#almost forgot to post this ahha
polar-equinoxx · 29 days
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someone hug him rn
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heartofwritiing · 1 year
I don’t deserve you, you deserve the world.
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paring: cc!wilbur soot x fem!reader
summary: a very drunk wilbur makes a belated confession to you about how he has be feeling lately.
authors note: I literally had this in my drafts since february and forgot about it XD this is two times I've used lyrics of your sister was right as a fic title ahha! this is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only! hope you enjoyyy
warnings: wilbur has negative thoughts about himself (i love writing sensitive boys lol) alcohol consumption, fluff, pet names, wrote wil as a happy little drunk with mood swings, swearing, short, not proofread, unedited!
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Wilbur stumbled through his apartment, leaning on a tipsy Joe, who was trying to not let Wilbur bump into anything.
After another very successful gig, the band decided that going out for drinks to end the night was the best thing to do to blow off the adrenaline.
Wilbur had taken one glance at his drink and thought fuck it, with the way his mindset had been, he needed something to numb his brain, even if it was just for a little while, and downed his first drink in one gulp. Letting the alcohol settle into his system.
One drink turned into three, then four, then by his sixth cup he was ready to fist fight a very amused Ash who had truly hadn’t consumed a single drop of alcohol that night.
You had been sleeping over at Wilbur's tonight. You said you wanted to see him after his show since you could not make it due to personal circumstances, but you would definitely be at the next lovejoy gig. He told you not to sweat about it and told you he wouldn't be home not too long after the performance.
Luckily Ash had messaged you notifying you that Wilbur would be home late due to getting drinks as a post show ritual after-party. You didn't mind, the band was getting more recognition which they deserved. He was so endlessly talented that he should have the right to celebrate the success along with his bandmates. So it was no surprise that around 11:40 pm you heard noises coming from the front room. You crawled out of your comfy position in Wilbur's bed and pushed yourself to the living room.
You then walk in on Joe kneeling over Wilbur who had fallen to the ground and was giggling incoherently about something. Joe had taken one sympathetic look at you and said “he’s all yours” offering Wilbur's hand to you that was clutching his wrist.
You bid goodnight to the boys, You waved to Mark and Ash who watched the interaction from the front doorway. When they shut the door behind them it was just you and Wilbur in in silence.
Glancing down at Wilbur you couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your face at his state. His hair was disheveled, and his shirt was unbuttoned at the top revealing his skin, and he looked so sleepy you felt so bad. He tried to pull himself off the ground, but he tripped over his feet, nearly causing you to topple over him. Luckily you caught yourself before you could fall.
Wilbur looked up at you his lips had the cutest pout resting on them but he shifted into a dopey grin upon realizing you were holding his hand. He was lifting your connected hands up like he was seeing you for the first time.
"darling! What are you doing here?" his voice was hoarse as he spoke, you knew it was the singing and the exhaustion catching up with him finally.
He must've forgotten in all the mist of the evening that you were staying over. Nonetheless, you didn't blame him, he had a pretty busy night.
Wilbur leans forward to attach himself to your waist, wrapping his free arm around your hip and pressing his face into your tummy. Warmth increased on your face at the gesture. Wilbur pressing so close to you made butterflies burst in your chest, which you didn’t mind at all he was being so clingy.
"I told you I wanted to stay over tonight, remember?" you said gently, carding your fingers through his locks. He hummed almost like a cat purring at your touch, nuzzling you further. "is that okay with you? I can leave?"
"no!" he instantly gripped your waist tighter, not wanting you to leave. "please, stay."
"Okay! I'll stay," You giggle, feeling his arms untighten slightly. "Let's get you into bed, yeah?"
Wilbur nods against your belly, and you pull him to stand up.
“I don’t deserve you..” he mumbled in your ear as he leaned on your for support had you walked to his bedroom. You didn’t quiet catch it you thought he was muttering something incoherent to himself. You shook of the frown
In his bedroom you help him to take off his shoes while he stumbles and almost tips over his feet. He mostly got himself undressed and put on his pajamas, which were just an old band shirt and sweatpants. Both of you crawled into bed with the hopes he would sleep off this drunken high and be his old self again in the morning.
Wilbur was curled into your side pulling you so close under the covers. You ran your hands through his hair as he blinked up at you.
“Darling do you love me?” he asked sincerely.
Your brain did a one-eighty with the tender tone of his voice. From his comment a minute ago to now this, It almost sounded like he had doubts about your feelings. You pulled back from him slightly so you could see him. exhaustion written all over his face.
