#or if they were windowshopping
clemencetaught · 1 year
gender ( meta one. )
Since it’s pride month, I’m finally going to write out a meta for something I meant to actually talk about like last year:
So on his profile, it says that Patrick is nonbinary, but closeted and therefore uses only he/him pronouns. Just as his feelings on his sexuality and how open he is about expressing it has been a complicated mess, you could say it’s a very similar scenario with his gender identity. Although in this case, his gender identity is one of those things where he knows he could explore a bit more freely but he just?? doesn’t feel quite ready if that makes any sense??
That being said, he’s definitely not cisgender and while he doesn’t identify with feminine pronouns, I don’t think he’s quite comfortable with using they/them pronouns (yet)….if he had to pick a identification though, it’d probably be demiboy (he/they) and that’s thanks to felicity:
Basically, her calling him a gentleman helped him become more comfortable with both his masculinity and his deviance from it. While he inspires to be a ‘gentleman’ ( or at least embody the good traits of it ), it doesn’t necessarily have to fall under the umbrella of traditional masculinity and so while she was alive, he did explore some forms of androgynous dressing….that phase of experimenting he shut down though when she passed away as she had been the only person he confided in about it.
tldr; he’s non*binary & closeted, but if he had to pick a gender identify as he’s picking ‘gentleman’ - ie. he’ll use he/him pronouns but aside from ‘gentleman’, he’s more comfortable with gender neutral terms like ‘person’ or ‘partner’
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florenceisfalling · 1 year
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bizarre online reactions to the buildabear grownup stuffies
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screaming rn I hate being broke 😭😭 dragged some friends across town today n we ended up at a target.
I make a run 🏃🏿 to the toy section of course n the transformers section was so small. like smaller than span of my arms. N there wasn’t shit there.
I was crying over shockwave and inferno meanwhile the hooligans r like
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the figures we so small n like over 40$
I need to get my bank up urgently. I NEED THEM 🥹🥹
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aeide-thea · 2 years
windowshopping rei shit and having some reminiscent 'i may think of you softly from time to time but' feelings abt C...
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mncxbe · 8 months
𝑷𝑴 𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: no plot just vibes/ fluff♡
Contenxt; you're Dazai's partner and he walks you home after a mission♡ saw this reel on instagram and I needed to write this (https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwzpZnjp_n-/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)
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Streetlights glinting off the hoods of parked cars; pearls of rain pouring from the dark clouds above, skipping on the wet pavement. A chill ran down your body, causing you to shiver as you gripped the handle of your umbrella tighter.
It wasn't exactly cold. The last vestiges of summer still met the eye: fresh green leaves with crisp, paper brown edges, watermelon and bundles of puffy peaches in windowshops and heat radiating off the busy boulevards; but still, the glacial presence of your partner beside you was like a wintery breeze.
"Can't you walk a bit faster?" he asked in his usual cold tone, his words sounding more like an order than a mere inquiry.
"My boots are killing me. So no"
Gazing around the empty streets in attempt to avoid his gaze, you instinctively reached for the pack of cigarettes nestled in the pocket of your coat; comforting, familiar.
"Then why are you wearing them?" he pressed.
You procured a cigarette from the crumpled box and held it to your lips, lighting it up with a clipper. The little flame flickered in the light wind; a kaleidoscope of red, burnt orange and summer yellow that shone in the darkness that enveloped the two of you.
"Well, they suit me well don't you think? What doesn't a girl do to feel pretty?"
"That's stupid, really" he sighed, shaking his head lightly.
Sulkily chewing the filter of the menthol cigarettes, your gaze slid to Dazai. His dark curls, frizzy from the humid air, fell lightly around his face; you could see the white bandage wrapped around his eye.
In the background, lights from cars and traffic lights seemed distorted, elongated and washed out, hazily flashing green and red. After a moment of silence you finally spoke up again:
"Why do you wear that"
"What?" he asked then sighed when you pointed at his bandage. "Why not really? I think it suits me well. After all, what doesn't a boy do to feel pretty?" he mocked.
A light chuckle rolled off your lips as you snaked your arm under his, trying to shelter yourself from the heavy rain.
"Don't go turning my words against me, Osamu."
Dazai tensed under your touch. After all this time he still wasn't used to it and he suspected he never will be.
He only nodded in response, thin brows knitting as his eyes watched the fat raindrops fall in puddles of technicolor.
You knew Dazai has never been the type to talk unless he had something to say and you found solace in his cold demeanor. Other people did their best to avoid him- the vicious detective of the Mafia, the boss's favourite lap dog or whatever others called him- but the same things that pushed most people away drew you to him.
You were neither friends nor enemies, but in the end there was no need to define your relationship. Being with him simply felt right, like two pieces of a puzzle being connected.
And in a way Dazai felt the same. He found comfort in your vibrance, in learning all your little habits, like the way you'd bite down your thumb when you were deep in thought, how you'd roll the filter of your flavoured cigarettes between two slender fingers when you were bored or hum the exact same tune after missions.
You were everything he wasn't: high-spirited, gentle, tender, mindful of everyone's needs and awfully alive; madly in love with every little aspect of the world and beyond all, kind. Just like now you were kind enough to share your umbrella with him so that his bandages wouldn't get soaked by the rain.
As you walked down the damp streets of your neighbourhood, rain pouring from high above, all Dazai could think was how right your arm felt around his. How close you were. A faint memory of you reciting a poem a few weeks ago resurfaced in his mind; you always said that rain brings people closer, an idea he dismissed without a moment of though. But now he couldn't deny how right you were. You felt closer than ever, enveloped in translucent drops in this bubble of silence the two of you shared.
When you finally reached the front of your apartment building he stepped under the arcade, waiting for you to find your keys.
"Thanks for walking me home" you said mindlessly as you unlocked the door to your apartment.
"No problem. Also here you go..." he began, attempting to close the umbrella but you quickly motioned him to stop.
"Nah you can keep it. You can give it to me tomorrow ok?"
He simply nodded, his eyes meeting your as you raised on your tip-toes to place a faint kiss to his cheek. As you pulled away your fingetips traced the edges of his bandage, ice cold against his skin.
"If you really wanna know you do look good with it, but I prefer you without it." you stated, lips stretching into a warm smile.
Dazai nodded again, his hand coming to rest above your own, cupping his face. The two of you stood like this for a few moments before you eventually pulled away.
"I better go now, it's getting late. See you tomorrow tho."
With that and a light-hearted smile you entered your apartment and shut the door behind, leaving Dazai all alone.
Holding the umbrella above his frame he began walking towards his place. The rain showed no sign of stopping.
As he passed by an overflowing trash can his hand reached for the back of his head and he pulled the patch off his head, tossing it in the bin with a waggish huff before walking away.
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helios-writings · 7 months
There are some days when Shanks feels bad about not being able to give you the life he thinks you deserve. Days where you and he barely see each other because the pair of you are working overtime. Days where the two of you sit at the table, stressed about what bills you can cover and what you’ll have to live without.
Others days, he knows, are better. Curled up in each others arms on your days off, the smell of breakfast cooking even though its two in the afternoon. Still, he’d always dreamed about giving you a life of luxury, about spoiling you and making sure you didn’t have to work another shitty job if you didn’t want to. He’s not quite there yet, but he hopes one day he will be.
The two of you are walking hand in hand through the richer shopping district, windowshopping in all the pricier stores that give him hives just thinking about stopping in, but he loves the way you smile as you envision how you would decorate the foyer of your fictional mansion with a giant gold and crystal chandelier.
He laughs, not at you, but at the absurdity of it. “What would we need with something like that, huh?”
You shrug. “Sometimes things are just nice to have.”
He’d buy you a million of those ugly things if it meant making you happy.
Instead, Shanks points to something else. “And where would you put this?”
“Our living room, right next to the giant comfy couch, so I can admire it while I sit next to you.”
