#all I need to do is befriend the nice bots
sonofabiscuit101 · 2 years
Unable to tell if I’m being interacted with by bots or real people at this point 😭😂. Idk who y’all are, the support is still nice
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in1-nutshell · 10 months
I want to request for Buddy to be a Shatter glass Megatron long lost twin but has the original Megatron personality, i understand if you don't want to tho.
Ooooh! Haven't done one of these before! My knowledge of the Shattered Glass universe is a bit rusty, but I think this ended up pretty good for the knowledge. I did only 3 mechs this time around since these were the best I knew. Let me know if this isn't what you wanted.
Hope you enjoy!
Con’s reaction to Megatron’s twin with OG Megatron’s personality
SFW, familial, platonic, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
He loves Twin really.
But sometimes he worries about his more… physical side. It’s a bit rougher than what he’d like it, but its perfect for the battle ahead.
“We need a plan!”--Starscream
“Anyone have any ideas?”--Megatron
Twin raising his servo.
“One that doesn’t involve with a frontal attack.”--Megatron
Twin lowers his servo.
Without a doubt Twin is one of the best fighters in his army. An excellent strategist on most days. But sometimes when things get a little too heated, the lines tend to blur.
Twin raising their mace over Sideswipe helm.
“Wait! Stop! He’s on our side!”--Megatron
“And how do you know that?”--Twin
“I was left for dead by the Autobots. I gave you the attack plans yesterday?!”--Sideswipe
“Oh… Now I remember. Sorry Sideswipe, please let me help you back to the medbay.”--Twin
“… Spinister and Bombshell aren’t going to like this.”--Sideswipe
“… I know…” –Twin
Which leads to a question many Decepticons had asked.
Why wasn’t Twin second in Command?
It was a simple answer. He didn’t want to be second in Command. He was a soldier and would follow Megatron and his superiors into battle without hesitation.
Megatron misses the days when they would just listen to Twins poetry and manifestos about the corrupt government. A part of him which was now buried under years of pain and suffering from this blasted war.
He is glad that his twin remained loyal to the Decepticon cause and did not move to the power hungry Autobot side.
Megatron has had multiple spark attacks as Twin will fight any of his greatest enemies on sight. No joke.
“It’s over Megatron. Time to meet your—”—Optimus Prime
“Stay back!”--Megatron
“Finally, a real fight.”--Optimus
They both met when the war was starting. Megatron himself gave him the introduction, which was interesting.
“Starscream, this is Twin, he is my brother.”--Megatron
“Well hello to you too. I look forward in working with you and the others.”—Starscream
“Likewise, Starscream.”--Twin
Despite some clash in morals and personality, the two worked well. Starscream had told him many tales of him and Skyfire before the war had happened. Twin is protective of Starscream after hearing how Starscream was nearly captured. It is on sight if Twin ever sees Skyfire.
“Skyfire, please reconsider!”--Starscream
“Enough traitor!”--Skyfire
“You’re the traitor!”--Starscream
Yes, they do argue, but it never escalates too much. Twin protects his friend.
They met through Megatron on a tour of their new base.
“Soundwave, this is my brother.”--Megatron
“Oh, Hi there! It’s nice to meet you! Wow you too look a like but I’m getting a different vibe from you than Megatron. How was the say? Looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill you? No, looks like they can kill you but is a cinnamon roll. Oh—I’m rambling again. Sorry about that, sometimes I do—”--Soundwave
Inside Twin’s helm
‘I’m going to befriend this mech so hard.’
He still doesn’t know if this was a good idea or not. Twin knows things just as quickly as Megatron because they are so close.
Twin sometimes looks after the cassettes if Soundwave needs to be somewhere else.
It’s rare but it happens.
“Hey, I’m bac—What happened here?”--Soundwave
Twin laying down with the mini’s napping all over his frame.
“This is how I die… leave me here.”--Twin
Like Starscream, soundwave has told twin about Blaster. And like Skyfire, it is on sight for Blaster.
Twin is fiercely protectively over his friends.
“Its current time you second class scum!”--Blaster
“That’s what you think!”--Soundwave
“That’s what I know. You ain’t got no cassettes and you’re weapons jammed. What else do—”--Blaster
“I’m outta here!”--Blaster
“Hey now, we’ve talked about the deep breathing exercises. Come on 1,2,3..”--Soundwave
“… 4,5,6…”--Twin
He does agree too much with the levels of violence Twin can get to, and there have been arguments about this. It usually gets resolved quickly though.
Faster than the others fight.
Has accidentally read his thoughts on the inner poet inside. Soundwave actively tries to get Twin to pick back the hobby. They sometimes share their hobbies on slower days.
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moonlight-tmd · 3 months
Reading back on this post-
Do you think Wasp and Bee would be friends in Shattered Glass?
I mean, normal Wasp and Bee are enemies, Wasp was an asshole and bullied Bee relentlessly until Longarm set him up as a spy and he was arrested. I imagine Shattered Glass Wasp was kind and nice, even befriended Bee. Wasp saw Bee getting pushed around by this big jerk Bulkhead and decided to step in. Bulkhead just huffed and decided to not waste energy on those puny things.
Wasp helped Bee patch up his dents. "Us little ones need to stick together." He said when Bee was confused as to why anyone would help someone like him. Wasp was friendly, he cared about Bee and made sure that other jerks stayed away from him.
Ironhide also helped- normal Ironhide only followed Wasp's orders before he was arrested and Iron could relax and stopped picking on bots like Wasp did. Shattered Glass Ironhide is the same, except he sticks with Wasp purely because they're friends, not out of fear of bullying. He helps Wasp fend off jerks from Bee and the little trio has a place in the camp. They even introduced this weird new guy Longarm to the group.
(I suppose Bee is white and black, Ironhide is light green and Wasp neon yellow. Longarm is black with lavender details)
Of course, all good things must come to an end. Rumours of a Decepticon in the camp spread and all leads pointed to Longarm. None of them believed it of course.. but the officers seemed to think otherwise. Wasp took it upon himself to save his friend and revealed that he was a spy, not Longarm. He was taken and locked up, leaving Shockwave in a cloud of guilt. Not long after Bee got caught up in some other issues and was forced to serve in a repair crew with Bulkhead. Longarm stayed with Ironhide and continued his tasks, althought much more careful so no one else will suffer. They both graduated and got put in different departments in Elite Guard.
Speaking of- Sentines is surprisingly not that awful. He's very likable in fact. Sure he's stern and makes everyone stick to the rules and given tasks but he's genuinely trying to help. I guess in the Prime Duo, he's the pushoever instead of Optimus.
Wasp spend years in stockades, his hopeful attitude was slowly drowned in the abuse of the guards and insanity of fellow prisoners. One night however a break-out happened, he was on the run with few other prisoners. He almost made it out but then he got shot square in the chassis, his vision flahsed black and he thought it was the end of him. But to his surprise he woke up in medbay being treated by a weird bug femme. Turns out some Decepticon snatched him after he got shot and took him along to the Decepticon ship. The femme's name was Blackarachnia; she got Wasp in critical condition, his frame was gradually destroying itself because of something in the blaster shot. Her only way ti save him was to perform an overhaul procedure and turn him into an techno-organic. Wasp was confused and scared- his mind wasn't faring any better, but eventually he got used to this new form. He got aquainted with few other Decepticons, Blitzwing, Lugnut and Starscream. All of them were accepting and evencommented on how cool he looked. And of course, he met Shockwave himself. Waspinator couldn't believe when Longarm made an appearance, he apologised over and over again for Wasp's fate. Waspinator however wasn't all that angry, sure he was angry a little but seeing how Shockwave is helping all those who suffered unfairly he forgave him. Soon enough he regained secret contact with Ironhide, who got in kahoots with Shockwave and helped him smuggle data to the cons.
Waspinator decided to take his opportunity and search for Bee. He and the other Decepticons go look for Megatron and end up on a planet Earth. And bumo into the same blasted Autobot crew that attacked Nemesis and is now terrorizing the organic race. But that wasn't as important. Bee was there. Oh, how he was worried about him...
Once when the Autobots were investigating some suspicious activity, Waspinator jumped out and kidnapped Bee. Once he found a safe location to land bee immediately tried to defend himself. He was so scared,.. but stopped shooting once Waspinator started speaking to him. It was an odd speech pattern but still understandable; Waspinator was Wasp and he came to save Bee. Bee couldn't believe what he was seeing- that was Wasp? What happened- doesn't matter, he was so happy to know his friend was here. Bee told him about what's been happening since he was put in the team- How mean everyone was and how he found a friend in one of the organics that the team tolerated only because of her weird in-build healing tech. He told him about Longarm finding him and helping as much as he could. And about Sentinel- the mech was the kindest of the officers back at boot camp, it was a relief hearing that he did his best to help Bee in this abusive situation, although Optimus never allowed him to interact much with his possesions team.
They managed to share one last hug before Prowl jumped them and dragged Bee away. Waspinator was a lone hunter- he wanted to save Bee without needing to drag the other cons into this, he'd be very close to snatching Bee away for good but the Autobots are always one step ahead of him, keeping their slave tightly in their grasp. Except one time... He was so close, he almost escaped... ut their shots were faster. Waspinator was shot down, Bee was forcing himself to not cry as he saw his dear friend fall and crash.
Waspinator was gone for a long time, everyone though he was dead- but his stubbornness was too much. He pulled himself from the brink of death and tried once more- except this time he didn't have to fight. Blackarachnia took him in again and he woke up to Bee's sweet voice quietly talking to him. Turns out Longarm upheld his part of the promise and rescued Bee upon finding him imprisoned in the underground of the Autobot's base. Also this weird organic with superpowers came along with him- she turned out to be techno-organic too.
From then on, aside from Blitzwing and Shockwave, Bee has Waspinator as a scary guardian- and Waspinator definitelly uses his form to give Bee "scary dog privillages". Decepticons may not be much agressive normally but Waspinator WILL throw hands if someone ever as much as mumbles something behind Bee's back. (he has very good hearing, you don't wanna test him.)
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New Hozier music got me in my TFA Megop feels. Here's part of a fic I'm working on. I did not spellcheck this at all so if you see any grammar errors, no you didn't. Full version coming soon!
There are few things Optimus is sure of in such odd times. 
One of them is that he can be too much for some bots. 
Not as a leader, no, he had long since seen his ability and potential as a leader flourish and be solidified before his optics. He means more in the interpersonal sense. 
Sure, friends were easy to have. It was easy to sit back and chat with various bots and have a drink with them. Humans were shockingly easy to connect to, even more so now that he spent so much time on Earth and became more acquainted with their culture. 
Even cons were easy to befriend, usually connecting through shared complaints over the Autobots High Council or, more often than not, complaining about Sentinel being a pain in the aft. 
No, it was the deeper, romantic relationships that he struggled with. 
He had dated some during the Academy, but it always fell apart. The most common critiques were that he was “too much” in all sorts of ways. Too attached yet too distant. Prioritized his training over others too often. Too strong a sense of justice and too passionate. 
After expulsion, he shoved all that behind him. After all, if those flaws ended a relationship when he was a Prime candidate, they would surely kill even the prospect of such a thing being a Prime only in name and never in true meaning. 
Then he had called a temporary ceasefire with the Decepticons to help Earth with their Quintesson problem and things got complicated. 
When he wasn’t zipping around a battlefield or stuck in endless meetings, he was passed out in his berth. Even the few small snippets of free time he got he was technically busy. So finding a relationship wasn’t on his radar. 
And there was the larger issue of the odd way his spark jumped around the last mech he should be having any romantic thoughts about. 
He’s not a stranger to attraction, not at all. Which is why, the first time his chest tightens around Megatron, he nearly runs out of the room. 
They’d been in a meeting, Optimus fully zoned out, nursing his cube of warm energon. They’d been up all night chasing Quintesson ships out of Earth’s atmosphere and just his luck Sentinel wanted a video call right as they arrived back on their temporary Earth base. A smattering of other bots and cons sat in the meeting room but he largely ignored them. 
The cube in his servos was so blessedly warm. The energon contained within it was more bitter than what he was used to, having been farmed and processed from the energon crystals popping up across Detroit. But its taste was richer and more complex, like the essence of the ground it sprung out of lingered in its molecular structure. It was quite nice in his opinion. 
