#all the employees I’ve interacted with have been great too
tessonaut · 2 years
I kinda like it when my travel plans have a few bumps. Means I need to improvise. Like a mini quest. Keeps me agile.
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luvbinnies · 9 months
rollercoaster of emotions
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sungchan just wanted to go to the amusement park with his two friends, unforunately for him, those two friends are absolutely smitten for each other
Genre: wonbin x Gn!reader. fluff humour. Warnings: mention of piss/pee, sungchan third wheeling. Rollercoasters, swearing (I think), I wrote this in three in the morning 😭 wc: 1.5k
A/n: I won’t be posting anything until probably next year since my last exam is the fourth and I should probably have been studying instead of writing this lol
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“Wow I swear this is the most fun I’ve ever had at the park before.” You state as the game worker hands Wonbin the big penguin plush he had won for you.
“Yeah that’s because it’s your first time at the park for fun, and not to be working.” Sungchan replies, tired of all the complaining you do as a worker at the park.
“And you’re not spending half your wallet on stupid plushies.” Wonbin grumbles. “You’re the one with the job, why did I have to pay for your game, just for you to continuously lose.”
He crosses his arms around the toy not letting you have it. “I had to win for you or you would milk out every penny from my pocket.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at your friend in front of you as he frowns with a pouty face and turns the other way pretending to act upset, at least you think he was pretending.
“Bini, I was the reason you got in the park for free because I work here, the least you could do is let me hold my child.” referring to the penguin in his arms, but he still refuses to acknowledge you.
“Fine, let’s go get those animal ear things. I’ll pay for all three of us to make up for it.” You attempt to grab his hands, but really so you can get the toy from him. Wonbin knew what you were trying to do and wasn’t going to just let it happen after he watched you empty out his wallet and repeatedly fail, probably the simplest rigged game at the park.
Causing the two of you to wrestle for the big plushie. Sungchan has to awkwardly stand there as two of his friends who are so obviously smitten for each other fight over a toy like children.
The two of you almost trip when Sungchan barges between you two and captures the fake animal for himself. “Hmm, what to name you? Mr. Peepee pants?”
“What no that’s so stupid-”
“I love it.” You unintentionally speak up as Wonbin was talking.
“Yeah great name.” Wonbin wholeheartedly agrees. Sungchan watches as his friend helplessly simps over you as you start contemplating whether the first name should be ‘Uranus’ or ‘Neon’.
“You know what I think,” Wonbin starts and you give your undivided attention to him. Sungchan knows that you only do that for Wonbin, whether it’s intentional or not, he can see, everyone can see how you are with him. Maybe except you two. Somehow both blind to the other’s admiration.
“I think we should get those animal ear bands, antlers would look great on Sungchan hyung.”
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“Yn, it’s not that serious.” Sungchan whines as you take forever in choosing which animal headband would look best on Wonbin.
There weren't any antlers thankfully for Sungchan, so the bear ones were a good second choice. Sungchan had mentioned how’d you look good with the frog eyes one, knowing fully well that Wonbin thinks you look the best in green.
No doubt about it, Wonbin literally said that in his sleep one time.
Wonbin was just staring at you going back and forth between a bunch of different animal bands, both of you too absorbed at what you were doing, not noticing the employees getting annoyed on how much time it is to take to choose a hair accessory.
“I think I got it.” You walk back to the two, biting back a smile holding the band behind you.
“What is it?” Wonbin asks.
“Close your eyes.”
The boy in front of you rolls his eyes but obeys your demand.
You gently place the band on his head with a stupid smile on your face as you admire your best friend, all sungchan can do is groan at the interaction.
You tell him to look and he opens his eyes to see you smiling down at him with a cheeky smile on your face. He thinks you look pretty.
Maybe bro was thinking out loud because you seem kinda startled and confused saying, “Yes you do look pretty, but you didn’t even get to see it yet.” Awkwardly scratching the back of your head.
Wonbin clears his throat with the back of his hand, “Yeah, but I m-meant it like a question. Is it pretty?” Heat rushing through his face as he tries to cover for himself.
“Yeah, pretty. You’re always pretty.”
Sungchan is just standing there watching his two friends awkwardly throwing glances at each other and turning their faces away as if they aren’t right in front of each other in the middle of the store. It’s taking every ounce of his to simply not drive off a cliff.
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The awkwardness between the two of you passes when sungchan starts pestering them to go on a ride with him.
It’s kind of always like that with you two, teasing and joking until someone compliments the other on a thing and both the receiver and the one who complimented get flustered over it.
“Isn’t that like the fastest ride in the park?” A terrified Wonbin asks.
“I think I read somewhere that it’s all of Korea.” You mention.
Sungchan knows that everything remotely scary is absolutely frightening to the younger boy and you’re quite the opposite. You have the most irrational fear of pumpkins. Not Jacko lanterns, just pumpkins, claiming they are frightening to simply look at and that you will simply start screaming when in the presence of one.
“Wonbin you don’t have to if you don’t want to, I can just go with yn-”
“No I’ll go. I love rides.” He attempts to say as convincingly as possible.
Which confuses both you and sungchan. “Bini, since when did you like rides? You can barely handle the pirate ship ones.”
“u-uh, it’s I- that ride you guys want to go on, I used to go on it as a kid, it’s just been a while.”
Frowning, not convinced, “Are you sure? You know we don’t have to go if you don’t want-”
He grabs your arm, cutting you off, walking in the direction of the ride. “No, I’m sure.”
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Waiting in line wonbin would not let go of your hand, instead of being worried that maybe he was frightened about the whole ride thing, or that people around you might think you two are those annoying couples in amusement park rides who can’t keep their hands off of each other.
You were really distracted at the fact you felt like you were losing circulation in your hand and everytime sungchan said some fact about the ride his grip would just get tighter and tighter, making you want to squeeze sungchan’s neck hard everytime he opens his mouth.
Finally when it was your guys’ turn Wonbin lets go of your hand so he can put your guys’ bags in the boxes. Only for you to realize that you guys were at the end and the cut off was before sungchan, as he was behind the both of you.
Before you could mention it and say that you didn’t mind waiting for the next round. Sungchan had pushed you and when you turned to him he just gave you a quick wink and started making kissy faces.
Rolling your eyes at him, you kind of figured that sungchan knew you might’ve liked your friend without you ever telling him so.
Getting into the seat next to wonbin at the back since they were the only seat available, the minute you touch the seat, wonbin’s hand is on yours all over again. This time it was shaking completely.
“Wonbin, are you sure you want to do this? Sure you went as a kid, but most kids don’t understand the concept of danger and you're shaking badly.”
You stare at him as his eyes are closed, taking in deep breaths slowly. Watching as they start to speed up once the ride starts moving. The best thing you could do is hold his hand in yours.
As the ride starts pulling upwards he speaks up, “You know I never understood as a kid people liked going on scary things like these.”
“Huh? Didn’t you go on this one though?”
“No, I lied.” His voice became eight octaves higher.
“What? Wonbin why?”
“Because I wanted to go with you, I wanted to be with you-” his voice ends his sentence with a shriek when the ride stops at the edge of the highest concave.
His hand was not squeezing badly onto yours and as the ride went down you couldn’t really be scared anymore.
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Sungchan got off of his ride with the wind completely messing up his hair and a jump in his step. Walking to the exit, he sees his two friends waiting for him. He sees the two of you still holding hands from before and wonbin’s face hiding in your neck still probably shaken up from the ride.
Now he’s wondering which highway to sleep on tonight.
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faef43 · 1 year
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I’ve been lifting for awhile and have collected some good tips and tricks on how to not get caught or be put in a system
I mainly lift small things like makeup, jewelry, small skincare, rings, pins, if it’s a good day maybe small lotions, but lifting clothes tips are coming soon!! (fixing spelling/grammar errors <3)
First of all, wear a mask and if you can style your hair in a way you usually don’t or use a beanie, bucket hat, baseball cap, never a sun hat way too suspicious. Ex. for hair: braids, space buns, slicked back, etc. I wouldn’t suggest lifting if you have brightly colored hair unless you want to go as far as to wear a realistic enough looking natural wig. Never wear sunglasses with a mask or a hat on, very suspicious, they will catch on. While finding blind spots never just turn around to face the wall and start stuffing your pockets and bag(s), instead stand at a 3/4 angle and be slick, I suggest lifting things while walking through a crowed isle, section, or doing it while walking, this one usually works if you have something small you can make it look like you’re adjusting your sleeves. ALWAYS GRAB 2 OF THE ITEM U WANT 2 LIFT, make the second one less apparent you have it, but if you take two and always keep one apparently in your hand, the cameras will be fooled. You have to have some sort of fingernails to scratch off price tags/barcodes/stickers, trust me when lifting you don’t want those on there. Take them off, rip them up and stuff it in your pocket or stuff somewhere non apparent, never throw them on the ground, super obvious. Don’t wear all baggy clothing, it’s really suspicious, always do the half half trick, half of your outfit baggy, half tight. Ex. Really tight shirt, hella baggy pants, really baggy hoodie, tight ass jeans or leggings. That way they won’t suspect you. If doing the baggy hoodie, always wear a secure sports bra underneath if u wear bras, great for slipping stuff into when pretending to adjust your bra, make sure your double of the product you want to lift is visible. By all means do not steal from target, they have high trained LP, workers that dress up as normal shoppers that they send to areas where they seek suspicion to spy on you, they keep you in a data base and share info/pics of you with other targets, cameras are nearly always monitored, store security is present, they let you walk out with things but eventually will confront you. The decision to call the police has already been made, target is a scary place, if you are gonna lift do only a 3-6 dollar thing, only once. Their employees count clothes for dressing rooms often times, pretty scary place stay safe. Some cameras are smoke detectors/speakers,boxes on the ceiling ect. Usually they’ll have some sort of light that’s always on, they look a little chunky or too far away from the ceiling. Claire’s has a ton of these so be carful, but their earrings don’t have any censors on them so they’re a great store for beginners. Interact with this post and I’ll add more too this blog♡ . -CLOTHING TIPS- If a clothing store does not have fitting rooms, don’t even try, they’ll immediately catch on+security cameras are your number one snitch. You’re gonna want to pay attention to if store employees suspect you. Ex. Fixing up areas that you’re at or around u, constant asking if you’re finding everything ok, maybe they’ll offer a store basket or bag, asking if you need anything in specific, any constant attention really. If they are leave the store, come back like a week later and try again. Your gonna wanna bring a hook with you to remove ink tags/clothing alarms while in fitting room, keep it down and try to pick a fitting room away from others to avoid suspicion. Some stores have employees stand in empty stalls next to you and listen so be aware and careful. If there are price tags try stuffing them behind the mirror or on in the landings on the floor, they’re sometimes rubber, don’t leave shit on the floor, if they already suspect u, they’ll check the fitting room when you come out. As for the alarms/ink tags, put them in ur pocket and discreetly shove them in another piece of clothing, remember to ALWAYS CHECK POCKETS ON CLOTHING.im abt to max out, look at repost of this from me 4more
ALWAYS CHECK POCKETS/COMPARTMENTS ON CLOTHING. Other lifters could have stuffed clothing alarms or price tags in there, be safe and check before trying to lift. No as where to conceal these clothing items, if you have the baggy hoody, (I suggest wearing a baggy shirt underneath too, always wear that sports bra if u wear bras{binders can also work it’s just hella uncomfy I’ve tried it})put 1-3 tops on under ur baggy T then put ur hoodie back on. Make sure they don’t count items b4 going into changing rooms. If they do, try taking a hoodie on some sort of hanger, taking it off the hanger, putting 1-2 shirts on the hanger, then put the hoodie/zip up back on. Great for lifting, if they confront you say you didn’t know and you were just tossing things in the cart, get out of there fast afterwards. It’s suspicious if you come in with a ton of clothes then don’t buy anything, sometimes you gotta buy some to win some. (Ex. I’m wearing 3 shirts under my og shirt which would add up to about 35 bucks, I buy a cheap tank top for 15, they don’t suspect me and I get freebies)
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jojacorp-official · 1 month
“Hello all! As manager and Customer Service Representative of the Jojamart in Pelican Town, I have always valued our customer interaction and public image.
Recently I have been informed by one of my lovely employees (Special thanks to Sam!) that social media interaction is a great way to build up a community.
That being said, although I don’t quite know how to work this website, I’ve gotten approval from my higher-ups to begin an official blog for Joja!
As I am the one running this blog, I will be the one responding to as many of you as I can. Please feel free to interact! And remember, life’s better with Joja! Join us, thrive! :-)”
((ooc: hi all. my main account is  @jojacorps  i thought it would be fun to do a little side blog for asks and stuff because i am a sucker for ask blogs and i have NEVER ran one before.
as for rules i truthfully don’t care all too much what you submit as long as it isn’t straight up nsfw lol. go wild. have fun.))
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hearts4hughes · 2 years
Can you do a part 2 to little freak. That was so good.
little freak - luke hughes
luke hughes x fem! reader
100 followers celly !!
part 1
warnings: swearing, one mention of depression (not sure if that’s considered a warning?)
notes: the ending is a little rushed and i’m sorry for any mistakes. i will proofread this in the morning. however, enjoy reading!!
gif is not mine
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walking into starbucks, you try to free your mind of whatever happened last night. after rereading the text you were going to send, it was a relief you decided to scratch it. luke was a great boyfriend- there was absolutely no doubt in that- but it’s hard to forget what happened. and the perfect thing to take your mind off this was a nice iced coffee.
as you are ordering your coffee a familiar voice turns you around. “y/n?” jack’s voice causes you to come to a halt.
you send jack a small smile, paying for your coffee and walking over to him. “hey!” you put on your best fake smile- trying to fool jack- but he sees right around it.
