#alfred norris
savoureuxx · 4 days
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the shining by stephen king + literary references
chapter eighteen / the love song of j. alfred prufrock by t.s. eliot
chapter twenty-five / alice’s adventures in wonderland by lewis carroll
chapter twenty-eight / the masque of the red death by edgar allan poe
chapter thirty-three / the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson
chapter thirty-six / the tragedy of hamlet, prince of denmark by william shakespeare
chapter forty-six / treasure island by robert louis stevenson
chapter forty-eight / mcteague by frank norris
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thishadoscarbuzz · 1 year
236 - Secret In Their Eyes
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After The Secret in Their Eyes won Argentina and director Juan José Campanella the 2009 Best Foreign Language Film Oscar, an American remake emerged with primo screenwriter and director Billy Ray attached. Dropping the The faster than a gritty reboot, the American Secret In Their Eyes not only drew top stars but, in adaptation, turned the original’s reflection on military rule into a post-9/11 set thriller of institutional corruption. With an awards friendly cast of headliners of Chiwetel Ejiofor, Nicole Kidman, and And-credit Julia Roberts, the film’s grim but tepid examination of morals deflated by the search for justice met an indifferent critical response after skipping the fall festival season.
This episode, we talk about Billy Ray’s work as a franchise screenwriter and trio of directorial efforts, including his sensational, underrated debut Shattered Glass. We also talk about the original’s Oscar win over early season Cannes-certified films The White Ribbon and A Prophet, the headliner’s television misfires, and actor Joe Cole’s dual villain roles as A Nose and Marshall Mathers.
Topics also include Laura Linney in an upcoming “Catholic 80 for Brady,” the strong run of recent International Feature winners, and Julia Roberts’ bangs.
The 2015 Oscar nominations
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liridi · 4 months
Heyy, I'm starting to get interested in reading the Arthurian Legend/Story/Mith (?), and I was just wondering if you have any reccomendations on where to start with what books? I hope you have a nice day, Take care!
Oh thanks for the ask. I can only half answer this? I'm much better with my Greek myths. I've read a fair number of arthuriana texts but there are so many arthuriana blogs on here that faaar outmatch me with regards to the texts they've read.
I would personally start with Gawain and the Green Knight, I think it's a great entry point and one of the strongest texts in arthuriana. If you enjoy that one I think you're pretty much green lit to continue on.
Then it's a bit of a question what you want to do?
If you want an oversight of the "plot" of Arthuriana (ie. the rise and downfall of Camelot, from Arthur's conception to his death) you either want to start with the Vulgate Cycle (long but well written, the translation by Norris Lacy is recommended) or Le Morte D'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory (based on the Vulgate Cycle, it's shorter but still long, and worse written, but definitely the basis for later/modern arthuriana). These are inaccesible bricks of reading material, I'm still slogging through Le Morte, two years later. But they're pretty much the bedrocks at the bottom of our modern arthuriana "canon" (no such thing but you know what I mean) so :///
If you want more readable later adaptations that cemented our modern arthuriana "canon", you either want Alfred Lord Tennyson's Idylls of the King or The Once and Future King by TH White.
If you want to keep reading short stories set in the Arthuriana world I recommend by personal favorite, the Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle. I've also been highly recommended The Knight of the Cart by Chretien de Troyes, the introduction of Lancelot and his affair with Guinevere. Courtly love!!!
But here I defer to @queer-ragnelle they can definitely give you a better answer.
Good luck!
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detroitlib · 3 months
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From our stacks: Illustration "Member of the Children's staff of the Library." From David Copperfield's Library. By John Brett Langstaff. With Prologue by Sir Owen Seaman and Epilogue by Alfred Noyes. Illustrated by Raven Hill, Frank Reynolds, H. M. Bateman, Arthur Norris, and Hanslip Fletcher. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1924.
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capsulas · 8 months
Trece historias que ocurren en un tren
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Los europeos. Tres vidas y el nacimiento de la cultura cosmopolita, de Orlando Figes. Taurus. 2020. Un libro que narra cómo el ferrocarril transformó Europa en el siglo XIX, creando una sensación de identidad cultural común. El libro se centra en las vidas de tres personajes: el escritor ruso Iván Turguénev, la cantante francesa Pauline Viardot y su marido, el historiador Louis Viardot.
