#all massively upvoted
avedoodles · 11 days
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i figured out how to connect my wacom to my new laptop :D
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annabelle--cane · 5 months
sucks to see anti protest and anti palestinian comments always popping up on my campus's social media pages, but on the bright side they keep getting ratioed to all fuck. it's especially good on reddit where you can see that all the protest informational posts have the average number of upvotes and all the "criticism" is massively in the negatives. really feels like there are maybe twenty people max across all the pages who are trying really hard to make themselves look like the majority and failing miserably.
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gabityaby · 1 month
Since the finale, and before, i have read a concerning amount of people who viciously clamor that they can't wait to enjoy the harrowing deaths of the main female characters because, and i quote, "can't stand what they did to her character".
It is extremely concerning to me because not once have i seen this behavior around the male characters of the show who also have been massively changed from the show, everyone just hates Criston, yes, most of the fandom wants him dead but its never with that viciousness, its always a passive "i really hate this guy, hope he dies", same with Aegon, we've been shown his behavior as a rapist, drunkard and intellectually uninspired person yet one scene with his dragon nudging him while he smiles and he's everyone's favorite character? wtf? can't even talk about Aemond since he's evil but he's just badass enough that it can all be forgiven and the aemondwives here seem to ignore every psychotic trait of his because he's fit and fits the bad boy type, same thing with Daemon.
Damn, and even though i really respect and appreciate GRRM's writing he does tend to give the male characters badass and quick deaths meanwhile female characters of his tend to have long and humiliating ones (no spoilers but Rhaenyra, Alicent and Mysaria are among them) so just more fuel to the fire to people who enjoy female suffering under the simplest of pretexts.
My proof of this actually comes from Reddit the grand majority of the time so it really isn't much of a surprise, there they say that Catelyn and Cersei had a comparable relationship to Rhaenyra and Alicent in the show and get 1k to 2k upvotes with everyone agreeing so not really the healthiest place to discuss the show seriously.
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moraymiso · 2 months
one bsd opinion you will absolutely defend with your LIFE?
mmm i have SO many but i feel like talking abt this one atm. it kinda turned into more of a pet peeve rant as i went along, dw, i will share plenty of die-hard takes for whoever u are anon…
strap in, this is a longer one 😭
i’ve seen this especially on reddit— skk antis getting their panties in a twist every time dazai is jokingly called gay, or when anything about the skk ship is mentioned. it happens EVERYWHERE for sure, but it’s… crazy over on reddit.
and you’re totally allowed to be annoyed when that’s all people boil him down to, you’re totally allowed to dislike mischaracterization, you’re totally allowed to hate a ship! but GODDD it specifically grinds my gears when people aren’t even giving worthwhile critiques and instead just try to insist “dazai is straight!”. there’s actually a very highly upvoted post on reddit compiling “evidence” of dazai being straight. it’s definitely not a well-meaning post, it’s absurd, and i wish i was kidding ;; i’ve seen SO many people go “he likes women, cuz this this and this! he’s straight!”
like…. y’all. addressing the elephant in the room: BISEXUAL PEOPLE EXIST?? i’m not even bi and it pisses me off that people seem to just ignore that there’s more on the table than just gay and straight. OBVIOUSLY dazai likes women. nobody is denying this?? why are you losing your marbles over there buddy?
BUT ON TOP OF THAT, it is heavily implied in his own works that the irl osamu dazai was bisexual, primarily describing his experience having a crush on a boy his age when he was teenager. obviously these characters in BSD are not 1 to 1 copies, but it feels massively disrespectful to the real author (who lived at a time where being open about his orientation was downright DANGEROUS) to immediately and vehemently insist that dazai is straight because he likes women.
personally, i believe dazai is meant to be coded or insinuated as bisexual in the series due to a number of reasons i’ll probably get into on a later date (not rlly related to ships btw!)— not everyone agrees, and that’s fine! you’re totally allowed to think he’s straight, dislike his ships, dislike when people oversimplify him etc, but it just drives me crazy when people get MEAN about it and go to insane lengths to try and have some weird gotcha moment every time someone mentions a ship or makes a joke.
tldr: chill out with ships and headcanons guys, please, it is never that deep. when we call dazai gay, or call bsd a gay series, we are not being serious. and i love bi dazai!!
remember: neither of these things are confirmed. you’re headcanoning that he’s straight as much as we’re headcanoning that he’s bisexual.
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randomthefox · 7 days
True story. I developed a hyperfixation for Sonic after I watched the cutscenes of Sonic Lost World (the scene where he was all alone really broke me), so for the first time I reached for the fandom. I found a small forum, joined, and poured my heart into describing how great of a character Sonic was for me, with all his strenghts and weaknesses. ...then, the freaking ADMIN of the forum replied, telling me "If you like seeing the emotional side of Sonic, forget about the games. He almost feels nothing there! Go read the Archie comics instead." They could have simply suggested me to search the comics, without downplaying the reason I joined the forum in the first place, but noo. THIS is the proper way to welcome a newcomer!
