#all of the foxes love queen like it’s literally canon
the-plothole-court · 2 years
neil: wymack found my queen poster
matt: who’s his favorite?
neil: dan probably
neil: oh did you mean band member?
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lovedrruunk · 3 months
What TikToks I think overwatch characters would post pt 2! (>ᴗ•) !
Part 1 !
Rein, don’t know if u guys know that liver king guy but he’s literally just rein if he took steroids. Posts tons of like gym core/culture videos yk BUT HES ONE OF THE GOOD ONES!!! Ppl in the community love him bc of how positive he is even though he’d give rlly bad advice “EATING THIS RAW TESTICLE INCREASED MY TESTOSTERONE LEVELS BY 9%!!!!”
D.va, this can go 2 ways. #1 in all her Korean celebrity realness posts vids doing trendy dances while using crazy whitening filters and doing aegyo. #2 goes by a fake name and trolls the fuck out of people. D.va being a hater is such a strong head canon of mine like I love her being a toxic bitch like yes slay or whatever so relatable! Replies to streamers she secretly hates like “Wow your mom’s basement looks so clean!” “My left toe can get better plays.” “Bet even your keyboard hates being touched by you.” basically meowbah or wtv her name was but less weird more cunty
Ana, she replies to reins TikTok’s telling his followers NOT to do anything he says, but other than that I can see her posting cooking vids (as every Arab mom does) but she’ll be talking sweetly in English and then suddenly start cussing something out in Arabic and it’ll be so off topic and it’s rlly funny “and then you add 1 cup of flour! ‘I told my lazyass lgbtqia daughter to pick up some earlier but of fucking course she chose to disappoint me again. Ever since the day I birthed her she has been disappointing me over and over again.’ A pinch of salt!”
Hanzo, DEPRESSION CORE SLIDESHOWS LMAOOO some “when the nice guy loses his patience… the devil shivers.” ass shit, bio is probs something stupid like “family betray, women cheat, Hennessy cures.”
Ashe, CONTROVERSIAL QUEEN !!! People forget she’s southern like please you cannot tell me she doesn’t have some crazyass takes. Will post borderline ragebait in like her car or something. “My gun identifies as a PLUNGER. Beat that Biden.” “BIDEN CANT TAKE MY GUNS, I KEEP THEM UPSTAIRS!!!” “Bidens oldass will probably find a way to outlive my OMNIC butler.” She’ll say all this stupid shit with a straight face and I just think that’s so funny. On rare occasions she’ll actually have a rlly good progressive take and ppl will be like okay hold up let her cook…
Tracer, kinda like junkrat where she's only famous cuz ppl lowk make fun of her and she hasn't caught on yet... I LOVEEEE Tracer she's my fav character but CMONNNN "Cheers love!" SHES NOT SURVIVING TIKTOK!!! ppl in the comments will be mocking her accent and she'll just think they're british too... ppl make fun of her NOT cuz they hate her but because she's just ummm eccentric that's the world plus she's british so that's rlly the only reason why ppl make fun of her like not in a mean way but just for funsies yk...
Pharah, being arab and being a lesbian I am 100% qualified to say this but she's such a fucking lesbo ykwim like 'hey mamas' type, she's also really whitewashed like thinks shes a white stud or something. Ellie Williams wannabe makes thirst traps in stained white wife beaters and expects every lesbian in a 100 mile radius to want her (they dont). Thinks playing basketball makes her the shit and she's just rlly desperate and lame. horny on main. Ana found one of her thirst traps once and it led to a really awkward convo
Kiriko, she's only there to post cute videos of her adventures with her gang and fox like shes just there to have a good time ykwim. And she's like popular bc all her fans r girls and her vlogs and stuff r just so nice to watch plus she's funny and rlly cool!
Baptiste, the anti-andrew tate. Hes so attractive and like confident that people can't help but like him ykwim like he makes little straight boys piss their pants with his bazillion level aura. He'll just post a random vid in his car maybe eating chipotle or something and he'll have men and women alike confessing their love for him in the comments. Lesbians love him.
Any character I haven't mentioned i just can't see posting or having tiktok!
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Tried to think of some Miraculous Gaang names! You may want to Google a few of these, fair warning.
Ladybug!Sokka - Captain Harmonia/Harlequin/Beetle
Black Cat!Katara - Painted Jaguar
Turtle!Aang - Lion Turtle, Tortiseshell
Snake!Suki - Pythonic, Tealtime, Naga, Aspen, Tock Viper, Medusa/Stheno/Euryale, Teal Gorgan
Tiger!Toph - The Blind Tiger
Dragon!Zuko - Seiryu 
Fox!Azula - Inari, Kistune, Silver Reynard, Kuma Lisa, Blue Ren (“the tale of Miss Ren”)
Pig!Jin - Babirusa
Bee!Ty Lee - Bumblebee (there is literally a “Dance of the Bumblebee” music score), Honeycomb
Mouse!Mai - Rat Queen (based on the “Rat King” from the Nutcracker Ballet. Kind of as a slide parallel to her canon thing, here, Mai’s parents signed her up for ballet, where she met Ty Lee and Azula.)
Ox!Haru - Oxenfree (all I got right now)
Horse!Teo - got nothing but “Pegasus” which is taken
Rabbit!Yué - Luna Lapine, Luna Angora, Satin Moon, Velvet Moon
Monkey!Kuzon - a bit more explanation here. Mostly, I was trying to fill out the miraculous roster, cause AtLa only has a few “main” characters, I was trying to find some named characters the Gaang is shown being friends with who are roughly their age. I didn’t list Jet or his friends, cause, honestly, what exactly would their story be?? How do they integrate? Like, I’m sure you could do something, I just couldn’t really think of anything at the time. But also, I realized all the friends of the Gaang belong to Katara, Sokka, or Suki, later Zuko - Aang and Toph don’t really have any that are unconnected from them. In Toph’s case, she was raised super sheltered, and never got a chance to meet anyone, while Aang HAD friends, but they’re all mostly dead, except Bumi, because of the 100 years in ice thing. And we already have Bumi here being an old man. The only other friend Aang really mentions is Kuzon, the Fire Nation kid who … I think there’s a short story about the pair of them fighting off poachers? Anyway, I was basically imagining Kuzon as “Le Chien Kim, but Animal Lover and Environmentalist Advocate”. He would have grown up next door to Aang and Gyatso, and that’s how the pair are friends. As for names … I want to say Tarzan or Mowgli, but I feel like, even in universe, those would get him visits from lawyers.
so, Katara/Aang. Aang I see as non-binary - they don’t mind which pronouns you use, but mostly uses he/they when referring to himself. Katara believes she is straight, but is actually bi with a bigger attraction to males.
Sokka is poly-pansexual. His relationships start with Sokka/Yue, until Yué realizes she’s actually AroAce, and they break up. Then later Sokka/Suki, which morphs into Zuko/Sokka & Sokka/Suki, which changes to Zuko/Sokka/Suki. Suki’s bi, while Zuko is … Zuko (demi-pan, but never has the words for it till WAY later).
Toph is Aro, or at least grayromantic, as is Teo. Teo I also see as trans, but that might just be me.
Mai/Ty Lee eventually becomes Mai/Ty Lee/Azula. (Sexuality uncertain, but my cousin does call them the “Deadly Lesbians”.) There’s a brief Mai/Zuko, but only to get Mai’s parents to back off and leave her alone.
Haru is our only totally straight guy, congrats man, you are our cishet+!
