#all about gemini
isjasz · 1 year
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[Day 73]
Manifesting returning and new members in life series season 5 starts NOW🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Moon in Signs, Houses and Aspects
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Moon in Aries: signifies an emotionally charged and impulsive nature. Individuals are assertive, driven, and eager for new experiences. Their emotions can be intense, quick to surface, and just as quickly dissipate. They're natural leaders who seek challenges, but may need to balance spontaneity with sensitivity to avoid conflicts.
Moon in Taurus: signifies an emotionally stable and grounded nature. Individuals seek comfort, security, and routine. They value material comforts and possessive attachments, often displaying a calm demeanor. While patient and reliable, they may struggle with change. Nurturing and sensuous, they express affection through practical gestures and a strong connection to nature.
Moon in Gemini: signifies a curious and adaptable emotional nature. Individuals are communicative, witty, and easily engage with others emotionally. They seek mental stimulation and variety, often juggling multiple interests. However, their feelings can be changeable, making depth in relationships a challenge. Playful and versatile, they find emotional expression through words and connections.
Moon in Cancer: signifies a nurturing and sensitive emotional nature. Individuals are deeply connected to family and home, seeking security and comfort. Intuitive and empathetic, they feel others' emotions strongly. They may battle mood swings and a fear of rejection. Expressing love through care and support, they value emotional bonds and nostalgia.
Moon in Leo: signifies a dramatic and expressive emotional nature. Individuals seek recognition and validation, often displaying confidence and flair. They possess a generous and warm heart, but can be sensitive to criticism. Dramatic and creative, they enjoy being at the center of attention and express affection through grand gestures and enthusiasm.
Moon in Virgo: signifies a practical and detail-oriented emotional nature. Individuals are analytical, seeking order and perfection. They may struggle with self-criticism and worry. Attuned to helping others, they express care through practical assistance. Reserved in showing emotions, they value reliability and intellect, often finding solace in routine and organization.
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Moon in Libra: signifies a harmonious and diplomatic emotional nature. Individuals value relationships, seeking balance and fairness. They're skilled communicators, striving for peace and avoiding conflict. Indecision can be a challenge, as they weigh options carefully. Expressing love through companionship, they value aesthetics and social connections, aiming for mutual understanding.
Moon in Scorpio: signifies an intense and secretive emotional nature. Individuals possess deep passions and a probing curiosity. Emotionally resilient, they may struggle with trust issues. They seek profound connections and transformative experiences. While intense and complex, they show love through loyalty and profound emotional bonds, embracing both light and shadow.
Moon in Sagittarius: signifies an adventurous and optimistic emotional nature. Individuals value freedom and seek personal growth. They're enthusiastic and open-minded, often exploring diverse perspectives. Restlessness can arise, and they may struggle with emotional depth. Expressing affection through shared experiences, they thrive on exploration, humor, and a quest for meaning.
Moon in Capricorn: signifies a disciplined and reserved emotional nature. Individuals prioritize practicality and achievement, seeking stability and authority. They may battle with vulnerability and detachment. Expressing love through acts of service and responsibility, they value long-term commitments. While ambitious and cautious, they find emotional fulfillment through accomplishment and structure.
Moon in Aquarius:signifies an independent and innovative emotional nature. Individuals value uniqueness and intellectual connections. They can seem detached, valuing personal space. Embracing change, they may find it challenging to express deep emotions. Affection is shown through friendship and shared ideals, as they seek progress, inclusivity, and unconventional bonds.
Moon in Pisces: signifies a compassionate and dreamy emotional nature. Individuals are highly empathetic, often absorbing others' feelings. Imagination is strong, but boundaries can blur, leading to emotional sensitivity. They express love through understanding and support, valuing spiritual connections. Intuitive and artistic, they find solace in creativity and emotional depth.
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Moon in the 1st house: signifies a strongly visible and emotionally expressive presence. Individuals wear their emotions on their sleeve, often projecting sensitivity and intuition. Their identity is closely tied to feelings, leading to heightened empathy and responsiveness. Others perceive them as approachable and nurturing, inviting emotional connections and relationships.
Moon in the 2nd house: signifies an emotionally attached and security-oriented approach to finances and possessions. Individuals find emotional comfort in material stability. They may have fluctuating income and a tendency to overspend for emotional fulfillment. Expressing love through practical gestures, they seek comfort and emotional value in their belongings.