I'm very sorry to hear about that. That is definitely a very representative experience though, I'm sorry to say. So many people who call themselves Sonic "fans" really just genuinely do hate Sonic, I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that about them. They hate the games, they hate the people who make the games, and often they are hateful towards people who enjoy the games. And it's incredibly alienating because in the english speaking community of the internet, they feel like the majority.
But the truth is they're just a vocal minority. Every Sonic game sells millions upon millions of copies. For every youtube video saying such and such Sonic game sucked that gets 100K upvotes from people agreeing with it, there are 900K people who bought and enjoyed that game and are just quietly staying in their lane about it.
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Even Sonic Lost World sold 700K in its first year before being ported to PC, and it was a Wii U exclusive. Do you know how many Wii U's were sold in 2013, the same release year as Lost World? Around 3 Million. Meaning almost one third of everyone who bought a Wii U that year also bought Sonic Lost World. That is a massive slice of a very small pie. Anyone who acts like Lost World's sales (before it ported to PC) are indicative of anything besides the fact that the Wii U was a failure of a console is being economical with the truth.
Don't be discouraged, that's all I can say. If they can't appreciate Lost World then that's their loss. And their sour attitude is no reason to not also give the comics a fair shake if you're interested in them and want to come to your own conclusions as well.
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brazenautomaton · 4 months
not to get all overly-agency-ascribing conspiracy-theorizing, but I think the whole Somerton thing is actually much more sinister than it even appears on the surface level. I think it's something worse than an organic internet Two Minutes Hate mob; I think it's basically a Breadtube-astroturfed campaign as part of a larger push to get people on the left fired up in favor of intellectual property. (plagiarism isn't the same thing as IP violation, but most people are too dumb to identify the distinction between them, and the Breadtube anti-Somerton campaign has explicitly conflated them and drawn a connection to their agenda to massively expand IP law in the wake of AI advances.) the anti-Somerton rhetoric is basically continuous with the anti-AI-bro rhetoric, and all of that's a steady and powerful push to make fanfic illegal, to make fanart illegal, and to make non-Disney-sanctioned-discussion-of-Disney-products illegal. they want us to live in a dystopia where we have to deposit a quarter into our Miserable Slop Account to get permission to upvote Miserable Slop, the only allowed media. I hate it here. everyone's lying all the time
"not to get all overly-agency-ascribing," said anon, before ascribing a nonsensically large amount of agency to an unconnected group
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
Last one I promise, but damn it's so good to get this off my chest. You mentioning Rachel slapping Santana brought this one again, but someone made a post there last week about Santana deserving to get slapped by Rachel after the understudy issue. How Rachel was incredibly graceful to let Santana live there but Santana showed "narcissistic behavior" by following her to get a reaction out of her. Post got over 100 upvotes.
Rachel supporters didn't condemn Rachel for slapping Santana at all but rather explained why she finally clapped back (how satisfying it was to see her do so) and some even saying she deserved it, agreeing with the person who posted. The people that said no it wasn't deserved got downvoted immediately. They didn't want to even consider other people's opinions. One person commented that saying someone deserved to be physically assaulted is a bit harsh also got downvoted. To that person they responded with instances where Santana physically assaulted people like Rory and Quinn, but that's not what the thread was about. Those people then got massively upvoted. They like to do that whenever someone tries to defend Santana. Use moments where Santana was bad when it has nothing to do with the thread just so that Rachel can look good for their point.
Again, like to reiterate, thanks for speaking about this here. I probably would have thought I was the problem if I didn't notice that other people notice the problems on that sub too.
It's funny that people will bring up Santana slapping Quinn and Finn when it comes to Rachel slapping her. But when it comes to bashing her for slapping Finn- for fucking outing her- not one word about Finn assaulting Puck and Brody and trying to pull Quinn out of her wheelchair. I brought the wheelchair thing up once and the response was, "he didn't actually do it, plus they were both at fault!!"
Again, a double standard. People never hold Finn- the cis straight white man- accountable for his behavior. It's always he didn't do anything wrong, if he did then it was justified, if it's not then it's understandable. He called a baby the r-slur and people defend him because of the actions of her mother.
Meanwhile, Santana and Quinn get crucified for lesser offenses. Fun fact, neither one of them have ever used a slur. Finn's used two, one of which being entirely unprompted. No one even mentioned Down Syndrome or anything else, he just said it to be cruel because he knew it would hurt. He does that shit constantly, like when he called Brittany stupid. What makes me mad about this is that she hadn't even done anything wrong. All she did was switch teams- which is entirely her right- and he decided it was okay to insult her.
And you know what Brittany did? She didn't resort to calling Finn names or belittling him like he tried to do with Santana. All she did was tell him he was wrong and walk away. She showed him grace even though he sure as hell didn't deserve it. That's usually how decent people handle their issues with others. Finn was not decent.
But circling back to Rachel, I've watched that scene a lot. And no one ever brings up the fact that Rachel was the one who started with the insults. She was the one who started talking down to Santana, she was the one who wouldn't shut the fuck up. And in her rant, Rachel didn't slap her when Santana called her names. Rachel slapped her when she said she was just as good as her.
