#all i can say here is that gender is confusing patrick agrees and he's not budging on this topic
clemencetaught · 1 year
gender ( meta one. )
Since it’s pride month, I’m finally going to write out a meta for something I meant to actually talk about like last year:
So on his profile, it says that Patrick is nonbinary, but closeted and therefore uses only he/him pronouns. Just as his feelings on his sexuality and how open he is about expressing it has been a complicated mess, you could say it’s a very similar scenario with his gender identity. Although in this case, his gender identity is one of those things where he knows he could explore a bit more freely but he just?? doesn’t feel quite ready if that makes any sense??
That being said, he’s definitely not cisgender and while he doesn’t identify with feminine pronouns, I don’t think he’s quite comfortable with using they/them pronouns (yet)….if he had to pick a identification though, it’d probably be demiboy (he/they) and that’s thanks to felicity:
Basically, her calling him a gentleman helped him become more comfortable with both his masculinity and his deviance from it. While he inspires to be a ‘gentleman’ ( or at least embody the good traits of it ), it doesn’t necessarily have to fall under the umbrella of traditional masculinity and so while she was alive, he did explore some forms of androgynous dressing….that phase of experimenting he shut down though when she passed away as she had been the only person he confided in about it.
tldr; he’s non*binary & closeted, but if he had to pick a gender identify as he’s picking ‘gentleman’ - ie. he’ll use he/him pronouns but aside from ‘gentleman’, he’s more comfortable with gender neutral terms like ‘person’ or ‘partner’
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the-witty-pen-name · 3 years
Can’t Help Falling in Love
Loki x Reader (f) 
Valentine’s Day with the God of Mischief 
Based on suggestion by: @squadleaderchase​
A/N: Thank you so much for the suggestion! I loved writing this, it was so much fun! 
Happy Valentine’s Day y’all!
There is also a gender neutral version of this fic, and will be posted shortly after this one! Read it here! 
I recommend to putting on Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis towards the end just for that finishing touch! 
Summary: When Loki learns about the traditions of Valentine’s Day, he asks you to be his Valentine- and reluctantly takes advice from Steve Rogers. 
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: none; just fluff 
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“Can’t Midgardians have a holiday that doesn’t involve such a grotesque display of… red?” Loki asks walking into the living room of the Avengers compound. Loki arrived at the compound a few weeks before Christmas and so far, he’s experienced two Earth holidays: Christmas and New Year’s. Of course, Tony had picked the theme for both parties to be elaborately red and gold- he claimed the fact that it matched his suit was merely a coincidence.
“Just wait until next month,” you reply casually, your eyes not leaving the brief you were reading while you sat cozied up in one of the large armchairs. “I think you’ll like St. Patrick’s Day much more… color scheme wise at least.”
Loki looked up curiously at the hearts of all shades of red and pink Natasha had hung up to decorate the Avengers’ living quarters. She had gone to visit Clint’s family and his kids spent hours making Valentines and decorations out of construction paper and glitter. Loki looked almost puzzled at the lopsided hearts that hung from the ceiling on transparent line so they looked like they floated mid-air.
“Perhaps I might,” he mumbled to himself, the lovesick aura of his surroundings making him slightly disgusted. “Though I suppose I find your rituals as bizarre as you’d find on Asgard.”
“Mhmm,” you mumbled in response to his thinking out loud. It was rare that the compound would be this quiet. It was a Friday evening and in the middle of a team meeting earlier today, Tony declared exhaustedly that everyone needs to start the weekend early and dismissed everyone despite Steve’s protests. You weren’t sure where everyone else went and you didn’t particularly care- enjoying the rare peace and quiet.
You didn’t mind Loki’s company. He was a little aloof but overall, you found him more to be misunderstood than anything else. He wasn’t like Thor and sure, he had a very trouble ridden past to downplay it- but he’s confided in you all it wasn’t entirely his doing. Out of everyone living at the compound, he probably had grown the closest to you, or as close as Loki would allow himself to be to someone.
“What even is this holiday?” Loki asked, pulling his attention from the decorations to where you sat, binder in your lap. You looked up and closed the brief, tossing it onto the coffee table in front of where you sat.
“Sunday is Valentine’s Day,” you say looking back over to him, meeting his eyes. “I mean overtime the traditions and how we celebrate have changed but it’s originally the day meant to honor St. Valentine and commemorate his death. There’s a lot more to it than that and there’s all different of different origins, but now it’s more like a day where you celebrate love, because he was the patron Saint of Love.”
Loki nods, liking the idea of this holiday much more than New Years already. He didn’t mind Christmas, but the elaborate parties made everything not very appealing to him. You can’t blame the god for not having a good time at parties where every guest fears him or hates him. He walks over and takes a seat on the couch and crosses his legs. He was intrigued enough to continue the conversation and ask you more questions. “What are the traditions?” He asks curiously.
“Traditionally, you would ask someone to be your Valentine, and that’s the person you want to spend the day with,” you answer with a small shrug, trying to explain a holiday you’ve never had to explain before. “Some people have it easy and they ask their significant other, and if you don’t have one, you ask someone you’re romantically interested in to be your Valentine. Then you give each other gifts, like chocolates or flowers, anything really that’s romantic and you go out on a date, like a nice dinner but it doesn’t have to be. That’s the basic gist.”
“Thank you, (y/n),” Loki said, mulling over your explanation. “You’ve been helpful, as always. Tell me, who’s your Valentine?”
“I don’t have one,” you answered honestly. The only time you really celebrated was when you had been with someone. You’d never really participated otherwise. You planned to just spend the night alone or with Nat if she also didn’t have plans and probably watch a movie- most definitely Pride and Prejudice.
“Shame,” Loki said with a tsk. “Perhaps, if you would be interested, you could be my Valentine?”
“Really?” you ask, honestly surprised.
“I actually like the idea of the day,” Loki shrugged. “And I don’t know many people, people seem to hate me on this planet- no idea as to why. You’ve always been kind to me, and you are the most tolerable person I’ve encountered on this planet.”
“That’s oddly very kind of you,” you say with a chuckle. “I appreciate the sentiments. Um, yes. I’d be happy to be your Valentine.”
“Excellent,” he grinned. He clapped his hands together and stood up. “Splendid. I’ll ask Thor to help me plan something.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” you smile, picking up your paperwork again as Loki heads off to find his brother.
“Brother,” Thor’s voice echoed in the training room. “Spar with me?”
“As much as I would love to,” Loki said sarcastically, “I need your help with something I need to plan.” Loki walked over to the side of the mat where Thor had been training with Captain Rogers.
“Plan what?” Captain Rogers asked curiously. It was an innocent enough question but Loki took it as Rogers insinuating his distrust in him. Of course, Loki can’t blame the man but it did rub him the wrong way.
“If you must know Captain Rogers, I’m making plans for this upcoming Valentine’s Day,” Loki said matter-of-factly. “I’m sure since you have quite the active love life recently, your words of wisdom are probably of infinite value.”
“You can learn a thing or two from me,” Steve retorted as he put the punching bag beck into place. “But I don’t like your attitude.”
“I don’t know how I’ll ever manage without you,” Loki scoffed. He turned his attention back to his brother. “I need help to determine where I should take (y/n) and what I should get her.”
“(y/n) agreed to this?” Thor asks, his eyebrows raised in confusion. Rogers kept his mouth shut, deciding to see where this conversation will go before
“Yes, brother. I asked her to be my Valentine as stated by tradition and she said yes.”
“Ah! Good for you, brother!” Thor exclaimed, happily. “I’m glad you’re immersing yourself in the Midgard culture.”
“Yes, yes,” Loki waved him off, “Now, please, tell me what I should do.”
“I’ve never celebrated Valentine’s Day,” Thor says with a shrug and a sympathetic look. “I haven’t had much opportunity to explore the culture. Every time I’m on this planet I’m a little busy preventing its destruction. Perhaps Rogers can help you?”
Loki let out an exasperated sigh. He avoided Rogers as he knew the man had such a smug look on his face. Loki refused to give him the satisfaction. However, he realized that wouldn’t be fair to you. Rogers not only knew what to do, but he was also close friends with you. He quickly realized if he wanted to celebrate with you properly, he’d need to rely on the infamous super soldier.
“Captain Rogers,” Loki said with a charismatic smile, turning back to the man. “I wholeheartedly apologize for my lack of… social niceties. If you’d be willing to help me, to ensure your dear friend enjoys her holiday, I would be sincerely grateful.”
“Only because of (y/n),” Rogers says skeptically, waving a finger at Loki. “She deserves to enjoy her time and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I let you screw up her evening.”
“What a loyal friend.”
Years later, the Avengers would still talk about the fact Loki cared about you so much, he sought out advice from Captain America and Thor. And as Captain America said, he helped Loki with every last detail and Steve never let Loki forget it.
Loki had told you that he’d come to your room to get you at 6 o’clock Sunday evening. He wore clothes he had picked out, black dress pants, a white button-down shirt and shiny, black dress shoes. He had kept the last button of the shirt unbuttoned and he had rolled the sleeves up, a styling tip he had gotten from Thor. He had his long hair gelled back and tamed, ignoring Captain Roger’s horrible suggestion for a haircut. He felt very weird not wearing any green, but he took the advice he was given on his ensemble.
You were just putting on your heels when he knocked at your door Sunday promptly at 6pm. Of course, Loki would be very punctual. You gave yourself one more quick once more in the mirror in your room before heading to answer the door.
You had on a pair of dark green heels that perfectly matched your dress. You also layered over the outfit a suede brown jacket, that complimented the jewel tone of the dress and shoes nicely. You kept your appearance simple, sticking to how you usually styled your hair. Not wanting to keep him waiting, you quickly opened the door, your jacket and bag both in hand.
“Wow,” you say with a grin, when you take in Loki’s appearance. “You look very nice.”
“You look stunning,” Loki said, his eyes widening, taking in your appearance. The compliment made you have butterflies.
“Thank you,” you said with false confidence. Underneath, you were a nervous wreck as you took the arm that he extended to you.
“So,” Loki began to walk down the hallway with you. “Apparently, this planet has something called reservations, and anyone who tries to get one a few days before Valentine’s Day is a “moron,” according to a very rude young man I had the pleasure of speaking with- the first time using a phone too on top of that. So, I hope you don’t mind if the evening is a little… makeshift.”
“I’m sure it’ll be great,” you reassure him. You feel him relax slightly. You found how hard he was trying so endearing.
Where else did he bring you but just down the hall to the living room. At night with the lights dimmed, combined with Natasha’s homemade decorations, it actually looked quite beautiful. He had decorated with an eclectic array of candles as well that covered most surfaces of the room. It also looked like he had swiped every throw pillow in the whole compound and had them arranged the coffee table in the center of the room.
“Did you do all of this?” You ask in awe.
“Yes,” he replied, just watching you. “Do you like it?”
“It’s perfect.”
“I had to make my own version of advice I received,” he disclosed to you. You sat opposite each other on either side of the coffee table, you kicked off your heels and he did the same with his shoes. “Captain Rogers said- and I’m trying my best to quote verbatim, ‘You need to show a girl a good time. You gotta take her to dinner and dancing.’” He even mimicked Steve’s voice perfectly. It made you laugh.
“I can’t believe you subjected yourself to Steve for me, I’m touched,” you smiled. “I mean I love Steve,” you continue, “But I can’t imagine you too being best friends anytime soon.”
“No, I suppose we probably won’t be,” Loki chuckles.
“I hate to point it out,” you continue, “but I think you missed both the dinner part and the dancing part of that plan.” Loki smirked and when you blinked, he transformed the whole room.
“Did I?” he asks, with an eyebrow raised. You gasp, looking around the room you were now in. You knew it was an illusion, but it felt very real. The atmosphere, the breeze coming in from the large bay windows that weren’t there before. The coffee table now a table now one of many dining tables in an incredibly high-end restaurant. The table had food, and a bottle of wine. You were stunned. There was a live band and other couples in other tables and out on the dancefloor.
“Loki?” You exclaimed, looking around at your new surroundings. It was amazing. You couldn’t believe the magic right before your eyes. Of course, you knew it was just one of his tricks, but it felt so incredibly real. You picked up your fork and took a bite of the food in front of you. It was incredible, you questioned if you were even eating.
“It’s real,” Loki said, like he could read your mind. Honestly, he had only just anticipated your next question. “I made it. Well, I made it with Friday’s supervision.”
“It’s fantastic! I can’t believe you went through all this trouble just for me.”
“Sweetheart, you are very much worth it- worth much more than this,” he responded casually, throwing in the term of endearment to see how you’d react. He caught the way it made you smile.
You continued to talk for a little while, and shared stories. You were worried that compared to his life on Asgard, he’d find your stories incredibly boring and mundane. It seemed to be the opposite. His attention was only on you and he held on to every word you said. He created this elaborate setting just to keep you the center of his attention.
“Should we dance?” He asks suddenly, a glimmer in his eye. You looked down apprehensively.
“I’m not really a dancer,” you tried to insist.
“Do you actually not want to dance, darling? Because if so, I will not bring it up again,” he says earnestly, “But, if you’re saying no because you’re afraid I’m going to judge you, I honestly can promise you I would never dream of doing so.”
You give it another moment to ponder over his words. You were taken aback at how well he seemed to know how you were thinking. You let out a sigh of defeat, and smile. “I’d love to,” you reply.
He stands up and offers you his hand. His smile is enough to make you weak at the knees. You take his hand and he leads you over to the dancefloor as the band starts playing its next song. “Does that singer sound like Elvis?” You ask, the small glitch in the illusion throwing you off for only a moment.
“I don’t know who that is,” Loki says with a laugh. He pulls you in close and rests one hand on the small of your back and the other grasps your hand close. You wrap your other arm around his shoulder. You are both pressed up incredibly close to one another. You rest your head on his chest comfortably, and you can’t see how much the action makes his whole face go red. Guiding your movements together, it mostly just swaying in place. The steps were small, and with the music playing for the two of you.
“This place is incredible,” you sigh happily looking up at him. “But I think I liked the first place a little better.”
He nodded in agreement and you got to watch a green hue encompass the walls of the restaurant as they almost melted away, and everything around the two of you just fade away. The sconces on the walls, revealed themselves to be the candles that cluttered the living room and the couples evaporated with the green mist. The table you had both sat at, turned back to the coffee table but the empty plates remained. The elaborate statues that surrounded the room turned into the furniture you knew well, and then the live band faded away to reveal Steve’s record player indeed playing a 45 of Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley.