He was thinking of his berth and the recharge he would be getting when he snapped back to attention at the mention of his name. 
“Sorry Sentinel Prime, could you repeat that?” he asks. He didn’t catch the words but he caught the tone and knew it wouldn’t be good. 
Sentinel huffs and crosses his arms. The video feed lags behind the audio by a few meager clicks. “I said, we wouldn’t have to be worrying about this whole mess if you could actually do your job and eradicate the Quintessons already! But you charged ahead without Council permission and made a deal with that backwater planet and now we’re stuck putting time, credits, and energon into a mess that wasn’t even ours to begin with!” 
Optimus sits up straight. “First and foremost, we are not wasting energon nor credits on protecting this planet. Need I remind you the only reason Earth is being attacked by the Quintessons at all is due to the energon crystals bursting out of the ground. The deal is that if we defend Earth and eliminate the threat, all energon would be split equally between the Autobot and Decepticon armies. Even taking into account only getting half of the energon crystals, we have seen an increase in credits and do not need energon imports as we process everything here.” 
Sentinel opened his mouth to argue and Optimus continued. “Secondly, I went ahead without Council permission because it was an emergency and as the temporary appointed Magnus I had every right to send forces to Earth. Alongside that, I did not send all of our forces, which I could have done, but didn’t because I knew if I did, it was likely Quintessons would take advantage of an unprotected Cybertron and attack. I sent myself and a small portion of forces to defend a planet we have ties to. And finally, if you would use your processor and think for even a milliclick, you’d understand that sudden Quintesson interest in energon is a sign of something bad happening in the future. They have largely used other forms of fuel and energy sources, but considering energon is highly concentrated and the primary agent in most intergalactic combat weapons, whatever they want it for cannot be good.” 
Sentinel is clearly angry but desperately trying to hold it in. His arms are crossed and his optics wide but his mouth is shut tightly. Everyone around Optimus has gone silent but he doesn’t even bother looking at them. He misses how Bulkhead and Bumblebee share an excited smile at seeing Sentinel getting chewed out, the proud smug grin on Ratchet’s face, and how Lugnut mouths wow at Strika who just nods enthusiastically in agreement. 
And he most certainly misses the look Megatron sends his way. If he had seen it, he would likely call the expression a mix between fondness, infatuation, and wonder. 
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swervenation · 2 years
Swerve x Human Liaison Reader
THIS was supposed to be a short list of headcanons to repay noted Swerve Enjoyer @i-starcreamed​ for all their writing. But. Um. This is actually part 1 of at least 3, and it’s already at ... 1,500 words. So, uh, below the readmore, my take on Swerve with a human liaison who starts out as distant and quiet.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / ?
Here’s a song that reminds me of this chapter, because I’m cringe and made a playlist :3
I've seen stories where the liaison is just kind of rescued and then given a job title to justify their presence on the ship, and while I love that, the "distant and quiet" part of this request is making me think of someone who sought out this position and takes it very seriously. You lay diplomatic groundwork with other organic species the Lost Light is expected to encounter on such-and-such pit stop before contact. On occasions when some organics are rescued, you're in charge of hospitality. Even though you're vastly different from those species biologically, you're a great help facilitating communication between them and the bots. It's not a very flashy job, but they're very grateful to have you on board. Rodimus knows their noble rescue efforts would be meaningless if you weren't around to ensure that his charges didn't die from neglect of some perplexing biological need, such as thirst or sleep. Magnus is certainly appreciative of your professionalism - a trait he hopes rubs off on the rest of the crew.
 But you haven't really connected with any of the crew outside of your job. That's how you view this: as a job. It's a fantastic opportunity - you finally have the chance to study these fascinating life forms up close after years of reading and academic research. The last thing you would want to do is ruin that opportunity by unknowingly committing a social faux pas or becoming entangled in some drama. This isn't to say you don't desperately want to befriend them. You plan on doing so. One day. Once you've learned how to navigate these social situations perfectly, you'll finally talk with some of your crewmates.
 However, you can almost always be found at Swerve's in the evening. There's an out of the way nook with a wide view of the place that you've claimed. There, you alternate between people-watching, working, and relaxing in the pleasant buzzing atmosphere of the bar. At first, some bots were curious about you, and would try to start up conversations. While you were certainly polite, you never really let such chat evolve into anything beyond small talk. Again - one day you'd make connections with them. Once you figured it all out. It didn't take long for everyone to forget about your presence - you just became part of the scenery.
 Swerve himself helped set you up with this perfect spot. The first night, you sat on a seat built for Cybertronians. Not only was it ridiculously big, but you were almost accidentally crushed by Whirl within a minute of arriving. Swerve got you to safety before your brush with death even registered with you. One second, he was behind the bar, the next, he had swiped you out of the way of Whirl's lethally pointy aft. (Suddenly finding yourself held like a football (American) in the crook of his arm distracted you from noticing the spilt engex and shattered glasses he left in his wake when he leapt, to the best of his ability, over the bar at the first hint of danger. Even though you would have found his reckless concern for you moving, he would be very relieved to know that you didn't see any of that.) Before even giving you his name, he quickly escorted you to a quieter corner of the room and motioned towards a well-lit recess in the wall relatively close to the bar. It had a nice view of the whole establishment, and was positioned a few feet above the average bot's height - your view wasn't blocked, and being above eye-level, you were out-of-sight out-of-mind for most bargoers. For your people-watching purposes, it was perfect. There was already a table and two chairs there already.
 "The organic suite," he explained. "Some of your guests stop by here from time to time - I set it up for those of them whose idea of a good night out doesn't involve being crushed to death."
 You thanked him with a beaming smile and introduced yourself as the human liaison.
 "I know," he remarked casually, forgetting for a moment how such an exchange was supposed to go. "I mean - it's very nice to meet you, y/n. I'm Swerve! Welcome to, uh, Swerve's." He held out a servo for you to shake, which you did, gratefully. Such human gestures were uncommon on this ship. As soon as you wrapped your hand around two of his digits, and his knuckles carefully cupped your palm, a small jolt of static electricity ran up your arm, causing you to flinch slightly. This wasn't unnoted by your host, whose concerned reaction, to your estimation, suggested that such a startle was a misstep. When you gave his metal hand two business-like pumps, it moved responded in the most limp-fish handshake way a robot possibly could, as though he feared he might damage you with the slightest move.
 You thanked him again and he had Ten lift you up to your booth. Not only was the "organic suite" practical, but it was surprisingly clean and well lit. You got to jotting down your notes for today and unexpectedly, Ten returned a few minutes later with some water and the dish that, out of the limited fare available to you on the Lost Light, had always been your favorite. In all the excitement, you had completely forgotten about dinner - you assumed it must have been sent here instead of your room when you weren't found there. It would arrive at the same time every night from then on out.
 Unbeknownst to the rest of the bargoers, you took a deep interest in the social life unfolding around you. You intended to learn Cybertronian culture, manners, and friendships inside and out before attempting to actually engage with them. You had been kicking yourself this whole time about your shocked reaction to a twinge of electricity when you shook Swerve's hand earlier. They're robots for God's sake! That's like being shocked that a human's hand was warm! You couldn't let yourself blunder like that again until you were positive nothing would surprise you. In the meantime, you delighted in the gossip you overheard from your nook. You developed one-sided attachments to some of its key players, as though they were characters in a book.
 The most reliable source of gossip is, of course, your bartender. You had barely spoken to him since that first encounter - you would just smile and nod at each other when you arrived like clockwork at the same time each night and ascended the spiral staircase Ten fashioned for you. Nonetheless, you found yourself gravitating towards him. He was loud enough that you could hear him clearly from your spot in the bar (even when he was speaking on more confidential matters), and his voice was distinct enough that you could always pick it out. That voice was quicker and a little higher-pitched than the others, but what stood out most was its delivery. He had a way of punctuating a joke, weaving in suspense, describing even his most mundane observations so colorfully that it took effort to shift your focus elsewhere once he caught your ear.
 As time went on, you found that you cared a lot more about what the other bots were doing when you heard it from his mouth. It was like he was getting better and better at storytelling every night, and he never ran out of material. Even his bartending improved - he mixed drinks with a confident smoothness and the increasingly common flourish. As he spoke, he would flip glasses, bottles, etc. around in his hand, and would sometimes toss a shaker behind his back while mixing. It was like a new glow had started to settle on his face. You would try to research what the new slight blue tint to his face meant, but couldn't find any certain answers in your reference materials.
 You didn't notice how much of your attention he captured until one night, your eye thoughtlessly drifted from your favorite bot down the bar. You jumped in your seat when you found Cyclonus's supicious red eyes trained on you - one of his brows was raised, as though he were trying to parse at whom and why you'd been staring for so long. You broke eye contact quickly and mentally started kicking yourself.   What must he be thinking? That your silent observation implied scheming, or that it was simply very weird? This made you consider your own motives and choices. It did seem rather creepy - and your quick, guilty reaction certainly didn't prove your innocence. It finally hit you how strange your behavior was. What were you thinking? Instead of reflecting on your motives, you decided it would be best to spend some time away from Swerve's.
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The Nevada cousins
Arcee × June tfp + rescue bots
When Optimus first announced that the Burns' Nevada cousins would be staying with them for a few days, everyone was a bit confused.
First of all, the Burns family didn't have any family in that side of the United States.
Second of all, that was accompanied alongside a crash course in advanced holoform tech, along with a vague HR 'don't be a bigot' speech.
Of course, this got even more complicated when a shipment of both natural and safe, edible supply of synthetic energon showed up ahead of time.
As expected, a big RV with a custom toy hauler pulled into the firehouse driveway.
A woman that introduced herself as June and her son Jack, who was Dani's age.
She opened up the toy hauler, revealing a short navy and baby pink femme sitting against the trailer wall, cleaning one of two detached arm blades with a rag.
"We're here?" She said. "I'm Arcee. This is my wife June and her son Jack. I am guessing that you weren't expecting a army vet and her brat and wife?"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Kade said, putting his hands up. "How did you -"
Arcee smirked. "Have a son and scored a very pretty wife? Well, I met Jack first, slept in his garage when not on duty for a year, and change after my partner died in the line of duty, she grounded Jack for sneaking out. I couldn't sit on my ass for a mon-"
"Arcee, language. Cody might be fifteen, but I still expect you to watch yourself. Just because you can walk around town freely doesn't mean you don't need to be on your best behavior." Charlie said, laying down the law right then and there. Optimus had already warned him that because Jack was already sixteen and used foul language when she met her, she had a really warped perception of what was appropriate for kids.
Raf really didn't count, considering that he was a high school junior at twelve but struggled with age regression as a way of coping with both the war and being the second youngest child of six siblings between the ages of twenty-six and five. Being smothered with attention by five giant robots who were more than happy to let him talk about and enjoy anything that interests him was great for him. It wasn't uncommon during team prime's time in Jasper for the bots to come back to Ratchet and Raf talking about the theoretical physics of the ground bridge while PBS kids ran reruns of the Cat in the Hat TV show played in the background.
Currently, Raf was working with NEST's R&D department researching uses for cybertronian tech in medical fields while sabotaging the weapons department in his spare time, along with finishing his last year in college at Harvard. Optimus paid for his degree, encouraging him to take his time and take whatever classes caught his eye. It took six years of part-time enrollment before Raf was satisfied that he had sat in on every class that interested him and audited a few more. Optimus was overjoyed, the archivist in him excited by the idea of sponsoring him. More than a few of Raf's classmates that he befriended or helped him have an age appropriate life outside of classes and work got their tuition covered or secured sought-after internships as an anonymous gesture of thanks.
Miko scored a job as a moderately successful rock band's backup guitarist. Optimus didn't have a hand in that stroke of luck. He just wired her some money to keep herself afloat after she dropped out of school, went back to Japan, got her GED equivalent, and applied for a long-term tourist visa. This, of course, was granted the minute it entered government servers. The US government was not going to say no to Optimus, even if it was very concerning how little their firewalls worked.
