#alien storm chasers
vs-space-orcs · 2 years
Imagine aliens who like to come to deathworlds to experience the local nightmare conditions, like those people that do extreme outdoorsy sports stuff (idk what that's called but those people are Insane. Anyway) or storm chasers.
Imagine the alien equivalent of a youtuber from a planet that had no concept of barometric pressure changes documenting their experience waiting for and through a thunderstorm. Would they naturally be able to feel changes in pressure in more detail than us since they aren't used to it?
"Hey everyone, logging in for the first time from Terra. We're two days ahead of a thunderstorm here in 'Ohklawhowma,' as the locals call it, and we can already feel the atmosphere changing around us. It's hard to describe. It's like your skin and bones feel... unsettled. Really fascinating."
"Hey everyone, logging back in one Sol day before the predicted storm, and we are really feeling the atmosphere changing as the day goes on. I'm doing alright but my partner Navideah is in bed, her bones and skin are hurting pretty bad. They say even among humans there are some people who are more susceptible to pain caused by these pressure changes. Absolutely insane to think a whole sentient species, an entire planet, just deals with this every day. I've been to a lot of deathworlds but Terra is something else."
"Hey everyone, it's the day of the storm and the storm is starting to 'roll in' as the humans say. *camera pans to show a large storm cloud approaching on the horizon*Look at these atmospheric water structures! This one is going to be pretty tame by Terra standards. No solid water chunks raining from the sky and definitely no 'tornado.' We respect humans who chase those storms but decided we're not that intense.
Anyway *bright flash of light* OH DAMN I think we just saw some lightning! *thunder clap* and there's the thunder. They say the shorter the time between the flash and the thunder, the closer it is to you. And look at this! The horizon is hazy because that water structure, 'clouds' the humans call them, is dumping absolutely massive amounts of water on the landscape. Really, really exciting stuff!"
*video taken from inside the ship, with the sound of water hitting metal echoing everywhere* "Hey everyone, my recording equipment is having some trouble hearing me over the noise of water hitting the ship. The humans like to say it's 'raining cats and dogs' which are two small Terran companion animals. Not sure what that means but it really is insane how much water is coming out of the sky! I have some more footage being captured on cameras outside the ship that I'll edit and post later.
These changes in the atmosphere are really brutal on the body. I'm feeling it pretty good. My head hurts like you wouldn't believe, and Navideah had a fluid leak from her scent organ earlier. Apparently this is completely normal for humans. Some of them don't even feel any different when these storms come, which is absolutely insane every part of my body including my skin hurts. I have never has more respect for the humans their world is absolutely one of the wildest we've been to. And this is just an every day thing for them! Absolutely wild." *loud thunderclap and screen goes black*
"Hey everyone, we made it through the storm! My recording equipment had some interference so I'll be sorting through footage but I just wanted to let everyone know we made it, and we are packing up to head home.
Pain aside, this has been an incredible experience. The awe you feel on this wide open plain as these massive super structures of water in the atmosphere approach is really something else. It'll set your antennas on end. It really will. The anticipation as the storm approaches and the pain increases is so intense. It's unsettling and uncanny, but you can't help but think how beautiful it all is.
Anyway, it's been a long few days, so we're signing out for a bit while we head back home and recover. Wave Navideah! This is us, signing out."
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mama2bears · 1 month
Starting Over Again
Pairings: Tyler Owens/Female Reader
Warnings: Violence, Abuse, Injury (Might need to add more warnings later)
Summary: You are trying to escape an abusive relationship and start your life over again. You leave your small Tennessee town to join the Tornado Wranglers as a storm chaser, a dream come true for you. Will you be able to start over again, or will your past catch up to you? Will Tyler be there to protect you? Will you be able to trust anyone again?
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Chapter One
You laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling and listening to the distant sound of rolling thunder. The only light in the room is the flashes of lighting as it strikes across the night sky. You turn your head to see the time, 12:15, the red numbers on the bedside clock reads. You turn to look at your husband, Lee, sleeping beside you. Five years ago, you thought he was a dream come true. Now, you tremble with fear at the thought of spending one more day with him. As you touch your split lip and the fresh bruises on your face, you wonder if you can survive yet another beating.
What will you do if you are able to escape safely this time? What will happen if he catches you again? Where will you go? He already told you he would kill you if you ever tried to leave him.
Your body trembles as you carefully slip out of bed, your bare feet hitting the cold hardwood floor. Taking a shaky breath, you tiptoe to his side of the bed, where you know he keeps the truck keys and his wallet. That was your only means of escape.
“Please help me out of this,” You pray under your breath as you search the nightstand area for the keys and wallet. You finally find them in his pants pocket, which were in a heap beside the bed.
You work as quickly as possible with your shaky hands to get the wallet and keys. Pausing for a moment, you decide against getting anything out of the closet. That's how he caught you trying to escape the last time, and you had spent three days in the hospital because of it. You still had the bruises to show for it as well.
Taking one last look to make sure he was still sleeping, you carefully tiptoe down the hallway. You stop at the dirty cloths hamper and grab a top and pair of jeans before hurrying to the front door.
Trembling with fear, you slide your feet into a pair of flip flops and carefully open the door. This is as far as you have ever gotten to freedom. The only sound you hear is the pounding of rain outside and the thunder rumbling more loudly now as the storm approaches.
No storm outside could be worse then the storm you had lived with for the past several years. Taking a deep breath you slip out the door into the pounding rain. Silently, you pray the storm outside will muffle any sound of the door closing behind you.
You run as fast as you can though the cold pounding rain. Your hair is plastered to your face, your night gown is soaking wet and clinging to your body. You shiver in the cold rain as your hands fumble with the truck keys, finally getting the truck unlocked, you slide in. You look up one last time towards the bedroom window. No lights. This was a good signs. Maybe, just maybe you will be free.
The truck fires up as you turn the key and without a second thought you speed out of the driveway and into the night.
“Now where are you going, Y/N?” You ask yourself.
You knew you had to get rid of this truck. He would report it stolen as soon as he woke up. You also had to get what you could out of the bank before he reported the cards stolen as well. He had made sure you didn't have a car of your own. You weren't allowed any money of your own either. Hell, he even made sure you were alienated from your friends. It was his way of making sure you were trapped with him. No way out.
Well, you weren't going to be trapped any more. You didn't know where you were going or what you were doing, but you would NOT be trapped and living in fear any more.
You pointed the truck towards the bank, hoping that you had remembered his pin correctly from the number of times you secretly watched him use the card.
* * * * *
Tyler Owns sat in the hotel room and stared at the computer in front of him.
Kate and Javi were married a year ago and now Kate was expecting their first child. Tyler was happy for them, but he really needed to add someone else to the crew. Kate wouldn't be chasing with them anymore and Javi would be spending more time with Kate as they prepared to start their family.
Problem was, he couldn't find anyone he liked. All the resumes that came in were inexperienced wannabes. They just wanted the thrill of the chase without any knowledge of weather, let alone tornadoes.
“Any new leads yet, Boss?” Boone asked, peeking over his shoulder.
“No.” Tyler shook his head. “We have been looking for a new team member for months now, but it seems all the good ones already have a team of their own. Storm Chasing isn't just for anyone. It takes a special person.”
Boone shrugged, “They're out there, Boss. We will find them. Until then, Lily and I will put in the extra work when Javi can't be here.”