“Of course I love you bub,” you reassured. “Why would you think I don’t?”
He looked away from you shyly like a kid who had gotten in trouble for doing something they knew was wrong. His hand came up to trace along the bottom of your shirt when it caught attention his eye.
“Well… sometimes I don’t think I'm good enough for you, that I have always not been good, and I'm scared that one day you’ll leave me just like everyone has in my life.”
Your heart sank at his drunken confession, but you could tell it was coming from a place of trueness and insecurity. It completely shattered you to hear this coming from Wilbur. Who was so wonderful and beyond anything you ever hopped for. To hear that he doubted himself and your relationship brought tears to your eyes. Your feelings for him were more than fondness, you loved him with everything you were and you couldn’t let him leave your life. he was your light at the end of the very dark tunnel, and you would just have to show him that.
“I'm too busy with my band, with my streaming, I feel like I neglect you too much, and I want you to have something better than all of this,” his lips slightly quiver. He moves to lower his head and bury it in your chest. However, you stop him with your hands coming up to gently cup around his face, to make him look you in the eyes. His eyes widened and his hands followed yours to grasp your face the same way in his woozy state. It was comical and made you smile at how he was trying to mimic your own action.
“I love you more than anything Wil, you’re so kind, supportive in everything I do, and- I would be so lost without you. I wouldn’t trade you for anyone else. You’re more than enough for me. You’re everything. I would never leave you, not even if you kicked me out of your life I am always gonna be here for you. nothing is ever gonna change that.” You let your heart take over with your words.
Wilburs eyes lit up and gloss over with tears, the contentment of your words hitting him through his senses making him break out into a dopey grin.
“Do you really mean that, love?” he croaks.
You nod.
He lets out a shaky breath and pulls you closer to him until your legs are intertwined.
“I know I'm super drunk right now and probably won’t remember much of this tomorrow but, I love you too, thank you for saying those nice things about me.“
You giggled and pulled him in for a short kiss to seal your own confession.
“I’ll gladly say them again.”
You pampered his face with kisses until he was a bright red giggling mess copying you, delivering even more kisses to your face. Once you finished, the small lamp on the bedside was turned off, and you succumbed to darkness, intertwining your limbs once more to settle down.
Sleep was just about to take over you when Wilburs slurred voice suddenly teased out to you through the dark.
“So what else do you love about me?”
“oh shut up,” you laugh.
Im gonna be starting a new tag list so please commet/reblog if you want to be added!
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS Episode 2 commentary (Yukinojo)
Watched this episode live with you guys at 1am, stream froze right at the ending. That was the tipping point I needed to stay up to watch it again as soon as it was released on Crunchyroll at 3am, with the few folks who stayed in the chat. And of course after all that extended King of Prism woke me up, now look who can’t sleep and is watching it a 3rd time tonight at... 5am... aha ha... ha...... don’t look at me like that I don’t have work until 4pm it’s fine
So like most folks in Japan I experienced this episode as part of a three pack bundled with the prologue and Taiga’s episode, which makes up the theatrical SSS Part 1. 
While the theater experience is great, it’s also kinda bizarre since the tone in this episode is drastically different from the other two. After the dinner scene ends there is no basically cheering until the end of this episode. What can we say! I just kinda fall into a prism coma until the Prism One show when I am suddenly like wha... WHAAA OH YEAH knocking my concert lights on the floor trying to quickly grab them in time and all that. 
But not because this episode is bad or anything. Quite the opposite. It’s just....
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Renjishi is a pretty famous Kabuki show, and I think “Two Lions” is an accepted English translation so I don’t know why they didn’t bother to translate it? 
 This translator couldn’t figure out what to do with the “18″ either... I would definitely be confused why there is so much 18 this and that in this episode if I hadn’t looked it up for my own translations. It’s a reference to a certain collection of best kabuki plays.
And if you’re wondering why Yukinojo is the 7th generation while his father is the 3rd.... well... hell if I know, because that actually not a mistranslation. 
*throws hands in the air* If someone can explain it to me let me know.
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In the theaters sometimes people will hold up two red lights and break them apart here and I always want to do it but I ALWAYS FORGET AHHH. My brain just isn’t in cheering mode during this episode. 
Also it took me like eight viewings before I noticed there is a continuity error where Shin’s chopsticks fix themselves ahah.
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(Also someone in the livestream pointed out his earrings. Not sure if we have seen Yu with earrings yet.)
