#alma karma female
autumnmobile12 · 1 year
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A Little Fun Between Missions
Let the exorcists have a moment, all right?
Back to my favorite half-canon, half-headcanon DGM ship. Yuulma in their previous lives. Both women because LGBTQ+ represent and if Alma was a woman in his previous incarnation, then there's nothing to say Kanda wasn't either.
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m-kyunie · 2 years
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Left waiting, left wanting; why can't you see me
just imagine Sins Fate or Prayer [Banana Fish] playing & the text boxes flickering. Alma's symbolism goes so hard.
I'm on my hands & knees begging you to read the Alma Arc instead.
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looniecartooni · 2 months
Long, Scattered DGM theory- The Pillar of Heven in Chinese Mythology (Part 1?)
I've talked about a couple years ago how there are connections in D Gray Man with not only Christian creation myths but also (possibly) Māori and other creation myths (Tyki's name likely derives from the first man in Māori/Polynesian myth who is referred to as Tiki) (which relates to Mana being a type of spiritual energy found in many religions and Adam being the first man in Judeo-Christan beliefs).
Well- I was watching Lego Monkey Kid Season 5 where they were talking about the main character MK being "the harbinger of chaos" set to sacrifice himself into the Pillar of Heaven in order to "save everyone"/restart the thousand-year rebirth cycle. And in D Gray Man, we have the Pillar that destroyed the world and is supposedly inside the Earl, with he and the Noah claiming they are doing what they do for the sake of humanity despite actively destroying it and claiming to prepare for its destruction.
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Now its been a good, long while since I read D Gray Man and my knowledge on Chinese Mythology is not great. But there are several characters that are Chinese (Bak, Komui, Lenalee, ect.) or part Chinese (Lavi I think. He also has a hammer that works a lot like the monkey king staff in the show- but that may or may not be unrelated) and China was a very important part of the story- that's where the entire Asian Branch of the Black Order is located. But what about Chinese creation mythos is applicable to D Gray Man?
Well according to this maybe not entirely reliable but interesting website (Nuwa: Goddess of Creation and the Female Emperor of Mankind (timelessmyths.com) , there are some parallels to Christan mythos.
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On the seventh day of creating life, she made humans. Now according to Judo-Christan beliefs, God actually rested on the seventh day. But we also have Nuwa looking into her reflection, modelling humans after herself, and she apparently has a twin brother that may or may not have helped with the creation of life (sources vary on that one). This may be reaching- but the Millenium Earl mentions during the Alma Karma arc that Akuma are basically an extension of him which we see in multiple instances where he can actually see things through the akuma.
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And Nea's well known for appearing in reflections.
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Not to say Mana has not as well.
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But none of this has to do with the Pillar or the Pillar of Heaven exactly. There are some other parallels to make with these creation myths, but that would be reaching and not get us where we want to go (and both are interpretable as ableist or racist in their respective mythologies that were not aware that they were being so exactly and we may not wanna discuss that here).
In D Gray Man, the Pillar has only appeared twice- once to talk to Allen in a nightmare and the second time when Road and Cross are discussing why the Noah are pretending to be a family for the Earl.
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In the story of Nuwa, there are 4 pillars- each the legs of the creator god, Pangu (who according to Wikipedia was born of the cosmic egg provided by the formless primordial universe. And what's the source used in the creation of Akuma? The Akuma Egg. And what is the power Akuma and Noah use called? Dark matter. And what is dark matter supposedly a scientific term for? Something that makes up the universe that does not interact with light. Sorry- I got side tracked). Pangu was supposedly keeping the sky up after separating it from the Earth. However-
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Fires raged and floods destroying the Earth not only relates to the story of Noah's ark (which the Noah are pretty much directly based off of), but also the Pillar of D Gray Man as well. Now in Monkie Kid, we see the interpretation of holes in the sky as cracks letting little bits of the universe, or rather little bits of chaos, into the world (which King Zhuanlun/the Nine Headed Demon claims all life comes from and returns to. And Nuwa says that it will consume everything if they don't complete the thousand-year rebirth cycle, it will consume all life- I will get back to that.) In D Gray Man, we see the Noahs' ark create a hole in the sky like pieces of a puzzle falling apart. It is not quite related to the pillar, but it likely was created in response to it and connects with the Noah.
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(Lenalee also sees people she cares about as pieces of a puzzle, but that's a whole other theory probably. Her Innocence also has the power to turn into a pillar-like object that can protect her from the Earl's power.)
So how does Nuwa repair the Pillar of Heaven in Chinese Mythology? Well- there are a few different versions where a celestial turtle offers to cut its own leg, she takes five stones with her to secure it, but ultimately has to sacrifice herself in the end. But the version that seems to align most with DGM's narrative would be this:
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According to Wisely (one of the Noah who has/had snake symbolism on him), all of humanity was descended from the Noah. And according to Road and Cross, the Noah are trying to stop the Pillar from rising again by pretending to be the Earl's family. The Earl supposedly will sacrifice them at some point like Abraham tried to do with Jacob in Judeo-Christian mythos, but that has only been mentioned once.
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But what we do know is that the Earl had fought with or fought against the Heart of Innocence which caused the 3 days darkness and flood (if I recall correctly- I'm too tired to get more screenshots and make this longer than it already is). And in knowing that the Earl IS going to become the Pillar (and according to Apocreep- his defeat will let the Heart rise or something- it's like 2am right now), its interesting to think that either the Earl sacrificed himself like Nuwa to contain the Pillar with the use of innocence or the Pillar somehow got turned into him.
The Earl, according to what we hear from who we currently know as Past!Lavi (misinterpreted as Past!Allen) in his debut to the manga, is the consumer of life. All life stems from and returns to the Spiral of Life (which looks a lot like DNA).