“I appreciate that, Boone.” Tyler nodded, then closed the laptop. “Get some sleep. Tomorrow is the start of the season. Should be some good storms popping up.”
“We'll be ready to roll!” Boone grinned, tossing his empty beer bottle into the trash before hitting the bed.
Tyler sighed and headed towards the second bed in the room he shared with Boone. It was only three years ago that Kate joined their team. He thought maybe he had a future with her, and they tried. However, Kate and Javi shared something special together. Something he would never have with her. They would always be best friends, but they would never share the bond that Kate and Javi had.
'It's better this way.' Tyler thought to himself as he settled down into bed, 'I am not the settling down type anyway.'
* * * * *
The sun was starting to peek over the Smokey Mountains of a small Tennessee town. You had successfully withdrew $500 from the bank and drove a few towns over. Now, you had to ditch the truck and find a way out of here. To where, you didn't know yet.
You park the truck in the parking lot of a local park and place his wallet and keys in the center console. You tossed your wet night gown in the trash after you quickly put on the still damp clothes you swiped from the hamper on your way out the door. Before leaving, you rustle though the papers in the glove box and say a silent prayer of thanks when you find he had stashed your driver's license and social security card in there. You remember the day he took them away from you. “Y/N, babe, you don't need them! You don't even have a car to drive anyway! I am going to put them up for you. If you need them I will be with you and I will give them to you, if and when you need them.”
“Okay,” You had muttered in agreement. By that time, you had already learned not to argue.
You also remembered WHY you didn't have a car anymore. Because he had taken that away also. It was only a few weeks after you married him. You discovered your car didn't start one morning and asked him about. He promised he would fix it and that night it was gone. He told you that it was towed to a friends house so they could work on it together. Truth was, you were never going to see it again. That, was the first step to trapping you in an abusive marriage with no way out.
“Well, Y/N,” you say to yourself as you briskly walk down the street, towards a sign that pointed to a local library, “You aren't trapped anymore.” Thankfully the storm of last night had moved on, but you still shivered in the cool morning air.
Across from the library was a small convince store. Your stomach rumbles, reminding you that you hadn't eaten anything since dinner last night. You step inside to grab a hot cup of coffee and a sausage biscuit.
As you pay for your items, you glance nervously at the local news, almost expecting them to be running your picture, stating you as a missing person or a criminal. Thankfully, you did not see yourself on the news and quickly thank the attendant and hurry across the street to the library.
You felt tears stinging your eyes as you sat outside the library doors, waiting for them to open. You were trembling, partly from the cool damp air and partly from fear. Lee had made sure that you had no friends, no resources, no where to go.
Smiling sadly, you remember the job and friends you had at the National Weather Service. It was a local satellite office outside of your small Tennessee town, but it was something. You were a weather reporter and storm spotter. It was a job you loved, but Lee had taken that from you, along with everything else.
The sudden sound of the door unlocking made you jump, but you were greeted with a warm smile of the librarian.
“Good Morning.” She smiled, opening the door, “Can I help you find something?”
You enter with a grateful smile, “I just need to use the computer for a little while. Will that be okay?”
“Sure, you just need a library card. You got your ID and proof of address, dear?”
“Um, I have a ID, but I am afraid that's it.” you hand the drivers license over and she looks at it and sadly shakes her head, “Oh I am sorry dear. You have to be local to this county to get a library card.” She hands you the card back and you take it with trembling hands, “Please...” you whisper.
The librarian is silent for a moment as she takes in your trembling hands, bruised face, uncombed hair, and damp clothes.
“Are you in some kind of trouble dear?” She asks softly.
You nod, unable to stop the tears, “I just need to figure out where I can go. I want to look up jobs that are far away from here, and see if I have enough for a bus ticket to get there.” You say in a shaky breathe.
“I understand dear.” The library nodded softly. “Go ahead and use the computer. Can I call anyone for you? The police?”
“NO!” You hiss, “Please, no police. I don't have anyone to call. I just....I...I just want to get away from him, okay?”
The librarian nodded and took her seat. “You can use computer number 3 as long as you need. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help you.” She smiled softly.
“Thank you.” You force a small smile and head to the computer.
You stare in silence at the computer for several minutes.
Finally, you type in “National Weather Service Jobs” and wait.
You don't even know if you could get another job at the National Weather Service. Sure, you had a degree and you had experience with storm spotting. You had three good years on the job, but Lee had forced you to quit with no notice. When he had your car towed away, he told you that he wouldn't allow you to work anymore. Your friends called the house, even stopped by a time or two. Lee forced you to tell them that you weren't interested any more in working there. That couldn't look good on a resume. You had no work experience in the past three years.
“No one will want you.” Lee's voice from your past echoed though your mind again, bringing fresh tears. Maybe it was true...no one wanted you. Not anymore.
You wipe the tears away and scroll though the list and something catches your eye...
You allow yourself to smile just a little as you clicked on the link. Storm Chasing was always a dream of yours. A dream you were working towards before you met Lee. Before he changed everything about you.
“Are you experienced in storm chasing? Do you have a love of storms? Are you ready to RIDE YOUR FEARS! Then Tyler Owens and the Tornado Wranglers are looking for YOU! For more information call 479-642-2345 or Send your resumes to [email protected] now...
You find a scrape paper and pencil next to the computer and jot down the number and email address provided.
Clicking the link to send an email, you realize you didn't remember your old email anymore. Quickly, you open up google and create a email with just your first name and maiden name. Then, type up the email.
“Mr. Owens. I am very interested in storm chasing with your team. While I may not understand what “Ride your fears mean” and I most certainly don't understand what a “tornado wrangler” is, I do have bachelor of science degree in Atmospheric Science as well as three years as a weather forecaster and storm spotter for the National Weather Service here in East Tennessee. I am ready to leave Tennessee and follow my dreams as a storm chaser. I am going to try to call you after I send this. I am ready to leave today and arrive by bus to whatever town and state you are in. - Y/N Y/LN
You hit send and then get up and approach the librarian again. “Um, could I possibly use the phone?” you ask.
“Sure dear. Did you find something?” She asked.
“I hope so,” You give a weak smile as you dial the number given.
After a few rings hear a southern drawl answer, “Tyler here,”
“Hi, Mr. Owens?”
You hear him laugh, “Well that's a little bit too formal for me, Darling. Who is this?”
“Um, My name is Y/N Y/LN. I just sent you a email about the storm chaser position. I was calling to see if we could talk?”
“Oh, well, Hi Y/N,” Tyler said slowly, “Listen we are just sitting down for breakfast, I can give you a few, “ he paused for a moment, “Let me take a look at that email. Can you hold?”
“Sure.” you answer.
“What's up?” Boone asked, taking a seat next to Lily.
“Some girl just called, said she sent me an email about the storm chaser position.” Tyler told them as he pulled up an email.
“She called and emailed?” Lily asked, “Must be determined.”
Tyler was silent as he read the email then looked at his two friends, “It says she has a bachelor of science degree in Atmospheric Science and she has worked with the National Weather Service in Tennessee for three years.”
“Sounds like she might know her stuff,” Lily said.
Tyler nodded thoughtfully, “She says that she is ready to leave Tennessee today.”
“Determined or desperate?” Boone asked.
Tyler shrugged, “I guess we are about to find out.”
“Y/N, you still there?” he asked.
“Yes, sir.” you respond.
Tyler smiled at being called sir. Southern hospitality. “Well, Y/N, you say you are ready to head out here today?”