Miguel Ostrogoff, de Julio Verne. 1876. Una novela de aventuras que cuenta el viaje de un emisario del zar por Siberia para alertar a su hermano de una invasión tártara. El libro describe los paisajes y los peligros de la región, así como la cultura y la historia de Rusia.
La bestia humana, de Émile Zola. Capitán Swing. 1890. Una novela que forma parte del ciclo de los Rougon-Macquart, en la que Zola retrata la sociedad francesa del Segundo Imperio a través de una saga familiar. La novela se ambienta en el mundo del ferrocarril y narra una historia de pasiones, crímenes y locura.
La Madona de los coches cama, de Maurice Dekobra. Impedimenta. 1925. Una novela que fue un éxito mundial en su época y que inauguró el género del thriller ambientado en el Orient Express. La novela cuenta las peripecias de un mayordomo que viaja por Europa para recuperar unos pozos petrolíferos que pertenecen a su aristocrática ama, Lady Diana Wynham.
Asesinato en el Orient Express, de Agatha Christie. Espasa. 1934. Una de las novelas más famosas de la reina del misterio, en la que el detective Hércules Poirot debe resolver un asesinato ocurrido en el lujoso tren que une Estambul con París. La novela tiene un final sorprendente e ingenioso.
Extraños en un tren, de Patricia Highsmith. Anagrama. 1950. La primera novela de la autora de El talento de Mr. Ripley, en la que dos desconocidos se encuentran en un tren y acuerdan intercambiar sus respectivos crímenes: uno matará a la mujer del otro y el otro al padre del primero. La novela explora los temas de la culpa, la obsesión y la identidad.
La dama desaparece, de Ethel Lina White. Editorial Alba. 1936. Una novela de suspense que fue adaptada al cine por Alfred Hitchcock, en la que una joven viajera se da cuenta de que una anciana con la que había entablado amistad ha desaparecido del tren en el que viajan por Europa. Nadie parece recordarla y todos creen que la joven está loca.
El señor Norris cambia de tren, de Christopher Isherwood. Acantilado. 1935. Una novela que retrata el ambiente decadente y bohemio del Berlín de los años treinta, a través de la amistad entre un joven escritor inglés y un misterioso hombre de negocios llamado Arthur Norris. La novela mezcla humor, ironía y crítica social.
Los chicos del ferrocarril, de Edith Nesbit. Editorial Berenice. 1906. Un clásico de la literatura infantil, en el que tres hermanos se mudan a una casa cerca del ferrocarril después de que su padre sea encarcelado por una falsa acusación. Allí vivirán divertidas aventuras y harán nuevos amigos, como el anciano señor del tren o un exiliado ruso.
Calle de la estación, 120, de Léo Mallet. Libros del asteroide. 1943. Una novela negra protagonizada por el detective Nestor Burma, que debe investigar el asesinato de su ayudante en la estación de Lyon, en plena ocupación nazi de Francia. La novela combina intriga, humor y crítica social.
Trenes rigurosamente vigilados, de Bohumil Hrabal. Seix Barral. 1965. Una novela que narra la resistencia de un joven aprendiz de ferroviario contra los nazis en la Checoslovaquia ocupada. La novela mezcla humor, erotismo y tragedia, y fue llevada al cine por Jirí Menzel, ganando el Oscar a la mejor película extranjera en 1967.
El expreso de Tokio, de Seicho Matsumoto. Libros del asteroide. 1958. Una novela policiaca que se considera una obra maestra del género en Japón, en la que el inspector Mihara debe resolver el caso de dos cadáveres hallados en una playa, que parecen haberse suicidado tras tomar cianuro. La novela es un retrato de la sociedad japonesa de posguerra y de sus contradicciones.
Tren fantasma a la Estrella de Oriente, de Paul Theroux. Editorial Alfaguara. 2008. Un libro de viajes en el que el autor recorre Europa, la India y Asia en tren, siguiendo el itinerario que hizo treinta años antes y que plasmó en su libro El gran bazar del ferrocarril. El libro es una reflexión sobre el paso del tiempo, el cambio y la diversidad cultural.