Moon in the 3rd house: signifies a communicative and emotionally responsive mindset. Individuals express feelings through words and connections. Curiosity is strong, but emotions can fluctuate rapidly. Sibling relationships are significant, and they thrive in nurturing conversations. Learning and sharing ideas play a pivotal role in their emotional fulfillment.
Moon in the 4th house: signifies a deep emotional connection to home, family, and roots. Individuals seek comfort and security within their personal space. Strong family ties and childhood memories shape their emotions. Nurturing and protective, they create a safe haven for themselves and loved ones, prioritizing emotional stability.
Moon in the 5th house: signifies a creative and emotionally expressive nature. Individuals find emotional fulfillment through self-expression, often gravitating toward the arts, romance, and leisure activities. They radiate warmth and playfulness, but emotions can be dramatic. They value joy and authenticity, expressing love through creativity, passion, and fun interactions.
Moon in the 6th house: signifies an emotionally attuned and nurturing approach to work and health. Individuals find emotional satisfaction in service and routines. They may experience mood fluctuations related to daily tasks. Their caring nature shines in helping others, and they seek emotional balance through practical habits and well-being practices.
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Moon in the 7th house: signifies emotionally significant partnerships. Individuals seek emotional fulfillment through close relationships and may experience emotional ups and downs in partnerships. They value companionship, empathy, and harmony, often attracting nurturing partners. Their emotional equilibrium relies on finding balance and mutual understanding within their connections.
Moon in the 8th house: signifies deep emotional intensity and transformation. Individuals are drawn to the mysterious and psychological aspects of life. They may face emotional challenges related to shared resources and intimacy. Seeking profound connections, they express love through loyalty and vulnerability, navigating their emotions through inner exploration.
Moon in the 9th house: signifies an emotionally expansive and philosophical nature. Individuals seek emotional growth through exploration, travel, and learning. They value diverse perspectives and may have a strong connection to spiritual or cultural beliefs. Expressing love through shared ideals, they find emotional fulfillment in broadening their horizons and seeking truth.
Moon in the 10th house: signifies an emotionally driven and ambitious nature. Individuals are concerned with public image and reputation. They may experience emotional fluctuations in their career path and authority roles. Expressing love through achievement, they find emotional fulfillment by integrating personal and professional life, aiming for recognition and influence.
Moon in the 11th house: signifies a socially oriented and emotionally connected nature. Individuals prioritize friendships and group activities. They seek emotional support through a wide network of friends and social causes. Their nurturing qualities shine within communities, expressing love through camaraderie and shared goals, aiming for mutual growth and understanding.
Moon in the 12th house: signifies a deeply introspective and sensitive nature. Individuals may experience hidden emotions and subconscious struggles. They find emotional solace in solitude and spiritual practices. Expressing love through empathy and compassion, they seek to heal and uplift, often navigating their emotions through self-discovery and inner reflection.
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Conjunction: gives a harmonious blend of emotions and identity. Individuals have a strong sense of self and emotional clarity, aligning their inner feelings with their outward persona.
Trine: signifies a harmonious alignment between emotions and identity. Individuals are self-aware, emotionally balanced, and radiate warmth, enhancing personal growth and nurturing relationships with ease.
Sextile: represents a harmonious connection between emotions and identity. Individuals display empathy and creativity, fostering personal growth and positive relationships through their emotional intelligence and expression.
Square: indicates inner tension between emotions and identity. Individuals may struggle to balance personal needs with external demands, leading to conflicts and challenges in self-expression.
Opposition: signifies a tug-of-war between emotions and identity. Individuals may experience inner conflicts and external challenges, requiring balance and compromise to harmonize their feelings and self-image.
Conjunction: signifies heightened emotional intelligence and communication skills. Individuals express feelings eloquently, making them adept at understanding and articulating their emotions and thoughts.
Trine: indicates easy emotional expression and communication. Individuals effortlessly convey feelings, thoughts, and intuition, fostering harmonious interactions and understanding in relationships and personal growth.
Sextile: signifies emotional receptivity and effective communication. Individuals blend feelings and thoughts adeptly, fostering positive interactions and enhancing their emotional intelligence for personal growth.
Square: indicates potential conflicts between emotions and thoughts. Individuals may struggle to express feelings clearly or misinterpret their own emotions, leading to communication challenges and inner turmoil.
Opposition: signifies tension between emotions and communication. Individuals may experience challenges in expressing feelings or have difficulty reconciling their inner thoughts with outward expression, leading to conflicts.