“Yes sir. More then ready. Just tell me where.” your voice cracks a little.
“OK. You said something about a bus in your email...are you too scared to fly?” Tyler asked.
“No, it's not that. I am just limited on funds right now. I can only afford a bus ticket.” you say, a bit ashamed.
“I understand,” he said kindly, “Okay, listen. We are near El Dorado,Oklahoma right now. I believe the nearest bus station would be Wichita Falls, Texas. Think you can get a bus to there?”
“I believe so. I will have to look at ticket prices.” you answer, jotting down the town name.
“Do you have any references I can check out?” Tyler asked, “from your time at the National Weather Service?”
“Um..” you stumble, “I don't have the number right now, it has been a few years since I've worked there.”
Tyler sighed, “Really? Why? Did you leave? What have you been doing the last few years?”
You sigh, well there goes that job. “It's really a long and personal story.” You tell him meekly, “I didn't leave by choice and I wasn't fired or anything. It was...it...was just personal.”
Tyler nodded his head, “If you want the job, we will give it a try. Call me and let me know when the bus will be in. Do you need someone to pick you up or are you renting a car?”
You smile, could this really be happening? “Would it be possible to get picked up?” you asked hopefully.
“We will work something out. Put this number in your phone and let me know when you arrive, okay? Can I call you back on this number?”
“No, um, I am using a phone at a library right now. I, um, I don't have my own phone yet.”
Tyler sighed, “Let me guess, long personal story, right?”
“Kinda,” you sigh.
“Alright, Y/N. We all deserve a shot and if you are telling me the truth about your experience, then you are just what we are looking for.” Tyler said, “Get your bus ticket and call me back with when you are due to arrive. We will pick you up at the station and go from there.
“Thank you very much sir.” You smile and hang up.
“Everything working out, dear?” The librarian asked.
“I hope so...” you smile, “Where is the nearest bus station?”
“Oh my, that would be in Knoxville dear.” The librarian said.
“Oh,” You sigh. Knoxville was at least a half hour away.
“Where you going?” The librarian asked.
“I got a job out of state. I really don't want to say anymore. I just need to take a bus there.”
The librarian nodded knowingly. “He hits you, don't he? You trying to get away from him?”
You nod.
“Go ahead and get your ticket dear. I will have my daughter give you a ride to the bus station. I am sure she won't mind at all. I am going to call her now.”
“Thank you.” you smile gratefully and head back to the computer.
It takes you only a few moments to find a bus ticket from Knoxville.Tennessee to Wichita Falls, Texas. You gasp at the cost, $200. Then, you realize that you have to pay for it online...with a card. Something you don't have.
You sigh copy down the number to the bus station and close the window before returning to the library desk.
“All set with your ticket dear?” the librarian asked.
“No, I need to pay online with a card. I...I um...don't have one. I have cash, that's it. I need to call the bus station and see if I can show up with cash and get a ticket.”
The librarian smile softly. “Honey, I have been in your shoes before. A long time ago. I married young and I married the wrong guy. He almost killed me before I decided to leave him. People helped me along the way. I would like to help you. I promise, no one will ever know where you are going. I would like to buy the ticket for you. Keep whatever cash you have to help you when you get there.”
You smile though your tears, “That's so kind of you, but I couldn't ask you.”
“You not asking me dear. I am offering. I am paying it forward from years ago. If it were my daughter, I would want someone helping her.”
You nod your head. “Thank you. I am going to Wichita Falls, Texas.”
“Very well dear. Give me a moment.” The librarian took the number from you and made a phone call. She jotted down some information, thanked the person on the other end and handed you the paper back.
“You have a ticket on the bus leaving this afternoon.” She said, “My daughter will be here shortly and give you a ride to the bus station. She's about your size and will bring a few changes of clothes you can take with you. They said it's about a thirty hour trip you should arrive at your destination by Wednesday morning.”
“Thank you so much.” You smile, “You have been such a blessing.”
“Not a problem dear. Do you need to call your new boss and let him know?”
You nod and she hands you the phone.
Tyler picks up on the second ring, “Tyler here.”
“Hello Mr. Owens, It's Y/N Y/LN again. I got that bus ticket. I am leaving this afternoon and should arrive in Wichita Falls by Wednesday afternoon, says 2:25 arrival time.”
“You can just call me Tyler,” he smiled. “We will have someone there to pick you up Wednesday afternoon then. See you soon. Have a good trip, Y/N.”
“Thank you.” you end the call and give the librarian a small smile though your tears. This was going to be the first day of the rest of your life. A chance at freedom after living for years in hell.
Chapter 2
Tag List
@itsdesiree86 @sarah-bear706318 @darksparklesficrecs
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vampireassistant · 15 days
tagged by @monstraduplicia :o) thanks !!
tagging random mutuals, feel free to skip if you don't wanna do this :o) !!
@firstaidspray @dronemetal @pisswater-deadgirl @horrifically @halo--hall @babisawyer @otisdriftwoodsfinalgirl31 @zombf @stigmaticed
Get to know me tag game:
Do you make your bed? - not neatly but I do fold the covers back just to let the sheets breathe and make it a bit cleaner looking
What's your favorite number? - 7, 11, and 17 have always been reoccurring ones for me
What is your job? - to serve @mrcrepsley's every beck and call <3 (I actually don't really wanna answer this)
If you could go back to school, would you? - I dropped out and got my GED for a good reason. I do plan on going to college at the start of the semester in January though cause it's time I get off my ass.
Can you parallel park? - Nope.
A job you had that would surprise people? - Being forced to clean my dad's freemason lodge weekly as a kid. If that even qualifies as a job cause the only payment I recieved was not getting my ass beat.
Do you think aliens are real? - Of course. And I feel very strongly about it.
Can you drive a manual car? - Nope.
What's your guilty pleasure? - I don't feel shame about trivial things. The things I feel guilty for are things I should feel ashamed about so trust me, I ain't letting y'all know.
Tattoos? - Love on my right knuckles and Hate on my left. I plan on getting more but I'm waiting till I get back to the states.
Favorite color? - RED WHITE AND BLUE BABY !! Red being my all time favorite, everything I own is red. Also orange and black and brown I love very much.
Favorite type of music? - If you know me at all you know I listen to a huge variety, damn near just about anything. I always circle back to 70's country rock or nu metal though.
Do you like puzzles? - Not really.
Any phobias? - Like I'd give that away to strangers on tumblr.
Favorite childhood sport? - Baseball, I loved it up until I had my knee replacements and was never really able to pick it back up again.
Do you talk to yourself? - Not out loud, internally all the time
What movies do you adore? - What a dangerous question for me to be asked. I'll keep it short though: anything Rob Zombie has made
Coffee or Tea? - Big fan of both but I stick to tea to limit my caffeine intake
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? - Aside from the usual silly ones like "vampire" or "demon exorcist" the first actual serious one was a meteorologist, or a storm chaser.
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radiojamming · 4 months
Ask game tagged by @petoskeystones :D
1. do you make your bed
I do not. :( My bed is my temporary office right now so I just convert it to a hangout spot, and then revert it to a bed every night.
2. favorite number
5 and any number that ends in 5
3. what’s your job
Museum educator
4. if you could go back to school, would you?
I would! I just have to whittle down my student loans first.
5. can you parallel park
Yes. I come from a long line of people who can parallel park perfectly and I don't want to disappoint my ancestors.
6. do you think aliens are real
To quote my mom: "It's very selfish to think we're alone out here."