The two of you carry on like this, until you find a cozy old antique shop buried inbetween two high end boutiques.
“Lets go in here.” He tells you, stopping you with a gentle tug on your hand.
“Antiques? I didn’t know you liked old stuff like that.”
“I had a crush on our high school math teacher, didn’t I?”
You roll your eyes. “And yet, you’re here with me.”
He elbows you playfully in the side. “Well, she couldn’t compare to you.”
You just laugh and head inside the store.
The inside smells like dust and the culmination of other peoples belongings, but he’s drawn to the jewelry shelf towards the entrance, whilst you wander off by yourself down one of the countless aisles. The shelf holds many pieces of jewelry, but what catches his eye is a pair of wedding rings, obviously on the older side, but the feeling hits him so fast, it feels like his heart has fallen to his feet.
Shanks had never thought about proposing to you. Not in a “terrified of marriage” way, but to him you already were. But, standing in that store, the need had never been more apparent, and the rings were within his budget. It felt like a sign from on high, even if you were the one who believed in signs like that.
You both left the store half an hour later, his wallet a bit lighter, but pocket heavier.
You make dinner that night, something simple, but delicious and Shanks, never one to second guess himself, jumps right in.
“I want to marry you.”
Your eyes widen as you nearly spit out your drink. “Wh-“
He pulls the rings out and continues. “I know you didn’t dream about living in a one bedroom apartment with shitty heating and cooling, and that you deserve better than I can give you, but I promise you that you’ll have it one day. Whatever you want, a big house, dogs or cats, a huge ugly gold and crystal chandelier in the foyer. I want to give that all to you.”
You take his hand in yours. “Shanks, baby, we may not live the life you think we deserve, but I live the life I want with you every day. I don’t care about any of that stuff, not really. So what if our heating breaks in the middle of winter? So what if I can’t have a big yard or house? I’d rather have you.”
He feels his eyes get a little misty and he turns away. “I’m not the one who’s supposed to be crying here.”
You roll your eyes and slip one of the rings on. “I’ll marry you.”
He kisses you deep, a grin on his face that won’t go away no matter how hard he tries.
The wedding takes place in a court house, costing no more than 120 dollars and the two of you wearing the nicest clothes you can afford, but its perfect and neither of you would dream of anything else, not when you have each other. This is the life you deserve, and he can give it to you after all.
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Hi! Vera again~
Could you write for Daisuke Kambe for number 11 from your prompt list (I live to impress)?
I Live To Impress {Kambe Daisuke}
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It was supposed to be a normal date but then again... nothing is normal when it comes to Daisuke
A/n: honestly it is a crime that there aren't many fics with Daisuke and Haru. However, I am here to deliver once more.
Pairing: Kambe Daisuke x reader
Trigger Warnings: none
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It had become a tradition at this point that whenever you and Daisuke went on a date, he would pick you up from your house with his 'humble' sports car and drive to a nice restaurant to dine. Maybe, if the night was still young, the two of you would go to a roof garden and have a cocktail or two. Pretty chill activities since Daisuke never settled for anything less.
Aside from some 'unexpected' dates, the two of you would go out every Friday night and if not to go to dinner then to take a walk around the park.
Today was Friday but Daisuke had suggested to go windowshopping -it never was JUST windowshopping- which was fine with you since it was holiday week and every single store would be decorated.
"Cartier or Harry Winston?" Daisuke fixed the black scarf around his neck before putting his gloved hand back in his coat's pocket.
"Buccellati." You replied nonchalantly.
"All three then." He sighed and his breath could be seen.
"Why are we here anyways? When it comes to walks you're always adamant on going to the park."
You received no reply however since Daisuke stopped walking and stared at a restaurant at the opposite side of the street. There were a lot of people outside, watching the workers who transferred few of the most expensive furniture inside with the outmost care.
"Do you think it will be ready by next Friday?" Finding his question slightly odd, you turned to look at him. He seemed to be deeply invested in the speed with which the workers brought the furniture inside, his eyes going back and forth between them and the workers on the rooftop of the restaurant who were building the bar.
"Does it matter?" You asked.
"Of course it does. I am paying for its construction." Daisuke seemed to notice how you blinked in question and turned his head just enough to look at you. "There aren't any other fine restaurants in town and you don't like travelling with a helicopter."
"So you bought the restaurant of this hotel?"
"No, I built the hotel." He shrugged.
"Because, I live to impress and I have too much money."
It is needless to say that the interior of the restaurant and the hotel on top of it had indeed been finished by the time you and Daisuke walked inside just a week later.
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ravencincaide · 9 months
Title:  His loss
Synopsis: You didn’t expect that it would bother you so much,  Dazai’s love for women who were ‘not-You’. Your saving grace is that you aren't alone in this- you still have Chuuya there to cheer you up.
Pairing: Chuuya x fem! reader, mention of Chuuya x Dazai x Fem!reader 
Warning: Alcohol and excessive drinking, cursing, hint at intimacy and oral, mention of throuple/ polyamory, mention of cheating 
You aren’t sure what your relationship is supposed to be, but you’re damned certain it’s not supposed to be like this. 
Back when you were single you were certain your love life would be of the morbid kind. Your lover would probably be someone with twisted preferences, who’d get off on pain and suffering. Someone who’d slap your ass more times than bring you flowers. However the one ‘twisted preference’ you weren’t prepared for was having your heart toyed with.  Were you together? Were you expected to be exclusive or were you on the opposite expected to gain experience that you’d then transfer to the bedroom? You weren’t certain- but you knew it was a discussion you’d need to have soon. 
“ I didn’t know you were in an open- relationship” your partner for the mission suddenly mused, finally breaking the silence that stretched on for hours between you two. He was staring into the window of a small nearby cafe a fair bit ahead of you. You were kind of surprised you could still make out his voice from this distance. Though it wasn’t the comment that annoyed you the most about him, but rather the way he dragged his feet on the mission and yet had time to windowshop the moment you two got back. 
Still, your icy one-liner died on your lips when you saw what he meant. The sight of Dazai so obviously flirting with the waitress. 
“ It’s nothing.” You replied in a flat voice, your eyes still glued to the sight of him; Dazai's puppy dog look as he stared at the waitress as if she hung the moon. The glimmer in his eyes as he saw something he wanted. A warm flush coloring his cheeks with excitement. He held the waitress's hand in between his own, stroking it in circles, his lips moving faster and faster. You could practically hear the purr of his voice- the longing promises you’ve heard hundreds of times. 
You wondered if he called her Belladonna too. 
“ Doesn’t look like nothing” Your subordinate practically purred in your ear, excited at the sight of you losing your emotionless composure. Even if it was for just a moment. The thought of you being gloomy, hurting and sad was exciting to him. 
 That sick bastard. 
“ Shut up. I made it clear it was nothing. Didn’t I?” You turned away from the sight of Dazai and the waitress and bore your eyes into your subordinate. The calm and professional look you always carried on missions was replaced by burning anger. If looks could kill, your subordinate would already combust into flames, twice.  “ Now get a move-on. We still have the report to do!”  
It took you three hours to wrap up the last of the mission, type up the report, order more ammunition and sign off on both yours and your mission-partners expenses. However before the ink on the page managed to dry you were out of the office and off home. 
When you got back, it was still early and neither of your partners were in sight. You took this as a chance to take a long burning hot shower, washing off the last of the dirt and grime of the mission. As the water poured over you, your thoughts drifted back to Dazai. Although he was normally the first one to be home, there was no trace of him in the house. Something told you he wouldn’t be coming back tonight. 
The thought made your stomach turn in an unpleasant fashion.