Conjunction: indicates a harmonious blend of emotions and love. Individuals are affectionate, empathetic, and value relationships, finding emotional fulfillment in close, nurturing connections and shared pleasures.
Trine: signifies emotional harmony and affectionate nature. Individuals express feelings lovingly and find joy in relationships and artistic pursuits, enhancing their emotional well-being and attracting positivity.
Sextile: indicates ease in expressing emotions and cultivating loving relationships. Individuals possess emotional intelligence, fostering harmonious connections and enjoying the pleasures of life, promoting personal growth.
Square: implies challenges balancing emotions and love. Individuals may experience conflicts in relationships or struggle with self-indulgence, seeking harmony between their feelings and desires.
Opposition: signifies potential conflicts between emotions and love. Individuals may grapple with balancing personal feelings and relationships, requiring compromise and self-awareness to harmonize their emotional and romantic lives.
Conjunction: indicates heightened emotional intensity and assertiveness. Individuals are passionate and assertive in expressing feelings, sometimes leading to impulsiveness and emotional conflicts.
Trine: signifies emotional harmony with assertiveness. Individuals express feelings passionately and assertively, channeling their energy constructively, fostering confidence, and enhancing personal growth.
Sextile: indicates a balanced blend of emotions and assertiveness. Individuals express feelings energetically and constructively, promoting positive interactions and personal growth.
Square: suggests inner tension between emotions and assertiveness. Individuals may experience emotional outbursts or conflicts when expressing feelings, requiring self-awareness to manage impulsiveness.
Opposition: indicates potential conflicts between emotions and assertiveness. Individuals may grapple with balancing their feelings and desires, requiring self-awareness to harmonize their emotional and active energies.
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Conjunction: signifies emotional expansion and optimism. Individuals have abundant feelings, often feeling lucky and generous. They find emotional fulfillment in growth, abundance, and broadening horizons.
Trine: signifies emotional harmony and optimism. Individuals are naturally cheerful, generous, and emotionally expansive, finding fulfillment in growth, abundance, and harmonious relationships, promoting personal development.
Sextile: signifies emotional balance and optimism. Individuals possess an innate sense of joy, generosity, and emotional growth, fostering harmonious relationships and personal development.
Square: implies inner tension between emotions and optimism. Individuals may grapple with excessive emotions or overindulgence, requiring moderation and self-awareness to balance their feelings and desires.
Opposition: indicates potential conflicts between emotions and optimism. Individuals may struggle with balancing their feelings and expansive tendencies, necessitating self-awareness to harmonize their emotional and philosophical outlooks.
Conjunction: indicates a disciplined and reserved emotional nature. Individuals experience emotional stability through structure and responsibility, but may struggle with expressing vulnerability or experiencing emotional detachment.
Trine: signifies emotional balance and discipline. Individuals express feelings methodically and responsibly, fostering long-lasting and stable relationships and enhancing personal growth and emotional maturity.
Sextile: implies emotional stability and responsibility. Individuals manage feelings adeptly, fostering disciplined, long-lasting relationships and promoting personal growth and emotional maturity through practicality and empathy.
Square: indicates inner tension between emotions and responsibility. Individuals may experience emotional struggles or face obstacles in expressing feelings, necessitating self-awareness and perseverance to overcome challenges.
Opposition: signifies potential conflicts between emotions and responsibility. Individuals may grapple with balancing their feelings and obligations, requiring self-awareness and effort to harmonize their emotional and practical lives
Conjunction: signifies emotional unpredictability and uniqueness. Individuals experience sudden changes in emotions and may be unconventional in expressing their feelings, fostering an eccentric emotional nature.
Trine: indicates emotional harmony with a flair for innovation. Individuals express feelings uniquely, fostering open-mindedness and adaptability, promoting personal growth through unconventional emotional experiences.
Sextile: suggests emotional balance with a touch of originality. Individuals express feelings in unique ways, fostering adaptability and promoting personal growth through open-mindedness and unconventional emotional experiences.
Square: implies inner tension between emotions and unpredictability. Individuals may experience sudden emotional outbursts or conflicts, requiring self-awareness to manage their unconventional feelings.
Opposition: indicates potential conflicts between emotions and unpredictability. Individuals may grapple with balancing their feelings and the urge for radical change, necessitating self-awareness to harmonize their emotional and rebellious tendencies.
Conjunction: signifies a highly sensitive and dreamy emotional nature. Individuals are empathetic, artistic, and may struggle with boundaries, seeking emotional fulfillment through creative expression and spiritual connection.