7. can you drive a manual car
Yes but I don't wanna.
8. guilty pleasure
Lush products. They're expensive but I like smelling nice.
9. tattoos
A semicolon with an arrow going through it on my left wrist, Fitzjames' handwriting of 'All well' from the Victory Point Note on my right wrist, and the Siberian Ice Maiden's flower deer tattoo on my left shoulder
10. favorite colour
11. favorite type of music
Any, all, everything. I'm super into early 1990s hip hop right this second, but I keep alternating between that and synthwave this week.
12. do you like puzzles
I will solve all cryptograms forever.
13. any phobias
Heights :(
14. favourite childhood sport
Hockey! My mom played and coached it and my older brother and I both played it.
15. do you talk to yourself
Yes, or my cats. I bounce a lot of ideas off them.
16. tea or coffee
Depends on the hour and the day. Generally, tea.
17. first thing you wanted to be when you grew up
Storm chaser.
18. what movies do you adore
Pride & Prejudice (2005), The Eagle, The Crow, Spirited Away, and Road to Perdition.
Tagging (but not pressuring) @seasidefanasties @rikkitikkitaavi @minilev @teamhawkeye @katamari-possum @highempressofdirt @lesbianjasonvorhees aaaaand @professionaljester
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aceouttatime · 11 months
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About Me:
Howdy! I go by Ace or Alex--I'm a hobby artist and author busy making coffee, assisting research into ye ol' noggin (and the thoughts inside), and thinking about turians.
I make a fair bit of Mass Effect art, and I'm currently working on a Relay 314 Incident/First Contact War fic, Storm-Chaser. You might know by my m!Shakarian content, Cabal worldbuilding, or host of mediocre doodles.
Feel free to shoot me an ask or message; I don't bite (usually ;D)!
More links, info, and such below the cut!
What's The Haps?
Storm-Chaser Blue-gray fatigues and uncomfortable-looking knees made him sure it wasn't turian, and the scope had a clear view of the down on its head. Not down--fur, maybe. That made his gizzard less upset. Poor thing was sprawled on the gravel before it knew what hit it. "Old man had a good aim, Ascensus." Keep talking. Don't think about the dead alien. Fur. Not down. -----Status: WIP -----Chapter Count: 0 -----Length: 8.1K
Commissions? More Likely Than You’d Think!
I'm not currently accepting commissions! All my slots are filled. I last opened them on 3/18. I typically do 2-3 slots at a time, and I have an update list if you'd like updated when they open! <3
Find Me Here!
Reblog account - What it says on the tin; mostly Mass-Effect-related shenanigans!
AO3 (Archive of Our Own) - For all of my writing in one place
Discord - Not a link--please DM me first on here if you're interested in chatting over yonder!
NaNoWriMo - For a sneak peek into my 50k word challenge this November! Feel free to send me a friend rq--I'll always take more writing buddies <3
List O' Tags
#acedraws - All the scribbles I've done myself!
#acewrites - All the writing I've posted--they're available on AO3!
#aceoc - General tag for all of my original characters. I tend to tag each character's name as well for search purposes!
#acewips - General tag for all of my work-in-progress postings!
#acecomm - Tag for all of my commissioned pieces!
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swissmissficrecs · 2 years
My favorite fics of 2022
I didn’t get as much reading in this year, so the list is shorter than in past years but no less sweet. In order of length:
Indefinite Lines by ArwaMachine (298K, E, Johnlock) Sherlock and John find themselves faced with a series of seemingly disparate cases that are growing increasingly connected, increasingly personal. They must unravel the mystery laid before them by a particularly ruthless set of criminals before the danger is upon them, or else run the risk of being cleaved apart forever, lines scattered to the wind.
Slipstream by khorazir (290K, M, Johnlock) It’s going to be the last Tour de France for professional cyclist John Watson. Despite the hardships of cycling more than 3000 kilometres in three weeks, in blistering heat and torrential rain, over dangerous cobblestones in northern France and the mountains of the Alps and the Pyrenees, battling thirst, hunger, injury and exhaustion, not to mention bitchy rivals, doping allegations, and the ever scoop-hungry press, he is going to enjoy the ride, damn it. That’s what John keeps telling himself – until he meets his new teammate, Sherlock Holmes, who adds a whole new list of problems as well as an extra dose of excitement to John’s life.
The Last Envoy by Calais_Reno (127K, M, Johnlock) April 1938. Sherlock is a very human alien who comes to Earth with a mission he doesn't completely understand and quickly falls in love-- with the planet, the people, and a certain army doctor. There will be angst: war begins and he is caught up in events he cannot control, while still trying to fulfill his purpose in being here.
Matchmaking for Solitary Animals by ArwaMachine (71K, E, Johnlock) Upon moving back to Baker Street following Sherlock’s return from the dead, John finds that Sherlock is a bit more keen on entertaining gentlemen callers than he once was, a fact that seems to make John irrationally angry. Intent on proving that he’s not a total dick, John decides to make it his mission to find Sherlock a boyfriend. This, as it turns out, is the worst idea John has ever had.
Lost In A Good Book by khorazir (68K, M, Johnlock) After chasing a criminal into a poky second-hand bookshop, John and Sherlock find themselves not only stuck in the building, but in L-space itself. With things still raw and unsettled between them after the events surrounding the Culverton Smith case, this adds another dimension to their predicament, which not only consists of finding a way out of the shop (while avoiding getting murdered by the criminal), but also to finally address the issues between them.
Whirlwind by DiscordantWords (50K, M, Johnlock, Warstan) New job, new truck, new fiancée... John Watson, former storm chaser, has settled into a comfortable new life. There's only one problem: John's already married. And the the divorce papers he's been sending to his former partner, Sherlock Holmes, keep going missing. So with his fiancée Mary by his side, John reluctantly makes a trip to see him in the hopes of finalizing their divorce once and for all. But John arrives in the midst of a very active storm season, and Sherlock very clearly hasn’t let go of the past. Against his better judgement, John finds himself talked into riding along after one last storm.
Accidental Magic by Calais_Reno (39K, M, Johnlock) Soon after his return (TEH), Sherlock takes the case of a woman seeking stolen books hidden in her late husband’s library. He invites John to come with him. Working together after so much time apart, they begin to discover more than stolen books.This isn’t really a story about magic, except for the ordinary kind of magic that happens when people realise they’re in love and it’s time to do something about it. That kind of magic is the best kind.
Blue Plaques by JRow (36K, M, Johnlock) John’s engagement is off, and he is back at the place he feels most at home — 221B Baker Street. It’s been a bit of an adjustment (he does miss the regular hugs and snuggles) but John is happy, and it seems like Sherlock is too. John certainly loves working on a good case with his mad flatmate, so he’s thrilled when Greg asks for their help in figuring out how Colin Mahon is continuing to run his drugs operation while out on bail and under constant surveillance. It must have something to do with Mahon’s daily travels (on foot) to a slew of seemingly boring London sights. But in the process of solving this little mystery, will John accidentally reveal a secret of his own?
A Scandal at Paladia by disfictional (34K, E, Johnlock) An ill-fated visit to Uncle Rudy's drag bar unlocks a memory of John's past- a memory that wreaks havoc on their sex life. John has a secret, and Sherlock is determined to solve the case.