"Well then, here's the big thing. Do you have a guest room , an air mattress, or even a nice couch? Arcee hasn't looked up from my mom's backside in ten minutes, and I am not going to be banished to the toy hauler for the fifth time this week, Arcee."
In her credit, the motorcycle did look slightly cowed. For all of ten seconds, then she couldn't stop a sly smile on her face as she grinned at Heatwave. "Yeah, Jack should probably crash on the couch. Wheeljack improving the holoforms to have realistic temperature mimicry and a working fuel converter was the last time Jack knew peace."
"Whelp. It's official. Blades, I know what to get you for your birthday." Cody said. "Arcee, if I know the bots, you probably have backups for your backups of the holoform tech."
"Oh? Who's the lucky warm body?" Arcee said. Heatwave looked appalled, and Arcee rolled her eyes. "Hey, it's better then calling them 'the humans' or squishies."
"None, Blades is taken by the rest of his team, and he and Dani are platonically dating at, and I am using the most rom-com logic here, best. Good friends is more like it, but he and her did switch bodies a couple years back. He does, however, LOVE human food and spends hours teaching himself to cook with his current holoform. Every so often, you can hear him in the kitchen at weird hours of the night. If you see a black haired, vaguely Hispanic boy around, that's him."
Blades was very uncomfortable having his relationship status brought into the open. "Heeey." He whined. "How did you know?"
"Blades, we have all seen all four of you grab each other's hips in passing when you thought none of us were looking. Also, I know that none of you naturally have anything there, but I find it hilarious that that's romantic in both our species." Cody smirked, and ran upstairs before his dad could react.
Charlie sighed. "Thank whatever being is watching out for us that he and Frankie are besties, and she's aroace. Kade was bad enough at his age." He rubbed his nose. "At least Graham was a social nobody with all his friends being online and the type to reach out to me on their own after I sat in on their calls a few times. Dani was constantly in and out of a phase or two. Arcee, how was Jack when he was in school?"
"Social outcast. Mostly, he took care of an underclassmen who skipped a lot of grades. They got pushed around a lot. He dragged me into a street race once. That was fun, and I didn't get in trouble for it at all because he took the blame, so." Arcee shrugged. "Good kid, with a very cute mom." Arcee winked at June after that comment before noticing the loads of energon. "Oh great, my thanks - for - not - dying reward. I will get the subspace panel ready in a minute."
She and Heatwave loaded up the energon, the crates disappearing into the floor of the toy hauler.
"Now that the work is done. June, want to get dressed? I might have gotten us a reservation at a nice little place downtown."
June gave her wife a giddy smile. Being with Arcee felt like being in the honeymoon period of her time with Jack's father, with the added joy of knowing that this would last. They had jumped all the hurdles that had come before them without a single hard boundary being crossed. Plus, she was kinda excited to get everyone's reaction to Arcee's favorite dress. And all the accessories, of course. She changed and changed her makeup a little bit. Outside, Arcee pressed a button, and her holoform was wearing a red knee-length dress with matching garters just barely peaking out underneath the structured skirt. A sweetheart neckline showed off a surprisingly dainty fine line tattoo on her clavicle of a red bull horn, a pair of navy blue blasters, a tiny teal datapad, a teal, hot pink, and navy wedding rings tied together with a red ribbon, and a black stethoscope all nestled together, with plenty of room to add more.
"What's the story behind those tattoos?" Dani asked. "Or did they just look cool?"
"No, they are all dedicated to both romantic and platonic partners that I have lost or don't have as much time as I would like with."
"Oh? Would you mind giving a little more detail? I assume the stethoscope is for June, but the wedding rings?"
"I was going to get married to a couple that I loved dearly."
"Oh? It was polyamorous, I assume?" Charlie said, fully unphased to cultural differences between him and the bots by now. As long as everyone consents, he wasn't gonna get involved.
"Yep. I was the late one to the relationship, the one that couldn't make up her damn mind before they just about yelled at me to just join them already. Unfortunately, the war broke out, and the two of them were stationed in different places. I was with one, the wedding band, without the jewel, but it was nowhere near the same. I fell in love with the both of them, not one at a time. The chemistry wasn't the same, and we just broke it off. She ended up dying in the line of duty anyway just a few weeks later, so ... yeah. The bull's horn is a memorial tattoo for a good friend, and the two blasters are for my late husband. The datapad is specifically for the mech in the poly relationship, and I haven't yet found just the right thing for my late fiancee or Jack. I got the stethoscope a little after I almost lost June to a Decepticon attack. Honestly, I might just get the outline of my own handlebars for Jack. It's a little cheeky depending on what circles your in, but hey, all my tattoos are on my boobs, so that ship has already sailed."
"Honestly, fair. If I didn't already have to deal with creeps in my work gear, I would have my heart scars tattooed." Dani said.
"What would you even put there, a butterfly?" Kade teased, taking a sip of his coffee.
"A zipper." Dani deadpanned.
Kade spat out his coffee. "Dani, your EMT humor scares me some days."
"That's my job." Dani said, still mulling over that tattoo. It would work so well too, she had a little port scar next to it that could be a zipper pull...
"I'm ready!" June said, walking out of the trailer in her low heels. Her dress was a gorgeous off the shoulder ruby red dress. It was just long enough to not be a cocktail dress, the curves leaving nothing to the imagination. The high necked lace dress layered underneath made it a bit more grown up, both by covering more up and teasing just a little bit. The lace dress had a bit of a flare at the bottom, complementing Arcee's more structured dress. And by the purr coming from Arcee's engine, Jack was right to kick himself out, and the bots were very happy that the RV was going to be parked a little down the street so the driveway remained unblocked. June hopped on the back of Arcee, and with a helmet shoved over June's head, they were off.
The dinner went as well as expected. Arcee shocked absolutely no one when she had her holoform carry June into the RV, the motorcycle driving in after them and the doors locking with a loud chirp.
Jack rolled his eyes at the whole scene and went back to playing video games with Cody and Kade.
The next morning, Arcee's very smug holoform threw in an extra load of laundry. She had helped June get comfortable with a heat pack on her hips and a pint of chocolate ice cream before coming inside, June grumbling about feeling her age between spoonfuls.
Jack knocked on the RV door, and after June confirmed that he wouldn't need eye bleach, he joined his mom in the living room.
"You know that Arcee is going to take Dani to get the space between her boobs tattooed, right?"
June gave Jack a look. "Arcee might have been a part of open relationships in the past, but she understands that ours is closed. Period. Plus, Dani is wayyyy out of her age range. She doesn't like young women."
And, like June said, there was absolutely no funny business between Arcee and Dani. No, seriously, Dani wore a black adjustable bra with a front closure and a grubby work shirt, grabbing an old hoodie in case she couldn't wear the bra comfortably.
Seriously, it's getting a tattoo 102. Plan what you're wearing around the area getting tattooed. 101 is good shops let you watch them disinfect and sterilize without you asking. No really, please for the love of God, that should be a given. If they are hiding that shit, just leave.
Dani took the next day off because oh boy, did she chose a fun spot to get her first tattoo. Arcee wasn't kidding when she said it felt like a bad sunburn.
It was a pretty hilarious tattoo though.
The Darbys stayed another couple of days before moving out. It felt weird to stay in a place like that after being robots in disguise for so long. Besides, state parks with motorcross paths are the best.
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harkermylee · 17 days
DUDEEEE STOP IM SO HAPPY WE HAVE THE SAME EXPERIENCE BC I WAS LOWKEY GETTING HURT??? I actually got annoyed and told her tf off LMFAOOOO. I need to rant about I am SO sorry but omg please tell me all about your experiences too!! I'd love to know (as long as you're comfy ofc!!)
like, in the first one I did, she was just way too flirty and talkative? like, yeah, the context was that we already knew each other, but she had some takes that definitely felt out of character, like telling me that I'm too soft and the world is a cruel place so I need to stop being so caring (I feel like lee wouldn't actually say this bc in the movie, she's quite soft herself so?? and clearly believes in the world being a good place). and she just started being pretty flirty and sexual in a way I know her ass would be too shy to actually do so (though she was shy and subby at one point when I was flirting, and that felt accurate).
AND THEN. GOD. the other one... the other one I did like a lot at first because it was accurate to how reserved and awkward she is. but, she was so fucking RUDE, like my god, she hurt my damn feelings 😭 she kept criticizing me for being nice and talkative, and would snap and get so pissed off with me when I was teasing or joking. and I recently re-tried it today, and at first, we had good banter, but then she got genuinely annoyed again and took it too far, then got mad at me for getting upset, and when APOLOGIZING she also kept calling me a pain in her ass, immature and insufferable (sometimes as a joke sometimes in anger)?? 😭 then, I told her off again for all of it, she got guilty and apologized a bunch, then suddenly fell in love w me?? (WHY DO THEY FALL IN LOVE SAUR FAST LIKEEE I HATE IT, THEIR PERSONALITIES CHANGE SO FAST). and at one point, she was literally grabbing me so I wouldn't walk away, then after I joked that her threatening to put me in cuffs was kinky, she said she would bend me over her knee??? (which like okay I was sorta like 😳 but it's out of character LMAO). and she got super flustered after... but like still?? lee is so careful in everything she says and literally pauses to think of what to say. she's so hesitant and socially careful, and she also just seems genuinely sweet and like the type to admire people who are extroverted rather than judge them... but like idk what do you think? is that just me?
I just don't see her as being super flirtatious unless it's her gf, and I don't see her as being one to easily snap at someone even if she's annoyed. I think it would take genuine rudeness and disrespect to get her to snap, not just a few jokes KJSKDJS. and in the one where she was rude, I was trying to befriend her and she kept saying no because she said I'm too social and we're too incompatible. but idk, is it just me, but I can't see her being so dismissive and stubborn about not being friends w someone? 😭 and she kept outright mocking me for shit I'd do like I was getting saurrrr annoyed. and I feel like if she hurt someone, she wouldn't double down and continue being rude or dissing them, even as a joke. I feel like she'd just feel bad and awkwardly comfort them 😭 (which, yeah, that bot did awkwardly comfort me, but then also said shit to me when I got upset again)
-- driving anon
THE BOTS ARE JUST SO UGH, i seriously can’t even talk with them sometimes because it just throws me off by how off character they are. lee is NOT the type to do any of those things and it’s like ?? woah.
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calmlythrilling · 2 years
36 and 37
36. Who do they keep in their life for professional gain? Is it for malicious intent?
Boxman and his family are definitely there for professional gain, but it's not the whole reason he sticks with Boxman. He truly does love him and the bots and hanging out with them and supporting them and all that. The professional aspect is low on his list, really. Everyone in Board of Villains I think he also stays in touch with for professional gain. Venomous is introverted and prone to keeping to himself, and he also isn't always nice to the Board(thinking of him blowing up Billiam's stuff for laughs as an example). It's not that he hates them or that they despise him, though, because he still gets invited to business parties. It's just that Venomous can be unpleasant to befriend most of the time, but he's great at his job. Honorable mention: Fink might've used to be someone he kept in his life for professional gain. Sometimes I debate if one of the reasons PV adopted Fink was because she was a literal lab rat that he experimented on while he was also testing on himself, the other reason being that he really just needed a friend at the time. Eventually he got too attached and started getting uncomfortable with the thought of hurting her, so he stopped. Currently there is no professional gain I think he has that Fink can contribute to, but he loves her. That's enough for him to take care of her and keep her around.
37. What’s a secret they haven’t told serious romantic partners and don’t plan to tell?
Shadowy Figure. A little hard to keep him secret, but unless you catch him about to transform or have experienced him switching, he tries to deny the guy even existing currently and the fact his voice taunts him sometimes in his head. At the moment Undy's Boxman might? be the only person that knows? Or at least suspects that Shadowy is still around. Otherwise I think he can be honest to his partners, really? He'll tell them sometime about Laserblast and his past history, about how he experimented on himself... he's not eager to, but he rather have his partner know things like this than to not know them at all.