It was never about the insults, it was always about Rachel's fragile ego. If Tina or Brittany had auditioned to be her understudy, she wouldn't have cared because neither of them are as good as her. If it had been Mercedes, she would have had the exact same reaction (maybe even worse) because she's threatened by Mercedes (that's canon, as shown in season 3 and season 5) just like she's threatened by Santana. It has nothing to do with her relationships with either of them, it has everything to do with Rachel lashing out whenever she feels threatened.
The proof is literally in season 2. Sunshine was a complete stranger who she knowingly could have killed due to her insecurity. Whenever Rachel perceives a threat, it's like a switch flips in her brain. It's happened so many times before.
And even if it was about the insults and Santana's past actions, that just makes Rachel look worse. She's the one who wanted Santana to live with them, she's the one who chose to keep Santana in her life. She made a conscious decision to be around Santana. If she was still harboring resentment, why would she do that?
Because the only way to cope with Santana's (and Quinn's) bullying was the belief that she would be on top once high school was over. That she could look down on her once popularity didn't mean anything. She openly admits this in season 2. This heavily implies that she kept Santana around to feel superior to her, and what better way to do that than to keep her close so she could flaunt that in person? So when Santana broke out of the box Rachel put her in, she flipped out. It's a pattern of behavior with Rachel.
Rachel is a good character in seasons 1 and 2. She gets called out, admits to her mistakes, and tries to be better. She's still annoying, but it's alleviated by the other characters balancing her out. The new writers really screwed up with her, especially in season 5, by giving her everything she wants no matter how terribly she acts.
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ireadyabooks · 6 months
Dystopian Reads to Die For 🔥 ☠️
Dystopian fiction has long been a staple on most bookshelves for quite some time (I’m looking at you, 1984), but it isn’t until the past decade or so that we’ve seen such great dystopian stories being told for young adults. I’m sure we all had our dystopian phase when a certain Mockingjay was making her blockbuster debut, so it makes it even more exciting to see the genre coming back into the limelight! We have compiled some of our favorite thrilling and electrifying YA dystopian novels for you to add to your TBR this month!
The Kill Factor by Ben Oliver
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Fifty contestants. Five mental and physical challenges. One winner.
In a near-future where a virtual currency of digital content fuels a fame-hungry society, a brand-new experiment that combines social media and reality TV has been greenlit.
Voted on, and contestants are sent to a maximum-security reform camp on an island where they can have no contact with the outside world. To lose means prison. But to win is to be free. The most popular young offender with the most upvotes by the end is given both a second chance in society and a cash prize.
This kind of money could mean everything to Emerson and her family who live in the Burrows, one of the subterranean villages where the government have buried affordable housing. It's more than freedom. It could mean the chance to change her family’s circumstance and finally find a place in the society they’ve never been allowed into.
But what Emerson doesn’t know, what the viewers don’t know, is that the prison on the island is empty. Those who lose, those who are voted off aren’t incarcerated. Each challenge will leave more and more contestants to die. And the only choice they have is to win over viewers before it’s too late.
Start reading The Kill Factor now!
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins
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Ambition will fuel him.
Competition will drive him.
But power has its price.
It is the morning of the reaping that will kick off the tenth annual Hunger Games. In the Capitol, eighteen-year-old Coriolanus Snow is preparing for his one shot at glory as a mentor in the Games. The once-mighty house of Snow has fallen on hard times, its fate hanging on the slender chance that Coriolanus will be able to outcharm, outwit, and outmaneuver his fellow students to mentor the winning tribute.
The odds are against him. He's been given the humiliating assignment of mentoring the female tribute from District 12, the lowest of the low. Their fates are now completely intertwined -- every choice Coriolanus makes could lead to favor or failure, triumph or ruin. Inside the arena, it will be a fight to the death. Outside the arena, Coriolanus starts to feel for his doomed tribute... and must weigh his need to follow the rules against his desire to survive no matter what it takes.
Start reading The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes now!
Sirens by Braden Cawthon
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A thrilling, apocalyptic horror debut from Braden Cawthon, perfect for fans of KR Alexander and Joe Hill!
Joel Walker wakes up to a world suddenly and frighteningly changed. In the wake of a massive power outage, an otherworldly siren begins to blare, changing all that listen to it for too long in frightening ways. Desperate to find his mother and little sister, Joel will have to survive in a world that is coming apart at its seams.
An edge-of-your seat thriller that will have readers guessing until the end, this debut novel is sure to make a huge splash with YA readers.
Start reading Sirens now!
The Library of Broken Worlds by Alaya Dawn Johnson
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A girl and a god, alone in communion . . . 
In the winding underground tunnels of the Library, the great peacekeeper of the three systems, a heinous secret lies buried -- and Freida is the only one who can uncover it. As the daughter of a Library god, Freida has spent her whole life exploring the Library's ever-changing tunnels and communing with the gods. Her unparalleled access makes her unique -- and dangerous.
When Freida meets Joshua, a Tierran boy desperate to save his people, and Nergüi, a disciple from a persecuted religious minority, Freida is compelled to help them. But in order to do so, she will have to venture deeper into the Library than she has ever known. There she will discover the atrocities of the past, the truth of her origins, and the impossibility of her future.
