#all hail king julien theory
mort theory part 28 recap for those who don't want to bother watching it
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jtheplante · 2 years
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I find Clover and Crimson's sibling rivalry to be one of the most fascinating aspects of this show. Crimson mentions multiple times that she was the "pretty one" when comparing herself to her identical twin sister Clover. Without fail Clover always reminds her in an annoyed tone: "We're identical twins." But... they're not. We can see that very easily. Crimson has different fur color, different eye color, and colored eyelids. Why would Clover always insist they're identical when they're not?
This show reveals their rivalry basically started right out the womb, Clover being the more self-confident one from the very start. Crimson's obsessed over being the better sister her entire life, fueled by jealousy and insecurity. Even then, I believe the extent she's gone to to one-up her sister is even crazier than what appears on the surface.
Crimson altered her appearance. Fur dye, colored eye contacts, and makeup on the eyelids. Changes made with the intention to be more physically appealing and attractive than her sister. This means "Crimson" naturally bears the same color scheme as Clover. In fact...
Is her birth name even Crimson?? If her natural born fur color is orange like Clover's - then it would make 0 sense to name her after a different color. OK, let's suppose she WAS born with crimson fur... then why wouldn't they name Clover after her fur color as well? NOT using the same name scheme for both twins is like a crime! I believe she even changed her NAME.
Out of a desperate need to feel superior, "Crimson" is living a lie
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kingjulienxiii · 2 years
Willie the shaman ? Are you sure his name is Willie?- More analysis on Willie. Shaman windwalker Willie!
My moots know that William is my sweetheart I love him so much. We all know that he has something to do with being a grim reaper or shaman, which the real Madagascar is not in short of.
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We see Willie alive and kicking among the souls of the dead, which is the base of the theory of him being the grim reaper. Inorder to support it I have some additional points.
🧡 Willie cannot die : In the episode pineapple of my eye, Willie is eaten by a foosa. He returns alive and asks king Julien if he should pull out the small rock under a big rock and when KJ said yes he pulled it and the rock fell on top of him. Still he's alive. Whereas other animals who get eaten by foosas don't come back. Magic Steve was eaten by a crocodile and he died. So did all the souls that were present with Willie at the pineapple court. I think that scene is enough to show us that Willie is exceptional. He has some sort of power he's unaware of.
🧡 He's seen as badluck: First of all, he calls out "we're all gonna die" and everyone starts running. It's the natural instinct of a lemur but for the sake of the theory I'm brushing that aside. None the less, the other lemurs behave as if Willie can see death beforehand and they run.
In an episode where they're all in a raft, Tammy says that Willie is cursed. She could have picked him randomly as the one who's responsible for breaking the sail of their little ship.
Again Horst is skeptical about him. In the episode where king j erected a wall, Horst said that Willie is the enemy of their kingdom. "You always want us to die" that's how Horst interpreted Willie's cries.
So the lemurs around him see him as badluck.
🧡He has family issues: In the episode where king Julien is substituted with his dummy Julien, Willie approaches the king with his problem and before entering the cockpit, he tells Maurice that a family feud has been going on for generations. I'm not sure how to interpret this but one thing is, Willie isn't that much close to his family. Yet he wants to solve his family's problems. Maurice didn't let him finish and so we don't know more about this family feud. Also it has been going on for generations, either he heard it from the elders or he's been there since the beginning of lemur civilization like Mort. An immortal being. I know, I exaggerated.
In the episode where Golden Julien is introduced, Willie has tea with Butter fish.
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He says that drinking tea feels like getting a hug from an emotionally distant parent! From this we could infer that Willie is not close to his parents. I wonder if they cast him away because, in the episode in which king Julien and others give offerings to Frank, Willie arrives with a tin can. He's that much poor so that makes me think that he's living alone.
Yes alone. In the episode where Mort is looking for King Julien's replacement, Willie volunteers, saying "finally, someone to scream we're all gonna die with". Poor thing.
Then there's this. I don't know how to analyse this. One thing I understand Is his life is sad. He's trying to improve it but his plan (whatever it is) is not working.
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I think he has a relative that looks like him and behaves like him. I wrote about it here ☮️ we can't understand maybe because he lives in the spiritual world.
So what if his family sees him as badluck too and they cast him away? Or maybe he just started living on his own, who knows.
🧡His name is Willie....but...:
We know that his name is Willie but what if it's not? Because of this.
