppier, evident of his impending release within you. Across from you, you saw your reflection in the closet mirror, allowing you to observe the explicit moment before you. However, your mind saw and heard different; the black hair entangled within your hands was brown and curly, the muffled, breathy moans against your neck were replaced with lowly grunts and words of praise, and the suit of the man before you became stained black. 
You wanted to utter his name as you felt your release, like a call out to him to stay far away from the danger you would inflict upon him. Yet, you stifled the moan by biting your lip as you felt a warmth fill you to your core.
Fyodor sighed contently, releasing you from his harsh grip. He pulled his softening cock from your cunt, his seed dripping from you. He stepped to the side, observing his appearance within the mirror as he begins to fix himself before leaving you.    
“I will get started on that plan tomorrow, moy dorogoy.” You utter as you slide from the vanity.
“Ochen' khorosho,” were his parting words to you as he began to leave for the door. You slip your dress back down, not worrying about the state of it. You notice as you look up that he is awaiting your attention before amending his last words. “See you in my next life, moy angel smerti.”
You give out a plain breathy laugh, “Till true death do us part, moya lyubov'.”
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The pulsing energy of weekend nights had faded, replaced by the more subdued atmosphere of a weekday evening at The Midnight's Caress. Yet, even on these quieter nights, the club maintained a steady flow of patrons - a mix of devoted regulars and wide-eyed tourists drawn to its allure. Tonight, however, held special significance. A special visitor had arrived, someone who held a place in your heart from the days before Dazai's induction into the Port Mafia.
You made your entrance with practiced grace, descending from the second-floor terrace. Your presence commanded attention, drawing admiring glances from across the dimly lit space. Ignoring the adoration, your gaze remained fixed on your destination - the sleek bar opposite the sunken dance floor and stage.
A solitary figure occupied one of the barstools. Even from a distance, you recognized the familiar shock of unkempt auburn hair and the well-worn light brown overcoat. As you approached, you watched him raise an ornate crystal tumbler filled with amber liquid to his lips.
"And here I thought," you began, your voice carrying a hint of amusement as rich chocolate eyes met yours, “that you avoided lurking around Mafia territory at all costs, mister detective”
A warm smile spread across the man's face as he spoke your name, his tone tinged with fondness. “Well, if it's to see an old friend, I'm willing to take my chances.”
You feigned offense, placing your hands on your hips in mock indignation. “Sakunosuke Oda, did you just call me old?”
His head fell into a gentle shake, accompanied by a soft laugh that seemed to momentarily erase the tension from his features. You joined in his laughter, sliding onto the barstool next to him. While maintaining a careful distance, you positioned yourself to face outward, keeping a vigilant eye on the space between you and the stage.
Glancing sideways, you studied Oda's familiar profile, your gaze lingering on the amber liquid swirling in his glass. A mischievous glint sparked in your eye as you asked, your voice a playful whisper, "Did you pay for that?"
Oda's eyes met yours briefly, a flicker of amusement passing through them before he looked back down at the tumbler. His voice was steady, tinged with a hint of pride. "Of course."
You sighed, rolling your eyes in exaggerated exasperation. Leaning across the polished mahogany surface of the bar, you beckoned the blonde bartender with a subtle, elegant gesture. "Reimburse him," you commanded, your tone leaving no room for argument, the words crisp and authoritative in the dimly lit space.
"No, you don't have to do that," Oda protested, a faint blush of embarrassment coloring his cheeks.
Your response was swift and sharp, cutting through the ambient noise of the club. "He does if he would like to keep his job." The words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the power dynamics at play in this world you both inhabited, albeit from different sides. You softened your tone slightly, adding, "My friends do not need to worry about such things here."
A teasing glint returned to Oda's eyes as he accepted his reimbursement. "Oh, you have friends now?" he quipped, his voice warm with familiarity."Oda!" You laughed, the sound genuine and unguarded. "I almost do want to make you pay now."