With the world at the brink of war, Freida embarks on a journey to fulfill her destiny, one that pits her against an ancient war god. Her mission is straightforward: Destroy the god before he can rain hellfire upon thousands of innocent lives -- if he doesn't destroy her first.
Start reading The Library of Broken Worlds now!
Monarch Rising by Harper Glenn
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In a chilling near-future New United States of America, Jo Monarch has grown up in the impoverished borderlands of New Georgia. She’s given one chance to change her fate… if she can survive a boy trained to break hearts.
Today is the day Jo Monarch has been wishing on the moon about her entire life. It's the day of the Lineup, when she could be selected to leave her life in the Ashes behind. The day she could move across the mountains to a glittering, rich future.
Once Jo is plucked from the Lineup, the real test begins. She still needs to impress the New Georgia Reps at tonight's Gala, and her path forward leads straight to Cove Wells. The damaged stepson of one of the Reps, Cove has been groomed as an emotional weapon, taught that love is a tool -- and he's set on breaking Jo's heart next.
When a riot breaks out back in the Ashes the night of the Gala, Jo's dreams might all go up in smoke. Can she really have everything she's ever wished for… when it means leaving all her loved ones behind in the fire?
Harper Glenn's debut is as gripping as it is prescient, an unflinching meditation on whether love can save us from ourselves, and what it takes to be born anew.
Start reading Monarch Rising now!
The Getaway by Lamar Giles
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Jay is living his best life at Karloff Country, one of the world's most famous resorts. He's got his family, his crew, and an incredible after-school job at the property's main theme park. Life isn't so great for the rest of the world, but when people come here to vacation, it's to get away from all that.
As things outside get worse, trouble starts seeping into Karloff. First, Jay's friend Connie and her family disappear in the middle of the night and no one will talk about it. Then the richest and most powerful families start arriving, only... they aren't leaving. Unknown to the employees, the resort has been selling shares in an end-of-the-world oasis. The best of the best at the end of days. And in order to deliver the top-notch customer service the wealthy clientele paid for, the employees will be at their total beck and call.
Whether they like it or not.
Yet Karloff Country didn't count on Jay and his crew--and just how far they'll go to find out the truth and save themselves. But what's more dangerous: the monster you know in your home or the unknown nightmare outside the walls?
Start reading The Getaway -- now in paperback!
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Since the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini under the custody of the Iranian morality police for allegedly not wearing her hijab correctly, massive waves of demonstrations, primarily led by Iranian women, have challenged not just the country’s mandatory hijab law but also the regime that strictly enforces it.
I call on international pharmacists to support their Iranian colleagues. Many women lost their job for the crime of resisting compulsory hijab laws. Forcing women to wear hijab is an insult to all women and men across the globe. Human rights is a global matter. Show your…
— Masih Alinejad (@AlinejadMasih) March 7, 2023
But while the protests that have started since September 2022 brought the issue to the international stage, the Islamic Republic only intensified its crackdowns further against any dissident, man or woman. The Iranian government detained thousands of protesters, tortured several dissidents, and even sentenced them to death.
In its latest attempt to suppress dissent, the Iranian Food and Drug Administration released a new order that required female pharmacy workers to wear a black hijab while at work.
A few weeks ago, officials from the agency sent letters to trade unions urging them to strictly implement the new mandatory law in stores and businesses across Iran’s capital, Tehran.
The new directive also requires pharmacy managers to monitor how their female employees wear the hijab. Online news site Iran International also reported that anyone wishing to open a new pharmacy should submit a written commitment to authorities promising to follow this new rule.
However, Iranian male pharmacy workers showed their support and solidarity for their female co-workers and mocked the law by wearing black hijabs themselves while at work.
A new law in Iran has been issued by regime which forces female pharmacists to only wear black veil (any other type of hijab or color is prohibited) in workplace, as a response male pharmacists are wearing it as well to mock this law pic.twitter.com/vo2sp7CvdH
— ZenArchie (@zenarchy2) March 7, 2023
The hilarious photos of male pharmacy workers wearing black hijabs became viral on social media, especially on popular social news and forum site Reddit. Many netizens were happy with their defiance against the regime and praised the men for their bravery.
Male Pharmacists in Iran wearing Hijabs in response to women being forced to wear them pic.twitter.com/ikxU6KNXe8
— Anna Quintana Pablo (@AnnaQuin07) March 12, 2023
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"Wondering if this will backfire on the men or not? But good for them for standing in unity." Reddit user u/GregoryGregory666666 commented on the photo posted in the subreddit r/interestingasf**k.
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"Those men are incredibly brave! I hope they and their families stay safe!” Another Redditor u/ZoopZeZoop said.
One of the most upvoted comments in the post even asked why the law only required black hijabs to be worn and not other colors, which garnered many replies mocking the mandatory rule of hijab in many Islamic countries.
Although Iranian male pharmacy workers and netizens worldwide made fun of the new mandatory hijab law, the government seems bent on imposing the rule harshly and seriously.