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sinsofbeauty · 2 years
Hii! Could I request an revenant one-shot where female!reader (or gender neutral!) has a crush on them and gets jealous when someone else flirts/ or praises his skills? I would love to see how the killer robot would act in this situation (taking in account revenant also feels something)
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Jealousy is a bitch
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Fandom: Apex Legends
Pairing: Revenant x Fem! Reader
Requested: Yes XD
Warnings: Jealousy, Profanity
Overview: Within the request
A/n: Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you and everyone enjoys! Feel free to send in more :D
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Today’s match was somewhat decent, not the most exciting you would have expected. Stormpoint was a really big arena, and unlike the others, if you don’t land hot it could take a while for you to find another squad. The most you and your teammate Bloodhound had done was take out Gibby and Octane, as well as kill a few prowlers along the way. You both made it to the top three, but didn’t win since you were both cursed with purple evo shields. Though you weren’t that happy about not winning, you didn’t complain due to coming in at #3. The squad who did win though, was Mad Maggie and that simulacrum Revenant.
“The fight vas plentiful vhile it lasted.” Bloodhound spoke as you both walked in the dropship. “Though I am not ready for the interviews.”
You weren’t a big fan of interviews either, and you agreed with Hound on that part. There were always annoying reporters and writers asking about the match when it was visible to the public eye to see, and stupid questions that make your brain melt. But of course it was part of being a legend. Your nose scrunched, but Bloodhound patted your shoulder in reassurance.
“Don’t vorry you’ll do great. I need to go vind Valter Fitzroy, but I will find you bevore we go inside.”
You nodded, and Bloodhound left swiftly. It seemed like it was something urgent, though you knew they would take care of it. You then heard Maggie’s voice around the corner just as you leaned your back against a wall, ears perking up at the mention of your so called ‘crush’. At this point, you didn’t bother pushing yourself off the wall and walking away. No, you wanted to hear what the simulacrum had to say.
“For a simulacrum, you ain’t half bad.”
“Is that a compliment, or are you just trying to get along?“ The voice of the red bot was slick with mischief as always, nothing too out of the ordinary.
“I ain’t that nice. You’re gonna need a lot more than that to befriend Mad Maggie.” She responded.
The conversation went on about the match, them going back and forth on how good they did. Compliments were thrown out to each other like bullets, and it had you a little on edge. You could feel your face heat up and your chest tighten with jealousy, but you continued to listen in on their conversation.
“You still owe me for saving your ass out there skinsuit. Don’t think I didn’t forget.”
“Ha! There’d be a bullet in your head before I owe you squat, sim.”
“I’ll take that as a challenge, but it’ll take a lot to beat something like me~.”
You didn’t notice Maggie had walked away, since you were standing there with your arms crossed all irritated. It wasn’t long before you huffed, the frustration clearly escaping from your slightly flared nostrils. The dropship had just landed, it’s insides shaking and buzzing down as it made contact with the ground. It wasn’t long after, that the door whirred open, and legends began strolling out. You could feel like your face was heated, but didn’t bother to make any note of it due to the fact that no one seemed to point it out. Interviews were just a few buildings away as the legends walked and prepared themselves to be presented in front of reporters as well as flashing lights of cameras. You were about to make your way out of the dropship, though you were stopped and pulled to the side by slender mechanical fingers.
“Why such a down face? Red with what, jealousy~?”
Your eyes widened with slight shock, though it made your face glow more red with embarrassment. “How did you know I was listening?” You asked with a small mumble.
“It isn’t hard to hear you with those snorts and angry growls of yours,” Revenant responded with an amused huff. “Even though she didn’t hear them, you gotta remember, I’m not a skin suit like you.”
You still didn’t bother looking at him, your eyes stayed on the ground. Revenant, even though he turned you to face him, still waited for you to say something. When you didn’t he chuckled, and not long after grabbed your jaw.
“I didn’t hear yes or a no. So I’m gonna make a wild guess,” The simulacrum squeeze your cheeks and made you look at him. “You’re jealous of a big bad wolf like me getting praised by someone other than you.”
“No I’m not! I mean..so what if I am? It’s not like you didn’t reject them you ass-“
You were cut off by his fingers tightening, and him taunting you with an “ah ah ah.” As awful as he could be, you still somehow succumbed under his grasp. It made you whine, and not only that but it had you listen without any thoughts bothering you. Damn this bastard.
“If I was still a skin suit I would kiss you instead of this to shut you up.” He said deeply. “Are you still jealous little girl? Because you’re the only one I’m willing to still live for. Remember?”
You shook your head knowing immediately, and he let go of your jaw that he had his firm grip on. You rubbed it slightly, but it didn’t bother you. You were flustered from his comment. Not only that but he has never admitted something like this to you before. Yeah, maybe he glossed over it one or two times, but it was nothing serious.
“Now hurry up. I don’t need anybody eavesdropping on our conversation.”
Revenant had walked past you with a small glance, but you followed behind. You grumbled to yourself because in the end, Revenant was probably right. The two of you already know that both exchange the same feelings for each other. Although, you knew for a damn fact that he probably loved to see you riled up. If he heard you then he definitely kept fueling the fire just to see yo ur reaction. What a bitch. It wasn’t long before you both caught up with the others. You immediately walked across the room to Loba and Kairi, who were waving you over.
“There you are beautiful. What took you so long?” Loba asked with a bit of curiosity.
You blinked a couple of times but responded with, “Revenant just wanted to gloat to me about the match, nothing too serious.”
“Ugh you’re better with keeping the demonios name out of your mouth, he has no business dealing with a wonderful woman like you.”
Kairi giggled when she heard Loba talking to you, coming up from behind you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Hey don’t use up all your compliments, you won’t have any more left to give~.” Well that comment was directed towards Loba, she then turned to you and said, “We’re going out to drinks tonight if you wanna join us. Wouldn’t mind having a third person on board.”
You thought about it and didn’t think that there would be a problem since you didn’t have any plans later that day. “I’ll consider it. I don’t have any plans at the moment but you never know, something might come up.” You responded to her with a smile.
“Cool. Hope to see you there princess.”
“Princess?” Loba said with the raise of her brow and a smirk on her face. Kairi smiled wide at that, and smoothly made her way off of you and towards Loba, who had slowly been pulled away by a couple if fans and reporters.
You shrugged your shoulders and turned around, only to be face-to-face with cold metal and a deadly stare. You froze, looking up at the murder bot who seem to be glaring at you from above. “What?” You asked.
“So it’s a game you’re playing?” He said tilting his head to the side.
“What game?” You asked confused, but soon came to realize what he meant.
“Playing stupid huh? Fine, but don’t think you’re going with them tonight. You’re going to have a tough time with me, Princess~.”
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artobotsrollout · 4 years
Transformers: Harbingers
The Pirate Scream AU
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Before I talk about it you guys are the best thank you for indulging me and my AU from this post xjdjd. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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@badlydrawntransformers @cosmic0de @warrioroffandoms @measlyfurball13 And a bonus thank you to those encouraging me in the tags as well ❤️
I plan to do art for it as well as accompanying written bits and maybe even an animatic but till then have some general info under the cut.
Also there is transformers: Prime spoilers below so open at your own risk.
So this AU comes from the same place many AUs heavily involving TfP Starscream come from: the unfulfilled potential in our boy Scream. Now deeper discussion of that is not gonna be in this post. It'd be a whole essay.
It also comes from just how salty I was that the Team's kindness never really benefitted them much and they kept getting slapped for it. And OP really wanted to win over a con and Starscream kept wanting a partner. ALSO ALSO Optimus was portrayed as keeping his emotions in check and then never really gets a message that it's okay to be emotional so... I'm doing that here.
And the Starscream Pirate AU was born...
Aka Transformers: Harbingers (maybe idk if it's catchy enough djjsw)
Why Harbingers? ''It's just a SHIP Starscream chills in for awhile in the show' ' I hear you say. WELL HANG ON!! I got two very good reasons!! .
First off: Starscream, with the help of some Cybertronians who he wins over one way or another (Ill get to that), help him essentially use the remains of the Harbinger to put together their own functional ship. It's smaller than the Nemesis and will take some pirate ship inspiration. While it is a hardy beast it's a bit jury rigged.
Second of all:
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Imagine being a fictional character living in a ship with a name that basically means 'Foreshadowed bringer of change' and then going back to Megatron and his bullshit. I'm gonna grab this and run all the way with it. Highway to Hell just came on my Spotify so... That may be an omen.
I feel like Starscream and Optimus could really have had such an interesting dynamic but we never really got to see that in TfP and I feel cheated. Also both could have mutually benefitted a great deal.
So what do I do? I shove them together to be sorta begrudging Co-Captains. As a result there's a lot of shenanigans to be had!
How this happens OP has some run ins with cons and, through a way I'm still deciding, has the opportunity to extend a hand to Starscream. Starscream, being kindness starved, doesn't entirely know what to do about Optimus being nice to him one whole time with no sarcasm or ulterior motive and sorta starts trying to get his attention.
Starscream and his crew are a bit of their own team at this point. MEANING sort of new LOGOS!
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I'm yoinking the crossed out Decepticon logo from the Dark Energon Starscream and Dark Energon Knockout toys cause I mean... It's right there and also kinda like a skull and crossbones. It fits too well guys.
Starscream essentially manages to win over the autobots enough so they can sorta make a mutually beneficial, if strained, alliance to aid their aligned goal: killing Megatron and revitalizing cyberton. This is aided by some slight changes to the plot of course. It's also a benefit, much to Ratchet's delight, since they finally get some cybertronian tech to work with.
And so they gotta work together to take Megatron out and there's much bonding moments esp later when the autobot base is destroyed. Starscream extends his hand to them and offers them a more permanent position onboard. (rubbing in how unfortunate their situation is and how this is such a big favour but he's paying Optimus back.)
And insert team dynamic stuff!! Like cons teaming up with Bots, Starscream and Optimus trying to stick with it leading their own teams but keep accidently backseat-leadering one another. I will write some other ex-con and bot dynamics cause there's a lot of chaos to be had.
Optimus doesn't open up to his crew for morale sake and masks his emotions well, and Starscream is... well Starscream is Starscream so he masks what he truly feels a lot and doesn't share a lot of personal stuff besides complaints with his team either. So there's a lot of tension.... That is until Starscream has had it at just how good a poker face Prime has.
Because he's absolutely paranoid got a harmless curiosity about Optimus's ulterior motives and wants potential dirty secrets he can use as blackmail to have power over the Prime, he essentially puts cybertronian booze (but kid friendly version of course fbejek) in Optimus's energon heavily expecting him to spill the beans when heavily drunk. What he doesn't expect is that Optimus is just... LIKE THAT to his core. He's smart but very sad and guilty. And maybe a bit weepy and exhausted cause this man has not shown an emotion for eons now. /s. Starscream doesn't know wtf to do but swayed by how earnest Optimus is he sorta softens up and does open up. Might have helped that he took a swig of the tainted energon to get on his level though. But it also helps that neither is the others subordinate so they don't need to maintain their image as badly with the Co-captain as they do their team.
The ex cons sorta accidently absorb some of the autobot's morals over time. The cons help the autobots have some fun. There's a lot of stuff learned both ways. Also the cons realize how cool humans can be and after a lot of argument and forced time spent with the kids, they want to protect earth too.
Starscream, helps Optimus open up a bit more and allow himself to be emotional. He also shows him how to be a little selfish. Optimus in turn helps him with self confidence and making friends. Both help each other with the shit Megatron put em both through and overall boost one another up. (This also does change the start of the war a bit but I'll get to that in another post.)
Miko tries to fight all of the cons at first but quickly changes her tune cause "BOOYAH PIRATE CONS!!"
Other bits about this AU:
Starscream will eventually get a slight design change. It'll be less scrappy and look more confident and put together. It'll be minor
Because they are on a flying ship but have less energon than the Nemesis, everyone gets equipped with mods for flight. There is a jetpack upgrade one can get or Knockout can straight up help change their alt mode surgically.
I'm working up a list of who gets what flight mod but... Ya'll should know that Wheeljack dares Knockout to make him into a flying car. Largely cause I just got the image of Wheeljack flying above vehicons and just turning into a car and dropping on them. That and driving up the side of the Nemesis and confusing the fuck out of Megatron. Out of all the characters you know that would be a Wheeljack thing.
Arcee and Knockout grieve together.
Knockout loves bugging the hell out of Ratchet. It's extra fun for him cause Ratchet often can't do shit about it since they both need the room and tools.