"That was the goal," he replied, leaning back with a satisfied smirk. He stuffed the money into his pants pocket before grasping his glass once more.
The bartender materialized behind you, placing an identical tumbler filled with amber liquid onto the bar. You gave the glass a cursory glance before turning your attention back to the club.
Oda's voice drew you back from your reverie, curiosity evident in his warm tone. "So, how is it, being a club owner?"
"Boring," you replied dryly, a hint of amusement in your eyes. "How is it, being a detective?"
"Anything but boring. I'm always doing something, it feels like," Oda responded, his voice carrying a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction.
You nodded, a thoughtful expression crossing your face. Memories of your shared past flickered through your mind, a reminder of the complex relationship that bound you both.
Oda's voice softened as he continued, "We just recently recruited this boy."A breathy chuckle escaped your lips. "So, you've taken in another orphan. I swear, are you raising an army over there?"
Oda's rich laughter echoed within the glass at his lips, the sound warm and comforting. "It does seem like that, doesn't it?" He paused, his expression growing more serious. "I worry about this boy. I picked him up on the riverbank, and he attempted to attack me."
You listened intently, grateful for the chance to lend an ear to your friend's concerns. The ambient noise of the club faded into the background as you focused on Oda's words.
"I don't know what it is about this boy," Oda continued, his brow furrowing slightly. "He's in search of his sister... harbors the unruliest plans for this man that he describes as 'the man in black.'"
Your eyes widened slightly, and you turned to meet Oda's intrigued gaze. "This boy," you began cautiously, "does he have black hair? Two little tufts of white on the ends?"
Oda gave a hesitant nod, his hand now outstretched to offer you your glass. You accepted it carefully, the cool crystal a stark contrast to the warmth of realization spreading through you.
"Be careful of that boy. I remember his name clearly. Akutagawa Ryūnosuke." Your voice lowered, heavy with the weight of memory. You looked down at your glass, tapping your fingers along its surface rhythmically. "I was there when the Port Mafia found him, shortly before I left for Italy. There were plans to recruit him. However, it was determined... that he was unfit to join us."
Your eyes rose to meet Oda's, his face a careful mask hiding his thoughts. "There is a beast inside of that boy, Oda. I pray that you teach and guide him, to learn to tame it."
You paused, bringing the crystal glass to your lips for a sip. As the whiskey touched your tongue, your eyes widened in surprise. You pulled the glass back, glancing towards the shelves behind the bar. Your gaze settled on a familiar bottle, its amber contents glowing softly in the low light. You eyed it with a mixture of suspicion and resigned amusement. That snake, you thought, recognizing Dazai's handiwork in the choice of spirits.
Shaking your head slightly, you made a mental note to address that matter later. Your voice grew heavy with warning as you continued, "Or that beast will one day consume him. I've seen it near happen to the boy they did take in."
Oda's brow furrowed in concern. "I can agree; I share those thoughts exactly. Do you, by chance, know what happened to his sister?"
You gave a curt shake of your head, the movement causing the dim lights to dance across your features. "I know that the Port Mafia took her, however, I don't know what became of her."
Oda finished off the rest of the whiskey in his glass, the ice clinking softly as he set it before the bartender for a refill. "I see," he murmured, his voice tinged with disappointment.
A moment of contemplative silence fell between you, the ambient noise of the club fading into the background. You could feel Oda's gaze studying your face as you surveyed the array of guests for the evening, your eyes scanning the crowd with practiced ease.
"So, what happened with that?" Oda's question broke the silence, his hand gesturing towards his own lip and the side of his face.
"Oh," you replied, feigning ignorance about your appearance. You had attempted to cover the cut on your lip and the small bruise that had formed across your cheekbone from the night before. "Just an unruly guest. Unfortunate, and obviously for him, he didn't make it."
Oda hummed, a note of skepticism in his tone. It was clear he didn't fully believe the story you had fabricated. You huffed as you finished the rest of your glass, the warm liquid burning a path down your throat. Turning to him, you shifted the conversation once more. "What about your book? When will I be able to read the first draft?"