When the room finished revealing its true appearance to you, you laid your head back on Loki’s chest and mumbled that now it was perfect. He smiled to himself, thinking about how without a doubt in his mind, Valentine’s Day is his absolute favorite holiday on Midgard. He now couldn’t believe this reality was real. If he wasn’t holding you, he’d pinch himself. You were here, with him, in his arms, dancing in the middle of the living room on this godforsaken planet.
“(y/n)?” he whispered softly as the song was coming to an end.
“Mhmm?” You responded, your eyes closed, really just basking in the feeling of being so close to him and the smell of his cologne.
“Will be mine?” He asks carefully, remembering the phrase from Captain Roger’s advice. That phrase apparently being very important if today went well and he wanted to ask you to “go steady.” You chuckled softly, hearing Steve’s influence in the phrase.
“I would love to,” you say with a shy smile looking back up to him. He beams, incredibly happy you said yes. Swept up in his emotions, he swiftly leans down and presses his lips to yours capturing them in a passionate first kiss.
“Oh gross!” You hear someone exclaim, making you both pull away. It’s Tony- who was currently holding his side in pain as Pepper elbowed him in the side.
“You really had to do that?” she chastised him, rolling her eyes and giving an apologetic look to you and Loki before pushing Tony down the hallway to give you both your moment back, as sullied as it had become thanks to Tony.
“I’m so sorry,” she said embarrassed by his outburst, ushering him out as quickly as possible.
Loki turns his head back to you, immediately after they are out of view. “Where were we, darling?” He smirks, pulling you in for another kiss.
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Dear Heart - Chapter 10
Dick Winters x Melanie Davis
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Summary: Melanie Davis is a nurse from North Carolina who has lived a sheltered life since her father died. Her father’s best friend, Colonel Sink, invites her to experience more as a regimental nurse for the 506th PIR of the 101st Airborne. She embarks on the adventure of a lifetime.
Tag list: @thoughpoppiesblow​​​​ @primusk​​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: First of all, sorry this update took so long! I’ve got a new OC to introduce here and I wanted to get her right. I hope you guys enjoy Juliet as much as I do :) Thank you again to @mercurygray​​ for being a wonderful beta reader, as always <3 
Warning(s): None for this one :)
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9
Chapter 10 here we go!!!
Haguenau, with its slushy streets and unpredictable explosions, was a welcome reprieve from the hellish woods of the Bois Jacques. The improvements were small, but they had roofs over their heads, food in their bellies, and rumor had it that later there would be showers. Unfortunately, danger still lingered close by - right across the river. 
Melanie slipped and slid all the way to the company CP to check on Lipton. She was keeping an eye on his pneumonia so he wouldn’t have to go to the hospital. Dick had objected to this at first, but she assured him she could manage. Lip was too valuable to leave the company now, and Dick couldn’t argue with that. 
When she arrived, she saw Webster - clean and fresh from the replacement depot. She nearly did a double take when she spotted him. Holland felt like years ago now. Though he looked much the same as he did then - a handsome young Harvard man. 
“Oh! Hello, David,” she said pleasantly. “Glad you could join us.”
“Thank you,” he returned earnestly, for he knew she was the only person who said that without any sarcasm behind it. “How are you, Melanie?” 
“Oh, just fine,” she said. “How’s the leg?”
“Good, thanks,” he replied. 
Melanie had tended to him herself. It was a flesh wound, so she didn’t need a doctor. Just disinfectant, stitches, and a bandage, and he was good as new. She offered to cover for him if he wanted to get back to the line, but he refused. Now that she had seen combat first hand, she couldn’t say she blamed him.
She turned her attention back to Lipton. “Now, Lip, can I ask you to set those papers down at least long enough for me to take your temperature?”  
Lip nodded and let the papers in his hand fall into his lap. Luz pulled up a chair for her. She thanked him and took a seat while the thermometer did its work. She leaned closer to feel Lip’s forehead, which was still burning up. 
The temperature climbed and she frowned. “Still a fever. How’s the cough?”
“It’s okay,” he said, but then lost himself in another fit.
While she waited, another new face entered the room. A lieutenant she did not recognize. He introduced himself as Jones, and explained he was looking for Captain Speirs. As if summoned by the mention of him, the new Easy CO appeared. Melanie wasn’t quite sure how she felt about Speirs yet. There was no denying he was successful, but there was something frightening about him. He was so...intense. And she’d heard the rumors about what he did on D-Day, though she didn’t know if she believed them. Even having spent more time around him, she couldn’t make up her mind about whether he was capable of it or not. 
Lip began to introduce Jones, but Speirs cut across him. “Listen, for Christ’s sakes, will you go back in the back and sack out? Lieutenant, tell him he needs to be in bed.”
One thing Melanie appreciated about Speirs was his indifference to her presence in regard to her gender. Ever the practical leader, he seemed to just appreciate that she was there. Man or woman, if there was help, he took it. She did wish he would call her Melanie, but that sort of familiarity took time. 
“I can’t order him around, Captain, but I do agree with you,” she said, casting a stern look at Lip. 
“I will, sir,” Lip said to Speirs. “I was just trying to make myself useful, sir.”
“You can do that by listening to the nurse,” Speirs replied.
“And you won’t be useful to anybody unless you get better,” she added. “Do try and get some rest.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said tiredly. 
“Very good,” she said, patting his arm. “I’ll come back by and check on you later.” 
With Lip seen to, Melanie headed back to her billet. Now that they weren’t cut off, she had a stack of letters from her mother to sort through. She had only made it through about half of them so far, and though their contents steered more and more toward questions about her and Dick, she was eager to hear the news from home. She also had a few letters from her friend Rose, so when her mother’s letters got to be too much, she had something to fall back on. 
When the first letter from her unread stack from Lilian began with a question about Dick and his intentions, Melanie gave up. She could never make her mother understand what was between her and Dick, and so there was no use trying to explain it. She picked up Rose’s letter and began to read. She made a face at its contents. 
“Bad news?”
Melanie looked up to see Dick in the doorway. For a fleeting second, she took absurd notice of the bit of scruff on his face and admired it. He looked rather devil-may-care. So much so that for a moment she forgot her distress entirely. She shook her head to clear it, set the letter down, and nodded sadly. 
“I’m afraid so,” she said. “My friend, Rose...her husband is missing somewhere in the Pacific.” 
“This is your high school friend?” he asked. 
Melanie so rarely spoke about her loved ones back home, but she had mentioned Rose more than once. Rose was married to Patrick, a Marine. They had a little boy, Jonathan, and Melanie was his godmother. She nodded again.
“Yes,” she said. “Oh, how awful…Poor Rose…”
“I’m sure he’ll turn up,” Dick said, trying to sound convincing. “Could be captured.” That was certainly wishful thinking. He’d heard that the Japanese rarely, if ever, took prisoners. But he wouldn’t poison Melanie’s mind with that information.
She didn’t reply for a long moment, her eyes fixed on the letter, deep in thought. Then she sat back against her chair and sighed. Almost dreamily. His brow furrowed as he watched her. She turned her face to look out the window, and the light illuminated the bruises that still faintly clung to her skin. 
“This might sound like a horrible thing to say,” she said. "But you know, I sort of envy her. Husband, baby. Everything is...decided, it’s there. I know deep down that it worries her, having Patrick gone, but I...I envy that she had those things to lose." She looked at Dick. "Does that make sense?"
He knew exactly what she meant. Dick listened to the way some of the other men talked about their wives, and he did sometimes feel a little jealous that they had someone who was so counting on their return. True, it made the stakes higher - his frequent reasoning for not admitting his feelings to Melanie - but there was a certain beauty about that risk. 
“It makes sense,” he told her. “And I think it’s only human. She may envy you that you get to be part of the action, while she has to stay behind. Or that you don’t have something so heavy to worry about.”
Melanie considered arguing this. If anything happened to Dick, she’d be devastated. But of course, that was not something she could say. And besides, he was not her husband. Losing him would not put her in the same position as Rose socially. She would only have comparable heartbreak. She decided to change the subject, distraught at the very idea. 
“Did you need something?” she asked. 
“Yeah,” he said. “There’s a patrol tonight. Sink wants you and Roe on standby in case of any casualties.”
“A patrol?” she questioned. 
He nodded, his own displeasure at the idea clear in the slight downturn of his mouth. She wished there was something she could say to comfort him, but unfortunately, they both knew it was no good. 
He explained the basics. Fifteen men from Easy Company would cross the river and try to capture a few Germans they knew to be residing in one of the buildings near the shore. Hopefully, they would have information to help the Allies push further into Germany. Melanie didn’t think the risk was worth it, but she didn’t have to say so. She knew Dick felt the same. But orders were orders. 
“Alright, I’ll try and have some things prepared,” she said with a sigh. If she had time, she might have gone to Colonel Sink to ask him about this patrol and if it was really necessary, but it seemed decided. “Would you like me to come to the briefing?” 
“Up to you,” he said. “I was just going to tell you to get some sleep while you can. Patrol sets off at 0100 hours.” 
She expected him to go then, but he lingered, looking at her as if there was something on the tip of his tongue. She searched his face for what it might be. 
“Is there anything else, Dick?” she asked.
There was, but he wouldn’t say it. Truthfully, he felt he related to Rose. After almost losing Melanie to a crumbling building, and wondering what she’d been through before those five days in the woods (which he still wondered), fearing that whatever it was had cost him his closeness to her, he realized he had done a lot more worrying about her lately. He was at the relative safety of battalion, while she had taken a position much closer to danger. The tables had certainly turned since D-Day. 
He shook his head. “No, that’s it. Get some rest. I’ll see you later.”
He turned to leave, but was blocked by the appearance of a striking blonde woman. He stopped just before colliding with her, his surprise evident on his face.
“Crikey, sorry!” she gasped. She was English, based on the accent. “My fault!”
Melanie’s brow furrowed with confusion as Dick shuffled out of the way of the newcomer and her face came into view. She was beautiful with thick, wavy blonde hair, eyes the color of rain, and an enchanting smile. She clearly wasn’t military since she was in civilian clothes. Her presence was all charm and warmth, from the second she entered the room. 
“Juliet Fletcher,” she said, extending her hand. “You’ll have to excuse the sweat, I walked all the way through town. You wouldn’t believe how difficult it is to get a cab out here.” 
Melanie and Dick both chuckled and shook the woman’s hand. “I’m Melanie Davis, and this is Captain Dick Winters.”
“I see I’ve made it to the right place,” Juliet said. “I’m a reporter with the London Pursuit, and Colonel Sink said I can bunk with you while I cover the regiment.”
Melanie blinked, surprised by Colonel Sink allowing a war correspondent - especially one who was both female and English.  
“Most of my colleagues went to cover our own lads, but I thought I’d see what the Yanks are up to,” Juliet continued. “I hate to be unoriginal.”
Melanie and Dick exchanged an amused glance as Juliet stepped further into the room and set her bags down. 
“I promise you’ll be glad of the company,” she said. 
“Why do you say that?” Melanie asked, curious. 
“Well, there can’t be too many other women out here,” Juliet said. “With all the whistles I got on my way here, I’m quite certain we stand out.”
Melanie smiled again, feeling seen. Though the men knew better than to whistle at her. She thought it was out of respect for Colonel Sink, but really most of the men understood Melanie to be Dick’s girl, whether Dick and Melanie were aware of it or not. 
“I’ll let you get settled,” Dick said, then he turned to put his hand on Melanie’s shoulder. “I’ll see you later.”
“Of course,” Melanie replied, her gaze lingering on him just a moment longer. Her eyes flicked down to the stubble on his chin again for one last look at it. 
“Nice to meet you, Juliet,” he said, and then he was gone. 
Juliet glanced between where Dick disappeared and Melanie’s face. “You two seem rather smitten, is he your boyfriend?”
Melanie flushed. “Oh, no, nothing like that.”
“Would you like him to be?” Juliet asked. 
The pink in Melanie’s cheeks deepened. “Well - I mean, I care for him, but -”
“What’s the matter?” Juliet pressed. “Family doesn’t approve?”
“We’ve never met each other’s families, so -”
“Oh, is he married?”
“No, he’s -”
Juliet’s nose wrinkled as she interrupted again. “Does he want you to do unusual things in the bedroom?”
The color drained from Melanie’s face and her eyes went wide as an owl’s. “No!”
“These are just routine questions,” Juliet said. 
“Are they?” Melanie wondered, shocked. 
“Of course,” Juliet answered, appearing completely earnest. Until she burst out laughing, which put Melanie at ease. “I’m joking, Melanie. We only just met, I’d never ask what your boyfriend likes in the bedroom. Unless of course you need to talk about it, in which case, I’m all ears.” 
Melanie blinked. She hadn’t met many reporters so she wondered if they were all as fast-paced as Juliet, whose mind seemed to run a hundred miles a second. She felt like she should be offended by the remarks, but she wasn’t. She found it all a bit silly. Which she appreciated after the news from Rose and the impending patrol. Juliet was like sunshine in this bleak and gray winter. She retrieved a cigarette from the box in her pocket, struck a match, and lit it, taking a long drag, and looking very graceful in Melanie’s opinion. 
“Dick and I are strictly platonic,” she said. “But I appreciate the offer for a confidant.” 
“Anytime,” Juliet said with a puff of smoke around the word. “I hope we can be friends.”
“Me too,” Melanie agreed. 
“Seriously, I don’t have any friends,” Juliet said. “People hate reporters.”
Melanie softened. Juliet was not teasing now, she was being honest. Melanie saw it in her eyes, the loneliness.
“I assure you, I have no such prejudice,” Melanie said. “Now, what can I do to help you settle in?”
Juliet had packed light, which was to be expected. But she had brought along her typewriter, which Melanie was surprised Juliet was able to carry at all. It was heavier than lead, and would have had Melanie tipping over if she tried to travel with it. As they got Juliet set up, they got to know each other more. Melanie did enjoy being in the company of a woman again, and the friendship she felt reminded her of her time with Renee and Anna, who she missed a great deal. Juliet explained that she had met some of the 101st before while they were in Aldbourne, which was part of what drew her to covering their unit now. 
“You didn’t make any friends?” Melanie asked. “I’ve found our boys to be rather friendly, especially with beautiful women.”
Juliet smiled. “Oh, they were perfectly kind. But it is hard to keep up once they’ve shipped out.”
“I understand,” Melanie said. “Why, my friend back home - her husband is in the Pacific and she gets so impatient for his letters. Of course now, he…” she trailed off, reminded once more of Patrick’s danger and Rose’s heartache. 
“Was he killed?” Juliet asked. 