A few weeks ago, two pharmacies in Tehran and Amol were shut down by authorities because their female employees allegedly wore their hijabs incorrectly. But the head of the Mizan news agency, a media outlet connected to the Iranian judiciary, claimed that the pharmacy in Tehran was closed because "its owner disrespected the person who warned her to observe the hijab.”
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Why I got back into Over the Hedge.
So I can't sleep, why not write.
Over the Hedge was for a while a movie that, up until a few months ago, has been relatively unimportant to me. I remember seeing it once when I was a kid, and I do remember playing the hell out of the video game (I even beat it once in an entire day one summer), and that's about it.
It was always a movie that I found good as a kid, and for a while I never went back to it because I didn't want my childhood ruined. Granted I usually grew up with a lot of Disney and Pixar movies, so bad childhood movies were going to be hard to come by. I guess the closest was I think Snow Buddies, but even then it's more generic than anything.
Okay, getting off topic, Over the Hedge I didn't go back to for a long time because I didn't want to think the movie was lame nowadays. Granted I thought about it a few times, mainly because I liked the names RJ and Ozzie, and I used them whenever I wanted to make a neat OC that I would inevitably forget about in less than two weeks, but aside from that, nothing really prompted me to go back, which eventually resulted in me pretty much forgetting about it.
That was until a few months ago...and it involved a certain fan-favorite Opossum.
You see, on Left 4 Dead, there's a workshop where you can play as other characters. They can range from meme characters, to anime characters, to video game characters, and of course, animated movie characters. That of course is where this starts.
I had to find a model that would replace either Francis or Louis since my friends were sick of the model I was using. In case you were wondering, I was using this model:
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Terrifying, I know.
It was funny to me at the same time. However, the biggest problem with it was that it was way too big and pretty much took up half their screens whenever they looked at me. So I had to find another model that would fit…I decided to use Louis this time, and then I found…this.
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I decided why not, got it, realized that it had the exact same issue with Thumper the Monster Bunny, yet ignored it for some reason, and with the model, we beat the challenge, and everything was fine. That was until I really started thinking about it.
Why did Heather of all characters get a model in this game? In fact, while doing research for this video, it turns out she's the SECOND DreamWorks character to have a Left 4 Dead 2 character model, and the first was Shrek. Speaking of which, she now has TWO character models for survivors, and she's only second to Shrek who has only three.
Anyways, this really got me thinking about what was the whole appeal of her, because I recently rewatched the movie and let me tell you, she probably has the least amount of screen-time in the film. Yet, she's the only one of the cast to have a model in Left 4 Dead 2 (at least until Ozzie was also ported), that was also ported to GMod?
That's when I started to look at the fandom more, and I realized that last year the subreddit had a bit of a resurgence when it came what I like to call "Heather-posting".
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Posts about Heather were all over the subreddit, and not only that, they were some of the highest upvoted there. The image I'm providing is only the second highest, with 265. Granted that doesn't seem like much compared to others, but it's still noticeable. In fact, Heather is the main focus of nearly half of the highest upvoted posts.
Not only that, she's also fairly popular on DeviantArt, and even more surprisingly (and also thankfully), there's no...weird stuff involved there I've seen.
Have you ever heard the term "Ensemble Darkhorse" in TV Tropes? It's when a character who is rather minor or unimportant to the main plot get a massive following. Heather pretty much ticks all those boxes, and it's probably one of the most surprising ones I've seen.
How powerful is it overall? Well, I actually decided to make a character based on Heather and put her in a Hell's Kitchen roleplay. I didn't exactly expect to get far, or even really be that noticed.
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Heather actually won.
She won.
Not only that, she actually had two people have a crush on her, one male, one female. That's actually wild.
In the midst of all that however, it resulted in me taking another look at the movie itself, finally looking to see if it lived up to the vindication it had been receiving recently.
Turns out that yeah, it's still a great movie. It's not going to be better than something like The Last Wish or Shrek 2, but it's a film that, in my opinion, has no real flaws. Maybe the cast could be a bit smaller, like remove the porcupine family so there could be some more screentime for Heather and Ozzie, since they're the two more popular characters compared to them. Despite this, the cast itself is likable, the story is easy to follow, the satire and visual humor is really funny, and man for Dreamworks film the movie looks absolutely GORGEOUS.
Of course, there's also the banger music, with Heist and Family of Me being my two favorite songs in the film, and it always inspires me to write about the gang and their wacky hijinks.
Oh yeah, the writing stuff. Yeah, I never actually wrote a lot of Fanfiction in my life, I usually kept it original for the most part. I think the only thing Fanfiction-y I've ever wrote was some absolutely hot dog water, dumpster fire trash about...
Sonic OCS.
I'm shivering just thinking about it.
Regardless, my writing has improved a ton, so at the very least I could do the gang justice by not looking like I just half-assed my writing whilst working on writing comedy, which is a style I've never tried before.
And let me tell you, it is really fun to do.
So yeah, what started as a simple dive into a character that I didn't expect to be popular, soon turned into a genuine appreciation for a movie that had at one point been treated as merely an afterthought, as well as a new love for writing comedy detailing the wacky misadventures of some fun characters.