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(013) Die drei ??? und der lachende Schatten
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Schatten pflegen normalerweise zu schweigen. Hier aber lacht ein Schatten – schrill und furchterregend! Doch nicht nur dieser höchst ungewöhnliche Schatten bereitet Justus, Bob und Peter Kopfzerbrechen. Auf dem Landsitz der alten Miss Sanchez scheinen auch sonst recht merkwürdige Dinge vorzugehen. Was hat es zum Beispiel mit dem Gerücht auf sich, daß ganz in der Nähe ein wertvoller Indianerschatz vergraben sein soll - an einem Ort, wo kein Mann ihn finden kann ...  
Buch (Random House): 012, 1969, William Arden, The Mystery of the Laughing Shadow Buch (Kosmos): 006, 1971, Leonore Puschert (aus dem Amerikanischen übertragen) Hörspiel (Europa): 013, 1980
⁉️ Allgemein
Rocky Beach
Diebstahl, Schatzsuche
Justus Jonas
Peter Shaw
Bob Andrews
Alfred Hitchcock
Professor Meeker, Sprachwissenschaftler
Skinny Norris, Lieblingsfeind der drei Fragezeichen
Mathilda Jonas
Theodor „Ted“ Sanchez
Sarah Sanchez, Großtante von Ted
Patrick (keine Sprechrolle)
Mr. Harris, Präsident des Vegetarierbundes (😈)
Mr. Morton. Chauffeur
Kommissar Reynolds
🏖 Rocky Beach Universum
„In den Bergen“
Hacienda (Landgut) von Miss Sanchez
Cambridge, England, Ted kommt dort her
Indianerkopf, Bergformation
Stamm der Yaqui, Ethnie aus Mexiko, haben sich am erfolgreichsten gegen Kolonialisten gewehrt
Stamm der Chumash, „primitivere Sprache“, keine Schrift, Häuptling Magnus Verde, hatten Stützpunkte in den Bergen, auch auf dem Landgut der Familie Sanchez, haben einen Goldschatz vor den Kolonialisten versteckt
🛼 Sonstiges
Lustige Dialoge
Mr. Harris: „Ich weiß nicht recht, ob unseren Freunden das Essen schmecken wird, Mrs. Sanchez und ich sind nämlich Vegetarier, wir essen nur Pflanzenkost. Ich bin Präsident des Vegetarierbundes. Mrs. Sanchez hat mich mit der Gründung des Ortsvereins von Rocky Beach unterstützt.“ Justus: „Vielen Dank Sir, aber wir haben leider keine Zeit zum Essen zu kommen, obwohl wir eine derartige Kost gern einmal ausprobieren würden.“ […] Justus: „Buärgh, Mohrrüben und das wohlmöglich zum Mittag! Da ist mir ein saftiges Steak schon lieber!“
Alfred Hitchcock: „Bob und Peter fuhren zum Haus der Vegetarier.“
*Es wird rumgerufen* Peter: „Das kommt aus dem Vegetarierhaus.“
Skinny Norris: „Man, was seid ihr Superhirne doch bescheuert." Bob: „Skinny Norris! Das ist Skinny Norris. Er hat uns eingesperrt. Lass uns sofort raus, Skinny Norris!“ Skinny Norris: „Ihr beide kommt hier nicht raus. Nur schade, dass euer Dickerchen nicht dabei ist, hehe. Das würd' mir Spaß machen, wie sich dieser fette Schlauberger abmüht, da wieder raus zukommen.“ Bob: „Wenn Justus hier wäre, würdest du dich nicht so aufspielen!“ Skinny Norris: „Ach halt die Klappe.“
Justus: „Sehen Sie doch, dieses braune Zeug und hier den roten Fleck, merken Sie was?“ Morton: „Ja … Senf und ein wenig Blut wie mir scheint.“
Fat shaming Justus wird beleidigt
Knock-Out Bob wird auf den Kopf gehauen
🏳️‍🌈 Queer/diversity read
Shippy moments
Diversity, Political Correctness and Feminism
„Indianischer Künstler“
Ein dunkelhäutiger Mann mit einem Messer
Patrick der Ire
„Es sollen zwei dunkelhäutige Männer gewesen sein. Vielleicht waren es Indianer.“
Natches und Nanika, haben den FRAGWÜRDIGSTEN AKZENT!
„Indianerjungen sind klein.“
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byfulcrums · 2 years
Broke: In Gotham, people make those Chuck Norris jokes but instead of using Batman as the punchline, they use Bruce Wayne
Woke: They use Alfred instead of Bruce
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tropicalfreckles · 2 years
You know those really dumb., annoying chuck norris jokes people have been doing for decades.