Melanie shook her head. “Missing.”
“Crikey, I don’t know which is worse,” Juliet said. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“That’s not the only bad news,” Melanie confessed, and explained about the patrol. Juliet listened carefully, brow knitting over her eyes as she took it in. 
“It’s quite risky,” she remarked. “From what I’ve read, the war’s supposedly almost over.”
Melanie bit back a scoff. “Not quite. I wish it were, though. These men have been through enough.”
“You have too, I expect,” Juliet said. “Were you with them in Bastogne?”
“I was for the last week or so,” Melanie told her. “And I barely made it through that little.”
Melanie shuddered to recall those days. Not only because of the grueling nature of the battle, but also her distance from Dick. Things were beginning to get back to normal between them, but she could feel that he was still curious. She appreciated that he wouldn’t push her, but it made her feel guilty to keep something from him. 
“I’d love to get your story, if you’re up to sharing,” Juliet said. “I’m sure you’ve got a unique perspective.”
“I’m sorry, but I’d rather not,” Melanie told her. “If anyone’s voice deserves to be heard, it’s the men who were out there for weeks.”
Juliet shrugged. “I understand. I hope you know your voice matters too, though.” When Melanie didn’t reply, she continued. “Besides, I’m more interested in this patrol you mentioned. D’you think I’d be allowed at the briefing at least?”
Melanie pondered this, grateful for the change of subject. “We can certainly ask Dick. Or Easy’s CO, since that company will be executing the operation.”
“Great! When can I meet him?” Juliet wondered. 
Melanie admired Juliet’s eagerness. “I’ll be going by the company CP this afternoon to check up on Sergeant Lipton. Come with me, and I’m sure we can find out.”
The girls set out for something to eat. And Juliet was constantly making Melanie laugh. Not because Juliet was necessarily trying to be funny, but her remarks were unusual and amusing. Melanie felt like she’d been sent a sweet blessing - she couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed this much. This winter had been the hardest of her life, and not only because of the weather. So much had happened to her. But now she felt like spring was right around the corner. 
Neither Dick nor Speirs were at the CP when Melanie and Juliet stopped by, and Lipton was about the same as far as his illness went. Melanie introduced her new friend, and Lip was welcoming to her. Melanie once again stressed his need for rest, and he promised her he would sleep within the hour. 
“I think Winters and Speirs are out by the river,” he told them. “They’re checking things out for the patrol.”
“Thank you, Lip,” Melanie replied. “We’ll go find them.”
She turned to go, but quickly realized that Juliet was not following her. The reporter was glued to her spot, and some of the color had drained from her face. She looked...rather frightened. 
“Did you say...Speirs?” she asked Lipton. 
He nodded. “Yeah. Captain Speirs has been our CO since Foy.”
She swallowed. Melanie’s brow furrowed. She guessed that perhaps Speirs was one of the people from the regiment Juliet met in Aldbourne, but judging by her face, it would not be a glad reunion. Juliet looked as if she were braced for impact. Melanie grew concerned. 
“I understand if you’re a little afraid of Speirs,” she said. “He’s -”
“Hey, I ain’t afraid of nothin’ except spiders, which is completely normal,” Juliet interjected, somehow both defensive and joking. She took a breath. “Okay...okay, you may see some things…”
Melanie immediately formed a hundred questions about that, but Juliet marched out of the building and into the street. Evidently, there would be no explanation of what Melanie might see upon finding Speirs. Melanie eagerly followed Juliet outside. She tried to strike up conversation again, but Juliet remained silent. Her eyes looked straight ahead, and yet, they were unfocused. Melanie gave up trying to talk before they finally reached the river bank, where Dick did in fact stand with Speirs, looking out at the water and the enemy on the other side. Melanie cleared her throat, and both men turned their heads. 
As soon as Speirs’ eyes landed on Juliet, the already thin air suddenly became colder and sparser. Melanie cast Dick a sideways glance and saw on his face that he felt it too. The tension was like a dam about to break. Juliet shifted uncomfortably under Speirs’ icy glare. 
“Hi, Ron,” she said quietly. “You look - you look good. I know you probably don’t think so, since - well, you know. Not that you were ever terribly concerned about things like that - I mean, that’s not to say you aren’t nice looking - I was just - you know what? I’m gonna stop now. You look well. War suits you.”
Juliet bit her lip, clearly regretting the last remark, but she didn’t try to correct herself again. Speirs did not reply. He only stared at her, his gaze alone seeming to order her away. Melanie stepped closer to Dick, for a shiver had gone up her spine. Beats passed in strained silence. 
“I wrote to you,” Juliet went on. “Several letters. Did you -”
“I didn’t read them,” he cut across her. His tone and expression were alarmingly blank.
She swallowed the sting of it. “That’s alright. I understand completely.” He continued to look at her in stony silence so she changed the subject again. “So, you’re a captain, now, are you? That’s nice! Congratulations!”
“Thank you,” he said hollowly. 
“You deserve it,” she said. “Really.”
Speirs did not answer that. He only scowled.
Dick leaned over to whisper in Melanie’s ear. “What is going on?”
“No idea,” she breathed back. “They’ve got some sort of history, but I don’t know what.” 
Dick only nodded and looked back at Juliet, who was becoming more and more despondent by the second. He decided to rescue her. 
“Did you two need something?” he asked, so the group could hear. 
“Juliet was wondering if she could be present at the briefing in order to cover the patrol tonight,” Melanie said, eyes darting between Speirs and Dick. 
“No,” Speirs said shortly. 
“Please don’t make this personal, Ron,” Juliet sighed. “My editor is really counting on me getting a story out here, and -”
“Well, she fucked up, Jules, she trusted you!” he snapped. 
Juliet blinked, taken aback and wounded by the biting reply. Melanie got the distinct feeling Speirs was not talking about the story when it came to a breach of trust. Her mind was swirling with questions now. How did Juliet and Speirs know each other? What had happened to make him hate her so much? And could it be fixed?
Speirs took a deep breath and let it go slowly, his shoulders relaxing as he exhaled. He looked at Juliet again. “Your mother, is she feeling alright?”
“Mhm,” Juliet said with a nod. “Yeah, much better.”
“Good,” he replied. 
With that, he walked off. Melanie was completely bewildered. Speirs seemed like he was about ready to spit at Juliet, but then he asked about her mother? It was all so odd and complex. Dick watched Speirs’ disappearing form. 
Melanie had a horrifying thought as she watched Speirs depart and Juliet’s expression sink. When two people miscommunicated, and things shifted between them, the relationship could easily come to a devastating and tragic end. Melanie examined the change in her and Dick’s relationship since Terry assaulted her. If she couldn’t find the courage to share with him, would they become like Juliet and Speirs? All hurt feelings and unsaid intentions? What would happen to them if she gave into her fears and didn’t trust him with her heart?
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scraregenrecs · 3 years
SC Tropefest Fest Rareships/Gen Roundup!
There were so many rare and gen fics in @sctropefest – 26 to be exact, or 31.91% of the total works! We've compiled them here for your reading pleasure, and also spotlighted some honorable mentions at the very end that were primarily David/Patrick, but featured rare sideplots. Happy reading!
A Whole Lot To Gain by yourbuttervoicedbeau, Ted/Alexis, Alexis & David, Patrick & Alexis (background David/Patrick), G, 1,721 words
A story about identity, gender, and coming out.
and my task’s but begun by treepyful, Twyla & her mother, T, 16,109 words
Twyla was seven years old and missing a front tooth when her father left.
A look into Twyla's stories.
Budd is a dud! Vote Sands. by samwhambam, Stevie/Twyla, T, 7,718 words
Her and Twyla are friends. Not great friends. But friends who get high together at parties and have known each other for a long time. And up until right now, she thought they were better friends than a shitty, mean campaign slogan.
The enemies to lovers fic where Stevie and Twyla are both running for the same seat on town council.
(but if baby, i'm the bottom) you're the top by doingthemost, Alexis/Twyla, E, 3,681 words
Alexis knows what people assume about them.
They see Twyla's bright café smile at work, and listen to how readily she agrees to whatever her customers want. They watch how Twyla hangs back during get-togethers, freeing up room for Alexis to take the spotlight and captivate the crowd. They notice how Alexis towers over Twyla in her heels, and how she's always one step ahead of her steady, cautious girlfriend.
But they don't know what it's like when they're together.
OR: Five times Twyla tops Alexis, and one time she lets Alexis top her.
Captive on the carousel of time by designatedgrape, Stevie/Twyla, Gwen & Twyla (background David/Patrick), T, 11,156 words
The predictability of Schitt’s Creek and the routines of the people who live here have always been a comfort to Twyla. In a life that has been full of uncertainty, she appreciates that there are things she can always count on. So when Jocelyn walks in at 3:07, it isn’t a surprise. At least, not at first.
“What can I get for you, Jocelyn?”
“Oh, I think I’m going to need an extra-large coffee to get through the rest of the day, Twyla. I’m headed right back over to the school to set up for tonight.”
Twyla nods and turns to start making Jocelyn’s coffee. “What’s tonight?”
Twyla pauses and looks back at Jocelyn. “Um, I think you might be a little confused. Graduation was last night.”
come home to my heart by davidbrewer, Ted/Alexis, G, 1,822 words
“Oh, my god — Ted?”
Her own voice echoes in her ears and she’s suddenly standing, dumbfounded, outside Cafe Tropical almost seven years ago. Watching Ted step into the bistro felt eerily similar to watching him step off that motorcycle for the first time. It’s the kind of shock that makes the sparkling restaurant tile quake under her Louboutins.
Except, this time, the feelings bubbling to her chest are now far more nuanced than she knows how to process — no amount of personal growth or number of self-care retreats with Oprah could’ve prepared her to suddenly come face-to-face with the first person she ever loved more than herself.
OR: Alexis has a blind date. It's not what she EX-pected.
Deadpool Strikes Back! How One Merc For Hire Sticks It to an Army of Goons, One Annoying Narrator, and The Worst Villain of All: Self-Doubt by doingthemost, Stevie/Ruth, T, 1,340 words
WAZZUP!?@ 🤯 If you're reading this, you're probably thinking, "What the hell? Stevie's Deadpool?!"
The answer's YES! 🤗 And she's pissed, and not just 'cause a bunch of goons hijacked her girlfriend. 🤬 No: the worst thing of all is the narrator she has to deal with all along the way. 🤡 Buckle up, buckos, it's a bumpy ride!
didn’t ask for this--you freely gave it (so now i watch your mouth for both of us) by Yellow_Bird_On_Richland, Alexis/Twyla, T, 6,371 words
Alexis chops her name down to three letters like it's nothing.
Twyla thinks about it a lot.
everyday the hold is getting tighter (and it troubles me so) by budd, Stevie/Ruth, M, 1,228 words
Stevie and Ruth end up sharing the last bed at the newest addition to Rosebud Motel Group.
Gonna Watch You Shine by yourbuttervoicedbeau, Johnny & Stevie, G, 1,127 words
Found Family Feelings: The Johnny & Stevie edition.
heaven is a place not too far away by doingthemost, Alexis/Twyla, Ted/Alexis (Previous), Alexis/Mutt (Previous), Alexis & David, Alexis & Moira (background David/Patrick), T, 8,267 words
"Oh, but soulmate marks are real." Her mother's expression softens. "Always one-sided, unfortunately. So difficult to know when you've truly met your soulmate without a matching indicator on the part of the other person, or other persons, if you're following." Her mother winks, and Alexis makes a face. "Your father was the exact same way. The poor little lamb couldn't carry a tune until he met me!"
"So you and Dad..." Alexis' head is spinning. "You guys are, like, actual soulmates."
"Very much so." Her mother appraises her carefully. "And you must have met yours, too."
"Yeah." Alexis blinks, stunned to find that she's short of breath. "I guess so."
OR: Alexis' soulmate mark – the ability to sing – triggers when she moves to Schitt's Creek.
i always felt i must look better in the rear view by davidbrewer, Alexis & David, Alexis/Twyla, David/Patrick, Alexis & David & Johnny & Moira, T, 13,152 words
“I have everything I need right here,” Twyla says, and something very fond stirs in Alexis’s chest. “I don’t need to wish for anything else. But you… You have big dreams, Alexis, and… If anyone deserves to have their wishes come true, it’s you. I want you to have it.”
OR: When her family's past stands in the way of a career opportunity, Alexis makes a wish that completely upends their lives all over again... but is it really what she wants?
If Hell Had a Creek by High-Seas-Swan, sonlali, sunlightsymphony, Gen, T, 9,139 words
After losing everything, the Roses are forced to move to their only remaining asset, the town of Schitt's Creek. Also, the town is on the Hellmouth, and Alexis is the Slayer.
If You Could See The Other Side Of Me by yourbuttervoicedbeau, Stevie/Alexis, Stevie & David (background David/Patrick) T, 3,473 words
Stevie has a teeny, tiny little celebrity crush.
It doesn't mean anything.
In The Running by floosilver8, Stevie/Twyla, M, 3,587 words
Stevie and Twyla run against each other for Town Council.
No Dress Rehearsals by kindofspecificstore, Patrick & Ted, Patrick/Rachel, Miguel/Ted, Patrick/David, G, 3,770 words
Life Happens to Ted and Patrick, and music is one of the things that helps them through it. Discovering a mutual love for the Tragically Hip forges a kind of friendship neither of them had before.
Or, just two boys talking about their feelings in a Tim Horton's parking lot.
putting roots in my dreamland by lilythesilly, Alexis/Twyla, G, 4,078 words
“Are roses your favorite flower?” Twyla asks, setting it down.
“Mm, no, but they’re kind of my brand?” she says, picking it up to snap a picture on her phone. “And as cute as it would be to have a peony in my logo, my company isn’t named ‘Alexis Peony Communications.”
“So, Alexis...Rose?” Twyla puts together, the name sounding vaguely familiar. Alexis nods, taking a photo at a different angle. “Well, I’m Twyla. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Twyla,” Alexis says slowly. Twyla loves the sound of her name in Alexis’s voice. “Nice to meet you.”
a twylexis flowershop au
Rollin’ With the Homies by doingthemost, Alexis/Twyla, Stevie/Ruth, Ted/Miguel (background David/Patrick), T, 9,917 words
So I know it seems like I live in this, like, super privileged world. Or maybe, like, a rip-off of The O.C. – or even worse, Laguna Beach, ugh! But I swear, I have a totally normal life!