“haven’t seen you in a while.” he points out, trying to clear the obvious tension.
“oh, uh,” you pause for a moment, biting your lip nervously. “yeah, i guess so. i’ve been busy recently.”
“y/n/n, you don’t have to lie.” he soothes, resting his hand on your shoulder. “i know what happened between you and luke. and i’m not saying what happened wasn’t wrong. it most definitely was,” he takes a deep breath, “but luke is broken. he barely does anything anymore. his game is all off, and he’s quiet- well, quieter than usual.”
“jack,” your gaze redirects from jack to the floor as you process everything he just said. “i’m sorry luke isn’t doing amazing right now.” taking a deep breath, you continue, “but i’m not doing amazing either.”
“i’ve known you for a long time… i know you aren’t ok.” he says, rubbing my shoulder.
you both don’t say anything for a moment. your body feels as if it’s numb- the same type of numb you felt when luke hugged you for the last time- while you think about what jack just said. you knew luke was hurt. that wasn’t something new to you. however, what you weren’t aware of was that it was affecting him that much. what pulls you back into reality is the faint voice of the starbucks employee yelling out ‘y/n’. you look over to see your coffee placed on the table.
“i think that’s me.” you say quietly and jack nods. you don’t realize the amount of comfort a little gesture from jack brings you, until he removes his hand from your shoulder. you give jack one last look of pity before walking away to retrieve your drink.
“y/n,” jack calls out once again. “we have a game tonight at the prudential center, and i think we’d all be really happy if you came. especially luke.”
“you don’t have to come.” he interrupts. “but i’ll text you with the details and the tickets.”
biting the inside of your mouth, you consider it for a moment. “ok.” you respond, sending him a small smile. hearing your response, his face lights up and he nods.
not even an hour after your interaction with jack, your phone buzzes.
from jack here are the tickets. the game is at 7pm. i can lend you a jersey if you want
to jack ty! i’ll be there and i already have a jersey
walking into the prudential center, you felt a familiar set of chills go up your spine. you decided to wear a hughes jersey tonight. it felt too raw to wear #43, so you decided on #86. the jersey caused you to get a few weird looks and whispers, but you brushed them off, not caring too much.
now sitting in the glass seats, your leg bounces up and down nervously. you had expected great seats when getting them from jack, but you didn’t expect seats right on the glass.
he really wants you to get luke’s attention.
the prudential center erupted in cheers as the devils took the ice. you clapped, nervously scanning the ice for luke. relief washed over you for just a moment as you see #43 on the back of luke’s jersey. he shoots a few pucks before heading back onto the bench for the puck drop. he doesn’t seem to notice you and you were happy about that.
the second luke’s line hits the ice, it feels like time just stopped. your ears begin to tune out sound with you being focused in on the game. intensely you watch as jack passes back to luke. he takes the puck, skating in quickly, faking out a defenseman, and finally take a hard wrist shot. the whole arena goes quiet, waiting for a signal that it went in. but just as luke turns around and does his signature celly, everyone- including yourself- shoots to their feet in cheers.
just as luke rounds the devils bench to get his goal high-five, his green eyes lock with yours. his expression changes from happy, to surprised, to confused, and then back to happy in only a matter of seconds. your heart beats out of your chest, sending him a big smile as he sends you one in return.
the rest of the game is a blur after that. the devils ended up beating the tampa bay lightning 5-2 with luke scoring two of the five goals. after his shift or when he scored, he look up to you, making sure you were still there. the night consisted of awkward smiles between you and luke, but it didn’t really matter. you were just happy it wasn’t tears or glares.
slipping out of your seat, you grab your credentials to go into the locker room area. just outside of the locker rooms, you shake with anticipation, waiting for luke. while waiting, you catch nico and dawson.
“y/n!” they both greet you with confusion, but also excitement.
“hi!” you exclaim, bringing them into a big hug.
“so,” nico scratches his neck awkwardly. “you here for lukey?” dawson hits nico in the side, muttering to shut up. “sorry if i-”
“no, it’s ok.” you interrupt, clearing the air a bit. “um, yeah i am here for luke. i ran into jack this morning and he invited me to the game.”
“you and luke are back together?” dawson asks in shock. this time nico is the one to hit him in the side at his question.
“well,” you nervously laugh, “that’s what i’m here about.” you smile, scrunching your nose and letting them figure out the rest. once they understand, they make an ‘ohhhhh’ face.
“we gotta run, but good luck with him.” nico smiles, rubbing my arm before they are off exiting the arena.
only about ten minutes later, luke comes scurrying out of the locker room with jack trailing behind him. his eyes quickly scan around the room, searching for you. once he sees you, he’s hit with both relief and anxiety. he waves awkwardly to you and jack excuses himself, patting him on the shoulder while mouthing ‘good luck’.
“hey,” you say softly. luke begins to walk closer to you taking a deep breath.
“hi.” is all you get in response. luke was always a man of few words. he was quiet and shy- due to various insecurities- but when you both started dating, you gave him a surge of confidence. however, now that you aren’t together anymore, that confidence is slowly wearing off.
“you played really good!” you try to break the obvious tension.
“thank you.” he smiles. “i didn’t really expect you to be here.”
“yeah, i ran into jack this morning and he invited me to the game.” you laugh uncomfortably. luke nods, allowing his eyes to drift onto the jersey you were wearing. he takes a moment to examine it- lightly smiling- until he realizes that’s not his. his eyes stop at the #86 patched onto the jersey. luke’s jaw clenches and his eyes fill with jealously.
you notice he saw the jersey and got obviously jealous. you weren’t sure why though?
why was he jealous you were wearing jack’s jersey? did he want you to wear his? there’s no way he could’ve. that would be too soon.
“luke,” you decide to get right to the point, “we have to talk.”
pushing back the jealous thoughts, luke nods once again.
“i’m sorry for jumping to conclusions when i saw that photo. i really did forgive you, but that photo haunted me. we had our little break and over that time, i realized that i’m not the same person i am when i’m with you. i miss you lukey. i miss us.”
instead of responding, he pulls you into a bear hug. luke was unsure of the words to say, but perhaps they were not even needed.
and there you two stood. bathing in each others embrace. you both could’ve melted right there and then in each others arms. it didn’t feel real. luke didn’t feel real to you. you were afraid at any moment you would jolt awake from this fragile reality, but you didn’t.
“i missed you more than you can imagine.” he says while pulling away from each other.
without wasting another minute, your lips landed on his in a passionate kiss. the kiss consisted of months of built up frustration, depression, and withdrawal.
“i’ve waited months to do that again.” you admit in a breathy laugh, pulling away from luke’s lips. he agrees, admiring your flushed cheeks, causing him to break out into a cheeky grin.
“do you want to stay over my place tonight?” as the words come out of his mouth, they feel surreal. you’ve waited so long to hear him ask that question.
“of course.” you beam.
“good because right when we get home i’m ripping that jersey off you.” he winks, pulling a surprised laugh out of you.
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thatfanfictionchick · 4 months
This is intended to be...archival, for myself, mostly. But if you find it interesting you should definitely check out Ikemen Villains!
Ikevil Event - Wrapped in Wicked Romance pt.2
Ellis's Route Ch. 2
Ellis: “The baguettes here are really delicious. I bought some the other day, and when I went home they disappeared in a flash.”
Ellis: “Victor was sulking because he didn’t get to try any.”
Kate: “Haha. I’m looking forward to eating it. What sort of jam should I have… Which do you recommend, Ellis?”
Ellis: “The most popular one here is marmalade, but I like the cranberry jam.”
Ellis: “But I want you to eat what you like.”
Kate: “Oh, I’d love them both!”
Ellis: “Okay, we’ll buy both, then.”
Kate: “H-huh?”
Ellis bought baguettes, jams, honey, ham, pickles, and more.
(He keeps taking me to all kinds of shops I’ve never been to before…)
(So even just preparing for the picnic is a lot of fun.)
Kate: “Even though I’ve lived in London for so long, I had no idea these places even existed.”
Ellis: “Looking for delicious restaurants is one of my hobbies.”
Kate: “Is it so you can introduce others to them too?”
Ellis: “Why do you think that?”
Kate: “I don’t know, just watching how you interact with other people in town.”
I was nervous about being seen in the wheelchair, but the people in town were surprisingly kind.
I had a feeling it was because I was with Ellis. He was kind to everyone, and they all seemed to know him.
Mechanic: “Are you still making things like that, Ellis? If you’ve got some free time, you should come help me out in the factory!”
Ellis: “Sure. Jude told me I could have the day off next Tuesday.”
Boutique Employee: “Oh, Ellis! Perfect timing. Could you please hold this for a second?”
Ellis: “Like this? Hey isn’t this the dress Ted brought you the other day? Think it’ll sell?”
Boutique Employee: “Definitely! It’s all because you introduced me to such a talented buyer! Things are going great here.”
Boutique Employee: “Hey, are you still working at that dangerous mobster’s company?”
Ellis: “I made a promise to Jude I have to make good on. I’ll stay there until I fulfill it.”
Fruit Seller: “Oh, are you hurt, young lady?”
Kate: “Ah, yes. I sprained my ankle.”
Fruit Seller: “Ellis is such a good boy, as always. Here, take this apple with you.”
Ellis: “Thank you. Oh, the medicine you said you needed earlier is at Mr. Bates’s pharmacy.”
Fruit Seller: “You remembered that? I’m so happy! Here, take this as a bonus.”
(Ellis is super kind to not only me, but to everyone.)
It’s no wonder everyone in town adores him.
Ellis: “You’re smiling. What is it?”
Kate: “When I looked at you, my heart felt warm for some reason.”
Ellis: “Hmm? I don’t really get it, but that’s cute.”
Ellis: “Well, our basket’s full. Let’s go.”
(Maybe being able to say things so casually like that is the secret to being loved and adored…)
Besides the things we bought, we had a basket full of gifts we got from others in town.
We arrived at a beautiful meadow filled with flowers and unfolded our picnic blanket.
Kate: “Wow, you’re right! This baguette is delicious!”
Ellis: “I’m glad you like it. I recommend putting a bunch of butter on it and eating it like toast.”
Kate: “Let’s save some and take it home. I’d like to do that for tomorrow’s breakfast.”
Ellis: “Hehe. Okay. I’ll peel the apple. Hang on a second.”
Ellis was acting like he was my real boyfriend. It was easy to get caught up in the mood of it all.
And thanks to his kindness, my heart felt much lighter than this morning.
(I never imagined I’d have such a lovely day when I sprained my ankle.)
Kate: “Ahh… I’m so happy.”
Ellis: “Are you? That’s good.”
Ellis: “Hey, Kate.”
Kate: “Hm? What?”
Ellis: “How happy are you right now?”
Kate: “Hmm… Probably the happiest I’ve been in a few months.”
Ellis: “Oh…”
Ellis murmured as he skillfully peeled the apple with his black knife, the blade easily separating the fruit’s skin from its flesh.
Ellis: “I suppose it’s difficult to make people feel the happiest they’ve ever been on a first date.”
Kate: “Oh, is that what you were trying to do?”
Ellis: “Yes. Here’s your apple.”
He held out a slice of the peeled apple, looking at me expectedly.
(Uh, is he trying to feed me? That’s kind of embarrassing…)
But I told myself we were pretending to be a couple after all, so I calmly opened my mouth.
(I can’t believe he went to all this trouble for my first mission. He’s really dedicated.)
(How does he manage to be so concerned with other people’s happiness?)
Ellis: “...Have you ever felt so happy you wished that time would stop?”
Kate: “So happy that time would stop, hm?”
Ellis: “That’s right. You feel like a certain moment is perfect and complete, so much so that you don’t even need the future. Like that moment’s enough.”
Kate: “No, I don’t think so.”
Ellis: “I see. That’s good.”
Kate: “It is?”
Ellis: “Yes, because if you haven’t felt that yet, someday I might be able to make you feel perfect happiness.”
(No one’s ever said something like that to me before.)
(But why is he so serious? Well, if he’s doing this because we’re pretending to be a couple I need to play along.)
Kate: “Well, in that case, I’ll make you the happiest you’ve ever been too.”
Ellis: “You will?”
Kate: “Of course! We’re a couple, right? It’s not fair if only one of us is really happy.”
Kate: “When are you happy, Ellis?”
Ellis: “I…”
Ellis: “...can’t think of anything.”
(He thinks so much about other people’s happiness, but not of his own…)
It seemed strange, yet typical of Ellis. I felt like I got a good glimpse of him today.
Kate: “Well, let’s discover things that make you happy together!”
Ellis: “...Oh.”
Kate: “What?”
Ellis: “When you’re smiling… maybe.”
(I’ll never be able to compete with Ellis when it comes to spoiling your partner.)
I felt myself taking this game of pretend a bit too seriously, and I quickly turned my head away.
Kate: “Please say that to your real girlfriend.”
Ellis: “What do you mean?”
Kate: “Save those sweet words for your real girlfriend, I mean.”
Ellis: “I just said what I thought, that’s all.”
Ellis: “Plus, you looked happy to hear it.”
(...How is he so sweet?)
I felt my face flush as he stared at me.
Ellis: “...Hmm.”
He blinked as if he just thought of something and then gently pushed me down on the blanket.
Kate: “W-wait, Ellis…”
Ellis: “If I were your real boyfriend, would you be happier?”