Jam by JRow (34K, M, Johnlock) John needs some time to recharge after the physically and emotionally draining case in Dartmoor. On a whim, he books a couple of days in Falmouth and (somehow) convinces Sherlock to join him. During the impromptu minibreak, the nature of John and Sherlock’s relationship begins to shift. Things get even better upon their return home to London. But are the two men on the same page about what they’ve become?
What Happens to the Heart by Susan (31K, M, Johnlock) Someone wants John Watson dead and is willing to pay a lot of money to make it happen. Hitmen, old grudges, new grudges and lots of kissing.
Cupid's Venom by SilentAuror (29K, E, Johnlock) Over drinks one night, Mike Stamford reveals to Sherlock that he always wished he could have taken credit for being Sherlock and John's Cupid. Unfamiliar with the reference, Sherlock plunges into studies of toxins and Greek mythology...
The Best Seats in The House by J_Baillier (22K, T, Johnlock) Nature photographer John Watson is trying to do the same as the locals: getting the hell of the way when the killer queen of Indonesian's volcanoes starts a drumbeat towards eruption. Little does he know that soon, he'll be headed straight into the danger zone.
Both Sides Now by Silvergirl (14K, M, Johnlock) Sherlock, undercover on the Norfolk coast, texts that he needs help; John is still seething after Sherlock’s gambit in the train car, and he refuses. When Sherlock goes missing, Mycroft sends John in to pose as Sherlock’s bit on the side.
Plus these bonus fics from 2021 that I read after posting my 2021 list and deserve a spot:
Know You All Over Again by PoppyAlexander (53K, M, Johnlock) After five good years, one difficult one, and six months that were hell, John and Sherlock live apart but still share custody of seven-year-old Rosie. With therapy, supportive friends, and those inevitable dance recitals and open school days forcing them into each other's paths again and again, anger and bitterness fade, leaving space for a new view of each other across the divide.
The Oak Tree and the Cypress by FinAmour (43K, E, Johnlock) Things Sherlock didn't expect to happen at midnight on a Thursday: for John to be kissing him. For John's lips to be so delicious. For his own mouth, stung by the sweetness, to kiss John back—or for his hands to raise to John's cheeks in order to lengthen it. He didn't expect his heart to be bursting with pure joy and relief, or for their night to end with John in a hospital bed. And he certainly did not expect to turn them into fake husbands.
Previous favorites lists: 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021
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ekingston · 1 year
30. If you could Supercorpify any movie, book, or TV series into a perfectly written, beautifully executed, multi-chapter AU fic, what would it be?
oh this one was FUN! it’s odd, considering many AUs i read are based on a different existing piece of media, that i’ve never thought of doing that myself—until you sent me this ask, and now i want to write about nine of them immediately. these are in my top 3, in no particular order:
Star Trek Discovery. Per IMDb’s synopsis: Ten years before Kirk, Spock, and the Enterprise, the USS Discovery discovers new worlds and lifeforms as one Starfleet officer (Lena Luthor, obviously) learns to understand all things alien (eyebrow waggle). i honestly would love to read supercorp in a sci-fi set in space.
Twister. Kara and Lena Luthor-Danvers, advanced storm chasers on the brink of divorce, must join together to create an advanced weather alert system by putting themselves in the cross-hairs of extremely violent tornadoes. I’d cast Kara as Jo and Lena as Bill and Andrea as Lena’s new fiancée. i mean:
Kara, in the middle of an argument chasing the first tornado, veering off the road, "Do you want me to drive?"
Lena, looking at Kara instead of the road, "No!"
Kara, seeing they are heading for a large combine parked along the side of the road, "Then would you?"
you can see it, right??
Bound. An ex-con and her lover concoct a scheme to steal millions of stashed mob money. again, why haven’t i written this yet? maybe it’s because i’m not decided on the casting—traditionally Kara would be the soft butch handyman and Lena the femme mobster girlfriend, but i personally can not resist the idea of many, many intimate close-ups of (a tattooed and pierced) Lena Luthor putting her hands to work while Kara performs her damsel-in-distress act for Caesar (Mon-El)’s bosses.
Mon-El: "What did she do to you?"
Kara: "Everything you couldn't."
send me writer asks!
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blckgrlmov13s · 1 month
A summer hiatus was not on my list😬😬
BUT I did watch some bomb ass movies so this is my spark notes on the movies I saw this summer season
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
This series is definitely not on the top of my watchlist, but I was so captivated and the story was so good! Now I will admit, I was highly confused in the beginning because I was supposed to buy tickets to the godzilla x kong movie(a whole different story), yet this was definitely money well spent. easily 3.9/5⭐️
2. A Quiet Place: Day One
Hehehe this was a first date movie and i’m just so glad they like horror movies as well. I binged the first two movies LITERALLY HOURS before the date. Like I walked up to him(when he picked me up) with my Ipad in hand finishing the last 10 minutes of the movie, which helped tremendously with watching this movie. Lupita and Joseph are freaking amazing, and the cat?!? A natural star. 100% 4/5⭐️ although it’s super predictable
3. Twisters
Never saw the first one but a guilty pleasure of mine is watching storm chasers. Glen Powell you are amazing, i’m fully ready for a glen powell takeover idc idc. Heartstrings were tugged on and now I point out storm clouds all. the. time. 5/5⭐️ (😱surpriseeee)
4. Alien: Romulus
I GOT THERE LATEEEE😭😭fucking traffic but another movie date😝 we couldn’t have missed like the first 5 minutes but GOD I LOVED IT(except for the AI, consensual or not) binged another movie series in preparation and i will admit the alien movies maybe except for one have an equation: super slow beginning + scare the shit out of you ending😂 4/5⭐️ would have been a perfect 5 if the AI wasn’t there(still super eh about it)
5. Coraline 15th Anniversary
Was also late to this but SISTER DATE MOVIEEEEE😌😌not rating because Coraline is iconic and one: finally seeing it in theater and two: seeing it on 3D was just so amazing and made the movie a million times better
Special mention: I went to see Zack Fox do stand up and i’m glad it was my first comedy show (and it was a solo date😛) The openers were phenomenal, there was a whole section of Zack rambling about celsius…which also led to him extremely losing track of the original conversation. For sure I have to see him again😭
With saying all of that, I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer and fall and winter will treat us right😌🫶🏾
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six-of-ravens · 2 years
Potential Nanowrimos for 2022:
North Rewrite 3 - exactly what it says on the tin - my 3rd attempt to rewrite this and at least give it a plot that makes enough sense that I can just edit instead of rewriting all of it lol
Maud Grey’s Halfway Home for Failed Magicians - 2020′s nanowrimo, about a mage trying to prove he can create a portal between worlds, and a teen girl at a weird boarding school that he accidentally makes contact with. I like the concept of this story, but as with most nanos, I completely ran out of plot about 30% of the way in lol and it could use a rewrite with a real plot.
Weather - a fun lil story I started over the summer about a storm chaser and a magic-weather radio host dealing with various Fae Issues. not sure if I wanna dedicate a whole month to this since I’ve just been slowly chipping away at is as a way of dealing with anxiety (this summer was So Very Anxiety) but also since I’m not deeply invested in doing this Right like with a rewrite, it could be fun to just play in that space
Abandoned Estate - fun lil story started in 2021 about a noble who is exiled from court for causing too many scandals, and doomed to live on an abandoned and completely decrepit estate until his father deems it has been restored sufficiently (note: it will never be). he’s joined eventually by his ex-lover, who’s fleeing from the pointless war he was thrust into. Another one that’d just be fun to write (also the book I’m reading currently is making me want to revisit it)
Fern - a story I started in 2021 about a girl who runs away from home because she believes she’s going to be abducted by aliens, and ends up embroiled in a mystery about a missing girl who looks nearly identical to her.