Thoughts, Feelings, Opinions, New/Different Ideas?
(Also, side note. We still have Cabbage man, right?)
Loving the names! I think I’m gonna make a masterpost of the names here once I finalize them.
Totally get the thing on Kuzon. Like yeah I’m trying to think of other characters to fill out the Hero team and other than Jet’s group there aren’t a lot. There’s a reason I dragged Jin into this(other than the fact that I love her)
And yeah I’ve been turning Jet and co over in my head trying to think of what they’d be and I can’t think of anything for them because there’s so many changes to the base setup.
I have my ships I like and while I do take suggestions it’s my au and I get the nonsense!
Obvs the Aang/Katara stays.
I see the Zuko/Sokka/Suki and raise you adding Jin in there.
Swinging to Yue: I always have mixed feelings in some AUs because I love her and Sokka in Canon but most AUs they never really work out. And in this one idk why they wouldn’t exactly? Like nothing gets in the way. Maybe if I write Sokka starting the Suki relationship first and then while they’re poly they’re not at a ‘hey how do you think about another person?’ discussion stage when they meet Yue? And then by the time they are at that stage either they’ve moved on or Yue has her own partner?
That said. Yue/Azula. Any time I have the chance for them I take it. Like the equal opposite you see my vision.
I also have this weird soft spot for Toph/Ty Lee. Probably has something to do with that post of ‘Ty Lee teaches Toph to walk on her hands’ thing because as funny as that post is these two are menaces it’s great, the amount of trust involved in it!
Haru is def our token straight though.
My one original thought:
So like. The Gaang has a range of ages. And in atla that’s fine due to the circumstances. But here it’s kind of a question of ‘how do they all meet/become friends/etc if they never really meet’? so I’m gonna make shit up to squish them into the same grade in school. 
Aang and Toph skipped a grade. Homeschooling put them a bit ahead of their peers in public school so they just got placed ahead.
On the flipside, Zuko got held back a grade due to the whole ‘being kicked out and horrifically scarred’ thing. Like between the mental and physical care he’d need he missed a lot of class that year so just. Repeat the year.
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nixthelapin · 4 months
Humble suggestion: while I love the Guardian Marinette stuff in s4, I think a cool different route for s4 would’ve been to basically jumpstart s5 early by having Hawkmoth never lose the Miracle Box at the end of s3.
Now, Miracle Queen was obviously the fandom’s least favorite episode (that is now in debate with s5 finished, but I digress). But I think ending it on a low note like s4 did would’ve been so cool, and also help with some of the show’s plot armor.
The specific plot armor I’m referring to: Marinette has all but 2 Miraculouses as her disposal, and yet they make no progress against Shadowmoth. It’s literally 17 v 2. They almost won against him with just 5 (s2 finale) and only didn’t because they were caught off guard by Mayura. Hawkmoth upgrading to Shadowmoth does nothing to really make him stronger other than making it easier to make senti beings, which they have already faced before.
The proposal: Miracle Queen happens mostly like canon, they use the existing Miraculous users to fight Ladybug & Chat Noir, but Hawkmoth and Mayura keep the rest, maybe even hide the Miraculouses (and let’s say they take them out of the box to use the box as a decoy so when Fu changes ownership, they won’t be trapped inside). Ladybug and Chat get the Miraculouses from the active users back, so not all of them are lost. So, to keep track:
Hero Team: ladybug, black cat, fox, turtle, bee, snake, dragon, horse, monkey (9)
Villain Team: (everything else) butterfly, peacock, rabbit, tiger, ox, mouse, pig, rooster, goat, dog (10)
So it’s almost an even match! (In terms of numbers at least… those power sets are arguable 😬)
But! It has the same Ladybug-guilt issues as s5 (her feeling at fault for losing them) because she accidentally led Hawkmoth to Fu, and I think it helps solve the issue of how many individual new Miraculous episodes they had to stuff into s4 before she lost them at the end (Penalteam was really doing overtime lol).
I do think this version would lose the Alliance rings, but it would be good ground for setting up some kind of villain team instead. Probably not with all of them at once- while that would be smart to overwhelm the heroes, Gabe doesn’t have that many allies 😂. Natalie is half dead and that just leaves the psycho 14 year old (Lila).
The heroes could also win back the Rabbit like they did in s5 with the time chase (with some tweaking because the dynamics of the two would be different from that point). Because that thing is WAY too powerful to let the villains keep yet not let them win with it (not this time, plot armor!) At least with the heroes they have the excuse of “don’t mess with the time continuum,” which hawky clearly wouldn’t care about.
Thoughts?? This was just a tangent thought that popped up out of nowhere, so there are probably some holes, but I think it’s a fun idea! Any other suggestions or add-ons? Or do you think I’m totally off my rocker? I’d love to hear anything!
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leorawright · 2 years
Junkerqueen, kiriko, pharah, sombra, Cassidy, hanzo, Genji, brig, and bap A cat themed s/o who uses throwing knives similar to trickster from dbd and who's abilities are cat related with the knives and the outfit is made to look like a cat with the tail having a knife at the end of it
Yeah sure!
Overwatch with s/o who is cat themed
Junker Queen
As first she thinks your costume is a little silly but she does think you look amazing in your costume
She'll be a little skeptical about the use of your throwing knives but after seeing you weild them all doubts are gone
Though she prefers foxes she still adores cats almost as much as she adores you
Kiriko also uses throwing knives so she might asl for some tips if she needs them
She'll also gush over how cool your costume looks
She'll definitely compliment your costume and the use of your throwing knives
She's not used to seeing a weapon like that but she supposes a rocket launcher is a bit strange as well
Pharah often drops by to check on you during battles or to simply watch you fight because she admires your skill
Sombra literally has a cat skin of course she adores your look
She definitely make herself a costume to match yours
She also is impressed by your aim with your throwing knives
He definitely makes a lot of cat jokes due to your costume
He'll stop if you ask him to though
He's pretty intrigued by the design and use of your throwing knives
You and him and the ultimate dream team when you fight together though
He is very intrigued by your costume design
He is very polite and doesn't get to close without permission
Hanzo is used to people like Kiriko using more precise weapons so your knives aren't a huge shock to him
Genji loves your costume and might provide a few ideas for details
He doesn't use a gun either so he's surprises that you don't use one either
He'll always cheer you on during fights and always compliments your skill afterwards
It's Canon that she loves cats so seeing you costume has her so excited
She'll go on and on with compliments about the design
She's also impressed by your use of throwing knives it's not a common weapon to weild
Bap is very impressed by how skillful you are especially since you use throwing knives
He'll also always compliment your costume
He's always bene interested in why you use throwing knives but he won't pry if you don't want to talk about it
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luna-vixen-art · 10 months
howdy! About me!
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Howdy! Im LunaVixen or Lucy, (you can call me Luna if ya want)
I’m a girl.
im a minor
i love fnaf
im a Christian.
I want to explore more games and fandoms.
im a student writer
i have a lot of animals.
my character is a fennec fox (tho it looks like a wolf)
I just like being nice, ya know be kind to others.
im a self taught artist.
love y’all, I hope y’all have a good day or night!
Fandoms I’m in.
Five nights at Freddy’s
The Mandela Catalog
The Walten Files
Welcome Home ARG
Pokémon Legend of Zelda
Bands I like:
Imagine Dragons
Poor man’s poison
Jack Stauber
Love and Death
For King & Country
Things I’m Okay With:
character role play, while I’m not the best at it I’m totally fine with it!
questions! Please I love questions about my characters and things!