A soft smile graced Oda's features as he looked back down into his glass, swirling the amber liquid absently. "I've been having horrible writer's block. I know what I want to say, it's just getting it to paper that's the problem."
"Well," you gave a breathy chuckle, rising from your seat with fluid grace. His eyes met yours, a shared understanding passing between you. You both knew these encounters were rare and precious, a stark contrast to your shared youth. "You know where I'll be, ready to receive and critique. But to love it all the same."
"For the long wait, how about I dedicate it to you?" Oda offered, a hint of warmth in his voice.
You gave a warm smile, placing your hands upon your chest in dramatic adoration. The gesture was playful, but the emotion behind it was genuine. "Awe, Oda. You do care!"
Oda's head dipped down once more, his shoulders shaking with muffled laughter. You took a deep breath, the familiar ache of longing settling in your chest. More than anything, you wished you could embrace him, to feel the comfort of his brotherly affection that had been so freely given in your childhood. You knew deep down that he wished the same; on several occasions, he had forgotten the limitations of your ability, only to be reminded by Flawless.
"I have business I have to attend to, but you may stay as long as you like," you said, your voice softening with regret at having to cut the reunion short. You tapped the polished bar top twice, a silent signal to your bartender. He understood immediately, preparing your glass as well as a secondary pour of the whiskey you had been drinking.
Grasping the two crystal tumblers, the amber liquid catching the low light, you gave a final look to your dear friend. Your eyes lingered on his face, committing every detail to memory. "See you around, Odasaku," you said, the nickname slipping out unexpectedly.
Oda's eyebrows raised slightly, a quizzical look crossing his features at the unfamiliar moniker. You found yourself equally surprised, giving him a small shrug in response. The corner of his mouth tugged upward into a warm smile, and he raised his glass in a silent toast as you began to walk away.
Your heels clicked softly on the polished floor as you made your way back toward the staircase leading to your office. The weight of the glasses in your hands was a tangible reminder of the responsibilities waiting for you, pulling you away from this brief moment of connection. As you ascended the stairs, you could feel Oda's gaze following you, a bittersweet mixture of fondness and longing that mirrored your own emotions.
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Dazai's keen eyes followed your figure as you made your way back up to your office. His gaze then darted to Oda, who was nodding to the bartender, offering thanks and sliding money across the polished bar top. A wry smile found its way onto Dazai's face as he admired Oda's persistence in compensating the man. He felt a familiar twinge of jealousy watching you two interact from afar, reminded of the bond you and Oda shared which transcended any version of yourselves.
Turning away from the window, Dazai met your gaze as you entered the office. The soft click of the door closing behind you seemed to punctuate the sudden shift in atmosphere.
"Thank you, Dimitri," you called out, your eyes never leaving Dazai's. He could tell by the set of your jaw that he was in trouble, especially noting the two crystal tumblers in your hands. You raised an eyebrow questioningly, holding up the glasses. "We've only reconnected for one night, and you decided to take it upon yourself to amend my liquor choices?"
Dazai suppressed a small laugh, gratefully accepting the offered glass. The crystal was cool against his fingers. "I only had Chūya go up to the bar and request a drink. When the bartender replied that you don't supply this brand, I had it ordered and shipped to you immediately."
He watched you roll your eyes, unamused but continuing to listen before objecting. The light from the desk lamp cast dramatic shadows across your face, emphasizing the slight furrow of your brow.
"What can I say? Something just told me I'd be back here sooner than expected, so I made a few liberties—"
"Liberties?" You scoffed, though there was a hint of amusement in your tone. You glided past him, the subtle scent of your perfume lingering in the air. Settling back into your chair, you continued, "You quite literally had my bartender stock something without my knowledge, most likely due to knowing it was the Port Mafia Boss's favorite."