Kate: “What?”
Ellis: “I want to be your boyfriend. Because I think I can make you happier.”
Ellis: “Be my girlfriend for real, Kate.”
I looked up in shock as he lay on top of me. 
Kate: “Don't tease me like that…”
Ellis: “I'm not.”
(We just met, and this is the first time we've spent any time alone. We can't become a couple just like that.)
(I know we're supposed to be pretending, but this is going too far.)
Kate: “I-I know you're trying all kinds of things to make me happy.”
Kate: “But you should only do these things with someone who you really love.”
Ellis: “But I do love you. So doesn't that make it okay?”
(Is he serious right now?)
Ellis: “I can make you happy.”
Ellis: “That's what I'll live for.”
He spoke as if we'd had some sort of unrequited love that had gone on for years. 
And even though it was clearly a lie, his twilight-colored eyes were tinged with a strange heat, as if he were telling the truth. 
(Something feels strange…)
His arms were placed on either side of my face, creating an illusion that felt like he was trapping me in a cage. 
It felt like if I said yes, I would be trapped there forever. 
Kate: “I-I…”
Kate: “I can't answer until I know more about you.”
Ellis: “...I see. All right, then.”
He slowly sat up and pulled me up as well. 
Ellis: “Then I'll tell you a lot of things until you feel like you know me.”
Kate: “Okay.”
He smiled calmly at me, but…
The disturbing illusion I'd just felt wrapped around my body like ivy.
As we chatted about this and that, the sun set and the wind grew cold. 
Ellis helped me back into the wheelchair and we headed back to the castle. 
(He barely let me walk all day.)
When we entered the dense forest leading to the castle, Ellis suddenly stopped. 
Kate: “Ellis? Is something wrong?”
Ellis: “There might be a bit of trouble. What a shame… It was such a happy day, too.”
Kate: “What?”
Ellis: “If you get scared, just close your eyes. It'll be over soon.”
[bitter end] [premium end] [main page]
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
I am just nosy, forgive me. Can you describe each one of your mutuals?
Buckle up people and prepare to get complimented >:3c
First and foremost, they’re all absolute sweethearts to me.
There are my irl friends, such as @wretchedshade, @granolabird, @siriuscitrus and @scales-of-stardust or beta as I usually refer to them. I share the same braincell with these people.
Wretchedshade has been my best friend since we were ten, we’ve been there for each other for 11 years. I initially got her into anime, and then she got me into jojo, and every once in a while we cry about Doukyuusei again. She’s a great artist and is really good at writing sad shit, which is why I write sad shit; to have the glory of finally making her cry. She kicked cancer’s teeth in a few months ago so it’s about goddamn time something good come her way and I WILL fight someone on that.
Granolabird is the dm for my dnd campaign, and like I said, absolute sweetheart, chaotic adhd haver (actually like most of my friend group is like this lmao we’re all queer and neurodivergent). Either way, we used to share thoughts on each other’s original stories, and we still do sometimes but it’s mostly just sending each other tiktoks/reels like “this you” or “this your oc.”
Siriuscitrus is usually pretty hyper, but also tries to be v considerate of everyone’s feelings. If you said that the McDonald’s employee put pickles on your burger when you said no, they’d probably be the one to tell them. They’re also scarily good at vibechecking people and told me I give “future he/they vibes” and like a week later I said “fuck you’re right oh my god.”
You’ve probably seen me and beta’s interactions on here or in the ao3 comments. We enjoy our like playful rivalry/enemyship. I like to torment tease her and she usually gets me back pretty good, it’s all in good fun. It’s also really funny to me whenever we meet up, I tell myself “you are friends with them for reasons other than fic so do not make it about fic” and then we’ll spend literally hours talking about and brainstorming fic ideas. It just Happens.
I’m also gonna add @memory-mortis into here because while we’ve not met irl I’ve introduced him to my friend group. Yet another sweetheart, love her art style a lot, and she was one of the first comments I got on ginkgo trees to motivate me to keep going. I was kinda worried about bringing him into my friendgroup because like if I’m not overthinking I am not thinking At All. I was super relieved and happy that she like IMMEDIATELY fit in with everyone so :D
For some of my other close but only on tumblr/ao3/outside my general friendgroup mutuals! (There are too many so I’m sorry if you’re not here it’s mostly people I interact with more regularly ;-;)
@crimson-ashes who I have occasionally with absolute love called my “askbox gremlin” because they live in my inbox. I need to stress this is affectionate because genuinely, I love opening tumblr and seeing I’ve got asks from them. They gotta stop posting Astarion though because I’m feeling So Tempted to play BG but I know my laptop would kill itself (joking).
@crystalflygeo and I know I’ve called everyone sweethearts but genuinely, she’s probably one of the sweetest people I’ve had the pleasure of talking to. She’s really wholesome (unlike her writing which is never gonna be a complaint in my book, good soup) and super supportive of other people.
@madamemachikonew who’s super polite and really kind. She’s also really creative/smart when it comes to referencing real world art and philosophy in her writing and integrating it into her own worldbuilding. I would have never thought to have done that, and it makes her writing very unique!
We don’t interact as much but @probably-doesnt-exist, @ethve, @euniveve and @ainescribe are such talented artists and super sweet, have literally made me screech and cackle with utter joy whenever they draw the characters from ginkgo trees. I rotate through which art becomes my phone’s lock/home screens.
This is long af but fuck it, I wanna brighten people’s days and I told myself to say “I love you” to my friends and family more, so consider this one big “I love you!” to y’all. It’s a pleasure talking to y’all!
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[CN] Victor’s Trend Date (Eng Translation)
⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 潮流之约, that is yet to be released in the global server! ♡
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[Translation Under The Cut]
✧ [Chapter 1] ✧
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MC: It’s the efforts of all of us that have made [MC’s Company Name]’s today’s achievements possible…
In the splendid banquet hall, I look ardently at the employees off the stage as I hold the microphone.
MC: Thanks to everyone that the ensign of “Finding Miracles” has not collapsed in the pursuit of continuing the trademark of [MC’s Company Name];
MC: It’s also thanks to the subsequent addition of new blood and the introduction of various projects that [MC’s Company Name] has been able to rise above others in the fierce competition;
MC: So, I’d like to share the good news with everyone present here––
MC: Our [MC’s Company Name] has been selected as the best media brand in Loveland City!
Thunderous applause erupts from the audience. I no longer say those words of polite greetings, raising my wine glass to everyone.
MC: It’s an honor worth celebrating, and also worth raising our glasses like this!
When the party starts, I make my way to the table where Anna and others are seated.
MC: Phew, I’m tired to death… pour me a glass of water first.
Willow: Boss, Vivian wrote you a speech of nearly a thousand words. Why did you only say so little?
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MC: I thought some of the words were a little too corny, like— “With the spring in full bloom, [MC’s Company Name] embarks on a new expedition”...
MC: Well, why don’t we just get to the business! It’s the good food and tasty drinks that will say all!
Kiki: That’s right. In any case, we did come here to freeload on Boss’ great feast of a treat!
Everyone merrily engages in cheerful laughter. I lower my head and take a look at my phone. The last text message on it is from Victor, which I received five minutes ago.
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Victor’s Text: “Looking for a parking spot.”
MC: He’s been looking for five minutes; why hasn’t he come up yet? Is the parking lot full…
As I’m muttering to myself, the staff from the other tables approach my table one after another to toast. Unable to withstand the enthusiasm, I end up drinking several glasses.
When I’ve finally sent them off with great difficulty, I suddenly realize that something is a bit amiss.
MC: Anna, didn’t we arrange for the same department to sit at the same table beforehand?
Anna: Yeah, what’s wrong?
MC: Then how come Brother Zhang and Sister Liu are sitting over there with the editing department? And the new recruits from the planning and the operations departments are sitting together?
MC: They don’t have some kind of conflict going on between them, do they?
Anna: I don’t think so? I guess it’s just that people feel more at ease chatting and being close to their acquaintances for such a lively event as a dinner party.
Anna: Just like us…
Anna’s expression freezes slightly as she finishes, as though she, too, has realized something.
Anna: However, regarding gathering the departmental cases recently, there indeed is a bit of stark contrast between the newcomers and seniors in the company.
Anna: Both parties seem to feel that they can’t have a conversation together, and the proposals they delivered are also vastly different in style.
I reflect on this closely. In recent meetings, although everyone preached freely on their favored topics, it’s indeed true that the approach and style of proposals of the new and old employees were as different as black and white.
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MC: That does seem to be the case. And I remember the acceptance rate of the proposals from the new recruits being a bit higher?
Kiki: It is. Also, they didn’t seem to have much interaction aside from work when I ran into them in the pantry these days.
MC: Mm… the age gap between the employees in the company is a bit big now. So, maybe they really find it hard to get along with each other.
MC: But it can’t keep going on like this. We need to find a way to tune the atmosphere…
?? (Victor): It’s actually the first time I’ve seen a certain someone working so actively while eating.
MC: Victor! Why did you sneak up on me!
I turn my head, and sure enough, I'm met with the familiar, tall, and straight figure.
Victor: Seeing how invested you guys were in the discussion, I didn’t want to interrupt.
He scans the hall with his gaze, the corners of his lips arching upward.
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Victor: [proudly]  A certain someone has quite a lot of people working for her now.
MC: Of course! I’m a big boss now! Although not as big as you, the big, big, big boss…
Beaming, I pull out the chair at my hand, motioning for him to sit next to me.
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MC: Big, big, big boss, please take a seat~
Victor: …
The “big, big, big boss” shoots me a rather speechless glance, then nods to the others at the table before sitting down.
MC: By the way, aren’t you going to say a few words to everyone as an investor? There are still many people in our company who have never met you!
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Victor: [sulking-mode alert]  Did you invite me here as an investor?
Before I can even answer, Victor has already unhurriedly snatched away my wine glass, stressing certain words while appearing as if it were nothing.
Victor: [and the sulking-mode is ON]  I won’t say anything.
Victor: Because I can’t get along with people who are a bit too far apart from me in age.
MC: Okay… wait, what?
✧ [Chapter 2] ✧
What did Victor mean by that sentence?
Is he upset?
But he seemed quite normal throughout the party. Could it be that he merely said it offhandedly, and I’m the one who is being oversensitive?
These questions are still swirling in my head even after the banquet has ended and I’ve gotten into Victor’s car.
However, the parching of the alcohol continues to unceasingly surge within my body, making me unable to ponder properly.
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Victor: We’re home. Get off.
MC: Uhm… Victor, are you angry with me?
I tug on Victor’s sleeve, finally speaking up.
Victor: No.
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MC: You must be!
Victor: …
Victor: What makes you think that?
MC: Intuition!
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Victor: [helplessly]  …don’t talk about intuition when you’re drunk.
Victor leans over and presses the safety buckle for me. I take advantage of this opportunity and circle my arms around his neck, pouring out all the words in a gushing torrent.
MC: Victor, did the comment I made to Anna about age upset you?
MC: I repent it. I’m sorry. That was a very inappropriate thing for me to say.
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MC: After all, we are six years apart. But you and I get along very well. We have a very harmonious relationship, and we chat with each other about anything, isn’t that right~
I kiss Victor ardently, fixing my eyes on him anxiously.
Victor looks at me with downcast eyes and leans forward a little more.
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Victor: [extremely softly]  Do you not think about why we can get along and have a harmonious relationship even when we are six years apart, not to mention that we are colleagues?
MC: Of course not!
I rest my head against the back of the seat, shaking my head to declare it untrue immediately. Victor half-squints his eyes.
Victor: [even softer]  Is that so?
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MC: We are Souvenir’s chef and the line cook, Pudding’s guardians and the ones it complains to, the Omnipotent CEO Victor and his thoughtful counterpart, the empty-headed and the sulky!
MC: And each other’s one and only partner for life!
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Victor: [laughs softly]  …just keep the last one, the rest is quite excessive.
Feeling that I must run my fingers through Victor’s hair, I become more and more reluctant to let go of him.
MC: I want [MC’s Company Name] to always be a harmonious big family where everyone can communicate with each other on equal footing without the existing age gap…
MC: So, can the Omnipotent CEO Victor give me some advice? How do you guys handle the communication barrier between the old and new employees at LFG?
Victor: I don’t know. The HR department deals with communication problems between employees. Moreover, LFG is not a “big family” style company like yours.
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MC: …
MC: Dammit, showing off again that LFG is an elite company.
When I pout and mutter, Victor also laughs along with me, akin to an obscure and ambiguous soothing kiss sent to me through the airflow.
Victor: However, there is indeed a clear gap between the employees of your company.
Victor: The group of employees when your father was there came out of traditional media; and the ones recruited after [MC’s Company Name] expanded are young people educated in new media.
Victor: When two viewpoints collide, some invisible friction is bound to arise.
Victor: The higher acceptance rate of the new employees’ proposals will inevitably bring an adverse effect on the mentality of the older employees, creating a sense of crisis regarding working age.
Victor: If it were other companies, they might have seized the opportunity of the trend to lay off old employees on the grounds of “Survival of the fittest.”
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MC: I don’t want to lay off…
Victor: And you don’t want to lay them off, and you’ve never even considered that option, is that correct?
Victor speaks the words in my mind aloud almost at the same time. My heart smoothens because of his low and mellow voice, and I nod hard.
Victor: In that case, you have to make them feel that they are not “old.”
MC: So, how am I gonna do that?
Victor: Think about it yourself.
With a click, Victor opens the car door, and the fresh air rushes in from outside. His index finger softly draws a line across my cheek.