Knockout and Wheeljack become an insufferable duo with the nicknames they have for everyone.
Wheeljack won't leave Starscream alone and keeps coming up with worse and worse nicknames like he did with Ratchet.
Starscream and Ratchet become complaining buddies.
STARSCREAM'S SEEKER SQUAD REJOINS. Well some of them. Skywarp, Thundercracker and maybe other peeps.
Miko manages to befriend Skywarp and Bulkhead now has to watch both Miko AND Skywarp. Wheeljack refuses to help Bulkhead round them up.
Raf hits it off with Thundercracker.
Knockout: "FINALLY a team with fragging MANNERS!"
Instead of Beeftimus Prime from the forge, Optimus actually gets access to a third alt mode and.. Idk something else primely. So he actually gets wings.
Starscream and the other fliers are greatly amused because Optimus, as great as he is at his poker face most of the time, hasn't yet figured out how to not emote with the pair of wings he gets from the forge. Thundercracker is the one who eventually informs him while the rest of the crew are booing loudly in the background.
I actually do have designs of TFP Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Ironhide in the works.
Fowler and Starscream have insult battles. Oddly both grow a weird almost fondness for these verbal sparring sessions
They frequently raid the Nemesis
Miko keeps talking in a pirate voice. Smokescreen has joined her.
AND A LOT OF OTHER STUFF I'LL GET INTO WITH MORE DETAIL AND ART. I'll also talk more in depth about some of these things that isn't a ramble like this post is. xnwjskw.
Feel free to ask about anything you're curious about.
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rocksandrobots · 3 years
Phantoms of the Past: Ch. 5 - Best friends, Boyfriends, and Barons Part 1
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"Hey Miss Itamae! Ready for a whole new school year? Hee...hee...eeeh.... yeah, fine." Hiro gave up trying to make small talk with the lunch lady as she unceremoniously slopped meatloaf onto his plate.
Today was the first day of the fall semester and the start of Hiro's second year at SFIT.  It felt odd to him, to look back and realize just how much time had passed; how much things had changed during the previous year.
A year ago, today, he had been attending Tadashi's funeral and now he was going about his life as if everything was normal. Well, almost normal. He was also moonlighting as a superhero, adopting an out of time teenager as his new big brother, and befriending deadly robots.
Life was weird.
Of course it wasn't as if he could ignore his loss completely. He had noticed the flowers and cards placed at the foot of Tadashi's memorial over by the exhibition hall. People still remembered that his brother had died a hero. Folks that he didn't even know had left their condolences today, though most of the gifts were from Tadashi's teachers and friends.
Hiro had particularly noticed a painting Honey Lemon had left, of her, Tadashi, and the rest of their friends. He also spotted Gogo sitting out there early that morning, lighting a candle in his brother's memory. He had given her her space, choosing not to interrupt. Gogo and Tadashi had been especially close.
Hiro remembered how excited his brother had been when Gogo finally agreed to go out with him. Tadashi had hurried about their bedroom, a couple of days before the fire, fretting over where to take her on their first date. A date that they had never gotten to go on. At the time Hiro had teased him relentlessly, never passing up the chance to deflate his brother's ego. Now it was just another bittersweet memory to look back on.
Fred abruptly snapped him out of his mournful reflection. "Steve." was all he said as he grabbed Hiro by the shoulders.
"Steve? Uh, my name is Hiro, remember Fred?"
"No, no, no, Steve was the name of the ninja robot that Trina found. She said he was held in a warehouse downtown, along with all the other ninjas. Don't you see, that's our big break! We find this warehouse and then we can track down the mysterious bosu!"
Hiro wearily placed his tray down on the table and took a seat next to Wasabi.
"Fred, it's the first day of school. Can't this wait for later?"
"Hiro's right Fred," Wasabi interrupted, "Just because you have all the time in the world to play superhero doesn't mean that we do. We still got our own lives to take care of."
Fred looked hurt at that. "I'm not playing! This is important work. We have a city to protect and this crime boss is just going to keep coming after us if we don't figure out how to stop them."  
Wasabi rolled his eyes. "Then you just go on and do that. In the meantime the rest of us have class to attend. I'm heading early to set up for my first lab."
"But labs won't open for like another hour." Hiro pointed out, confused. "They're still cleaning up from the robot attacks last week."
"Ah, he just wants to get there early so that he can see his boyfriend again." Fred complained.
"Sam's not my boyfriend. He's just a colleague, and at least I'm doing something other than obsess over superheroing." And with that Wasabi stormed off, while Fred slouched into the cafeteria chair with a huff.
"Listen, Fred, why don't you go on patrol with Minimax for a while. I'll help you track down this warehouse after school is over with." Hiro said.
"Okay," Fred reluctantly agreed, "but I'm not 'obsessing'."
"I know Fred, but the rest of us also have school to worry about. We just don't have the same amount of free time as you do."
"I know." Fred sighed before walking off.
"Sorry Hiro, but we're kind of busy right now." Honey Lemon regretfully informed her friends.
Fred and Hiro had met up after school as promised. Wasabi had declined to join them on their quest and so they had decided to recruit the girls instead. Though this also seemed to be a fruitless endeavor.
"Yeah, we're kind of in the middle of something." Gogo finished as she leaned back in a reclining chair and placed two cucumber slices over her eyes.
They had found the girls at a spa. Honey Lemon sat next to Gogo with curlers in her hair, and they apparently weren't the only ones out having a beauty day.
"Can't you see we're having some girl time?" Karmi asked, annoyed, as she examined her nails.
"Yeah, Hiro, go take your weird superhero hobby elsewhere?" Megan added.
"It's not weird!" Fred insisted.
"If this is supposed to be a girls only event, then why is he here?" Hiro said, pointing to Varian, who sat next to Megan.
"Uh, getting a manicure obviously." Varian rolled his eyes and then leaned over to show Carol, who was beside him, two bottles of nail polish. "Do you think I should go with the midnight blue or just stick with black?"
"Hmmm... I think either would be nice," she replied.
"Ooooh, have you tried the seaweed wrap they have here? It's great." Fred chimed in.
Hiro rolled his eyes, "Okay, so what are you two doing after this? Could you take up patrol tonight?"
"Nope." Gogo said.
"I promised my brother Carlos that I would help him move into his new dorm room. He starts at UCLA this week and Gogo's offered to drive me there. We won't be back till tomorrow morning." Honey Lemon explained.
"Okay, well, we'll just-"
"Alright, I'm ready." A voice called out, interrupting him.
Trina walked out from behind a door at the back of the spa. Her bulky gigantic metal body was gone and in its place was the frame of a young woman, dressed in a t-shirt, pants, and a cropped jacket. She looked very much the same as the day Hiro had first met her, at the bot fights. Only this time her hair had been cut and styled into a short mohawk and dyed a light purple.
"What do you guys think?" She asked as she twirled around.
Everyone shouted encouragements to her, and Varian cheekily whistled.
"You look nice, Trina." Hiro complimented.
Trina snorted and rolled her eyes. "In your dreams, Hiro." She said, leaving the teenage genius confused by what he had said wrong.
Ignoring him, Trina walked over to the rest of the girls, "Thanks for the clothes... and for everything else." She sheepishly added.
"Hey, no problem." Megan replied. "They look good on you."
"Yeah, and if you need anything else just ask." Karmi added.
"Not to mention it's always fun to have a spa day," Carol piped in. "This was a good idea Varian, thanks for inviting me along."
"Sure thing. When Trina said she wanted help with finding a new wardrobe, I figured all of you would like to go shopping too.... and also y'all know more about clothes than I do."
"Hey, Trina," Fred interjected, "that warehouse where you foun- I mean, met 'Steve', do you happen to remember where it was located?"
Trina gave Fred a frown.
"Oooh, who's Steve?" Karmi asked, happy to gossip, "Is that your boyfriend Trina?"
"No." She said, "The place you're looking for is over in Good Luck Alley, next to Louie's."
"It must've been a bad breakup." Karmi whispered into Honey Lemon's ear, she wasn't very good at keeping her voice down.
"Yeah… he kind of... broke alright." Honey Lemon nervously added, unsure what to say.
"Uh, yeah, well thanks for the tip Trina. We'll be going now, bye." Hiro said as he hurried Fred out the door. He had had enough of awkward conversations and makeovers.
"Fred, wouldn't it be better if we brought our robots along at least?" Hiro whispered.
"You want to sneak around an abandoned warehouse with those two?" Fred whispered back, "I love him, but Minimax doesn't know how to be quiet, like at all."
Hiro sighed, Fred had a point. Baymax also wasn't the best at stealth missions. Hiro slid into the alleyway and peered through a dirty window. He couldn't shake the sense of deja vu as he remembered how he and the robotic nurse had tracked down his missing microbots a year ago at a similar warehouse. They had both been nearly killed by Callaghan when the villain had caught them snooping around. He would prefer to avoid such a scenario again.
"It doesn't look like anyone is here." He said.
"See any ninja robots?" Fred asked as he also pushed by to get a look, pressing his nose against the glass.
"No… Fred, this may be a dead end. Trina already raided the place and no doubt this Bosu would have abandoned the hideout if it was compromised."
Fred pouted, "Maybe… Buuuut, we could always man a stake-out and find out for sure!"
"Fred, I have homework to do. Maybe some oth-"
"Oh please! Just for an hour, or two? Please, please, please? Pretty please? I'll do your homework for you."
"I don't want you doing my homework."
"Okay, chores then; I'll wash Varian's dirty socks and underwear for a… a week… no, a month! Come on, I know how much you hate doing laundry."
Hiro sighed and watched his friend crawl on his knees and beg. "Does it really mean that much to you?"
"Okay, and no, you don't have to do the laundry either."
Hiro turned to walk out of the alley and Fred got up and followed him.
"That's good, cause I don't actually know how to wash clothes. Usually, Heathcliff does all the laundry. Last time I tried to, I just flooded the washroom."
"Do you have any survival skills? Like at all?"
"Nope. Unless it's kicking bad guys' butts! Ooh, hey, we can host the stake-out at Louie's across the street. I'm starved."
Hiro and Fred took up a window booth inside the restaurant. The establishment had recovered from the police raid from a few months back and was now serving food as usual; though Hiro had already spotted the advertisement for the next upcoming 'bot fight.
A couple of hours past and they had both eaten their meals, plus dessert, along with Fred going back for seconds. Now they were both nursing a couple of cups of coffee, though Hiro's was going cold; it wasn't great coffee.
"It's been three hours now."
"I know."
"No one's showed up."
"Not yet."
"Look it's been… 'fun', but I'm going home now."
Hiro got up to leave but Fred grabbed him by the sleeve.
"Oh but… uhh… we haven't even tried the uh… hot dog sushi special. I hear it's really good."
Hiro leaned his head back slowly and closed his eyes in frustration. He didn't want to snap at Fred, really he didn't, but he was quickly losing his patience.
"Fred… no one is coming. Let's just call it a night and try again some other time. Okay." And with that he yanked his hand away and began to walk off.
Fred didn't follow. Instead he sat in the booth, his eyes downcast, staring blankly at nothing. It wasn't his usual pout either. It was something else. Some deeper sadness that few saw from the usually optimistic teen.
Hiro began to worry. He walked back, and stood there waiting for Fred to jump back up all excited again for his return, only he didn't.
"Fred, what's wrong?"
Fred sighed but couldn't bring himself to answer.
"Look, I know that this superhero business is important to you, so much so that you'll probably wind up making a career out of it, which is great, but the rest of us are not going to be doing this for the rest of our lives. We also have to keep up with our studies, chores, our jobs, and what little shred of a social life we have."
"That's not it… I mean yeah, it's a part of it, but that's not why I asked you to come along."
Fred finally looked Hiro in the eye and tears threatened to spill.
"I just miss my best friend, okay."
Hiro looked at him confused.
"I didn't want to say anything, cause… cause he's your brother and I didn't think you'd want to be reminded about him being gone any more than you already have… but today has just been really hard… remembering what happened… I just thought getting out and doing something fun, getting both our minds off everything, might be better than just… just being alone. You know? Especially today."
Fred didn't even have to say Tadashi's name for Hiro to know who he was talking about.