That is why I got back into Over the Hedge.
Speaking of which, I've also been collecting some old merchandise from Over The Hedge, and let me tell you, some of that is real interesting...
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Reddit’s fucking wild man. The dark side, anything goes, no toxic-positive hugbox crap CR sub (I say this dripping with condescension) is just thoroughly, 100% pro Thoreau Lionett. The prevailing opinion that gets massively upvoted at every opportunity is the Beau is an ungrateful spoiled brat who repaid St. Thoreau’s kindness and patience with acting out (caused by nothing her father did, for sure) and becoming a *gasp* criminal! Then, after poor Thoreau couldn’t take it anymore and feared for his delinquent criminal scum daughter’s future, he magnanimously paid an elite academic institution to admit his ungrateful screw up daughter, and somehow the fandom gets upset by this!?!?! And what’s Matt’s deal acting like Thoreau’s such a monster anyway? Must be that he’s a big softy bowing to whims of the emotionally unstable stans that’s it for sure.
Jesus fucking Christ that is so embarrassing. “What if we just take the abuser 100% at his word and assume his bitch kid is lying and totally to blame? Doesn’t look so bad anymore, does he? Also let’s ignore the time he physically abused her while she was restrained (a totally normal thing for good fathers to go), it was just slap, what’s the big deal. Also we will pretend that Beau wasn’t kidnapped and forced to join the Cobalt Soul, she was a disgusting criminal who would have gotten herself killed anyway (none of which has anything to do with her upbringing, apparently).”
One of the most depressing thing I’ve ever seen from a fan space. Just gormless misogynists lapping up abuser 101 tactics like their dying of thirst and blaming children for being abused is their only water source. “But he apologized -“ No he didn’t! He pretended to apologize as the preamble to shifting all the responsibility onto Beau while claiming credit for all her success. Fucking creeps, the worst people.
Edit: I’m incapable of not hate reading that stupid sub, so I can now relay that the conversation has shifted to anger that Matt retconned Thoreau into being the bad guy when the story was clearly about how Beau was a piece of shit who needed to learn how to grow up and mature enough to see things from her father’s perspective, realize he was right, and forgive him. Instead, Beau stayed being a garbage person and so Matt had to cover for her by pretending Thoreau was a bad father post hoc. I will be doing a murder, I think.
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Yellowjackets S2 e8
I don't like the emphasis on the word hunt in the Lottie part of the recap.
Teen Lottie is not looking good. Again, I emphasise just how goated Misty is because jezus Shauna did a number on her.
Misty is literally helping Lottie pee blood right now and I want to give Mari credit for helping but also fuck Mari again for being a bratty douche.
Thank god somebody finally called her ass out for being a dick. And the fact that it was Misty is just chef's kiss.
Oh great, she dropped Lottie's bloodpiss everywhere. Mari is a whole pretty little liars character and she would not survive a zombie apocalypse, regardless of the fact that the x-ray keeps implying that she does by crediting her as teen Mari.
Thank god for captions because I thought Akilah said she's gonna have nugget eat her baby nephew without them.
Nugget being dead all along fucked me up.
You mean to tell me Akilah kneeled down between Shauna's legs as she was giving birth, and touched a dead rat before digging around in her guts, and Lottie is the only one pissing blood?
This show keeps getting more and more fucked up
Like that thing was decaying. It was mummified. It was a mummified mouse.
Fuck my life.
I didn't even think about the mouse being dead all along. What a plot twist. Hopefully the last big shocker of the season. Boy they really got us there. Oh boy. What an episode.
Van immediately picked up on Shauna lying, not from Shauna herself lying but from Taissa. I just know it.
See? I knew it! She figured it out! That's my girl! That's my baby!
My baby is so bright. So impulsive and bright. She's so fucking jealous that Jeff knows and she doesn't 🤣 this is the first time I've laughed in a while now, thanks Van.
Van is a little instigator and I love her for it.
So Tai used to see her shadow-self in her reflections as a teen too? That's good to know.
So was Javi the one carving all those sign 94 was it the cabin guy?
Mmm belt soup
They're really losing it. It's the belt soup. Things are continuing to happen. I almost feel sorry for fucking Mari right now.
Almost. It's still Mari.
Kevyn wants to fuck Jeff so bad.
I'm starting to like Callie and Jeff.
They probably should have burned the body.
Kevyn continues to want to fuck Jeff. This is the love story we should have been ficcing all along.
This is the funniest conversation. They really fucking owe Misty their lives. Also Van didn't look shocked at all that Misty had her address so my new headcanon is she straight up just stayed in touch with her. And I have so many thoughts right now but key being Taissa totally just used the political research excuse but really just wanted to check in on Van. Like I'm positive she did not just do all that just to make sure no one would talk. There's no way. Everything she's done so far has been leading up to reuniting with Van so there's no way she just hired a fixer to make sure no one would talk.
They really should build that shrine to Misty btw. She's the real fixer.
Nat gave Javi her socks 🥺 he's basically a pet at this point. He doesn't talk and he's just there as moral support.