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Victor: [heavenly laughter spilling from his voice]  If you have to trouble the Omnipotent CEO Victor to help you with this kind of thing, that’s not exactly being the “thoughtful counterpart,” is it?
✧ [Chapter 3] ✧
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Victor: …put together a copy of the budget on page 4, as I’ve suggested just now, and submit it again next Monday.
MC: Okay~
I nod with a beaming smile on my face, brisk walk to Victor, and take the document. He can’t help but glance up at me.
Victor: [sulking-mode alert]  Why do you seem especially lively today?
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MC: Because I’m happy!
Victor lifts his eyebrows, hinting at me to continue.
I prop myself on the table with one hand and raise a finger.
MC: Cough, cough. Allow me to report one more piece of info on the latest situation of [MC’s Company Name].
MC: With my great efforts in communication and a series of team-building activities, the relationship between our new and old employees is gradually becoming more harmonious.
MC: And in order to improve the mindset among the former employees even better, we’ve decided to organize a “hipster party”!
Victor: ...hipster party?
MC: Mm! We’ve planned to invite everyone to have fun at the newly opened PUB called “STRAY” tomorrow.
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MC: Willow was the one who recommended it. She said that they have loads of handsome men and beautiful ladies, and the environment is cool too!
MC: There is only one problem now though, and that is that some of the older employees said they might not be able to adapt to that kind of atmosphere, and they really don’t want to go...
MC: But if they don’t come, there will be no point in me hosting this party.
MC: Victor, what do you think I should do?
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Victor: [and the sulking-mode is FULL ON] ...asking me to be your consultant again?
MC: You are the Omnipotent Victor~ Worst comes to worst, help me settle this difficult problem, and I’ll be your ox for next week!
[Anika’s Notes]: MC uses an idiom here– “当牛做马” which means “working hard and without complaints like oxen and horses.” i.e. “doing whatever is asked of you”. I definitely could’ve gone for a more polished wording in the dialogue, but I really just wanted to keep the hilarity of MC’s speech 😂
Victor: Every time a certain someone says something like this, she always ends up creating a bit of trouble.
MC: I don’t…
Despite quipping about me, Victor still smiles and points to the proposal in my hand.
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Victor: The way you persuaded me regarding the feasibility of the proposal is how you can convince them.
Victor: Adopt special measures for the stubborn crew members.
Victor: As long as the other party does not firmly refuse, there is still a chance to continue inviting them.
MC: I think I’ve got it… thank you for the pointers, CEO Victor. I’ll go back and re-compile my persuasion talk!
Victor: Wait, MC.
Just as I’m about to leave, Victor suddenly stops me by calling out to me.
MC: What’s wrong?
A little unnaturally, Victor sits up straight and lifts his eyes to me.
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Victor: That party of yours… what time is it tomorrow?
MC: Mm… around 8 or 9 pm?
Victor: How long are you planning to have fun?
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MC: I’m the organizer, so I guess I’ll have to wait until everyone leaves…
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Victor: [OH GOD THAT 100x SULKIER VOICE]  Owh. It seems I can cancel your midnight snack that day.
MC: That’s not necessary. So long as the party ends early, I can…
Staff Member: CEO Victor, the partners are already in the conference room.
Victor: Got it.
The employee outside the door interrupts my words, and Victor doesn’t give me a chance to wrangle as he stands up and walks straight to the door.
MC: Victor…!
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As it turns out, I don’t get to see even the shadow of the “busy bee Victor” until the following evening. Although he already reported his itinerary to me, I still can’t help feeling a little depressed.
MC: Is everyone here?
Anna: Everyone except Brother Zhang.
Brother Zhang is one of the earliest employees to come into the company and is the “elderly” who most often engages in disagreement with newcomers.
After everyone else agreed to attend, he was the only one left. Anna and I did a lot of ideological work on him, but we don’t know if we’ve been able to talk him into it.
Anna sends another text message to Brother Zhang, then shifts her gaze to my phone.
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Anna: Are you still warring with Victor?
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MC: Well, of course. How could he cancel my midnight snack just like that!
Even though the words in my mouth are very fierce, in reality, I dare myself and type on my phone, “Nothing in this PUB is delicious. Chef Victor’s craftsmanship is the best QAQ~”
…damn it. He is not texting me back.
I sigh, consistently having this thought in my head that I may have touched the whiskers of a certain big cat again, which is clearly not to be meddled with. But I’m unable to figure out what exactly went wrong.
And at this moment, Anna waves toward the other end.
Anna: Brother Zhang is here!
Brother Zhang’s expression is still a little hesitant when he meets our gaze, but the others have already pulled him to a table with cheerful laughter.
Brother Zhang: Ah, I just came over to say hello.
Brother Zhang scratches his head, waving his hand repeatedly.
Brother Zhang: Mainly, I felt that I couldn’t have fun the way you young people do, so this kind of occasion wouldn’t be appropriate for me to come…
MC: You mustn’t say that. There is no occasion for which a person cannot be “appropriate.”
MC: If you always keep thinking about the age gap and don’t wish to communicate with each other, won’t the barrier keep growing deeper and deeper?
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MC: And what’s more, Brother Zhang may not know what we young people do for fun nowadays, but we also don’t know the things Brother Zhang used to do when he was young.
MC: I heard from our sister-in-law that you won her heart with your breakdance back then!
Intern: Wow, Brother Zhang can breakdance! That’s so amazing!
Intern: Brother Zhang, we happen to be working on a feature about dance and specific periods. Can you please tell us more about the days of your youth?
Brother Zhang: That… there isn’t much to talk about from when I was young…
Despite saying so, Brother Zhang’s face rises to a smile as he talks about his affairs, crowded by the youngsters.
Anna: Are you relieved now?
I nod, smiling knowingly together with Anna as we clink our glasses. At this time, Anna’s gaze suddenly crosses over my shoulders, and she raises an eyebrow in astonishment.
Anna: Hey? MC, is that a new recruit from our company sitting over there at the bar? Looks… pretty handsome.
I follow her line of sight, and there really is a tall and straight figure sitting near the bar in front of me. It’s just that the light in the pub is too dusky, making me unable to see his facial features clearly.
MC: His figure from behind really is very handsome… but why do I feel that he seems a little familiar?
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As though sensing my gaze, the other party turns around and takes off his sunglasses.
The neon lights overhead project a bewitching splendor in that pair of slender eyes, his gaze firmly locking itself upon me.
MC: ––Victor?!
✧ [Chapter 4] ✧
I prance up to my feet with a start.
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When did Victor come here? And… why is he dressed like this?
In my impression, Victor is always either attired in a neat and tidy suit or an understated outfit, never failing to look like an elegant and meticulous gentleman.
But the Victor before my eyes at this very moment is wearing an unruly leather jacket, and inside is a printed shirt I’ve never seen before.
Two delicate silver-colored chains fall to his collarbones, glinting with a shimmering light as he turns around.
There are a few rings on his slender fingers, and the light draws the outlines of the rough patterns of the rings as he rubs the frame of the eyeglasses.
He is akin to a lion lying dormant in the darkness, inharmonious with this noisy environment yet blending in perfectly.
MC: Victor, you…
Just as I’m about to open my mouth, the music in the room reaches its climax, and a large group of people from the next table also rushes over at this moment.
Employees: Brother Zhang, we are short of people to play games here. Come to our table, hurry!
Employees: Boss, you come too!
MC: I…
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Anna: MC can’t go right now.
Amidst the tumultuous pulling, Anna steadies my shoulders and says to the employees with a beaming smile on her face.
Anna: Your Boss fancies a certain handsome guy and is on her way to talk to him.
Anna makes a signal at the group with her gaze. Puzzled, everyone turns their heads, followed by letting out an “oooh” of realization.
Employees: He is indeed a really handsome guy who is super rich, gentle, and considerate. You go, Boss!
–– These guys!
I stifle my laughter, wave at them, and then quickly walk up to Victor.
MC: Hello, Mr. Handsome. May I have your contact information?
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Victor: …
Victor shoots me a rather speechless glance, half-squinting his eyes.
Victor: You’re very proficient with your pick-up lines.
MC: [nervously]  Hehe, I learned them all from TV. And usually, I don’t have the opportunity to practice…
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Victor: [HELP THE WAY HIS VOICE GOES—]  What? Where do you want to practice?
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MC: No! No! I only want to practice on you!
I immediately express my loyalty and take his arm, swaying it as I pretentiously throw coquettish glances at him.
MC: So, Mr. Handsome, would you be willing to give me your contact information?
Victor: …you really are addicted.
Victor arches his eyebrows and changes his sitting posture, followed by a hint of interest suddenly gracing the corners of his lips.
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Victor: My apologies, Miss. You’re not the type of girl I like.
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MC: Victor! How dare you!
I break character in a heartbeat, causing Victor to laugh out loud in a low voice.
Victor: Not playing anymore?
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MC: …humph, I can’t deal with you, so I’m not playing anymore.
I pull another bar stool over and sit on it, kicking him gently in the shin with my toes.
MC: Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming here? You didn’t even reply to my messages.
Victor: My phone was on silent, so I didn’t notice.
MC: Humph, fine, that’s a good enough reason.
Curious, I once again poke at the leather jacket he is wearing.
MC: Why did you suddenly dress like this? I almost didn’t even recognize you just now.
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Victor: It’s common sense to don the most suitable outfit according to the corresponding setting.
Victor: Do I have to wear a three-piece suit here as well?
MC: I mean… I never imagined that you’d show up at the PUB.
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Victor: [OH GOD THE WAY HE SULKILY MUTTERS UNDER HIS BREATH]  “Wouldn’t show up.” That’s because a certain someone didn’t invite me.
Victor speaks in a low voice and very speedily, and I’m unable to catch it properly through the beats of the music.
However, Victor has already leaned in slightly, looking straight at me.
Victor: [how do you sound 🥺 so while sulking]  Or do you think I’m not a fit for this kind of setting?
MC: Huh?
Suddenly, I vaguely understand something.
No wonder he asked me about my schedule like that yesterday, deliberately canceled my midnight snack, and appeared fully armed in front of me like this today…
Staring at his pursed-up lips beneath the intertwined light and shadow, my heart feels a little itchy, as if it’s being gently stroked by Pudding’s paw.
I pick up a glass of wine and speak solemnly.
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MC: I have received CEO Victor’s protest.
MC: From this day forward, we must always be together no matter what the setting is, okay?
Victor doesn’t answer me, but his eyebrows have clearly donned the curvature of satisfaction.
He sits up straight again, raising his glass to me.
Victor: Since this is a rare visit, let’s sit for a while longer.
MC: Okay! I also want to look at more of this version of you, but… I also want to eat the midnight snack you’ve prepared for tonight.
Our wine glasses clink, producing a crisp and pleasant sound.
Victor’s smile prevails amid the rich aroma of the cocktail, his low and mellow voice carrying an indolence of satisfaction.
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Victor: [VOICE DROPS TO HIS SEXY WHISPER]  That will depend on your performance tonight, and then I’ll consider again whether to cancel it or not.
📞 Call and Moments: HERE!  (! Fair warning, they are equally gold)
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alargehunkofdebris · 1 year
The Flip-Flopping Confidence of Aziraphale
So I made a post a bit ago about Aziraphale’s reaction to the kiss, and someone very correctly pointed out that Aziraphale does not believe he is undesirable (as I had claimed in-essay), citing that one little look in the first scene, after Crowley calls the universe “gorgeous.”
This is so true. What the heck is with that look?
I’ve thought about it, and here are my thoughts.
Long story short, Aziraphale is a big ol’ ball of contradictions, as is what sometimes happens with people who’ve suffered in toxic relationships.
But short story long, however…
Okay, so first of all, Aziraphale’s happy little expectation thinking that a complete stranger would call him “gorgeous” out of absolutely nowhere is bonkers. No other word for it. If I met someone for the first time, and they called me “gorgeous” straight to my face, apropos of nothing, no lead up whatsoever, I would be looking over my shoulder, wondering what the hell they were referring to. So this is either a very angel thing to do (they could just go around complimenting each other back then, who knows) or—and this is kinda my opinion—this was just a funny foreshadow thing that Mr. Gaiman did for the fans and to set the tone of the season. Or a mix of both. Remember, this is portraying the beginning of time—this is before they even really had corporeal forms. What we see, I’m guessing, is less a purely accurate visual of what happened and merely a representation. A stage-play version of the events. Yes, this is a comedy that uses modernisms to juxtapose for humor (referencing lead balloons before balloons were even invented, etc) but we can still (if we want) imagine that, for this to logically work, this is just a way of conveying these events in a way our 21st century brains can handle. For all we know, these two were balls of energy, conversing in some ancient star language through telepathy. And at this point, appreciation for another’s form might’ve just been a common thing. They were all so gorgeous, they just went around appreciating each other.
I don’t think this was meant to be so deep dived, however (doved? doven?). I think Gaiman just wanted a cute scene that shows their flirtation from the beginning. But I will argue, still, that this is at a point where Aziraphale hadn’t developed any kind of self-esteem issues. He was a baby angel, used to compliments, or maybe just so new with interaction that he wouldn’t have been surprised by anything. Let’s just say this: the Aziraphale of modern day probably wouldn’t have made that assumption.
It's a sad thing to think, but I think the modern day Aziraphale is one who has lost a portion of the self-confidence he’d carried in that first scene.
