bigshoeswamp · 11 months
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dyke energy off the charts
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hood-ex · 5 months
Dick asking if Damian's got a crush:
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Batman: Streets of Gotham #3
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Superman/Batman #77
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tinyhawks · 2 years
but it’s sooo fucking spot on that dabi is hawks’ achilles’ heel like: dabi’s quirk is fire, he gets under hawks’ skin like nobody else, and they are fucking like ????? the flavor of it all
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darkburning · 2 years
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❝ cosplay — now that is an odd question, i don't think i am cosplaying. what about you, are you cosplaying as someone ? you are also wearing something weird, wouldn't you say ? ❞ @devildukem
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marusekai · 23 days
[ DODGE ]: sender tackles the receiver out of the way of an attack. (From indigo to Sanji)
in the midst of everything , carrying out a snack for nami , robin , and indigo : serving platter falls from his hand as she tackles him out of the way. attack on the sunny , luffy jumps in and send the cannon flying. he lays on his back, arm wrapped around the other “   are you okay indigo-san ?  ” certain that she was free from harm . . . he was upset. the food that laid waste on the floor . . . one that should be devoured until there was nothing left --- features change as he helped her up.
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“   luffy ! what direction did it come from ?   ” rushing towards the railing . . . spotting the ship , not so far : he intends on showing them what happens when you waste food especially when it's for ladies.
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tansyuduri · 9 months
WHY DID I MAKE A PLOT THAT DEMANDS IT I spent all yesterday working on the plot and have it figured out enough to write now though. This is just kidna hard part of the fic. So I will copmp[lain as a coping mechanism. Half this blog will be me screaming about writing merlin fanfic and half merlin reblogs or comments.
this is just the hardest part wo write these chapters because the focus on definding the characters of the new knight and sorcs of camalot and parelleling it to merlin and arthers expirances when merlin realizes somthing and gets all l;askd'las;ldkas;dlksad'a;lkd
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imsiriuslyreading · 8 months
one thing about me... i'm never going to try and change someones mind alksdja
if how you picture a character is vastly different to how I do? that's fine, that's cool. and it is kind of cool, isn't it? that we can read the same words and they strike us in such different ways?
because i think we put a little bit of ourselves into everything we read and I sort of love that.
i'll never be able to understand the arguments people have over what a character should look like or sound like or how they'd behave in a particular way etc, because it's all so subjective.
we see what we need to see in stories and i think that's the beauty of it.
its also such a huge reason why I adore muggle AU's so much, because they get to be literally anyone. sometimes they carry traits from canon or whatever, and that's clever too. but so often I've read a fic where they're totally different to what we usually see and i adore that, it sort of changes them in my brain a little and makes up more of how i see them.
people are allowed to feel so differently to you and like a character to be a different way than you do, and i personally think that's part of the charm of fandom.
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whileurmine · 1 year
@rennisaturate like this for a starter based on some random musical lyrics and got two because she indulges me so now she suffers at my hand alksdja.
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"i know my brother like i know my own mind you will never find anyone as trusting or as kind If i tell him that i love you he'd be silently resigned you'd be mine he would say i'm fine, he'd be lying."
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sklogw · 11 months
that one br post was shard on twitter too and it got huge there, did you know? my gf showed it too me one day and i went "Neri????" alksdja
yeah, and people were speculating about my nationality there, wild times...
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bigshoeswamp · 2 years
i wanna watch something silly and fun :(
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hood-ex · 7 months
What do you think of Tim taking up the Nightwing mantle after Tom Taylor’s run? 👀 Tom King said he wanted to make Tim Nightwing while Dick was Ric, and Tom Taylor’s favorite Robin is Tim so maybe they’re finally doing that!
I can already imagine how annoying Tim stans would be about it, so I don't personally wish to see Nightwing Tim.
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tinyhawks · 2 years
i hate when people talk about deleted ao3 works bc i get so curious alksdja let me innn
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comet-frog · 2 months
o yea happy ecolo day alksdjas
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elle, my bab, this is late. but there are so many i think of you in association with. but the three that instantly come to mind are cameron grimes (bc of nxt lbs he's one of the first i recognised as your beloveds), ace austin (bullet club's ✨ prettiest ✨ princess), and douki (if anybody knows how unbelievably jacked he is, it's because of you 😌). also, i have to say jay- but only because everyone should know you are an essential member of the spite-jay club!
not late at all, I just rb-ed it no worries!! LAKDJLKDJALDSKJALK :') CamCam :') I'm so touched :') Ace aldkajdlkdjlakjlkj; BULLET CLUB'S PRETTIEST PRINCESS D O U K I (alksdja;lsdkjaldskja ldk LMAO) EVERYONE MUST KNOW OF THE SPITE JAY WHITE AGENDA!!! SPITE JAY WHITE. THEN. NOW. FOREVER. TOGETHER.
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sanando-me · 2 years
Andyyy, ¿fuiste al corona capital? alksdjas pq no avisas, hubieramos quedado para vernos ah
Jsjdjf noo, ojalá. El vídeo que subí fue de un en vivo😹 ¿de dónde eres?
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when-wax-wings-melt · 3 years
for the ask gameeee!
3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 17? (you don’t have to do all of these if you don’t want to lol)
3: Assign your WIP a color.
hmmmm dusky blue with swirls of foreboding gray
5: Assign your WIP an astrological sign.
gotta admit I don't know the signs that well so I am. guessing. virgo is one of them.
7: You’ve published or shared your WIP and it develops rabid fandom. What’s the fandom known for?
Being... gay and making nonsensical memes that make no sense out of context
8: Create an incorrect quote meme for one of your OCs.
Wren: Damian isn’t answering his phone Yael: I’ll call Sasha: Wren and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi- Damian: Hello?
12: Write a 1 star review for your WIP.
such an anticlimactic ending u bitch. there's like no canon romance at all you shit. you absolute fucker.
17: You should’ve expected it, but you’re still surprised when you find out people aggressively ship (which non-canon pairing of OCs?)
I don't have many characters tbh but if people ship Sasha and Yael I'll cry
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