Dazai savored the rich, smoky flavor of the whiskey as he took a long sip, a contented sigh escaping his lips. He gracefully lowered himself into one of the chairs facing your desk, his keen eyes noting how they seemed slightly out of place in the otherwise meticulously arranged office. During your absence, he had seized the opportunity to explore the room, his observant gaze catching details that others might overlook.
A rug, he deduced, had once adorned the space before your desk. Now, a faint square of fresh wood flooring, spanning no more than six feet, stood in stark contrast to the worn, darker planks surrounding it. At the center of this cleaned area, Dazai's sharp eyes detected a slightly darker outline. His mind, ever quick to analyze, immediately recognized the telltale signs of a bloodstain that had been hastily, if not entirely successfully, concealed. The discovery sent a small thrill through him.
"You enjoy the drink, too, don't lie. I saw you down there drinking it with Odasaku," Dazai said, his voice carrying a hint of familiarity he hadn't intended.
You gave Dazai a puzzled look, your brow furrowing slightly as you processed his words. He realized his slip immediately, watching as a flicker of confusion passed across your features. The usually composed demeanor he wore like armor had cracked, revealing an experience he hadn't been granted in this life.
"My apologies," he quickly corrected himself, his voice regaining its usual smooth rhythm. The words flowed like silk, masking his momentary lapse. "I had only heard you call him that a few times before you left. You always spoke fondly of the man who defected."
He observed intently as you silently began to question yourself, your hand reaching back to scratch your head in recollection of more than four years ago. The gesture was subtle, but to Dazai's keen eye, it spoke volumes about your inner turmoil. However, much to his relief, you quickly moved past the topic without dwelling on it further.
You set your drink down upon the polished surface of your desk, the crystal making a soft 'clink' against the wood. Clearing your throat, a confident smirk coated your peach-stained lips, the color a striking contrast against your skin in the warm light of the office.
"Besides the topic of my apparently new inventory," you said, emphasizing the word with a hint of playful accusation, "did you want to continue your losing game?"
Dazai chuckled, the sound low and rich. He leaned forward, the leather of the chair creaking slightly under his shifting weight. "I think you've forgotten, but I was winning."
A light laugh escaped you, the sound filling the room with a momentary lightness. "I had your queen for the taking. Without it, what even is the game?"
Dazai hummed thoughtfully, his mind racing through possibilities far beyond the chessboard. In his mind's eye, he saw not just chess pieces, but the intricate dance of allegiances and betrayals that defined their world. Indeed, his queen was cornered - both in the game and in life - but Dazai was nothing if not a master strategist. Just as you had been hasty to claim victory, he knew exactly how to turn the tides. His plan wasn't just to save a piece on a board, but to reclaim the Queen before him that he had lost to Fyodor's trickery.
His lips curled into a subtle, knowing smile. This game was far from over, and Dazai intended to win back what was rightfully his, piece by carefully manipulated piece. The anticipation built within him, not just for his next move in chess, but for the grand strategy that would bring you back to his side, away from Fyodor's influence.
Dazai's eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned back in his chair, swirling the amber liquid in his glass. "Ah, but you've overlooked something crucial," he said, his voice smooth and confident. “It's my turn, remember? And with just one move, I'll not only save my queen but put you in a rather precarious position."
He set his glass down and leaned forward, his fingers tracing invisible patterns on the desk as if recreating the chessboard. "My knight to F6. It simultaneously blocks your attack on my queen and threatens your bishop. Now, you're faced with a dilemma – do you capture my knight and leave your bishop vulnerable, or do you retreat and lose your advantage?"
A sly smile played on his lips as he continued, "In chess, as in life, it's not just about the pieces you have, but how you use them. Sometimes, a seeming disadvantage can be turned into a powerful opportunity with the right strategy."
His eyes met yours, the intensity in them suggesting he might be talking about more than just the game. "So, shall we continue? I'm quite curious to see how you'll respond to this... unexpected development."