Turning off the water, you dried your hair before twisting it into a messy bun. You dressed into a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt which came down to your mid-thigh. Then you went into the kitchen and poured yourself a glass of bourbon on rocks in a whiskey glass. Downing the first one in one clunk you contemplated how many more you’d want, especially on an empty stomach. Deciding on ‘many’ you took out a bucket from the cupboard and filled it to the brim with ice. Normally Chuuya used it to keep his wine at perfect temperature whenever you were doing something together. Though you doubted Chuuya would care very much if you loaned it for a bit. Balancing the bucket in one hand, you carried your glass, the bottle of bourbon all the while balancing a bottle of coke between your fingers. You made it to the living room table just seconds away from dropping everything on the floor. But you made it. Rubbing your hands together to regain feeling, you moved to jump into the velvety couch right beside it, settling down lotus style.
Then you began drinking. 
You barely got through your first bourbon cola when you heard the key turn in the knob. You cursed to yourself wondering if you should head to the bedroom and continue there. Deciding that it would just make you look even more pitiful you poured yourself another glass, staring at the way the ice cubes danced at the surface of the drink. Your heart was in your throat, your pulse pounding loudly in your ears. Was Dazai actually coming home? Were you.. wrong?
“ You’re back already Y/N?” Chuuya called from the hallway as he kicked off his shoes. 
“ In here” you tried not to sound too disappointed. You heard him enter the room seconds after you called out to him. Coming up from behind, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
“ Bourbon? Tough job?” 
You hummed a reply as you threw your head back, hitting his shoulder in the process, downing the glass in one move. This time there was more bourbon in it than cola. Your eyes teared up, your senses completely overwhelmed by the smoky sweet taste of your drink. You coughed a few times before shaking your head, deciding that next time you’d be more cautious when eyeballing proportions. Then you started making yourself said ‘another drink’. 
Chuuya watched you for a few moments before he moved to sit beside you. He shrugged his jacket off, leaving it on the edge of the couch before he poured himself a glass of wine. It was a Shiraz Cabernet which he got on the way home. Too cheap wine for his taste but he knew it was one of your favorites. He twirled the glass in his hand for a moment, enjoying its fragrant scent before tilting it towards you- a silent offer to abandon your drink of choice for something that's less likely to give you a hangover. 
Silently you raised your drink in response. Maybe after the next one. 
Chuuya took a sip of his wine. For a change he didn’t seem to care that it was a few degrees above perfect temperature. Pleasant silence lingered between the two of you, as you both tried to recover from your less-than-ideal week. Some days talking was just overrated. 
“ Have you seen Idiot- Dazai?” Chuuya finally asked as he finished his glass and poured himself another. 
“ Donno, I’m not his mother” You reply harsher than intended. 
Chuuya observed you for a long moment, trying to read your mind. He didn’t ask anything else, just watched you throw back glass after glass with no end in sight. As you ran out of cola, you made exaggerated suffering sighs, staring longingly at the empty glass. 
" A penny for your thoughts?" 
" I want another drink?" Chuuya actually laughed at you, shaking his head. Still he got up and headed to the kitchen, coming back a few minutes later with another bottle of cola, a proper glass for whiskey- or in your case bourbon, cola, wine glass and a platter of cheese, crackers and fruit. He settled it down on the table before he started making your drink. In the meantime you reached forward and stole a few grapes from the platter. Some you ate while others you held up to his lips, which he parted instantly, not forgetting to press a kiss to your fingertips as a thank you. 
“ Here try this” he handed you the bourbon cola before sitting down beside you, his arm wrapping around your waist. It still surprised you how knowledgeable he was about alcohol and how he managed to make a simple bourbon cola perfect. Just the right strengths so there was only a hint of alcohol in the cola, refreshed with a bit of lemon. It made you wonder what you did to deserve him and whether he was happy like this, in this so-called relationship of yours.
“ Chuuya, are you- we exclusive?” 
“ What do you think, doll?” He asked back his eyes staring intensely into your own. Reaching forward he rested his palm on your cheek, his fingers near the back of your head pulling you forward. He met your lips halfway. The kiss held passion, desire and care but before you could deepen it he pulled back and reached for the wine, taking another sip. You could see the flush on his cheeks, the way he used the wine as an excuse to keep himself in check. 
It amazed you how he knew what you needed even before you could understand it yourself. 
You moved to rest your head on his shoulder, leaning your weight onto him. Instantly his arm was around you, keeping you close to himself. Another kiss, this one on your forehead. Then he just held you, giving you time with your thoughts. It didn’t take long for you to break the peaceful silence; “ But don’t you wanna try things with someone else? More experienced or just a different body?” 
Chuuya snorted into his wine “ Sweetheart your mouth alone can keep me going all night- we’ll not say about the rest of you” his hold tightened around you, his thumb rubbing comforting circles on your shirt. 
You leaned away from him, towards the table pouring yourself another straight shot of bourbon in your old glass. You were using it as an excuse to hide the smile tugging on your lips and the burning of your cheeks. Taking a sip, you made a face as you realized all the ice in your glass had melted. Setting it back down, you reached over and dropped a few cubes of ice from the bucket into it before leaving it on the table to cool down faster. 
“ I’m not fucking anyone else either- so you know” you stated as you once again rested against his shoulder, under the warms of his arm. 
“ What’s with the questions? Did you see Dazai fuck another woman or something?” When you didn’t reply Chuuya bore his eyes into you “ What? Seriously?” 
“ Not fuck but-” you reached for the glass of still piss-warm bourbon and downed it in one go, giving Chuuya all the reply he needed. 
“ Fucking idiot, rack of bandages- stupid.” you heard Chuuya mutter under his breath. 
The colorful curse words just reminded you of Dazai’s look of adoration as he stared at the waitress in the cafe. Instead of making you angry however it just caused you hurt. It made you doubt yourself- if you understood him correctly and his intentions with this relationship. Was it always supposed to be this free-wishy washy- open-kinda thing between you three? Or did he change his mind after you three slept together? Did he have you and then decide he didn’t want you anymore? 
That thought hurt more than you’d like to admit. 
Noticing your somber look, Chuuya grabbed your arm and pulled you until you were saddling his lap. His arms dropped to your waist, holding you in place. His warm breath on your face smelled sweet and grapy from the wine. “ His loss.” Chuuya finally concluded against your lips “ That means I have you all to myself- and plenty of time to make you forget that idiot.”
Taking his face in your hands, you closed the remaining distance between you. You kissed him with all you had, silently praying that he’d make you stop thinking about your relationship and Dazai- if only for tonight. 
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matttgirlies · 1 month
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Matt & Me🎀
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
a story heavily based on Priscilla Presley’s Book “Elvis & Me” based in the 1950’s - 1970’s.
fem! reader x singer! matt
disclaimer!! - in no way am i saying matt would ever support or do these kind of things, for the sake of the book certain unethical things do happen at times.
warnings - none i dont think
y/nn = your nickname for anyone confused🩷
Chapter 4
It was already Christmas 1959, and I had no idea what to get Matt. I walked through the crowded streets of Wiesbaden, windowshopping, trying to get ideas. Picking out gifts for the family had always been easy, since we always knew exactly what was wanted or needed; in fact, we often made our gifts for one another. On this occasion my father gave me thirty-five dollars to spend on Matt, and it seemed a vast amount to me when I set out on this freezing cold day. I was slapped with the reality when I noticed a beautiful hand-made cigar box with porcelain outlining and a decorative design. Matt, a cigar smoker, would have loved it. But after the shopkeeper told me the price, 650 Deutsche marks or $155, all I walked out with was my expensive taste.
It was snowing heavily and I hurried into another shop, this one full of bright toys, including a solidly built toy German train that I could imagine Matt instantly setting up in his living room. But the train cost 2,000 Deutsche marks.
Heading home in the dark, on the verge of tears, I spotted a music store, where a pair of bongo drums inlaid with gleaming brass were displayed in the window. They were forty dollars, but the clerk took mercy on me and sold them for thirty-five. As I headed home I was beset by a thousand doubts, convinced that the drums were the least romantic of gifts.
I must have asked Nate Doe and David Jones twenty times if they thought the drums were appropriate. “Oh sure,” Nate said. “Anything you give him, he’ll like.” I still wasn’t convinced.