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One of the many things that makes SSS so amazing is how much it changes the first two movies. Just when you thought you were done with them, all of a sudden you want to watch them all over again to see them in a new light. While the movies largely follow Shin’s perspective, for the first time we finally get to see things through the perspectives of other characters and it just adds layer upon layer upon layer and it’s just.... ahh..... 
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The way the translator phrased this I imagine them all worshiping a giant stone in the back somewhere. ALL HAIL.... THE BRILLIANT PRISM....... 
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This line is super weird out of context. When I translate King of Prism stuff I put in “prism jump” just to add context when it’s not there. But that’s.... just.... m...eee..............
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This is my favorite damn Kakeru line in SSS and he doesn’t even say anything. 
Eeeeyaah... ....
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Taiga is amazing in this scene too. BE TRUE TO YOUR EMOTIONS YOU’RE  RUINING DINNER DAMMIT 
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I thought when I paused on this scene I’d be able to read some of these posters but not really. Wonder if these are a reference to Yukinojo getting into Japanese rock like he did during the curry event on Prism Rush? Maybe they just wanted to show he has typical teenage boy stuff in his room too. Also, of course, cameo from Andy! 
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A translation I actually liked. This is basically exactly what he says ahha... the old men group of Edel Rose (2nd year high schoolers).
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For anyone who read my shitty out of context spoilers during the first weekend and thought I was kidding when I said Kakeru almost got murdered by Yukinojo but he kinda deserved it.
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I’m still reeling from how fucking real Kakeru gets here...... damn........
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Someone in the livestream pointed this out, but we almost never hear Kakeru call Yukinojo “Tachibana” do we?
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I jumped an inch in my seat when I saw this at the midnight showing. It was the moment where I was like holy moly we’re not in Kansas anymore and started to realize exactly what we were getting into in SSS. This is a whole new King of Prism. 
When you watch the episodes all strung together in the theater, the first episode runs at the same pace as the movies (in my mind I kinda of think of it as a shorter 3rd movie in itself), so it’s not until you get about here where things first start to slow and deepen and it’s you realize wow.... this really is an anime now..... 
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I thought Nikkanen mentioned this superhero on Prism Rush, but he said Yossha-Man haha. Well they are both parodying the same series. (Yattaman/Yattawan?)
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I really like Yukinojo’s grandpa. He just has the best old man voice. 
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This scene is foreshadowed in the first episode of SSS. While Shin is introducing everyone you see Yukinojo’s mother look down at her wrist. 
So it was kind of weird to be like is that gonna be a thing--OH THATS A THING right after haha. The theater experience is great, but these episodes are probably better paced week-to-week like this instead of in odd chunks the way they show them in theaters. 
I think this was foreshadowed in Pride the Hero too isn’t it? (His hairpin shines when he looks at his Mom?)
Perhaps something more shocking happened in the next scene though.
At least to me anyway. 
So ages ago, maybe first movie era, I was reading a profile of Yu in a magazine. Specifically this one:
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It mentioned that Yu wears Bell Rose pajamas. 
And I always remembered that. Because hey that’s pretty hilarious. 
King of Prism SSS episode 2.
Yukinojo just had a breakdown 
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Seriously my mouth fucking dropped open when I saw this. If only I was at cheering I really would have shrieked and ruined this serious scene ahah.
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This scene just gives me goosebumps everywhere. Yukinojo’s first prism jump. The way Shin screams. AHHHHHHHH--
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This scene actually gives me goosebumps too. It’s such a mood. This whole episode is such a mood. 
Kakeru and Yukinojo really have a lot in common. I understand now why they made such good duo partners on Prism Rush. Not only do they both have a lot of weight on their shoulders from their families, but the both inherited it from their mother’s side. Just like Yukinojo’s father married into kabuki, as we learned in Young of Prism it was Kakeru’s father who married into the Juuouin group. Don’t mind my random fact, I just thought it was super interesting.
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So. This line kind of confused me a bit. Because I thought a major theme in this episode was about how Yukinojo couldn’t escape his blood. Yukinojo’s mother made that clear.
But then again Yukinojo’s mother also knew his father had this experience where he learned his fate wasn’t controlled by blood at all. 
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Maybe that just served for a reason as to why she can see Yukinojo’s soul is in prism shows? I don’t know. 
I’m also really confused by how differently she treats Yukinojo in this scene compared with the flashback. I’m glad she came around, but I feel like we missed something in between. 