DC universe, some nerd starts making those jokes about Batman. Bruce easily is able to ignore it at first, even when some of the other more immature super heroes start using it around him during team ups and he just gives his usual scowl.
But then the Robins catch wind of it, and he can't escape it anymore in Wayne manner. He's just so done 24/7 and Alfred is in the back getting a laugh out of this quietly, then the jokes become perma-banned in the mansion after one joke too many.
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sporadiceagleheart · 11 days
Semina Mary Halliwell, Saffie-Rose Brenda Roussos, Lily Peters, Olivia Pratt Korbel, Elizabeth Shelley, Sara Sharif, Charlotte Figi, Jersey Dianne Bridgeman, Sidra Hassouna, Sloan Mattingly, Audrii Cunningham, Athena Strand, Athena Brownfield, Macie Hill, Ava Jordan Wood, Skylar Annette Neese, Rachel Joy Scott, Hannah Louise Scott, Charlotte Bacon, Charlotte Louise Dunn, Riley Faith Steep, Jayce Carmelo Luevanos, Jailah Nicole Silguero, Louis XVII, Shirley Temple, Baby LeRoy, Baby Peggy Montgomery, Peggy Cartwright, Darla Jean Hood, Jean Darling, Peaches Jackson, Mary Ann Jackson, Dorothy DeBorba, Mary Kornman, Mildred Kornman, Lucy Morgan, Lily Rose Diaz, Colby Curtin, Jaquita Mack, Bella Bond, Opal Jo Dace Jennings, Amber Rene Hagerman, Jessica Rekos, Benjamin Wheeler, Allison Wyatt, Bella Edwards, Natalia Victoria Wallace, Sherin Mathews, Caylee Marie Mastin, Amanda Todd, Heather O'Rourke, Judith Barsi, Maria Agnes Virovacz Barsi, Michelle B. Norris, Anna D. Crnkovic, Irmgard Christine Winter, Rosalie Avila, Ashawnty Davis, Emily Grace Jones, Catherine Violet Hubbard, Norah Lee Howard, Sarah Payne, Alicia Lynn Clark, Tristyn Bailey, Aubreigh Paige Wyatt, Phoebe Prince, Gabriella Green, Millie Drew Kelly, Emilie Parker, Jack Pinto, Noah Pozner, Avielle Richman, Caroline Previdi, Daniel Barden, Olivia Engel, Josephine Gay, Dylan Hockley, Madeleine Hsu, Makenna Lee Elrod, Eliahna Torres, Nevaeh Bravo, Layla Salazar, Jackie Cazares, Tess Marie Mata, Maite Rodriguez, Alexandria Rubio, Destiny Norton, April Jones, Anissa Jones, April Marie Tinsley, Deborah Bricca, Rylie Nicholls, Moa Leontine Björk, Mercedes Losoya, Sidra twin sister, Emily Wilding Davison Statue, Emily Hope Mason, Emily Grace Leeann Akers, Emily Ann Bryant, Emily Kate Elise Conatzer, Emily Dickinson, Charlotte Ruby “Charlie” Emily, Judy Garland, Mary Pauline “Paulina” Olin, Edward Maitland Grover, John Orville Wright, Star Hobson, Breanna Leigh Rehbein, Nathan Luis Almaraz, Frank Nitti, Gonda Blindeman, Israel Blasbalg, Hedy Blum, Svetlana Blokh, Peter Blödy, Debora Rachel Sara Gertrud Bloch, Saszi Bodnar, Kuki Bodnar, Cato Rachel Boas, Aleksander “Sandor” Braun, Bela Brager, Mirjam Anna Bosman, Gyorgi “Agnes” Boskovitz, Robert Alexander Bos, Chaim Borichanski, Aniko Bohm, Viliam “Vili” Braun, Pali Braun, Klari Braun, Karola Braun, Alfred Aharon Braun, Sima Braynina, Lyubov Braynina, Henia Brezniak, Vera Miriam Brichta,
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Lucifarians: A Family Forged: Bios (1980) Everest Norris / Eve Lucifarian
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"I'm going to beat you, and then, I'm going to be better than you."
Full Legal Name: Everest Raleigh Norris
First Name: Everest
Meaning: From the English name for the world's highest mountain, itself named after the British surveyor George Everest.