Lottie and Misty sleeping in the attic together in a non sexy way... Though if you squint there's some chemistry there. I'm sure there's fics of it out there. Misty dabbing Lotties's swollen eyes, Lottie reaching up and pulling her in for a smooch...
"Shauna was seeing seduced by this adorable grifter" they try so hard at that comphet. Shh, it's okay, we know you love Natalie, Misty.
Van's expressions are everything 🤣
Is Shauna's shit going to come up to the surface now? Misty and Taissa have already outed their own pretty little lies, so it's only fair.
I hate that Walter is listening to Barbara Streisand covers of Sweeny Todd while making massive puzzles in a mansion and just generally living my dream life. Fuck you Walter.
At least tell me I have more Reddit upvotes than Walter. Let me have this one fucking thing, at least.
Yup, he immediately went to the cops. I have one thing in him at least; moral integrity.
How the fuck did Shauna get back? This has to be a dream. Van yeeted her keys.
Yup it was a dream.
Shauna sawbladehands 🤣
Jeff is a good dad 🥺
Van is lowkey instigating shit. I mean Tai was the one that said it but Van kind of controls who lives or dies back then. She's the one that decided where the line is. She was the one that put Lottie in power and she's the one that decided they won't let her die. Van is the kingmaker.
We're really gonna talk about Misty silencing the fixer like it's a bad thing though? She's solving problems other people created and they're calling her out for covering all their asses?!
At least Shauna is being honest and opening up. She's not wrong either.
Aaand Lottie is using this as a Segway to talk about the woods and her beliefs and stuff.
Van. The girl who holds the cards. That shot where she is shuffling the cards and you can see the antlers sticking out of her head was NOT a coincidence. Someone else may wear the crown but Van was always the antler queen. That's my theory anyway.
Van was so steadfast but Taissa was coming undone when Van picked her card. She was rocking back and forth and sighing and god the acting is so good.
Nat got the queen of hearts but I have no idea what that means. Is she to be hunted? If that's the case, why would they include their only hunter and their best medics in the lineup of potential prey? That's pretty shortsighted of them.
Also interesting to see the cards they've been using for fun and games and flashing around in the background to determine potential life or death scenarios.
There's no way they're gonna kill Nat. At least not right now. But fuck this is stressful.
Like even though I know she doesn't die and I've seen her as an adult I am still scared shitless.
Also again why the fuck would you include the only hunter in this?
Nat moving towards the knife too is so badass of her.
I hope this isn't one of those things where she's doomed because her card was pulled and now she has to die to right a wrong in the universe. Like final destination.
For once I'm giving Travis credit.
Why didn't they just kill Travis though?
I feel like this but where they're running off into the woods to hunt was in a preview somewhere earlier in the show.
Is Javi doomed? did Travis doom Javi? Is Javi gonna die? Is that why Travis was so fucked up in the future? I can't imagine this ending up well for them.
Lottie is suggesting an orgy
Nevermind, she's suggesting murder. I don't know why I even try with you, Lottie.
Knowing this show Van would get drugged but somehow survive because she's lesbian Jesus or lesbian Rasputin. I'm not sure which one but either way she's lesbian immortal so ye.
"our lives aren't that bad" Shauna, honey, you need to start paying attention.
The Van one was personal. Fuck. Like everyone else was like "Taissa, you pushed your family away and killed your dog. Misty you killed a person. Van, the life has been drained from you. You're a ghost of your former self. I look at you and I feel the inexorable reach of the grave shuddering towards me. There is something deeply wrong with you. You are broken on a fundamental level." 🫢
Ben in the meantime :
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Is this where Javi hid out? Tai stopped sleepwalking so it couldn't be her hole Ben just entered so it has to be Javi's hole, right?
Or maybe Jackie is a zombie or a revenant and she's been chilling there.
Javi talked!
Taissa is leading the charge?!
The girls had way more weapons than I thought they did
Oh shit the ice is cracking
Misty just saved Natalie's life! But doomed Javi in the process. Is this why Nat can't stand her? Because Javi died for her? Because she didn't save him either. She can blame Misty all she wants but at the end of the day, Nat didn't save Javi either.
Is this why they hate her? Because she reminds them of what they had to do?
Is this why Van's and Shauna can look comfortably at her while Nat and Taissa shut the door on her? Because of what she represents?
Because Van and Shauna never ran from it while Nat and Tai both tried to bury it?
We say the wilderness chose but it was really Van and Misty. Maybe that's why they hate her too. Because she's stronger.
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obsessiveshayme · 2 years
Okay this is definitely a witch hunt. People on Reddit are literally being downvoted massively for saying that we don't know what Trevor said but people that claim they know with absolute proof that he was shitty about that guy's dad are all getting upvoted.
People just want to hate him.
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anishmary · 1 year
Exploring the World of Data Analytics: Opportunities and Beyond
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Describe data analytics. Analyzing data to find useful information, patterns, and trends is known as data analytics. Businesses adore it since it aids in their improvement. It’s similar to solving problems with data.
Why is data analysis so crucial? Consider yourself in possession of a treasure map (data) and the desire to locate the treasure (insights). Your compass is data analytics.