True Crime Podcaster - story about a podcaster who tries to track down a girl who mysteriously disappeared from her high school, except no one else seems to remember her.
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ash-and-books · 2 years
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Rating: 2/5
Book BlurB: Chasing dangerous storms is in Marley Pascal’s blood. For her, it’s an obsession—a need to confront the powerful, destructive forces that killed her parents.But the storm she and her brother track down seems to violate the very laws of nature, with lightning that strikes as if from another world. In its crater, Marley finds a small purple crystal with a terrifying energy that hits her like a bolt to the chest when she picks it up.Suddenly, it’s like the electricity pulses through her blood, a charge she can’t control. Which is exactly when he comes looking for her—the ridiculously hot boy whose eyes spark and crackle with the same force that now resides in her body. And he smells like summer rain…But what’s inside Marley isn’t meant for her—or for any human. It belongs to him. To his kind.As long as this force stays in her body, she’s a living target. A weapon meant to protect…or destroy.Because now she is the storm.(
A storm chaser finds herself way in over her head when she finds a magical crystal that ends up giving her powers and when the owner of said crystal, a handsome alien guy comes to collect she knows she’s definitely out of her depth. Marley Pascal loves chasing and studying storms. So on her latest expedition she ends up finding a small crystal that has strange energy that strikes her when she touches it. Soon a mysterious guy named Brae comes along and he wants it back. Brae accidentally dropped his crystal during a fight and he’s an alien with so much on the line that if he doesn’t get it back his whole clan is in trouble. The only issue is that the crystal’s powers are now inside of Marley and they’ll both have to work together because she’s become a living target and he needs to get the power out of her and back to him before it’s too late. It doesn’t help that they’re also starting to feel some electricity between each other (and its definitely not just from the crystal’s powers) but can they make it work or will Marley be destroyed? The story ends off on a cliffhanger that definitely means there should be a second book. While I adored the author’s previous book this one just didn’t hit as much for me and I found myself just  not as engaged or interested, it definitely was me and not the book. Definitely give it a go thought if you’re looking for alien romance with a bit of powers.
*Thank you Netgalley and Entangled Publishing, LLC, Entangled Teen for sending me an arc *
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themovieblogonline · 3 months
Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases of Summer 2024
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Get ready for an epic summer movie season! Here are the Top Summer movies from laugh-out-loud comedies to adrenaline-pumping action and thought-provoking dramas. Whether you're planning a family outing, a date night, or a solo adventure to the theater, there's a film waiting to transport you to another world. So, grab your popcorn, pick your movie buddy (or go it alone!), and dive into this guide to the hottest flicks hitting the silver screen this summer. 1. Inside Out 2 Get ready for an emotional rollercoaster with the highly-anticipated sequel, "Inside Out 2"! Riley is all grown up (well, almost!), and her emotions (Joy, Anger, Fear, Sadness, and Disgust) are back to navigate the turbulent waters of adolescence. Will they be able to keep her headquarters under control? Find out on June 14th and be prepared to laugh, cry, and reminisce about your own teenage years. Check out the trailer to see a sneak peek of what's in store! 2. The Bikeriders What happens when a Midwestern motorcycle club goes from a place of refuge for outsiders to a straight-up gangster? Will the group find its way back to its roots? Find out on The Bikeriders on June 21st. 3. Kinds of Kindness   Yorgos Lanthimos is sliding in this summer with another shocking, confusing, yet addictive feature. Kinds of Kindness, coming to screens on June 21st, is an anthology, revolving around 3 people. Their stories might just be intertwined with one another. As the story unfolds, prepare to be surprised by the strange and beautiful ways their lives intertwine. This one's for fans of independent cinema and those who enjoy a good mind-bender.Let's wait until we finally get to unwrap the magic. 4. Daddio Can you have a life-changing heart-to-heart with a stranger? Well, Daddio, coming out on June 28th, shows a chance encounter between a woman with a complicated love life and a taxi driver whose wife passed away. Another great addition to June’s watchlist. 5. A Quiet Place: Day One Ever wonder how the terrifying sound-sensitive creatures in "A Quiet Place" came to be? This prequel takes us back to the day when this apocalyptic nightmare first began. Prepare for edge-of-your-seat suspense as you witness the initial struggle for survival. 6. Twisters   Tornados are coming in full speed, on July 19th. Kate, a storm chaser determined to prove the effectiveness of a new weather tracking system, finds herself battling the brutal forces of nature. However, things turn deadly, as the weather intensifies and she’s against the brutal forces of nature.  Hold on tight for this high-octane weather disaster flick! "Twisters" throws us into the heart of a terrifying tornado outbreak.  7. Deadpool and Wolverine Opposites attract and they can even work as a team to destroy a common enemy. July 26th is the date when the reclusive Wolverine and blabbering Deadpool cross paths and unite to take down a merciless villain in the ultimate odd couple team up! The wisecracking Deadpool and the brooding Wolverine join forces to take down a powerful villain. This action-comedy promises a wild ride with plenty of laughs and over-the-top fight scenes. 8. Cuckoo   When a teenage girl decides to join her father for a relaxing vacation in the German Alps to unwind, she doesn’t expect eerie visions and strange noises to be a part of the package. Is it her imagination, or is something more sinister lurking in the shadows? Find out on July 18th what other secrets are lurking within.  9. Borderlands With alien monsters, an unlikely team of friends, and a missing girl with mysterious and planet-altering powers, Borderlands is chock-full of breathless moments and on August 9th you won’t want to leave your seat until you figure everything out.  10. It Ends With Us CoHo fans reunite, because It Ends With Us is coming to screens on August 9th. Lily moves to Boston for a fresh start. In comes Ryle, and she’s swept off her feet. However, life skids sideways as Lily learns more about Ryle and when her childhood sweetheart bumps into her. Blake Lively never disappoints her fanbase, let's just hope it is no different this time. Whether it’s romance, action, or make-you-cry comedy, these features have you covered for your summer watch parties and barbecues. Happy Watching! Read the full article
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ozma914 · 6 months
Four Of Our Books Are Now Audiobooks, Or So I Hear
Four of our books are finally up as audiobooks! Do you hear me?
I know what you're thinking: "But Mark, you can't afford to engineer an audiobook!"
What's that? You're actually thinking, "I wonder if white socks have to be dyed, or if colored socks have to be bleached?" Fine. But just the same, they're up on that audiobook powerhouse, Audible.com:
The books, not the socks. I guess the socks would be in the category of Sole Music.
Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing, in one of those cases of "We should have seen it coming", is offering authors a chance to use Virtual Voice to make their works into audiobooks. I was contacted to beta the service, as was, I suspect, every other writer on Amazon. But audiobooks have become a big thing, and I can't afford a service, or the equipment and time to do it myself.
The first one I tried was Storm Chaser. I found the process easy, and the voice acceptable. It is a virtual voice; the term "virtual" has become a dirty word among artists, but this one isn't stealing from someone to make something. Anyone interested in trying it should read a sample first, to see if they're okay with the voice.
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Pay no attention to the voice behind that book!