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I don’t need to say how awesome Yukinojo’s prism show was. It just keeps building more and more tension as it goes on and just ahhhh....
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I was really sad the stream froze before you guys found out Yukinojo beat Shin’s score (in sparking). 
Also I feel super dumb because I said something about Yukinojo being only the second male star to do four jumps in a row. I FORGOT ABOUT HIRO
So Louis -> Hiro -> Yukinojo, the first three male stars to successfully do four consecutive jumps. The top male stars by pure skill. 
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So this ending.... is NOT the ending we see in the theater. The song and visuals were all new. (Well except for assets reused from the episode well you know what I mean.)
I’m a bit town about this. On the one hand I was REALLY REALLY REALLY looking forward to hearing 366 Love Diary.... But on the other hand it’s cool that they are doing something so special for the TV showing by having different endings every week. And after all, the CD for 366 Love Diary is coming out literally tomorrow.... but....
Okay so clearly I loved this episode but part of me is just really glad it’s over because next week is TAAAIGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and I cannot fucking wait to share it with you guys. 
(My favorite episode of the show.)
(I don’t even know if I can fit all my thoughts on it in a post how long is the limit on Tumblr srsly)
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livcosmos · 5 years
Lord of Shadows booktalk
I finished Lord of Shadows about 6 weeks ago but I didn't had the time to write this review but as the memory of it is still fresh in my mind and I have the time now let's get started. I think it is not necessary to mention how much I loved this book because it is obvious but I am going to say it anyway IT WAS AMAZING AND I LOVED IT. Thank you, dear Cassandra Clare, for giving us such wonderful pieces of pure gold. ( I am going to start Queen of Air and Darkness today and I am more than excited ahha I am going to see Julian again I can't wait.)
Alright so let’s start with my favorite thing, the London Institute as I said in the Lady Midnight review where I had the feeling that they were going to London, I wasn't ready it is way too much for me. I am not recovered from the Infernal Devices and beeing in London again seeing Jasmine oh God I cried so much when Jasmine was talking to Kit and when Emma was sleeping in that Carstairs room and saw the Initials on the wall and found those photos it was just too much I was crying like a baby once again. Ah and Bridget it is the same Bridget from the Infernal Devices how is that possible what does this woman eat??? Why is she still alive and not Will, Sophie or Charlotte??? Anyway so I was very emotional while they were at the London Institute but I enjoyed beeing back even if it hurt. Ah and I forgot the poetry book that Kit found with James’ Initials on them how sweet was that. I don't know everything related to the TID really gets me. But to move on let's go back to the beginning, with the Emma and Mark thing it wasn't as bad as I thought it will be. It was so incredibly sad when we got to know that after Mark said that thing with “Why just pretend?” and they kissed but Emma started to cry ah that was so sad. And I liked how their friendship developed how they have become each other's best friends and they were talking to each other into the night. And I also must say I am really glad that Christina knew the truth about them, that they aren’t really together. AH, and it was also kind of funny how Mark tried to be Emma's boyfriend in front of the others he was acting so weird. But poor Jules didn't thought it was that funny and he suffered, but I am glad that things cleared out in the end and that Emma told him the truth and that they talked about the problem that was the best thing they could to they should have done it earlier. And so the problem is now very big and very serious they CAN NOT THEY CAN ABSOLUTLEY NOT break all the Parabatai bounds they just can't it's not right. I mean Clary and Simon Jace and Alec and don't get me started about the Parabatais of all ParabataiJem and Will, what will Jem say they can not do that to him. In honor on Jem and Will, they can't do that. of course, I want Jules and Emma to be together but they can't break all the bounds. And anyway I hope that after Jules and Emma aren't Parabatai anymore... I hope Christina and Emma will become Parabatai I don't know these are all hopes I know there are not going to become reality because it will be too good to be true. But I am so glad that they talked to Magnus about their problem (and can we just talk a second about how Magnus has walked in on all, Will and Tessa, Jace and Clary, and now Julian and Emma ... there is only Jem and Tessa missing and it would be all complete, the poor guy has seen everything you could say) and I was so happy when they had the idea with Robert and the exile but we all knew that it was too good to be true it would have been too great if that would have happened. And I knew something was going to happen with Robert I knew it and ahhhahah it is so sad because I started to like Robert he was on a good way his