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(this translation is different than what I am used to. I don't quite remember the Earl consuming "souls" for say, but "life"...? I could be wrong. Either way, it fits into the context of this theory).
There are a lot more parallels including the primordial chaos Hundun possibly relating to water, but I'm going to let other people with perhaps better knowledge than me make the parallels. I just thought I'd get the ball rolling. If I got anything wrong or if you would like to add on, please do so nicely and be sure to tag me in whatever you find. I love learning about mythos and seeing/theorizing just how much thought Hoshino put into this series. And I apologize if I made any mistakes, had mistranslations, or really just had no idea what I was talking about. I feel like there is definitely something here that connects some rather confusing dots and possibly hints at the story more. Thank you for reading this far.
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tower-girl-anon · 2 years
my initials are mk.r
Hello! Thank you for participating in this is open astrology reading. This is the general reading I’ve got for you:
Your soul carries a driven, ambitious, brave, and warrior energy for sure. It lays deep within you with your Alma asteroid in Aries in the ninth house, and the ruler of Aries, Mars, in the fourth house in Scorpio. You were a soldier, a wanderer, or someone with a strong belief system.
Your Saturn in Taurus and Karma asteroid in Scorpio tells me that there is an important theme here surrounding money and possessions. The first lies in the tenth house, which rules career and public life while the second lies in the third house but it’s really close to de IC cusp, indicating some karmic energy within you. It seems like, in a past life or past lives, you worked hard to fulfill your needs, ambitions and power. It isn’t necessarily bad to pursue them but there is high chance that, in order to do so, you sometimes “cheated”, tricked, lied or hurt others. There is a theme here surrounding communication with your karma on your third house, the Jupiter and Saturn conjunction between Taurus and Gemini, Mercury in the seventh house and Saturn making hard aspect to Mercury. Maybe you used the power of the words many times, and in many of those times you said something that affected other people for good or bad.
Think, for example, of a soldier in ancient times. During war, they had a strong belief in what people were good and who weren’t. Those who were considerer enemies (be it because of faith, race, or another reason) had to die, suffer, and loose power in order to “restore the order”. In those times it was normal that kind of behavior. And people, especially soldiers, believed they were doing a good act. That type of scenario is what I’m seeing with this energy. Because your South Node is in Capricorn in the fifth house, your Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) lies in the tenth house near the Moon and Jupiter, and makes hard aspects to Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Part of Fortune. You worked hard for what you wanted, you earned a lot of power, but that ended up affecting your relationship with others. Near your South Node lies Chiron so maybe it ended up affecting your romantic relationships and/or marriage (Chiron square Juno). In this lifetime, you must learn to connect emotionally to others and to yourself. To open yourself to the people that you trust in a healthy way anddon’t focus always on responsibilities because, with Vertex near the South Node, in this lifetime there are going to be present some karmic scenarios that resembles some of your past lives’ actions.
Finally, I’m going to do another observation. I’ve noticed that the asteroid DNA (55555) is in Aquarius, near your Descendant, and makes hard aspects to Mars, Saturn, and Uranus, which tells me that some of that karmic energy I felt comes from family too. That energy has been passed to you, so you can break those patterns to other generations.
Possible past lives:
-A soldier in an important war (WWI, WWII, the wars with Napoleon, the crusades, etcetera) which either gained power through the victories or died trying to earn it.
-An adventurous traveler who wanted to seek new opportunities or had to travel for work.
-A priest or monk who tended to preach and earn followers with their words and action in his place or through different places.
-A hard working person in general, no matter if it’s male or female, that had to work since childhood to provide for the family, keeping them apart of forming emotional bonds with others. Including their loved ones.
-A king or queen.
This is all I have for you and I hope it resonates. If you have any questions, comments, or critics surrounding this reading, I’m open to receive them.
Send you lots of love and light.
Tower Girl Anon
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daisyachain · 2 years
Hmmmm how to say. There’s a certain peerhood of character dynamic that comes from two people in a work being both girls/both boys/both neither. That isn’t to say that life isn’t fluid or that you can’t build a dynamic between male and female characters that ignores this divide.
To take an example at random—MP100. Emi, Asagiri, Tsubomi all interact with Mob as Girls. They’re foreign, agitating or destabilizing elements in Mob’s world (the audience’s world) as non-peers. His interactions with them are always in the context of Gee I’m Talking to a Girl. Mezato is an edge case but still Girl. Mob ends up misinterpreting her journalistic curiosity as interest in the Divine Tree arc, which only makes sense if she’s viewed as Girl before Classmate. Tome, on the other hand, is fully a Peer character. She’s Mob’s closest friend from what we see in-canon, they go on what he describes as ‘dates’, but she’s so far out of the Girl social role that Shigeo never associates her with the fresh intrigue of the Girls. Instead she’s a comforting, reassuring force on the story in the way that Reigen and Ritsu are. She even steps into Mob’s shoes for the oneshot! There are gendered roles and non-gendered roles and actual gender doesn’t have to define them. Tome is a girl and not a Girl.
So, it’s interesting to play around with his characters’ genders can shape even non-romantic dynamics, or how dynamic is itself gender. People who are similar feel kinship. A tomboy will hang out with boys on the playground or a kid bullied for being a sissy will be part of the girl group. That gets complicated when genders bend around in-story.
Specifically DGM Alma Karma was born from the transmigration of a woman’s soul into an an artificial male-assigned homunculus. Her/his/their key dynamic is with Kanda as two-of-a-kind. Both experiments, both exorcists, both (assigned) boys growing up together. The sense of sameness and equivalency is important to that relationship. They have no one else in the world like them except each other.