You leaned back in your chair, a mixture of amusement and respect flickering across your features. A soft chuckle escaped your lips as you shook your head slightly, your eyes meeting Dazai's intense gaze.
"Well played, Dazai," you conceded, your voice carrying a note of admiration. "I should have known better than to underestimate you. Your knight to F6 is indeed a clever move."
You paused, your fingers drumming thoughtfully on the armrest as you visualized the board in your mind. After a moment, a sly smile crept onto your face. "However, you're not the only one with tricks up their sleeve. I'll move my rook to E4. It puts pressure on your knight and maintains the threat to your queen. Plus, it opens up a potential attack on your king's flank."
Leaning forward, you picked up your glass, and place it against your plump bottom lip. "In chess, as in our line of work, it's all about adapting to the unexpected, isn't it? One must always be prepared to shift strategies at a moment's notice."
You took a sip of the whiskey, savoring its rich flavor before continuing, "So, Dazai, what’s your move?"
Dazai's eyes narrowed slightly, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips as he considered your move. "Interesting," he murmured, taking a thoughtful sip. “In that case, I'll move my bishop to D3, threatening your rook while maintaining defense of my queen.”
The game continued, each of you calling out moves, the imaginary board shifting in your minds with every declaration. The office fell into a rhythm of quiet contemplation broken by decisive statements, the clink of ice in glasses punctuating each turn.
"Knight to C6," you said, your voice steady.
"Pawn to A4," Dazai responded smoothly.
As the imaginary pieces dwindled, the tension in the room grew. Finally, after what felt like hours compressed into minutes, you both fell silent, a mutual realization dawning.
"Well," you said, a mix of frustration and admiration in your voice, "it seems we've reached an impasse."
Dazai nodded, his expression mirroring yours. "Indeed. By my count, we each have a king, a rook, and two pawns left. Neither of us can make a legal move without putting our king in check."
"Stalemate," you both said in unison, then shared a quiet laugh at the synchronicity. As your laughter died down, Dazai couldn’t help but admire you. While it seemed much had changed about you within the last four or so years, you were still sharp, quick on your feet, and though your encounter before last with one another within the confines of his penthouse was heated, it was as though it never happened.
Dazai raised his glass in a toast. "To a game well played. It's not often I encounter an opponent who can match me move for move. I’ve missed doing this with you."
You clinked your glass against his. "Likewise, Dazai. This was fun."
Dazai's intense gaze bore into your violet eyes, searching once again for a shred of the girl that once loved him. He knew you had to still harbor something, given your willingness to allow him into your office just one night after reconnecting, although you had resisted at first. A heavy sigh escaped your lips amid the charged silence, your eyes darting down to his lips. He mirrored the action, his tongue unconsciously brushing across his top lip.
In the days of your shared youth, the victor of these mental chess matches would be granted one request, no limits ever set. Trust and honesty were once pivotal, sacred even. But after touching The Book, everything changed.
Dazai watched intently as you shifted in your plush leather chair, leaning forward to examine the documents he had laid before you earlier. Your slender fingers opened the tan folder, eyes scanning its contents. Nervous anticipation built within him as he awaited your reaction.
A scoff broke the silence. It was somewhat expected.
"You want to buy The Midnight's Caress?" You looked up, an exaggerated eye roll accompanying your words.
"You're already paying us to leave you and your business be. I thought it would make more sense to annex your club since you already serve many mafiosos," Dazai explained, his voice smooth and persuasive.
Your eyes returned to the proposition. Dazai had been uncharacteristically considerate; you would remain owner, permitted to run the club as you saw fit, retaining eighty percent ownership.
"Ninety," you countered, your gaze drifting up from the paper. With practiced ease, you opened a drawer within your ornate desk, fingers grasping for a sleek box of cigarettes. The soft scrape of the box opening filled the quiet room as you extracted a single cigarette. The flick of your lighter cast a brief, warm glow across your features as you lit it. You inhaled deeply, the ember glowing bright orange in the dim office. Exhaling a plume of smoke, you placed the cigarette delicately between your index and middle fingers before uttering your next argument. "Giving you twenty percent would be grossly over what I already give you, which I've already been quite generous with."