Pronunciation: EHV-e-rist
Origin: English
Middle Name: Raleigh
Meaning: From an English surname that was derived from a place name meaning either 'Red clearing' or 'Roe dear clearing' in Old English.
Pronunciation: RAH-lee
Origin: English
Surname: Norris
Meaning: Means 'From the north' from Old French 'Norreis'.
Pronunciation: NAWR-is
Origin: English, Scottish
Ring Name: Eve Lucifarian, Envy
Commentary Nickname: Green Eyes
Nicknames: Eve, Ever, Leigh, Lee
Titles: Miss
Age: 22
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: April 7th 1958
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Non-Religious
Native Language: French
Known Languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Polish
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Aries
Entrance Music: 'Hanging on the Telephone' - Blondie (1978-)
Voice Claim: Catherine O'Hara
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Current Location: Unknown
Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Height: 5'10" / 177 cm
Weight: 140 lbs / 63 kg
Eye Colour: Emerald Green
Hair Colour: White Blonde
Hair Dye: Front Strand Dyed Green
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 1980) 4
Piercings: Ear Lobes (Both, Double)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Smoker, Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: Skull Lucifarian, Ven Lucifarian, Bel Lucifarian, Pat Lucifarian, Cas Lucifarian, Hel Lucifarian, Syd Lucifarian, Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart
Enemies: Moolah, Wendi Richter, Bob Backlund, Hulk Hogan, Lord Alfred Hayes, Hillbilly Jim, Brutus Beefcake
Closest Confidant: Ida Norris
Mentor: Beaumont Norris
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Beaumont Norris (53, Father), Ida Norris (55, Mother, Née Weston)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Montgomery Norris (31, Brother), Sierra North (28, Sister, Née Norris), Elias Norris (25, Brother), Rocky Norris (19, Brother), Moriah Norris (16, Sister), Roland Norris (13, Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: Whitney Norris (30, Montgomery's Wife, Née West), Lambert North (27, Sierra's Husband), Vale Norris (24, Elias' Wife, Née South)
Nieces & Nephews: Aaron Norris (10, Nephew), Tenley Norris (7, Niece), Yale Norris (4, Nephew), Skye Norris (1, Niece), Slade North (7, Nephew), Savannah North (4, Niece), Ross North (1, Nephew), River Norris (4, Niece), Percival Norris (1, Nephew)
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Billed From: Hellview
Trainer: Skull Lucifarian
Managers: Skull Lucifarian
Wrestlers Managed: None
Debut: 1976 (WWF Debut: 1980)
Retired: N/A
Wrestling Style: Build Up Fighter
Stables: Daughters of Darkness (1976-)
Family Envy (Skull & Eve)
The Killer Barbies (Ven & Eve)
Jealous Lovers (Bel & Eve)
Reality Chic (Pat & Eve)
Want & Desire (Cas & Eve)
The Purely Insane (Hel & Eve)
The Valkyries (Eve & Syd)
Regular Moves: Standing Dropkick, Hangman's DDT, Exploder Suplex, Inverted Headlock Back Breaker, Powerslam, Jumping Knee Drop, European Uppercut, T-Bone Suplex, Give-Up (Diving Crossbody), Green Eyed Grab (Gut Wrench Elevated Neckbreaker)
Finishers: Wheelbarrow Suplex, Give-It-All (Inverted Overdrive)
Refers To Fans As: The Envious, The Envious Ones
Heel or Face: (As of Jan 1980) Heel
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trashyocstash · 4 months
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this time, mark's profile
Full Name: Mark James Norris
Age: 26 years old
Birthday: November 19th 1951
Occupation: Activist 
From: Michigan, U.S.A.
Family: Alfred Norris(father), Hazel Norris(mother), Gordon Kearney(adoptive father), Agnes Kearney(adoptive mother)
Friends: Julie, Machine, Kent, Charlotte, Sandra
Love Interest: Vivian
Hobbies and Interests: Collecting vinyls, comic books and cassettes, dancing, driving in his van, reading comics, playing video games 
Likes: Sci fi(like Star Wars and Star Trek), fantasy(like Lord of the Rings), comic books, superheroes, peace, music, video games, his van
Dislikes: Violence, war, injustice, loud noises, arguing, yelling, disagreements 
Hasn't quite left the hippie thing behind yet, Mark is a goofball with a good heart who wishes for peace and is the type one can easily go to for advice. Much like Julie, he is also surrounded by sadness with a dark past he'd rather not touch on. Also a stoner and has no shame about that.