PastKanda’s dynamic with PastAlma also fits into a strictly gendered structure: Kanda is a brooding gruff man searching for a lost cheerful kind woman. They’re the action hero/deadwife cliché. Kanda has abstracted PastAlma away from any semblance of personality because he doesn’t even know her, he just has a vague impression. The woman is separate, unknowable, distant, and though Hoshino is a lady herself, the trope is a misogynistic one that relies on the idea that women are mysterious creatures rather than human beings with thoughts and dreams.
By then transposing the somewhat gendered relationship of childhood friends-twins-equals-peers on to the irrevocably gendered trope of sadman/deadwife, Hoshino then challenges the way that gender informs the whole story. Kanda’s view on Alma is wholly interior. Alma is himself reflected, openly expresses what Kanda feels and hides, is the one person who truly knows and understands him. Then his view on PastAlma is entirely exterior; she is an inscrutable ghost, an invisible gap in his life. Kanda has idealized PastAlma and resented Alma for a decade only to find out that they’re the same person. Which begs the questions: did he think of them differently just because he thought Alma was a boy? Was PastKanda even a man? Do we the audience read PastAlma as opaque just because she’s a woman, where Alma is such a lively screen presence? Would Alma present as a woman if she weren’t trying to go incognito, or did they genuinely identify with the boyhood he was assigned?
Who knows. Social pressures always weigh on the edges of a story. Even if they’re not obvious, they inform how events unfold and how audiences interpret them. Gender (patriarchy) is such a pervasive hierarchy that a writer/reader’s got to consider how it influences plot events. Alternately, ignoring it has got to be a deliberate choice and you’ve got to think hard to keep gender from sneaking into the reading (eg a perfectly neutral interaction between girl characters will read as misogynist between a girl and a guy).
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nohrianshadow · 6 years
Female Alma's name
Did we ever get confirmed what female Alma's name was in dgm? If not I vote the fandom should give her one for now. I feel like she would be an Amelia or an Elizabeth. Up for any suggestions.
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intomusings · 3 years
﹒﹒   female   names   masterlist     !
in honor of my second milestone on here , i’ve decided to release a master list of 400+ female names i personally love and think could be used more in the community . this was also requested by a few anons and names will be added to the list frequently . the names are sorted by first letter but not alphabetically within each letter category . if you found this useful , feel free to like or reblog to spread this !
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A : aurianna, addison, alannah, allegra, alina, alma, andra, avril, abella, arizona, annalise, amelia, aspen, alejandra, ayla, ales, alessia, anessa, asia, aline, adrienne, avery, armani, adaline, arden. 
B : blaire, brooke, brooklyn, bruna, bettina, bianca, becca, bella, bonnie, brielle, blake, bodhi, beverly, bambi, bronte, billie, briar, bria, birdie, brighton. 
C : catalina, cerise, celeste, celene, carson, camila, cecilia, callista, cadence, cassie, carmen, cali, charlie, camryn, camille, clara, claudete, chantel, chachi, capri, cove, chanel. 
D : diana, devi, dylan, daphne, dani, delphine, dahlia, delia, darcy, dawn, davina, dove, daisy, delaney, dua, darya, delilah, dixie, dior, dulce, dina, dayana. 
E : ember, eloisa, eleonora, emara, elena, esme, emery, emmeline, elsa, eva, evie, emmy, estelle, esther, evelyn, erin, eliana, everly, emerson, elle, ezra, eiza, eden. 
F : florence, franny, fiorella, faith, fiona, faye, farrah, freya, fern, flor, frankie. 
G : giulia, giulianna, georgia, ginny, grecia, giselle, genevieve, gabbie, grace, genie, gaia, giada, gemma, geles, genele, gia, gwendolyn, geneva, gracen. 
H : hazel, holland, helena, harlow, haven, hera, haley, houda, heidi, hana, harley, honey, hera. 
I : isobel, ivana, irma, irina, isadora, imogen, isla, ivy, inessa, ibiza, irelynn, iliana, ilana, indya. 
J : juliet, jayden, jordyn, jelena, jodie, jennie, jade, jesy, josie, june, jada, jemmye, jacey, janelle, juniper, jayla, jaliah, jewel, jane, johanna, jolie.
K : kendall, kensington, kennedy, katya, karlie, katerina, kailani, koral, kai, kaia, karma, kinsley, kylie, karina, korinna, karla, kemi, kate, kerigan, kali, kiyomi, kouvr. 
L : lourdes, leandra, london, lucia, luisa, logan, lena, leonora, larissa, lydia, lorelai, lylah, lettie, lottie, lalisa, luna, lara, lia, lorena, livia, layla, leighton, lyra, lola, lainey, laurel, luella, lumi. 
M : maricela, mariana, maeve, mabel, mila, marbella, maia, melody, mimi, monet, malauna, mira, mallory, millie, marla, mia, marvela, marni, madelaine, maleia, magnolia, maren. 
N : nilsa, nutsa, nini, naomi, noa, nevlyn, nathaly, nicolette, nadira, nicola, nova, nany, nala, niaye, nyla, noelle, nathalie, 
O : olympia, orianthi, octavia, opal, oriana, ophelia, orion, oakley, odessa, odette, odelia. 
P : paola, paris, peyton, phebe, priyanka, paislee, paloma, pandora, parvati, piper, perla, pearl, pia, priya, pilar, paxon. 
Q : quinn, quintessa. 
R : rowan, rylie, rosalie, roslyn, raquel, rose, reign, renata, raegan, reyna, ryann, raya, rhiannon, ria, rue, rhodes.
S : serena, serafina, sawyer, sylvie, sol, samira, sloane, silver, sutton, stella, saanvi, sab, seren, seven, sophia, star, skye, sabina, saskia, summer, stormy, salena, sage, sonny, solange, sahar, sumaya, shelby. 