Because he is, at heart, a confident person, even when all evidence contradicts that feeling. He feels confident he can do slight-of-hand magic when he barely can, for example. But, after 6000 years of living amongst the humans, I’d say he’s also nestled very comfortably into the role of observer, never truly a part of anything. He playacts, and has fun, but knows he’ll never be a true magician. He makes believe, and has fun, but he’d never be a real reporter. He puts on ball, and dances, but he’ll never truly experience romantic love.
I think this stems hugely from this concept of being a mediocre angel. He’s felt that, ever since he befriended a demon. He’s been an observer of the “good” angels, but was never quite up to snuff himself (with exception, likely, to the time before the Fall). Crowley, on the other hand, while technically has been a “bad” demon, has still maintained a great reputation in Hell because he’s just damn good at selling himself. Aziraphale is too honest to lie, so he’s always (in my head) been a subpar employee, even before Armageddon’t. And his bosses don’t have any qualms about reminding him—they belittle him constantly, familiarly. To the point where Aziraphale has internalized this nugget of self doubt that keeps him from taking risks, going against the status quo, etc.
I know very well this weird, contradictory feeling. One moment you feel hot, and self-confident, and like no one on Earth can touch you. The next, moment, that old standby mode kicks in, and your feeling 6/10 once more. It’s a reminder, a wake-up alarm – don’t go too far, bucko. Don’t get too big for your britches. Remember who you are.
The times he feels the least connected to this self-doubt, this built-up lack of self-confidence, is when he is just doing small things with Crowley, and usually when it’s not anything high-stakes that would involve Heaven/Hell. He can bicker happily with Crowley about the car, he can nettle Crowley into doing a little apology dance, he can put on a ball and have fun. These low-risk times are when he can let loose, be happy and confident and himself, because these small moments will go unnoticed by Heaven. He’s not at risk of his bubble being burst, of being told “stop that. Remember your place.”
And that voice, tell him to stop and remember his place, is what keeps his confidence in check for the big things. Things like acknowledging that he and Crowley are more than friends, that Crowley wants to be with him so badly. Because, technically, Crowley is a much more “impressive” being than Aziraphale, and always has been. He was a higher-ranking angel, and was the demon chosen to tempt the humans. Though Aziraphale had a big job (that he screwed up on immediately, of course) he was still not the top in his rank (I don’t know anything about the bible, but if he was the angel of the Eastern Gate, I always assumed there were more guarding the walls/gates). Aziraphale was always getting reprimanded for his work, and Crowley was getting praise. Aziraphale is so used to being the “lesser” angel that he might even apply that title to him and Crowley, and be shocked at the idea that a slick, laid-back, higher-ranking demon (who is not typically even capable of love, perhaps) could make an exception for such a mediocre being. Despite all their flirtations and years of friendship, Aziraphale still sees it as this kind of play-acting – a dance they do for fun, but it’s never serious.
This is, of course, just one opinion in my brain – there’s a lot of ways to interpret it, and I can’t decide which one I really believe. Because if Aziraphale really saw nothing there, then what was the “you go too fast for me, Crowley” all about? It could’ve just been yet another moment of “You go too fast…in friendship,” thing, but who knows.
What I do know is that there’s something always holding Aziraphale back from Crowley, but it is not for lack of want. Aziraphale wants it just as much as Crowley. But he’s got many, many potential things holding him back from even considering this life – fear of heaven, lack of self-confidence, lack of trust, etc. It’s all adding up to one thought, the theme that’s threaded through his long, long, life—you’re not allowed to do this. You’re an angel, nothing less, nothing more.
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saltineofswing · 22 days
After I posted those outfit pics with my kippah last year I’ve had a slow trickle of new followers from the Jewish spheres of Tumblr, and while some of those folks are pretty cool, I did have to block a couple of Uber-zionists who didn’t seem to get the message from me reblogging posts supporting an end to the oppressive treatment of Palestinians in I/P (the genocide, yes, but IMO there needs to be a huge cultural overhaul in general if Israelis are going to stay in that area long-term. I have seen sufficient evidence to convince me that too much of Israeli society views Palestinians as less-than-human threats instead of fellow human beings, and that is not acceptable.)
Which, you know, whatever, but I got a couple messages from (presumably) some of those people on anonymous, each saying some variation on the theme of ‘I was willing to overlook your shameful association with anti-Zionist causes, you should be willing to ‘overlook’ my good and noble support for Our Great and Infallible Homeland.’
Specifically something in one of the messages kinda stuck out to me: one of them said, “We all have to make nice with people we don’t agree with sometimes. We have more in common than we don’t.”
These are both ostensibly true statements. It is true that in my work as a retail employee I am forced to be kind to people who I would otherwise walk away from, or tolerate poor treatment where I would otherwise stand up for myself. And it is likely to be true that, on paper, I have more in common with the average queer Jewish tumblr user than the average schmoe walking around in my neighborhood. But here’s the thing:
This isn’t real life, and I don’t owe you anything.
A random person on the internet, with whom I have never interacted and to whom I have no obligation, is not part of my life. There’s no social fallout from choosing not to be associated with blocking someone whose blog I visited and then the first post on their page was effectively condemning people who feel sympathy for Palestinian civilians because ‘none of them are innocent.’ Or someone who makes a post talking about how anti-Zionist Jews are JINOs and come from stock that should have been eliminated during the Shoah (A REAL OPINION I have actually being spouted IN EARNEST on the internet!) To be honest, I am lucky to have already gone through the process of learning and deciding on an anti-Zionist stance years before current events; I didn’t speak about it much online because it was not relevant to my personal spheres, but I had all the conversations I needed to have with people in meatspace about how Israel is not all the propaganda cracks it up to be. I am lucky that I didn’t have to make that decision in the fraught cultural situation we find ourselves in as Jews right now. But hey, guess what, I still ultimately believe that any reasonable, empathetic person should think that the buck should have stopped at the first mass civilian casualty operation! And if you are a Jew who didn’t rethink your stance at that juncture, what the fuck is going to be your wake-up call?
Whatever shades of grey there may be to this conflict — and, personally, I don’t think there is really that much wiggle-room to it in the first place — if you can’t, at the absolute least, recognize that there is a horrific injustice being done to uncountable numbers of innocent people in Gaza and the West Bank, we have nothing important in common, and we have nothing to talk about. And because this is not real life, I can just press a button, and then we never have to have the displeasure of each other’s ‘company’ again.
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kukkakisu · 6 months
Hello! I’ve been digging around your oc lore and I’m curious, Is Nate gonna be ok? I can’t imagine very slowly being infected by something incurable is all too good for the system, mentally or physically. Does CC notice at all? Does anyone?
Also, I can’t imagine The Conductor is going to be too happy when CC brings his human guardian to the manor one day. I can only imagine that would be, at the very least, very awkward for everyone involved. Like a kid brings over their stepdad to meet their other dad who hates the other. (Although, that presumes any interaction would happen in the first place, which it might not given Nate's schedules, but I thought it was a funny thought, but also ignore me if this is cringe as I don’t know them well enough)
Any other notable oc interactions? I still wonder what early Naava lore is like. (I still think it’s so cool that it grows usnea, especially since usnea is a valuable medicinal herb great for being a natural bandaid, and idk that feels pretty in line with Naava’s whole deal.)
Carmine. Please let him be okay. Someone get this employee some cookies and a blanket.
Lastly, just a quick ty for the little comments/support on Vela’s post :) <3 I hope they can be friends with your ocs… or uh, (looks at Vultur trading lives for a cookie) some of them. They would love Naava, but I can’t imagine their getup is particularly approachable looking to brackens, least of all one that does not like humans to begin with.
Hii! Yippee! Thank you for the questions! Nathaniel keeps things hidden well very much on purpose. He doesn't want to bother others with the concern of his illness or for them to pity him because of it. Copycat has seen what is going on with his body but doesn't understand the gravity of the situation since Nate hasn't explained it to him. He's stubborn and resilient so regardless of what his fate will end up being, he won't give up without putting up a fight. He's determined to find a cure. Whether he will survive or not-- well. Ahahah! Next question! (I will be drawing or writing something relating to it later, so you will find out eventually!) Naava has met Nate but only watches him from a distance whenever he interacts with CC. They don't want to go close, and somewhat respect CC's decision to be friendly with the human. As long as the human is friendly too, it's fine. They will be watching closely regardless. Just in case. If something goes wrong, they won't hesitate to run in and end his life. Conductor has in fact also met Nate. It does not like him but lets him be because Naava wishes so. Might have tried to fight the poor guy once and got scolded by the Bracken afterward. So now whenever Nate visits the interior of the Moon he usually gets to go about his business in peace. Not that he's there any longer than he needs to be. 30 minutes at most. Conductor will still very much throw nasty glares at the medic whenever it ends up running into him, though. Copycat likes just about anyone and anything that he can interact with without blowing up. If it isn't actively hurting or threatening him? Friend! Someone he hasn't seen before? Friend! Funny looking plant? You guessed it, friend! Gets along with others easily, though human employees are understandably sometimes a bit off-put by him. What comes to other interactions, I will be putting them under a read more so this post doesn't become too long! There is a lot!
Carmine is still dealing with the traumatic loss of his crew, but he is learning to love and find joy again.
He is in a much better place now. At first he was very timid and unsure but warmed up to the others quickly. He's a scaredly cat, even more so than CC, but will grab his shovel and defend his friends if he has to. He also gets along great with Nate. He feels calm around him and is grateful that there is someone who can guide them through scary situations without faltering. It's still hard for them to be around CC, but he's taking his time and slowly getting used to the energetic Masked who keeps bringing him plastic fish. He thinks it's cute, even if the mask still startles him from time to time. Has seen Naava once. Got so startled he ran away screaming. Naava didn't chase him. None of the Brackens he runs into do. They can probably tell how scared he is and leave the poor man be. Or perhaps they can sense something else. The waters of Gordion do have a distinct scent of death, after all.
Nate and Vultur dislike each other. They have history and very opposing views on their research. CC doesn't know why they don't get along but can sense the tension between them and has learned that Vultur is one of those people he shouldn't get close to. Something about the way they stare at him through the helmet's visor is enough to send shivers down his spine.
Paradox is a name I haven't mentioned in a while, but her interactions with the others are very limited and not kind. The Jester sleeps and is usually dormant for long durations at a time. It wakes up during eclipses and that is a dangerous time for everyone on the Moon. While Paradox isn't that interested in eating Brackens or Nutcrackers, Masked have a similar scent and taste to that of human employees. So. You can probably see where this is going. Both Naava and Conductor are on high alert during this time, making sure to keep a very close eye on CC. It would be preferred that the little Masked wouldn't even be on the moon during that time, but it can't always be prevented. They've had few encounters with the hungry Jester. She's not one to listen during her hunt, so the best they can do is to hold her back or find something else to feed her. Once it's full, Paradox will sink back inside the box and sleep until the next eclipse arrives. She has a neutral opinion of others (everyone is mice to it) but is a lot more docile after it has eaten.
Also I am so happy you noticed the neat little usnea thing! It is intentional and Naava often uses it to aid their injured friends. The specific kind that grows on them is not only an antiseptic but also an anesthetic. Correctly applied, it can stop the bleeding of most wounds and quicken the recovery process. It can't do miracles though, so if someone is too far gone there is only so much Naava can do to help. Their past is still a bit of an unknown territory for most of the creatures, but they do know it came from the earth itself. Naava often talks about the importance of being kind to others, because in the end, the earth will swallow them all. And in the belly of the earth, nobody is anything and everyone is everything. None of them understand what they mean but in time… I'm sure they will find out :)
And aaa of course! Vela is so delightful! I'd love for them to meet some of my babies! While Naava is naturally cautious of humans and would definitely find the eyes on the helmet a bit threatening, they're a lot softer on people who are anxious, in distress, and/or considerate of others. So I think Vela would be safe! Nate and CC are usually the friendliest toward pretty much anyone and anything. Carmine is timid and it takes him time to get used to new people but I'm sure he'd love to have a new friend as well! And well, the questionable experiments and dissecting aside, Vultur does have a softer side to them. It's just very hard to get through their shell. They've lost a lot and openly caring about others is a type of vulnerability they try to avoid in fear of losing something they love again. They do like doing embroidery on the suits of their crew though so there is something in common with them!
And like, even if characters wouldn't technically get along it's always possible to think of silly interactions with them! It's a lot of fun! Always feel free to drop by my messages if you want to chat about them more!
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gduncan969 · 9 months
He Already Knows
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John 4: 29 “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?”
There are a lot of things in my life, I’d prefer you didn’t know about me because they are just too embarrassing to tell, but to convince you, I’ll give you two of them, one of which I don’t remember because I was just two years old at the time. I was born right in the heart of Scotland’s biggest city, Glasgow, just off its busiest street, Argyle Street, in one of those old, somewhat squalid, gas-lit tenement buildings the city was famous for back in the early 1900's. Seemingly, I’d managed to escape my mother’s watchful eye and wandered out of our first floor apartment, down the stairs, out the building, toddled 50 ft along West Campbell Street and on to Argyle Street where I stood in the middle of the street between the tram-car rails, dressed only in my undershirt! The traffic was stopped in both directions and the people in the street-cars were killing themselves laughing at my plight. Someone ran to inform my mother but she was too embarrassed to come and rescue me so she sent my 11-year-old big sister to fetch me to the applause of the gawkers watching the scene unfold. I’m so glad I don’t remember that one but the other one I want to tell you occurred about forty years later and is seared in my memory. I was the owner/operator of a chemical analysis laboratory in Northern Ontario and was setting up the apparatus to do cyanide analysis in water samples from a local gold mine (cyanide is used to extract the gold from the ore). The apparatus required a vacuum pump to suck air through the sample to remove the cyanide gas formed by adding some acid to the sample. Everything looked great, so I added the acid, turned on the vacuum pump and—nothing! No air bubbles whatsoever! There must be a leak I thought, so in a moment of brilliant inspiration, I pulled the hose off the vacuum pump, stuck it in my mouth and sucked!! Ah, yes, there were the bubbles I was looking for as the cyanide gas entered my lungs. I’ve just killed myself was my first thought! My second thought was, what a stupid idiot I was and the third thought was to ask one of my employees to drive me to the hospital immediately! On the way over to the hospital, I did some quick calculations and figured I would live because the cyanide level in the sample was pretty low but I may still be the only cyanide poisoning victim ever recorded in Ontario. I’ll never forget the poor emergency doctor who treated me while holding the poisoning manual in one hand and the hypodermic in the other. Yes, we are all capable of doing some pretty dumb things and worse still, some pretty nasty things in the course of our lives.