Trine: signifies emotional harmony with strong intuition. Individuals possess deep empathy, creativity, and spiritual awareness, fostering meaningful emotional connections and personal growth through art and spirituality.
Sextile: implies emotional balance with heightened intuition. Individuals are empathetic, creative, and spiritually inclined, fostering meaningful emotional connections and personal growth through artistic expression and spirituality.
Square: suggests inner tension between emotions and illusions. Individuals may grapple with emotional confusion or escapism, requiring self-awareness to manage their sensitive and potentially deceptive feelings.
Opposition: indicates potential conflicts between emotions and illusions. Individuals may struggle to balance their feelings and idealistic tendencies, necessitating self-awareness to harmonize their emotional and dreamy inclinations.
Conjunction: signifies intense and transformative emotions. Individuals experience emotional depth and power, often leading to intense, even obsessive, emotional connections and a profound desire for emotional renewal.
Trine: signifies emotional harmony and transformative power. Individuals navigate their feelings and relationships with depth and intensity, fostering profound emotional connections and personal growth through self-awareness.
Sextile: implies emotional balance and transformative potential. Individuals possess depth and intensity in their feelings, fostering meaningful emotional connections and personal growth through self-awareness and resilience.
Square: suggests inner tension between emotions and power struggles. Individuals may grapple with intense emotions or control issues, requiring self-awareness to manage their transformative feelings.
Opposition: indicates potential conflicts between emotions and power dynamics. Individuals may struggle to balance their feelings and control issues, necessitating self-awareness to harmonize their transformative inclinations.
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ASC (Rising):
Conjunction: signifies a strong emotional presence. Individuals project their feelings and instincts prominently, and their emotional nature strongly influences their outward appearance and first impressions.
Trine: signifies an emotionally balanced and harmonious demeanor. Individuals project their feelings and instincts naturally, fostering positive first impressions and emotional authenticity in their interactions
Sextile: indicates an emotionally receptive and adaptable presence. Individuals project their feelings and instincts with ease, promoting positive first impressions and emotional rapport in their interactions.
Square: suggests tension between emotions and outward projection. Individuals may struggle to align their feelings with their appearance, requiring self-awareness to balance their inner and outer selves.
Opposition: signifies potential conflicts between emotions and outward projection. Individuals may grapple with aligning their feelings with their appearance, necessitating self-awareness to harmonize their inner and outer selves.
IC (Imum Coeli):
Conjunction: signifies a deep emotional connection to one's roots and family. Individuals often experience intense emotions tied to their home and heritage.
Trine: indicates emotional harmony with one's roots and family. Individuals experience a balanced emotional connection to their home and heritage, fostering stability and emotional fulfillment.
Sextile: implies an emotionally adaptable connection to one's roots and family. Individuals experience ease in expressing feelings tied to their home and heritage, promoting emotional stability.
Square: suggests inner tension between emotions and one's roots and family. Individuals may grapple with unresolved emotional issues related to their home and heritage.
Opposition: signifies potential conflicts between emotions and one's roots and family. Individuals may struggle to balance their feelings with their home and heritage, necessitating self-awareness.
DC (Descendant):
Conjunction: signifies a strong emotional connection to relationships. Individuals may project their emotions onto their partners, emphasizing the importance of emotional harmony and balance in partnerships.
Trine: indicates emotional harmony in relationships. Individuals easily connect with others on an emotional level, fostering balanced and supportive partnerships, and valuing emotional rapport.
Sextile: implies emotional adaptability in relationships. Individuals form connections easily, projecting warmth and empathy, fostering harmonious and flexible partnerships with a strong emotional connection.
Square: suggests tension in relationships. Individuals may struggle to balance their emotions and partnerships, experiencing conflicts and needing self-awareness to harmonize their emotional and relational lives.
Opposition: signifies potential conflicts in relationships. Individuals may grapple with balancing their emotions with the needs and dynamics of partnerships, requiring self-awareness for harmonious interactions.
MC (Midheaven):
Conjunction: indicates a strong emotional connection to one's career and public image. Individuals may express their feelings prominently in their professional life, often seeking emotional fulfillment through their work.
Trine: suggests emotional harmony with one's career and public image. Individuals navigate their professional life with emotional intelligence, fostering success and emotional fulfillment through their work.
Sextile: implies emotional adaptability in one's career and public image. Individuals express their feelings effectively, fostering success and emotional fulfillment through their work and public roles.