Dazai raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. Given the club's popularity and the financial records he'd meticulously reviewed, he'd calculated that twenty percent ownership would be a small sacrifice. Yet, he'd anticipated some resistance from you.
You held the box out to him, one cigarette poking out invitingly. He leaned forward, long fingers grasping the rolled tobacco. Rising smoothly, he placed the cigarette between his lips. Leaning over your desk, he pressed his unlit cigarette to yours. His eyes, intense and searching, locked with yours as he contemplated his counter.
"Giving twenty percent would include more than just protection, Bella," Dazai remarked, his voice low and smooth as he relaxed back into the chair.
You laced your fingers together, resting your elbows on the polished desk. Your eyes fluttered, the lit cigarette dangling slightly between your lips. "How much are you assuming I'm already giving for this protection?"
“I calculated that it was around twenty percent now.”
A laugh escaped your occupied lips, followed by a click of your tongue. "Twenty? Oh, moye temnoye zhelaniye, I give you way less than that."
Dazai jerked his head back in surprise, questions flooding his mind. How much did you actually give of your earnings? The only logical explanation was the records he had did not contain unreported earnings. Additionally, when did you learn to speak Russian? He had no idea what the phrase meant, but curiosity burned within him.
He watched, transfixed, as you rose from your seat with fluid grace. The soft rustle of your clothing seemed amplified in the hushed office; his senses hyper-aware of your every movement. He tracked your progress as you rounded the desk, his heart rate quickening with each step you took towards him.
When you perched upon the edge of the desk directly in front of him, Dazai felt a rush of heat betray him, crawling up his cheeks in a flush he couldn't quite control. He found himself looking up at you through his eyelashes, acutely aware of the power dynamic shift. The dim light of the office played across your features, casting shadows that accentuated the curves and angles of your face. Dazai's breath caught in his throat as he drank in the sight of you, commanding and alluring in equal measure.
He watched, mesmerized, as you took another leisurely puff from your cigarette. The ember glowed bright for a moment, illuminating your face in a warm, fleeting light that seared itself into his memory. With practiced ease, you blew the smoke out above you, creating a swirling haze that danced in the air between you. The sharp scent of tobacco mingled with your personal fragrance, an intoxicating mixture that seemed to cloud his senses.
As Dazai gazed up at you, he found himself making a silent vow. He would let you have anything you wanted - any percentage, any terms. All that mattered was that you allowed him to remain in your presence, to bask in the captivating aura you exuded.
"I give ten percent of my yearly earnings to you now, Dazai. You're basically asking I near triple that in my eyes, as it's not only money; it's ownership." Your voice carried a hint of steel beneath its smoothness, a reminder of the strength that had always drawn Dazai to you.
Dazai stood to meet your gaze, his movement fluid and deliberate. Your eyes darted from his visible eye down to his lips again as he leaned in, his voice dropping to a near whisper. “Seventeen then.” The words hung in the air between you, charged with unspoken tension.
"You're good at a lot of things, Osamu, negotiating is apparently not one of them." You leaned further in, your breath warm against his skin.
He took a moment, relishing the closeness that you'd allowed once again. However, his keen eye caught sight of a cut upon your bottom lip and faint evidence of a bruise upon your cheekbone, which you had evidently tried to cover, which wasn't there the night before. He saw your eyes widen slightly, likely realizing he'd noticed the wounds marring your features. Before he could question you, you spoke again.
"I own the entire property as of right now. I even live upstairs." You took the cigarette from your mouth, gesturing with your fingers toward the area outside the office. Osamu recalled the elevator he'd noticed across from your office doors. That explained its presence. "You might as well buy the whole building, since it seems you're trying to buy me back into the mafia."