The story of the woman at the well in John 4 tells of an encounter Jesus had with a Samaritan woman who came at midday to draw water from the well and ran into Jesus who was sitting there on his own while his disciples had gone off to town to buy some food. “Give Me a drink.” asks Jesus (verse 7) to which he got the terse response, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?” For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.” (verse 9) The conversation then unfolded to where Jesus tells the woman to “go fetch your husband” (verse 16). Of course, he knew full well she didn’t have one, having been married five times before and now simply living with number six—a lifestyle that is even more common than marriage in many places today. At that point, the woman begins to sit up and really take note of this stranger who is telling her things he shouldn’t know.
Many sermons have been preached on this incident in the ministry of Jesus and many different conclusions have been drawn as to the interaction between the two but we can all agree that the encounter was no accident (Jesus has never experienced an accident) and through it we get a clearer picture of Jesus as the “living water” within all of us who call upon his name and which “springs up in us into everlasting life” (verse 14) as we drink of it and feed it to those around us. Further clarification of this is given in Matthew 7: 38 - 39 ““He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.” The Holy Spirit flows into our hearts when we ask Jesus to forgive us and cleanse us of our sins and then He flows out from our hearts (KJV - “belly”) when He baptizes us in his Holy Spirit as He did the hundred and twenty believers in the upper room in Acts 2.
The woman at the well was not too impressed with Jesus’ declaration that he was the source of “living water” and called his bluff to give it to her so that she could stop carting a heavy water-pot back and forth every day. The reason she was there at midday, however, rather than early morning or evening, is very likely so that she could avoid the sneers and comments of the other women who knew full well what kind of woman she was. Also, the reason she was being so snarkey with Jesus was that she knew what most men were like and they were wont to “proposition” a woman for one purpose only—her body. That’s what surprised the disciples when they came back to find him talking to a despised Samaritan woman (verse 27). But verses 17-18 changed everything. Jesus begins to fill in details about her he couldn’t possibly know and we err if we take his statement about her five husbands as being all Jesus spoke to her about her private life. Note what she says to her neighbors back in the village, “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” (Verse 29). I believe she and Jesus had a long talk about a whole host of struggles she’d had throughout her life and it wasn’t she who raised these issues but the Lord Himself who gently took her back through them to expose them and to heal them. Oh, that others could have that same conversation with Jesus bringing their life experiences and tragedies out into the light of his loving Presence and laying them to rest in his forgiveness and acceptance of us just as we are.
Many years ago, I attended a Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship International (FGBMFI) meeting to hear a fellow Glaswegian, John Hutchison, give his testimony of how he came to Christ but after he spoke, he began to call out those in his audience who the Lord had indicated to him were suffering from various physical problems in their bodies to come forward to lay hands on them for healing. I had never seen this before so I and five others drove 90 miles the following evening to hear him speak again and once again he did the same thing, only this time I got a moment to speak to one of those he had prayed for, a man in his sixties. I asked him what had happened to him because he was staggering like a drunk man as he was walking out of the building. His response was, “I don’t know what has happened to me but something has because I’ve never felt this way before. I have cancer but I feel different and I can’t understand it”. John became a good friend and mentor to me over the years until he left for Heaven over twenty five years ago but after that second meeting I asked him to come to Kirkland Lake, Ontario, where we lived, and I would organize a dinner meeting for him to share his testimony once more. That happened a couple of months later and out of that meeting was formed the Kirkland Lake Chapter of the FGBMFI. But there’s an added aspect to all of this that has remained with me ever since. Just before John was due to arrive from England and take part in the dinner meeting, I was driving to work one morning with my thoughts on the upcoming meeting when I started to get quite nervous. “What if God reveals something to John about me that I don’t want anyone else to know and he calls me to come forward for prayer? Oh, dear, what would God possibly tell me?” The thought had no sooner entered my head when I heard these quiet, matter-of-fact words, “I’d tell you I love you!” I’m tempted to add the word “Dummy!” to the end of that sentence but He didn’t say it, nevertheless, there were lots of tears that flowed as I completed my journey to work. I have had but one encounter of finding myself in the visible light of God’ Presence and I could only say to him over and over again, “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man” but he would not depart and stayed there bathing me in a love that was overwhelming in its intensity. I just cried and cried.
All of us have this marvelous ability to bury our hurts deep within ourselves because dealing with them is too painful but that’s exactly why He came—to deliver us from our past, first by exposing it and then taking all the guilt away to begin anew, walking in the light of his love and his acceptance of us just the way we are. What a mighty God we serve! If you’ve never experienced this transition all you need do is ask him to come into your life and take over. Perhaps you are like many others who feel that you are basically a good person who has made mistakes but on balance the good outweighs the bad and that in the end, God is a forgiving God who will turn a blind eye to all your shortcomings. The difficulty with this is that God has no “blind eyes” to turn on us because He is omniscient—all-knowing and there is nothing hidden from His sight. He is a Holy God whose purity is so all-consuming that any sin, no matter how small, stops us from entering His presence. “For our God is a consuming fire” says Hebrews 12:29. He sacrificed His only Son on a Roman cross to open the narrow doorway through which we might humbly stoop and enter into his Kingdom to find life everlasting through the shed blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. So, if he already knows every detail about us, why then should we falter or fear when we humbly ask Him to forgive our sins and take control of our lives. If you haven’t done so, what’s keeping you and don’t forget to tell others what you have done? As a young Christian, I used to think God had a “Secret Service” organization to which I could belong so that I wouldn’t have to tell anyone I was a Christian and thereby avoid being ridiculed. Ultimately, I found out He didn’t have any such organization and that Luke says in Acts 14:22 “..that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.” If we let the fear of tribulation stop us then the Lord will let us know that our fear is simply a lack of trust in Him to deliver us and show us marvelous things about ourselves we’ve never even dreamt of.
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Blog Post 7: Cultural Practices in Japan
I’ve been looking at Japanese culture and a lot of other articles that I’ve researched have also said a lot of the same business practices as we had discussed this week. In Japanese business culture, it’s important to offer your business card at the beginning, it’s important to know what type/when to bow, it’s important to know when to have work related and nonwork related talk, etc. It’s common and expected that when you’re greeted in Japanese culture you’re also met with a bow. This was talked about in our videos we watched for our activity, as well as other articles I’ve looked at. Appropriate initial conversation topics vary depending on the business setting. If it’s at a business dinner then small talk is allowed, but negotiations or challenges aren’t permitted. In business meetings, there will be a lot of conversation and interaction with the people in the room. For business meetings, it is advised that the eldest person in the meeting is the spokesperson. For professional appearance, Japanese people usually dress professionally. Professional dress attire however isn’t commonly worn in personal life. In Japanese culture, gift giving is very common. It’s common to give gifts to people in your life that you want to continue building relationships with. It’s a great way to build relationships at work. 
The first potential communication challenge that an American businessperson could face could be the unpreparedness. Japanese people show up to meetings incredibly early. Even if an American businessperson showed up 5 minutes early, they’d be looked down upon for not getting there earlier. Another example of the unpreparedness would be business cards. Every article I’ve seen and the videos in the discussion board all talked about the importance of handing out business cards. If the American businessperson wasn’t aware of how important this was in their culture, they might be looked down upon. Another challenge that the American businessperson could face would be the structure of meetings. They seem similar to American meetings in a lot of ways, however it seems that they have some rules that are slightly different. Seniority is important so it’s important to let the eldest person at the meeting be the spokesperson. Small talk at the beginning of meetings is important, after you’re introduced to the people in the meeting, they will applaud and it should be reciprocated. The last potential communication challenge would be knowing the right and wrong times to have certain conversations. For example, at the beginning of meetings it’s expected to have light hearted small conversations. It’s not appreciated to talk about anything work related during this time and you can get frowned upon.
If I was a U.S. based manager that got an employee from Japan, I would try to start by going around giving introductions. The Japanese are big on introductions and so it might help the new employee feel more at home there. Another thing that I might do would be to try and incorporate some time for everyone to talk and catch up before meetings. This way, not only will it bring some of the Japanese culture with them to the workplace, but it will also provide them chances to meet more people. Lastly, I would make sure that they know we would love to hear from them if they have anything they’d like to say. The eldest businessperson is the one typically speaking in Japanese culture, so the new employee might not realize that his voice is welcome at any point. I will tell my employees that if they have any questions about cultural expectations to ask me. If the new employee is comfortable enough, they can ask them too. If I’m unsure, I’d be willing to research how to handle a situation.
All about Japanese fashion and clothing • familysearch. FamilySearch. (2021, November 18). Retrieved April 2, 2023, from https://www.familysearch.org/en/blog/japanese-fashion-clothing-kimono 
CHINESE BUSINESS ETIQUETTE TIPS. Preparing to export. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2, 2023, from https://www.mybusiness.com.au/how-we-help/grow-your-business/preparing-to-export 
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fortuositywritings · 3 years
Part 1 Wanda x Reader
Summary: You bump into Wanda Maximoff at a grocery store. Wouldn’t be a problem if either of you were anyone else but you two were no ordinary people.
You would think having the ability to take anyone’s power would be awesome. It’s not.
With a simple touch, you could take any person with special abilities’ special powers from them. You figured this out in grade school when you high-fived one of your friends for the first time. Suddenly you could see through walls. That same year, you figured out they could take those powers back. 
A few years later you found out they could only take those powers back if they wanted them. You tried giving someone their invisibility back but they would not have it. Now you are stuck with it. You are stuck with a few others too, like walking through walls and mimicking voices. Those you got from random strangers on the street. 
Obviously, you tried to give them back. You wouldn’t take what isn’t yours, but it was an impossible task. Finding a stranger you bumped into in New York is kind of hard. 
You’ve tried passing off powers to other people but it never worked. You could only return them to the person who gave them to you. To give them back, all you had to do was touch them again and they had to want the powers back. It was that simple. 
So when you bump into Wanda Maximoff at the grocery store, things get a little complicated. 
You’ve made a friend recently who turns out to be Sokovian. Seeing as his birthday is coming up, you thought it would be cool to cook him a traditional Sokovian meal. A few searches on Google and you print out a list of what you need. 
You leave to the nearest store that would have all you need. You check off your list, heading toward the aisle of spices. You finally find the one the recipe calls for and lucky for you, it’s the last one. You reach for it but you feel someone else’s hand touching yours, reaching for the same thing. 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” she says. You look at the woman who is standing really close to you for a stranger. She has intense green eyes, you notice. She pulls her hand away. 
“It’s alright,” you say. 
“Was that the last one?” she asks, awkwardly.
“It seems so,” you confirm. “But we can ask an employee if they have more somewhere?”
You flag down an employee two aisles down and ask. They shake their head and then tell you they won’t be getting more until next week. The woman with the green eyes sighs. 
“We can split it,” you suggest. “I don’t need the whole thing. At least I don’t think so? I just need it to make a Sokovian dish that calls for it. I probably won’t be using it for anything else.”
“I don’t know. Sokovian food is delicious if I may say so. You’ll get a taste and might regret sharing this with a stranger,” she teases. 
You smile and ask, “Oh, are you Sokovian?”
She nods and you add, “Well, then I insist on sharing it with you. Maybe you can actually give me a few tips on this recipe?”
“What are you making?” she asks you. You show her the recipe on your phone and she kindly shares some of her expertise which you’re grateful for. She follows you around the store making conversation as you grab the rest of what you need. Technically, you follow her around as she suggests you other stuff to add to the recipe. 
You add a mini mason jar to your cart. You both head to pay and outside pour some of the spice into your mason jar and give her the rest of the bottle. You thank her for all the help and wish her a great day. 
Wanda gets back to the tower in a positive mood. Everyone notices and asks her what happened. She replies that she just had a nice interaction with a stranger and it made her day. 
Though her day was made, the rest of her week was hell. She doesn’t know what is wrong with her. Her powers have been failing her. She doesn’t understand. At first she thinks it’s just the more difficult things she can’t do but then she notices how no one’s thoughts appear in her head. It’s quiet. She only hears her own. 
Something was definitely wrong.
You thought you were imagining things but after guessing what your friends’ were thinking for the umpteenth time, you knew you had taken someone else’s power. 
You don’t think it’s too bad at first. Only your friends’ heavy thoughts made their way into your head. Unfortunately, some of those thoughts you can never unhear again. 
The problem comes when you go to the library for the first time with this new power. The library is hell. It’s full of people who are just thinking loudly. See in public, there are people who are thinking loudly of course, but there are more people distracted and speaking without thinking, which you never thought you would be so grateful for. 