Square: suggests tension between emotions and one's career and public image. Individuals may grapple with balancing personal feelings and professional demands, necessitating self-awareness.
Opposition: signifies potential conflicts between emotions and one's career and public image. Individuals may struggle to balance personal feelings with professional responsibilities, necessitating self-awareness for harmony.
North Node:
Conjunction: signifies a strong emotional connection to one's life purpose and growth. Individuals experience fated or karmic events related to their emotions and destiny.
Trine: indicates emotional harmony with one's life purpose and growth. Individuals navigate their destiny with emotional intelligence, fostering personal development and fulfillment.
Sextile: implies emotional adaptability in alignment with one's life purpose and growth. Individuals connect their feelings with their destiny, promoting personal development and fulfillment.
Square: suggests tension between emotions and one's life purpose and growth. Individuals may grapple with balancing personal feelings and karmic or destiny-related challenges, requiring self-awareness.
Opposition: signifies potential conflicts between emotions and one's life purpose and growth. Individuals may struggle to balance
South Node:
Conjunction: indicates a strong emotional connection to past patterns. Individuals may experience recurring emotional themes from past lives, impacting their present feelings and behaviors.
Trine: suggests emotional ease with past patterns. Individuals navigate their emotions with a sense of familiarity, promoting personal growth through lessons from the past.
Sextile: implies emotional adaptability with past patterns. Individuals connect their feelings with past experiences, promoting personal growth through insights from the past.
Square: suggests tension between emotions and past patterns. Individuals may grapple with balancing personal feelings and unresolved issues from their past, requiring self-awareness.
Opposition: signifies potential conflicts between emotions and past patterns. Individuals may struggle to balance personal feelings with unresolved issues from their past, necessitating self-awareness
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Conjunction: signifies emotional wounds and healing. Individuals may experience deep emotional pain related to their past, but also have the potential for profound emotional growth and healing.
Trine: indicates emotional healing and balance. Individuals possess emotional intelligence, fostering healing connections and personal growth through empathy and self-awareness, promoting emotional well-being.
Sextile: implies emotional adaptability and healing. Individuals connect their feelings with their capacity for healing, fostering personal growth and emotional well-being through empathy and self-awareness.
Square: suggests tension between emotions and healing. Individuals may grapple with emotional wounds or pain, requiring self-awareness and effort to navigate their emotional healing journey.
Opposition: signifies potential conflicts between emotions and healing. Individuals may struggle to balance their feelings with their journey of emotional healing, necessitating self-awareness for reconciliation.
Conjunction: indicates a potent blend of emotions and primal instincts. Individuals may confront taboo or suppressed feelings, fostering intense emotional experiences and self-discovery.
Trine: suggests harmonious integration of emotions and primal instincts. Individuals navigate their feelings and instincts adeptly, promoting a balanced and authentic expression of their emotional nature.
Sextile: implies emotional adaptability with primal instincts. Individuals connect their feelings with their deeper desires, promoting a balanced and authentic expression of their emotional nature.
Square: suggests tension between emotions and primal instincts. Individuals may grapple with taboo or suppressed feelings, necessitating self-awareness and effort to balance their emotional nature.
Opposition: signifies potential conflicts between emotions and primal instincts. Individuals may struggle to balance their feelings with suppressed desires, necessitating self-awareness for reconciliation.
Conjunction: signifies nurturing and emotional bonding. Individuals have a deep connection to motherhood and caregiving, often finding fulfillment through nurturing others and forming strong emotional bonds.
Trine: implies emotional harmony with nurturing and caregiving. Individuals foster warm and empathetic connections, finding fulfillment through nurturing others and forming strong emotional bonds.
Sextile: indicates emotional adaptability in nurturing and caregiving. Individuals connect their feelings with a warm, empathetic approach, fostering positive relationships and emotional fulfillment through nurturing others.
Square: suggests tension between emotions and nurturing. Individuals may grapple with conflicts related to caregiving roles, requiring self-awareness and effort to balance their emotional and nurturing aspects.
Opposition: signifies potential conflicts between emotions and nurturing. Individuals may struggle to balance their feelings with caregiving responsibilities, necessitating self-awareness and effort to harmonize these aspects.
Conjunction: signifies emotional intelligence and strategic thinking. Individuals express feelings through thoughtful planning and problem-solving, often finding fulfillment through emotionally intelligent approaches to challenges.
Trine: indicates emotional harmony with strategic thinking. Individuals navigate feelings adeptly, fostering balanced and intelligent approaches to challenges, and finding fulfillment through emotionally intelligent solutions.