The second I converted was The No-Campfire Girls. Since the book is almost entirely from the POV of a teenage girl, I chose a female narrator for that one. The price I used for all four books is $3.99, which is low for an audiobook but within reason. Amazon's "free" service gets a cut of that, of course.
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Seriously, there's no one there. You're imaging those legs.
The other two are my straight humor books, Slightly Off the Mark and More Slightly Off the Mark. (This is as opposed to books like Hoosier Hysterical, which are a mix of humor and other things. But they're still funny. Trust me.)
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I'd love for these books to get popular enough to generate a series--I have lots of columns to go.
It was only, oh, this week that I found out Audible is now an Amazon owned service, so ... yay!
Of our other books, some I can't get converted to audio right now due to technical problems, which we're working on. Some I just don't think would work as audiobooks. Images of America: Albion and Noble County is a photo-heavy book, and I'm not sure I could do this without permission of its traditional publisher, anyway. Smoky Days and Sleepless Nights is a toss-up, but being a local history book on a niche subject, I'm not sure there's any point in trying.
Listen to a sample and let me know what you think. If it works, it's a great chance to expand our audience. If it doesn't ... well, all it took was a little time out of my life when I would have been watching "Resident Alien".
Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B0058CL6OO
Barnes & Noble:  https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/"Mark R Hunter"
Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4898846.Mark_R_Hunter
Blog: https://markrhunter.blogspot.com/
Website: http://www.markrhunter.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ozma914/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarkRHunter914
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markrhunter/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarkRHunter
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@MarkRHunter
Substack:  https://substack.com/@markrhunter
Tumblr:  https://www.tumblr.com/ozma914
Remember: If you're going to hear voices, it's better to know where they're coming from.
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soapday10 · 1 year
Intense Natural Disaster Movies
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Earth has experienced more natural disasters than normal in the past few years. It's sad to see that these terrible natural disasters don't only exist on the big screen, but also in our everyday lives. Tsunamis, volcanoes and earthquakes are all too real. Forest fires, flooding, and global warming also exist. This is more frightening than any horror film with zombies, aliens, ghosts or vampires.
These terrible world wide catastrophes have prompted me to explore the cinematic worlds of natural disaster films. With their great movie effects, the newer movies that use computer-assisted technology will have you on edge of your seat. You will be moving from left to right, ducking and swerving like the cast.
Don't forget older disaster films where acting quality was more important than limited special effects. The full effect of the natural disaster films in both sight and sound is worth seeing in a movie theater. I don't think so. A romance movie soap2day.
These are my top natural disaster films from the beginning of cinema until now.
The Last Days Of Pompeii – 1935
The movie is great, as it takes us into the lives of Pompeii's citizens in 79AD only to have their personal lives disrupted by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The real disaster happens near the end, not at Dante's Peak.
Starring: Preston Foster (Alan Hale), David Holt, John Wood, and Basil Rathbone.
San Francisco - 1936
The devastating earthquake that struck San Francisco on April 18th, 1906 occurred at 5:13am. This is a great movie but, of all the disaster movies of this era, this one seems a bit too patriotic. This movie is indeed a musical.
Clark Gable stars, Spencer Tracy is also in the movie, Jeanette McDonald and Jack Holt. ).
The Devil At Four O'clock 1961
This classic film features three convicts who end up on the secluded island Talua. It is located about 500 miles away from Tahiti. Two priests run a leper children's hospital on the island. The island's fierce volcano suddenly erupts, and the three convicts are able to rescue the children and staff of the hospital. This is a very exciting movie.
Starring: Frank Sinatra, Spencer Tracy, Kerwin Mathews, Barbara Luna, Bernie Hamilton, Gregoire Aslan.
Twister 1996
This great movie about a natural disaster is full of action, but also has a bit of humor. The story is about a group of storm chasers trying to develop a tool to gather data on tornadoes to better predict their arrival. The magic effects in the movie are amazing.
Starring: Bill Paxton, Helen Hunt, Todd Field, Jami Gertz.
Dante's Peak 1997
The story of Mount St. Helen's, where Dante's Peak town is located on the mountainside just below the dormant Volcano in Washington State. A volcanologist and town's Mayor try to convince the residents of Dante's Peak that there is trouble brewing as this mountain begins to show signs. They are not believed until the volcano erupts, and then it's too late. Then the action-packed escape.
Starring: Linda Hamilton. Pierce Brosnan. Charles Hallahan. Grant Heslov.
The Day After Tomorrow 2004
Global warming has a devastating effect on the earth with extreme weather conditions like a tornado and a tsunami. All these storms occurred in conjunction with global cooling, which caused everything to instantly freeze. The next Ice Age. This is an excellent movie with fantastic special effects.
Starring: Jake Gyllenhaal Dennis Quaid Ian Holm Em Rossum.
2012 - 2009
This movie is the best in terms of special effects. In 2012, the Maya ideology will be used to create global cataclysmic event. There is a lot of destruction, such as earthquakes and unusual volcano eruptions. This is my favorite of all natural disaster films and worth seeing in a movie theater.
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sammiesimmer · 2 years
💖 My First Legacy 💖
Start Date: 3/7/2023
Starting Sim: Barbie Harmon - young adult
Starting Budget: $20k
Starting Home: a micro starter, 1 bed/1bath, in Henford on Bagley
🟣 : Currently : 🟣
Date: 4/18/2023
Household 1
Simolians: $103k
Home: 3 bed/2 bath luxury apartment in San Myshuno
⭐️Barbie Harmon⭐️
Gen: 1
Relationship: starting sim
Age: elder
Traits: neat, materialistic, family oriented
Bonus traits: cheerful, active, perfectionist, domestic, frugal, storm chaser sim
Aspiration: big happy family - stage 3/4 loving guardian
Career: interior decorator - level 9 certified interior designer
Macy Harmon 💗
Gen: 2
Relationship: daughter of Barbie Harmon & Bjorn Bjergsen
Age: teen
Traits: perfectionist, adventurous
Bonus Traits: top notch infant, domestic
Aspiration: successful lineage - stage 1/4 readily a parent
Dean Bjergsen 💙
Gen: 2
Relationship: son of Barbie Harmon & Bjorn Bjergsen
Age: young adult
Traits: gloomy, active, neat, good
Bonus Traits: goofball, self-assured, storm chaser sim, good manners, top notch infant, responsible, high self-esteem, happy toddler, muser, frugal, creative visionary
Aspiration: best selling author - stage 4/4 bestselling author
Career: freelance writer
Household 2
Simolians: $14k
Home: tiki shack styled 2 bed/1 bath in Sulani
Charlie Bjergsen 💙
Gen: 2
Relationship: son of Barbie Harmon & Bjorn Bjergsen
Age: young adult
Traits: good, active, cheerful
Bonus Traits: jealous, happy toddler, storm chaser sim, high self-esteem, responsible, home turf, collector, carefree
Aspiration: beach life - stage 1/4 tourist
Career: military - level 3 fourth lieutenant
Rylee Polanco (alien) 👽
Gen: added to gen 2 household
Relationship: wife of Charlie Bjergsen
Age: adult
Traits: child of the islands, high maintenance, music lover
Bonus Traits: collector
Aspiration: freelance botanist - stage 1/4 naturewalker
Career: interior decorator - level 5 building space planner
Brought in $20k when moved into household
Elvis Bjergsen (alien) 👽
Gen: 3
Relationship: son of Charlie Bjergsen & Rylee Polanco
Age: child
Traits: sqeamish, top notch infant, neutral confidence
Asperation: rambunctious scamp - stage 1/2 energetic
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doseprod · 2 years
Scanning The Dark Horizon
Released January 31, 2023 SCANNING THE DARK HORIZON 