On the night we exchanged gifts, Matt emerged from his dad’s room and drew me to one corner of the living room, where he handed me a small wrapped box, in it, a delicate gold watch with a diamond set on the lid and a ring with a pearl bracketed by two diamonds.
I had never owned anything so beautiful, nor had any smile ever warmed me as Matt’s did then. “I’ll cherish these forever,” I told him, and he made me put them on right away and took me around to show everyone.
I waited as long as possible to give Matt my present. Laughing, he said, “Bongos! Just what I always wanted!” Matt could see that I didn’t believe him; he was better at giving than receiving. “Charlie,” he persisted, “didn’t I need some bongos?”
Motioning for me to sit next to him at the piano, he started playing “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” with such emotion that I couldn’t look up for fear he’d see I was crying. When at last I couldn’t resist meeting his eyes, I saw that he too was holding back tears.
It was not until many days later that I discovered a whole closet full of bongo drums, mine not included, in the basement. The fact that my white elephants had not been throw into the closet but instead were prominently displayed beside his guitar made me love him all the more.
As the days passed I began to dread the day of Matt’s departure. By January he was already packing, and each night I spent with him became more precious than the one before.
Then, just as the weather turned freezing cold, Matt was sent out on field maneuvers for ten days, and if there was anything Matt hated, it was having to sleep outside on the frozen ground.
The morning after he left, it began to snow and by afternoon it was a blizzard. As Michelle and I were driving home from school with my mother, I turned on the radio, just in time to hear a late-breaking news bulletin.
“Sorry to interrupt, folks, but it was just reported that Corporal Matt Sturniolo has been rushed from field maneuvers to a hospital in Frankfurt, suffering from an acute attack of tonsillitis. Matt, if you’re listening, we all hope you get well real soon.”
Frantic with worry, I called the hospital, hoping to learn more about his condition. To my surprise, when the operator heard my name she put me right through, saying Corporal Sturniolo had left word to do so if I called.
“I’m a sick man, Little One,” Matt rasped. “I need you by my side. If it’s okay with your folks, I’ll send David for you right now.”
Of course my parents gave me permission to go to the hospital, and an hour later I entered his room, just as the nurse was leaving. Matt was propped up in bed with a thermometer in his mouth, surrounded by dozens of floral arrangements.
The moment the nurse was gone, Matt took the thermometer out of his mouth, lit a match, and carefully held it under the thermometer. Then he stuck the thermometer back in his mouth and slumped down on the bed just as the door opened and the nurse returned, carrying in even more flowers.
Smiling warmly to her famous patient, she took the thermometer out of Matt’s mouth, looked at it, and gasped, “A hundred and three. Why, Matt, you’re really sick. I’m afraid you’ll have to stay here at least a week.”
Matt nodded mutely as the nurse fluffed up his pillows, filled his water glass, and left the room. Then he burst out laughing, jumped out of bed, and took me in his arms.
He despised maneuvers, and since the weather was so bad and everyone was so worried about his voice, his answer was tonsillitis. Already susceptible to catching colds, Matt learned to dramatize his sickness with a little flick of a match.
It was March 1, 1960, the night before Matt was to leave Germany to return to the States.
We were lying on his bed, our arms around each other. I was in a state of complete despair.
“Oh, Matt,” I said, “I just wish there were some way you could take me with you. I can’t stand the thought of life without you. I love you so much.”
I began sobbing, my anguish overcoming my control.
“Shhh, Baby,” Matt whispered. “Try to calm down. There’s nothing we can do.”
“I’m just afraid you’ll forget me the moment you land,” I cried.
He smiled and kissed me gently. “I’m not going to forget you, y/nn. I’ve never felt this way about another girl. I love you.”
“You do?” I was stunned. Matt had said that I was special before, but he’d never said that he loved me. I wanted so badly to believe him, but I was frightened of getting hurt. I’d read some of Nicole’s letters, and I was sure Matt was on his way back to her open arms.
Holding me close, he said, “I’m torn with the feelings I have for you. I don’t know what to do. Maybe being away will help me understand what I really feel.”
That night our lovemaking took on a new urgency. Would I ever see him again, be in his arms the way I had been nearly every night for the past six months? I missed him already. I could not bear the thought of the night ending and our saying goodbye for what I thought would be the last time. I wept and wept until my body ached with pain.
For the last time I begged him to finally have sex with me. It would have been so easy for him. I was young, vulnerable, desperately in love, and he could have taken complete advantage of me. But he quietly said, “No. Someday we will, y/n, but not now. You’re just too young.”
I lay awake all that night and early the next morning I was back at 18 Hauptstrasse, lost in the midst of a large group of people milling about the living room. They were waiting to say goodbye to Matt, who was upstairs finishing his last-minute packing. Knowing that I alone would be accompanying him to the airport gave me little comfort.
When Matt came downstairs, he laughed and joked with everyone there. Finally, after saying his last goodbye, Matt turned to me. “Okay, Little One, it’s time to go.”
I nodded glumly and followed him out the door. Oblivious to the drizzling rain, hundreds of fans were waiting outside. When they saw Matt they went crazy, begging him to sign autographs. When he finished he jumped into the waiting car and pulled me in behind him. As the door slammed, the driver accelerated and we sped toward the airport.
We rode for a long while in silence, both of us lost in thought. Matt was gazing out the window, frowning over the falling rain. “I know it’s not going to be easy for you to go back to being a schoolgirl again after being with me, y/nn, but you’ve got to. I don’t want you to be sitting around moping after I leave, Little One.”
I started to protest, but he silenced me. “Try to have a good time, write to me every chance you get. I’ll look forward to your letters. Get pink stationery. Address them to Nate. That way I’ll know they’re from you. I want you to promise me you’ll stay the way you are. Untouched, as I left you.”
“I will,” I promised.
“I’ll look for you from the top of the ramp. I don’t want to see a sad face. Give me a little smile. I’ll take that with me.”
Then, handing me his combat jacket and the sergeant’s stripes he’d recently been
awarded, he said, “I want you to have these. It shows you belong to me.” After that, he held me tight.
As we approached the airport, the cheers of the waiting crowds grew louder. We drove as close to the runway as possible, then Matt turned to me and said, “This is it, Baby.”
We got out as cameras flashed, reporters shouted, and screaming fans pressed toward us. Matt held my hand and walked across the runway apron until the guard, who was there to escort Matt to the plane, stopped me from going further.
Matt gave me a brief hug and whispered, “Don’t worry, I’ll call you when I get home, Baby, promise.”
I nodded, but before I could answer, we were pulled apart as the crowd rushed in. I was swept away by hundreds of fans, pushing and pulling, trying to get to him. I cried, “Matt!” but he never heard me.
He ran up the boarding steps. Then he turned and waved to the crowd, his eyes searching for me. I waved frantically, as did hundreds of other fans, yet he found me, and for one more brief moment, our eyes locked. Then he disappeared. Just like that.
My parents came to the airport to drive me back to Wiesbaden. During the long ride I was silent.
Excerpt from: "Elvis and Me" by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley. Scribd.
This material may be protected by copyright.
a/n - sad chapter 😪 (sorry its shorter than ones before)🎀
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ichig00 · 5 months
Enemies LOVERS
A/N: I do not hate Ada (no one should because she's a great character and made the game more interesting!) I LOVE ADA. Her character here is ONLY FOR THIS STORY'S PLOT.
WARNING: cheating, violence, revenge, anger, etc.
Your mouth agape opened, shocked upon what you have witnessed. Ada, pinning a random guy in a bathroom stall while kissing him.
"I fucking new it." bursting the door out open as you enter the comfort room, Ada and the guy look up to you. Ada smirked. "Oh, I'm sure you knew it." Ada, move away from the guy with a smirk on her lips as she stands feets away.
"You're cheating on Leon!" Your voice echoes across the women's comfort room. She let out a laugh.