T : tatum, tayler, tara, torre, tia, thea, tyra, truly, thalia, taryn, tampson, tayli, talya, teala, tala. 
U : uma. 
V : valencia, violetta, venus, verity, vanessa, venecia, vinnie, vida, vivienne, valentina, velora, vera, venice.
W : willow, winona, willa, wanda, witney, westlyn, windsor, wilhelmina, wren. 
X : ximena, xiomara, xashary, xena, xyla. 
Y : yovanna, yves, yara, yvette, yasmin, yesenia, yensi.
Z : zara, zion, zoe, zahara, zharia, zella, zendaya, zakiyah. 
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yvynyl · 4 years
// Letters to YVYNYL //
ALMA "#naturanaturans"
/ While they're touching dream pop in other tracks, this raw statement of a song comes off a lot like a new Mountain Man poem (who, coincidentally, released a new single covering Fiona Apple's "Not Knife" on the same weekend). Musicians Alba S. Torremocha, Lillie R. McDonough, and Melissa Kaitlyn Carter have put together all the feelings about "put down your phone" in one lovely folky song. Here's a little bit about how and why they made it.
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Dear Mark,
We are a dream pop trio based in NYC - usually. The pandemic has separated us and we're releasing our debut album during a time that is anything but usual. We've released our entire album behind the computer screen and via social media. It's wonderful to have this privilege, but it also hurts. Not being able to be the social human beings that we are. Not being able to hug, to touch, to sing together and find the harmonic waves on our chest. That hurts.
Our newest single, #naturanaturans is tied to this experience. It's a DIY anthem about the trials and tribulations of social media. Directly translated as "nature doing what nature does," it explores the irony of how our natural choice is to not be natural when we have the chance, and how we lose ourselves in the scroll shaping our identities based on how others see us online.
The song came to one of us while we were chilling at home, scrolling through instagram. A targeted ad popped up, using female empowerment and body positivity prompts to sell… well, a corset. It was equally hilarious and infuriating to think that they didn’t even see the irony behind this choice. Just another attempt to make us feel like we should choose to be unnatural, no matter how painful or pointless. And that somehow we’re being empowered by doing so.
We started working on this project a year ago, before the pandemic. We wanted a song to perform live that would allow us to be truly raw and natural — just us, our bodies and our voices. #naturanaturans at its core invites us to feel into our own inherent completeness that exists beyond all of the likes, comments, and follows. There's nothing that this song is without and the same is true for us as human beings. Then the pandemic hit and the song became the quintessence of ironic karma: we created a song to connect at a raw level, to be together, and suddenly we could only see each other through a screen.
For us, music IS medicine, you don’t need to purposely use it as such. It’s like going to sleep every night: you know you need it, and you don’t want to see what happens if you stop doing it.
With Appreciation, Melissa + ALMA
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Support YVYNYL, an independent music project here!
Got a story to tell? Submit it to Letters to YVYNYL.
Instagram + Twitter + Facebook + Bandcamp
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Virgo Hylonome 10370 (self sacrifice)
Jupiter/ Karma 3811 conjunct
Pluto sextile
AC trine
Capricorn Icarus 1566 (desire to escape restrictions)
Sun/Vertex quincunx
Karma 3811 trine
Virgo Haumea 136108 (fertility/infertility)
NN square
Ceres trine
Gemini Hephiastos 2212 (skill/craftmanship)
Mercury sextile
MC/DNA 55555 quincunxà yod
Libra Deucalion 53311 (strong moral code,divine intervention with disaster)
Vesta conjunctà exact degrees, all same aspect
Aries Eris 136199 (discord,trouble making)
Sun/Pallas Grandtrine
Neptune/AC square
Aries House 4950
Mars/Jupiter/Juno sextile
Uranus/AC square
Vesta opposite
Chiron trine
Gemini Conscience 12524
Jupiter square
Neptune quincunx
Pallas opposite
Scorpio Compassion 8990
Moon trine
Venus sextile
Mars/Juno quincunx
Libra Born 13594
Pallas square
Gemini Gaea 1184
Mercury sextile
Venus square
Leo Flood 4220
Saturn opposite
Neptune/Uranus/AC quincunx
Chiron conjunct
Vesta sextile
Cancer Hawaii 48575
Uranus/Neptune/AC opposite
Saturn quincunxà yodwithAnubis
Anubis 1912 sextile
Vesta square
Virgo Vulcano 4464
Karma 3811 conjunct
Pluto sextile
Pallas/Alma 390 square
Alma 390
Sun/Vertex sextile
Lilith trine
Karma3811/Vulcano 4464 square
Capricorn Freia 76 (Freya goddess queen of Valkyries)
Uranus/Neptune/AC conjunct
Vesta square
Mars/Chiron quincunxà yod
Virgo Adonis 2101 (Beauty, excellent hunting skills, sacred waters, youth)
Venus/Osiris 1923/Moira 638 conjunct
MC sextile
DNA 55555 trine
Moon opposite
Taurus Aesop 12608 (gifted story-telling, morality, ethics, life lessons)
Jupiter/Uranus/Neptune/AC Grandtrine
Saturn/Chiron square
Vesta quincunx
Gemini Amaterasu 10385 (being under the rule of someone, having no control Shinto goddess, goddess of the sun and the universe)
Saturn/Vesta/Reiki 5239/Eureka 5261 Grandtrine
AC/Neptune quincunx
Jupiter square
Chiron sextile
**Fixed Star Sirius
Moon trine
Saturn quincunx
Uranus/AC opposite
Vesta square