Interacting, please I do not think your weird if you want to reach out more!
AU questions (if I have AUs lol)
Character art! Please I love art! It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner either! This is a safe place for beginners lol!
character questions or head canons! I wanna see your guys take on my characters!
Remember to keep things at least PG-13 I am a minor, while yes I’m fine with more gore-y or horror topics I’m not the biggest fan of sexual content.
Things I’m not okay with:
harassment to me or my friends.
mocking my religion and God.
Harassment of people from different groups, like the LGBTQ+, people of color and literally anyone.
harassment of beginner artists, they are beginners, you shouldn’t harass them and discourage them, remember your comments can be hurtful even when you “think” it’s helpful criticism.
Please just be nice, while I am not above criticism just be nice and try to point me in the right direction if I mess up, don’t be mean I am human too.
thank you for reading :3
Jesus said to love one another and that we should be servants to each other, so I would ask that you all do that in the comment section. Be respectful. We are a community. That means more to me than anything. Thank you.
(Yes I took that from Coryxkenshin I think he just said it best)
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smokeybrandreviews · 1 month
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I feel like I've been super negative on this blog lately so let me straight up gush about something I've recently loved. Alien: Romulus was amazing. I’ve spoken at length about this before, but I am a massive fan of the franchise. It’s not part of my Pillars, but it’s definitely a support strut. Alien, to me, is as perfect as a film can get, and Aliens is a perfect example of Eighties excess. Go big or go home. The Queen Xenomorph is one of my all-time creature designs but my zeal for that universe was solidified with the Dark Horse comics. Some of the first comics I bought myself, with my own money, were Alien books. I ended up getting the first issue of Aliens: Earth War (before it was called Earth War) and the initial AvP run. That sh*t ended up taking a ton of space in my head, rent free, for years. Machiko Noguchi is the second best protagonist, after Ripley, herself. I had all of the Kenner figures and their little mini comics, too. Just the Xenos, though. I didn’t give a sh*t about the Marines. I remember lamenting I never got that “good” Queen Xeno, just the flying one. I love this franchise. So imagine my utter desperation for a competent big screen outing, after literally four goddamn decades of sh*t. The Assembly Cut of Alien 3 was pretty decent but everything after that was just awful. All of it. Including the prequels. I really f*cking hate the prequels. That resentment is actually a boon for Romulus because the way they incorporated that part of the mythos into this film, went a long way toward my acceptance of those ill-conceived and wholly convoluted, ego strokes. Romulus is so good, they make all of this cats-for-brains ideas in the Prequels, tolerable.
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I don’t care for Prometheus because it came at the cost of Blomkamp’s Alien 5. I’ve seen a bit of that concept art and listened to Weaver just absolutely gush about the plot. Sh*t sounded exceptional, very Aliens, very much in the vein of that narrative. In all honesty, I think that’s why it was killed. It skewed more Cameron than Scott, and Mr. Ridley took offense. He made Fox kill the Oates effort and ran wild with Prometheus; an unwieldy, up-it’s-own-ass, creation myth, that was too convoluted to execute such an existential narrative with any decorum, and was too pretentious to be accessible to the common man. We wanted an Alien part Deux. We got Chariot of the Gods. Sh*t was pretty, though. After what Scott hoped to pivot the franchise to, imploded critically, he got a second shot at it, delivering an origin story to the Xenos no one asked for. While STILL pivoting toward his weird AI fetish super hard. Somehow, Covenant was worse than Prometheus in almost every way. Sh*t didn’t “fix” anything. David is still the architect to the Xenomorphs as we know them. He’s still the thing which set up the events of LV-426. The Black Goo is still a primary fixture of the franchise. Both Prometheus and Covenant are still canon. That’s dumb. However, the way Romulus addresses those things, really allowed me to accept those really, really, dumb, situations.
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Mild spoilers, but the Aliens in Romulus are not the same Aliens from LV-246. They are reversed engineered by Rook, an Ash model android, from the remains of Big Chap. Rook was able to synthesize a strain of the black goo, I think it was called the Prometheus Strain, and even referenced Waylan’s death. What this told me was that, while the black goo was a really dumb addition to the overall narrative, I couldn’t be all that upset about it because Fede Alvares was able to make it feel legit. This strain of the Black Goo was different than the one the Engineers had. It produced subtly different versions of the Xenos. The facehuggers, for example, were larger, more mobile, and had barbs on their tendrils to grip faces better. The Xenos were larger and had a digitigrade stance, something that wasn’t solidified until Resurrection which, like Romulus, saw their Xenomorphs forged through genetic manipulation, not the natural processes or life cycle for the creatures. I was able to connect all of the threads and genuinely accept that Xenos can exist in an infinite number of forms, that the goo is hard coded to “create” a version of that creature. David's stupid f*cking experiments, explaining some sh*t that needed no explanation, can just be the version HE developed. His iteration to these random horrors, is the Queen. I imagine his version is the first version to have the egg. That is how HIS Xenomorph develops. I get that. I understand that. That's why the Big Chap in Alien is slightly different than the ones in Romulus. Different strain, but engineered from David's attempt. It's still dumb, but it makes it easier to accept whatever the f*ck is going on in the comics.
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What really hammered it home for me was the Xeno-baby at the end of the film. Seeing that thing basically grow into a cross between a Xenomorph and Engineer was wild, all thanks to the nu-goo. It really threw me back to all those Kenner alien variations and, just like that, I got it. I got Prometheus. I got Covenant. I got Alien as a macro franchise and not just one of my favorite two films. It was a rough, four decade journey, but we got back to zero. Romulus does not work without the soft canonization of the prequels and I am okay with that because of how good it is. This is an Alien film, through and through, course-correcting the franchise in a similar way Prey did with Predator. It feels like Fede gets it and I can’t wait to see what the sequel has in store because this thing pretty much doubled its budget. It’s definitely getting another one. Unless the show is balls. If Aliens: Earth tanks, I might have another four decades of bullsh*t ahead of me because I kind of hate what Marvel is doing on the comic end of things. The games are dope at least.
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kristencsummerlin · 2 months
X + Y
X: A character you enjoy making suffer?
Depends on the fic. For my Hellsing/BlackButler one I was gonna make my OC Shirley suffer mainly through combat. Because she has healing potions although she herself can't regenerate and the potion causes you to feel the pain one would have throughout the time of the healing possess all at once. So she's weak and in pain during and after combat and while quickly healing with the potion. Besides her it would of been one of her "students." She's the whole whiny vampire trope. She's one of those "doesn't want to be a vampire" type of vampires so she's emo and kind of bitchy due to partly starving herself. I gave her and Shirley dark background stories. I don't really want to hurt a canon character. Maybe Integra's Uncle because fuck him.
For Nicktoons it's Timmy and Tootie. They canonly are supposed to have a hard life. So I gave them a more dark Fae folklore like background that fits with their characters and the show. The idea is to continue the Nicktoons so I don't know if anyone wants me to spoil it here. lol I don't know, making Timmy and Tootie suffer a little has made them almost my faves. Almost because I don't really fave anyone in Nicktoons yet.
For Soul Eater it would be Soul I guess. I don't hate him and I don't really make him suffer. Not like the other characters from the other fics. My idea is for Maka to start dating a guy and Soul to be jealous and upset about it. So in a way they're suffering. The only other person would be Ox. I headcanon that Liz partly hates him due to his arrogant nature and bad haircut. Because those are the reasons I don't like him (Plus his odd obsession with Kim who I hate so fucking much!) So Liz talks shit about Ox all the time.