Alexis Rose is just your totally average 16 year old with two annoying older siblings, David and Stevie, and a totally normal crush on her best friend, Twyla Sands. It's completely chill. She isn't, like, totally buggin'.
AKA: the Clueless AU.
Taste of a Poison Paradise by lilythesilly, Alexis/Twyla, M, 15,107 words
“Where have you been?” Stevie yells, kicking someone in the face and sending them over the railing.
“Stealing fireworks,” Rachel grunts, grabbing a stray piece of pipe off of the floor and bringing another one of them to their knees before delivering a swift roundhouse kick to their face.
“Oooh, these are fireworks?” Alexis grins with a small shimmy. “Love that for us.”
Green vines encircle the railings and Twyla jumps over it a second later. “I got the cane plus some other stuff,” she says, tossing it and another bag to Alexis and wrapping one of the ones around a guy trying to climb the railing to get up to them, dropping him onto the floor. “Let’s go.”
Be gay, do crimes but make it a Harley Quinn AU
The Blouse Barn Divorce Ranch by Amanita_Fierce, dairaliz, danieljradcliffe, DelilahMcMuffin, doingthemost, fairmanor, fishyspots, foxtails, GodOfLaundryBaskets, hagface, High-Seas-Swan (FangLang), hullomoon, Januarium, KiwianaPods (kiwiana), middyblue (daisyblaine), nontoxic, RhetoricalQuestions, roguebaby, schittposting, ships_to_sail, singsongsung, SparklesMagicLightLove, sunlightsymphony, thetomkatwholived, yourbuttervoicedbeau (kiwiana), Alexis/Twyla, Jake/Rachel, Ted/Miguel, Stevie/Ruth, David/Patrick, M, 26,226 words
Hello, I am Wendy Kurtz, proprietor of the Blouse Barn Divorce Ranch, the world’s premier spot for couples looking to get a speedy divorce and connect with other soon-to-be divorcees.
I’d like to highlight the stories of five couples, who rearranged into five other couples, from some past summer. These ten people came to the Blouse Barn Divorce Ranch with the intention of ending a marriage, and got that and so much more.
I could recount their journeys with 100% accuracy, but where’s the fun in that? Let’s let them tell us themselves.
OR: One crazy summer in Las Vegas brings the heat and then some.
The Devil’s Work is Never Done by doingthemost and schittposting, Alexis or Stevie or Twyla/Reader, Gen, 68 words
If you were faced with temptation, what would you do?
The Guestbook of David and Patrick Rose-Brewer, by sonlali, Gen, T, 900 words
“A home isn't always the house we live in. It's also the people we choose to surround ourselves with.” — The House in the Cerulean Sea
A look through the entries in David and Patrick's wedding guestbook
Through Someone Else’s Eyes by yourbuttervoicedbeau, Alexis & David, T, 1,351 words
It's all Mr Hockley's fault.
The tea was supposed to get him high, not make him wake up in his sister's body.
To the end of the reckoning by dinnfameron, Patrick & Ronnie, T, 1,308 words
He should get David a coffee. He could deliver it to the motel, see how he’s doing. His arm is raised halfway to flag Twyla down when he catches himself. David doesn’t want to see him right now. He may never want to see Patrick ever again. The thought makes him sick.
“Brewer.” Patrick turns at the sound of his name. There aren’t many people in this town who call him that, and sure enough, there’s Ronnie Lee at a table near the front. He’d missed her, somehow.
“You look like shit,” she says.
[art] you know what they say: better late than never by budd, Alexis/Twyla, G, 274 words
While unpacking her boxes to move into Alexis' apartment in New York City, Twyla finds a stash of her old business cards from when she wrote a column for young members of the LGBTQIA+ community in The Advocate.
You’d be the love of my life by doingthemost and sonlali, Alexis/Twyla, M, 6,650 words
Alexis needs a date to a last-minute Interflix party on Valentine's Day so she can make Zac Efron jealous. Naturally, she asks her best friend and crush, Twyla, to pretend to be her girlfriend for the event. What could possibly go wrong?
We wanted to also highlight some fics that are David/Patrick centric, but also include a rarepair side plot! These could be a great place to start for those who haven’t dipped their toe into rarepairs yet, but are intrigued by the idea.
I Waited My Whole Life by agoodperson, David/Patrick and Stevie/Twyla, T, 23,402 words
David is just going to have to come up with something, because there is just no way that he can let Patrick Brewer catch him going to another of the town's many weddings on his own.
Wheel of Fortune: New York Edition! by middyblue, David/Patrick and Alexis/Twyla, T, 10,521 words
Patrick spends his evenings with his new roommate Stevie watching NY1's Wheel of Fortune spin-off hosted by Johnny and David Rose, until one day he accidentally bumps into David Rose himself on the train and starts to fill in some of the blank spaces in his life.
You Happened by lilythesilly, David/Patrick and Stevie/Twyla, T, 54,271 words
David Rose is many things: talented, creative, fashion-forward, well read—the list can go on, but at the very top of that list is Extremely Rich. So he doesn’t understand why his father is making him work at Rose Video—or why Patrick Brewer, a boy he's had virtually no interaction with since they were twelve, is suddenly always around.
An enemies-to-coworkers-to-friends-to-lovers high school au.
You Look Like a Movie, You Sound Like a Song by fishyspots, E, David/Patrick and Stevie/Twyla, 18,683 words
David has often wished, at first seriously and then more cynically as he grew older, that his life was a rom com. It takes longer than he'd like, frankly, but the universe calls his bluff.
You’re the star at the top of my tree by schittposting, T, David/Patrick and Alexis/Twyla, 10,392 words
Patrick Brewer comes to Schitt's Creek with a goal: drive Rose Apothecary out of business so Christmas World can take over its space. He's not counting on falling for its owner.
Happy reading friends! x
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zackcollins · 4 years
watching airplanes || nolan patrick
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Author's Note: I really should be writing that Pierre-Luc Dubois thing. I just don’t have any idea what I want to do with chapter 5 at the moment, so... have this instead. I wanted to write something so I went looking for writing prompts on here. I found this idea and kinda rolled with it. This is my first time writing for Patty, so please be gentle. Sorry for being so slow with the Pierre-Luc Dubois thing. I’m doing my best but inspiration for the fic has kinda hit a wall right now. I’ll try to find inspiration again soon. Promise!! GIF credit to fly-guys!!
Warnings: There’s a few mentions of anxiety, so I’ll include that here. I don’t think anything is too graphic, but I just want to be safe rather than sorry. If you see anything else, feel free to tell me and I’ll include it for you.
Word Count: 2k+
Title: Watching Airplanes by Gary Allan
Additional: The reader is gender-neutral! I’m kinda on a gender-neutral reader kick right now. If you guys would like a gender specific reader, feel free to request one. I’m more than happy to oblige. Also. This is my longest one-shot fic in a long time. I hope I did a good job with it. Let me know if there’s any mistakes or anything that needs fixing. I’ll do my best to fix it!
Additional 2: The locations I used, save for maybe the skate park, are actual locations in Winnipeg. I was so invested in this that I Googled places in Winnipeg that the reader could visit. I also used the petname “small fry” for the reader because I set their hometown as Charlottetown, PEI and PEI is known for potato farming. Hope all of that makes sense! Hope you enjoy this as well!
Looking out the window of the plane, you saw the skyline of Winnipeg coming into view. You grinned because you knew what that meant. It meant that you were close to pulling off the surprise meeting you had planned with your boyfriend, Nolan.
As the plane flew closer and closer to Winnipeg, you felt anxiety well deep in your gut. To compensate for it, you started bouncing your legs in what little room you had in between your seat and the one in front of you. You ran your hands across your things a couple of times to try to quell some of the nervous energy but all that succeeded in doing was creasing some of the wrinkles in your shorts. The person in the seat in front of you glared at you as he took out one of his earbuds.
“Do you mind not jostling the back of the seat,” he asked, pointing to your legs. “I have a bad back and sitting in these seats is bad enough already.”
You held you hands up in surrender as you quickly stopped moving your legs. “Yeah, sorry.”
The man smiled faintly as he stuck his earbud back in and turned his attention forward.
You sighed and ran your hands across your thighs in an attempt to keep your legs from moving. It worked but they ended up twitching a couple of times with anxious energy.
A few minutes later when the plane was announced to be in descent, you felt a little bit of your anxiety ease. You were one step closer to your end goal and that made you feel excited because you were closer to seeing Nolan.
When the plane landed, you felt some more anxiety wash away. You were now safely on the ground and wouldn’t have to worry about a crash getting in the way of you seeing Nolan. You had watched one too many episodes of Mayday the night before you flew. Seeing all of those crashes and catastrophic failures had psyched you out to the point you were convinced something was going to happen to your plane. You weren’t proud of the fact that you had done that but you had told yourself that you were preparing for the worst case scenario, however unlikely it may be.
You let the thoughts of plane crashes and catastrophic failures push themselves to the back of your mind as you collected your carry-on bag. You didn’t want to keep thinking about that while you were in an airport. You would likely drive yourself to some form of panic response if you continued to think about the worst case scenario while surrounded by a bunch of planes.
As you made your way off the plane, you walked calmly to the baggage claim. Watching the carousel spin was soothing what little anxiety you had left. There was something about the repetitive, circular motion that evened out your breathing and heartbeat.
It was a few minutes later when the baggage started to appear on the carousel. You approached it in hopes of finding your baggage among the first few options. You were surprised when you found it, seeing as the flight had been sold out and would’ve had a plethora of baggage. You quickly grabbed your baggage and made your way out of the airport.
When you were standing in the parking lot, you pulled out your phone and ordered an Uber to your hotel. As you waited for it to arrive, you decided it would be a good idea to text Nolan. He had no idea you had come to visit him. You were hoping by receiving this text he would be as excited to see you as you were to see him. As soon as you sent the text, you slipped your phone back into you pocket because your Uber pulled up to greet you. After stuffing your bags in the trunk of the car, you confirmed the address and were on your way to the hotel.
Once you were in your hotel room, you checked your phone again. You noticed that Nolan had texted you back. Excited to see what his response was, you quickly opened the text. You nearly dropped the phone when you read what it had to say.
To: Small Fry
From: Patty Cakes
You’re in Winnipeg??? I’m in Charlottetown! I came to surprise you!
You sat on the bed and ran a hand through your hair. Sighing, you placed your phone face up on the nightstand. You needed to let it sit for a minute while you processed what was happening. You had flown all this way to surprise Nolan and he had had the same idea because he had flown all the way to your hometown to surprise you. It was beyond you how the two of you could’ve possibly had the exact same idea on the exact same day... yet, here you were. You thought that if you both could concoct the same scheme and execute it on the same day, maybe you really were meant for each other.
As you sat there, contemplating what to do next, your phone vibrated against the nightstand. When you looked at it, there was another text from Nolan. You ran a hand through your hair as you picked your phone up to open the text thread.
To: Small Fry
From: Patty Cakes
How about you tell me some places I can visit while I’m here?
A soft smile spread across your face at the prospect of that. The fact that Nolan wanted to make the best of this weird situation by exploring your hometown made you feel really great.
To: Patty Cakes
From: Small Fry
Yeah! I can do that! Will you tell me some places to visit here in return?
Nolan’s reply came almost immediately.
To: Small Fry
From: Patty Cakes
Of course, small fry.
The first place Nolan sent you was his favourite skate park. When you got there, there were a few kids skating around and a few other people swinging on some swings in a little playground to the left of the skate park. You smiled as you watched the kids playing and having fun. When one of the swings became available, you quickly bolted for it to swing for yourself. You had always enjoyed swinging when you were younger. It was calming to you and helped relieve stress. There was something about the constant back and forth motion that you found soothing and relaxing. Swinging today was helping relieve the anxiousness of being in a strange city without Nolan. When you were satisfied that you felt better, you stepped off the swing and made your way to the next location Nolan had suggested.
This location was the botanical garden. Nolan had said walking through the flowers was soothing and seeing them in full bloom was always a wonderful sight. As you walked through the garden, you decided that you agreed with him. The wide array of colours was breathtaking and the aromas and peacefulness of everything was incredibly calming on your psyche. You could drift into many a dream land here if you had the time. After taking a plethora of pictures of the flowers, you moved onto the next location on Nolan’s suggested list.
The next location was the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. You found the tour guide to be incredibly knowledgeable and helpful with every question that was asked of her. You left with none of your questions unanswered and much more knowledgeable than you were when you entered. If you had the chance, you would go back and you could guarantee you would learn new things the next time you went than you did this time.
The final location Nolan suggested was something called The Forks. He explained it as something similar to a mall but not quite a mall at the same time. You found the description incredibly confusing but it made a little more sense when you actually got to there. It was complex of shopping outlets and dining establishments that looked like they were housed in historical buildings. Nolan told you to go wild and go to whichever shopping outlets and dining establishments that looked interesting to you. You took that to heart and by the time you were done shopping and eating you had accumulated a brand new outfit and three pairs of shoes. You had also eaten a hamburger and ice cream from a diner-type establishment in the back corner of the complex. All in all, you had a blast and would totally come here again—hopefully with Nolan next time.
When you got back to the hotel, you text Nolan to let him know that you had a blast going to all of the locations he had suggested. It took a few minutes but Nolan did text you back.
To: Small Fry
From: Patty Cakes
I’m glad, small fry! I had fun at the locations you suggested too.
You went to reply but Nolan texted you again.
To: Small Fry
From: Patty Cakes
Can I suggest one more location though? It’ll be quick because I know you’re probably exhausted and just want to relax.
To: Patty Cakes
From: Small Fry
Sure. One more is fine, Patty. Where am I headed?
To: Small Fry
From: Patty Cakes
FortWhyte Alive. It’s a wildlife area. My sister, Aimee, is gonna meet you there.
You sent a quick confirmation text before trudging out of your hotel room and down to wait for an Uber.
When you arrived at FortWhyte, you noticed a young woman standing by the park entrance. She was holding a sign and what appeared to be an iPad. When she saw you get out of the Uber, she waved you over. You walked hesitantly over to her. You eased a little bit when you noticed that she looked strikingly like Nolan.
“You must be Aimee,” you said, smiling.
“Yes,” she smiled back, placing the iPad on a nearby picnic table and propping it up with a kickstand. “You must be (Y/N), Nolan’s partner.”
“That would be me.”
“Perfect,” Aimee said, pressing a few times on the iPad.
You blinked when Nolan’s face popped up on the screen.
“Hi, small fry,” Nolan said, waving at you. “How’re you?”
“Fine,” you replied, waving back. “It just sucks that we aren’t here together.”