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"They never spell my name right". Perhaps I'm overthinking again, cos Willie doesn't correct anyone when he's called. Maybe the lemur who wrote his name on the cup was illiterate but another scene from an early episode shows that not all of them are illiterate
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🧡Shaman windwalker Willie: we all know that All Hail king Julien has a lot of references and I found a book reference for Willie. That is, "The Shaman windwalker" by the author '"Willie' windwalker Gibson". It is his own life portrayed in the story. The protagonist can see spirits and other creatures that others Cannot see. Therefore, people have trouble understanding him! Check it out. ☮️
That's it for today. Thank you for reading! 🧡🧡🧡
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ranmagender · 2 years
Ever have a video you just keep going back to? For me its "Mort Theory: The Crimes of Mort (yes this is real)" by The Theorizer a video thats 2 hours and 36 minutes long exploration of Mort, Madagascar, All Hail King Julien and the Penguins of Madagascar series
Like its so unhinged yet detailed that you cant help but be drawn in. Like the show All Hail King Julien really is that weird and watching someone repeat what happens is amusing
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drg-management · 1 year
Y'all ever seen all hail king Julien? I'm watching a 23 part series on mort and the insanity of him by the theorizer, I understand most of it because I watched as a wee dwarf but honestly I don't know how I remember, anyway you should watch at least the first episode I'll link below
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candyfordinner · 2 years
The issue with me getting obsessed with a show and watching it over and over again is that I start to over-analyze. Here’s something that’s been on my mind since I started watching AHKJ.
So, have you guys noticed that there is something fundamentally wrong with Madagascar? In our reality, the island is populated by millions of humans. But in the universe of the Madagascar franchise they are notably absent. It’s just animals. The only humans we see are the skeletons in the plane and the ones in AHKJ season 3 episode 7, and they are wearing full hazmat suits. This is not typical attire of wildlife researchers. It is as if Madagascar is an anomalous location that humans cannot safely inhabit. And the snails seek shelter from humans beneath Madagascar, as if they know humans cannot reach them there. What. Is wrong. With Madagascar?
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mintytrifecta · 3 years
Morticus Khan said he broke the feet's hold on him years ago and since all Morts have known of the feet then there's a big implication that them knowing Julien is also a universal constant. Since Morts are obsessed with his feet, in order to break the hold something drastic would have had to happen between the Mort in question and Julien.
Morticus seems... Angry at Julien. And bitter. And yet the helmet on his head is reminiscent of feet and so is his throne, almost like a reminder of what he broke out of.
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Or maybe he was never attached to them at all?
Enter Grandpa Mort.
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Even as a grandfather a Mort is still a Mort and he's no different. But this Mort is so much more similar to Morticus than to our Mort, at least in power.
Our Mort has only willingly absorbed one other Mort in the show, and that was after Khan initiated it. To be fair to our Mort, he had no idea he could do any of that until like... Three hours ago but nevertheless, Khan is the one who began the absorption before our Mort took over.
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Grandpa Mort began and completed the absorption of Mort before he broke out of it and not only that, but grandpa Mort has said he's old enough to have been imprisoned by King Julien the 4th.
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Grandpa Mort is resentful towards Julien, angry at him and bitter enough to want to kill him. Kind of like Morticus, right?
What if Morticus Khan is more of Grandpa Mort from a different universe, instead of our Mort, and this imprisonment drove him to get an army of Morts and defeat their universe's Juliens to gain their loyalty?
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floofybirb · 3 years
The tags are just so people scrolling through my blog can go to whatever specific tag quicker, ignore this if you just found it while scrolling through the actual tag— (Realised that this only works on mobile/ipad I think)
Never expect this blog to be full of stuff for one Fandom, because I rarely post and because of that, there's never enough of one Fandom on this blog before I move on onto another Fandom (move on onto another Fandom as in 'making it the Fandom I'm obsessed with at the moment')
Fri/4/Feb/2022 - HI I CHANGED MY ACC NAME (It used to be multimoqa)
I'm actually not sure what to put here
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- I don't exactly have an art style of my own right now, so basically I switch between different art styles a lot (•-•")
- Also I won't mind if you were to go ahead and like a bunch of my posts! So spam like all you want :]
Favourite Colour?