Scorpio Amalthea 113 (blessing, appreciation, generosity, prosperity and limitless abundance, mother of Zeus)
MC conjunct
Mercury square
DNA 55555 trine
Aquarius Artemis 105 (nature, animals, wildlife, hunting, child birth, chastity, virginity, purity, archery, bow and arrow, women’s rights)
NN sextile
Libra Camelot 9500 (an era of truth, beauty, goodness and happiness)
NN sextile
Libra Merlin 2598 (creative energy, connection to earth)
Sun/Vertex sextile
Pallas trine
Gemini Chopin 3784
Sun/Vertex sextile
Pluto quincunx
Lilith trine
Karma 3811 square
Leo Deirdre (165574) (immense beauty, woodlands, nature, abduction, secret, youth, feminine power, suicide, chastity, loyalty, honor)
Sun/Vertex conjunct
Pluto square
Pallas trine
Libra Siva 1170 (Hindu god Shiva)
Mars/Juno trine
AC square
Capricorn Frigga 77 (Norse god. Odin’s wife)
Conjunct DNA 55555/Vibilia 144
Mercury quincunx
MC sextile
Capricorn Vibilia 144 (emotional/spiritual journey)
Conjunct DNA 55555/Frigga 77
MC sextile
Virgo Ambrosia 193 (immortality)
Karma 3811 conjunct EXACT -9seconds
AC trine
Pallas square
Pluto sextile
All other aspects same as Karma 3811
Aries Aeternitas 446 (eternity,go down in history)
Pluto/Karma 3811 quincunx
Sun/Vertex/Pallas Grandtrine
Lilith sextile
Kaali 4227 conjunct
Capricorn Aletheia 259 (pursuit of truth,identity, and remembrance)
AC/Uranus conjunct
Mars/Chiron quincunx àyod
Vesta square
Libra Hidalgo 944 (capacity of self assertion in regards to principles)
Mercury sextile
DNA 55555 square
Libra Tezcatlipoca 1980 (transformation, precognition, prophecy)
Sun/Pallas sextile
AC square
Leo Geisha 1047 (entertainer, hostess, escort, skilled in the arts, music, dance, games, and conversation)
Mars/Juno/Vesta sextile
Chiron conjunct
Taurus Helga 522 (holy, blessed, loyalty, love, overcoming trials and tribulations, courage)
NN quincunx
Ceres trine
Gemini Hippolyta 10295 (Amazonian queen, magical girdle, father Ares, god of war, sportsmanship, and skill, female power, warrior queen)
Sun/Vertex sextile
Lilith trine
Capricorn Medea 212 (sorceress, magic, enchantress, gift of divination, helped Jason obtain the Golden Fleece, wise, part goddess, part human)
AC conjunct
Karma 3811 trine
Pluto sextile
Leo Tara 5863 (the Divine Feminine, unlimited compassion and acceptance, Hindu goddess of mysticism and self mastery)
Sun/Vertex conjunct
Lilith opposite
Gemini Vala 131 (prophetess)
MC/DNA 55555 quincunxàyod
1990 Mu 4953 also quincunx
Mercury sextile
Leo Ino 173 (Greek queen who transfigured into Leucothea, the Oracle goddess)
Mercury conjunct EXACT
MC square
Aries Akashi 5881 (akashic records?)
Sun/Vertex/Pallas Grandtrine
Lilith sextile
Karma 3811 quincunx
Taurus Records 30718
Sun/Vertex/Lilith square
Pluto opposite
Karma 3811 trine
Aries Herodias 546 (queen of the witches)
NN trine
Ceres square
Sagittarius Photographica 443 (ability to retain and interpret visual imagery)
Pallas conjunct EXACT
All aspects same as Pallas
Capricorn Proserpina 26 (daughter of Ceres, queen of the underworld, separation anxiety)
DNA 55555 conjunct
MC sextile
Leo Umbertoeco 13069 (philosopher)
Chiron conjunct
Gemini Uyuni 32987 (salt flat in Bolivia, valuing serenity of mind; possibly, hard labor, or fearing exploitation)
Mars/Juno conjunct
Scorpio Varda 174567 ( JRR Tolkien mythology- queen of the Valar, creator of the stars, and principal goddess of the elves.)
Pluto conjunct
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kandaxxx · 4 years
For the fandom ask - DGM? 👀
I wanted to do this one so bad so thank you for asking!!!!! I think a quick scan of my blog makes most of these answers obvious so I'm hoping that some stuff is different enough that it's interesting lmaoooo
// favorite male character //
I'm sure this is obvious, but Kanda lmaooo
// favorite female character //
Lenalee. I know she can be annoying at times but she can be so strong and like her battle with the Level 4 when she resynchronizes with her Innocence always leaves me breathless!
// least favorite character //
Chaozii. He's annoying and his personality is just meh to me.
// favorite ship //
Yulma!!!!!!! I will never get over Alma’s dying so he couldn't be reunited with Kanda and I think had he lived they would make an adorable couple.
// favorite friendship //
Komui and Jerry. Kanda and Lenalee.
// favorite quote //
This is from the anike dub and I know it's translated everywhere else but I really like this translation: "I'll have some company in Hell, then." - Yu Kanda when he was getting Mugen back.
// worst character death //
Alma and Timcanpy. Both if them tore me the fuck apart.
// this made me so happy you have no idea moment //
When everyone reunited on the Ark. I knew Lavi and Kanda probably weren't actually dead but it was tear-jerking to have it confirmed.
// saddest moment //
The entire fucking Alma Karma arc. Can't watch or read it (I literally have over 100 times, for reference) without bawling.
// favorite location //
Black Order Asian Branch.
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autumnmobile12 · 1 year
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We carry on through the storm Tired soldiers in this war Remember what we're fighting for ~'Meet Me On the Battlefield' by SVRCINA ... Alma and Yuu The saddest part about Kanda and Alma's arc is the tragedy of knowing they fought and killed and suffered and died for their cause...and then the Order made them do it again.