Nolan hummed, pointing to the sign Aimee was holding. You had failed to notice if anything was written on it, having been too focused on the iPad. When you did read it, you felt your mouth go dry as your eyes flicked between the sign and Nolan on the iPad screen.
“Nolan...” you trailed off, running a hand through your hair.
“What does it say, small fry?” Nolan coaxed, biting his lip.
You bit your own lip, heaving a shaky sigh. Aimee looked at you encouragingly, a small smile on her face.
“’Will you marry me, (Y/N)?’” You said, feeling tears prickling the corners of your eyes.
“Well? What do you say?”
You nodded, looking at Nolan as the tears fell down your cheeks. “Yes. God, yes.”
Aimee put the sign on the picnic table and reached into her pocket. When her hand came out, she was holding a ring box. She handed it to you and squeezed your shoulder. You smiled at her as you opened the box. You gasped as you looked between the ring and Nolan. It was nothing special but it was exactly the ring you had been looking at the last time you had been in a jewellery store. You felt the tears fall harder as you slipped the ring on your finger. You handed Aimee the ring box as you showed Nolan the ring on your finger.
“It’s gorgeous, Nolan,” you said, wiping the tears away with your other hand.
“I’m glad you like it,” Nolan said, smiling widely.
Aimee squeezed your shoulder. “Congratulations, you two.”
You smiled at her before looking back at Nolan and seeing the giant grin on his face. You felt butterflies swooping in your stomach and your heartbeat quickening. You had never felt so loved in your entire life.
“I love you, Nolan,” you blurted.
“I love you, too,” Nolan replied without missing a beat.
Today had been the weirdest day of your life but Nolan had proved that weird didn’t always mean bad. What you had thought to yourself earlier in the day definitely rang true now.
You two were meant for each other.
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kiwiana-writes · 4 years
CLARIFICATION by @yourbuttervoicedbeau [rated G, 659 words]
You can read this on AO3 here if you prefer!
It takes two days after the disastrous wedding venue tour for David to agree that Patrick's suggestion of getting married at the motel is a good one; once he does, though, he embraces it with gusto. And it's so different to the last time Patrick was engaged, immeasurably different — while every suggestion Rachel put forward made Patrick's chest feel tight, this time he listens to David describe his ideas and the visuals wrap around him, warm and comforting and full of hope.
By the time they settle on a date it's all starting to feel very real, and when Patrick calls his parents to make sure September 3rd works for them he finds himself gushing about gazebos and fairy lights while his mom just smiles indulgently from the other side of the video chat.
"It all sounds amazing, we can't wait. Oh, and I'll get to go shopping for a mother of the groom outfit!" she exclaims, but then her face falls and she peers worriedly into the camera. "Or is it not called that at a gay wedding?"
"You're still the mother of the groom, mom, don't worry," Patrick says. "A groom, anyway." He hesitates, wondering if he should address the rest of the sentence, but raising issues even when they might be uncomfortable to discuss is a whole thing he's working through in the therapy he's been attending ever since his birthday, so he sucks in a breath. "And, uh, it's a same-sex wedding, not a gay wedding. David isn't gay, so. Yeah."
"Oh." Her face flickers in confusion. "So he's... bisexual?"
His mom shakes her head minutely. "I'm sorry, sweetheart," she says. "I don't think I know what that means."
Patrick hesitates. He does understand the difference, after asking David early in their relationship, but he's never had to explain it to someone else before and he doesn't want to get it wrong. "It means he's attracted to people regardless of gender," he says finally. At this, his mom frowns in a way that Patrick recognises, the way she often used to frown in the wake of his school stress or hockey brawls or fighting with Rachel. It means she's at once cautious and concerned, and a rush of burning hot defensiveness rolls through him as he rushes to add: "And that doesn't mean he's— he's less committed, or more likely to cheat, or—"
"Well, of course it doesn't!" she cuts him off, her tone so sharp and expression so bewildered that Patrick immediately feels guilty about leaping to conclusions.
"Right," he whispers. "Sorry."
He can't actually see her hand, but by the way her shoulder jerks he suspects she's waving away his apology as though swatting a fly. There's a short silence before she takes in a deep breath, squaring her shoulders in the way Patrick knows he picked up. "Are you also pansexual?" she asks, her mouth curving around the clearly unfamiliar last word in a way that makes Patrick smile even as he shakes his head, finally understanding the look on her face.
"No, mom," he says gently. "I'm gay."
When he came out to them, on his birthday, the David of it all had seemed much more important than the specific label. It still does, really, but he has to admit it feels really nice to say. His mom's face relaxes at the words, but he only has to wonder why for a moment.
"Thank you for telling me, Patrick," she says, and if her eyes are a little bright her voice is steady. "I don't want to get it wrong. For either of you."
"Thanks," Patrick chokes out past the sudden lump in his throat. He coughs, blinking hard until he's feeling a little steadier, and decides a subject change is in order. "Hey, did I mention we found a really interesting-sounding celebrant online?"
His mom shakes her head, smiling at him. "Tell me, honey," she says, and Patrick does.
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sionnables · 4 years
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, you guys.  
Let me explain something first: the Broadway musical First Date is my SHOW.  I mean, it’s NOT-- I had no part in the creation or performance of it, obviously.  But it’s “mine” in the way that people tend to take possession of things they like, you know? 
“That’s my song!” 
“That’s my precious fictional baby!”
Or, I guess, like that weird thing sports fans do when they insert themselves into their favorite team, like, “we need to box out the endzone and get some points on the board” or whatever.
First Date is mine not only because I loved it, but because it felt like the creators reached into my heart, plucked out all my experiences and emotions, and put them up on stage.  I mean, it went to TATTOO LEVELS, so you know it’s both serious and a little ridiculous. 
 Six years later, I still fucking love that show. 
(The intensity has gone down a bit, but that’s probably the best for everyone.)
So when I happened to find out that the book writer of First Date was the creator/writer of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist AND it was a musical, I obviously wanted to check it out.  It was delayed slightly by a deep-dive into a Schitt’s Creek hyper-fixation (David and Patrick can have my entire heart and, like, overall existence), but I finally started watching a few days ago.
And it is delightfully First-Date-y.
It’s also a really good “I can’t handle anything too sad or heavy right now due to reality” option.  There’s some romantic angst and family tragedy thrown in, but it’s not like This Is Us: The Musical or anything (thank christ-- seriously, how does anyone watch that show? It’s Ugly Cry Central over there).
I’m not going to do the plot summary thing because Google exists.  But here’s the thing: yes, there are multiple tropes here that have been done to death (*cough*lovetriangle*cough*), but you know what? The show is cute, the cast is really talented, and the writing’s pretty effing funny. I don’t need groundbreaking television to be entertained. And I’m a sucker for “nice comedy” nowadays, you know? Like, I could never get into Glee because the characters were HORRIBLE to each other. I can’t do a show full of selfish, mean people, it just doesn’t work for me.  Give me a well-written ensemble comedy where everyone messes up but they’re ultimately trying their best and growing, and I’m pretty much in.
That all being said, here’s what I need to discuss (spoilers ahead, obviously):
1) Zoey’s definitely got that whole Zooey-Deschanel-adorkable thing going on, but you have to appreciate a show that is like, “STEM Women FTW!” because we need that.  Also, maybe it’s Fellow Millennial Empathy, but I appreciate that she has no idea what she’s doing and is still trying so hard to be a functioning and successful adult, WHILE dealing with family tragedy, AND sudden musical powers, AND being a woman in charge of a department full of men (girl, been there done that), AND confusing mushy feelings. It helps that Jane Levy is so talented that I was convinced she was British (she is not).
2) Mo. Is. Everything.  More representation of gender-fluidity is wonderful to see, for one thing. But he’s also the smartest character on the show, as well as the most well-balanced and emotionally mature.  And his VOICE, okay? I love that it seems like Mo is going to sort of be Zoey’s guide through all of this, and I’m looking forward to seeing their friendship grow.
3) Simon is a gorgeous, gorgeous man.  If he was at ALL single, I’d be like, “Zoey, hit that IMMEDIATELY”. But I don’t love the direction that their relationship is going (HE IS ENGAGED, FFS) OR the whole Jessica vs. Zoey thing they’re pulling.  I’m willing to give the first part a pass because both of them are grieving and emotional instability can definitely equal bad decisions (we may not like it, but you can’t say it’s unrealistic). But that second part? Simon is way more to blame than Zoey. No more girls hating on girls, okay? Like, I don’t want Jessica and Zoey to necessarily become besties (that whole “it’s always about your dad” comment was way too awful for me to like her THAT much), but you know what I mean. The longer this goes on, the less I like Simon.  And it’s such a BUMMER, because I feel like Zoey and Simon could really use each other, platonically. 
4) Speaking of not liking people, Zoey’s brother is a dick. Not ONLY because of the shit he pulled with going out to bars instead of being with his PREGNANT WIFE/STRUGGLING MOTHER, but that whole thing about him having to “convince” his wife to have kids when she didn’t want them? YUCK. He’s the one character I do not like at ALL and I hope that Emily leaves him and ends up an awesome single mom with a hot boyfriend. I’m glad Zoey told her what was up. GOOD. WHAT A JERK.
5) Zoey’s mom is amazing and deserves the world. That is all.
6) Full disclosure: I am 100% Team Max. But within that 100%, I’m 50% Zoey Is Clearly Not Ready To Date Him Or Even Process Her Feelings About Him Right Now So He Needs To Just Be Her Friend and 50% Zoey Is Clearly Terrified Of Feelings And Max Might Need To Push Her a Little To Get Her To Get Past That.  This is coming from a place of experience, because I was once terrified of feelings and commitment and basically my husband is only my husband because he chose to ignore the many, many times I tried to break up with him and was very persistent with me. Please note that this DOES NOT MEAN that Max needs to be all pissy about “friendzoning” and/or pushing TOO hard, TOO quickly. Which he’s sort of toe-ing the line with, at the moment.  I don’t think that Zoey ever really gave him the impression that she was interested in him romantically before the whole “flash mob” debacle (I cringed when Mo said that touching his shoulder and having him come over to watch a movie was leading him on, because please don’t do that, writers, Mo is too smart and progressive for that BS), and the flash mob itself was a really weird, out-of-character move (at least thus far) for him.  Look, I get the whole “omg, Max can hear her/no wait, there’s real singing” thing was an unexpected twist, but I’m not a fan of twists over characterization. Max knows Zoey, and I think he’d know that declaring feelings in public while making her the center of attention would not be her thing (but I find public proposals super cringe-y, so maybe that’s just me).  I’m sort of not happy with that. What I DO think is appropriate is him asking for some time/space after she asks to just be his friend-- I count that as being respectful of her decision and needing some breathing room to disconnect his romantic feelings towards her. I also don’t blame him for being upset that she knew his feelings way beforehand and didn’t say anything, or for being upset after seeing her sing to Simon. The singing thing is not Zoey’s fault at ALL, but that is some serious emotional whiplash! Nevertheless, I hope these two are endgame and don’t hurt each other too much in the process. That boy will do ANYTHING for her, and I kind of love him for it. Please don’t turn him into a “Nice Guy”! Also, can we all agree that he outsang EVERY SINGLE ONE of the Jonas Brothers with “Sucker”? Goddamn!
7) Tobin is so stupid, but WOW is that character a brilliant representation of every single, straight, young, insecure, emotion-denying, Reddit-using, product of toxic masculinity gamer boy that you’ve ever met in your life. Holy SHIT. They’re nailing it with him. He is 100% the guy that yells a “make me a sandwich” joke in front of his friends and then goes home and cries about not having a girlfriend. I have met 10,000 versions of Tobin in my life and he CRACKS ME UP. Bless him.
8) Leif is Draco Malfoy and I hope that Joan is using him for sex and then ditches him in a humiliating fashion. IF THEY MAKE HER FALL FOR HIM I SWEAR TO GOD. She’s too smart for that. I want Joan and Mo to take over the world together.
Okay, I think I got all of my thoughts and feelings out. Until next week, at least.
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You’ll Be In My Heart (Hargreeves Siblings X Teen!Hargreeves!Reader)
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Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Pairing: Hargreeves Siblings X Teen!Sibling!Reader (familial only) Word Count: 2,230 For: @ineedmorefanfics who gave me the amazing prompt: “The Hargreeves X Teen Sibling Reader. You passed away when you were 14 or something like that and when Klaus throws the bowling ball for Ben it goes through him but Y/N catches it and you're like "Klaus look! I did it!" And and Klaus is like "Yes you did. I'm so proud of you Y/N." And all the siblings can see you and they start crying and maybe when they go stop Vanya when Klaus conjures Ben he also conjures Y/N. You go and run up to Vanya and beg her to stop and you stop her and it's a fluff ending?” Author's Note: Unless I missed anything, the reader's gender is never mentioned! I tried to keep it as gender-neutral as possible, although it is heavily implied that __y/n__ is closer to Vanya and Allison than the others 💕 This was SO much fun to write and I really hope you all enjoy it! Disclaimer: I did use some dialogue from the show in this fic, and I do not claim to own it! It was just easier to use actual dialogue for some of it than to make it all up (:
You sighed as your brothers argued, flicking your gaze between them as they took turns speaking.
“I can't talk to the person I love, people still don't take me seriously. I want to be numb again.” Klaus said, exasperated.
You agreed that Klaus should stay sober, he had been doing so well up until now, but you also couldn't blame him. Your other siblings had always and would always continue to treat him like he was a child.
“You're a colossal wimp.” Ben said, deadpan, and you smacked him.
“Hey, knock it off.” You said sharply, and Klaus blew you a kiss.
“Thanks, __y/n__, I knew I could count on you.”
You shook your head quickly. “Oh no, I'm on Ben's side.” Klaus frowned at your words. “I just don't think it's fair to call you a wimp. You're not. You've been through so much, and I know it's hard, but you need to stay sober.”
Klaus sighed thoughtfully, and you thought you had gotten through to him before he resumed his frantic search.
“Hey,” Ben said, snapping his fingers to get Klaus’ attention. “Life isn't supposed to be easy. Life is hard. Bad things happen. Good people die.”
Klaus glanced between you and Ben before rolling his eyes. “Wow, playing the dead card again, huh? You need new material, bro.”
“He was talking about Dave.” You chimed in softly and watched as Klaus’ eyes softened.
“You know, we're tired of seeing you wallow in self-defeat.” Ben explained.
“Well, then avert your gaze.” Klaus said harshly.
“You're better than that.” Ben said, and you nodded in agreement. “And Dave? He knew it too.”