Y: A character you want to protect?
For my Hellsing/Black Butler it's Integra, Astra (I don't remember if it's his real name or my sister's head canon name for "Ciel" being it was revealed that Ciel is his twin brother's name and not his), Soma, and Alois. Astra and Alois have suffered a shit ton so they need saving. Soma is a ruby chocolate chip cookie. And Integra is like Queen so everyone worship her.
For Nicktoons it's funny enough the main villains. Because all of them want love and friendship in some shape or form. Like I can't hate any of them. Same with the Evil and or Anti Nicktoons. Because I have them be anti-heroes. Which A Glitch in Time has saved me because I for the longest time was trying to figure out why Dan, a 24 year old was working and or hanging around a bunch of teenagers and the novel came in when I needed it the most. THANK YOU A GLITCH IN TIME!!! So yeah protect the evil babies. LOL
For Soul Eater it's Crona, Tsubaki, and Patty. Patty is like an fox pup she's playful on a level no one can understand. Crona because they need all the love their world has gone out of it's way to not give. Crona is literally my dad's favorite character. Like he was watching the show with me and stopped watching it in protest because he thought the show did Crona dirty. Still bitter about it. When I told him the anime treated Crona better than the manga, YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN HIS FACE! And then Tsubaki because she's sweat. Although I like to think of her like the Wonder Woman of the group. Something about her screams it.
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burningfairytales · 2 months
Thanks for that Bokuto post of yours...! You're the first person that made me think more of Bokuto as a character (I have been Haikyuu fan since 2017 and Bokuto is in my top 5 fav Hq characters). Like, I never think that deep about him, until I read your mini meta....🌻🌷
Hope you don't mind if I ask from this ask game :
For series : Haikyuu, AFTG, Star Trek, and Once Upon a Broken Heart....
Ohhh, that is such an amazing compliment, thank you so much!
Also, it's a relief. Because I'm actually attempting writing fanfiction for the first time in years, and boy, it is not going great. I'm very much doubting my characterisation at literally every point, so.
As for your game, sure, I'll play! :)
Favorite Character: Bokuto-And-Akaashi. (sorry. they're joined at the hip. I literally cannot choose.) (If you held a knife to my throat I would say Bokuto. But it's such a close call, you have no idea.)
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: Easy - the training camp arc. Also if Fukurodani's match will be animated I will cry. If it will not get animated I will rage. And then cry. So there's that.
Character I Think is Underrated: Nishinoya. Also Kita. I adore them.
Character I Think is Overrated: (oh god don't come for me.) Tsumu. Listen it's NOT that I don't like him. It's just that I watched the show before reading the manga, the show made the very unfortunate decision not to continue after the game against Inarizaki, and mostly I ended up really loving the characters AFTER their games. Time-skip though is a different matter entirely.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: BOKUAKA. Always.
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: How beautifully each character is written. It's very difficult to really dislike any of them!
All for the Game:
Favorite Character: Andrew. He chose violence and held my heart ever since.
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: "You gave me a key and called it home." Also the whole hotel scene. Oh, and "Thank you. You were amazing."
Character I Think is Underrated: Wymack.
Character I Think is Overrated: Honestly none of them. Riko. by the media.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Andreil. And lately JereJean.
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: The found family trope. And also "foxes will never raise other foxes."
Star Trek:
Favorite Character: Jim Kirk, mostly because he's such a smart dumbass.
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: since we're talking about AOS, the whole scene where Jim dies. I mean. It was the scene that got me into Star Trek. I remember texting my friend like "listen, idk who they are but they are canonically gay right?" Imagine my shock when I realised that it was not, in fact, canon.
Character I Think is Underrated: Chekov. (I'd say Bones because I love him but he's definitely not underrated.)
Character I Think is Overrated: Ohhhhh I don't actually have one?
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Kirk/Spock. In any universe.
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: That it was never about war. That they took the question, "but what if there's aliens??" and made it about science, and research, and interracial relationships.
Once Upon a Broken Heart:
Favorite Character: Evangeline. Out of any female character Stephanie Garber has written, she's the Queen of my Heart (oh, the irony.)
I mean, "children treat their toys better than you treated me"? Yes, queen.
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: Not gonna spoil anything. But the end of book two. If you know, you know.
Character I Think is Underrated: Lala, maybe? I also have to admit I have a fondness for Luc, even if he's an idiot.
Character I Think is Overrated: I'm sorry, I know it's not her storyline, but she's in the book so it counts: I really, really, REALLY disliked Tella. She annoyed me literally every time she had a thought, and I hated that she's so obviously the author's favourite. Scarlett deserved better.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Evajacks.
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: Enemies to Lovers. Also the whole atmosphere of the book. It really felt like a slightly warped fairytale.
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lightning-bringer · 2 years
This is for a friend but can you do hcs Renata Glasc X Fox! S/O? Like it looks similar to Ahri? Can you also make nsfw hcs as well? Thanks!
Okay so before I start I want to explain something. Usually I separate the SFW and NSFW parts of the request, to make it easy for people that just want to read one of them, but for this one I won’t because I think Renata’s relationship with a partner would be intrinsically a BDSM kind of relationship (dom x sub dynamics), and though not every aspect of BDSM is sexual, it’s still a NSFW topic. I will leave the actual sexual headcanons to the end, but I won’t disitnguishe between them
Okay so we know that canonically, Renata Glasc was kind of Viktor’s sugar mommy when he went back to Zaun, so that is exactly the relationship she’d have with her partner, but less business wise lol
They are a vastaya, and Renata would absolutely love to parade them around the Barons of Zaun, giving her SO any and all the money they want to pretty themselves up for her
She’d make sure they have everything they want, and if they were born in Ionia and not Zaun, and wanted or needed something from their homeland, Renata would make sure they have it
And Renata would absolutely - and I mean absolutely, for sure, no doubt, I’d bet money on this - be into collaring, SPECIALLY with a partner who has literal with fox ears
I believe she would be respectful if they didn’t want to do it, be it either arranged since the beginning of their relationship or something they decided they didn’t want anymore later on, but it would anger her a little, because it’s one of the things she wants and likes the most
Now, it’s not pet play, she would be clear about it, but the image of her partner walking beside her with a pretty collar, with a tag written “Glasc’s property” in it... She would feel SO good about it
Though no one would be allowed to threat them badly for being a vastaya. She will allow comments about how pretty her sub is, but that's it
Renata would be so nonchalant about the wildest kinds of PDA, she would nearly demand her SO sits on her lap while she's in a meeting as she strokes their fluffy tail and talk to a possible new business partner
(She would also absolutely and often demand to have her SO sit at her feet while she works, stroking their fluffy ears)
I already said she would give her SO anything they want, but she would also not let them any do any kind of "hard work"
Want to buy something? No need to get up someone will fetch it for you. Oh you want to visit a friend? The driver's gonna take you in a minute
It can be quite claustrophobic honestly, so her partner would have to make it very clear when they want her (and ger money/power) to step away (but she wouldn't be very happy about it)
Renata would love to touch her partner's ears and tail, both in a sexual or non-sexual way. She'd make them wear shibari under their clothes quite often and she'd love to make beautiful designs on their back to make their tail shine even more
Renata is a very dominating woman, clearly, and that would also extend to sex so her SO would have to expect to be bossed around quite a lot lol
She likes to have full control and she's a sadist, but she's also generous and always rewards her partner with as many orgasm as they want if they behave properly
And with her fox vastaya partner... Renata would love to merciless tease their tail. Pull the base both to hurt and to pleasure them, then petting it so soothingly during aftercare
Oh there's that, she's the Queen of after cara, only the best salves and creams for rope or impact wounds, all the food anyone would possibly want, warm baths in huge bathtubs
Glasc also really likes branding so maybe she would ask her partner to get a few piercings in their fluffy ears, so she knows they have her mark there always
(When she's feeling particularly mean but not really sadistic she'd want to grind against her partner's tail until she comes and have them only watch, forbidden from touching themselves or her)
Renata would not be much into titles, but to be called Baroness in public and mistress in bed would be a huge turn on for her
And to have her tits played with it. They're huge. And she likes to have her partner sucking on them
All her partner would have to do is moan "I'm so sorry Mistress", twitch their adorable ears and lick her nipples and all wrong doings are forgiven
(Oh also Renata is into brats. Super into brats. Mostly if her partner, being a vastaya, uses magic to run away from her or deny her things. It gives her that much more satisfaction once she gets them)
She wouldn't mind be called Mommy when it comes to her being a literal sugar mommy but she'd make it clear that's not supposed to happen in bed, she doesn't like it
Also because she's older, she's very settled on what she likes and dislikes. She would be a demanding and not really into trying new things, but she's also very weak for her SO (which Renata would never admit), so all it takes is nice lingerie and a swipe of fluffy tail... and she'd relent
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goodmorningdove · 5 months
tell me fun deltarune facts!!