"What you gonna do now? Run around? shouting everyone the great news you found?" Without fading the smirk, Ada spoke. Your hand curling into a fist as you glared back to Ada.
"You run to us, ruining our relationship and cheating on him!" You took steps to close off the gap between you and Ada. Both of you now stand close to each other face to face, the tension becoming hotter as the atmosphere around becomes heavier.
"Leon is the one making the choice. It's not my fault you're not good enough f to satisfy him." Ada's words make you chew your inside cheek, gritting your teeth while trying not to smash her face at the sink of the restroom.
After finding out that Leon cheated on your, Leon had decided to break ties with you. Afraid that he might hurt you more if he continues his relationship with you. Now you found his 'new girl' that he cheated on you, cheating on him too. How karma works so mysteriously.
You love Leon very much. Even until now, you still love him, but there's already emotions mixing with it. You still care for your ex-boyfriend after he cheated and broke your heart into tiny pieces.
How pathetic you are.
"He chose you, and you wasted the choice he made." You replied with gritted teeth. It hurts you so much, knowing that he would be hurt after knowing it.
Your heart is still in pain after he broke it a month ago. It hurts how Leon can waste years of being together just to be with another cheater.
You hissed when Ada pulled your hair from the back of your head. "A word from you wouldn't change anything to us." She whispered then let go of your hair. You pulled yourself together, trying not to fight back because that wasn't you. You don't fight back physically. You're smart enough not to raise a hand to anyone.
She walked out of the restroom with the guy tailing her around. You rolled your eyes and landed on the mirror. You sighed and fixed your hair.
She's not getting away with it. They're not getting away.
It wasn't Ada's fault. Atleast not everything of it. It's Leon's fault for letting himself submit to Ada and for not considering everything in your relationship. You gave everything, you gave him love. Provided care and was always there for him when he needed someone.
But you can't help but blame Ada, too. She already knows that Leon's already in a relationship but still went for it.
You're not letting yourself hidden in the dark. Vengeance is on the way.
"Stunning as always." Said by Chris, who's standing at your front door. "I know. You look good as always." You complimented him back and kissed your parents goodbye.
"Show them what you got, baby!" Your Mom cheered as you walked out of the door with your longe evening gown wiandarm curled up to Chris biceps.
"We will!" Chris shouted back as he opened the door of his passenger seat. You went inside with Chris' help.
Chris isn't whom you expected to be your escort in the prom. Leon and you were very excited about this that you two even do windowshop for the one you will wear on a very special day, but all those went down the pit when he cheated.
You arrived at the prom, greeted some of your friends. "Good thing Chris had already someone to go with the prom with." Claire teased after you greeted her, everyone in the group laugh.
Chris has always liked you eversince before you dated Leon. Of course, you knew about that. He was so obvious when he's with you until he admitted it one day. But Leon is whom you love, Whom you wanted to be with. Gladly Leon returned those feelings but unfortunately broke it down, too.
"Now, don't be falling too hard, Chris." Jill added knowing about Chris feelings. He shook his head with a chuckle in response. "Too late." He said and lifted your chin up and kissed you, which you gladly kissed back.
"'Atta boy!" Carlos cheered, followed by the cheer of everyone else in the group. The kiss broke off , and you followed it by kissing Chris in the cheek, which he smiled softly to.
Now, you and Chris are not dating, but there is something between you two. You started to grow fond of him as the bond between the two of you deepened. He console you and been with you since the break up. He's taking the chance, and you're using it. He knows that you haven't moved on from Leon. He accepted that he was second in your heart and probably would be there for the rest of your life. He respects you a lot and respects your feelings towards Leon.
He tried moving on from you when you dated Leon, but he couldn't. He loves you too much, so he let those feelings flow and grow.
And he must say, it is totally worth it because know you're in his arms and he would cherish you so much while you're at it.
"I'll borrow your love for a while." Ashley pulled ypu away from Chris, Chris nodded and sat down with Carlos and the others.
Ashley pulled me at the drinks table. "Surely, you haven't moved on, have you?" Ashley, ask whispering in your ear as her arms wrapped around yours.
"Does it matter now?" You ask, grabbing a drink from the table. Ashley frowned her brows while she looked at you like you've said the dumbest thing she heard in her life.
"Well, your plan is working. Leon already knows about Ada cheating, and he is mad." Ashley whispered once again. You smiled.
Of course, it was under your fingers. You told your friends about what happened the other day, and your friends always got your back and did their job to spread everything to the whole campus without mentioning your name.
This was only the taste of your vengeance. The after-party would be good at Luis house later.
You saw Leon and Ada enter the venue, your eyes met, but you didn't look away or smile. You just stared into his soul, shooting daggers.
The prom really went well with Chris and friends. It was really fun. You enjoyed the night as it went on. Leon and Ada got named as the King and Queen of the night. You clapped but didn't let that affect you. Your eyes met Luis, and he smirked as you smiled.
Your friends really got your back.
In Luis house, everything is going smoothly as planned. Everyone is enjoying, and Leon and Ada are here, of course. Your eyes are everywhere, taking notes of the things that might ruin your plan.
"Ready for the show?" Luis asked as he handed you a glass of alcohol. You smiled. "You know I love drama." You replied, taking a sip at your glass.
You see your target couple seating and making out at the couch, and here comes the bait standing behind the couch while shooting signals to Ada, who literally took the bait as she excuses herself to Leon and went up the stairs. The guy smirked at you before following Ada upstairs. Your eyes met Luis, and Luis let out a small laugh.
Minutes later, you're standing near the staircase drinking with your friends as Leon starts to look for Ada.
"Oh, I think I saw her upstairs." Claire answered him with a smile and drink on her hand. "Don't worry, man, she might be with her friends." Carlos said, assuring him while being aware of the whole plan.
"Let's look for her, Amigo!" Luis said then wrapped his arms into Leon's shoulder, Leon hesitated at first but let out a soft chuckle before sparing you a glance and went up the stairs.
"Working well, huh?" Chris whispered in your ears as he wrapped an arm around your waist. You turned to look at him and pulled him in a kiss. "It always works well." You whispered back after pulling away, he smirked.
Chris liked the plan you have set up. He thinks Leon deserves this after breaking your heart.
"Let's watch the drama!" Ashley excitedly said and pulled Claire and Jill upstairs. You followed from behind with Chris and Carlos.
"What the fuck?!" You smiled upon hearing Leon's voice at the first room you saw at the second floor. Some people started to gather at the doorway. You made your way through the crowd.
Your eyes widen as you do not expect Ada to be almost half naked in the bed, while the guy is already topless.
Your eyes met Ada, she glared as she fixed herself up. "It's all because of you!" Ada shouted, looking directly at you, eyes shooting daggers. Your mouth agape opened, as the crowds spared you a gaze but then back to Ada.
"What the fuck are you talking about Ada?" Leon growled as Luis is stopping him to throw hands. "You're already caught red-handed." Jill commented.
Everyone started to murmur, confirming the rumours about Ada that's been going around the campus.
"I can't believe it, Ada." Leon stated again, Ada looked at him before running out the room, followed by the guy.
Leon eyes met yours. It was filled with pain and anger, like how your eyes were when you found him cheating on you. Leon walked out without saying anything else and disappeared from the crowd as you stood there.
The vengeance itself.
"Oh dear! Honey! Get down here!" You immediately emerge down your room upon hearing your mom downstairs. You stopped in the middle of the stair case upon seeing your "unexpected" visitor.
"Are you drunk?" You asked Leon and went down the stairs, and he immediately pulled you into a hug. Your mom gives you a meaniful look, you smiled as she walks away.
You heard Leon mumbling your name over and over again. "What happened?" You asked, you felt your shirt getting soaked. He's crying?
How dare he cry because of Ada when he didn't even shed a tear over you.
"Come, upstairs." You pulled the drunk Leon to your room, set him down the bed and comforted him.