Mark is the definition of choosing to be kind. From a life of abuse and fearing war and understanding how awful it is, he knows first hand how cruel the world can be and does not wish to contribute. He believes in making the world a better place, doing so through his activism work. He is kind hearted, a pacifist, peaceful, calm, relaxed and easy going. He's the type one can go to for advice and will do whatever he can to help and is supportive and observant. Mark is overall a true friend to all, and is easy to get along with.
He's a big goofball and loves to joke around and be silly. He is optimistic and is easily amused. Mark is energetic and is good at lightening the mood if need be. He loves seeing the people around him happy.
While Mark is normally very mellow and it's hard to get on his nerves, you'll know when you do. When he actually does get mad, he gets mad and you can easily see the annoyance on his face when he is annoyed.
Underneath it all, Mark is very vulnerable. As a result of his past, disagreements have the chance of setting him off as he doesn't want them to escalate further, and he hates hearing arguing and yelling and it will make him cover his ears. He still has self esteem issues and depression but hides his problems from his friends out of not wanting them to worry. Mark has trouble trusting people but never really voices this either, preferring to keep it to himself. He wants to please others and fears rejection and disapproval.
Mark was born to Alfred and Hazel Norris in 1951, and his childhood was defined by abuse and loneliness. He only escaped this life as a teenager, when he met Julie and Vivian. They were determined to get Mark away from his parents, and Vivian's dad helped convict them. He wouldn't let Mark live with his two daughters, so Mark moved in with Julie and her parents, and slowly adjusted to his new life with them. After they passed away, he was naturally upset, and was able to help comfort Julie, though couldn't ease her away from the guilt.
Also during his teenage years, Mark resonated with the hippie movement, with their ideals of peace and love, and became one himself, dressing to look like one and participating in protests against the Vietnam War. He's stuck with the movement still, and befriended a group of other hippies named Kent, Charlotte and Sandra. While Mark had grown out his hair as a teenager, he eventually cut it short as an adult, to try and distance himself from his past.
Currently as an adult, he remains a staunch activist and is very committed to the ideals of peace and love. He's anti war, and also participated in championing for women's, civil and LGBT rights. Mark has lived a life of hardship, and grew up with fears of nuclear war, so chooses to be kind and peaceful.
Other Stuff:
Mark has various scars on his body and a large faint burnt mark on one of his shoulders from abuse. He doesn't like being topless as a result unless it's around someone he knows well.
He talks in a stereotypical stoner/surfer dude voice.
His name, Mark, is a variant of Marcus, probably from Mars, the Roman god of war and equivalent to Ares.
Mark's arc is about peace, acceptance, understanding and the effects of abuse and trauma, and overcoming them. He is a character that values peace, and believes that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and humanity. This is seen in him being a dedicated activist, someone trying to make real change, and someone who actually believes in the hippie peace and love thing. He treats Machine with this kindness too, and participates in teaching him about humanity and Earth. But in a scene where Mark and Machine are alone and talk, Mark reveals the trust issues that mean he didn't trust Machine, and treats him the way he did as part of his beliefs and for Julie's sake. Now he's seeing how good Machine is, and begins to trust him, fully trusting him in the moment where he saves humanity. Mark recognizes that Machine is like him, someone who has suffered abuse and trauma, and even though Mark finds peace important, he also recognizes Machine was ignorant and had no agency or choice in his life as a soldier. Instead of anger, he chooses to accept him and see him as a friend.
The effects of Mark's abuse and trauma aren't just seen in his trust issues, but also his emotional issues. These have prevented him from being with Vivian. On the surface he is the perfect victim: someone who overcame his abuse and became loving and kind, but he hides those trust issues, is afraid to cause disagreements, is scared of loud noises, is jumpy with touch at times, gets angry and hides his scars and burn marks by only wearing anything that can cover them up. But over the course of the story, he heals. It's thanks to the bond he forms with Machine and seeing himself in him, and he helps find Pyri's heir with Vivian, and all the time they spend together and helping to overthrow Pyri helps give them moments alone, to talk and to bond. And they help each other with their problems, overcoming their issues together and becoming a couple. While the trauma will always linger, Mark still heals and becomes better and happier.