instead of a fun fact have uhh what i think is how toby fox is going to tell the stpry of delatrune. Or rather, how he's controlling our perception of the narrative. For starters, toby has the advantage of us inherently percieving deltarune through the lens of undertale, which i think has lead to the perception that ralsei may be evil (bcz ralsei = asriel who is flowey and flowey acted nice but then turned and tried to kill you famously) but i personally think ralsei genuinely thinks he is doing the right thing.
I think toby is deliberately feeding us misleading information. Like at the end of chapter 1 when jris brandishes their knife it's like "OH SHIT OH FUCK IS KRIS EVIL??" and then chap 2 opens and it's like nahh they just ate a whole pie. honestly mood i relate to kris so fucking much in that moment. who hasnt wanted to eat an entire pie after befriending their school bully after exploring a magic world together and meeting a weird clone of your brother.
anyway i think toby is continuing to give us misleading information, like what the hell was up with kris at the end of chap 2. also what the hell is up with the secret bosses and shadow crystals and eggs. Yeah that's right fucking EGGS are a lore implicated object. There is a man. He gave you an egg. There is no longer a man. Wing Dings Aster i am fucking onto you you egg faced bastard.
Anyway. I guess fun fact i used to be a little uncomfortable with kris befriending suzie bcz of my history of being bullied (it sucked) but the spamton sweepstakes revealed that kris knows... something idk Suzie threatened kris at one point pre deltarune and as per usual suzie is threatening to eat kris's face but kris said SOMETHING to suzie that made suzy run out of the room. We don't know what kris said. we know it was short, we know it scared off suzie. Not permenantly, but she did run out of the room. Also fun fact noelle holiday is a fan of hacking video games! This may be foreshadowing that noelle is necessary to changing how deltarune ends (we are all convinced deltarune will end in a tragedy and honestly i do not know why. To be fair the ending is literally canonically a fever dream i am not joking the ending to deltarune came to toby in a dream while he was sick with a fever)
anyway uhhhhhhhhhh oh yeah can i go on a suzelle rant? haha this is my post you can't stop me!!! anyway the idea that suzelle is toxic or isn't going to be canon is just not something i see as textually becoming true (one theory guy i watch loves the idea of sizie turning noelle down and i personally just don't see that as the most narratively potent storyline) Here's what we know about noelle and suzie's storylines indivdually. Suzie: a supposed toughgirl who's actually emotionally scarred and covers her fears of being judged by being aggressive. She also is afraid that people will judge her for being too loud or aggresive when she tries to fit in, so she purposefully goes over the top aggresive so she's in control of the narrative. Her narrative has already started with her and kris becoming weirdo friends as well as her friendship with lancer and beginning to open up to Ralsei's sensitiveness also being something that suzie at least kind of enjoys. Noelle: soooo fucking scared her mother is scary and doesnt let her express emotions at all, her sister is missing and her dad is in the hospital so she's stuck with her scary mother who is probably even colder than normal due to stress of a missing daughter and sick husband. Noelle also has a sort of facination with scary things, she's a lil thrill seeker but she has a difficult time differentiating what's a fun scare and what's a bad scare. Most things feel like a bad scare... except for suzie! suzie is a fun scare, largely because suzie has never once been actually mean to noelle (and kris seems like they arent actually afraid of suzie) and noelle's arc in chapter 2 (snowgrave notwithstanding) is about her standing up to Queen who has been trying to use noelle's power to open up another dark fountain. Their arcs combined, to me at least, will become suzie learning that her weirdness/scaryness won;t drive noelle away and also is part of what noelle likes about suzie. She also won't have to worry about noelle judging her for being sensitive because well, noelle is quite sensitive! Noelle meanwhile i see gaining more and more confident, and suzie will act as noelle's hypewoman. This will further Noelle's confidence because suzie IS very strong so if someone doesn't take noelle seriously then suzie can step up to help and be like "you wanna try that again?" to the idiot trying to disrespect noelle. also i think it would be really cute and funny if noelle and suzie went on a date to watch a horror movie and noelle is staring at the screen very intently meanwhile suzie is clinging onto noelle out of pure fear.
also no one knows what the fuck ralsei is but there are some theories (surprisingly the dead asriel theory actually holds weight and explains a lot) BUT an obvious angle is that ralsei is the missing green crayon from kris's house combined with kiris's old red horned headband. Personally i think the red horned headband is a bit of red herring (lol) as i personally think kris is just uh depressed. I know ralsei has pink horns which i know is abnormal for what we know of asriel but like. idk it could just be that ralsei isnt asriel. or asriel's horns ARE pink afterall we have only seen asriel: without horns and: with horns in god of hyper death mode which also happens to have his sprite in black and white. So like theres a lot of wiggle room.
anyway now im going to off about my kris is depressed theory thing. i think it's pretty obvious that kris is an allegory for depression. They are the boring human in a town full of monsters, their best friend and brother has left for college, who they probably have been living in the shadow of as he has all done. It's also quite possible that kris's only other friend, noelle, may have also only been because of asriel, as noelle has an older sister, Dess, who very likely was friends with asriel, while kris and noelle were mostly just friends by proxy. Kris may be afraid that when Asriel returns he won't want to hang out with kris anymore. Maybe that's why Kris is opening the dark fountains? to put the world in jepordy and then save the world so their brother still thinks they are cool. It's a bit extreme but idk maybe kris is also suicidal (which i actually do think is true)
also im like 99% sure that suzie does not know that asriel exists. and i cant wait for her to learn about him. like that's going to be fucking hilarious.
anyway this turned into a fucking mess i hoped you enjoyed it :) go play deltarune chapters 1&2 they are free :)
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Let me put out this shameless self-promo for other blogs that I actually have running and I hope you guys will all have fun adding them if you please!
Janis - From the Inuyasha video game Secret of the Divine Jewel!
Link - This Link is an amalgamation of a bunch of the different video games, so very heavily Canon Divergent.