THE JOHN IRVINE BAND. New Album OUT NOW! Album artwork by DOSEprod. It was time to leave Earth. Truth be told, it was time years ago - but we’d held on, waiting for things to get better. They never did, of course. They’d only got worse. We were always Scanning The Dark Horizon, constantly looking out for anything that could be considered a threat to our already fragile existence. Anything appearing through the far-off gloom - a brief dot on the radar, a sudden flash of light beyond the cloud, the smallest flicker on a screen could be a sign that we were about to come under attack. Since the warming, opposing factions had risen up all over the land. Each species was fighting for its own claim to what was left in a hopeless pursuit of dominance.  Like The Cloud Seeders. They ‘visited’ us every few weeks - sometimes more - attempting to alter our weather systems. At first their tech was poor, adding nothing to the already burnt-out conditions. But lately they’d greatly improved their science (their carriers had become more and more impressive, too, over time) and now storms raged more or less constantly. In truth, we’d not seen them for a while, but their presence could always be felt - lurking, biding their time. And recently, the appearance of hostile Solar Winds had done a good job of standing in for them. Although we couldn’t detect whether they were a natural phenomenon of the North or if they were man/alien made, these electrical disturbances were doing a damn good job of blocking our equipment signals; futzing up our comms.   The North. That’s where we’d wound up. Flooding was constant in the lowlands as the tides were permanently screwed-up. Habitable land in the South had become scarce, and everywhere there were fresh stories Of Seas And Oceans breaking down the remaining inland barriers, leaving complete destruction in their wake. So we had to live at the higher altitudes. I say ‘live’, but in truth this was no life - it was simply survival. With all our time spent frantically scrambling from here to there in a bunch of clapped-out geodesics - we were desperate, lurching from one terror to the next, and one more big rain would just about do for us.   Our lives hung by A Delicate Thread. Every action was a gamble. Every movement a risk that needed calculating, and the odds were stacked against us. So what was the answer? We’d tried everything. We needed a Lifeline - but where was that going to come from? And this morning, The Storm Chasers mission had taken place as normal - but the crew didn’t return, everyone was lost. For me, that was the last straw. We’d become A World On The Run and I was in no doubt that we would have to depart - immediately. We’d have to give up this planet once and for all. There was no way of reversing what we’d done and it was time for us to make a new home. But, this time, not screw it up. I didn’t hold out much hope of that, but what else could we do? But still certain people doubted the idea. “Better the devil you know,” they’d said. But I knew I was right. It was time to go. It was time to leave - as fast as we could… Suddenly, the alarm went off on the radar.   I sensed the horizon go dark. I knew immediately that the Seeders had returned.   I heard the thunder roar - like a final, dying cry - and then the rain began to fall.
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a bunch of fic ideas
I'm still sick but can't sleep, so rather than do my actual work I'll procrastinate by writing all my fic ideas so far (genshin only)
I can't say I'll do them all this year, or at all, since I'm a slow writer. but who knows?
anyway, in no particular order:
secondary gain (a treatise on life) — the dottonari ethics fic (with a side of scarae). I already outlined my ideas in its own tag but the main concept is about the clash of perspectives between dottore (boattore) (life-tolerating, scientifically idealist, wants to create something beyond human) and tighnari (life-affirming, scientifically pragmatic, affirms the humanity in all life). the segments also play a little game here, so we'll see some contrast between boattore and selfishtorre. finally, the underlying plot is that scaramouche consumes the divine knowledge capsules and the only way to save him and nahida lie with tighnari and aether.
Scaramouche consumes the Divine Knowledge Capsules earlier than expected, the segments play a little game, and Tighnari and Aether are caught in the middle of it all. Or: Dottore brings a most interesting patient unto Tighnari’s expertise. How do you medicate sleeping gods?
spooky action at a distance (we're in superposition baby) — a nonsense dream fic (think alice in wonderland) featuring kunikuzushi, venti, and aether during the time they were all asleep 500 years ago. kunikuzushi was put to sleep by ei; venti fell asleep after defeating durin; aether was asleep and sent forward in time by the sustainer of heavenly principles. the idea is that when they sleep, they enter a chaotic space. a special dream world that is more like a "probability space" that warps and changes based on its occupants, the events of the real world of teyvat, and so on.
"What is this place?" The music stops. The bard looks up from his lyre, momentarily taken aback. "Oh? It's rare for me to get visitors. Welcome! Thre's not much I can tell you. This place has no name and has no observers. Nothing makes sense here." Two glasses of wine appear in his hands. "Care for a drink, traveler?" Aether accepts the glass but doesn't drink. He eys the two clocks hanging from the sky, ominous and ever present. Flowers bloom from the cracks on the floor, the walls, the spaces between the bard's fingers. "Who are you?" The bard smiles. It's a nice smile. "This is your dream. Why don't you tell me?" 500 years of Venti visiting Aether in his dreams before he awakens in Teyvat. Or was it Aether who intrudes on Venti's dreams? In the world of slumber, nothing really matters, does it?
eclipse — the gender fic. academia/idol AU where albedo's research assistant, aether, is more than what he seems. I already have notes for this fic in its own tag.
FACE — the fashion heist revenge fic. fontaine fashion week is upon us, but someone in the shadows is creating a team whose whole purpose is to crash the most glamorous fashion event of the year. this idea is basically inspired by high society grifting scams (think anna delvey — the actual person not the netflix show, how to crash paris fashion week, faking a model to fashion week, faking as a billionaire, and so on). this one will probably lead me to a lot of research, so I'm putting this off until we get to fontaine in-game.
life in the rearview — a modern roadtrip fic featuring: meteorolgist!venti (who is a storm chaser), failed attempts at wedding planning, aliens, and a witch cult. albether are on a roadtrip to plan their wedding; venlumi hijacks the event and journeys with them around mondstadt. a bit of fake marriage going on (venlumi pretends to be engaged so they can do the cake tasting with albether), mostly a fluff fic with a stealth "reincarnation" plot at the end. this was an idea I had back in 2020 and I actually have a lot of worldbuilding notes for this. I might post those one day.
surface tension — modern spy AU. diluc's personal spy team that work as bartenders by day, undercover spies by night. featuring: criminal psychologist mona, intelligence officer albedo, field agents aether and lumine, etc. not sure what to do with this setting yet; my first thought is that it would just be the background for a quick albether oneshot with dom/sub undertones focusing on aether's hero complex and albedo being very meticulous with results/control. it could be the setting for a casefic as well, or some found family type of fic. depends on where this idea ends up.
There are occupational hazards that come with working under an underground spy network. Most agents find healthy ways to cope. Mona runs her cosomolgy blog, Fischl takes up ventriloquism, and Lumine has her idol boyfriend to distract her. Aether... doesn't cope. It falls on Albedo to take control of the situation
all the world's a stage — modern theater au. the immernachtreich theater produces plays based on ancient teyvat; however, the lives of the actors tend to parallel the story of the play they stay in. I haven't fully fleshed out the concept, but some examples are: enkanomiya's story with kokomi as the vishap experimentee, gorou as the guard assigned to the experiment, and kazuha as the person who wants to see the surface. sal vindagnyr's story with albedo as the princess painting the fresco and aether as the outlander. and so on. here are my notes from my phone:
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