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manu-la-louve · 5 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: D.Gray-man Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Kanda Yuu & Original Character(s), Kanda Yuu/Alma Karma Characters: Original Female Character(s), Bak Chang, Komui Lee, Klaud Nine, Allen Walker, Kanda Yuu, Lavi (D.Gray-man), Timothy Hearst, Alma Karma Additional Tags: Alma Karma Arc, Teenagers, Friendship, Memories, Adopted Children, Blood and Injury, Panic Attacks, honestly she's adopted by almost everyone, Not Beta Read Summary:
« Tes bagages sont prêts ?
— Bien sûr ! »
Katya s’empara de la valise brune à ses pieds qui contenait toutes les affaires qu’elle ne pouvait laisser derrière elle. Le petit ocarina que Lou Fa lui avait offert, l’écharpe violette mal tricotée par Bak, les cours de Wong, une petite dague offerte par Fô et les quelques vêtements qu’elle possédait. Le reste était sur elle, caché par le grand manteau beige qui lui tombait jusqu’aux chevilles, ne laissant voir que ses petites ballerines grises. Seul le ruban bleu qui enserrait son cou et ses cheveux caramel apportaient un peu de couleurs à son portrait.
Cloud sentit ses lèvres frémir d’un sourire.
« Très bien, souffla-t-elle. Alors il est temps d’y aller. »
Un frisson parcourut l’échine de la rousse. Oui, il était temps, temps de partir. Elle quittait sa maison.
Elle n’avait pas peur.
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candy-crackpot · 6 years
Even if I miss the old, sadistic Road, I do kinda like this more girly and affectionate version... but I don't want to see her as just object for shipping
I don’t think Road’s personality was “replaced” or “mellowed” it’s just that we learned more of her and realised that similar to every Noah she has dual nature. Road is indeed very sadistic and cruel to Exorcists, Innocence, normal humans or anyone else she might perceive as enemy; but she is caring when it comes to what she considers hers. 
Her debutant was as an enemy, that regenerated even after she was burnt by the barrier Miranda’s Innocence erected around town established her as something not merely human. She ordered Akuma around, intimidated them, tortured them, treated them along with Allen, Miranda and Lenalee as nothing but dolls. She didn’t care about them and enjoyed hurting them. She was and still is someone terrifying.
Next time she greets Allen with a kiss but this could come from Road viewing Allen as her very exciting toy she couldn’t break and is therefore fun; who broke the rules of the war: he spoiled the game of Exorcists dreading that anyone but themselves can be an Akuma and then he refused to hurt Road even after she hurt him and his friends. It could also have been “kissing Allen goodbye” because she truly believed she and Tyki would kill him there. Seeing how she opened a door for the Earl even as Tyki destroyed the previous one just shows that she never actually any interest in playing fair at all. Another proof of her cruelty is when Allen defeated Tyki she got pissed as fuck and decided to threaten Allen by hurting him the way it hurt him most: hurt his precious friends, force him to hurt one to protect another. It’s less brutal than stabbing his eye out, but a lot more intimate and chilling, because she played on Allen’s personal weaknesses.
Even during Alma Karma Arc, while sticking to Allen and explaining stuff to him - in hopes that she could convince that the Order is corrupt and he needs to leave it - , she didn’t betray the plan, she stood by and watched Allen get skewered and nearly lose himself.
Saving Allen from Apocryphos too, was basically just following orders if you stretch it; Sheril claims the Earl explicitly ordered them to protect the 14th with their lives, so in a way she did that. If anything telling that “Neah fought for Mana” and comforting Allen when he was a mess due to Apocryphos was the furthest she went - but again, she didn’t go against their plans. She and Tyki try to nudge Allen towards the truth but that’s where it stops.
It is important that we must not forget to make clear distinction between Road’s feelings and her actions. Feelings do influence decisions, but people don’t act on their feelings all the time; just because Road seems to have feelings for Allen it doesn’t mean she will toss away everything she loved and cared for merely for his sake.
Road might be often wink towards Allen, but she never gives up her own agenda for his sake. F/m ships are not welcomed because very often the dynamics are written poorly by the original creators and female characters themselves even moreso. Creators way too often resort to “the female character gives up on a dream she has been nurturing ever since she can remember for some dude who is very often toxic” instead of putting actual work into their piece and letting them have actual relevance as piece of that universe and not just someone’s pretty love interest. Due to this overused trope female characters especially suffer from this flawed notion that ending up with a man always means she is definitely straight and she lost her personality - which is why I often see people distance themselves from f/m ships and even claim stuff like “I don’t like X ship to be canon because then Character A would become just a one-dimenional love interest” - that’s sadly a projecting of bad experience. Yes, there are terribly written relationships that only exist because “he was a boy and she was a girl”, but we shouldn’t discard all f/m ships because of that or claim that a female character will lose her value if she is shipped with a male character, especially if that is the protagonist. 
Arguing that “I don’t like X ship to be canon because then Character A would become just a one-dimenional love interest” or “no, A is not attracted to B, they are purely platonic and A is aro/ace” are not good responses either because then we implicitly accept the notion that female characters automatically lose their value just for being shipped with ‘the wrong’ person, and not because they give up their everything for another and it is framed as normal, self sacrificing or even a role model. Ships don’t ruin characters, shitty writing does.
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mint1412 · 6 years
Klance and Yulma Parallels, and Why If Yulma Happened, Klance Will Too!
Klance = Keith X Lance from the not-yet-canon couple Voltron: Legendary Defender
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Yulma = Yuu Kanda X Alma Karma , the canon couple from D.Gray-man
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 Full analysis and comparison under read more; TLDR is in bold somewhere near the bottom, also under read more.