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violetsiren90 · 9 months
Thank you @theharrowing for tagging me in the "3 songs, 3 books, 3 movies" challenge and the "8 TV shows" challenge! 💜
I'm so late to the game, I feel everyone must have recieved a tag at this point, but if you see this and want to play, feel free to mention me as your tagger! 😊
3 songs
Mikrocosmos - BTS
Stubborn Love - The Lumineers
The Sound of Silence - Simon and Garfunkel
3 books
The Lord of the Rings trilogy by JRR Tolkien (I know it's three, but I'm cheating anyway 😎)
The Octopus by Frank Norris
My Antonia by Willa Cather
3 movies
Seven Samurai directed by Akira Kurosawa
Rope directed by Alfred Hitchcock
When Harry Met Sally directed by Rob Reiner
8 tv shows
Avatar: The Last Airbender
It's Okay to Not Be Okay
Young Justice
Crash Landing on You
Star Trek: The Original Series
Phineas and Ferb (I know it's a kid's show - I adore it)
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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“Twelve Cases in Supreme Court,” Kingston Whig-Standard. February 16, 1933. Page 3. ---- Murder Charge Against Hendrie Included in the Heavy Docket ---- Twelve cases including two criminal and ten civil actions appear on the docket for trial at the Spring Assizes opening here Monday afternoon with Mr. Justice Raney, a former Attorney-General of Ontario presiding. Sir Alfred Morine of Toronto will be the Crown Prosecutor for the two criminal cases. Sir Alfred was knighted in Newfoundland.
George Albert Hendrie will face thecharge of murdering Peter Davis. Hendrie is alleged to have brutally assaulted and robbed Davis at the RCHA canteen on December 18. Davis later succumbed from injuries received. Hendrie was arrested in Smiths Falls a few days after the assault and brought to Kingston.
Hess Vinkle of Oso township will face an arson charge in the other criminal case at the Assizes. Vinkle was tried on this charge some time ago but the Jury disagreed.
Nine of the civil actions are non-jury cases while the case of Cecil Heasllp against Abe and Ida Mrister for $2500 damages caused by the negligent operation of the defendant's motor car will be tried by Jury.
Included in the non-jury cases is the divorce action of Marguerite Smith against William Clifford Smith and Edna McEahern. This case was heard before Chief Justice Ross at the Fall Assizes. 
The other non-jury cases are:
Ebenezer Woodcock, plaintiff, and the County of Frontenac, township of Kennebec, John Wesley Hayes and Frank H. Purdy, by order of Judge H. A. Lavell, dated Nov. 21, 1932, defendant. The plaintiffs claim is for damages for the wrongful sale of certain lands.
Cecelia Mahoney, plaintiff, and Georg L. Carpenter Bessie Carpenter and William Lower, defendants. Plaintiffs claim is on a mortgage dated October 5 1928. 
James Grant, plaintiff, and Charles Zizso, defendant. Plaintiffs claim is tor damages caused by the negligent operation of the defendant's motor truck. 
Annie Lacey and William Lacey, plaintiffs, and Frederick J McGarvey and William McGarvey, defendants. Plaintiffs claim is for the principal and interest due under a covenant contained in a deed.
Mary Hewgill, plaintiff, and Jock Wilson, defendant. Plaintiff's claim is for damsges caused by the negligent driving of the defendant. 
Melville Norris by his next friend, John Norris, plaintiff, and Frank Smith, defendant. Plaintiff’s claim is for $2500 damages as the result of the negligent operation of a motor car.
Alexander Sorgat, plaintiff, and Wilson Franklin and Van Luven Brothers, Limited, defendants. Plaintiffs claim is for damages as the result of the negligent operation of a motor car. 
Dr. C. K .Robinson, plaintiff, and the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Longhborough, defendant, Plaintiff’s claim is for an order declaring invalid the 1932 rating bylaw of the township of Loughborough.