Klaus sighed. “Yeah, you're right. You're right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.” Klaus’ voice was small, and his shoulders hunched in defeat.
“Thank God.” Ben said in relief.
“I'm so proud of you.” You said warmly, and you watched in confusion as Klaus’ face fell.
“Psych!” Klaus shouted, surprising you and Ben as he threw the pills in his mouth. He cackled in triumph.
Ben growled and swung his fist at Klaus instinctively. You gasped in shock as Ben's fist connected with Klaus’ cheek with a loud smack. The pills clattered to the floor.
“Owww,” Klaus whined, bringing his hand up to his face before he realized what exactly had just happened. You and Klaus looked at Ben in amazement, while he studied his fists. “You just Patrick Swayzeed me.” Klaus said in disbelief.
“How did you do that?” You asked, reaching out to Klaus’ bruising cheek and blinking tears away when you actually felt Klaus’ warm skin underneath your palm.
“Uh, I didn't. Klaus did. I think.” Ben murmured, and you all shared a look. This changed...everything. Klaus being able to communicate with the dead was one thing, but being able to make the dead tangible again?
Klaus was absolutely more powerful than any of you had ever thought.
“Hey, you know guys, uh, maybe I could help.” Klaus suggested, after much encouragement from you and Ben.
“Now is not the time.” Luther said dismissively, and you narrowed your eyes at your brother.
“Was he always this big of an asshole?” You asked Ben, and Ben chuckled.
“No, let him finish.” Diego disagreed. “He saved my life today.”
“Really?” Ben said, rolling his eyes, and Klaus glanced at him apologetically.
“Is that true?” Luther asked, and you and Ben both nodded insistently even though you knew your siblings couldn't see you.
“Yeah. Yeah, I did...take credit for it. In fact, the real hero was Ben.”
You felt your heart sinking as your siblings looked at Klaus with varying degrees of unamusement.
Klaus hurried to continue. “Today...listen. Today, he punched me in the face.” Klaus gestured to the bruise on his cheek. “And earlier at the house, he was the one who saved Diego's life, not me.”
“You are unbelievable, Klaus.” Luther said, and you felt your blood boiling.
“You want proof, is that it?” Klaus asked, motioning for Ben to stand up. You moved to stand behind him, just in case. “All right. I'll give you proof. All right, it's showtime, baby.” Klaus picked up a bowling ball, hefting it in his hands with a pleading look in his eye.
Ben crouched slightly and prepared to catch it. You watched as Klaus chucked the ball at Ben, frowning when it went through him.
You blinked in surprise as you felt it land in your hands. The gasps from your other siblings let you know that you were visible to them.
You looked down at the pink ball curiously before grinning from ear to ear. “Klaus, look! I did it!”
Klaus’ mouth was open in awe. “Yes you did.” He moved over to you, took the ball from your hands, deposited it back on a ball rack, and drew you into a tight hug. “I'm so proud of you, __y/n__.”
“I thought you said Ben punched you.” Luther said, his face pale as he took in the sight of you. You looked the same as you did on the day you died, down to the bullet wound on your stomach.
“He did.” Klaus agreed. “ __y/n__’s been around too.”
“How is this possible?” Diego asked as you made your way over to Allison.
“Dad said I had only begun scratching the surface of my powers. I think there's a lot that I haven't figured out how to do yet.”
You smiled at her and wiped the tears from her eyes, watching as her lips spelled out the shape of your name over and over again.
“Hi, Alli. I missed you so much.” You murmured before pulling her into a hug. She clung to you tightly, and you could feel her tears dripping onto your uniform.
After a few moments you pulled away so you could greet your other siblings. Ben pouted that you were getting all the attention, so Klaus piped up as you made your way over to Five.
“Ben really did save Diego, though.”
“Ben's here too?” Diego asked curiously.
“Ben is always here.” Klaus answered and pointed to the seat beside him. Diego, Luther, Allison, and Five waved at him. Ben beamed. “He's waving back.”
“At least I'm still older than someone.” You said, nudging Five with your shoulder and grinning at him.
Five scowled fondly. “I'm 58. I just look 13.”
“Oh, I know. I heard the story. But I look older so I don't care.” You wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug, which he begrudgingly returned, before walking over to Diego.
You were surprised when he pulled you into a hug, lifting your feet off the ground. “It's so good to see you again.”
You smiled as you felt tears pricking at your eyes. “It's good to see you too. I missed you all so much. It's so hard being able to see you and not talk to you.”
Diego set you down, and you strode over to Luther. He still looked shocked that you were visible to him.
“__y/n__, I mi-”
“I don't want to hear it until you listen to me.” Luther's mouth snapped shut at the authoritative tone in your voice. “This goes for all of you, but especially Luther. Stop doubting Klaus. Stop belittling him. Listen to him. And start respecting him. He's done more than enough to deserve it.”
Klaus let out an “Aw!” and blew a kiss in your direction.
“You're right.” Luther agreed. “Klaus, I'm sorry for doubting you.”
“Me too.” Five chimed in.
“Me three.” Diego said, nodding.
Allison raised her hand in agreement.
You grinned. “All right, now that that's out of the way…” You wrapped your arms around Luther's midsection. “I missed you too.”
You disappeared from his embrace suddenly, and your siblings looked around worriedly before they realized that Klaus had passed out in his chair.
“It must use a lot of energy.” Diego murmured, walking over to him and checking his pulse just to make sure. “We'll let him rest for a bit, then get him some nachos or something. Should bounce back pretty quick.”
“Did someone say nachos?” Klaus asked groggily, his head pounding.
Diego grinned and clapped him on the shoulder. “Coming right up.”
You heard your siblings all gasp as Klaus conjured Ben, and Ben's tentacles emerged and began beating the shit out of the masked men.
Trusting that Ben had that covered, you prayed Vanya would be able to see you as you made your way down the center aisle. Judging by Diego's curious “__y/n__?” as you walked by him, you were currently visible.
You had always been closer to Vanya than you were the others, and you hoped that would help you in convincing her to stop.
You didn't want anything happening to her or your other siblings. Being dead, quite frankly, sucked, and they all deserved to live long, happy lives.
“Hi, V.” You said softly, and Vanya's eyes were filled with confusion as they met yours.
“__y/n__? How are you here?” Her fingers never stopped moving on her violin, but they did slow down.
“Klaus learned a new trick. Cool, right?”
“Yeah.” She agreed, and you could see the tears glistening in her eyes. You had missed your best friend more than anything, and you knew she felt the same way. Vanya seemed to come back to herself more as she glanced behind you. “Is that Ben?”
“It is indeed.” You confirmed, chuckling. You gently placed a hand on her arm. “V, you need to stop playing.”
Some of the steel returned to her gaze. “This was supposed to be my moment. I just wanted one good thing for myself. I wanted one thing I could be proud of.”
“Hey, hey, I know. You should be proud of yourself. You sounded amazing. You-” You paused, sensing Luther walking down the aisle behind you. “Sit down, now.” You said sharply, using your powers to get him to turn around and take a seat. “You've caused enough trouble already.”
You scowled as you saw Diego and Five moving towards you and Vanya next. “I'm handling this.” You insisted and made them both sit down next to Luther. Luckily, Klaus, Allison, and Ben knew that you had everything under control, and took a seat next to their siblings of their own accord.
“I hate having to mind control them.” You said, frowning, before turning back to Vanya. “I know that this must be scary and confusing for you, but if you stop playing and put your violin down, we can help you. We'll help you learn to understand and control your powers.”
“What if they can't be controlled?” Vanya asked, and she was sobbing openly now, tears streaming down her face. “What if I'm just a monster?”
You cupped both of her cheeks in your palms and forced her to look at you. “Vanya, you are the kindest one out of all of us. You always have been. You are my sister and my best friend, and I know without a doubt that you could never be a monster. There’s too much goodness in you for that to happen.”
Vanya's shoulders dropped suddenly as all the fight drained out of her, and her violin clattered to the floor. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” She murmured, tucking her face into your shoulder like she used to do when you were younger and she was upset.
“Hey, it's gonna be okay.” You soothed, wrapping your arms around her and hugging her tightly. She trembled against you, and you felt your heart break. Vanya had never deserved any of this. All Vanya had ever wanted was to be included, and even after finding out she had powers, she had still been pushed away.
“Get over here,” You said, waving your siblings over. “And tell our sister that you love her and that we're gonna figure this out.”
“I, for the record, never wanted to lock you up.” Klaus said, always using humor to make others feel better, and wrapped his arms around you and Vanya. “And I love you so much.”
Vanya chuckled through her tears. “I know and I appreciate that. I love you too.”
“I didn't either!” Diego said as he and Allison joined the group hug. “I love you too, V. So does Alli.”
“I didn't even know that was going on, but I wouldn't have wanted to either.” Five said and stepped into the large embrace with Ben. “I love you.”
“I also love you!” Ben said cheerfully, and Vanya smiled.
“It is so good to see you, Ben. I love you.”
You all looked over at Luther, who was shifting uncomfortably. “I messed up, Vanya. I wasn't thinking straight and I should have tried to help you understand what was going on instead of locking you up. I'm sorry.”
Vanya gave him a soft smile. “I'll forgive you as long as you forgive me.”
Luther smiled and wrapped you all up in his big arms. “Deal. I love you.”
“I know.” Vanya said, positively flourishing with all the kindness she was receiving from her siblings. At last, Vanya felt accepted and included and loved.
You knew helping Vanya understand and control her powers wouldn't be easy, but with the family finally reunited and working together, you were sure you would figure it out.
End. <3
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robinrunsfiction · 4 years
Twelve Days of Christmas Challenge Day 5 - Patrick Stump
Pairing: Patrick Stump x Gender Neutral Reader Rating: None Requested By: None Word Count: ~1,100 Author’s Note: Points if you can name the Dashboard Confessional song I was inspired by during the writing of this story! I used the prompts “You’re under the mistletoe so stop stalling and just kiss.” and“I guess… this is when we kiss?” and “You’re perfectly welcome to kiss whomever you wa–”
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You had just arrived at your friend Christine's house for the Christmas party she was throwing. The place was full of people, and you could hear the music before you got in the door. When you got inside, you found Christine to say hello. She was sitting on the lap of her boyfriend Pete.
"(YN)!" She grinned jumping up and wrapping you in a hug.
"Hey!" You said returning the hug. "Hey Pete, how's it going?"
"Good. Gang's all here now," he said with a cocky smile.
"Wait, you mean…"
Christine rolled her eyes and waved off Pete. "Ignore him, it's not like you're gonna get stuck under the mistletoe with Patrick."
It was your turn to roll your eyes. You liked Pete. And Andy and Joe. But there was something about Patrick. You two never seemed to get along quite right. Even when you both agreed on a topic, it still felt like you were at odds. Pete swore up and down that there was no bad blood from Patrick, but you couldn't help but be annoyed with him, as he always seemed annoyed at you.
"Where did you hide the mistletoe?" You asked looking around suspiciously.
"That's for me to know, and you to maybe find out!" Christine winked at you before plopping down on Pete's lap again.
You wrinkled your nose and shook your head as you made your way to the kitchen for a drink. You greeted your friends that were assembled there and after chatting for a bit, you decided to head back into the living room to talk to Christine again. You didn't notice as you started through the doorway that Patrick was coming through from the other direction.
"Stop!" You heard Christine shout.
"What?" You asked looking around, concerned about what was happening.
"Look up!" She grinned.
Your eyes went wide as you realized what was happening. You looked up and then at Patrick. "Oh come on," you groaned.
"Seriously?" Patrick whined.
"Yep, you gotta!" Pete grinned.
“You’re under the mistletoe so stop stalling and just kiss," Christine argued. You glared at her in response. "The longer you stall, the longer you have to kiss!"
"What?!" You shouted. "That's not how this works."
"It's my house, it works like I say it does!"
"You don't have to," Patrick said quietly, which surprised you, as you hadn't ever heard him talk to you so softly. You turned to look at him, startled to see he seemed disappointed.
"No, its ok, I can play along," you said taking a deep breath as you squared yourself up to him. "I guess this is when we kiss?”
"Are you sure?" He asked.
You nodded. "Let's do this."
“You know you’re perfectly welcome to kiss whomever you wa–” he started but you cut him off by leaning in and pressing your lips against his.
At first he stiffened in surprise, before relaxing and kissing you back. Then to your surprise, his hands found your waist and you were leaning into him.
After a moment you became conscious of the cheering and lewd remarks being shouted at you and Patrick by other drunk party guests and you quickly pulled back. Before you knew what you were doing, you were pushing through the crowd and rushing to the safety of Christine's room. You hurried inside and shut the door behind you as you sank onto her bed.
You didn't understand. Patrick always seemed to dislike you, to be annoyed when you came around, like he wanted to get away from you. You kissed him to get Christine and Pete off your back, but then you felt something from him. He kissed you back. He didn't have to, but he did, he kissed you like he meant it. And then he put his hands on your waist. And you liked it.
You were snapped from your thoughts by a knock at the door. "(YN)?" You heard Patrick say from the other side.
"Yea, come in."
Patrick walked in and shut the door behind him. "I just wanted to say sorry for… that."
"I'm just so confused. You act like I annoy the crap out of you and then when I kissed you, you kissed me back. Like, you didn't have to, but you did Patrick!"
"I know."
"So," you said shrugging dramatically. "What the hell?"
"I'm sorry, it's just," he paused for a moment and bit his lip. "It's just that I really like you, and I try to convince myself that you're annoying because I know you'd never go for a guy like me."
"What, a guy who is cute and talented?" You snapped, realizing your tone was harsher than you intended making your compliment seem like an insult. "Sorry. But it's true, you are. And I would."
"Seriously?" He asked skeptically.
"Yea," you shrugged. "You just never gave me a chance."
"Sorry," he muttered again, looking down at his shoe that was kicking at the corner of Christine's rug.
"So take your chance."
Patrick looked up. "What?"
"Would you like to go out sometime Patrick?"
"Yea," he beamed. "And I really wanna kiss you again."
"Then do it," you smiled, standing up as he closed the distance between you. He again put his hands on your waist, and he bit his lip again. For a moment you held your breath, certain that he must have been messing with you, that he wasn't about to kiss you.
"(YN)," he said your name in the same soft tone that he used when told you you didn't have to kiss him before. It pulled you from your thoughts and you were looking into his blue eyes.
"Yea?" you breathed and his lips were on yours gently, but when you didn't pull away, he started to kiss you deeper. You put your hand on his chest and as the intensity grew, your fingers grasped at the material of his shirt, clutching at it like a lifeline.