Sextile: implies emotional adaptability with strategic thinking. Individuals connect their feelings with thoughtful planning, fostering balanced and intelligent approaches to challenges, promoting emotional well-being.
Square: suggests tension between emotions and strategic thinking. Individuals may grapple with conflicts related to feelings and logical approaches to challenges, requiring self-awareness for balance.
Opposition: indicates potential conflicts between emotions and strategic thinking. Individuals may struggle to balance their feelings with rational approaches to challenges, necessitating self-awareness for reconciliation.
Conjunction: suggests an emotional connection to partnership and commitment. Individuals may place significant emotional emphasis on their relationships, often seeking emotional fulfillment through marital or committed bonds.
Trine: indicates emotional harmony and commitment in relationships. Individuals navigate their feelings adeptly, fostering stable and fulfilling partnerships, valuing emotional rapport and loyalty.
Sextile: implies emotional adaptability in committed relationships. Individuals connect their feelings with a sense of partnership, fostering harmonious and fulfilling bonds, valuing emotional rapport and loyalty.
Square: suggests tension between emotions and commitment in relationships. Individuals may grapple with conflicts related to feelings and their ability to sustain long-term partnerships, requiring self-awareness.
Opposition: signifies potential conflicts between emotions and commitment in relationships. Individuals may struggle to balance their feelings with their capacity for sustained, harmonious partnerships, necessitating self-awareness.
Conjunction: indicates a strong emotional connection to devotion and focus. Individuals may place significant emphasis on their emotional commitments, often seeking fulfillment through dedicated and disciplined pursuits.
Trine: signifies emotional harmony and dedication. Individuals navigate their feelings with focus and discipline, fostering committed and fulfilling pursuits, valuing emotional commitment and attention to detail.
Sextile: implies emotional adaptability in dedicated pursuits. Individuals connect their feelings with a sense of focus and discipline, fostering harmonious and fulfilling commitments, valuing emotional dedication.
Square: suggests tension between emotions and dedication. Individuals may grapple with conflicts related to feelings and their ability to maintain focused and disciplined pursuits, requiring self-awareness.
Opposition: signifies potential conflicts between emotions and dedication. Individuals may struggle to balance their feelings with their commitment to focused and disciplined pursuits, necessitating self-awareness.
Extra Sources:Drawing by soudwrong // Dividers by v6que // Template by tinytowns // Next Natal Chart Express will be about Lilith
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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casualavocados · 4 months
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Gemini and Fourth are nothing like Atom and Kongthap. When they're together, it's chaotic. They're always messing around with each other. If I had a friend who's been working with me for a long time, I believe the vibes would be similar.
MY LOVE MIX-UP! THAILAND (2024) BTS & Special Ep
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lunabug2004 · 2 months
Sometimes I feel like such a hypocrite because even though I don't agree with most aspects of branded-ship culture for BLs, I would be absolutely heartbroken if OffGun, GeminiFourth, or FirstKhao ever permanently split
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geminifourth · 2 years
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You can do it too. Try listening to the sound of your heart.
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tangledinink · 6 months
Out of curiosity, do you think your Gemini fan kids could exist in the shows canon universe? Marsh and Lake are seriously so adorable I’ve low key accepted as Donnie’s kids in the shows future canon. Also how does the krang apocalypse play out in the Gemini AU? Is it prevented or is there maybe Gemini bad timeline?
Gosh, I dunno-- I guess I don't see why not! :3c I hadn't ever thought about it too much, but there really isn't a ton of reason that they couldn't, assuming Donnie and Sorrel still meet!
Also, there are Kraang in the Gemiverse! I haven't exactly sorted out all the details yet, but what I do know is that there's no good future/bad future... there's just one timeline! The Kraang do invade and Gems and Co. do kick it in the Apocalyptic Warzone for a while... but the whole fam survives and they do eventually win the war!!! (because anything else made me too sad ; w ; and I realized at some point that it's my au so i can just do whatever I want :D yay)
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jaehwany · 2 years
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You know what? I was so scared to be the club head. We joined it together. We played music together. We were punished together. And one day, I had to lead you guys. I was afraid I’d lead our band to failure. I was afraid our club would get cancelled because of me. But my biggest fear was that I’d make you disappointed. On that day, I didn’t wish for us to win Hot Wave. I wished for you guys to not regret being in this club. Go ahead and redeem your wish then. We’ve come this far because of you.
MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT (2022-2023) dir. Au Kornprom Niyomsil
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clarisinne · 6 days
How does your bf feel about you thirsting over a pixelated man ? 😭
LMFAOOO we've been together 9 years this ain't his first rodeo...... he's like "sure sweetie whatever makes you happy 😌 can you please listen to me ranting about NieR Automata now"
if this is re: my last post he doesn't want to see the smut i draw because he sees cringefail and harvey as pure little babies not bc he's weirded out by me drawing it!!!!
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pharawee · 2 years
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capricores · 1 month
when you have a yapper girl sun moon mercury and/or rising (libra gemini sagittarius pisces virgo) and you have to keep something exciting a secret
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kinnbig · 11 months
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the duality of Ram 😵‍💫
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Our Emotional Pains
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The moon in our natal chart represents our most emotional aspect and the potential pains it may endure, often influenced by childhood experiences. Remember that each individual is unique, and not all aspects listed here may apply to you due to various reasons. However, some tendencies are more likely to occur.
If you experience emotional pain in any area, seeking professional help from a psychologist, therapist, or acupuncturist is recommended. The moon encourages us to seek assistance from others without fear. Additionally, you can find steps to improve self-esteem in my series of posts "here." Always prioritize self-care.
ಇ. Moon in the 1st House: People with the Moon in the 1st house find their emotional identity deeply intertwined with their self-image. They may feel dependent on others' emotional validation to feel good about themselves, regardless of financial status or intelligence. Emotionally, they may experience fluctuations based on how they are perceived by others. To improve, they should focus on inner strength, firm spiritual practices, and being more self-directed.
ಇ. Moon in the 2nd House: For those with the Moon in the 2nd house, emotional security is closely tied to their financial stability. They might feel profoundly affected by financial losses, experiencing emotional turbulence when facing economic challenges. To alleviate this, they need to understand that their worth isn't solely tied to material possessions and recognize that they are supported by the abundance of the universe.
ಇ. Moon in the 3rd House: Individuals with the Moon in the 3rd house have an emotional charge connected to their thoughts and areas of learning, such as education and communication. They may have learned to suppress or avoid their feelings, leading to toxic ways of dealing with emotions. To find balance, they should embrace a healthy approach to feelings and consider seeking support from self-help books or therapeutic resources.
ಇ. Moon in the 4th House: With the Moon in the 4th house, emotional ties to family are strong and may sometimes lead to giving excessive control over one's life to family members. They might have a deep love for their family, even covering up negative emotions stemming from past experiences. Seeking therapy to address buried emotional pain from the past can be essential for their growth.
ಇ. Moon in the 5th House: Individuals with the Moon in the 5th house have a profound emotional connection to children and, if they are mothers, may feel a strong sense of responsibility. Their relationship with their own mother significantly impacts their mothering style, and they may try to compensate for any deficiencies they experienced in their maternal relationship. Therapy can help them work through these complex emotional dynamics.
ಇ. Moon in the 6th House: Those with the Moon in the 6th house feel emotionally connected to their job and might become overly absorbed in it. Imbalances in work-life can manifest physically, often causing digestive issues or stomach discomfort. Learning to set boundaries between your job and personal life and finding emotional fulfillment outside of work is crucial.
ಇ. Moon in the 7th House: Emotionally, people with the Moon in the 7th house find support and security through relationships, which can sometimes lead to dependency on their partners. They may place a lot of emotional responsibility on others, neglecting their own emotional needs. To cultivate healthier relationships, they need to take personal responsibility for their emotions and maintain a sense of individuality within partnerships.
ಇ. Moon in the 8th House: Individuals with the Moon in the 8th house have deep emotional issues tied to their family, particularly their mother. They may have experienced early traumatic events that exposed them to life's darker aspects, leading them to explore taboo or hidden subjects. Self-awareness and self-knowledge are crucial in recognizing and accepting their inner truths.
ಇ. Moon in the 9th House: For those with the Moon in the 9th house, emotional support comes from their philosophical beliefs and convictions. They may have emotional ties to their educational experiences, which can lead to revisiting themes from the past. The relationship with their mother might be seen as wise and influential, but it can also burden them with heavy expectations.
ಇ. Moon in the 10th House: Emotionally, individuals with the Moon in the 10th house are deeply connected to their career and may feel emotionally vulnerable to criticism of their work. They seek to be seen as nurturing figures in their professional roles. Finding emotional fulfillment in their life's mission and recognizing their value beyond their work can be transformative.