Crysta - From Ferngully. Please, please, please give her some attention. I have never actually gotten to utilize this muse and interactions would be so fun! I play her anywhere in the timeline, from before she met Zack in the movie, to after when she's learned how to control her powers.
Fawn - From the newer Tinkerbell movies. Another muse very rarely utilized, if ever. I will love you guys forever if she got some attention!
Kurama - From YuYu Hakusho! One of my strongest muses, and also one of my best. I resonate really well with my foxy ragechild, and he is almost always active. It would be really fun to get some stuff going with him.
Terra - From Kingdom Hearts. Also really resonate with this boyo. He is one of my other favorite and fun characters to play as, but I have also rarely utilized him so some interactions would be fun to say the least!
Lelouch - From Code Geass. LET. HIM. HAVE. THE. WORLD. Not literally, but figuratively. I love Lelouch with every fiber of my being and he is another muse that I absolutely adore and will love you forever for interacting with.
Derek - From the Swan Princess series of movies. This little dummy is a sweetheart, please feel free to go and bug him. I will forever give you cookies. This dumb Himbo lives in my brain rent free.
Mushrambo - From Shinzo! And the list of REALLY OBSCURE MUSES CONTINUES. LIsten, I haven't seen the Shinzo anime/tv series/cartoon whatever it was actually in FOREVER but Mushrambo also lives in my head rent free and I have clips on standby from the show to watch just for characterization purposes because this man is absolutely WORTH IT.
Katerina - AND FINALLY, my OC Katerina!! She has a bio if you follow the link to her page, and I love her to pieces. This is my comfort muse. I will never NOT have muse for this beautiful sweet precious girl. My foxy little fox. Please and thank you forever if you give me interactions with her. I could say twenty-bajillion things about her and it will never be enough so just... y'know. Go check her out!!
Jimmy - Quick edit to add Jimmy Kudo from Case Closed. I love this little gremlin with every fiber of my being and he deserves love and attention. The boy will have fun and love all the attention. Bring it on!!
Kagome - Another quick edit to add the queen. The sweetest girl. My best, brightest, perfect little girl. Kagome Higurashi from Inuyasha. Feel free to follow her for the fun times. We love interactions, and you should all go and give her love. Please?
Diablo - From the anime/manga/novel series How Not To Summon A Demon Lord. He's a lovely little muse, but also, he's a lonely little sonuvabitch who needs friends. So please come and interact with him?
Terry - Terry McGinnis from Batman Beyond. Very smug and smarmy little bat child; he will have fun talking to all of you and enjoying life. Please enjoy him to your heart's content. Villains, please flock to him because we will enjoy having witty banter and kicking your butts~!
Jack - Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians. He's only got your best interests at heart. Come and have some fun! No, really. You need to come and have some fun with him, or else he'll bean you with a snowball to make you have fun with him. So, like, just avoid the snowball to the face. Come play~!
Owen Grady - From Jurassic World, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, and Jurassic World: Dominion. Open to play in any of the movie timelines, also featuring Canon Divergence for the timelines of the first two movies. Come and enjoy a little bit of fun with the Raptor Dad. Let's have some fun roleplaying in Jurassic Park and Jurassic World stuff!!
Ashitaka Akira Muso - Prince Ashitaka from the Studio Ghibli movie, Princess Mononoke. Open to play in a verse set after Princess Mononoke, wherein he lives in Iron Town with the rest of the inhabitants and has taken over as the ruler of Iron Town from Lady Eboshi. Everyone looks to Ashitaka for answers and guidance as the man who saved all of their lives. Please have fun interacting with him!!
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novuit · 2 years
You have no idea how delighted I am that you've asked!! Writing this ask took so long because I hadn't thought about it too much until you asked and I'm terrible at explaining things lmao
It doesn't really have a plot but it's set in the 2020s (post-Queen era) in Southwest England. Arthur and Feliciano are both in year 10 and knew eachother briefly for quite a long time - mainly through Lloyd (Wales) - but never really got to know eachother until they joined the music club, which it was mandatory to join a club.
They started off as friendly rivals at first but quickly fell inlove after finding out about some common interests (cough cough Queen, old films and those shows like ofmd and good omens cough). They now meet up in the sensory room almost every break and do all sorts of things: snogging, watching the bubble tubes, playing music and reenacting fanfics.
Feliciano is seen as a very bubbly character who lives with his brother Lovino and his wealthy grandfather and gets along with pretty much everyone. Though he gets along with people easily, he is also pretty two-faced and can ruin your life if you snap him bad enough. He is often described as unpredictable, gifted, rich and terryifying/sweet (depending who you ask). He really takes pride in certain subjects which is why he sometimes skips certain classes: because it makes him feel stupid and it's so limited that he feels like he can't be the upmost creative. He is a good friend of one of Arthur's brothers who is also his brother's best friend.
Arthur is seen as either quite reserved or emotional. He is currently in foster care along with his five brothers and it wasn't until he finished primary school that he, Lloyd and Oisin (N.Ireland) were taken into custody of his two eldest brothers, Scott (canon scotland) and Alistair - I'll get to Ciaran in a moment. He loves talking about his fixations: mainly 70/80s bands, history and anything vintage and which also means he gets along with the older people way more easily than people his own age; i'd like to think he's an old soul. Arthur can get quite irritable and reclusive but other times hes awfully polite and sweet; he even gives nicknames to everyone he likes :)
Lloyd is in year 11 and is always busy with gcses and usually hangs out with his Lovino (they're in this weird best friend/situationship thing) after school. Oisin and Ciaran (Ireland) is at college. Oisin comes home late and raids the fridge and usually eats the left overs and they don't see Ciaran as he was placed in a different home but he does see them from time to time and usually tag along whenever theyre going to a restaurant or on holidays abroad. Alistair works at home as a programmer and does most of the house chores since his bedroom is literally the laundry room and when he's doing neither, you'll find him watching twilight or riverdale while drinking irnbru. Scott works with the wealthy which means hes with celebrities half the time and is out for many hours (especially if he has to drive across the country).
Romulus is Feliciano's grandfather and he has been in handful of careers:a musician, a model and currently an actor in alot of popular movies. He's a really sexy silver fox (for a grandpa obviously) but he's also that kind of rich guy who would make awful puns and have the loudest laughs while wearing either pink/blue polo shirts and khaki trousers or black trousers with an unbuttoned shirt, showing his chest hair and golden tanned skin... Lovino is his older brother, and like Lloyd, he's in year 11 and always busy with gcses and hanging out with him after school. He would usually host game nights and house parties with his friends and always introduces them to Feli. Outside parties, friend gatherings and events though, they never really talk or hang out.
Ludwig and Kiku are Feliciano's friend group and they've been really good friends since primary school. Feli loves them to bits and always talk about them to everyone he knows like a proud mother and they all always bring treats they made which they would always eat at lunch times while studying or talking about alot of wholesome, easy topics most of the time. They mainly cook together and talk about anime and shows they've watched but they dont really do anything else since the county is so car dependent and his friends aren't keen on adventure anyway and he gets lonely easily and ends up tagging along with Lovino and Lloyd (even if they don't want him with them).