relationship with Alec was good and after he became a grandpa I started to like him. Poor Izzy and Alec I don't even want to know how much they are suffering. Robert was Emma’s and Julian’s only hope that is now gone. And to make things worse the Inquisitor post is now free how is going to take it I have a very bad feeling about it. I just hate it when characters survive their series but die in another you just don't do that it is awful. That we started to talk about deaths, lets move on with Livvy....aaaa poor sweet Livvy I really liked her she was so cool and I shipped her with Kit even if that wasn’t a thing anymore very quickly but I was so sad when she died and I don't want to now how Julian feels, how devastated he is and how he will react and behave I am so scared. And Ty poor Ty she was his twin it is so sad and I am so afraid. Oh goodness and Jace’s and Clary’s appearance in the beginning, I loved how Jce was there for Kit and I am always happy to see him and Clary but I could take Clary’s story with her dream where she dies I just couldn't take it so I googled and I am happy that everything is going to be just fine but I must say Clary is so incredibly brave how she wanted to face death so bravely I admire her so much. And I am very interested in the Thule story and what is the thing with it. Is Thule maybe the place where Dru went when she touched Jamie’s weapon (side note I kind of liked Jamie I want to see more of him but I don't ship him with Dru), was the boy she met there maybe Sebastian’s evil son? If you ask me I think it was him, I am very curious to find out but that scene with Dru was scary I have to say. Alright so if we touched the Jamie topic lets move on with his brother Diego I was so mad at him and I loved how Emma got her revenge without touching him it was so funny but know we know better and I must say I HATE ZARA I HATE HER SO MUCH excuse me for what I am going to say but she is such a bitch, ah and her father I hope he is not going to be the Inquisitor please don’t let him be the new Inquisitor please. Ah and the Cohort are those people crazy are they out of their minds??? And what is happening with the warlocks what makes them sick this can't be good does it has something to do with the black book or that Unseelie king? The whole no runes and no seraph blades thing freaks me out anyway and now the warlocks are sick oh it's going to be bad its all going to be so so bad. I mean if Magnus were there with Annabell she would have gone crazy and Livvy and Robert would be alive now but no... And what do you mean Tessa is sick I cried again when I heard that I don't want her to be sick no just no. I know I am jumping up and down on the scenes but I write everything down as it comes into my mind. So I was happy to see John, Simon’s “friend” from the Academy but I was so so sad when he died poor Marisol I feel so sorry for her and I am sure Simon is also sad. Let’s quickly talk about Diana, I am so glad that we found out she was hiding and that it wasn't anything bad, her story was so emotional and I have to say I ship her and Gwyn I want them to be together. I also liked Gwyn, I liked that we got to see the human side of him, it was very nice. And Catherina omg she is so so kind, this woman not only helpt that lost Herondale she also helped Diana and she took care of Simon while he was at the Academie, she is such a kind and loving person I love her. Now it is time to talk about the trip to faerie land ah so for the beginning if I didn't mention it before, I love Christina she is awesome and the power of her necklace is so cool I definitely want to know more about the Rosales family and their relationship with the faeries. But why on earth didn't they stay together in faerie land I mean I thought the necklace workes if you stay near her why were they all running around by themself there, Julian, Emma, and Christina then went with Mark to that Faerie party like have you all lost you. minds? How those the faerie time thing wor anyway? And Christina and Mark danced at that party and I almost lost my mind like you don't dance at faerie parties it is too dangerous because you could dance till you die and another thing that everyone knows DONT DRINK OR EAT ANYTHING from a faerie because you will be stuck there in faerie land and what does Christina, of course, she drinks something I would have never thought that she would do something like this because Christina isn’t like that but anyway I am glad nothing too bad happened and I am glad for the kiss between Christina and Mark because I ship them. So and Kieran I don't know what to say about him because now I am not sure anymore of what I should think of him because as you r=might remember I hated him because of what he has done to Emma and Jules but now in this book he was kind of nice, I don't know we will see what is going to happen. To move on, we can talk about Emma and Julian now so first of all when they were there at the gate to faerie land and that faerie wanted a special object from all of them and Emma had to give him her Stele, the Stele that Jace gave her I was screaming I dint want her to loose that Stele it was so important for her and you don't give up a gift from Jace but anyway there is no going back it is very unlikely to get that Stele back. Alright but one of my favorite parts where