"I can't believe... I cheated on you to get cheated on." You rolled your eyes mentally as Leon cried out. You patted his back and sighed. "Why are you here then?" You asked after he rant all of his heart out.
"I missed you... I miss you so much, and I hated myself when I hurt you." He sobbed. You're the only one who saw Leon at this state. Weak and pathetic, just like how you cried over him.
He got you confused. Is he crying over you or Ada?
"I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have done it, I shouldn't have cheated on you." You smiled softly. You hate seeing him like this, but at the same time, it felt good.
'Do I really have to hurt you before you run back to me?'
"It's alright, Leon."
'I know you will always run to me.'
"What about Chris?" Leon asked, looking at you while he's leaning down; elbows in his thighs for support.
"He's just a friend." You said, of course you would lie if you want Leon to chase you again.
"Then." He said, sitting up, his hand went to cup your face. "I can do this." He then kisses you, you kissed back. He tastes like liquor, and you love it.
He's back to you now, but your love will never go back the same way as before. It was his fault, after all, for hurting you a lot.
"Can I go back?" He asked, his eyes pleading after you pulled your lips away from him. You smiled softly.
"Of course." He smiled after hearing your answer. "But not like before."
The game of flames begins now.
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ownedbythescribe · 1 year
Alhaitham & Kaveh | Sweet Gratitude
ıllı Synopsis: A polyamous relationship was not common in Sumeru, yet Alhaitham and Kaveh chose what their hearts desired—You, the most important person who patiently loved them through thick and thin. Their gratitudes were expressed in ways only you could understand.
ıllı Genre: Fluff
ıllı Notes: Polyamorous relationship
ıllı A/N: It’s December 31st and a few hours until 2023! I couldn’t help myself and wrote a short story with them!
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New Year was often not celebrated by scholars in Sumeru. Most students were either busy with their final paper or were preparing for their thesis presentation. The higher-ups were also in the same predicament especially now that new Sages were appointed and rules were revised to become more humane and righteous.
For the Scribe, Light of Kshahrewar, and Eccentric Spantamad, it was the time for you three to take a break from papers and persistent scholars. Lord Kusanali granted you three a fruitful vacation after finishing the papers for the year and for establishing new programs to be implemented next year. She was amazed especially with the paper you turned in about a substitute for elemental sight. It might still be at its experimental stage, but if something convenient could be created from your research, it will be easier to unlock more potential for elementalism.
The first few days of your vacation were filled with exploring the Avidya Forest to gather ingredients from monsters, mostly those that could conjure elemental attacks. Alhaitham would accompany you, but he was mostly there to simply stroll while you fight monsters. You did not mind, since he needed to go out every now and then. Kaveh, on the other hand, would sometimes pull you two to windowshop in Port Ormos. Alhaitham and Kaveh still bickered but not too much to the point that you wanted to leave.
“Yeah? And how about that time you left your keys in the cooking pot? You would think that a man in your darshan would be so careful as not to misplace things. How funny.” Alhaitham scoffed. Kaveh, growing red in the face, excused that he was tired that time from all the drafting he had done. You tapped the two on their shoulders and popped slices of Zaytun Peaches in their mouths.
“You two make mistakes, and it’s only human. Let’s buy wine and baklava later. I also have to buy ingredients for candied ajilenakh nuts for Lord Kusanali.” You uttered, pulling the two by their arms. Your eyes missed the contented look on the two scholars’ faces. It was not every day you see somebody that could stand their attitude. The two were grateful to have you in their lives.
Still, these two drove you crazy from time to time. New Year, which you three decided to celebrate together, was not out of the question.
“AAAAHHH! Why is the Padisarah Pudding burning!? Alhaitham, did I not tell you to check it every now and then while I ask Cyno and Tighnari for a few herbs?” You asked as you tried to put out the fire that was reigning over the pot. Alhaitham looked up from his book and stared. He turned to the side and muttered that he was lost in his book.
“You read that book like a hundred times already. I’m pretty sure that at this point, you already memorized each line from that book.” You deadpanned. He smirked and thanked you for the compliment. It only caused you to sigh in pain.
Rummaging through the cabinet and cooler, you check out for extra ingredients you could use to remake the pudding. Cooking the roast and panipuri emptied the cooler already, and somebody has to go get the grocery before the stores are emptied by locals. After checking that there was enough, you turned to Alhaitham and asked where Kaveh was. Silence greeted you.
You looked up from the cooler and saw him glancing at the top of the cabinet where you stored the wine. A shaky breath left your lips, hands trembling in irritation. Just then, Kaveh stepped out of his room, tipsy.
“(Y/N)! Hahaha! T-This wine is delectable. You have such great taste, love!” He slurred over, taking sluggish steps towards you.
“I did try to warn him that you were saving the wine for today, but he insisted that you were going to be ‘chill’ with it.” Alhaitham excused.
The thread of patience finally snapped. With a smile, you turned to the two, slamming the knife you were cutting the flowers with. The two flinched, pulled out of their stupor.
“You two have five seconds to get out of this house and do something productive. Either you bring the ingredients from Gandharva Ville or buy our groceries. Choose.” You uttered, your vision flaring as the ice slowly crept through the counter. The temperature inside the house was dropping fast that Kaveh screeched in fear. He panicked and grabbed the list from the counter, while Alhaitham went to fetch his coat.
You waved your hand around to dispel the ice before taking the juicer out to extract the essence from Padisarah and sweet flowers. It will take some time, but it was better to do it now and let it cool for later. While you were preparing the ingredients, you noticed Alhaitham dangling keys in his hand. The lion keychain caught your eye, and it was a dead giveaway.
“Kaveh forgot his keys again? That’s the third time this week. I swear he’ll end up camping outside if he doesn't learn to be aware of his surroundings. Just because he’s in the comfort of his home, doesn’t mean that he can be this forgetful! That guy.” You scoffed. Alhaitham chuckled at your irritation, lightly tossing the keys in his hands.
“You care for him that much?” He teased. You gave him a pointed look, bringing the measuring spoon to his face.
“I care about you two more than anything else. Now, get going. Tighnari should have the herbs prepared. Tell him thanks! And don’t fight with Cyno!” You kissed his cheeks before returning to the counter. He shook his head and replied ‘No promises’.
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Sumeru City
“Great, I ran out of the house without taking my keys and water. I’m not even sure if my money is enough to cover the list!” The poor blond was monologuing in the middle of the street, but people who recognized the man were already used to his antics.
Kaveh looked back at the list and noticed that the only expensive ingredient on the list was the dried Sakura petals that you often use when you make desserts out of nowhere. He smiled and proceeded to buy what was on the list.
Nothing wrong was going on until he stumbled upon Dori who was selling new items she procured from all-over Teyvat. Fur coats from Snezhnaya, cloth from Inazuma, research books from Fontaine, and even weapons forged in Natlan. He even found some architectural materials that would be useful for his project.
“Oh… this will suit (Y/N).” Kaveh muttered as he took the hairpin lying beside the research books. It resembled Alhaitham’s chiseled mirror at home but with his coloration— red, orange, and yellow. He was reminded of how often you go out of Sumeru to conduct research and that it would always take weeks before you came home. It made him lonely, but Alhaitham reminded him whenever he felt that way that (Y/N) missed them too considering you took his feather clip and the bracelet crafted by the Scribe with you wherever you go.
“Hey, how much for this?”
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Gandharva Ville
The forest rangers were whispering amongst themselves, surprised that the Scribe was walking towards the Forest Watcher’s office. It was often other Akademiya researchers that would rush and demand Tighnari but never anyone of the highest role. Not since Azar and other sages were ‘imprisoned’ in the Avidya Forest to repent for their wrongdoings. They wondered what was wrong for the Scribe himself to come down to the village.