Why it matters is as follows: It aids in your understanding of consumer behavior, market trends, and company performance.
Efficiency: You can discover areas in which your company may save both time and money.Smart decisions: When using data, you may base decisions on facts rather than educated guesswork.
Personalization: Have you ever seen how Netflix suggests shows? That is data analysis.
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Future Scope of Data Analytics :
High Demand: Many businesses in different industries need data experts because they use data to make smart choices. So, the need for skilled data analysts is growing.
Various Job Fields: Data skills are useful everywhere, not just in one industry. You can work in finance, healthcare, e-commerce, marketing, or technology. This means you have many options for your career.
Tech Keeps Changing: The tools and methods for working with data keep getting better and different. It’s important to keep learning new things, but it also means you can become an expert in a special area.
Helping Decisions: Data people play a big role in helping businesses make important decisions. What you find in data can change how a company plans for the future.
Career Growth: Starting as a data analyst can lead to better and higher-paying jobs like data scientist or machine learning engineer.
Good Pay: Data analysts are paid well. As you get better at your job, you can earn even more.
Job Security: As long as companies use data, they’ll need people who understand it. So, you’ll have a stable job.
Work from Anywhere: You can often do data work from anywhere, giving you flexibility in where you live.
Ethical Data: Data privacy and being fair with data are important. People who can make sure data is used the right way are in demand.
Worldwide Opportunities: Data skills are needed all over the world, so you
can work in different countries if you want.
Careers in Data Analytics:
Data Analyst: The entry point They collect, clean, and analyze data.
Data Scientist: The Experts They use machine learning to solve complex puzzles.
Business Analyst: The bridge between data and business decisions
Big Data Engineer: They manage massive data sets using big data tools.
Healthcare Analyst: They use data to improve healthcare outcomes.
Marketing Analyst: Masters of measuring marketing success
Financial Analyst: They use data for financial strategies.
Sports Analyst: They play with data in the world of sports.
The Future of Data Analytics:
AI and machine learning: Think smarter, not harder. Automation will rule.
IoT Analytics: Connected devices will provide more data than ever.
Ethical Analytics: Data privacy will be a top concern.
Data Visualisation: Making data pretty and easy to understand will be big.
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Feel free to get in touch with an ACTE institution if you want to learn more about Data Analytics because they provide certifications and possibilities for job placement. Teachers with experience can improve your learning. These services are available offline and online. Take things slowly and, if you’re interested, think about signing up for a course.
I hope I was able to effectively respond to your query. If it’s not, add it in the comments section. I still think I have a lot to learn.
Consider following me and giving this answer an upvote if you found it to be useful. This will motivate me to post more information on data analytics.
We appreciate you taking the time to read this and voting it up. Enjoy your day.
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daggersandarrows · 1 year
ok ok ok i swear i'm gonna stop talking about this soon but FOR REAL it continually astonishes me how fucking awful reddit is. only place on the internet that i can go to look at a silly little meme about ladybugs and find in the comments beneath it 50 people explaining IN EARNEST how it's actually not racist at all and just a fact of biology that black people are inherently less intelligent than other races because of the size of their skull, where the top upvoted comment is "well how do you explain white people scoring better on IQ tests?" with a fuckton of earnest agreement beneath it, and if one person DARES to even begin to explain why the entire concept of IQ tests is horseshit, or even how they're created by white people for white people and don't at all account for cultural or educational differences, there's like...20 downvotes on it, along with "ugh don't tell me, now you're gonna try and claim that slavery wasn't started by black people? you're gonna try and blame all your problems on the big bad white man for something that happened 200 years ago?" and another five variations on it, all with a massive amount of upvotes
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dexo27 · 2 years
Day 12 Of 12 - 🎵Twelve Dreadnoughtus Dreaming🎵
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🎵On the Twelfth day of Christmas Ingen gave to we, Twelve Dreadnoughtus Dreaming, Eleven Dimorpho's Dashing, Ten Lystro's A Leaping, Nine Kentro's Clashing, Eight Oviraptors Roaring, Seven Oloro's Prancing, Six Cryo's Chilling Five Golden Spines! Four Styxo's Swimming, Three Frecnh Raptors, Two Ankylo's Cuddlin' and a Quetzalcoatlus in an Aviary! 🎵
Our final dinosaur! The mighty Dreadnoughtus, in its 2022 Dominion varient model. Just look at these beauties roaming their gigantic paddock. Sauropods have always been my favourite, and with these guys getting a new range of colours for the Dominion model I couldn't help buy make a massive exhibition for these as the last big huzzah of the park.
The herds names consist of Zeus, Ian, Freja, William, Jolly, Qilliam, Cranberry, Spruce, Pat, Yankee Endurance, and Mazel. I randomised all the skins, so if one picks your fancy I'll be happy to reply to you what it is, it's just too many sauropods to fit in just 10 pictures, in order and listed skins 😅
But, seriously, thanks for the likes, hearts, upvotes, comments and ect for this little mini-series I've decided to do. Maybe I'll do it again next year, maybe something similar before then. Anyhow, That'll be it for 12 Days of Christmas Park.
Thanks :)
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