when there were all sleeping there on the grass and Emma and Julian fell asleep with a lot of distance between them but when they woke up they were holding hands, that is so sweet I cried when iI read that I don't know why it was so emotional. Ah and another acne that I loved was the scene on the train with Jules and Emma where Emma was like “Draw me like one of you frech girls” and Julian was like “you know I hate that movie” and she said “ the first time you saw Titanic you cried”, that scene was so adorable and funny, I loved it.Oh my God, that scene where the Seelie Queen wanted to see Julian come one that woman is so shady you can’t trust her and I was screaming at Julian not to listen to what she was saying I was begging him to go away from her but he wouldn’t listen. I hate her even more than Zara she freaks me out so much. And with her glass bowl thing hjsadhaskjh she is so manipulative. That glass bowl freaks me out so much she must be watching them all the time with that thing. And please they can't give her the black book Imean yes they don’t have a choice but it’s not going to bee good if they give it to her yes the Cold Peace will end but she could start a war. YOU CAN NEVER TRUST A FAERIE ESPACIALL NOT THEIR EVIL QUEEN. And when Emma was batteling with that faerie and saw that it “was her dad” what was her problem she knew they were on faerie land and that everything there is shady and ahahaha she knew it wasn’t him but still she couldn’t fight. Ah, and Arthur lets talk about how underrated he is I felt so sorry for him dying it was so sad I mean he has no fault for his mind and he died so brutally. And that Annabel I hate her too, I mean I can understand why she was so angry with Malcolm and why she killed him and I can also understand why she freaked out at the consul meeting but there is no justification for her actions. And anyway what is the deal with her and the Unseelie king and she still has the black book and the Unseelie king took her so that means the king has the book now and that means no good oh God that also means that the Seelie Queen will be very angry oh godness I think things are going to be very bad.Now I am asking is there some sort of deal between the King and Annabell what is happening? And the Mortal Sword is now gone, Cortana broke it does that mean that the Clave will take Cortana away from Emma to use it as the mortal Sword because Cortana absorbs power? Is Cortana the new Mortal Sword? Cortana is very powerful and if it gets `in the wrong hands then there is going to be more trouble than it is going to be anyway. And I almost forgot to say something about that anonymous green warlock who helped Ty, Kit, and Livvy at the Shadow Market, I am pretty sure that that warlock is Ragnor Fell and I am not sure what to think of it.
So all in all as I said this book was amazing I loved it and I am excited for the next one. But I must say that I liked Lady Midnight bit more, of course, it was great but Lady Midnight felt a 100% right and Lord of shadows only 99%. Alright that's it for this review than’s for reading! Bye
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agent-hayley · 7 years
😩 😩 thanks for the tag  @leggypeggys  😃
🍩 O N E 🍩
name: claire || nickname: claire bear || zodiac sign: libra
height: 158cm || orientation: all bi myself || ethnicity: australian but english/russian/irish
favorite fruit: avo || favorite season: winter
favorite book: my name is memory || favorite flower: carnation 
favorite scent: ?? my green tea + jasmine candle || favorite animal: frog
coffee, tea, or hot cocoa? coffee keeps me going, tea is nice to relax
average hours of sleep: 5-7
cats or dogs? cats
favorite fictional character: THERE ARE SO MANY (lbr leopold james fitz and/or jemma ann simmons)
dream trip: british isles
when was your blog created? late 2012. i think it was august but cbb to check ahha
what do you post about? aos, fitzsimmons, marvel, doctor who, tbh most of its a blur
do you get asks on a regular basis? nah
aesthetic: thunder storm, the moon is bright, it’s cold and i’m curled up in bed
favorite band/artist? ellie goulding
fictional character I’d date: idk how to choose just one. leo fitz, jemma simmons, peggy carter, steve rogers, sara lance, and i almost forgot matt murdock
hogwarts house: hufflepuff 
🍪 T W O 🍪
Countries I’ve lived in: australia
Favourite fandom: aos
Languages you speak: english, teeny tiny bit of dutch hahah
Favourite film of 2016:  deadpool but i also haven’t finished arrival
Last article you read:  Communication in Nursing Practice, Lambrini Kourkouta and Ioanna V. Papathanasiou. i am writing a nursing communication essay  😩 😩
Shuffle your music library and put your first three songs here:
kaolo - yellow claw
flex - dizzee rascal
wild thing - tone loc interesting choices i must say
Last thing you bought online: lush stuff which was a bath bomb gift pack, some hair treatment and lip scrub
How would your friends describe you? a danger to myself ahahah
How would your enemies describe you? they’ve never revealed...
Who would you take a bullet for? my closest friends but also i’m a bit of a coward so idk
tagging the procratination crowd @agent-kryptonian and @ponderfulstark as well as @bioforensics @buckybarnesandbowties @fitzcamebacktome @multigaydom
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