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The Green Fog
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Chuck Norris in a film by Guy Maddin! That’s one of the wonders of Maddin and Evan and Galen Johnson’s THE GREEN FOG (2017, Criterion through month’s end). An audacious and I think very funny work, the film, commissioned for closing night of the San Francisco Film Festival, is an attempt to evoke and reexamine Alfred Hitchcock’s VERTIGO (1958) with footage from other films and TV shows shot in San Francisco. The three directors use clips that parallel the plot, though the ending is, I think, an improvement on the original. We get compilations of people coming out of the water, cars driving along the ocean, people climbing and people falling. And all the time, watching, watching, watching. In true Maddin fashion, people watch a monitor whose scene becomes a projection watched by someone else. Or the projection becomes a series of scenes that only by seeming coincidence takes us back to the original watchers. One of the film’s most distinctive elements is the treatment of dialogue scenes, with the lines cut from many so they become long sequences of just reactions. They’d be silent films were it not for the sounds of breathing. In some cases, this improves the scenes. A confrontation between John Saxon and Richard Basehart in PORTRAIT IN BLACK (1960) plays lots better without the cheesy dialog. There are also cuts that are startling and even funny. The revelation of the necklace, a key clue in VERTIGO, is met with Donald Sutherland’s scream from the end of INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS (1978). Of course, there are some people that cutting can’t help. Maddin has said that removing Chuck Norris’ dialog from AN EYE OF AN EYE (1981) gives him a Bressonian quality. I think it just reveals what a lousy actor he is. He’s like Oakland or Tom Cruise. You look at his eyes and there’s no there there. I watched this with the same trio’s “Stump the Guesser” (2020), a much more typical Maddin-esque blend of silent cinema and Russian futurism in which a failed side show mentalist, another of Maddin’s doomed romantics, tries to marry his sister.
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detroitlib · 3 months
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From our stacks: Illustration "The Child who, having read every volume in David Copperfield's Library, asks for more." From David Copperfield's Library. By John Brett Langstaff. With Prologue by Sir Owen Seaman and Epilogue by Alfred Noyes. Illustrated by Raven Hill, Frank Reynolds, H. M. Bateman, Arthur Norris, and Hanslip Fletcher. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1924.
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the-institute-rpg · 3 years
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Full Name: Alfred Norris Nickname(s): Alfie Pronouns: He/Him Birthday: December 31, 2000 Age: 21 Status: Slave Major: Undecided Species: Witch Special Powers: None Sexuality: Bicurious I am a: Switch I want a: Any Turn-Ons: Hair pulling, biting, outdoor sex, anal, oral (giving and receiving) Turn-Offs: Blood, bathroom stuff, vore
Alfie’s story began with his father, as many stories do. His father was a powerful witch, the head of a coven who had a very magnetic personality and drew interest wherever he went. Alfie’s mother, Evelyn Taylor was an eighteen year old pub worker who met Alfie’s father and fell for him fast and hard. Their relationship was a whirlwind romance that ended when Eve became pregnant. When she told Alfie’s father that she was pregnant, he disappeared, leaving her alone in the pregnancy, and alone to raise the child. Her parents turned their back on her, leaving Evelyn in a new position, she had been raised a wealthy girl, and now she had no one and nothing. After getting in benefits and moving into a council estate, she continued to work at the pub until she gave birth, and named him for her father, Alfred Taylor. She gave Alfie the only name she had for his father as his surname, Norris. Growing up on the estate, Alfie was a sensitive boy, and was bullied constantly for his love of animals and his perceived weakness for being sensitive. The bullying taught him that the only way to keep from being bullied was by toughening up. Eve eventually started dating another person from the estate who had a son a few years older than Alfie, Alfie found himself with a big brother and started to follow his lead, skipping school, mugging people on the streets, stealing cars and eventually selling drugs. There was something amazing about the way Alfie was able to get into places, be it houses, cars, wherever he was trying to get into, he was fantastic at it, and eventually he became the go to for getting in and out of places.
His older brother was the head of a small gang and Alfie never wanted to turn against him, so when he was caught stealing a car he took the blame himself, giving his brother time to run off. The drugs found in his pocket were also added up against him, and not for the first time Alfie was in serious trouble. A member of the court who was a witch could sense that in Alfie and managed to get the case dropped if Alfie would go to a school to get an education. When faced with the choice, Alfie agreed to go to school, and he applied to the Institute and got a scholarship to his surprise, and he was sent to the Institute for the education that would hopefully set him free.
✚ Capable, assertive, independent ▬ Impulsive, unruly, vulgar
Alfred's faceclaim is Taron Egerton. // Dakota, 29, She/Her, PST
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