Alfred and Francis are Arthur's. They're like one of the very few people who manages to get him out of rooms and actually drag him places lol. They have super different tastes but the one thing they all have in common is movies and drama. He used to have a much bigger friend group in year 7 but most of them either moved to college or drifted to other, smaller friend groups so it's just him, Alfie and Franny (just like every year 7 friend group). They all agreed to go to film club so they could just chill out but Arthur changed his choice last minute to music club which they think was out of character but a huge step for him because he's literally a disoriented, paranoid old man in a 15 year old's body who locks himself in empty rooms and needs constant help finding things that are right infront of him (he's not blind btw).
I think that's all I have to say about it! I have alot of weird stories from school so you might see some true stories dhbjkfjih. This is as modern as any of my AUs get and I hope I explained enough! X)
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clay-cuttlefish · 1 year
Into Infinite Frontier. It's bad in here.
The Next Batman: Second Son
I really don't like the direction this takes Renee, it's a nasty piece of character regression, but I like Jace and the Fox family drama enough that it's not too bad of a time.
Jace gets deadnamed constantly. He's not trans, but he's repeatedly referred to by his birth name in order to upset him and because his family won't make an effort/think he's making a big deal out of nothing, so...
It starts almost promising, like Renee's seriously considering if she's willing to put herself back into policing to prevent whoever else might become the Commissioner from doing something worse, but nope. She's just On Board With Cop Shit again.
Sure, she's ~conflicted~ about being the Commissioner, but it always feels like either a worse version of how she developed in Gotham Central or like a completely different character wearing her face.
Hadiyah my friend Hadiyah. She hasn't had much room to breathe, but I have a lot of thoughts about how she could develop, ideally once Renee gets her development back.
Batman #107-110
It's frustrating. This is meant to be a rough patch for her, Bruce tells her not to forget how to ask the right questions and she's obviously conflicted, but that never gets developed properly. She just gets More Cop about it.
It hasn't actually been that long, but two years where she's regularly showing up and it sucks feels a lot worse than two years mostly offscreen.
DC Pride 2021
I wish I lived in a world where this story had an impact on canon. A former defence attorney turned city councilwoman is exactly the kind of love interest who could anchor a longer Question story.
I Am Batman #0
Hi Hadiyah <333
Justice League #68-71
Genuinely what the hell is Vic's job in Checkmate, other than Oliver Queen nepo hire.
He talks but he's barely a character. Literally just hanging out.
I Am Batman #2
This is the moment where Renee goes from "a bad job at following up on her character development being restored" to a full on "she would not fucking say that".
Fear State
God it's just so frustrating. I don't know what else to say. It's frustrating and miserable.
"You don't know how to turn the clock back, and you're too afraid to let it tick forward." Scarecrow means this as a criticism of Renee the person, but I think it's a better criticism of the writers. She had a way forward, she had connections and places to go, but no.
I Am Batman #4-5
I Am Batman is at its best when it's doing soap opera drama. The cop shit sucks, the action scenes are solid but not super notable, I am here for the Fox family imploding while Jace rams headfirst into danger.
This is an unhinged sentence but I wish Lucius had spent more time conflicted about saving his kid? He's a massive hypocrite when it comes to Jace, so I buy that he'd be quick to pivot from going along with murder to backing Jace's efforts, but it's so quick.
I Am Batman #6-10
I like the angle that Jace is a city employee a lot. He lives in a world where Gotham nearly implodes constantly, every spy agency in the world turned evil a couple years ago and it hasn't been fixed yet, and the multiverse is real and frequently in danger, so fuck it superheroics are legal.
Look, I get what they're going for with Strike Force Bat, but the ragtag group of unpopular cops worked for Gotham Central because they were all decent people (by cop show standards).
Hadiyah's been doing the thing where she drops the word Question into every appearance so far, but it's particularly obvious here.
Honestly the thing that keeps me from being completely sold on Hadiyah (aside from how bad the handoff is) is that she's already good at Question things. She's reflective, good at investigation, aware of her relationships and how they affect her, etc, which means there's less room for her to grow and find meaning. I think there are a lot of good angles for how wearing the mask will change her, but I'm not sure the story has one yet.
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smokeybrand · 1 month
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I feel like I've been super negative on this blog lately so let me straight up gush about something I've recently loved. Alien: Romulus was amazing. I’ve spoken at length about this before, but I am a massive fan of the franchise. It’s not part of my Pillars, but it’s definitely a support strut. Alien, to me, is as perfect as a film can get, and Aliens is a perfect example of Eighties excess. Go big or go home. The Queen Xenomorph is one of my all-time creature designs but my zeal for that universe was solidified with the Dark Horse comics. Some of the first comics I bought myself, with my own money, were Alien books. I ended up getting the first issue of Aliens: Earth War (before it was called Earth War) and the initial AvP run. That sh*t ended up taking a ton of space in my head, rent free, for years. Machiko Noguchi is the second best protagonist, after Ripley, herself. I had all of the Kenner figures and their little mini comics, too. Just the Xenos, though. I didn’t give a sh*t about the Marines. I remember lamenting I never got that “good” Queen Xeno, just the flying one. I love this franchise. So imagine my utter desperation for a competent big screen outing, after literally four goddamn decades of sh*t. The Assembly Cut of Alien 3 was pretty decent but everything after that was just awful. All of it. Including the prequels. I really f*cking hate the prequels. That resentment is actually a boon for Romulus because the way they incorporated that part of the mythos into this film, went a long way toward my acceptance of those ill-conceived and wholly convoluted, ego strokes. Romulus is so good, they make all of this cats-for-brains ideas in the Prequels, tolerable.
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I don’t care for Prometheus because it came at the cost of Blomkamp’s Alien 5. I’ve seen a bit of that concept art and listened to Weaver just absolutely gush about the plot. Sh*t sounded exceptional, very Aliens, very much in the vein of that narrative. In all honesty, I think that’s why it was killed. It skewed more Cameron than Scott, and Mr. Ridley took offense. He made Fox kill the Oates effort and ran wild with Prometheus; an unwieldy, up-it’s-own-ass, creation myth, that was too convoluted to execute such an existential narrative with any decorum, and was too pretentious to be accessible to the common man. We wanted an Alien part Deux. We got Chariot of the Gods. Sh*t was pretty, though. After what Scott hoped to pivot the franchise to, imploded critically, he got a second shot at it, delivering an origin story to the Xenos no one asked for. While STILL pivoting toward his weird AI fetish super hard. Somehow, Covenant was worse than Prometheus in almost every way. Sh*t didn’t “fix” anything. David is still the architect to the Xenomorphs as we know them. He’s still the thing which set up the events of LV-426. The Black Goo is still a primary fixture of the franchise. Both Prometheus and Covenant are still canon. That’s dumb. However, the way Romulus addresses those things, really allowed me to accept those really, really, dumb, situations.
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Mild spoilers, but the Aliens in Romulus are not the same Aliens from LV-246. They are reversed engineered by Rook, an Ash model android, from the remains of Big Chap. Rook was able to synthesize a strain of the black goo, I think it was called the Prometheus Strain, and even referenced Waylan’s death. What this told me was that, while the black goo was a really dumb addition to the overall narrative, I couldn’t be all that upset about it because Fede Alvares was able to make it feel legit. This strain of the Black Goo was different than the one the Engineers had. It produced subtly different versions of the Xenos. The facehuggers, for example, were larger, more mobile, and had barbs on their tendrils to grip faces better. The Xenos were larger and had a digitigrade stance, something that wasn’t solidified until Resurrection which, like Romulus, saw their Xenomorphs forged through genetic manipulation, not the natural processes or life cycle for the creatures. I was able to connect all of the threads and genuinely accept that Xenos can exist in an infinite number of forms, that the goo is hard coded to “create” a version of that creature. David's stupid f*cking experiments, explaining some sh*t that needed no explanation, can just be the version HE developed. His iteration to these random horrors, is the Queen. I imagine his version is the first version to have the egg. That is how HIS Xenomorph develops. I get that. I understand that. That's why the Big Chap in Alien is slightly different than the ones in Romulus. Different strain, but engineered from David's attempt. It's still dumb, but it makes it easier to accept whatever the f*ck is going on in the comics.