Osamu passively heard you, however, he couldn’t bring himself to reply to you just yet. His mind wouldn’t move past the subtle signs of abuse on your face. The cut on your lip, the faint bruise on your cheekbone - they weren't there last night. His heart clenched painfully in his chest, a mixture of worry and rage threatening to overwhelm him.
He reached out instinctively, his hand hovering near your face but not quite touching. He remembered how you used to flinch in worry of touching others, but you remained still, even slightly leaning toward his touch.
Finally, his voice whispered your name out, softer than he intended, "This isn't about buying you back into anything. Do you really think I'd try to manipulate you into a life you chose to leave?"
He watched your eyes, those stormy violet orbs that had once looked at him with such trust and affection. Now they seemed guarded, wary. It pained him more than he cared to admit.
"I respect your decisions," he continued, "even if I don't always agree with them. But those marks on your face, cara mia… they weren't there last night."
Osamu felt his hand clench at his side, anger surging through him at the thought of Fyodor laying a hand on you. He fought to keep his voice steady. "This isn't about ownership or percentages. It's about keeping you safe from a man who clearly doesn't value you the way he should. The way you deserve."
He took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging within him. He needed you to understand, to see beyond the business proposition to the genuine concern that drove his actions. Fyodor, in this life and every other, was not a man to be trusted, let alone be married to.
"I won’t ask you again to come back to the mafia. All I'm asking, is for you to let me protect you. Because right now, your independence is coming at a cost that's far too high."
Osamu’s unbandaged eye searched yours, silently pleading. He saw a flicker of something - vulnerability, perhaps - behind your carefully constructed walls. It gave him hope.
"Let me help you," he said softly. "Please."
In that moment, looking into your eyes, Osamu realized just how much he still cared for you; it was overwhelming. The thought of you in pain, of Fyodor hurting you, was unbearable. He knew he'd do whatever it took to keep you safe, even if it meant putting himself, his plans, in danger. Because despite everything that had happened, you were still one of the most important people in his world.
Osamu watched as your eyes widened slightly at his words, a mix of emotions flickering across your face. For a moment, your carefully constructed facade seemed to waver, revealing a glimpse of the vulnerability he once knew so well.
His breath caught as you reached up, your fingers gently brushing against his hand that hovered near your face. The touch was electric, sending a shiver through him. Your voice was soft, barely above a whisper when you spoke.
"Osamu... it's not that simple."
He held his breath, hoping for more, but you seemed to steel yourself before continuing. "I appreciate your concern, truly. But my life, my choices... they're complicated. More than you know."
Osamu felt a pang in his chest as you slid off the desk, putting a small distance between you. The internal struggle playing out in your eyes was painfully clear to him.
"Ten percent, if you buy the entire building," you said suddenly, your voice regaining its businesslike tone. "That's my final offer. And I maintain full operational control."
The abrupt shift back to business threw him for a moment, but he quickly recovered. He recognized your deflection for what it was - a shield, a way to avoid the deeper conversation you both knew you needed to have.
"Agreed," he said softly, his eyes never leaving yours. "But this conversation isn't over. I won't stand by and watch you get hurt, no matter how complicated things are."
You nodded, a small, sad smile playing on your lips. "I know you won't. That's what makes you... you."
As you moved to return to your seat, Osamu caught the briefest flash of something in your eyes. Was it longing? Regret? Or perhaps something more calculating? He couldn't be sure, and it frustrated him. There was a time when he could read you like an open book, but now... now parts of you were a mystery to him.
Watching you settle back into your chair, Osamu began to feel a sharp pang of guilt. He knew he was being selfish, pursuing you when his time in this world was limited. The weight of his secrets - the truth about the Book and his inevitable fate - pressed heavily upon him. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to tell you, it would cost too much. Instead, he made a silent vow to protect you from Fyodor and his plans, and, if possible, win back your trust and affection, even if it was only for a brief moment in time. 