“So what do I owe the Scribe for personally visiting a humble forest watcher like me?” Tighnari mocked, coming out of his office after hearing from Amir that Alhaitham came to visit. Behind him were Cyno and Collei, the latter worried for trouble that might have fallen upon them.
Alhaitham took out the list of herbs that you requested from Tighnari. When you visited earlier that morning, Tighnari was out and foraging with the others to prepare for New Year. You hoped that after lunch, he was already home and will be able to get the herbs you wanted to use for the last meal you were preparing.
Tighnari snatched the paper and recognized your handwriting. He gave the man a deadpan look.
“You really scared my forest rangers, and for what, errands?” He scoffed, tail swishing in mild amusement. Alhaitham coughed in his hands, turning his head to the side in embarrassment. Cyno walked towards Tighnari to peek at what he was looking.
“What did you do to (Y/N)?” He asked, confused why he was the one getting the herbs when it was usually you who do so. The Scribe did not really want to answer the General Mahamatra to add further to his embarrassment.
“She kicked us out for being lazy and burning the pudding.” Silence reigned over them, that a quack from a nearby raven could even be heard. Cyno immediately turned around to hide his laughter while Tighnari held his head in pain.
“I’d appreciate it if you don’t laugh at the misery of others, General Cyno.” Alhaitham sneered. Collei laughed nervously before grabbing the bag that contained your order.
Alhaitham thanked them before wishing them Happy New Year. Once he was gone, Tighnari let out a shaky laugh, truly finding your situation funny. Who burns their pudding!?
“Happy New Year to you too, (Y/N).”
You suddenly sneezed, shuddering at the feeling that somebody was talking about you. The last dessert you prepared was just finished and was now up for cooling. The cooler activated after you poured in the right amount of cryo energy to power it. This machine was not yet perfect since it still needed a few modifications for electricity alone to keep the temperature as it is. With how resilient researchers and inventors were in Sumeru and Fontaine, you were sure that by next year, it will be possible to implement electricity in Sumeru.
“All right. Let’s clean up. They should be— Oh no! I forgot the time!” Your loud voice echoed throughout the house that it worried you if your neighbors ever questioned why they continued to reside near you. However, right now was not the time as you grabbed the package on the counter and the keys beside it.
You ran up the flight of stairs to Akademiya up to the Sanctuary to see the person waiting for you. He scoffed at your stupid face, crossing his arms in irritation.
“Who do you think you are to keep me waiting, Mortal?” He taunted. You simply laughed and passed him his chazuke tea. You could see his eyes twinkling as he turned around and opened the Sanctuary.
“Lord Kusanali is waiting for you inside. Let’s go. And… thank you for this.” He muttered. You grinned.
The inside felt divine as usual. Although Lord Kusanali, who insisted you call her Nahida, was imprisoned here, she still treated the sanctuary as her safe haven. When you neared the dendro archon, she turned around and gave you a sweet smile.
“Greetings, (Y/N). Something must have occurred for you to be a little late.” She teased. You laughed sheepishly before giving the ajilenakh nuts you prepared earlier. Her eyes sparkled before taking it and thanking you.
Nahida stored the sweets in a place you were not sure where before discussing a few plans for next year. You have a few points here and there before recording it through your own Akasha terminal. It was not grand like that before, but it was enough to take note of things for rewriting. This, again, made the archon amazed.
The meeting dragged on for a few hours. The Wanderer would occasionally drop a few comments here and there which you two appreciated. There was finally an initial plan for the next year which involved the desert and foreign trade. During the discussion, you felt that you were forgetting something until the Wanderer came back annoyed.
“Hmm? What happened, Wanderer?” Nahida asked. He gritted his teeth in irritation before pointing out two idiots waiting outside. A blond and a silver head. It was then that you remembered what you forgot.
“Oh no, apologies, Lord Kusanali! I think I know why those two are here. I forgot to leave them a note that I’ll be leaving! I shouldn’t have rushed out of the house like that!” You agonized. Nahida giggled before telling you that you will continue the discussion in three days time. You thanked her before bowing to the two and wishing them a happy new year.
Outside, you were greeted with pinches to your cheeks. Uncharacteristically for Alhaitham, but expected from Kaveh. They both ranted about how you should not worry them, and to always let them know when, where, and how long you will be gone.
“After all, aren’t we your lovers?” Alhaitham stated as a matter of fact. You stopped and blushed heavily. It was the first time they worried like this and even bluntly stated your relationship. It felt… assuring that you did not even notice a tear trailing down your cheek.
Kaveh panicked and asked if their scolding was too much while Alhaitham was unsure what to do, and even opted to take his handkerchief and wipe your tears. You accepted the pampering and gave each of them a brief kiss on the lips.
“Thank you for being with me and accepting me for the mess that I am.” You uttered, clutching on to their arms.
When you got home, you fixed the table and ate dinner. You three waited until the fireworks started. It was the most beautiful thing they witnessed that night. However, the two led you to the garden where they each presented their gifts. Red tainted their cheeks, and you could not help but fell in love with them all over again. This was certainly the best start of the year.
"Happy New Year, you two! I love you!" You muttered, bringing them to a tight hug which they returned. Your most wanted wish for this year was already granted, but you will keep it to your heart.
'Thank you for loving me.'
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Please do not copy or repost my stories, but notes and reblogs are always appreciated!
Please do not copy or repost my stories, but notes and reblogs are always appreciated!
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slocumjoe · 1 year
Companions and the things they like to do around settlements?
Assuming it isn't their home settlement, and instead somewhere they're just stopping by, as I've already done that here.
Cait; Goes and gets a drink from the bar, chats up the bartender with whatever story she has from her travels. If there's a proper guard force, breaks into their training yard and starts challenging everyone to sparring matches, unless the traveling was especially difficult/exhausting. Then she just sits and heckles everyone else. Lounges about until they leave, or exercises. Enjoys trying local cuisine, as it were.
Codsworth; Has a habit of tidying up everywhere. It's his programming. Finds brooms and sweeps the streets, shops, etc. Picks up garbage. Trims foliage. Codsworth doesn't have breaks. Actually gets nervous if he isn't cleaning something, feels aimless. But you can find him doing some routine patrols around the perimeter, since he doesn't sleep/eat. May as well help defend while the others get some rest.
Curie; Checks in at a few different places before they move on or turn in. First up is are the clinics, to help with any patients or urgent procedures. So, straight to work, really. If there's nothing the local doctors need her for, she's off to a library/bookseller to find more reading material. No bookseller? Straight to the bar/inn for food, and if they're staying the night, a bath and sleep. Will spend her time in settlements at the clinic if they stay for a few days.
Danse; If they're going to move out that day, follows Sole or takes point at the perimeter. If they're staying, goes to a garage or the guard barracks and leaves his Power Armor. Always paranoid it'll get stolen, but he can't just stomp around everywhere. Danse still takes guard patrol until its time to retire. Eats, has a few shots to try and sleep. Might take a shower if needed. Exercises, goes on patrol, and tunes/fixes his Power Armor.
Deacon; Always likes window-shopping, fucking loves markets. So if it's just a break, he'll spend most of his time wandering and people-watching after the standard self-care. Y'know, food, shower, quick nap. If they're staying for a while, mostly the same. The only difference is he'll take the time to go undercover, do his spy thing, get intel. Will change his hotel rooms every day, sells his disguise clothing, buys new outfits.
Gage; Does his own kind of windowshopping at markets. Doesn't always steal, though. He's not swiping garbage just to prove he can. Gage has a few different places you can find him. Off in a quiet area, whittling, smoking, cleaning his weaponry, for one. But you can also find him hanging around the farms watching the animals, at a bar keeping his ear out for useful info, or—potentially surprising—buying/reading books. Gage talks himself down as an uneducated thug, but his INT stat of 6 says otherwise. All that learning has to come from somewhere.