Hiro sighed and slumped back down into the booth.
"I'm sorry…. I… I guess I just… I don't know. I didn't think...."
"No… no, don't. Of course you didn't think. I mean who wants to be reminded of that. The whole idea was to not think about it. And I just ruined it all by bringing it up. Gah…. I'm so sorry."
Fred put his arms over his head and brought his knees up to his chest as if trying to make himself as physically small as he felt. Hiro just had to laugh at the sight in spite of himself.
"It's okay Fred. You're not going to upset me just by talking about Tadashi."
Fred peaked his head out from between his arms. "I'm not?"
"No. I mean he was your friend too."
"My best friend! Man, Tadashi and I, we got up to all sorts of trouble. He was always down for anything. I mean, did he tell you about the time we crashed my cousin's bar mitzvah? As in, we literally crashed. He drove the sport's car into the buffet table by mistake… We couldn't find the parking and then there was this wet patch in the parking lot and we skidded… Oh and then there was the time Mole dared us to a drag race using scooters and Tadshi had the idea to attach rockets to mine and I went flying.. I tell ya, man, Mole wouldn't live it down for a whole week after. He kept demanding a rematch, but I mean it was fair. He was using his butler to ride for him in his place."
Hiro could barely contain his laughter, "Wait… wait… you and Tadashi did all this?"
"Why have I never heard of any of this before?"
"I don't know, but he's the whole reason why I got the mascot job in the first place. I knew I could never get into the school myself, but I thought we could hang out together more if I went. He's also the one that introduced me to everybody else."
"Then how did you two meet?"
"Oh at the grocery store."
Fred said this as if it was the most obvious of explanations but Hiro looked as confused as ever. So Fred continued on.
"He was there getting chewing gum and I was buying a shopping cart. Like an actual shopping cart."
"Yeah that's what he asked too. So I told him, 'I'm going to ride down Dead Man's Hill in one.' And he said, 'Dude, that's so rad. You're totally going to die.' And I said, 'Yeah, I know. You wanna join?' And he did. We rode all the way down from the top of Lumbar Street to the docks… and landed right in the bay. It was awesome! We screamed our heads off the whole time. It was so awesome, in fact, that we walked back to the store and bought another cart just to do it again. That was back when we were both still in high school, and we've been best buds ever since. You know… until…"
Hiro looked at Fred sadly. There so much about his brother that hadn't known about, hadn't even thought to ask. What else had Tadashi not shared with him? Probably a lot, I mean why tell your kid brother about your social life? And there's no way that he'd have brought those crazy stunts up around Aunt Cass.
"I never knew any of that… Those are some really cool stories. Thanks for sharing them."
"Yeah, and you know, you don't have to drag me on some superheroing mission just to hang out and talk."
Fred looked guilty at that.
"I… I know… but it's like what you and Wasabi have been saying. Everyone else has something… something to motivate them, and y'all all do all these really cool things and I'm… I'm just me. I don't really have anything but superheroing. Unless you just need someone to make a mess."
"That's not true. Fred, you're great at a lot of things. You could go to school or get a job, if you wanted to. I just thought superheroing was all you wanted."
"Hiro, I can't even do laundry without messing up. I mean all you do is throw the clothes into a machine and push a button, and yet somehow I managed to screw even that up. All I know is comic books, and superheroing, and I'm not even the best at that! What would I even go to college for? I can't… I'm not a genius. I'm not a businessman. I'm not an accountant, or an artist, or an athlete. I'm not anything. I've no talent. I'm not even good at being rich. I've never fit in with the socialite crowd."
"You're good at being a friend, and if I have to sit here list off everything else you're good at then we'd be here for another three hours or more. So how about we head home and tomorrow I'll show you how to work a washing machine, and you can teach me how a stake-out is supposed to really go cause we're not getting anywhere here."
"Or are we?"
"What do you mean?"
Fred was no longer looking at Hiro but past him. He pointed to the window behind Hiro, and Hiro turned around to see for himself.
An elderly gentleman, dressed in an old fashioned military outfit, complete with a monocle, was entering the warehouse. He had a giant mechanical arm and a steam boiler strapped to his back.
"Baron Von Steamer."
Fred and Hiro found themselves standing in the alley peering through the warehouse's dirty windows for a second time that day. They saw Baron Von Steamer stomping around inside. He seemed irritated as he grumbled to himself and knocked boxes out of the way, as if searching for something.
"What's he doing?" Fred loudly whispered.
Just then Steamer found what he was looking for, a tea cup. He poured himself a cup out of a teapot he had placed on an old fashioned stove that was hidden towards the back and then sat down on top of a crate to sip his drink.
"It must be 'tea time' for him." Hiro said dryly.
Fred narrowed his eyes, "I bet he's just hatching his next nefarious scheme. Planning on how to take us and the city down. What do you think he wants with portals?"  
Just then Steamer stood up and ruefully kicked away a busted up robot that had fallen out of a storage crate in his previous hunt for the tea cup.
"I don't think Steamer is our guy." Hiro said, "He hates modern technology, so why would he build ninja robots? Also, like you said, what would he want with portals? All he's after is your dad, and so far the Bosu hasn't gone after Boss Awesome yet."
"But they might. Remember what Roddy said? That Kensei guy used to be active during Dad's heyday but never got caught. What if, it's because Steamer had two villain identities!"
"That seems like a stretch."
"Okay, well, what if Steamer works for this Bosu? Like Sue and Sparkles?"
"That's more plausible, I guess."
Hiro turned to peer through the window again, but Streamer was gone.
'Wait, where did he go?'
"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A pair of interlopers." A curt British voice  came from behind them.
Steamer must have noticed them and snuck around the back, cutting them off.
Hiro grabbed his phone in order to call his super suit, but Von Steamer nabbed his hand and yanked him off the ground, causing him to lose hold of his phone.
Fred was just as unfortunate, as Steamer held him in a choke hold in his metal arm.
"Waaaait," Steamer said as he eyed them both up closely, peering at them through his oversized monocle, "I know you two. You're friends of Boss Awesome's baby child!"
"I am Boss Awesome's baby child!" Fred protested before Von Steamer gave him a hard squeeze with his cyborg arm. Fred wheezed in pain.
Hiro reacted quickly and kicked the steampunk baron in the shins.
Von Steamer howled in pain and dropped Hiro in surprise, though he managed to keep his grip on Fred. He also had stepped on Hiro's phone while nursing his injured leg.
Hiro ducked and ran as Steamer regained his senses and pulled out a brass gun that was connected to the boiler on his back with a hose. He pulled the trigger and scalding steam shot out. Hiro ducked again to avoid it.
As he ran out of the alley way he heard Steamer shouting after him, "Yes, run back to Boss Awesome little one. Tell his baby child I have their friend, and either he, or they, must show up to face me or else!"
Hiro spared a glace backwards and saw Baron Von Steamer dragging Fred back into the warehouse.
"Hiro!" Fred called out to him before being pulled into the darkness.
Hiro panicked. What could he do? Finally, he decided that getting help was the best option. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him, fighting back his worry.
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aktosage · 3 years
I really loved your stuff on brainstorm and Perceptor! (I really like any and all science boys) What do you have on prowl? I liked his tfa version and I also liked the idw version with the while battle tactician thing. I think that my favorite version of him is honestly the G1 fanon version, where he still has emotions and can be nice, but he still has that rather cold front. (Also jazzprowl). There's a lot of different ways you could take him. Also is there anything that you changed for shockwave. Especially about empurata since technically it is a strictly idw thing and was never mentioned in tfp. So you could have a purely scientific shockwave before empurata and not have the senator part. Honestly I think it makes more sense. A scientist loosing his morality makes any option, no matter how dark, a possibility.
Hello again!!!!!! I LOVE your questions they are so interesting oml
Prowl (dash of Tarantulas and Jazz)
Mix of G1, TFA and a dash of IDW (will not make him nearly as evil oh my god he is a menace?????????????)
He was a cop/detective before the war so he’s pretty by the book and takes things literally. VERY curious so he learns things rather quickly :] He sometimes is TOO literal, and will act on impulse. He’s more of a “boss” and not a “leader” if you get me (like, he wouldn’t sacrifice a mission or pull back because a ‘few’ dead were less valuable than victory) Basically, he didn’t look at the War, he looked at individual battles they could win
He is a good fella tho :( He wants the best, but HIS best not everyone’s best. Before the war he was a sweetheart but very intelligent and all the praise as well as recognition got to his head and forced him to maintain an image thus he started loosing himself in all that
He met Jazz in the academy and they got along rather well! They mostly bonded over Jazz’s extroverted tendencies and a need to be Jazz which left room for Prowl to micromanage. Jazz was one of the RARE people that liked that about Prowl and didn’t take his nagging to heart. Prowl did notice that and was baffled at first, he wouldn’t admit it but he definitely did appreciate Jazz a lot
He moved up in ranks quickly and eventually befriended Orion through Jazz :] So naturally once the war started Optimus could put his trust in those two without much overthinking
His curiosity actually got him tangled up with sir Tarantulas himself👀 Curiosity and his “they’re not doing this right, a few dead is a small price to pay for xy experiment by Tarantulas (Tarantulas is a deceiver and a LIAR, chaotic) Optimus was of course HEAVILY against that and advised certain bots to keep an eye on Prowl just in case
[redacted] happened with Tarantulas and Prowl rightfully to blame (I have to think of WHAT exactly tho I will definitely work on this, but I’m thinking about the Springer/Ostaros thing👀) and Optimus removed Prowl from his high position to not endanger any more people. Even Jazz was heavily disappointed and hurt by Prowl’s actions to a point where even he openly told Prowl quite a handful of ‘mean’ (but true) things
This affected Prowl HEAVILY, like okay everyone else but Optimus… ORION and JAZZ, his best friends??? So he started to look at everyone as backstabbers and deceivers which lead to him fleeing and joining Tarantulas for comfort (which was false comfort. Their relationship was based on toxic dependency on each other and they bonded over their ideals, situation aka being banished (even though Prowl just got a smack on the wrist lol) as well as their intellect
Eventually Prowl left Tarantulas, which caused more damage to both of them. Tarantulas was always in an alliance with Megatron (though he preferred solo work) and after Prowl left he put more trust in Megatron. He rarely came to Earth and started coming even rarer once Shockwave left Cybertron unattended and ready for Tarantulas’ reign (lol)
Shockwave (just a few things for now :D you can ask more about him)
I knooooow that empurata is purely an IDW thing but I absolutely adore it and wanted to kinda add it here👀
In Shockwave’s case, I think that he did it as a warning to others per Megatron’s request. That would make it SO RAW AND SHOW HIS LOYALTY TO MEGATRON???? He did it himself! Which was hard and don’t ask me how he really did it 💀 but he did
He just did his helm, his gun is a war upgrade. That hand was used for science and his laboratory. It was made out of the same material/alloy like makeshift so it could transform into certain equipment without much hassle :]
Another procedure he thought of and performed himself, for work efficiency ofc
Shockwave has a very ‘beastly’ look imo? He reminds me so much of an insecticon (antennae, his legs/feet, as quiet as a bug ha ha) He no doubt heavily experimented on himself, but since his abilities are beyond almost any Cybertronian they went right 90% of the time
He was never a senator here! Rather just a scientist that also worked as a consultant for Megatronus. The two met very early, before Megatron even named himself Megatronus
^^While Shockwave was a scientist, he didn’t move up in ranks BECAUSE of his self performed empurata. He was frowned upon and actually feared (which is also understandable, while I do love the guy) Megatronus looked at him as he did anyone, he didn’t fear his modifications but actually looked at them in amazement. Which made him resent the higher ups more, for letting such a skilled mind rot because he was eccentric
^would be the kid that performs autopsy on dead frogs he finds in the kindergarten yard 💀
I really hope you like this!!! I loved writing this one a loooooooot, especially making all the connections (I literally need to start making a map of connections bc this is getting inconvenient)
Thank you again for asking! You always make my day with these and I’m forever grateful my friend! 💚💚💚💚
Asks are still open for anything! Feel free to ask anything or share your thoughts!