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What really hammered it home for me was the Xeno-baby at the end of the film. Seeing that thing basically grow into a cross between a Xenomorph and Engineer was wild, all thanks to the nu-goo. It really threw me back to all those Kenner alien variations and, just like that, I got it. I got Prometheus. I got Covenant. I got Alien as a macro franchise and not just one of my favorite two films. It was a rough, four decade journey, but we got back to zero. Romulus does not work without the soft canonization of the prequels and I am okay with that because of how good it is. This is an Alien film, through and through, course-correcting the franchise in a similar way Prey did with Predator. It feels like Fede gets it and I can’t wait to see what the sequel has in store because this thing pretty much doubled its budget. It’s definitely getting another one. Unless the show is balls. If Aliens: Earth tanks, I might have another four decades of bullsh*t ahead of me because I kind of hate what Marvel is doing on the comic end of things. The games are dope at least.
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creativefiend19 · 3 years
The Essential Pynch Fics
(This was requested by an Anon and are in no particular order - also there are many more essential Pynch fics, I’m certain, but I haven’t read them yet, so feel free to add your recs)
what useless tools ourselves - @toast-the-unknowing / shinealightonme ‘s LA-verse has everything you could possibly need in your Pynch content.
Laugh-out-loud humour, infinite romance, incredibly intuitive character building and the sexiest smut (with some absolutely impeccable kink thrown in for good measure) that your heart could desire. Toast writes like she just sat down and dashed it all off, but almost every sentence holds a wealth of thoughtful crafting.
The only problem with reading this series is that it sets the bar so high that you’ll struggle to find other stories as satisfying, both in fic and in fiction.
A Favour Shared EtoileGarden - @etoilegarden ‘s Pynch kid fics are a genre of their own.
Some of the AU stories with Adam caring for his baby brother, others with Ronan's adopted daughter, and (my personal favourite) those with both kids together, satisfy my visceral craving to see Adam and Ronan building a life together.
Arden writes about Pynch taking care of their little charges in a chatty and intimate way, that will immediately draw you in. The little details, Adam’s struggles, Ronan’s daily life, and above all them interacting with the kids, will break your heart and then mend it, again and again. And keep you coming back for more.
A Love Story in Three Acts - @skyermirth has written one of my favourite Pynch AU’s.
Film star Ronan and scientist Adam will reel you in and keep you hooked. Not only is the romance top-shelf, but the depiction of Ronan as a recovering alcoholic and Adam at therapy for his issues is both riveting and realistic, in a way you rarely see in fic. The entire Gangsey are present and perfect, and all of it will leave you wanting more.
seek ye the living charactershoes @charactershoesfic
The language in this Fleabag AU blew me away! Lovely, delicate, gossamer descriptions of an Adam training to be a priest, and a Ronan whose brother Declan is getting married. The hesitant, understated and charming slow burn is a must read for anyone who prefers their fics to read like literature. 
Red Thread Seek_The_Mist @seekthemist
Mist is the uncontested Queen of the Explicit tag (not just for TRC) according to me. This collection of terribly, wonderfully, dirtily erotic chapters - based on Tumblr prompts - places the bar for mind-blowingly sexy (and sometimes filthily kinky) smut so high, that the rest of us are left gazing wistfully up at her achievements. 
Beyond the Edge of Our Hope Seek_The_Mist @seekthemist
This EPIC crossover AU of Pacific Rim and TRC is truly a labour of love. You don’t need to have watched the original film (I hadn’t), but the true genius of this work is how well the two canons are interwoven, not just with Pynch but also with the Fox Way women and Sarchengsey. This fic has the absolute BEST sex scenes, and a certain chapter is the most satisfying one I have ever read. It literally ticks every single box that I ever had for Pynch, and adds a few that I never knew I needed until I read this. I would cheerfully give over my firstborn to see this work filmed.
Time Isn't Real (but you're a constant) SpiritsFlame @spiritsflame
A time-travelling Adam fic, where he is the Magician but doesn’t know how. And he also doesn’t know why his 18 yo self is yanked into a future where he knows Ronan Lynch a little better than he’d ever imagined. This fic takes place in both timelines, which is my fave kind of time-travel fic. It’s a whole magical journey, in more ways than one.
I Don’t Wanna Know About Your New Man boywholivednotdied @dollopheadsandclotpoles 
Excellent AU set in canon Henrietta, where Adam has a huge crush on Blue, except she’s dating Ronan apparently. He gets advice from a friend (an OC) who knows the Lynch family well, and decides to do his best to break Blue and Ronan up. Things start to get very interesting, in more ways than one. I love parts of this so much that I can quote them to you. 
happy anniversary dipshit djhedy @djhedy
Absolutely IMPECCABLE and ultra-romantic Pynch work, that starts around the time Adam needs to move to Harvard. Ronan’s love for Adam is just dialled up to 111 and he’s written note-perfect. This fic kept breaking my heart and then mending it, so that at the end I looked like a piece of  Kintsugi. Holy fucking shit, I wish I could write like this.
when the frightened cattle break dorypop @hklnvgl
This de-aged Adam fic is a must-read, because so much of Adam’s trauma started in childhood. But don’t worry, he’s with Ronan, and snug in the embrace of the Barns and the Lynches and the Gangsey. This fic affected me so much that I had to take a break from reading it at one point. But I gave myself a good talking-to, reminding myself that both Adam and this story were fiction, and then got back to Dory's unparallelled and realistic way of writing children - also checj out her Fifteen Years Later Dads!Pynch series. 
River Town DubiousSparrow
I wanted to live in River Town so bad, I created my own version. Pynch meet, fall in love, and live happily ever after, in this light-hearted and ridiculously funny series. In my dreams, I visit Ronan’s bar and Adam’s [redacted] and pass Seph and Cala in the street. I wave a hi to Opal in her armadillo Halloween costume, and continue to walk along the Main Street, so happy that Sparrow invented this perfect place. This spot in this fic list was almost going to be the pitch-perfect Wondrous Hypotyposis, that I rec every time I open my mouth, but since River Town lives rent free in my mind, it won.
Just To Be Quiet sksai @babzgordon
This fic based on the verse Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan, where Adam and Ronan share a strange psychic bond from when they were kids onwards. And, as we know, a lot happens to these two while they were young. Adam then happens to join Aglionby, and things get even more interesting. 
There is a particular scene in this fic that is so brilliantly and unbelievably sexy, considering no one actually touches the other physically, that I need to sit down and take notes about what actually in the amazing writing makes this kind of magic happen. Epic read. 
Ronan Lynch: Nanny in Charge tinyarmedtrex @tinyarmedtrex
Ronan as ex-chef and nanny makes perfect sense to me, and apparently to t-rexes as well, because this is SUCH a good set up (and this is not the only time she’s written a Ronan who knows his way around a kitchen). Trex’s fics Always hit the spot, when you need some sexy, in-character Pynch in a perfectly executed AU. And this fic delivers it in Spades. Also, Adam with his kid is So CUte, y’all. 
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