Let’s jump straight (or not so straight, given the content lol) into it! Parallels between Keith and Kanda are first, then Lance and Alma, and finally the relationship in general! Because if Yulma can happen, so can Klance!!!!
Keith and Kanda Parallels
Are the hot headed swordsmen of the group (Look below to see Keith holding his blade to the Olkari leader’s neck and Kanda doing the same for Timothy)
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Are loners
Go off alone to protect those they love (Kanda chasing the group off, Keith just leaving)
Overall just try to do things alone
Are arguably the strongest in the group besides the “mentor” or “adult” figures
Have shown no real interest in any females, and no obvious interest in anyone despite the other main characters doing so
On Voltron’s side
Hunk likes Shay
Allura had Lotor
Matt and Lance both found Allura attractive
Shiro had Adam
Pidge likes technology
On DGM’s side..
it ‘s been mentioned that many, many people are attracted to Lenalee, and implied both Lavi and Allen are
It’s implied that Lenalee has a crush on Allen
Despite all this, Kanda was always suspiciously absent from the talks about romance in the manga’s “discussion” rooms, in which the characters answered the fans questions about themselves. With the exception of one where I think it was mentioned he would probably like a “dignified” person????  Regardless, when asked about Lenalee Lavi and Allen were both there and implied that at the very least they thought she was attractive (because of course guys like girls in miniskirts), while Kanda...was not.
Funnily enough, Keith’s endgame is almost never mentioned.....and questions about who he likes/if he likes anyone are avoided. Same as Kanda’s were
Couldn’t recognize their crushes at first (Kanda not realizing it’s Alma, Keith asking who Lance is) but probably still knew somewhere deep down anyway.
Are honestly a little bad with other people’s emotions
Parallels between Alma and Lance
The happy face to Kanda/Keith’s frowny faces
Love to tease Keith and Kanda
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The ones who bring the most smiles to Keith/Kanda’s faces
Are usually super friendly
Very caring about other people
The only ones to have made Kanda/Keith respectively laugh when alcohol was not involved
Along the same lines, they both have a bubbly and easily excitable personality
Despite being the more friendly and generally people persons, both can be scarily serious
Are often seen as slightly air headed due to their excitable nature, but can be pretty observant when need be
See Lance noticing that wasn’t Rover and saving Coran
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And Alma figuring out he can use the canal to escape with Kanda
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Parallels between the relationships
Use ‘we” a lot in terms of fixing each other’s problems
Lance’s “We’ll fix this” when Keith admits he made a mistake in pushing the team too far is one example for Voltron
Have a bit of a rivalry at first
Both have gotten into a few fights (verbal for Voltron, not so verbal for D.Gray-man)
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Gotta love how Alma and Lance are on the same side of the screen and Keith and Kanda are. Just goes to show how similar they are I guess :) lol
But become friends pretty quickly in their respective story lines
Alma and Kanda only a few chapters into the flashback arc
Keith and Lance were working together pretty quickly and almost definitely considered each other friends (though I doubt Lance would have admitted it that early) around halfway through the first season
So if they went from rivals to friends quickly....and Kanda and Alma got together because that was the natural development of their relationship, surely the natural development of Keith and Lance is romance as well! I mean heck, it was even stated by the producers that the natural progression of Keith and Lance’s relationship is romance!!! And if you look at Kanda and Alma’s, you can see it! :)
Okay yeah I know a lot of this is a stretch...really it all came about because I noticed the similarities in personality between Keith and Kanda(actually this was part of the reason one of my friends decided Keith was her favorite immediately, despite not generally having those character types as favorites), and realized their relationships had a few similarities as well. And honestly, if Kanda and Alma getting together can happen in a Shonen manga like D.Gray-man, then Keith and Lance can get together! Also I really, really want a scene with him like the one I describe and show below.
TLDR: The two ships are pretty similar which means if Yulma happened, Klance defiantly has a chance.
Also, after Keith admits to liking Lance/after they get together, I want a scene like this super adorable one below  from D.Gray-man where he blushes around another guy because even being reminded of Lance makes him swoon lol. I mean look at that blush!!! So cute from the hothead. I mean obviously I want him to blush around Lance too, but blushing around anyone who reminds him of Lance because he likes Lance THAT much is a cute thought to me.  I guess it just shows how much he cares.
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PS: Honestly, with how many people beg for representation in media, I’m kinda surprised D.Gray-man isn’t talked about more often. Because honestly the inclusion of Yulma is pretty much all of the rep you guys beg for wrapped up in a neat and beautiful relationship. Alma is basically trans (was a girl, had their brain implanted into a male body), and Kanda and Alma were in a relationship before the body swaps, and it changed nothing about their love. Kanda wasn’t even phased when he realized, and just accepted Alma for who (s)he was. There was no “no way” or “it can’t be”. He just fully accepted them as they were and it’s absolutely beautiful. Also, it’s in a Shonen manga. C’mon, when does that ever happen in a Shonen series? Though if you’re gonna hate, don’t bother reading it please.