You parted your lips to deepen the kiss, an invitation that he accepted. Then you took a step back toward the bed behind you, pulling him along. Just as the back of your legs hit the bed frame the door burst open.
"Oh, sorry didn't know this room was taken," the guy grimaced while the girl under his arm giggled. They closed the door behind them as they went to find somewhere else to hook up. 
"Do you wanna go back down to the party?” Patrick asked.
“Sure, we can pick this up again later,” you said with a wink.
"Good talk?" Christine asked when you rejoined her downstairs.
"You could say that," you said returning the smile that Patrick was giving you from across the room where he stood talking to Pete.
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theliberaltony · 4 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Welcome to a special, post-debate edition of FiveThirtyEight’s weekly politics chat. The transcript below has been lightly edited.
sarahf (Sarah Frostenson, politics editor): Just six candidates made the debate stage on Tuesday night, and with less than three weeks to go before the Iowa caucuses, this was the last time voters will see these candidates gathered on one stage before the voting begins. And the race in Iowa is currently very tight — in fact, best described as a four-way tie in our forecast. So, here’s the first of our five post-debate questions …
Did the debate change how you think about Iowa?
danjhopkins (Dan Hopkins, political science professor at the University of Pennsylvania and FiveThirtyEight contributor): To me — and definitely according to the FiveThirtyEight primary forecast and recent Iowa polls — Iowa is very much up for grabs, and I don’t think that tonight was anything like the game changer needed to fundamentally reshape the race. Basically, all the candidates seemed to have their moments, but if you are an Iowa caucusgoer waiting for something to break the logjam or convince you that someone is more or less competitive versus Trump, I don’t think you saw it.
julia_azari (Julia Azari, political science professor at Marquette University and FiveThirtyEight contributor): Maybe slightly. One thing I was thinking about was that the ideological lanes are now clearer. Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg are competing in Joe Biden’s moderate/establishment lane, although both are pretty far behind him (Klobuchar even further behind than Buttigieg). Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are still competing for the “left” lane of the party. The other lanes I thought would emerge have mostly disappeared.
I’m not sure where this leaves Tom Steyer, but I’m not sure it matters.
I guess that’s not specifically about Iowa, per se, but one implication of what I’ve laid out is that those may be the stakes of the contest. Or there may be two winners — one in the moderate lane and one in the liberal one — in the sense that those lanes are still both up for grabs and vying for dominance.
geoffrey.skelley (Geoffrey Skelley, elections analyst): Man, it’s hard to say how much this might have changed things in Iowa. On the one hand, the debate was pretty uneventful outside of a couple moments. However, more people may have been watching than in many previous debates, particularly Iowa caucus-goers who have to vote in less than three weeks. So it’s possible that someone had a good night and moved the numbers.
That might have been Buttigieg, who I thought was generally strong, both when he was making the case that a health care plan doesn’t have to have a huge price tag to represent a big change or when he was openly referencing his faith. Or maybe it was Warren, who had a potentially viral moment about sexism and the “electability” question that has dominated recent news cycles, whether a woman can win the presidency. (Women face a bunch of gender-based hurdles in elections that men do not, including in the 2020 primary. But ultimately the research, and recent history, suggests that it is very, very possible for those hurdles to be overcome.)
sarahf: We’ll have results from our post-debate survey with Ipsos Wednesday afternoon to answer this next question more rigorously, but give me your first impressions …
Who had the best night?
julia_azari: I didn’t feel like anyone really stood out. Warren and Klobuchar both seemed like they took up more space on the debate stage than in the past; for a candidate of Warren’s stature, she’s had relatively few truly memorable moments or confrontations. But that started to change in December with her exchange over fundraising and wine caves with Buttigieg. And as Geoffrey said, this time it was her exchange with Sanders over whether women can win the presidency.
danjhopkins: I don’t think Biden had a great night — there were again, times that I was confused as to precisely what he was talking about. But at the same time, he’s not the most formidable front-runner, and so I think that at this point, anything short of a significant win for an opponent is probably good for him. I could see an argument that Sanders, Buttigieg, Warren or Klobuchar did fine — but this isn’t a case where everyone can win.
julia_azari Klobuchar had some stumbles, but it’s hard to know if these will matter. After all, she’s not really in the top tier, and still pretty far behind the top four.
geoffrey.skelley: I’ll go with Buttigieg and Warren as my picks, though I’m not sure anyone had a truly great or truly bad night.
Buttigieg, I thought, did a good job of incorporating his experiences into some of his answers. For instance, when he talked about avoiding endless military campaigns in the Middle East, he referenced a time in his army service when he watched a fellow soldier leave behind a young child. And I think among the more moderate candidates, Buttigieg did the best job in challenging the progressive premise that something that’s not “huge” on health care is small potatoes. But I also think Warren’s exchange with Sanders over whether women can win the presidency will get talked about a lot, too, including when she pointed out that the men on the stage had lost a lot of elections, and the women hadn’t.
danjhopkins: To me, one of the fundamental challenges here is that Democrats, especially those still looking for a candidate, seem to really care about electability and beating Trump. But how exactly do you perform electability in a debate?
Who failed to make an impression?
danjhopkins: Deval Patrick?
sarahf: Ha! They have to be on stage, Dan.
geoffrey.skelley: I think Steyer best fits this category, at least among those on stage. I’m not sure he gave a particularly good answer to why he’d make a good commander-in-chief — “I worked internationally around the world for decades” in business. That answer could be given by a lot of people.
He also seemed to say “I agree with [insert candidate]” more than the others on stage, so I’m not sure he was really adding all that much.
But then I immediately question those takes because I do think Steyer does a good job of mostly looking directly at the camera when responding, something I recall Trump doing a lot in the 2016 Republican primary. It can be off-putting but may actually be pretty effective.
julia_azari: Steyer did have some good lines about climate change, though, and may have done some to push the other candidates to address it in their remarks.
I also wanted to add a glib line about the lack of candidates of color on that stage, but I also didn’t want to annoy my editor after we’ve all been up too late covering the seventh debate of this primary season.
danjhopkins: But yes, to Julia’s point, I think the debate topics and tenor have shifted a bit as the candidates of color have dropped out, or not met the debate thresholds.
julia_azari: I mean, not to be super-obvious about it, but tonight was a lot less about race.
The moderators did ask Buttigieg about his lack of support among African American voters, and many of the candidates talked about racism and racial justice. In some ways, the fault lines of previous Democratic contests are what failed to make an impression — that is, they didn’t show up as much. There was agreement about changing the approach to foreign policy, curbing executive power, tackling racism. The health care divide remains the most significant policy one.
sarahf: And, to zoom in on the front-runner …
What about Biden?
julia_azari: What about him? I mean, he kinda did what he always does. Talked about his record. Talked about Trump. Talked about how he was Obama’s VP …
geoffrey.skelley: He offered some nice platitudes about fighting to help middle class and working class Americans.
danjhopkins: As I hinted above, one of the issues with electability is that it’s something you show. It can be hard (or at least awkward) to talk about, but Biden was able to point to the breadth of his support as evidence of his electability when he outlined how he was really the only candidate up there who has a coalition that “represent[s] all elements of the party.”
That said, he certainly doesn’t have the witticisms of Klobuchar, the memorable images of Buttigieg, the show-stopping zingers of Warren, or the righteous indignation of Sanders, and so maybe that limits his appeal.
julia_azari: One thing that’s kind of interesting is that the other two candidates vying for his lane (Buttigieg and Klobuchar) weren’t really in a position to attack him. He’s somewhat personally insulated because of his biography, particularly the unimaginable amount of personal loss he’s suffered. But also no one trying to succeed in that lane wants to attack the Obama administration (even Buttigieg when railing against Washington, for instance). And that’s maybe because they’re trying to carve out the same policy area as Biden, or at least a similar one.
geoffrey.skelley: Yes, Julia, I noticed that too. Neither Buttigieg nor Klobuchar really took shots at Biden. I wondered about that pre-debate, as I was assigned to watch Klobuchar. Her attacks on Buttigieg made sense, but she probably needs Biden to slide some, too!
But I don’t know. Biden’s performance was probably the sort of thing where he did well enough to not lose much support, but also didn’t really gain much support, either.
danjhopkins: What’s challenging about handicapping this debate is that the candidates needed very different things from it. Klobuchar likely needed a tremendous performance given where she stands in the race, whereas Biden and Sanders didn’t need to be much more than themselves.
sarahf: OK, and finally …
How did the moderators do?
julia_azari: I was pretty frustrated with questions in the vein of “don’t the voters deserve to know,” and it felt like a few of the moderators were putting words in the candidates mouths with some of the questions they asked, like when Wolf Blitzer compared Klobuchar’s record in the Senate with Buttigieg’s military service.
geoffrey.skelley: I’ve never moderated a debate, and I don’t imagine it’s an easy thing to do, but with fewer candidates on stage, maybe don’t interrupt them as much if a candidate has hit the time limit. Give them another moment or two, then try to enforce the rules.
Also, there was a question about how the impeachment trial might affect the ability of the three U.S. senators on stage to campaign in Iowa. Asking about impeachment makes sense, but asking about how it’s going to affect their ability to campaign accomplishes nothing — voters do not care about that. It tells us nothing except, well, they’re going to do their jobs.
danjhopkins: On the plus side, the moderators raised a range of substantive issues. But I think that politicians make lousy pundits, and don’t like questions about electability. I also wished that there were more questions about actually managing large organizations, as that’s a key thing that presidents, you know, do. Also, rather than asking the candidates to reiterate their health care talking points for the umpteenth time, try a new issue — the candidates’ child care policies was a welcome departure, for instance.
sarahf: Thanks, everyone! Get some sleep! And readers, please check back with us Wednesday afternoon for the update to our “Who Won The January Debate?” poll.
Make sure to check out FiveThirtyEight’s Democratic primary forecast in full; you can also see all the 2020 primary polls we’ve collected, including national polls, Iowa polls, New Hampshire polls, Nevada polls and South Carolina polls.
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New York gay pride parade marches toward 50th year with new purpose
New Post has been published on http://funnythingshere.xyz/new-york-gay-pride-parade-marches-toward-50th-year-with-new-purpose/
New York gay pride parade marches toward 50th year with new purpose
A detachment of “black dykes on trikes” were to the fore as the New York pride march began on Sunday, a year short of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, the event now agreed to have created the modern gay rights movement.
The 2018 march was led by tennis legend Billie Jean King and the transgender advocate Tyler Ford. The actor Cynthia Nixon, a contender to be governor of New York state, was present, as was her rival Andrew Cuomo, as thousands of marchers in rainbow colors celebrated LGBT identity in Greenwich Village and up the canyon of Fifth Avenue.
Many marchers said that the gay movement had begun to find a new purpose, after a succession of legislative victories removed many of the most overt aspects of sexual or gender discrimination in American society.
“I would argue that our coming out has never been more important than it is right now,” Nixon said in a video message. “Whether we are lesbian or gay or transgender or muslim or Mexican or any one of a number other categories I could name, we are allies united by our otherness.”
The candidate neatly captured the newfound purpose for a march that some say has come close in recent years to becoming just another commercialised “event”, akin to Halloween or Valentine’s Day.
The vice-president, Mike Pence, has supported gay conversion therapy. Donald Trump has pushed for a ban on transgender people in the military. The presence of such men in the White House has given the movement new energy, said Danielle Diaz, visiting with girlfriends from Peekskill and standing outside the Stonewall Inn.
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The Peekskill delegation. Photograph: Ed Helmore/the Guardian
“Pence does not support gay rights at all,” Diaz said. “From the beginning, gay pride has been a protest – against police brutality, against violence, against LGBT people, against [violence against] black people, it’s always stood for what’s right. So this year its against Trump, and against border policy for sure … and all the craziness that’s happening.”
Diaz added: “We want everybody to feel accepted and welcome no matter what they are or where they’re from or what they identify as.”
Other attendees said victories such as the legalisation of same-sex marriage in 2015 did not necessarily mean parity had been secured. This month, the supreme court ruled in favor of a baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, on religious grounds.
“Even though we have gay marriage, we still have people who don’t want to bake wedding cakes for us,” said David Jones, from the Bronx. “So if we bat our eye, it could all go backwards and that’s not where we want to go.”
Jones’ niece, Tiffany Baskerville, said she did not identify as LGBT. But the key was to speak out, she said, as an activist. “It’s not like, ‘Hey, we want a gay president.’ It’s like we want somebody who can understand and speak for everybody. We’re not just gay first, but human first.”
Pamela Meyer, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, said she had not had the good luck to be gay. She was visiting to support her gay sisters and brothers. “I think straights are incredibly stupid about a lot of stuff,” she said. “Race, gender, everything. They got it all and they want to keep it.”
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Julian Cavalier. Photograph: Ed Helmore/the Guardian
Others, however, claimed a paradox: that by reducing the concept of gay pride to a march, an anthem and a rainbow flag for people from all sections of society to support, a sense of community had become undone.
“I miss the days of the bars, with hundreds of our people in one location,” said Jim Cook, from Pennsylvania. “Now a gay bar is like any straight bar. Mainstream. With all the equality and all the rights it just seems like we lost a little of our identity. Sometimes it feels like we’ve become straight.”
Among slightly younger gay men, like Julian Cavalier, the messages were more specific. “I love drag,” he said, “I love everything that drag stands for. It’s outlet. It’s our way to feel accepted. Drag means acceptance…”
Street vendors with rainbow flags and large buttons carrying slogans said pride was good for business, bringing in at least $1,000 in the day.
As Sylvester’s I Need You blared from a nearby boombox, Anna Thomas, 25, a bisexual women from New Jersey, said gay pride in 2018 meant the culmination of everything the movement had accomplished.
“There’s still work to be done,” she said, “but I like it that gay, straight, bi, trans, confused, everybody comes together here. It’s a beautiful spirit. You can get laid, but I’m more here for the party.”
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A biker. Photograph: Ed Helmore/the Guardian
As the lesbian bikers on their trikes and hogs made their way down Christopher Street, some in attendance wondered whether the location would mean as much in 10 years’ time as it did 10 or 20 years ago.
“Italians no longer live in Little Italy” asked Sean Edwards. “Will gays still live in the West Village? You don’t have to live in the West Village to be safe now. So will gay pride just become symbolic like St Patrick’s Day?”
It was beautiful, he said, to see the utopian vision of humanity expressed by the march, on one day a year at least: “Everybody gets to be their truest self.”