Hancock; Nap. NAP. Sleepy man. Naps at the inn, gets something to eat, hangs out at a bar until its time to leave. Pretty much his whole routine regardless of how long they stay. If it's a really long time by traveling standards (a week-ish), will also go spar/scrap with anyone willing. Wants to keep his senses sharp, you know how it is. If single, will flirt around and mingle. Most likely to somehow piss off the guards and get in legal trouble, somehow.
MacCready; Same as Hancock, food, nap, or waiting. If staying for a few days, earns some good, honest caps by challenging people at the shooting range. If Duncan is in the Commonwealth, will put those caps aside for his 'college fund'. It's just money for Duncan to have when he's older. MacCready can also be found looking for comic books, trinkets, nerdy stuff at shops, or playing with animals at the farms. If neither, journals and takes it easy.
Nick; Finds a nice place to sit, lights up a cigarette, waits. Gives himself a tune up or has a mechanic do it, if one's available. Danse is usually his go-to and they both despise it. If Nick is staying in a settlement for more than a day, oh man. This poor guy. It's like aggrieved people can smell him. Turn your back on him for ten minutes, and someone's run into the street sobbing that their husband is missing, and you'll be lucky if you can catch Nick's coat fluttering behind him as he bolts after the trail. It's just what Nick does. You might have to glue him to a chair if you want him to rest.
Piper; Gets a bite to eat, or a soda, and runs around interviewing, getting all kinds of news and rumors. Stocks up on candy. Same for a longer stay, she just spends more time writing and showers. Can also be seen playing with local kids, telling stories. Rarely, you'll see her shadowing a person of interest, someone powerful in the settlement. She only does so if there's something sketchy she's ferreted out. Be a doll and distract the bodyguard, would'ja?
Preston; Straight to guard patrol. Preston can't go from 'alert' to 'calm.' He needs the transition of 'could be either.' Sole will have to make him take a breather. Preston will spend the few days they stay running around, doing busy work, checking in on everything. How's food and supplies, how's economy, how are the guards, how are the walls, the turrets, etc etc etc. If someone is able to convince him that nothing is about to go to shit, he breathes a sigh of relief, and sits in his hotel room drawing. Maps, animals, flowers, ammunition...something to distract him for a bit.
X6-88; Tends to vanish, when they stop at settlements. Maybe he's back in the Institute, not wanting to spend time in a surface trashheap. Maybe he's just using a stealth boy so no one talks to him. If forced to participate in downtime, will lurk from the shadows and people watch. Eats, sleeps, and washes quickly, lest his more human needs be noticed. Might linger around garages, see how people modify or clean their gear and judge them. Otherwise...goes ghost.
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hyunsvngs · 8 months
i finally come bearing another chan dream!! i swear i haven't dreamt in ages it seems like
i went out with chan to this like, either it was an open market or just really busy shopping center, and the biiiiiiig skzoo statues were still up nearby and they'd had outfit changes. the wolf chan one was wearing chan's global citizen fest outfit!
so while we were out walking i saw it, and i was like "aw wolf channie is still here i wanna go see it!!! but my legs were exhausted so i don't wanna cross through the crowd"
but chan was like "oh hop on, ill carry you over to where it is," and he literally got down so i could climb on his back. on god i swear i thought my heartbeat was gonna wake me up bc chan's back,,, lord i'm down bad
so i hesitate to get on but chan's teasing me, and tries to say smth like oh i don't think he's strong enough?? which, he probably is but also i definitely perceive myself as heavy
and then i got on his back and he was all giggly talking to me about smth making sure i was comfortable, but also he was teasing me about something and i got all embarrassed. he was so cute 😭😭 he carried me over to the wolf chan statue but he was like "but im cuter right??"
i wish i had more in that dream though i wanna go to markets and go windowshopping with him 🥲 chans always so sweet in my dreams im like how are u always here and always so good
cheers to the weekend!!! maybe ill keep sleeping good,, -dream anon
NOOO FRIEND I CAN SO IMAGINE HIM SMILING AND BEING ALL "BUT I'M CUTER RIGHT?" OH BOYYY WHAT THE FREAK! THAT'S SO CUTE. i haven't had any skz related dreams lately but i keep thinking about jisung nonstop as per usual so here's to hoping...
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teutaranaway · 4 months
teuta fit of the day
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we talked with the erasmus coordinators and they barely helped but at least got enough info to help ease my panic -_- then we got tacos and walked around to windowshop ^_^ also i dont know why but people were so weird and cold with me (like the ladies at the stores) is it bc of my outfit... sob
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aeide-thea · 9 months
i forgot to write this down when i first heard about it so now the details are fuzzy (and honestly it was never going to be as funny/wild to any of you as it was to me), but for some reason i was just reminded of it, so. have this Familial Anecdote:
my dad and i were talking the other day about driving to maine,¹ iirc because Baby Sister had sent us a zillow listing for a cottage there,² and in the course of this conversation it came out that, in a turn of events i had somehow never heard about in literal decades of Dad Stories, he and my mother had apparently decided at some point in their unrecognizably spontaneous youth to Drive to Maine because they were 'already close,'³ and because this was in, like, the eighties, i.e. a time before google maps, they wildly underestimated the time this trip was going to take and got there at, like, two in the morning… but as it turned out this wasn't actually a problem because, as it so happens, the l.l. bean store stays open. fucking. 24 hours a day.⁴ so it all worked out fine in the end: they still got to go shopping!⁵
⸻ ¹ not 'talking about' as in 'actually planning to,' to be clear, just 'talking about' as in 'discussing what it's like to.' ² Baby Sister likes to windowshop zillow listings in her spare time, it's a whole Thing. i hear she's not alone in this tho. ³ narrator: they were not, in fact, close… i forget exactly where he said they were starting from, but i think it was, like, boston-ish. lol. lmao. &c. ⁴ you may have already been aware of this fact and thus be totally unfazed by this anecdote but for me it was like. double whammy of absolutely unrecognizable parental behavior, topped off with place i would possibly least expect to be open around the clock???? (also now i am envisioning a like. mixed-up files remix where they're hiding out in an REI or something. eating the tinned provisions and sleeping in the tents.) ⁵ what, if anything, was actually purchased on this occasion is outside the scope of this narrative.
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amazoniangrip · 2 months
woag! pretty kanaya ~v~
can i pls have a hug from my favorite jadeblood? u look so soft and cozy.........
A stroll through town to windowshop for her latest victim to put between those fangs of hers yielded little, at least until she heard the little voice of a short anon. One of many little grey creatures roaming about that no one seemed to mind until they piped up to someone with questions and other sorts of vocal notices of their presence. The vampress listened to their awe, then their query, and finally the closing compliment.
A few moments of staring down this creature in confusion were between her and a smile, eyes lighting right up, no one minded these creatures...
No one would care if one disappeared.
She gladly scooped the anon into her arms squeezing their comparatively little self against her, at first pushing them into her gut, then between those bountious bulbous breasts of hers, and finally cradling the anon above her plush chest as is they were a babe.
She would hush the anon, keeping them docile and quiet until she was out of sight of the locals, stealing away to a dark path between building. She brought the anon up, their neck squarely in position for her next meal.
It began with kiss, jewel veridian lipstick smudged on her prey's near trollishly colored flesh, until he heard the lightest of pleased utterances from her meal.
The next moment was swift.
Her fangs painfully sinking in, a heavy hand over the victim's mouth to ensure privacy for this sanguine supper.
The anon, weak, powerless to stop her, arms uselessly flailing, clawing, at first, strongly, then steadily, as the breath was slowed, and heartbeat quickened, once pointlessly mighty motions became little more than the twitches of a body that had no choice but to accept a final slumber.
As oblivion took hold and she drained the anon of their last drops of ichor, and smiling, licking the final crimson drops from their flesh and from her lips.
Lovingly, she sat the corpse of her meal against the wall of the pathway, and uttered just a few words before walking away, stomach just a little fuller.
"Thank You Dear, It Was Such A Treat To Hug A Little Snack Like Yourself!"
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