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truthshield · 2 years
Feature: First Chinese entrepreneur inducted into U.S. Automotive Hall of Fame
DETROIT, the United States, July 21 (Xinhua) — Lu Guanqiu, founder of Chinese privately owned Wanxiang Group, has become the first Chinese who is inducted into the U.S. Automotive Hall of Fame (AHF). A marble plaque bearing the signatures of Lu and five other inductees was installed into the Hall of Honor at the U.S. AHF in Detroit, U.S. state of Michigan, Wednesday night. There were 65 candidates competing for the AHF induction this year. Lu is among a diverse collection of mobility pioneers from around the globe who are recognized as 2022 AHF inductees. The other five 2022 inductees are Ferruccio Lamborghini, founder of Lamborghini luxury performance sports cars; Taiichi Ohno, creator of Toyota Production System (TPS); Lyn James, female race car driving pioneer; and Alma and Victor Green, authors and publishers of the Green Book, a travel guide for Blacks traveling America. “We’re very excited to be inducting our first individual from China,” AHF President Sarah Cook told Xinhua. “Lu really exemplifies entrepreneurship. This was a man that started from very humble beginnings and built his company to 25 billion dollars a year of business.” “He’s left a great impact in the industry, but also a really strong legacy of building a business that’s surviving into the next generations,” Cook said. Starting from a local bicycle repair shop in the 1960s, Lu evolved his business into a global auto parts supplier. Wanxiang was the first Chinese company to sell auto parts to American Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and now has operations in 22 U.S. states. Lu spearheaded the drive for clean energy in China in the 1990s. In his leadership, Wanxiang acquired and revived A123 Systems and Fisker Automotive Holdings, Inc. in the United States. The latter has transformed into Karma Automotive. Lu died in October 2017. The U.S. AHF is a non-profit organization that honors and celebrates the automotive/mobility industry’s leaders and innovators through awards and programs that challenge young and old alike to higher levels of personal achievement. Each year, the AHF evaluates around 60 to 70 candidates from around the world and inducts 4 to 6 candidates. The qualification makes a great demonstration impact in the automotive and mobility industry. Founded in 1939, the AHF has so far honored 755 awardees from around the world who have impacted and influenced the automotive and mobility industry, including founder of the Ford Motor Company Henry Ford, German inventor and engineer Karl Benz, Honda Motor Co. founder Soichiro Honda, founder of Toyota Motor Corporation Kiichiro Toyoda, founder of the Scuderia Ferrari Grand Prix motor racing team and subsequently of the Ferrari automobile marque Enzo Ferrari, and founder of the Porsche AG Ferdinand Porsche. https://ift.tt/zLoPID6 https://ift.tt/69nKSsu
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faeriexqueen · 6 years
OMG can I ask Yulma for all of them? XD is that too much? Lol
I just answered 2-4 and 18!  But the rest are here! 1.) If you had to change your pairing’s very first meeting, how would you change it?Mmm.  I don’t think I would? XD  I really like the significance of Alma being the one to pull Kanda out of that hole, and the way they clashed.  (I just…wish they wouldn’t have had such a sad ending. >.5.) Favorite canon moment of them?Ahhh this is hard.  But I really love when during the Alma Karma arc Kanda embraces Alma in the midst of all that chaos, and just accepts him?  And that Alma is that person?  It’s devastating, and as much as it hurts I also really love their last moments together in Mater.6.) Least favorite canon moment of them?I know I just said their last moments for my most favorite, BUT the fact that Alma asks for Kanda not to use his innocence on him hurts.  So that moment in particular.7.) Favorite headcanon trope/idea? (Yours or someone else’s)I have a few!  I really love the idea of Kanda always being cooler natured and Alma being hot-natured, so they fight over the thermostat.  Also, I really love the idea of akuma!Alma wrapping his tail around Kanda when they sleep together.8.) Least favorite headcanon trope/idea?Mmm.  I haven’t seen it often, and this is more dealing with Alma, but I don’t agree that Alma can only be one gender.  Alma is so genderfluid in my mind, and can be interpreted a lot of ways depending on the AU (ex. Nonbinary, male, female, etc.)  Aside from that I’m generally pretty open to other things!9.) Favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics? (Can be headcanon)That Kanda is just so accepting of Alma’s identity?  That really stands out, and also with how they seem to balance each other out personality-wise.  Alma’s 10.) Least favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics? (Can be headcanon)THE WAY THINGS ENDED. ;____;11.) If they aren’t a canon pairing, how would you get them together?Well, they essentially are canon, so I think for me it’s a matter of “HOW COULD HAVE THEY STAYED TOGETHER?”  Ugh.  I just wish Alma could have somehow been saved and the two of them went off on mission “Rescue Allen Walker.” >.12.) If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom, what fandom would that be?  Why?Probably Fullmetal Alchemist.  I could see Kanda easily being a state alchemist, and Alma being a homunculi – basically, the tragedy would be there, though I would like for it to be less…painful.  Somehow.  (Probably not since I’m an angst queen, but yeah. XD)As a lighter option, Yuri!!! On Ice!  I just would really love to see Kanda and Alma as competitors, especially with some pretty ice skating.  (I like to think Kanda would skate to Agape, and Alma to Eros.)13.) How hard is it to write/draw your pairing?  Scale of 1-10.With 10 being the easiest, like 9 or 10 to write.  They’re easiest for me to write, and my favorite pairing. Drawing, I need more practice. XD14.) Is there a pairing you think rivals them?Ah, not really.  They’re like the OTP of OTPs for me. XD15.) Which character of the pairing do you like more? (Would you ever pair yourself with them?)Alma, but I wouldn’t pair myself with either of them.16.) Which character of your pairing would be the one to break up with the other?  Why?I can actually see both of them doing this, sort of for the reason that they may be trying to protect one another or are hiding something.17.) Are they relatable as characters or as a pairing?To me, yes, especially Alma.  I just relate to a lot of his characteristics, which is probably one reason I feel so attached to him.  Kanda, I can actually relate to to an extent as well.19.) On an estimate, how many posts have you made about them?Ah, a lot. I’ll leave it at that. XD20.) What made you decide to ship them?I actually shipped them when they were first seen interacting as kids - I just really liked their dynamic, and once I found out their history it was pretty much a done deal.  I’m weak for any soulmate concept, and this really hit home with that for me.21.) Favorite genre of them? (Angst, fluff, etc.)Probably a combination of angst and fluff - drama and romance for sure as well!Send and OTP ask.
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