You don’t last in the library for very long. So libraries are on your list of places to avoid. Soon, movie theaters are also on that list and then so are museums. Any place where people are meant to be quiet is where it’s loudest in your head. 
You wish you knew who you touched to get these powers. You begin to think back at everyone the past few weeks that you might have had direct contact with. A hand you shook or an arm you bumped into. You’ve always been cautious about your surroundings so these things wouldn’t happen.
Everyone you greeted at your Sokovian friend’s party you’ve greeted before. No one was new there. The Sokovian at the store!
Damn it. You never got her name or anything. Maybe you’ll encounter her at the store again. The next few days, you spend hours at the same store. People begin to think you’re an employee and you almost feel like one, knowing exactly where everything is from spending so much time there. 
You’ve even made plans with one employee to go hangout. But no green eyed Sokovian makes an appearance. 
Three weeks you have this power when you find that not only can you read people’s thoughts, but you hold things without actually touching them. It happens when you drop something in the kitchen. You reach for it to catch it before it hits the floor but it’s nowhere near your grasp. However, it never hits the floor. 
You then notice a red mist-like substance coming from your hands floating in the direction of the object. You see that it’s holding it up. After that, you start practicing with random things around your apartment. You begin with lighter things, thinking you would only be able to hold weight that you could in your actual arms, but it is not so. 
You work your way up to lifting your car in the air and in that same moment you learn you could do multiple things like lifting your car and replacing the flat tire. 
Two months with these abilities and you feel you start getting the hang of it. You still can’t go to the library. You’ve tried again but the voices are too loud. You still go to the store where you met the woman that unintentionally gifted you these powers to try and return them. She seemed like a decent person and you don’t know what she used these powers for. Maybe she needs them.
You still have yet to find her. 
Wanda hasn’t been on a mission in three months. Instead, Bruce has been poking and prodding her with needles and running countless tests trying to figure out what happened with her powers. Three weeks ago she began to go to a therapist because Steve thought it might be a mental block of some sort that she had to work through.
Though therapy was doing wonders for her, they weren’t getting her anywhere near having her powers back. Bruce’s tests weren’t helpful either. She’s been stuck in the tower for three months and her days have never felt so repetitive until now- train, go to therapy, undergo tests. Rinse and repeat. 
The media had begun to notice as well. She turns to another TV channel where the news anchor asks “Where is Wanda Maximoff?” as if she’s disappeared from the face of the earth. In a way she has.
Fortunately for her, you are watching that same channel. You are cooking dinner and have the television channel on for background noise. You hear them talking about the Avengers. They’ve never been of much interest to you, although they should be seeing as though you live in the same city and something is always going down here because of that reason.
“For those who have been living under a rock,” the new anchor starts, “Wanda Maximoff is one of the newer additions to the Avengers.”
“She’s the one with the red magic, isn’t she?” the co-anchor asks. That grabs your attention. You turn to look at the screen. “That’s right. She joined about a year ago after the fall of Sokovia.”
That had to be a coincidence, right? 
“She hasn’t been reported to be on any missions the last three months,” the reporter continues. That definitely couldn’t be a coincidence, you think, counting back the time you’ve attained these powers. 
“Here is a clip of Maximoff using her magic to save diplomats at the embassy five months ago when…” You don’t hear the rest as you watch the clip play. 
It’s the green eyed Sokovian who helped you out at the market. Your suspicions about it being her who had these powers were correct. You just didn’t think you took powers from an Avenger. Someone who definitely needs these powers to do her job and save people like the clip shows. Shit.
You smell the food you’re cooking burning. 
Wanda pounds her hand on the mat. Sweat clings onto her shirt. She’s tired and out of breath. 
“Again,” Nat commands. Wanda huffs and stands up, getting back into her fighting pose. She takes a swing that the Black Widow easily dodges. Not two moves later, she hits the mat again.
“Again,” Nat repeats.
“Natasha, give the kid a break,” Steve says, watching from the side. 
“It’s okay,” Wanda assures him.
Natasha explains, “If therapy and tests aren’t working, maybe self defense will.”
Steve seems doubtful but allows it. They really need Wanda to work through whatever is blocking her from using her powers. He winces seeing Wanda hit the mat.
“I’ve told you for the millionth time. My name is Y/N L/N and I need to speak to Wanda Maximoff. Or any of the Avengers, really. Or even one of their assistants or something. It’s vital,” you try helplessly. 
“Unless you have clearance, I can’t let you up,” the guy at the desk says to you for what feels like the hundredth time. You’ve been coming in the past few days trying to get someone to let you see Wanda. 
“Look, it’s really important. Can’t you, like, give her a message or something?” You’re desperate at this point. He laughs. 
“Ah, yes, let me just text her real quick. ‘hey Wanda. It’s that one guy you said hello to once downstairs. There’s some girl here that needs to talk to you’,” he acts out sarcastically, which you do not find amusing. 
“Listen, buddy. If you do me this favor and get your boss or whoever can give me clearance to see her, I promise she’ll be so grateful for you helping me get to her that she’ll come and thank you herself,” you vow. 
“I can’t help you, Miss. Now please go or I’ll have to call security,” he warns.
You rub your temple in frustration. “Fine. There’s no need for that...Michael,” you read his name. “I’m going.”
You turn around as if to head for the door but then do a 180 and sprint past a security guard who shouts at you to stop. You make your way for the elevators as the security guard runs after you. You press the button for the elevators but you notice they’re nowhere near the ground floor. 
The security catches up to you and in panic, you push him away with Wanda’s powers. He goes sliding across the floor and you bolt for the stairs.
You don’t even know which floor you would find Wanda in but you assume it would be somewhere up top. You begin your ascend. You reach the fourth floor and realize you should start using the StairMaster at the gym. You hear multiple security guards quickly making their way to you. You panic and walk through the wall, not knowing what was on the other side. 
You’re in some kind of engineering lab. You don’t think anyone saw you walk through the wall, so you try to act casual and stroll through the lab trying to find an exit. Then you hear someone call you. “Hey, you.”
You ignore them and act like you didn’t hear. They tell you to stop walking, loud enough that you can’t ignore it. You turn around to see a woman in a lab coat. She asks, “You’re not allowed on this floor. Who let you up here?”
“Oh, uh. Michael sent me,” you lie. “Sorry, I’m new. I must have gotten off on the wrong floor. Maybe you could help me find my way?”
“Where are you meant to be working?” she inquires and you’re stuck not knowing anything about the Stark Tower or Avengers Tower, whatever it’s called. 
“The lab,” you say. Your vague answer obviously creates another question. “What lab?”
“They haven’t told me yet? I’m not actually working in the labs. I’m doing more secretarial duties, taking notes and scheduling stuff.”
“For whom?” she asks, narrowing her eyes at you. You can feel her catching onto you and it’s the only reason why you try this.
“For the big guy, obviously,” you say and then focus really hard trying to read her mind, hoping that a name will pop up in her head. Did Bruce get an assistant? You smile. “Bruce.”
“Well then you are way off. He’s usually working on the 87th floor,” she tells you. 
“Well, thank god there’s an elevator,” you chuckle nervously, pointing behind you. “Well, I should get going before I’m any later. You turn around confidently but as you walk away she stops you once more. You think you got caught but she says, “Elevators are that way.”
She points to the opposite way you came from. You laugh to play off your mistake, “Duh. Sorry, the lab is so big. Thanks.”
You head the right way. You speed walk to the elevators and then jog when you hear a rougher voice telling you to stop. “She’s on the fourth floor.”
You assume they spoke into their walkie, and you know you don't have much time before they catch you. You think quickly. You can’t make your way to the elevator because then obviously they’ll just stop the elevators. You don’t want to walk through a wall; the dangers of that are extreme given this is Stark Tower. You could accidentally walk into an ongoing experiment. 
You had to hide. And suddenly, you had the perfect plan. 
The security guard runs to you. He thinks you’re running for the elevator but then you turn before you get there. He sees you dive behind some clunky machine, presumably to hide behind. You clearly never have won a game of hide and seek in your life, he thinks as he goes around the machine to catch you. 
He’s left utterly confused when you aren’t there. The only trace of you are your clothes down to underwear on the floor. Four other guards make it to the floor. One asks him, “Where is she?”
He doesn’t know how to answer. “She was right here. Search the floor. She’s hiding and I think she’s naked.”
They disperse taking your clothes with them. You let out a breath of relief at not getting caught but then mentally curse that they took your clothes. You still haven’t learned how to make other things invisible yet. You never really used this power. Maybe you should start practicing.
You hustle your naked ass to the elevators, feeling incredibly exposed even though you know no one can actually see you. You press the elevator button and wait impatiently. It dings and opens. 
“The elevators!” You hear one of the guards yell. Two run your way as you step into the car. You put all your energy into staying invisible. It would be really awkward if you were suddenly exposed. You hold your breath when one of them looks in the elevator. You keep yourself in the corner furthest away from them. In their eyes, there is no one in the elevator. 
“She’s not here.” They leave and the doors close. You click the button for the 87th floor.
This will probably have 3 parts. 
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neuvillettes · 2 years
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chapter one - swallowed in the sea
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last | masterlist | next
ch. warnings: none? just childe trying the steal the show -.-
wc: 2.8K
a/n: this chapter took on a mind of it’s own tbh. rip
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it’s another beautiful spring day, just like the one all those years ago. you’re lost in thought as you finish your final duties for the day. it’s been about 5 years now since ningguang found you lounging amongst a field of grass near a small patch of ruins. you had allowed yourself to be nostalgic on that day. after all, it had been about 15 years since you last visited the guili plains.
you’d made sure that none of the archons or adepti would be present but you had forgotten to account for anyone else. it wasn’t common for the mortals to linger around these specific ruins, at least not in the past. one moment you were enjoying the sunlight beaming down on you while you rested your eyes, the next, a shadow was cast over you by a young woman. when you opened your eyes to peer at the figure interrupting your peace, you were faced with a beautiful and fair woman with long pale blonde hair that subtly turns grey at the ends. her eyes a striking red that were kind hearted but also clouded by a ferocity that intrigued you.
ningguang had managed to capture you, an adeptus that had been a lone nomad since you were put back on this world over 200 years ago. she lured you into her, back then small, jade chamber that was nothing more than the size of a room and still earthbound. if it weren’t for the curve of the coastline and the spear-like stones left behind by the geo archon in the distance, you wouldn’t have recognized that you were once again back in liyue harbor. you had scolded yourself, all that effort you’d put into avoiding the main city in the great nation of the geo archon, gone just like that.
you had been roped into becoming one of seven qixing, a head merchant of the city, and a business partner to ningguang. you’ve become exceedingly close with the ambitious tianquan, head spearing most of the construction added to the jade chamber over the years. she has become your partner in crime and closest confidant. if someone could find one of you, the other wasn't too far behind. much like now, just as you were sealing your last task of the day, ningguang walks in looking quite flustered.
“what’s that look for?” you’re suddenly on high alert, it took a lot for ninguang to get rattled like this.
the obviously stressed official sighs. “i’ve been making preparations for the rite of descension and the fatui are sticking their noses into every minute move i make. i can’t imagine what has got them so on edge that their spies are being this clumsy.”
“i’ll have a word with childe. he owes me a dinner, anyway.” you sigh at the thought of interacting with childe. his own energy always managing to suck out all of yours.
“oh? does he now?” ningguang gives you a pointed look and you scoff.
shaking your head as you rise from your seat, “it’s not like that, ning. he’s hardly tolerable on his best days.”
she hums, “whatever you say, lady y/n.” she mocks with a playful tone and you roll your eyes at her yet can’t help but giggle along with her. “lady y/n” is the title childe constantly and flirtatiously insists on calling you. you always wondered how one man- no - one boy, could be so irritating.
“baixiao? can you come in here please?” the secretary quickly scurries in with an alert expression.
the girl bows before speaking. “what can i help you with, my lady?” no matter how many times you’ve told baixiao that the formalities she kept up with you were unnecessary, she still bowed and refused to call you anything other than by your title or proper honorifics. you don’t care for it, being called by a title, having servants and employees bow to you. it all felt far too… traditional, for your liking.
“please deliver a message to the northern bank, stating i require an audience with childe at 6pm sharp at the liuli pavilion. on your way back make sure to confirm my reservation as well as inform them that i will be having a guest.” you jot down a quick letter for baixiao to deliver and hand it to her sealed.
“i will deliver this right away and inform you of the fatui’s response upon my return.” she bows once more before slipping out in a hurry.
you look at ningguang with a tired expression. “and here i thought i was going to have a peaceful meal to myself tonight.”
“i’ll make it up to you. tomorrow night i will cook us your favorite, qiankun mora meat.” your friend smiles at you brightly and you relax.
you offer her a smile and roll your eyes playfully. “we both know it’s only my favorite when you make it. of all your talents, you still manage to be one of the best cooks i know. i envy your skills in the kitchen.”