Lots of colours! Right now it's more like 'Pastel Salmon'
Around Mon 8th Of November 2021 - Nope, I think my favourite colour is yellow now
Edit again (But 2022): Nope, it's both
30/7/2022 - As of today! I've finally figured out that I'm actually Agender and not some confusing mess of Gender Identities!! :D
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bestfoes · 3 years
correct me if I'm wrong but yall ever notice in ahkj its mostly julien eating other fruits besides mango? like clearly there's other fruits on the island but the lemur kingdom seems really dependent on mango. perhaps its a class thing?
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i-loves-my-lemurs · 3 years
Mort: Oh, looks like King Julien fell asleep!
Clover: Should we wake him up?
Maurice: Well, he did say one of us was allowed to slap him awake.
*all look at Julien*
Clover: I call dibs!
Maurice: You can't just call it, you have to earn it!
Clover: Oh, and you have?
Maurice: ...
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shelli-gator · 4 years
I have this theory about Hector and I'm like H O-
So Hector looks absolutely nothing like his mom Helen. He's clearly a different species from her, he's a ruffed lemur and she's an eulemur of some kind.
And I saw this on the wiki for white ruffed lemurs, which sparked this headcanon.
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So what if Hector was actually part of that group of black and white ruffed lemurs reintroduced to the wild? Or more like his mother was, and she gave birth to Hector and his siblings in the wild. But like the other members of the group, she was quickly eaten by fossa. Maybe she wasn't ready for the dangerous Madagascar jungles. Maybe she made her home in a bad spot and died protecting her pups.
And then Hector would have been found by Helen, a young eulemur with good intentions but who really wasn't ready to be a mother. She adopts him, but when she's taken away from him she doesn't have that drive to protect him or come back for him.
So yeah, my theory is Hector is a survivor of the black and white lemur reintroduction project from the Duke Lemur Centre. And he was adopted by Helen.
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thepom-eranian · 4 years
My Madagascar “Timeline”
Until “Madagascar 4″ and “Madagascar: A Little Wild” comes out, this is my take on the events that take place. I included every Madagascar movie, the holiday shorts, All Hail King Julien, TPOM Movie and TPOM series.
I tried my best to keep it as canon as possible, but tbh there’s no way to do that when there are so many time skips in the movies where the characters grew up. 
This is a VERY long post btw
Baby Penguins save Private and are on the iceberg, ready to take on the world. On their way, they get captured and taken to Central Park Zoo, unintentionally sending Dave on his way to becoming a villain.
Baby Alex gets captured by poachers from Africa, but his crate falls off the truck and into the ocean. He eventually gets rescued and taken to the zoo.
Everyone grows up. Everything that happens during this time frame is pure speculation and headcanons/theories. Manfredi and Johnson are transferred to the Penguins' habitat. They quickly become friends with the Penguins. Manfredi and Johnson are older than them, but by just a few years.
Manfredi and Johnson heavily influence the younger Penguins' by supporting their "commando" ways and introducing the famous Buck Rotgut (who trained them). Skipper INSISTS on being the leader until Johnson finally convinces him that since they (M&J) were the ones who knew more about it, they should be in charge. But just until Skipper learns everything from them, because after all, he doesn't want to make a mistake and accidentally cause harm to his brothers, right?
During their training, Manfredi and Johnson tell the boys tales of their past adventures. Most of these are exaggerated to make them seem cool and to entertain the young boys. Some aren't even real events, just told as a bedtime story or as a warning. (These stories are mostly where Skipper gets his paranoia from. See the explanations below) Also during this time, they have some of their own adventures together.
At some point, when they're all slightly older (perhaps in their "teens"?), Private gets separated from the rest. I'm presuming that he gets transferred to Texas (or somewhere in the South) where he learns he's amazing at minigolf and takes on the persona as "Mr. Tux." However, after the ice cream incident, Private hangs up his putter. How he gets back to NYC, he could have been transferred back (either by his doing or the humans' doing), he could have ran away and back to NYC, or his brothers finally rescued him.
---"AHKJ" events begin to happen around here and continue until the movie "Madagascar" is mentioned----
Eventually, after much begging and not so subtle hinting from Skipper, Manfredi and Johnson allow him to go on a mission by himself. (When Manfredi expresses concern, Skipper says, "Trust me, Manfredi, what could go wrong?" a line Skipper said in "The Return Of The Revenge of Dr, Blowhole) They send him to Denmark where he is to partner up with Hans the puffin to conduct some research on the Danes. They thought having a partner would be safer for Skipper, but Hans turned on him and made him Denmark's public enemy #1.