ಇ. Moon in the 11th House: People with the Moon in the 11th house place great importance on friendships, seeking emotional support and acceptance from their social circle. They may struggle with feelings of pain and rejection when their need for acceptance isn't met. To build healthier relationships, they need to be authentic and avoid wearing masks to please others.
ಇ. Moon in the 12th House: Individuals with the Moon in the 12th house are highly sensitive to the pain of others, often absorbing emotions from those around them. They may feel guilty for actions that weren't their responsibility. Emotionally, they have a deep desire to protect others and may have experienced emotional entanglements with their mother. Learning to establish emotional boundaries and finding healthy coping mechanisms is vital to their well-being.
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The Healing Process
To heal your moon you need to learn to deal with your past, instincts and emotions and this is done with the energy of your sign, the general energy of this healing is:
ಇ. Aries: courage, leadership, drive, motivation to start projects and move forward, even with obstacles.
ಇ. Taurus: care, affection, patience to observe, see it grow, follow its own development process and the growth of others.
ಇ. Gemini: communication, the good word, the kindness, the diplomacy to make contacts, transmit information and exchange opinions with people.
ಇ. Cancer: love, intimacy, protection, warmth and emotional support to feel loved and safe, participating in a family.
ಇ. Leo: joy, spontaneity, vanity, self-esteem so that we can continue to act correctly and be proud of ourselves.
ಇ. Virgo: productivity, love of work, the desire to be useful, to serve, to help ourselves and others.
ಇ. Libra: commitment, bond, engagement with others, sophistication, love of the arts and the delicacy that enchants and captivates the people around.
ಇ. Scorpio: silence, the depth, the mystery, the emotions, the possibility of divesting us and transforming us into better people.
ಇ. Sagittarius: hope, faith in the future, positive energy, interest in going much further to discover that the world is bigger.
ಇ. Capricorn: responsibility, discipline, ethics, wisdom obtained by age, respect for the elderly, willpower.
ಇ. Aquarius: friendship, fraternity, originality, innovation, respect for differences, unconditional love for human beings and nature.
ಇ. Pisces: faith, the connection with a higher dimension, simplicity, detachment, surrender to life.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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casualavocados · 2 years
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He said you know nothing. He wants to live his life like everyone else, not cooped up in here like this. [...] He’s been deaf for 3 years now. You’ve never tried to learn sign language. ...He said that you are ashamed of him being deaf.
Gemini Norwait as HEART in MOONLIGHT CHICKEN dir. Backaof Nopparnach Chaiwimol
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lunabug2004 · 2 months
Ya'll don't get me wrong, I love love love fluffy series. I mean, MSP is my favorite series of all time! BUT, that being said, I really hope that GeminiFourth stay paired long enough to have a darker BL plot together. We know from MC that they can pull off angst really, really well, so one of my main hopes as a Gem4th stan is seeing them together long enough to be able to enjoy at least one BL with them as the mains that has a darker plot.
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artsyaprilmr · 6 months
thinking about how botb is now a summer show, and nairi's birthday is june 20th... depending on when in the summer it actually takes place my guy may have to experience one of the most stressful birthdays in his life😔
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xbraveheartx · 11 months
So I had a moment on stream where I thought I had connected some dots that didn't really make any sense until @/smallartiststuff suggested something in chat.
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Antonia says this at one point, and at first, I had thought I connected what Gemini says later as referring to Carlo ("Someone" being a vague stand-in word for him for literally everything-- "someone's" necklace, "someone's" outfit, etc). But the more we read into the Rose Estate incident... the more things made sense.
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Valentinus was a huge target for Simon. He wanted to be top dog of the Alchemists, but Valentinus was in the way. He was also terribly obsessed with Valentinus's daughter, Sophia, from what we can tell from everything we see at the end. It wouldn't surprise me that maybe Simon decided to do a small, controlled attack on the Estate to kill off Valentinus in the process, and use that chance to steal Sophia away.
The "disappearances" Antonia mentions, coupled with the records saying "No survivors", followed by Gemin's statement below... Tells me there were survivors, and the records don't know the truth.
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And who do we find at the Abbey, trapped in a massive birdcage?
Sophia Monad, eternally trapped under Simon's whim, waiting for you to free her. The Monad Charity House tragedy was a planned attack, where the very first instance of mutation was seen before being taken care of, only for Mr. Cure All "Doctor" to steal the serum later under the impression it was a true cure to the petrification disease, and unleashing that same mutation on the masses with ignorance.
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