#all my vital organs
soybean-official · 6 months
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The parts of you that support me
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midnightbrightside · 1 year
krisnix is great because you can interpret it in so many different ways and it still works.
was it just bitter hatefucking and mindgames? tasty
was phoenix fooled, even if only briefly, and genuinely had feelings for kristoph? the ANGST of him discovering kristoph's actions, the realisation that the man who caught him in freefall is the same one who pushed him off the edge
did kristoph get too swept up and accidentally fall for phoenix, leaving him in one-sided love with the man he ruined? im kicking and screaming and crying. even better if he refuses to acknowledge it like the freak he is
did they, against all odds, fall for each other, but were doomed before they began? kristoph could never admit it to himself, every flutter in his chest and every ridiculous sappy thought gets pushed down to swirl deep in his gut, because if he lets those feelings get to his heart they just might kill him. phoenix would be putting the pieces together and the day he first starts to suspect kristoph makes him feel sick, he wakes up next to kristoph's sleeping, vunerable face each morning and hates himself for suspecting the only man who believed in him.
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arealtrashact · 2 years
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Take me to the distant past, I want to go back.
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lollytea · 1 year
Remember in Hollow Mind when Hunter said "I'll be home soon, Flapjack, stay safe. I love you, over and out." Crazy.
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nottsangel · 21 days
opinion on theodore nott?
he seems cool ig
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eefaevie · 1 year
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Hey, if Rhys Darby and Oscar Isaac kissed, Rhys’ mole would fit into Oscar’s scar. Just so you know.
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fisheito · 3 months
It's not fair that omusubi818 is so far away How am i supposed to throw my entire life savings at them
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g0ry-gh0ul · 1 year
society if there were repugnant music videos………..
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Carja nobles that my party rescued from Meridian. They(and their families) were gonna get executed for speaking out against the Red Raids, which are an ongoing issue in my campaign.
The party sent them to an allied Utaru village, where they were given new outfits so they wouldn’t be attacked on sight by other Utaru.
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july-19th-club · 30 days
and maybe it's like. i just watched too much house md and now i always think zebras instead of horses . but this was a thing way before that. got covid four years ago and covid gives you zebras
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gwyoi · 4 months
I really don’t want to be catastrophizing but I do feel like history is rhyming. migrants at the boarder are already being treated horribly - Biden asking trump for help is a political play and trump will decline, but it speaks to how similar their approach to the boarder will be. Texas AG asked for the names and health records of people being represented by PFLAG, abortion rights are gone federally and embryos are recognized as “people” . Idaho is already overrun with nazi homesteaders. The war machine doesn’t stop and Biden lied about a ceasefire in Palestine.
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pastafossa · 1 year
idk if this has been asked/answered before but do you go to school at the moment, pasta? if so, how do you balance writing & updating :,)
I do not, I've fortunately graduated and thus have more time! I did write fic while I was in college, admittedly, but to keep the balance with all the papers I needed to write, I was generally restricted to shorter fics. I think on my previous ao3 account, the longest story I wrote by wordcount was 30k, longest by chapter was 10 but just drabbles. Which is hilarious when you consider that the next time I tried a longer fic, I just jumped in and now it's 850k words.
But yeah, honestly, I'm sure there are some people who'd be able to write something this long, this regularly while in school buuuut... I'm not sure I'd have been one, cause I don't know if I'd have had the time. Even now that I'm done with school, I have to be very disciplined about writing - setting aside time to write/research, sometimes delaying other things I might want to do, writing even my brain is like 'meh don't feel like it'. Which is fine! Because I actively enjoy the process, even when it's difficult. I love the victorious feeling of getting a chapter done even when it's been a fight. And I want this to hoooopefully be my job one day, so I'm happy to get in the practice. But I won't lie that it's time-consuming and in some ways like an additional job if you want to get that many words written, edited, and then posted every week. I'm constantly writing or editing in grocery store lines, late at night, during breakfast or lunch, whenever and wherever I can, and it takes up a good chunk of my free time each week. You really have to love what you do, and when you do set aside a chunk of time to write, you need to force yourself to write. That gets easier as you go, fortunately, as you convince your brain 'uh yeah idgaf if you feel like it, you're vomiting words onto the page whether you like it or not'. I've beaten my brain with the You Will Fucking Write stick enough times that it knows to go when I say go, I don't care if it's rough or messy or clumsy, just get something out and fix it in editing, but that was a hard lesson to learn in the beginning. But learn that and you will save so much time.
I hope these little bits and pieces could help even if I'm out of school now!
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bravevolunteer · 6 months
what if we kissed on the wiki page for disembowelment
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borom1r · 7 months
category 10 autism event talking to @cary-elwes abt Boromir’s costuming
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rapha-reads · 1 year
I am deeply fascinated by Hannibal Lecter (as portrayed by Mads Mikkelsen), the way he's so smooth and in control, his double personality, how he's absolutely horrible and terrifying and yet so charming and interesting, smart, twisted, educated, cold, compassionate, cruel. This is going to unlock something in me that I damn well know I shouldn't be playing with.
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fournets · 1 year
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any alex ship tbh (song: sex with a ghost by teddy hyde)
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