As he gazed at you across the desk, Osamu felt a familiar warmth in his chest, accompanied by a sharp ache. Despite everything, despite the years and the pain and the complications, you were still one of the most important people in his world. And he would do whatever it took to keep you safe, even if it meant putting himself, his plans, in danger.
"With that matter settled," you said, a smile reappearing on your face as you extinguished your cigarette. "Would you like to try another game of chess? I'd understand if you say no, as assuredly going to win this time."
A rich laugh escaped through Osamu’s lips. "I'd like to see you try," he responded, his eyes gleaming with challenge and amusement.
The game was on, and Osamu intended to win.
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Author Chat: This part took a lot out of me. Again, I had intended it to be much darker, as I see so many write Fyodor as this sweet, quiet man who's tenderly loving his s/o, but I was like "but what if...?" So, that's partly where the inspiration came from, because let's be honest, that man is dark and twisted (you know the looks like a cinnamon roll, will actually kill you).
If you liked, feel free to like and reblog <3 ~DamzelZelda
Song Inspos: Rule #34- Fish in a Birdcage Watch- billie eilish
Russian Word "Dictionary" (Curtesy of [unreliable] Google translate):
moya lyubov': "my love"
moya zhena: "my wife"
moy dorogoy: "my dear"
malen'kaya mysh': "little mouse"
lyubyashchaya: "loving"
budto: "as if"
chudesnyy: "marvelous"
ty lisitsa: "you vixen"
Takaya khoroshaya devochka: "such a good girl"
Ochen' khorosho: "very well"
moy angel smerti: "my angel of death"
moye temnoye zhelaniye: "my dark desire"
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ajluxejewelrystore · 1 month
Shop the June Alexandrite Lavender Infinity Necklace Today!
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Celebrate the elegance of June with our Alexandrite Lavender Infinity Birthstone Necklace! Featuring a stunning lavender alexandrite gemstone in a graceful infinity design, this necklace is perfect for those born in June. Its unique color and sophisticated style make it a standout addition to any collection. Embrace the beauty of your birth month—we have 20% to 30% discounts on every purchase. Grab the offer now!
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todayontumblr · 1 year
Monday, May 29.
June is a month and it's coming.
What a time to be alive. It’s nearly June. And we want you, distinguished reader, to enter the best month of the year with all the little tidbits of June trivia you might possibly need:
June has the longest daylight hours of the year (in the Northern Hemisphere—in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the shortest day of the year. Idk. Planets, man).
June is one of only two months to have three (!) birthstones (greedy). They are Moonstone, Alexandrite, and pearl—which is not technically a stone at all, but here we are.
If you’re born in June, roses and honeysuckle are associated with your birth. Get a whiff of that.
For many indigenous folks, including Creek, Cherokee, Seminole, Yuchi, and Iroquois folks, June's strawberry moon brings about harvest and thanksgiving, as well as Green Corn Festivals (weather permitting).
The Anglo-Saxon word for June was Ærra-Liða, which is like, “first calm.” Mmh (✿◡‿◡)
The Romans believed it was a bad omen to marry in June. In English, this month is named after the goddess Juno, who is the Roman equivalent to Hera, mother of the gods.
June starts on a different weekday than any other month in the year? Why? Maths.
So. Time is fake. We’re whooshing ahead. We’re celebrating June early. Come get comfy, check out these baby animals and cool flowers. Also this month: check out your local queer artists, have some fun with some polls, tickle some frogs, and try to escape the grim out there. Stay safe and be kind, Tumblr <3 
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demigoddessqueens · 3 months
birthday headcanons
A/n - soon to be Ezio’s birthday in the coming days
Masterlist 10
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Thinking of a loving Ezio who begins to appreciate the quieter moments with you, watching with amusement as you spoil him with any gifts or affections you gave for him
Fancy dinners or home cooked meals with candlelight is a way to his heart
you either make a homemade cake for him or have it catered to his speciality
Gifts are journals for his travels, blades with his family’s coat of arms on them, adornments on his person with pearl, alexandrite, moonstone (June birthstones)
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