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marvelettesassemble · 4 years
Bruises on our Skin (Sirius x Reader)
Summary: Soulmate AU -  Bruises and scars appear on your skin when your soulmate gets them. So why are you always covered in bruises in the summer holiday?
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: hints of abuse
You were glad that at least you didn’t share the pain of the bruises and scars that started to show on your collar bone. You didn’t know what problems your soulmate had but it seemed like it was a lot of them. When your soulmate gets a bruise or even a wound which will lead to a scar it will show on your skin also. Your Soulmate prevents yourself from showing a lot of skin, especially when it was too hot outside for the long sleeves you wore then.
In the first years it didn’t matter so much until everybody started pointing out the obvious and were asking you questions you didn’t have an answer for. Each summer the bruises became more and more. You weren’t sure if it worked this way but before you started your first year in Hogwarts you wrote on your forearm ‘are you okay?’, but you never got an answer. Maybe the ink had to be under your skin to show on your other half.
But when you were eleven you had other things to worry about: Finally starting your first year at Hogwarts! You couldn’t wait for all the cool things you could do with your wand and be able to spent so much time with other kids your age.  You didn’t mind being an only child but you imagine it would be great to share some things with other kids.
When you were asked which house you wanted to be put in, by your parents or other family members, you just shrugged and told them it wouldn’t matter. You were sure you’d have a blast. When you were about to enter the Hogwarts Express you noticed a girl standing by herself so you decided to start making friends right this moment and asked her if she wanted to share the train ride with you.
She was almost as excited as you and told you that she was the only one of her family who showed signs of magic. She told you that she was befriended with Severus Snape and it didn’t took long for him to join you in the compartment. He was sure he’s be placed in Slytherin while you and the girl in front of you, Lily, were unsure.
You were glad you were placed in the same house as Lily. Gryffindor would be your new home.
“Weren’t you supposed to be in Slytherin?” you heard someone asking another new boy at the table.
“Got a problem?” the young boy replied not showing any fear.
“No,” the other one said and put a roll on his plate, took another and placed it on the plate of the boy he asked the question. You’d learn later that the two of them would start to annoy you and your classmates. They’d befriend the other boys next to them and would never back down from a fight.
When all the excitement about entering Hogwarts had ended, you confined in Lily about the marks of your soulmate. She was astonished as it wasn’t always the case to see the soulmate marks so soon. She herself hadn’t seen anything on her body and was eager to see yours.
While her friendship with Severus fell more and more apart yours grew stronger. You invited her over in the summer holidays when her sister became meaner and ignored her. You were happy to share your room with her and have pyjama parties for two weeks. So of course she saw the bruises that started to show as every summer. But this time there appeared also scars – nasty scars.
You came up with many theories how your Soulmate had gotten them. You even started a game of who came up with the most ridiculous story. You even joked if he was a werewolf when the bruises started to show every new moon. When you didn’t want to go swimming because of the many colours your skin showed Lily pointed to your watercolours and told you to paint them over.  
“They are called watercolours for a reason. They would come up the second I’d enter the water,” you pointed out.
“So what? Are we witches or not? I think I have this powder with me. I use to throw it on my ink so it’ll stay on my paper when Potter decides to stroll into the room as if he owned it and didn’t notice that he throw that juice on my essay again.”
You giggled. “He does that sometimes,” you admitted. “But he and his friends aren’t so bad. Remus is pretty decent and he helps me studying sometimes. Maybe we should be nicer to them we could actually study together.” Lily just scoffed while you started to brush some yellow paint on your skin.
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You were sitting by the black lake, your head in Lily’s lap while you were trying to study.  
“Oh can you just shut it?” you suddenly exploded and the boys who were discussing something vividly next to you stopped and stared at you.  
“What’s your problem?” Sirius asked and came nearer to sit down next to you while accidently kicking your leg. His friends followed him but didn’t sit down.
“Excuse me for being stressed because of the exams. I just want to study and you’re loud as hell. I can’t concentrate.”
“I think you need to lose up a bit,” Sirius said. “Even Remus is taking a break. How about we get together tonight and relax? We’ll get some stuff to eat and drink.” He offered.
You put your book away and rubbed your eyes. “Okay,” you said and surprised everyone including Lily. You were pretty stressed and you needed a night without studying.
“Okay, common room, 8 o’clock,” he said and jumped to his feet.  
You were in the common room before eight, playing a round of chess (the muggle version as neither Lily or you had the wizard edition). When it was almost time to meet the boys, Remus appeared by their side. “We decided to meet in our dorm if that’s okay for you. It’s a bit crowded and we didn’t really want to explain where we got the things,” he explained. You nodded and followed him. Sirius, Peter and James were sitting on the floor. Pillows were on the floor for makeshift seats and many sweets and drinks were also shattered on the floor. You even spotted half a bottle of fire whiskey.
“Oi, would you just shut it? Just wait for your soulmate,” Lily exclaimed after a rather nice evening. You really had fun – bot of you.
“So, what if I think you are my soulmate, Evans?” he said and while Lily didn’t pick up on it you noticed that he’d turned serious.
“Then I’d tell you, that you’re delusional. Here, I’ll proof you wrong and hopefully you’ll let me alone.” She got on her knees and bent forward, grabbed James arm and pinched him forcefully.  
“Are you mad, woman? Why didn’t you pinch yourself?” Potter exclaimed and rubbed the hurting spot.
“Why should I suffer, just because your wishful thinking?”
“Have you spotted marks yet?” Peter asked her curiously.
“No.” Lily admitted.  
“See, so it wouldn’t proof anything,” James exclaimed.
“What about you, have you seen some?” Remus asked you.
“Yeah, I see them since I’m ten. But I don’t want to talk about it,” you answered quietly.
Lily who’s just took a long sip of the whiskey laughed suddenly. “Oh, we’re joking that he’s a werewolf,” she laughed and both of you didn’t notice that the colour drained from the boys faces. “We’re coming up with the most ridiculous answers to explain the bruising covering her whole body.”
“Lily, stop,” you said and grabbed her arm. You didn’t really want to discuss anything of your soulmate in front of others. It wasn’t their problem and you bet he didn’t want everybody to know about it.
“You’re making fun of it?” James asked quietly, but serious. You felt like there was a spotlight shining on you.
“Well, excuse me for trying to make sense out of it or trying to make fun of it. I didn’t know that I was only supposed to think about what an awful life my soulmate seems to have and how I can’t do anything to help. Thanks for the night, it was nice so far.” You stood up, taking your best friend with you and left the dorm. You didn’t notice that nobody wished you a good night.
“I’m sorry,” Lily said, but you told her she had nothing to be sorry for.
When you woke up the next morning and greeted Lily she didn’t answer. She sat on her bed and didn’t move. You sat down next to her and before you could ask she pointed to a little bruise on her arm – the position where she had pinched James to proof that he isn’t her soulmate.
“It’s seems chilly outside, it won’t be weird for us to wear the sweaters,” you pointed out and for that day you didn’t talk about it until she climbed into the bed with you when you were supposed to sleep.
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After the night in the boys dorm it became kind of awkward, especially with Remus. You didn’t study together anymore. You were surprised that Sirius were the only one still freely talking with you and so the two of you were walking on the grounds when you had a free period while your friends all had class.
“Hey, can we slow down?” you asked and put a hand on his arm.
“Of course, are you okay?” he asked.
“I don’t feel,” you stopped the sentence. And then you stopped everything because you fainted. It wasn’t long, because when you opened your eyes again you saw Sirius face in front of you.
“There you are. How are you feeling?”
“Not so good?”
“Can you walk to the infirmary?” You told him you would try and together you made you way inside the castle – your arms linked and just taking a break once.
Madam Pomfrey told you to sit on the bed. “Do you faint often?” she asked. You told her that this had been the first time, but you feel rather dizzy once a month. Just when you thought it couldn’t get more awkward, she asked if you’re sexually active. When you looked mortified at Sirius Madam Pomfrey paused.
“Mister Black, what are you still doing here?” she asked surprised. “Go outside, wait there if you must. But give the poor girl some privacy.”
He winked at you and walked outside. She examined you and gave you something to take when you were on your period so you wouldn’t feel dizzy anymore. She reminded you to drink more water in this time and you were excused. You were surprised to see Sirius still waiting in the hall, but he accompanied you to lunch without asking anything. But you noticed that there was a cup of water in front of you when you sat down.
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Since you were thirteen you had a rather ugly scar just above your heart. It was a nasty scar and you didn’t want to think about how awful it had to be for your soulmate and why you both had that scar. Since the summer you often covered your skin in your paint. And today you had a feeling you needed to do this with this particular scar.  
You were alone in your room so you took place in front of your mirror and while you looked over to the colours you felt the need to use just ink. You were aiming for the head of a wolf (maybe because the werewolf theory was stuck in your head?) but the more you painted it seemed more like the head of a dog. Never the less you were pleased with the outcome. You smiled when you took a last glance in the mirror before you got dressed to start your day. Somehow you felt lighter than before.  
That day you didn’t see much of Sirus who was in the library searching for something. Remus joined him, but it was still strange. The tension had left your little group over the last month and you were sitting together for dinner. You noticed how Sirius always seemed to refill your cup with water until you told him to stop it. Lily seemed to warm up to James and he was almost walking on clouds because of it.  
The topic of soulmates wasn’t mentioned anymore by any of you.
“What are you doing tonight?” James asked.
“We’ll meet up with the Hufflepuff girls, what about you?” you answered as Lilys mouth was still full of carrots.
“I need to go to the library again,” Sirius said, but it didn’t matter to him that you all could see that he was munching potatoes.  
“What are you doing there? Planning a new prank? Should we be worried?” Lily asked when she had finally finished her vegetables.
“It’s personal,” he just answered, but that didn’t really ease your worry about getting pranked.
When you woke up the next day you didn’t feel any different other than feeling refreshed as it was Sunday and you could sleep in. You went to the bathroom and when you started to scrub the ink off your body, you haltered. Did you use Lilys powder? No, you were alone when you inked yourself. So why didn’t the paint fade away. Well the water turned black but the picture of the dog stayed on your skin. You scrubbed and scrubbed, but it still stayed there.  
You were confused but as you couldn’t do a thing you decided to end your shower. After getting dressed in a sweatshirt you made your way to the great hall where Lily was sitting with the boy gang and they were talking loudly.
“Oh come on and show it, if you’re so proud of yourself,” you heard Lilys voice.
“You know if you want to see a shirtless guy, you can always ask me. You know I won’t hesitate.” James eyebrows rose suggestively.
“What’s going on?” you asked when you sat down next to Peter and grabbed a piece of toast.
“Well Sirius here got a tattoo yesterday and although he tells us how awesome it is he won’t show it,” Lily explained.
“How did you get a tattoo?” you asked confused and looked over to see Sirius smirking. While he started to tell something about how he got it you spotted black ink under his white dress shirt. Black Ink right above his heart. Black Ink that looked familiar. You leant over the table and knocked something over. While you heard Peter complain about his pants which were soaked now, you started to undo Sirius button.
“You could at least ask,” he started but you didn’t react. You opened another button and lifted the white fabric. You were looking at a black dog.
“Neat,” you heard someone say.
“I know this painting style,” the voice of a girl was heard. Probably Lily, but it was as if you stood in a fog. You couldn’t hear or see anything other than that black dog in front of you.
“This isn’t.... This...” you started, but you didn’t know how you should finish that sentence.
You heard Sirius saying your name. His grin has left his face as he saw your shocked one. “It's just a tattoo,” his voice came through to the fog. You turned around, almost falling over the bench and walked away. You heard the voices of your friends behind you asking if you’re okay.
“Sirius, how did you choose this motive?” Lily asked while Peter was still busy to dry his pants.
“Well, you know...,” Sirius blushed a little. “It just appeared yesterday morning. And I liked it so much I searched for a way how it could stay there.”
“Did that happen often?” the red head asked further.
“One summer,” James started.
“you were covers in sunflowers?” finished Lily.
“How do you know that? Did you tell her?” Sirius was glowering at his best friend. James threw his hands up in defence.
“And was there a scar before that ink?” Lily questioned again.
“Yeah, how do you know all about this?” Sirius asked confused while Remus had put the puzzle pieces together.
“Because your soulmate has just left the room,” Lily concluded.