“please, they’re nothing special. it’s a hobby, we all need one.” ningguang gives you a pointed look. you shift your weight uncomfortably, knowing she’s referring to your habit of working more than necessary and hardly ever leaving time to enjoy yourself. it was clear you were hiding from something. but you could never bring yourself to tell ningguang the whole truth, no matter how close the two of you had become.
she knew about you being an adeptus, she’d figured that one out on her own, but you never told her about your past. she doesn’t know anything beyond the time the two of you met by chance that day on the fields amidst the ruins. ningguang was okay with that, she didn’t push you to tell her what was going on, but she also encouraged you to do other things. things that involved you exploring liyue and that was something you just couldn’t bring yourself to do.
not only did liyue remind you of what you had lost, but it also reminded you that you could run the risk of meeting the one person you had spent this entire lifetime avoiding. it was too risky for you to get acquainted with the people in the nation of contracts. they would start to talk about you, knowing that you were one of the seven qixing. you knew morax would have his interest piqued by a new adeptus that managed to avoid his presence. he would be able to put the pieces together easily after that. that wasn’t something you were willing to chance.
so, unlike ningguang, you stayed in the shadows much like the other qixing. the other six of you kept a low profile, moving quietly, making deals and orders covertly. it was easy when most eyes were on the tianquan. it was a clause of yours, you told ning that if she took eyes off of you, made people believe that she was the more interesting of the two, you would help her nation. the decision was easy for her. people had already begun talking about her, what were a few more people, a few more rumors?
“you know how i feel about going out and being in the public’s eye. i am perfectly content with the day-to-day minutiae of my life.” you give her a genuine smile. “thank you for your concern, though, ning. i will still try to get out more.”
you both make idle conversation until baixiao’s scurrying back to you with an update. upon her return, baixiao informs you that childe has accepted your dinner invitation. you check the time then excuse yourself, you only have about 3 quarters of an hour left to freshen up. you put on one of your simpler outfits. when going out in public you always went out of your way to blend in, keep a low profile. you didn’t need any unnecessary attention drawn to yourself. that’s why you always made sure to meet childe in private.
being a fatui higher rank, childe had a habit of drawing attention to himself. he even welcomed it more often than not. the first time you met with the flamboyant official, you were lucky enough to be inside of liuli pavilion. he tried to insist on taking you back to the jade chamber himself but you quickly declined, learning fast that he was mostly show.
it didn’t take you long after that first meeting to gather information on the alleged eleventh fatui harbinger. it was just a rumor of course, inklings of what he was and how deep his ties ran with the nation of snezhnaya. after that, however, you knew this man was someone you needed to keep both close and at arms length. he could be useful, but that came with the possibility of him becoming interested in you and your past.
as you make your descent down from the chamber, to the city, you remind yourself to stay composed. childe is one of very few people who knows how to rattle you and he knew that. you’ve learned how to take special care when talking or even moving around the sly man-child. you purposely arrive at the venue 15 minutes early, yet somehow, childe still manages to beat you.
you’re greeted by a head of red hair and a deceivingly charming smile. “you’re late, lady y/n.”
“childe. How many times do i have to tell you to just call me ‘y/n’? and i’m not late. you’re early. to spite me, i presume.” you raise a brow at him in contempt.
childe chuckles as he rises from his seat to pull out the seat at the head of the table, next to him, for you to sit. “presumptuous as always, y/n. i was taught that it’s rude to keep a lady waiting and i know you prefer to show up early to most meetings. i was just being courteous.”
“you? courteous? i never would’ve guessed since you tend to usually have the personality of a wild fox.” despite your harsh words you mumble a gratitude for childe’s chivalrous action.
you watch the man closely as he takes his own seat. something was different about him today. he usually has a charming smile that reaches his eyes and a straight, proud, posture. today however, in addition to the genuine smile, that glint in his eyes was particularly bright and he was a bit more relaxed in his posture, his hair also looked a bit unkempt, more-so than usual anyways. something in you was curious as to what had him so chipper.
as much as you hated to admit it, you had grown fond of the odd friendship you’d grown with the man-child. he was one of very few that was able to banter with you, no restraints. it was refreshing. and although, cunning, you do admire childe’s intelligence. he knew how to play a game of chess with real people, and he knew how to win it almost every time. you were the exception in his mind. after all this time he couldn’t quite get close enough to you to claim a check mate.
you were an anomaly to childe. closed off more so than himself. but where he had formulated a playful and carefree facade, you had closed yourself off entirely. putting up impenetrable walls that were monitored carefully. it made you come off as cold and uninterested. childe knew better than that, having gotten to know you, he found himself looking forward to your time together. more often than not, letting his mind wander to the thought of you. though he would never admit that to himself, let alone anyone else.
childe feigns hurt as he mockingly clutches the left side of his chest and displays a pained expression. “you wound me with your cruel words.”
“don’t be so dramatic. you’re embarrassing yourself.”
“like knives, your words stab my heart.” he lets out a gasped sigh.
with a smirk you retort, “maybe if you weren’t so sensitive, my words wouldn’t affect you so.”
“i am not sensitive.” childe pouts, furrowing his brow in defense.
you’re not sure what it is but childe seemed more…theatrical than normal. further concluding that something about him was different today. unbeknownst to you, it was all your doing. childe hadn’t expected to see you but was pleasantly surprised when he received your invitation. his mood had instantly shifted from indifferent to joyous at the drop of a coin. he radiated enthusiasm and you could pick up on it.
“whatever you say, childe. you’re in a particularly good mood by the way. what’s the reason?”
you’d done it now. you gave him the perfect opportunity to tease you, and of course, childe was going to take it. “isn’t it obvious? ‘m happy to see you, y/n.”
your eyes widen and you feel your face heat up into a blush. you shake yourself out of your shock with your brows furrowed and eyes narrowed. “s-shut up. you're so ridiculous.” your eyes soften but there’s still a crease between your brows as your bottom lip protrudes out slightly. you were pouting, and it takes all of childe’s willpower not to coo at how precious he thought you looked at this very moment.
“am i now? i thought i was just telling the truth.”
you scoff. “don’t toy with me, childe. either way, we have a matter to attend to.”
“oh? and what is that?” he perks up, interest piqued.
“your agents are being sloppy. ningguang is already under a considerable amount of stress and your spies aren’t helping. she can sense their presence with every move she makes. it’s suffocating. do something about it.” you’re previous playful demeanor is gone, replaced by a stern tone and face.
childe’s eyebrows shoot up. “i forget how perceptive the tianquan is. i’m surprised though, you’re not bothered by the fact i have agents tracking her?”
you shake your head gently. “ningguang didn’t seem bothered by it, as long as she isn’t aware of it much like she is now, what right would i have to be if she isn’t?”
“that’s very diplomatic of you, tianji.”
you roll your eyes. “it is my job to be so. now shut up. you know how i feel about being addressed by my title, especially by people i’m close to.” you flinch, immediately regretting your words when you see the look on the red-head’s face.
“ ‘m honored, y/n. i consider us quite close as well. good friends. and as good friends…” childe’s eyes relax and his lips curl into a mischievous smile, “ i feel as though you should spend the day with me tomorrow roaming the city.”
“no. absolutely not.” you declare without missing a beat and cross your arms over your chest in defiance.
“ah, c’mon now, tianji. when was the last time you truly let yourself relax and enjoyed the city below you?”
you huff as you looked away in embarrassment.
“hold on- have you never….”
your head whips back to look at childe sharply. still refusing to confirm that you had never visited liyue harbor beyond liuli pavilion, at least not in this lifetime.
“it’s settled then. i’ll make sure that the spies i send out are being as discreet as possible in exchange for a day out with you.”
“what makes you think i would agree to such a ridiculous trade off?”
childe leans back in his chair, smile exceptionally arrogant, annoyingly so as a matter of fact. “because, lady y/n, i know how much you care for lady ningguang. these are my terms. if you wish to reject, well then my agents will continue to closely follow the tianquan around.”
your jaw tightens and you grind your teeth to prevent yourself from verbally lashing out at childe. you weigh your options. you couldn’t, with good conscience, continue to let the fatui put further stress on your friend when you had the means to change it. you curse your kind hearted nature and willingness to do anything for the ones you cared about.
you let out a defeated sight and let your arms drop from your chest. “fine. tomorrow we will spend the day in the city as you requested. but you will be paying for everything.”
it was just one day, you told yourself. you couldn’t imagine that you could get into any trouble being in the city for one day. no one knew who you were physically, being known as the faceless qixing. only a select few knew what you looked like, the others of the seven and childe being the beginning and end of the list. who knows? it could even end up being enjoyable.
“perfect, i’ll make all the arrangements, so you have nothing to worry about.”
like childe said, you had nothing to worry about. right?
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taglist: @kaeyaphoria | @arozaur | @bxnten | @dear-xiao | @sano-obsessed | @cosmotoic | @katsulovee | {7/50}
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bluefirewrites · 3 years
‘Retail Romance?’ Juke Mall!AU Drabble
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About a year ago I made a post about a JATP Mall AU where everyone works at the mall in various stores. Lately, given that I now work at a mall, I’ve been greatly inspired to write a little bit for this AU. I’m still debating whether or not to turn this into a fic. 
From the moment she left her shift at Aéropostale, Julie could feel eyes on her, the whispers following right after...
She knows what it’s about. Flynn gave her the riot act this morning.
It was one big misunderstanding. A rumor that grew a life of its own through the many retellings.
The Sunset Galleria in Los Feliz, California is, by no means, a small shopping complex. No. This mall is home to over 100 stores, the employees even more numerous and ever rotating and changing. 
But word travels. And it travels fast. 
For the record, Julie would never, ever do what they said. Absolutely not in the service elevator. And especially not with-
She spins around at the sound of the voice. Great. 
The boy in the cutoffs doesn’t manage his usual grin, his hazel eyes reading something nervous. 
The whispers seem to intensify, now that they’re interacting in the middle of the mall- several of the kiosks playing audience. 
Seeing the Spencer’s employee for the first time since that night unlocks a quiet rage. They need to talk. 
"Sidebar." Julie hisses and pulls Luke to the nearest store, which so happens to be Casper. 
The mattress store doesn't appear to be busy. No one follows them inside. Perfect.
"Hiya Julie. Hi Luke." The salesperson greets.
"Hey George." The two of them reciprocate at half the energy. 
Julie bypasses the mattresses and heads straight towards one of the house cubbies. She practically forces Luke inside and closes the curtain shut behind them. 
She goes right down to business.
"Are you hearing what they’re saying about us?” 
Luke groans. He must have already known that too.
"And you think cornering me at Caspers isn't gonna make it worse?"
"Luke!” Julie snaps, "You did tell people nothing happened in the elevator, right?"
"I tried!" Luke defends. 
"There's do or do not, there is no try!"
The boy quirks a brow, "Yoda? Seriously?"
Julie crosses her arm, "Yes seriously!"
She’s as serious as anyone can be in this situation. 
The whole thing started because of one faulty service elevator and an ill-fated trash run. She and Luke had been stuck for a little over an hour- the longest hour of Julie’s life. 
They talked. About music, about life (which Luke would argue to be one and the same). That was all that happened. 
But, given how they were found, it might have hinted the contrary. 
With no heating, Julie having forgotten her jacket, and Luke’s aversion to sleeves as a whole- cuddling seemed like the smart choice. 
A short snooze followed, and the next thing Julie knew, the elevator was operating and Nick from the Apple Store had to be the one to rouse them. 
Embarrassed couldn’t begin to cover what Julie had been feeling. Especially since Luke had a bit of a reputation at the mall for his looks alone. 
(All someone had to do was say ‘that hot Spencer’s guy’ and people would automatically know who they were talking about).  
All Julie wanted was to work her shitty job while going to school. She had no time to deal with any of this. And from what she gathered, Luke Patterson is always involved in some sort of trouble. 
Julie’s mouth puckers into a frown, “Look, I get how this might be all amusing to you, but I’m telling you, kindly, to knock it off.” 
"Hold up," Luke makes a 'time out' gesture, "Did you think that I’m making shit up for people?
"How else could it have spiraled the way that it did?” 
Luke appears offended, "I dunno, maybe it's because Nick was the one who found us?"
"Nick's a nice guy." Julie would see the blonde around and would often chat during his breaks. He had always been so sweet to her. 
"Perspective, perspective,” Luke mutters. 
Julie senses something in his tone.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Can we just drop this?" Luke glances at the curtain, “My 15′s almost up. And I wanted to say ‘hey’ earlier because of this-” He digs into his pocket and pulls out a chain with a dahlia charm, “You forgot it in the elevator.” 
Julie snatches up the necklace, holding onto it tight. It had been her mom’s. 
“Uh, thanks.” She says sheepishly. Remorse seeps in, “Sorry for blowing up on you. I know you’re not like that. I guess I got a little freaked. 
Luke’s shoulder sag, “I get it. It’s not fun being ‘food court convo’. But it’ll blow over when something even weirder happens. Like the Easter Bunny could show up hungover again?” “Oh god,” Julie grimaces, remembering last spring’s incident, “I’ve never seen someone projectile vomit so much. The kids were traumatized.” 
“At least we only traumatized Nick,” Luke parts the curtain, ready to head out, “The guy’s got a big, fat, crush on you, you know?”  Julie blows out an unamused breath, “So Flynn says.” 
“So what? You’re not into Apple Store boys?” Luke jokes, though it seems forced. 
“I just think ‘mall-ationships’ are messy.” Julie admits. 
“Right,” The boy points pathetically between him and Julie, “Messy.”
There’s not much of a goodbye when Luke scurries out of the house display and out of the store altogether, already late returning from his break. Julie takes a moment to sit on the bed. She’s not ready to leave and face everyone just yet. 
She re-clasps her necklace and ruminates. 
“Messy,” she repeats to herself as she plays with the dahlia charm, “We can’t have that...” 
Tagging: @blush-and-books @lydias–stiles @smolfangirl @echocharm17618 @thedeathdeelers @lukepattersun @ourstarscollided @missjoolee @story-courty @heademptynothoughts @mouse-fantoms @thereigning-lorelai @lucid-h​ @quicktypesomethingclever​
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