Now banned from Denmark, Skipper comes back to discover that Rico has gone crazy without him. (so crazy that Rico even bit and ate a chunk of Manfredi's leg) Manfredi and Johnson, afraid that Rico will act like that again, decide to limit Skipper's solo missions. (This is something Skipper continues to keep doing, even after being named the leader.)
After having to endure Rico's insane rampage, Manfredi and Johnson decide to have a vacation. They leave Skipper in charge and head off to a spa. Once their vacation time was up, they didn't want to go back yet, so they decided to say they were dead. They sent word to the Penguins, informing them of their "death", but Johnson made sure to add that their demise was not terrible and in fact very relaxing so the Penguins wouldn't be so upset. (Which somehow worked, because the Penguins don't seem to get too sad when talking about them)
Without Manfredi and Johnson, Skipper became the new leader. He made Kowalski his second in command, and Rico the demolitions expert. Private was still training since he had missed so much during his "Mr. Tux" time, and as such not given a role. They begin to plan their escape to Antarctica.
Around here is when "The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper" takes place.
It's in November when Alex, Gloria, Marty, and Melman (who will be referred to as the "Hippies" from now on) are shipped out and thanks to the Penguins, wind up on Madagascar.
At the end of "AHKH", the final episode has the lemurs are celebrating Cover and Sage's wedding, Alex washes up on shore. This is where "Madagascar" events start.
Meanwhile, back in NYC. Manfredi and Johnson hear about the zoo animals escaping and being shipped to Africa, only to have the boat go off radar and unable to be contacted. Manfredi and Johnson assume this was the work of the Penguins and decide to investigate. They discover the Penguins' plans to dig to Antarctica and head there. Of course, they don't find them and wind up being captured and sent BACK to NYC, but this time, they're sent to Seaville instead of the zoo.
Now stuck on Madagascar, the Penguins try to rebuild the plane (with Timo's help), Kowalski meets Doris the dolphin. He falls in love with her and confesses, but she's not interested. Eventually, his constant confessions of love and numerous gifts begin to annoy her and she decides to leave. A depressed and distraught Kowalski gets a tattoo of her from Pancho.
Not long after that, "Merry Madagascar" takes place.
Not sure how long it took, but the plane is finally fixed (sort of) and "Madagascar 2" happens. BUT at some point before Skipper and Lola's wedding, (which means BEFORE the ending of "Madagascar 2), "Madly Madagascar" happens.
After Skipper's wedding, "Madagascar 3" happens.  
Sometime after "Madagascar 3", the circus stops in Guatemala where Rico meets a girl. He falls head over heels for her, and tries to show her how much he likes her. But she doesn't understand his gibberish and is freaked out by him.
And after "Madagascar 3" is "The Penguins of Madagascar Movie".
After TPOM Movie, everything seems fine. That is, until Dr. Blowhole shows up. The Penguins once again leave the circus and defeat Blowhole. Realizing that the dolphin is never going to give up trying to defeat the Penguins and make the human race suffer, Skipper and his team decide to stay at the zoo to keep an eye on things. Julien decides to stay as well, because he and Sonya broke up and things between them did not end well. Maurice and Mort go with him.
The PoM series is last. The Hippies are still doing their circus acts, just without the Penguins and lemurs. The Penguins are keeping Central Park Zoo safe and getting annoyed by Julien sometimes. 
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kingjulienxiii · 2 years
I think that @candyfordinner Teddy made a very good point in this post. What is wrong with Madagascar? King Julien the second has the answer.
I also think that there is something wrong with the Madagascar in our beloved show and the movies. In our reality, there are people living there along with their domestic animals, especially zebu. It's said that every family owns atleast one zebu. It's a cow that came from India.
At first I thought, it's a kids show, the lemurs are the people of Madagascar. Then I started thinking deeply. There are people in the series! Like Teddy said the scientists who kidnapped Mort a number of times, the French people who eat snails, (yes! Because they know people won't come for them in Madagascar, they migrated there), when the mango monster heads to the mainland, Timo makes a call and a human sends a missile destroying it and the Russians! It's as if they 'are' people. They acknowledge the fact that people live in the mainland and the dolphins sell stuff to the Russians.