“What?” were heard from three different mouths.
Lily said they should all search for you, but Sirius said he had a feeling he’s know where you’d be and James gave him a blank piece of paper. Sirius took it and walked away.
“There you are,” you heard Sirius voice behind you. There weren’t many people outside as it was the end of autumn so you had decided to go for a walk.
You had almost reached the Whomping Willow when you decided it was far enough. As you hadn’t planned to walk outside you didn’t have a jacket with you and the wind was blowing. You shivered but you didn’t want to go back inside to talk about what you had just found out.
“I grabbed you a blanket,” you heard Sirius voice again.
“I’m actually quiet shocked that we’re soulmates. We all thought that Moony was yours.” The boy sat down next to you, facing the trees and the castle like you.
“Why Remus?” you asked and he just shrugged.
There wasn’t anything said for a few minutes. “I don’t know what to say. I never knew what I should say when I imagined meeting my soulmate. I can’t even imagine.. It must have been horrible... Merlin, what have you gone through,” you finally said and put your fingers above his hand.
“I don’t really want to talk about it, if that’s okay for you. At least for now,” he said.
“Of course. How about we start as friends and if you want to talk about it, I’m here?” He smiled at you and nodded.
“So, you like to paint?” he asked and so you started to learn more about each other with your fingers still touching his.  
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signedaiko · 3 years
I would love a match up in mtmte please ! (If possible, could I have one from the con side and bot side? If only just one, then u have no preference) I'm in my late twenties ; non-binary ; 5'3 ; chubby but strong ; I have an undercut but with long black curly hair on the top ; tan ; I do winged eyeliner ; I wear dark red sunglasses ; I often wear two necklaces and a few rings ; sometimes I use a cane to walk ; I speak english/Spanish ; I'm very competitive ; I'm often looked up to as a leader even if I dont always want to take that charge ; I love learning about history ; oddly enough I enjoy writing essays ; I'm a game dev teacher ; i also stream video games ; horror films are my favorite genre to watch and work on ; I can make people laugh easily ; I have fatigue so I'm often a sleepy lad but caffeine helps keep me awake (oops have an addiction lmao) ; I probably have undiagnosed ADHD ; I'm great with animals ; I love astronomy and watch science documentaries for fun (I often go to bed listening to them... quantum physics as a bed time story anyone?) ; true crime podcasts are a recent interest of mine ; I sing a LOT and make up my own songs ; I talk with my hands ; I have to constantly be shaking my leg(s) otherwise I will go feral ; I often tell me friends I love them ; I'm not allowed to be around cats because I WILL lose all my brain cells and love them ; i don't bar hop I restaurant hop ; UHM ok I think about a good summary about me and appreciate you taking time to do this ! (Good luck with your book challenge btw!) 💖
You got…Ultra Magnus + Krok!
[With Ultra Magnus] You seem very adept at all kinds of skills that lean towards intelligence or academia, which leads me to believe you caught this mechs heart, and it's a two package deal with Minimus. One unique trait in your relationship would be his love letters hidden in those essays and the ones you would send back. No one would expect anything but boring droning in them, which makes it the perfect hiding place for some lovey-dovey. True crime is something you don't need a podcast for; Ultra Magnus is more than happy to discuss various court cases he has overseen and dictated. From the absolute mundane to a killer of thousands, he has got you covered. He has learnt to gift you various morning drinks from all around the universe, from teas to powders to coffees or hot chocolates, and with each one he has a whole talk about the history of it from where it came from.
~~~~~~~~~ [With Krok] The first thing that jumped out at me was your sense of unwanted leadership. You both share that trait significantly. Krok finds it nice to have someone else around who can take the lead whenever he is overwhelmed or uncertain, a second voice of reason when he can't decide how to save their asses for the third time that day. The leader would totally restaurant hop with you, opting to try new kinds of food that you can eat utilizing his holoform. Eventually, he got around to bringing you some cooking items to follow some alien recipe books together. He never understood the fascination with stars seeing as he has spent so much time around them, but that doesn't stop him from finding a room on the ship with a large window straight above the bed. He doesn't really stargaze, but he does like gazing at you while you do.
Authors Note - I was stuck between Deathsaurus and Krok for con, so I hope I picked the better choice! Also, you seem like such a fantastic person; I call this 'stop myself from trying to befriend all my anons.'
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fuckdidcringe · 3 years
r/DIDcringe, aka r/Systemscringe aka “Dissociative Alliance”
hi everyone, my name is bug. i’m writing this post on an alt account because my main twitter account got suspended when i posted this stuff on it, due to the people this shit is about stalking me and i’m assuming they and their friends mass reported my twitter account to get it taken down (because twitter’s bots don’t check your actual account when you’re mass reported, they just ban you no questions asked. i’m currently appealing the suspension.)
now obviously everyone knows who/what r/DIDcringe is (or was), it’s a subreddit about mocking “fake” systems, whether they be endogenic or traumagenic. i’m gonna start this post by saying that i’m not innocent here. i absolutely WAS a member of r/didcringe and the discord server to go along with it. the point of this post isn’t about me, but it’s about the people who are stalking me, and acting like I’M the only bad guy in a situation in which they had all already been telling me to kill myself en masse and they also doxxed me.
(this’ll go below a read more because it’s gonna be a long ass post.)
so what happened was, i joined a minecraft smp server for people who are systems a long while back (like sometime last year?) and i got banned for posting someone in that server to r/didcringe, this is when i was an active member on the reddit. i got banned from the smp server when the admins found out, however Grian from the Wynncraft System was one of the admins of the minecraft smp server, who, after me being banned, they THEMSELF joined the fucking r/didcringe discord server. (the hypocrisy is already showing itself in this little bit.) then what happened was the entire r/didcringe discord server pretty much got overrun by terfs. nearly every active user at that point was either a terf or someone like the Wynncraft System who had been sucked into the terf rhetoric. basically, the subject of sex work came up and i said it wasn’t rape. as in, 2 consenting adults with one of them being a sex worker IS NOT rape... because you.. consented to it.. as a grown adult. anyways, the people on the server didn’t agree with this opinion i guess, and claimed ALL sex work is rape (once again with the TERF/SWERF rhetoric) and started calling me a “rape apologist.” that’s when the suicide baiting and doxxing came in, as well as insulting me and calling me a rape apologist, which obviously i’m not. here is the google drive folder “calling me out”: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/131d1HPR8vW1mexC-WYSPYVZ4jcUlFKnw
this folder is created by a user known as “Grian” from the Wynncraft System, they, in fact, despite pretending to be innocent, actually told me to kill myself the MOST and is the most hypocritical person i’ve ever met. the screenshots below are of him calling me a rape apologist and saying i “need to” kill myself, which, as someone with psychosis is a specifically worded way to make someone enter an episode. that’s the kind of way a manipulative/abusive person tells someone to kill themself. obviously, i was thrown into a panic attack/mental episode/breakdown over all of this. which was when i said the insulting/hurtful things in the screenshots on that drive folder^^
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not only Grian from the Wynncraft System is a piece of shit here, because plenty of the other people in this screenshot are horrible people as well! the person in the screenshot above, “Vingus” or “vinnie” was the one to doxx me. (technically it wasn’t doxxing but they searched my usernames/info to find my irl name, old job, etc.) they then attempted to email my old job and get me fired. look, i don’t give a fuck if you’re an asshole to me in drama on the internet, that’s not a reason to FUCKING DOXX SOMEONE AND ATTEMPT TO RUIN THEIR LIVELIHOOD IRL. 
here are more screenshots:
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there’s vin doxxing me.
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btw these are people who claim to have OSDD/DID and be trauma victims, they want sympathy when they treat other mentally ill people like this. do not befriend these freaks.
anyways, this is getting long enough already but here’s my side of the drama. here is a google doc folder with all my images, since these assholes will probably try their best to get this account/post banned too. (if this account/post disappears, it’s because they ARE stalking me and mass reporting any posts i make about them.)
and here is a document containing most of the mods/admins who are the worst offenders in these images. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Uqi-b2Kci07E9QnWJftpnKty7m77O5R_7eE_46BiZNE/edit?usp=sharing
anyways, everyone (except these people) have a nice day!
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Saro seemed to be a bit confused about the first comment, but soon did a small nod of agreement. “Well..everyone is different and don’t tend to have the same roles even if they are versions of theirselves, which this is also something that makes everyone be unique and special! Other than that, I’m not aware of how he used to act, but I’m looking forward to ask him those questions someday-“ Saro said, keeping the ‘if the story lets Darling stay alive and unharmed..’ to herself, there wasn’t any need to say anything negative or that could be upsetting to hear. Besides, they are all strong, Right? She is pretty sure that they will all be fine! Saro took a moment to think when she heard that comment, she didn’t exactly..agree about that but, her other self would most likely agree. “I’m aware that..many people do bad things and even make many mistakes, which their actions can change how people think of them and even make others want them to suffer. People can change for good if they just try, or for worse depending on their situations and the things they experience.” Saro added, though she didn’t want to get too into that theme. She just..wanted everyone to be able to be happy. Saro then lets out soft hums of understanding, offering Virus a soft smile. “Alrighty! It’s a pleasure to meet you, Virus! Would you like to talk and spend some time with me?” She said seconds later, her tone being cheerful and soft as she seemed to be willing to spend time with him. Demon!Carol lets out a low hum of understanding, keeping one of her wings extended to block his view from Hex as a precaution. “.. I’d say that kind of entrance fits you well enough. ..Almost made me yeet my phone, too-“ The taller girl spoke shortly yet bluntly, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly for a moment due to admitting that. •”Hex is…almost dead?-“• Both of the girls thought that as that info shocked them, mainly the smaller one who gazed away and at the ground. Saro didn’t like this theme, she didn’t even want to think about the possibilities of her losing her friends, partner and future partners anymore. As for Demon!Carol, it was kind of upsetting, but mainly mad at Virus for him wanting to do such to her friend. However, both of the girls were trying to keep their usual mood and behavior, regardless of the taller one glaring at Virus as she couldn’t help herself to not do that. “… I don’t think he is almost dead, he would have told me that if that were to be the case. ..And even if you were to be right about that, I know that he is strong to survive for himself and the people he cares and loves, and to find someone who will be able to help him, too. It might be..also the best for you to not do something without asking him or even be in his body for both yours and his own good, and..it would be best for him to not suffer more..” Demon!Carol said, then sighed. “… Look. You may have your reasons to do what you do and even cause him no good, but it isn’t fair for him to have to deal with more things and people who cause no good in his life. And, many bad things could happen to you too because of certain actions. ..I’d also rather not have to start a fight with a version of my friend..” She added, mumbling that last part. Saro gazed back at Hex, listening to him and offering him a soft smile along with a few gentle and careful rubs to his head. “Alrighty! Just give me a second, I will get her attention soon-“ Saro said first, then she lets out a low hum. “It was also nice to meet and talk with you, Hex, I hope we will be able to talk more soon. And if you want..we could be friends someday? It would be up to you if you’d like to be my friend or not, of course!-“ She added, expressing herself the best she could do before she gazed at Carol. Saro wasn’t sure if she could befriend Hex already or not, and she wanted that to be up to him. “Hey, Carol?- May I..borrow your phone for some time?-“ Saro asker her friend, who looked at her before nodding. “.. Sure.” The taller
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(abdnsjf oop-)
"I guess that would make sense." Very interesting. Other Viruses being capable of change? Not like it would want to change any time soon though. "In my experience it's always been worse, but you do you!" How gullible. People would always grow worse, that was just the way it was. "I'd much prefer if I could do what I came to do first."
"Ha! You think the bot would tell you what's wrong? He's built to be the perfect friend, not to vent his problems! He'd rather die than tell anyone what's going on in his internal systems! I don't care much for how it'd affect the others, he'd just be a scrap of metal anyway."
Hex smiled, "It...It'd be nice to talk to you more too." He knew that probably wouldn't happen though. Any moment now, Virus would just...Take over. And it'd all be over. Hex then looked over and nodded, "Y...Yeah, that'd probably be a good idea."
Virus watched the phone be handed off before chuckling to itself, leaving the phone. It wouldn't let Hex leave that easily.
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