The age range of attendees was wide. Tasha Georgiades, 11, said she had come along so she could “wear the rainbow colors”.
Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jun/24/new-york-gay-pride-parade-marches-toward-50th-year-with-new-purpose
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the-witty-pen-name · 3 years
Can’t Help Falling in Love
Loki x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Summary: When Loki learns the traditions of Valentine’s Day, he asks you to be his Valentine- and reluctantly takes advice from Steve Rogers. 
Warnings: none; just fluff
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: Thank you to @squadleaderchase​ for the suggestion! This was so fun to write!
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
I recommend listening to Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley towards the end of this imagine!  
There is also a female reader version of this fic, available here!
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“Can’t Midgardians have a holiday that doesn’t involve such a grotesque display of… red?” Loki asks walking into the living room of the Avengers compound. Loki arrived at the compound a few weeks before Christmas and so far, he’s experienced two Earth holidays: Christmas and New Year’s. Of course, Tony had picked the theme for both parties to be elaborately red and gold- he claimed the fact that it matched his suit was merely a coincidence.
“Just wait until next month,” you reply casually, your eyes not leaving the brief you were reading while you sat cozied up in one of the large armchairs. “I think you’ll like St. Patrick’s Day much more… color scheme wise at least.”
Loki looked up curiously at the hearts of all shades of red and pink Natasha had hung up to decorate the Avengers’ living quarters. She had gone to visit Clint’s family and his kids spent hours making Valentines and decorations out of construction paper and glitter. Loki looked almost puzzled at the lopsided hearts that hung from the ceiling on transparent line so they looked like they floated mid-air.
“Perhaps I might,” he mumbled to himself, the lovesick aura of his surroundings making him slightly disgusted. “Though I suppose I find your rituals as bizarre as you’d find on Asgard.”
“Mhmm,” you mumbled in response to his thinking out loud. It was rare that the compound would be this quiet. It was a Friday evening and in the middle of a team meeting earlier today, Tony declared exhaustedly that everyone needs to start the weekend early and dismissed everyone despite Steve’s protests. You weren’t sure where everyone else went and you didn’t particularly care- enjoying the rare peace and quiet.
You didn’t mind Loki’s company. He was a little aloof but overall, you found him more to be misunderstood than anything else. He wasn’t like Thor and sure, he had a very trouble ridden past to downplay it- but he’s confided in you all it wasn’t entirely his doing. Out of everyone living at the compound, he probably had grown the closest to you, or as close as Loki would allow himself to be to someone.
“What even is this holiday?” Loki asked, pulling his attention from the decorations to where you sat, binder in your lap. You looked up and closed the brief, tossing it onto the coffee table in front of where you sat.
“Sunday is Valentine’s Day,” you say looking back over to him, meeting his eyes. “I mean overtime the traditions and how we celebrate have changed but it’s originally the day meant to honor St. Valentine and commemorate his death. There’s a lot more to it than that and there’s all different of different origins, but now it’s more like a day where you celebrate love, because he was the patron Saint of Love.”
Loki nods, liking the idea of this holiday much more than New Years already. He didn’t mind Christmas, but the elaborate parties made everything not very appealing to him. You can’t blame the god for not having a good time at parties where every guest fears him or hates him. He walks over and takes a seat on the couch and crosses his legs. He was intrigued enough to continue the conversation and ask you more questions. “What are the traditions?” He asks curiously.
“Traditionally, you would ask someone to be your Valentine, and that’s the person you want to spend the day with,” you answer with a small shrug, trying to explain a holiday you’ve never had to explain before. “Some people have it easy and they ask their significant other, and if you don’t have one, you ask someone you’re romantically interested in to be your Valentine. Then you give each other gifts, like chocolates or flowers, anything really that’s romantic and you go out on a date, like a nice dinner but it doesn’t have to be. That’s the basic gist.”
“Thank you, (y/n),” Loki said, mulling over your explanation. “You’ve been helpful, as always. Tell me, who’s your Valentine?”
“I don’t have one,” you answered honestly. The only time you really celebrated was when you had been with someone. You’d never really participated otherwise. You planned to just spend the night alone or with Nat if she also didn’t have plans and probably watch a movie- most definitely Pride and Prejudice.
“Shame,” Loki said with a tsk. “Perhaps, if you would be interested, you could be my Valentine?”
“Really?” you ask, honestly surprised.
“I actually like the idea of the day,” Loki shrugged. “And I don’t know many people, people seem to hate me on this planet- no idea as to why. You’ve always been kind to me, and you are the most tolerable person I’ve encountered on this planet.”
“That’s oddly very kind of you,” you say with a chuckle. “I appreciate the sentiments. Um, yes. I’d be happy to be your Valentine.”
“Excellent,” he grinned. He clapped his hands together and stood up. “Splendid. I’ll ask Thor to help me plan something.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” you smile, picking up your paperwork again as Loki heads off to find his brother.
“Brother,” Thor’s voice echoed in the training room. “Spar with me?”
“As much as I would love to,” Loki said sarcastically, “I need your help with something I need to plan.” Loki walked over to the side of the mat where Thor had been training with Captain Rogers.
“Plan what?” Captain Rogers asked curiously. It was an innocent enough question but Loki took it as Rogers insinuating his distrust in him. Of course, Loki can’t blame the man but it did rub him the wrong way.
“If you must know Captain Rogers, I’m making plans for this upcoming Valentine’s Day,” Loki said matter-of-factly. “I’m sure since you have quite the active love life recently, your words of wisdom are probably of infinite value.”
“You can learn a thing or two from me,” Steve retorted as he put the punching bag beck into place. “But I don’t like your attitude.”
“I don’t know how I’ll ever manage without you,” Loki scoffed. He turned his attention back to his brother. “I need help to determine where I should take (y/n) and what I should get for a present.”
“(y/n) agreed to this?” Thor asks, his eyebrows raised in confusion. Rogers kept his mouth shut, deciding to see where this conversation will go before
“Yes, brother. I asked (y/n) to be my Valentine as stated by tradition and they said yes.”
“Ah! Good for you, brother!” Thor exclaimed, happily. “I’m glad you’re immersing yourself in the Midgard culture.”
“Yes, yes,” Loki waved him off, “Now, please, tell me what I should do.”
“I’ve never celebrated Valentine’s Day,” Thor says with a shrug and a sympathetic look. “I haven’t had much opportunity to explore the culture. Every time I’m on this planet I’m a little busy preventing its destruction. Perhaps Rogers can help you?”
Loki let out an exasperated sigh. He avoided Rogers as he knew the man had such a smug look on his face. Loki refused to give him the satisfaction. However, he realized that wouldn’t be fair to you. Rogers not only knew what to do, but he was also close friends with you. He quickly realized if he wanted to celebrate with you properly, he’d need to rely on the infamous super soldier.
“Captain Rogers,” Loki said with a charismatic smile, turning back to the man. “I wholeheartedly apologize for my lack of… social niceties. If you’d be willing to help me, to ensure your dear friend enjoys the holiday, I would be sincerely grateful.”
“Only because of (y/n),” Rogers says skeptically, waving a finger at Loki. “They deserve to enjoy their time and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I let you screw up their evening.”
“What a loyal friend.”
Years later, the Avengers would still talk about the fact Loki cared about you so much, he sought out advice from Captain America and Thor. And as Captain America said, he helped Loki with every last detail and Steve never let Loki forget it.
Loki had told you that he’d come to your room to get you at 6 o’clock Sunday evening. He wore clothes he had picked out, black dress pants, a white button-down shirt and shiny, black dress shoes. He had kept the last button of the shirt unbuttoned and he had rolled the sleeves up, a styling tip he had gotten from Thor. He had his long hair gelled back and tamed, ignoring Captain Roger’s horrible suggestion for a haircut. He felt very weird not wearing any green, but he took the advice he was given on his ensemble.
You were just putting on your shoes when he knocked at your door Sunday promptly at 6pm. Of course, Loki would be very punctual. You gave yourself one more quick once more in the mirror in your room before heading to answer the door.
You kept your appearance simple, sticking to how you usually styled your hair. Not wanting to keep him waiting, you quickly opened the door, your jacket in hand.
“Wow,” you say with a grin, when you take in Loki’s appearance. “You look very nice.”
“You look stunning,” Loki said, his eyes widening, taking in your appearance. The compliment made you have butterflies.
“Thank you,” you said with false confidence. Underneath, you were a nervous wreck as you took the arm that he extended to you.
“So,” Loki began to walk down the hallway with you. “Apparently, this planet has something called reservations, and anyone who tries to get one a few days before Valentine’s Day is a “moron,” according to a very rude young man I had the pleasure of speaking with- the first time using a phone too on top of that. So, I hope you don’t mind if the evening is a little… makeshift.”
“I’m sure it’ll be great,” you reassure him. You feel him relax slightly. You found how hard he was trying so endearing.
Where else did he bring you but just down the hall to the living room. At night with the lights dimmed, combined with Natasha’s homemade decorations, it actually looked quite beautiful. He had decorated with an eclectic array of candles as well that covered most surfaces of the room. It also looked like he had swiped every throw pillow in the whole compound and had them arranged the coffee table in the center of the room.
“Did you do all of this?” You ask in awe.
“Yes,” he replied, just watching you. “Do you like it?”
“It’s perfect.”
“I had to make my own version of advice I received,” he disclosed to you. You sat opposite each other on either side of the coffee table, you kicked off your heels and he did the same with his shoes. “Captain Rogers said- and I’m trying my best to quote verbatim, ‘You need to show a special someone a good time if you care about ‘em . You gotta take ‘em to dinner and dancing.’” He even mimicked Steve’s voice perfectly. It made you laugh.
“I can’t believe you subjected yourself to Steve for me, I’m touched,” you smiled. “I mean I love Steve,” you continue, “But I can’t imagine you too being best friends anytime soon.”
“No, I suppose we probably won’t be,” Loki chuckles.
“I hate to point it out,” you continue, “but I think you missed both the dinner part and the dancing part of that plan.” Loki smirked and when you blinked, he transformed the whole room.
“Did I?” he asks, with an eyebrow raised. You gasp, looking around the room you were now in. You knew it was an illusion, but it felt very real. The atmosphere, the breeze coming in from the large bay windows that weren’t there before. The coffee table now a table now one of many dining tables in an incredibly high-end restaurant. The table had food, and a bottle of wine. You were stunned. There was a live band and other couples in other tables and out on the dancefloor.
“Loki?” You exclaimed, looking around at your new surroundings. It was amazing. You couldn’t believe the magic right before your eyes. Of course, you knew it was just one of his tricks, but it felt so incredibly real. You picked up your fork and took a bite of the food in front of you. It was incredible, you questioned if you were even eating.
“It’s real,” Loki said, like he could read your mind. Honestly, he had only just anticipated your next question. “I made it. Well, I made it with Friday’s supervision.”
“It’s fantastic! I can’t believe you went through all this trouble just for me.”
“Sweetheart, you are very much worth it- worth much more than this,” he responded casually, throwing in the term of endearment to see how you’d react. He caught the way it made you smile.
You continued to talk for a little while, and shared stories. You were worried that compared to his life on Asgard, he’d find your stories incredibly boring and mundane. It seemed to be the opposite. His attention was only on you and he held on to every word you said. He created this elaborate setting just to keep you the center of his attention.
“Should we dance?” He asks suddenly, a glimmer in his eye. You looked down apprehensively.
“I’m not really a dancer,” you tried to insist.
“Do you actually not want to dance, darling? Because if so, I will not bring it up again,” he says earnestly, “But, if you’re saying no because you’re afraid I’m going to judge you, I honestly can promise you I would never dream of doing so.”
You give it another moment to ponder over his words. You were taken aback at how well he seemed to know how you were thinking. You let out a sigh of defeat, and smile. “I’d love to,” you reply.
He stands up and offers you his hand. His smile is enough to make you weak at the knees. You take his hand and he leads you over to the dancefloor as the band starts playing its next song. “Does that singer sound like Elvis?” You ask, the small glitch in the illusion throwing you off for only a moment.
“I don’t know who that is,” Loki says with a laugh. He pulls you in close and rests one hand on the small of your back and the other grasps your hand close. You wrap your other arm around his shoulder. You are both pressed up incredibly close to one another. You rest your head on his chest comfortably, and you can’t see how much the action makes his whole face go red. Guiding your movements together, it mostly just swaying in place. The steps were small, and with the music playing for the two of you.
“This place is incredible,” you sigh happily looking up at him. “But I think I liked the first place a little better.”
He nodded in agreement and you got to watch a green hue encompass the walls of the restaurant as they almost melted away, and everything around the two of you just fade away. The sconces on the walls, revealed themselves to be the candles that cluttered the living room and the couples evaporated with the green mist. The table you had both sat at, turned back to the coffee table but the empty plates remained. The elaborate statues that surrounded the room turned into the furniture you knew well, and then the live band faded away to reveal Steve’s record player indeed playing a 45 of Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley.
When the room finished revealing its true appearance to you, you laid your head back on Loki’s chest and mumbled that now it was perfect. He smiled to himself, thinking about how without a doubt in his mind, Valentine’s Day is his absolute favorite holiday on Midgard. He now couldn’t believe this reality was real. If he wasn’t holding you, he’d pinch himself. You were here, with him, in his arms, dancing in the middle of the living room on this godforsaken planet.
“(y/n)?” he whispered softly as the song was coming to an end.
“Mhmm?” You responded, your eyes closed, really just basking in the feeling of being so close to him and the smell of his cologne.
“Will be mine?” He asks carefully, remembering the phrase from Captain Roger’s advice. That phrase apparently being very important if today went well and he wanted to ask you to “go steady.” You chuckled softly, hearing Steve’s influence in the phrase.
“I would love to,” you say with a shy smile looking back up to him. He beams, incredibly happy you said yes. Swept up in his emotions, he swiftly leans down and presses his lips to yours capturing them in a passionate first kiss.
“Oh gross!” You hear someone exclaim, making you both pull away. It’s Tony- who was currently holding his side in pain as Pepper elbowed him in the side.
“You really had to do that?” she chastised him, rolling her eyes and giving an apologetic look to you and Loki before pushing Tony down the hallway to give you both your moment back, as sullied as it had become thanks to Tony.
“I never gave Rock of Ages permission to be… lovey dovey in my building! (y/n) you can do so much better than that greaseball!”
“I’m so sorry,” she said embarrassed by his outburst, ushering him out as quickly as possible.
Loki turns his head back to you, immediately after they are out of view. “Where were we, darling?” He smirks, pulling you in for another kiss.
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