I did some research and my theory is that,( in AHKJ,) people used to live in Madagascar. The people of Madagascar were stricken by poverty and they had to eat the most abundant species of animals in Madagascar, the lemurs. They also considered the Aye aye as a bad omen and killed it on the spot. This much is true for the real Madagascar. Now in the series, due to these reasons, the lemurs became endangered and they had to protect themselves from the humans. They wiped out the humans in Madagascar with the help of foosas and other powerful animals. As we see in the series, foosas and crocodiles help king julien sometimes. When did it happen? According to my calculations, during the reign of King Julien the second. We know that he married a royal cow. I always thought. Why a cow? Do cows live in Madagascar? Throughout the series, we haven't seen a single cow except the one that appears in the Book of Julien kings.
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This is an image of the zebu cow in Madagascar. There were no cows in Madagascar before and zebu was imported to Madagascar from India. They were mixed with African zebus to form new breeds and hence, if cow wasn't mentioned in all hail king Julien, we could say that humans never lived there but king julien second proves that there had been humans. He ate his wife, the cow. It symbolises the lemurs victory over human civilization. The cow is a symbol of Power to people of Madagascar and king julien crushed that power. See, zebu is even in their coat of arms. This even strangely remind me of King Julien's crown, which could be a distortion of the coat of arms, symbolising the lemurs victory over the humans.
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King Julien the second's action is not a small thing, if you think about the people of Madagascar. Cow is a sacred animal to them and it is that animal we see getting eaten in All hail king Julien. It could have been included to show how much the lemurs hate humans for what they had done to them but the new generation doesn't know any of this. If king Julien really wanted good milk he would have kept his wife alive but he ate her and drank gecko milk, which caused an allergy and grandma rose killed him
From then on, no human dared to live in Madagascar and the snails might have migrated there according to Jingle-Jangle's prophecy that Maurice will save them. Jingle Jangle must have heard how bravely the Aye ayes fought for justice. Finally, animals destroying humans is not something we haven't seen in all hail king Julien. Remember the monkeys. They did it.
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ranmagender · 2 years
ive been watching madagascar theories now and i gotta ask
what the everloving fuck was "All Hail King Julien" and how did it air for 6 seasons?
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foreverjover · 6 years
Ok AHKJ fans, I’ve got another very long tangent about Maurice that has been bugging me for a very long time, but I can’t figure it out🤔. If someone could give me some insight on this I would really appreciate it 😊 Ok here it goes: 
So first off, some of you may have noticed that DreamWorks has made a couple different theories as to how Maurice and Julien met. I’ll go over the ones I remember:
1. The most popular theory is that Maurice is older then Julien (much older) and has always taken care of Julien ever since he was a little baby. There are also significant hints to support this theory such as in “That sinking Feeling” When Maurice takes Clover to the place where Julien keeps all the stuff from when he was a baby, Maurice picks up Julien’s bottle and pretends that he was holding a baby, while he mentions that Julien was “So cute” when he was little. Makes sense, right? But then there’s theory two…
2. In “Revenge of the Prom” when Julien mentions that he met someone important at his “lemur school” Maurice believes that Julien is referring to him, which implies…they met in high school? But if they met in high school, how did Maurice take care of Julien as a kid? that also implies that Maurice and Julien are or around the same age… Weird… then to make things more confusing….
3. Boom! in “I Maurice” its said that they didn’t meet in high school, they actually met when they were babies! Again implying that they are around or close to the same age. But, despite how cute and touching this episode was, it doesn’t make sense. From the depiction of the 2D animation when Julien finds Maurice, it’s my guess, if anything, that Julien, because he is at least able to crawl, while Maurice can only lay down and cry,  is older then HIS caretaker…someone tell me how that works. And if they’re the same age, how can Maurice hold Julien as a baby, or take care of him, when he is a baby himself?  It’s hard to believe that DreamWorks OVERLOOKED this. Maybe its just me. I haven’t heard anyone else bring this up…so maybe it does make sense. If that is the case I would really love it if someone could it explain to me how. Really confused. Thanks for reading this! Hope I didn’t bore you too much XD But this and the whole, *shudders* Clager ending are really making my head spin in circles. The answer to my Clager post was that it just DOESN"T make sense, no matter what…Is that the same with this?
 I didn’t write this, this theory is from our great “Feelings Develop” author Netflix Original !!! Please know that she doesn’t have Tumblr, so she sent me a message with this interesing theory and I posted it. Also  chapter 15 is almost done!!!! ^^
KJ: Respect!
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candyfordinner · 2 years
Me theorizing about Madagascar lore
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